timothy mubph hpquld respectfully nnnouncetn his customers and the public gesscsrally that he ivnnw receiving at the flrs grorery siorr priam slrrrf from 50 to tw tons mrrciisnthsr direct from the new york movrskau and wwt india makrta in ftftof the following viz cucrgckim and baruaiah to m fumi at the manchester warriiouse jiwlnwi saodtwfft fnncf artrf kinaituh t b iiutton 0 he lo infon thru numerous town and connlry otv missm ifcw y w iir imi inr f avinfiriiuxliof 0i j gunpowder twonksy young old hyson pouchong 1ekoc isouebnng mis lb men stra a it idiramemd single kvfincu tft mus covado c cross- pnrt bio crushed c f f 6 jb s aj iln k v l rn t domin- tobaccos pl covoiwiiih nail rod honeydew wsrwiok itrva celebrated fine ort maccobny ami scotch ffuffrsi jtogalia principe llavanna and ame rican cicars spices pimonto dlack and cayenne proper nasvnegs cioves more cinnamon ja maica tmi koni g dye woods j1xd dye stuffs madder logwood a hum amwoml jled wood sumac bluo vitriol lodigm cream tartar c sundries rice barley soap candle ftwch fii blue lefts ti syrup la sap oil la- urr pails brooms ivhlfish salmon herrings caudle wick cotton yarn sal nitre molasses vinegar castor oil epsom salts camphor british iustrc cocoa chocolate t maccaroui vermacclli ago arrow root jjvtjj ixarie aluxb firkin morrt and prrunn paorrstojes with a choiro stock of vuke amd uqlorh alio k0 barrels ooomlaft salt iw boxes viinrlow maw cm aidcaolo leather ml do upper do 30 barrel spirit tuqsesiiinc as ihe above good have horn pur chatted fnrcash principally ailnvponre sales they will behold viisjicsil or rxrair at 3ft fatly rgoitcdmicgl his trai he would panieularly rt cornmeml at letiig fieh am of the i r quality having all arrived within the tnl month from china aud on tii- specthn he flatters himself thoy will lie found inftriur u none in the pcovisicc- montreal not excepted t murphy kingstor nov 14 1313 4m wanted at toe kew uttocrhy storc ric ss itrrt asooil f fvv 60m r u uarlcy 6000 do corn fur which tho hiqhcsl market pricea will lo paid in cmii a uqm i rttiipwr kingston doti 19th 1343 mirv ulullkl f from itir tloit iiiirim hkli f ripjla01 mid niilil of linn1 lhy r rrt tjt wnf value lu ifcejf have eve flwj woiill invito iw atmtina f thv tiifloeillirir ijrtl jrltdhiuifl kihi pmiu and kiifl or mmih jih j tiaw hmiai j ii rtl pftmrtl i tvotvtluttaml jci vrimhbe brmi cww ntaltfltmap hcatm ttira io ninrv dusewarjt ii- llmwnsitl lnvimfi uw i csinv- 1 ktiii mo-i- jtvccd a fuvv trownn- cvpelwi otswftehi iwiri ftawk ao it lne buakfts wmieaml cl we ufiijtc cin nit wolun lifc un snatlhci riniit so twilled unm frtitti 0 lurhf- kftilj aivi twiim tjwo i lion tfliitil hi rwi cu elliof 41m drnwn nl dtwlt 1 u ti and uvftv tilde di enannvt kii f rrh r osnl i i row r i i- inmttff boo cipes ptifniiie aitil q gndgiunltct- fuf sp1 r ih iipthl ol faiwtwe fur huftalo routrf st eaioduwy tic atfta rmnpww amiiuinrfti or i hlb i evns v 1 f drv ihh1u ijl ujsi i umy fuitd m l tf j a r llinton si co wm imp wija ihiwrnwssiprr ilr their ueeni re an buhi wndrr hwuliarsdvftoucliy llnrii tow migirst driisin snd frihw ro mwl u fleti itiem lionr i srr uiw rik kiifeion no u frthll gbocebii wines liquors fcc ate iiie snhseribera brspectfiiliy nounce to the inhabitants of kin hat they have just re open for inpirtion 4lol ase ririltv ceived and havv a veiy getipral and choice assortment of grottrit chnc ctet onrf bartifwgtf which they do net heiiiatc in retain- mending as being of the very heat quality central stag15 office qnt dv tu jjrattii dmritm hotel kt nj stok ttwea naoiron prmhi k mlttal yal mail stage for toronto nphkitm x andllat their j ml chased from 1omrmjimi meet the app itnthns m i sml hoit malinff of svoafm ami hwows pur- the rery lct lls in the ffcel i hey frel eonfiihiit will tiihatiou ill their customer nprrunity nf the anicle extremely ww price e ri ngston mi nerah spring the sesbcriher rspeelfully inform lh rmrlk