it1sh whio in risk ml mmum krr if 1 smiffihly nibww fkiday at ttlh thfnfjim tbhh n rovnn tlwi m- ah v kit nn irn lflrn1 wfclsfl- ml jfwl ioi h v 44 hhvmmb iw w h ri lfiprhm kxr1nr 11 f mm rr i ftfl imvuamju u rf i tvhthim isi atiuptrl nr mflrm riil le uritiol luiig and general advertiser for canada west i itiff 1h1i vol xiii kingston canada friday april l 1sh no 2 l tit it m41 i- hr tlvmiwimvr tks sltlluxot tnmn rmitiith ttfttinfchmrimti vvr4itiiiiniirr- 1 v fl 4tpjtr for ih 1r nw wlsr tnil pih f rstw1 rv- lobtrt n- snilcv p it 1 n t b i ri i pf1l ll tkinv lands for sale oft jo 10 j 11 16 11 lrvrtimlh onltr ssfmssh v rupv n s w s i fflirrv st tfh iw sk- isrjtinri- hi s hmwvk vim iff fp4 cjrt l 1 east hair r u wwrt mci 1 kim 11 wm 11 squill 1 vvitinir is dcrts 7bsmiati 100 richmond fi 10 4 11 so 100 100 50 too soo camden frrwria modoc marmora craig 4 watt accountants out ofar ttfit itvr jo t n c r- t du iiowa kd urma fpo oiw ttwjinz tlmi kingston mrs houston silk ind harurd dypf onj sroarrr clcantlk 11f 9facd4ltld ft imbii rtiitcxst iintct kiiftok john a macdunau alexander campbell mr kenneth mackenzie ttmikr u uv sotirilk in liirrry ir i clarec street kigsw- a fv doors abm w fofw of mr 0- v mtupdby awi rtufus v fowat walter bales sciu p b i a t e r gulicr i piptr oilier at hit old stand quwo suei op- poiiw the mvclianic lnuaatc- kidjcmon fcb 18 h frmicvctils172 tlir jbovo lois will be smu oxttcmc iv wishing grot baiitain ut liini lino had bettor call on iho sub aciilnt wilhoul il-iay- in fiutber particiitor apply o kerb waddewi co ulcfgoto warehouse kinfittv mirch 1344 226m d macdonald commission merchant commercial wart fttmldlsgs hwf o princess strttt tenders ht th ki to ihc tmde nd ltimkfoi tbtir liberal luppoft hitherto u would inform hem ihil lie h fft fttitinrmvnuwith miexporirncej auctioneer and will lc rppy lo sell for penont it ihcii 4 or khitm w 1s44 f buiinr cuigci stouage and wharfage ffllhk undemgnrdbaviir- 1 pari prcnuift lately ft t iumtk snip chandler kingston ugpomteft m latsftt cjtali cltus asd an cjicia oaxoi tar ntcw so hosik naval stores or etciy deicriflioa boilcj linked oil antl paint k n 1- mire 128 l rafyrffffu david martin painter glazier paper hajtgbb 3 dooraabovothe scoch church prin- wtistnw kingatoti n ft whiloivailiing aj coloring kingaton feb 10 113 wanted immediately bt lh sulrtcriher two hun- dked thousand musk- rat skins for which gj cub will bo pa ai the scorea ut william wil- dt wotherspoon fcijrtoti march 4 18 l 19tf f im prcoisea lately occupied by mttrtax sadeson jfc mviiuav on scbir wharr will bo prepared lo ra ccive in store and abip 10 any pott on the lake bay or river produce or m- ritiize will ma jit arrangement ttr imtitfll reaidinr at a dietanoe tor op or down freight rocoivo property on coii4i charffb moderate d macd0nald kinghton 19lh march 1344 farmer wanted an frxporicne farmer with afamily capable of working a farm u shares can havo an excellent oppottu oity of ai uating biiraelf by applying to the subscriber thomas greer kiogatoa ith march 1s44 nonce the subcnbor having leaded the preimaea at the foot of princci street lately occupied by mr thigh cahlcr willhavo constantly on hand a gcnenil aatortmeat of grcerici which ho will tell ou as reasonable terms aa any in the trade d f campbell comncrcht wharf kingiloo juue 16th 1313 for sale v ot8 no 18 19 in the 10th con township of kawdon victoria dutricl lot no 14 in th jd dm township of goorgeoa homo district lot no 10 in the 10th con rich tttcmad midland district togethei with 3 aoveral parcb of lot no 17 broken from first ctin- on second k 4iijje of the towotbipof richmondi midbnd via- triet apply to messrs forsvtji ic muttukovhi srtiorif aiariftn kingston doc sth 143 a white fish few barrchf uiisvciy suporior article on hand also a fcw baneu talo seal oil forsak m t huntbk xkip auxtvttt ortfrlr strdtt kingston dc 1 lj ni imww ilustutf