tg j the british whig akd sjttnsjlml advkfttiakft ron canada bst frtllihij simlwecklt every tuesday a friday i y jdwa1d johniarssbd at the atheneum f h bqt strerl r i j j r i l r u 1 u t te ii movr fovno pn pkk aw mas advbutiaehvtasmi i rnl n1fms svf44trrtl44 an j 7 i n ri h 4fcequiii tflff1i ll lo4l0 io 3a- m flr1 irciuii arid isi tmeqoenl inteitrml tot n j pft muft fiif bsriaa id per lin for 4h t0rm mrtmt a4wtlcmvin inwafl bcw smcim rh i h r i nw r inartfiod imw if r ij nilj- lltfe for imm a j- vrnlminauto bflfloibddti1llalifonenfa wfi 1 vrtww arocwrfcri 8rvkn lounr tc miilm- hlllmlpim 10 t amtntfll whifi llr jnift of tbr ucv cindi ulrtntittoii jo dhcolr tux uowj atrtnltamaatvprckat knvet tfavnsjmftetinild vm onll ho rxleil ty ml h t h i lrg tn ie uiotto pfavlncr mwimli msdlgda0ilnilie pwmwi ffojot tt tssal fa pmc atll4tur rliv a to b pow prjd- british tuljtfl a n dg eneral advertiser for canada west vol xllf lands fo sale iioiikt txilcyi printer lot can half of 12 west perl 12 east ttcst rt south o lkttfikpkiw mipninoi dtnk dtda wtu bvmlcotirir ttfv r fort tai or tf un uj oo printed pprr raig watt accountants ontario street o air smpima grocery ojerc ajexr etosr dr howard fhincess street oarccwj oppoeiu ir ohnlte boarding swfj weal half east qr 11 11 14 13 23 12 weal part beatit wctls the abovo i ly low those thai hoe had scritiera whho fr further ker 100 jaoo richmond ii m 4 ii cleared madoc mat mora ii bo sold extreme- mg mil bargains lit kingst kingston itiii 7iujh uj a canibcll jfcwrufsr fr jroractp of lato rmikcsat tracer iikchoh john a macdonald alexander campbell j mr kkvvj i m mackenzie birmlrr nt uw solirilor i rbaotrrr c ac clarence flthrkt- kikgto- a ctt loorj gloh doif yj natal o fftf q- ak torfy occupied ty 1icri ifumi fr jloirc a- nr im nt iiisnit ship chandler ivo 4 ftr l buit4in qatar xtrttt kingston imroattftar tatcwt cl calet and an- ckomyoako tar pitcfat am hosik naval stores of avcry dckfiptroi loikd ltotu oil anl lint ktnpton marcu 28 1813 painting david martin from htqtuxrtd painter glazier paper bajtqbr 3 doors abovb the scotch church prin- w street kingston n b whiicvvahinr and coloring kiagaioo feb 10 1643 to let at th hwd of prinre street a stonedwelling h0u81wo slorioa high four rooms and a hall on ach boor with a celiur and cellar kitchen and with the nccrwary out- boildingaoaiden and e well of good avater the abuve it well calculated for gentlemans residence the kent i ill be moderate apply at the subscribers office in omariostreet wm garratt kingston 20lh march 1s44 bondjvroitrifr b8ls irtv london for seo ty hulih fraser ft co ontirh strftl 20h joir j8l1 by teas son in boxes ma mai ci er call the sub- el ay rticnlnrs apply to vaqdell co rch 1314 22gm r sale e subscribers piisiug gunpowder hy ung hyson and twunky cuddies odo sugar in bbls rttisios in boxes havana principe and half putab jica spiriu in bhds a choice terticle i ifiin rim do do i huron i ontario white fish in bbb half do loiicsn cheese tondaga kiverponl salt light suapmoain in enelian red do 760 hbls- superfine fine coarse flour oswego brands 1ft0lu it bran ian a r y r- jr i i u i of ftxtlscap rul ejnd plain deed pcr pott and 3u pine large small tost vviinr limo giound piaiten a lot of black wmtt maole and cherry bedateads plain and paonelled a splendid bronse lamp craig watt kingston isih dec 1s13 for sale rs no 13 6c 19 in