British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 6, 1844, p. 1

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the bhitish whig am uettruu mvmttimhi t rtvn -t- prilhhfl tolbffrruf ivinv tiqfriuy munav tt v edw aiid john diuutbftj si d at tii r vnnkru ttt ttigrstrftt irw ttie ftani lv ti it ii n r fp e imc- ini liv i hftwar hu m v1hl ihtliumi i i ii lmfnl i lmtl rrdmjir mi r r w r- nh -t- mi i i ill lh t 4 ri w- iifr i i 14 fht mm i wfv if pf nfu i u prmpfir 11 rriitx jo la i 111 m 1 nli and general advektiser for canada w k s t i ft i it a l vol xiii kingston canada tuesday february ft is it no 11 rnlniw pdjitur lull urn n v- tvttfif ik lir ncfcc oifco t muu j ntfsrr omi-i- fr uttlti will- t-i- jf vlf hi 4a4 i tlniafl vi iiit nt willi amvim a4rrih ni- iv n wt mnj iirfrmr in w mi j wwnltvnj v ltf v mlml l4 imli fln1 tlmilm aa iiiirrut amlctitr- cuktifaw aiw i fc- il f roicht it smiley p it i f a lvrrrsiunitvm prlytixi vr trmfl in ifce kj tvk tmilc lnrn rlunfc ii rk rsrwrilkk bi t i frpi 1 mr e r u fii i lor s trfij ftf4 ll f i ih ihc limuon llmi nm to ailiitl to iimlihtia p is now at prepared ll col- mttauflhn and dr sampan liavo kindly permitted d s gowey to refer 14 them kingston 10th nv1s33- dr how a ui rut stbrkt rflr pfiu mr qum4 iuiriin ur kingston ult a c robinson has rtrmovc to trio rctutlloe cr utqithirt maclvcrjilorc west aidn of kinj suect betmihi hcocktml princes steels where he may ha cw- salted tfl usual kmgstftii oct 21th 1m3 slni ttfir tlacbonafd a i 1 1 1iu11 ijj ittormyi jj liic niacin ttkccr k i xcro j john a machos aid algxandkk camtkkll alex an d from london gkspectfully mimuacst hi trrivalintjvvqarj will foi nrjiort pcllfula give tfiftiuciious in fivaraiwiir iithl vrrwjtfivrfeninnsun on his tiowly jioiirerj principles illicit havo the pitiltor aflvantfte f enabling the mmtpouiue scribmer ia write a iaiiiilauy free cxpvditoua and legible mi in six easy lesson otherwise nrt elnig rradr no practice require itelwcftn the lessfmil indies will readily opprociato thisopponunity rrftto- tiuiring under such rare advantaea this truly elegant accomplishment the want jiifwhidi invariably implies a very im- eifici education anj eortainly detract a lusirofrom every other aliainmcnt terms moderate hundreds of speci men to bo oen by quebec and mon treal pupil at mr a apanments at j ul bws priocwa sircct this system diflors in every respect from any that hag ever berrn offered in america as the aysiemaiic expression invented by mr alexander simplifies the whole process to four plain move- roent of the pan and these produce that uniformity finish and froedom in ncctltiofftj which charaeieriie ihe per formauco of hu pupils it is attainable any atje from seven to seventy taught in one it mr kenneth mackenzie stmilrrit law sohfitorin fhanrrry kt clarcnce tmbcvp kiscipw a fim dasn above hiry uuta at ike 0 fit tnttlf wvpicd hu ahts fuift v juwrt aazusu isu djkl w rvakbpi aitrtlftttk auu attokffrv ay afjctmf in csvnttrtf lw orncc in mijiri fiivj dwrluitv kiafptonhh ner ft4r2 m t 1 tntkk ship uii x 1 le t kingman ramttt iri ia hm i a knlf naval storks of avtfr ocscriitofl an4 r ii march k luioj lhteed oil mint 1813 painting david m a it tin tfm aetoftvrtj pai nter guaz1 kit paper jiixgktt 3 doors abive the scotch chuich piin ess street kingston n b whlwwaahinie and coloring kington fob 10 ims uity stokr t carkuthiiusbec leave to iih form the nultlir lliat hr has bought thtcmcaidalrl if mt david iiavkv rf ganinotfue well known at the best in the country the cheee mae this season imount- ed to 15000 lbs and will uj krpt ouo- atanflyoii hand ami iif sato kington dec jjj isix pen making short hand taught in six let a principlo that will enable at elastic f4fa0u aonn on pupiu to write and read their notes will eac hookkcrping by double entrv tailjriit