the british whig ubmcftal adtktrlt it cuu w st rabthlih scmiwerkly eveiiy tvbspay friday i md edward johnakkar at tub athknkiim flftenf ftraf nutf iw r ti fai ti ti m s nfc nwhh pct aw- rvp uainhra nul nrr j nn f ll l mo- pitm ntu en 1 rm llm j 11 rl intritoit mm h mfr laomv mf lift- w p un ft vyvinwtiat w ifr fw ril wmr m th airieftm h j ftaklm lbmi vywiflf arc miil l n- vs i nrr t eun tv sllllllcb icmblc ifr rhebimrir whfoltflta jnl ibclwr 4rpii4fcmrrfwnudilounrhlicltocil mr4rfrih itk ww vvii it rrlw ly a lx lrrmfnm aft i i mi roitat ft shilcv printer a s goldey is now at the lambuin house and prepared lo atiead lo professional call col hclhiiib ami dr sampson have iodly penniwed d s guide lo refer to them jcinftfon loihnovjsrt dr howard faicbs 4trrict rlj spsswtf hv olcua ifoanlvf fl vol xiii kingston canada friday february 2 1844 no 10 kingston dr a- c robinson has removed to the residence over ufmhlftft moclvcr store west tdoof king street between kinck and prince steets where he may bo con- ulted a usuaj kington oct 4th 1s43 s44m jhffftfgl a attorntyi tf i h mikcei mukbt rkhhos john a mcdnnu alexander caupbell j mr kksnktii mackisjr birriilrral lnw solicitor in rimnrnv rr clrkvcektrifrr kwosn aff toil itorf jwrj fhut at ttr of fitt huh ceiitd by jbri livtnt zf vo aufut isw- uaflftj5tkft aso ttilmv at law sottcititr it sttarcry m off lev in mrjainci fiiml uwcllini ontario sfrct icifittos swi nr isti m t nrirrcil ship chan iilt3 r cmfonrufi tr patkut tfllais iawiia akuam- clioft ouuh till turn ml ijmx naval ktoltks or itiotip lloilcit liuicil oil kindlon hitcb4el6l3- pa i m ik ti- i a v i u m a it t i x from sfktauti pai stick glaz1 ru paper ttjaxibr 3 doors obme the scotch clunrh irta- msnet ktngfton kinehum feb 10 s43 mtv stork 1 carkutbbrs us leave u iu- form the jmmic thai uc hn umghi the ciiflfrsc omkv of mr david uavkni rtf qinwiaoi well known ulbc ut in the cooiitry the cluce made uiusouon ojftftimt d to 15000 lnt and will btf kept cufl- iamly hand nnd fr ah kiiipton dec d 1 h- i l l e s f i k 4t co have jlpcrivnl thi jiy heir swheh stack or bntraand firnch mcnuow cotouf 5 n pfincciia tlotu jcilut f- ifw vcktilki slii kinlr mitt two culort vcrfiincjotltfanij cljiiu chtuh iiscall m very hw piiees jt8t iimn at avili rii co kambtni huiw io caiwi of ii inrm jiij rtozol stftrtfp hfr rich stnck of uonncl kimwni kiench atnin jim c3 flawrf buck and cllctl fckuich tclitr kvniirig jpj eveoing kloiv- iti head 0kt otlgc the sulcriher having leaded the 3 the ml of princma street lately oceujiiej by mr hugh cahler will have constantly on hand a gcnunil assortment of unceic which ho will sell on tea5unahlo terms us any in she tadc t- f ca ipbkil cromcreijl whtf kingilors june i6tli i8u for sale v ots no is ift in the loth con j township of uawdon victoria district lot no l4f in the 3d con townsliin f georgooahome listrict- ioi no 10 in the 100 j con rich- fnond midlatid district together will s sovetal pttitds of lit xo 17 broken yronl first cim on second kane of iho township of luclunonj midland iis itrict appy l mcssmfuitsitn i mcitikfilfftyj tinjstm pec 5th jjo wiiitk fish fkw biftcbof this very superior article on hand vtso a few barrel tal seal oil for sutc aj m- t- hunter ap raeiidti orient smik highly important thf study of many tears reduced i to a tew iiot7rs mr ale xander rrtom londox wespectfully annnonces his arrival intowninitwiu for a short pcrtitd give instruetious in fasftiontme nm jwtrivntilt penmanship i newly discovered principles whidi have the tccjliar arlvntace of enadjung the worst possible scribbler to write a heauiifully free expeditous and legible hand in six easy lessons otherwise lift charge made no practico required between the lessons