vitm ihere lo protest in the namo of hi country against ii occupation hy a military fore heir h cam there also loask simple question namely how was ireland to be governed i m tee r- he would not ask who wu to govern ft although he miht have his prefer ites there was nothing new in ihe yht that j been adopted by the present government towards ireland ho one could lery ltt no country in the world had inflicted such evil had occasioned oo much persecution or committed so many crimes upon another as england upon helaini the noble lotd ibe member tor london hd tbly and frankly admitrd that focta and it had been attested by the almost unanimous voice of the eoonlrv and of that house hear hear he would nolo ftttherbj wim hiilory of hiscounliy than hie period of the unio because he contended thai fram that time parliament was wholly reponsihe or what had taken plate the hon and learns gentleman theft referred at some lenth lo the condition of ireland pointing out ihe rapid progress abe had made from its up 10 18utl ndthe increased consumption of all the luxu ries and necessaries of lile during that period 0uiin these eighteen year while selfvovetn ed sfce had men to an unexampled pilch of prosperity and would have rnresed onward in bee march of national impinvemenl but for the mhappy measure of the legislative union the great argument ol me pitt and lord clare was that itrlan scale of nations only rfu her more prosperous nland to increase her prosperity itueefold the hon and learned gentleman then refer red to the works of kohl and other recent writer on ireland and atso the reports of the poorlaw commisjourr- for the purpose of showing that 3iptc had been of lite tittle im provement in ireland and thai on the contra ty it bad retrograded to a collide table extent for all bat the house war in his opinion res- peoaiwe and he had no hesitation in syvn ibat since the union almost every meastjieihey had introduced for ireland had keen productive of nothing but evil and mischief in the name of his country he protested against the late prosecutions and not only aiut the prosecu tions themselves hut the manner in which they were conducted loud cheers there had been no instance ot ibe exclusion of per sons from the list on the ground of their heinr roman catholirsfrom the time oftitus oates not since that period had any judrje ever de livered so partial and irsdcd a chaige fo a jury he wa jrtad to find it was the inten tion of the government to give an additional lie campbell uu he was perfectly contentthai ho would send down hi addre to kdinbutgh and stand his election as attoinry general upon the rights and privileges of others and he is the more bound to be careful as lo the ef fect ol what he doe if the assemblage which oclock or to allow ihe j atotneygeneral pcij vaid nothing till tors m z ted mi home the more onlv from circumstances which i need not deuiljhc attends is assembled and congregate insuch x jury nolhaving agreed to crept on j and the lord piiintm suhsntnenly retired cheers from the ministerial side i on assure hon mrmhrr that it save me pam that he should hare t- ten that cowse and i rvjrtli j tveply tint any uriiijhaj oceunod which w pamiut tu lud piuukit ivfllllfis when the noble i had ronrjjtln hie house went to a diti- iou ujtfft hi huihrjf motimi foe a eommillec f hie whole lloue to inniirc irlo thetakof inlan for the mouon 2j5 airaiit itp m 34 m ijority fnr minsters io the lluute adjourned at 4 oclock in the taftiutn m advancmj in jhel m af cj and commercial mster j n et for the putpossof education hut would aueftl that lhy should ie the ho rn an caihotie bishop a quern coiorate chac- let to transmit any proeity that might bo be queathed to them to iheir ucceor what ever tcp the government meant to tawc foi ibe tranquility ol ireland should s tken rx peitiouily and he irusled the sy was nnl far distant wnen he would see irishmen and eft- livbmea catholic ami pinteui ali tmilrd in ona common feeling of brotherhood and atlcc- lion cheers sic r- pkxl denied the acenracy of the hii and learned mrmherf statement av in the keal r n i r i iropmty nf ireland frim 1782 to the period of tnc union and ousted uihonties to shew that the corruption and profligacy of the irish pdiliameftt had rcir e that country to the condition of a petty province the rijjht hon baronet theft pro ceeded to comment upon the rr inner in which lord john russell had rrfcrred to lord lnd- hurst whom he eulised in the highest trim and ridiculed the appointment of lord close of i uk state trials twvtvtllllli day i it ida i iphianv 9 the lord chief jtice enmmerred hi charge he staled thl on a confiience tilth his brother judges he found that lfctf was a perfect cr niturcme letween them ill as to the miujffl matter lo he laid bcloie tlte jury thr jury had heard a cieil iteal o etnenet much that was poetical nucli ilai wi ptev ir and much pot mm ineuvenl frf tin question ol lhe fad they were lhinselvri th lonslttu lineal judges vu ate to determine and come to a int cnnrhiinn ujtnn the fatt on will take iroift tin nmed the nature of tiw imeiil and of the miiic cfl nee wilt wtich thv traveisers were dmtfer for a eonvictinn of eonnraey the tiw e- rjn res thai the ji y should be satrsfitd the there wa a consent either for the mpie ol dnin jin illegal act or eonr ot causmx lo h done a act z l in ttsell rut to be bioiitht a hy itlcji mean mr fit2ciwon hy aruet that treat hrry and secrecy wcic ne eessaiy ingredients ii the dime ol cenjitjiy but that tttt b nmuke in uw and a c will examination of the anthotitesailduee hy m fitjtii btmiig t id not bear nut hi pamlion l the language of mi justice cdeiidrc i is not necnirv thl it should be proved thai the several parties charged with 3 comtnnn enfttptracy mrl to concoct this scheme noi s1 they should have criiumrd it h tti- parties were who met tu coikwi lh illral acreemenl il i nni necessary slteuld he ibso lulely pmvet to yon it is enonjh lr you i e whether from the acts iht have been pin- ved you are stnliid that ilose defriidaii wetr ii tiiiff in oc rl m tins baiter it jw are satisfted thai there was com eit between ihem that is an illegal conceit 1 