i the british whio and utncsul aovcrtiseft for canada fttt hibliihej stmlwecklr bvery tuesday a fk1day ft v 1dwa1p johlf balebli m d- at tiir atiibnbublp it ft itfjrj stssr ft faf etaalfm rnkhffftrio pf avmim t wiptf juath afrrnjs pw 1 isa asjint i ml 111 hll 11 rtmwnnn a ij- fci i li iri unc- w pr uac lv i h ia s us to l trrinr wtini tcwc tor fwhcfeatlit ia rtilfo r iwn stt kr5as sjifljcj taibcs and general advertiser for canada west vol xiii kingston canada fjriday march 15 1844 no 22 fss tvwtm urj fcy mm lbtrjniofccktiulier atlltlwt fmmam afxrii- i p- r- robert fc s ml l t y printer tmtbwliw printing an tpj hi fnaaicnav frf 4car pnni fsfm f tor sk p s g01dey is now al ihc lambton hou ami prepared w nd lo professional col mclurm an nr sampon have v permiued d s cldfy to refer to bng lolh nov 1s43- dr howard r jtrcet kingston dr a- c robinson has removed to the residence ow urquhart maclvera store wen aide f kins street between brock and princess sie where he may bu con sulted as usual kingston oct still 1s43 slw llpjvm macdoxaio j caifbcfl jtarrvieri fr jffwmlfl u law fukclh itllstf iihgstok john a macdunald alexander campbell i mr kbnmeth mackenzie itrrisleni la sclifilor in fhanffrr ftfcftl clarence street kingston cw 4rj ew mv wom of fa fjf- fir fofrfy caupft h mtssrt bums tf mouat august 1w3- dovglvh fnngr arftlftter t attohnkv at law solicitor w caanrj 4c- ornccjn mrji ftf dwellings tf t hirntch s ii i r chandler kingston jtfpoftttft af ftiht chaix caitri ako al clioatkum tab pitch a0 ix naval stores of wj deicplio boiled lin teed r kirplmcb28l843 da falntlno vi d martin frn scmlmd paintfr glazier pfa haxger 3 doora above the scotch church prin cess street icingston m i while watlnnr and volunng kiftoud feb 10 1s43 city store jcarhuthers bega leave lo in form a public that he hoa bought the ctf t daim of mr david hfhi of ownnoqtf l iwowotttm beat in tho country- the cheeae made lhasiaaon amount ed to 15000 ba and will be kept con- eianllyoci hand and for sjle kindlon dec 22d is43 prospectus or simmondpq colonial nlaoazine on tbelht ut 1814 wupumvh- j lo be continued monthly t yute 2a 6 lie firet number srmmone colonial magazine a journal of liuroturt ah aviamci commr and finance edited kf p l simmonds fttkne of the statisttcci society sttrcary of the mctwrologtiet sodttft member of the hoyal agricultural and ethnological socie ties of london onorory nnd corresponding member of ike literqru and historieol sorietv of qutbtt of the luymry lamia ion of barbadoet of the agricultural sceletifj of montreal paifaowpftia massachusetts konitpbergi tfc frt fc in submitting a new pfiiodica to he ri- lie it bemtonurr lo slate in few word ihe i viu which il has been set on foot and as far as possime the mode in which it will be conducted much consideratron has been bestowed on the plan of our publication and every part hs been dutjr weighed we haee ever maintained the opinion ihit the interests o grel btilain and her colonics cad never be permanently at vauanre or at ii it u always practicable by timi ieislalton to render the prosperity of ihe mother country the cane and consequence of that of her children we shall therefore en deavour lo enfore and illustrate these views by showing in the minutest detail the niuiunl dependence of every pm of niir vjt empire and by pointing out the methods by which apparently conflicting inlctrsii may becoii- clsmtrf- any further ifaument of our vkws anl tlieoriesis unnecessary in this place- the public must judc whetlter we redeem the ulege here ivn h tnat we jl he roabfent and persevering m the advocacy of uitih ami colonial interesj- it is necessary however in ay ninetliti of the means we have at our d fw ileal int in a fitting manner the subject of the c g tanies under which leim we include the whole of our daily increasing empire exterior lo the mother country- in the first puee we propose hy a hijth rmu of remuneration lo secure at contributors omt of the ablest writers on tbe suijecu which it rs our province to discuss and we invite gentlemen whose studies have been directed to the colonies to forward us papers which will receive tbe moil attentive consider itke we ahall not only dtscim the most inter est inf questions connected with our for rin possession but shall labour to furnivh our wh tr evmfle vr- f iv manners and customs tf the various people over whom our sway extends of the countries ihey inhabit their productions and cspabititic of supporting emigrant in short we shall strive to mbe our publication ucful and in- tereiiing to hie siatesman ihe merchant the geographer the ethnologist the literary man and ihe genera reader its contend will em brace every subject connected with commerce md navigation agriculture and manufactures ito agriculturists of coarse grain wanted