01 hminv wpb rccultnl rem my ynii to hear hm the in i ame niiucihil nmjralif lw i ditiit itok ulm i on jttirt it mmifflhriihi iiusvam wm h i bve t rm in in smva yrilu ih4fvjlt tlsal rtrmifcvrriy mvir wayalal an you johi iil ir nr are yw not mm hvuv if iwiftg john ami it in- ulo richr make it john ifyhf un imlmliri fuil if by bctijr mow tin uiidtud lce ttcit am i imx johu lbhy qgtf jhhtkk pray caplain m rtpr mj frnuotrogojrtll t-otli- or might bo nw pndrudicr alone rw lltrv hovxolrn in ueh ihinj a voic lavc iucllwntucof john cm jiwirr zuunuv mnurr risty if you wcrcsidwiled john you larcjum rigby ma ttaaaf nuy hear mr out my lrd thry cnlkd mr win rut roorc than hi it ihrv eithvd nie javon too arjtl 10 jclm j 4n right ii ttty name crtirr jwnnb n it for this you bare d tarns j the court ommml ilic public lime ihavd llu trial and pit mr prime to a fearful lest swear hi in aioncr mn rirnr my 1wd i cnirr jiwrtcrt nvvcar him swear cltih cr tut caoax john rieby m rwar juanx hijby t p- cincr jwnca ivl him he rnrnrn wrthoijl antlicr word lmthr he an rmvr rf the fourt amjmlow sitefctf inktiaftiiiffiwwrt than kt the bench b fvotd as rtfby a loutd ua cpmt or mr csowx he rtwora my lord and r are all ihe rcl ciuer justice to trial then irt counsel d ireii bcrt and may nor friend iv ihjmic calhcil nwod if rou nrjrt0 of vhat llw jwstpvoti 111 aay no j ci arc ao qod a you- wo do oor tri tocxecutf tii law bui lot ynar tcrdict lmoly be frupptnghi aond i iviirnrd t hum tlirj ivni ariordingly 1 thf nilictnn1lr mmi icr i fimiltia ot 11m tirrc snt 1 th- lonrral lo ufcr jhrr on iltifitoy h3 jumir m repm inihe tlijiionolilio t irath tli ye aniriic ol nitaitgcairms will iticir aniril m i lie cilv haii np 3j ifihiiixipw tke fuurral sa be wli civic and frufiuty friv n4 itihraol lfcl tiik tatr taiavitfr atifknrtri i04ictef ihelamculcd upvliuifcilmcr maxcy kenivm and llarilinoi were brought to this c yi vti in cnlfin fiom tlic iwp piince ion rn lan i uhich on the ptrccdin alln aoon 1hy nastod fiom uf to death vy meam iwl leju flret or flal lhan tire frnrn hraveii the ctfltif mncofiff jed with dm wlemnily to the lteweiil houa hm14icmi in ihc eaftl ioom ihctc o jwah the funeral eerctno- tlic cloom which fell iion eveiy spirit on ihf rinl nfn ol the aaj ac ciitenl on fimd 01 the rriucctii wa rmme tn etcry coimtenince vemerday re to a motage from the iicidenl on th mbjecl hoth houses or m jreat aljnuinfd immrdmtply after aiojtlor rentietienejiitpiri ot heir feeling the i i nl airiin lommrow aojy to allrrnl iw fitoenlj which if apjoifitedlo take ptatm saiuday at ii oloek fin dpth haa occurrrd in confequenre ol the tcinble ccidenl betide tlioc mentioned enll hit 1utii cihilithd to them iejciiej trial in ih dinhaijeeci 1ei it y ww y siicl ihc famiht of each if the ileeewed am acreitined thai i hey were ovmipi lhc i- eliee irhlive shnuld le tmir4hl in ii if injj rh- iki c reality exen l thai of ihc netrwt or iln rinf and ra craia alu diarmtion ot tiio ehrjetu it uio fall of uur cuniaia i j 1tvr i i fltlftl tim pvolie ijhrm cve ote abpocitl jnit arttift hi staotva- prtoov jupom- cm juftirr wnwdka kstnab- fufsttjaboju unua stairs the princeton calamity rvatiica rahticcrarf sn tmuttltc- corrcnocr of iw n v j ijni fft rntfr washinctot ftb 2th uhsi in eiwof the late firar ful calalrotihe which it the jjct of universal irimirmfl- i liardly know where lo begin a recital nor woild i know where to leave off so many considera tions crowd upon me out i find it difficult lo write anylhin- i am njoiced that the me ajje of the prendent i colcntaafd to cany i aim o the ufturded pirit nt capl- stockton in rtrl fr thr dead we flmm imt forrl ihr aituivh of the living captain lochton frai hrnuht uh to the city lotay am i at is- bya lie hvt in a fevemh ami drtkilrttuo condition and it hluo under the keenest anguuh of iui1 i wiu here mrntion several circumvtancet itighjjl hwfflrlwt o kiuh hft wu hffteil m nearer to the fiir ikph any ore haein kttn eneatcd in exhihitine the operation of the jpm in a heavy m sec the the smoke cleared vay so act to ihow anything in those around capr slocktor was cen standing on the cun hia hand clasped and bllvetiwd silert emolon looking down upon the wreck at i lm moment he knew nothing of ihe slaugh ter that had friu committed he did not kiw that a single person had been ho rl il wu soon reported that the two secretaries and others had been killed in real afjonv he eaxlaisned woomsocod thai i had been the eiciim p or to that effect he was much burnt and brutsetl mr benton who was standing near ihe breech of the fun relates that he perceived i ful his hat was thrown overboard the smok was thick for a moeaent and when it cleared away be aaw some persons and fraxmenu acatlcred nl lie vm not aware that the gun had burateil he advanced toward the persons and fell i m and dixzy ami inanolbn moment be came unconscious havins fainted he soon rreovered- hr tyson was neat lo mr flenloa and nanowly escaped heath a piece of iron about as large and as thick as your hand passed inlo and uiioflh his hat just gmlm his hair the hat was thrown aft ihc iron struck soe of the rifling and fell on the deck i hnve seen the piece mr tyson preserves it is a memorial of iris danger ami delivcrincc several of the puree of ironwere thrown upwards into the riinjc those on the lat hoard side of the rwo ftve in number wer kilted hy a lare piece of iron which formed the upper half of the nn below its axis thai part of the sun was thrown over in an eliidica direction so as to sliike the group mrmsn f messrs gilmer upshur kfwlsfll maeyarid gardiner the nn you must notice w- pointed out of lit larboard nrt itote y thai it pointed obliquely lo the maryland simie pa rallel with the pssflsje of ihr vun and nar ihc laiboaid bulwaikp were the smicinei above turned when the breech of the gun senara lrdil was of emirwj