that the hid cold awl shower baths recently erecltfl at the kindlon m i- spring are now open for the fustic phicr one sluthncand three ience mck btri n h- suitable attendance for kcmale in rablti the sipariou saloon an1 lunch house recently crecw isuapenen hon day next wueve the pftbht tan he tuppleil with brestiss x- i limclifs dinnets amt tmi the he t the market it fi u at ii- iiket a n for sale o 2- in the 1st conccasafhi point well mwn as in the township of si- t ot ju w green seantans karix hiasburg and district of princn eri ward containing 260 aerea 66 of which re under cuhivauwti thia very valuable and extensive farm ta aaaaated immediaiely rn lire w tera aige od the bay of quime and sis rniilea only from the flourishing towa of 3scumk altachci id the farm is a gwl shop a substantial wharf ami a laigc and commodious storu house uirce siu j i r high ivi n property from its command- dog pusilion is well worthy of the atten tion of the merchant or farmer and wim lie sold at public auction at the auctina jlooms of mr jamea linton kingston wuhuiit resetve on the sixteenth of feb tuary unless prcrioualy disposed of by ptivato sale terms low for cash for particulars apply to messrs for jyth munlfbuy solicitors kingston kingston dec s 143 hiektst is- sl soups 714 lunches 74 dinners is 3il- te i 31 winrbmm ale aad j i r a qiiadfille rand in altetidance every m- day eveninr- thc new four horse omnibus will pv between kintftn snil lre spun- eery heir leaving the glohe hoiel st 7 ovtock t m and calline ai hr itnlith amerirao faie lniliejipriiixsnl itack7t n h any oi ihe njiim n v cahs and ctiiii can be called off the stand at the imt rale tickets for the btus and oinmhjs tsn u uiocureil at the saloon oatlim sno row ham snrt lljthl skitls fern to efeeii far fishiti paflies j bone- kingston juty7lh 1813- tuk kfwstw mlumat 5esc uarfia nltlerl kept for sjit oy thr fntlowhtir ajpnts kih0tatl mr john rnrthentj press street toronm hfrkelt ftciv tnwiu mr urqohaht medkal 1111 cobshsw mr bfnaj ilipvp air- pieavbaisssrf d 5mrt esq mr mephsil belleville mr hem tueyonge mills property to fic runted those well known flourino mills situate nine miles above brockville called vonge mills be longing to the estate if the late hon ousc i im containing fuur run of temes with elevaoirs to discharge car- goes of wheat fmm vessels anj every coivoicdco complete to be nut into proper repair by the landlords to gether with a saw mill fulling and clothing works merchants minp potasiery warcliouse coopers shops und a number of dwelling house 3 teojers will be rcmfwd until the fifth wtjfiuary next for a lease of this fropettj for a term of trtnr veins from the first day of march next the property would favorable terms forfwrdser patticulars apply siibscjjser d b 0 ford skkruitg jcarjor cvc eiutc ckarits jarttf sroaville loih nov i8 fresh goods fglhe ormeryvpieej iktp m intimate to a the trade that the fulliiwiug con signments haw cmc to hand sample w which can be seen at the saurm of imi i mcditmlu commerviil morta foot of princss strcer oi at the resi dence nf thu subscriber 1m pckrtes of tiis consisting o mvmi old hyson twan kaygunp4iwder impiiiat k capei snurhmirf co packages tobacco consisting of plug 16s iss cavendish ladies twit and honey dew 50 bhlsxarnlino rice 50 jars caleb williams celuhiateil ruse tfcenir macabojr fnuff 10 bids spirits of turpcitino 20 luxes london march w kus molmai a superior ani clo for family use gf0 botes assorted cigars 10 bales candle wick resides various other goods in the gro- cry li which wiu ue sohl wbuts lalootily fin- canh or anpiovei pancr letters nr oulers lrft at the hce i mr macdonai u will bo rfmtllv at ijl lo roderick ross kingston 5tli lcclsu be tivlx upon to the to capitalists n cacti x t ami ui urns tjorsaleftiikek kstemife water lotsmpeiismoutli llarurneai kine inn tint wuii wharves ua whteli f mimiso may beefsfttej tir tlw hhudtmlia s tv llutvutir