d e 1d pictorial tiuest roa 7d xacii fnhg subscribers having a consider- ml able quanuty of the above papers in ini eg onsold will dispose of tliem tho reluced price of7 tjd per no ttje back nos of these they need eesurcely state aro much suporior to any thai have been lately issued bamsay armour 4 co kidgalobj march 19ih 1su to be let an possession given in may next v jj that beautiful and com- fs4 i l raodious house nspttft vv- wilh every convenience snch as rain and well vist water citeroswahhand basin in the bedroomssink and hydraulic pump in kitchen patent water closet double windows cart iron fire places stc tw whole of the house has been newly i and is in first rate order rent mifdcrjlo a i on the prcmisea lo the proirietor geofice uoiyxf jlrchittd kin feb 1s4 one n v kewahd kan away from the sub- setter en thursday 7lli iiut john mnhnnjcksnia- denlcj apnrcstit t u the blsck- ftimthing vaiintss this it a ciution iny otfton oc pmom out m it or empleying ibi wid john mlnhknn1ckjix they will be inwuted lo ha u i iol iior of lbs jsw william davy kintoo march 84h 1811 removed c kennedy ot co have r inotedto the store forme riy oc cupied by messrs r h t kae ontario street kingiion dili february 1s44 notice for saie by the subscriber a rifle left with me by t hoh- im- fisr vin if not redeemed within one month from this date it will be sold by public aocuod for ibe charges wm moore gunsmith bvrritfuttl march 12th smn store to let t i i- rotail part of the promisee lately occupied by mr gronrt ross comer of begot and princess h iri dingctlj opposite iho lamb- ton house being a first rato stand for any retail buabess rent modereto enquire of rod ross kingston 19th dec 1843 teas spirits and wines a so a ockksul assostvijct ot 0h0cvjut fttofetob ami rxtait 4 t the coamiauoa stars sf the subscfiber which he offm u low foe cssh as any house iit ibe trade twadoors below mr john t brock street j o- petrie the new ahdkanfsai liniream puince edward catft imxikii 11 i ll enmmonce uniting n tin- e imvui lmmi ruulo all mon day next and roiaiuue during tho en e to turn itirmriku llrctihua or tatbtotvn of kumston iu rli ijujfunr li wiu sumtr aeaaosi fo mw ii ksvp- tti-llfvilj- for kinln crcm monti w 1 thiotv mofniit t oclock a alioiiclih4al tb ialef- mc lislt puon vi br hrav ilwi nd will ifmsre cftftttj svhaif kindlon foi bvlcviljt mid tldtiveftintrvtiylvlijtai tmcuiiav aud iiituimv morninr i j olock am touching l the lutcnuedijlr alacca n b pancc free for rcveicml gentlemen or all iiiitiinstioiis aprils ism kington steam boat notice mvm pss llnism mr iuhumi cufv i i l spjhiiaihivai hi mt n nt tnn oii r wb i lhr mi lailpwl attntp ttu mttiiti- f 1 ih a ri 1 rsit m a iun rlf f ihr rltna4laaei i ilhui u v iniitnn r7 mi tfaeabi ir twhilss- fx frri4mn ti hrtmjil i w irttlt rt tln d ilriit rrrilir h 11 ji l it i lit i jit sntelf wuiiiirnl aviieai sfmai noektlhi r li k tv niuhjn of uiw w i tin pit in il i ivare uihi iirmtinik bwrf tbi mnvr b li in i j in ii irii i ill t iirfi loi if irrl 1 fun hftjtitit j will tt li rltimt nltw ttii llii rwtc i itf lhw4i rtl hi wjn until ittf rttin aoj aaslu4 sneimrt i w- itiltbtd hrni v i r wbwmibvaenk ijty pij wllmllitimjrwn iiuia i fiv t fl mistitn1vl if- ii t hj irilmf 4thv i ne ilm mimthiii mi l ir- tatirtlho uhmi mljlwuh ii lovltfamt lb i ti co4iiiturnry iv mvclnjcs br wy eft n xtjtiin yitkr bie upffctiimtjly lid pirifili otllti 1ir iinh w it ln alpo1cf ftr mltjllfll iltj ihft lwcl ibvl vl ijtvti llll a i marine stores for sale by the subscribers viz ii patent chain cables 1 inch 34 and 6860 fibooa each and from 12 inch tn 7lgthav anchors from 8 to 5 osst i hawser 4 inch 66 fathoms 0 spikes o lo 6 aches 57 barreb pine tar i0 do pitch 100 do bright rosin 11 bales oakum j patent double screw jacks- chaig fc watt kingston 4th march 1s44 pubs 1 jfubs purs cash paid for shippiog fura at die sionof william wilson itsftagfon