w timothy murphy ffoovo rcsoecifutly anaounc to hi customer and the public gencfilylbatlisnowiecciving at the for grocery stot prtutm street from 150 to 20o tom merchandise direct fyora the new york montreal r i wi i nt hmfunj in part of the following viz tiunnowdcr twaukuy young and 011 hyson pouchong lwue souchong and bolica s it o a r s poubleaod single refined jnaf mm covado st coix port rio crushed coffees mocha rio java iag iji st domin go t todaccohi plug cavendish nail ri honeydew warwick ft bryans celebrated fine cut maccouoy and scotch tfinrpft regalia principe i lav anna and ame rican cigars spices- pimento black and cayenne pepper nutmeg cloves mace cinnamon ja mais and root g dye woods jjxd dye stuffs madder logwood aunm camwood red wood sumac bluo vitriol indigo cream tartar c sundries rice liarhy soap candle starch fig bine lemon syrup lamp oil pa tent pails brooms todfish salrann herrings candle wick cotton yarn sal natrc mnlaases vinegar castor oil epsom sails camphor british lustre cocoa chocolate maccaroui vermacolli ego arrow root fttklta sauces and prriervri pttovuron with a choice stock of iv1nea and lljkh- alio 400 barrels onondan alt 100 boxes window olass 600 sides sole leather ms do upper do 30 barrels spiriis turpentine aalho above goods hare been pur chased forcaii principally ai importers ales they will be sold wuoleaalcor rctait at cri atly rcr11cjr pihces 1 ills tftu bo would particularly re commend as being freah anr of the first quality bavins all arrived within the past month from china and on in spection be flatlet himself they will be smnd inferior to none ia ibe province montreal not excepted t murphy kingston not i i 1813 4 in c1ieap go0d0 and baimjallvs to ac oitalven at the manchester warehouse ftfm bmig print stttru klffimton jfc r iiutton co best to inform ifceir nuratreii town and country tu- bmm ift itay have laretvfd their mall ut fallaid wmm k nli iifi hkv ipolm aveel from the manif icteric wlnrli fill chifno sl ihtahry tif gk thr commn4 to r belter value hurt they have ever uce rffort rt cnnndi thaj wln hit in tan atteaiinnj or ticir cit i their li rje sll of kti1i antl french mmiu cnmn httiha jf4t fittve ptam nl ftamrd frirnn sinju and tt itirw parentis btft4l sna freoeh piini watnfettwund vkhite crnaj cloth t nf al 5 it qcavrr cmha m black rtluebaek nine rkownsnj imtotile fircre canvre iwkcn mffgadetr twiwy an in- y na cmneline una- faovv funncu sor and bockt btinkis w kite sni crtvwl w imaatat c4ia h wonrn 11atc ki5 hone lttin pljiil nh twilled httinkr shtti ffn kite 40 itrhel kmov mr na iwn aiiil twdm pamaj linen ah- table chthn ocaivo and flll lwt coef wnftiei ami ceiim taui slat tfllinu and tcivrta an ratenive tk of ftvh furs ftnm f ritinjf mtint flai cm- cjtdirtak idie ftittiuiren w gattattala naa i uwa ifltlnurttul for ip and fiici inimv a ihevaimt4t1iiiitkianf fahhmnlilc par buffalo robefl at attiaeiliutr un tciee airt a rorotcio aavonmebi jj hatkrtidtkrv and evert kird of dry coolm dbabaj that la u3tty fiid pry cuoii srofe j r rottofl a ca vrnuh imptm naon iliajr canomriih ikil their gnena art ah kmifht uarfer prulir alvaalaalr iml 0nd n great brltataand raneenily aro enable sn ibrin lfe at vnv utv ineea nocttrmt gitf0liaael kneten n 1844 freaii gnocrig8 wines liquors c c tub suberibcr rnapeetfully an nntince to tbe inhabitant nf icing atnn and vicinity tliat ibey have juu re rmpn for infection t j mih stage for toronto aasoftftientof hamilton vll leave this office rvcry jy at 3ocbiii i m precisely general btge office 0i door uhw titt bttisk ammm tbt k i x 0 t t o n toronto hamilton irktoll udjiirtdl ffj eirthfaieitrfi coivci and have opon for avcty fteninl tinil choice which they ln not hesitate in recoiiv men jtfiq a wing of the viry best quality their t5 shjm m1 liqihus pur chased frrm the wry 1cmi lot in ibe montreal mat kct tbey ftol confident will