the british wh1q tits giskhal aotertlfftr foft canada wst fomum smlwtfkl every tuesday friday a v jidwabd joslf ak- at tub atheneum f benl sire w l kn e jmwiwtip wfc pffjinai1iif rr ruv i ill iiii 14 u- ft irate r mi i ktft4rrtru sr w inf 4a f lavs tv oaf tn ww tirarl rcftsnwih mmtew eemwaaweri le firitisl ttwjig and general advertiser for canada west o vol xiii kingston canada friday march 29 1844 no- 26 bfkftla wru i alollitf pwi ipvin poivcdsj njrmw ii to agriculturists forwarding c uf crf rjowit fi rt r pi lur rr alttmfr eet- a fffw t 1vmc mh 1 fy nnl r rt 1 w ftobckt w lkttkii orrmshii flu mlltv prints bfts lnw cai of ttf kfpi lo tlc craigwat accountants ontario qfttmfairkvtffl stre ct dr howard rnocceu srwrxt kingston mrs houston iile from montreal silk nd ffoniril dyer ml sffturrr cbrnrt o ax ml ffatwa trtu lldlt jlilts axd oknkcmckf clothcs cle ir aacdonald 4 cmjiphi ij i l v fhorws of loxfft fauctll 1t1ict roh john a macdonald t alexanoer campbell j mr kknsetll mackenzie ttrriiur t lw sslirito in rtianrtrj it le 1 arfm v mkii kq1 a ftv twaes oot ddtf rjefci at the of rice vd ey venn jjm iu jr ivotnif v of coarse grain wanted aninually rflhe subscriber living now com- lciel and rdy firoporation his new and extenaive distilling establish- mrnt which i intended to roinumi five hundred uuslvcls of giaiu daily togeihcr in connexion with 1i btowibg egtabutmcaty wilt require two hundred thousand bushel of iraiti annually and wishes to icquainl the farmcngcncrallythat ihcycon nnw dehrnd on at all lime a steady market fur tlie sale of coarae grain of every m at the highest cash price i tlutt that this oew and extensive opening for the coiisumption of produce which haa hitherto bceii but limited will mo with a spirit of enterprise on the parlor each farmer to supply the de- ircd ouaniity thereby avconiig to the country the circulation of a large amount of cash which no doubt our american teighlrours wouhl lit very well to poemta james morton- kingston brewery distillery january 3d 1s44 the wlowinj pmpen ton- 0i aboro until foruj pieton sgo iklloillc intel lictkcr co- battff star brockji kctrder and bytar caawti 1844 the subscribera befi leave to inform their friends and im iuhlic gencr ally that they will be fully prepared on the opening nf tlio navigation with elftcieui means to cirry on their usual humness as forwanotms wakeiiovsi- bcm and snirrikg aoints routes of transport between kings ton and montreal wo the riileau oanal upwards atidrivr tit lawrence down- wards their line of sham boris ericsson prcpflurtj first introduced into canada by them seaooncrs and barges equa to any in the country will enable them to forward jlttrchandizt product and passcngtfsf on the canal lakes and river atu hw ritess and with as much lands for sale kasthalf o west nait et west 5uth west half east qr lot f 12 12 11 11 14 is 23 con- 10 10 11 lo ll 10 4 art townships- 100 richmond 8s 80 100 1 00 60 camden tttarct 100 madoc- maimora s00 143 walter bales senr ftiiter filuitr k paper fla at his old stand queen bqmte the pot tie icr street op mechantca institute n b roon poptr for salt kiiw ph 14 ship chandlbil itr stou kingston iur0ter ny fatiixt chain casicl axu mm t tak finil d aostltj storks of avty itltfivtion uiifj linseed oil and paint cnai i naval hoi led ml einpton mtcu 8183 painting- davi1 martin awavcawmo paintrtt glazier a 45 haxguh 3 doors a ho ve the coch chuich prin cess street kiugsuin n- it whttdwlthlpp and co-luring- klogaon tcb 101s13 wanted immediately by the suhscriher dred rat skins bo paid at ibe too esq mrchi 1841 19 if superior ale beer at tlteclty brcweby the city brewery compa ny have now in their cellars a large stock of borrltu al which they recommend to innfotptr and private fftoitits for ita quality and cheapness the quality being nothing inferiur to that of allowa or edinburgh ale and the price but g 3d per dozen exclusive of hules a discount nf 10 per cent- being allowed on purchases exceeding 3 drtxen their beer is so generally and fa vorably received that ihey