am houi to say that heiuc cotiviiired of the eopiacy it s rot necesijv lhl vu lionti find totl the tavesersfiuiuzench iaticult act as at tee the ftclof v t coaspirnev ionee es ahlish ed in your miftdi htever is tml or co t tj either of tbe oerenjit 111 iuivii ot tin rnmmon detijn is both in law and fmiwtfl rne to lie rnitsidered the act nl hoih i h dnrtrine might ear eme mod hc4titn epe eially aplieehte 10 the reverend mr f let nev if a conspiracy be lormed ard apart nrertrorrfs join il the jury flrwm cnnsjk whrthei or m e ailoptcd the nrerroirs asts of the asmriation mi stieit had nuoted frim ie re of the kiiijr aainsi kirwi the icmak ol m- ivtrr hunowes as counsel for the difeiuuit hat to assume turn a light a tu icprsem ttte pro- wrutd b an ro ve preinative d ny ferii maes an1 nulliluira a to ewite tenor ai llaim among the nrijhtojinpfoide 01 amons thev uhu are bound to svatch over and preserve the peace and constitution of the eountiy b ivdw inoiift lo make a meeting unlawful it would not be nrecssjry that in jmint of ld the perc si iw he broken it iloes nol lol- low lht herv i here is no hrrii b ol the pejtc therefore the parlies artendinc are nt nitty o the 1 ifenrc of rxeilm leirnr ifttl alarm jn her mufritiv ujrcl ifrneiftt ift whiflt utie wnii unaimrdhave hten attended willi dctuomrmlnhot ot jihy steal ofclbel wontt reasoi ably lisve excited lear tnror ot liien amnn- the peaceable sulyerts ot her majely lby tc ilirl wlnlier lltej cnnsit nr not ol an nuimfd iftlwr n wrt an immediate lifrafh ol tlievareft the terrnrof mere tiei- ntsneccssty to rendet llcmeetn unuwiul ij rse tbtt the persons who had eiitertrd that nut and multitude lnjelher did so for the pitrte nl iniktna demonslraiion ul liwtifftff force ami itltsricml pftwn enided and actuated hv the will id remmand ol the peisrn who eaustil that nmltiujc to assemble- suppose they ita re islritv n f ifisluihiitjf the p ace bht lurt thes nct for the ptirpcseof 1 jubiline in hose willi ilin wcte in wet in ealiift fliflhttfsjtarwftl alin tl l wi to do thai tilth hie rcalet parthlii imtcfrieil- snppteie he did it in the open rfiy wlien ull the wrum could see aui rtrav line and that his pfftlvm to overawe the leisatvf4 whn are likely to hive to con jiei c itam political suierts in which he wai iilrrested aod lor the pu y se of detertini the ililluc the gvrivneiil of tlieroun try from a live root and drtilcratc jumerl 01 thf sn- i- if tht i ere hit oict in eaus iumhti j monstration then entlcnien i sav ihutthm au illejatonjeet ira him and in all 1 im ronriit i with hun in the proiu- isnf olsmh means m in the forfj year since the pas in of the ltin 11 act iftuv iniiiotlaul uets h d hern pas edhv the united paihameni and ifthai an so bo ff t be ihe acts a quarter past twelvr r more summoned and eked up unlil mondavi ahiihcr nvcln ww llrf couil had no pw- e ncbxlt tl 31 lfo icmek they were on told lhat theymittt he which was done her liken by mr hmnlh er to adjourn alter iweli was noied and ibe coiht a untuntne unlock on monday inrwrrir n bo tin cliief jrt4w a mr juiiec 0inpiii 1 lunrh ilna nrti 3 ivbirh id ulirhitjci iimtinriti nttv ji a a rreliagsof ill will nnd hoatdtty apurnt bcr mcijcs it kuhceis in cnclfind 4auiltyh inonrll j 0 t m rav j gray tstnle c- g duffy r flamu ikv tticmey- marweotxt kir conifunnj t etir andiid incaninldn vet mttijeetv l t and tniwe in hrce nnm british whig m ojmfer ffr otbrm disor kifnin fkinw mabcllw lll i j- ifiom the j h rtt to tn to iiioh leal leitatnrs if the counlry iso eiiiift all those people fo- torn titlrirl at k- n itir ritiwd o rh tu rulk rjurv ifenetr rami f ri im duly the tlivtrhi iirt 1 mr ntninen nlm vn hu inil u u t nl the ijlilrif llielf mr j lycfmmll apfi nd i- iimoe rlt jtifitv tlie irovevt bur mr jimie v tiirre- hmihrr pideo wh t kvifc in ulfnwiu n ihm i m hv tmk ud which the jury hid fjj fprt and ern catini pjiwwtf r r n4rfi hlniinn niwl vk thr euits on lb- iw mh ftr niin- 1 waacftumird ba ut m hrge lirivnf ile n ndnmesi n ki p i4l ireo pasiife ktdin l to prrvitil the admif ethtrnrsli nt in citlv htr nerniiinird hv h a s triti4 fiak ins ns tninfh iit in h pvfmf i wink the nl sat t diltt rem jdnee in ire hnlitwiu inje ftfrb f trot dmiyil bow nt d 4i1lermiip in the 4i itutiun u by uw thb etin t lmtl ml mlftr deliiled to hv jree n s nndtv rven vn tlw tftiim al hitf vulta e in ditftculiy i ici d rpeeiin tl t nbvtvui ih thfy ifntuned live dmutel miin upiit hi h there dibuld be five dilint fn4npa nnd dd net llkrefnre m nt a ncfvl liuili lljtin htirlh flew ihed ttir nar- of the mh- rnvohtd the aevvswl ewueai i pointed met m wm re n pie or ihf ait or arm 1 eriarhrrent 1 u lc rartn ihe house uf com nions ind thai kit union weie vi lial hd followed it irctldift the calhonc kmin ipanoft ait by villttt of which mr ucvnnel l tvnhitnieiil moreover if ihe vi were void where wat the nereity nf ekini ms t pl the tu o things weir in- rcnwjsteftl nd at all evems ihe jury bad title tight ft hsetiss tiic tneiits o that aci a hey had iowtr tointrfcie with it a speech uaa been pulied ilell vi ir d by mr ovu ncll ut 1810 sloviin- ihiil he hul cxpnscd ei ti nemi aainl the u ion at md he hint rlerl tieht o to to- at a uie im j to teilini mj itv rrpef hui il 1 wjs nil y ihe inst itre a n souvhl lnmelt from a iiteienl ehi2 by riling what be had done sity or foty yets agn the chltfl justice ptoreeied to consider with much iriitrn ss the evnleiee that had no ft iviif rnjniiiii- with an anau of the ttatotale orsiua linn cf the r pl aocia- iinn w hirl with it impertiftn and teports by krpeal wardens to the ccnlial body amounted losrmethin a wellfelatedfilice ami thr jnry wiid eoftsiii- r whether the usue of rlasilirit car f niollriirnl and the ctrciru lion of the ol sat ton t zxa fiftatnn amnnj thrn nrd were or the mpie of iirr din ussion 01 wltha vievs ol hundin the or- mfis 111 1 campbell si lord chancellor of treund as beinx a fjoss affront to that countty lie had always advocated tbe itht of the catholic to a ii share in the re present a i ion and nthees of hw state since the paninof the relief hil t lb r r e li vim mi rmj i rs avainst the appoiniment of mr ei- rreant howley a catholic