anj therefore unable to tlmcus lo know that he hm nt lnsl tin byapimrt not yet realized that of iwljinjf nail for thcaeruminodriuon of uura in a d is37 nmvjiutiiidii ihr futlnrc ol halincl nronw- ui asmftaiie frin thr lluti pete kobin son ihe tavm ium sotliven d the lorj kfltw win brsiov t omst in eijelihf lli essrnnl part of a mm d tshllrnicnt- m prviile which hewver atateor a vre isttve kinj ww drttftniqcil tn a franl ai xsw rm ww naj rvum tana rmj by an orri hi lb i smell and thr emter jul ciknow under tv junction of cemtniwaarrs in liar form lion i tallier n die iptirinf ont tor il vrae ivnln rvw m line of nd from itainiwe bich ihe rra or fvllaikd alon iv 1st eokronsfl line o llmrtv inbrook in a owtvrlv dinrtiuri fnim m i wlel s0 winch tal it the site of mr hunrans pmiwl null on thr line ao ttpcmo nut it untlood lhal about twrtftis of thr iranl ttw rspewkd at the tatnv ilcnainiw rma liv- gltssxt tj ta1 mcrnutfijj ajfoken of in tlic pamjjijjli i ijvi re ferred to in rcjurd to wiic t wh otdv av ihat if thi municipal council nbuni i and will take tlie nwtf oimtry cutismi in it rimdilui ute mar elrvci fur more rval tomlii linn list ie suited ifio lle outlay of the otlrcr fruttifii t fur what liiw un rtic ariad nsultt fiuiii i kit on wrd vhv foni lnr itlv- khi lut hn iijiii il i n ljul i t likr u llr unr ifk ha twnnn tj mush sslatietirt rjtrlinnl use iojj taa w iiiaai- mib ifin a tihidh n ihct v at ijcifiiruptb h till or hi uht hyrkft u it n iitiur niutt imacmfemft wluu itif killer- iprttlmfrrs hw m ivftlo airufk attvj ll ld with rlinvuhlr ld linvdlrmi ol no ownnton kind i nj wh jid mm folly hjvi- thy dvne o at i who lure cpcfiend tlieir hvinrk and cda1 hiit ihlv run crjli fv arooeh courkvu riider xut m tnv lx thl have madvd thu fr hrojli mrptv prjj tticu i frw mki de nartical dtiia cin ibit il ii in ueh oily thil ran rrm tt any oniiit nv4l in irmnlio swietwoaiyeafftnra iuur atlnnjtt tiimdi wopnkil tlir biek ctialrv thih ihi f of lmtfl- and iktlfoij wieh rird in cacwf u ul tiimiriijtmn utjxtllnr and the thhuni rhttrkl lvih wmc th nnww of a pnrkijy nntrvifvi imerni jvonr which jnd the branch t 1hn opind m eon neciton with il betwntiunc and twrj hundred l milio have etamithed tcniele anjfedoinj well tom alfelej lnasnlj by privalf rier- twna aidrt il is ifiie hi w utaje il pibhc pjnttlhi htjd in ktiiton and lih j bgt ajihe emihinta jelojdy received did not eiecd x30 or xto tf i- fnectuai were more important a peortof the puhfrc interett tuken in the project thn in a pecuniary point of view no ooiern fscnt aaautancr vai obtsinedor asked for butit had the vancttin of ihe thri nxoeuiive ofie or inn of whom in ukw private eapanty mbkribcd o- tad it at qpf atio p nl li wvrc uacd out and hhrrj and pkftiyopeofd under tlieiiik aanctn t th adrtnm tyfrapaipi a olden uud or m tlic it anj to th- nrthefo part of ilinehiiriwok on llir wci in oach of winch ihfc are now trnihtlcrabk clufini juj li nvnu which in ii- n ier of ltao wll in atl probability be jt le doused i rnm eontratrt other fetlcnpu of a omrwlut bmilar vind thnl have come under my obstrr itioo and would without dilfjculty go into mofe dcuil m regard to thoaol aaae noticed but a would probably hr tnoee tedioua than utvfut lo do ao in an i4fhjnd article like the prrarnt bui from the facta atatrd 1 think at mar be fairly inferrrd that the mid had oittnct aa aback countynt for attllement thenrwarid mneilmporlant atrp to war da which if lbetracmi- out pnctfcauc main imutofroad ui r ii f n iy to ita tfurfaee featurca ao aa to mak it acccaaable and eiubk thoae who fnwn haut and eaperkoee are fitted to be pianeera and to en counter the buali to artrct their loealitiea and aa- criain the awiiooa and faeditica ptrarnt or proa pective or the different lota of aueh ptoneeia h t- may btre been the case an former limce there ui no pfraxbtrkfleienry men of hardy nrf y and eettrtfprve who only require a fair nld fortheir eicrturui by far ihe latter pfouortion of r rji tre whojlr unfitted in the fit mauner to eneouatef the tfitficultara of an uncleared wit 4emcaw and it would be folly to pmpuvc filing any raavnber of uiem oo aueh tracuaa ih tit but aeuicmenia once catimiahed therr bj tbuaa who are m tn do ao would low begin to fr- aind wmj twkfb a eht4ittli ii- cfcaunj number of the ivwcwirr an4h r r4n for tracinf out eiieaare itrttt f mil an the firl 1a the bdhtkl uatj would m or run nin the necnary land 4ty and novum tine i l be it remembwed i ii crrniit ihe townuni 1 hate had ftmtf itnueliaiely undr review ihhih the linea all veiy vtrailat and aeeurte on the map they tciat n where elaeplmmton r cefr1 i think it may abi w infrnrrd awpj the facta i have advanced thai no eery ivrem nltvh rrjnh of money are rcquiait o cumumua ini hmofy t upcrintend the uyio out of tlw 4wk aa iv sfifritv wvtarf rfej aafiatalatft iven up aa impracnejmc and indeed with a view to avail uictnaelre uf the ouihrtn prt the wore recent and oumeroua acltlem in the