British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), April 9, 1844, p. 3

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mi m in contcqurare of the severe blow rteeivej pn his he ad f remain j ins i r h i for an r eim luiui ami ejthaorhhn liamftw lacorcirtt ifcf nr rl hi reason ht ia alill in a vrtv mtt atiiu mtualinn ncrrann so far a i have hctn lut u inta is aw- for lint deliberate at tempi at tnvirdclnrihf tlun aaj toih mr motet and mr mccuhnirtiharr ever irtrirej inrmclrv active ami cificieril rfywtf in tbeir tftitte on heanrsof th lisnaaclitr mr wheeler immrilnlely irftftfpfj to th peel rsl irn hjffjci to hrclt rcl ttn9 h of inter- rn- foane f llicrn eit thv tnm rrrw hw- frontier 1m t only leccetattd in ai noli east who ha bee tincr ieconeil a a partaker in tht fray isto mm michael bom anl dame mr tr ie were last ftism lojeeii m jol thawed with mtu leewtard in lh abort outiae niagara caroiikiv tyris 3j laclltne canal we uajtrstanj that he utmurrt en hie w now in pragma on hit tarhitte cirial etrarkor monti tot liixner wav they hart hctn iiiditcol to lake m step because trtey reason thi infmufll a the fiteteat sea son tftabtet iht cmtflktwi to work tnsne itaurs each day loer than in winterthat it i therefore equitable hit hboaacr houm re ceive omlhiic beyond the winter waees this arenrotm r plausible trio- and ma loni aft iht laaomci coixw tlirmirlve within the lethal tutuvh neither in relit ring or inlimuaunj the crntrartor- vel on the contrary quietly and uniformly lefuting lo work unless their drrriandt art met no person cio juttfy tompliinof llieif ennjnct j hi any attempt lo lllain thtir object by violrnce or physical gcmoiwlialiot may entail as dil irouc retain a beauharnos witnessed we havt tl timtt ihua spoken aosntwtut warmly in defence of lh rles of our countrymen bt- caiasc with ill their mile and foibles we felt that ihty merely claimed juvtite some wnl- nn bift taken umhrae at the fiecdoa of 0r tr r tome iaditidtfih have hten ofltned with our advocacy of a claw vrlom prtln- ftjoii they deemed abord if not daneroua hut we neither rrrtl the eoure wt preiouly punoed neither ihallwtrefie our aid to the laborera on lhi occasion while thty limit iheir operations within ir jal aud cofttiimional bound while we ihut expies our yrnjialliy with ibe workarn w canoot he unmindful of the fact thai many who might otherwise eommit- eratc thtir wanta and futterine view their peeatnet in the vicinity ol hi city vnih un enint if not tiivatiftlaetion tbey are pointed fttia men ready and willine to lend ibemietveft o a political ftirtyfot the avowed purpoae of iran plth down the eleciotal fran chrfteand by heer force and physical strength dnvinj the peaceable voters from iht pou we deal not in rumor we apeak with fun knowledge ot the fct that deiininr men hie btentampriinx with tht cinalltrs inj urein them to lake a part in the approaching election wr warn ibem to ihun such advien their mfaitia a lepioich to any party much more to one claiming uhe liberal and we ttcom viend in tht ationei terms to the labourers eow employed on the lachine canal to hold atoof from any comhinatton or orahiiation of tht character ii question at it can only rctull an injury to those concerned while it engen der in the breisu nfthr citizens an tmfnendly feeling towards a uy of labourrn who so freqanlly appeal to them for aimlaact and iiir r u tiej april 3 from the cape of good hope we hee received the mercantile gazette published el cape town to hie sftth of jan wrxch we a i is tha nmfe reeivea we sjivu tatimu allowing uw aute a things in hat extremity of the world the pro erei ot eiviliiation c they art ami ejtftii fwnop t womaaa laaaaai to tht arrivals in table oav daitin the last aetek have been numerou amonpat which we call the attention of our reader to that of aser majesty a steamer thuniterholt comman- r bioke from the wot coast last bcnguela liavlne on hoartl upwards of 300 negroes jiart of 1200 taken froti ihree vessels eantnr- by her the following is a copy the aportand other paniculan which hat been visidly handed to ut for insertion 0aervd oothinf until our airivat in little fnh bay vrhere we aiw tome vessels at anchoi sent an m to board one which proved to be the oenxutla packet bound to lnbon il january 1020 p- oberved a anion port beam went on m chase sent a boat to koatd had ofuo staves on board observed anothrr vessel went in chas sent a boat to hoard her and fouudshe had s3l shers 3d january j2 so am went on in chaise of 1 achoonrr tat sight of her 5m observed her aain weot on in chase snt to hoard her and found jit r to contain 216 slaves immtiatrly on the arrival of the thundevml sntamebay on ilt 201 h inst the collector of h m customs landed from bes on tht beach at tam r i 29 men 59 women 1ci 4oya87ilt md 16 infauts total 31 j aierroeaarkaai of wbom weie in a rety sickly and ovbifitated state we have to natiea tht arrival in table bay of the margaret cajit drake frutn pcrt nji she left that poit on the 10th inrt mnd the followiot rie auhsunce of the in- cellijjenct received ay her iy a private letter from kirurmiofitxbur f ju ii it aipears that trae continued vtrv owll thai very few wagons ntcudtd tbt dw ktt i l tl attributed to the unsettled state f i lit m i there especially with reird to the tenure of laud by ih emigrant fjfmcrs sotip even apprehend fresh duluihances but wt would hope without the lrat foundation itkvived in bonds that will tnablo us in thii ume or peril to ts tho attacks of our involernte enomiet whoto aolo aim ia our extipation from this country for ever that tha grand lde of ulster do receive into union oil lotljtta in the province whiehinas- wiih lo inin themselves to it and that all cihimv mstoea be ei offurio members ol the grand lodft of uhttr hardened