ho would only ay ofto word on the suhject of the address of tbe protestant operative association these addresses were matters of foim and when the bad come to him containing harsh and un charitable sentiments he had taken thelibeity to rebuke them they were charged with a desire lo eovetn ireland by rmhuiv force but ho wished 10 know to whom wts it owr tbey were unable to present reduced estimate with regard to ireland in mrch 1843 ihe agitation commenced sri lirland and that was considerably heightened hy the introduction of the poor law bill the general agricultural de- preswon the alterations in the laiirt then followed the determination to agitate fr uv- peal of the union the goveiomenl resolved to rely upon the ordinary law because he derlared emphatically theie was nothing to be deprecated so much as lesorting lo haitiament for extraordinary powers upon the appeara nee of any onususl excitemenc tlie bead of th- government under similar circumstances had introduced a coercion bill for ireland it was aid that they bad entrapped the peisons agi latine f repeal of the union hy making no declaration of iheir sentiment but he thought wothiag could be sirongf r than the declarations they had advised her majesty to make oft the ubject he tbouxbt he had fully vindicated the conduct of the government with regard lo ireland and he should not be driven hy any taunts from the course ht wa resolved lo pursue he thought there should be identity of representation and of franc his w ith rtgiwd and scotland and it was upon that principle the government intended to legislate with regard to the established chnrcb he found tt esiamished in ireland for a period of two hundred and fitly years and he should main tain it aait had been guaranteed hy act of pallia- ment it was upon that understanding hat the protestant had aneed to waive their oh- taction aid consent to the emancipation act these were also the opinions of bwkf and craltan and lord plunketand sir juhn new port after reviewing the policy of the go vernment towards iteland at some lenjih the light hon baronet observed tat if iheaeir- lion could only be put an end to in that coun try be had no doubt il would make rapid stiide in tbecaneof social and commercial pros perity and ho hoped he woutd live to see the day when ihe difference of satnft and celt and protestant and catholic would be at an end whatever statim in life be misht placed in nothing woutd rivc him erealer pleasure than to are their beloved soveieifl placing her foot on the soit of ireland and lull ing to rest all the e til paisions that hid lone held sway there cheers lord joint ryuku vom lorepty he no ticed ome of the chief attack in his mntton by the leading membeis or the govemiheo- wdbrcuxhtuplordslanley deutsd thai m quoting on a former occasion the words the miniona of popery heeiihci adopted them or applied them to roman cihn lid iord john kimcii then uenl into some particular respecting the retirement of 1 plunket all the ctrcumstnee saii i lordship connected with that transact on noot be detailed now but soineofthm i mav bo permitted to mention it bad ben utd to lord melhornethalfrd plunket at hiiadvan td gvwaa desirous or relinnishiokhissrlu- ation the present lord canpbetl cime to me snd asked m a dusolutinn wu rlependin- wbethei he vtai to tantl bis eleciioit an allot eyoeneral 7 i commurdcat 1 with lord awrloourne and he informed me that he believ ed lord pfunkel waa ahoui 10 rrlire he adevd that be would will upon ihe snrrct and if le didjelwe tbe attorney general ahouhl be uade lord chrwcellor a hy or two afirrwars il it waa found thai lord plunkeiivstrad of uint dtatrouj of reiirinz had no such intention and 1 told lord campbell that such being tl who s raid exercise the fuclionlei tsliiltrf tntsile- ot judieiaf wont i br guilty nf a in meatmr those war soin i cniniitnuit nw hy th roroualioft 0th imnly wcais to ovetil the h itp itiinf s ll r jirinriji h r ss sverein vrflhl lluoutt whftfo tbe eatu wece ilimribnled confrititmii for one nnivcisal obje- in popuar inotaiice uf its puipot tw u y dirtrred one fnm tl mlvr hi itd nhip iiftd lint th porrr roiinio ro bitojii would u i pul ihfie rm u fere ile iorr in ihe ihmmct lorui in nhi w lad now expluiued tin un tllf vripfct the jurj wrrr thro r d iot furt lhc sue getwn f h rdiiiip ica afid on hey n lind nnd r turner nl u ovioek with iheir vrr iwr to ir ivftj oftonof vnieh mr moomk t fjtrd tm the ground lhi aic of 1ie itft hmt reirrihrd n lite ps ml bs jim liicfvr tboopb hinhi bd dcclmd thil llss naiiir wot j jaasht rtflv the arrihirv kfldlali otwrcvvst tbit mr kigby hod iven wvirn m jhn ltichy md that parih uhir nlicv wjh mwc uf ihe fact t the tune hj tlir chui a hole imi inp hern tte- of llieolp elin mr rotaw ibe clc f the tnwn road the verdiet i ii it tv cic rtvut all ihe tiii- i vrrrer- eseeiiiu hie fit mi tu rney who wahl ffitft etiitlv ion m e itm ot v tlie ffjiwin- are lb revrral cieiisiaof h in- dieimrol with the vrn of ihe iov us olfettiup caeli c rj i o ncl ijnl timt an sr wd cont for unfnwfullv and wilioiisly eoo ti ruo nd crrutc dir nteftt and dunftcetion amnnm the tjuiwa avifvia find fi txeiie web mibjei 1 to iiatnd anil d rmipt nf and to unlaw- ful nnd vditioim moilon t hit losemmcnl int coneiumiin and to iirp jifcto- lutrrd aod if wdl bclucrn dfbefvm cuecvf ika majrelvi hihjerip jmj cerii1lt t miilc nnnim lll jujrtsubitliii ln fttbokuf iltwti und jivifiiy artntl flit miyv mljel in oiji lrtwihrtsniid kinjrdomeriejp im iutl ind t rsfrite dinftai and iiit li ameei1 divers of lies mrtfyhri- rnluif in lb srmy and lo rausr and and in tsiiurasi divets auh jccci milivi fully md tdltvuy and wit urlomlrnurtfcnumm l rsrim timond ul diferenl pljecn withttl llvfabhl fnc the iinuufnt uid seitwnia iioti ominmu by tmeaiis rf tlbc iiiimidniion lu itc ihrrely rwtajrd ond by nu aim oc lhc eshibitjvin nod frtakmlu of greni jjtimr coteu at sinti iiuik iliaav alid fihrrutieiis in the nnvrmmeot iiw and coiwti nivin p li hw riatdlnl il t brtn nii hers at euiliii ulnlvut the ihi1i1i luipusutt ivje lift rihibiti nieh im niitis elmiift vi nnikiit untvitd t hnvd tlciltv iv lnnrll j tvcm mrkt- miur uuifi j