canted oft through the starboard bulwaik drtroiio several sailor and marine those like capt slocktoo mr phelps mr tyson mr jlrnton and othersj whose lives were saved though standing so earjollae breech of ihe gun owe it to then position the siecchfhn- one side and a sec lion of the upper hcmiiidiere of the un jninc the other side of thrm and the framenis ol iron being thrown upward 1 have seen various framents of the moo which struck persons and which struck tr izvt tell on deck some of them ap pear lo be cart iron and others wroum iron ttie scene or the cabin canno be described some of the ladies who were bereaved wen- kept in foam of it lfl thry arrived m ll city bui it was not entirely so as to mr gilmer she an inlercslin- beautify am interesting woman has nine children our nearly yown and the others very row and moreover is ctximu mr rivcihe id in learlest despair is my klrrsjlw dead t- cao it bet mr hires halo her hand and bnnl into lears she il now am tcalsu in a fearful condition j wenl to the prcsitleius bouse at 5 or 0 clock this evening the house was ejosvd to all but the commillee of amaneemnlsonr 55 to me into ihc kasl htr where the bodies were laid out they lie on ther fm siifoudcd in the tiahilifte11 of 1 tomb the first was mr uieitw i could not recognijie a feature of his countenante il was blickcoed and swollen hie next w u oilmcrcalm placid unchanged ami i lifelike commodore kennftiiii fair mutdaled and patched over willi whit- court plaiatar t was destlis cbanimi loom and silence i- in u ivn ier uaaih it appeared to mt thai 1 had nevri before mmm at huj door and learntd that ihe lamity 1 hi haybd rvuestsd tliat his remain presnlenla rolored nan who vni9 near 11k gun al the time of its edfldin thos who were wounded ciliiens otbeers and men ate we ac cuj in hear jrenrpally fesa hurt than was supposed and are doing well titk cauwity- the wow which lists fal len upon our communiry is so sudden and un precedented so aiioundin nd calmitout that with ihe exception of the relatives and immediate connections of those who have been stricken down so unexpectedly ihe sad erenl of yesterday does not seem lo be yet fully realized it is hue ihe occurence is the only topic of conversation in all of our circles and that all afjesfsexes and patties regard il jrreal cala mily hnl a yet it seems mofc like a dream than a reality lo the treat hotly of the citi zens an appalline vision to which their eyes are slowly onenins and which ihey are des tined to behold in fearful distinctness as the torpor produced by the shock subsidr the stroke received resembles thai of a very sharp htsrr the full amount of pain and blood is not immediately rcabfced hut ihe occurrence will be fearfully realized ileaits will break and homes be desolated the cry of inconsolable anpuirh will ion be heard in bereaved families leeislaluirs will exriess their sorrow in solf mn resolution nohsoflds will weep and the piess ihrouchoiit the cirihzed world will dwelt pon ihe theme virginia will weep ion ana4 um over her noblest and irestest sons so uniirulv cut ofl intbe meridian of their usefulness and rry virginia ha lost ihe mot and the bushiest tomes and at the requm or ihc lmid thai the tiv of il uaifiinn lieuld he tflkefl tn the pieicdents mansion in eifeejlieitce of which ariaujcmeiitr veie made umi hearses should meet the ho it the w hatl in lha city lo convey them lo tlivir family tei- denecs- the commillee at the tequeal of cptaiu stockton proceeded 10 cxteniqc w s lo the causes ol ihe exjdcmon and according ly called upon the otbcei s duty wa most immediately rnnnc led with the ading of the jun for such infjrmjiisju as lh y lo rtve lieut lluulpofilnaurc officer in ehaiffe if ihe ureal uns rcpeenh d ihd he o i the susi himself with bill iwentynve pnniidv of powder the umm chaise hrin hut ihitn pmnd ovii ihe pawslt w plced a said rsq04f with ihc uiil nun her ol wihb thd lb lsersofis near si ihe jjmii at ihe time i ihe eicplosinn wcic capt morktoiu mi km- ihr gunner el ihevhiji and limvlt iient hunt auntalr km tbis un hs been ceycatrdly fired will ji cbr of thirri ave pound oi wihi and mice in nw vmk wiih a ibaixe ef inityhine prsnul n the stat men is ot liril ihittl mr kin ihe unnr of ihe ship munir mr km t a idacktmithhv tradi atd is nl opitit the ein nas imsnvrcitilv made ol iron infcrifi qimlily to visit lb i miiu run were io r aeeilain ilnlrt1 o the wa 1 itw olid wm i lie vault altrjile u hion tle inthrary fihdvrer- lr ead we cant ol eot thi jsdrmmtiet o ihe uy w ihink us ilb imtuiar the momnfiii pnt 4 v table body el mesjia ml liittrmvi ihc navy ly cvajie fewanl umo rcrfpecl lu itie mrinm t ornmandanl krrinn whoi miuhied will ihe unfoiinaii an illnuiim slain ah f fifiluiiii 1 1 tv lln f etnhim- niy vwit an ihe ivnfiir isnsj salted th pits eivicrwieettdc velleisi lionoi ol teiueritnf ihe public irnl mminn what rets tbe- awearonef unnrl and reee s atfkbrd to dwhesjvtilitveous hits imirihsttn il i ihiir mevid e ii i pfoii eoiiopi- w wi4ieh1 sevrril btsniht ntdrm rail nl hoe ami uhsi eiltr alhrim liee sremiiv illiie and i ha u nhi r htl ilk in iln d j ruid nirfin ti tlaf cmnniiivc as ivelt fion ttc fntenii jewels and she will be the thief mourner the weeping sisterhood of stales testimony as frwn their owi personal rvctva tion and examinalioi hpfoivaur arieribe urn dent have nn hesitation in rnurtitn capt stockton and every elfur and man ihvvi 1m- rommand from ihe stihtest impnlation of raslmeworcarelessnes a mi are unanimous of opinion that this melmlioly event teal npon causes over which they could have no coutiol the committee having made the necessary provision for carrying into execution the a- ranyement of ihe subcrmmiliies appointed to nail the f of ihe deceased on motion adjourned srn die v h niicniik rncirnion jonu t lavgmux secretary fcbinary 50 arratval or tiis