ncct the aonrnbainiti of ibeircumomer bioltas t the suprriority of the aitictc and rbctr extremely low ricecnn- aisting f tca3 n ciptt gimwanlfi 4 il imprrjnl 3 1 out hjassj 0 roxee yfi do 11 in twaaay 3 ciotuha- sufsaltft treets tendon pcukta reief t fi rl f fddlll 3 llij- laim ijrilii hufcaraj a ac ii u- r rraar th 11 ir jinit firea itfiml- rt ts fum 1liltai1iton 90 cnea bdirltbai in 1 iikrl bad jmimnvi spim 1 dn 4 do rom lj krcf mipefior vh wluci f ac in the koyal mail tgc for present in connckinii with the ilontrcal line will leave this office cfcvajr l 4 oclock f m precisely ami will lave prtcotl for kington immediately after ho arrival of the montreal stage paengers for toronto or monireal will rcuh their destination in 30 hours thn sub5crilor ucs this method of tlianktn tbo traveling publie for their nal patronage am having spared no mdmm to make en above lines of winter conveyanrr the most eomfuiia- ble in llrittah north america feel con fident hi exertions vijl meet with ibeir continued snppoit the steigh aie all new and close ioihnmike a carriage anil nnly requiring the above mention comforts duly appreiiuifd ii ki nc8ton ml nbral spring the subscriber rencctfihy in poblie that the halj cold and recently trrttrd baths mineral iniic ic now at form th he k in nl do oitndin ii al- a vffw chtiic leciun of wines 6 qr cbv ltnit pntf 10 tlr iti cnmivkin a 2n ry fnltnlvdslirt i cl luui rni urietra 9 l cttmmun do 4 ofivr nnr mti 3 h cwi vnff tvr with a licht wine in wmm and b nry nf he i trip to either of jdacea tobavo then i william weileb all blicjage at tli profit tor rifk of the owner 30 lbs allowed to e pacngcr all extra to he thtrg al 0 rate of a pmeneer fiirtvarvw l n d extras frmbcd at the ahoit- eiti notice and on nioiiable terms kingston dec 2i l en tor the pamk pence each uth wanted at tiik new urtocery store mitkcct a t as jitf llnnhela kye ojoo lluihcla dartey flooo do corn i be highlit market priced t murphy ingftton dre 19th 1si3 5000 for winch itatlmfi t pfiiccoaeiliillinafid three n 6 suitable attendance for female in vafih the spacioua saloon an lunch i- iy erected will open oft mgn dav neat where the public can be supplied with 6reakr1s soun lunches dinneraand teaj ihc bet the maikct alfocda at the following piice eir kreaklam is 31 sonpa 7jd lunchra 7 id dinners a fc 3d tea u 3d wine botlled ale and torler vc e a qtiadtiile itaod in attendance every mon day -i- the new poirr morse omniitus will pfy between kiniinn and the spring avery hont iravin- the clothe haiti at 7 oic a m and fiinn a the m- american fare lntheninneandack7il n h any of the sutmeriher caht ad cairiageajcan be called ojfihe stand at tue ame rate ticketi fot the ttatht and omnibus can be for sale lot mo- 23 in tbe 1st cooceaaion s w ireen toint well known a scanlani farm in the townabipof sr pnianburg atij district nf princo kd ward containing 200 acre 05 of which are tinder cultivation this very valuable and extensive fann ia situated immediately no the h icra edjo on tbe hay of quinle and ai mile only from the flourishing towu of tictotk attached to the farm is a jtod simp a aubsiamial wliul tad mrgfl and commodious siora house three sto ries higli jbia fine property from its command ing position is well worthy of the atten tion of tlto mejcliaiilor farmer and will be sold at public auction at tbe auction kooms of mr james liutnn kingston ryitbout resotve on tbe aixteentb of feb ruary unless previously disposed of by irritate sale toms low for cash for particulars apoly to messrs w aytb at mutthbury solicitors kingston fiintm iec- s 14s- prncured al the falcon sailing ann row bnrts an kingstonjuly 7th 1813 tight sun caflof ted rrmrh lir aeh cue cnnuinine two h inlet anoen urfw jr 0ordui 2 i- ui crcm-df- dllranor 2 d i da kifh 2 da ocfi do nnyairi vtarcoa 2 dft cfeaaa d maatfiaw 6fl ifcjm son london porirr co 8faela