btcfc totd loo plainly thai iw rwa of ikvaait- tttfit had qiwrnwi wml li f he v41mnkw hwi oatfta of bm4my oj itvui lamis nil rptvftj vthaoeli raiiitliiy a uj oyfy bucacrlrns tv eaunemsri t bunmir to aevrftjl lew wl ltmdf ww romoletety tiiwm l the finrl iw the hotel had j been newly fitt j if in beautiful fa rt p to have oonw off there la ac maiftfr iw b4iililiii tnui fttlj iwffeih grl ft imj tali lnk rwfcl bftyfrat sv nil ik plrt or mnuxnnm tu u frmo gahisichl on llif ill all itic thriirei i tjprtaliou had their nifarniirvij4irailiu fttffj then mttdutwiiic d jay and rtnif autre willi unmm attract tfc ore hanso stmoa garden oaaltc harden ondv-oix- bill and ihc musum ah w in the production of nodli and mlmireau m m rtiinr v llldr f orh l amuttinenl whil raald i1 phl occasion another ceot kvirmcf ibe day was the aftncunrciiktnknii lbffcm german eoacrtrian was tojpvfl h jnjcrfhbi lionof eftueatfianmiisiijd lhrvinc bal at oh ifamo raw ftiwr fl on two trajc bw ftfccv4 frin rtaweom niw ynrk and hvtrf ufiv rk u lim and mud hi an met posilui vl il one frl in hl wr without toddle or cwln f vt mnt and ride baa diirieult rand ircrvic r an mtr never before seen ti tliia country and never alnijitoj ioanyntbec in ilicuwiljhtkmnllietanec of hi ak io ie ffnt of two hritmtri aal vhlcmcflnj4 lkoaljav4kd om a u anj wenl iluougfi ht nvnnlifal frl witli luw ctnmbilb wfu 34wiuij utwm ij ihiowiiif them a ji1fee of f 10 iv li feel inuicair and catching lli in ibvu vct 1000 ac back of hi uicvekd tek iihrtil ilr tmuftuftcc of hi baniu in ttetnibci i wfcj sifcv stfjat wi was much 4wmo1 wh it alhiooh i kpallnl rol iiavinj an opportunity of wrtlih mft 0 fftrfufuunceft in confeokicc of the ctw j the tfiuulm of fire ttrffcl w wt wp in a wy u- fcfifli ftlylc i and itic niomc fram llv banjmn va riovobrunf the jjelra 0m ittitojc cmihjc- liet to beautifully iimiiauo and ih ctby f bcuuty vnvml ukfwvrf otch mwmci btrajrf to om mij tbc uktof afjbin nek ft04n fairy land h njiig it in mfaf a eeae of jn ckfrgtibobt mtftii and beauty lhry have an caetttcdl company at niuov under the dtietiivn of mr mitchell wfcoac irtmlatinn 4 num y aunda unritafd on mndjy tltf th a ipu r it 1 biiltu tu be productd hero entitled uir rfyotloflhc llarrtn tin- paaml tpeiak errr woducid in america tjt whli ooe bundled pcrtutnicn dit enad the park thralrctaclowd and ll manager hai ceneto erftpe to benff out a cowfatty and near ptteci to ecrruncncc the fjii eanrjmiirn in seutentbcf thr other ttienuci arc dwlj far buainc eontidefinj tlic ovfemntc hrjt of ihe weather the ntrhmhjp irat wfwftt arrived htlt lt nicbl ihi two 01 litres dnjt later nrwa from europe facta an scrapd onqiual atitt etlcct av ivtww raov cxnio tlr lutnir front luerpoot lo dottn u now nut tmlfrt ihypi and n dmy f v lto nrwa for iiur itrm pnper there a he three vtroftiriiipa frwn livcrpool doriit the nonl month tlm britjttni which onikd cu otc tth now arid tptviuhjcrmr ilrifoit miich nib on the 13lk tind the cttedamv on lb mali 27 tun piittderrii flinri i i hnihk rmttl that have born g rjjn thi- oitylltw rftnvd forthepftrnt an acomjulof ibv twil tilo xilfuira will be twtmd iit a prevttfu coluntti ulte euitom of tcteral of tbo parly uph have k 11 fntm on a ehnrc nf uhhx ljnguac hi umir 1 unwli cjicubuj t promote ift iauj fi t toft and a number of warrunu an- out fm ihr ayprthcmrin of inellviduvu who have made lltrtutihti eonvpieuog 1 prtlubly ootnrj of tin nmit ntptctvbu of the