nee tii js it fth in now sold by thorn at the reduced prico of wd ptr gition the 5 gallon cask held at the usual price of is kingston 20th january 1844 from the amgl amtrit drc 1843 tho now city brewery well deserve notice they are following haid this entablishment on our celebrated a- btlkv urewcry iu the manufutturo of u very su perior article of ale deem it un anything in commenda two hunv thousand mcsk- tbr which 6d cash stores of william wth vvil- esq kingston farmer wanted n rtpe f wtlh family working a farm on an exceient opportu self by applying to capable ot shtcc can have tnty of si uatirig hi the subscriber tijomas greer 12th march 1s44 ary to sav i xii if unlin ipimttity utw v iiituat expedition as any other house in the trade- in addition they would bug also tn mate that they have leased from the kingston marine railway company their spacious stone houefoot of gore street together with a large new warehouse to be ctccted by the company on the adjoining wharf which will be ready for occupa lion on the opening of the navigation these premises will afford them facilities for transhipment storage and despatch superior to any they have hitherto oc cupied in kingston while the safety or property siored in fire proof buildings ia too well known to the commercial public to require comment at montreal brockvilte and gytowo ihoy will occupy the same extensive premises which they have hitherto oc cupied entries passed duties and all other chargea paid on gods consigned to tbem from hreat britain murray sanderson montreal sanderson fc murray kmiton rockvtic and flytotc february 1s44 utfjh west pait 12 11 eoti west isi7 8 1c17 3 the above lois will be sold extreme ly low those wishing groat bargains in that line had better cjii on the sub- iilit- f- without delay fur further particulars apply to kerr waddeu- co glasgow 1 fertile vj kingston march 1s44 226m for rphi- suuciibcrs will lring ciders for 1rders for british works itriptrh their last ntisii hooks en hie 9rj mirch snd gentlrmtn riootis of pro- storf lc works will nlea hsnl in thrir lids ht that daj when they will hue prompt si te ot ion ramsay armour k co kiniton much 16 1815 genu aub ibrrign ktxw further extracts from pers by the caledoxla pa- scott of the favorahtc eftcct pnhluccil on ihehiglilandor by tlie saying of george to li not la lha fjorsranunil hot i tbslcaaso for which tonvicuil the sptsia la the roost aoscsful a4 costfiit n4 at tut monster metlts r r be cilul h iiii rn mt a f iv m- cljtfll had occarrto tvtnunaiotacudlsaiaati were secut nvftrtlpjc lo ibo pnkesamvtr the clonlsrr meelinx ho assortd ihs hoae an authority thai tn goreniaunt proc uasasaso wis not fci ia tha louorasof dublin ssatil it uas too hark to bs read s4 tho lata err rreu ol hit ife by hutttrtiomdetim mr that in1t to make the fsct known sad cofo the mint of the people ft had btta asw ttat mr 0conicll thotitd have soae eat ta c4on- trfbul wliocoulj foretell whsl miht rkarv arisen from idi presence srooagit sn muu rnahunh r it rlbl nnt become hiai to ssy aay thing about the ilias cxerpt la dcclm tht mi autnory cjeorrsl arknowkdrd that a itjivi hi the pmfl had been committed so oxe penny ncwaitd kan away dom the sub- truwt on 7urvfoy 7th inst john menhfsnickrimn- denied apprentice to the ulsck- smiinirtjr ttisiiness this is to u ciulion my person er pnone niiinj or tavriovirkg thv ssid john mknhenmck they will be ntosecotej to the utmoit rigor ef the isw william davy kingston march blh ltm4 the steamer tilot ror montreal direct fhls well known favourite tow pre i teas teas1 teas i ii th e subscriber respect fullly notines fbmilie wi are in the ltit of using the mt teas that he has now on hanj an assort ment of black aud oreen teas imported direct from china not to be equalled in the province for strength and flavon an li fur cash n mrwlcrmto terms james williamson x b tho subscriber having made his arranff ements is now able ta supply country mecxhama by the chustor half chest at montreal piices princess street jan 1844- t kinsston notice