rnk nlltucnrv tlv mrtieiey t if miloiii eun rli tl priifiifcment of brr number of th- hii to nitel ii iik r ot in 11 riiccs with mi m by the did uuti lict r reure elnmr hi the htw llh ii nnd ill eont chire einnmey to li mii dimtiili lb tribunal lihhhid by uw to iodu ihr mivlv mtbjivl ti tb mil tin ir fjittrft in it filhrr irtbuimiu th uby as- etmun llc ieeriu of oh- cnysnh the if nth nniiil elitiffi n 1h iltbihiirnt ul cvuil to hrin iniu dire ulc the utfil tribunals of ihe euititfy ilie eh tenth jut jit itu nalite ln a and on aid the imivery unlawiut icrrhrit lciltv il tirmmlt j titonrult t m kjvct iliiffvj tiftiv kmtuntt nut ltlltv- ltn mr tktmp mr moore applied for a copy of the verdict for the tiaveiscis which was onerid the coutt s iitiine to ihe fust day of itcat leim the 15h apiil hen it will he m the power of the cmwn lo call for judgment jo the traversers next moininsocrmnell issued the follow to job rgople of ittlooaxd m 31rrrori stjujic 1 lira kcbruarj ie4t fellow country men once t3in i return you my ftiot bearifeli thanks for lie rare iioiei ami tood order you have cdetvcd coiiiorc you hy iti dm- u mtti ii iv titi eittutfrf n 1 nfemi wi laws mtd ruflon s ol ihe same we heard a noost eval of aserlioo we heard a mowsfioui ilrwl id declamit wn we heard a oiftnstoiis ieal of complaint of eirv antes and we he id a sret deal ol whal the taw nmhl in he we have hcad yon railed upon to decide whether such a law ouhl lo 1 i as if 1 ou i 1 any uver or ihe sub ic at dl the taw of the irlmsit i1n u and is rttii hv the art ol ilnn until that aft is repealed is lhc ontv liv ou can t k into vnnt enosider4lion 01 this sivjeet this is ihe law which the quern by her coofinmnn oath has swot 1 1 10 preserve and it is idle to say that the queen it she ihinfc proper may depart from this law and fall a fnlijnrnt ot hei own in ireuftd supposinr her own desire accorded with the pvopl n sl tip a new law und nrw ronstittitjon lor this retintvy in direct violation of tie art of tninn to pa- in i fie act of lurn ihe kingdom of tiieaf rtritam ceased to r and the kingdom nf iieland ceased to exil and instead rtihrso two there w s formed 011c united kinftom under the style and title of the uned kin om or great lit lain and inland it was not that there sbould he one kin having ihereaf ler two kindnrrs for his domininn bit one kinx bavin- one kingdom and to y that ibe kiftt or queen ol iteland may he treated as the k ot qicen of a sejnarat kintdom it ahttirdrdiiinua until ihe law he altered hy the proper aiithoriiyand i dont say lhit it may not while thefw remains as it isnd it hav been so ilnrinz the w hole ol the year isi3 am prccrding yeais wh have intervened srne the enactnient of the union there ii one knr over tins kindom mcaphte hy himell nl ircatin with any class ol bis au jeeis rxcep4 thtouth the legislature with recant o a new rorcmitulion nr new laws with rwpeel lo an patt rf the roiled kinlom i say irote over that whichevei ol his usjecti weiil lake upon himself lo inculcate to prortaim mouf the sirijectsof tbit part nf the united kinetam that be or anybndj ese ahstrrt tirsfttii juys1uii0av tx 0 butred rnsil doejute hi- tourt by liwirttblihl ol jfrlatal ut the adimiumrhtii j alrf joalsw coiiluuv1 im cxamma- 1 rnn of il4 v onihelr- j t divsimuianii if hn kt hm d oll mil rtei rii ill it foinmenlii laud k114u 1 v lue p ice am mitemv and j r the country we all love and eteu in the name of thv tiod we all aote lo kimlinueio the sjtne jnace quietness and pet uc irat rjutlliiy i bsi ton ilemiilv lht your rnrrrie and the eiemes of iefanl are vciv desiions thai thr- ie sbmild be a hrekincut of tumuli riot ir other ouirae he 1011 ihctelote peifeei y peacehle aturk rvmioly ojleiul oohrdj injure no person if yon tespect tir lfieids if you wish lo trail your enemies- keep th peace and let ihj out single act of violence be con milted you are awar the juy have fcunda ver dict aramst me but deend upon it that 1 will hunt a wftl il ennr and will not arquiesce in ihe law as hid down ncirnst me until i have ihe opinion nf the twelve jndet in eieund ami if rereviiyf the mouse ol lords be you tberrloir uerfrctly fluiel dn no viofence whatoeem you could not possibts offend or tieve ne ha so much as hy anr ipcies of riol sssau i or ontrasr it i said hat the 5ral question of repeal has hern injured by this verdict dj nolo liivr it il is not line on ihe ronlrarv the remit of tliis verdict will be of rtml maenal svftkv to the kvpeal if the peo pe continue lobe as peceim as ihiy have htbeiio been and as i am suie ihey u ill con- tiinie to he ihey myadiiee nniiol tin rumnlt no blow n- violenre keep ihe jrr fir tl rnonfator rtf the ttfmosf taftfrf monfr rnjci and jmi shall have the paihrncnl in fidie cjicen tain 1 an fellow coutrymcnyouraffcrtiorlv and devoted servant oakicl ocoantu lirlistntvtix f klsttn ry mr mainlua adirlircrnerit m uuf dm i wlifit it wotlm rppiwj m llsvtftrl the ptthl tormler tm riivt wdl pasrfsbly ksj j ajhtftiimstl to wmu imfrifiit1 okee mvwt tie tijn imsfbubty the topi cnhipl nri lint i hy dc n vnc ney in the rrpft h nuliti of lh4 pd twwn a tin wpi i m llr rposii ilb nil ehim ie very erru in knil i hevry uietyeiintc ii ansuty at arrhctri j uit n ibiobt immktlr hi market tleywbcrev whal pliee is in have ihe isttfksf of nnieeli him sv1 known ii miirf vief and lnmf if ii the dmcstrwuk tae towi u open ami mr mnnihvi tflkcfcnncrly adviinuffe thnt fcet mtlkfieblalfrukinc4on isjoho melhift jld ki the solicits lolhefommcrcut ihmk i wbufaiiag receiied a very numerourly ind nifins lino will protuhly mikr son hii pntd c ap- iciinee this fmuff ftenlli mn wdl rereivr our humusr aipcrru afatnm mr m- i s merita a a man or a cen1lmio wc hve npl one word to wy in the dcvotdmviof hi atlchment 4o lhc peofle and j nirri m tt kinetlki wc irr tnjievtrs indwrarc ivoirfhtly of opinion ibai the unew wilt putter no dtbrace or dclrimcul bv his sitting u lrlurncni amtht tw ihn bui ihc mtieei connected wih h retmniikihmenl ol that cal ho eem now lo prse to locbty 10 mr har- tum thil wc cannot prfhalc or feejfri and wluch wo opie wdt ruulv m hii hope of icec his own version of ihl tod bimncw will te found