do dt 6 ca-k- baiilid ldth au ac a aw- m tannmiva aairre d p lavaadiali srirfid jo t oral todaeeua marabof nd kappca snutf klh gp lndon was vvku fid aiwrrrat oarvdk kvlhta 01 itmwn snp ftg itlur i1 1- j r w4ln ami t- rin 6inh pre ple effffea n itnemn clee- tteh wuel ilh 9ahlh liimn zaaaa cuoaiu- nd a miji- tir amctt it tmvrnapra ottd italian ilihaad fnri ivk muotrrtrtmouup liettivintfeaaci hir wilti a tuy ofoi r smip- in1 sicr fivff dvrphii tmu stncatreni vef mcmi italtin l piiijm tid jr atvdvr aliimrd in jnr ac tluck and whu iirf nm fruii and i ttrij of tlhr irtilrt n ili liu r iu numeruti t liail thev hutft lino rociti a ivw crtafifi i l diafifdvbi ind kariloin ware vith panl of fiim daeantrrt get tw lr ami wii jt wlik ii uwy ftvr low ii in returiiiug thank- to their numerou customers for their past generous pa rotiitfaii the subciibers beg leave t mtimate thai having made exicnait oiircbara if ibe veiy hoy newroltet mjwvork wlirnr allfwflbwwet- for xew tork vis wfcn il doawlonic itaiioads ram thfcvfoii as passbnuers ty bis uoute will leave the wen ribrad ipoi at bl albany t morning sun ihv excepted at d proceed o rridgeport with clwngeorcara or llarqage thence b ll anj elegant steamboat eurep irriving in new w be same evening at c oolock tamstigors lew albany at 4j and eaihsmyl5 av a fakicwt thiwwya- i oclock a m snjv excepted r b m1g arxom nelson agent albany dfldmiv 1943 tmm henm tni ma 3 a uuod opportunity aow preieai btttf ro purtaeerj o dry goods at in a london warehouse frimt stuff ajtfvn haines rorsteb 5t co- avinc reenved lheii pking ih- iolitallnns alc thereby enabled to r an rvtenvave cumji and attraclice stuck to tumic innclion which lliey are dtltrniiied to di0ie of at such low jiicci 3 will ftfi- imceall whn tul keonviny ot the advan nee ef dealm at the tamishincni and at the smwtirm aillcelabilo thcmsejvtm that extensive mute of iumic ittonse which they have hilhctto enjayed lnverjt ear bs teen taken in scleclin gaodl of snnrorcd manufacture tltat wil do credit to the seller and cannot fail to give jmisfactinn to putchaiers fancy iiood of almnt every description rn greater variety thin at any former pend an etuonifary supply of sti a w tuscan dunslable and fancy bonnets hats a bctttful lm of parasolsj ome very rich and finite nic in stvle silk sim satinmt dneapes and other silk m the msl i r-k- shades a new awerlment of fancy dicssc of ab t every description fttaehacj enlih stavs of the mct pptoved make a splendid m of woolen broad cloths and cloths tauautiw summer wearjin every desirable colour and quality wrings slocks gcnls scat anl silk an extensive slock of staple goods which the limit of an advertisement render it im iroaviut lo enumrrale lul amngt hem wil he found some capital white and iiwd shiftinj cottoni srolch and lrih litrn different wifthr m diapers and damaik table linens white and rrown sheeting whili and colouied coimteiara and quill fac tory cattom drill and mrdeakm printeal cahvosand motlint laid fni rrown mnl north american hotel pnntttm jure slort lrrt kigtn u7m goodwin eratrfumyrcturna hii thanks lo his friends and the public generally for the patronage ho baa received since bis commencement in business and begs leave to acquaint them that he has taken llm mansion house hotel formerly kept by the late mr carmine which he intend lo open as a first class hotel on llic 1st may ensuing under the name of tub north american iiotfl ihishnue which is excellently well situated in the very centre of uine is now undergoing a t rough kepatr and additional red koorns are being bmlt the furniture will be new and elegant and every accommodation will be prepared for he reception of tltti travelling public ibe table d hoto will bo infeiior to none in america a fiiftf rate cook being engaged and ibe ifar will be supplied with the choicest and raiest of winoi and liquor the stables and