end of may all kims or corn vcettmcft dtitl your excellency lo render t pnlalncs vqinc lo oil moi perfect maturity happy ople may ihnajfjt he aid uf ihvinej itt- iw the lrrmuhtcli latch did somnch deraaee at iwwcucc be crmvntd wth wns petl ml wanliai hie vcason would rather exceed those say mr leeidrc b in the toiind lxfoie the v rarrw1y hot thil the f 1esi ycartuil pi ire wi re uol rated so hitu several nev aiticlrsnf export such as bifk cedar wood nt rull horn had hern lor warded to thr rmniean mailed by lie latest rici i r i te pinis a constant siipplv of the if found available for consumption wouk il wua hoped increase ihe revi iige ami the venninctctf of lite iflftlkti much ailcnlsmi was brin paid to the maniirarliiie ni tallow b the boil- in of i ittfpjtt pnrli titd t svilnej amcere dirre oflrrnnicnt uoulj dm now rcirarioch a craalantcd 1 1 wvnrd f n-j- w gd t j well known that us beta one of the warm van nemans land llnncrl town papcis a the ffim of july hive come lp kami the only new fart ihry announce is hie fate infra nl hie lithrp o tatmauia want of labor i complained of domtjlic piomwn were abundant andchrap new zealand fuiihtr account thiouh private fawffj from new zealand stale that ilie contint be tween the koglish rind the nalivct of lowly bay i rode in the icjth of seventeen o the former it is ttmvj thai the english wire the fiiat xrrjmiff- a might he expecte- the wtiole of ita bay ana island serlemints were ajarmed t tit hostility ihn cxbihtlca lert ihc tkarnphr ihoum i mend to the dttfrcni umcs who have hilhetio shown a friendly diy position to the color- to the above account the editor of tin new ratand coloiiulahl the jpunwtarj ic- marki among the measures which w tint will he adopted hy the snveinmeiu in conseuroce of the pncifeil icftoh which ha been liuhl theoi ef the folly f m4 tttp cruelly nf nuciii ten lhhiam kiitish mtt ject in new zealand with m tter ivfrnc tliao that of a mere handful of ohtierf h the m- 1abiihmenl a militia force if w e are not to htee that protection to which the mi w yearly onirttaiie to the lreanry fully entitle oa at fcaal we should h- allowed to protect o nw and this cannot he done etliciently with otit amilitia law provincial ertrarts malhaivj si fopb anj kamouia ka waa not the impartial felt tipp the he of the suenav mr- tetwinec by yo leimtir w a lht time sept iof n the i lirn ivhict aivt yet he fctuhl hardly dieoer that their ffm fteni al all the jnmc ww the r at ttic hay of tfi ha at the liver dfl mitlto and at the lit ol clnrnulimi mr itttiniciej who appeur to te a rtiy in- tlizent pmion ttnil he inteml to luketo the inuhttant f the duttirt f dlkww jdiiinirtmn nf rhr trcnnwnlf bv your kicrflrocy nil th futh utiea mvrnh you ty mr llorcd suvcecicn mny merl with their due r- imrd nd wnaprmour honeet envicin ihal yobt rveellcney cjn eifideaitty try n the ct en and uovaeenny jvyvly of the oplc of una llitllict the mnt impohant ii i uinnn nl ikr weather accom modatf ok tofl the ltciutvrk rvecifnar or tin watm woftkt al a in rn 1 1 j of the city corporation held in the council tkamher last evening the u jact of tho accommodation renitredhy the pro finciat itcetmfmpt nria brtmghl hmtf notie- by the i ion the matr who read alenrrhe h reerifed frnm mr killaly statin- tlct alr an inipertion of the t ann maikot hr had ri- cidtdlhat thathnitdin otleied the gwalejx a- sii for holding the intiire lejtsuufe aboforthe cmfliemtf the diflerent pnili ofhcev and rrnirin to know if the corpora tion pnisieil ntiority to entrr into nroci tiona for ceding th l hiiildm- ant on what eon aitiont they would do n the lettet add d that the aecommndntion rrcjnlreil wa5 0nv trinnf f and jhat the term would he fni three vew mr ililn who loltowed the maof tbalthecetitjntaewhieh mr killaly pfi eoieedinllie st amij maifcel over the il jail and all oikrr lnidins t hut it wivl prevent th neeiity of iltplrilnitii tin 4ioe rrhi nfficet nd would concentrate then h in one tpm f n redird to hie diadewit cefbe had keen informed ihal the ierjftn re- rki i the vieiiijh of lhemxiket won til m well iitihed if a rntantial i waa eject ed near the prevent site and ui the coipnra cion hn the ifoeei i do ty makji u l i 4 tnee rtf lind twtonifih i ii helivn iht preenl nittttin and the toml a ct1lti which he suggested ahotild he made me hn uw prnn of ereetiftc a lemnoiaiy market on fieuofm ann ma kei which stall i hec eii up tocorernment free of all rrnl ardhaft et i certain eonditiont he therefore po pnaed resolution to the follow im effert that the i o nation place the st ann market al the disport of the innvincial ijfftf erwment for the aecmni iri l ot the leu- latnre on condition ihl a sunstantit bnihne k eickil ajeraritof monevt sntfieient pv orpotttiinff trie requisite aceemmoilatios to the present oecnpnm nf the mi macl1 aid that the frovioeil hretnmnt undertake and ecmplhe at its own rxtri1p all the fe- qaniie allevatroo and improvemenla neeestiny to rander tbe paid rrurkcl 3tititame for i pur pose xil thai on relieanishini the same all these imfic l cm i im vu he jeft in 5n1l oilier and rfpaifnrlheuscand henetliol the cotji ration after tome remark from cmmrillor siarl and tnlly who eemeil to think that thr inte- reataof the present oernpanrs nf the matltet otiffht to he well considered before any derided taken the resolution was adopted tntiriaturr fce in plv wurdl compare ihrm willi a mmiur journal whidi b trutnl ha htomitcd loierpat lothi niei- in eonnexion with this satjeel it is a mat- urflvttfh id bf te that no iteps have deep inkera thb jear to ueor emigration j whim iri i net done it eens almost pn- fliims lor the cnvetnmeiit in exert iirelt in dni4nnr neii iksii fields when there ore no aloieis tn unit lhrcsclvc f the advanure thn piesinte it crrtainly sbvi ldlle for the rllnil whiih have heen made in eonoeetinn with emiiatinn that this very sagneny let litoty wm nelter known and appreciated umk r ihf french tloveromenl ihir it is at the pre- setl day- wc have hopes hnwever that thu will 101 tie thtcattp0flirth that hoth rolony and mother cetrnky will in a tew jvai ttf the irfnedt of 1 miie lier and helter con- siilcied sslcm of emititinn than ha ever yet heeo adrtpled montreal tvlmtrbft fisk ahont 8 oclock on wednesday h the lart frame hoise fosmerlv orcw piedhy mr tonnscm as a livery stame iar of kinjtfttet fcewirins to sii a n 1 mjvuah wh discovered