the 10th con j towoahip of uawdon victoria piktrict lot no 14 in the 2d con township f georgena home district lot no 10 in the 10ih con rich- pond midland district togeihei with mal parcels of lot no it broken mitt first con- on second range the wnsfnpof richmond midland dis ict apply to noam fowra mirrtlenurv ttitori kingston kinplon dec slh 143 25 loc1if1nf hiiriungs kegs iwtls for slc bv hugh fxasbr ce onlirie street 20th jon i8h 25 rei put ha hi mi fla bhbs piiflf quality hugh fkaskk ontario street 20h jun ism boftdeavk vi ho ah casks doawc chiruiw fei iiuuii ffiaskr i omirio sttcc120ih jim 1814 30 sale fcy al co 5te hy co uld jamaica hhds mprior oid jimaica rum 2 a 5 tor sie by hugh fraser co dduriosliet20ih june ibm 20 olt olive i pr hh cod in hms sesj for sale by hugh fraser onurio suecl junr 1814 ani qr do- cki co 100 pipk0 boxes snd half boxes frcttl carvfj and plain for sale by hcgh fraser co onurio stretl 20th junf ibm a few r wines si cohtasl sherry for sale by hugh fraser onuiio slet 20ib june 1844 biown and colj co crushed sugar bbls crwihc sugar for sto hy hugh fraserfccfl onlario srl 90ttlf 1644 30 kingston bellows factory john drew from lonoon ttespectfullv informs the pub he that he has on hand am is con tinually manufacturing forgo kitchen and parlour hallows of tho heat english eatbor and warranted torus cah or goods country ordora punctually xeculod hallows repaired princas sloppotfiro molars watkins gos hardware store kingston juno 1 ith 184 46if ni b camphino and caropbino lamps nail their variety provincial justice anmooptss of bo new edition of this work may bo bad on application to ihe autotribert charles stuart kiogitooj junt 45tf lumber sale by the ubsciiber frsi balb by ubj ubsciiuor near vi o government vi vatj 1lacr d ami 300000 feet of lumber irttic of 1 inch inch und a quatter coo inch am a half and 2 inch also a lot of oak hank from nno inch to fuur- 0u0fettnf square iine lumlier and pine scantling ofdiflorcni 41 nensirs tho almle of tlie lumber is of au- pctii jinviy and w seasoned and will he stld crtflhi kitbtof ow for cash or approved benjamin may 7 is tett 36tf f01 marine stores sale by the subscribers tit m a patent chuin cablca1 incli a 34 and 6860 fathons each ant from 12 inch to 7lgfha anchors from 2 to 5 cwt i 5 7 40 100 h hawser 4j inch 05 fathoms kegs spikes 5iog inches barreb pine tar do pilch do bright rosin bales oakum- aliob 3 patent double screw jacks craig watt kingston 4th march 18 notice quebec fire insurance company- m1e subkfibtri agent for ihis insliulioo ii- j- to rlfsct inmrancra gstnt foas or damigs by fifs at modtrstc raits of djftojjeajij roaiovad o thr buck buildino corner of oslaho and brock stfeelf whie applications will be received during the ordi nary hours of business thomas greer agent kingitoo 304a apnms44 m ph1tatb buarring iiou9e r3 hilton begs to intimate to her frinnds and the public gener ally that she can accommodate young men with board and lodging at the 2nd coiuge from the jvtwf office and next door to ms j slioht i 1 r- where she hopes to make all comforta- bo and to meet a eharo of public favor kingston nov 28 1s43 3i04 to let possession given on the brat of may the premises in the com mercial mart at the foot of princess street occupied by mr d macdonslo one of tho best situations forgoneral business in town charles haines kingston 3d april 