iu twelve lessons in which courm tlio pupil will open post and balance a oowhwlo set of books and ho made fully qualified to act a a bookkeeper in any mercantile establishment however com- plicated and extensive ua operations mav be yapnrtfi apfrrtmtnts for the ladtts kitifjttod january 10th 1844 to agriculturists of coarse grain wanted annually ict y rfit lavi now iiun i tciciranuieufy ln jciiujo t new aoj extensive dtdffling eilndlna- wtttt which is intended to consume rie hundred bushela of grain rcl it in connection with his bwin eatamiainentt will require two hundred thousand uushcls of iftairi annually and wishes to acquaint ihe l4irmcra generally that they can now depend on at all times a steady market the sale of coarse grain of every jcfctiption at the highest coh prices and tiusla that this new and extensive mmnifiiq for the consumption of produce which has hitherto hoen but limited will meet uith a spirit of cntennise on the part of each farmer to tupply the de sired quantity thereby securing to the t ountry the circulation of a large amount of ctoh which do doubt our american rcijzhlmurs would like very well to pocket james morton kingston gtcwery ic disiillcrv january 3d 1314 til- tvjrminc tjpcr iocuy ihc abovo until roruil tkebm on ddkfirk inicllinccv bmnc mai urwkviilc kceorjcr snd bvloivn h- gillespie k co ii ave ltoivel ihlirtavilvir sojifriut stock f english in1 fi nch mhiu courg an j pincrllil urw jrhiubaj ftp- urrtf vcrijjllcs stciiir sn al in- two crs ittiun cloths j china t ii i droi at very low poet ijalu a jit oienii lltiilltrikatcvic ltinmanbu inc cufnu at ptinr- n i luil nlfw rthctt rich sloakef uotmi ittmriiimpfineh ranrm nij ctp flown isiurk and crvd otthch ppkthtia rlvrnit te lwiiin fiow- et amt mil ljvt kiastoii nov 11 113 soticlu the suhcuhoi itivji bitcj the premise at the f t of priiieih strtt lately occupied by mr husjh fdjm will have constantly mi liautl a cuerjl assortment of urnciies ivhiiti ho will ell on m roaaoqiibkj lertftl a any in the trade r- f campcpj- cinmvicial xvutt t lintou june ijti iblst qt for sal xo is a llf e iu thvioiij on township of uawdon vtciorif distnct lot no 1 1 in the 9d cun f georgena hume dulfiet lot no 10 in the lolli mond midliud itiitt tr wunifi 3 several parte of lut no front fiil ci m second 1 towoship wf kichnnmd m irict apjily to messrs foimtii v mttti on bliasb- jeliui will 17 broken lativy of the yvpeiuor ale j beer at the city mtewcitv rphecltv brewery compa- nv have now in their cchara a largo s4ock of bfrrtio alk trliieji they recommend to innlittjxrs and prictle ltitili for its quality and cheapuejs ihu qnaliiy being nothing inferior to that 4f llowj or edinburgh ale and the price hut ci- d perthtzeiu exclusive of joules a diacpunt of 10 per cent heiti jillowed on puichascs exceeding thilr reer ia o enerauy and fa- votublji received that they deem it nn- ikteettiuiiytosay anyihing in commenda tion of it and any quantity over 5 gallons i- iniw rold by tliem at ihe reduced iice ofluih perhon the 5 gullon caak huhlil ihc usual pficeof la kiustoii ioth january 1844 r thc aiit amtrk wi ixss iw new city brewery well deservet the are following haul this ihmeut on our celebrated al- liay itrowery in the manufacture of a very auperior article of ate to let xxn imurdiatc rossessrox given- fbihi apartmen fs situated over o auction room of tiromaa i ik notbv kitl kington pec uu lvj v imii gnnitc esq king street together with the pitvilego of the yard in roar the whole h well adapted fur the llcsi ilenreof a private family for particulars apply to tiiomi oh the picmi or to the white riml a few iwieuof thiavcry supiliul article on hand also a few itaricli pale ealtil torsale by m t hunter kinrlondcc ltbflmx 1 o hi tor iton jame 2uinntp s morton 1313 ps wlhsivey sale by the subscriber daneb port