m hi adjrr u to lhc eleeloni aee advcrtiscinenl and n nobody can tdl n rtnty no well as himself we rfer our readers to that document tn pit of all tuv eoprnstrr the damning fact vidl tel ijii him mr hcdrnatd ia voune maojndron- nl- ly an iirttrird onc hy i bone who have tlie dc- ufo of bs acifuoiotaner tie i bibly clrrmed nv 1 hbefat and highnnnded p nlleman o juilc hciof the riht otamp imftam furiom tory or virulen radicah but oc irmly eonoeevative to ivc the tovernor rmrul nnd the rrnontime tmrronirot advocated by him hi warmest tup- port hould he be returned and of ihm event wc mtkenocfuestkindiwd no ouicr candidate on facto anb 5rrapg original ant select tj rriaviiovs rtltsittmifl dy ncucubrute ivreeiivcdhj uv eiicdxjti lcdpilb vreper civc trul rida p ihuntd with u viriution hy ivm rlrrjtrnri of ih tcwlted hurch of scot aod the u w ors cunmilum and iturnv wrv have btn ikiund by utani brethnn in scot land to mc nhfiiou dikscnm m the uniud stale mnl nadi lbu iknec of firebrand aro t estlof camda at xitjarj on ihe 9th proximo nnd rmke a rriitar time down to quebec alop- avjaonrajf two day in richtoun in canada i i and 1 a the utmoit harnkny ii bclwccn the fpftvvflijmali lhc scotch mimticr and their einf q io but whit witt happen after thii thrrt01 eft iiift uw liken place it in tbo wotrdi f futurity we wjmt advoeatof ijnch law but wrrc vcio hear lint iw fie ititbiie- nan lmrraiirfi it whom ihcve mc 1 tirrw thrmelvcsf wrre lorioc in a body and lir ntd fea irr litem it would no preally nnliusr against our ftuionof what ii mtf x tiik w 1 nutit still reiuina cold mqi uf zbu th kc m hw bay and hsfbor rl niiw ha ljtlc r min or bcoat bot tdiowv en uhrnoo of charm ntir the ftavif4lifin cannf rrmm hut much wirr fyr ihr firw vlmn voirrly wind will dft tlie needful all vcti of vnw have disappeared from the roidil jv- courmukst hie c4rooirr f ctsrttt ays the 1 oplc of kington deserve to be imm- nfwlta uciuc they have efrcrd mers- iko- tnt and miiti js alovrman and councilman for ward so 2 ilw cwd ihey do othrrie flicrc was no oppirion or although me- niksll was pioed as aikrman no mduerucn rouht mak him eocne bwwaidi the en ervaiiveimvnt tsrt ri p tmk mi 1 ex i1 llit he will pakc air honor to kingston h native town ttnjatr t ojthcr the rrfilor of tit farvm tie owmt if hr desire bis newspacrr l lo c nihcred a rewcliblt amrnilwoud no to cop article from the bntid vtrj and call tlwm trvuunieatrd in lift maewtensl eapa city too nftrn ive hv oecaon to commit for petty imwifi wo pimisjimrnt should he bimstf un jrre t it 1 no aniwrr to this accnsavm to siy 1 ii it tt article referred to was really h comnium cated for he ihoold koiw or if he dot rltavi now toll him that whalcvrr appenrs rfimally m anr publicaion 00 mailer by whwtn written t tho utyjuettionabte properly of ibsl pubiicatton such dirty conduct hs much too common wuh the press of canada ltl it bcrcfcirmcd allll iilm lo tt4 iter u4rt as4wmlils he leiu lue bb lor hi i ft newed irlitan nf the luli lilianent whirh declared tie people of itrtam do firmly in sl ksfn til icsoration c ihr lush house r corno atd it pnhtuinfct a scheme by whklift wilrt the ivural nt the union ri ihr 1 n iouh issur v iu fin an lush i f u oj ciunnon- be obselsod ibat that plan lot hie rnhie alterlioil nl the rm inton ami laws ol lhc enuntrv a pm in pae her m is the iciilitnate qtrevi ol lhc uniled rji j linn mil us- loin tin nijii ibe cttui itfin ftfrtlhef irdai d fr llr lrtvvi rt hwii an wi lli ei-um- tai an nriiiei ii tb i w nn ibejiidcmiit iiiid d i f un to ih eoilntrd mil eint til m-tv- p uf imne fslhtffv onnttin ihe vros e rub- nnt criltvwin iirvvystanmills criltvj i itoainll t- sdtiv ruy and j ray npftllirit h wmls fnllv arid ieithiisdv nn ilu wtd mf eir d arnilom it mi e afib t- r ia ttoti tlrete ha i i interval i hn vrlict nit m 1 lhc cmnt wais tiir on saturday dublin ill f ii hen t iiement 1 iwren the aist irlin inrnl 1 11 a whusi jhe lieicbhoiliood liplhrded bi aiem ntullr evevititjjj ami the fum an l iinl imi- the separate ilirit ion ol queen ofxelie dwiiet t hel lion hut ffas put forward llir- prfipleol i eanf mhalthepr from the laisliiun has lh 1 power t and a poriin c unite the n lepiraiely or joinly hy him of ihe inhabliant of this pan of the kinmii that be or lhey andeprrdently o the leiilature had a power nf ireatinr with hit queen sw an arofation of ihe evislio- uw tail t put in its place anew law snrh a we heard suresei is miilly of a real nrtence he is euilty orthe ciime of sedition and it her mesl v wore pi asel lo endecrnd li irest an enarlment tepuately frim her iailiament ami 10 aopi ms f ujrvstion she has nt ihe power to do so without viojilitip her cnftualion oath it would be produrtivrof wlldneaw anarchvanl eonfuion if every nianorsl nl men absiraeledly from lilimrnt 1c1e himiiird toav we ii not like itim iftwli pvve h oar lf islm urr we llnntt it was tot ptfmefjy paef wo until thflo were reaor wbieh should prevail n iheiehvi wr ate not bound anitit h 111 rniaiem e 10 ouv it tlie tlnef justice explained the nublic dlkhssion and public meetin nn rrime nr a man to iste a rirva make a nnstahe with irearj to bis tosttnn- mid h may fnrly rnn mm seniimenis lo iiend or liinei law m il i re or 10 political pestle his he itfkh nbl in make his cmtplhinl win r vet he gm s should he think proper to dn so even if he should nltrnda pihlic meeiin imwevr urr r e mere frl of ilslsfiiijjh public rnreiin is no man who has a zievancc or rr 4jrh wbv ltiinbs be ha should not attend thil meeun male a slattml r f what be conceive tie has in of and ao o n prjneipb recdisetttmnrndeavmir lo el by peaeea- mean as many advorate in upjior1 of his iprweiw that ia a nlil 10 com ftfli hie altered eriesanrr she e -p- i ir i esse neither lms melbourne nor i wonm iln lint rrnilem anjtbin ditajieeab tolord llvrikel irdjfiicvoikea he iiiul nln cm ii not to lufiinsj lh- molality of ihe taw as stated ly lron al- eiou foil ihr trial of vincent nnd eofncriu ihjc whuh uk mld imform the cnunlre wiihntit i am so 1 say im n in oilt 10 di sominale ibote e rvci be w noi rrim bed in lai uee ol pei- rcffdaotoflhe e were well or- meil inu discipline am the demand wa- lo