ciuminms the court of assizes of the lme wat on the clih nisi occupied with iht trial of three a hardeued rulfiiris as ever atood at the bar of a court of justice they werea man named colin alrrady under condemnation lo ham i uhoi forliftloranatrmpt almurdtr druron i under stnlence to the same punishment lor ten years and fr iendtiftder twieo tondrnined to i the hulks for life for attempt at murder they were charged with haeine on nov ib attempted tosethrt to the central prison at loo by which one prisoner uamed deivioe sva sacririctd and threevhers much injurtd the three prisoners avowed their crime declar j in that they did it to get removed from tht prison were it even to tht tht director of the establishment in gwiiig evi- deuce declared that from circumsiancrs ht was tnductd totliink frieil lander leas aruilty j i the othets oo which colin rose and told the court that ur reason the director spoke inns was that lading thtir plan not likely to succeed this time they wished to secure some future aneans of revenge lor the hardships they had been made to endure in the central prison they at retort considered that fritdunder having always conducted himself well dorine hii confinement had hit best ehanot of hting acquitted in this affair and would at 1 luiure opportunity repeat the offence wirh better chance of success fiiedhnder ac knowledged ihis to be their plan in the course of tht trial m guilmot the surgeon or the prison was called on by friedlmder to testify 0 iht truth of some fact but which that r i r dtnitd a short time ifttr juftl as the president waa about to commence his sum mine up aery was beard to proceed from the witnesss bench and m guilmot was seen to fall to the rround bteedineconioslv from a blow on lha head from fricdlander heavy woolen shoe which the latter had thrown at bim whtk id guilmot was win- removed from iht court the prisoners conducted thtrr- selvei most violently elrufltob the ensdarmtft and crying out that u it waa death they wished for death rather than the central prison the guard were immediately in creased and the tolditrt ordered to ust their hayonrts on the slightest riotous mov- mtnt on ihe part of the prisoner each of them was held by two gemdarmes and a strong party well stationed around the mioocrs were all condemned to death i- i a- i ii i ariie iktd ktue tlwscpascr totlio swih uf janiwry at inut usb i tin j and nrv tity wuul rtpet in ru thr aetaaowssl ii if i hvnuvidvo a nil itokanvd tit m arenliif how bn- th i rlmmi- it full h4d not no- beariil ue dm rwie bamhtv ltuwdj i withlhi htjl a tfttit ihim nir utivlil in th 1 nle llsorw oil inib of hi tifici audilaaeu pvacwc haw fiubtidwd fteeoyiti from fell to the 18th of norrmbrr it w hun frrtd rhi slihiii cm hid hem tnven primr iha h unfirtucihte if ihut tnenl ia whut rria as pvrvenied lo bo ftuhi rniiiry ivru how t i uf niur in ci u-ni- iitr re ao many ehwfujnp n mmttl of bevfatrok if a butlct that rcititvtkkm tnuid daily neeur ft fortunate that the letuitj tike ouch poil frysle rms nwfjo vltmltlj njicjara an friu lueont4t rt st mania4sf ativnl irali flff b lv sitnpfitjii fmi ina- ijjy- imw itsk silt c apt s rir1 tb v5un7 irmp left cepc luytpmrmth iilh utl for st j a littu issbtsd sraih cite alasut t diy luirrli fmmcape hafuim tkrcity iid so lw etmn- ly sortinrd mid irilt bo wol chfnided txi iliotuund more tnvjps were yet v leave for iht intcfhrv t- lltvwu a cra eoltm sv4 stou afvilfh method of ap prtnj tie ttaveanf lh ora hi le n riyenlty oonk inved wtih pmntivfl mne pmctieal revdu liion the propclthig wp in loi hiiel is to mike ihi bieokrns uro diicernua eoist rrr oa then owfl wkimin aignil to sailora lne lotentot peopowi to hate tallow limy tnoored nea te jiitrrr ou cost or aandtunk to sihitti bovjjc mwwhal elbr ure to be alts mrssltoiitfur on the pnneipte of aeeordhn m ti- be ittol to the p so iw mhm tr- luy tf and u lh if tvavoh ll us hekjtkr hh- bear it thaw aii liastsfci twv ucimo rim liy 111 iiaj d ittiiij nii i hi iti piecfr nrsl with tutrswi ssadi urw tkvit iw aah aluvaitiirw jii mnuaissil wstk vbstass aamtu lnsa ihi snrtriu ibey laavo rv invsuh if ov4lrt rmsll lin a la trvr etlhd ifikfi imund noir innny mtstf wrev attuimig an eatraflej hoihl ilr ruiti vi which biiko nrrtiprd ofc and terrc frrf fcol tin ya and mtftff a tlw priiseiadl fmita nnd to ohtaici thew wnnwu aa well at tn- n tarrm tho trr liko intnkeya 4 in their iftmrm and iwtllylheoweirh other down inv llhesrtnreffrfilyiiaud ad have ihifk pol i- tnimulue eyea nl flat noani tho hair not wodly and n ihe wuhio eraehra the vmldee the isaoa bate nu beard iv nail n- pred how 1ui n tse handi and tet like an ckwtjkmsand bi ployed in djpinf fcr iejv re ifjm mm of the owe of fire perlomta ivrv in infaney wlh a pod tmintnv ao tu lffivr flothiflr aave ihe v tariilnfe but they neither uttnu nor paef lir lw rniinent wnrn n a veklaee crmiaawj of the pn proce of a ber fafnwr a aztkim arramuea not unlmvky throw from or branchnv im eir e hy ihe brcjfci ra ile u ami eaur them to illif wi jll tkcnric touicf and are lowed up mid dowr njy be sorctd ihrouh warnioc sounds wscli loutlcr as ihe m ned mor rh and th lun pr increased this lorofisson atetaw capable of many improvements and adiptatns to rarytnfr circuiiuuneea it rcquirea no jrcat strvtch of tanee l cooerire unt as liehihuvea have tlirir dulincitvc jifhta ao lliesc tonkacdsipnau iny he made lo ciee forth diatinclive mouoda and tall aloud actually m the voce of the atono the name ftf tlse coail or rock t which they are bound jnoufh darkneaa and sof thtir warning crku ouad penetrate cudin too bowddeecd ma riner in hia course when beacoahhta and und- marki ate ukiiu xacls arib straps original ant stint the tvqaisfoon to ov a mar 1 1 m eac and that fnuemaoa reply arc unaroidably onnllcd they will