ladies will readily appreciate this opportunity of ac quiring under such rare advantages this truly elegant aceompliahmen me want of which invariably implies a very im- education and corrsitily detracts a iirc from every other attainment term moderate hundreds of speci men to boseen by quebec and mon l real ptipih ol mr a apartments at j drews prince street tliit system differs in every respect from any that has ever bern offered mi america as tlte systetmnc expression invented by mr alexander simplifies ilir whole process to four plain mow me nit of he pen and thes produce thai uniformity finish and freedom in fxerulion which characterise the per- humance of his pupils it is attainable al any age front seven to seventy elaric pen making taught in one lpw short hood taught in ix lev sons u a principle that will enable pupil li write and read their notes with cn wikkceping by double entry laitjlit in twelve lesm in which course llie pupil will open ptsl and balances eihppleieset of books and be made fully ipnhricd to act as a bookkeeper in any intmhtitile establishment however com plkmta andcxioiisivitsopcratiitnsmay be avwcie apartments fur ih lajics ktinsrn jaatury kiiim4 to agriculturists seat of government h or consf grain uanted annually iie snliteribcr lvin tlroil tnd ready bir operation hn iiciv iod mtlcmiw juhlilmit eilildth i nli i i incritl m kivs hundlted bmhdt of grni f coiioeo iiuc t now conn tjifirommon counc1lop kingston avincv decided at the request nf the general committee on the seat of government question ro call up on the iffhsautants of kingston and its vicinity u to amd io wriilcn statements on oath of the sums they have expended in rvtcti trs and tmrnovrmrnts in con sequence of the seat of government having been brougfrt to nmihqj assd ca- timates of the losses which will hosus- laiocd by the proposed resooval in or der that there statements and esti mates may bo laid at the foot of the throne hie undersigned solicits on behalf nf the common council that tho inhaln tarns generally will comply with the abovo request and hat such written statements and estimates on oath may le left at the town hall addressed to the clerk of the common council on or before the fiftttnta lay of fcbrvanf nxf parlies making the statements are re quested to observe tnal tho said amount of expenses is to be ascertained from the disbursements really ma jc fur improve ments since the first day of march l4r on tat faith of tht bntinh government aaving fixtj tht seat of gotternmtnt tft kingston and the losses to be estima ted as such asare likely to occur to each party provided the soat of government ts removed the estimate nf expenditure and the estimate of loss arc to be distinctly se paraled in the statements it is suggested for the sako of con venience that parties liv ng mar caeh other may join in the same statement se parating the claim of each individual- j countkk mayor town hall 1 kingston joit 13 is4j- i it it if uijktrd ttat afl ur pmssssaw in kinttoti w1eit ufc febeve- fwv ofctinfc un til sth fcbfuary uprkr canada college rrihe fcvria ajxwi pultie exvmina i tim of thecsndidiitea for the ex- goveknment notice steam boat tra vsport on vax ostahioi for the yeah 1844 ba1ed tbnderts will be re ceived at tho comrftinriat office kingston until noon on monday tin 11th march next from any penton or persons desirous uf entrriug into con tracts fr the fallowing services namely for the transport ov troops bag gage and government stores fnm and io the various stations on lake ontario frosd kingston upward during the season of navigation nf s44 for the transport of a dot-je- from and to the vat ion station ike day quinte during do unexceptionable scciry fidvject to the