murtbof the townahtp have openrd for thtmaelvea n very aaatfui atcieh road to jt a4l winter which tuuufi thoueh vantnf little in rrnerj direction aborted and much motx levil than the orijmil i bamoawl auvli main linea of rvidearerully dacermified on and accurately htaicd the wild land tuaa f fc r townahipa miht be appropriated to opemn- them ot aod rjie iovemnacnt to whom the greater part of the territory belong bvinf unconceded crown tandaj mijrht adranlafeoutlv tpply thi- rea from the territorud revenue suvhunc of nad abo alioold receive uio aonna aanclion of tht muoieipj councd and be conalituud public highwap w prevent ligation we the cjtmbn try being made acceaaihlo it only retmam to cure our hardy barkwuoda men whm i hold m be the eery life aad blood of the coinmumtv the prcrapoonof ihrtr refeetit irnprovamtjiiu and the njhl of purchxiiu the deed by mat almenta t h f j think cuy iefeiable to uv owew tfaajlpj plan or indeed any ayatcm of freejtranir which lltepeotinc ha outgrown the ecastitf of mk mm j but ue price ahould i rcry mouwjte cer ta ui not cieecdmc three or four thitlmp th fjc tbert arc alill a icw iinporunt rnintr thai i could wuh to touch on now that 1 find myiel in the midatof a favorite aubject i could alw- wtahtoootiee the propoitaonaandprnitiia no pcrfotiaaqee that have been held furth hy folk 14 offirc to the back kulcn nwr bceomc a nu rncfoua body whch i a pan of uie aubject 1 hare not yet referred to at dt but thi eonimu- taiealaon beia arrurle kngthj enough a it i i loaat with your icaliv make thiu n u ject of another cornmunicatioa ihe mind bk of tntujm sbanjyj cage at wh biith ywu will rcmemi hia ljlhr jcvid a ma table aencme of edueaihin aiadit uut compij init deoieniary trcotua for the different periods of jroulli but uelekily tl 6rat mriod hid ijpiej tflorc lb treau ydaited l it wia hade ao ii waa thrown by and the kroaad rnmnccd which proved cqu4uy u hind lun4 fan ao of thi rtat i tlkreautt binjf that trintfj m ftw ibwith fltal uk benefit of any ofthm it ujm h nrlrtrf whiut vahoutichcrn tit nm- irv imc eoun try have been under connd mvm it m iutro njj lhemandbecominatticd bul rwt uajniuf ma nydiffieulttca and iyai i- tin int pwwp whkh t hi jhuy wjh it utiu ii o egkom kver faithfully your c1ndidb kn ftb ssh ih but idoehaneol reviou lo ihe publication of i criit cl uf rtickmg mnufenrfe htd frequent ocewjtots mi tho courat of private cmvorhttam to rmaik that ihctkmintaltff whose tesignation i regarded as a coniluotional ilfp cotlm not have laken ihe- iiifcuiio requuitf nectwary as well in rcon av in parliamentary practice to ttrcngthcei thcenselvet by oblaminjr ftom the head of l be executive foimal explicit and rt ntiriualified acknowledgement of the facta on meil uch tueir explanation was lo iun as i con cetred conatitutionally tpoakinj they could noi in their explaiiaitioa go beyond that ac- knnwleoxemcnl that truth tui been ifemnnitmeei mol con clusively in w cnt wthtervkf and wliatever opinion one may have fotined upon tlft iinl befote it wai m lmiiouly treated v mr vicr the conviction at thta day can- nil he ol rid of hat tlit course which that gentleman arfopted was founded in reason and li i ritjhl the reiiroarheas way the calnmniea lhetetnreof which mr vacr has been madr ihe object art the mote ctossly umjuj became he lumwll would have kcnrecfeanho hi du ty as a representative ofthr people ind in thnt capacity a guardian of the comiitulion if he had sanctioned by his vflle the deviation from he maxims of the constitulion and the usae3 ol lailltrnenl mail i been ame tnfi lo 5 p pitmic life i would not he heailated to ile- clare pent the hustings that 1 take the same virw nl the rettijfnationff rrtnislei which mr vitrr lnttf i would hve empresied my con- v lion that far from regfdiiit h condocl in the lluaae at bein oppced to the principle of riiaakh uf1imtknt l regard it as tendin lo nusritn them and lo render their aeliot tnit secure il is in truth only by adhering rioroituv lo eontlilultonat teles ard parlia mvnlaiv forms that the people of this cotintiy cam hope in enjoy this system of government which now iiomheta 3 many ijippofter as llierareinhahitanuinthe piovmce and which i am tnlifiid lo see acknowledged by the f-n- vetriot general as ihe only practicable system in this plovince tlirsfrta and cncquirofaldeelaraooormy eiitimenis oujfht to remove from me alt re- pioacli of wishing to shul myself up in an cgot- utieal neutrality which ihose aie atwajsopen lu wlio cannot be tupposcd indiffeient tonues iont f jiublic interest ahd which ate aajitaled in the soriety in which iiiy vw i have also another rcaton for thus con inr orwrd my name has brn m use of in ipomic newpaperfor lh purpose orrepre- leittiltts me as bin in a ate of complete on- t tris delxoaraa dataasvaa- j 8 cat t wright coq- left kingston for boston on satur day last he waa accompanied aa far aa cape vincent by a cortege of ono hundred sleighs 1 tv i i ir her majesty