British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 26, 1844, p. 2

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the tmivn i iii- 1 nol i lw tncrnikhjniyf in utl nj mpiii vcrty wayc klil tarn niter wil mirrly happen tml ml ink trrtnrf ihr iorfmin po toinimr tii- uimm br mm wmi of ir xe t 1 kerpihr mtour nf u- mujrtqrinil mnhjin the lof and tftumrtgr ol the bod i trove threw wiih yiiil utterly rjcnv thai i haro raid nr ijnnr jnyltiuo i warrant thcunputilnvi ihl 1 am n cinvtr 1 rrjvt at acciiulion wiih contempt i art ft in i ttay in i he tvfqq of ibe pivrniirnl nf lit our ilrau apt i said nothing that i would tml ipc o thf iivtljll italill i illvc krufjrd for the tmraiion of the ptrhaotrnl of inv ttu ntmlry some have ureicd o the ntteinpt mbar hare failed- if i succeed if 1 fill i a gkahou itnifglc lo in ttr thr tirst land hwu tht earth vmr that bounty hod 1- lrfit a inch cod and nature au kl hrmm uraajcttt ivrliut arilauo tuuuwod luf pcil tiircciutr jt icrc lev vou enn iolo evi oce mr moonr mr moot we intend aw my lord hut al ii late liouc there mjhl w a difficulty in jr mm u vilncaca into court in it present crowded state tiis jcr jvirtrrt do not wih to put yni to any idcoovcnlmett ma moot dct ruybird i tlnnk aalhr cw bu f lohjd w fjr a ihe pxchr mm rm- that we inifjhi alidcc thr evidence itnm by a conference mom any of qn witm- ore produced toe qlw jifltic urnuo will bcrcdy to hoar i hem ira morrow mmhi th cotut thru adjourned lo the following monung tneniiy l irnnvkek and llw large bcii to di4frc m 0vm3tlui 01 pfftfiiliftg ilifi li tki hall prior lo jcliin inl h carriar w cu ml bj a mimtwr of hia fmij the army in india ii would win hj- iho ble htlcvh frm in rjt in- lo the loirirflion of ihe army of kin- rinit in the wj fcr of a ihrraton- in anj niclirtnyct of afjiis it wa in contfmpulion lorrtirl a nttmrtteiil rtiforlwl ol tht rvrlrooa jtiifi mrtifr of jiom rfblid economy wfrkll fwim cnanalf from no quarlff fe hie ir1ahoii a rreklr trxnehment mamulril y the lovr of filthy in cfb which mufti evrtittully rol ihtr the katb of the otieinatois n itflul fuiuie ton mil rfivppoinlmcfll no aoooeij il ajiprars w ijtrl to a tiicctwfil leitninalion in inrjia than the cry revofmi io ie4rffiihltiert rt col ilown the miulary riuhfihmru iftlure the aimy 1 pfonr ur ar ruutjorv honl thrir tiirmu fji i i- y iifr ir no trtlvr means bric cut in ihemaltm ihcir case is a hoiirlc one meed fortunately inlt h now gnvetni gm- eral who h on ilitrur hall f turhm of f otlm of acniliy as uw cjc irtrthl be f i in such ft tontiiitiinn te ww f- ac ctoirn where ihr mvenaf moluer cmmlry t tttis is rot the vnmittilion of a limited monarej this is m 0r british con dilution nrioiev is it the contlilntinn l cinaj it i not i l4lieve ihe oflttilution rf any tle in existence foremen in the nol kriihhcan conliiution ihe lowers of tjo- vemmenl aie mote carefully tjifltihnlel amorig ilfflefeni atihoiiiies those am he minil who jo rot se ihe mnnifet ttthvrnec between lnfrnendent sulmntj i cnlony brluern ftl m an i a new country htween onr ordrpwblt with c4tiuj ami populalioti and one neeii- loth between one in which a wealthy ihtocmei poses peal ittflnmir ami anoiher in which no such inlhiriife exists helicccn a cnnnlv in which tile urrclif inote of eovetntuf is thqlitflrj rrj a mtr balance of cniioivimn- mvinefffi noil one in which the means of pro- dnrior the lam balance are wamme between the exisleore of a sttc of ihinis in one rotm trv whtch ha heen the fiu wotk of cc ani thesttemid lo iranafer the same sute 01 thin- by won of command if 0 tomilry in irot resecl wnwy ominile n itiorl l twren ihe united fcinjdmn an canslj ienre- which would remler whitl mim ie tltr sjme thinx in name very diftcteul i reality in lln imfmnirfi what u ihe infrene 1 iv dnwn fmn these differences not hot uip pite of cmmilil are uss free hn those ol ihe blolher cnnotry not that lhir rifhn ami liberie r lo stfrli nnl thai hie measiin f ihe crov-etfl- mrnt xvlllhe olher than uheral nh lhl he- apin4ihle government i feiel or imiaird but lhal it mtit uv mnlftiej conidera1elv anrl caiefitlh for the nihlie ojhi and not with a view to ihe exclusive iloinination of a paity- it is as much ihe duly of ihe fiienrf of ihr itenpteas sirs of the servant of the crown in res ihe lyrany of an otigarcy which would trample on koth it wium make me beyond neanie hvpy if i enuld reaife ttie piahaftl whirh von mc- jenl and le enamed lo eaneilihf tl r lars in canada an1 emahluh the uernmrnl on a city and creates well toundrd apprehension of liot ami hut ioum inevifably lead 10 after mmurtanci imnhordinauon and de- ay in hie ptosruihon and romietion ol our work reu in as i ronlitirntly do on rw cardial ftuistance siihi the exercise of all the infcwuc 3ti posses aj one of the employeis of w men for the pretention of iich a elanily i wiitlld fmgwl that yon and your ftficwun shnnlj lake every ppphittnity tif impewin npmt ihe laborers your drsir that none hut ihnse entiled to vote if any srh ikfiu rfmu tteenl themselves rmirn their work on the dan of vleelion your intenliun imi the toll shall he altel vvrry two hnuw jtrtilitf ihnse us ptlj vw rtelermination as well js ihatofthe ro4f wks fhai eveiy mm in be i ii mil he ran salif4clori1y cron1 lilutisti whig m pr dtear hlntstn tirkiw uarciim iku far hi absence snail fjm employed k jik hot aoj ncl i am sir our ohedienl fere an ii ii kllltlt- arrival of 1 j steamship c a l e bo n i a nvrvtvrirtt iticttta impoht conviction iittlc fluil ve latkr axo ktfrom bvroph r oconnell it in ntfhami well ifefnied and nermanenl bast whatevei may be my fortune in lhit resiiect i am nol cease to devoid mv earnest eltott lo nromotr the welfare of the piovinee aoil the haimlm s of it inhabit nt cotiit il to be etulu my uly lo nafd the preroalivs of ihr crown and uphold ihe r-ht- of the people a prrstltisil mpii f1r sir ciiariks mktcairk in ihe noea scotia aemmv on the 51 march mr- howe move thai ihe canada r m isrnnme fjflveinmentrmionvand ri o well aqiainied wlh ihe wnts of our l- sil cbaites metcalfes iwvh l ih tlm a i- dian empire lo emunei its fely by mhj ifc be inerlet