to he on tire ami hefore a v iteelwal isislanee eould h iven ibe huildin one burning sheet- we re- rt to add that the hre eitene to the houses in front on kinlreet or 5 of which were soon a body nf i1me and we reed scarcely om hen of wood were soon rtdorej to he nolwillitandin he excellent n knif- falisralde exertiin of the hook and laildrr with the liierompany no men irnld rxerl themetve5 more undahly hnt we mni say jthefe was a lamentalde wot of order koa much uproar by whieli a piol jral of confn sion was created which we sincerely hope will h remedied in future a already we net- eiive step keiur takn to remow ihe evil what rendei the above calamity mnrr dis- ifeasims i that hut litrlr if anv donht re main of its brin the work ol an infendiary as the strides were not oxcitpied noi had they ht n for a tonjf time and this brine the ihsnl or fourth time the dtaholiri attempt had been made on each of whieh peiiods the premises wrre only saved hy the prratet and most prompt exettiom a tewant is now rnin ef feiej fm ihe rliscoverv of the irpttalois whn h we tiotur n see lilwtalk liled op ami ifut his kxecilrncy will with tiis usul h- rvinlity aid in the exeido tntkin for pie discovery of eiich wreti he as ran be guilty ol acts lilc the a cm fideralde poitirnof ibe propei tf destroyed waa ownej by t thomp son sf m i lnd river we have not hranl what ioraec wa effected in fiffitit gcefe jn is j rjnicin in the sentiment wlwh vi eajor lh h foav aller tif wnilemm wtlli irtitifneiorat i liuil genrlrmen wlli reat ilmfielron ihv htjfn f vnif lvtt aimr and hunk jll 3u nium coediallv intthe oeuwne- wbich it e veva of your ilrvotion to r th lvrl ihjti and worn iillachincnltvltn- lhtth 1 mitimtvroi artd of yoijf hiupv jnd jtinre in earrymc ont nvsimirrkitivrmlto th prtrtjaee amtwliirhon iimi nrruint w dl le eitre t bv plcjwn t ur mjt tirieinj nwfigo it is a cieiit emforr in utc tn kuw thll i mv ontiivritly r ly on the jrnwt ns and uuwjvefin jvjilvof ilr v 4e of your distnel nn if i lioiddheso forrunte in arc the jecoinp1ih ojeatol my enirnrtit dmire to render the 4o i ftitv o famida prrjperoii ootlieatrt atnl liipfy i ujll he deeply gralefut to alnujhiy ctvd tkpf rriiiitiine jiic to be inslrimhiiial in tlut uinfitl vork british whig opiftr pr orbcm dlcor tuesday jvnv zl 1hi ripjiomcra of fa letrkney in the diti mimed staid tic took in the question nf tbe exertion o uro koyjl frvro giving kaeellenet iur snpprt wy determined lo rfwt qsst eye af inst miiny of the trot wc ifcouu he committed in uicednc he pursued it was with the rentet rruktjnce ll umi we were eontjuljul to pcnibc remilit likh wedid on tlte treatment we uiiitk kigion lias received at in bmnfe vc y lam lor wc have nopontive proof of it tikni4 inrvi rtindrrliltvn bowrver the ilaie of lire 1iport of ilie lte riceutivr oq 11k scil of citvruintni and ike ham showsj hy frd un ley in b to tteir dcmatidnaiid ouicr matter which it not ncesxiry at priscnt lo ritnte we mnntt hut cftneludc tlitxt the deurnumitiiw ia icmovin ihf scat ofcovcmimnl to montreal j j afaecav cojn llic supon of the tormh tmd been come t pecouly to sir qtauiei met ctfc leaving kailand and ttut l- licrlkny hid been made are of it 1 such be thr cose whttean we think of ilia exc4lkikcwnoi4jtciu at iho dm net pwo to him nl the by imp ilc cor ner touc of market budding umt tjic nrjy tr ar a u frf fa httibttng awwtf eon ar 0 ifflfl for fa wear 0 re iwa if it hjha ftund a wc bupe u will that v are kimjston corxtftt lkttklia n tvewtpaan rernitrinrr a peripftnn spirrs vol am no fid trxhivr aiavr nra t5t rntpo n y reruiiitflce f ii il k m ii slnalnml lite mtrojixtin and aihftn of every nnimiv likiy 10 teinl ti the peivalnitl of rritihiaud leudi righlsor lthedcmrieiino riinshand irisli in rcrvtlt imli i the rxnime county division of tlie peovinee hy which lliv llntinl jnd irivh entitu efftcy in tliescifinorwa ha bre coruph tety iwamp ed in the goriicr mmitneawf the rvneli com- dnins and the ilefvted attempt to deprive lleir eunw subjeelsof ihitiidi and iririioncmm llic cilw4 tenitsofleafahdd phtf w copartner- hip finni i rijjhl of rutin for mi murnol tho a- seuililj tlir elaiin id thai body fe llic de midicrmrtit nnd ilivmal of llic wcveiujouf the frnvme his coufctaotty hadm viaw the attmc lion iuin thetrowfi hmiu of llic entire imvineij mitwitv indof the nhjciite of the kxeculive rotcrnmrirt tfttbci orbmaev wdl fmnauwat fa iiiudiout itleinpr in it1 to obtain the re- pi al of ibe iwrnianrnt apfiimltyi cwslttiiied in lite act of iii l foetbe snjfjyl l the fivit oo- vrrmmot mid ibeidrmntnilioii id jumieljtcrc b to vnbpi hie kmvuiivc itovernnirni lo tlwir l pbmiire bc auv ftirtliersiipit lutm tire pit- nee thee thn arel i nllnw ihranj the wlide eoiire iif tt finmij ilifkenttrea who h they lure nevrt ahwrl tifunilpvr hy meamaf uir innijil silpdy imu tlnif ddticilunw offlo the iiihh of tbji ipply ttwir rvpreacntathins in ijj mil to crant rin men supplies oe supplies during the sieeri ill hlc their i il l lnbiui in ikar uc wlwle caieory of tbetf iitiition ifmn the hjvl dowi bi lite yeof mu wl tlw full fircnmplttjimt 111 jf tlie ion sotfihl ttoires wohtitidfmm the ood faith of tire ittiltsh tiiivertiimnl by thercialof tbe pcrma nrni appniriation ticir firtl i as- i ricjit object was tuobt on pitrin of the trovincial itevi- ligee well hojowiuf ibit i flbw nwnu the co their own eaclimve wroa m llx oiiinion we have cap reused nnd ihul verniiwnt would be cast into their fcincj kindly sir charles tirtejifehaadvocatcd us lie f l x lo have dow the pdieyof kcepinr the seat of lifiverniniol m lipreronadlkti wiu out coo dcitionupin rain him much bibber in puusfl cvimii lion thm ant thine wetiawaatd cjo lowflmii al lsroiirirp hobsr racr a horse rae came nil on tneay lail whieh surpasses any ihiu- of ihe kiod iht ever took pace in rv t hv foftv il- lw lhrlatl iiijt tmsj li ho i t i 1 i post ihe tollrjate wt kinatw j ihf whittihi liorseroheihete fnst ead ot alii- no matter bv what mcans arromphshed tle iiee wa hilwem a mare id jofrph lf tawol athol ami mr tho oortaud hoe tom ltsdlo of addphnnwn foi jt100 a mlc mf 1ccaw slatted fir at 1 1 nvlorfc in j cuuer with hi sn fjedini ihe mare at a hlifrk tm inwans the sione mill in a few minutes mr 0mlaw stilted in a tiht cutter and havioceme in the btide at ibe hwer end i thai raare mnitnirot nison ami lei mo lolrmv the hoise were now put in tie ipl p