approval of the comniissariat wilt bo required and their- signafrav ofl two responsible persons willing to enter into n i r i with tho principal for the frhhful performance nf tho contract mutt be given in tb tender payment will be made in mexican or united states hollars at s id cur i rency each or by check n a chartered banh at lb option uf the senior com- njssariat orreer forms j tender may lo itbtaiiifd un application at the citcssvissanat office where ary funlier infonnation may be obtained commissariat kingston s2d january is44- illistcllniicqua srtrofte r nil klitok or ttle cclomt siio mid jnusrj lii snu i enclose s fc dniur 0t to yhtil thit letlr hihi pocnt the jvpsisv ttflsjm tv prinl it onl yon mu4 hctcifier fsb to yvm ief n i iritl rive eimirr i imvc h c which 1 enn brwig torho rtl at nuroi and il u j be given dfil in a v u i r i am kino wilson anolher poem ou sir i mar burhauaj st pjud wnox slls whta sir ijc tnlrly lo anja eme and sir imiarvaii iflrf 14 110 intivt come mt faldsrb nj mr- l hihitionyfiiundodbythecotinciliif icinv cuuegc will cruameitcv ou tavriafjfi septcinljjr2ih im simmon ds m1a- colon a i ssinb he 1st of i n fumihd no o so dott to kin ton sif iac iuqj and hetped to ittc culiict door tho dinw lix p- f n n sir j i vptcd crku o crikoj ifowcnyoi tkture and off hstcoiwpcrod sassw niiybsvscrn a dog itb s psn at his tsil ff nttr rogoo ucr jt h wn who bafors him did hten into iho cwmwf t icaas m lnd hofr baldwin nd llrncki didatiro am uiogovomorpetbit thumb to htsnos and i i j laaic to tako ft chirr tltcn dsldanw aaid h glum and kord towanft the door for tlcy kuow uiat a aooti sir itaio vtiouu como thctr rein would be no more 1111 millltcy wt but thry irfl a uxnt which nobody coulj endure and sir lc lifted lira windon fn lie ineani hut iho air ifcovu be dvat and r tt fllamtne anwnthh i v turot and artlffi re dily tojolher in connecinn with h rtwinje ltahlismcm will rfqnintwo mcnurcl thousand jtushola of train aimtislly tnd wilhee 10 acquaint tho rarmcrsenerally ihat llieycnn now drpciid on at all times a steady market for the sale of coarse ciraiu of every drfiiption at the highest cash prices iind trusts that iwt new and extensive npniiifj foi the consumption of produce which has hithetio bcrn but limited will iihii with n spirit of enterprise on the pivfif erich i m lo supply the dc tun ijliamiiyi thereby sreuriny to the t htrttnr tlieirotdation of aturgc amount itf tiisli which no doubt our american roildkhiis would like very well to james morton kingston brewery i dislillerv january 3d 1 sh tin tillonm rafcn vieujiy tloc atvve tintl url lir i sm belleville intdlineer vtu lip sisr uivelmuc fucordcr mid itytonn ptaa number rf kkmcte sepumler ibm four tenable for urr jvarsto two of imrih4ic mattw 4 for tuition to one 2nd in addition tu tlie ulrovo tho an nual stipend nf 10 ami tuuiielst exempuon frosn colhgo dues fitr lioth board and tuition with liberty to com mute- the privilege nf boarding for an annual siipond of q sitlyeett of lamnttiun spitmberqitj 18jl grrelc valpys delecluf latin extracts from tibullus in elee ta exovidioel tibultn eton 1w0 between p co and p 2 1 0 these are to be consider ed a teitboiilis on which fltipstirhm in ctvnmfr procfg oar colon iheyt tbnatihotaewdd4 ikhwihiirrj ksrfitien in priutb 3nlaasj lord kterirs prize evty on arusilomre tnthp tvsl indies v 1 w- s m lantiin lfllj-3- jlrcolleetioei of altn tlicorijrnn tertitsry thir tit hoeiv kvhmvs cvofful hotjc ami fnrcici lomhfcnr i mvri iamier iscsnimu im where itx vleml inerft toi lie ij fben sir lsc cavo one loud ai ever 1 ono knon h on do j and the hrwcnmr itlwn le bejrl r stifjiifc til wi w i fc illfi 1101 notick a ccoimtnl to a un bfo rp tlnrhemey r d psshd