annually- ihe suliscribcr lusving now com ptetednrkl reajv fr operation hie now and extensive dttifhng establish ment which ia tntenueu to fonsumu five hundred bushel of grain daily tnrirlhcr in ctfnnccion wilh his brewing j i i r will renuiro two hundred thousand ituahola of grain annually and iviahe to acquaint the farmers generally thai they con now depend on 11 all time a steady market for the sale of coarse drain of every description at the highest cash piicea and tmsts that this now and extensive opening fur the consumption of produce which haa hitherto hon but limited will meet with a spirit of enterprise on the part of each farmeir to supply the de aired qonntity thereby accuiing lo the cotintry the ci renin l ton of a large amount of cash which no doubt our american neighbours would liko very well to ptkrkeu james morton kingston brewery distillery january 3d 1344 ttie following pjtr to copy the above unlit brlkvillr tntclllpvnccr cf 1 vjjic recorder ami hyionn or warding c irmj on tinrxlly be oinccivel forbid pc ton so u-m- star brockvlhc recorder ban lie s government notice stica mboat transport on ukr oxtario for the year 1844 baled tenders will be re ceived at the comrnissariat office kingston until noon on monday the hth march next from any person or persons desirnns of entering into con tracts lor the following services namely for the transport vf troops bag- gage an j government stores from and to the various stations on luke onraiiii from kingston upwards during the season of navigation of is44- for ihe transport of do do do from and to the various ataiiou on the hay of ttj dmmii tit unexecptionablo security subject to the approval it the commissariat will bo required and the inl signatures of two responsible dtjrmw wlllitie 10 ontei nphe subscribers bel- to mfurn hieir friends and m public gener ally that they will bo py p o the opening of the avigaiion with efficient moans to cbc oi1 nt nsual business as fohwahois wabsiiuik- hem and sinrriko aosrm routes of transport het ween kings ton and montreal via m bideau oanal upwards and river st jwreticedown wards their tine of steam bcts ericsson prfipeurr first introdtf in canada by them scaooners aij barges rqua to any in the uuntry ih enable ibero to forward merchant produce and pusscngtrs on the ctik lakes and river atas low rates il wl much i expedition as any ew hotise in the trade in addition ihey wotm llc iso to luttj that they have ascj from the kingston marine itaray company their spacious btws store houtfe foot of cjore ret togtuliei with a large now wrjchouse to be erected by the companyon the odjnining wharf which wil be ntdy for occupa tion on tho opening of the navigation ihesepremiacswiltaftndtrhmficiliiies for ivaushi prm r m r a despatch superior to any they huc hitherto oc cupied in km n wide the safety ol property stored in fireproof buildiuqi is t- well known to he commercial public to i o 1 1 j 1 1 i inmmi at rjf isrockvhe pytown they will occupy ihe mmo extensive premises which they hifo hitherto oc cupied ettries passed dutire and all mkir 5s consigned to nqdli ultsfrllantou extract the beauties of war the deadly animosity which csited be tween the french and tho prussians due- eh the occupation of france by the allied chargea paid on gxxb them from creat rritairv murray sanderson montreal sanderson 1 murray kingston f ltrockuuc and hutown february is44 144a vg any but those ii ho were spectators of it it showed itself in a thousand modes nut merely in cnnlct in the field in the serious antao- riistti of war but in the most trivial and in- ignijicant uliotm of ordinary life the haired was reciprocal i have scon a prussian officer when his hmd of wood came to his quarters make the carter rail an finur n his own inconvenience bofurv he would allow it to he unloaded the man standing all the while ill the rain swear iiig wnh the pecuhar grace and volubility l ihit tcnod a fash on o extraortltuary hat ujccc who hnve only visited franrc within the last twenty years cannot form to themselves an idea of the extent to which the accomplishment may uc culti vated the man in hu turn would con trive lo place all tho wum piece nf wood to come out firs to as to give ihe inv predion that tlc uhole m of inferior quality and when die prussian had ex- hausied himself wah compjainla and re monstrance and ihe frenchman with oaths and exdamatons that tho wort wood in die world was too grind for a prus sian he would ostentatiously jlacc all the fine pieces uppermost with mutv winch seemed to say now you cant make a complaint to the authorinc for after wood is bclicr than average and i have had ovy revenge by worrying ynu a row of the largot weto of artilleiy was placed along tle quai voliaire and all that able rf the river down to the clisini- rofuopnric