whidi 1 thrv krpt np thiniijlioiil ltob tirin raeeis thev went over lie rnnd al a rapid rail mr lorlnd was nvnrh ppiwyesl hy team on the road especially by irwe whom he overtook as ihev were moslty all clinel to dspnte hi pasin on yrmif through kalh ihe hore ivms nearly a mile ahead of the mare in ruv ji irr ttrruttj nhif rnnrs mr ihnlnd airivid at th toil jrae nd yonnj jew in iwo hmr 32 munrles a disianre nf foi tv one nilrs the hftfse weiehrotiht into ihe ciiv and received tbe iru caie afler such fearful exercise we kllll that ihej are as well as ever the lejjs of ihe lny wie haily chafed fjtvc edirmi tefttr mt of tioveiinment rerkak of the t ff ibebrnefdof ibe eraekbramed seoirlnnnn who ip hired to do the mriolrrsl llembl sod fs iibscrdrs and htn to rrfrceh the nirmories of the lroer rinds hritifli we puldih farlnwlbl ad- dre of the conlitntinn1 asoeiston of mofmieal to the lie of avnihlr of tper tsnds phsttry before lh union it is a rood specimen of the pririt at tjisi linte prevalrnt in tnrr canndf nmong tle elnp4tf the population whose m uliments itse hcrshwai tbrn anpposed is re prevent sow however the tone of the llrrald is ebanecd twwro mutwiir ef us tfa- enur ia i7m the time nre cbsaecd and the rontltl bojwattjpd with them we do not now expert tn and m il the vipour and loeatt of a thorn of nwvirbul iho wmlnrrsatfldislemeptt mi wmr niercensry imbecile witbimi a prjnhlsnce of the latent of its farmer cotidueiorp and wbusr weekly eoiitatrona received at ihe hands of bis ciitcmpersrirs snd rspreilljr ojf tlie jfswrrh caift ijntcjd of mkin him feel his own ira- poonce hsve ontj co iftcet of cauiine him nuilatc ibe cooduri of the srvtbisu abaris who on being womnled bj apolki plueked u10 arrow frm hi nnv nod jesdless of ths ptin snd di- rjrace eiebiiurd that ho would thereby be enabled todelircr otaclcfi none wdl be more happy at such an cveni than we ihit il i hnll be found that the opinio wv hsve fottwd of lord mnikys conduct fa eoercirt and that ic cbjrlcs metettc lias advo cated tbe fesvval of tbe seal of lovvrtnrnl w has even rennincj fsstaivt 00 uut tubpel linn will upper iansdacuosc the day be lauded on htfl tjmees sd ttten will kinhvn pmnl to hi inirkei buihtnjr n a rnonumcot of um m ndacity of s itiitish loiniswr ixwd tenlej jr of the indiitihka wryofa cvlomsi governor ml chrlea mhijfe- p t i t i 0 s of tii a r ao trmrrm or trie comti lki soeictv ov tcoataf 41 to rc a- citfavar of tasweaaa of tht enswsjee v csaiftf in irvrirtr9 iar the peiuinf ihe undcrstiprcd to thewsetvrs and rn behalf of lbs consul oliorw i affswtaita of montreal rrl revr e your r hot pjswi ftm end eonfusiun have set the luw al delvince reftsi ovrtfoyrd ths harmony nd quiel fif oei tl life i lb at sedition and rrhclhon wlowc by alroeion murder routery and rajkip have to 104 p hrni irtemsetees in the moot popu-u- and jvfswie- oriion of larwer tnnda ond t ihr pvopecty of ibelnwineircial lnhauurtti of bnlij onin htivs iweti i h nc f a revsm j flmi hdll li tronirr frren t feoliii tbcopiriions of iheir cimpiitucncy the o ealtrd fired njiiof lln un evidence of tin ir eaclusive 10 bo found the alitosttuu of the liarter granted to lbs itftltsh anieeiejn liod company by means of which ibe assembly sarht to aume the mir iinetil of tlte waste fmds in the townsliss and thereby lo invent the suttlcment therein of u h and irisli ppuiatioq uie repeal of the cmtres act t wbeh a commutation of jei-rio- ral leours ntav iceflecied from awr tpprrhfa inm 0 tfjt if fitting to the intrarfhftinti lao le iftintffhrust4pitti thiir indippoaitinn to neuuatic llt reltlemrnt of tin tiw of this trovincv venie they ar principally in hhiij bv a kritisii rril and arihrican popu ttn their jnuilljot-nrt- to rrffriilo with up per fan j da in the cienve improvements in eo- resa in lhit pnaviitrse by srlncb its stitkmtnt 4nd pmiiefitv miht be augmented andbkead mfiurva rniffbl thereby accrue to ho llritith and irish inhalntatitsof lwcr anad4 j and their pr- linacioua endeavors tn rcmhr ilie rtlativc council vlcctire hecnc in it alone were la be found llwmcansovippftnnihiireaclursvcpeun yonil the means or rcnrin dcin imd luicntmhts m vonr pet es mijnnil tbal ho provincial inhahirniivof llniivti origin have it il snd ulin lial cnwml f emnpbml ihey have been eoim llted m pttopsjil to a syiiem of juripriilence torvirn to ihrir liuls nml mninon in lbr inter ests 104 fmlri law whieh in the rrrse rrf lite ivmiil lisliture finilwni in lwerra- nnda olone to a dentil of tham ipishimve iw jmnvcmenls whieh w uld have inlrcoduccd hrinrrli c1pit1l and enti rprim mln the province noil tn ervirad herein n ihilinb jtrtdtinnnd to their dr privatiun of their ikarvnt nilitsiis itrituhsiibjeelp m their virtu il rxhrsvm from a inl pjttcijfalion in tlie ivivmeial itpoiventntinn ahltiuh ihvir siipphetioin and ieliliona lor relief have ttceu tiiilweiba uumkt iv climi-itr- of on iitmurrer limitary faetmin then lyl ijeil ldl chilnhutly tnnjt in tne inanjimmiy ot ihe mo lhr t itxi stilt rtnlieiale from irr jmlier in entire nilrv of uicie unincnlcd and patiently emhireil sjifvmimcai al ihe sw aw time your petitioners eonccivelltat wilbrtiii 1 lotjl ji 1 n itmm en t of ibe policy now aitopttd toward tbts province ind ilr anjhri iiori in fm as whi s tn appearance by mcani principally ofils rcunwu with upper cnrwda ihe kimc evils will caim tltc sane causes of fciwl will conlinue and ilie tame attempts at sedition and rebellion will aain oeeir vonr rltitionrra are firmly convinced that the reunion of llic anadas i not only the most cltre ttul mejnsofpfcventin a recunenec of he dis ahers which hte already occurred bat that tvitl prodnec lo ipper caiwda silveiilagra whieh cannot tc anticipaterj from any oihrr inraure a more cnual pripoitin of the general evenia a fneoutlctto iheoccan and a peaetieal utility rrf ihe mnifiernt improve men ts in pnccs at heeeipnsc within her own hmit nd thai it ilton complete ibe w ii al tin same limd promote ibe pmsperily ol reals in utrjstl will both the pna liners secure llwir jit deocniunce uon rbc lirilnu girvpff nnirnl and prevent a di ni niwrinent of the empire your iviiiioucm iiktf4 rrvpcclfuuy entreat your uonotfik mouse in use the siluat on or the bri iml inhihilnla of laawer canada into your pca on coiiiovritif m and lo advise such lusvvtw will promote ibe objects which your pitilioners havr in view tltc complete aojuficatuaa