the subscriber having leased the premises at the foot of princess streets lately occuoied by mr hujh calder will have constantly on hand a geneial assortment of groceries which ho will tell on as rcasunablo terms as any in lherajc dfcampbell commercial wharf kindlon june t6th lttl3 to let and immediate tosession given ihe apartmen is situated over tho auction rooms of thomas jtta esq king direct together with the privilege of the yard in rear the whole ta well adapted for the rest denceof a private family for particulars apply to tuomaj greer esq ou the picmises or to th pi opvietor- james morton kingston 21st nov 1sj3 kmityanc ov money ky srllkn aud libers to the r fbiend0 the canada company w 1th a view to affiled every fucility to promote settlement in canada will rgiiti any sum of money no matter how small tho amount may ho to any nart of england ireland scotland germany or eu rope tho commissioners will at the option nf the seltlcra or other parties rilktr grant hills of exchango upon the com pany in london payable at three days sight which are readily cashed in any part of the united king dom or the commissioners will place the moneys in the htnds oftht individuals qt iraom mey eie inttndtd during the last year the company sent to the united kingdom and tier many in 329 kerohtaneca the sura nf c2m0 13 h averaging about 9 each remittance viz sure boat will resume her regular trips on the opening of the navigation i leovmt kingston aausual every trftmrws tu w ml nil wfu trbal1cvi5rytiuksia at c p m tho owners beu to lt that some improvement ha be m i uer boiler by which they ef r speed will bsj very materially mcead olsr other improvements to le boat ta geno ml thereby adding to r mtttoil and convciorncu h- jt s jones kingston march 13th 184 2 n bh 66 sjon all per- credit to omd wt debate on tilebtateof ireland hqvis op commons feb 13 this debate one of unprecedented lengih in parliamnnlary annafs was opened in a very full houc by lord john russell who moved for a committee of the whole bbove to take into consideration the state of ireland he at tacked the method nf governing ireland pursued by ihe present govcrnrncnt lie said i occupied and not governed by those who now hold ihe reins of power fhetr hear i say and say it deliberately ireland is ikeupied and not governed by the present ad mi nul ration i hear hear the govcrnnkrnt of ihttj free country has been and ghuutd be a 1 veniment of opinion the present govern- i j jp ment in ireland is notoriously a govern- cu lh ment of force hear hear ever since the period of the union the wih copic had been made to wnit for the fulfilment of promise made to them by mr pitt and those promises were not yet fulfilled up to a very rcccnuperiod ito- nnti catholics had bccnhytfemmicaity ex eluded from all june she had never en joyed a franchise like england i may be tom said his lordship that in considering the state of ireland wo ought not to look to those questions of politic j1 franrhiikc aud p4itieal rihu thai these will not put hrcud into tin mouths of i ut hungry or give employment to the un employed that thrse are nut the reme dies whtch ireland requires in her dis tressed condition i do not concur in such nntinnvof the mailer hear hcarj i cannot find any support for them in the history of this country and nf its constitu tion i have been accustomed lo think that the participation of equal rights that the benefits nf a free constitutinn arc the very faff and very best means by wmvh we can impart prosperity to a country h3s 3 1070 12 2 issnemillsnces 85 do 441 35 u in hi 1 do co to ireland to england and wiles to scotia ml to germany intis giving account without wrttt fr ilmir cilice hcar hear irm v h ll mdttrt repealed exploits uf a highland olliccr 0u the side of the stuarts made answer has he fought o well against tnc 1hcn i thinv he will fight well on my behalf a similar disposition might be fo1ercd ikvur ihe irish toward hie young soyc- regnofllie present dftj ami who would stand between her alnjcaty and ssjeh a consummation 