sssswv rbnteil dec i9ih 1s43 ilhk public are rcipcfulli itiformrd that the new low piesuru stcasi at britannia will commence plying on iho opening uf the navigation utidifr the command of the subscriber between kingston and montreal having suncjiinr acommoua tion fur fieighc and passencts thus maxwell march gnbj 1644 fite steamer wloft for montreal direct thh1s well known favourite low pres sure boat will resume her rcguhir trips on the opfninp uf the navigation invins kingston as usual every tuesday at 2 p m and mon treal kvery thursday at 6 pm tbe owners beg to i mi male that some improvement baa been made in her boiler by which they expect br speed will bo very materially incruaf ed also other improvements to the boat in go rnl thereby adding to her con fort and convenience h s jones kingston march 15th is44 3 ntt h sjones forbid all por- ons giving credit to any one on their account without written orders fiom inrir soe r to tiiemnjtauy7 centky 11 ssmwastfmssorterovxt4votiutr divrntiwttr sni arf hjiipiss r r f u wu bjuivwilly m ihlfu will tm iiiriiy i iflr iii ncrc to raolitr dui iu ibi u jim mt rtnr nrf i irif j in rotunitnghw tvai meal thanks lor tho 11 bydisjsaraij hlmrtl nnlrnriuro bcatuwod unon him mj rriph 11 ly fiftltl olli ntituti irti i in f b iftitm fhssi wt rmfr i isnlti ofhifvir b vwi ljibtt4ill rrlimil me ortft iniitcc wjtlhhid tr fit t tii ponnt biv itu wm mlrrijt i wl risers wjmi srssffcnuleh t ibe l nr iriyrray tftasa ito uittfll nj-fl- msftf rsriiaacj jnni initf sim llf miisinuii j in n i- i i ir uy jju as m ir r mioff nt ibo isaa kms4ue lrji4rri atnliy imr iuinrno a jcnijd hnw iil iy k niwi f vhmi wqultl 1m cilcitli jvbji iaj wtr ihoir oil mwttif aihi iljtuji tijuytuinc wit i oorstwtftl it rtli if iwrf an wrstvh ejessa lassi ili atwiuafcsiihl civv sn4 vt pfsiii tt ki i fuif j v f imtmvtt ifitiyuitoivcs inistls4ssv eaem nioaice i ifid not totiuig frinrm ri make tkc pint fctff nj yiltl lit ill ffcriily i v hrsfsvimf kin- rvmnilm jtiuccr sjlps ft moral fw 4l of imrnmti whiih vivif tnjo admai amy rcuii tu lmj rfieuitmiv tls dfiqaod iitrtikd oitiri ininur piinu ceasiaaaslisi my ssruus eainidvialiuai hwa ackuowuid uit kskaapa j ikht otasa liiujit iw iltr iluauioufl sidtcwnjii jlcj fr ih rcpioolat rihijiii frltr ftvvttm mtniuf ijj 1 rciof vuuj hv itjvc rjoss lussli my rknon fixated a powerful nirty who wohd itttrofuro ks ntpuod any fliufurc i jmuu kw ihtfihiucl ilhu ijilldiikcbl tllfffv anji par thn innvrih litiiu t tti- es aval tf ji of covcmrnm rromtonmo to kitivnn who waytt iisvo united in cflnt lo dclvit my mraiurc isslsj juicj fur lite bcnufii f kinftvn ftttil oio cuvwomenl patr di fsid timy icfijl to fiio pljco r alt km tmun wti not khc tif latfied if tlny lijl nol opptht mr ihw wm i lijve bii plcj in tso uiiltr piitn of jncips il twjriy ny mrtnvtf in ilia hii il ivbriiif ikne ftt- i lt4 nnaltcfiniivo nit li mtbrtjl lo lis cqittiottinf ptwusss of iibcmn ti4 irtm- ioie- ou of j comtiruenii hy pufiii lo iliio wtmt i uma fitll liitrj ttiaim ilivc bcrn mr votvbtv sttuhbd v ii tj kmi4ilihld fjouif ani jorciijii 3tcm3 imierial parliament ilmin or loxnt kob 22 nil itkmx mtvin tfwmhiriuu tbvlr ltnltiij nnl thi intnriiiiitf l ten oclock loi the purjhsai uf jliii jtitillcu on a nt ut cttof in iim eass of m the queen w mh tik iiml chsnivlhr cthomcttcod hj- aqtth daetbtfcl of a conlract uf tni- ineni uf ntiauity li r v1jj k iirnt reviiu iu iii iliifitrtiti- ail und cited sttinlnrno ir imwml bmifhim ihc council uf tftwt mr juiwv bladtriiasr and tuber antliri1es on tht iiljccu the rtimril uf trent liehl thai alt cmthhv- tine uiarrip wnxa null and oij lot the camn law wmi never adepted a bind- nu tn this country ami the uuriitmliv cited showed thai a contort ner vcrha do pmenti wa a valid marrr and mijht he nfcteil oaint either of the parties li urdhnlhen referred to a number of c9ns crtftdillaliusj that when a fulfil i conlraci