appear in our next a letter from rome in the garrff ove dux relaui the followinjp tmkal ereot bfo no aa hae- int taken place a abort time af o in ibo moat tw ducoted part of the city and at a period when the aireru ore ftnteaslt hjtlest about fauf oclock at a bow tiw ordu noftde of rome are floek to iheir peomenade io tho nrdenaof the vula boreheae from the door of a hooav aovinin tha hop of a cbemiat ot the ingle if the via ba ti and the v condoui a you woousn x out pale and bleedsntr watb a utitetto plant rd in her breaou she could not apeak out pointed with her finger to the haft of the digger ft the tawa of route ehemula are interdscted under penalce of fiftp nd i ri fn irii j- i acting under anr trtirnunewhmeteeainhraicianaorktreront itsiwofaau aaytum nonaeouenlly lc cjieiniat of the via babuibo refused admvtanee to the poor i i u r r- 17 her to haalen to the hoatital llrr tfnmglh however was gone and aha woull hare fallen on the pavement had not a enrnpaa- annate old man srot a chair oul ofllie ahop aeatrd mr in il and held tier head on liia thouldrr sho ii ynonf and handaorne and hrgamlr drnrd ttiwih in a atyk thot ahowrd aha did not hewie to the higher ordera of society the crowd nalu- rdly cithcred round her and namtroua ohvrra ihhis wii made and conjeelurca formed at last l mem if hh aulure f eltirss a eight of htf ottr ile ikid of the real 1 1 i 1 u ah i told her what j i but ahe would fotkiw her own fnouh anav tvjiaat once captained the myatey iln ir waa one of tboaa handila whotn the hi- tilwal poliee tan never areeot hot whoat last com prouiiw srilh the tioernnwnt by aecta wtm or vut aremto to paorar fiuirv numerou have hern tho altempta to render thr waveaof the aca aralubve for propelling machine ry ainons other plan an empty cash or a raft of limber floating on the ecu his been attached to a ion abaft on liie ahorr and ihe motion eoai muiuestcd to the shaft lit been nptied to turn a whorl in l aame nuntser aa the beam of a tcamcnine lilllc uae however haa hithrrto been made of the oci nations of the waves bui tliere ia now a project on the topis for brining the unruly waters into luhjclion and for makm them propel ah pa iissead of oaam them about it ia well known that tle motion of the wavca is uimicd to the aurfaee and thit the water fw j tranqojl even in the strongest gate ilia pro posed therefore lo have a mge horizontal arr auapended fnim the bottom of the abip by rods in the centre to setee as a pvial oopiii in the rran crud water other rods fited at each enda of thr plane are toriac pcrpcndscutarlj on uk dcek and to these rode are to bo filed ntcheterrna acliac on toothed wheera that when the rods ore pyfled down the wheels are turned round when the head of thoebip is lifted by a wave the ratchetarm of tho rod in the fore part circs the toothed wheel a turn and when the bred pitches down and the stem ia lifted ihe wheal on iho after part ia turned thus the ihip moving up and down while the pune beweath iaateady loveenbtei the numcoac beam or a atoanatiginc in ahtrmat iog action the tnotiona communicated to thr toothed wheels arc transmuted topaddleaorto an archimedian acre w and applied to propel the ahip ft laevident tint in deep water only could aueh a plan be pracoeabta and though fcaaiblc enough theoretically it ia vrry ueationabo whether tw rewstanee rf the fobntd pline to thr motn orjn ii j mu- itthr bvtfj a mt ji j pfrchmg puwrr to be gained hy ita ooeratttin a srs4ir v v ainguar inatanee of hm doo dc aterafna br fom ihe north haa v4ifrd thev parte a rww h tipcnnvin if he nt already rear lrd it jtemlu hiinrtfotcroidovtron llae ure gnnind boii three oi frair pafto raeh day on lit way lo the above unlioned r i b d that hr havtravctted in ihu fnnier al ihewjy fnmi ut narc in doing wliteti h has ensiitnr4 nine tn and three months w acta out at djwn with thick clotliatwd round mhody and ltausanj nnd hsving reached the fttoae aud upon be perform hia detctliona jfid j- lhr n l of ilw dy with hia family who travel h ii n biillotkearta h si fnred aa he i otonf by his eon youth of ten or twetv wto of age uhde tire mustciana of die viltaj inch he ieaveaofuf hut to which he it goinr ccompuny him with mu- lie and shouting thou o l aain wills admiration uooi h j pr and npfjuudiiif hirn ao a great aoul u ifl rttigioua suift wlwn he cornea to a tank or r or other pbcea which lie esnooi croaa by nnf on the armund he wjlkathrodghthrta o- th ouwr side he rous the aame distance alonr hank and boek afam when be ruchea can cornorin he ia to win plain lam and watt thro till iwosta the fruit nf t to ihe deity which wiahip after hkh thry iay he ia to mil ogam to benurvc on thr othee aide of the gmvul i le a afoul man f about 40 yeara of stft and ia aasd lo w nm much injured by hia avotcviim this act in atawd of being ref ard- n waaie of lime and libor ss rrrmbed by the hindoos generally a an evidenev of the highest and mannimuy od yet aome of thenvnhghteiwd prubuy by chrtijmiy regard it my unliea indeed whieli ksnol certain kdcriva a aphiidid profii frotn il in the oltennr of ih peope q rtaiti it ia that hi family inairltn a most rrspetlatnv ap psaraiwe but it u mull that he wu a man of pro perty before he act oui wi hii efunge pdriniagr many will probablv oiovf thia an instance of miuaken pety but ne real cause of h beng known wdt perhapa exn moit other imumri- ol hiodoo derotbon- ft appeara he had noehild and beiise unable to a thia eil whirh the uindooa aeenba to lw ns of a torawr inrth made a vow to hia gj that if c wovlil grant him a son he would liortrtake the penance which he ia now performing a son wa born to him the aame who fan i h j he rolls alon it it baid but this uprobnh j cale that ho did nnt jt once begin hi vuw in consequence of whkh thr child became blind sow rha