the queen m orovr toenail utosomehto bo chaeitabiv i ma or dcrcdo new coinage of half fnrthings we are ioformedthat tbe hon h- sherwood hat left town for kiotoo it i said with uio new of aiding the formation of ihe new morfrrofe adminialratiotv there aceina to bo no doubt that mr sherwood will be lbs new solicitor general tertnto p eo wntos norrt mr s is in town but nothtnp is aaid of bis appointmenl we understand that the quebec frwarding company hi leased tjje catenaive wharf nnd warehouses of james ilrown jr rsq- to which addilioqaj aceommodatioi is about to be added messrs sanderson ot murray wrtl remove tlieif esublifjimeni from seobehs wharf in the fire pmof warehouse at the marine railway where they wilt be prepared for ihnr eualutucr- on ihe ipenin of navigation caroairfc appeared tately in a w 52sffiai eiy one will itmtmtf aswltft far mmy year the eotimaril alten- riant h a fire kl hcdtv e b devotedntss of one of 2wjr2 another otcuiation may w v neighborhood of this borto sioncrs of pavementa of ik c outhovarkhavea mimtn roen nsiaotly witnessed in hie commit- cstlcrn imon of f hermondaey st ouvet itc ami employed in the parishes johein st thomas st wherever hy are will be e ismdni about the soria ew on and never leaving till itff one know where he comet fro nr how he obtains his feo j from the men whose stp ha thus been for no jess r yoc regularly lo he v we copy the following from the london castle the qirn his keen pleased to appoint charles uichard oten cf uairisier at law to he her majeaty atlofney cneral in ihe r e of man in the room of james clarke kjj fesif ned in to mr viget i know not what could hvr been ihe motive for a proceedinj- ami to vont of delicacy but i feel myaelf oond rqnally in honor snd justice to te-cstab- uu ijuj truth c schuftieii montreal february l5 1s44 itl curjacii bv a fa willi painful emottont we tauc tip the ha lu iniurrn our readera of the complete dcalxuclion by ftrsj of sc ttcis ctieant an thaatownun wednesday i aal iktwrxn three and four in theufternoon urgeejuantillcaofamoke wro seen to iaaue fnrn the beuiy and tbo lower part of the south weat eoencr of the building when the alarm of fire wax immediately given and the firemen ano military with their respective enwit and several hundred of the inhabitants wete quickly upon die spot the entire of tbo south end of the church waa sooa cnvelupcd in flames end so rapidly did the fire progress that every lwprofejtincuashini part i of the misftifa was quickly diapelted by tbe atrenuua csertionaof those present the rreatcr pan of the cushions prayer books ie and some of ihepewa in the lower pat were saved but t every tliua else including the organ which bad been erected but a few month and the large bell brought by mr crnnyu from ireland felt a prey to the devouring clement service had been performed in thechurch io the iorenoontt being ash wednesday and it ia supposed that a spatk of fire from one of the stoveahad communicated thruugh a knot hole in tlit flooto the shavings which had been left underneath- hie buildjn was insured for 800 but this aum will come far short of covering the actual jos this is the second urge fit which hos occurred inour town within the abort space of one week destroying property to a large aowunl jluudon enquirer ktb 21 re the ub fy lutcibjy ff we stated in oui lut that w molson esq incompliance with tbe yvbhes of a nomerout and respectable body of oor fellnw citizen was aboql to offer himself as a candidate for the tepresenisiion of this cily in parliament we ivetolay the pleasure lo publish mr molton aildress and w understand that means are now in progress to arrange a meet ing between the candidate and tbo fricmls of constitutional liberty on the batisof the reso lutions of will and o he maintenance of british connection of mr molson position and personal char ades il onmeasjmiy for u lo aay anv thin here hi address pck hi ex tensile commercial connechons will ensure him the acie snpport of tbe commercial body enerally and we bsliefc no one can be mote acceptable lo use elector of every origin mr fisher has in the most handsome man- ner as we noticed in en extra of thursday given wayo mr molwu trie courier of yrtinjny says that it has reason to believe thai mr bellinfham will do the same il only resaains for mr dfummond tu folbw so eeritcnlan eiample ad thus spare the eily ihe turmoil and eacitemenl of a contested election of which the result cannot be for a moment a matter of doubt since writing the abofr wt have received a copy of a renoitftion in favour of mr- mol son the number and character of the tifta- urc fully bears out odr anticipations of the eitensive support which conmitulioaul piinci- pset will receive in the person of mr molson and wv itttft the lime lat now arrived when nt merely iheeoojmerriajotnmunity hut thr vtf pupci an eheian will tee that if they deire the continuance of itfilith connection the commercial advan tages they now