yard of this hotel are very commodious and every attention will be paid to tie hnics vf traveller porters in attendance at thcstearr toats british coffee house kinsten april 7th lcv13 for sale by the subscriifcrs rlpeas comprising gunpowder hy- son youne hyaon and twanky in rocm and caddtea mnscvado sugar in bbla malaga haisius in boxee cigars havana principe and half spanish jamaica spirit u bbds a choice article x katian rom do do lakes huron cjniario whit fub inbbk e half do american cheeae unottdain livcipool salt bright snapkonin in bbls venetian red do 1760 bbla superfine fine coarao flour oswego brands shorts a ifran latioay consisting of fi4scap rul ed and plain uecd paper poll and su perfiue large ecvmah 1oal svatr lime iround piaster a lot of ulack wnui chirtrv bedateads pannelled a splendid rronzo lamp craig watt ngston i5fh dec 1s13 it it with wl and french i u scried stoek of hosiery and cwves lee mulin collar and shaw h 1hlxnet rib- rons flowers in r variety n bhaine forster k co prin te slrect jate store stntl ao stccnd prit kingslon june icth iftt3- ntm i fiinosh the yonoe mills pkoplvki 1 to bk nimii rmllose well known flouring 4 mills siinaled nine miles above urockville called ynnge mills bt lunging ui the estate of the tale hon ctiakies jtf eontainin four run of atones with elovntora to discharge oar joe of wheal from vessels and every convenience complete lo be put into proper repair by the landlords ttv getber whli a savv mi fulling and clothing works merchants hop putanboi y warehouse cuopcr au j a number of dwelling houses tendera will be received uutil llic fifth of january next for a lease of ibb pmpeity for a term of tnnr years from tbe first day of march next the property would be bold upon favorable to ms for fniiher pailicutara apply to the subsctiber o- n o ford acinj- eorir kitalt caitrea uy ittockvilto lotll nov 1513 tiie ivixcstom mthiaar srriiso vatcm vii i r kept far sde by the aenu viz kin1nn mr joint carrtithersf ifincet streel tnrnnto pecketl cn montreal mr urqlihartmctiicd hall ctimir mr l eyrtf ieterknroujh mr- mcphail y hope d 6raarl lsq belleville mr men- ate fresh go0ly rphe undersigned begs to intimate to the trailc that the following con signmeiits have come to hand samples of which can le seevt at tbo stores of mr i mcdonald commercial mart fool of princess street or at the resi dence of tbe subscriber iso packages f teas consisting o youm hyson old hyvin twati kay vunpowder imperial caper souchong co packages tobacco cnnistinp of plug lfa iss cavendish iadies twist and honey dew so ubucaroliua liicc oo jars caleb witliama celebrated rose scented mac a boy snuff 10 kids spirits of turpeijinet 20 boxes london starch 2 libls mdasscs a superior arti cle for family use 200 loxm assorted ciara 10 bales candle wick besides various other uuods in the tiro- eery line which will bo sold wfanltf- sale ntdy dfv cash n approve paper lcilers or orders left at tbe office i mr macitaxaid will bo promptly at tended to bodgkick ross kingston sth dec 1si3 kinusiin t lnsi articles in ibr v listk tboy will bt enabled ti thrm in fulnie on rbr mt rea ij 7ih jfst npueived o consignment nlforsaleaig cea jo do in h a- july 1913 i rr captrtustst vtacdartfl a d orilktts tvr mlkthrkk llxtenive watku ltltsinfortsmoutli nailxhirfieat kuv- notice til f sqbkrisers wll eay cash for atf ii 1 jurn lha winter c- kennedy co priaeei mreet kinston 12hi dec wit i t iiisholution he partnership heretofureesntiiik in kingston and fort henry lp por canada between cbafley jc c i thisdny disdvrd by muliml consent- all clim against ibe firm lo be pi- nenteil to tint uutlerhignvil itobert ll w- fcn for adjustment within ono monlb fioro dale- mary rbss for ihi ule jamks iupss hulfkkt howison ijknjamin chaftkv bciuhnriiola llv ith ik 13 lrn on whifh ii ina or tfliiiw tcj tne auwi lot ar ui w iittue m id fnrm rrninl