nieht and day tot by a man with a lighted wa undemoij wn ilicy were loaded to the mwudo with grark shot directly ru front of ihcm atrttsv the river tvcti bnotjis swings retails for fruit and conferlinriary printsellers not ihsi most deeem roptdauce mountebank and tyranny add ex defeat had ox stead of french whose actions were intolerable asperated them to madness aud ley wreaked their vengeance indiscriminately on frienda arid foc the atale of demo ralixation of the french army was com plete occasionally a prussian officer would take core in let the hoau feci that france was nut safe fro n experiencing some of the miseries she had inflicted on other na i linns j aud the hatred of dlucher wad so intense for everything connected vwlh frenrlinien irutoifendcrs were pretty sure of impunity when complaints were carried 10 beadquarter the duke of welling- toflii general orders at this penotl show liis great anxiety to cstaliih better disci pline and his fears lem the seventy nf the ivuinns should excite a general re volt and jeopardise all the fruits of hi hardearned victory and arduous nego tiations one of the instances of this tyranny and resistance will show that it is not always sife to indulge a spirit nf retaliation in an enemys country however completely it may seem subdued there was no part of france where there appeared less chance of collision between the foreign troop and the peasantry than in ihe pro vince of normandy prussian troops took up their quarters in ilitftowna and villages of that country with as much tranquility and composure aa in their own and they no more contemplated opposition from the inhabitant than an english regimenl would expect in scotland being in very small bodies hc officers were onablcd to exercise a close surveillance over their men and whatever license they might allow to lliemkclvcj they maintained mrcl discipline among tho private sol diers a prussian 1 home of a widow who since the death of lier hufand cont conduct a largo tbem with a determination to iftko a mfj revenge tbe lady went on with her preparation for the officers dinner and was deeply en gaged in larding a fine fowl when bom- vesearos assailed her can she ruahtl to the door of the kitchen it waa caatenod every outlet for escape closed the scream ed for her son and was answered by him from the door that there waa no danger and no cause for alarm she entreated to bo told what waa the meaning of tbe cream which now becamo fainter and tainter as if retiring to a great distance 11 soyez tranquil ma mere aaid ber on you will know it all presently 1 will let you out direcdy there is no danjesr none whatever presently ihe door waa opened and her son jed her into the manufactory but what was her horror to see the officer and ntsservant lying on the ground oppoai the great furnace each bound round with bandages from neck to feet like an efrjp- iian mummy al the moment she en tered the door of the 6ery furnace waa thrown open and cast its glare on the faces of the helpless beings the tonal had fainted from excess of terror and the officers bloodless countenance in vain aa- sumed an air of firmness savo me madam if possible and i a wear lo you that this outrage shall never be betrayed 1 and my servant will instantly remove remittance of money it srlllm and wira to thgir pfuervds h gillespie c co have brcivd ibis lav t their soperivr stock ot bftrimisjri picfich uamosfj cdsotirganj ptitelt clctt jdlaubatl fik- ures versailles strips smsjle and two celars persian clsths and chin chusan dresses all at very low tuite just oten ho at h git jtcav lamblon ruihl ia corner of piiaeetfnj ha ot st rceu ihrir rick stofc of boancl ktbtmnt french banaet sad cap tlowcri ulack and crimed ostrich evening do evtvhlbj flow ers and head dresses kinjiloa n m 1w3 noticu the subsciiber having leased the jiremisesat the foot of princess street lately occupied by mr huh csjdtr will have constantly on hand a general assortment of urncries which ho will ell on as reasonable terms aa any in the trade d p campbell cmmekil wharf kingston junelfithltin s marine insurance th lsws and ktuutinr of traif and the tariffs snt commercial treaties of various nations thus fotminga tf positorvfctrriillsnd autbenlic slfttsfllcal tables of the trade navi5tion rpnurr and po- hulation of great britain and lirr unlotics ws affirm unhesitsunly that wc u ht enaued to ofte to the public a more cooiprt- hmsivr oiginal ami carefully condensed summary of colonial intelligence than has hitherto appeared in any publication to those interested in particular colonies we shall altont a complete avr0sisf ihe occurrences there taking place together with many of those minor incidents never noticed in the lomton papers but which give a local colouring ami ottuliarchaim lo narratives that