he raitmi our acrordm lo iheir wisfc n viiom or iow the pln did nol ppcify tl r thif juslire survey rd the evnvure reurctio ibflchiej ft tbc0 meetms isrjmron with that nf mutltultft and finishing with otdlah- miist in lls brief eiad corlipnjuirsl review the mosr startling cpieios used by mr oh on nll wete i cl ly srouped toether thau they had yet appeared in any summari and ihc fitted uf lhc sionic passage though so of ten tepealrd was thus considerably inrteased ajuding iff the heme for luinin mo dire pute the court rd jostle as cstahlissed bylaw ibfminh th atbtration couiu the chief jus tice showed in what maimer the conspiracv 1f wa in he inferred lave sou or bnieyonnot heard drciy eomirc feiward an telling assembled mulli hides thai the time was coming when they woiifd be taken out of the bans of i ose prliy ivrants whu t psenl pnside in tbeir coinls j have you or have you not heard r 0cuv ni ii lumself advening lo tb sair e system at the cli d oiher suwmient meetins ie- rommfiiiln the aihitralinn courts and tbe niacin tbrieon ibe maelatrs wlm bad tieen dismisved and hare you or have you nol heard mr john 0cnnell making a speech recm- meiiiii trsame svstems and apnearine him u if to ai 1 under ihe appointment of the repeal oriniioiii inpresnin ever an arbitration cnutt esiahjished in piickro k v he pit sued somewhat the same process in reikci to tie sperches ol the rev mrtiereey and the illusion which he mnde in common wilh olhets to lhc traditions of acienl halite and inaicrcs tendn to slmw ittal he had becoffio a participmnr in th piotecls nf he as lciaiinn the obtiratioti lot wbieh mr 1uttetl mr- oully and dr tu are tcpon siir wne sntjer lo a iriar prncrs tle clirl justice concluded hy seitin forib the cvenj rtipirce in tie laiuae of the in dircrnent inviiif rntr the juiy that cnutnal ity i a iio c w inch must lv proxvd and not merely funftfctf- the judf having- ccmtu ihe jury asked l the case nd at once be rtatrj as ihey w very much fat7d tbe thiel justiee mial i iter 1 www ihniht must be a matter ol consent brlwe 11 the onosite psities the ttaveixeis counsel ilul nol relue their consent in ifulris- kit declined to yc it and there fiirc abowt lilfpal seven ihe jury retired when ihey bad cm mr ileuu tmik anobjec- ijon lh1 1 n evidence had been ndducril of any ael dotrf ii ic cnmiy or the city of dublin and ibeiefnir a vrntirl could not be riven m ihe i he objection vjs nofed by ihe court the juic llien witlnlrew olfl in h eveninj mr justice cramplon rriumcd nd lemained m court lo await tit return of ihe juiy lliev tcappcarrrl at ten miuutes lo eleien and hiouht in a vchfn 1 ol ii ititii a ill si all ihe ira wiser upon vari on eouuk but slated tio frmsnf l upon olher which they though too romprehensive mr- jiivticc tiamptmi handed bark the verdicl rain- rtul it wn impetferl smco lhc jury mtsst ami a veril of tfiult or not jtmi- fy uimn evt iv pail and tierwui thev xin rlmpufnrdi mnhiieht apptoachin use at- lorneyjjvneral pressed for an adjournment of the omit lsi any duubt should aiie from eol dome so- the judge emvavorcd to lidtee eounsfl to euiiaeifl to lake the verdict ollor vi lmli rrvi t m mltiw- 1 ue i jii ri mrct in uhc milld lira 1 trta rd jirr majral v rtflov mit fit htv bpivreirds filiiiv rev th ivtiity hm ironirneitea rueni und ineulnv le aiaiu rsrebllyin knhind pnj ntt tiriltv f the n maindcr of tin first pnd sccwiad counls- tiu0 esv for iiiitiwfiatlv nnd il ioutf eoiirin to nnse and create dtorfitrm nd duutwlton unvwit ihe qthndye1 tnd rails neh ulyd lit liiiredmidrntem4ui hd to nuliwful wtsf serlit ions ostptm to th lvrmfmii and ron mifuiion and m stir nn ieiirsies hated and ill will betvern diflrrent eees oc br j ijesls siibjeela ondrspeiiiuv t jisvenele ornon her mtjfstciibjccvn leebt fatoz t ill- will andhoftihly anninl rv- majilj s niiee in ollser parts of the ritilcdnw- t n taglanil nd lo eaule isreili el nnd aviffre- tifln acarost dner of v8f majcslvv su1rei unm in ihe army am caiues divcfv suhjrelv f ether jo larrje nmnur dilti rent ilacis wiimb l and seiitoim puqeie f tn- eshilhtion and demon fteee nt such meetiofa 1hctvemnuni ms isrieiieit 11t majcs to rme and aid iierl nnd asse ruble fti rarvmh tnnea and ol ml fc lite nnliwfnl uinme ity nirm t4 tn t ee ptiyssral p snal allirutnt to uihimiiofife as hv lo be constituted and i t 1 and to llvt ittm law erl imiheil and l bt mln h un repute hie rooils ty1 ml lielnd for ihe ndmiivtfatioft nf m d raifidrdeeflfhrr mae swlrjeelinibe dmn- mrajonof the ir isre- l lo itbpe he mjicstvesnhiyel to bdraw the rarljajjicw- ln of uieir difference lltm via ipmi caclisjlbe fmm use cojr f emuts of lwandmbjtci ihessm lo rvo jriwtl and drterminalimf mlsr rh- nd contrived bw ihnt p-i- 1 ivourr 9s fc isaltclt iiiiuv 4riltv j rv kav nod j tiny omit ecle dicititep nml ar- if in r mt v siihkcr xi vt litlltv st riltv the rtv moimwceirriit i far ns teiallv ti roland nirrcstntvwi tfc roinv rir ritiiiin l ean ami diitvlir aiivis ond loejeie mkii tv tn- uf aod in ortuu ron n ihe jiemmenr to hr itp llnitir h l itlerrol elasrs of ihi fi iryil nnmiil the srih f trt ndlimil itrtibly rnr mrtaof tlie toited in knunj ami lu ca ilora ttabjert to me i ninl r at vareais luin nnnnei menl rj ihe natnfe of ihe verdirt w ieelrt hy a twrff it jare lilies of u mesl and foot jotice p trolled tbe stirrt an hie iioji iveie ready or instant sei vice l half pan onf ovipcv on stimlay iqsmtlna nvnirreus bmty or imtmen parailed up llieb street scmin a on in crealr a iimcui vnee but none ainse as the iiicht con tinuni the crowd liiinned but at eailv dny tbe peuptu rcaifi ntbled- it was c4pcecd thai ihej juiy isoum go to church on sunday am a cmwi awaltrq their foitheeminff but the sheiilf judged it riosl jhuiicol to keep lite mm viithmioors and have divine service performed far them iheie aiiempis lo inli mldatt ihe jury and even to hrt one oribem au behejf of ttie ftepalrrs wvte aiorn the umoi two hours alter they retired litcial paper enuueed in lare capital cnnsilion ibrre will be none a won an wrrl into the shop belnnip to one uf ihe jmer und iitired to sell bis wif a ictfoies ctr saym- thai it wonll he needed il there were a vewiifl