when he act about hia undertaking a reairfation of childa sight wat granted by the twy reehap list buainrw ia werably plraaant in ihe man by lh time ae- enmpanico aa he is kv pomp and prottr l but even if it were not ha ear of tonne hia chtfd by ihr ancrr of the god would be urneient in keep him faithful to his promi vtihv aavaall ft am the aclmoncr dvid knger from new york mr ivnoonnot being able lofand an such neroa as it was directed to proceeded to open it luckw he did ao at iho bottom of tlie hog had he ofiened il at the tnp hia hfn woud prnbahly hate jaid he furkil umn npeinn ihr hnxhi- fmiud ahtcc oj hnae- mans rtlstolf one of which was luadtd heaeils with buckshot and cocked and ao ulaeed that any person openinf the box at ihe tp tould have been hkety to irevivo tho charge tbe irififersof ihe two were hcth aecursd too ijslols were covered over by j i- 1 i hold of then tnn amt the caies so that i wouhl have canted the wtarou lo discharge in tlie box wctt some decaying pine apples jhi oana placed there no doum as a blni lo deceive wiiclhei tht caplainoftht daniel aofeil knows lisi whom the boa wai rt- ctived we do not know hut we hope and trust that the wretch who attempted this foul deed w murder will bo krreltdout it is a most rnyateriotia and evrramdimry jhir anj oihl lo he thoroughly aifttd inat it wat not a mere piect of liurkiue ihe loaded pistol corked and primed with a cood unit tn it avid the trigger securred hy a suing places be yond douht no such prison as mr m a lioconth is know in the city and ihe uttsump- tion lhcifortis that llr ftvor was desined for mr dcnoon je however is aafr hap pjlji end has made a hrace of pistols out ol the elair m all evcnls ifimuirf star t national hotel nrkllikctom sttateta a j s t sto illi ubscribor lctja to inftirm iti mil rjiq public m itiuii thru ko ha titled up the above kttoljiab- moot frrrnerly kept ly b inmlirs arid itrtentls to sparci nenlier iriublo nof expense in mnkiitg it a place ui every way suitable for the acrcomrnojatinti of tjicwfl svht may favor htm wiih their patronage the hoosa ia sittiatetil in the business part of the city and crtnsstsof excellent sitting dining and beil rooms ia well furnialieil onj at- tentlcfl by thiao who are iloairoua of makinp ravellcia ia comfortable m possible iaaaeitgera conveyed to anj fixim tho boata gratis parlor in atlentlanre at the bonis randolph d 1meusox kingsion april 9lh 134 2stf af a pen an and rtlirsquiahinf their prroalory lieea tne id ir- uoanah waa a pirt of rcapeeuibte parrntan whom when yocn he had carried off and made ht wife in taller day he bad bceorne indibterenl and bmlal toward her and ahe yielded to tha c duel inns of a young neapolitan she aoon repent cdllii wroof attp and deternitned to break with hrr inamnratov she went tn her hueband whom te hj quiitod with hia own rncnt and told hun f her rraotutron but ht advssed her aainu r atyue bto esteet warning her that ahe would regret it she rjcrsrcrcf told her paramour that all was at aa end between thcus he showed no niirnfitc merely aaying good bje till we meet njmiv on tho next day he did meet her in the public itrecl and at once plunged hia noignard in to her boanra at length aotnc pojiceofkcrr came and watched the corn till ten at night when a party of ibe fralermtj nf pent ten u ea mo with a birr and carried it away wiih the poign m mi imwiihdrewn the husband hod loifr retired wiih has aaapciatcoi tho chomwt took hack hie chaor and all vraa uiet tho asunaain luui aa ye raided the bawsah of joatico u7 it i in e qiaavna scattowa o llra- vajcr count ooinromccd tbeir seaiiunsontu a- day lau in the former court wc rofirrt to oh arrvc ihal there ia a more th uaoil niunwr of eaamoa enniinal nature and aomr of thcueuf a nnvxr acrinus cliaraele than eoinmon a young man named wright appecmieo to i st tanning botneu vo arraigned on an indictment for taking andarthng htdes and pleaded fuity the court acntrncrd hiin tn an inijinmninrnl of one month lie hd i aie been smnhintr evnnncd the youth of the uleni well aa uk hope llsl tho letaon taught him wold not be suet waa ivo doubt ihe eaine of the lenirne of tho arntenee yerrd7 jolm cowan and j heale were i indicted for vsolerrllr aaajultmf a curlnm 1 loose orrker in thr teeuiion of hi doty the tnal is prccdtng today ti n kiap was alto n dtrted for larceny itsc libel caw gowan agtoh harria waa betirr the flrand jury yrleday but tjie orrvnge clcbs ireland trtt oaaor soctarr the tallowing re volution wait passed unanimously af a meet inr held ii cottraint on monday february i2 18w which wat attended by the rrp t ij lives of upwards of ten thousand orange- nen fronv tht counlirt ol antrim and derry resolved that ihe gani lode of ire land having dissolved themselves the djttrirt anasten here present do form ihtrostivr a rata a lodee lo be called the grand lode of uuler that in conirqurncc of the dissolution of the grand lodeof ielandan thvconsrqurnt system in ibis dieorsmfzatioa a the titanic coautiy it as tapejient thai ibe tame ryiweit caad pnvileeea which were vested in the grand lodge of irtlani during i evittmct be now aaaud in the grand lodge of ulster tbat acamrnitite btappointe to carry out the above resolutions ttial aa uranemen wt art bound to eeservt onahskea loyalty to out gracious jcen being tiolestanl and to support her arii i all her enemies foreign oxdoattaticj that wc will aland together lo defend with our properties and lives ihe integrity of ibe trnplrt cemented hy tht legalatire union and that we will by ihe grace of gott to the heat of ur ability maintain the holy tscriatutes as the standard of faith and morale thai the oisngt loalitutioa commenced when thu kingdom was threatened with iava- aeon by foreign encime and rebellion hy inier- nal fori ami ibalour brethren