on rw jirnu of it noroeerweeniocohrrdeftre 1 the attorney liettcial moveif in the mme lime too ndejendenl tosacnlue his j meodmenl ihe jhtrnn n pil ol thr core a3we r oini i lerl by mr llwe wlrteh fhwsrd yea- t nays m andasothe following incr- better judgment to the insane clmuis of the ih and ignorant not only is it clear h us thit the present b not a convenient pi fiiim- time for ndiicin the indian army but we are srejical as tm thc probability of any lutmc dimuniliun nr our force looking lu or accrsmn of imiioiy in snide r r the etnnruis ef dicord which are life throuoi ihe rhlifl stiles iho open turbulence or ime of ir nijh ion pjhi the hollow friends ip of olher tnl sufncienl gionnds fr mamui x oi mil tary resourcea on ihe oii ei5ienl foolm- vfiihout contenp1alinc y aresve ael it woam appear lo ut thai for mtff default of tore t is itlber to t anlicipated than any red vet too wert the militiry force in india more than equate a the present demand it would be nr duty loudly to ure the relief of several o1 tor majestys rrjriaicits whose tour of service ibene has been proiongd far beyond the term condqeiee to their welfare or sanctioned by evni poltc r 1 1 woo m he legions lo reiterate wtol lias been so often represented as lo the nelly and en fairness of coiting off from the susdicf the mostremok hrpenf reviitiox ml n1ive counlrr whuh is practically the case when the servict nf a regiment in the east indies is extended beyail nfteen yenrs a r crr 0o fuifers in its nationality it tveqsrentfy degenerates in it material and il falb fthortbr to the n ta the onward march of society by an ecptiriaiionuf acjujiter of a cefttorj ff troop can he nrcl why are ihe ifrh laneers ihe rufts 13ih 31st 40th ami 5h ttill left h india after tweniy years lo cin crvrce t there are it present twenty reimenfs of infantry serving on the east indian etublish snent betnt very liilte above the strength re- qnired some seven yean back since then sinde has been uc i and occupied ihr e regiments ire demanded for our cbineae ettlc- tents another is in ffsirisoo at aden a recenl icobilton and we observe thai a new station as in contempation for the 86lh reimciil en tto malraj evlabliihmenl which is to be wiih- nrnati from llelaum lo occupy karrach in usn forsian gulph thirs with policy and waawinily m ely rvlief of several erp ii b ctar ihji none can be withdrawn fnttji the east until we can supply their ph fcy oh cri a r and matey sawlfu vation nrtfim rmltri that tins iuwe re- cognise in ihe above r- ami f mentjthe true pnnciplrsof colonial tavern ment rf a plictde to ihe prnvirwr bail nevertheless that ibis iioips- ihu iintint ihe foregom cnlian rravtlutinni siai nol h cnnttiu in hvt ii0fe1 llu introiiriion mo ihis mo- ef the liansf r from vhi house to the esrihi of the miiijiive or ihe money voir or ihe enlargement o thefju- iaejtton tf ihe memhel ol ihu rnte and ihe rleetorsor ihe c eatifn f an ojtie nt ihr lfrinllttmjlimiie u i jn bmi lm retain heads of depahmenl or the intio dnctionufany olher principle of the canadian institutions and administration of crovernmeni no 1 present adopted in this prornee t lh houe bein ol oininn ihl hefoe the same hal be inlroifnepil into this colony the eon- sent of the people hould tirl he formally ei piesetl by ihcit renrecnialives in general aismmy i wilt he een by ihi thai the iihetal pr ly in nova rotra of i m kadr- reconies in in icttcii of tii nos n n tlcru to tjig raftisir or sr mcvrf umttminxjl ilesire the inliahitanu of the 1aiish of st nicolis1o accept alon with youisrlves ihe aurtice of iny laiilmle lor the teslimony j have received f their esteem nut of their aipiohilion of my public conduct eifiecially ofihe pirt which i have liken in the discission of the qesliois raided in the l3tsjelire assembly by ihe reliremnt of the ah mlrritftrs frm the eifuire conneil il is amnti- many pltufifw a oof ibat i wa not deceived in my hone lht um sentimenlv wniim not fil lo find an erhu m the hen is of mv respeclaldr frllowconiitrvnn ivruiil me in oseive at i have done on olher orcsion thai something wose than er ror an- a viotalionnf ihtmo4tacredof duiies even lhoih uneomjdirared with had inleru lion can never eive a a bjs loi public ttb lilies people will in the end be eonvineei that i have hpen a true supporter of repnsille ho vemmeut in arraying mysell against the doc- tii lie and acts n hith an on iiher eons ntien- e equally danzron wnuhl iniie fear of inn stanm r oi even of the iniovsilmy of reducing thrit sclera inlo practice tlic sicnrwf cvnrta arrival at itimin an fnilay niiiinf wiih ndvirc hadl ltviipm i miii ih insinni inclirivo ttc arc inikiiirj r use frbiwvrtijj full nummary hy ihi- arinl l vanrhs will mtt lminn w t ami tin ww yuri tit ttili trhich wc ncoivil ilii limn m at ha asl icii ovinrk tik- cahlriid brum i p g k n e h a i pimn i taflru wulrsset w lira ifi4i w liocn cuni hijoil uhi ndifaf ihitnvenm t- iu lniin1 gwih nf tin iiiittt m8- v m al a r v vuicrican ncwk iritrr- iwn have al hnlti ilis srrinc iihiihilio crnml duke of navuu ims iiurt ilivotl a mrilwoni in- bee il st ivhtlnn tn rilc ill fvwii tin a iwl to thv riuiiriil family nf ruii thr earyia anil liorsrs in which tin lfin duke and iim illustrious cousirl nn in make their entry shortly jit wlcabwjciti ikil lie fimunu1 fimn knbml ami on imjhitimi if ilivm ly ho aitlhiwiiii of llu rilv have heeii minh nprtrnvril ul the mirqoiv ut wvlmmhler is itn1e n- riheflil ivmhi lit- rcventlilit iniifiiiitul tlie bl arc-mnr- irntu tin eart riirl will all hut rertainty tlc ilcly if lili unl sicilian ml cajrd connolly luilh of whom it tfvau nllirmeil usre mitl living al ihtkharn arul tan1it ihe native mblnrs thr kiirnikan eervc tniirrithi cttniniisiuncr of llio ailiuifilly lime onlervj that no lolxiero h in he iiul to seamen or mariners on bcvjnl inii w lille ii msl in en ii mi in ncc ol ilie cxhtil to wliieh miiivlin has lately lten earned on the men after liihiti tip ufarro iwni tin oirr free of july are tn the haiil nf convoying it cidikl finely on tltnrv and selling il wltklt ih- viht r i till ulrrvi t ijlifirt lrld il tt4j4t ifee 1lnd u lrmj 11 ctm imfurutt