itja nmrnitu ifk mill mime4 rviiirinc lie cinviiirir t watei ortnouht tifon it lw mitrated ai the tmit at tlay tltnnt ani ihaltakeanel beatlofthr kiei uitfviii niw4iion aln lu ittilj inlrtm titfl v ill n tr rirtcuiuotilt uch lrm it loal jihii nuiiltv ri-nii- x tl tea r aftitafivii linur inr mhl iyt am ll ijierpcrtuftito liea armclted amj lt tut will lifl m on itihlt i jc hfotrf yu l iin mwnter ai parkaavadi fjt twhu kuk- idiekj e- kxrintvrfu itlohaku logan kmtonx itrtli aicuiio maa mi wnart kiii nnc tftay b inni1ii a ii ny urt i n to mkrcitants j4lt ceohib koss nf tlltown 1ti bmwnsyd out bis kctoil siock uriil guiic out of lininehs the ulrribir bvgmto ocpiaint tlnj mtreantile com- mmiiiy that 1rt has uprncd a n whole iat4ornimsshin mcrrbant iulhesamc phitiiaet and is daily receiving con mumeiifof irocetis which bo will sell wbulcsaleto lllu tride itohbrlck kintlon 5th nov ljj nos j ituccivc it teal shoot i ico 3d tfhl if almanac fa rausa yt armoub co rsala by iban and cohtl wood jk beet descripiioii fi the subciibcr a0o sloiflb muor caldek curnmcicinl wliarf kin oci j7ui istf ikap ic4k litv viik an i- mqcojt store ill ksfibscnbcr lespeclfully intimate ro bifiiinds anl the public enetally hat he has commenced itmines in iih ilmvc lino in the simp formerly oc imipicd by mr wm inihin king street immediately opposite the apolbe- iaiy bopof j w diueivt evq ii hasjiitt ittnntvd from the montreal and quebec matkets with j complete assort rmli oftrkmi loamt cwting of u oerior liunpjwder old hyson twnn kay and other ttas lliijhi muscovado ciushodutl double uefiued sihjah8 plug cavendish nailrod mid cut tobaixos ctcb macaboy and ltppoe nult i kntlib tfperm loridmi wax wick and montreal caudles white and liriwnsoap satin and lon on siatcli j indigfi and fig liluo ati ataorlmciii of ftesb pickles mohrooffl keu and other riaucrs and american cheese fresh smyrna and sultana raisins zcainv t mi aula and turkey figs isiack an while pepjwr and spices of every dr- mrtplbin wiibavarielyofotberarhcle in the ttoccnr lixc too numerous t- flrlall also m ait el i cognac k hrdeaux itandy sehcidam and hollands gin lval jamaica spirits avd hum pint sherry madnta and othc wines in wfod and utile scntch anil canadian whiskey ato and london porter e fee ace iliving pnrcbascdbislocrk prin i pal ly for cash tbo subscriber m enabled to wll a low as if not lower than any lj t it iho tii- and would recunv iinuul ibiuto who waul ioji as chmi 1 1 toi i 1 1 to call imjiulet ifir themselves thoms iicnukvt j enywl muratv tiunpnwder t hyson yonnj- hyson twankay green coffee 8- koasted do jomaica spiri- 1 old lution r madeira wlnaf- m bou i- i i lav chesis cheats lb packages wax ivieh cwlei- vejndian red it ak lmnp ulack nailntd iron liverpool salt supeilitie floui nblds fc half i wa tot arlev watt kingston 5eptcmir lth iil 100ksfro england m the coshsst of nokore essrs rarnsv armour co wilt send oir llrfr first nrdor oil ihe 90th dccembur ww itmlcmcii de irons of importing likaby the earlier tpnnffvcasclfl ill h pnrl enough to hand in ilttf the mrf rder will he deapoichcd on tbe wli fghmanr ami the last on the 80th imr armour iw in england b punctually m is ii execute all orders sei to h kington june 30tli ixh l w co simpson iurtittiits t now receiving a choice selec tion of nlwl glass k eatfflexipjxb tvhicb tbey oflvr at yieaily induced pibea n ii a consignment of 10 crates nf earthenware whieb they aieaulhuri 1 to sell cheap for cash ontario mrcct kingston august ljth 1sic fokhalc ci r icc american plaster al 54 tilje w- jail st urs livrincxiland j diit s cram watt kington srptcmher lorti 113 nvrtlkv vantiik cily bnowory company the oily urcwery company wil pay oajtfl for chinrr sarnplns of h trlkv ni ibeir llrcwgry west end of ontario slrnm kingston olu srpl 1si3 01 hopsks to m5t iwn siaall houses lo let on lot n kulultf of thomas mconnbli