deprived oi them are considered dry and untnfrsiinje the resources at the dispel of the pro prietor of simmomiv colonial magazine fot the attainment of uiest object aia exlensivi and peculiar his ofjtec has tr yrir htci ibf h centre of a widely developed yttrn of co- lonial kansaclions and he has been for hie sme period in the itnlsi receipt of every newspaper issued in our dependencies fio law largest to the smaller ss well atfall the prn- ceedings of tbe colonial leghlviures itass colonial almanacs oireetorirs mrteorologi- cal registers and such statistic a i works as erve toabow tbe progress and improvement of our possessions beyond the seas active and intelligent corrcspoodents havhtsjisn ed in all our colonies whose csmmflriabfn cannot fail to furnish correct antie and eail imformatfon on colonial minr by then isamiflcs we shall be enabled to invr loot tune to lime suggestions as 0 the lol uielhotb of imirovinand eaiending the natural and tocal advantages possessed by our numerous settlements and colonies supporting as we shall do colonization on an enlarged scale in opposition to popular prejudice looking to no adventitious sources of success and deurniing toadvocaie througb em and ihrouqb 500 report the interests of reatbritain her colonies and ber commerce we venture fiefore the public that we shall merit support we feel assured not only from the literary resources at our command from our extensive and wellorganized connections and the encouragement held out tousfrom thoc co lonies whete our proposed undertaking is alrea dy known but oecuse the suhecu to which our pages will be devoted are daily increasja- n importance and exciting a corresponding interest in tbe public mind into a bund tviih tho principal fr tbu faithful performance nf tho contract must bo givtii in tho tender payment will be made in mexican or united statca ldlars at ay id cur roury sjtttbj or by check on a chartered uiirili nt ihe option of the senior cum- neisseria t officer poims of tender may bo obtained on iipdicartm at tho commissariat office where ary further information may be obtained commissariat kingston d january 1841 teas teas teas til e subscriber respect- fully notifies families who are in the hubit of using the best toas that he has now on band an assort- mentor black oudurevi tew impnrrcd direct from china not to be equalled in ihe province fot strcnqlband flavor an sold fur cah on moderate terms james williamson k 11- the subseiiber having made bis annulments is tub c4afp y iivwwlos cwnvy fond ivcry fai rlrly in promuto settlement in cuuuda will remit any sum of money no maitor how small tho amnuni may ire to any rart of eng land ikelanu scotland gemanv ur tu- hoi all other caterers fee the public amuse ment y wlulc cnurirmus rrnxvov of crown men and women were aimum ihcnihlves with all the emhmijm nf rhifdren opa- rently unrnriaou of the exintenre of ihe wewfllsh ff jrvft l lj r- j iiieir 1 i in 11 n ijn ut ilkrn i fie in dittervnco 10 danr syncraicd by imbiu of warfare iti infonccivathe by iiiohp wlm have never seen it every individual of the motley thron knew that on any mid den emcute he might be blown 10 dtortw before he cnuld rvach a place of safety oflicer with whose friends am acquainted was quartered in ihe eslaldishmeni tor the manufacture of crock ery frjyome at b tins hard and the commiinnera will at the cfjftv iut ml trusted it would not apprh like heavy sulmtance retuin tbe greateat pes sible heat for is vilriucation and the fur- narei are fggnnticmngniiude and strength the men employe in the manufactory lodged and boanled in the uouic and like ihe miners in cornwall were not mere ef ant hut n i if fallow ntvonhire- oma in mtirc uicaurv i the mtincesa of the establishment these men whose lalwritnis occupation was in tompntihlo with any but ureal bodily strength fell the hnnor of the head of the establishment to be in sonic sort their nwa aud tliat ihey were bound to maintain the cause of tho widow and the father- 11 uf tho settlers or other patiea rwr e dweller on vesuvius and if the gun grant hills of exchunqc upon the tom einy in london povaldest three ays sight which arc reajily cashed in any part of tho united kug- dnm cv ilc commissioner will ptaue the moneys in the hrnds nf tfaindiiritmxtt f whom they are intended during the last year tho company sent tor united kingdom and tier- any in 320 remittances the fusf nfmpty llirir hearts in execralttmir 13 4 averaging about ao each were fired perhaps he miht be flble gel nut of tire way in trine if no not and so he continued his amusement willi those whose patriotism vvaa tno powerful for restraint and who felt the uller impossibility of open rcmlaflcu by lens madame l- of one son only im h family limit fifken conitcd years of hi the servant of the omccr having