1 it would not he trusted be the british house of commons that wntild so inlcnwwc rln- wvae scrnnded the motion in a short and lemtcrjte rpecch tr james cuaham oppid ih h defended the rereul jueasuas of gowrn ment and aiil that lie cathoks had not been struck off th jury os catholics but as having ttcn taken as repealer which in one nr i wo intiticc lie now mtmitted to a tnrslnkc lie however vin- iilaiej tnc propriety of having taken proceeding against vconnell and poinied lo ihe conviction obtained as the justifi cation of ministers for doing so in al lusion to the irish church he observed that lie should consent to noinrnads on it the state had made its choice at the time of the reformation and that choice and the preference given la the protectant re ligion he believed to be among the firmest foundations for nur liberty lord lftvttqsf kcommcnded a con ciliatory policy and in particular the adoption of omc sysicm for tin education of the roman catholic population he was followed on the snme side by lonl clements and sir c gray and on the mi nisterial side hy mr cochrane mr young and lord elliot the only thing which ffsl said that seems lo deserve notice being the announced determination on me part oflhe government to continue the present system of rule mr yovjig who is one of ihe junior lords of the treasury repeated the decla ration of sir james graham made last amfclrj that concession had reached it o macdonald commission jekciiant com m lbcul ma fm o print b disc rrtrnders his ihaftd hie trifle snj homicjfor their nbr t ml lhat 2990 13 4 in 329 remittances canada companys office frederick titreer toronto 10th february 1841 13gm for sale w ots ko- 15 ft 10 in the 10th con i- township uf kawdon victoria district lot no u in the 2d con township of georgena llomu dilrict lot no 10 in the 10th con rich- moud midland district tiaptllw witli 3 several pncels of lot no 17 broken front first con ilfl second luue of the township of uichmond midland dis trict apply to messrs fuiitfvtti wheat flour i0rk potash ihe subscribeis will pay the highest market price tt coja for any quan tity of whtat flour pork and potash delivered at their warehouse ontario steel tbu wheat will be taken in si the city mills kingston rh uarj 23d t rae promises geofttfe mt gcitort sib lp43 ttiinenv ktngifon kinsstoh dec white fish a few barrels of this very superior article on hand also a fow barrels pule seal oil fir sale m t uuntek ship caafttffr ontario st rttt dec ulh 1313 store to let nphe retail part of the m lately occupied by mr rosa corner of bagot and princess streets and directly opposite the lamb- ton house being a first rate stand for any retail business rent moderate erouireof rod- ross kingston lj iv- 1s43 t port hilherto saj mu inform them l m fca aw afrsnrmentswith sn eain aticlroeer and will be happy lo sell f prni at their residence or place of mode i ate ujsmeui charges kuigsten match 1st 1 t kingston c0wm1ledit16s british mwizincs ixo reviews fuil kkttlluakyi jusr kceivej ly alt hall parkclj hie pahrttarv neof the fouewingi bbckwooj meaxjne fhimiounivcrsily ca bentlcy miscellany aimwonb manilm united service journal colaarns new monuily maguine british and fweign renew tbc army liti kamsav armour ce teas spirits and wines and a otkcbal assortktnt op gftoctftita ifhoutclt and flcfai at the commiswon sioicotlbe satiher which he efrts as lew far cash as any home in the trade two doors below mr jvhn uiphants breck street gananoqle last factory on tht st lairrtnce rim so as to ship owy aboard of sttam bonis tithtr up or down the river c- hallowell would re spectfully inform tha public at home and abroad that he has a largo and general assortment of lasts boot trees crimps ice of a stiporior quality as ho has some of the most experienced haiids from the untied states he is enabled to execute all or ders in his line with despatch and at as lo prices for cah as any establish ment in canada ur the united states and no mistake as he has lately established business j in gananocpic formerly