rniuar itu ablbwn i ib fri ini ni ftit ie prtjtwlyihi willi him h iw iaw uf liintiy vt utir mfouruni by nlvhi bd will lmi i ir hhwtmrt with ifcff hpi fiktldfy jvdtffcjn lit uiip alarmvt n nvd nnttmim u nfrmilt tivftlh rrgrrtkd14 tiaiefaltniil nimi fwl he ktvfvtctm ui laray vincent by lira jtfantnt rftlualitllinil llrih ii sunlit jr mftj ai1itcrniia of lb ktfrikftey tlm ifrwrm iltiunl iml niiiny llr civil mul military iii uynvni mr crawta of lc 3i ket act i iqhim tiir pmitf flarij m fcla native uml ai lit- fafo tin captain ami lirifiicfiiblfculi atita inmate bittpttittml hv moii iirai euanr in irivl aitnta tint lie ny huve a jtc il pprolj jufvago lo uir jam of ui nativity tite 8tt tauw i ii w iliiuht oml tho ordinary pulice ran h i r hrinrjinp ik- tour whor tbey r at joim moiitur- eq m r it ilftiih rervl iimi we i itnalvca cjfcvi iijih n nriihtiiwc ottiir rmilcf lhal il nvt lur iitrriin ul jmrj mum krk hit prr wnliv rrnfe vtilalivi l llitf cvunltf lavlt l fth liim tl ubcal4iijijdicfof icouotyatltkncai pnavtwl rkclion is with 17 mn iikiimhwc nril llnv to tatc lint oil kinlty niwfnirtff lam at rvluck llc hiw ftvcunl ra tbv klwtr rnj k joltn urcl iot tin uu of eimriiii ira dinw c fi lc on r tin j whirl wi rrjuc i cm ifji in a vcfe jifl tittle tli- n li 1 1 hrcun wttr mi din- mi lhrliu fcr w tlinr llv kiv mliicli wj in nmflriw of mr imir kihmci aot onl nb tmh tk- jivuuk the luy l3t0h1ttuitt of tihg tlrfwa- wc r jhk t- icam tk1 lr til r ojhtiti in ui- ihuffa fli4w arc prorccdin mrtnly a vl qtuutity of while kiiio ia fjtfllsnf oil ant wr iimi ffinn ihc prcrit jtirjt of luc iiil mrkru ihil die nrticlc will mgf4 a iiiri- lljn ui jd relurn f fit t vll rnipticrf in il p r il an atuihjjnf r of tttl 1inf al rnaimiic lfif aug altntjvh c i not cipttt och a rjy tk for flcj a white iw yl v ihink a mj accu ivc bos no miy be awm in il ibe jantily uf both oru in uio homi mkcw it mneh iim ifun of many yc pirt if cinutan ojirrt1it jja iupouiy to mfk nnd do not canc a jjtul in tin ctriaiunpiion mjfkelor at qurwc by tr r0iiuffi an n1rvili7eoti tutnio my br carried on fofwnie yt on txriouikk occurring at in ljj unjiir all tlva circumari- c wltkb at pretcnt jtcf caniirnate a nlrnhful liarml to uic b ifij adviniurcr of uir ftfvflt the comin- aaaat- olf4i ajrif ithmt uft uteyaril prinr- ntiuike ihrir iriul n tuil howrvrr wua ftrtunatr cnouli lje i ihr l i notfifta tuu coqcii willi 111 tin- miul pfnpetliei uieludiiiit the nin wwli wa titidt tal i lo ttecd frlaotrttl irm tl afpiirlft lnvt heeut eclifivetl by the nuro abuiklaut tirm ik ebicf iruvctvcr if rfulo erxiclm nre lo he v be ibe farporu of iwinjjinif r ibliii- sntmtolriul hxihnuld reeomuicnd iho isr-y- n 1 i- n- lolei out tln carriajc if the mayor to mlrli defrndanlaua nmy bo wnltliy enoyb lo pay aeeorniikhlution a xc unoormond ilw lil faie of lmuo bh taaucd oe intcoda iaau ij ibr iwkvnin fno llwlord maynrof dubtinevef an iim ut meet fho wiahceof tbeaeeuaed ami pcrac- ruu m portion of utcmbhc ura lcuvetooltcr uie taof iheatata ioncli on irrmaejtceelinjty nantle- mancra taken at their own lriea end adcrod into liar rim- u of tlc iri mi very rofinble eliancea krv dcenilairt ia allowed i earfjr one of le bad iwfff w l cimcii li nnd wiloraae in fjietntcna lit iea aeentmibo d 1ol in tle ttj thtntd at a ivw low acu1t- f incea piuonera in the hakt of 1ai lhil rqatedl may cvntniel for tbe use of ihr roirh try tlaj wb tiaatilli or yer and convictvd fmlnt3 cjtlcdfor nl tho llouac of correclin ci lh iptmtinn of llteir riirne no ivra to c ic fi witii rnfliea of ii if inelndcd in flac nine in dti totroiaheii nt a very redocrd rate and nc tiiti uptinclotiuy altrnikxl lo no i alia chirgi m ijtinc lite nuir but if the lrd m u r ui irtirv fmnriallr m lta old chuinil ii cicld llaii iltf iraam of the dfakn will ho ditcd ui iu i fif ii- prrriotit i awltnjjirco- dtin the day the walking in the rily waa rendered very danermui by the ifcfrtnt avalehea ofanow tram thr iofa of lie amwrat irhtchi eonlrary lo the corkiraiitii hylw haveremainrd un1iaueif tnlfligllw witei- ivc aaw ohieli several dccnl of thi knht whkh would liar fapaii inatant fealli i any min nnforlnnale enough lo n ihrn wny muntrtol tranxatpt mutdt 2d re k nij in any i 2 wlai ath or jjamuarjb fun prelly fun lobp when i woo n atojlr man the wurhk d nvll r jiii tl wua jual like an oituu i j j my levy and badnl if to ov with il than to ait oimn und rare mm i almitn a jny tlin spian ilkcomriibua cl hpj irell i ujlka off and itvivs the man u pick i the irat hot llncu i ltkea a wife and it h wijed lo roe ila n very welt for tbe whue iml jdoxy tike owning on opct ouvnboa wiui di i el by il how much fun t why o jawin- jd uwnan and thxc raaucra mighty ditttrcnt ttsofaaiytaivror kupcatwv