hotiti wttl be eaurjht wlun hvf will be ptntihrd 4 another bbcalmi wlkiltjtt tlicdwlurbancva arc now over or tin i only j temporary lull in the im it wmiu lr ihiftcutt u- nay hot to jkjdje from the opinon or tin fiieric4it nrpi a tmle spirit will knidv the wliik into j ftmn flinrv iwijt ti4n vr j the bhitmm caaoha nvw omcm- ttic pijier with the ubuvo iumr ia about ex in in ii by t h it rti and stan ml i the lw price of itt hihina a year thr can idmi will doiiuirm prnre a vjlublc juailijy t i cauieltmlit tn1enu li cponte j tiw 1 i- fnavvrtr11iui iti hi i f i the kmjlti and ii mthon roulk- for rea- ani utiieli our rrailcn rjm c4illv imrluntnul- the rnftajct winch w fenmriy 9 cabin and uld deek ia rww 5 ond 10a w umial price we unovrauiid that the froolcoac wl tnw rifi until ibc propjntnrt decide on anritlier raittl we aurpect the yankees vriu ealeh ti mac ami iihly tbey denc il ua the price of pjjwc between lb uod tho anxricao porta i cfwnroaji p iwwiatfjti aomccaoraycmcrdjy ij10 mmllioe w briflit and vmiart for the thrw dny jircvjua howaerr it lud mined frequently and htsvily a n 4ml cuidtjbly 0- lake in low unda in ito vtnl w r arc tiujjlikul isoruinwai dnerly on tint tide of the mmimjiu iraqmmuf httk btyood st laurent and v injcly any felt biyond lie jiw wo regret very much ti leum from azricul litfjl fricodatbat in varvntja localilicb near mon lnil the wheat by his appcjrcsl a muuerou and i- inveterate a oee eljuld it bo vmii ni tli o iirici the ro tolheeuuniry will be awful a imr fatmn have oil vtntuird to uy uvwii a cmtiderable breadth in what thai komi nex wi k will te a better ijr v u proapccu of a lurel afoveai ierf j ij l ktrrrhfa- st w fat n fmb hva marks f l llnlj4ll ll uaoteoua night tbrtoe hallowed bour brlnp srrmnfo mr lo thr mdtntire mind that teacbrih to love the mb ofnalure roarina our thouzhta above the atajfj tjlierrr and brttdinf o flre how frnl n mmt reawparfmi w iib wic cthluratfa nobb 1 work thou lortuui irb llul vfrrtiy ravc n rerolviu l drouth bw wnlc unbounj j pace anton ihr rtiuntlu mvrijt w wolda that bad ha- influence of thf miuow rait ve hll ifnutfui jff mrrali artauvo tmy i i i f aceinipany yonr llltp mip jbrou1j the cilktiolrealuiawxhhnl tread i lhal filnnmcr ktuf ftd ow iilic thrum kcflcti boundf n with jurf say arc c ptopkd with auelt fvrni a iilh your fetlowvrb eviib nuilue oh thil we could picrc the dirp mpeneirwe rajractf that intervene bctwit n bnfet jjtobc oitat thi and hold cwinnunioci wilh the unbrimi bit that do llrahnll tfclt prtnlnnee hwy a unlike the ainful iiwniala with wbjdli imful hibvwo perthaneclbiy hacmlhtincda kut broke the comntatij of their creator but paie iii holy name eoniimuf aod loo with piy on ur fatten worm fcc4anee tlut t upvfl yon ajered tcnju yon nunc fane em which mnceyeanw e4 l m rka i wilb wlial unfiled delimit 1 vw thy bumble wuron nhieh ihc muvnn roll beamo flaj bka gigantic tlnduw rude of thapo aa aome antu pjn clouj vbieinr bcr tihl anet hide her fora moment fiorii mino eye for fat teyoid the wlenl wioda ate tkeping made dim by diunceand thv litieuf nim mecx anerona keep it tempk iicto where fabud dryade hlgm ieilt in itfti still it the lyjur oaamcwwi ajml elu kui wake my harp wake umi i uiiyvrokc some hnmbk thmn nwf kt ihy eiel ranttftioffawl amid the bvly aliltoo of the nifui see how yon haluwvd v auitc in- elrmraji nnoavf twn it the way lo ijic uu- k vfi tnat hide fatal inful mortal eya the entrance iut uaitt i tf