possess and ihe prosperous ex- ittence of the city at the commercial capital of this united province ney must take iheir tmn4 jtmst a taction the inevilnble tenleney of whose meastiras is severance and ruin fhntrtd 6oerc ft 34 distfttssino accidkht on wednesday week a mr campbell son to the potmster si nottawassga left home in a cutter for sunnidale accompanied by m mr vale or hu vincents a mr hollinjrstcad and another man and tew minute after starting had to descend a steep hill with a thfp turn at ihe bottom where aome stomps had been collected they were dnvint fast and the horse not being wel trained upset tbe cutter at he luro poor campbells neck came in contact with a sharp stomp and he never breathed after vale was ftunned and intensime for a length of time sod is much bruised inward ly holiinrstead was also severely hurt but the fourth maw was thrown entirely over ihe stumps and escapee without injury this ought lo serve as a warning to pcrsocs in the habit of driving hst down hill j toronto cetaniaf itflt pvtitf ma curri leri lktteii jvrore j corwva my fellow cktjaraj tj tkt editor a t sm several ol my fellow cttsavbrj bav exprcmcd to me a strong dtlt i should come forwari asa candidate at llc approichin eleclion for ihit cliy i bavc detliswl lor the same reason which satisfied mv friend on ate occanon ami is the most aiiprofitafe i ca oflct the pramoj haujlllt il has certainly atu i it me anncraionot declaring my self morrupr then i could ajnti now upon the vcatu which aiutrs lh ptovince some person have interjkclcd what they call my silence as a condemnjlian on my part of the opinions of air d u viivr and a censure on ht conduct 1 believe it tn be my duly to seize this on- portunily of distinctly explaining myself on that subject anj to do awaj with ao erroueous fiitts and snaps anginal and stlttt fl tata cesrotatjo no thv t the i of cinida according lo the computa tion af the wiaeacres who rovern krnjjaton are in midwinter and by order all dofs are lobe tied or murtted until tbe 1st of april tom pools day v child is said to bare died in tceonto of rtinr disease unknown u or badly treated by the kaeully and accordingly the disease ia pronounced hydrnpfiubta and a general slaughter of ooa decreed at the other extremity of the province in quebec one or two deg wanting water are m n to run about the streets with their tongues hangiit out dosjnmdricss again and another nbumerof dop as nothing of the bind baa happened in kingston the corporation not to be rrhmd hand with their neighbors wish to creates little id madness excitement and in ell proba bility hicir wish will be stisocl if dogs are kipt tied up or kept motxled and water is taot plentifully supptied the disease cofied rnaov hm fr want of a belts name vrio aavurcdly be produced and then if one single dog escapes from eorlracrneot the tou may thank the cor poration for the consequence if the corpurt- that want to meet the evil in a senaible manrter they mould rescind their ridiculous order and lax cterf owner of dog in aueh a sum as would mat ri illy dimioiab the cumber nf useless curs kept about j family at the same destroying in a regal way all dog who base ro owners bending out thrcr ir our vagabond with gune to shoot dojs at ur will not only endanger human life but fsuc note and bastilitirs in the public streets r the season still maintains ilscxtraordi narv and seveie character a slight fall nf snow on friday forenoon the 16th instant was followed by cotdon saturday and sunday al sun rise on both days the thermometer wa a few degree below icro tbi morning it became mild with tome enow the whole depth of mow in ihe hard wood lands where it docs not drift is less than three feet and a hall notarltisundiii ihe severe ftotts the gionnd under the snow siih remains unlroien ssit was at ihe time the first snow remained on he groudd in the fall probably some exaggeration ha prevailed about tne stale of tbe thermometer in the last week of januaiy to the westward and south ward at quebec we believe farenheitt rvff vv-rr- yaw uitiifi the lowest v very utile exceeded on any day twentyfive degrees below zero and it only reached that ioint iwicc or tbrice qasficv gssssjfft ctttr itouik to oncco the emi grants to oregon aays a western paper haves jong route to travel much of the way over mountains and baiteti deserts end but few resting places the distance set down as folio from independence on ihe frontier of mis lo fort larimie 750 mites from larimie to fort hall 550 irnlet from fort halt to fori wallah wttjh 450 miles from fori wallah wallah to port voncottvcr 350 miles tn vug rcaocss or rur tines caicumauncc which will be explained hereafter preclude the pro pritor of this journal frewn giving any editorial in title in the present number hw the editorial in the two vcvioos numbers ho was indebted to a member of the late adminitfra- laon and it was bis impression that these partial i j from bia pen might lead to a