sluu and snap original anil total it luir or kithtf allot el hi acre thai bfftaawtf x iituowavc niadv aaout j lutti f kvtit u rltuu njof mr wtutv limdn to rctrv um kent mid try iv a wd lw fifrni ptfuhclm roidrr- tltjt nvr ho was no 1kb other tmiii t lilelv laltf jce mr woo4 at we prrfrivr ty in adrift tn ii old conuiu nu inivtij u i i1 r fjll hy krai and coiaceura lit ihv en o mr ii iiriiu if i traa iv caifaam jfwsavfi uf i tic clli fctataat aajs rjarlm hicrtyhlnf the cuetafarc i ro nrcd for fail keru dl ir auilvr h tstjl to hr rimouiktrtl in tph us am il iiimn ij the contrary atlh lfk mr it sttvtws ukndr naajr think at to cram thr pjrr tl frur den who write i iv ratrt wij kc iv 4 lb ikiii itllit ir th- ii- w i m kant to wmlv tt nf rorrrfwn fnnn f tivn fkttiaohoiii rcvk a i rev a- td ii other day to hava ui ul h- i i r- i-ir- r i tractile be very oppoai lnlhroiitl tne esse ii to nrw liar name im to e profession phi- that the book attoidtd m precedent to ejuiikthe judge whoobstrved that u i uwjer wet mftt yet known to have a tarn for philanthropy there vmu be loine diffltully in ifiui lum oil the rwll for mich a very tlranx purpose tt i in ir hoped thai ili violence of the shoes fauxd y th extreme suddenness of the change will friijirote nueu for ibe fhtiluttoa of the individual alluded to ukn iruify il hi iriidcncctho ftirtwer to inqufhvr w eftmt lir was eirtffon wejiucodtd be tx itctej-imnca- cnbinij thr eifcutiiioit tfl nitiup r m lii e hb try in my ojmiori il wuu pfurf hrwnvnt fu the cojntfy it firwi4 vr eillnurtil to inm froe thec vtiutdj be inllucmv nrttd 1v tbc rreo in fr f hi frrr rrfulaton t ihw- pap rvtdefjjccully uwrvpffettd braioti nwtll amcnctv a tc vs fliee uw vw mibk ptijvr prinird in kn1 il rn pim thfonh ih m i to any put of thr umdi jifwfi frii- cinj i r no rann why u jiu- fiihc diold ni be extended to tlr emfl on th hol of th b walet the tww taketi hy ojr eorrhrtdrrt i in ok nuin correct hie new pt utliee a tftilmcti htee had the eftt of rwiiiiisenviuc thr eireiiutiofi of ncwroprx m th eouniry priv nad trc fell irxjurtouly both by urribrr and newspapef pnneiclnefi the t portioa with the act till resource tf ibe crumiitiu y and wiih the pren lto of he nrwfiprr botinearv in i 1 tlrljii duly or id in keeping with the encnl ijttcm t tixbtn odop tod and i piobauy but te iiit jtenl tor hr pnfilcfe whieti ihjt unp ctt wf fvewf jlnc hi- paper to all part of the h dutwtaottf free bl in reapeet to tbi particular vx ihcru ti keep j r i new toe jchul ie of ibe fo cwumtrt niii like rynportri brlwn tlic id 1chn tad ibe canajon d lit tluj rwnlrt the news paper proprietor faiaj und the nr4 fjfue eir cacaalancet a rcry up hilt caine to ptr the manner in wwli toe rrp jj rrr n tftateiteni of territory nuke it ifahe ibi he houtd reeeire a vry prainjrt rclum for the oo- ney he lay oui nnd rwie lit otitnta pariicu- farty procarwu tu credn he m five if he 4 to eafif on b unai hand even then he ean- botalwyiojuton caii payment knry one who know anjthiftu of he criify pria m cwwt di know that bioic tnvnaeion ore to iww oaaaioiit of thror redoced to wn4r lurie and that ihc fxemef freejvxntly tin fm mwith to month without bo nr the happy iewtr of even a do1 till now to require of web 4 ptpulaton a ii- the j itmirol f lulfnny tot ibetr oewpaper h m fjet h to irll ihm thtt hi- government detenmnrd uul they ahauharenonewpefatali and tn mao uk aewipapcr pmprietor pe t he laiatl in tn mik r ee do i to add rather and a vcy tinfjir nk to thoe hh he jj nw w are fr from rvmino uul the nenpipcr ppnlor rhodd ftn oe taxed in baine a weit a all ut her isv we k tht the tix bjtl he cooatfieni with modentto nd fn play half tha amount of the prrcj ux to be ptkid when th ptpera ar mailed woi1d be quite much aa agbt to be levied- it u nt in rrpeel to hm jj 10 aa 1 affeet hia nnbenher thit the new fapvr peopeietor haj to eomjin under ue op aratioa of the prevent yte it i eonipellcd to iit a heavy auin tor enhance paper whieb are neeeaaary to enable him to cjrrj on ini tnainev and which tt t onjy fur to demand tuil bewi rv- edvofme fa the united suieno ut n mipad w eiehasf pape n to niwapr otter nd rhfl v ih ltvi- li r u-rlr- khit ylm m m lrfniw fcdf jf fc i t to eonhne ijinwll to a ftw twrhuijnp tr- aa b can bbly do wiihaftd tbr rwimr- ajueaco ta tht the frreeoniinntijtmi ml pb mhi worn one im of hehntrn1 tonntitlkr obetrueted nd enaninhk iafwl f bnii hrourht cloac tofcttier d futhw pirt w do treat uial awite iceraiimi hm predil be rntde and that to thtil eid mirrillnw jonrmui- will oxart tbemwrlvta bv the uieja ui uior imffh montfeal tiienut cy ixmritt nioduccd kv mllbcnifm dr wnojwxrd txttfin the lt junul re port of the worcester asylum thil the number offxie of infinity from retieutsf cej k tncread the jl yer in noa of the tarittu iint m ihii couniiy in thu hopul 29 rj out of 20 re iippoted to have arisen hom itm cauxe