mr gen tu barber hi own appintid bv the myae and 1 4fantalioa of toponti aupcntiwriovnl f jt cation for una city by a vet of ten to eight mr- brbtr lia rvceiveo a vert larp tujlcchki mi ii l tcatiinomul frau tx rery lrr number of lb nrvi eitia of trnio tif jll civecaand ahaowof tohtir aatn lira fj oa for fhc offir in iaran we 1ic no dmibl v lit t derotioc lit llrfjtaafl to fulfilling the iiujrr tant dtitpcaof htv tilfice the uhh eulreul and i impartial manner th- w ojierinundcnl hai our beat iir t n n- rraf fmn eourling inatead of yea mv doefc nn my evar n a you ptcaac bonry and when yvii like jovoy like what it waa in court n jj liov it rrgulur row sour lwka and ic polatoea children and tabtrclothabadty off foraoap llwsjj laaraan and mantling and nothing darned nr iirkd if it waant tlut 1 am pamicobrlv lawlal be inclined to drink my hruo aini mvmtn my rmaaey aint my own i bclinc ui irf nqpla ocaidc- myclfuio old wornm ami lbrv huldren im a partnerahip concern and ao uinnv have got their ruaecft in thai i must burvl jl iu broak and airn over the trade to juu 1 v tir av4i oneilaa ox tttw lau ivcavnanl jamr lvirr connpuuhit llcr majesty ramimaf rtpttmtik now lyiaaal ivnelanujibtiiiic lia lnvu rjml lo jin th jrairiuxearrriifthi ll of adinir it sit chart- ailnn on the it vii t nn a fliiju liia aiieee wv ti nt oirit ii t r tnin d nlv rl favttd fran kultnit lo tki lh- eomoiutl ifirtilenani i it k mwaviilh j rrgrelltd liv thr nh dm nilhil tp mtnlifi pin ajflhr nmawty s n tfthdiiv rf tonilfanl h- itkecf have n iitlti thm e ot1 f ivonii ia famtrtrd and on vvr i a iwpa iljoaj isai lit ajiataa law maaayji ja prearrffciy h pffi n rahnrjtlvredlttjie rmwayaffj i tli hay of jvikviniidnh i tird by inie f rta hpitr aod anfmt and a kin- ftr w naval sljtii fwr 11k ojje lik7joi ofahlw iv naaanw ka nr nut frtitmrr m tlitn a lwat tlffady pdtit imd nfi kipiiv no pa flrl hfiul ll it imolnitotrd nt lltt koneril nt ual slthiuy or ind i j m th eifvrm f lr day nirmw i rjji wad i hy thr pn of ih rmte kgr4 wli ui r- f impinbt 1l ttn 1 1 tiunit o i i it riao witfci o 1h ilaiti iyht imd li irotnrdad nitil tod in a nnniier ahivt pmvidrn liat it ttm lite iitf all irtied to the earrm k n i rf iliriid at the fhl f the tapitl and iratloprd olf al a furioiti rate ulon- ivnaylvani arenor arhieli ot the tin wi ernwill with hack and xhicka 1 irtf ilerdinn md tvr anikon liorvihark an j on aaol htuinio fril tin funeral when w w tin- eaniir si with tin utnviit npidily it pired h nnih strrh un l m jjrr of ita cnintnf in eollwwi with mlnr firrmje areml imminent hot llw irtrat ulth nih dlitp nr at the hipof thh frtin it- li wrre kil in a rvrily atrim eove atn- rir brniivrnu wlterv tbm wa ftvni enoich fia alier lnv and caftiira li h out of tin way ti horea in th prrairjentp rarriae enminoed tkir rtmiw at full pprerl notwitilandmif evre rfftri of the driver ataiafd by mr jolm twjniiir 1iiop ho in- when ibr carriage reietkd a omt optle nlu bruna kumfnan lldrl a r4and utjn tjionilily paeeeedtd in atp th hre and titua lte iv- aidenl mr mail tyler junf and the dfivif wet metal ewiiliwy an 1 hiiftlv reaeiktl froni tkir periloa itoationiyoioa itthtnft in sjtody mrriirw t it numlv uuc buildinp wen- rmyvd hy fin- m of is tath itinra atr- tre pn iu were thone oeeuavd hy dr pcrraa ll i hjrarr en rnt fie the it ink u airlunatelv all me lutk e win lai kdm j4io meaii itirk rimik nd s of vdrt il- vil ibir4prvii iv mini- itontrd 1 an ilxtkois wtdnjc- will you take hi womm lo he your wedded wife t aatrl a tratt who was ptacin the indiuo1uble kuoi nf malnmnny on a eoutde untnally al lheillo one another wall lswarsqiiite ii the iqom a wolfmu iookinj ciiftomcr you inutl he a darn eicen un to ak tach jli iion a that ar do you think id tt such a j j nv ftkii ejil frilow toyoto the bar bum and lake ihii a1ftom the rjotltin ftojic f i wt cnntipliouly certain ami deter tet mined to have hert orieconwilh your vtnr and no mote fooltiti fjttfailotttt 1 1 vi a flvra yaaeat a alinrt lime ao a man i at sirauirh fron pcriawidl a urge aek je i il chunncyeloek oprnerl a ahop and midtii pfjdd dtday or htt warra put auel jei on hi ailicli that no one would boy ibein m if j i ii l t j j 1 wlre0 another penmn u inov aaiuurvoi tlic pcrm and ivoraily hi clok nierchant inweerjlcd tlie one and pt llr wan up foe ft- hy i c i i n hio hto- u f tla cucuinmjiea altrieted a numerouk aul nc and all hie ekeka wen jtvwd of ai tf firdtirary hih priee p aeeount banf l up rtie en anvsned lua dtwor nmf iliy hold went on ihrir way rejwewg at hh the gcm cilitrna of stravliurh bv mn ll m liiti ketfprra vrkch would nut keeii time ami not worth hilf im nveiey tfier by ey wn dl if uhiiae icujiiilaineil tilkiii ikij- cmi m mv- niriircftim is lruxoi