ntamst 0conncll an etraoriuary edition of ihe frttman pilm hrd uie on unay ftctnmin contained an addre fmm mr cnneh u to the ca- ihohc velates of ireland siiestinr with pmlcund humility ci11i per ha ps it milt be useful if h clergy tvrre lo llte measures nr intnina continuance ortlie same loyal rjuiei ami peaceable demeanor which had chirac erixed ihr eoite up lo that moment and in a friar ked mamer sinre ihe trial commence m assistance rendered the mote necessary as the omtsion of several calhnlirs fnuw ihe mi i slieiirl list and their exclusion from iu jm wl iven a s curinn roout tohe piovcruiiom and ilwa desirable that the clergy should cltrik every ity or vindictive feeing in llseiv flnek the nhsrnre nf violence wonh render certain the wccett ol the critts nl he peal reprbrastaticrn of fhontexac j hi ii mark rq tr vw rvuj war drn of ihr listrict lias adtlrcssed the electors of frcftlt nae in ibis dys ipi t on a subject con- imifvj willi tlrt nexircptvcntatoonof llulcounly fl wdl le retnembered by many f our readers lliat al ihr inst fcncrd election by a bilk ffcf iinnrmjj hussin mr marks gave way to mr henry imlli jun vho conscqocully became the ucccful candidate mr marks itad frewl rcn- sonlocnijdaioofthe maniciivre and al hie linus oen1v dccurcd hnt intention of ennlcniinf the crnnly ut lite next vacaney until the time of thnl vieancj mr mark probably would bare ro rnained silenl had it not lvi n fee iosidtoitt no vvirvdli iiiierstmlenitemen to cue wuf t lttilhlluwiw imil iksimtoiioi nil intentiooir rc nil iinz nubhe life thireby recurinf tbe soles ifjiiij 1 intcrel a tin is not lhc time f4 j rxprkirioon thcmerils of mr mirfra orthnse of sny other entktn in wsq mynltirliimself fvr the infv we hsll omtent ourrcuev with 1 rlrcla- ralkm thnl ihe frienrfa tu psodemtr good toern- httitrti may firmly nly on bavin in ibe field in tbr day id need an ndvocau of their own way oflhinv- iritmc who baa ever bevn a hitnd to fanners uid lhc afneuburul iitlcrotft jo bnavcav ccl uwn of the rorvasud isoisc of the most evuruecoov men in caiitcnee when he knows a cock wont fight he forthwith chalsrngcs him tu 6gta a dint mr hinck lately said thai somethin waa frilc whicdi tl- cowan asserted av mr ilincka iskrywn nat to ujui ihi cj sent a friend 10 him when the careni- h onzrttr libcjicd tbe oaoncta family um summer tru brarc man sctiln friend to mr dcr- libire who was known o to have wnllen llio otlictrbut tookpreciouv rare not lo ask anr fpje- iroruofmr mckorianc the only preacra wv n s rcspontrtme and who was wailing al hmitu m pcctalmn ol being ealkd upn tct gniiuit msoiiic the april numbrr of ibis very esceheot marazrne tot n ameiiean intmjcsiton ss filled with more than its usual va ricty ami 1 moreover riiihhlilcd wili sindy platte oi of which s a full belh of ibjl vaidtnolvtil mjirrc air vi w ibc beiin- his lne raphe rj is a compoond f al tlie uu hnis mid rdl hie vutue manure th- bad taste in ll- diraalujipsa of mich nintliratc mm oa mr willis we ramie do otherwise hun rrromimnd rahains mauine to tbr trotbbe f the pnblie fund of hinh kimt of thine far uc book ia really dinyly ill pot cxr kingston minerat tn ibe rvhi of pjsj lli ml korrrtrtia aid th vnlmn s ntvrfo to mr rone si-i- oa to bis r- male a hia when any o1rr lb- letsee of the of hrallh in- r t slrtle j 111 wvird teliiai anin nil j 111 to wrmbi neidltcd r tienwy fm j mctuihn thi wi tin maimbr irf ihi rint iwyt aid romie iftrmn ol itir krv rutfr1 lo hiliil id rsin j iit rritil4 u neimr lr cnsrslll and d and d will urwivn is anl intdty lo lv m in liou ii 1 hog oarru ihi snbjeijs in hinrbini itd tit illy m and asd in eivmc od jormbb m larci jinl itj7itm jnr in riivir xoo tiir prtihinltirrn on lln i aib iiti irtd svflimtnih or the white hnltr hohiretid tark in iihkj lh year of bis cc lli iinmii- wtrs spcakrr nl tlie home df cswdtaawh hrsrw mv- 17310 match letlt firt tr r tne tfenry nudnnnrrlloror the kseheosirr fcnin match imii lo may fs loitttit ol n j jttaml tfcir ihe wl jii irhamiiil ht mi ion iberehy cautvd am and uiiuralht o chanis m lie slttiitkfrt as by iw e4ib csrilty llivcui frtyj rar t steefc itartir iriltvkee mr nsisirriiiinl so tar a an l tvjecuillyiii iwliml nmi bw eerwswinb l m and diiirtelpihl iiint ntil n pwu ilieni im i and iifdowhd ami aw irtiihvil ni litaintiii lfi vilifies h ilre i nnd it rhici tof itie hiaskp lwf ndhliir i iii nuiirihliliriii hi 1 111 ans id tlw atitititn f pr4saidrisrisi patell ftnwij best it j unlil nin t 1 jhilk fjn 1 i m and it f vinrv ihss ll r-nn- i ilihriiii tlw vfiudu lniilei1 imia ij invy seal hhi jij errtary if sintu sw lhc nome jjenrtim ia fmt iiiij ln lb hhh ulraed i jen hi kxelbnr llilri iolvlev 1imfer of ivirein ailiiii anil il ilmiiinrrec 1 miliannneil ali tfcr ijj- nul fdiaury st ve mia was on ihe 2ji jan i siursj he a aitctc rjlielrin by the midden uiihif utiira antila ehbr rtanehlte trftbe s- hnke itui vivrtiy ht ami ibe an h dielks kuautk ii- r tmtferiil llichur w tritth ittirurv ial i he uniorlun ii anh- ibei affi vtleivr lrnt mariad in mnh on the 93d ultlm wruee krilieiiiii 1 1 a-slv- norlhnudtjltiifj t 7 i f hi 1i1- luh nfr ifinj i ifrnwouli after u tin and t4inij illness in liiimh nipbir vrlirifi thr r wlie name h- been i friiriuv nbnivtl uillnhtr naval irmniphs vtce i admit a s r 1 j hn kvin h censit lo eiist i iitily iacntirfiil hiurl st t- why m f seiw ltv tainiun nliel the late ifun m- jus j w t loo on rltr ili ntt in n 7lrt ye a bin friiii sloiltifl iimhnoei tin lr iti n hit im xiu tvmr- lon t hrmian w ts1ipiif thtl 1i h irfu ohnrg 10 mh ii t r i- nthr m rsl mallear cmial w kfiliimio vftrns in tl rrsier tl kirisrf lbjiirfinlirrdari ihlh nltal rnuwd mir lnrk il ivtphif 1 sue evmlrrl in t ii y i u iriifinl ibneiiminri filicaevhibiliog ins very rotund person sre what it is todimk of the mineral watte it it a pity lint mr ilairc will not allow tne inhabitants of kingston to enjoy ibe same advantage fr i defy anyone once having mic1pliik prins llmel lo 0 a step furl hi r tiwords tin bjlhs or the 5iriiis irasi he be armed with a pair of jack a nrven league boot fle he mn1 wide knee deep in mud nml luh sultriratl m tn frighten him and make him turn back