homo w hiakey of j mimtftoi quality thomas hendry king suvotj kiiiioo otb january is 11 seat of government frewocmoncouxcllof kinfistux wing ilecideiu at the tcoucpt of the general committee on the sent of government quealiojlj to call up oo the inhabitants of kingston and it vicinity 1 to send in written statements on oath of the suma tley have epemled in rune util and imrnovtivrs inen sequence of the seal of government having been brought to kinaton and es- iimate of the lossks which will bo sus tained by the rrnj wed removal in or der that t lie re statements and rstj math rnay be laid at tho fuot of llui throne government notice steam moat transport ox ikc ovtanill for the yeah 1844 cjealed tenders will be re ceivedatihe comminiiat office kingston until norm on monday the 11th march next from 3ny liervon m poimrt desirous of cnteriue into con tiariafortlte following servitvs iiamrtiy for the transport of troops lhiv apoand government stores fmm and to tho various stations on kufcc ontario from kingston upward during the season of navigation of 1s4l for the transport of do do do from nd to rhe various siationson tho bay of t h intel jjoriru p r i n t e r hie onderfitgred solicits on behalf nf the common council that the inhabi- iquinie during do tula generally will comply with the j unexceptionable tccuritv subject isi and that such written i the approval of the commuariat will be required and thermal signatures of bi statements and estimates on oath may be left at the town hall addressed to the clerk of the common council ou or before the fifteenth day of fcimary next parties making the statements are re quested to observe tnat the said amount of expenses is to bo ascertained from the d is burs me ma really made for improve moots aince the first day nf march ls4l o the faith of the british government having fused tht seat of gownmnt at kingston and the leases to be eiima ted as such aare likely to occur to each parly provided tho stat of government is removed tho estimate of expenditure and the estimate of loss are to bo distinctly se parated in thu statements it is suggested for ihu of con venience that parties livug near each other may join in the aame statement se parating tho claim of each individual j counter mayor town hall kingston jan 19 is44 id it is rcqocvtoj thru dl ihc nrrnaatfani kinfilm will fy mm uuac fkc of cur ii r- upper canada college rp he fcvta annual puuie examina- tion of the candidates fur tho ex hibitions founded by tho council of kinea college will corouicncu on thursday soptember2cth 1s44 four tenable for ihrte jeai to two of which tjij lm is attached uimphon from college duea for tuition to one tsiid iu aouiliun to tho above tho an tiual stipend of 10 and to ono l0 exemption from college dues for eotli board and tuition with liberty to com mute the piivitege of boardmg for an annual stipend of x20 stifrjrcfi of examination 5rpthrsc lsw greek valpyd delectus eijt extracts from tihullua in elcc- ta exovldio et tibullo enm ls40 between p co and p 216 these are to be consider ed as textbooks on which questions in crammer pfowfyj tlitoru civ will be founded euclids elcottnts liouk l jjigcbra to simple equations inclusive liiidge jlrithmttte e9onible mrsens willing to enter a bond with tho principal for the two into faithful performance of the contract must be given in the tender payment will lie made in mexican or united states dollars at 6a id cur rency each or by check on a chartered bank at the option of the senior com- nissariat officer- forms of tender may bo obtained on application at tho commissariat office where ary further information may be obtained commissariat kingston 2d january 1344 j simmonds colonial maga zine on the ui of january veto umihrt1 no i prlcr 2f 6 to lie comirnw monthly of slmmou cofonict ilcgoztne 4 fertijn