trie y itrratdot the 9lk imtaut stales thai laj laaona eil ihrnneu that place on lemjf priftrnkjun lhlr ee i mtr lf aienal at alion lot the piie oj jirucuimx attn tobeuw aaint hie mormon tlic- uidnet and the iroedol an iminejijie invarh between ibe eilixenaand the motmnna liafcli tn hrou rtt to the know led ee of inventor i and lie bto been eaniemiy appealed o hi maintain lie face am piolert iheinnncenl tde i late of exasperation between ihc mor- iiihi hod eitium iaaiieli tbatwe will not lr iitrimt1 in hear of achul hoililtea at any liajic ptilc as violent as formerly existed be tweew them and our own citizens st louu kioitican mrvyctioiv casuiirv a yoan man hy ihc name of pinckncy imi ll l lifi in liona county on the w il under thr fulhiwiii cttcnmt4ncet h aears lhal he wint mil on a stinting cxciiisiout and not re inininc when expected a party went in put i in afler 5e4ichin some lime ihey i1ivrvpred a larg poplar tree meainis mim feel in ilinmetcr wltirh had rvccntly lireat frllcd am ttfttlet it ibey found one ol hie leif ihc uifottinati younj mm hie up wknfoitml had oic appiarancc ot having had liar hone cnliiely maliej am to have had i uif ll ali cut hy tunv akarji nttumenl llitf paily continued iheir aearcti fur the v miitvuter koi and about cikly yanb from the pnee i wvrilnlbv lftww named lound it a larc knife wax lukery f tin- linn v ihmt foprrty an mttured iit tli jjvorirr wivrtim fire otaguaa tl iincd hie ln roprrty v uture n me lai tiijmi live iit tua uarr anvstnr ur aivr ttfv- noiwkhalhidiof ih- many facia rt luyni nf nd vertiain injmpcraol tare etfeidiiiin illvhafvmat fortum mad hy ikram ha linvo judicnly fol lowed it ub th mi f hwr jlltplin t do lioaineid b ivc teiv imj rfi el tltatm i of the in iy ndvnntairra pfcr xew york iwaww lemitk thit many a man eivta a ibiiiaml dllja a x for a tanortue t tit roj i jmi irel i r nd vert in n n4 rilvclivj 11 al unndi wn would be in aeiiiiuil d with hi lmita ih r i the rawvara i wlirre nak wmiil dthwl tern hia atore llemli m lit nrl livoral location flurr an a frw who nujemmd llu niallcr nd arc aiaakn fniimra nlolo llci- tnd oroond ihtm a mlcwi m jiw piroit uinly li lire and ofbn fjdm inlhal tf rrur- n man innai have annulhiii wmh ndvirtntn andkivw kow and whrori t advrne t i wdl iinmv priii throw away u lo advautat withl tvm ue- cdiloii- lomllid abundance in sivtinniit i lanituid and riifif4ta t a three lawm ihr pre nl hh bedoqewnb sriat ad itiiip li twera and tbcpoblie imrmw ptiohxe be ivuie f m thr ibier hut iti- y nut jc lojd in t irih wlneli nm id we uiar rnra- lint ruui in one oj lit ockct5 on which waa ipi miilyofhloo i leaving noionbl in hie mind of ihac who aw liim uit what he had him ylf taken the knifa from hia porket eul the akn and ftafh lhal held ibe le together and hid aceil the knile nack in hi pocket leav- ji ib ii nil hi icy under lite irec h- ihr n not doubt pulled himself hy hie huthe n- iinilciwoftd to ihc place wheic he wal rtnjiul j ahhout a inarch tnlervened between ha uvo places no trace of his passage uituuh it loiild he traced mr hill wa a youn4 man about 13 yean of acj ami of ffooil moral clia racier and in uvlupos habila- savannah georgian 2i l lnf lvrui tbt lb fmht tidvf- tn gmut rairata sviiitir- biomora ivtarv a twt jriml nt iii laf ttmr aaya a inat curioi afaie been n nd r within tlw lit week in ih woiefn sii i uk to inevail i nrtr in haa t heal iihtlop 1 otupauy lo llw laaek tmml un tlw latur pifamini ihettt m rva more hk lwfc lili and pill of ibe lk wdl in order to allow th linat jlrdain ttet ihronh like every lhtie enuntlimr tcoin the uric ipur- lev the ureal bnijm iri tth4lrwu umako the projeetora liaviuf denefed tint tin re iv id coom for lue to et out nn tip v htvc hudl frr tbey caleidiiteir he ewaklfaw irail throwirli il nuite empty with in puv ptnrim mil ihe lck wall and then procieikd ii alt vr wml fituft tc utdil ji auok too iki t m uie wju o do ao i liifv have oicrere only tlw akraab c nr ii down i h a i 1 ak utea or undo all tltey faavi done yfttooami crfv arrea a m the mory of uv ateaj wakrneidpiclurciaa tnieon but true uaita dication foe the gfciit uniam he in ilock mptify the elegant p4iraw of ar ifavmnrv like sterna sirrun- lo cry i cant get tni dtiab alive a abort lime ao a h1y of a man in an advanced utc of deeom- pihon wa found in the canal ol brnea ncai sjmlmicbchlebnira an inhaliilanl ol the town luvin been miaiug for a forlnighl in family came lo view ihe body and fancy iti itom certain framenu of ihc clolhea tut ihey were the remains ol their lust relation i limed them and conferred a decent funeial ii jam them according in the cuatom of the cntilry the atlcndami adjontned aftciward ii mai pate their grief by the enlivening el- kclo a