liofwhiehate attiboied to hie miller excitement tml much hrjer pio poitinn arc aveiibed to hie trm cantr ia mma ol the new england fiuiitulih if ix iltfp dr vv that apoptiur religou error jce j to maeh excitement in the com muitity and rendercl to many inxano ttii it not 4urpnunfr the subject is momentous the time fixid for the final eon sum matron of all things m rear at hand and the truth of all sits tained by unerrine mathcmalici auilvjo in ktugslcn at the british american swteia j b tlrrvnakiclo jmo f- smith n- tlwlai win howetfipt- jonea a dc i nn w bt wilekb j mdlee t if kintf mr mulllcberry a mckavl cpl- radeltflr rovl baaon mr ktun n cpt tate rev dr mtcanl j 8 ftoulioa mr duehinan w a osldwia c hoehe john ifoai mr wilhtma geo- ferjruaon goo b clayton cut k n capl itoyd lieut syma s at the lamttton ii0u6b iiotru c w yarker n a benpman mr jaekaon mr cowan mr fermjll f curk a sellry wr puoner mr- jonea and ton t irvcj t kerby j dilkin to john a macoonand squire ir it beinjr eneially unrirnlood that a vacancy i ahonly lo lake rj n the ra preen1jiin ihi iwwp ant lwiac deioui of a kpreithtiiivr um who ftatapitr and lil rnt all eta ut tba citizen may ifrty rely tftjlbl nndri aed elrduiv leipuil jrau will ieitiit us to pul vim in noitiiiuiiy a a candi dal for ibe rerictfntaliou of km town when ever a vacanry may oecor betievinjc as we do that to your cart and ajvoetey may safely be cntruitrd the interest of ibe town and the maintenance of ihoac noond andhbtral princi- pie of public policy tor which thr inhabitant of kiflgftom have evei beendminuubed cmwh lands depahtmekt icingrton sth ipd it hat rvvvi his cxcclcexct the governor gem i to appoint tuc un- iiick fdwaod island the hobo or assembly of tliia llaid have decided that the following artirlr should not he subject to co- liteiijtdutv on imiiottaiion lumber staves tartey oata and onlmaal potatoe tattle hjiaf fteah meat raw hides tallow burr atone hemp and flax arii lime xyifi buiminff fctnr iisb pi iron live stock iln of husbandry anil teasletv a giipscar sanmh lin it iivas tweo haneorho and untos we iesed several i hallmi i villaxes whkh apprareii parched i n calcined by the sua i ucuht if dec imp f the painteiever encountered during hi lamblea im the heait of asia mi wj- lhm cnoieharnt jnd tawny more tfmnih ovrmentioncd ncraons inspector of clergy and decayed than these wretched to jj reserves vix hovel watvlering about amon their diupif dated wal1a wete a few jckaes of that phi- lo4eijiical and contempuitve aaoect peculiar 10 the spanish dookey who is fully aware of bis own utility considers himself ai patt of tbv family to which ha belongs and inoicover having ret i douqotxoie ao ajiftional driee of itpoftxnce on account of the possi bility of hta beiaj lineally deicnjcd ftom sawlsrs celebrated dapple the asvs ihe oftly heinf things vtsibk were some inaiifkcnt umi of various breeds- amongst othets several enormoo greyhound h aa one sees introduced in the painting of laul vernon and velruirx and here and there a giotipof peasant children whose eye sparkled like mack disrronds thioub then fthy rae and lon unud hair gaiifier jfflwb w ttncdohxat doctob fdtf fkc a real hvc donkey in the town of in atrotstea fokokhvva second monroe ed- svards has jut come tf lim in mobile it appears that hohert tt hunker of tht cily commission merchant received a lellri which krave to be a rorgerycuriislultonetr ttwyork fot may year head ol the well known hotae of c hulton fox ek livingston under date i4lh of fvbiov enclotm a note with bis endorsement ad hisauthooty todiaw on him the proceeds io be employed in the purchase of cotton to be shipped to new or leans and coniiifned lo mrwi fosdiik brother and by them to be laeu suct lotbe order of james v eaton as per inslrttciiou from a person iiiii himwlf alexander cutbbart contained in the same letter mr banket after uhnittiii the whole to the in- ipeclion of a merchant mobile who has beeo familiar with m 1- willing ani xirnitaht fot several years and u ito expressed liia opinion lhal the eadoremem anl letter were ii jljr pvoceejed to alt the order in live eafirnmoae jamea v eaton writes fiorn new york to f osdick brother that a ship- ancntof cotton would be made by mr caili belts ajenl in uomte and lhal lit ajnl in ft lonts would also rrke a coruignmrni to them on bis account that he unvxitected ly detained fi it ihe north than he intend ed wishes uaetn to tcrotl to his ddret at har- liioarh pa three thousand dollars in new orieana notes on accom ol said cotton tbi part of the scheme be io very clumsily exe enud it excited the suspicion of foadick brother who declined making the aeaute re quixite mr boltoo sequent letters makine no allusion lo thrt endorsement and au thority to draw on him canted mr bunker lo lojpoctlbat all was nt lijjht he immctialcly came to thia city in lima to icgin possesion of the cotton