carried ooinl the city of rochester n y by tbtj firm of 1saipy cc hauovitti be would reouest all persons le sure to call and examine before puichaaiue elsewhere march 1st 1s14 19 3m storage and wharfage ihe undersigneds leased part of the premise hitcly occupied by messrs sandeon mloa on scobella wharf will o prepared to re ceive in store and hi p on the lake bay or rwr produce or merchandize will mtjt arrangements fur persona residing at fur up or down freight rew pperty on consignment to sell barges moleraie 6 d- macdonald kingston 19th marh to be lkt and possession rv moy next thal an com hotre replete very convemenre rain and well fbtrs wa ji- ha nd j basins in the bedrooinoiuk hydraulic pump in kitchen pit wut closet duublc window cast fire plare fcc the whole of the hrw has been newty painted and is in cm w ordr rem nuklcratc apply on the premi jft h0 proprietor george urownr rfrtalttd kington 23d feb 1sii nl hy ihe apiiniom dclivervd holh hy mr pat and mr fox in 1762 and let me not be told his lordship continued that wo arc now h icarii some niore sjkxuutive and oltract wis dom let us not lo told ihnt cuvcnimcnt can find means tn give employment iu a people without giving that people the bo nefit of the constitution hear hear ihalthcy can withhold the franchise and yet confer prosperity it is not in their power to do so hear hear i icll tliem that with reaped to ireland happily it is unneccaiory to say with respect to eng land the best they can do for the people of that couniryno doubt they may do other things and odopt measures hiehly tieccarbut the besi lhng they han du for irvland is lo secure every man there in llfc enjoyment of his clear right and ena ble every man to iks sure that lie will i represented according to the principles of the cnnjuiuunn fcheer but said his lordship alluding to tlie present ministers i have no belief that they intend to grant a full and fair fran chise to the people of ireland and he would ask tire h lu go into committee to consider that and otiicr subjects- many judicial ofliees had become vacant under tho ministry but giving way tn an un- juit preference and unfair suspicion ihcj had promoted m catholics 0conneii was not the only man who had attempted to sow the seeds of disfension and dislike between the people of england and thnc of ireland men now high in ortice had done ro hkevise and lieen rewarded not ne teroictwaapfen in all the honesty and sincerity of inveterate prejudice ami iintiy but atter all what goo1 i j n thry reahy eapec froai toeae prosecutions i v the i i the more rrc n j lo the qiiiofi when they law tho mao f ervej them for tcrtyne years coosjnadto i luneoo fr servin them the government proposed to arnciti the franchise hut woojj they tncreamths numlier of reppescntativts trvhivl was one third of the empire and only sliate of onenfth in the npiasenuuior tiool might be done if lb government woirl1 act with god uth in the matter of sshsfajlai hut in the question of undtontand tsbant had a mo5t ilanerau question sad tjie coan- mission had excited the widest alarm l hoprj thit hie tinvernnent would not c hopes in ihe mm a of wretches in the very d pi us of diijmr which would be followed ay imuppomtnient awntceistn was the cutsc of tttilind j slrjmed fe millions annually horn ihe cvuthy fjve taihe irish people the me4iis of emjtlnyine ibcir owo caiut and promoting ihrir iaduitry it was worth the while u ki to try to coacihau ireland shr was willing to be coacilialid but continue eami quy icct utmost liuin an rrfcmng to the es- iali1iherl chtinh inl eijjot said hfhen wcrvnciliiimm in tafanj ih would not be satisfied with any measure short of me artuid subversion and to tal downfall of tho church and he did not believe that that huu or any parliament that miht be summoned in this country wouhl consent to a total sub version of the protestant church l ii howick warned the lou o that the policy pursued in ireland by the wide spread j i flection which it caused was a real and alarming danger which threatened us should we