toil isiiner towat- tbe cloc ol tiir allemoon when gaiety wo heinning in ataiimc lite place of aadnen the man they hid muumed in ibe motning ai dead auddenly plcaied in tht middle ot the patty the ivm ilea taking him for hu ghoit hcd in tcror hot ihc men with all the fortitude ol hamlet icteiitined tltey would apeak to him but in- tradof in vanillin into ibin air ihoy found il was unmellcd olid llrah able lo account for ita long absence ftom saint micbel and ahn tu parlake witli xood appclite of the vran i on lh lahle a rincftiou bai aince i ii which may not be cjv of aolution wui ittopiy foi the funeial meat the plural inaiita that thev cannot be placed lo hi chaig and the family maintain that as ibe ipcnc waa created entirely on hia account they are not liable how thia kuully point is lo be acttled rematna lo be known duarx or bordeaux at vienna a man- helm journal ennuina tile following letter dated viaunawlh nil in the portion at preaenl aaaumed by iho iuko of lioidedtu wttb reaped in ihe oilcans family it ia not pethnps out or ptaec lo aay how thi prince waa received at court here whenever he came lo vienna he never alighted al the imperial ipflijcnre but alway look apartment in ihc city the linpeiial family received bun aa a near iclativc and relumed his visit but the kmpeior never went to him except on the occasion of hi being ill in bed whenever ho came to virnna he w invilcd to ihe tin- perialtahir j but he at way came in a bind carriage which rendered it unnrccwry for lite guard to pay him itnyal honoirs al those dinurri no irrmi wji preaeul hnt the imperial family iliih nolwllhitamjift the nrai a latioit everything waa observed which had formerly be in practice inwauu mmilwm of dcihtoned farnilie i and eveiy erlorl was made lo atoid what miait glv otlrnee to the am haaaador of rranrr our cmitl iral tiiile in a different maimvi ihe ditches daiiuiilcme ami the duehc rl lleny who ate xrand- dau- liters of mat id thereae they al ways alight al tin irtidcneo of the chmbi- lain of the palace and carnages are asfiinc litem and the guar j salutes hcm with hoy a j honouis thc duke or bohokaux- on sunday morning after attendin macs it ihe roman catholic chapel at sonehoue near plymouth hia ltoyal e i the duke de itordeanv travelling under ihe lillc of connl de cambofd emhaiked in the invvol the commandefirt- chief admiral d milne bart and went on board the syeph tender hs rayal i i ueas then proceedej lo the breakwater and after inspecting that great national woik re turned into the harbor and wenl on board ihc albion 90 um her gallant captain n ucker c b recririnr hi roval hirhnei with yards manned the duke and parly if ere shown over this aplcndid vrssel when hi royal highness din not fail lo express his rj iri cat ion on monday morning about nalfpaat ten the duke visited ihc dockyard md made a general wmy of ihc clablk menl all the officers bcin in iatlendance at their refpcclire departments lu yjveevety in- lormalion all the rripeel and comlesy usually shown to foreign nohlemen of distinc lion have been pa it by tbe authorities to ihe royal dtikt rplik patricks society annual wtktinc of the sainl pittritjcm tfociftj of kmgtfon will ii lie plnco at the itritish amcurnn ifoul on tircmloy ifse twcltlh day of marrh insl at wven ucloch in the oflcr noun hy orjcr i j b0browb3 of b amateur theatricals at the thea royal the iilkftdnrtiiinf ilinlimih kiirlrtf lic lo nnwaiiiti ni tiuit riititk4xea mitfcwao if hi nl sua i eimu auri i occshol will linitj ii cilcbni- the honey moon juliana mr vtdanie m cainona mr fr rtu of ehmart re mn btiu afur ilwnwdy k yankkk rvcltation vn conclude will itju farce of the weathercock trcatmn fitwc mr aaaldcy vakclla iu mra evcaaap dltcoj in dai baa fly iho kind iemoon or ct oandof tl i1u keguicni will oichrmm flic aceond tier of ivi wiq be eloanl to civi jrtih nnd drvoud l the u ndmtaaion of the miliury lltcar wiv- irl children tieketa v 2 w f la 3d to be hid at ihe uniirii anhriean iwtil nl ihe office of ihe llrilah uhi and nl the ar doom orxn at tjocfarv t will rucnt kmti march c ikii cautiovs uvutmiiciiatasiit three or hlfpasl ihtcc unlock on sunday last a man named butler owner of the house 19 ciena street sl urorevinlhcesl came in hteithless haste to ihe aibouiquaic station- house and slated tht a man eamrd raynei ji ij hun liimsth and he wanted a ptialie officer to attend ihe case on keif quemonrd by serjeant shaw who aclcj lor the inspector butler said that hi hhrjer was a bumoal inai and did not appear lo lafo undct any pee uniiiy difficulty or immediate want andaj far horn thc act opie arn- to he picmediided rayncr who waaaainle man 1aj laid in pto vision for the sunday on tho previous eveniu- thc landlord