1 844 kingston canada tuesday july 16 1814 daily steam conveyance ilndavs etceptcd c iiirm- toiionto 4 kingston aliing ai lbs inlermeilialv- perls viz windsor daaukotoh bonu mcn post t ii cotovtw mother permit tin tub boyu hail team picklii law t dica colclrvon sovereign ca city of toronto cast princess hoyalp cast sail as uora from toronto to kisuston sovereigneveiy monday and thurs day n noon i city of torontoevny tiejy anj friiav a noon princess royal every ani sstarilaj noon prom kingston to toronto princess royalfpry monday and thutiiay evening at 8 sovereign- every tursliy cveninfrf st 8 oclork city of toronto- evety wednesday montreal and kingston maxt ixne of steam boats jxd staves nrlle public are iwinc arc llij tho season the i rn riv and ni steame infttimcd thut the aiianzcments for ifi vin rs the new and fast sailing steam packet bontgr vim w hinhl4ndek cawadi ntkasiu canada cafiain lanlc cildersleevbi csrrak uowi pqwuvaidi weonwdayj will ply daily ivom kingston to corcauj q b du lac ils niics frm montreal icav r p k i n c e cap mf commence uiiuiiig on -in- bay ifiitus j ihjii on mon day uoxt aitj cominuo during llii f suinc ojtinp as tlhuvs will leave ftelfcvdle cor kincston every momay wcnkluavf nml fnila morftin si 8 oviock a m ouctticiy- al tlie hlcf- mediste places on her y down nj will leave gicn wuarf kingston for bvkrillrnd tin livertrit tucaftay tahwspavi jd satnimv morainfl si 9 oclock am luuthing it the intcraiecuii- wilk momt p08itivelt b sold on imfuv august 1st ot no 7 inthoislconeessinns j w ureen point svoll known as sconlans farm in ho township of so phianhurg and dwlrict of rhuco ed- wajd cnataining 200 acros as of wbuh sro under cullivalion this very valuablo and rttensiva farm is situated imcnodiacely on thm vratcis edge on tlio bay of quinl aod six rilea only from the flourishing to wo ofpiclon attached to lie farm is s good hnp a aubstantisl wharff and a largo mm commodious s houses ihrce sinries high this liuc property frnm its cocnmatxj itig yxmiiun is well worthy of the attan- linn of i he merchant or farmer and will a suerifrttomiiamt wkealhey knew iisl of subscriber wnhotit rs- d islue sud hli hi w serve un the fibst op jclv next unless previously disposed if by private salo terms low fur cash for particular apply to messrs for syth mutilcbury licilors ksngstort iixe at one olnck james linton acctioneer kingstnn in july 144 no 56 from two to eight times cheaper rati nc on tih ukllbulim ct ir mi wnii jr l kll fot t clock and ffiday aodturdy kveniogs at 8 oclock steamers arrive rfally at toronto from ham ilton and niagara in tioie for the above boats lo kingston pseners are particulaily requeiletl tn look alter ihfir personal llgzage as 1 lie po- piieiois will not he accountable for any article whatever -nil- cntoed and jijptfdor as r r ceived hy them or ihrir aeeols royal mail packrl office fiont si- toronto 16lh mii 1814 the steamer pilot for tfontrcal direct t his well knotvn favourite low pros sure boat will nfsume her regular trips on the dwnittfl of tho navigation leaving kingston asusua every tuesday at l m and mon treal every thursday a 6 pm the owners beg to intimate that some improvement has been made in hci boiler by which they expect her speed will bv very materially increased also other improvements tu the boat in gene ral thereby adding to her cunfutt ami convenience h