welhflio street kmatoi aoe- tlw3 a m commilun business tlusnbscnbcrh extensive piernt- wj j ejaftftatt esft ild my occupied by e ftncuaon v wcuwww will br sappy io receive cmrtmj either for auction privftlc r in- having obtitin ivrms cxtremly ta enabled to transact imtmlttm satisfactory to all p the extent of the iufliiietii guarantee will be well nud ejlb stftnmi instrnctintis ac will invariably wl kinln my bwh laona concerned f remises will be a nat oil laoods sent nty stored con i regard t sale y aiiudedtii ihirkrll a c kts 11 private ri nrrram nrnms here vital hatnu can business entire lattsfartion will bt tu all who may employ them evenings commission merchants and general agents- pluoitii blitdiscs entas10 stctr xixmrox fvlhe undersigned tespectfuuy inti male to the public that tbey bavr commenced business as above under the llrm of craig watt having rented ibe extensive fun pfffcflf promises lately erected by mr n j coons situated mi ontario rstrnet and extending to the uiver between llic wharves of messrs macphcnmn crane and those of mr john il jrcer possessing the repiiite acemmndatiun of a spaciiussaleromand waichnuse wuh excellent huirtgq and cellarage thy are now prepared to receive cun- signmetttanf all kind of frttrtt tyttfr r nu uinesu cilue ny auctini ij private alc as owners may direct and they irust that by due eir and atlention to given tim will also devote their tending to business as accountants and from tbrir experience in thatrapa- c ty they bey to tetider their services in making up and balmcio mciehani ihuilcj and acenrits in auditing au winding up the afloiis id bankrupt es tates and trenrmlly in all matters con nected with the executiy arbttratiun t ac william craig james watt neveftfjtcl mcm hacnikttw idiank kirmioa itil mnnirfal rilomas kirkpatiiirx iva ki iavih jhnsmhh uiuiam uitaftt k jtmrhh riht k juii stnvvl kq iliim thomas ai arkay pytftwp joiis titkmtrlt lawltvwa iv ij kitnikv e oaour- jamks mltrtvjo baiwta it mrwil r himm j ii kwakt r leib mrhm itltfiwun tkmtkgki 0v- 1 hahtnva smith kcemr jimin mfllimi1 rirvrlal john mflrton cifial chadvlstteeta xflw york kington angat 26th 1s43 c just received 4 nt for sale at low prices- countiy young hyson tea premium do do do jwankay do du do hyaon twankay do do old hyson d do do btraeboqg do do d fine souchong do do- imperial tils do io in chests and boxes laguara coffre in haga ground coffee in boxes bunch knisiet plug and ciivcinlish tnbarcn nailrndaud ladies twist do macaboy snutt manila charutes principe and havana ccgars nap and candles choice madeira wine in pipes and rpmer casks a fewcasesoftatiunaiycontaining foolscap pot manic and plain and ki post bbu lllg pcr vi and printin a lso a few cases boom paper he trade will find ihe alov6 good well worth their attention l bo teas aud w inos will especially bo found veij nno charles hales kingston aug 15th is43 vovko lauitr boarding sciioou at brockvitle mbs blackwood begs to an- nnimce that she is now prepared to receive young larfica a ftfjarders who will be instructed in all the rpfoi and oroamclrfl branches of a modem hnlish education amoni- the litter maybe particularized muic singing dnncinp drawing ornaroenlal needle work and french i he house is very airy enrnmndiou and in every respect adapted for a school and mrs blockwond flatten herelf that bringing to her present undertaking the experience of aaaoy years she will continue to give the same satisfaction that has hitherto at tended her labours and that this institu tion will be so conducted in all its de partments as to eecurc for it a prefer ence over those of ibe neighbouring states- mrs i is assisted bv mr blackwood and miss porter brockvlllc april 2hh 1sj3 to ship owineitstv masters op ve8sels1 the subscrilier has on hand and fin sale at his 4m intiter storr onta io street the following very auiicrioi assortment of knglish