os ihts province and it teumon with upper clnw and vour pctitionerv aa in duly bovnd will ever iruy peter mcglla prtyt conttitutvjrutl aswwf nssj a lmlrtl w itamulev ccy cofsrrvrsijf atttitivn vj bmmw montreal i3tti frcetnlier l3t- corrrsimibnuc o lc bittisl llmjig cores tetters no xi to the people of canada there n in hie first place the love of free rlrim that is of immunity from personal rcstnc- iton oppression or injury this principle i per fectly innicent and iwvcr willmui pro ducine the bmpirst effvcts evrry eoneessitm which i ejleulaled to increase ihn species of it isrty is ermparativcly rrjfc in all age and in all place hut there is another principle strong st nil limes but especially to be dreaded in momenta ofcicilemrnl 7ais is inr priurtplt 0 enno- ffntir 4mhittti tro itrsire nf exercising tho powers of kv reintv f svifin in the tiorcrrv nienl of llic sutc tht t rhr svafferawa prurrr- ofe ibe desire of not c v r iiililry wlboot molclstion lr 0 tmtiwm aeaeer wiranr eon reorv auios ht- 0 rjstrrtf 11 m tbou5i speak in r hnuiantv tbe n r if empire may be ancriwfl to rrjpun and neeess ty 1 yc4t wis od mmsell heet kinstled thnhchi nt thr tmmjs of mm prltcveky r4v lay ftnht flif jir onrf w iresirei iriratvi a nvrr nttti cowuerr pirrtn th f la rw ytiuxc clerks mfktim a mectin if tbe youn kmgfton cjcrks wa- eorivencd by advertisement on friday evening ke into wc say we do no rrpert honesty of from th yfirnvfuf tlrrtuf n pfiper which ibwercl to fjfc on 1 1 mi toe plertion sod faction uvaoly bcnl upon ttteir 4roeton that 111 edrr m ripose lite real views and dc t jf i- falon ibe const i lot mo si aranria- re tib i j rti it base imdrrtafcrn rhr ieofswcalll fi lr iiim wisirnnw hwis a sjiceinetly ati nahtor ihe rnhyrt will admit the real cuisr tnr dieonlenl which hi caltnl inii ietnf5 lit 4fve distuttianeea at jwcsrni most mihspjtily an j a ikp aansr lime moft umnminably eihn in lln rrvtmrc and wf dfapearrafl to wd jmpaiiit of llnsmrable itoim in uliaif irl i the iiiltabaatiu f hntiali origin in lawer canada lor the protctym of ibpil rights aa llnlisii sub wippopeu wakefield to le a knave it must now j ji m of the provincial con hike htm for a pool if it ibiaka thrt be utterly j neclmn with 11 pnrmt stale ond iho acquire uvstttirtr of prnetralion at m4 to perceire ih j ment from lb juidier of the fniriat m rn fit 1 1 mem of urarai rcmeibd nwaairv wlueh ill ire rdiircl of mtt comrmniibfc j j j 1 m venl a rrrurri he ot rtii uires and hope uftm the eyes 4 the j 1 v- 1 r ir imezimz fcv ran 1 lory of i he ii i awmmy in its compohttnn eonsidenilion the atrocxiu- condnet of trr marker ds ifihtifiu its pint anil pelitiei prmciphv j in rje hrioh h sfif in caiimn ihe rdteulo of lite town to be dirtied aomst the recent proceed mea of tlie younc clerks alout 9 oclock ibr urc room of the institution was full when mr timothy smallbeain was cahcil to the chair and mr jeremiah oroadthumb jan appointed se crctarc tho chairman after earning the om partv to lc carefully inspected and one or two in picvma rharaclcra tnnted out addressed the mecl in- upon ilie snbjcel ofthear conrecolic sod that had it not been for the seaiddous pub li rat ion of the ffrifip hai he made no qwi ton but the tlerka would itave poeecedl n thrir jreat ohjret vft that of compilling thcis mas ters to ilitil up rjiopallbelhjrb dictated to litem bill siciec tlwt main buiucsa had been wickrjjy y calatwtsll tiic aim wnir ri its lumber rare coiulmlly kept in view the aggrartilitcnn nl of the popultioo of ibe fnnelt and the oppression of hut of briliab iriin tltc rccoejed isslmionyof a french canadian eadrr aniline omhe llrleiilrs to knund in is lo represent tlie ne varices of his feflnw roiinirymen and smee that lime llteir paid aenl pawpoaea iiu u la r cottorate tbe virws tain toio for flbitoeoo whieh not f ibur picioi wttiek now when it mpors that wake ttetd snins u n wiili the kiectriitc feks of him um mn waktfirld and alwavs alludes v bun in ihr oih rpreiful trrms if j ifreal4 ihltw u 10 t 1 i icn 111011 lit ule at frar mcteens jo ppfeeaie i of riilm oirifcs and eurc n flir irovinea nr tuencc tj aiep wai iaiiui adivrston the question of ihe purchae of the walei works was hen once more hroithl before ihe council and it ws moved hy mr holm aseonded hj alderman ferrie that a periat committee br named for canyiu into eflrcl ibe pmviinna of the art lor putthaim the water works aflcr some dikussion aiiin ootof an apparent lcfr jn he act itself the shslioo was put whrn there mart- lor jwr adctrras of your loyalty to on lnayjjoarccf tranvvinu jam 0 taw tswrtaml feelinssto 1 ipt esefxv or tin ovranoa huuat to me inhiiktluhttfifihr tnrsarot jmrf ihe llvsrerw iseie 1 hep yon gentlemen lo accept my cordial lhnl for the jsthanee convevrd to me in irariout waids me wc ftnjcnland that mr killsly i actively mjnprd in making the errpiirie neeesisary foi completiitlheairanemeiit for the removal of the seat of ioveinmenl tbe first want is that of a residence for lis excellr ncy jt is understood that there are iwn mansions available for in puposr- ami in many resjieds suitable that of the lion ivler miiji and tfiat now occupied by the tmiee wflhl hiy school the oecopatton nf either h1 t p llw temdr of these without clmive additionf and ai m ni mainlaiuinr imioute ihe i tatalinea wouhl prniijhly be but temporal 1 tin- id an edifice could he erected r urge dimen- tontsniumpnsinafpecon the site of the cld aol lothenoitbof noire dams jittcei il has been suzeud also lhat it mieht he lhonhl ttpdenltn have the governots reideme v little out of town wild a piik arid mm tike ol vour concurrenes n the views which i have caprrssed to the home of assembly and ol vour determination to snjpoft llct majesty govern went yo may he assured of my anmi desire and mtenton to carry on the idminudralitrl of artiir accoidin to ihe well iinderlood vewfaeff of ihe people i o reward mem and lo tender enal iustirs to all hn majesty suhjeets j ami it if hi id v clans jn to me lo b- iulormed iciti satire nl the ctoivti and in alrivinj to unite ibis province rrrnie strongly in the mother a noblemans mansion in england and ihal if the sale nf the mgill college to ihe gov itemenl appeal in i st oprjkil ti ihe irno cjiaracter of that once rra- peeinhte bui inw nvrarlrd journal ihil irl us reply toomcof tfi lhrti remarks on our hvwr of the th whieh was beaded thesiit of