mistdumif comtek ti 0jr colonics which aud wfcira air thev f the narica ol the world sthcmtiuri cxpcjttlon uuisna leril ktjtins piiie cissy on in the weil tttjiti 1 i if 5 6 biilish afficattan van dfcmari land in sll3 i ezlraei from iht regulations all candidates to be eligible who shall pr liducu tealiinoiiiala of go id cm- rloct and qualifications tvom the principal or head master of mqf institution for education iu canada 2 the above testimonials to be lodged with the collector of u c college one month bf 0 fiut day w examination 3 the names of tho successful candi dates to bo published specifying the schools al which they were educated f barron pfhtfipdu c cj i lbu clrjreli the ptriol ila col wwt the nbiaiii chitinicli tlie vupif slnr kiithi niranick and the hriiirji w uvc mvtttrcjl ctoumr tin jmu tltc tlcrm uir fjiiwe imvrctify uic i atucva coqour and luu ij iter 4 lection of ai51cm thcortgon territory s onr note kol 9 reviews comiitl hont ani fore luu ilicnre p l swaiwiwi publi4hti iscemhill loailon where the rlontnl nneri tot tle tjiloi arc tvqutmeil to he liwlm j ic a komi passed be lle itbitl liters mno at tti tlmiltiwv haor itv the nviitiritf hmhf limy ttinin all hkhi nitpift ivc tk licking tyjh all iftillifiel hj ilie ntglii w ilctt turnrii an j lavt ccikicii iltc m4i nm mitinj a lowlr hi picad ver tho fmttvtt ruunj ml ilrk were llie miiimivmi o ijlrlv u1 rjrf wilh tle atstlvity gjripjjn anl hrnrf- ilkat wen bttiii rn mihy lltrii wree imw livmir it ovr in th if iffeitinn i vet lite dinlei mill wotej u hii kmety r axaloole he ftirittdhuiirtfhly bust and ftirre liy thf iiirrelunt if i pillnutil in do anj liuitiun tniht imtrn ut luc uwnuyr xur jrriiikil he tliit flie w uira vrftivhit a wtiml tint wolj bring to lorn fetr tno narrow ye i i lo p inter wa thiro in lirt ptijjvti fotn ano he att in 1m crsmcworl that rich iin doom tho jfoflnc wrfo wt ruoejnn whom llclj hd bated 110 lk lint orflth only can sever and dreantin the n- if wet iroke with a nule koriho thought thoy we ro parted forever hul ihc tvinw wm eliciting tiro type liph wxwld kit 1ji the morrow lh truth of liut ioidtiht andlhereuy ibe amoaataoi lioo foveruli hrvw allrrftilem uo hiow wf 4 cuing for ho fell r ilohjtrv rmttcf liwdrcam 110 i now t t r yet the tntitcf worked on mid adoo a i1oodi and tlu for gnibition iu lowlcit tomb and joy tint workman werl gathering ep i i toilet r grwf aj of t a wreath for ihc noble a gtavo foe tht low yot ihc hippy a cop lull of nadnom strange morieoof wonder to ernrhani ibe ear and 6xrk onea of trrror to cunfc will nar full ttnngc 3io the talea which thai dirk host dull bear to iiuce aud cut to the marrow oh welcome tliitco wttcmie locmny ahca i to jtinr j warcr of avtfow it olutl to itho iho wind and wandering mt for tifv and tla cbaog ate tott tbo flli3fcuancani3 tftlratts a jcordino to ic ki ulacltomuyer noay pub lic at q iichec beating datu the sjal of noveuiber liwt john countrr eiuiro of kingston retired fmm the firm of calvik cook coukxr hore end that of 1 d caivin co quebec tho tvhoht nf the jirnpeiiy asaetsand cfltrctsof the said ciipaitnfitfhip revert ing to dclina dealer calvin hiram couk and uhaiiea etvard uunn who are duly authorized to rccwor reeoivi and setllo ull debts and cliitu duo to and by the bio firm d o cavin hiram fook j cuuntek chas f- uunn kingston loth jnni is4i raihr at notice business heretofore canied on i i by calvx cook covwtv ami nt juciec hj u i cal- vin i c will fium ihia iito be con tinued by the under tgt1 under tlie firm tif caivist cvwnt a ca kingston and dttnki caivis 0o tuebec d d calvin hiram cmik ciias t uunn- kingston i9di jan lsji slm teas teas ml the snbscrihcrrcapca- fully notifivs linilie il 3mo in tho hnlnt of uinj the beat teas iliat ho ha now on luiiil mi itor mentof lilac it audgrcvn teas imported direct