diad flelwren v2 and 1 oclock loffay a stcam1h t came up from ihc princeton haviig nn board the botljrs ol lb dad al 2 oclock five bears s conveying the remains of upshu fiilmer kronen maxrv and gardiner and mkrwpd by a iratijl if ain ol rairiagrs citizens on beiseback aut on foot passd in ience alen ihc avenue am proceeded lo the presideni mansion tlir coffin were taken into the etl room rimjni i i- tl f ew t now ihii fjie rin iiti tr ihe hut iiitii uui il ml him isa ve btvu d nl iriar nl w ptliiplw i iifcjtr iund i sim i fiill diferml dchemmlmi iii isltarnwy b shsnrasl b il rrini misi imnvi viiiehrcit d by till ltinm e hio mt i aalie mii ik i- i llu e imtry in i ri ii t f eij rtltiirj ttii ivsf ud tex- iim s tji mid v itiuili hkttp i tin rrdbtntlv limf iwn tmtm erii h- svi -n- d v l llf inly in i i1i i tf liejs pifliul ilv lire uk iriuif ihseirui mt- jum ut ilyk jiisic n if tire counin wih frspevl hith- iv lisl m-4sim- a unautfr renvrsily um iui m t jfm utikwl rtsarfil wili h iutmiclon n i jhimleselltini f wi bmitrsl uwdr iue1ost o jhiwemiiifillit nlrdrlerm- ol ihr r yen loin t ih korkv mnjinthif eih ivne 4i ivn ranjie lu7jjrrii iv -n- d od ll wild liiw a viiri1v nf ptiueidi nnvn1er ietlhe jritr n nithn rel l i lion in i mlit mu t urnhrlu prmber an iv rninrm nt nl ivs4ia3f rtv the l cuiitinn r t lenl ih u lioumf ond itnlti pce jb- pf p if mum lnntiil toeommmd ibe nl bhirnf lvenuirvin- t tin rilhtip uprf inw ante arpeirtniciilshnmben auhher 1m pw intcrtol and iiiirlim t wej nnectcd srsui ihe aubjrel and thiisth tewmaal ifw before it rbdblngn irid liitskvts il r ntppord tlt pwtitf et iw nitile mav ve innexd i seine en lard the ii jl it von 4 aleufl fiomuvbiitib udalej lsruary ik 1siiavst imporlanl iwpafthpe hare jtiu ct l fj ihe initd matis and fireat lbtani m d i learn hem fio ftiviuav nutb theie uit umi all things iv md some fpeeumm on ihe ami n m- mr ha otlaim nme creenre imi an plw vii will btralleil immediately- 1 n riillen llirti things becan vnh will tbera prhap ennui imutish willi cer fe piytm ivirer k aim ln aihhm ttie ndiice of l- t i in br i 1 ll lrtfrn a tin n ahd iii vm tidf ip luar ilibtv iryinhd se fai a ihe sccnaiious urc contfc say wit put th i i i i an tliu a rrxaiis peak ror nnronltvffc m llun- i lv tchc leinr fisrs ur tenllv wrauic jd iir 11-a- r ivi i vnh rnt i tiion r ilktnalnk sualsewk f un sud addnmi man z the ivl nm this n eily hint ltd jinjh a miytfity f llse i on ibitt truvidcd ik rcjxrat his faveablc lliiri r lc- hies mr i jin my tvi and laid atiempl at hinui m a n j r vhth wll cacuk my vurs cve knutnrt rrns atthf frparwf hwl tttpot ui titvtk sitwu kinclontb mm1i rtllsti h h and an on frames placed in the cealfe arranged ac- eenlinslo ihe rank of the eeeash ust woi rr mn urshinthe ma- th ill of ihc united states who isenian says that ihe bsl words mr u oveiwhelme wilk prrf lemame wrote were ihe followini which he penned minutes surronnded by he t just rat the momenl of his departure for ihe i2s cursioii on boxrd the princeton and which wer- published in the madisonisn of wed nesday ereninjr il is deemed proper to stale for the in- fnrmatiou nf ihov jerens who rnay feel an in terel in the citizens of ihe united slates now iiinerjeoins the sentence ol irani imtlation in van nernans thdiu eonsennenre of heir iaiiicipalien in the revolutionary mnvimem in cieada in ihe year ihth lhal llieie is rea son lo htlieer that particular i mad in tbr hrilish ftrinmnl in ibrr vhilf threiith ttrat ol ihe i niw stairs will meet with irsperifnl eensieialrnn as nomaure of general amnesiy hnwerer anneai to have been ihuum ehdienl bv her i v jo- tcmmeul i ill be necessary locnfrm these application to individual cases these friceis or reutionsol auterirau prisoners now in ihc ijiilib pcnw coiruet who may wtth lo ad- lis lo ihe ftrilih ftoveinment efitions in iheir behalf are reejtiested to send their p- nlicaiiens in tbr t pariveni for tranmision such americans as were resident in ca nada at ihe lime of tikinc up arms should make their application through the canadian aulhnrities titlttrtx or nrsptcr to rnr lath damil qmviim al a mcelinx el the senaiois and rrnreen- tatives in conrress from the male of srw york held at the opilnl on ihe 9th day of februaty iw4j the how sibw wlirhl sppoinld chsiiman and cliarfea h- cai- roll secrrlaiy mr strong introduced the olbnvin rese lulion which were adopted unanimonslv rtcwrcd thai we eeprm teret of the sudden and awlul ceaih zens lo receive the several ro millers eon- lrevinnal ktld olheis appnntlrd so wail lifiu him ami ihc repeil of the rmnmilec on tean lh princeton nflci the d ofrmreuce an ihen retired to ins private loom the commikee nf cotwesif appnited suhcemoiitiee to rarrl areniunllir en the ail of ibe executive the pit iriil imsra1 live oclot k li urn hmrral ceumomis i i- i i ii the prmjrnl mad- h the tcainu rwernmrnl or ht annesairui of all tw uiinwnse cituntfy li ha republic w eoncovr thai ifiv texn enes- tiuii i of more iinpeianc rrve cnjjcalrd inrmund hy grratrr dtllt ullics llian even the fhefxn en ilerlf ii brlncau in mftic dr rce mm coluwe not only o mealed who will he a rml rmlcul pno cl trl b a m wcmcnl but ilwiuith kngund rvftrsra- j imuesl e ismy av all europe itrionc hw ajwl lartmtfhaj ut lle inol drliente inelioiw shiicb h ftcr been nnrridcd in l iulh um entrv ifeicasrilatceliiiitwv ee in eitcnl inoneoil ntic- nl kane kosiehim svwi tb rmpirc o mexico by bciihi of advrn turmfmin ihn tinted siaiin hwltsww ly uartn tnlo a mianiie irpublic- tittinj oi ilisir own imok u1linc into du- ml mmnfoi lvr altairs ami ibi n rnim- mwasnl nnl asnff in tie umtd thlw filiinblrftkrn resuabin xriit ii ixln tbxw iveb- tfrirdlic n rd inannl n lreihiim lli l fiasstlej i m tvi awd lint eifilm bur biw- v- ad lie paiilv itial lb a- vstd h hfteaenl edie utui rmn d lln u i in rn ibe liir pra e- and ii tlte udt