seen the indulgence to others for similar freaks determined to smirtss a little of the plea sure uf authority himetr and after his master was enne to bed wa in the habit of uemittauet 1438 s 7 1075 12 3 vis in jsa keimtlaacef to ftrniait was omc consolalon u walk keepm u n the famil y to prepare hiseoltee behind the row of cannon just out of the whicu t diij nm chofl io take till two reneh ef the bayonets ol ttie seolinda and j ftftcr lhc lima lliey mumf relif lo empty llmr hearts m exeeralron i ff hc woulj acfimea lko it into m often tempted lo s and hsten to thorn j heail t0 c h al hfcc o in in b5 for sale lots no is bz 10 in the 10th iw township of rawdon victoria district lot no 14 in the 2d con township of georena home district- lot no 10 in tbe 10th con rich mond midland district together will 3 several parcels of lot no 17 broken front firat con on secoud kune of the township of richmond midland dis trict apply w messrs hosusyth o mvrtirninv svltttor aoivrvn klnsstnn dee- 9th mj i white fish a few itarrels of this very suporiur article on hand also a fow panels pale seal oil for sale m t hunter shp chandler ontario street kingston dec 12th 1313 to let and immediate possession given pnhe apartments situated over tho auction rooms of thomas catcit eao king street together with the privilege of ihe yard in rear tho whulo ia well adapted for the resi dence of a private family for particular apply to thomas jitce esrj oh tbe premises or to th proprietor james morton kingston slat nov 1s43 wheat flouh pork potash ithe subscribe will pay the highest market price in cash fnr any quan tity of wheat flcvr pork netd potash ilulivired at their warehouse ontario street tho whrtl will bo taken in tx the citymiuv rh t rae kltngston ti3j3xy 3d 18m ivi ic to uovt able to su cuuioiy merchant a by the chustor chem at montreal ptices alf v icss street jan 1s4 t 441 35 14 sin 3 2 in 58 1 do r iralmd lo eitinil and warcs lo srothmh togrrmmy x2w0 13 4 in 329 remittances canada companys f jilirc frederick tiueer toronto 10th february 1844 irom superior ale beer at thecitv batbwbbya he city brewery compa ny have now in their cellar a largo stock of bottled ale which thoy recommend to innlcerers and private famitics forita quality and cheapness tho quality boing nothing inferior to tbatofallowa or edinburgh ale nod the price but 6s 3d- per dozen exclusive of bottles a discount of 10 per cent boing allowed on purchases exceeding 3 dozen their beer is so generally and fa vorably received thai tbey deem it un necessary to aay anything in commenda- tiunof it and any quantity over gallons ia now aoui by them at the reduced pice oflod per gallon the 5 gallon cask held at the usual price of is- kingston sottl january 1m4 from the atagia amerit0m9ik dec 143 the new city brewery well deserve notice they are following haid thia establishment on our celebrated al- j bany brewery in the manufacture of a very superior article of ale british reviews magazines j i s i nrinni 4 supplv of ihe principal british rpevmra and macaisjc for dm- lch4 kitieris jtnnteu espresly or tin- nc of the colon at prices lower than whatliry are furnished at by united states pubuthcsu the following have letn received tbe eiiirttiorj review tlir quarieily ilo tbe foiciii fitcotoniil the foreign quarterly placklrsm magazine u aoswoths mapat 3d p dublin university mapaztnc 1- v beatleys miscellany jwpeio cnlbumn newmonuily a do united service journal p ramsay akmour cr kingston febraaty 3d iw4 al5s- 7per i estadlisufjo 70 lucas wit others tmmk dnggbtt unr rf mata andreaumtdici from tlve extraordinary energy and ch quenee nf their vituperation whih una rtirimtsly eompofod of wordd nrt sen i i 1 without the slightest meaning oe castonnlly however the orators would breil out into threats of revising phraattt and wreaking their vengeance but as these threats were unintelligible lo tin- ddiers they excited no more attention than the preliminary oaths the prussia n knew that the words were intended for insult because the pantomime was so perfect that it did not require the aid of language m make itself understood hut they generally ikntc it with the most philircophical indilte- rence 1 was always apprehensive how ever that the paliencc of some nm indi vidual potdier might he unable to last out the succession of exermtor and that the human overcoming the military feel ing might vrni ibetf in nn explosion and i might thus eome in fu a stray shot whtoh would have been a disagreeable re ward for my anxiety to complete my voea hulary of french it was really a very extmnplinary exhi bition and such as i verify believe coivd exist only in paris the rowds of wear er and ihreatenersgave way at lhc ap proach of the large patrol incessantly travelling nil pnrls of the town and va nished hoie