canvass q0 pes bleached no 1 engln lo n ij i j tvcaicli a erulwl 5 do 6 ds 7 rle onbteacb canvns f very lupcrritit inn d do general agjcncy and commission office 13 coknh1ll lostdon ofy a l jir to jlfrrnerrfs comrternol jveir tm fb lit ltorqriej 1710 ij sottiltti trjfirri of me united tfrrnref printers pmvhttt 0 ond cotmtsts feaertrtn pl m m m i cenrroi ami d cemaiisjon mttthanti in nitnn his rtre m hi riirrtd and ut catlin rvbtm n fte 1 il brf t riiiiot them ihm h is pttfr aty i rerciv roller t iupplir ni xn ni iniilili irjdujnt sljuuiief wt uwu te i kjir uihh and oirfi htnt- per- pitnit maitiif patibarer riaff 4 if a o go 50 25 also i to no g will ment nf ail tv ne i crdois and a variety of dlocks pkiciii hushed und ldtcd nd wot hi pin nil i which wil le sold low and on liberal 10ms m t iitnteu ship chwulur kingston igth march i- 1 uiiiiii m sffai assort nf a i tis-ffirlen- api mino v men tnd a c nrtrri nf sir ad y iufire tilde home persons from lb stay for a short liena dated by the d iy r k b kid ami m to look epial to itnw kinjstotr oct i ountry wishinc to an he accotttrn t ck f loves rleancd lor 7 jd per pair hhn duew is 13 pom h by tiik sim 1 ha1g k watt kitigitonsrpirml 5 is4 ik ra rcivet ii gileuehplk co loiafarw their town and i4ittr customer n w ihciilarzcand vsr- smelt or hntsh and fsnil drywstmcltiifyalisclin- 41 voiy low ibices lamttten bolhunj o anl rajl 5tirct n or rnufeis 1 1 1813 wanted to jioiikow on unquestionable adcd sogurity for two or thro yftra tbo sum of otu hututrtflttml fff eiwt vumnry for pattiqulata rt f sldnkv ittxihbm wellintlon slf kingston junutiry whi ish j j4i wotitir hi lift olid inland xaiiaiion assurance company is actent for this institution the subscriber gives notire that ho is prepared in receive proposals for insu rance against loss or damage whether arisin- from tikk or from the porils o ixi in nivnvriii upon the term sh5rilvd in tbe established taiitts of the ciimpiiiyi proposals may be addressed lo the suhvcriuftfi al the lako 3c kiversteurn lloat hlice on the oromorcial wnf at ihn foot of store jor inneess street or at hs residence corner of king and arthur tfmot john macaulay- kmjton may suutp isi3 4 x c dining tbe alienee of the hon john mavaulay tlus subacitber ivill nitcnd in tbo duties of tin above agency at iho sioatn lioat otbce w meneilley i lib iee 1843 tyornmercial vbarf s cordage for 5alb a n exeellont atitele and assortment m patent cfrljgc now manufac luiiuni the kingstttii llnpe xvvrk from ihe very best of material ktssia coiuav hosier rrtpr leaauaj loujh and llauibro bines bfjcantt clothe- t iloclialk and tvi i lizes ifat hope lit havsehrtf haad ad ln ierp sea tine and paiune vtut mani1la cordagb of every size and itfsrrrptien all of which will be ai id lo na on very trnamc leims appivto m t rllvmtairu ao t itardf ftttdthnfs ontario st kingieri maicii 113 i ikii twiim ol all anl conimoi tarred rivr tiik and in tub t wim ifrri aax4di vcmyi cintaenlcalhliei tily utjlilet in a cr press a ft ridliiltcoi an a l m n a c tumtmbrnmtt for 1611 tables online car fur rcitnm cicemruts ol all ki ivdicatinris id nr and in aidi- ininv far at rry day inihr lyifnl and tcceipts en jf e e lcvcrilion are very co mm on in hfiuiii earcelv x person na innllpi what lu rkiiiatiiku wing wiovmi one if these eyeful kemenibranrers and ihe pub iftsbfjn liajte dial e ti r- attempt tr introduce nti v inil a my nol he uiwurccvrnl thrm the rlaoh will be printed nit excellem paper ad i ha by in n a r he an cenvcnimljoim for and wi the poekel aumour hamsay montreal a ii ahmolk ko manoltcn jtamsay akmhllltrkco kingston t cauy o fluibec ii w huvvsixbfaraalo the best emftelusued weekly journal is the loxoffv flctoitlai timks a highly family nkws- fafffft pumuhcd eveiy saturday price iviaarl ifiittf nj ika lha lntrurriite liunful fasravmca in 1iflcneo and fi4ii v fiiematlmt 11i