per verba do prapenti was follow ed by a maniagv aolenmivd in facie fvfei helwvcfi one of tlis parties and nnoihit prmn th latter marriage ail not by pteconhact acinully vonl hut mere ly voidable and a a ronipiomo that if urh nnirvwirt wlw nut anmitfoj uy a prlilettce nf llie leelesilkl court ill liie lifeurue ufllie pail n it could nut alter- wards leelkcied but llic wumw would taxe her dower awl lha himfffl must tie held lo iv jegmmaie lhe principal inci- hni- of this fpeciet uf ennlnct wcn that i jimucitli m suflicirnl to uppurl uch an mdn inn ut hetiiicd wliuiliectnjioy ed uw eilctl of ui h a eifitruel tu u- ainl then tidmicd to the vlutnm that hftd hecti iijh ruled nnhbyilw vuu u the engimi marriasjb avfc iumi concluded eu clabumld jndguieni by aaiisf my itfiinntn ihervloce after llic nnm unxium conideratiun and un tjnr rtnjnd- ami ind rraronv i have staled but bull ivith all ilfirrenec and rp mubifff the fliinese uthtrritirs shatl be osri4 fm a i both s corgii and thai till chinese aubjeeat sss covend r1ifideuncly trading with 9mm inerehant- l u ulher ports or pucasj ia lima iiaii n injuishod ss the usv rsssy direet art v provide for de ml clause of the ticneful reputation of trada beint appfieahle u nh parties art- vi irovhlc tlmt ensjiud aaer- buu awl other nsmfifj at or roaortiag to the fie purtn ihall mvtgn intolaoiw- iumhiil ertmtry liefosid rrtain distanose fin he livdl iff the wat authnrittes ind ttinvtit and on nn pretence for por po9irs ttf r jh and that if any person whate ver ids raoki manun ofcubiaj dis- ley ihia unule und winder aieay into bo seiaed and iish sohjecla ogreeawy to in me itu ibis mihjerl itrmljiedfciidiint hv haiij rajhobl u u- the ttas njiiijlie that la radford lttf wifliami rcdfordt leteimbt slkcedji at i7jmtr jtitt prntossj sg jc n rutuniin his wannest thanls for tho liberal puutmneo bestowed upon him siacc his commencing i in kings- tioi l a k bs tn aaajfs them that tiu exertions shall bo spatcd un his pad to mctil acimtiiiuattoniif theii support hones affected with the following diseases heated succcftafully itane spavin king uone acute founder inflammaiitm of the luog bowels or kidneys uoti and woims fistulas poll evil and various other diseases to which that noble animalthc horse is liable horns tails set vp in tht most fa shionabl manner horses fired for wesvness of the joints or tendons and warranted out to blcioub n bt the necessary operations per formed on cotaaud huifros uf all ages mr r will be happy lo superintend tho shoeing of any gentlemans horses employing him otherwise gratis and from his practical abd theoretical knowledge of the anatomy of ihc foot fat well aa the treatment of horses auf faring from contracted fici corns pumiced feet overreaching or inter- feringj lie is confident of benefiting both the animal and the proprietor horse and cattlo medicines prepared according to the fcnut of the london veterinary college rcftnnanr forge corner ofptuccss end ydcftam streets kingston kirgaton march 25 1su 2m the tooborgh beed llipobted b3rse somonocodrom way ill stand the ensuing season at wt the racccorase near kingston commencing on the 1st of apiil the adafoaf cither pirty intfhicompcl yitlemnizatiun that the p4ilic covm not be published for cohabiting together and that such contract was miliicknt to voifl meant of a mil a subsequent marriao entered into by either of the parlies and solemnized in facie eeclciix this view was supported tioth by the judges of the ecclesiastical courts and the common law authorities- the contract per verba dc pwsenli was at the period to which he had referred to uae ihe cxprrssifin of swinburne l retspecx of ilscomiituling the fiubstancc and form ing ihe iiidisoiume knot of marimony re- anw aavcrum matrimonia but ibe same authorities which supported this view held that m3rriaeof ihi i ile script ion were irregular that they ttriq a looser tforl of mainagcsj