rural aiteattrictr the eye the loflt pinea wate to ind flo al if 1 would lli bin w l 1 1 and nodding to tit pa r by intite him lo butvw one took upon llrrif ad bnujbrl where many a mfairf mi lll iiij at irharrti a fiddly akm from r- pew wuh dewy riiiy ho gently ruu from hex uijeauiekd jotii melbinka 1 hell the jymn il of aered n borm on the lr z that through lu lattcd wmim at- i t heaj aid no inethr i fel tlie waving of tkc tree iwil may iky aaerod walla mutio unaltered by the hand of tune ftudcothhc atructiiro aacred fane where woary rouit may now obum a tave of ya lustime and whcq thy reof ia corercdovr willi iry cen or luffeod d ruatica lliy boaunea may aekirc and from hy hallowed alur pour their fervent towi to coft riv i1 juk- iv ct mroolanx couvrr covbvtio trie incetmjuf dc4e nominee a reform can ijdai to represent tint cony at the next coe raj rwiion who wdl tnpjtortlhc riewaof ihe lite mintry baa hm at ocauprca fnr on the vih irn aai iheinoetin watcootadrred npri vate oic wo baec no aurhentio report of ito peix cccdm hot fron ll we hate heard ww have no reason lo change im vpnion we hud previouy c niicd uvil the originaton or the convcnlun have ulterifw rievra and will only uick lo their text aa long aa u auiti then ptirpw of tbcpervkia preoeot at una cno vent ion we hartc hcod the najorily worr in favor of nominal m mr baldwin aed that air forke wa thrown vve urd but wc opin it will be found be ha a lid- penrrvef on li hanvey eroj we are tjd prupewcd bkl tt amut been in job a kttef pnm mr pikc rra read lo the z feteniiji the k ruinu m hi fctimetine ann rinindinj tin rifarmera oj v 1 1 i- 1 ji iervant ho baa been ilf meettn- terminated u fakc fiienda tntemk ed il ioold wruioot eominir to nf final decision fl lo whoalrovld bcthe iteform candidate lliii it i upfioacd may have the effeet of lcrrin any txmmiaurial t andidatc frotn oonun ibiward many of lite dclcalea we know b be decidedly paj to mr farke aa uy atdl iwvw aotftc te- ard 1 eonwieicy but the wtll have in owt- mmr mieb anueaunfim j qpm fopo til con tinue umted under tlac apeeinik cmrb of reform we mfm defer any furtlier tt mark until wc att enhiiimitd by a rooro convet riport if ijc prrxetdint nf iho cotiventiui st tlimaa tandjrd july nth popular exeitamenl in that region utmm lha mormon uvnf reared by the whixv that the nauvoo pnople would kivo matetial ad 10 folk tina aliqrrf another and mut nnfilj illualtatmn nl ihe petniciouf demorotivintt bruulizinc influence of iho patiy prtrrktf which are dnily inftamiug the paiion of ihe paoite by irib vilest and moat ineenduiv lirnde mant their icfpective opponent ac vtrrd th three riv rlrrlinn in ihe pure of mr 0dcn roined ilo take place on mrn- we o lot 4 know tthrthtl thrre will nl we imt that all in aertiiiitj a free 0aiii icturit lo kmlta 0 iuv in aflfdil ftmjjihiifc pailie will chofiertu in the oel mil tleamer quoe qtzttttf i asrarlc kramn vfflj ilnijur a co ivm uz affaj a r klottftt hnqal i itark vfamff dratf jmiiiaavnj itnivm ulm rip 1 mu r ml newundund pfcwfmnid din c e 1 jne battt u jl atl- itli lttf jnai owfnidland ru bf hdir fliptltmoav ifurion 3rm- newfound und j- a ftltw e co tl vnry llnhf w- 111 13th ilhrrfi4ll rl iral cargo j iinc 8 it m r afrffrv f ti nunbei of w0l t allvn iitfllltf intnranta tirdm llio cmjr rarl we nierve llrr mr aid in the fmhitf that a depititin head by hc amhaiifl curate nf m trorhe lif ivflnlmirijs wailed on hi ekcllrney on ihe loh