uhi tli ve cthv ii t jn a lb fk eimttit hm i n in itfp r nwl4 hr fy titil lb inein iter irwasda i id nroin tiulvuf u4tt n uliihi 11a er i 1 llte kd hy i rirtfr it iv iii mill 11 fc jovernmejit but l ienoranl as tu the diment to c blvonl vferrcj until nel f a ihouaml tu i have le hnnor tn re ijeotleinen your very obrdieni humble servant i itvlifjl lerrej nioum lum h a yet the country fllnifv or rrltnl f ni ej hmilence lfftj tcflts in ihe inear niors and eeulatifn are naauled a lo wiitelfcet the troiill imvrf tipnn lh condition of livlairlntl the fuinre move- mrnt of the hekifr me incline ttt the ithithf ilint no rmuiimfil will uc in lliru ami conirnd ni the mnral cliwi will on i r k1and irldnof mr tnivv ni fn oif d lf iniuy m lle iltfdilv f eoininilin niiiie n iiiiiiji d iiud can w nlj t iu athrvriim is h vtrh h us ihllnta lb it we htll hrruf m nlikrbemniw imiwranpe llnl lluewfci ulridy emniifftli d liiit nf tin jet4f imi t it ntiim terily tif the i iv jind ni llfrif 11 m ud r j u ii hit lbit fthy and ilrif etdr hv iirthiveth jitrm ututml in th- 1rmmihlr f ileriinliy 11 1it ilu vpte la iftawjiul nnfiitj 1heprifol enii niot ibc nul eaiiifftt t ihrtairi r ltjmfmt w tw itoati lite t wliwh mitlv iittii i ejn ih- eirftr1 latniiioiilirdrdhtfutrjrvpourr wr ao- rdrwin ftrlfi v cjfhcwanee ant notfti with wlh f ran rithire rvi lite 4 f ldtnviee auiljltibe imtiiino nhich kaa itsml e enied we arr oirlt rn with ih smsl pr iti tw and rlifnn forbrarnief ltttieititiif intiiilbut prvtre trt ilu f l rwvmier a tyinl apet hint t- tirance in jarrve ryrbt and u and ih abrikf ofeyrry hfen uf outre irl lltrtvi nest ncm i the dtoimd fr icfial hi ibftelteno drt4piidfnerf dirtht1 hsnn i ivt wnrlhy n frtrdmin win crr liiiaux of the ttlv nnil fijiis nf in native country lyttirvrtivwe aiul ifimiimy cmt wo iniss tlelridriof mrmnv1andotherahavceenltiieevl ian we mu aierei1 oidy bv iu own ennehrd d and eieh if tit- jvtr rr jcve been rirrttan vi fiive tvt pn4ei fonn tu tdhtr annul clii hut the ntmcxs lnvr been ikrred ijuarlrr savi uh il nm a fon tlie pei of our u ilit ut t ii rrn in the mean time mr of on- i own peiwvi rjn r irrticn 11- irrmdi rul iwi r ftrlt l made his wav u to inbn ami taken hi nf parlmmem tv ininr dcleitiirkd thl olicc in ov ihiuk if ewftonot a is rf llw u4juiiossstep to the eommanofn h ruini netin rervu under al feeoch ii m ihj l- oirftimiier of their imy is the ovtec iprntutuifi liilsil been nrvfrh lo a eovnfob int t d f f laijinvo and a diaticr r msrslni ravsi arrj deal ssfarvfot nlki mf afnea be metnl niurn bayno ifchssh ht tttlji tnunn of a few duys bo rlftidil fcasv an jpfimhy of hytftf ihem on ilt timc w ih rejtanl lo mi ruef qo rearoncd by nejcuciiiliiji wilh tin- iwtediirahc eajtd only p tb t flier m eontiitrfltt wiih the inatrnctvwia hrrly ffh u l jh not bnk a doc oord in dm 1nrtuc rartiec wvuld altuvf birra to vivos rwn v4icit aoiver wui presvrd ne nwire plivt iiifiemation kir utam r idd d jul hc i nloj uea ktd nrl jmb- bdrtl tlc inftie it hjd teird to ihe com taaudtrrf n efsruastifjn ihe ecn of africa lie irwrvrr rum my row thai in the inalmc ttne4 inat had i i liej durm he pprurnt vvwr ihei had maiidnd ihr ponrir fif iilo h ihis railalrff hsd iilwiye njril jtd rba hi- v hen- hi itiiufi ifcr aaioe a tltienbhli 11 kin ivih d in idlif ol ikf majfmys navy mi frnitr mm ihr irobnen fmm ibc eih lo ihe utih rere tmin 4anl n ih latter cbl lnfd j- lm lfn- 11 hritibl friujir hi- vumited mtrfioii in rrr c n- r oltid i e iovd for cmtioili ui n whu ium t tau mtrtsj coiohjcralion le ljte m inliml- ivdteto4tiofilia net4tn wh4jy nctjhl4l ihtiltthimrn iff itjr ihttik of 1 hftniram f mwe nthl mki the nvrl wa thai d nm by a vote of tj fte irvj r aainm fi ite x ilr n tfiiy f in muj to allcni t- pen uh riiii of m n iiiirtia and uwmffflfsfle th lto irbtn tit- nltry r nrnmi p sti ul hi d l rf to mwt- rjsite 0 mers resident ami rvl jamin fagnon secretary of ihe assem idy of die piroh ol b nicole sr aims mwsn late on sordv lm ihe conservative fnhaltiiai ts of this town iverr inlormrit lhal sir allan mnah ex pected in town that ifay tlic conservative ol ihe toun as well n counliy have inn- de- viretl lo have anoppulliinily nf tenf in 10 ihe aluyt knibtthc eraiiitne which they en- icdin jor him fur the manly am honest de encv of their character pot ihe ftno of the hnusr nf aseiibly when they wele sstjiiled and nnnilti d h thr ut- esttltm council ami iheir adlirttiits iifieai the rjueliooof ihe lla1in- rllcclinn for ihey ell diejdy thai ihey bad been injured hy the falsetioods of thnr itrstdrrem and that m sland foraanl in thrir deleitecbciie ihey trnlerj and nn- h id the same n1iln al iloclnam was aciin a mihl and an honest jmi they mt too lht iitteitendrnre nf ebaacter so noblj num lainnlhi sir allan in dennre of iheir eemmnn rni fl i exiirsshiu ol their laiorame nimnnn in eotuemience ihe tnwn p onle mel and concluded upnn -vm- sir alan a dinner thai nlsfht- ao1 fitly ct ns- rvalives ai down t eijfkl oht kal tin 1 fieortrv ftim unfoieeen eirumttanre ajs deprive of ihe pleasure ol that arrouf ciatet lor tore iim iiiyliliilinc ihe prii miirh wih the inlri hury the hnntilg eh ami bavins snrcee he faster than the the ffovcrnment in llicsftiy did so not so n ol pnrohmeiil a he itat mroliiigs in otiainoig a ver- diet are euttifii to ym over what has al- nraily kcnrred in r in a million to stop at uine any furtlier roccedinf others nuthmid that theeoiict of ototwelt jur- ilu ilic next few- pvdhtt determine ihe iieiion of min thai if mild and milnlnrd in lies e no further rtrtlcfl will be taken nf ihe mlcr rul au lhc opinions an mead iccnlaiie in the niean lime mr 0iniiell lias on behalf of himself and his ipanions protested gpinrt the verdict hid has intimated thai so soon neuienrc have lieen pasrcd lie will have il tier stilmiiied lo thr whole intjy rf jili in lntol iwl thai if iheir decision si i uofaorabk he will appeal to the llmsc of lords liefoa- he will nilrfllil lwemihl hainl nil oiimoii we l il- y that lie will lie paied all ihis trouhb for in our opinion no puniftimenl will h inllieted and par ticularly if matter sinim pre asipnet k a thtv n il iv