in ibt year j790 and at all other times havt proved by their acts as yeomen and orangemen the strong atlachaitm they have held to ihe sovereign mdouroacc gloiioua comtrtutian u that we have for socne time put wttaeaa- ad with alarm the rebellious spirit wliich baa thewr itself and we art determined aa froitilarui to unilt oioft closely in lhoe hoai av wasoowoarw the town of wandsworth hao recenitr been the scene of n extraordinary hoax by whaeh many of the liadccmen nave rjflvred eorasioerably for a pt riod of aaatcen jeans naaa of the name of big firll it rea at waadswoeth and foe the j nml part or that time obtained kiahvuigaaa brick- layer labourer about ten rnontha ainee an id i rrttaement appeared in aom of tho papcra stating tliat if a john bigncu foemedy of tun bridcr welb but who waa auppsstd lo hare eo- hted foe a erddaet and gone abroad would eall upon a certain legal in he woulu hewr anmcoling to his adeanuge iv man fiinell altboogb aa tltreafarry suitefate stlsow had laet cjioujrh to perceive that he might turn thia nock to hia ad- he gaeo out that he waa the perwrnal- laded 10 ia tha advextjaement and went up to town a acvcral oceaona oatensiblr to ace oae k gal gentlemen concemrd in the daspoaal of the proper t on bia return from one of thewrjoorntrw he deetared bimaelf the heir to funded property utile has than ur000fana1 frurpi tliat day he di- coatiaued working a a brcktajera labourer to nay a story wholly uncorroborated dund credence in the imncss of toaaj reaprctabtfl tradnmen of the town and asverat not only gave in n uitboundod credil r good but lent turn eon aidtrabto rums of osoney ail went on well tit list week when one of the tradesmen to whom biprkli wboae real name ia now aaeortained to he tleraraariaiadeuedto the amount of 401 him cloactj aato tbo preeisa time when he waa lo nroeavu bianaonay irso clcvw rogue not the kaatdasuoneertedby a queatton so plainly put aaid it wna ssow a matter of exerenienoo to hun- 1 1 m ho cboot to roonea hia money and aa he bad no doubt hia eeocaioea weeo in want of caafa be would appoint os following tbumday for two or ikeae of the principal to go to town with him and rcetst it laradey twrauna came ban the i r i ir tjav waa awn mi iaveniaa in bird af ter fca iberia g bat nct ftoarn soaring hia ered itora to condole with each other opon the fct erf be ing ooafbyaa ikitetate swindler traat thn trcaraen of other suburban towna may not b j upon by thia man wo aubjoin hw peraonal aton r l- u aavwst isry yaaa of age ea ret birawenuaasugttaadfaaaa vetjaimpk tool tog ooujrtonanco they had nn eoneludil ihiir inveatjgaiion vast rrening sinep the above wa in type are learn that a true i i has been found against mr llama nd that cowan and keilr hare beeu acquitted irtorlojur 7reorovr ayr tl t today ialhc frit o aprtl vesleraay morn ing the thermorrirfrr was down to 5 above tcro thia morning to 10 we observe tlial at at on treat it ia stated to havt been below icro on fri day the aaow in ihis vieimty s nearly aa deep a at any lime during tic winter and tht ice beid e on the st luwrenee baa got atronger hy the freeiing or tbo rain which cro at dinereot tiejiealaat rnonih we my yet bare a favorable uprin fiibauli it cannot be now what uosually callcd an early one quroet e april l dtcirnfanco fowca or parvrtaa touj t me with my illegible writing but 1 fear i cannot amend it for 1 moat aot stay to ahape my lettera and i hrc i belarer got a bad habit from the facility with which the printers here make it out i eerily bctieva that if i abut my cita or fling the pen at the paper ao v lo mike any kind of mark the locvi printer would know what i intended to ti they alwrnta send me back my msnu acript with my printed proofs fce correction and t actually hare repeated v been iiaable lo make oo- what j had written until i had r tared to ibe same atick in print fra7o griffin ct eltseacv or rwa caleoosn yvattaa a horra that rwd been arorked i- oie beirk yard ot calrdonu springw in 1839 waa ao reduced bt hard tabor that n waa unable to walk without tot taring and wia alao aatcering from large aorea on the bock and siw the owner thinking it wa all up with poor jack turned him out expecting that the enfeeblrd beast wiwld and hia way to thr wood and die some three months afterward ibe aame perann aaw a line aelire horse full i fleets and tpirita capering obout with tail and rnane crcci and waa auxioua to know who owic4 the rane arvimat i he dad v aaid a true emcral dee andita mcaekcon truye that aame now aint it lire aanae waste that yer turned out lo be ovroured by miaakittieav and did nl i see the poor erathtu go riguurty erory mom to drink ihe waste washer at tho spring 7 ah he u a wnsibk basin that and a rjtruo belaver sor doeaent he go nnd faith he doe now tha waste watber low down upon hia hneea orery morning to kiaa the declhur thai cured bim ahf hea a daccnt eauiataao that atroc borat ortowa drorarc cojeovcr or fusm tuvaois porasn th n rfver siite that the reir rf thr chmirti4iiui m uibmns aim afatfwgr cfoitd with the liquidation ef ihe niorlga upnn the eonftseatrd estates of ihr liii omiraitt ha mad its report to the emperor nl russia up lo the tnn of tail year the report makes ihe number or these estate amount tu43nt which iare cleared of iheehargs upon them the slrus ackttowlmed inlatjaal amounl to 1707100 silver roubles about gkoood and llioe declared to lt illegal lo 351241 1 rouhei fibout srrjueutly art annulled cotinu r all mortgages of itie t1atet during the still remain to 14tfft whih con- in lhetc last art made hy the owners insurrection there be paid oft snotigae acknow ledged lo be legiliinate 10 the auiount of 1251333 roubles about 0ljo0xrf solhat not only art the emigiaats punished hy the confiscation of thtir estates but their mortaee