imlatiljo elm nt rmfrrniiiric iion fr the loes aualiiivd lv tlr depiedalion ol iut peirm employe ni ihr canal ihe anni waa livnrme hi jv eejleney haa irn xlt laid in the buihlm of b nnw llixnch t st maitin ib a piivale letter lion ptw yoifc wntlffl l a pitner jn ihe ut wetlein aulea thai the m ihaieaj mm tin pui vfm ut riileiinj tirerpoit hailnmr when lb tuininp w pvin jsn th maltiif a w4 cleared til ihr sidnw hnutin monlii1 by mrit allrvhir wlneefnrd nnl forwi ihr i3ui ma v ml lilerl ihefollowinr day ihmt makinf her paatifr fmmrjtijy toe n7dv or j3fmm onr- bfc and the it tat via1lmine futn montieul ihti season afautwt gazette prow enland j inlnd 11 scabml 1iwu ivll rrcvoiny k pitf d la4 car i m lll n crntnv lthjufy im1 vd nt thia 14 srirrata jil ill i u 381 w xv t i u eated tknheks will he ro ccivoil ftt llrt cnmitiinariat olrcf rti iucaalav tlic clli auglotti until ritie ertrlnck m ftwii pocawttlli jomtou of onloriiib imaa cnnlracl fr oho yuar feajui inl october islllo yotltsrrlcm bcr 181 agreeably lu cot lain ctiditirn wbicb may be ccn at lb omvc fr tlnlivviittg iu ii- m trti iiumo ut fort llvtitfi iuiu watkk to iks ltljtfct i thiptxlvll 10 mtwllvqrfiil nt autlr time mt lime atnl in sach itioh- titieo only n niiiv bu krnirttl vnrb ilckvrrv may la rcckiwlftl alut mo calli iwi iliiv but bib1ej m vtitin mnps 8 rlci of victory arena and great western circus 1 u lortnjiii tnllnj number wl llrti tcmlot- ticxpt ibc ruitj pftr hu ihmsiti cuironcy nnl panntit willr llnt it i itler 1 strndols in wajaton a cokiict qy llicil bmth many of our rwfri will recollect the encumtance of jlm kiuuhlurll son nfthu fair sir edward kmtcli- hull nf mnchain in kent being in the yeai 1824 hied at the surrey asfizn lor heinc con cerned in the robbery of a etiilrman at vaux- hiljidenf of atiicli oltencr he wa found guilty inil frntf hcc4 to he tran5poitcd for 14 ioar underlhe aiume name of john fileh we have lcfore ut a memoir of this rxtrwrik nary man who it appeaif tirafff jii monal on tuesday kebittary iirce inmnn it iae a ud a tn ji4in mdia if m lrl ufnvro d monl jlrr ltiiwi uoul r mon a kuivn v nitaiimt uc rva lltdrih hi n keiik riiajjir iv it r iiixn bbinsii i j i mountain tmoiilo 1 1 h mn ilinry shrrno vjettie iir- tihmhi lacs uawvui bjil 0cjo h- lulce tor immu t- i mr- titvart 1 and lady cjiurf m h ij within uimviiioq w w p aininwilh lotn eu mm mlvr u ki7ti ckftelb and nutreal furllim en w t l t novter eilund mr and hue chimnn i ii mr abtat moritnat c kit mwtrral gopuh aene h likabirjnm fjaeln0ourh r mtm x y nd canada flxprcos jcfc mimtreul itrland lvc o england if nd mr wemufcr jvtt x- vnrfc ain uimurl tlrd cotte 43rd uvt canton hatnko- s lbua a il lloolv r bfnttn and s f jum ah fr pi in bnalu niajv monthly in itaillttf it i j voilt- a fofttvot tarftltof tvtll be given it tbu nlhuun ujnlitahuji atlvr uill l received cninihariut i kintitu ivlh july imi- i tlmdi coxtiiat flml er l- il career on ihe scaffold on tuesday 13 1814 it darlinhmstnyjnejnewsouili wales for llie murder ol mr ellen jamison it appeals ihai john knalthbuh mtthc off aprmg of a eeonl rnairiaeof the loie sit kd y wekksa la mot r1 rlkatbi ward ktmlchbauaudennkeejuefltly baifhrothet q aa 1 fomil vtemxwn v y of ihe jenilnnai who now moiilnw beailw isvaijl frrikricwn family imnouia al 4 vety early ac he aotia william fih sw dl ef- jnthloun ycidiiv t tlier denceoflkrtouniuw am a llumniojiid hi mne llariricrr oilc rt- f oalcof vatkyficmliiiccna