stat attti in lolindia miornfhit eluned ioec 11 tiobct was given thnebsleaeseiteoicnl vrit apftiirnllv a diajnwtwiu on live mil of lite leading npriliri ti bmkotil of tht front rank ilk i i d a eiition lincvcr continue to hum urss kk oiti in- at the fnucilmlton llnll al h nkctiit ai the lih utl tom steele in the ehiitr mr w k o linen mjpmporrl a nrlilian to parliament stllnip ttrfi the fueu connected ndli tlx uie lait la1e toils fot rjcneval adoption tin tnmti o uu ronfd utnnimoutv and it valer- rd lint rupee- hntd ite titl to every psth in a ntd bee oses sure adojdrd dt roiirtfjiun wluttn ihe lilrnimo ouri attl a rc- e aoitito m nifttvea tht dpitra oml diltcrence bt arhiimloea lo lie in eteh caac dieei by lite part theniat ivea wild iul any refxnnce aluuucver tu ihe hejicol is iiiciatioii a i tlie h it- on the ih tlic ebiir wa oc cused hv john oconneb mp he nddnsoc lite meeting at eonsiarable length exjieemin hi miittnte to the ieoj4e oi ivuttnd hr the deep fulinif hvrotmthy wlm li llwy bad nihnif4ltl awards ihe trverers and the teeliofiof imlir nalnn rhich had beenimlohv ile nnrjir etn- duei if ttofrminrtl loiejnt ihrih lie was not utefjoft d fill ueh a minife1alinn of minfy kn chih fnbn ik neriej uitlre reception of hi 1 r r nd for 4 if nature ni ihr r i-rnne- of i a trial jn ind tlic at mmflafji daliin to ftttl inhkti- ulhinildimw dime f lrilanffoi k loot ai hnve ooibj 1ii to ciicr at as hie result nf ajr oven i fflitiqs 1 1 me inner vcr not appear to h nbl i fr ttinlt mil tior nnnlcful li ttie multitudes of lit tropic of kiltnil 1 hire len rretivo5 vith kind md mkidv eiwroty br linof ihoitmnd tf ihe knhii tlie imh n wplr ihftipi um cnilm not nccivc me nith me of ihr iyimi hnli nknla of yoipliy and good fifttn i canned rwtre- tlie esieot f my rrralitude nor oujrhl ihr lrib prapjf ever to fret thu si inpthr which it not ereaint r limited by kindne toward an itnttvidiid bm frhok baai is a fecnt drsire tn i w t h r 1- to lle ih natiort i tiipe the trapli fif in hod will ntfer foffrrt these iiutanert of genrrotm kindttra i jt n lake epetinl rare in future todivtoiguirh belueen lite pcoplr of england arid lite ovrni ment of ihilain all ibat the aic and ihr ed amoirpt w eojlith eeoplc require j to bectimr peoprrlv infrroed tj the oppn o lb- poverty the i fbottlution of irelaml in orjer h jnmt litem in our uppt tli wise and hv hol in knjtlaitd are iih u in hort we have an kngtiidi uinri l tjeevot niej j no never hi fore eiprrienced in the hutoiy of the connesmci bctwn tin two ckinlfirs iyt its ihrn for ever iiinftih latwcen the rnhth p trt1r and llir knhdi cvrrnmnl we i hart- alt nbliine miieh arslaoeetrnm setkml c nhtrh onr ejtrk vufliee i the itc rnt and nnpr fiuhlv ru i rit ami eon wht- h an a uuiiow 14 all th tirfd a thr llilnnion forward del up a upiiii in ihe inertlficiomi jf rrf 4 b i nny tv nnurk j tltat even njiniat- rial njrro- l-e- rbiviiikit the dhtc admitted ihjl aorae- tic tlnasv be dwne to imprvvtc the condition nf inunrj lb muituv bal mr sbarman cbvm iref a frfl4utssn brti rmennt oflli n h lorntr4imtji7rh limea the frirant 4 tho nilinnltoddooite aitxntion uf tain it tht nol meerech hi tuiaiby mr colmlei moved 14 isefrcs aunnltre tt mtoirr into tle cjttcu of lln- enrn- i iwa on fanmera and farm laborm for n fnnic1il mr wyar civertotiee ilia on tueanav the iu of march ih wonm lmf forward o pmtaj ms the uiontfi educaiinn f liic caihjies f innil otini n ttitiitt4ini fattier at lle aniitirniw lrajuc ntfiim tri u ihrnfore in fivtuee dlineiith our fnrnrti which wis the inril etdhuttiaslio lie ever wiinewd among the peorjc of scotland ond kn gland am in hi life me rapidly rrvicwrd tle pmre of rr fltifhji the nah rbdrtte and ermelmlrd bj ob vine thai er il mriiiltcra uf ihe imperial irhameni riwuli to carry iheir food wohes and iin inlietloct ihey niuristill csert them- ti enriv ki peal hy evert taa hit mean left hnicl from ihe company rneetinj n allan bnl when lo health was prnpom it wa received with loud enthuia- nc uiku cheats the rompaoy eparaied it aom kilf pam 1 1 and drrif ed irneh pea tit answer to the foie p f colonial flo ml tiiri fia t trite priu vernneoi mr ifineks snd h friems on the other hand allmt to jerceiee in this an- vwer the outward anil viihh irof ifespolbn f hehvren the ta cireiirrmsnces we think few would heilhe whtchto nhrre hid with the coriotseralive rvidilfc is at hand he mu be hitflsl in ved who oiil enteilain a iwd ou the fc 1 1 a tr r w on hi o satufi evem moderate man ibat i u rpjatots ti 1 to- rielies where the matter in ivpnlr hclweett sir choh 1 mrtcnlfr mid his emiiii4lers hern c 11 aiona tidy ronivred driion bahren unanimeii n favor ol ijs irllenet this ha been ihe rae iii kokand w here lln j most eminent men opmb pailie unilr in ssp fnmlmjml chslrs mrtrape in the srtlef- j province te sme leelinj prevail amnnl a i ppualiou almost eli eomrfied nf piiio of hrtlish origin and innkm to ihe lliitirdi j forms of isovernmeot as tbett nide the le- i islaliire of nw rinnvwieh snd neva scotia unite as whi and tories hve tonv at home in npportioc lb- principle laid inwn by sir chattel metcalfe pnnr 1 0111 li i f pail ii ami derived irum 1hn unweitjieunre irnm tbm heiot litlentty hioirbt in elhrrimlrmile in1r1tirncer march if r ties vliirh are te- ilmtcrlky lhciaiicals of ihn tiotince as rodtttrial rtrar3 drtpnlic ll the fiet he wem homo i mind v j the electors 1 montreal iel them rernemhri i that men of new rriuswick ami nva sctia have volunfaritv comr lot ward tp ereive iheii his excfillencvs ahvwbi to the r rtmilulnn from lie hand of si wakihn anduunciuxjr80kthk chaiiv metealle lelirrin ibat lht hsripv ottawa dimict iid down by hii aie the line pfiociphs o i vteeive entlemn with the bishest satis- lwm ceinmrm fictieiitlic expression of your iirlteird at i ihy o mi if their were the 1eal tstbsaerrttolbe koyal person and crown of anor that then liberties would auffr1jvii emtnojt geous quern of youf sicadfau t 7vantcnl mimssi wkeeence to the british coistitution and of yovstfbosst cardial vrisfrrt for an indiskifuble umneeildn between canada anj int urilul emsvre these aie senlimrnu hwf ol joyi