f ihe u d lie mvlv ibnt w t ibe braurhr- 4 llm lvi ptniia t diyhftv i fwm satdi iv ilns i- tiu iuiui i tik if pun thsr rar bi i- buif in in am ml lmrlc pietnnn tit w in an ddl jindinircnwliii of hne hll if ibnestfwie en1idfclhwu shil liuiiricunrit tin- budding suhitanesten1 n ciwnr linn an aere lies tkit tuti titw uzh hue norcinr uit contain sunv n-ui- enry nf j jinrv utfn uioeul uii iiil the tvirrooui4 nri slir and jnnrtiy th tl lie rveiulde cuvemc mibrr hi in ihe ij iitmrulxof ifiitint built lir a bcinan inl i uiivt i lur inmrumiit was urnbtc lo dckiihc ihr l itf arttneiirr i1 ii brlcv il c uhl wi i errcttl bs ypiiiiird or kitjjii a ilic tifi ire nuielt ient bv 1lvriiu ami itnlie ilc th il ihr bnddiit hid riod i vrnd hundvcd yern rtni hip ditrmtthtii ui arc induced in luljrve tin it rmntldf the ruinn of ptfvnqve ear olulim j ilc snvs ihcrv arc nnnv stsnalsr rninn tle colo- fadfrtl tih will wfawh enun into the iohfor nia rea in one of the vallrvs of the odijeraa truvenrd by thrs nvcr iil aum if ill miles irons mouh there is a larcc lemjdceidl landin il with nd r4tc prrntnj searrely any trace of ihlaudaikm ami were it not fr the want of a rotf it mieht still le rendered iwbilabtc ncr it aatkred alon lite declivity of a moonlain arc th ruin of wlim roust invc been oner a iarr amicdoet port of uhieb i itowcser in ihc aotu rk hill vifddc nrithc lli indian ti i nor hie oldei spatnii rtllte dinr in ibe vieimiy i f ibemam h-ltlcuirnl- can ive nny account f the orifn llu butdintf tiny mcrvlr knh ihai iikv hivr florid thrre imm llw eahu periods which tbrur iradilions rslenil tiicjo tnu4n4n who isdeainn in uce ihe iie ir tjlrrficr in their iwitftraiiontfroin the northern rrtfnif america may lwl in lhae uncicnl iwea many pssjup els of cajtwil r-iditim- 7vsw trhph in order to nvetir lle bi ti irgt fnm iniirnal dtavih r tliif is n rjimiion which w ihr opiiiin if mexico cvoril f knnijeoid n ttf a imi tev iht wdlm etenihctwj rjinnlim if betiors and difltrultiew cw in tin- mule of tl rjioiioeit ihe rajntf ihrv hy a ciimiitiv iidi anlf l rturaiiry wlnii- li idl tr ix eapshle of umionnt lb- lit il ilr proltdin id fiien atfwou ll bhnjf tth nol rinly it nuv -r-i-ui- ihr y ti y the fumhtioit iidur a sir ihn with oil il cain- ins risnkitiit seiirmm rn u wvrnite sallirtm wo hxei npnit lor bit- uoeta fjeieieenie which were ennucied will ap rnpriale order and snlmnily the aiert r ibe penum ivama avenue lncihti raited nn ibr remrmhraiicr ol the srene when cmrat ihir- rtsimn lamrnted lierctril ci was retrtir aleivi it lo ihe tomb a1iluh llc tbirl market av and ihe bitsiem daj of ihe weel j iih all euea of venier the lille el nt- nesv was hushed at an eailt lion- llw sir els rrr htlciil llmuh lull ol pnnt un irte rhi ytotrs iit1 pbces of huiue he lent uimtilv closed ami many of then i unfi wiih ihe den nty nf monrnin- ioia ilhtanbn iimi tbotauth liotn oilier cilie and mijh the rwtta try wereaddrd lo the ihawaaiuas ol ihcnielrt- pmis to witness ihe solemn rile and barient pompef ibe occasion el the orer auddrrn- ctim which feigned ihreiijbeiit tvere nol lets rralifying than ihe entire ecplmi ol lr am fiom ihe libiesl acridint the expectation of the piopic now av nl ihe funeral of en harrison il rned the arenne with waiting muuiluvs bswhs beloie ibe procession made its appearance tbr ii- feci silence observed in the u thrnnf te skv ceildt iic euwhnj u iishdat ptsfrorinnl nm4 i itr weihr lm nee tin gic 1 ulnl iift n y nieni p erftdlt in m nm hi irccnij hdllii itil ih irotn iltc 1 biunlv i- t hi m i- j pa 1 tl itmi 4 ti hhltli mi irhuue and uftliinaeli rtuiiif ne in h wttriitl j tttaneult in in- it a icn in 11 srttsj ilid jrt hatoei im1 lay mtmttl i eil w tl- ifi 1 lr h e ntuwtant fr- it util iwvtii 4r in ih hilirviif l xjtnl it r vvitn re iuhncs uh- h rwrs lunu 1f itial j ehtiianr aid in- cr it irrifl frlnvb fhetl ii llrew- qi e unir l lir eindry iv 4fi jt ratl id th f i j t lati may have full ttl lit v 1 itrt of ii i n wltntjiiriant uilv umirtirf llu- nht vtlnn ifaejmr b itr to ihai ilepti at ur 1c 5 i t p rerivi- in aln- u iht wir- tbit llu niiie nfjttlin rit ietl ib lb vuifc iiiir1iiitl i i ur witltf jmiftiih tiiftr4tiic tuva csrdain rllioll ac- eemaoied henry vfay to nalche after ihe rssil of ihe latter in new oflrjwlji about a loit- nibl since- the galvesletv news says fwe in0 net on what authoritv that a feller iva received in ihi city fialvemnn bv ibe lasl boat from cap fhiolt in which il is de- i bred lbt l prnjefl of atlrpwim rairtum he rfcum mated withcut a war with treil itn- tam tbe flews ai wv we have i new horn the b1iet authoiity ibal cant kt- io ji ttken hi tbrcalnin tas and the tulfd slates in lelilion lo ihe inevutn h anneation il is not imprsdmbk lml twe ibfejtts may hvr been the uian of cnpemintf the mifirhtoit el ihe liratr hef ir th senile hj flir railed sljlr fiwplwt rjntj tlf- ymi4t if vniifsriu ifa niptrini hw- t sal1i4ii i idtiee nw rfanilinfi himh r m ih mllnaj mrzirf alion wettie pimtblih1 th pugnjiiil c- a stei rt1ir rjrttl mi nnaretfti hr ulpve i ia mit irj ufa ur ten ol men e eslmiated aiiudm- m ihe tcidinei wiih which ibey have lollowe ihc irue iiiinripleof anion fffesmihst ain invli place in llunihal iut if p twism and s re ibr enunlry imi l can it deserve the- anil lint hi utlicr w nrilbfiuniitt for the lvwvtir itiijrblbp aide have heard with ihe i lht i deepened ibe solcmmiy of fellowcilitten the hon nf em esieemed david gardinrr ofsuadk counly lom is- fand ffmbeal that we deeply sympathize wih ihr family of the deceased lor the pnfal and irrepnrabfe los which they have sustained arsofceef thai as a mark of our resptet for the deceared we will attend his fnneia aevofrerf thai the chairman and serrelafr forward a cony of tbrse icsoluirons lo the family nf the drceased mr mionjmi davis and mr cairell were appointed a committee el arranfemcnh silas