i atnuii 1 yi theatuk uovau ru phicfs rwvvbafj boxe la 3d tit fpiamajsmx uiartsco roa o shllll nli u n of uic facmiifo eeti ciawedy of tovj3 in iiumbe 1jfj3 rah traedr aody fir th- ciops ir pfttftlfy forward stale tlufailwut this lhatnot nj look iemakawy will porticularly tho fair wheat which 1 ripen iii la uinujb iwnie feurimc enruiied ftlnl aeoyrjno lothemlieatkarmer iw kusl gut e irioav ilieevil ia rrvrc iituinary than feul may mianr iva coimncied and though not aa heavy aa hd ear will ncrcrlhetia o think pjvc aufficient for the aau of the ojkj- the minerve wyi that mrfff ijaldwin qianeland lvfbnulnej haveoneto tnre bopjite nn monday on 1 visit to l m vier km the time paper adds that mr caron mayor of quebec and jl burrooth pm umtiliiary ol thai city are now in montreal the miee gentleman havmr come to protest acmimt a conieokpinted pojttl of qnailerin- mi bnhittl binwif ant hi prrsenl enl leiue u ihird pioihoivoliry had time ihlfrj even olfice holdcis will not be let to fallen on the loaves nd rbhe in peace and rjietam- montreal times july 18 vealetdty beiuj ihe y appointed for living iv fmindiiion slone of ihe new church of eund cbiptl in orifrtnlovvn the clergy aul others who were to take part in ihe pro ceijirija rusemmrd 41 the rrce chapel to march in proceuion to the aile nf iho net biithlia- before the arrival of hi excel lency we are inormd thai some of ihe wok rnvnbad very rfamlyrifuki km willijma ii i on a pole hut brinossetved by ihe con- tracior it w ordered to he taken down ind 1 lnc union jack hoisted in its place te men however fixed narciuuses ind other yd- low niwers ahoit the bm1dinf which gave of- lenec to some roman catholic irishmen em- played en the woks created tittle ex- tiumpiil in which on of the men urasthrnwn over a mtden of the wall fix feel or so inh swin- female who ha1 asemmcd to wilnem the nctedint look trighl at the acube and einajed together upon a low acaflbuin on wliirli the trianelc arid wimllaaa alflod lor bebttrtf he slone mm was to laid as the funnlaitun stone o of ihe planks not lieiirg aufficivntly upporled it the end to iuta n o great 1 preutc lipped tip ind ile atioyin the eruilifnium or the injj which forned iho triangle caused the whole lo fall we reret lo say ihai r poooer wife ol ihe beadle of chiii church had her lee btofc completely asunder mrs hall hill and tilton waa severely butt and mr mc- of gananaquf w also hurt but shtly hi eicehvncy im his arrival icartiiig the hlotlfjittn aecidmt drove off a mi with bis suite anniher day will be ip- itomttdfor tbv ceremony we are told that ihaidtiol hoimin the oianeila ind ol decotatin the will viih y how rower wi iftej upon from their having seen ttn a 11 and shamrocks uei for 1 aimilir purpose on iho laying ol the foundation stone ol st patrick church list spring what lolly in men to carry with them lo 1 foreign toil ail lh causes of mitery and bloodshed which afflict their native lindvwrecfferofc 10 ctiit mo a hon massac at account conhrmatory of the fact that joe smilh and hi brother were actually matsacrcd murdered in cold bwd continue to reicb u ftruji the wetl there can be no doubl thai poltlicil fcebngeftietecluijely into the evinced a temper of exttemc violence at limes chmnill niaffau capt almost beyond the power of conliol when air 1icjicand lady krlh vety yoiirijc ho was appointed to the rank or at p fuean monuoal midshipman in ihe nvv wherein he dimin- nihed himelf eoirideratle