in tbaaai titubtoxn in caiiwaln an ifeaive i l- any iltirr uhhi- ieifiirinc itto r or atvnr e lot aiv l reittfii livrliin f rtmii eoimnudirmon n lssiuj sitnaiel ai i rr4 i day tlniui srifi lh lavt irvl lit i kiet ami iui nuiflnwii aik u uuim a t l i notice the subscribers will psycash for ashes dunne ths winter c kbnnov t co rrrooftss k4rret kinestoe iwiosk 1si3 i dissolution ftphe partnership heretofore existing in kingmon and fort henry op per canada between charley 5c co is tiia day dissolved by mutual consent all claims agtvmti ihc firm to be pre sented to thn unclsrsigned aiobri i howi- aefulvir adjustment wiihni esn- month from dale wary hoss for the isle jamks hws robfht how1son hknjahin chafpky tatanrrnors tcc 12th ims 13m 4 1 r aitil it ic tutu hi iii viuo fl h iiiiuiil tfimiita ivi imktl c im an i utui ieraw uphy i rthllhllilll v hivnu- llick kmj kottur j1ipi1aicd logan r axlei til til lie u4l w ill lr44lte ihihh lltlllf loflff it lltl mmktl ltit injirhlj itseiujtiara ttm feiit ts rtf tfctfeuil nnil ihii im isht kiih- to merchants r obcwuk rttss of this town l twiiiigsavd out his retail stuck nnl gono ouiof businose tlss subsrriur lo dcguaut the mercanlile com muuiiy thai he hos opened as a whole 4himmiion mrchonl in the samr pirruses and s daily niceivinff con- minmeriis of gioceiies which ho will ril whohaleto ih tiado roibrkk ross knigmion 2cdi nov jsa just neceverl montrenl prica 3d almanac jjm hteel bahnav aswmoitu rhr fun op th thu 4hnrjl curd vnor o ufmt dimcriptino sulhwiitier also s ml j ioit it tcawi fi orirsn cunfinwiter 1 it mvrrru 3 do 4iu ltfimi tn bom v-io- jo 13 tin ttvankajr 3 cheisu- beat sufiaks 1 tierres imhha miiio rvtsaej lealj is nitooliel 3 ipmia eatmlhtfajl liquok5 e htw- cnenc onaoy marts ii v am l jb fieri jlffit ae c 8elmlwflib 4 illjili real jinai s its 4 ho d li rum tj ke3nrifnit wloky vc- in flk drt csturfimi d ar h veiy choice steciii of wine r cl cak ltntt4 itr 11 q -l- cinrnn n wim finn lllim slirtif crtw lll-ith- i mi r io ceiwioi d 4 orisve siinfioe mtie4 3 qr cij vii t a i ri ftv i rf tirht wmm m wirf ami doitla 5 csh ii- trsath m saali c- astmsmnf two bu anueuaduirii da r i 1 1 5 m r crlhmslapi dt knsagt j div ituiu kifseh 9 ji crsnsa da i hnrfins 2 4o iri hului 5r fin lte i m i rtl r i co f do rto 6 iv i -ii- i uir als c eve ar4aaii sitansii artriiviu t i- cseemlih niilnm anl o- i- r mrtiv kotcli and kappee snuff twlm srrm ijoatsm vvm vviclt ini maoitsi csndlei wliilo ami itntwn skip tt blos sntl luj srtiit and lhidun intcji tiii- ajle kiclih swp anmtih cheeaa frssfl hsvjcasm art tiiran- jtaimki t h ilijil v a i r ia arivtsiafwi sblvsl iimia f2lli sah 1fejci j i m rn caiui larstirsaoeffanen tir- wih a wdnv of othrr sim an1 5k f evsvs nwtmasj liiaijaii hssmartttsl ve- rmeahhrml iuima pat mmrm india cufri- rsvwfjar msu kv jars ac dlicli and wfriie vavt nol friiiu aaf a vjrwiy sst t artein tfca gsocsav llt io nioiru t- delait tbey liarn rerewrvt s fr cntsaofas tthvriaititeilihiro chmbt ad kaflhsnl wafa with myafrttc afkimi krtemwt out tum- lilmta and wins tjue nhb il lur tow so cash en rrtltitiiine thanks to thtir numerou cuomers for tlteir pait c i troiiac the 3ulcnboi beg leave to intimate that having made klfwivi purchases of the very boat anicles in the tinnckftv lini tlejy will 1e enabled to furntsh ihem in fmure on itsf mt rea- mioilil- sent iiiisi wi i kfrm a cv j p mrlxinllt- kindlon july 7th is m milton eavrthia office tvtff z at 3 oclock p mo reciielj 1 be lyal mail sisge f- pttwiiu in connerm wilh tho motrttcsil line will leave hk ollice crrrjfthjf at 4 oclock i l uixisey and vi leave prescott tm kiiimotii intininlmely after the trrivail of the moniitmiage pssenaors for toronto or muieal will reach their jastitmtion in 31 insral ihe iioscrilr takes this method of thankirrilre travellin public for their past tainnoge and having spared ho dxnetweni mke the a lines of intn mtveyanre the most comfirta tde in iliiiah