perma nent eonraeclion wi lb that gentleman j v xoprietcv regrela to rind that no aueh con- nxtn was in contemplation and that th llllc iftirice hitherto extended to him in the editorial hni u- to be withdrawn when it suited the con- i ordiserction of the gentleman referred to tn iroprivtor will not content to abuse his sirn il by allowing it lo bo uie organ of a coutic tra nnmber of which fancies himself competent lj fiiit jinc uio tone and character of ihs age nil tlit i will ho ssjactaon the interference of soy in di idu il howsver giltsd in the conduct of a yur nil untasa bs brings to tiw aid of hie paper i eiil sentuncots in harmony with those which it haa all atonj p tease jalwrcsj rrairf o rimip vitf t dots editing of the m iff jj tirt m r hincka has becti kicked the recall ol lonl oe grey irom ihe iord litulenaney of ireland is tepoited to have ben decided on hy the cabinet the neces sity of a more cordul union a more perfect agreement in opinion and consequent decision of purpose and action tharr have characterized the present executive ol ireland in order to creating and maintaining confidence in ihe cove mm cm has been long scon and felt tbe rein rn of lord de grey may not take place till early in the ensuing spring but that his call lias been determined on is we are assured from a quarter on which we place fall reliance now sellled the duke of rich mond is mentiond as ihe new viceroy- gxatsf litter rom m veneautsn in tandem to a friend in paris giving secret inforaation for which be was compelled lo cuit england in fortyeight hours after the discovery my dear friend aa lhere as an opportunilv 1 am going to inform rou how we are and what has happened since 1 last wrote but as for newt i have none neither would it be proper lo write any aa times are my daughter mary lvlis you know is just turned of twenty has had an offer of mas- riaje from a man that is a sailniaker which j i ces me to agree lo the match us t am informed by j thoeac of lbs same line they always und ready i employment 1 am sorry to aay f have been confined lately with a fever and a eejd al the aamc time tpit unod and had s verc head ache but white re covering drnutt now bid you adaeu with requesting to be acquainted with all your news and how you kl are and to repeat my assurance of your com mands uing always punctually executed hy my dfar friend yutir wellwisher j p c- the key to the above is a small dot afler each word which it tube obacrved and tho information conveyed is there ore twenty aail of the hoe ready at spalhead howe commands it true wheiw wo play or labour or sleep or dtinco or ttuy the sun poateth nnd tlto sand runs jn all the actions thai a mail persvina tome part of his tdc paaaclh we die with doiog that sor which only our alid inp life was granted nuy though we do notiung firnc keeps his con stant pace and flics aa cast in idleness a in em ployment an hour of vco is as ling aa an biur of virtue but the difference which fiiuowa mpoa good actions is infinite from that of di ones ine good though ii diminiahes our time here yet it lays up a pteawe for eternity and will re compense what it takcth sway with a plentiful return ol laat when wo trsdo with virtue wo do but buy pleasure with expense ot time so it is not au much a consuming of time u sat exehsnge time is s ship which nevor anchors whdo i am abroad i had better do those things that may ad vantage my landing than practice such m shall hf he near the five in the morning liter and waits lill but if bealioum way he proceed ind no other dog dares approach j ts f l the rloihraof the men vvlwn lu ibout over be gnri away bul k10w whcrf a a mllefot course lit jff amnnlhe men and from hall ihe super intendent having made sir vjecuhantie known he lia ucone much noti ureenwich railway about in summer liut irfter in w he men go lo their woivr have misled mem in an over the district till he trj then takes his station besi sale postponed w ot no 2 in iri 1st conception s mj w jreeii pttinli w nowri ta scaitiuiis farrr- t the township of phiosliurg and district rf prince m- word coasuiaiog 20 acres 65 of winch tre under cultivation thia very vsluablo and extennvo form ia aitualctl immediotoly on ihn a lora edgo on 0o buy of quime anrj ix mile only from tho flonriahing town pictott attacliud lotlio farm ia a guod shop a suiwlsmlia wharf and a ugo mirj commodious siora houao ihrec to rlcs hih ett with hentj i the barrow he mb one gcnesr jsckso fi wrth ur feigned mtwfactki thai w re engird to aute lhatthr ifiitltii1terundi the fine inposed ly jttdgc w acw 0ric passed iht iascsasjj subatanty l passed the lluue thus aftrr mieh diseips remitted rpo siton to tlw last hour con- h li v off tbe st tin rf reproach av fv that the llr uf new ott- aeasfaf jushiph and respunsiur du sst worthy of censure fine but on dasclurgcd his whole dutv atn j eiticiv tloferftj cnritrary fearlessly i a soldier and as a iwrmi irrirjal in siiiigston at the hkittsii