sow this could be avoided by ibe proprietor or knees cootinuinj- the board walk to the einjs a dimance erf fifty vards aod ibers not armed like mr rone with rfaj hools could rriyiy h tuthoradnok of llu pinuitpro duetn spiin and nvtvc mrc than a vvatva i kiiitfmon march 2 ist i ct tones liov ilryot m amil wo have received the april no of the tssjttasvf m-i- faairie and it jolty sulatn trre etiaacter tint ihr work hits alreidy nrrigiml llsa era gtbvrc- or which there are threr nrc el an i lhc litcrarv cooirnu will pruvrcey iierrr4nbtc to t1nlvjieal rrwa tar fnrrae im a laso of the late rebellion m lyvwev canada is among tbo moot inlerrstifi or lire contents and shows belter krvsa ledge of hw objects of ihrkadrtsin that unfortunate affair uian isporred by mot of our nv rtn rkiehboec wo shall take an early upiketuutty of ironsfcrrinr uie tale to our co lumna xt ore mi or cut xavicivsn weunder fiand thai lire royal mail steam takct city of tftqfitv n make her first fip this season from toronto l kingston on tuesday tval she may ihcreforc be expected on wcdnesdvy ruomiog the iec wdt in all probolaliiy havediapprarcd svo llicn if ivu hc em easily reach ftr nxtmet from a lctlettotlie edilvr from moiu real dated mb37i- we have reot shyina nddiroa in mun irenl at ptewnt tog 1 annot ivin tounuafti rann ovloek i m wiilnrnt uin in iun r of ttioj knock donn iji mlii mr mrovm ik id a rnrsinr in ihe que lire subuibs and u great nunr f r 1 ntmmmds men wml lhire armrd frill u 3ce lot ihepuq uf kiekitt up a wfi tist nigm a ywinc man andhiifibrr namrit mr trdwin were crotsm tlr rver ruiui rave imlrrnr mnnlrrol un the ice iui enlbe am une into an urmi and tlw youn man niok lo itt im loirc a ii ra1 hrtii tbf tyieir miih red and eiifritpl j fjihlstiq inj llt- and n- f lr up edl inlhks 1 dimi id ibf 1 ie ejil -j- i uli ihr will hkily nl hvslttl exemli- h il is ai tu tliello1 s je m the mrrrrircftl electieu ir fall into hand eomprlenl lo thai it will he dirrrleit tleiirv who ba pinfess- e hie walliiiftiirw in ar thi- chivirri of a kilillinn 41 mrrtiii i ikci is a id one- icher kavkutkvst ufaaake eriu aamvtr raot lliiru jvtti ie rntd irpji ivaifuler oovtfr iciri 11 as the ihaltilupa in annouoeed that the s i ruled slalaa ijpt uhunkir wi iidvertiml l leav huiralo foe lhi prirl on tfsr hh iiitl and he not urmiio lute lfiirr if iifper nf th iy eame roiiihl hy i itnl wr had made ip sir lumil itn ip1 u lila kerhailursibiulkrdfi tinr lull hi ttumlbn k- fanl tone yi rrd iv irji eairase ihr vltntihont l jsain idlamt ij l tfik uharf beiee llic hl4 vt 1 011i of itulfalo tin hivisho- th states lell huitik nn oiihnc lo her advr vrrtiitntiion saluejsy afl mou the hlb af lr prueliti staitv five ir sii nnlefsv found hefprlf innnh tell siimiiihlrd hylhe tee which a imnlietil winilhul h4iwi isiwn heeestat uj iltl tiirrntin ihirnif siioiiy niihl ami nm otsmidav ion ard tin eloteof ilic day ihe wind had iitcwbs ntovnl ire- me oaro ratbia lite ivmi in imii iminit and t olsni ivtrk she re- liiim d lurk rjii 11 wuh lurneterimic pre ais4iee nnd niry rpt uhilnkri m1 mil itfiin mi tiiitsd ty ni riiin thonih m irindinh iv uiirrttf il 1 il uut raraunlrted iefl kin mil tln rath id ihitlil ii d t jj t f ul it wwy tliruti aoi luti mb isnly tn imlid stin- im had a lroitinerr luuhn and f piir woe- t4l mnjn a 1 ew nnd p ealhii jhbs uin iietrd lin ihe upnr ileh with inenly oibl lr irv nml elejjatrt sfnto ofcuiia it- r on a ne 1 nt uu arv tviw rinnj ut jm4 llic lestuatau lie elnsa tswl el hid m fine hil of paimitm mvrva1 if abn wvsv r suvu euifeut- wlio nmte mi uevir uie tinion ni tivttf of 1 int w nnd tu hraali l will ie reroflreled thai i at wlniaker uilb iho sleminuol tuiimbii wa- i ho llml onl of hnl cat- 1 la- 1 ihini irnvme hero ihe lh of mlv sjrhw tt ir a tfk ittj utt ijeeenntrovtlsai a met ir an mode of pviym debts which will imristmi to lhc latest rierily lhc uid failh ol the npudilrnr state as dnrrsintf lh rvtest irpribit 1 by tv means s iood rn itivcnlkin any more than robticty nmrdr and it rt eve a shnctsvted hy fiscally as t in ihe rate of tint seourffc of lire ncinerlnj i philip iii- of spain who thnmh lite ajjeoey of his bloodmnmd lliutsier uie ihiki tf alva eorri- mdlcd so many cvtusf in lhf mrfiuoale eoun try aecirdirij h liar wiiim- of mrslirjn tin nrmicn havn incumd a debl c i liuufjil iiikav- li llir mrrchrmla of spnin and vuoo ttr l4ird i73i a d from ile lp ji-r- imttm thii to teiike all his prnmir sand engage ments bol ins majrte tbonhl bi med by uurv while iiiiualiii ijie hcriticsh kw u lmg bis dtlermtl reionin brman r jonaih iftv anlialliy lo kinp and kingly poe or prcws wa know to be vrry sicihi- and pertiap in ahttno ususff be ui nhl but why tjwse backbone kepumieana shoirtj h r fnr ienil iin iln trail 111 lire hiflory n line of ilwgreaiou tyrania who en disgraced a sccrain intiwsptiedde j foatin viovs a line of p msnent tu litieatioiw of ibe strinest drcripli is ahant in he eonslruclcd upon the fronintv t i wren new urimsnsek and tjurbec- lliry v tl la mode wilfi refrn t ifa mlinded mituriy lsssst to protect or wri il as tlie ijh mav rsitav a soon aa ibe uvey and plti are nnplttl lhc lissftui wiii hr eooiiiirneed hni lines il k 5s if tliiat iiiiijh tinani nretrtit inimnun of giving up this ebmy to ih rjovcflhsl by 1 1 self or any oilier mitam we hivc not heanl whlhrr tbo elim will i- rlmdst o dimovr attdki rec- ull it will i- ucosdeie wiuroul iheec pin f the country arc al jucwut mwch cipsad jlw- firf 7iw tne w true wc have htd all aort f wrthr mire our laia bllle ain- me unrti scarvu suitdime ml bard fnl it river slill ttld untl ihe cfinr rai piitiv an nn uivst4 rjishiltly ol pmditee lin hei hrmielrl m dntir ibe ii u daa in t ofa sjteedy hrrk iifi n uie od the stnn i namm itnly and wtnvl are i k in ill dinreliona the emwa 111 citnaiderablc number are cawing m ikbbtnl an tieiru lion 0 rpnti nheiil 110 rrwvesi j ami vslirdaf a snhlary hn wn m ins wnv ihnukh stnliiifiiil tiwa vrj n no ui inuleillr aa ytfe msuaai lre reamer ttinit caplaui rubrm eimin j hiritadv trinn i- l wee n tnmuso ami i4iea mi miniayeavin tnmla every innrtnnf and rrhimmr from lmeai qms its too nd xbgw ai tlv allirfrthci htrss v