findin that he had not made hia appearance at ihe ufuat bnuf went to hu room a little hefme thtrc ojrk hut found it apparently emptj wulat a roi rrtiajy oiled and strapped for ahavinv lay upon tli c lade on farther search rutlrr lound ins iner hanfins khinda closelinor iron which he contrived lo suspend himsell serjeant sbulw 4 well ami you eul him itown at once f butler what i me eul him down ih no nol i indeed without a public dicei and 0 i canc here for one 5cwll nhaw at mcc directed a roumahle uf the k division nimed lama to hrtien jo h dare anf nee ndt tne math ii- llavtm vi uuaie- nlic cvmmrtcialma was called iii who ptnuouticed lhal life had been extinct ur omr hour and ihua the caution over uurh land lord in some meaxtte oeapid the hlame which mnut have otherwise attached o his scrapulous precision in watting fur a public nlhcer to cut down thr hudy a coirmeiv finuest ha lren iuo held and a verdict or h rempoiary lniaiut letumcd tni irisn iortjiatk tha hisb arc a very ichiious people and have all kinb of plty pious saluutious always at hand il iliey ptss people at work in a held ihe irgulir hn is jtfd lies your wnik and lite anawer sve yon too jl one praisrs a person nr even a thing or more especially a child t one must never blh lo add guil bless il fne praise a ways scms suiieious lo an f iihman anil uless accompanied hy an invocation ol idi bltiing it appcais m him to indicate a desire either lo posr it onesell oi i destov it by catling towards it ihc attention of fjiiir and bad spiris who are always upon the hk out for what is btmiiliful an irish tnolhci would rather hear a stiatuvr s what a natysciramint itisarceablc brat yonr thil is ihan what a charming lilllc angel vouve ol hit re unless he instantly warned ojtiho bad sjhiishy addmjcmiodhlea him as ihey never foret lo ask a hta tsey are alto mot dilijccut in muiim thanka nianks in the yneal tiod is a phrae nfcn in ihcir mouths and ceitaiulj i believe in their beatk aho tbey ften utter this thinks- hivint even when 4pakin of a misforlutie a tve iwt my toor dear lille child hui ks in ihe great cod rarr vu uii umtk rj what are mm incumbrance j eh po rvlalionv q whit it a nnwtaoc in r7seaiio i a an iwk rrioal in ungstoit attiie nnirisii american itotf wm sunpam jama itard j b tikivm a imitrlhanell wj veary mr hurufl jt leiaatw melvcr ubirks arntrhi lo is- ryiue win ilaird i ilnurs at the u1mot0n iio0sb dutbu jt burhink mr tfartto mr lawsrknj v henderson mr cunliy mr liawooj ami uu married on tudy cvontf at andteral iduut hy ihe itrrwks llarkr kcciar ot batlitn sewvr emi toi iliujiur of kuarard ifuwalj ka all ol the loriiur date f till wtathka a rapid thaw com nienced yesterday which has completely dc- tmyd the wiulet roada and leave us in what the old ladies call a prctiy pkklc vvin8 uixk qihk suhscribei has teceived and is oow 1 olteiiiaa fot nk about i5tl0ox sujtcriar table wines cotiaiatinx of old pthiv and shlkhvf having bren in upvars o eiphtttn yeart familus wishing a aupplv will do well to call soon soon be disposed of as ihe whole wi j unton kingnen march 8 1811 abc1 to lease oh turco or mriro yoai a jenirablo family residence with uanlco anj ovcry convenience rut idw fur uarticulnrsr pp iri william simpson f king i march 6th ls fxtksn raiffl of iiovsehol1 fultnlture houses by auction at tlr surweriwi ware ronn coinmerrialmarl huihlinc will be snhl wilhonl reserve v close cninmems on wfidnbday wthmattlii ruck walnut side raatal mi ualmiiccitirctamts simiiiff mahoauy am ii ituek wuutdi jheakul tables wardrohrs rureus clotsc lloiea pilde and s vi cone he sofas in cral vaiielv i splendid iliiewl cniel neatly new mihotnylllk wabiu and curled maple cttairf oiu crales cnl iailur and iv tovs lvalher bfh 1100 kei klaelt walm sale at iii lock am also precisely t one pair mnlrhid hiv ikihslls w diive double oi sitifilf ttjhiokenanilxcnlle rmt hn- fhk well htin wlll j- lit tot ldivi nc tvnlleiiirv mihfle lieasla unr sleigh ol aiitnr itsmiuicturr willi tod ln dtnihle or single hutac mpete ia fc j v wh f ti kiiiftmtjii afatcli extlnmve sale teas sugars wines ton accon ac auction al the ware itonma if lha stimirriber conunercial malt puildini on muhavikr milt march will he iwhl by oidcr ufcoiuinecsi positively without re- servcj lu close vtriotla consigamefita teas 16 boxes superior twankift 18 do yttlfrf hymi 6 do gunpowder 6 tin old hyson 6 do sou c lion- tubaccos 15 roves cavendish lokcga pin 2ft jarasnult 10 llladders scotch jo 100u cigars coffers 1ft rove iicnmd crrtco 15 llacireen io 5 itbls roasied tlo fctlkiafcb 00 bhu brihl muknvan hunuluaba 2d coxes scy 15 tlo candles 0 1ttl rice 16 keg currants 5 i1j alspc 8 do pepper 60 dantahjr sail 5 kale candle wick 20 fiipsai malehc osilnpaila 