african hotel hon hentv shevwoid charles boekut mr- hill mr walker capt fc james lrio mas c armstrong j ff winnc j srnso j samuel mr steel mr mne sauil baird jh quatte henry wavllvapi robmaon rh ed h bourn hugh ftannv a cilrnour john roas mr macdonald j vewgc llolnscs mr hiu mr walker at the lambtonvue hotel g wyarker angus m- r schiieck d hue mr backus at the north american hotel mr sabim mr powell brsfa jliiatfinc proporty from its command- tnw position is well worthy of tho aun- liuiiofiue merclianlor farmer and will be sold at public auction at the auction hckma of mr james liniofl kingmon witliout rcaorvr rrt ihe fiitst op mat next unless proviiualy disposed of y jjivate sale toms low for caali for particulars apply to messrs fr- sytli a muubut- solicitor ringsl kmsatijii feb 27 lsss n ordnance contitacts wtot1ce i hereby givon that staled 1 tenders in triplicate will be r coivod at llita oirlcrj until 12 oclock of thursday 29th february 1344 for washing and repairing tho following articles of barrnck and htvapital hao- diso and i j m for service of tbo troop in this garrison for a period of tknt years from 1st april l44to3ltt march 1847 bahrack double round tvwcx at ji al hotalcrs at illsnkeb at m slieets ol rojs st vaftluck slhclr rjattaamitm uolaters bunkcls sheets ittapv married lotletownanipof kinrt m by the rev mr vanduscn aaoaew ciac tl 2qu i oacw ct acvvnd daughter of jobtt to manrna cruaxorrs ashley eao at odatiacharcri by tlw rev- mr savnce presbyterian krejman cf awaa placs on tbe itb inst- nf witxiau haass of kempt i it r to miss heaacy ctwroau lat at longford ireland bills of exchange the recrivek gitftiral give notice that ho will rocnivo tenders for bills of exchange on the korda commissioner of her majaiya trra- sury at thirty days sight on monday 18th makcitprrxtmo nt noon in sums not less than x500 sterling 1 ho teuileia must be addressed to the receiver general of tho province sealed anil marked tender fur ex change and must ire made with refer ence to the tar of exchange namely one pound fnur shillings and four pence currency to the pound sterling the money to lie deposited in any of the chartered batiks deceiver general office 2gth fcby 1s44 to let rort onk riniiont veab3that iauawl fahm lately occupied by mr lrwi day sc rfon joining waierhso anv known as the moore faun for par ticular apply to lstitia chesnut executrix banicficld or lo thomas smith kingston- baniemw2jithfeb 1s44 monument to til mexciy or tiiac late korant wuh tditor tfi ntontietoa or the mck- tutal herajp he committee l msnaemenl bet re- speetlully to inform the friends of the late robert weir junthal a subscription l is now lyin at tbe kttabtishmeui ol hftstll ramsay atmour co kineston where il will icmam mdaya for tignaiarc or wlawlp- tions may be forwatded to w watson esqj treaturei to tbe mohlreal uy order of the committee edmund henry parsons tfecrcorjf montreal 20llt feb lm t notice cataraqui bridge stv awvs acaavaauti r wrfawifastlj faf cjitj1rj1qu1 bfkdge from ihi i im march l44 a 20th january s5 inclusive tpenders will be received at the office of ihe cttinrrel bridge coh pany mi thursday he 7th march nrjxrrjt 12 oclock noon pom such persons as may bo willing to rut ihe same for the above period ihe jwsrt to be clearly stated in words at leoih- which kent is to be paid weekly tv the first forty week after ihe said llth march it is to be understood that such of ihe army ami navy and oher military du panment as are incluchj ihe contract entered inio between h government and ihe cataraqni brirtj company are exempt from toll rnd that mititta men when on duty eos ta or coming from parade or mumen the direc tors and officers ofihejtraqui bridfie company their serva- horses and carriages are also lo pa toll free- it is further to be urrjrstood that no deduction or abatement will he made ir allotvcdt under any pttf whatsoever from ihe amount of contract enlercd into the persons tenderivs ortheir agent must be present at trw opening of ihe tenders and the name of two sufficient sureties are to be insetted who trc willing to enter into iiiuida for the faith ful performance of theoontract the tenders tn he addressed to the president of the caursui bridge com pany thomas olassup secretary ttevrcr c- b g kingston 4th febiimty 1644 to be let and possession gih in jllutj ncrt gga that licautiful and com- z2 modioli mouse rvplele fls with every convenience cfa- such as rain and well 4wfis i wawrciterns basins in the bedroomsink and hydraulic pump in kitchen patent water closet double windows caul iron fire places cm the whole of the house has been newly painted and is in first rale order kent moderate apply on the premisea to the proprietor- ckorge browne architect kington 23d feb icu a meeting of iho stockholders of the steam boat phivck eowaitd will be held at tho office of the subscri ber on friday the sth day of march next business ol much importance to the owners is to he laid