vvhirnit chairman cnvaits ii canret i sccietary al the presidential mansion reite ihe ethers or government civi military and nivtl trr feneign ministers memlwis nf injr4 ol balb houses and relatives and pcionat fncmu ft the deceased hf ibe efrc at an early hniir imlt iproi itelore the bedies were rcmovei retifiom services were pflfodsml by the re mr- llawley the rer i laurie and tin rev mr puller nf t lenijeinw n ilie preeesimi was ibrn tamed am ie sei led an rnini ftwl ttsrfj lb luncti esccil cowprsed of tiiid malrs itinp am vntinteers in iheir 1umujiu onilimf be the cotutrr then in the er er anouiiced in nnr ll came ihe bntic each n it ftwm ileitis eeaapunicd by caiiiies tiuli ihr pal beams aniotbei tilled wsuhi uviunim rebiivt r f eh sad viciiin nv the pu i n 11 lm unln ttri k it y il riam ihc intir tnr ft cwt by cfilrt el the commit tee of aimnemeek ibe vobmicer rompanii a and the cilijinsnf ihe dsslliri of cnlnmia vwl eatriie sbreued i rfiid the luijblmitineties air invited e iar- tbw a brni nam ol nlhrjl luiirein ihe cmutes ol ibe burial of ivrmilmcnis senates and isreseefatirc iboscwlovverc recently killed nn board the j eenie jucscnnlrnlhis inritr ieeih prinrion i with ihr memneicfaravrrmlririe sifrltrs the proramme of the proceiinn will hef th body of m maey wis net amon published in the papers of tomorrow evening j flmlftj laeaiilv irtttng rtuy leuvcycit i and saiurday mormnif for pullute to bis home in muiylami a committee was designated hy itiepsswl while tlus od array u nn lwl denl to icmatn wiih and to make the prelum- jrn mivile sui weie tiled ard the jclltih nary ananeinents lor pie inlermenl tf lbee measured iidrivaet killed by ibe burst ins of ihe cannon on board intbumannci the bodies wire to ihe ivuifelon pehrutry 2 iftlt the committee met in ihe cabin of ibe piineeinci and organized hy appoint ng coot shurick chairman and li okljubhn secretary whf u uin melien efo lb wleie iht miti and foimiii- in line in fin i rt tie sale received ihc hrsinrc willi nwbtan hennrs were 1 concessional ury batietl burying rliujfl and kn imeral threes alttr fimn ihe bearres u1 ihe ci place niius t i 1itrtlllrreerly ib hr iberan4 bm nl lb t s yi ren n 1 td u we ut dii- fad ihil in iv uhitr tink r itrv a- rin ikrinim hut n mav 1 i vr l etaatf ill ihi i rl l ihe ci alttfiun tivudtl pre nti irv in n1itettn u umoihvi emsbl it itaiin we m ui e jto llr le uh m wfcl tkiltfi pimiahtady to mtvc bcliin iiiviiy jjinl of thuk tbn insiibiit tyk to ihc nrjranttttyfr rafbs iielivinrtivws at i1m tn ihe viiih and wi friruds notdd i eliieli lid lh luivtlucttt ill i 4 tymu r lla ain i arrmum miplii in itat f li 1 lnil -uit- imlf r u iitalbit h 1 j tiitf lb f zitj- rit md titlti mr uvl i tl tntp lul s illili i t rh u xi niiuri tlllhl t ilh mi v1ivtr ii vv the ur h ltn tiliho n lo he ittbj jiil pub tin itew- tir we rutitteil 1 mtiitlill lb- bill i- tt nivlel illi ess wa till hu tli jatrw iibvrt d paovvrahj ismi t ulv le aj petliitthr v iire accrued hbc tb ivll a beavv lonnar tu reibtin vi i an in mc me 10 more ibati hrb fuel rfemtoiit wat- 1 1 he chtihl itle it or li paliftft the south isvinbt ttvitrt titii 1 u ii lovet ell mr tlw m mlbeva- p nd i urv lnl 111 if mt title4iu and l is imbiltc hint mr litutteti o ihe eun- rtfcrti titan iinv eibse e viid br dti i litl1 l mt tl rtf fe clil s jrt utn re n h i to yinl tid t vrri nnil nuilrrt1an iid lo hi ml ifmrrthnn h bttiure nv tlnt l rhi atjttnimrtitijn ifhi kbetnsifl1iir rtat nf st tie and mr f n riiu lisa iit ta ft m btptjjumd in ui ii ii th titnit rftwl is ui rori i m if vhb ntit with p r h itr it t is ii nttm jul i4 t ivii tn llu il1iuu i a arnvt i lasi eve itt al litou llfit n ll ilvi lai in ihe mi viiditl ftclvftraus rfsiibut veined tin ilic pay it nf the u i im vvrie indeed ihc iealrl of vlilue solitle devntinn lo the microtis nl w re all the duty lbit a public eaieecd in liiltil he would then iirvi lavish praive nothing can i- mere nn m iiijk the tidiciite with which jnveinl has i irali m ic i in motive as il he sie bd wen aeiirated ly by aifmmtic dsiie elleiy on the rotiray his whole enndnd displays iiip lufiet reniuv an the boldest spirit of nileiprise liaiuly s utnfvied anddiectedbv a eon judg ment to the fmihrrancr of the imnor tnd in tetests ol itis cnuulry and bis scnfice of sel- lh pinle and pftssrnn when aflei tin battle tf zima he ursed the acceuurr pfpfftee and lived suptort ihe iiasracf of cailhve with ilr patient in ie nf one dav i pairing it rf fuit artroni conltast lothecowirdtv frirair willi which some of the brt ul the koma s deinired heir country of thru ervn r hy suicide of the extcul of hi abiik the hi lory of his life is ihc let evidence as a cartel his eendnci rcnatns imrhaired with a uie error ii liiowlcvtc of btimjii nature it bis ascendancy over inen mims are i be rrfsily ever an army cemvrd of hi mtny v ariout and dieejnt reiiotiv and ntiih bad no nthei loft iban ihe peiiatnal ri of ujeir leader a ft statesman be was al md lit nil ahi iim p mi litttitjh j iiiihttilv d ilic ruol h- hill known bu intttirnf tbitisb lumkxiui nnd jtidniily airtd i- ttiiir irct nl re- nit liv t ih rr in hrtrdty a rmmy tn ihr tuninc winn tbiicia tttttr so dimnt d nnrcr pt4abte taj sttnllit the old fttdirals rrflbb ciitiy ll will i- in the rccitlveiion of our n id iis lhturit ih- lit- rvbllnn ihc rutrr of l- i iiniiy ihe fiur cmcrr wa tliervllvin plteeof lb i iltttd llirob irvmowuul vetnris i tl luim- ltn tot mtriclr ml il ww al fln liei ii thji tbty win lu uwcinri tlnir eilv kaltaek kinsfnsi oi the mcmorjll nibl oi wbtt h lu pdirxit fnuii rreiieb crnl ri lb ni jeaa im eilitiidahl an aranll rn fort ibiirc thiinnveinel if llc ictulliitbs wa d ns in concert with ibeir friend on the iivntkr istu although eratidcnii diseniion ihc belir pad id rahe liu v r lurncd liomc without haviie irriimdid ihif object sl amn rnmyo