north america feels con fideut b cwrtions will meet with ibci oonimuel snppem the sleighs arc pn newan ke bchlicljikea carriage lind onvj requiring a triple either of ihc alnv mentioneil places lo have tlicii comfort uiynpprecioted william welleh all llssitc at the risk of the owner 30 lbilowed to each passenger all extra u be charged at the rate of a passenjn for every 500 lbs- x extras furnished at ihe short est nnlki atid on reasonable terms iw v on dce0ili h 10 lince kisifi feis rofte to new york vintir ahiiancemet for rw vork ni wnlrtn and nnentoqic ltairoals isir throlom passners by this houtn vrill loav the western railkoad depot at east albany every morning sun- davs exep4d ft 5 oclock- ami pioteed tnllridpr without chmgc ftf cars or liaca- thence by the fiew and elotm steamhrit eurefta copt 1 l fich anivine new votktheseme esening at 6 ovirtk passg cave albany at and e aliwyits am a nnr tniin will leave daily at a m sundays excepted j il b mason sup t arnold nelson agent aibftnft dccemrero 1s tf ao yrm sa i slanital tksm 3 lasstaa jtgt hecejved o consign me nt sjoclu a uiqd wtortunity i0 prttni thrtf to pvrthtittrt dry goods london warehouse fvlsfess slrtt kffta hain7js robstbfi co- avin4s neeivej their sirlntj im p0rtations atc ttietehy enabled ia oltr sn etnivr cean and attitetiee tck to iiimic inprlin wlticli i hey c ov trim inn lisioe of at such lew price m will cc- sll ivlm slmly kcoitanv af mi ntuan- lasje of jrilinr at the abave ktahlivlimnt anfattlie ssmrtime will relaan to ihemaelvr ui extenire share oj pinsbc ialonajje svhkk they have hitherto enjoynl universal care has been taken fn scleeline itondsof ajinrneeil manufacture that wil ia crertit to ihe seller and cannot fail ingivr aiisfaclian to urc livers kiiney cona cr almost every description in greater vancfy thn at any former per fpj an extraonlinaiy supply of shaw tteioaii duntahle shi fancy doninbts hats a heautilul lot oi parasols some wj rich and qiitte new in style sifksj satins natineudncape and other sitkt o thermit fashionable shades a new assortment of fancy lhcuci of al most every description frenehawl english stays of the most s ipso veil maker a spjentlhl lot of woolen broad cloths and cloths mitaue for summer wear in pvery rfeirahle cntour and quality veilings stocks ucnfs scarl and silk ifanjketchicrs an extensjve stock of staple gcxnts which ihelimiisaf an advertisement render it im- possiwf to enumerate uit amonejt them will he found some capital white and sniped wiling cottons ncdch and imh lmens different widths in diapers and damask tabte lmen t white and brown shrcimrs white and cnloured conterpane ami quilli fac tory cottons drills and moleskins printed catiros and maslins plaid gingham hvotrn and french holland c fr with well as- sartrdsfoek of hosiery and gloves laces mnslin collar and shawls ron net ric- hoks ot flowers in rrrat variety n r haines f0r5ter si co prjtv ee street jalc store street ab tiimi prirt kinfon june 16th fsi3 commission merchants and general agents plthlllth brildixcx osraaio sraccr kutnstoy ie undersigned respectfully inti- north american hotej- prthfrx tu stviri stitrt kinfrttn m ooodwinijnucrully returns ww hia lhanks to his friemls nnl the public genernlly fr the ratmnage he lias received siuee lis commencement in nusinov and begs ion vc in acquaint ihcm that lie ims taken ihe mansion hmiss hoiel fcirmorly keptby the late mr tarminn i he intcnils lo flmpa ns a fii5t clas hutel nn ilw 1st may ensuing under the uami nf tuk north villllkw lloih lhis llimse whiefa is excellently well mtuntcd in the very centre f liuinew is nmv undcrgning a tlioioufcli kepair ami addiiional ijeil krwims ore beinc built- the furniture will lie new and clcntit nnd every accommodation will bo prepared for i he reception of tm travelling public llm table d hole will bo iufciinr ro none in america a first rate conk leincr engaged end the har will be supplied wilb the