or where i ih9il to aonih ine for the moment the patml had pasrd they j made their appearance again like a rnvarn oeeupalioa bsp tti inform merchants ami uc and if su as it did nobody any harm i h by the stork to let retail part of the mr and premises ocoms princcsj the lately occupied by ross corner of itagot streets and directly opposite tho lamb ton house being a fnsl into stand for any uetutl business hotit moderate enquire of rod ross kingston 10th dec 1343 11y private sale a first rate billiard ta ble full nize with uada and cues complete price ata william ware rfpssl corner commercial mart buildmgs kingston 13th fob 18sl public theyreeeivo conaiojimujua w have been a pity to interrupt their of any description of giuds llwnrexpectnrutio a parisian mob it pcriiami fortbusamoa maiketabte value lea 5 only collection of human bcins in ihe percent which they cluirgn for uirlworm which could feel consoled trouble upon condition the process thereof is roshipped in articles cti nectcd witb their trade or in gemv imerchanuizc if lhc latter they cbaj 5 per cent commission upon tho co the article forwarding out original voices at tho request of ihe price lists and personal referem aa to respectability forwarded to ord with samples of lozenges t of tho world agents appointed rtn application and a liberal commissi allowed teas spirits and wines sno a cr sisal assoarmtvt of caocciu iittotetau and rctih t the commission stole of the subscri which he offers a low for cash as house in tbe trade twodeort below mr j ohjibantsj brock street o j g pktrie kin 1 iijidm lu in remote pctkifj of the countr- hniv- cver the animosity was less licttg 3nd more dculty and asawimitions wefe fre uent the prussians had o many deep injuries to avenge that it ia not extraordi nary ihey should occasionally exercise the spirit of retaliation and in the small hodiet of their troops d 1 ppened in the village per- wonl conflicts wtrc common in 5pile o military discipline a large part of their troops were landvvehr mihiia aud even lannvturm levy en masse j so that din- pline was necessarily imperfect 1 waa at tins time quartered in the house nf a ceii lie man who iaa secretary to a branch of the municipal government and he often showed me petitions from towns and dis trict entreating to be relieved frm ihe presence of the prur lioop and to be allowrd englivh in beu of them atiuttiorc fiequently came petitions for english in morning aud insit on having something grilled for supper which if nut done to his tate he would throw into the fire and command them lo take more pains with the vstxl jvfadamc h at last deter- mined lo make a formal complaint to the o nicer wliether die mode of stating hergri- 13 1 tee did not pleac him or the narration excited recollectiuns which awakened a dormant spirit of revenge hi received her remonstrances with haughtiness m- ihrm said he my servant shall call yotl all out of bed six times every niht if i i and wait upon dim your self 1 am sorry that you have no daugh ter that you might learn how your infer nal countrymen behaved to my sisters my mother was a widow with four daugh ters j six officers of your uncivilized nation were quartered in ber houseshc had losl her iitdv other nn in the battle of jen3 and 1 waafaraway the conduct of your country men would have disgraced the in weal savages my mother and sister were simjceted to loathsome indignities and made lo perform the most abject me riial services fur their brutal guests my mothers heart tw broken she sank un der the honurs she wan compelled to wit- nes and while her corpse yc lay in the lnuse the officers endeavored to dishonor my listers but 1 should go mad were i lo bcgin a list of the atrocities committed by your army you shall inow a little rf ihe miseries of war tomorrow you ltdl have a couple more upiccrs and half a do zen soldiers in mamiaiu sec that yon pre pare for them take core to let me have a turkey dressed at halfpast two in the morning and coffee at four the iady shrunk away terrified at the aspect of the infuriated prussian and re tired to think of the bem mode of pacify ing him she rightly conjectured that the attempt would be most bkely to be suc cessful after she should have prepared liitu a dimvcr with unusual c3rc and given him time 10 subside i sel herself to the task with the deter ruination to please him if possi bit and liorred tliat a more humble en treaty in the evening might avert the dread ed infliction with which she had been threatened not so her son who had been listen ing at die door attracted by the loud voice of the officer he heard all but in hi attempts to iotm the workmen to resist ance did hoi think it at all necessary to rpeallbuolnversaccountif french cruel lies in prussia he dwelt on tho threat held out lo his mother and