ilirtn the 4irn hainxl tj oiir iiutitutwna is utivic al uh- pttwrhj oiviimrtl we rrty llwn we ufc nol lapp4ilid that ihc radcau of uw uuy o laam and addition i thfrti irarcnynbil i ihc fiuiliii of llfirfricnirvit luadrrtiirtcrs uhi rnd avrsuj to t hove a eb ly a j m llie uikc of iikic l cnnncnl kadcr the fectcn ffmlof ihc fib mstinl cinltitts an aectrtint of a titrsiin held at whitconitis lung piuf cnmcro at wlncli b itin hq was ap pornhdfliairman and mr s d stevrnon socre tary prcvioui medio bad been held a cnro- nuticc of vipihnecv and township cinmilkv ipoomtcd and uictovnptups divided inlo teola in order to aaccrtunihc number of vikra thev rotdd ilcpcndunf and tu nukcrrpnruto tbr county roarit tlic npirts were received and the son iy thev were very aitiftfactorv we imagine thai uvy would be 4eleficd wilb very email fjvrv and acting on the pnosiiton that all who tee not aeaimt ih m are for tmn they fondle nnnplne ibil they ran make a u her deoon- hrilpvn than liny did al the ul ckction rwrrlal resoturiunr foe tlic tyiivt cflcctinc the wb- ids of w coomuf tee were udopted lhe noto noin lr jlhm iviiowc wji ainuott llie mt rtjiftrt- on the occasion and isjftfflmal uie unilin thillwbdpirurxdoe titnsaujfr cpki of the addrcia ubuh ibe ii vena isrofshsv tjle- livcr a i sy ibwhni but which thv bow ickmviv of ibr liunrmen tfevnted and hr imii lo deliver in the jn ftrad llie dktwin rvsttlultoct hi- adopt d ityxitvvd ttil llu i net lin dec nv it eanedrnt that a iiri i itouti be niutnnt1 to conttrrt iii d po ntilein of it ura- c m if h t curl uiitvbt nt tin- mil eavctntn md lint ibvii koilitl grafr ej uicliuitrtd bu thai tmlhhtlr tlnts prrcfttly stfsm wo lilie in se insli id 1 iwddtn pnval nvrfjrjsv and tilin wsbtitm and rmiibliue at rv inmiref which tit y cannot juvllmbut eratatfut kl lltvtn cik ivldly fyrwmd iuimii a eambiule nud nm him nml j ruli nl ihr ut st 1 1 1 1 m will detw llu in n kirply in mieintv in nvif f tuitwrihi aib ihuftjt iomnevhn tue lilitr tu lie ciu utid lint tttttut on hut ccaronn and afht bis adrift- wbieli be ruya biinlf wos brimd 10 in tidtilh ii ttj nr ptili rih4id i i i iel hi in ilhijttc burrtif apidiuc a vtdr d thitikr- vitli 1 in htm audnlut wc sirpioc hr bind mm h bt ll f ihty d fibet or u number froib tl llu- tviui w bltiutl hie in know what claim t i finny ti df nuv tiftiir thai lu rtccittv ini marud in ivtmi feavsjo ut umu al- nf lana nl ailtbiiiuii ll i piddtihcd in anothtf tlfici lutl whik luy hiiveiaonr ihrec fpr in ibcr own nd tuetti- ibcin uwe cfmurlcnt one who to ihr li vd in dui itlllelh n winded nnci pty ha- iiltly advue jltd tin r intrrfui wc ihmk uu v aft liitud by cvciy thnrjttv of bonur and julfir it siajissmt lb ir iiwti popetf in preference- thu nitheau t iliner kdward cannot kein lirir hvnlbn mi esihiwe bt it jo tt tlic lit wlid nn ibii tiiwh we wuld impx ran the l uet frativi ol liji and adluvinn the no re jy fvr iutmcdilite action to count- net the eh ftftj if ilic radictla allbuh ihc return of mr tntwri at tle ncal vncral clcclpn itfarmr the minrcal pajtet siite that ibe insltuc- l inn siren by ibe tjovnnnent le pumic oift- eetsf to i- l their adverliemenls in ceilain newmeri lis been comleimanjvd and ibal these officer are left as formeily lo llieir dscreliici on lhi heel snidin ibcmselvea by tbr enuiideratvm ol how the object of ad- rxilisise may the mot ajvantn-rou- be rbtameil we had our doiibfsol ibe existence f any such injunctions ft wv imleed p itcimly reirti snnr lime alfer the accession m lj ol live members of ihe hon of assembly to the kwtilirc council which after ibat e- cehui contsled of clever member lbit mdris or ins it iic liens bill liein i ren to jmli cialotbi is i vl ussier and other to ad- vcilvae in ceilain newspapeis a lune eeian1y took place akont liai nmr but wo doubled the evidence of any soch orders or ilvtiuciin on ihe pari ol ln kvntive miticuity as ueli a course appeared to us ptilc inronsislent will the theory nl be- onsible jvernment diumi whicb the ar cession in lb kveiutive i eimcil ws mae ii the cvimtil waalo lt cihislituled and lo ceodiict ihc t iou in accordanc with mihlic epmion it could not consistently in teifue with ihc pros which is ibe vehicle tttoutfji which intelligence ol pubbc acts is conveyvd tn the whole ncfy of ibe peeple for trie fortnalion of that opinion tn giant favors lo the press or inflict injuries iipeu 1 1 nn ac count of ifs expressed opinion is n attempt lo dolrov by means ol conuelien ibe loumialionj nf renensjhle vvcrninenl those who main tain ihe principle eotbl al least lu be very guarded acatnsl any thin tending lo subrerl t and paiticularly by an interference with ijndrciary officer in the discretion with which i ihey wcteinrcsicd in the esccolioi of iheii duties lord sydenham aifminislralion although it violated its professed principle by inter ference with elections and members of iho assemmy never openly al i tail t attempted 0 inlluence or corrupt the press lhrmitb orti cersofhecoirrisof justice quebec gazette ditath fkou disapioiarao lovr somo few wekhark a younc man by ibe name rvf william m uod te siding in ihe neighbour hood of l i i led to ihe hymt mal allar i yoonf w err an to w hem he had been ferome timt pim bi addiesses and whom he sup- jvonfj would al once beioree u hi- hnvhinc biirie bill jnt at the moment when he es pectei the cteryyman lo lie the matt internal knotlo ihe father of ibe young man emered the church and declared that relative in mias piocerlin he sternly disapproved and placed sueli impedrmenls in ibe inwj of ihr mien thai ibe clergyman desisted irmit tho ercrmmv and the piilirj separated i evjoy stall uposcd lor seme lenlbeied pejiotl ie swcels nf single bhs- jnt o hovv- v irarii rir vrilin linn it ever ba bcrn wc warn iuu ml nwn by ihe uiiinieiniptcl auiboiny which i tit mk iutit iar rcuruv imi amuw rdiakcort krwd