iw n lllll sja tho frtvetii ik i i t noud con 10 ami hclt lo 1 my clt y jjjc lvauri iiueht dt si liuiie adt4il vjnrctlwliuia icrhflp ltut i uu yea ill uratuli uii ou tmd ihcm sspilt awl r unnga are not dnfl jij v n yinf vumillora i h to h aattljnlu t knland mint o mv eye f oja jo uicrowe jou urc a siraajc 1 tic s1terior ale ilkeit at t1ie city utelygry pheclty brewerv compa- ny have now in their ctars a lnrrc stock of bottud aie which they recommend to innkeeper and private fimilhti fur it quality and cheapness the quality being nothing inferior to thatofalluwa or edinburgh ale and the price but cs 3d perdnneti exclusive of funics a discount nf 10 per cent bcin j allowed on purchases exceeding 3 dnxen tlnir jkkit is so gcncrahy and fa vorably received thai they deem it un mottwj to say anything in commenda tion of it andany quantity over 5 gallons is now sold by them at the reduced price ufluj tergalon the fl ration cask held unite usual price of ls kingston soth january 144 kom hfiangto amrtifrn doc iflt3 u the new city brewery well dencrve nmice they aro following hard this estabiihmcikon oor celebrated ai- iiv rrewery in the manufacture of 11 a very sujierior article of ale wjfi fiei will bo hiunded euclid etemfifbqok 1 jjlgcftra to simple equations inclusivo bridge 7rithmefte regulations exhwtfiomtk 1 ah candidates to lie eligible who shall produce testimonials of pood urn- duct and qualifications from the principal ur head master of any institution for education in canada 3 the above tctirnonials to bo indeed with the collector uf u c college one month before tho first day of examination 3 the names of the successful candi dates to im published specifying the schools at which they were educated p w barron friiirifaj u c col two chtfch tho patriot the colvih the niagara chtomele ihc toboj slsr tic kinfrton hronklr tanl the otitirfi wlttjf the montreal coaicr the gaahlft ubc ftcmltf uic quebec mercury t uic londoq knquirtr snd the iinukon gazette he mfwhiv lciviig dntc itie sjvral nnvcmbui last joliu cilonlir esuire of kiugmnn retire ln0 o camisj cntik 4i poortka here and that of i l caiv cs quebec lho whole of ihf pinpeny asiwrtsand dlieisof ihosaim in in h duller calvin hiram centk and harl ewanl dunn who atvduly nuihurizod rrcwer receive and settle all debts l claims due to and by the late firm it d calvin hikam cook cuunto 1 has k dunn kingston 0tl jtfb 181 i eye ua ftiurjjnttc i ion1 rave i 1 i id nk y in arc jiiii- i mi aufeih i k ce llrsnsvlmt 1 via if i can holland then prince of orange who wh wounded at their head in the battle uf wa terloo the late king for many years of his life resided alternately at brussels and the hngue he is eid to have iteen a per son of rcat simplicity of hfe very atientive 10 buiincfs aad sf n i economical habits the issue of hi fin4 inamae was three children the eldtt of whom is now on the throne m holtand tbe rupture which separated holland from lleium andgnve the title of king of holland nwrely in the dc- ceased nimiinnli his abduction in 1s10 in favor of hia son his second morrinn lo tlie countess doullreuiont hu i- rf hufiourvlth retuvnhnt folhe court of nawith- are circnmrtances of course fa miliar ti every reader the- present king of holland was horn on the oth of december lts2 and mar- riedon lho2lt of february i810 to the princess anne puihmna daughter of the einpemr paul of rusa by whom he ha four children pcrbratg con puct with b ate- zee mncssa 1m notice fjplik ilnstiouaifj mretncwa carried on cnfktktt and at fswltfi by 1 i- cai- rth a co will fiio this daio bo en limied by iho un oler tho firm nf ciuviif cv kinpsmn and dvm cavih fccoquabcc it d calvin i1kam cook phas e dunn kingston 19th jwhs 1844 lm s by