that they were net regular marriage though equally binding and that in order lo constitute a regular marriage with all ihe consequences belonging to marriage in it perfect state solemnization ma nefarv swinburne ajd thai iuil ijejt i fl nntl ti l rreltl fi cditflr aitil u iiinrip tlil jioo yvb tt n 4inui mj uiirmtiivilt ittt4 i fitcl t rwpil lulltiir iht i ol tss fnisramtnl nw f hmiil mm be aftnhaii 1 1 tin to ndr i oer cjj i nr un uaftti ft i vi id fern o 4 wi he aa ir f c eon nv cfijm11 susfiy mt tine ni lit ivlow ihti nrvvr fii nit nio ilten tmlv tjir lo rclllhccoftmiiirrj ln w4ljjrswryfcrw htt iliad 1 ej sssaljsmi vsesi hit mbl i 1j t towswl could rtooo w or ssmm v ktnpli nle i i thai now sr art l fttt not arnt fat thv r sf muneinem vrcruwo lusfc ac fwilt mvl ultnct ai iho bismsaf dasvl adttsf yft- niors at tenntii un im jt tn ihr xn time permit iao ihut ia tosstli atvasj nj iiipasisilfclwioe tmt r sriii esassii loass ihr mm rohiabit rfra on sraui ravhy sssisnh v i eu ibsiofmi s dir lrrt iru- onril snl kssral ajjaslsawitbaai wutftjt mtm iu 0risnvt rw tt a g tsfoifcsut odmuiflcr wsseil ol tbtj ivlivtc l f yurilrcrv irvp winttirn ovpt vml lim ih4 tle aine eltecutn ivngland as a marriage soleinnecd iu the face of the church with nscct lo asqoa the husbands properly in the wife iiods and other mailers lord stowclt nnl sir edward simpson look the same vlw natl mr justice dacltionv said that uch marriage were valitl for many purpoci but nut for all pnrpucs upon ihe point whether a runtuci per verba ile prxseuti without nkaiil4ttlm1 would entitle the widow to dower the couil bvlow and lite court of appeal in j were of the same opinion thev were bottl against tlte claim to duwer we had come tlterefotc to the conclusion that according lo the concurrent opinions both of the ccolc- astiral ami the temporal judp these if- rcgular and loose sort of marriages dnl not confer thnc rights of property or the more important nghlof legitimacy consequent on a marriapa duly solemnized according to the rites of tho church of england a rgica deal of discussion had taken place in tefcfencc to ihc religious ceremony il ap- itwue wfcodifcvh i that the trid men fee mi liioied loid iitorhaiu in defivenn ii do rixon mint jhirt m the whr4nvoiioc of a fnni profeiiinal life he had uc met wrtl n eiubirring a raw tlw highest name in the hisinry ol the law were on tlnm ruhfeet oppd to each other the pivhnit inqiiin involved a cormi lent ion of ihe stutt- of the law previously to 73 ninety yoammnecit ceased to exlstt and thh added a diilicidw to the injniry which i waof the utniot importance to keep in uiiid before ihe council of tam a marriage per vvriia prarseun was a lejpl manias as u was in soolbm at ttie preitcnt day at that lime enejund wa- mitijivl to ihc cwi bw like other i-oun- tricj hiithy tlscwih henry yilih cfulmi law ivaileeaij to have no ettlct eecpt o fjr an it hot been adopted he the eouhut and cutimt of tl ieop1c sir backitom and sir mialc loth laid il down that the canon law onlv then becarue part cf ihc common or unwritten hw by ihe council of winehewief it was laid down that a niarrgc without the btne- diction of a pffrtf in huy orders was nol a valid one and that any other was to be deemed iwitieation from the earlienl nines ihc law of england had differed from ihe civil and canon law and required the intervention of a person tn holy orders to 1 i miii- vahd he then proved from an immense mass of authorities tlie nature of a contract per verba dc prtpsenti first such aconimctdid not give the wo man the right of a wife as far as entitling her to a duwer secjndly such a contract did mrt give the man ihe right of a husband to tho property of the woman thirdly such a contract did not confer on the issue of utc marriage the rights of legitimacy fourthly such a eonlract did not confer on the woman the capacity of coverture fifthly such a enmract did