fvovcrnment and rpc of the cnion tnllnilemtori wcilnlcd nuropmion nf lhenupbey of remntinc titfevltsif fmitrmmenl fmsri auionc the pfndation of unpof canada ami of ptarm- it in the ijqweff pmvincc wc lv ftalcd iii it sir charier metcalfi bad not artrrj he wit4- ihe opcn snd the riininty part on this rpichin wlueh wc had canceled of hint tv herald ks mow and inwhat ropset cn ibe rvettrh iftnminanev lie greater in montreal than il hasbown its if in krnpiiki wcwdlei- phin thirvinerwbieh the prrnch will hate sltown in haingoreetif m llrilh government toehanpe ihcsvatof ihe provincial capital without any iwnitf greater pftrortti of ir m h tbiiaul cw o fiiiinn in ihe rrovince tulin reason having been rbown for doing so nnr after ilir jlriiirji rovcrnmenl had esprsrd not with out rwitovrr tfrfioerariv- their determination to make kindlon ilia eat of lite provincial v crmmnt mum convince every ens thai the french areomnuvtinl and thai the rvcrclaiv fur tbe j in ihe xencrtr of dwir t onnocrocs ralher it lureiurn to u fintttitj of ibeie acjce4ors ihrv became hniti wibjcts hy lite mere tict of iheiv provinetl rpjcnce snd suurqucat civil ami vthtjenl benrfftonr inferred upon r n strakd ibnr pured trust in lira generosity of the lriiih vrnmnl lie mil carcir of their religious worship has complete wjoyaaeatitl their nncivnl civillawp and ibsontlmurrvditseiif ihr ir native lancuaue were anion un number of civd and social pnvi trjfrs quarhntpd to them snd ihe polirieul privities of einnl eitenl to those enyiycd by the llniish rvnrnaqal mhibitants were in addilon subrom ntly ttroioivrd upon thrm tlie u neon im lil y f lite french tws as 0 iymvm of prmiiciil fivd jurprudencc wiihllw prit and frina of ltntiji seltlrrs and iheir sprew demr rr a ehjojje from the petty ly rannyof iuynir asj council to tbe freedom f a ttfprrseitiiiice porvineial government pro enred mill errr advanlacca for llc fnneb canadian il ipc yew itfll the division of uie provinre of tjirbec inlo two separate provinces of i tier citijdjt ind cr canada wa carried mln f rteei ani a f otislitultoii siruilar lo that of the parent btr was conferred upon eneb whdm at ihe irmtitm imvttsnl nirtrage was in effect cranlrd to thci lobbilml eonriivd lliat the measure by t ii ns eonrvd lliai tl4e measure by wlnli rosoriiesi aa earelesa or cfriial of cicrcjm the nnr division sbnlm consul as much massaalc komi lvtrniitve in oppoiioti in the wlsiicp of of iho who v 1 inclined lo englojt 0 ernment oihl he advanlaeouc tu the inatiiu- tionand that ihe completion ol the acadeaod the addition of a wii according to the orihml ejesin would at once make a rtriume luild irer ve imdenlund ihal it is defmilclv stilted cha in the first instance at least ilie siltnsnl the lejsslaiuie will be in the apitmenl ovi the st anna market mul jazjwu itfrt tutsacrrsiav traait0v our realet may not be aware generally that siiivr1 u this important terntory hat heen foi some time goltijon fn coiisemience of insttuciions i aerl by mr morin commissioner of crown lands tn the month of may last several n- vcrwment surveorc proceeded 10 this peint for the purpose of makin a survey nf the shorciol the sajtuenay iltelf as welt at of il diflcttnl tributaries the leports of ihmr w fjemen thus tar ate in e highest deree sj- tisfactoty hoth as to the rithltesa ol ihe soil artd the advantage held out tor the forma tton of tetllrmentr the territory is now ne in- uid out into townships and l ikb meant will bi thiow n open to tbe enteipr- and industiy of the colomma 10 whom it nfltvi ag extensive and faioiaide litdd a a him of ihe mildness of the eliinate on the ssii o n kit ttaieilby mr hcjeudr one ol the j llemen p mpktyed 00 the uivev that wlnkta iobiniere stcroiv i wrihmlmiilr pmim- aod the adjoining paiibes in wbiifi be im occasion to mm r m the month nf march apiil laatlhir mii was five frel on tin girmnd at its at ua mj and oil t height on ibe raj r place on tin mn inert wat no more lhai two feef and lit diiajieairt 4 tworr ihe ltd n april 1 n counhy by a m rte of lalm ixnefi ft is my wih tn avoid ihe ex lliionhotil the cmtttiry whirl an ihe isj opl and tjrneiiil election beloie the tegulirr period would ion probably pmimr trusting that the present prliamcnt jom a eon viciion id my horn st intenlious will ive iheir aii to such measuirs a witli the advice and omtiif of ihe emilia conrifil i may adept 01 prepuse for the wcilarc end mm netily of the colony and i iittfowsly nope lhat all ha tlie may lay aside iheir political aniinoilieiati live together in peace and lir- moiiv rival anotbci only in chatitv ami brotbcru love lc tk h km litii r ujlclrmk aimhiess v vhvitfi tkrphtu wivtmf co f insi tfrrvmfrt fe avtfar iai cras a me wi lfvaasjre orsfei w me rvi susr 11 tin hietif m tbununhu pnry 1rtnher rvvreaa ra fhtrf vo tnyiu9u fhwml ii of rrr iar itiitftm urtttth kmtk 1 mm iv voi a is nivt we thr inhnhilanit of tho lmrirt of jlnllion sac 111 public nn i m owiiilthd lapf lejve fo re new to 1 iir rlxeilbiiey ifir iishnrnuei t of iler- lnm and bnally la mm ulovd snvrvra dnd aarniailjrliokiitmilr flriiirli rinmiiuiion tin linn raimj liikin uy iur six- lb my in irjfmldiila tin udiilt il prim iiuil llii cimo onl ib r- ml vnd tor ihi pr- setvalrtm ol the fim hil idrliiroi it- jnoplr f ihts raivuaresl pifji 14 i it r aliiirh ibimnioit eull ntsui vsi p r on th tirnisjs id iiiamiiimn iuvanlati lb ii wtb tni- motlni ctiiutre md rvety km 1 r ibv tri e woikm ol tm tlmrr cn mihifioti ti ni it vonr jliiilbory in ytnr 1 ir nt nl inb ivoiir lo pr wfsii hi sw lln bb smps nl n iw in emiiii with her iiohivp hyal mdt- of tinted cmntu fp- ifmlly bi j- u ti tf f 1 ih r o vai ittfcrlli o- t uml oul ntfdia i jrt uol t nn nlisl oiii ibnri u iii i rt ler t til tlir ploxilte oih tw m vtw is if iil no li noaiouiva nl datui t- ir itooiv nwmaiii will be um ljr nt lut tiavsn ibe french the pres of montreal one lvnoramc cicejrtioct llic cmsrfej and the tweni five r crmtamretal rmh erloi in the lunld aith a nlr noble eerp lion ihe fmtfftve mr alirfiatt have alt so far as wc can jude axsimed the french in wtvttrttj rhiserrojjlive from the cjneen what then ue ask can ik- eipected eillwr fmm tbe prer or ibr pioplmf montreal when their iiecimtary in- leteataase invdresh dur farther can any one iiii-i- who toni 1 tlicfnmnuer of i c mv who trillssjribt with the mrcam ilul french milntnte will nn be slrcnlltrnrd in a