alike in bis preietily and i d j liiirr andiiiiwtbc ronmiilceof vi nee hut lb y will make up in action what liny invc b1 in tnv they ild ao e enee roinlf disintreme and seisihk a rei f rlmrei i cf abuses ill bis domesttc poliev and in hi mcawiies with roper i in forrigii eurmicsf krpinc the oit timil inlwreu w it am hlinl mmit x letans itp uarb- rd bowev with rnveloiisves bv lb tn ftutmns kin wiih cinelly by 1 kvti-ne- iw its cbue h ruuintd by no facts ttat itnir he ft liainrnitted 10 us and it is a tuiumcireuiraiire dial ihe rny samt rice wv bit tii ntrd hy iiv u-l- in tlie real utiksol mtlltornub that ihr im- jhiihihun im latdv pmved by u 1iorw i n t- have b rterly ednnutoii ill clltelly xr eniriin lo mmein niinriple hr ran nut bcaiiuittcd tni7f tfomr volitl vi iwrbvl jtvtii mid appmr b tpl aiii mloilm metilut cuimj which iesiuiil if the yeai ins li en rtfitil upon telu pirliilii m lite lvtclujuir 3 iv kl t-irttnr- jvv rvtllt3 imi iat tuvaii r 1 1 ri iv w 4tt i l ttiu ukwa si miv n uc itiit xln mjfiuruil uitin lh rir l1l a it tlr- iv iivsivj v i hhiiln i lumfid mrflmtt iim tffr i iibui viiik ftti w ate trft iv muli t mateno ilbrhll m reeconiiinl of gen jones e baric of hie pol ihi- civic itawrswsn tin malimi in ibe amii 1 a vuhruiriui hapl aulirk the lien mr itrown and mr itirlianl s i oxtlj wi re tlrouled lo visit air imtjfm in make the neresijf airarifennmls wiih n nndvilikrt to jirpaie ibe bodies for mtermrnt the ubrnrriniltec bavinj visited ateaau- dria and lelnmed on bnaid repmtcd lhit col- fuei e wnnbl be furnished on ibe following rnor fijti- at fl a st it wa ihen on molien rraaei llial a sub committee be appointed by ibe rhatr tn wail on the families nl the tle- ceatcd i if ibe purpose of cennllinr iheir wishes vvilh lizard to the disnnsilion of the ttndies nil r theii nirival in the city wilb in- trutliius in irpoi in the commiltee on the itdhimiuj n otniuj ll 1 1 niwi v m wieirup the chan drmulcd ike fiillow- ientlenn tn compose ibe suhcommiitee nji f ajd powell flen raton and mr it s cose 1 1 r ton milti then adforjtmv tmllttll akl llmmday rvek il ikll taundfi atotntnr keh q9 tha committee met rumuanl to adjourn ment tiewnt all the luvmbcrj cxsrjd ijcii junes and ucn ivaton retried the ave yard and ielijmis sti i irra attain took plwe upmi depiilin ihe i oiii in the laie receiving vault when they mil for ihe prrcut rrmain ivftlilsras ibeir final disposal as shall beaieaflrr he dettimtncti the funeral tetemnilies nn thu id oceatum were such aa tellccted ibe pntdic ferliuj ihroiihiiut the iiatienal meinlih and wen exlicmely creditable toils rilicu- t wns observed that no only weie the nderw an stor clned dunn the tinvo nl thr infteral but dniifl ihe remaindei el ibe tay ibmib s a numerous altt ndance nf ibe ti tier na nl alexandiia aniltteorelown vrhmterr con panies from indh places were present as wnr ihe faculty am studenuoi feoiihnrii cut icr who formed a pail ol llu- ii iiii tbe line ol mililaiy cnmniuie carriage hotemen public snrielie andpuvute anils vidua extended upward ola mile the cnlumbia artilletr unrici ibe command of captain llurkiuibani weie vulnmod mi the weal terrace of ibe captul and died minute runt as tho mournful cavalcade approach tho capitol a detachment of the uuilril stales artillery also fired mintilr nhs when the pioccsston reached tlul irtimi or thr aevnue inlciscckd by fourmid ahslf atrcal ark u uel i tit a e 1114 r ut ii y fuitltti f in v m run i iiu in urn h ii iriu newll c g r rrrive ipn ibis iema y iij- tin late ib w lit ii a ft kx v i au 14111 i i risdor minuo tmut it of miln rsihveis ite whit weie etui iirtu iiuttla i si d i i mil 1he re tlie i7thjbe awbjevty an- 1 kvtia of ibe published iii ll a nil haul paid ll niil uovidinx mjiv lr liird hy n pnull ma a iwi el ihe trxmu p rmrtlinlliel llrni v tutnr i iiultilied in ibe till r y lime liul nothing has liaivdi ptrbrh rertutlv kfs leply li it wavhiiiimi miuudetriustie vvl ivvvru omr ol tbe iri tnd llue ol the 11111 bine ha ltvn uloja on ibe knd iwtitl ihe ltraehil ibdtv it a fueakinf ltnmpel h 11 mwrlto ii lor ii a halite f sfrmh ib i i miiltuk ifttvi tnhir m hit mi i tirrliy u itj in b nrli t e 4iauvt thi rnjirivt t xeii i llu- iti laiitf nl ii m ih live lnu mivi lip tnl was fblt- it r i wd l lb j i hil si tt4itii itnitthnt imni iirv i idu i ilk- i wu huktd lip u die tm4 l u ibleiiuht4ht rfi i- u fsmstli till hidiltet aibtu jlllltv dtl ivii tit li i- ill tii f nii p4m mi min riil i suvivtl mi br h nr niv tmi- ldi ufa lliil usa iv uh lfo- ulitillt lirmii n h r i mi rtbsurw 1 tlrl w tf i thai i in retadwi tu ibe de- iiil in in mi vim a h wav s r ibr h lest itily existed be- i mil idbiifc ul teva i milii4ui the u ilyated vcrir nn lrd up l id vvlurb i ililnmril nn inruveil npmi il k r llu tiltihlinl u i d itbl umi ui irtiili i utr smh i4 liar ibhidniii- lu tni ntiolttd tituintvstr ibr ebartj h thii isti fi-tuni- l 4tl am vt iwe jihi ui nuke kum ibindtui liwd ll btrirb oifn itfli hi lull n br- ibr fir uit imnelti iihhrhmh lliksbsiun iinimlhd litdi 1111 luntniv lit mut itublwi ibinti rnwm mils isuaiwi w ilii di n 4 nt lnld lht toi iiilir in iin i i lii liif iii kjst alnviurti m ih mr liswit lb mafej i itt4aluir i i lu tf i uttf 4iimhl ti lm iiinitr lb j xkiomui itasfp in lr ivmlifu 1r umilmvtmin lf lti vi ui r lnbl in- did nid ibtlsk i- hi ih ivdimjf a tit ii ll al isrmsusvbi my niss i itiinffuf enf ti up tvr l isam llw it i b id iitt niv h rpnetri nut ln i41t untl 1 ih i iintii hih ailik mtaliinenln rid lijitiuijem hy the thsemliuu hui rwvvi tl m in r hm 1 i- j m by rl iwirrw a proteciiou cnhed tu be lathif nii ihikiu who i de 1 hall ur tred x lijltll reinplciien brvm with a iir over bi hair h hl jo id yes illiiniluic ititmaty af khiumm itun kraeivrsla rk ljh hm- nilry lim ti- iu iliii1i h nntrsl itir tn ultt ii iltiir eutrrintf lbonil iitn 1 lhlltlhlt titlnr