ij s jones kindlon fifll 15th 184j 2 n bh jt s jones fnrbid all per sona giving credit to any ujm cid then account without written urdcrs fium thoir ctrce pkotises poawarding link v steixek insr kingston ktltty muknjr at 7 oclock driving at culmtl du lac early the same ereninv from which place passengers are omveyed to the cascade in mages onn planked mad sleep on boaid the steamer chieftain and aiiiveiti montreal the ncm nioiu ing at 7 oclock upwards from cotcau ju lartho bnats leave every evening on tho ftnivsj uf the mail and passengers fium montieol and reach iiniinn the follow in afternoon in time m passengers to tale the steamers for any port n 3 i ontario the boats pass through the sulendul long sault canal the magnificent rapids of ibosti iawrence and the lake of the thousand islands by daylighf af fording passengers the iiut desirable sif and exhditinus route between kingston ond montreal the above steamers call at the follow ing places gananccue brgrkvilhv maitland pmccht ogdennhurgh n y mntilj i williamsburgh and cornwall steasi boat orncc cavimtrrial vvbaif kingsioo 26th ajuil 1611 ftkst of jtl iis t k e mp a ckct leave lcas robinson ill fh ii i c4h visi 11he public arc respectfully iufi ex that lite above mimed line posed of the following steamers favorite captain jokes hob hoy n dkktnsot wilh good barges having rented suitable stores at montreal ond kingston will bv prepared on tho openiog of the na vigationlo receive and forwaid goods produce and fusse nera at the lowest rates from momreal to kingston via the rtdeou cnnol and vice versa hy the rfver tt lawivjneo the comers an all of the first class and will be fit ted up in a style equal to any on the route having good accommodations- every attention will be paid to passen gers and the transport of freight exe cuted with despatch office at canal wharf montreal g w johnson agent and at custom house wharf kings- geo henderson agent 1844 the steamer chief jl hugh richardslia eaves lwimon anil iiu nttt aw fr nvfmch i ft ttoaatliif muntrttil vvspsairav illttc fvl on pkipavi i n fjs msii astd wfctf laea kinlfl n tosr s rtnnav fi niidaraassln i al iii i tt in- ftt nmsnra u fimi tf tirii ami st w ion ff the 41 kj can lrfirkmflanl uiftim tuin0v4soiv itr ilm mieiitnc ill fly llii iliwi nmoinir lo hotttrekl in i kci slihvu i url ttmw in i j ttciuo to i m 4 tu 6lrsnrlu tltasli riiuut- jof mt 7 ullyfr nitdia oknrt aj uw ssitaffi 7ovhw a am ksvvistiio lew 1 hvfiii tvifuoin d oiive tvii rr fron w captain ive ill for the remainder of the season ply between kixcston and hamilton as follows upward leaves kingston for hmition on mon days and thursdays at 3 oclock ill tin afternoon on the arrival of the ltiver mail steamer touching at cobmirg port hopo darlington bond head oihawa windsor and toronto the frontenac will atiive at toronto in time for the steamer transit for niagara und lewiaton downwards lroiu jfly alvo tlit smai picket cu hrmtv isiciuhxo miin qrjri4ttn and tvuara y h victor 1 rt a r ivramp arrwuq initmw l pjtku lur ktnmn rtwimsouavfj toh tum oucrnuii mis tletr 1 uwuion s v- 1 of ika ttsilps e kimgilun acckts rienaav stvy- hi witaisu hotv j m 1lice r iiumi luniaitfrstrt- n b wu gihnl ir luf f i un f in rtsri steam boat notice he public arerespliully iufutmecl that llio steamer favourite capt ralht wxes will ply during tho gwm hctwren kinguin and montreal leaving