and fruuic ihi well converted piece of villany jyeir onm paptr coaoxfdootait- h there any farmer aaere said comen one day to a very noisy set of snacbanica who expected bread wviiio be three- naif pence a toaf le and wage ihree ahilline a meek more on the following moo- da morning i thee any farmer here who would advocate ihe culling off ihe duty bit by avit fraru un eihl to si shilling let him xk fcirrik vbethefif he intended cutting off h ii di tail he would cut it oil a piece ai a line no be wl y mercy take ascitfatofie slice u biavo cried the ie 1 people in from scarce had the oouesubtided kefree a witty fallnd- or close under cobdens noe shouted out in ittcfc brorue il your honour will be afthu alias coonty lately acted the part of a physician and in return foe rvice performed received bis fee the facts aie as follow three children of lender ae in one family havo for sometime past been afflicted with ihe hoopme cough and parental axiety was manilemod fot their cure amongst other rt- inettiex proposed they were recommended lobe patted nmfer the belly of a teal donkey which h 4 idirtfh peilnnned with due care th i i i animal not vxhibain on ihi occaiiun t neiiih at ihe use ma tc of h jron thr leo jiven inot demanded iva bread and buttri the benefit some would have if being like the irishmans reciprocity all on one tide if in due couise acnrethould bean nouurrii let us hope that wc may he induced tn treat such a vafuablr membvt of the brute creation as the at with more tcsmci ban it kis hcen hit lot for many age in receive at the hands nf hit lets knowing relative of another sbaiie and that humanity out triumph wirre it opposite hat held sway if exf ltfton clcmcar diatxtcitcttepnkts a valnaide living hai been affeted to the hon and juv gerard noel vicar of the a y thnrrh hit brother the earl ol garisho roifh the vicxiajce of romsey is known to he tar from lucrative indeed it maybe qnemioned if the duties of the cit being elhcienlly dtseliatsjtd it it any source of in come to itt poscsor the dihntcresfednest of the prceni inrtimhent b therefore mote air parent m hit nonacceptance of he poffereit tiviii drtirinft w9 are told the noble pation to tneftf tome clergyman whom it nieht more temporally benefit and withinx for hi own mil lo remain in the ustiiii where the absence of an adequate ecclesiastic at revenue ren jeied ih resident of nnv with private means the more deairable xtenrct uczttu john farquliaraon enquire of whitby anj charfc rankin esquire of toronto iw the home district comprising the township of albion brock cliinuatou y culehon eobicokc georgina gwil- linisbury eal gwil imtbury north king l ni i prckering reach scoit toron to toronto gore uxbridgs whitchurcb whitbv york sorborcftjghjfeiidei8iri j mr kirhv uuom iveeiiunt john moj jihn if urv j ivi brent jian helanger ilfdwrt faeaylsi jnie pearion rkrt cjnon a frmle acampuu t vv liuao jjnka bthr jowl h daly jrqfph bruce e barker a floeau jeln m me 4itrro wtii ctmpult kir hard oaaiuk r l- lohn borne sun ihi cbrieticp john elkt 1 jitimaasnuth c kenny uerwani lapriv iu urrden proww teiiry smith jr mi hunter iri hotlowvh murncy it0 it dc ceorcc pa her john maedoteu tcoctlit janrea kraer john olifdmi somuel ttiippen a a- irona rohm atexaader g 0- goodwin jouo gardbain faoenaa giviite jarrk micfartane v t jormaon henry gervia jainrawaomeujr charge clark john p dower j- butler smith bteaxeb for toronto city w steamer toronto thomas dick re k for toronto the of capt ill let tomorrowevenixgsat urday april 13th at s oclock johnh reer iffenf kingston april 12th 1s44 a atctlon ftalr of greenhouse fl a jt lft frc frc will be told witboiirreterve it the re sidence of t a rjecixt eq bao ntrrel ort monday ihe 15lh april a choice ialivciltnt of git 1 n lurtlc puntrl il the etrelion of which eonfiderahle nt-i- has been paid auo ihi crerli houae and fjrarti hoa gxturet atso i caeellrnt pianp rtjla sale at 11 thomas greer aajctioaitui kmrilon i2lh april i4i t auction bale of fancy cood comus 9u tjonery c tec atn tuesday the 16th inttarr ihhv store ol mr jamakjosfcv pnuru street will be sold the whole of hi ttoc in trade without any reserve he heiii about to reiiie from husmeu therood will be fond m excellent order and rfic- well worth thvat- lention of the trade stock tery general on- itine of orrulne hair and back com in vcat va riety gcntlemenilk satin and bnmhixine bwttf and shirt collar very superior cloih hair ant shoe brushes sweeping and tscrubbine do a small lot of wry best perfumery jewciy ate itc stationery mf wrapping paper very hey tent windsor and other fancy soaps ves scissors razors and other fairy pr penk cutlery hambio iin s ciaiota fheoucpox a pood mov yearn finee u 11 l vj ll or quay wai buitt at acdetiiet tjn m arylhirefur autppin atune from quar ry at wfjmd much work baa been don when mr david smith builder at oban weerec1in a