mhfectj il muit gladden ihr heart of our beloved sovrreisn to knnw that they are warmly cherished hy he people of this pro vince 1 think yu patefully for the kind feelings towardi me which your address convejj tod for the jodiotis oifinfons which if contains o urm mttject reccutjy i you seize the inv ponl liu 0its4itrfj1oo when you notice yotir cnditien as curoiuht the uinephs ef lt british cunrtituliun are fuy es- tabliahed here and ihe practical wotkm of it hm been toted as fsr ss lhal if pafsmr eowsisently with the connection or a colonv with in mother country tne lertaim newer hi veted in the crtiwnamj the two house of litiamnit the executive power is in the crown re presented by a governor who is aiifed by a council ofajeiccf cnnsiminx of heictnof e paftrnenls and reipmble to ihe people and their repreteitatires fo jacruttve neaute te covernmenl it erthluricd for the jjood of the people and according lo their wishrs th i ihe cnstiution of canada and wilh kd feme inoefalioti ami hociet co opera- for the public welfare it may lc itmfjnt fuljt worked- 0ut u the eaeculive council 10 fce svoretfic and the corrrnor to br meirty an imrftwmm fttrputtinjr the ut msuul tn her dwutliona whkh ia the aoit ol cmnltmlirni irii al by a parly 1 the authority of thr crown would then be a nullity tht council wejm bwn all the rxfcslllvfj aulhorily all h prttofffihve of thr bvfn snd 11 iiik- uwvltoil plroiaf the lrrutrve cun- trl wt if tltt iejiblsllve coirlicrl ld vowtd wld all the nowrn or the ilouv jf awrmbly whrilier iisy we ihihdei n uw noji j that my alt tha pwei snd fiifit 1 1 i oj mm ifovernmfot would u- mpolid bj tho fc ecu lire twmcrl or ih- wt have much i tlufaclion in publishing tin follow in bti ddrep by ibf csmrnsstl ot the hnaftl of woiks n he evaa1 coiituctoo now employe on the larbine canal thai lomt measure on the part id finvrtroneiit w- ntceasry inmomrniiimder amnn ihe li ikourersoit thai line outoik 1111111 the enmu election for this city no noe who trfeno ihe riou of i gl year xvill terl int lined in rail question mf -mr- killlaly plan seen s d eidetlfy hie wiist that under the esiitin rircummaeres could be devsei the bile ile1fso fully espuint ihe intentions of llir writrr thai rtsfltvl comment on our tl o whnlfy uncalled fgi and sr khali lheirfre sflerm rll atttnlinu lo the tlaiites in the klei tioi p4w lo whirh r detrnre 1 maie rv mr kilult and uhith wnl u- f o mow ivonlri corfr blomiki 1mb march im i sin it jils cceti iej oiled lo me ujtnn un- rjuf siimiahjc ttthsililyp that thi re rjt amouf tto ltvrn eitploeil en the larhine tanal lynch law the neero who murdered the german hoe- maker snd his i ile the olher div nrar 1 1 err u- lnenm miseuii iva him hy the anvereio people on ihe li jnst acvordoi- to the code of jiie fyioli- a roriepnleul of ike st imiu re- uhhean irirs ihr ldbwvinf detail of llos aifociou4 ail ol liwic tiolerire tin henfr hcrnj on the ieun the key of i o jil wudemloiled by sveral jirftnal 0 nol preen m nny atiftetoiy aunvtr imk up a hrtehrrtkof witd umi hiy near the ieor an htusi it opin tie bej wataam ite mauhd tonpil the oorof the dungeon but rectvinj no mhei nlmiclinrl than lefore ihey piocnred an ave and rnwlar mini hnrt iheitoor open and thr mutdeier wa brought out amidil the shouts of the enrjrd pul4ce o a eery few mnmriik he ivat nd pleed on a hoi h hoid one if ihe men and starid bin k lo ihe place of ihe minder th1 ihe crowd was ntlfli cvcitetl ibere cxtt e no ihmht bul ibere ws avt that cahn ami fised tfetennuiitioii anon- idem lhat showed asthn are intenj t i ver tuiu a b tit r waa rvud irom mr 1 i conm m in wliiel ilu mini feniiiucou weriespreetl and ewnhrnvil by iitii tint a theeourrof tin- dihtte iiiutd thai lretind haohopebtit from iih rttnration nf her own rurlumeut ihet imm eontimie with rcneel vttiieta locarn trfiiju tlni iheei lne nvcimj- wa al adilrr d hv snirih 1 iiiimu and imstuh strle gsons s vetnl iiim i mann j tiaslwd n it svsus lhrv whiehlwna jvjiiti mm new ituntwiet unrj xij rm pttca in the imlrd mo the njede week- rrut eicrtdoi xfinmi he neeting tlco djnvjrn il toe rmali taw is drsux one of the ert cla of lltt ut eapnlion of tlu latv uf eon- tp riev hy the attorney jerrr1 tf irrund and ul tin btnbi ik iliv i r rn was ia a stabs of ii umioi ndtmimi wforv is now a- vnnt a an unrurhvd bte the trials htrl twrrttyjirxjy a lfoiirr at rnlinituiitarv summary will 4ww tliat ei far im tw lthtlaluic vriwu h hcrn f h nntfinf of the haslxvn my busy ad nollung i ilt i f cf i noblm thrrv lias lavn rnin h talk- hoi no hii-ii- hon nf iril up hv liri v5s brought loiluring a re- ihil iipm tho oivcrnmenl fur tptton of inrrttfurv oer rood tvnobls on their aitivml ncs ibtin nino lilil virc rnntjitmoj in a iriiltkvs dirniin upon ihe rondt- nil thplriti john iirmlf in olullttn i i ttin iminvoiaii adeption nf iihaurts for the nriivittraiinn of tlio cstilttkin of ihe itipl- of injifi i t a iltpny o cln- iptcnro ihe ikhik prwi inol siicr fid ul v rvttltl wa a rijition nf llw ntiotoii nni a 1 rtmipti lor tlio miuitrv m i1tlouiti all iho rpukff tnituihrtt sir ro1hi1 ivii adtioihd ilial il tyw highly ric cosnrv that war juiiikd la diiie mr 0fiuirnll wis vul dttrilk tlitf lie iav iiiii matte a wj inpwnl ijjkm 11 ltlrif nf in- ruiinfrv tli anttcsffl l iicatto ronlunkos in imm uivkly niclk l fvvcnl anbn thzalrc in lutnni and have pflirrinp in rrtboi u 1 flltnnfl daity hut l shvi lie- made at ifcwaireiur ulnr dnwvned hy no i1pl1ance of the pailiiuuntary p cofdinir tin ann- lciisuc iitojlh rnpidly and has arpiirxl c tahihly by fnr- melntpofisj of hfliiiij the deed was one mnclood tky ivll j idislimcnt in ira m lalthel aifliitrtdilfin rxvtety for the tn-tpc- nire of which tin i is lapn akinlt riptiihrii ami ttw iltc f hiirkinrhain vireprcsnlcnt it tlhfl tnirndon of tint body in its ihe sarfk voapou of war as 1i1c anticom la tatfljia y ik lv- at lr tioi trs br ii ni in nnnh- tabk numbct al lle s ppr oar king elrrlon fr ibi city and i am amurnl that s rtflmifrfy ol iienared wild the oiieri ileelieti to inlin idn ihe actual pxncljh hhilefti have hero nf undolv mtllnenem the 01 ihevtte s if tt 1 of pbjieil nmfr