french etunty mli a tiwer taiiitda to ray that it wutd nor wmild be shut our ryca aainm ddy experirner lb mdc if the nkl umtoublnl pre- rlivv of ilie cfown be vu tded up ro ihoetjinoor ol farfjiait what ihc can there lr to conieml h hi- tmttti jtcvroafivrr for wbeh sn charb s mtealh 1 now runimdin and ahuh tn tlie 4 ml ill t n med up must pout amf to arty ebiasmel none whatever uulessil be 10 oirnv in dilttri rent rinnp nf o pee aamm one mdher wh wmitd oil wf wist live m aimiy lire stof rowernmrnt i ikeu to monlreal e jt ill advocate a iti nmi of tin- ctmvt lllriuh it himim u likwcil bv its tilmrvt irtjctttn eon w sjan n- 1 stlre rvmotj the mmft of rjovemmrni nf ukhparau ivuvinees to tmtinnd lueticc- we lisveiitihiiojuiii feench- nn ii baitf l willi thr urigralu ti yw ef caoida who enll tlrfinsclvvt llniish it was m psmrntlmmtv id the buiubb ptilioom of lice itllid llrliih and b relu vo tlwm fnm llw fnmji tkumuation uf abich ihty couiplainnl pfiir tanitda contatdeit to the liinn rrperaj lswevrr nloi ht tern kmdtv t i ilic itrilli or mlwer caiiadl hne hein ilie fifm lo oic u and it now letuamn for t pp aiinila t tbmw otf ihew unfrteful rcpldce an to have lie m toilnir fate amnii llto french nliin thivtiave lately beiuc sv eumaired lw trail rwat aalrptlewlri put jn end o alt dimtcs u a prl wirt oi conede ibr yt in inlercsta and njiomte vietv the piovmeul tnhartmrs n pmvetil a prraiirjtrcc of auimositv and eonfum frvui ihrir nmtr ipponton uf micrem and l nhviaie issutiaelahii turn a efcat asccmirney rr one party over ui in a rniicd ixcihaiure two oliyrcrinm be bjcsrsore w ere hovevcr iwc hited by tlio 1imlirof the djy thai it foleeei a fofiulalnifi ol weijjaers in a bririvli cofcmj lhat it cwiljimi rio proviiaon wharrby ihe nabaln lanitoi tho krlak ittansai rdiit be tutallr ex eluded ran petmi hrriimrlsra in fowcr carta ds thr eiperieot- of jilly cars of trpuratiofi lie t iv ten the mit jieescral lotnicc tintk ary and wthrm ht ahil1ed in vrcf ivraa da pi only tdml i dv a 11 1 agroiis nmut ant tptieil fn thai impdine and umoirn mt mire liavc irf fl h hit tfmho i hk rtqhl of utmost uniwrsa uum r iiut niaonreoi jimiluhiv ive the condi n raressiriative branch of ihe cnticl cinidim wbu toai 1 knould ti f advaiuag iissjaiil whieh hp itpjwrt m til their pfoemdmjs and jroa n tuifm itiriv find purjio-c- nf ili intrreii and rhu nf llo isrsit ssjwt wth us larsnl snffr ilie provjrieial enmniand nf t l- lu i ahlbilcd si lcf flint tin ir e vamldv net rant 1 iuin a firm der the ik m rue i ii ni pro ineitl cono kure a cursory px of the eomitosjinn nf the louse of abl frn in rruhlmn nl withow thai 1 aenreely an carai 1 m in ilrvidnl of urn w r winbanhin t turn ed t nerve as n tilrl that imdj by m fttm can uhan 10101 j nb sa a a pbdirtd uippmi of f1enehcn1- wl l rwrf errrf u irrnea oretev r f kf th contliintinnal atociation be declared in hitrxaimoahvii btasstaisje cttauia cosnniilke of the llonsr of commoni in that tin rsta blshmcnt uf ihe engluli uwn as applicable lo properly held in the lnwiisbiisosi the tenure ot free and eomtnon poccijjo wnufd he an infringe- menl of the rtphtp beiontirir to tho french crrua- disne ifnoldonr by ibe ffibliinre of lwcr ca nada that the french laws sliould lc allowed to conlinue au over the country out facibtics utifnim have been riven rt th french cannj m iwstfklitb nr hn injn tont tn mii i rr ifnsv rtemhl liavr licett ifivttt tn lucm iiimi ii sh m of edueattimi accordmg to ihe notion and iflaaof tlie french canadians sliould hav m towed thai the iletre of the frtvcii canadusnt inurl necessarily he lo krep up th ir own ln1lm tmn and to on srve their liws in evrry vtrl of ibe country hit 1 the rjlilite dinned shtapm bccmrd of men who would coiocidc with i lie nwssofthe csh ami in eft cling 1hs uthr arranueoum hint it nalunit ttfeet would w lo ecue ihr means nf ejlrmluif hre french hws and the frnteh lanadiait sysiviti over lwcr canada somamj prtfstfy in the iret and imrctricicuin- yyntent of thiir r wnrurp ilrxir ancinl rivil laws ibeir uilive and h wv d lmuie and nf jin enuahty of hbts snd pntilef s tn the pro viociit kcpriscntahvc rovcmmnr with uuir fellow subject of ttriiih and irish origin in hricion nnreovir of 1 numerical majority the french canadians could have no sympathies in common with people nf anothi r race and speak inp another lannar no mduccrmn to diveh rbemselvctof prejuilieitidcarto ikeiti alike fmiii the ishciatimis of country and the ncollrcliontof life 01 lo abandon baluls and cutmns which tin y ilwrislirdand to which they were firmly fter srdri for the qmsiiunabld advanlafet ti- u- obtained fmm assimilation with srraner whom ihry werr taught 1st dn nnd the natnral catite pet hasbeeo that in pmportion ftnilw french ca nudian popidalion bar increased lboe evil have lifccww incrcasi d until iih repugnance to uritirdi intcrcstsand lintblicomwclionha finally asmncd the wrm of open and pjechjeed reu uinta the french canadian population were ihuvnnt filv nationally inchm d to mark their active no pnitton to llnir u llow subjects of ftrilrh ami jrpji oriin but they bate been nohi to consider tin in ait stranger and tripaucr upon ihe stol llicyhavc bin tauht lo aerf inwards ihr in none nf tlhtackmdly aytupaikiep winch iinitt loxctlwr ulre1 of the same eonnlrv nnd pnrttfrrs of 1 i l samct ihry hive in fine betn tiiuhi lo belmee uicoimivcs opprrssnl by tltcir fellow ih sretsof criiuli ann inn onm ann ro imagine lint they posrscd the power of captlling inciti eprirwaea tlverlookinc moral fvcbh mat in phy- 1 to lint place a desultory e meal capability ibrfieratc mm made an opvn hvehhoeal by mtliunring the smrjatmfl nf french orijiii toaelsof vudioee mishiimartes of imur rceiion by ibrir wn vanmple wdotal oly itrwed to ihint ik manner uf m ttinj the liw at defiance and imlivioti ly lomd with vry ieetes of pergonal conh injh ajfifavaleil a bie priaaatre into repidar tmmill irf 1 uibitbred an un impirlant ciicvancc r i i 1 1 caatt the itbpcl was attained aclivc ilinnnuut wa hlfmhiciil into ihe passive piol itnei anal toonday m-rliii- gradually npemd inlti edtmi nn h wl lll11 rt r- ail jut up and poke vi ry vngrity and consequently very fualitddv bis speech wasonr continued u rode agiiitrl the highly lkictor and h newspa per and m conclusion he moved i be mlowinr- rcfohtlton icenfmkd by lr john lip- hfhiutil jlial ibis mcetm view with ihr irfpaat acorn and