beacon at skerveuil in jura sound lo the nor thern lihte boordi be fitted theconvofbtocka foe that work to their pbco on the cuaj and haa oceunwinhj bad upward of 0o tci of atooea upon it at a time without accident the qutrry lualai- been workedor the repairs oo the cale donian t aal and oa the 23 j ult thck were 1 taeen itfj and iw tona of dreuacd ilowasl tyin upon tlcuuay ready foe ahepment when to the atnni- ii i of the qauricra ttio crrw upon the mj- v wa alaacrvrd to move and shake without any vittbso eauae and toeoe openini appeared at ihi surface of the uuay which were rapvdly widen ma in men on the inatant cried out ft tha sura man who ruubed to tha epaf and aav uie quay wlthitvrtane and the cairn ojbtxkiaoa it ro- etn outwarda frora the thore and linkia in the drip water and in loaa thuo two itourv the wlwle hid proceeded seaward about 50yardnndacitkd aiili n dtplh of ii feet water over them tha whole i now o completely abaortfrd in mod and clav that alttaah the beijrbt of the quarry end i id nalr could not be lea than 20 fat it haa not irwnod the depth of water at the entrance of the puce5eef email and bed cordi aai the do bimseffi bed be i ia cuiosthia tail at al- captain iooked orty for you ml the anticorn law minute and a half drcadfvl railroad accident a gentleman who resides at madison indiana hat furnished ibe ditor ofthecinci naiii chronicle with the following facta in ittirf tooneol the most diasttou railioad accidentt which hat occurred for msy yeart on ttiurday afternoon the 28th march at 4 p ff when the paasenfert car arrived at haberdathery toys and lookineglattet clothes and bottle baskets and fancy voik bstkeh a quantity of ladiej and gentlesnen jnc and coarse bnottand sboes about 1500 pieces superior paper hangout uorder paper t x a grealvariety ot lamp bbades together uuh shop lamps patent scales slovcsdtsk class cases and other shop futnituve sale at 10 oclock terms cash thomas cheer iucfioncc kinjtton april i2lh 184 d mclnioth sanauel smith william nurna ricldscobeu john camjlhcra wrrih stewart thorn wlulr ccaawaaaaj it illpc jnhn shaw david dck peter caaey a ptummnnd maa slcconnclj amea m vj mrljn a macdonam a- memaiswi j dubeauf john harkto charsrsjohnatei iluncan smclir xart vecaeir jatnev melowaf llfciina iftnttrvi i l i jj bndwupi ltavet melmtre john kklurdaoo j lliuhen ateanjer koac joh mi teolf arthur lljrf jaefhnwb1l llrajfjr martin alexander dickeon tl tt m keen m s ormc ili ii bmedt j crvanwaff jarr wcidrn jolin re jamra hutleei tt aller kalca murdoev phillip talbut alrinuvr mclxon kivhard hutton aim n1cleon t v jnlin mcdonald wfiimntttn i infn paul l ii lintre itiehaed burretl jamnobte john irrine talrick doric extensive auction sale of teas sugars tobaccos wines tec on yveonesday april 17at ihe si scribet auction rooms kins ut will be iod without rereive ib boaea gunpowder tea j do twankay do 10 do old hyson do qo do yoii- hyson do 15 do souchon do 5 hhdt niht nluieovado supr 10 hoxea cavendish tobacco boxes ladies twitl win ciinipbrtl tlwma uvcimd wilbam il4ck jorji i inrkcl jaire ikme j mclsnmj f w smith kouei allen watcdda wiluio ill win sienitttt j f m im jobn peaavv john s smyth jpiiiea wiltmrni n 0lc k wn w logic iwtra willard tlusavtvvt f a hanwr ktkxh ffuavf samuel rowljnd david akxjndir robeil ix j can h vvi sinrr julu patlrrm fjaaed nubte teorvr curke j amea niekaua rtidcnck rose john wdcy jaiuea grajiarn jivid j smith smrpmu henry h jgoe j ii townenj w ibrmtw d l cajupvu c edie jvnwe lmto charh4 sluatt plritk fleiaina h mulltcbkirv jc uown john manien j goadaas j laater henry arlaliac npmjnoven george wekilrr r cliennonliuae james mitclwil jame y allan w holconib john jenwiera archibald m1h j amea tiornuey denii daley jamr church thom hendvraon jren litltnrd rbdbp wnta jacob bycra franc 4 uardner isaac hope ronald chihohn thontaafotrillo donald mckay lecei ceto john fiiiher thoma ltddtll thom a johnny andrortboinpeon wis coulton r hall wffl- f oder saasueh inri tuillmf 1iwii4iwiia r 1 rvwrwm mna everitt r tjakiii eurc ornwn rdtnuv arinciiadtt hnh ijd uilhuni luvy itrnjntnit fwtlb philp whtl john mitnn jdmund lhir j cainutj jimim alithr asraamlrr mel ul william mekuy willinm ooil ui tltomm tinffin jihn whit mm s john frtair ivajo llewttuati tlawasf i iiau edniund andrrtun riclurd tfkbsnn jrnnc- fiaore llnruec mdla wjknn addey tlmrn bhnn wahm llaldrnby jmc a llrndoum kawrl imii d hunter john p laedanald martin cameron john mawv hujh riller thoruai jouvu kingston commonalty op st ll in at for conrtvct lnyiuxat coferriw u raft uj jojr of stj prare m vuf tiioti ac nf uf pemasaas iuvrfu m luvf iwn o ar4jirhj f ic fztfntl rfufuie qflkt auid iwi forth yer o oui tvid orr tfimnd fifgtlf unurrd ud furlu ftat r tft m an api i lji aa ufurrril r i isutinaui e it enacted by trn mayor ai- nicii unl cuminunjlly of the town of kings coctmiun council n swiii med