i tired n inform inn hmi the trat mijot- ity ol ltnp ipjsssi ri- flijnt r leie pviou without any iuali1icahii tu ne but i think ti rny ally in direct yum ttolon fur llo interest ol ii ten themselves fuit to the i7th will ami s4th eclinns ot ihe statute if lite lh virluri inliuilid an ad to pinvide ini ihefieeifmuot ktertnn thionhoiit thia lm vine anil to ttie piintvtnnrnl theiein provi ded mi a1 of oiiudrr and fiolnit inierfe rerkce tif nnrpiahbrd pi nti n eleelmn an i in 1lh cuumt vf vtair rontiart woh aid ol work ami i rvrl called upon 2ndly i ihe hs 1tmi vt rtf my k- that department mil eanl i i- ii 11 llir hiwrit putjfct uhitli rtitonly iciiirunly ihirjumlhr pcilv vl thi pucr of the late eolraee mny uf ihe colosed i lion of ifninh arir prsors united in prayer fin him and in ulkinffj duki ttf richnintl to in of his expectation ol futnr iy c dnrinf all iho i ete he had not inanif sled the 1ea1 i n r ol fear or lemore and the hrm- ne with which he answrird alt nijwiinis ikei turn eonrertiinrx hi njecl for lhlitn- and inurdcin- tfie ope wjv utiy sslonih- n ile said he robbed them to e the money to inn away wilh ami killed the people o ihai 1 miht not le found nt thi act w- rn ntily plaiaeithy himself and eseeiitei hnl vet he bul not attained the a e of year wier the few momrnls prnl ever him in trayer hy hi coloird foentt he was i jken lo tin oimh- of execution whrre a pole hal been some ten feet fioun the luurid to 1 coupk nf mll tiers lie was then brnu hi under ihe pnte in a mll wafton and lohl in taiuj4tp which he ihl wilhnut the jeat apparent rooceri j wilett patientlv tr j inpe to be lied loitml hnllfck when all his fiirnds were cipeil up tn hid him m final adieu he shook with apparent unconcern ever hml thai w a l f n him not lh leftul fear r di- viiilriion inilell conhl in- discerned in his rointeiiiiiccf duiinglhc whnk two days trrs- aciim i l- it ihe rnnnl about timset and im w till junxm ivimi bpirtjlinft will he made ol bis huly i am 1111 ible tosiiy the child is still alive and i honk ttuy irrnvcr much ciedil li due to mr m the sheiii tor hi ieulleman1 course and the manly way 01 which he attempted to itvrrauadc ihe mob to desrst n a divin- belt recenlly vi payeir nr knndnui went dnwii to the hnl nf he tlnmes and lemained trren aoti rul ofl linmallcom- uiuuiratioo wilh the uper air without e jkrieocin any ot llo unpleasant hlirt usually attendant usrl rikh exjerintriiu in the ueai urpiic ot a number ol iluinuthcd men of aririire who wilneed bis irfonnancc wilh- mtl ihr knowlde of bis novel application of t cuii olr of wih known fact in chemrtry he look twii in tlie boat with him two chemical mrmaucethe one to ahsoib the oltlli urrd iit to mpply the place of that ruotijrnrd f liit of lliear i lonnd in pure flair which leadily abuirlj half it own weight ofeailtcioii arid jjas iho iflhn in hie sulphate ul ptahit who b when healed rive lut a vviy lfgtj piiitoilivn ufpure uygosh raising nf fund ihr inminj nf iikxlin iht print n ami ilirtr of pamphlet- nml so ritii 1 wcsllol ww hac war to tin knifo tin dvath of pnn allrt fnlher ho thrown the cniirl int cckiiiui al wind sor the only vi- ltifing the im rnontlt nnj llir din uf kvri tbv privacy of llicjinn i had a tvnou citvit upon tho liatk i ihe altrmuiij smo est ton u tit ri imuhii in lnn- ihtn in the early pan iat week hy the ecrcipt of intolhpi llifcff that the krvmh aihniiil t id tahiti hut mitisciiikm conott niipimtil us that tin roiiilurt i admiral hml not rvceivvj the sin ir d ll- krvmh tuivcniiiont ond thv ton vol has rtih- mhl tub onrxin tn tmv ilrr ma- jtlys fiovorniufiit i isstnl otderh fi iho immvnliilc rmptnj ocni of nn addition- al fortc of nonroiui iorid tdltwcrv and ttltujt tvinnin- hi iho snpjicf- ami minors iimlr ihv iho ny nmnmiiricr tiilonvl kstcotiil tit dot huivnt whuh hat urn ndovlcd lvi no emiipinres of that roro oioidoyod fct ntvirostn rutind tin u count of uoir criciuo imi kinovloiljv of ijv tcu1iar rhitios rt jinrvtl of iikhii lifrivil woolwich frirn dilforviil njrtrvsm ku on ihr itlt mt nml are mm in liourli tinvllnui of pm- ocoliii to liriail ivlhto llioy np in oinlmrfc for ariipnvnnid hitidin ilnei will lv ho u bc idi hirilory t jmn ulcmw alrviiilv ihtmhw d m thit vrviet j in- hmktt vvariikonnilw imii otirroth try tvifl imt allow ihvoi in ho loo l fmohnr cjritlaiul hlu4 in ilnhlol oiol n1 ullowoil bi triflo wtlti us a vi luttthh mr kivrvti iho ainii tlitiiir il m titttt hm ihvf ltr n uoitilk oil tl vlil lotho net snluo smith uy o par- have fneinnuv kut ill tltir nmoia lion a irteniu r d the lepral auvcitwn thi will ttrpful inii lljne to te ftnnm a f ihe iwinnal fnyrr tf muut poblie rnnt id nljirh littvtly wnw t t tlnr cireuliiinn bv tin gfutntliai li- i- mr 1 1 the counlry f ufvkly firtiiti xtiliin and imot thi of tin lbt rjdtcal ruoida 01 inlonh ihe vyahrford throinclr aciimlly utk ir tin- pi i t ih in inm lrupl num ihe rfiortlc of fr tfilile irt newqi ijar nvf ut tin- ghm oltcc an rsislrne of lity 1 a m ofawpmwrlram on rwl ro eoo- tl rl aullreov ibat lit uukt willing ion id 1mi mt trconnrtj jnll not be nt if 1 prosntj ik-leain- thil ihr nwal irtr nfn eon vieohi will he sulfirirnt and ilrst punijiuvtt wcidd la a vekas puexuf iricoly vjarm witt miirrattv otvvnrio or iortvn thr pro d joiiroiurnnttnia unir noiivh of llir ron 1 inn- ol tree tfii itititn a nf fmmnnd aniinmnthn iiili dioreu tynxmti itiwns inpiirnnt of th- m0 m of inieuiry n- cupttioi of the oonnirrtlie tttry mik f cniti- intsnd in tin iuihiilh rntoy l nerr nm iw war rdcanice the tir m lvn lbc nuier hitn no 5 de to tk his maile at have u webfn fnn llio kerry ksviut uen pnintf lltvir time very arccjbly at batl and pvmjer rriesainon4 ihr sentry in the vicinity tote inan lrrtivvvtthe rrpiri ha mill btnnil eurrrney mid lnltef that lord de tirry in fitt in hi rrusnatioci a lorl lrutrruni and i1 tl il hi htrn ierrytrd hy ih f fitut mornl vhr lttt iwbtn iiaprv atalr ibat ifir oifiri i trw nrnl ibut lit tuercrnr will be 111 uhim- rhir iv po w imve an harttom 1 ri i 1 tt rrsmoi a itwf mttlnry but mr iura ihr tid r rr tary win ivan never norkul rrd tuy with vt elliot it to omit with lvirddocrey