100 do cntn brooms 90 hoverusins 111 do siaieh 5j do window la 7x 9 poti madeira teiiftilfe and cliret win in hedllrs wilh 5 qr 10 falw very fine biown sherry hunts with various th r arlicka aiso 25 dot blackbuina beat madeira wina sale al i oclock r as punctually d macdonald kington march6mi km- pctfnv rru aiui itan away from lha sub icriher on 77iursd 7lh iust john munhentilckanin dented apprentice lo ihe black- smithing briniaii thi i lo caution any person or person utin or einplnvin ttn said john mexhenjckai they will ha pioiectitci lo thc utmost linr of the law wilmam davy kindlon march sth i6vm gananoque last factory fm fae n jloservftce jvirer sons to kkipdailg aboard of sv jtonts clcr up or ovten ac juecr- fl c iiafalowell would re- ipctitlully inform ita public ot rr that ho lifts a largo atitl fonoml avrtiitru of lasu s hoot tree clumpfli iec of a supmior quality aa ho has omo of llio most oxpitricncrtlhanjafvora the unituj tsmtea ho iaunablctl imcxccuio all or oct in hia lino willi despatch nj at as low pticoa fur cash n nny catabliah- merit in uiim1u or the united slates diil no mistake as e ima lately cstaliltalied doamcms in vsiinnttejiid ftirmcirly carriotl on to tho ily of loclicsiv n y hy thc firm f juiv llallowrit he would rxrticat all pttrwins lo bo auto to call anil examine 1icnro pinxliaaloj eucwhcro mmvh isr 1914 10 3m d macdonald commission merchant conmtnciai mart buildings piinfcs strftt hanks lo the trade and aiipporl hitherto utr mil prince rnctilpi ii ocjock sale of nocseholall lnxiture paataifko tojk laijniirfils 0 llustimdry ac af tu fastm ty arrnox i ac ltxronv am- litcrir lsilam iter w- a anssishton it4ahyurlqik nv next iflll a cuantitv of lliilsehold fur- 14 m il lo coikswlin cr a scl of huck walnut limit tallies iaitnnr anl llxll iiairs viietahea mji tahlea and forms hall limps mack walnl curtain pole and cuttain two curk maple chairs and aim chata sttla tahlravoik tahv llouk casm and llrmlt ktimla 1 set nf cuileil han cushtiuis hlak walnm dressing tnhles iaintvl o chest of miwar two lart wardmhr vahhand inif slrclchcis ciathf5 hornet and cliait villilei and fitr lions d itnns sitctt hovrs cpnitm o tailur utwuifi fc1hmni hall and rontiit ture with ifaaritvst tnmplelr kilcheu ami ceekiii ur u a riuutil llrlph and tiaware s of ittock li llih in itanldan tu cur trovers chnms milk piw and fm meai barren t pahmixo tock an imvlemrntsi conittit of i nairof rceiil wellrtialched lirey nom sixteen imihfs hili svacu yejis nh well filled it itjiriae at farm vciy handsome jrir j sla rjiiel in rwic an axcvlnl ioadter jtj well adapted hi cai a lidv a mint isiiy man slty actllmnmedlo titm ll4ir nine llilch ctewl wvh hid twovar old lrife three yearling do imlyj1 brrvjiaaj rw two imported lieeler itm five lnf in nnnc ttj rioiad tavftttg llriw a iftmiililv i uai ami mftw 000 buslwl ut cxcelknl hnkryc lahscf ereril tiairrunf finn 1 finn wittina faimh ih mmi tlarnes i wnodslmd meihatidwjiv hatirl i ijonhle culler 1 sinjh do 1 with 10vs h ich 1 lhdde set af ii e 5 rvijiluli saimie jinl i- ritmli harmws whlt imchfuikn shovels h we 1nk axes hutucd frames m ijijj waieiin fn five window sashe a seine net amlcill k tackle a urani llitck u a ukoe salllxo boat with sails an1 0ns con m skiff ami uai was tuns smoothing u llmll ijoo fen vt well seasoned oak iorr and 6 act vt grow m imieal tullav- unji rxloc liver x0 an- nioved kndorsed nolrs al xhmf nxx sale at jo olock chtely mas uheeb kingston march i j sjll t n teet l3fld inch fuiliiaj u01i and hi foot imnukiis hi fumie for ihcir lilwral nml tvnuhl ni ihrm that he has maile airanirnnlwil1i an expetiencfd auctioneer and will hi happy in sell for peisnni at their kisilrnce or 1 is- of busincia charges innlerate klmaoo march lat i6m4 optic wiflitttiton ulrrtt kifltifott espectfully aniffwiacci uu kit iti i 1 ill i i iivr k j til u i ii 1 in oicniovi if ih naviiittiut ninl as hi sidy cannot bo prolonged ifovatiil ti prusonr mmiih he would ictmmcriil smh lnr- vr ocntlcmt n as lave hithorhi dtftoiflja appking ihnmscjvr ii softer ictm nut tdrby rlolns wiilt oi til r extensive credit sale of llorttt cvrriagts cabs sleigas jlofcs harness 6ce cvc tc by auction hphr jrowint importance of tha ktnjrston mineral we1lantl the incrcasiftgccfebri- y thise waters ire daily attainin wherever they hecomr known hate induced ihe preseni fs mr james bone tft renew hia lease with the proprietor jjmei motion esq i in older to devote his sole attention to the com ftrt and convenience of petsoni visilin the spring he lias itctrrinined on disposing of the whole of his can eilalduhment and livery stames wili th etception of ihc four horse onuiiims which he intends to retain for ihe xchmte accomjailon of parlies