not make the marriage of either of the parties with a third person during the life of the other a vmd or invalid marriage each of these points lie supported with cases and de cisions he net stated that thottch a scntiat artof a niarna as bclvtti ihc panics diemschvs yet the authorities spread over a period of 700 years did not hold il lo be a valid mmviagc for all the adovc punius without the intervention fi uth iii holy orders and thttpct ami must lie one whom the church consi- llcmd to be in such holy orders which no presbyterian minister entitd pivnbly he he wajtawaie of use dflicultics and hard ships ihut the decision uohl coale but happily il was in the power of parliament to remedy llosc ililtieiitties and to remove those hardships they were here for one purpotc only that of laying down the law and in ilrf performance of that duty he was bound to declare lhat the first marria in tlie cae before them was not a valid one tliat therefore i purly accused of bigamy ihe defendant george millis could not le gally have bflbsjwtttsj the ooerco with which he was chared lord bronhpm nfier hearing ie3timonj to the abihly nml rcsearth displayed in the i the rituuiry be shsl handed oxer lo llw uritiah poiiihrneni all vii- provhks for bri and their fantihca rending the treaty of uvrpelual poam end friend at the ddtcrent ports nantcd in art i und ipt their hiii allowed hue or llrsil mind and houm al fair and eqsu- lablo rates such a prevail a mo est the people without eaciion on eirher aide the ground and hones so to be sold or rented lo be ct aart by the local atriho- iles in eommunieauon with the consuls ait viii jovijes fur k fureifn countries tohoe ubjrcts or cibzeni have intherli trailed at canton boin admiued to the five pmth named tn aft i on tho same terms a- ktiland art ix i vrtvwi fr all chinese eri- bjlnalsslnd oavnders agaiiot ihe law who may flee to iinknnf or to briton ships of war 110 kiuh trerchanimen ft re- fuff lcinff delivered upon proof or ad- minion of their guilt and for any sailor robber or adifr person whatever bra cart or country who is a subject of the crown of england and who may from any cause or on any pretence desert floe or escape into the chinese territory being eizcd and confined by tho chinese author ntie and fori h with sent to the nearest consular or other british oovemneot officer arl x provides for a british ship bt war being stationed at each of the five port to ensure good order sn4 discrplina aoiungt ihe crews of merchant shipping a asl 40 uphrt tlie necessary auqupiiy over kritth subjecls the crpws of rticfa sliips of war to be carefulfy re trained by lle omcer commanding arid die rules regarding not straying ioto the country to be applicable to them is the ame manner aa lo the free a of mesrawot smfsj the hips of war to be in m degree liable to port charges or any erf tbe general regulations laid down lor trade art xt prevideefofthobriush bre being within draw from csvsssm rluqhae anti koolonpoo being realored so tbe chi nese government agnrrawy lo the treaty of perpetual peace and friendship the mo ment all the money stipulated fotinlhai treaty sball be paid and h the rb pionipotcntiary distincuy and voluatanuy agrees that all dwclluhosues houcs barracks and other muljin the british troops or people mey baveae- cupied or intermediary bvflt ocrrnurce sftall be hantted over on the cvaxuitb of the ports exauly as they stand art xii provides for die briush consulu tiiiaddilion to the proctamouosi the ptcnipotenlimry baa atreadv ratued in strictly wateh over and carefully sen finite the conduct of all persons being british subject trading uoder their su perintendence and in tho event of any hmuvghng transactions coming to their knowledge they are to apprise the chineee authorities who will proceed to seize and confiscate aligned whatever their value or nature th may have been to smajskd j and will likewise