and ntih il isfciid be sw fe hy mr iv-mr- fuht tic ehwl rwtli n tin vcrrliiv lljee mr ivvitlctaber nlllamh the blmlwrinuw of ud cbocalt apfh irr lo lv varvv a ihnoaxm to ihe orung nty 1 irj lol bnnsf rrntnrnt on tlie ihcr lht alii 1 the pnpolar vier in rnfjtind and srotlndran hi tif uvmil wilh lht ftvcninvsl i athariivt1 lm inm 1 band of f h cuinr conlinf of live monofkibrts and the rrfid al lfili anuieraey of ihe rountrv tn- ryoot emitrnmntr the nht whmi priunolr of r doctrine i rauiint itie itform lldl n a nattily mt the irr of bimiiion hn ritln intnthe hamhof ihr rntows of human righkaivd buuun frredom if t there hnescr ho no denir it ia imp imc tliil the people of rngund 4nom nt aronv 01 a moae of ihr dradition of bein rfrpncril irf iv 4irl tatpmarr f rpvnl1m it 1 issamsh tiblrltut thrr 1onht bm put op wub lite ioidt ofbrint diikd into tno rtanlbe one bintr tlie matter eh and enjovtu frnchirs voti and rvprrentalkuthe other hrtne a rdarc claw ihaviih niilhrr frnnehise vote or rrprrcnlalin tin jtem of jmi rnmr nl cannot km tkank the period cannot rcrrn llritiali cnvcuiuirot witl rrrinre the di lkik thrr rfiall bavo tfial aiuinerbiji ll lnli people shall have ihir oanaii inn ftltiivcountrymrn vour ever fjilloul aoj dtrrd rrvanr hamki otiinxei anrl rpci jlly rf if mar trrvm inlrndtd for lie icirmled mr n nana nuoeinu lh ttt ilm hm itly ihiy br roud mov- for a n musi all the uvaiii jad lo fnttrrnk itood i hi- it- cfmrle- kox and john jackrvm nh bid lvfl enipkyrtlby vbr zwtrntnmi lo take m4- a n laliwr to ihe repeat ajitalion in irrlanii ftir onnrio ih live nma nf lboc vrl4rd rritrr itd lr papers ih wjch im of ilum were i ivnttd mui h lauhier mr lender yorj fee nmmru n irr roprclin the cap mi- inrw it d 01 rcprrins ll rcbrlio in canadn ibe ti nida iftmrc art and a varirlv ofortu r mailca ronnerti d with that tvjonr which weo aprird 1- tln tlwraday sr v ibkc movnt a mv rcnmiiii-l- fas ioqinrc and rcpfth itowfur it may rw pratficuhfr caihrni and ueful to pojitv rne rjrcdy hltrmirse brtween m itnum lind america lev ihr ivtamihmrot of mtnmen rinfrs in c nneaon with a bp carvol otj li i rarrutrdj armts lrrlauj and thrnci hi mcaiu lommijiuraroo acir the atlantic qcati u j c el l a b o 0s- ttimtu kal f tntiit b ivi- ifinrtf hretnna to le prinrit tficm si htc irvrm ri of i i n x poprc am tniont with the leial btalsf ieue if i i nnjiotrntniinu 114 oonl accurtjtnf ul ii nd mm rmfal aiili1vabt ihsii hv- ly vi a rrtum of nil urme d irrtfl itd rkher m the con f gtawf c klerilk magmtratee and with frautajmm t urtom dunnj ibe jear k m it bt rcit loeurredinurli r wfv tttwrirkfks rnfarty idof ihr ifm 7 qhj nnl of ilntm t pr- parma urntarv simmary fo iir tl jiuldimiini w ad lvrrfnur rrdera lie qre 11 rrrb at ihe ftp tji rfib srtno hfiini- it utd we thn ftiir d lint the h f i up to i horn vf fti nt in fi bml cinti a fomps xirai wu hi iw nut ttt- j 1 iti r1 and we h nw tt o 11 lb it ii for ihr i- n- h r 1 tit h rr mf 0coxxeils address to the ieong uk lhklaxt lauum th fchruiry 111 frliynvxosnviomuvv ik nl with real trrief aioi tomr indiimlixn that titra nf 4 iiittnenotvl in tolmd hive been eomuiitled it jj ottrukif bicahln tt ir nor nuintfy ilm ilrira i nlhlsv cnoot m ihr udlul btttiatrr crn lut aitl fammi mtrlt uiruia oinrjimchlm lhrt an naonly escttin ivieked but a ri huahieorrvu-5- remkwlr hadiui ivy are wirkd 1acauc in a ronrilry where hi rrjdi htvt- but l litk rntk it ns inily nitktl it rhainy any nt thr proini ih it ntiv ttr rijintl hi ntnnr m llo r orheavt tt n aim ex dinjr swkd heriur it 1 nn nflmrr iiini lln nf mui and a tedahouof in the lit itrirv ficiji ih nptujjs ool i lo rirdtirl injury ity hid il y aurh m in ik ltnnih vmb itl lhi ml nta ol btuli i mi thr lfitrsvsuni li liiif- n d prnp di- mlhrl 110 mh iiijnry hrtdut al pmotr uhr piirfy 1 hunted i ihh uvtva wl ab r jls4ke enl 4n n- 1i1141 lor ihr mllr value of tl lnivrly in firt the mrn or htym ddmyd ivnhi rjorrietl 4 uiler mafkri b ibe nwner urffa m l fnll t duih hvheh it thr properly ruotd hive hrrrf nf ticlhnt inuirth mkflealtrkniiy jhuelisal rsuli leuaili iberr h 1 bn n ofie runurt kpitiio4 l tnrn minikin and lb 1 ifito hi ihr ml nil ilu upr tfil ri r va h ir h itmcbl op hv lwit jihrt isn i who jij it utih ril it h id born d ti d ita real tliailienwit4riroiuljiin with ihe ainr- nen itntsittnxntnn ih p nf ihr irrtin trrrily and in witnil loa4 ila thcr ihrrehul hrrii a ri1ifn of llvvii sir ridvtf iw in i jdy kioi thl ihr iktivji cfnvi moni haf 4mihv rt b c mtttiiutealtvin with lb i- vi nuirnl f ih tnilnj stmlrsi urm the ri ndvoitti nf an iinicillc w lllcmctit f the iiipitr but tlp sioti then ih nr hid hr n a chinte in ihr repivio iv of brf majtstrat valonmit ami uk now mini ter bnd cone ml wiih full pwi r aiul imtrueiion which he imped would jxoduciirc cf uic jvrcd rnil li iltrf lli 1 of txd nn ibe sime rvrnin lxd jhu itli im put a quelivi lo the fxiit of abrr- deen in n frrrncr to lla tuvc iradc which jrcw foiih ihr tiltnwin reply ttie ktfl of alfvibm mad ihst hs rtome und leattk frirnd bifl oviitr ibm inqnirr iv trrcil iinaince of uk suhjcm uitd jrmifrlil any wlli t twh an iiiomrj eml the jiui whli hiilajwj xtvn i krn uu iht qitntrai by lb- nohh- 4 k mrneil bird 1011k ihr impiiry forni him prnvellv natural it wm pcrtwilt iritc lhii the freneli un4rnmcol lud bd lliat tuch a 1110 difkcaintfi hoild be intndu j titiu thr treaty ubcithm llir riuhl of taarclu a- wilhut impiir- 111 the 4lhvntity of ila pratisi hoiikl rvmbr ihtn niorr cnirmjhli ihr rttii il the fnnch pumic and of i lie fo ueh navjl setvieev he roulit itht my nh it the h ill of thi k neoru litam rtiulil be but ins nobv ami rained frinid and the lamv mithl bcanaiireililut nfthtn uuld br wnr to impair re onpv nr tciijii in iht eue nf homnmlynr in llie hlilil jrfre to m- irrf4 tv wtli the irr inject ol thi wlm rihi t mt nminl tlic dive trafb hr 111114 at tin ftmwu loiw il the fiencb inrmmeul the pndicv ctivi kiii m po- bstsy tlnv imj imurhiftmlc fnorb mill oa t m hfrtmy u mmhtntd in jov nuok tu tmijkili n thr mjofrd u levililt nt itiiytr pin h wjtrr ihr inurry tmy lojnrj llir i ivt bvy taui tn lie eh t eon 1 nitl id iu i