lltt iv tk l u him 11 tin hter mr 1 1 linear mumiiw ihr iftiv innnd mr 14iuthe ntul ihi nffim lu it m h hail lit li rnnm l in dm bnrji ittu ud b n llw piuoivubr to uiihit iihtiv kiniur uhun of j irt ti thtir torii- in lit- tionfy and thai too immediately wjuhl lli r4ibeil an eajvaui lediliit meei in- ami cireulniin- swrh fil- mvd mi lie t hmlctill ns uinw ubitdi nil mnhtl from ibe x liihactr tbr- t b valin s die eibiilv lkin mil uitil uiirbinj lite t stiims ttf thiir m nt uilll ecni vmot lien nrois lurcrva- livr of l 1 ii and addotnui uml 3w rhi miif f f rt nf hit 1 1i1 dibnd compir th vou r mdlu- ti nlly ailtlud at eef tn ibv jb ietrfi ltinliw sitiiftc ulnebwc livx andfuxr mtli m tial in lliuv lltir briand tkrjlilf ur ou wilfikfvalihein mubiikiljy mian tluy imvi v a i 1 f ii ijilmi ia at pm- i imi we t nn umi th- lliry nf out in bvixl i iv r tirtl inat warmly nduiin d hy a i nj illtijiirily of tbe fr chidd ail liutxaud dtbn- ion as l i in any conmif uenev in thi pfuvi nrr tl law b- uf uh uruth u t- sie i know thai vmi ae one ol ilic uvl hkml fimiikd nhii in llu umtil yi4 imvt tbit rliaf uelrfi i am ibmbtr runs lbl by llw xjiiu rub x i uthiiiilril 11 tse 111 ymr lnl win vxki vitllf ihi a plee in xnr vb of tidy va in- a linn h vliuti lollit iu isinjlsri xvur m titty i ides tflbi iialii le tt r the vtuu stf athr li itrolt r lo nbicb i cvfir nnwi fur mr auttfnvinubra motive in n rilnv mitli jti mttvlr us it tu udvilto- and pull mw mitih ibrisvajr kntassw or wan it lo initb me np if ihc burner lie like a r lilhw ttlinsh 1 ratdietd tlav sither smjim mt the ti and iey mrnt ltpfl up nod dulieit h utrliri m4 if ik lutlif ih in mil lkr itio mlitdtif itfif in taui lind tin bpjfn lvcn n iit i ii lie jm nut in in nidi to ttatid but in jj d up tn fn athtur in t illu r eate lliv rftvri lrw viiluallj lasrialra bt ibe vttilj ltspwi htraj nt llttitittm tbtlnil umimti thai tin tu id a chiap ibd meidin hetell sired ami that ihe svy jur mtmit of nmy v arsnotttv 1kti may ulotd llrrehsrei ibiii hub ihc money tht tky link ki nil nf nbicb ire will drwrc teres vr uty mnaf raicerc llunke wltu i briii wftt y lwn bxvo occaonn- 1 1 imutfljhi a no of hlaekworid in my pucker i mr wn r 1 tn luiure 1 i he mwt bm7 to biuif uncatra copj ivr tnyfnuid 4taj evrt detitmined ibe disappointed ian em- the next wtell wilmssed bn apptea- b trllafl same shrine led by a more smcrviut uilr md in a rvw shon memrnisslic became wed rd to her newly discovered bive while th a cekh vrealnre was revrltme ir the illifbu nl ibv lhnevmonn bcr liie ur hippy lover waw sulf nut all the ktuwrv of itmiliittd bepes nod siibrd love atnl iho itttat illert ol iuiiiinptiioi which ha- io iiiuiii made their ajp name were rmly trceeialej ivtlbin a bvv days hi piin weie all subdued ami bis vxronr rrrfressed bv the nrtity hand el death and bis cold n main vvere convrved le the tlrul rave his fair is itlmirative of ihe sentiment con- reived by the poetess ove not bve imt lb thin ynu love may rhanfc an sbnnm teach ihe uir sex nol tn he under anv circntn taecis faueas fair- rant font fomier iacts otiii scraps original otiil sclrrt tj i i li l 1 1 rfffrfniauno tdvertied by the kuihji llmtnonie striity m ro4nriil until hutaavy rsal march inn lis cnucijuroecor llu indtmirn nf a icadine unm- lur tbelftrnieaki ld upbitl votk th sanrtn- n oily have liu y had to en uuli lii laic of ituiiff reicr u ttrfjiocaw neriul y hat simiuncrvnieftil but tliey bare b en inrc- inlly nnny byllrx friittirni anrreui mt tent tf h fwnmnr couched ui mich manner ij tit imurad the play oin pihhc and muili per- trts wirlnmi uw fbh et pkk tdramxtio m tftt itic c alllrojjh u riptimle- ly tmiromp as to oecaui ookii conout lit 1i1c audience hare a nutural lenilcnet li lebijr amuleuc tin iincjl mlo ctnlempt th iltmn to ike spins of tlt llifliiuriv s b been irely felt nid hth thry nm iorovnel lo rrnred and in eanxd exerluhis iry lltt lvoiamr npimimn if a few s r 1 they wotihl annovcr in llior bry vuv imt autrtiurt- afixil arc bul compitn fveiiju amlcvutn- k iijfn ih trurf ou nrr mtcy reimire t i wen rwtwtwr ev rww amlrvcrv inirrurln o brnhtl th- ii f mjnu the atsauvy uu- noitoecil f ho 1x1 terforuitiscct iv n artbum uttiihilm for aniiuur tl nuuire m liht ud uin- fcntbim u to wuiaiti the ponmn- nl cba- racbr ituttullttaruintc soiily iavw rwsuttts as tn hu all uuir prta wtlbimt dtiedm a ladv amaii ur wjio mme wren yrar ittio much rnjoyment to the kingston pnhii y her that mill htfi nt ilihi f jttlittr w tl uiile iter trl n api mfxnce on multy vik iiln pni f ztftwwil md m ihe alkipii ev tbe iv- a irt sl tin lb ibllietdt rai ol ivnvfl wo cuimt niciiiiun brr name lnt ipprre that diiw ne am couliiknl lull ibe hmn would entwd iu it ihi u i icon ie u a fv r i nail nvi lluurni tint aic man stnen once ut ilii ilic was nrfhit nvk und 1 lie im lt it wkuhl nifrtoj tfittntry mtcciiiun t2 1 in tiki i by iaiie ma dtwerr tn lrini r ar m u a 11 ukre modm 1 nnl liaw i en n eorikd vittto- luit uiirej 1 bitia nvsiy nmh hildrcn nl iu re m auaiki ainl mt on hundnd nub muit kurj lon within a very rcoir ptifl iva vm h eribr fact ihil 1 ifatft lun acllidly bvcn known to cany oft is fullcrvwrn xoun lady left thtir tpny tif a uh ki mldtut r i bint uptl ih j ivxtrictof u lirirffmn mir tlyti ii il lihii tu nf i jriitdm tlic luc i 1 cd rna pwracwui amou yir ollwue has not had tiny ctllci rati the v ratoe 01 the iumjj kv it nty be ukii ix ibmka44 etili l if ih cunriik nvc nhivh n bti ihui bv umiittl ciritratn nii nil niii p l v u -l- mi nn prn rttvil tbeslevvbmhiilvf llw imduluj kaau cnnihry 1 in it 9 aitina lbuolt is ruuh ibktni pawfl ibat lli itviaiox itf vtrlttrut ielkffr toburjt n in u rbirf surinltuiiul of kdurai wsili a vent in llw kiceutixv ciriuvcil it tnr siim44kvru rson- hie bajrr in tbe um tnimwr oflhctoceniom ensaaswtt- m wm i tl iwtva fiom livuml jrr of ix imtrsuul a chaiucicr