vuiling ihe sprins and hots lo acquaint ihe public gener ally thai the saloon and ihc imi 11 con ucminu wilh the ale of the wale will hencc- fmlh have his undivided attention ami there fore lruh lhal jcnera1 siiirfactlon will be ien to all uhh who may feel pleased lo lavnr him with iheh palronaje thc sale nf the nnilermcuiionej pmpeity will take place without any reserve on 10ndv 1w imtbvoi april next at the livery sudra hea of imucrm strectj in the nllmvinc nnlrt viz cah i ierior dra lata tho property of capl hiheriw a d c 1 nc m k if 1 hoy a raj thaj iroiua of ot trticlas aunritiiir 11 a y iht uavai hiwto- furo lr hvrcd in kinhnton mr prince bolitfvw that he may willi con- firbtico ajiprhl in any of the nnmvrou lodn s nod ucnllcincri wliftn lie liaj lino tin- honor nf supptynrj wtilt petldcv hiln in kirigatimnf the mticiifr mciiis if hi ghip such nifrmaiimi nidlfc- m mure in ihcir fan than any piaito ire 111 llictr iirninff ritn himi 4iuj intvitt jdv favor iu1i ivrvttrrrj li f r man ueil itwi their acknowdedtfctl siipcihtiily a few cxcr1lirit liouo utuumttens will he a hi cnrttp glubes suitahlefur schoula at a vtiy iww ptco a largo solar mwoscnp and an ftssoiimvi drawinr whole nf w tow prt ca kingsion nf tctrrnpisfcnrici intnimcnth tiich will lc vo ac fhctcd at ntia thc very march i ism 1s3 sale iot no s tostponei in ihe lt ctmcoaaimi s inini rinl well trwmi as cauutis fiirrr in iho tnwnshipof si- phinsliurti nntl llistnei uf frincn ed waid cnniainiiip 200 acrrf cfl uf which are under rnlttvuiiun this very valuables olid extensive faini ij tc l- i immediately mi the wt- dgir un ihc lny caf futntu nml aix nillja mdy fimn ihu hutiiishttty ttuvu rt rivtmi attached u the fani i n rttml sluipi ft uuitoniril wharf ami a imgc in cainmuiliiiua stmu lluac lltrcc stu lies hih this fine properly from ita omniaiid- iin ptisilion 1 vrvjll wrhtlyf f he alien imn nf ihc merchant nr faimer ami will le stild at iuhlic auctimu at the anctimi kunmi iff mr jairie imiim litiatim vtihmit reseivn nil ihe kiuvr i ma mat mias pteveihly u j of by lunutc sda tei m low for uah ft pailieulars apply in messrs for syth v mnltlohury olictirs kingatoti klutfatltit ivh l7 sii i i 1 i 3 4 1u 2 s i 18 arc lfiniirhr cnriige mvhle dcnrte plnajnhr can wilh circular seal water cail viii rior elnae sleigh nenfy new dtmp rtjien o millie io lmnlirr do tla nf kunnrrt wale 1 tinn servicramr hoflw amrm which omc very uieiini animau 5 sei i and i n harness 12 n rimicj do s onllemeiis saihtler i lidv do 10 itridlr aiso tha imildin of the stride sheds steltc and ihe smalj wlhm fmulinf on prinrttsdom utlh the ttneiired lease of ihe xmmid on which i hey stand which is two ycus imm the 11 of may nxl hmldinj7 oihjrcl to removal hy thr ptitchaaer at the ex- iiii of the kae tkiimi ihirchaseis under 2 10a eaah j fmen 1 p2 10 lo i- ihrie mnntht ftom 20 iox30 ail months over 30 twelve montss credit hy lurniilunx ihe seller with approved cuilfmt nides which will be re- iniied in every innancr thc nrire at which the kuildins maj ha adjudged witl he divided inln inr eqiul tay- colmtaaaatat kinorrpv i tenders fortuel w66j tbndbds willba reccitriai4 ufficooa monday tltdtttlimfttsk 1lj from ii vjllifir to entorfnto o contract fur supplying and delivering n 0 tlm undermeotioncd fubl varda frn 1 in june and ending thj 30th noverrher nexr aubjectto kpprcrval by the 3tniiircnmmimariotofficr piuit appointed hy him 3300 cords ai me ttu jc poii iirei yml tho deliveries to be rudo ot the rato rf 659 curda por month wirh permiaatrrn to deliver a urircr sbpply in the earlier months inituvt 10 exceed 10 tfae vvhuje 33d0 cordft litvd coitbs at fni henry jw yrd deliveries betweeb july- altguati aiid scptom1or inqtian- tliicrs not less than 300 conia each month ito coill 8 of point frtdtritk fuit lvii juiyj aaguai anrl septembek the wood lo crtnelstrff fair proper- iioos ofaoyml rlerchatttable hard maplrji hichnry mack dnd yellow birch and befell lobe cut two month previouato delivery each sllch to has fotif feet long orr scarp to point and nnne leas in dia- oter than 3 inches at the sroalleod j to btrai and every cord to coniald cubic feet to be piled at the pnse of tho conirwlor ih staclieof one cord higli and atterwanla repilhcl slacks 3 cords high in ibe tele de fhu yard and tnpilea of 1 cord high in the two other yards the piling to be auliject to the approval of the commis- aanat officer or persoo appointed by htm knotted toga of largo sizo vrill nor be ftdmiitedi uncxcepiionablb security aubjerjt td be approval of the senior ftiihuamriaj officer will be required and ibe rat signatures of iwo responsible peraoiiai willing to enter intoaoood for j700 for ih faithful performance rf cite cuiilr i r r mi be givea in