private sale tratton stover 20 to 3c inch shovels spade prying pan ftpikes jj inch 1 c tin pooipd and one cask ftutcil tortbl0fp ono do fhufil wine uascs william wakk apnt kingston igih lmuaiy 1s 51 atji op the exklnil of holland teas t teas teasr the subscri store to let the retail pail ttf ilia uudy occupied by mr ross corner o tlagut and premies ittmuiu mi l 1 the subscriber respect- v r iu folly notitioa famtlie- who str ma ft z ltis r tun house heiiifr si brat rale bland im t to let imp immediate possession given 1ue apartmen la situated over the auction rooms of thomas qrkbiei esq king street together with the privilege of iho yard in rear tho whole is well adapted for the resi dence of a private family for particulars apply 10 thomas esq ou the pfemiscs or to tht proprietor james morton kingston 21st nov is whiskey imjr sale by tho subscriber 0 barrels port hope whiskey of a superior quality thomas hendry kin street kinttatoni oih january isii j fc- are in ibo hsbit ol using xkafi j ibe best toas that he has j now on hand an aort- monlof black atid green teas imported diiect from china not to be equalled in the province fot strength and llavor an sold for oath on moderate terms james williamson n b the subscriber having mode his arrangements ii now able to supply country slorchants by the chest or half chest at montreal piitcs princess street jan 1141 any kctail enquire of 5 kingston idth lec hoi ross to iet by the subscriber rpo let ihoseexlcnsivestore of ft ware houses now occupied by sanderson k mldrav a that large stone store house occupied by the subscriber possession to be given on int may next for further particulars apply 10 r scobeu kinjismn january 12th j844 th moantst hcrshl w pljac insert the ahova if j julth iinj fnd ih accooftt to ltli of6e to let a stone dwelling iiou9e in wellington street latew occupicj by the honourable mi- baldwin enquiro of s scobblt kiogston januan gib 1544 oft sale coal tar livetpee salt sad cssilc ute ccts i the mam railway store kinjen january 18u yrvf 6lm wheat flour tork 3t potash the subscribei will pay the highest market price t cnn for any quan tity of waetil flouf i pork and poioai rlelivired at ihvn yvarehnuse ontario street the whet nill be taken in at the city mills ift h it rae kingston jamarjy 23d 1i4 an exlraoftlinary supplement of ihe slttttts voatrnnt ny- at halfpast 1 4fcvhckcihhiel spongier arrived frtm brr liti wilh ihc inclanchol intelligence rlui the almuily had been plenad to tako to 1 majesty king william frtbilrr- ick count of ntnvan on the l inini at hi1fiest eight in the iniuung nothing hail pven rfwdfl to ftttpc hi ihiv m r lit j f u ufe k llll ci ljj- ue piince- he had been cnigvd in bus- ncm thai very morning and ivas found by his ijdceamp mtlin in his mvn eha r struck by n fit oftpoptoxy ittd apperttlty df ad all lur aemiti wltieli were im mediately nuiilo tu acover ins majcsly nrnved irnhles tilc ileveasvd prinre was inrn in the yiar 17i aa4 therefore at the liniv f his death in the 71it year of hix fsff alan early rnkl of we he nrdently j- plietl inmeirto tho acuiilion nf tknnw icrge and pfwftl omc yeans nit only its foreign travel but in serious mtftly ai die university of lcyden in the inninl i june ixv he received ihe eoniiunn f die garrison 01 li and in llie ioiiik ine year he was apnnnted a general of infin- irj- on he m oforiler 17j he mar ned the imice sivdiiitpt s ihctimnn fjoulsa of pruia davghtcr nf prvderif k william ii iv elism child of this mar riaire is the present king nf hohaud uh- wou horn on llw tilli of ixecinher 1w when the french rvpumic in die year 11ih devhtrvd wir aainal the lw cnun- i ifictsy the raided rt this nrc reeiveil the command of he army of holland and