indignation the alrociuu eurriuloiis fitt nfni and ealnmmoiti eon luri of llw man ttlktlfs himsxlf lis darker and uf ih despicable dcfraded ptifnl and itiijni rtcant newpaper live jtriru whig and itfal pmroniie siierlnc tajm i la read lhat rnrwl infamu firinl mil tosprakirfilin atl eompann and upon all necartons with the most sovereign contempt curried eyk ca- mr pvter cnngc then cirne forward and after statin- his pcrftet cordiality willi the aenlmtenu of tho last speaker declared it at hia further ojn rton that this meeting sliould not content itaclf ailhtbc resolution carried so unanimously but proceed lo finlh r and more artive demonstration of indignation its believed front at lie couhl learn or gather that dr 0rk r was of so hard encd a disposition as not to care a linkers curse about atl ihe resolutions passed by llwfi or any body else he iherciorc proposed seconded by mr edward licktrcaclt rrwttttl thai ihe three voune evntlemcn who so gallantly broke the windows of messrs morloy a jenkins sltp be a committee bo break ihe windows of the liritisji whig lbcc jswviw crtw eon al this period mr dunderhead jun sujfrted in the mealing lhat instead of breaking the win doivs nf dr barkers office or printing thfice it would be muih ulier to break his head or vpecta ptopu of capvutj lb icteutivc ims beard your call il respomts t tour wijii it bar thrown itself into ymtr arms the roe nf irr t sir proclaims lhat be will tat u the nwrc chairman uf a faction while nsrxnxmv the ruler ot s rw- lc and he asks you to wtsjarrl him in hi restdsc u ill you now be wanting i vf up from iht fait to ihe west set jour mulijiudinnuii toiee awake in solemn rcpoiirv hkr tour on n w dd fo rest leaves stirred by ibe mind tlie kaeenlife confides in yourjumiecbe has inhmiitrd to tho tribunal of the pumie u he tsffsroja to you as a mighty jury vf inquisi tle rrndt tito dscide ins future conduct tlte rrtult t tn decide your fu ture destroy rcapovipimi rjnveromcnt u the is- stc in aperaee oav ttrnrh f- tho real but well veiled ejy- uf llm l was mv bap ono to poinlout the rrtniitt sn rnrtta of pattes m the cppcr arid i of ibo country and lo show tbe tenon ilmet forcsd the radical vole of the cpper ami lb anti bri tish uf the lower lo ii j revolt c4pt to be foreseen hasptron q hveorh mairdv in tho popular branch ibat msjonly dutslcd tlie rssn luiions tranvnuttcd 10 1 rromriiir ibr seat of government to be moved that nawnlr forced iho wampin- of the kieenlive snd lhat majority over eonfidvni in it slrrnth snd ihe uitro irctinr of yor itobts governor djrsd lriposc to him lo lay aside or rarhcr defivrr into iheir hands the patronage nt thr crawn and thus bindine himpclf to thrm in all thine far the future the rrpretenalie of the vifen would have sunk inlo the rettifir of ahsterrr rdcfs ihe olicarchicat conectn nf tpifnnttine a co had chosen lo present hit firmnrp lua prerervrd ns from f 1 1 dirgrare tod nnw be speali to iou i have staled thr question fairly aa i undentftd i will you now aid him o l ou ank into the sub rnitativo servants of m foreign race -w- at the polls onawcr in a viernf thunibr sntwee l wtma a i 4 tumm and of jfirt at the men of that race should whose hitfoey shows it ever in the fjood enoarof real rerrosn and the sturdy opportrnl of demafratif ttttntr yon will bs ptird with aascrtions f no will bs told r ho trnvarnor has vio- tiled the implied compact teiween him and ins enhinet and their reognatoin will i boldly pointed out a a proof tbe mora of ibeir patriotic tnteniy aye the overthrow of a enralato equally with tlicmsckes conrlitutionatty rccof nicd will m made a hostad of support bnl m r m fcvwn no in ihe aiphimi undir which ihry wdl cik to cover post errors ho true to the constitution and yourelra reirci llio jiberjl party if for no other rt jm because they nnecumbed lo stasfft inlcrrsh beevnsc in pnvd of il ihey contrary to your known mil rhanrd or sought to change lior i still lpe ihr evil will 1 l hit laki hi id nf and in combination with uui llwy itn itu of lording ilnvef ihu l pionnce inttii i to il obvfvtionn wlnh we aa a inilnv jounaliri 4hjmd it prujvs 10 in ihr n sir lnl f 1ilr tiivcnnr hie val of tnf j 1 1 u nl n pci ur twtlrrtt f a tl fir ilr ttpfrtf ihr tntrr rwtfr rvsvrraa raveats iraemawaj tuntrvt lititrl nf twjfr attd thai iv o thimhjralavpeii srre nnviiatily of a em kij tpsltlfr tall jpi n lla ep i j4 i iln tnaptriii npirl ol imi utd m ill htw jbaf tthm p i nibipliil m nmirrtie pnsj ipl o iv nstrsrei bi tb jr enntrol im moo rwaili to take advtrt d pr- iwmiiinf sor ihi nbna imporv um nhrh ihi v had jpiim t4r r ji ttwrtpl 1 r ii rfawsfsmiistn rittttttt rrn avecaass m trim afa rivht trmi fa f mf fnmh c mlaltmiiif urr o ihe b pfreiiey iharictf m- th- naute w ui iwrruiamv then ti tsfltwsreijtr lion ol llinw vei is in cvtiitrnml sarryrnh ititrrt in mr or 1 rcity lavamirr fjtrnor r ini foitw fwiaw letislilf ilivte-cs- ii i il rba fen and rehillntn it is ihr eacbimvo french ifbtrx alone winch hat fi veil rite t- ii ihimliscouhni rauim m tins trovmci il itrbimmchlii in fact m this uiion one nf uaisumi mrn and nt of pifitr il fvirryin itistn hr 1icivrrd rtmrec nf jii the lernrhimr which hatr hnaihi vititri uid rtrwhri 1 ihvir trans said 111 n alone is t u found a full ami npl- lo jumvt to un n piiv lowliat rattsea i pnrant un hippy cnti airrsm of lm pntviiwr n serifi il 1 cthkbimon is iswjseerih in the tcllok nf tin crinlnnth of un tn m h cannhan kac miititiv adnlvd in lejl the fine ir mmlv two rciliimn nf tin- mifc of assenimy in whieh will rmrud a u tail of irru voices mi ihixs whief ihr ifnty knew to ik tiner nlto ih r retfirri d or in arnvi emtn of l m m nleri it ijp n in pnneip illy h in ilnw whieh haw alrady ih 1 t adliririt fn ih intrirfhietinu d tin vhfutft prineiplr inlo the rninpiihlinn nf m11 icllivi cf i ihe abmaroli nf the ti nm ael jild itte ilnpj nf lh- u leihi re temnt nf llw- pjmiiei urv twi fofim r imvi in itl j jnni w- f refnwl the lithr r tmwn4lr tyrant i d while by lln t own iiihmioit no rral npji s clcs and as ihi night friday wat one in which an amateur performance was to be riven at the theatre lie proposed an immediate adjournment linn then en- med and a eomputation of ready carh mvdc hy which it appeared thai the sum of fourteen slid iinand two pence halfpenny wa in jonl pol scwon whereat il was determined that twelve sliillins and siapenec hcrcserverl