the lake oiilarioimuil line wharf kings ton every sa1 ultuav i w o noon for freight or passage having su riot accommodation apply o ilie iptain on hoard or to georqb hknoerson agtnt ofae i korirerdirg liar kingston april 3jlh is 14 to be let tiheltangeof stone buildings covered with tin adjoining the leaves hamilton for tottjtom tuesday royal artilleiy park kmgnn known and friday evenings and will iravo wuiffm toronto for kingston on wednesdays upted as officer and saturdays at s oclock in tho morn- 1 aplcndid and the irg calling at windsor oahawa bond tho rent ts very darltugtod port hope and co head bo org ey this arrangement the frontenac will reach kingston in time for passen- aonroratotokotho river mail biat for freight or passage apply to the captain on boaid or to tho proprietor in kingston kingston june is 1s44 rxxiciit dovstwahds the proprietots of the fronlenst will for ward freight from soy port on lake ontario to montreal ia connection with a forwarding housein kingston by suaoi tho whole route at the jollewing raits e d flour pse barrel 1 6 pork and beef 0 6 ashrs 4 o kingston juot li wellington terrace and presently oc- rjuaiter ihu view situation desitable- moderate and each houbewillbe put in complete repair inside and out pisossiun on the first of june apply to tilomas grlxb esq or to tho subsciiber n b the houseswil bo let singly or together r- jackson kingston may 2tb 1s44 150 reward the subscriber hereby offers one hundred and fifty pounds current cy howard for such evidence as will prosecute to convicting the incendiary or incendiaries who on the night of the 23rd may last set tire lu his tannery in ibis place adam iiubbsp picton 13th junr i9i 3m passages free for rcveitnd gentlemen of all denomt nations ktnsstiin april 2 is44 important removal or the belfast warehouse tout brtyk ttrtel to the corner oj printnt and lfaottrftts end divttffaj oppute mcrpbtfs ckttkmi store mp boyd respectfully informs his friends and the public thut in order to extend bis business he bos leased lb above mentioned premiss where bo is now opening ontalrqe and rrst splendid assortment of fancy and staple dry noons- all this spriiijts imporiathmr comprising the latest and most fashion able mxes jits patterns i at the uriiinh and foreign markets could prntlurci al olv at the lowest for ready money m p b uepvtfully infoims mil- liners dressmaker 6c that he bos gut in his taney depattment many rare ailiclesin their line wmthy nf notitic n b farmeri are panlculaily re rpjested to inspect his stock of domestic cottons ore before bnving elsewhere os they wfll he found at cxtiaordinarily low prices and of a superior fabric terra libend cheap gods one price xo ore- dit kingston june 1s14- paper ano stationery warehouse- fwrr md talue ua lnrli ha iwci ld tpa hfli to fc3th all tfn kj ftw bl kiucj m o vkilh n viw tsil ncli nl 1 hisli ij lv btif in fav vwty u it titn iihiy tjij jli cmiifttiu and all wli cm ii1iall limn im ferlca ictiouvj la tbrm if hy at mitechslod wilh i welo wihsssji the lrtritiility f ntrtirun ib u 1u uvhwsjhwaimsvkii rsvaaus soar o fiul nnd tfll satjlstsl pjhm aift ahrn w sanlifi wbarta stall w rtmeed t comfi tty u in fife tsruhflts ssvinjc lf limb or scar ni ihiirr can bf tl if ills 11 jhrj smhsj dia vital are ovnvyd uy leseacwsm it laints t wssj in aprssce ia il fffti liumo- lor tiim1 mnicjl pun kifint nf u r