ju modi d1iinushed hinwt during ihc ho- ifliites which enned as to nltmct in a re j mnrksbte drce the favour and pptlki tionof the emperor of austria hut as eve ry one lotncniwrs the severe single pmv- cd unwresful and the partizans of the deceased kiiiy and his family wvrc omiyd lotakcrefti in fngandstfcile he himself remained in pnimia- from ihe time that the resistance to republican frame prmed unsuccessful until it was reivcwed 0alml imperial france there occurred scarcely an event in the life of the late king nf holland wofth recording if we except ihe fact that he commanded a division at the kittle of jena- he imayilsom the ltite of wagrom after which event ho proceed ed to berlin and finally visited england winch he did not oul id tue year 1k13 he was proclaimed king of the netherlands his father uinguvn ilead on the igth of march tfil5 and as a so veren entered buiwl on uv lh of april following on ihc return of bonaparte from elba fotwcmg that his territories were likely 10 become the scene of great opanlimin he tost noumeinjabnunnutopnl ihcir mili tary powtionn into tlw best state of defence ihat circumsunccs would permit j to organic hi- troops with as much expedi tion as possible the command of ihec forces was confided to the present king of in tho latest papers from holland is found the following account of an expedi- tinn k by the netherlands government to tlte east indie again ibe pirates which infest the waier east of java and among the uiuca aud celebes island the expedition consisted of one team- frigaie the hedo one brig and three schooner eommanded by capt cocrten in iha spring uf last year these vessels left souruhaya and being joined by two ves- seu of war prows belonging to the sul tan of sumanap sailed 10 the inland kan- eelanff to receive the crew and passengers uf n dutch vessel lately wrecked on that roat ilia hecln approarhing alone took those pcronun imard with a larje rtvtn uf motivy saved from the wreck the remainder of tlie cargo with more than s30ww in money having been taken by the natives they were commanovd lo re skru it and on their refusing to do n nn attack was made upon them their dwell ings immedand many of them taken jnisun rrs uhi afterwards pent to the sultan of umnnnp the cargo and money it wa ascertained haj tecn thrown into llie m upu the frl apmach of ths expedi tion llcutenml c- f oevr first officer of tui hetla wasdien ml with a poay ofl aihir4 nml nmriiics in small boats to a neighboring iind which afui an oti- na rckstaticci he uccwctl iu taking at ike point 4fihe baynct the cxpedimm ilicnsaiol lo ranjoe- wangle wherv 1km niel with five vesvs pftvalsjf nrmnl neb with rhh4 thun tlitf men hying tho appearance of pirutv hut aflvr examining their kkt and find tug limn miin uih a friendly tlnjf like juii ii were bmmelkil to sutler litem to itbrnrc islands conitgut tin usi y visited snme known baimts sml uf iho soma dayk uier the island of in tha bjff 0on was visited in boats br lieut t l0 juoeruin bcfr rartmh harborssj iwc no boats appeared in the bay that fired upon by thai inhabitants fitit then ensuod ft r unding i od with great difficulty th mrmlsa ml icavina twenty three of imrtasbssij basj cil on ahore j forty cannon ssvasj taauav their dwelling n tho vesseli srsm bvrm- t and the whole island devastatssl forty erson were delivered from atarjrj who with six of the pintci afloal were ta ken to macassar six differntexpcdiltons by which tlas dutch hsd 10 1 j ii rv seven men killed and hveniyeix hounded were considered so important ift tlwhr resnti and conducsad with po much gatanuy that at maxaaaar a day of thank giving wasactapart- thc abovo recounts are up to the 1st of july 1813 when the expedition intended