choicest and rarest of wines and liquors l stables and yard of tins hotel are very commodinu aud every attention will be paid to tle hoists rf travellers porters in attendance at the steam oats ijtiiiwi coffee houki kinste annl 71 j5jj3 t i for sale by the subscribers eas comprising lunpowder hy in vuii hyson and twanky in ikistes and caddies pluscovado sygai in bbts labga llsisins in bxvs cigars havana principe and lialf pauisb jamaica spirits la bbds a choice article old ifation rum do do lakes huron a ontario white fiak in bids half do american cheese onondaga j liverpool salt pright iiohosin in bids venetian hed do jtjo hbls superfine fine coarse flour oswego brands shortl ft itran bliptttvi cnnsisiingof foolscap rul ed and plain ived pvper lott and tfu pcifiie large sz amall post vair lime ground plaster a im of black vanul maple and cherry ucdaicads plain and pannclled a splendid bronze lamp cuaig watt kingston dec s13 just received 4nd for sale at in prices country young hyson tas t noranleatqreatlyrcrlucedp ic chestsa 4 chests itieai titorenv him and liquor store tiiesulsciiberisnectfullyintinuitcs i put the pier a in to hi fi i- t le tin commenced ruuine in the alsosv line in the simp formerly oc cupied by mr wm simpson king street immediately opposite the apothe cary shop of j w inkt es lit ha jo returned frm the montreal and quubee markets with a complete awn- rneiil tiffitkmi toooa consisting of u- twain llritfhi b00ks from tssgltim axd the costlsest of wrqpe mesri- ramsiv armou ck will send oti their first uder on the 20th december and umtmw muscovado ciulicjafldlobi uefiiiedlnnms of importing rooks by thi earliest sunaks plug cavomluh kajlrutl i spring vwieb will ho rwd cnich mac4loy and iu mit iiunpividci old hym kay souclim imi other teas linpwdcr tea iknn du yi hyson do twitmh jo cj crttcf in hjfp rniued do in ik jtcica spirita in hhds- ration rum aj wine in bottles i- uiilirii i ilrsfi haviiuna cigtlvf wax wm candltv venetinu red in eiks lamp lliick do fi lb panagos ntibod lion liverpool all alio siip flour in buls pot liar ley 1 tlo alf i bis cra10 a1 kingston september i2lh m3 and cut tobacciis rappee snuffs english pvrtn loudor wax wick and wnureal camltoj whiic and rrownsoap satin and i on don starch ludifo and fig i slue j nn mssoiiment of flesh pickle mushroom ketchup and oilier tw- eiigbh and american cheese fesb muscatel myna ami iuhana laiin inti currant and turkey figs i slack and white pepper uki spices of every di seriptiou with a variety of other arnclcv in theuoociitv ltxe tuo uumcioua t detail also httlelpl conic v brandy eheidam asj holussnia tin real jamaica jivrira ud hum port miotvy masieiia aol othci wines in woml and battles soich and canadian whiskey ale and london porter fee c tec having purcliadhis stock prin- trial ly fr cash the subscribe is enable to sell us low as if not lower than any rubor in the ttade and would recom menil those wcin want gosw cttmj uaortairatocall k judge for ihemselves tirmas hendtv kincton june 3fthj 1h3- 51 w simpsox ft co piimini noiv receiving a clhmc4 sclec are rion of chis a which i glass k b4bthehtp4rei ottci st reduced my oner at greaijy plicct n it a consignment of 40 croiol of ennlmmvare which they aienuthuii sod to sell cheap for caslt ontario mrecl f kiugstou augaal isth t3 form a lb american cnice ltastrral 5 tij per bbl iaiisl uka livniionl ami j dairy by craifl h wait kingston september vmh iftls bi r hah by lb nn aritl mintmctf k iiiairin c nl wharf tet 1 7th una calhbil tilt pay ckit st ihei st reel p kingston itarlev nnili city rrvivvry company will or choice mifsuples of ramrv ibeweiy west end of ontario lh septt 1s43 housks to let two small houses to let en lot no 24 kimuur of thomas mtonnku wrllinsjkj- ti kln auslhlrli hie second onbr mil be ihc isth febnwy and 0lh mucik mi armour i now in bnjland an will pinclually mecuie all inlers sent tn him band in usla ilcspatchrd on the