i thma rati r3i prnro in thu tnund upon all the rval atnl j- property in the jitl tmvu ttilfjtcl anil ha lie lo ira ra ted inxcd ami amacil bt llic miyur and curiumm cnuncil llitffvot umler and by iirttic ui an ai of the lnfviucial in itknt nruiit tliimilaj fivl in the lirt year raf liter rcijri itfrwc jirxout majoly emitted a ii au tliutuwci ktasjrtaill uwjcr ik name of llu mnyor ami common counail of tlic tmwii or king attsti bha1l u iml hie nftisl rate tnx m avhsirnoril liorvhy ii raictj taxed etiarg ej aaocii nj iiiipood on tucli real ml pert ma provrty a afiuvmid iw the year nf mir ford one tlnniad cigla liun juj ami ittrtytuur ii thnt it alil tn bwftw fof tile cou i- mr or ccalfwctrla ippomted or to uc ap- pnntej fur tlic irajtltown by the said may or amj common coumij anj he or they are licreby authoriwj and reimrvj to raift levy and coiuct tli ail rate of six pom e in the puuitj on ueh rejal and peraunal property a aforesaid from tlic owner occupurrt oe uther peruna liable to hie payment thereof iio a loo to niae lew and eollect of anil frvm each and every male inhabitant of the w town of the age uf iwentvonr year nnd ihm 3btvc tlic age of aixty year not otherwise rated under the authority of the aaid act of the proviu lial farirameni and who oy the law now in force wtfuld be liable lo perfnern mulnte lahnr the sum of ten shillings earl and the kiij collector ur collectors i and arc facrebv required from time to lime at he or they ha1l collect and re- reieve micii mlrv taxes or bssklw- itientt to pav over the amc to hie trea n rale of teas and other groceries av vnc i jmn coml maav auituinca on tuksday ihe loch aptil will be sold without reserve 10 boars twanaay tel vi do young hii do guniowdtr do imperial 8as fineureen cor1ee rm koaatcd do keosaeralns uvls moicovatlo njar qr caaki hiandv i g hi r 6 10 r do do while wine bbh viiwm hms turpentine carendh and llue tohjcc cictit hihm taper cut tunmeri and wine gtaw and 3ti dot lnhil a iv toilei fj rrouot sheiry- sale at ii otoch william ware autlwttti tt agent kindlon jo march ltl auexcy and commission buftlnersa hf snbcrihrr fesnerlnlly icndfis hb oicne initio his fnend and the tnliv nrajlv lor ihc tery invnl atifiaaiil ha bnt lujeultaw amea u cutjuvrajajtttd onnea m kiiitn eit l irt aniuinl iliem thai in i bm frvd 11 ru rtta cjnijniifili my i n iiiiil rafntariaa al hi nil ui 04k law uomnierml wlilirf pant trf 1mcp hicl vheta trviatj hswl wiirs mwto ui jioe anfie hm whn uy faer jmu wlsll hmr to the i m i rinfr wtholt- ers and iniiaifltants of thx county ok kjiumknar in aniwrr lo the nunarout aai ilasl itt e i ii ixade lo me teapectaaf tba ol tlecunn i herety rrimctfuhyinfoim yovthaj i ii rn tnunlion lo olfr i bcfoft a cindi daterorthelepteenutionoftbhcoflnlyuraa ihe time shall come round lor a general elac tion theforckornxshnrt notice mrthl at tuf- irifm at the ftrseni tnutnent heeouse 1 ahall fully explain it another periodany opinio and news of ihe political slate of the country lfi j ihe mrtauiea of rrtrenebment ironirfd in tba puhhcexprndilurcof the revenue and the part the inhabilaii tliould take in promoting tneir own advanrewienl and prosperity o m ojuainrc towar ii the fleclinn i hes dutincllr to meniion that i hare no desire lo solicit totrr x a by endeavoring lodiuiiniablbe meriii liih r ahilitira ol olhi r candidate my claim to oui notice thall tnd upohier roumit thr commons rtvutc of aiteuibly mutt al- waya he consntered part and paicrj of the co- venimeal and fteapontue gnrernanent must alwyprotiauijjclory to thr mhaaiuntarl canada ibis bein- already ettauithed we will not now stop to consider ihe ahatruse pointa in tt aorkinlt inert bring one other ihio nearrr and dearer lo our heart it ii holdine fut our connexion uuh hie mother counlry and keep ing ui a part and parcel of the brtxh ktmily and uii nanon we will itar y in her ho rn- n ut in pajuujaajr rrnw ro arattmaivtl riintma wuli itm tiadr ceimihv in- it i onltlvni that lia v dia- imc raf prpl fy with j bsastll ilielkh end 10 i chd adi jnl ie aa siif oiiirr in be am tine ul uo4ulla mhim caldlk ciooefiul whan kmtei l apni mil t hidlwu dlsfbict acblulttlh socleti fc tick it hereby given lltil i mill alenlin of the f t jiean i pu trid aciiiiihurulsnctety will iv lioljcn llclmb3 hotel tn r ho villa- of water loo on tuesday thelcth april 1814 ftlio iurpote of uppoiniiui ossaawv for the ensuing yeai auditing thu an nual account on j making ohoi oecea ary arrumjemeirtt and sttofor taking ient pav ivvf the same to ihe 1 rea- v vf f r i urerof tile town ui he applied hy ihe i tut v f lr lut aid wnvnr and ommon council for hat w lu wcwting fortraial hhtng eneral jiurxs ihereof i ami in cm any a1tnil afiy in ech lowi- erson or perrona ahall neglect or 1 to pay the tuniorauikt atsessed rated or on- pocj open him her or hieui under ami by virtue of the id art of lh iwiiirial parliancnt