fo ihe purchase of twenty galh rv admbsiona and ile remainder be c a pern led for iho purchase nf rilrn cr for thr especial bent fit of ihe obnoxious doctors phianvpiomy a vote of thanks ma then hardily jjtven to ihe i hiirntau and the mectin adjourned not be prrfeeicd the foestn of llw 8sal of tin vevnmrnt because by lhat arl ihcy called into activity sectomal tvclins hitler animnnties all that hilwat itatermen tjinnhl endeavor in blothil ind humble thcmklvraandvonby thiaact for tho mere emolument 9 of ter ond advantages of power which after all they had and could uss only at tho biddings of impcriooa mastrrs bitter opjmnentt of your bws snd yonrrsee ilsclf liberal mcasitrrs and liberal men are and at wayt have been u ifincr jaw is if ii jtnesirvii hauaoiniei eerrry en hkvtt nnvit it is a ihnrasand vties the youn cjcrkswtrc duppumi ri m thin prjieted aniiirenicnt on friday nihl the ainutcilf tce fnrmanee that mb vir not one nf ihe tfodfiomc sciviysitliik up andeoeikfiiiently uie doctor did not show ihic of lln regular nights will be thoitty tdcffafvdj and live resent iinjiii of t 1st ouojch rksean ivkipt uittwup tor itw we have brvn rnpnpredto copy the fothtt hlg to tin- lunw r iln- chrsssk ir a ta-r- ne sin a writer in the t1rilih whiof lite frill under lhcmnilnrc of vehtii- tn com in srjotta lerms nf the present slate of tin ilof criaa f nu mini lln fruviner jiml oiril irit vanec j dent with tin- pn nervation of jtrilih mnfr 1 10 limey remaiiiv imn d the firinh tnnadini b nb rt livt elide to hillir yinpilhy nf tin cillms cnitnl sialr ami id tin- pmhnil hvpul rn i t t dn lit i lidl nf lbiiifjvi hfir hlkiu rnunlr nun by eoitrlatilly ni li ih r asln fn tin npfufii i iipid ftlilitn and hiulvr rioht n- if lln ir aond f the li can i mstam pla ih pltilun i do not know imtnwliuin the writer has dirivrd bis iufiiiitahiat hut whether it he from ihe othi for lln htsth 111 itmriet- to ihe state nf mjoc ae count with thirl lb jmtirnnl parlimhr alliminn it mad or flmm any idlnx pi ison i is in stulv thai il 1 itn wnyt i atnahd t nuirid hr vi rdiif tbe lb lhmiiiiiciil uf tmwn ifinib rr mtfhj it ttnlth br 4 n t ot nt- lifrvnd n al 1 t mrl thir wrssfl lil iimf it wr it ptd lo itifc 4int aid wi itvorlbv ih iii imi if 1 ollniml ir t nre mlll a iliitel ibn ihe rr1iudlorln 1oimi ot ilml pnmrtajttfjii nnd niond bv irsf 1 tsbnt a loi ji it vtf it ml ft d lib cinilmipd po t ft t itr ill f 1 i r lira uiaf ham prvirs h iaiaad 1111 rii ritl- 1 ju jo- ir in lit iv h fv rn sijul 1 tip us lua i e 1 nnd n- it lilitiv i ikil llnr ih un tmy tr iiipro i iy lli r it ltrtaesrih ni mojaj wjlli 1 d d ton i of tl ni jon it it 1 lituik viitvriil1y iicknov n- ajrctien ppinirnbuy liaise of cpp ow 1 tn i oriamf vd a o nry 1 ii h ivc v t ii- trie 1 a 1 if wdt i ant lifter 1h1t 1 1 cuiadi an rule of e tin t nuii iiit n dl jble eircimiutancia tiap dvlij ha liktit plaee inraldishiil tlh rcai rie nf ulliih llwse nlicra are fn ofclll at ill ii kltieia but lb ntiii hna ln 11 ill il by i nt ih t in coimeil ami ni blfi rully hi been eaperwnced in iaiaismr if thai ih liv vei pt tu iwonr ihn e inrtinceatmlvf whir ilir pli- imin makiiii chri titr mntmia olde or nth r ettiebn bivr uvit limt 11010 nr le 4 in air ar willi th 1 psri nt th kinsfsmt latj m i 1 1 are nlaomatauf raal frrcilooi for ihey tanacend the lwe am partiiao narrow hioltcd and proscriptrve it waa t ha libera bs that tent strafford to lbs block hy atlaindrr when ihcy failed by impeachment that truck down laud thai dabbled the thin rer hairs of an old man of eihly with h own blon dome thai work by ihe aac hich nature in hre nonl eouw had dnnc to their handv in a frr niontha l was hi ral nnn wlys hflfirr lo wc the hour when capital pumthm nt ilmutd no loihcr rfia- ftracr the statute book that nrjnicd the mis sacrea of paris that nrc the hrt fmm a yntm ptrl of eighteen andparnded il ilrippin on a pike asa banner of their haired to amroeratic instill lions ft was the ultra libcrahinrhe ctaeofr john fen wick in jc9c udoacied in this lathion thev alleged the law as it stood and the evidence 0 pam st him were instdhcicnt to obtarn a eon vie tmti yet ticy avowed lain gott was oirn and no torious for ufrte causes ihey attainted and er cited ihe man ihcy look from him a prianncr in iheir bands without mrauvof eeape incarcerated in ncwfatc under the aaered name of hherlv atl the defence of law and sent him to a bloody doom because by tbe op ration of tltcsc laws they prrttndedto tiphntf he must have hren declared in1 fuijty it wasomc imch ktiwdcas fhia ih it acm from tlrutus in his bt hoit ifie fcar- fnl annuuncciiwni thai be had worsjuppej i ti i- h m oa real goud and fnnml il bul jo emplv name foe ftcctlom ntd rbmocracy and von icopte of t anadi have live truth tltc cold stem aarmo- iih reject then the- hstfl one ami all rrmrmbvr monarchy ts prorovc srnfrm ry areive tire firvt mareltrs to erealncw i tntlyand rnrvly beneath its haikw the pcfts tloitrnh nnd tbe slate mature but the acrrit0 rpirit of lhiitocmey renins miance toils men rurea within and wilhonf until at ijm it penshea friin the universal haired it has rnpired it a in ilcmoeratie inslilnlions ihal nil llresc acts of tho ralf ssybd libernht of csnaih ttt are to be re itrrcd it was ibeir ray ttbnhtif that prompted them in iranhfyr ikwtanatft cf ilve executive to th njselvis it wa iheir fcifv of llw ticofdv thai led tht in to ii tic public ffimitfi in iht- conned they commanded o ruajnty m one bue llrey iiijiuifiictorcd it in ihe oilier thev inueludori sovercipnty imlicl the powers nf ik- tnmn alone were wanitn- to hieae ihcy it id the atrda ettr inhrvtcli the biiid rhey fmlitllhey arc be fore vm will ywi trust them whojuevce ha hcvit gtnliy nf nj rcat iikiril dchmjibcnry ihn butniieellrniih it lail one sjjfle danunn wot on ibe itfiht vittire of fears mvv nn rttr tie inraled who has failedice coirully hatli ivtr ff lined with ju fa iaiiilm al tlie cner the evil lialh reia1ed lhrmifsj iiim i wart and head are hlh di imiichril w wlnit nre iho fact itakhtni snd llmka rt nl gt nils nnm dd thni ives m the anti british parti nf ihe lytwei pcuvmei i do ni menu 11 was siiy wrniiti instmniaiil iibvrdtrd wboh al ftelh tn cilumycr phrast what acb sltaubl and lsubt not bi tin 1 vi naaii w t- ernii to w it n bny lancimerhvpr th re is an etc trie unan nmmiuoti nuiii maind non thne la hand aablnaf oi lb hon tin orinnr iy i the