losctfnrlh again on another cruise and ex tend its operation east of java fat av mlirtnar the uish ahm act this act m appointed by the lord ietiteoant council to tome into operation osi moss- day next- it contains sixtyfour sectiona with a schedule er form annexed giving inferrmation respecting the registration 0 arms the importation manufacture tsut sale of arms gunpowiler aad amownrtioa there is on claasr in this acl which is a sfimewliat new psovision but one which has been framed with the view of staving parties from ignorant i disobeying ate rious enactments it is required that ibe lord licwteqmtskstl caese ae abatoel of the provisioniof iheaasjebe prepaixsi and sliall in such mssiner as be ahall oon- idcr convenient cause soeh aktrsct lo be printed paibuhtd posted or dis tributed br the kformatten of all prams in ireland affected the kvth- fsodi the day mentioned the ada now ia ibsce relating lo the keeping of arms will ceast and dfteissinr and ail npplicauons dutat he made vnder the newsjcatnte by tbe preamble it is declared thsjt u it has bem found necessary to preterit improper persona fnaso havir araia ti irelim b4 jivcrs ensamerrts bawxrem timet tieie been made for that rmepese and also to rt gulate the itnpsftsrtjofi rnanufactiir sale of araia gunrwovrand amr m iu put 4 tte united kingdem atsd whereas il is expedient to amend tfur said enneiinents and to onko fntther pnssisioa for tlie like purposn wtbtd 1 wcjjty one days hefbre tie geberml srationa ef tlie peace u be held- flex ate am- raenoemenlof the act persona jo sjwssv veml distrin desirous of kcesifraj artrts jhall mate application in theivsija5ient- cd which iijimij are lo be entered i books kept by cterks to tho petty jus liccjf and they ihe clerks an to trans mil a bat oftbe time w lb elerka of the pmce ten dajii before tho otmimm m held limbees emtsjiiwnjihsinto e fc- ness of the atfptiesnti whom luby mmjix- amine and oh tfae licnscsa ibatrattbf the penalties iiww ppaled for fjw guv dance efvhc wtic4 arns to be misawc- ed and marked in tlie sjujie localititt anj 1 rentinnej 1 ij i ifc cer son enmnhjg nrms may sm exaasinedp with power to urapstrscr toftnfnrce lie same persons wo arc licensed toeef arms arc renniril to give notice of a sale jtfepj ires may witlulraw licenses and ab pinlebiit winch wcr found uuhiluhicj thiih exlilnting ajhh of having been n- ceuily occupied in thositnhcif macassar they visted the hay of lh f uic inland taleyer and further nih toiak pjnmpca where 1 hey werv iffmrineiuhl on tlie western coit rn that island there were five larg pirile wf 4u which inleodcd to aiiack the nnrrhani veslt ffflliiihj fiww maearar and tnnr a c4immnnm nfibiui sixty marines twenty sailors and some islaaden widi nttoliier nflly eighty tsayuttftj tvas given lo lieui cever wholft the fieet and with mon in ix ikcii svl nut fr lie fimll y in wlneh wcrv the phiiie vesnls pivpiri tn go in sea lie reached ihrrj atmut hilf tnrt esfia in tle miuning nfter twelve hihim ihmcint rowing through nssfffow ninl shallow rreek whero hu was hitnmrate ly attacked at eleven the rwpeciivij wvn hi uvsentc of caeh oilier the piraie vessels wwi lna with tlieir stem cawan their largo rnnnoi in butte ry on sin and hy the side ttf tlu- one were five other kntteries of small gun- vjii the dutch wcro all about hnf a cannon shot dilance the firing with round and ffnyo shut continued uninter nmollv on tho port uf ihe pirate v they hid al0 troop of riflcokn hid in snutl budc dm notwithstanding their su perior force lieut gevres attacked them with the lancet and was soon master nf ihcir funincations the pirates flying in nil direction one battery after another was taken after continued and uic nwm severc frhiing nl length