within the tunc theiem hmiied then and in audi cot it alull lc the duty nf and the id collector of coueciws lit and are hereby auihomed lo levy ami se cure the rate or raiea from the jieraon or persona nelccimk or refuuna to pay the oneaaforchaio bt sucli lawful way ami mean at by the aul act arc memilacj ijr chair lo 1 e taken at 1 oclock f i thomas glaur icy 5c tlwlt n o a kingston 30th march ib4 furs wanted at the commonalty of kingston cttnk orrick towx hall i kingmojit apiiigth iri4 sealed tenders will so re- ceivtrjuiiliionkiiinil monday lhj 2m diy of aptil iirataur nt t im lua li kingston fur store wofcvtwsw l000 mailinskins 10txx ftherdo 2aavruv itaccoow do ifooobear rlo 5000 otter ev foi wfoelt new yatk prices will m panl da detintlic amount of ty and our own nation will alwayt lake pride m our advatieernint to wealth and prosperity thtrehy intirin the due woifainr of the ka tith constitiiionthc best knaramec for carry- in forward qui keiponsihle government it is not desirabtc nr tvholesome for the body pohtie that the business of the couatty sbsjl te conducted willi- ii reference to psrty we of i front enac advocate ro sach exclusive doc- tiinc tlllthe inhalitanls of the county cnav firmly rely on my continued exertions lis altay- inr unneceaiaiy prly toiritanj tehraaniout feehnirs arrunrst ourselet in reality iheee it snt httle diffe rente ol opinion between the lib- al conseiraiive and iht honet conatilutiooal fainef their wanu ami interest arc tkt nie to into e rlcctai we muil woik toxelh- er on a broader has henefici cneaaurea for the roerl and advanremenl of all mast be our main conalde ration ruch measure shall always eomrnaod my unqualified tapporl amt atlemvoa anj it shall e my peculiar care in ttltv ut- flmrhins assistance in matatain our just iirhls and flhcriiet meiolale thete are the oul- linet of the term of our mutual enae in the which my own independence at your he present at iee will be involved to iosure tba greatest easssauo ad tantae in pari it men psja- hc conmlenee most be placed in the person chose a to represent you in this mailer f leara the ficcbotcrrt to judge foe tbeaotclvea itoware of tucb bubeart at may jtl mu circulation about ifirirfin- the contnilaeacy thereby allowing the election to be loat my friends know that tucb cannot be the caae in ibis cnaaty or axain that some raonttroua policy rfay eonie up and run aaay with the rovem inent of the country altogether such ast event it atia impoible abide your lime of aaaaasm and think over the cooseuuentct on heinx elected lo represent you in par liament my retirement from thr naval hr uvik iij4ii j ni wh oio exthanxe aod trant lrortaiion j a macdowall ucv street kincston mafh26 1914 part ment will follow a greater portion of my time may then be oeiotcd in eontaltin with tbe towntbio authorities of th datntt uei lenao ihe hutes charrea i tollsw f the maukht f one year fiun tin usj vy ibjl tn the lafituy j l ihu liisl name j lny heinir lihlu thr tender to ekpreauj the sum l mmiry in word ut lonih to ij given for iho leatc and llio tibiuev of two auliii iftit soietief it will be a criiultioii of ihrj lf tlut llio lent ahull lie puhl monthly in nil- vutice puilhc infiiirrutioii rniy booh uuiejat this ofliw rl siealed tfinpbrd will ann be ecivcj until lh aniiiu lime nnd at ik rame place from wwiai uling lo pay a um of money ft rxceivinp the appoint ment of fmte inspector for one cr from the twday of olay next wllll fees liclonging to the situation fullicjcnt auretice will be riuircd add tlioman two s l jar maccoboy inolt 100 boxes cicar j i hu- molasea 1 do sherry wine also a quantity of port sherry j madeira in wood and hottkt term un at madison al the head of the incite plane t s c ow m ippr0efl aajdtju etnuaattost th intelligent london tor rmpoodent of the quebec gazttt holds out in tha accafopany ing etiolation favourable ex jjaataaa of ibt year emiation vou will be aleaaed so know that very many eon paratavely well oft people will be added to the amftulionafcaaada upper at well at lower the influx oj netdy setitert will be tew ihe unions will not tend out many aod tor ihe present perhaps the lets the better from tba information 1 have obtained in quarter beat tatarned upon such a pi thp parlies intend tag lo attlla in the bntiih north american counute thit year will really be an v fttai lo your populama f etfrtfatitc woilos coaiuuvlv- boy go in and ak how old mrt jeakios it yet maw the boy returnrd with the aniwer tbe my tays ht dont know p attait it they had a tvood car heavilyjoaded with wood attached it it ututt in detcendins ibe plant to dttacb the wood and freight cats and bring them jittl to ihe head of tba plane to wait till thepaesengers have gone down in thia r toe way wa slippery and wben the wool r r waalhujrhttotbe head of ibe plane and the paatctjrcr car drtcendinr tbe former accidentally got