lat on l hv iti bite main to tho public iliat they have commenced business as above under the firm uf craig watt having remed the extensive rim proof promise lately creced by mr n- j coofthg situated on ontario strnct and extending to tho iivcr lctwccii the wlnirves of messrs- imurplieisnn ac trojie and those of mr john il ltvr possessing the reipiiiile accrnimoiluliori ufo spacious sale roojn aud wanhoiih woh excellent storage anil oeharttn they arc now prepared to receive con- siiimonts iff all kinds of ilerch1blzk v pttewxv fur liinposal mlttvt by auction or private tab a owqcifl may direct ami they trust that by ilue re ami atreution to busiiiuss emtio salifacton will bee i vim to nil who may envploy tliem i hey will also devote ihefr evenings iu at tending to business as accountants and from tbeir cxerience in thai eapa c ty they beg to lndefr iheir sciviccs in making up and balancing merchants bonk ami accounts in auditing and winding up the affairs of hankrupt es tates and qeiiernuy in all uiatirjr con netfed with the kxccutry arbitration cc wfluam craig james watt nrkcrs nfjsfh uacrilbkitn ickanf ktmssaa ami ivjonlfcalp tiiinias kirkpatrick kinchin d lrillnsmiiii gan 4 i ail vtllsny ej 1- alctionsfroimo and commission ulxiiss th e subcribci having engxd exicnsive premises ciected wm cvaftutti eq and lately occipifd by messrs friwiaon t mccmno- wllbf happy to reccivo conignmei either for auction iivatoale or ward ing having obtained the praises 0 terms extrvmly favorable he emibled tf transact bttinow p tatisfaeiory lo all persons con the extent of the premises sulticicnt cuarantec ditft nil ov0 jjmh will lc well and efficiently sw- con sinrvsiastructions in regard ifccwill invariably brt attend- wm thrktf kingston hay 90lh 113 terms iried vi ii be a dav wll msii john iliml 1 ioiin j ftitui ihrwatr iioia mack w bytpsvp turxbpbt rwiwvilje do mugs diltnvnk kim lmus l n tn i r j it icwart ejuii4as fw uliiniw nttfckti we ll uahtmn a tmikvcllar john itelkmpjj ka- crevemml john uorttjx cw canal cliapti srrad neiv vrfc kiusieii ausm jfiib jsj3- os o sa es ja w private uordit orrisirr jiihkns epulis mttr hkke vnme men i uly habits con buj a ciuriijblc homo peisnnsfmm the countiy tfmn l mayfora short time can be rconiino dated by iho day or week n it kid and lwklovdeanel to look etjual to new fr7jd cr pnr kingston oct john n 17ik isj3 ew for halg by the sub8cribehs cnsks venetian bed 25 du lamprii- lua crai watt kingston september slh 153- 50 15 ii ililspilv sc u kg iftiiiform lhcirmimiinis town anil caaiiiivciimemers thalftey have r reived iheitlue and sariel slock t mnim and foreign ify ittwil wlrfcfc tt at very low riice ummen bulmbsi ctnmtmtmtt inl baet stir i nov 1 l uh3- wanted to horrow on unnuoiiionaldo bonded security for two or ihrou yjws b sltm o rtiu itunrfirihitht fijly iwihfc fvfrjrejp jan nttisllafm ouoiiire of sidnby soolku wrllinitim sirckt kingati laiiuary yil i8lf 1- u moruti fire life aod lulatul naugalioq inulltv c o m 1 a n y 4 s agent for this tnstimtion ike subscriber ives noiire that he i prepaieil to receive proposals for insu rance against loss or damage ivbedttfr ramio from finn or from the perils if ilso nsvntiorr upon the term spvritiil in trie osuldidicd taiilfi of the company piopirtals may be addnsed to the siovei ibei at the frikc a iciverstoani lluat t itlice oulho outirniirial whrf at tho foot of store or pi incest street or at li residiuice comer of kinj uud attihii sueeia jiihm macauviv kington may slui isi3 j k iv dining the ftlrnri of ihe hon john maiquluy the suksorilici vrtll attend fo the duiic of hc aboe agency m the aehlpl hoat t itlire- w nenelllisy ulh dec ii3 commuicial ivlioti ast yf w tuk tlrriiui press v aw rrniisuro t ii r c a n d i a h almanac an4 firnerol hcnefuhrantcr far is11 tlontalninti ail the rrsrw tams ihw lily frtibliste in almanac and in ailih lion a commkck himv tvi every day inttie icsi ror reaimrrin