ihr lli milod fit llo ilirnl nn ii ilpnrii ti r ml my 1 c1ai llij lavis li id ii nr itfimhr hiim- eraoiljioyij ive pvai are nii iiv monrtjit of oh- rriim nf i i bl 1 thill tin y hsj nil fms fun ihiiklh ottttrtir o nv lr thr tndly wiiilii be trrc lit sertjihe ri u ibu d iip d ul iiiui 11 nptiiti nttni um tin vmiu bt f birio- w b f liny of tv fai rlas iirm imineivral pomtd m ami il irnr flulh tr ra rir m k nn f lin mrituw hr l 1 rn of llir tii n rrmmml uv in hi lnnl itudi rsv i timili m iprneniii iiw i ill nf hti arruei itrdy imiifn 1ri 1 y n itumw ty rr u fir -m- hy ftiutii nij ii inif illl in kikivtiiti rho iimrrdrvrrd un nblilion oflhe alicc trrtib iinte an much in biiinell j unit ke-poi- lli knmvblfy m vii n any p jfo il romtn fnmi that nivulvr di vvntoi impirful and candid consul r ineto wiih fecar 0 lo ibe riht tif wtmk n if br luil ii ut in inl uv n nt itiii n frm j lo in rhironiiry rjlanetin wi a r ol fj citonfr- ltvrr lnr n ilnndil aod r d nua itw not i- im wlwh wire mule nn hi ntbn iifc of tin wjtrr 11mm11i rm ji hnt lam tlu oljeel lljme prmeratn rsakr nut ibat m rand little for t nloldaiii nf il alavi irlr mill thit our omi mt rfji a lluibl uf yrh im no vrjtcd d to fidldv ivundi iintrmt 11ml 11 fain msiruii- dilniyrl fn neh minuoriv which we mihtlum to mr advent liieodihlr fl it mll nwtsr lbiwaanidaml la i vnl ifii was a tuf- dalion ft a ti iihi wioeh wv rtpmlly mntcil a iernkrd ii und a- li cniinin inbiromil vr jiin iiiiiuliui itry uij rlj 11x p rwiu rnnmit- it wr did ntt kl h ilrr thtn nv roubl wlriiver by lid 01niiy tnily rbr iuiitiiii f rv i in il 1 of llf j4i of fmutv iltir it if j lie hidhrird it mi j iht tha etmnlry m iinlini0 lit rihl d orh a a ri s ami a rit end jcti iknlt it tt j a m niean int tin nuihtiii f ih- jjh ljitf itaif i fuc im ilu- rijm ittt wriit iiihlrnd nf t iir n in0 lr lk d tipnii it s r isilt ond il 1 nnly tn jimiti j hv tt rtba- iirit nipini ttlneb it wna ttal- liajrd ilinr hrar n4illoot dir ito ms yiid roittd 11 j iprrilit ai lln rl ul ih tmmtrri murh ipv to vvi et o l any i4er rmiras try ite hbf not pnpnid in my uhal fintber iinht li thr r ii h if lli iiv ia unit bnl ibo n iviatd hrlnnl ntrrndy nl imhl mtitdy mm- liou ihi imlh biril impiiiy hrnr bear ii ihr hilbitt nt iliy itltai filril ilu mir itt jrlttt- lamibt up in ibe ihrn r of i nfin n vvlivu fjii r k imuii n i mhi f ml hioh- nipkf rvid tlul hr njivk ipnhvu lity r lullii rrcitvd jf fjusum tff nttn bsn ui t initiated madrid jt11rr11k o if ralb nil hi irhrl 11 ahl mil held 01k n the jim ttia juit if fjrlli ifftfl published a uaoiiu m tfin l ihrmrm- llir town and prtvineeri a hntv tf tfr and onbrin all ihr otji ilnlanf ht ilnl rtllnr to hi- militia n mimiuvr ibri ninn aliallrmpt h ul uri nuib by uv jt1ii and krwitdi i mtssdf tofwlu kum w rscs mrrasitrii ktwist ihr jimla of itth arena nnd hi ih- ifimnt but liv mufet uoiiw n d trr4csi tr jty letrtfi ilno iowr rtrtr or xrrixn a n turn li iit hem u u e iv mini on thv mnlsfl fmr itiriit nftlte nn aimir in iitnf he fmtitt kiiiivjm wlfasji ronnl of le- liii ol oittiky tinmmn- in thr iveb- 11 r ii rite tb llbj f unnj 143 nn i 1 1 jm- ttd d nviioitof ivtiu br ihr irr ndnt jjiul t t j il f 1 m ifjrrrt ml iifi r iivw at4rajllrt t and tanruner rjuos jitltji niakiii tjilh f ctjtj fll ilio il ol ihv litter iun th o-iivft- civrdfnan inn farm ihr prineipji 0mohr inuimiulaxljuaul it 61 tlie um rlir uf the mndrj uvu jjjfiflfis u tfif ir thrarmv xvlfr7jr the fsivy xvftn 0 tc 5 attdlb wnhr- xmllitok the jlanee ui hr rrlotier a lliv olh ftiy f jjom ry j vtl was irtw wvi und think to the rtsewte las ai ihe nnv jariod i it it amounted to c 1 771 qi9 la iil lit roval hijhnr prjncr crorr of cam bridge bis relumed lo corfu from atairin the t rpil sijis ui roi lienor prd ihnr j wrtks at vaplrw 1 1 if jbwal flighnc riprru1 i on a vitl to hit ijlotiric-u- retircs in th rountry bile in the wjom tf areuiiliivrd fon talft if the ft imjnl tve irrflff lo hffl thtl th potill km nrli nlnrh lud bovn iit al ranmaud kl- v t- wj 1 an tnk iv n jf d lomir tvccivul nu nrt imin tlic j-vvplo- kt4ivi luia lojrr purin thr morm or fnjay 0jritljt kvcral iihoj msvfs of about iil tonsi betonjiofr to scatmvu n nut all niht thi siufrtiy nvrfnin a lcat cincouna f prvf nsuetnucd on the slioec win n three of ihrrc itoja nvre ern lo lppooch ijii i vnly tho wtnd rure il jnd m tlic oetft njomc- trrntik- 1 r jpi ci the uikifc three vrmd wh mtant ly mta twying urtb ibun the bilk of lb ir co w ll0c broninr tt of of tin lit maiiicmn rrach the beach smne ol thr dl fated rn o u m ob r d rijj0 iiidu tfi teaevs rq hoji p t t ntidcr in m umtt disc- 3 hotwire iniititv 1 1 jam tltcapr until ui nhkil lcoor rvr i i m uuil kknv- in- bi lb livu otinr lou unk lo ri m mon mn f iivm burr ka fmniljcs to diolorc tbrir tt4- j duke of canibido eooiptcfod lib wvrn iinh 3r4misilunl3v hl tin wravitoj liiuirmlijene in fral ib trtt tlll nf ihrui hvin- gill uf viup irnt a milrri4ri ji iacu eouluiicil iii tin uiiittf fiii vnrroriahiilatyiiolpnnce albert rnilinue at wimsnr ille they havo incc the new of ihe dralh rf the rvmcrs falher icnird in strut priipcyrritoviy tikinij tajulkt in the pitiie jromub ruvfol the ratll the yrajnrr brnirors of the royal lamil jke lluzii umiat siting m ite in the lull rnjn men of health lou 0ahm the eiim con fcit be iweru lofif cilfdlgm ami lord w iajel chai on nr 11 in the owl of iotnmoii ltcaoii tho 7tli iiltiu r j it i tcsulivd in llio aeruittat f lordhip the royal mint commenced nn tueday mnkm the new siltri enlrta tbe obi sif- brr will be calird in tvillorit any b 4 in iho pumir a ihe new coma will lv ivni 111 ex change m the nbl whirh in many caves is so ihleiiflrafril hy wear as halfcrown nol hi h- worlh tiorelbair24hiijins man skwih cn3d jti hwai or nn hink riiikitrcn amour ihe uinrr prioiiinent maltvis bioiiyhl hnwanjun ihe jllli ll when the depiitalioiii itnitilif of a large niimmi of he rrprrseiiulirt of thrpnnt lork uanks had an inlvrnnv uitlt nil lhhirt ivil in antiripativn of tin reidu- tiuu hi lr pnpi iimlril hu the irnewal ol ihv 4 h jrkt ol tint uaiik vl knghool wrii tin kj

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