wmlacov 2 rt1njf strict krw vrk piiovgcfl ov f tut limti o mttru rwfrjetsftsj sd ucar co limoi as much fcr a imiar j wr aor yoii uq ilia tapontilolity f our diatsvim ital nspidliy tvr livoian mtimis rauiioss i lst ii that ft ptmjimj ln i ihn ttsmrft bttuwi r tio flstscll io any aal nuiloris jibs r o any slasiies iocflvtlual iaa ever toco dajfavmsl io i minicinc vu will uasfl iibsrrvo il ia no sovcivio rcsnody tx all annrfjinw bui only inteuicj for esasnmal aafheajiua ool will rur ib fil- lorin irn scamk fiostrd prt chill i lilnint chafb otfsaills cjiapa tctlci pimpk rfirh ivinn ulcitr spiaii- ryiuv1aa slubf ct piiiitv strjin cat and tihaclie masapsi i thrm itinrunl wmllsws pilfta tiiiwnim sjii rjcum dsroo tich iii- ikt ciopnon -f- kye tioj lid weak ijii tite lii lunctuirra bitca tod vnri fever tain ijia in hock and idn tender pirrl bhiinnorj nhcums tie dntoreos ajvn in pcc and i- j r creold ooro pears prickly llt lurtuovd skin hnkon hi- ii si nioplct uoux hand btistricd uicev orting tflf dhmttv white swcliot- cm in wnmid svrvctiini general sure iati uur riinmt blictiaiiii imtild ho innd io arty alfc we itiink il not imurodtni to iet 4 t 1 shinyj sod iiiclorerqne villajfi of poilsmonth a neat c07tage coo- liininsairlmcnti sntlabjc for one or two families with a garden if required reel roojtrafe apply to john carrurflersv kingston llh my 1814 b slotc hv lard oil and cheapest for machinery sale hy the r cask ate at ihs cit j cabruriib of which will beiuhl remunerating prices i i i aitectloas ihey oio oot tom isantolpol harks tiitsiich w lias naoei n rxpeiience h i ian hi ns ilia nuny it will lio nceasi y to kniw tlit iho sf title called cossiua i the onw una we can tr online rid but iu a caulfori siioai r w ihituin tht wo have reason to behove are of no uln rn nn vo vih prciml it tj ow nrfir who time actual nd iffil and fit ttabcf it j- wbnsi yoi r sti1ihtfiiur lcs lo infurii trade iwl tlic iublic in ccuvflll llim he lias prcnrj a avnrrhnuar iu motilrclj cmwr of putr dtrmt and jysfyl dmr shrtt wlieic lid hi uboklvinu ntid will coiiimuuta licccive jotin the scasini a iahck aortiit or rviiiv ncktrtioh of writing and printinti p a 1 li h s as well as every tiling connertej tvitli tin statioaitty bushvess whicli from liis king expettenrn in the trade ho feds eoitriilent he will oniiljlt tu supply on eipialtygixid trms as they can im utiricet robert mttataajl jui- iclh is44 mit ond f r il trio ij a pnin titrator aucmifitry mpfehsnti nro rcooeed to lake if in ihir tuvnon cnninimnn ia the jrreste litcoiinj io mankmd thai haa btn difovrrnl in medp hss tnir m atmnf isnpisce but you mv ilroem us puwcj will wly jiity il 011 r all llio ajtfltr ut a ramibli grout ta lall very ntteieiin j iil naasua of oil i ihe ckrincn io now tvtld ctmi- ho who and t conoelv an cent it rer fniii iiid wntihlcvo oniicar under other fr tint rt iirccl rooi ciiinuck a ii iiothvs irttklf it txmlstutk st ch ifiykiuii aincjivmiatr new goods at iks glasgow warehouse comer print esrf ivdlnum strett kingston iterr waddelg ft ctn r spectfully intimate to thflr cflir- tomers and hc public generally tbrnt mr w has just returned from gmgcnrs mancacttcr and london snils rearj extensive stock of fmci tad stasatft us ie gjsr suttalilo for the summer season caa- n iw every kowity those markets ccmm sftord la dntssss nf vatlods styles end fubrics all nf which will he sold