iayminls nj recris eu- eairinrrit of all kitn kc uc iumicaiiflro f this itesnrivtiri are very ccfnmim in ur i tain- wucr ly a prrton no insttci what ho occupation heirx without oop cr ifiric metal krcnnobranccm and the piio uhrn hojm ihst their nlletnpl to intraiiuce iikmi into anau may not ba uioucccssful the ituok will ba rottl on excolleiil poer anil will be bvunil in a cmivennuit ftnm for iba jvkket akmiiur h ramsay mnelreai n il ahmiiihai n mainiltnn iiai1nav akmtuih ni t kincnn tfrahv jirlwr jj fcff kflwskijtiiniu piemium twatik do do h5on twankay do do do do do do do do do do do di do do old hyson do souchong do fine souchong imperial do in chests and boxes taguara coffee in bags ground coflee in boxes bunch kaisins fresh plug and cavendish tobacco nailrod and ladie twist do macoboy snuft manila chsrurc principe and havana cegars nnp and candles choiee aladeira wine in pipes nnd eoarer casks afewcasesofstariunarycontaininj post foolscap pot blotting and printing paper e a lsn a few paper ho trade will find the above gonds well worth their attenijon the teas and wines will especially bo found very fine charles hales kingston aug 15th i43 m doauding school at brockvifxe fs blackwuod bega to an- nnunco that she is now prepares to rfceive yiung ladies as boarders who will be instructed in all tbc useful and ornamunial branches of a moderri enplish education among the latter may be paniculariied music singing danting drawing oroameutjil needlo work and french t he house is very airy commodious and in every respect adapted for a school and mrs blackwood flatters hcnclf thai bringing to her present undertaking the experience of many year aho ill continue in gie the samcmlisfaction that has hiiheno at- toauvd her labours and that this institu- ttoo will bo so cunducle in all its de- partsoents as to secure for it a prefer ence over those of tho neighbouiiug stawax mrs b is assisted by mr blackwood and miss porter brockville april 24th 1s43 to ship own kks masters of vessel the subsciiher has on baud end for sale at his ap i hftnttltry zifort onla ri street the following very upciior assoitmcut of english canvass ud pes blenched no j knchsh ill 20 30 so 1 a tt is as ss uo scotch english general agency and commission offtce 1 cort ml ill t lonpo ovpoitf ic iwip uphill jcaaic- lb mrhash comnerfiai avsri aoaasvi tir librouet aftitbuurat socittiftt oifireit tile untitd smjoa prmtm puiuacia of iveierflfcrs ojid colon fenrrciy pl mmmonds rr aftnt ad w cotwiksiots mtvrutthti in etletinq hi arvae ui hi tncrnta antl itin 1nahiait hubhc in icif inl ltt iini ihvm iliii be is s reatiji also unhteacr i tn no 6 with mmt f ail tn ko assort id all 7 0 i canvass fiun very tbptrior ne bunting colors anil a variety of blocks pxtciil hushed and bulled nrd wood pin all of which will be sold low and on liberal terms m t huntrr ship tauniifcr kingston ifith march 1s43 cordage fob saij5 a n ktcellent article and assurtment of patent cordage now manufac- ujrillgftt tho kingston hope work from the very liet of material russia cordage halter rope lcaoin plough and hatann lines isj co- clalhim linescnlcn anil monn ic- chalk am fish lines auj twine oi all sis nt rojv nnd cemtinn tarrej rtijie lut- line htuf line hand head lines deep sc line and packing vara manilla cordage of every six and kciilin all i which wilt be st m lov va cn very fcasanatc terms ajipivto m t iilntekaient no 1 ifariy huiltlittgat ontario 5 kingston march 08th 1813 the hist bmileujshen w e e kt y jo u r n l is the inoo picromvi tnirn highly titcmhii famiia nltwa- paits puhirhcj oveiy sstuanai juoe 4 uim enitanonet urij a itu ttritilifit clif jvm- nn iviftui aa lllt in- itluanee ano a eai vuivtj f biiuiurliiir li rnnarin tha llliitrairi afdit pirrnitai tiriaf f umjsvhi fimfuil trhrflmji oi jinc aie nrlxej ti uriismriual uaiders anj u wtnt ltplij- uk m variety rf dujwka itoi u hai srti isaisersalu itmiisusenil wif of lw rantlem