errdiiots are eoually suj ted to a confiscation of their claima the nwtfgoea ontoaay that a numerous claa of ihe lower order of eiohtlilyin polaml who taurated rithtr their own lands or rented farms hat recently bten reduced to iht condition ot free peasants aa they had all shown a firm attachment to the roman catholic faith the fjovernment had decided upon removing ibem into inner pro- rinccs danng ihe last two years 50 kj have bten torn fiom thtir native toil and i in ihe rovemmenu of ihe tauris and ytka- ttrinottaf reduced to the uase condition as ihe ragabond gypsies 8000 of whom have in thrtt y tars been liatd as crown peasant on the imperial domain further the russian government aaya tht tveivrrr ii puisuing with intjiorahlt ierstteranet tht dtstmctioit of the catholic church in all its western provinces use catholic trtrgy art seduced to the most jhsolult dependence byeing deprived of all means of sahtisteiice beyond tht meagre salaries granted by tht slate and every means i new employed to ptevet the renewal of thr priesthood in or der if possible in drive the catholic tcto tht qltonal church ordnance notice sealed tenders will 1 re- ceivtsl at tht offtro if ordnance kinqton till the coth iliy of atiril 1s4 1 for tlie uiro of ftulistojuial svcll buill conimnjioua stone or ukick dwelling houses for omcai qtvtutkns iii iliia garrison ur one vtar frxtrn tat july is44 anil for audi further perirxl at may bo required i he 1rrrniaes ntuat ho convenionily near rhu bairntk in kington anrlapa- cioua with auttftblo fitmenta for the climates thu duiltlinra tnusl be in a cirrplrlo stair uf rvnair imtli inremmtv arnj ivlnhalty for further patlicuinm a o the ex lent uf tho accimmtid jtion dec r ijuiisni at this lim rtip1y at thu bai- rack ofllcoi ivingattrii sliirtii oiticu hmira office w oiilnance i kingston olh ajirit llt j commonalty of kingston clstttsta orntat ttswrl hall kirigaton auril 6th 1844 sealed tentjers will se rw csjived at thia office until monday ihu 22tl slay of aiiril itiatant at ir oclock noon from ptrrsoua wlso aro willing to leaac tne rale charges toll sccu of tho market rsf otso year from thu 1st suy vf 1uy le44 to tlav lt ibtyoj jvftyi4 im hrst named day lsotn inclusive the tenjera to exiirca tho sum rsf monoy in tvorda at length to bo gtveti fir the lease ami the names of two sufficient sureties- it will boa conjitiun of tho tjaao that ho rem aliall lie paid monthly in ad ranee further itifoir lainedat this ortice kale of tssfnt and other vhqcertex at vise roantm coxr- staar auilojmi on toesdav the 16th april will be sold wilhmit reserve 10 15oxrt tvrankay tea vz v j hyson h ito tunpnwder 4 fo impeiial ii nss finetrreen coltre bhbi roasted do it keiasalaratu tl utfli luscorado t 6 sir casks llrandr ri it do white wine 10 hsu vinegar 6 litis tiirjentine cavendish ami plut tobacco cigar hnnm taper cut tumblers and wine tlaas and 3fl do tattled ale 10 rosier 6 llroujn mieiiy salt at ii oclock william ware awt a uf kindlon 29 march ism agency and commission ime suhtcnhrr respectfully lenders hrs atacere thanks to hia friend and tht iuhhc kaavj ally nsr the rrry hheleuopin ur sssm leenred anen it c tertrd tkiamaa in kifimiin anj ha la erfuaml item tliat ho i nnw pretiaralirhitocuflifcniaaiit4tfany ilrrefiutiun r pripi ai in m itand on rha istnarm wharf fi of imte- baraer rvlteie try rrjttri vrll imj ntre 111 sjlta illratjc iiti tn tiuc whu nuy farur itun with tlair jtatniiae l in i rstenire aquamtaura wiih ihe ttanll cvnerally h ia f i that h can d ra ynv aaf prtpnrtj mih a snueh diich aitd so ijfaad atlrjntaa na any other io the earna lino s uuiittes hugh calpeit cnmirsereial wlnrf cligjaiaa u vidl1m ulstiiht ciictltlrul societ 1vot1ce is hereby riven that the an nual meeting 0 the mijianrv lia- irict aritriiliuial society will be hnjden at caautkai hotel in the village of water- hmuritlesfaylhe 16th april is44 of l lie iurpio of appointing officers fur list emuiug year auditing the an nual accounts and making other necea- ary arraiigemonta anj alanfor taking intvi cttiaideraiioii the plan that will be auhmttted to the meeting fur ettabliahing nn agricultural society 111 each town- t chair to be rakrn at i oclock w thomas glaiup r treat m d a a kingston 30th march 1844 furs waktbd at th 400000 kingston fur store mukrat skins 20000 mink skint 15000 mailin skins i0w0 fshtrdo 230000 raccoon do 1000 star do 5000oiter do for which new york prices will hel paid da- jarring the amount of exchange aod traas noilatiori j- a macoowall brock sheet kineston mateh k ism 1 bankruptcy 1 1 ii u i 3 i- vttion n ii anil thomaa it tmation moy boob- s ealed tenders wt baaaatadticoa froca rio tie janaiaato the 3d ult lavarasrareceired at criatfieaftnn wo hare ontr been anahled to obtain a liuk oarat orma h the 27th of jniroary howartr rht v waa cuiol rio grdndc only naa a ulti anrtartaft a taiac or sl t twat beyond thr rrtenatve wildernria which bound caftra on ihe south are tha doko a otimy and prrfeciiy wild race not eaceedin sunr feet in height of a dark olive ceimpkrioo and in sabita even mora closely anprorimatinr to the beaala lliat penh than the buahmen of southern africa they hare neither adola rjor tomplea nor aaered tree but posaeai a rlim m-ni- iiiea of a supremo beinf to whrvn in miscortane such aa any of their rrjativea alaio by the ksdrsarape they pray siandinf on thrir hnaoa with ther foct rrafjnv i m r i a tree ytre if indeed tlmo an whj doat ihno vuuvr ua to be killed we are only rating anta and aak netlher food nor nirnent thau hast raised u op why ooat n eaat down 1 tha country tn habited b y the doko ieclotbed sritha denaoloreat of bsuahon in the cvptha of which th pooplo oon atniet thrir mdc nwaan of bant caneaand aa they hava ao kin- no tawa an arta no araae poaauo ne ihar