ever be engaged in war nor were either ihe pist conduct of the future promises ofthc government calculat ed to inspire confidence at a time when the wholt population of ireland wan ar rayed against us and was only to tie kepi down hy physical force the announced measures were bul q u locarly account of empty boxca the prnjkscd extentiun of the frtinchiso might provi beneficial but he feared that in ihe unsettled state of the relations of landlord and tenant the commission would excite expectations which would be doomed io dioppniincnt no remedial measure was now likely to heal the wounds of ireland unaccompa nted by a removal of that galling senc of injustice engendered by the partial treat men t of the members of the ancient faith of the roman catholic church it wa enntrary to the natural principles of human nature to suppose that iho irish people would continue to nhmit tn injustice the lime tfm now gone by when one set of men should presume to sit in judgment on ihe religions opinions of their fellow- creatures bul sid his lordship with a prosecution and ihe prospect of a j j ymj saj ljircc cmtorios of pnson- but with the highfti jikdictal power wftini afcr wnn5 arj afcr in englanj he himself did not hpi prove prohibiting meeting dangcruus j al w of the feeling or their raimber and il a proclamation to that effect had been issued at lirt he be their wrons and mm he the tisequcncrswmr joha ocoa- nell spoke witti a muet temperate condtnce which ensured general attentjoc and codside- abls cheerio at inter eu and ousiiliftgdowo he was loudly cheered i j f airrsv gctajll jin laelaltn rose and gave an 3ccobm to the heasa of alt ihe i ps which ive hsd taken in the bite tiiajs in their consecutire order the bttl was am liefer the iaml jury on ihe 04 of novembet ad on the 6th while it wis still before flat an application which mihl long before bare heen made to the commission was made lo the court of querns bonch cbarjpag perjerj ttfirrt he pfincipsl witness with a via w to afejnsuca the miruls of tlu grand jary the lerss being oow nssr u end he bad applied to the court to exrcbe its slatalofy power of specially i i i- l- trial at bar in acatioo thia they ouposcd first because they witaed mora time for preparation and secondly because of the state of the special jury books which as they thee stood comprehended only 25 catholics able tosette 0u the iceood groirad and on that solely he had consented to a post ponement from the lltti of december to the 15th of jjauaty on the special jaiy list for 1813 which he had consented ta pass ty theic had ikco 25 rpfflap ctlwiiijjp that for ffftf waavfl tie dad swlmrav avssw far there wro 188 a protest was nuuu ttabist the ballot for tht jury on the jrroond that a paper containing roman catholic namaa it4d been omitted in the recorder office to that qtt the crown bvili i lor did not ihsak it hi duty to accede h must observe that the sttiklftg of a special jury was aotin tbeniar of a challenge it w4 corn po ian ry on each party as wcl to strike and it might what motive hsd influenced the naitoftnc ifefendants as what k be inquirel lirike oa th motiers had gaithd the crown un the lih of january a motion was made lopi nh th jury panel sir ii wille hadiu irish attorney general noxhllo have consented hut had pracltad a delusion on the llivaa and the public at lart in not staling what the consequence of aucl n nt would have been he himself would therefore explain them- thr panel could hate heen quashed only upon the piiacinle that the jury hst of 1811 wu t aolhly there were other cases lobe tried o iftwd besides this traverse and if lie had assented to any addi tion to the jntors book every case to be solricd would have been aflcctcdbut m truth and fot that very reaion he had no pow- ei to consent and so it hsd been admitted by some of the traveisers own couosrl ni doubt he might have eomeatcd to quash lha panel itoethei bul the isvr prescnaed that where ihe panel of any year ibould be quash ed all cases mutt he tried by the panel of the preceding