before the meet iog then fore all parlies concerned are reouesicd to give their attendance thomas umber ptfgftli kingston 21at fob 1p44 cttlie prince rdward cattle and victoria chronicle are rciiucjtid to cosy uto above n j ok day of meeting- extensive sale or hou8lola hkmflkt avc c nv avctiox vt tho commercial mart on wed nesday the 28l h february inl will be witltout reserve ti close con tiritmeni a great variety of household furniture consisting in part of mahogany couches black walnut sofas do do side boards do d chairs cnntre tables bureaus dining and b eakfaat tables chcrtoriiera kelmllfsf cribs washstands etc parlor box and cooking stovesa with varioua other articles at the tame time a pair of beautifully matched bay horses with atcigh and itobca complete also six splendid double barrelled guns with mahogany cased sule at 10 oclock punctually d macdunairu kingston feb id 1sh al at al al al iiosiital patlssen al uoulrrs tat kunktl at blscetsj at ltx at gowns ai wairkmla i at tourer iktvl cap at awa for 6wikping chimneys the prices for washing and re pairing to be slotted separately opposite each atiicle of ueddiog and dress nnd the rate per fije of each cmmiwyi sweeping in sterling dollars al 4s two responsible secniitics will here quired for the due pcifkttnotice of ihe contracts for further particulars apply at liiia ortueor at the office of tho ijarrack master tete de pont lianacks tbe tenders to bo addressed to the respective officers of the ordnance kingsthu oidn3nce office kingston caoada ith february 1344 rhmniclc and herald will p4easscop- fo r w ardi ng etc- the subscrtbera btrc leave lo ioform their friends and ihe public gener- for 2d commissariat kino 5th feba 1341 tenders for fuel wood npbndbrs will bo received at this a officooa monday tho hthmarch 1644 from persons willing to enter into a contract for supplying and delivering in o tbe undermentioned fuel yards commencing in june and ending the aoih november nextsubjecrto approval by the senior comminjuriat officer or perun appointed hy him 3000 cords at me ttte dt pont fut yard the deliveries lo be mado al tie rale of 500 cords per month with permission to deliver n larger supply in tho earlier month but tioi to exceed in the tvitote 3300 cords 1170 cords at fort henry putt yird dtlt vti tea between july autst and september inctuan tities not less than 300 cords each month 170 cows ut foirtt frederick fiut yvr in july august and septrmber the wood lo consist of fair propor tions nfsound merchantable hard maple hickory black and yellow liirch and beech lobe cultwo months previousto delivery each iiuk to be foui feet long from scarp to pninr and none icaa in dta- of b extensive teas sugars sale wines to- v auction at the sices of ihe sab- srit commercial mart liuiloinjrs on tbwmj next lbs 29h february will he fold withonl reserve 25 boxes twankeytea do yoianx hyson tea da iitrtnnwiter tpu 90 12 tea j 5 do old hyson ta 10 da ii tea 10 coxet stafck 10 urounj pimento 25 boxta crnun1 coffee 15 kaea cavcmjish tobacco 13 kegs plo 6 i i i i twut 25 jars macatov 20 bort soap do do snuft it ice tierces barrett do muscovaiso sugar 0 5 8 hhds 20 barrels da do port sherry tenerirte and clarcl wines in weed and rtotllef with various olbet articles m the grocery line- sale at one oclock ncncluafly d macdonatd kington 23j feb isi4 ally that they will be fully prepared on the opening of the navtgaium with efficietit means to cary on their uaual busineaaas fonvfaitdclta waftcrtouse- mem and shipping acents routes of transport between kings ton and montreal ni th rideau canal upwards and river st- lawrence down wards their line of sham tfoeii ericsson propeurrss ffliat introduced inio canada by ihem schooners and barges eejua to any in tbe country will enable ihem to forward errfmtfee product and passengers on the can1 lakes and river at as low rates and wilh as much expedition a any other house in the trade in addition they would beff also to state that they have leased from the kingston marine railway company their spacious stone stork house foot of gore street together with a large new warehouse to be erected by tho company on the adjoining wharf winch will be ready for oecupa lion on ihe opening of l ho navigation these premueswill afford them facilities for transhipment storage and despatch superior to any iltey have hitherto oc cupied in kinfjston while tho aafoiy of inperiy stored ill fife ttuof caimings is loo well known to the commercial public to reouire comment at montreal brockvilje and pytown thoy will occupy the same extensive premises which they have hitherto oc cuniud tntries passed duties and all other charges paid on goods consigned tu them from oreat britain murray sanderson montreal sanderson ft murray kiiigsfon brojevtue and bytoien february is4i u2ra will he sold monday meter than 3 inches althearrrallerod lo ijeatrnight and every cord to contauo t2s cubic feet to be piled at the ex pense of ihe