tin tender forma of tender aod cxioditiorja of contract can be obtained st ihn ccacn misaariat office whore any amber pair liculaiaivill be afforded tfndcratoeiprciaiii figurea erstl is words at length thc tale per cord itr currency and payment will bo maalrs monthly fir the quantities delieredh a check on a charterod uankt or in dollars at 5a- id currency mtli tf th piion of tho senior commiaaajini officer mptits al lhrre iliac and twelve wiilmul inieirsi sale at ten oclock thomas momu khiiptftft march lit 1h1 cbeer ami hvawa of o ii auction sale real esta te i1e m1i1 march mim- will li- i linn in die lijglickt biililirr ami cligilily suunlcri pr- iii j lmibeimoss bimisii mtixtses ad reviews fur pecruaky vst ttrtestail hy lt4 mail- tar itil ulc fehlliari n0l llwfvtewbrjt- ularliwitintn masxiu uumin uunnaily ili uentleyv mieeiuty ainawniu maaine uniteit s rve jdnrtaajy rollntrni new monthly ma lhitrh anj knreijn rjvtcws the army ijsf kahsavp armouroo bursuax 1 on the hy luiiln ath rlut valnildt perty head nf i truck street fainting the new catholic church belonging to christopher arivtslrni esi compriniti n auteiior twvaimy dwkiliyu llii wiih st-iltc- and uutbuildin lit fu the nceomihhition of geiitlemana tiiititly 1 he extent if rnund i one lilth uf uti acre untl fur beauty of attna- tionoreintmitiditi ntospect atauda un- epalied a twiisiory frame house ig two lenemciiia iiuale in king atrcet near the tele tic lont uartacks a good to be let and possession given in may next th at bca uttful and town modioua house replcto niih cver cdnvrnienco uch as ltain and wdl water cilcni a wash- ha nd basins in the uedroomsinliand hvdrwulit purrtp in kitchen piitent water closcl double window cast imn fire places fcci the whole of ihe hoim has lieen new vwi inw jj l rafa orifer ufl bmdtmmi apply on the pmnitses to the prorietorr george browne rcaifccfi kington 23d feb 1sh to let rwl one oft moitfe vcarsttrltvalvadlfc1 parm lately occupied hy mr ietvia uay 2e sons juintng waterloo amd hnown aa the moore farm for par ttculara apply to eibtltla chesnut ekctutrix oairieneld or to thomas smith kingatoo darriefield 25th feb 1s44 notice british america fire and life assurance company incorporated and empowered by ad oj portia feot to effeet inland blarme sjavnuicc iib puhscribcr having been appoint ed agent to ahis irtaiitmion lkptt jiare to receive proposala for ioauranc4f iri t loaa or damaffe to property whether arising from rtre or from the perils of jnfanj jftmigaiicn upon tbe tennj specified in tho established lanfli of ihe cotnpany iop iv wantko immediately ie stiliseiiber two iuin- i1k1i thousand musk- rat skins lor which gil ash will ih paid al the store uf william wtl aon esq 1t wet1ierspoon- kingston match h s44 iqtf jl hi irnife uaaitta pi lkived lorial tiain lltumjatcil for sa pioaltab gfftmiuk aac new- castle slccoaliat m kmslonjaoijiry tslla ih tjtr news l punch january filh ramsay akmour lc co kingston 4lb march jh44 to let a toe dwll1vu iiovbf in wellington streciurely nccopicj by the honourable mr baldwin euuutre of s scgbblc ktnguon january 6lh j i l inistticss aland with outbui1ding tvc ivihlucinj a rental v x0g per annum thu pnijiiiuior buing on the evo of liia deprlurcln england the property will in mid witlioul any reserve and an undoubted iho given lo the purchaser tho rmilc will ciuimciico with tho pro ieity in king aueclon ihe preiniaea at u oclock thomas greer auctioneer klilrttoo ssilt feb 1611 t osals may be addrttssed to tho bacriler at tho oqice of craig and watronl4no street next door weal of the custom house william craig kidgstodsoth feb 19 41 c just received pillcumlon mulralmterl news times 1813 nj 1 funchbr ucc7 iti 23 arul 30 armoubjcvce fcb21l rausay 1411 50 s bv phivatksalb llur j superfine flo uk r pi william corner com mart tfututfi warr agent walter bales sehu paloter glazier l paper linger a this old stand queen street op posito the mecltanica inatitute v b room paper for sale kingston feb i j removed kennedy co hare ru moved to tho store forroeriy oc cupied by messrs r il t ivm ontario street kingatoo oih february 1s44 wanted immediately jfl ann mualtmskloa vvlrv looot mink skiua 25000 martin skina 10000 fox dfl por which the highest trice in cash will bo paid by the subscriber at tlto sign of the boar brock street j a mcdowall kinfralnn 16th 1644 turs furs furs cash paid for shipping fura at thai store of william wilson wellington hmuln kingston dec 19th 1343 for sale oafk tfbls alcrrotn parkes celebrated oi brewery at toronto apply to craig watt kingston 2ilr january hu jut beccived a th crtlcanaotco comer of prin- cess 1 bagot slrects a sapcre to ot ricrh velret 0rs ot choice colors and pallets kiagvton kov h iw3-