year and if the new paael contain- in- 188 roman catholics had been set aside either the traversers must hte been tried on the old panel ecntaii ii ly twentyare ro man catholics or the trial mast have bats postpnnedlo 1815 there bd been a strange atsjavil of mr- mahony about tht omitted nitinrs mr justice perrin bad declared that there was nothing in this to affect the parties conducting ihe might rtot have j a fetrie kingiloo slbdan 1844 h h gillespie co ave received i his day thir suprri bloclt of t i- in fiench mcrinoes coourgand princetta cloths jellalsbad fit- utes veisatlles triors single and two colors persian cloths and china cbusan dreae sll at very low piicei just opened 4t hgttuxsrttcos lsmbton build- in corner of piinces and hot st recti their rich stock of bonnet ribbons french bonnet and cap flowers black and ccued ostrich febers evening do evfoipgfkw- erand head dresses kingston nor m 1813 notice british america fire and life assltbancti company tncoiparalea and empowtrttt ty art oj pallia ment to effett inland marine atturante r siilkicribct hviii been appoint- agent to this instittitiori is pre pared to receive pronfonls for insurance against loss or ilarnuo to property whether arisinc fiorn ftre or from tlie perils of inland vsvi ration upon the terms specified tn tho established taiih of the company proposal may be addressed tn the subscriber at tho office of craig and wattonlario street next door west of the custom hoo william craig kinestnn 20th feb 1mi jlttt kkcsjlvfio th gillcsm itcos cess and rich velvet patterns- kineston nor haot slreeu lr of choice comer of a superb prin- jot ol colors antf ii is 13 ilemovei kenxedv co have re moved to the stoio formerly oc cupied by uetmlt 11 t rae ontario street king 9th feb 1s44 immediately uttshnl skin 10000 mink skins 25000 martin skins 10000 fox do for which the highest price n cas willlo paid by the subscriber at tht sien of the boar brock street c wanted 40000 kingston f j a mcdowall b ictb 1614 notice for sale by ihe subscriber a rifle left with me by t hrjftsf ific for repairs if not redeemed within one monfa from this date it will be sold by public auction fur the charges ym moore timmma btmeficld march 12th 1sjl smm lieved mr oconncil wouhl have cjieyetl it after their proclamation minsters might have waited till fomc dugcrotm act shuuld have been committed but they chtlm in pittflccilu fur lltom very tmctingl which thry had so supinely sulicrcd to pro- cectl onrrprovej what ho nhould pro pose if the howt ivfal into committee would bj firstly to ptridofqi wclarian polity secondly v to give a fiir and crpial fraticliise cuqwraur a well b parlinmcnta- ry next t abolish uic system of civil ex clusion then as to the tptcmion of the ecclesiastical establishment his wih os lo ec ihe rcrntsiastir til endowmr applied to the rvhpoti instruction of all clnwesi but tlm wouhl noil- tvlshilo as yet i for in the existing statotaf ftvlingthe priesthooj woulj not accept a public pro vision peril nji the utmost thut could ot present lc done woud be to make n liberal allmmem for iho education the irwl clergy the grant lo their college whciher at maynotth or elsewhere should lc the double of iu present btftoukt the pruhi- j bitiun upon tho roman caibohc bhos against taking the lillo of their sec should be nholiahcd and so should every other hadee nf uvgraiution to the roman 1hil lie clergy but perhaps iho nwett tglsculll of all these mibjtmu wa that of the ifisvjr- ilrr arising fioni the tenure rf land mr 0conncll had xaid that the solution oltlns iliflirulty is full of danger but iherv seemed nt all events to be no neceity for the cut lcilon of further evidence by b conimis aioo he should widi to see an increase rather than a diminution in iho number ot the stipendiary magistrates but he could not venture to soy that he knew of any complete remedy for auch an evil as thai which was connected with the existing ic nurc he related a story from sir walter tire people of ireland can be ttt readily for gotten t cheers do you