from china not tobc euattcd in the trovince foi atrcnglliaml flavor uu sold fvr cash on moderate term james williamson n b the subscriber having made his erranfinmentais now able t supply country morchaiita by the cheat or balf chest at montreal piiccs princess street jan- 1 h4 by private sale tratton stoves 20 to sg inch shovels spad frying tans plkea i iih i c tin piinipnov i j one cak fluted tumhu one do fluted wine tintttt william wake aert kingston igtli janunry lil 5im stoke to let the ltriail part of tin premises tripod it iii lately nccopwj by hr gavhuhc iv t h j0i 1 my wr jrhc4 to 3 roule ksu- h 1vltsf ciiirttrti nrtvatm qeijmtl from ih suhlime to the ridiculous is hut one atep aad nupnlvon but he uid it in french and hud we alio aaid it ia thai tohte language nght by aeuie pur- aona have been eoiunbnj vaitly more genucb for our own part bnwever we ronfvf that entlh provided it lie lolrra- my poil engllbh is goid enough fur w ftw which eonfesion we may beaut down by ihiuo very aame persons as bring vul gar o it so it caooot be helped w borrow the bailors phrave we most jyin anjumril- tatf rented at any rait as nf the atlbltm and the ridiculous w may it bo aid of tin genteel and ihe vid- ear and here we ah it to bo uiidcnlutd that we ue tlioso tennts not in iher atricty defined evuse reprcscmini as chxely a they can cciuin ptitivo cjualilte but as ihey are u ed vitltr by the ivotifd be thoiiffhl lvnlecl ami genteel hy ihcwnum not bo though vugtr o taien evrn one tlop i6 air too lilcrdl an allowance f poec while eiydens thn pariition so tatxay and uaphlloaophleally placed be tween l wiuand midncv would dfr noie a svpanttnn infinitely toawble be tween them there is in fact no papa- hlc line of domarrntinn liko tho eclor of the rainbow liy glide into en h ncliar niv of thclir lucutiuiwj in the line ihtw mih tfie hut lhei which we have iuntil we i luit if ic would daive to n tcecttof luiteaj he tvm uiinoliminbly wtf vnarlvar wiilmnt n f virk ot ifw frntilitv in his romjnltn his tipeltit- nsccl tune todnnrj to r i r ll vvhiiv c iinimtinilv of birs who win ilinoc i nun hut lvutcel itnurf fur tvll in ell li in mii a vehicle ii the to ljhi iir ili eutbi rf tulrariy llaviin mwvwt xtuc m fcr we will rick ihc rct einhaviiunn- at the amc time lo wmler mil fill in ihoir rtiinion n wbjp as pofhitcj liy petting ihwn alortwith ih two oihcr who both plead guilty to the rame enor- inity sir w net a k lighted eheee- niunivr or nptrthevaiy who woum itcillkv ol them o iltitipriiiuc ins position hut a taroiiet of the iic liiiuini ws c0q iiifl lo lnwn in a fmuernuih omuibu pivncntly ii stopped and ihe vacant seal nxt to him was taken liy ijutj a nobleman who had been cmphvej na en aiuhaailor at more than one of ie euro pean cotttti bicm my soul whimpered the hiltcr and aocctingaftonrafaracatt bless my inul my dear jo yjv ever ritlo in an cvtiifaif v never lord gravely replied sir w tin you t no then wouvre riding in on orani- biw oppoaitoto ussatlwovcry genlcer women one of them indeed evidently thought herself uncommon santoel she waaltowily dressed she looked at every one about her except her companion with on air of disdain and fcenrng won tiering how she fame to lie where site found heref every now and then tho put lo her noje a handkerchief ovcrpowcringly secnjd with beixamot and ihia she did in a manner to make it clear to everybody that the operation waa indifpensahte to her comfort under tho circumstances she made it distinctly intelligible that ahe was unused to omuibuses and their disagreeable concomitants the two ladies talked to each other in a ha1fwhier tho word genteel being used by her of the bcrgamot once at least in every three sentenced iu tho course of their conversation two infallible testa of the genteel of both pereon and place were adduced well soid