be at i liberty to prohibit the vessel from which 1 the mucd goods were landed from trading further and to tend her away as soon as her accounts are adjusted and paid all chinese subjects irtiether custom house officers or others who may k discovered to be concerned in smug ging ore by this article lo be puaished as the chinese authorise shall think fit art xiii provides for all pctsonst whether natives of china oc otherwise ronveving goods to hongkong for sefte en rclctencc co me reitgiuuscereiuooy i- i y p b e a deandi fititn the authoriticitn whidt he judgment just rei j ad mhomu move obtaining a pass or portclearance from one lad wfrnvdithal ii as formerly conlered hrl he furihercunwderationf the case of ihc five ports named in article i- and a iiasailan uisjltt 1644 g b goojdwxs is driving business at iis old stand in prtn cc4 fi dunra west oflagol suet tvhsrc be keeps on hsndi and manufactures to oide boot and noes of description very evcrv gooj and very car- n b hides and skins received payment for booli d sbosj kjlfllh march itfih 1s4 21 in lm notice if alex anpksun snn of the iate auzx amcsonof lire tow of elgin menysliiitf i who left season to end on tho 1sth of july 1s j for canada some yrm wwe and is sup all areangemetits aro to be rnde with t posed to have lived in mintreal and in his owner jonw nokwft uimer canada will apply to the suli- persons having maies from a distance jsenber he will licar ofniimuiif to his ad- will pleaso rakt3 application as soon as vantage ootsimv i lm wil bo rvatfaie pas essentia to the fullelvect of a niarriae that j be postponed in order that the judcements it should leftdctiiniedlw the churck and ffthc two noldcl ms mgh if persons not in liuly orders performed the fne the ennsnjeration of the ccremotiy ihey cxfmbvd ihenelves theie- bv to heavy ccuua it was said lhat a marriage might le valid though not per- l wmjtl doubtfulhow far he concurred formed by a person in holy oncr conversed wrth u lw noble and learned lords by episcopal ordination in lhaltaleineni be printed rest of the law lord that they might be compared with the authorities on points on which ii lj i present case affurded a proof of tlie advantage of the practice he had introduced since he was on ihe bench and whicttlie- wished was more general of jmfgfts in eases of importance delivering written decisions lord campbell also concurred in the suffcstion uf llic jnobe aod learned lord for the same reasons lurage fur marcs sent t tlw subscriber tresannablo terms but bo will ooi be rtfspousible for escapes all letteismust be post- paw pbjicacft somonocodrom by brit- andoif bis dam by traveller son of camitlus see stud book vol 4- paje 3s3 john n0rt0x turf inn fisce cmtse near kiogaton march 20 is jirbt open ed at ii oiuasrik cou lmbton baild- ins corner or prinecjssnj btjot streets tbelrlttch slock of bonnet biobons ftiich bonnet and cap ffower utsck and coued ostrich ethrrs evening cojeveaing flow- tisf and httd dresses kiaploa nov 14 113 kingston march 19 w4 im wantkd a 4 s miss ma situation ar mkss mah snd cook wio hssfivr1 ashel cook with two dilrv rt gnvernsfs in this fio- sincrand with some m the best frimtic in engbiul j tiom wltonsi he can ive mi pslnv itsny rccomrnendanton o a in character ami sbility address pmfaisl lo dr bjike r office of the british- us big kingston march iim4 he could not concur holy orders were onlers conferred by episcopal ordination and what was required to be dime by a miiithicr in iwly ecder could nol be done by a nnnimcr of the srotth church the ijucriion was not aticclcd by ihe toleration aei winch merely removed certain dis- abilities and did not alter the law in thb tepcet the claim insde by ihe presby- 1 the lord chancellor consented and terans of ireland eoold notle supported the furtlter consideration of the case wtft un any principle which would nut equally j then podponrd apply to any body