conti actor io stavckiiof one cord high and afierwarda re piled in stacks 3 coids high in the tete do pont yard and in piles of 1 corel high in the two other yards the piling to be subject to ihe approval of tho commts sanat officer or person appointed by him knotted logs of large size wil not be admitted unexceptionable security subject to the approval of the senior commiassxrii officer will be required and th real signatures of two responsible persons willing to enter into a bond for 700 for the faithful performance of tho contract must be given io tbe teaader forma of tender and condition of contract can bo obtained at tho com missariat office where any further par- ticulais will be afforded tenders to express in figures and io words at jengtb tbe rate per cord ia currency and payment will bo mado monthly fr the quantities delivered by a check on a charurrtsd bank or ia dollars at a id currency each at iho option of tho senior commissariat officer remittance of money by osillen ud othot to their friends the canada company with a view to afford every facility to promote settlement in canada will rfru t any sum of money no matter how small the amount may be tea any part of england ireland scotland germany or eu rope the commissioners will at tbe option of tho settlers or oliver parties cither grant bills of exchange upon the com pany in london payable at three days sight which are readily cashed in any part of the united kiny dfllalctft twipja io moneys in tbe hands of the individuals or taraesn thty art intended during thu m the last year the company sent ro irw united kingdom and ger many in 320 remittances the sum of 2990 13 averaging about 0 ewb remittance viz h38 3 7 in ricr75 12 2 in 441 35 issrcfrtiuaaees to ireund 85 do to enianst i wale 59 rlo te scotland i do ioce m a a sale of leasehold property on the premises or the th day of march next by auction 18 years unexpired lease nf that valuable properly on barrack- street adjuining the racketcourt known as the racketcourt inn being a sub stantial built roughcast bunding eon- tainirifi cighi rooms and a kitchen with stabling for six hordes and yard well situated for an inn the ground rent is nnly per annum and will positively be sold without reserve lo the highest bid der for cash or an approved noie at three months the above is well worthy of no tice as it is a property thai will always command a good rent sale at 12 octoci jlinton abc m kingston feb 22 1644 2990 13 4 in 329 remittances canada companys office frederick street toronto 10th february 1844 i cm teas spiritsjand wines axd a cencal assort 7 or cihimk wholesale and ttcta lt tbe commission strife of the subscriber xm which he offrr as tew for cash aa any honsern ihe trade twodoor below mr john uliphnts brock slreel j u petr1e km 5tbjan lch4 c by private hale fi half bmt u s superfine flour ju emta just thelonjon ii lfcu3 abaioubce received ustralied news timet and natfiv f dvv- 7 16 a and 30 m william romrr com- mart huildings ootfi february 1844 ware agm 30 parkes celebratej fok sa hbls ale from brewery al tdrotlo apply in cbatc watt kingston 06th january 1s4l to let a atone dwtilmng rlotse n wejllingion street lately occupied by ihe honourable mr baldwin enuuire ef s scobell kingston january 6th 18j4 julat received atm gillespie co career of pnv cess and hseol streets a superb i rich velvet dresses nf choice uveon and patterns- notice british america fire ano life vsm n wcr coaipaky incorporated and empowered fy act oj parlia went to effeet inland marine liturancc nphe pubscrilierltavint been appoint ed assent lo this institution ia pie- pared to receive proposals for insurance igaiott loss or damaire to property whether amine from fire or from tho perils nf inland jyavigation upon the icim specified in the established tariffs of the company proposals may be addressed to iho subscriber at tho office of craig end yvattjontarro slreet next door west of the custom house william craig kingston 20th feb 1941 to let o houses to let in jfttnistv l ink one containing 8 rooms at a month ly rent of 1 fin and the other con- mining 6 rooms al a rent of i v- 6d- per mooth apply to william mcmillan jgau ir t o iota removed kennedy co have ro moved to the store formerly oc cupied by messrs r h t rao ontario street kingston gib february 1344 wanted immediately uuw 10000 mink skins 25000 martin skins 10000 fox do for which the highest price in cash will be paid by the subscriber at the sign of the bear brock street j a mcdowall kingston feb 10th is44 by private sale a first rate billiard ta- ble full m with balls and cueacompleteprien 85 william ware agent corner commercial mart bmldiags kington 13th teb 16u furs cash patt store of furs furs for shipping furs at the william wilson wellington buddmgi kingston dec 10th 1543 walter eales st ptioter glazier paper hanger a this old stand queen street op poaite the mechanica insiitute v b room paper far sale kington r ub ls4i