thccompanioq do won der that you visit that mr- edwards eon- sikring 11 coiuidcring what v inquired tbo other i rover hoard anything agaiust her 1 nn dnnt mean to say theres any ibitij cgoufl her only she is an very vuu gar and you are to very paiticular about lsat why i am particular upon that pint ttt cmina lut you arc quite mistaken about her 1 do usore you on tbo contra ry ahcs quk the izjy aatl uficmunjoa am ti unue uver imu tv kuowu bor but iu course i wont umlcruko loaay imw she qtiyhl huve doim bofotx then the next wo 1 uul said tho companion 1 wender you should tbiuk of leaving the croacoat aotnc subuihan parathift it so vary liirasant very true repliod ihe valy gjnlcel la dy hut vrt dumfi li is uo longer the gen tee i place it wa why when wo weotto il almost tixry bouse had a pcarny iijfinnjric whereas woie two abeoa aa come to tbo upper cud of il as true as im tjititn here we wtra rua pcrnally acquainted with brutttfiet but of mony of the sayings which are attributed to linj were uttered in sober bfrioumeta we should iet that vtas of ffirlilliv as an evndaly vulgar man we inctinc however lo coiwdcr him as a humoriai who was eillily uugliingot tltose who had chown lorn as tlieir model for conduct y and can imagine him rhucktiug upon eein omo fool refuting the piece of cauliflowcr he longed for becauce brum- mel had itad no gentleman cat vegcta- uninninon gontcel parrot and a pm nf fomcwhat aastwi babit we waa attndiiijf m tli pier at idnu when a iitun fmiisa up ami offered for sale a mem- intuf lhal eutcnainincommiiniiy much ho raid in praixu of ita convcmatiunal now tt what might havo ensued had tho bit rxvrfcd iu own vjnquence we know natf bllt urlain it i i owner wat powef- w in ptuadu uj to uic purchase follf uostuvi rhad not made the jihicsl remark tkvuta uiio tongue in iu iwadj net a word not a syllable did it nvr ao tta proprietor nintioti not leing seconded bt tho imnoralile mcmlier in the cso bo witlulut it and went away wo will relate the anecdote fit atwy as neady m wv wuicihut in the old alor word iiiumirj ihe chanos a to whctlior it ahall be llmnht cncl or itthcrwlac tiit patrol rnv talk sir ami aeee yill tail as loti aa ua a parrot said ha old alir how can you tell that v lord love vr u air i can tell it by tha look nn cm j vve had hundreda o parrots in my time til just tell you how it ware- von mu1 know that in a ship i waa io the skiper eouljnt abide a monkey and wouldnt allow a single one aboard otfe nf iho tviindetn o naiur nol to lika a monkey but io it ware weil in revenga for not allowing ttf to have monkeys ba jet us have as many parfuu as ever set liked i had got five lo my otn ahare meaning to bring va home for you eo i cultiinrted vm to sell well threes em died if the ether two i got one in afriky and tother on the spanish main i get that in change for two pounda e baccy lliat ware his origin ah that ware the bird there warnt a tvuu abmrd as had got more brains in his fcefti than thai parrot 4 true aa im telling yo r but the birds as come from the span ish main beau all the otbera clean why he aing out pipe down hammocklt pipo up for grog turn ap lb i tin blest if i havnt aeea tba chaps come scampering up lha halxthwas ataa bttlihai warnt all there wanrl an order that he had heard guv by tho ofe- rerfrom the finrt leftenant jown tbat he couldnt repeat it be were mom like a human crcctur than a bird aod i vu aoroe times thnuthl if they had but tried him ho could ha sailed the ahip boweev that would j i ha been euifa aococdiag ta the articles of war one so they dido to tic kuro besides all lhal he would nevf and then say something that wamt very purtixe but then ho meant no band and thaou how i look at it aa to tother psr- rot thals to say thoafrikyvarrol neve an improper word corned out of bia mouth he wart etirta and uncommon