the tyranny of lite servant and he succeeded in iospinn and you shall have no others quartered on you the lady stood aghast and unabta to utter a word the men cried out donl believe him madam let us make complaints impossible f and they took up tbe helpless beings and brought their feel near to tbe mouth of the furnace say but the word and in three minutes there wont be a vestige of either of them we can never be detected there wont bo an atom of bone left and their buttooa will le undistinguished in the cinders say the word madam say lit- word tber will be aenselees in three zctond the furnace ia in full glow and they witl tsa turned into steam and ashes in half a minute it was an awful moment tbe men bad not exaggerated tho effect of the furnac for the intense white heat much greater than thai of a glasshouse would have votalizcd every particle of the hapless wretches in an instant the men held both tho bodies in the attitude of throwing them into the furnaee and aa their mis tresss terror deprived her of the power of speech they took silence for consent and were proceeding to put their threat into ex- tculion when the son who had only in tended to frighten the offenders and never contemplated the actual murder screamed nut h i horror nnd threw himself on his knees to intercede for them tbe mother had hy this lime found her ionguc and joined her prayers with those of her aon but it was not till after very long and urgent entreaties that they succeeded in arresting the hands of tho ruffians who were gloat ing in anticipation of so complete and so safe a vengeance indeed except by the confession of one of ibe parties de wm watttl mvf tryi snyvjriv itwto siue the officer and hia servant were libe rated the latter placed in bed delirious and the officer tftta in no fnme of mind to d justice to madame l s cocking i venture to guess that the fowl went away untastcd the nextday both ohicers arid men were removed to fresh quarters but the ser vants delirium gave rise to suspicion j and although lhc officer contended that the whole was a fable tt is supposed that his fellow soldier believed his story for the manufactory waa sltnrtly afterwards burnt to the ground and the men thrown out of employment for months east india house a special general cuurt called hy re quisition was held lately on the affairs of einde uf john cntton in the chair tho minutes of tho quarterly meeting having been read the chairmau said the court bad been specially called on the recmision of nine proprietors to consider certain raaolutiorui relating to the affairs of bcinde tbe d- rectors had however received a letter from lord ripon dated ih2 5th ull ia forming them that the papers which had been promised would be bid before tho proprietors immediately after the meeting of parliament and it waa for tbe court to consider whether under these arcum- stances it would be advisable to proceod with the discussion a conversation then look place aa lo ibe expediency of postponing the discus sion mr sullivan said that laving read ths papers he conceived that lie was in a po sition to judge of the merits of the ques tion and he would therefore proceed with his address he sard within tbe last few months the public had been startled by the intelligence that the ameers of scinde who had been previously in amity with this country bad been dethroned and banished their country wrested from them and their pcrsonsimprisoncd every man was bound lo inquire into the history of tbe proceedings and if they were unjust to un his best endeavors to obtain redrew in order rightly to understand the aubject it was necessary to keep in mind that tiieso unfortunate ameers had uniformly evinced the greatest repugnance lo entering into mich relations with us as would compel them lo receive a body of british iroopa and a british resident into their territory though they were anxious for our protec lion if it could be retained without the sa crifice uf their independence very diffe rent were the feelings of the governor ge neral of india it was essential to the suc cess of hia political plana to eubiisii a britiah influence permanently in scrade with a view lo cany out bntuh mni he instructed our political agent tt lahore to remonstrate with runjeet singh against his invasion of scinde and to offer to them our mediation in their quarrel they treated the mission which waa sent to them with mated icspert colonel pouingor at length reported that he had brought hia negociations to asticcesaful isaue and that they had consented to receive a british es tablubment at hyderabad the governor general rcfuscdhuwover 10 carry out oft of the conditions which was that runjeet singh rhould be eoiupellftd to evacuate the sonde territory tho honorable propne- tor then rtad the ieuor from colonel pot