flceka nor hard am not hunlara nu do culliselc tha aoil ut aubaiw pnlirtly upon ttiepcasccvttoxor the rcwfah jnws is the umperoi nitholaa exclaims the courrkr froncou a christian monarch or the revival of tht ancient ir rants of nmtvah nr bahylon t with hiai peisecution is amean a9 tovtrnrrtnl and tht transportation rn uiesie of 30000 families is a simple measure ol nlmrn islralinn according to en ukase carried into xetuii- i aboulthe idlh i uaiy the entire jawih population of ittjwm souls has been ranipottrj frnm iheir tesidrnct in lithuania to within twelve itafotl of ht frontier- and delivered over to the hiulaliiy of ihe police joring ihe rieoorsof a aorthrru winter milhoul drttinclina of ae aav or condition titus willed the sal man tsar or hie nrburhadnrzrr of st petenhurgh tuts arotity ia the result of the association of two despotisms ol two barbarisms imperial drspoham and tht despo tism of tht ptotecliva aysieirs kiissian barba rity and prohibitive barlaiiiy the jtwith population is suspected of iievniin- itselt lo wwlksvi and insttdof punishing tht sntliy tht cr found it more coutrrtient to chastiae fi jt ofmmnjf ssmf the whott body of israelii it ig not only against the jews of lilhesnia that this system has been enforced by russia the aame measure is applied to all the jew 14 the ntitfhhourhood of tht emporora dominions the israeli tea of moldavia over which poaic russia already reiyns have been compai to txpatnate themselvea wt need not ve nark how much such an act aaroura of inaaay the emperor nicholas when be display fanl is mtrtly a customhouse olc j aiatn f u the mail of tht ornoip 0 loe urifft flf the prohibition under tht feajtjna- and of ih pcotecuve sy tnforcedt y thf autocrat mrmaioua arrata- a extraordinary aitair occuired this city terday iodicatme a moat tielanoua attempt ua j if of wr denoon or aooae other ptrfe rij fiu mf tht yesterday a boa a w fff joo also be re- amt tit the ame place from pcivins willing to pay a sum of mochv for rcceiving tlse apjsoint- mem of fire inspector fir orte year from the find ilay of may next with llsc lees belonging tn the aituloii two mtflicient aureiii will be rcfuind caivaua lidtao district to wit itae baukruptf trommiiatin iaaucsl hy itpfueiji f kiaaratoirk eitttc judgo of the mi nl diatrict cotiil jatcd tho fiiai day of april 1s44 firm meeting of crejimra on tuxa- itav the 16th of apiil tntant at the rttcesrf theaaij staffinl f kirkpatrick lmiuiru at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon t a cor rett acrrjsnlriltijfrscf shcrilta offlcr 2j april is44 to let at the hoatl of i mn street a stniiedwemlncf houetwo stories high four kthrrm and a hall on rjach floor- with m cellar and cellar kitchen nnd with the necessary out- buimiug gaiden anj well of good water the above is well calculated for acaenllemaua kuiidcnce the rent will ins mujurate apjly at tht subacribcr a 1 in ontario street wji garratt ktrion 9th march 1sh b s ealed tenders will also be re- ceived at the aanse time and pbec from perston willing fall tlc situation of pound keeperfortlsc town of king ton and also lumiahiuf a proper pound ai the expense of the pony tendering tender tocxprcs the sum of money which will be giver for the situation for one year from the first day of may next in con- aidcrntion of receiving the foea further paiticular may be obtained on application at this oluvc to iet y the subacrilser uia mammoth ore house in wholtror in pn alsoaevcial smaller one near 10 the above can also store any ciuanly of freight that may be eocnmiited to bia eare all the uhovc premises arc ao well situavteel n to the water and convenience that an cnuoirrai 1 of the advantages and mil lion of the place would be rjoedlttaa apply at the office tn ontario street wm garratt kingston 20lli murch ls4e citrtk a ij j tow5t hll kingston oth april 1314 kotice ia hcichy spven that the butchers stalls io the new market house will beuased at puhlic auction at 13 oclock noon on monday the 22d day of apiil instant at an annual rem from the tho lcsheca of each stall wilt be required to furnuh two sureties for the paymaut of the kent further paiticulans and condi lions made known at the ttrze of sato by order of the commm council fras m- hiif cterk c- c notice hereby forbid the purchase of promises snownas snt a fool and 1 half wide waa kit at derteashois by tyzu lipicosub- cart al 6 5 dri hto a lease of the fitchs tavcbh ss advertised in tho bamsh wato of tho 29th marehp aavo aa auhjeci lo my leaae nf the aame which has two ycora to run from the first day of may next with the privilotje of continuing the aame two yeara from thence if i ao please margaret f1tch- dated 7th match 1s41 to let a stone shop and dwelling in rrnck street netar tlte market from 1st may ensuing which is new oc cupied by jamcs mcuowatl furrier fir terms apply at the subscriber a office in ootario streii wm- garratt kingnton 29th march 144 to the independent fakwiold- ers and inuabitantm uf the county op frontknac in aoatvrr ta ihe nnmsroui applicationa thai hart wen made la ma reapaciiaa list oaat rejection i hereby rrsrvectfully infarm yoi that it 11 my intention to corr and became a candi date for the rrpicarnulion of thia county when ihe time shall coma round for a general elec tion at forejrainjt short notice might be uf- rvtienl at iht prceen snomsnt btcauaa i ehtll fully explain at anouer ptria4 cay opinion anal viewa of ihe polllical atata of tht country and ihe measures of rttrenchaseot reooircd io ht rublicearwrwitureoi the revenue and tha uart iht snhawants ahosjlj talse in proanotirif their own advanremtnt and prreptrity yet aa an oprrihfta rlection i lfr tfrftiactly tn meuiion that t hare no deaire lo solieit yoor aujitairra by tujravoriog 1 diminish the meriu or amitin oi cndidata