off at a small advance on the aterling cost at the glasgofr warehose mayslamsji 40lfv removal j a mcdowall fuhrier was removed from gturawa duiujings premises uiim dunittok uaiiiv a iiatr paius for tuk vlrk of bmlajaj l lir rui ithnriiiiilitia tlimersl timilny irattminib lire si atr trattsai vf ihc shin tsibrr m uil saal v ha m pisfvssi hhw ihm mi sjnna laajtrsi f ludy liturfum- nf ibavliiiohiansi l- laifi aiitt hrehiie wf ihe bvnc- lier aflrtfinn rinidnr paaalajlrfl in nan ftea aiwl alt lis tac ntfi liiitli hit mipioo 11 nf iho uloic ltniji4 nd lui in ltlvf cfcmvt lim 1i tfrvi baoojk fttaaerro his own premises d1rbctly oppo mik where ho ftilj have cottsumly on i hand ami manufacture to order- ever i description of fvr ahp qwjfi uai ini tvsjry otnfer oitflta itthsv lino of huttincsj kinjeion april sg 1s44 fuhs wantb0 at tin kingston kur store inn onn mmi luashiasf lt 1000 ucar do bntiahc in tho huriili weut t removal murphv has removed fiiim h old stand in princess street tci the checkered slob comer of ilinrv and uagot irceu nearly dppivite the larthlou llouxc hotel kinsmoii may 14th 1344 c aim t m in retitrtiine liissinrerc ilanfc to his cust4meist both in town ami country tor the very liheral italioiingc received by him bogi ivsiecituhy to iitform them that he is now ten at the above store u laiee nud fresh mort rhrtitaf groetrus mviicj ifo ptv vith pyr ipows wyr slvjff which pledges hirnrlf cannot he surpassed by any hulrm h est of mun- tieal or neiv yoilk with rvjrsjft itmrr tu qulity or rheapness kingston m u k is4j tlie rcat buiy sit stiapmiua and it umrtm hvl rllk j iiovr n bloum t j- lei ii any purtimiiiit if ita virtue vr ajjuco av ivntuoc in it fot the sarjulta h ivartrintfl pnvrle nj iftkod s smv nrtn hut imo h rnalr l fn lir at jt hir itiriict ff iiritir f murh i1 crind anil ss mi5 anl m ijt- hiiilr vi tttw cent pu uuluc or r llulldra per il kii tlii itritclit lian r nret nnfula nf 3ft yara nfrci ilii imjh 4iii ui iin4 ue voj in tain t u hil t iim jh l coitiloch and ci imlv ilohiliji the emjnlry ui ntw luk uijv ailfl ritlaith stttsati til e reason soitm kiioi ie limiloh enoh vt hhrt tliji ao csioh ih irtl to iliav uhjil so sillilu nf imfmnlmvinl aud f ell ii fii 5u tcnu r im lwi j ri tltvit isu irfbefs iiiimii lor jiti ilaitr ii i uihhr th ainotlo rrt u this i ii will tww l enoiard wliilf pive hyions lveiks xq00 rvu 2r karcnoo no f000ot1ei iti for whih tiv york nrirt ivill he patd jacloh the arjiulintoj exchange ami trint oi laiiun j a macdowall urock sliert k i apnl 26 im4 suhscrihc is have hat rcceied a large lahle s- i r i i m- ififw collection ofra at greatly rejuced ptitcs aiuotij others are the lollowin raukea hi tot y of ihe popes ibeir chiireh and stale rlurine the 16th aod 17th cmtniirs 3 tors kci llidory of utop stouts siirvrv of loodoo canick life of air william wallace biojjiaphical i itustralions of wesiminiilet dwubeoiev history of ihe reformation hroivrmig history of the ijjenou the ivnny m m for 1m3 hosve i wo tlhoi ao works cotnotele 1 sot i iinnkidrrrd hy oiher in t u wo ilo not the ptatilit iny iv fok ulb 11 v the sruscrlukn right musuuvauo suoaie in llnfhcails and barrels to hacco in boxes and kejs and a su perior stock of i imu ami llucooa in wood and holtles imiorted hy himwlf also a cenoral qioitmctii inm lhl and provision lobe sold at the lomt iii hc iirices fur cuh k b wonted 200 