lieut schcvivfc pulled down thcpiiate flag the dwellings on ritona wiw bucnd atul ihc pirate veu captured with twentyfour cannons ia the evening lieut ucvera returned with his boats tu he licet- two days afterward the hecla having left the other veswli discovered a pirate flivt uf seventeen sail each with two banks of oar loving sixty 0 eitfhly row ers besides twentyfive to tliirty filing men the hecln pursued litem and having come up with them a desperate lieli chocd which imed fortwo hours and a half one of the laical of these pi- rote vessel mounted with uiirlecn gnas two of which were six pounders after bein- dimasicil fought with extraonlinary braver lieut cevor sabre in hand iorded this vessel but was repulsed by the pcars of the pirate and forced to fire into it forty dead bodies weir afterwards found upon tho vessel with thirtyeight slave wejncn and children j four pirate trying to mvjhemelv3 by swrmming were picked up and mnde priiuhers a second vessel of ths piratical fleet wa sunk the rest saved theinekc lavnrtd by the approaching darkness and a mron wind sixteen cannon and many njah tuns were taken ami licenen snj liable to ponmltiee hsjusea may l eiitrrcd lo seize arms sbl4 pffceff it is proviilej iha nu npehler diall le inhficd or manu actured without jnsc from uie lwd lieutenant tho act 1 to coni n ne i 1 fnrrc two years from the day naiiuil li uc ird lieutenant and tu thi cut if lie ncxltainn of par liament laily nf fashion th upon the ilkort lime since a ry d tvnch tiwly thcidod upon the puretuvte of n shawl the hik richelieu is celebra te i for thops nhounding will thai tin qua am of a ran6ie and thither the lady went after of 0ows0 a loot pcrplczmky nf i- i the one which was cmmrmaru 4eiieieux and all t ort of lhrnj was chosen little poor lady 1 did she dream imw one from without was watcbiog ah iter pmcccstines williin t but in procerd the choice deini happily effected the purchaicr turned tu tho compsoir whens as umial a wldreseed woman aat as ikmvkeepcr snd receiver- general scarcely had a billet i ofrnqne for 6to ittmdrod franco lecn laid upon the desk when a dashing boarded and mnulscbed man entered made dnrcci to the lady gave iter a livinendoiisbox of tlie ear with tho winls eh utut mtjame j p0 npprentrai tptfehetrr us ehala tn ptr- mitsion ov voire merri t the lady fainted the man lookup the billet h ioiioiicpiit it into bis pocket sa looking unutterable ihinp deswirted the men h filles tfc boulijv the whole establishment hurried tolbesudsrf llie unfortnnqic wife saks nd arjaehmsj bottles at length restored her toheraanses with one accnrj a shower of ptty upon mc marts r and of abuse rrpon ai ah madame yveje tousplaini ah un brrrbnrr un monstrt yac vous fell the exclaimed the recuvered enerpos of life if fttj9 plains awft lei bfmfj mon svn f with all ihc tnon muri it est votrur t the rcaciioa was instafrt all withtn the shop ran into the strel aod shouted au wtcur htop thief atop thief much to the tstcnihmetrt of manv innocent pe destrians and countless jfipdmks ct a dints and irlher conveyancea which chanced to be passing the clever rogue had long sine effected his escape witl tlw calmness and dignity of an band offended bus hecsntation of the rev w- siav tiiohp the following letter very recently addressed to the r i bickerstcib by lhe rov w ibtliorp ivaa rct p gws of the nieeting of tlie bristol auxiliary to the so iety for prvuttoting clvisjianfw amongsl the jews st helenas ocu 5 is3 my dear bickereurlh 1 deem it yon that on swjay je holy ssxmmerrt in s- s declaratory of my se- my duty to nilofts last i received 1 helens church paraiiim from ibe reman and return to th arlkin chercb i am thercfom m lonyef a memvw of ji boiao vburch