genteel into the bargain but then be wire pro- emus stupid i ha eoqld only any otto thing only osw thats the blessed tnilh ho had only ono speech to his back like whatever spaoish maio used to aay if il ware only helm aportor beef tep aail afriky would ting out doolbo raa wutgar pm ahockd alyou weh now only sea the epanot qjx it when we came into plymoute to be pjid ot the skipper guv ma fifteen guineaa for thl clever bird toil aoiojy wouldt 69 the genteel pan ot ert na price so aa i couldnt get nolbiog fru it and oioreover had promised io bring my old mother home tiuvu4trj now had tho african parrot thought lca of the gentility of the tunes he should danc to not only wuuld bo have been a cnucb niom ocreeabla member nf aociety but ha would bovc added considerably to hia own personal comfort whilat also he might paaaiuf have attained a much more res twriablo tuition in life lhaa that to whict he wm ultiinatoty consigned china tr0gress ofciv1li2a- tion we place before nor rtaderaloday one of the moat extraordinary documents recorded in modern history it is the reply of keying iho chinoso hgh commissioner to mr- lay iho newly appointed british consul at canton ll appear that this gentleman had mada some application lo the coaunia sinner in behalf of mr colidga ao amer ican merchant who it also the agent to a british finn at canton the subject of mr lays application related to the reroov- il of aorne obstacles at present exiniug io mailers of trade and although the coto- misiioners answer doea not immiately remove the obtaclej to trade of which mr- clea i didorce piclc pea ami at ano ihcr frnirciino second plate ofturtlehc- conuigs had complained it distinctly ad- caw upon brammaft authority it wa s mi uial lata hong merchanta ana no established that nu gentleman ukea aoup vc mnts or or under the dicu- itvtcc the vulvar- genteel are nervously cau hoss comer of laot wnl lriuces streets and directly isppoajli the lamb ion houo bctiio u titf ii i and for any itctall itusmos jvci modcuto c no ii it u of noii ltoss kiiiciteti 10thlcr viv4 to let a stone dwelling tou street lat by the houourable mr etnpjiro of in wcl 1 ltolse ly occupied jini litihlwin to let let by tho snbsciiler all of wauk s j those extensive stoke houses now occupied by it mtauav that large stone stoke house occupied by the subscriber possession to be given on lac may noxt pur further ponicalars apply to it scouell kinjrton january jt1i j844 monirrat i will 4cssc uwerttho atfvv for i ioouiboridonjuicaceeni lv tlu wl s mokell kingston january gth 1 n for sale coal tait liveinaa sjii a srw- cuth alccojhattlic jutiiie luilwoy store kintom january lih 1311- clin wheat flock fokk f0tasu r 1 1 1 i e subscribes a w ill pai highest market price m a fi my quan lily of ar flour iva vrf p tlclivired at imr warchou qy titt the wheat will be y i dns city mill- r b kiuystoii jatiuaiy jj uj ing fur none bill meh fo itttanc ax ihe miuitl in ariad ne i i lear ptvuf of w 1 ad he lvii n ia nilinan of ti ar rafilim in the mttfwrtaa f his gtiitlity i wuud have his ittlh fancslie loc to any tune whatever from nnnry dawnoft to the povil an ion r the tiilortftlic ia nati eeniility of hitch n bar would havo maniulcd itvilln ins free miconstmitivd deport nr nt lit tho unaltected trmceof is nikn no iiiattc fur the tunc lie ibmccd lo hot ivchiusllav ihht panicular bar partlou we haw nn proof of iho vntipir falidioipncs of his hahih beyond li kcchrs word for it and that we arv dis- iacd to take for whatever may have een the case with nrgarxl lo ihc eminent uttisk there on be no doubt that iris keep er iiliuaer or lesneo was himself an w- rfntinlly vulvar fellow by rnitini what he toniviv lo lie ihe fentdity of air iliiiiii be wnfi doihp in fact what the i- knlia1ly vusttatalo prune to do he wi appirhcnsivihy iiitmutiii to hu