bairels oli lilt so0ou bushels tf unct and soiooo bushels of itvr fur which the stilted iber will pay cah kodskt mccormick kingston 19th attnu 1s4 3lle ihiijniit dvll ir a column nr nv- wt atlvcrlietnei leii ptvsji llastctva waswata lint mr n moli fof ss chj or hitei arihln a any iinciwilie roil lt in mirirt the n piobjltlt share than ollrsts a wc bot tlic urt saraaihinlli koi du- v thcitt iifcv tit iitiblit know whit we rdsstaai for ii and iu iodic iia wi a not t require half d ncv- pssnar t suslsiil lis reptnaiimik mt1i tv at r comi k cv c ia sif p- rbkaiai pi0vcabts ant hsaassotlwr isom hy cojrr a ix vi cortland street new yrk it sw b hfa ifotttj n ralmer chomiai anl doirit complete cttaraneii cyclopaedia of english lileratari i letters from america i hunts poetical works mrs louloos botany for ladies i arile mlfc rnjlft tjotneslic cookery iv i anl a s at numh of cheap nft i2 ai wc hs an j a grtst numhr or cheap iwui works also a l4rje aoriroent or plaik and fancy stanokkhy blam books in rjtai vatieiy perryan inks sled pens quulsj c cc ramsay armour oi co kirstonjqfle 25lh i8w ciiakllis seymour agit and nnoiter o- 90l fftfttl poul srecr ahntreut acrthiri miru srtinicn yolnc co montreal hxxpcajotc rloovrn co- ih nllsaaa uyhax co a mmus ryroin it hakhinotox jo j c pcntckot vw st johns mmfij j ii plxk v c0 surinton vi m rs urquhakt hes to inloim the inhabilants of kingston snd its vicinity that she has rommcnccii a boarding and day school rott t0lkg mptcs hy slid aitonlion lolho miral tl m u civ en- ijy plaeo in esatmlu tuoatrsttlt- and hope iniolkcinl coliiniion tf htr popil tiro joracihiri to tlmo parsnte who itieb hihro undoi her cnaijtc- msa unqunaht ha httsm ooessod tot aorns favns hjih in iitan lio he nlo taken a lstty na aatwuni who is fitllf coinfwleiht to th ptsssojl mnt md siftffiftf having tautllt tho oeromph-hmtnt- fbi niny coi m pamuvasottm 6rtt rsjsrs4jtssil hty 1 in which ia rmi may be saarh knon on application si her isaidi kiof si roc i naar pnncesa sirael k i vg4lli 1p11 i m by pkivate sale- ess soil tlime mess pork luctfine and fine flour ihnter in kcs hams william corner com warej aw mail lliilldiofs kindlon april lrh 18j1 to let the tavern in lu village or wateiha lately in ths occupmion cf henry grass- apply 10 jamcs ca darlinrlon or to thos klfikpatlllck kinslonju 5 m4 45tf new books j vst reccired and for fate at book slore in brock smrttb kirzstpnmav 7111 ihe nctv notice jusxkniov of pafttnebship notice isherebr give ibat ihe firm hitherto exititn nner tht name of lovaciian at mcmiiuak rvhoittatt tt retail orarert and spirit aocobrs oppoait n palmer ecj oroist was this day dissolved hy molul consent- and that the business io future v ill beraniedon under tba nana of dalu mcmillatrsod that all dsbudae by am to the co will be paid by or to the aati dojiald mcmlllak james loynachan donald mcmlllalf jfnton jun 25th 1844 donald mcmillan onocerfc spirit dealer qffldu y rlmer bq drffit market respectfully relmaa thanks ifc imrs already enjoyt firmoflorracha mcmiliasi and trusts that by continued oxcrtion bo will merit lh lalnrc support of the community txnald mcmillan kinjtlonlhjone 1844- for ftale by the subcttjbfiha salt cadi fina and coarao tivoh pooh in bags and barrels flour american supor6aa ponst ptime prime mesa mesa ptn iron no i scott macpherson crane- kletjjim mnastfc 1r4a isvforpub- fecf ay the