imtmmiitw nr ihe rimatat tiwr m ml the in iniij ii r i ilic ie 0 nclirit mi irnntnriiml uonlert anit tho work i la mich 4 anery ef elorre thxt it haw nn naivtmlly ijmammeijj une al hie grandutt tki ihltlwaial tihti admoatilr mkfd fr a 4iniy nawenperaii ii csmram an atombtmc fl men fir mux itif njiin n tidliiron m a mi rrnplelfi kcrd or weekly new qfij intnoa my rech all artteltif tht heni iha thhtcm une uf imortipfiety rlo fi mtorlm per nrlcr hi iin tuplict whukau or ke lail bv p l mmuomijs nmv cinmiuofl agnu fnien wpip4r fllhce itf cfiahl london ikle nnd h ho j i ai hihent l ir ti fihdp fjrali r a fvftfrnin iu h4i fvi pamb ttaiti rtf errr otni r t t ui faff- mm imtilkri mriif j t tiiiit tiffin thm mrt proihkd h in pmttfualy fitriiad ai tilhrr nn mi tri itea tunc iindvii or li f iv i iiihrn i villi raeaioaniifnraor ay it ripihfmr inrtfhnjre i l m tmoiitmrt and upn recil f iho uilu v will imti l dmvii upi brn al ht niilh tnr iw9bfhi4a ul muni wlfmiir epiramrd 10 in riua witi ft- 11i1 vtf pmtl difr h m 11411 iipt1 irlihlrd vmh ihe crali aitta cortitrr oral anv nl il he evn1uitrd inn i tlf ii1cf tf lh aititfre knle5e itimiap ai hfij during a eveal lirdlepl ana tutwouei im wtlhojll rtwp itrn 1 r w lmnl aji ill and jii of it lne triarim in iln i emf eiiaiee eaaraa l b r 11 eral itar reardi n r lvnrloa nl enpi vrnh riiptittrlo it iimefrl it in lie ninla ptiu htm r munclpml t rtma wh jy ftttw hiui iheir rfmrtmnd tt ljiint affwhah boiri their childien haaca coituii thero to l tire ot mr hf rci imi1i lo 1 with n 4 iducilion nuv ith ent jii ihtir arrival in kcj nl ami i whi will uijirlt r rm rhem ibeil in firrnt and r-p- l1li1 liahliahiaitte irjwrt way allaa hall be aj iv iau mofnlo imrvemenr and fvneral nttfoiu kcfrfphtf my he mae m dr baifcvr or t ftbe un rmli alj of wlinrn vt s t been in i4- ind t rqueit commjein arnn sew m m isim caltlxkt kuumtuue i iinsifcjtrapruintodaihif bnl at t o ktiinalanj nov mii butler mamtnul rocrjy stott 7- llm ron 8alr freehold new rnihrait two story iler itnilei in union stivet neu live plank waikoj lai jiiindin5hlo ihr rir- liamcnt i nl hhuumi hven itootn lar further jwtkitittj rnqafie of lh iropri- ctor on the premier kirn l0 10kes kraitjiij ktv ij jbu city storc john carruthers uga r- uily in n- rn liia fricntl and iha puldic that he lias opened an exiroaivo grorny 4 ojupt estoiuhtmml in the premises formerly occupied by walter mcciwxrrfk bfrj cqtmt of kilifj ami princess slfmui irnmeliaiely ijipwsta lcyka jc coa lry goorm tiiablidhment in soliciting an extension of public patronage j c feels souml to expresa itia cnrflial thanks if hi otd customers and fiicnits for the kind support which thoy have httherio rendered him in hia old stand below ttio post nfliee anj he azures them as well aa the public that nothing shall be left undone on hia part lo meritaenntinuance of that patronage he has hitherto received his prcscnl stock has been carefully selected in the best houses in the mon treal ami new york york markctsnder hia own immediate inspection a fact which he thinks will warrant iho asser tion that tbey are ihe choicest tnod in this market and will be disposed of at the very lowest remunerating writes for cash kindlon sept 12th 1843 farm for sale the subscriber offers for sale his extensive aud valuable pa km situated on the mr adamized road in tlif fourth concession of krnestowu the pre mlses are too well known to need parti cular description suffice thai iho farm which consists of about 200 acres ia one of ile finest in the midland district 05 a good dwelling house earn sheds outhouses and excellent orchard for further particulars apply to j cartwiighr b kingston 01 on tbe picmiaca lo the subscriber j l framck ernostown august 4th is 13 tvtn rrcf1vbd for balk at the new grocery store m 1 ar em a rittr jlarrcla cider 60 do whisky cheap for cash t mrnniy kiugattf lecomtr ijth 151j- 100