conipa- ttiihm his claim lo the suiiu ipialily lor himelf ia with uiman heuivvticis w men and wokien tim vulgar umoiig them arelhonitnt sensitive to tltc tjuaiilj of ihe iino the pretention of gentility tako ruranco forms and exhibit itself in odd ways we were one day riding in an omuih and wo had ir- otjroclves with there two letters more rcuicvably coniruiiibcd lions concerning everything tlicy say or do they aa ever alive to the dread nf coutproi using ihhr gcmiity at a ball it was n emtritjaim g at a fath- ionublo wtctf in- place a pretty young woman who waiatting by her mother was invited by a gcntvman lo dance he led her io a tmvhcn instantly tvo 4 ladies who wera of it haugh- lily willidiviv lo their stata they had no notion of dancing in nieh company and with ood reaaon the young penoa was liiiiii i more than the daughter of a wealthy and respectable tradesman of ihc place whilst they the two mic k nil ibs were member of it resident xmttlt aristocracy the places tliey had vacated were goodnattijly filled by two ladies who had witnmul the proceeding one of whom nn the daughter the other the niece of n tiublerian fhetr position wa vo vdl vitabiahcd to be compromised by dliitii- fix a quarter of an hour in ulfl harnr ti witti a respectable trndc5mand daughter but the two mirscs knippsuere the daughters of a retired soapboiler from iscrinoiubey a lady oi rank and high breeding bciig nkeil if she had been lo lite laa fohsli ball no iuuvd replied she for upon my word i bciu lo consider ibe folomania a i our l vitly genteel woman in ihc om nibus or tln mibes knilji would have shuddered at llie anun i of nuth a word wo wero led to reflect upon this subject hy an anecdote which tt related to in nol a ln time ao an old manmfwars man it was concerning two parrotssin arc you llie bokrcjwr r clmwiptl ft iy 1 a antksnbh wbo wj miafasi tlirouh a hua iloor 01 ihd ih tornlfiuti llctiv no quietly tntortul tho cvalluxun you ftfo can while tinn of the chinfac government and could tho pecuniary demand which is hang ing over these individuals on behalf of lha imperial government only be adjusted to their aatiifactioa or altogether removed they would aland as merchants in a posi tion of independence and eubiliiy whtcb they have nevcr before enjoyed at any period of our connection with china wo cen cider the document referred to m an cxvaordinnry production because it cxhibiu ruch an entire ehanga in chiaes policy auch a departure from all itt old jcatousy and cxclujiivcnc that wc scarcely give crejit to our aenaea reading the letter before us wc hail this bright beginning of an en lightened and liberal feeling on the part of the ccetial indeed ihia mighty ponil of caurn cenuncrce has never before liean to widely opened ai it has by tbta ileclaration and by whom we would askj ha thiaaalutary change been effected f isy what means hac the penetralia of chines prejudice and exclihivcneaa bect invaded aad rtbakea t by englih state- men and british arms who is to rep the benefit t not england alone but tfto whole world keying voir truly saya in his letter that the principle of trading de pends entirely upon a mutual willtngne- if a field of profit u to bo reaped there it no occasion lo beg people to reap it tbey will certainly reap it of their own accord- the conclusion of this letter is also vvvu ivorlhy of remark do realty night thy indulge in the fervent hope of an proved tommereiat intercourse beneficial to aft parties t if this expression dcavnxa tho credit of sincerity what may we not anticipate for our commercial relations i the present stato of the political world ia exactly favorable for the reception of tbta important new when wo consider the friendly i relations at present iubaisting bo- twccn england and fjonce and uj

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