irtikrvcseiih rpharsal lisfissiire ti hcvmhsai thbs atlmiialiw suilcd f n pasnitjr ncwuiprr as h cvsilbiia al jtuuilatot nfebtertlrt liffrmlitii in aithtkm j msm sessspilsis rtjenol afweasily ntw ami ntvarva- wy ivjeosa all noidta lltatswil llo tlitrl nnta jf nnoifiriiy iwck 7 filt iimc ipmrter m adraava j in wiiuit- vr hr i ill ty f t mmmomls t- nraj neaiapir rhiinouu aciil feitijn nijiwnjtf thli c rrvivn mil fliianiti im itiifc iwwifs iaef o rjrs rin i upi luiiirts sisnmaviti if rnlih f snv kul ntw lra- ionlitjc lshi ii r resshh nciri- aralviiala fatlwasirs- fffim oilf if f lifmt 1 -ar- ultlv i iha verj jnsrvsi isiailni pi ihv o ll w lnil iuicp mijii iha f svrl lcm rmild lir f 4piii ftnilr4 rt ltd lubilf ut jau si eiikvf ts mt ir s rrftiiiir t snie liiiiii or lt tiit ijiim lr paitirl v i ifihivrtl will racivu coei5freb f in sbvetrwnnl mtrkaixl-ri- i si all rt iioa ml un hjb ul taps tin- in rots ai ft h ill stsrl ltll imi l sltaa a- ipl bits iltawi cjt iwiiiiiiiu if pttlniift t fi il t ii i hi lie cntianvf ais rsisnstve ki if grrvtmx ar- fltifift- affmifi iim it a ur- ntfsdsm v hi llf tvvt llei alfl nl nl tiriitihit u hinfrlvx m llll jtl ik itflllfilt aiihr ol tt- tjietiri f everal jsi iitlni iti 1- mu a a ctl s iiflfl wiih prnpiiiitlf irnii- jihffirin ill ir nitoj- rttibl- imw a goo mtiilacikio li isssss v im ma lni ltuj wild ihvir ctqiiiiaiila sj it isfrhl incriififig iiornv tliri ckimreis liiinai lassssft ihrv innlla lirlimrill wuii r iaill i 4nj salts lc cinlslwfs uin iftirs fil rvi flu ilion m villi citlilfmr iatfm on tltvii owl in iiiii hi the mn nli h ill uiiuitbo iw iijcil i fifrai- ami itrtrclfttite lomn ml j am 1u isyroviiiiciiig ll n ihalt li mil it ikvon sl hi nf ihtin hinh hi lion uflrmrc mat i4 nifif lil- wili m i ml rrfjtrnl conoftuit niijn jri aaittials soii rf rtlmrn slf jl ha um a mw amplkdid cabinet forxitures isclirapasilechfapnlirooiloilbtbtil at t o uutlers rcnsttvat svask aoesi siusithral an star to a ifctxxfo grottiy store kmtoii nov 18 w tpwo kok j i fiecbom now imslrasi two suvy xiiiialei in innin street near the plank watkott lot i ami in sibl of uie lar- llaasral mmse eacli conlaininj sfvea kotms put hrfbei tianjciilarseiwuiireef ihc itojisi ftor on the jffinims kiuhattu junes kitoii nnv sit i i city store john carruthers bejs re flpctolly to inform lis friend ami the puwic tliat he las opened an extensive iwttrif cj- hifuor establishment in tho premises formerly occupied hy vvsttcit mictnvik kwi corner of kinc anil princess streets immediately mipiitc deykes co dry gootls lmnltislmierit lo sulicirinr an extension tf public onirnaio j c feels kiuitj lo cxnresa his tfrjial thanlks to his old customers tm frieiijs foi the kiinl support which ilicy have hitherto renifcrtl him in his olit st anil below llio post office am ho sjjsmircs them as well as the public tbc notion shall ho left undone on lis part to merit a continuance of lhat patronage ho ha hitherto receive his present block has been carefully ir in thu -i- lliiuss in the mots i real new vik york markets under his own immciliafc inspection a fact whivli he thinks will war rant the assor- ihoi that thiy are the choicest goods in this maiket anil will bo tlisposeil of at ihc very lowest remunerating prices for ctth- ktuton seh 12th isj3 rr farm for sale the subscriber offers for sale his extensive anj xaltrable farmsitoated on the mcadamizcj road in ihe fourth cwticession ol ernestuwn the pro misees me too welt known to need parti culnfileicription suhsco that the varus t wliicli consists nf about 200 acres is one flf he finest in the midland distrid 7 agouj dwulling moose hams sbcsm oulhousvs am excellent on hard for further pm liculars apply lo j 5 cartwrijlit ksi kiugmon or on tho ricroivcs lo tho subscriber j u framck ensnwn august 4th 1s43 jl8t heckivkd sv for xk at tub mew jroceby stoke mih vi n t t barrels cidor q do whisky cheap fo cwhi t inismva kiiimna inicciobui luth 100