oatler beadway aue running with great velocity alruck tha patsier car and dashed it tnta nitcea i eavhig tour persons killed and ff very badly wounded i the car wax dashed into framow and a jentlemao who was a paatenger taj t be sound tnmiejf planted in a deep mudhole oui of whirh he rate on tba dead bodiea of two of his fellow pataangvrt notes at 3 month sale at ten oclock punctually thomas kingston april 9 imi greer auctioneer m lanra a 8mvlacrtta rounr woman aihd a rugaceiab whan a pieoa of naeva froeo he bonnat fail into lha bottom of tha camag yea have law your bow beaiod ad ahady ruwenger wo i havaat haa goae a fishing uioctntiy iiead tba damsel and pracredtd on her way rejojcuix by private sale ss and piime meaut pork superfine and fine flour huuh in kegt hamt william ware agtm corner coml mart ttuildinga anjston april 12 144 i for sa le the new yoik albion for from 139 to 18 13 inclusive first volume bound and the laat two preservation to bo seen at mr tbct craera auction room kidgxtoftj april k ibha five yt ivro in vowj gentlemen- with fahuarj of ureal er ptide anj graiitule than 1 can express i have received your reqinition inviting mc lo liecome a canditjate for live representation ul kingston al ihe next vacancy the mode in which i can best evince my hijl tense of ihe honor yon have done me it of once inlay aataa aii peisonal considerations and accede 10 your retijett- vhei i obseite ihe numerous names which arc attached to this rceititton an4 which com mites om of al tuadit of utnillcil oiinion i amintraredwithlhe itope of a successful restt i ihal result howevc he oauccessful it will alwayt afjotd me the hihr gratilica tion to have received tuch flattering proof ol the confidence of so man of my fntnds and fellow citizen in presenting mytell lo the electors of king ston as a candidate for iheii sulhae i have no object nf peroritl ambtuunto eralily except a delicto advance ihe inlrrestsof the town in which i have lived so long and nithuhote for tunes any own piospeiily it idcniifird as well at to maintain those princitet of public policy which a justly style voundand kbernv nd which have alwayt act u at el our loyal om ttaafi in a young country like canada i am ol opinion lhal it ia more consequence to endea vor o develope itt resources and improve its phi tirtl advantages than lo watte thelime of the legislature and the money of the people in fruitless discussions on abstract and tbcoich- cal queitions of government que great object of me exertion if elected will be to direct the attention of the legisla ture to ttetctttemenlofthebacktownthipa of this diilricl hitherto so utterly neglected and to pct tor the construction of the long project ed plank koad to perth and the ottawa and thus make kingston the market fora urge and fertile though oitherto valueless country tli desirable object once attained the pros pcrityofoor town will be etubhtbcd on a nimcr batit permit me in conclusion le repeal any warm est thanks for tha honor you have done me and for the confidence you express in me and to tlate that i will not fail at soon a my ptofe aiool avocationi will allow to waiton you and tbe other elector individually i am gentlemen your obedient oc obliged ervanl john a macdonald to the hot john kiby a the tignert of the rnoitilion baled tenders w ill dtao be re cciveil at i- aume lime and ploce from ncrwuih willing i fill the mtuation iff pound keepfk for the town of king ton 3ml also funishmg a proper pmiud nl the exiienfte of the party tendering tender toexpre lite tim of money which will be given for ihe tt nation fer uuo year from llic lirl day of may next in eon iiieroiion of receiving the lee further rorticulara may be obtained on application al thit olrlec ciuks orriee towk hail kinson oih april 1911 notice ia iwichy anwii that the butchers stalls in ihr new market house will be icsej ut 1uhlic auction at 1 oclock noon on monday ihe 22j day nf april instant ut en annual kent front the ftnt isoyofvay near 1lia lessee of each stall will be required to furnish two sureties for the payment of the kern further particulars and condi tion made known at the lime of sain by order uf the comninn cnuticil in hankkukrcv canada i c ii ar rn wir j rac rax rankrupta cumimsfthhi ifaoied by ptrtrvlsfl f kiiikrttiticx eeuuirc jujjn of the mitllund ditttict court dated the tint doyif april isal kirtt meeting of creditor on tvct- inv ihe icih of april inilant at ihe ofliceof the said stultnd i ivirkpauieh v i at mio hour of ten oclock in the forenoon t a cohkbtt ivuiricf sheriff olticr 21 aptil 1844 s with a view of brmine lo maturity tome of our many contemplated internal jmpruvrmenu i may alto area toaurf faxes lhinkof our farm ing mferots 1 remain your faithful friend john bennett habk3 jtowrtship of pituhtircllv atttai marrh 1811 fhas m hlfl fieri c athkhrlum pb1n i ino dlfiol orafraairoitcdiotaa 