uf dissenters h respected the character lea ruing and priy ol presliytenan mmtsier but this question mut not be deiennind hy any such com sidcratinns many olrfcrvations had been made on thfc tuaniijcs of jews and qu km the jew had alvvay bcjfl ueaied as a distinct piojilo who were gsverncd by tlwir ovn religious obvrvauccs and hd their own nu1ninouid uws some ddvi iilty existed as in the ciolloc quakers anjlnrtl hale in a ca winch came be- lore htm foe devlston in order to avoid making ihoe children htards directed the jury to return afpecml verdielp he anil ah ground lor alterii the v h had taken on ths subject agreeing i let a nrose dwelruivo nounr in wellington direct lately occupied by the hououjrublc mr llaldwio euuuiro of s scouelu kingston janmaryoth xbu vt which as supplementary treaty with china ruvtract or rue stfrvtstksnsn tsuutv aenrsts fsnic mirrartrv tsjc qef or cnrt mrram ahi tm iftxik ivu vn cunfhos or elites preamble the preamble provides lhat ihccmiclesof tbo supplementary treaty 11 shall be as binding and of the same effi cacy aj though ihey had been ia- liftnl in ihe oriinl tity of pcrpclual pcae and iriendjlup art i proviov fc the new tariff be ing in force at the five port of canton fuchowfeo a moy and shanghai art- he providej for tlie general re itic in force al the erj naj iaken on ins nnjwrsgnvw it dd with whal had bee bud down b the j mm eminent civdia and with the cor aforesaid five ports responding doctrine of the courts of coflmosi law from the earliest periods of their hssttty now he had been led in consequence of ihe important nature of the interest involved to enter more largely into the subject than under other circum stances he would have felt justified in domg the immediate qitestion before them was whether george mills wsor was not guilty of die crime of bigamy and then the question was whether a contract per verba art 111 provides that at nenaltie or confirfcalionj made under the third clause of the said general regulations of iradc shall belong lo ibe government of china arl iv provides that british mer chants shall be allowed only to trade at tbe five ports named in art i that the bri tish merchant ship sball oot repair to any ouscr ports or places in china and if liiey do to in cootrmvcnlion of this article laying the duties agreeably lo the tariff ail such goods it also ruvidesfornasrcae china repairing to hongkong t ur chase goods aad for iheiroboitaing mu from uic customhouse of one op siwawi ports should they niur a cbfejrs swri 10 carry away their porcaase 9 passes to be restored al the expiration qt each tripw art xlvprovides for aa obrp the british goremoent ecamiaingtb oar giaora and passes of all chiinssc vsmab luting hongkong to boy or sswaeestt and for any vessel which mafcriotav legisxer or pas being cnsjdrred an rin- autltoricd or antugguog veaaah od up being allowed to vrade by this arrange ment it is to be hoped thai piracy asid illegal n traffic will be ejsncammlly psrs- feated art xv proviofcs for debts incurred by chinese dealers or merchants it hong- kong being recovered through l e- hsh court of justice should ttae dabw fleofrom hongkong toihe chinoietarji- tory and be known or found to bavopso- perty real or personal the fourth mm of me general regulaliotw witl-bohh- cable to the case on appjicatioh beinjf hy tlse consul in lika manner sboi bciuih merchant mem dchuaiaoy five porta and hen to hoassj british authorities nrilt on seccjwnirao ap plication from the chinese ofts in stitute an invetigioo www when eslawished ojai de4oc to settle ibem to e mmoetqr 1 i rnuana art xvl provides for mcuily- tornof peamesj granted to chioess vesasih to visit hongkong being furnished itvttat british ojhoer referred to in artlcto b hy the hoppo of canton and for a milar reiurn httog made by p yv faifcwswfa artioleprovitofocu ggg om locebss and sueh amaj mm ply bciwcen catiton and macao passmg