any clalmi to ycei natice ahatl aland apoahijrhar rrounds the commona hiuae ot assembly mnai 1 1 ays he considered part and parcel af the go vernment and responsible corcramml muat always prove nittticutj to tlse inhabitants of canada this alntatf eaublishtrf wt will at now slop lo consider the abstruse aetata in its working iheit bein oaa other thioy nearer anj deaitr to our htarts it ia boldiar faat our earuwrjobj with the mother country and keep- in in a part and parcel of tha n family and brilish nation 5 we will jtory in her rlo ry and our own nation will always take pride in our adrariceraenl to wealth and prosper ity- therehy insurin the due svotkin of the sii- tiah constii h i n beat aaranite forcarvy- in- forwatd our kesponsible covtrnnittit il is not deairablt or wholesome for be body politic that the niannesj of the country ahall be condocled wilhnat reference to party we of rronttnac advocate no tech eytlceiva doc- hint smi tht inhabitants of tht county may firmly rtly oa my coalinatd tatrtiona lo allay- injr anueetsaary party pyml aad acrimonious ftehnr atroneat oarrelres io reality there ts hut jiitie direrence of opinion between the litv eral constivative and the honest ecwtltgtional refotnter thtir wants and interests art the aame to instie succeas we must work loeath- er on a broader basis beneficial rbeasure for ihe rood and advancement of all aauat be oar main cansidt ration such measarea ahall atwaya command my unqualified auppott and alttution and it shall he my peculiar cart in ivinr aa flmchiot assistance in maintain our nut rights and liberties inviolate thttt art ibe out lines of tht itraia of our mutual taearementt in tha which my own independenct aa your representative will bt involved lo ieaere tbo crtattst pousiblt advanuee in pailraateot sa lie confidence mast be nuced in lhn jariamsa choaen lo represent you m thia matter luava the frtebotdtra to judgt for thtasaelvaav ptware of inch bugbeari aa may eet mta circulation about dividing the corntitarricr thrreby allowine tht electioo ta he laat my friends know that aucb cannat be the caea b thai cnuulj or aainlnat sooc monatrona peta- may come up and rue awar frith tht aettro- ment of lha country allorethcr sock an treat is also impossible abide your tiaae ca eleedoa and think over tht corwetjaerteee ooheinjc elected to reveeeut you in patv hament my rttirtmant from ibe naval du- parlantnt will forlow a sptatflr portsoo of my time may then be devoted io cooaoltiny wsih the township autrioeitsea of ihe diatnci with a tirit of bringing to nalswity aoaaa af our many contemplated internal impeavemavlt i nay also even seiiitiudtcj teluk tf car farm- n tnlertsia i remain your faithful frieod john bennett haus township of pittahnrth t 28h march itei x taajlmmondss colonial magazine and foreign 51iscellany- no 3 was published on iht 1st maach price coxrcwsl recollrclinnt of alffltia wilhvtw of the city of constantina and three woodcut iirastiatioos avsilah besnntcea of the weat indite by dr brnne 3- van diemant land in 1842 by a lata colonial polite magistrate 4 on the arn- tniiuia or hindosran by c w jobnsoa escj 5 tht prospects and proems of wea irrn auatraha by alexander andrew e0 6 ne navieaofthe world 7 the trad aiu commerce of sirnanorr b our nolo lklclimait of new zealand china lice a btauliful indian speech 9 re- riewanfnew works the stranger ia india noufll and the antiuaat wurraya colo- nial library e 10 colonial intriheence amfllica of ihe trade and ctmtrte af jaw sssaau and the ntwtarirt ii hoaue aaaafav i biribs deaths tc notice to pensiodferrt apomuutbd pensioners ire hereby inform j thai tbo uaunl pay- ment- are auanenjcsl for the present and ihat notice will bo iaimeiliatoly v m aa aoon aa onjcia ahull bo rccotvesl ro returns them clirl3lfa ilsm miimflnbpaijon nreaentitis themselves at tho commia- aariat office in kingston but no cum- iruied pensioner can be paid until r- slier ordera cnmmiaaai iat canuda kingston iflh march 1j44 sllung opp at cobt at tmc belfast warehouse bltock street iff f- boyd a co respectfully in- lma forms their friuncfa tod th puhlic that thoy are selling off thnir sreaernt stock of fancy and staple dry oods at coal kingston 23d march 1811 to contractors npenders will be ietret from compntcnt persona fnt tbo coo- atructioaof nrte or all of tho bridges at the bote de vu montnal tho tendera to be cleliveted into tbse office on or before ibe lotfa of april ncai and are to be accompanied by tbe wriiton consent of two solvent rereoos who are willing to become securities lor rhedaeperformaowcif the work 10 tbai full aatnfaclson of the lacsard exf works ij in strict accordance with the itutnjctiona plaos and aptciracaticae which are to be seen at the office of a battkattt esq college street mcsntre- al ami at the office of the board of works kingston where also may be had printed forma of tender and all further informatiod which may be required thomas a begly bceh of worw kinon 18h march ifw4 to be sold by pubuc auction atn saturday the mtfa april nestatiaoonthe lkase roa a renal or kane of that well known tavern stand and promisee a collins bay formerly kept by mr p j fitch with about 40 teres of land an nexed good security for the due per formance of the lease will be rsutred rosaesaion to be given on the 4th day may next the terms of the leaee will be made known on the day ofsele triiateta to lawrence hrjfichmebj lewis wartuan township of kingston march ssib 1s44 theeataleot p j- filcb 50 ror saul casks port hrjpe wh1s- key by the subacribor john h grrseb kingston march 13th 1844 for sale fayaa barrels liverpool isfaw salt cheap for cash pleaae cell at the office of the sub scriber in onurio street wm garratta kin mtrcfaj levua

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