6ca iw oa miiinui rana fwa qeth -i- u ta coanor ur- i i tsa cor f nowe rkra ordnance notice ealel tenders will be re o ceived at the offico f ordnance kingston till tbe 30th day of april 1641 for the biro of aiihttautial welt buih commndiotr stonj5 or bdi0k dwelling housksforopricrne quautchs in lie gniritori for one year from jat joy i8ll and for ouch furiher pweiod a may he required the t r iuiitot mutt lie conveniently ueer thu betrattin kingston and epa ciout with auilablo htmente for the climate tho buildinga rouat be in a complete atate of repair both internally ano ex ternally 1 for further paniculart aa to the ox utnt of the eccom modal t on t e re quired at this pott apply at the bar rack office kingitoiii during tjffice hours okceofordetuice i siff i ta 1 v to let a t the head uf prince stiect a swne dwelling h00bbtm storie high four rooms and a hall uri rneh floor with a cellar nd cellur kitchen and with the necessary out building gaidon and a well of good water tho above tt well celculated for oucutlemaiit llviiderice the rent will he mcxleraie apply at lire subecnbcrv office i ontario street wm garratt kingston 29th march 1s44- national hotel wrlliyeioir ititm tttstcaroat r suutcriber beea lo inform hu frirridtaud tbe public in ft e octal that he ha fined up the above esublinfv ment fiirmeily k by d puilliea and intends lo eparo neiilier trouble oof catenae in making it a place 111 eery way suitable r the accommodation of thoae wbu may favor him with their patronage the houae u aiiuated in tho business pari of the cily and conaattofejtcelleni sittiog dining and ded itoome it well furniabed aod at- teuded by those vho are deairoua of making travclfeta aa cumloname possible paaseogers conveyed to and from tho boata gratis porter in attendance at the boain randolph d p1erson kingston april otb 1344 2ot to let by the subsciiher hta ffammoth store house tn whole or in parts also sevetad smaller onus near tu the uihwo can alto store any uuanty f freight that may be committed to hia care all hi above premises are ao wh situated a to ihi water ud conveniemce that ao enumeration of the advantasea and ettu- tion of the place vrnuhl be nedlots apply at the office in ontario street wm garratt kmeton 39lli march is44- to let 4 stone shop and dwelling jt i lroek street netar the market fnim 1st may ensuing which t now rc cupicd by jamks mcuowaij furrier fr terms apply at tbe subscriber office in ontario street wm- garratt kingston 29th march 1844 to bb 0old by public auction n saturday the totb april next at noon the lease rosx a term nr veaaa of thai well known tavern stand and promtet colline bay formerly kept by mr pj fitch with about o acree of leadtu- nexed good aecurily for the due pev formance of the lease will be required potseation to be gtveo on the 4tb day may next the terms of tbe lease wiu beiraado knowo on theday ofsate lawrence herchmefii5f t leww warthan rtpf r j erlctu towcahip of kingston march astb ish ihej a l not1cs to pcnsiokriu apommvtted pensioners are v hereby informrd that ibe uaiialpay mrnta ate autpervded for lh preaent and lhal tintice will be immediaftily giv en at soon as orders stall iw received 10 routine them cueisaa ienttoxeaa can paid on preecmina themselves at the commis sariat office in kingston but no com rruted pensioners can bo paid until fur ther orders commtafajiiat canada kingston 19th march lsa s 8elukg of r at cost at ta belfast warehouse brock street mr f boy d lc co raapeetfully io lim- forms their frieocf nd tbe public that they are selling off their present stock of fancy aod staple dry goods at coat tavaw match 181 notice erebv forbid the porehaawof ease of the premises kooww tat fjt u tavkrk as advertueal bs tho baitiah whig of tbe 29tb march aave as subject to my lease of tbe sense which haa two yeaxa to nio from tbe fim day of may next with the privilege of continuing tbe tame two years from theuce if i so please margaret fitch dated 7th march 1844 fob 8ak raft casks pnn hope- wms- key by tbe subscriber john h greeb kingston march l5th 1844 cimmonoss colonial magazwe 0 and foreign miscellany ne 3 was irimued en tbe itt maxcri price 2s 6j cexraurrs hj rereljectioas ef alsntu with a view of tbe city of coeataatjoa aaa three woodeal ijluttralioos 3 available rrtetirteseftba west ladies hy l bioua 3 vie diemant land in 1843 by a lata colonial police magistrate 4- on du aeri- eolters of hindattan by g w joluasan esq 5 tbslvoapeeuandpmrettofwaaa- trro australia by atexindsr andrews ee 8 tbe nsvueofihe wetld 7- tba iwa and ceamarta of signapore 8 oer wats book climau of new zealand caawa laee a beautiful r i r r spaeth 9 asav viewa ofnaw weees tha stranger talatsa antigua and tba arrticuajw- mnrwja csls nisi library etc 10 cetooiej uttaigeaot staiitlicaoflna trade and coateierce oljsv maiesandthantwtarut j j heats laltuv eece 12 births doatba kc