believe that three centuries of injustice and wrong have pased by and not produced their nc 1 cesary effects in lite minds of the irish people 1 loud cheers lt us tujre nf the irish rcodebyourseurja joi ak the people of england how they would i feel if they were wwtd in the eiluation of i the pcplc of ireland with reference to the irhnrch establish ment just suppose for tho momcni that ireland were the larger country and had conquered england ami that a united parliament sat in dublin and that we went before that parliament ami applied for iho restoration uf a lare endow ment which hrd been tkenfroma pro testant ctahlihmcul and tyanrferrcj to the cmholic diunh 0ppna that such an appeal were made and atmed by such arguments as those brought forward by the right lion gentemcn opjiosite would we from any rtieh modjof rcaminf a wo have hear l bo inducej to conapitt tra ca tholic eublifrltel cmrcb among us fhnr har wouij ihe ntftit inm baro net himclfcohsnlto it clieers can he lay his hand n h h arl and reiy that he woud le ie than a repifcr and i am much mistaken ifun ter sitch a slate of jo would not follow the example of the people of scotland and take to hi mountains and trust to his broad chivmorc hear i can only soy for myself thai i would not submit to such a tjyltnp and de grading yoke loud chccri i would endeavor to obtain jtiauce by every peace ful means but nu sacrifice thai i could make would i consider be too great to get rid of a yoke so very galling and de grading floud cheers mrj ocoksfiusaiu he wone orthnsa wbo had been termed w sir james graham eoavicle comparators he iutrnded to de vote the abort remaining time that he had left rmohculion whether there rwn wmr cantrivince hy a critain roman cathrjlic clerk in the office who had very improperly allowed he us verse rs attorney o bare access to the paoetf was another question ceitsaly mr malioney had not stated in his acdarit tbat hiiclcikwas unronteious of the irsnsaclioa he then came lo thft slrikinof the roman catholics fiom uvtjaty ibt tlie crown so licitor hail stated on tfli uvit that be believed ihm cithaljc to h repealers mr shcil haljil in court he would disprove tbat cq atfisarrt hut aier waiting a mooth mr sh tt iatead of poiacin an affldavit foaod- cd on the realtor registers of the rr peal as- saciattoa which rccam every tnjifidual sub scriber had uroduced an affijavit on the mere heresav of the trarosers atlorney and even this applying to only two iadividvala moil or tic other nine wre in fact nat only re oealert hat very active repeaters t sir t wilde had sit that the iih atlotoey ucne rat woom not have tured lose aside the juror on a common jury when the chdltnc would tare ben an open o yes he woold have jared to challenge and would have chal- leri eeery ceninoa jaror whom he bt- daecd to in a uemer he itate the cn rummncev of a case ti which mr shcil seiitirij on a charj whicn affected a fel low creature file had set aside out of 36 jurors no fewer thin 29 protestants when the prisoner was allowed in all hft 20 petem tnty chalhnes what hsd been the cmm tor setting aside hoe 29 protestsdtjt he defeated himelf saicst the dirv of petty hostility in hirtily compellin the presence of thi traversers tliioozhnut the trisls show in ih jrv untruth of that imputation he vimlicaud lite frame and scope of the indict- hehi and ridiculed hit notoa that the lead- eisof a mouner mettint could not be riiilty of overawing ihe ltlatte untvss the mob were actually in the palace yard he repelled with ieuucnallaa uaaj ehart of prtitlily lucel ataint the chief justice he r in vrry cool fo ihe indiscretion ha had liirnvrtf comtf lilted in ihe ilispnte between wm self and mr fiunhbon which be greatly rejrrrlm bat he knew the house was posed of gentlemen who make apowantc for lis error memlicr cootlujed amid fret chetrint m oconclidid not rise tosayaaythiog of himself and he hoped clojed they would admit ad- rrertd com- eould feel ho lo the learned cue t ha ii no intertit after bo bad con- he had spoken at id the trials ho