under lnrd cnchrme he aeived in ihc spanish man liis promotion aa wry rapid lie was in a very aboil time made commander and appointed to the linncl 10 sun bit in ihi important ol his temper overcame him and his conduct was marked by so much tyranny that he was nought lo a courtmartial the seveial charges aeaiilsl him were pioved and he was al nnce cashiered and declared henceforward inrompv tent lo bold atiy e nniiion in h majrty service thu disgraced he btcatrrf llw dale of the most piufuitc ol the tay and the irefjuenler of the hell of the metropolis al thi period a riaughler of a wealthy mete haul of old bioadsirerl city met hi path the hecame bis victim and was married lo him by a pretended clergyman he ifltwrs dief the inmate of lunatic asylum lie had ptc- viouily made samilir victim 11 rvtmuda halifax and new york closely following ihti event be committed ihe act fnr which he wa transported to the prnal telllement in a juvi l 1 he was on board the leviathan tnilk to soltmnntti harnonr and cittpso the ean working in the dorkyir capacity be wt recognised by many seamen who had frit hi tyranny to 3uch an extent walhe feeling against him carried that the authorities were rompelted locontine him 10 ihe hulk jje had to llllk shame that he did nut aciupfe to hail hit former menauf i kuatchbiill was afteiwards removed lu the an for pnae lo ihe colony which hip wa iletametl lor four months m iortrrnnlhhathonr during winch lime a man iwnwl lovettjied on loard the ana whose death wasatinbntrd o ihe impioper ircalmrnt he received from knatchhull in april 1s25 he arrived at sydney and soon owained a ikltrt of leave hiving apnrehetnvd several runawaj w0 from infvunativn suvrjo ntly rrcvived no doum were instigated to ihe crime by knatch hull himtelf in the latter end ol 93i he was apprehended on a charge nffotgeiy which by ihe by was nol liis fust elfcnce 01 tho kind edj amiltevp nnxanti 1 lactic penh ayed in i thil it1ch u lilieltv itcit ilal tfif for will lnj trvrivc rtt llltf otaliv lf tint rhumb cisiirafty mi tuuiwkiy tlw ut auint i8ii t 13 nvw iv til farjiti 5ch prifttjiia it mjv in williui tn enter italsa cihttrfxct fsltjlttp jilt iid oiij jclaictin tlic undciiucntinn- rj timtjttr ut attcn placn it mly lc lntittej nut by the lnsltv viy t9 tine st iixij 1 feet in nngtli 99 while oak dc- 15x15- 31 do fa 13a cu lx 6h d- to be hawed vnd iertvctly flrailil m 6 k its 1ix 00 aktabcuv 3a cw dn jx im on on jlirilrvmninit ft wlniclhkeui da or aft ran inmvi da li3 it act it 16091 pinitua vi fk to ftollt ov dn 3mi- l do iv lno da white uakd ii3 jurllr dm tins wiimw of ilic atuvd tmbf ol rath kin j to lit- irtflho bijal rjwalliy 011j ftvily sinjnj fetitl tti be iulivttil liy s14 anlijcct toiifvictimi ajipuinitd by llic cltuft uny government notice eaiabm tenders will ho ecivoo ot the commissakiat rip trrrvrr i3la jlfftta 1811 until nno ivcnck p m fiom uny perron nr khtvatm iloainiija ft erilciinir tntn duiiaacli croiwy fajlarftfljl ffihltun tvlitch inaylin seen ftttltii orticc daily iictvrctti iwlhruntntlo tl sa5ufmlajr cvcvul fif rmitilyitll itrr mnjostyv trnini ot thii slatlmsu witli brhuk biscnr fresh href ami v o r aqe the tticnl ind hicuit tn he fatal fnim jiveimcnt fionr inj no irthcr the llrewl nnt n hn loked in pan atirl llae nuciit to ba kill iltiiil ond 10 br ltuvicd daily nt the oxpemej of tbt 1 1 tiirttnicttrff iat llw tyameclsvll ijorrack i ml riiaifcr nf thr troop siuttnned putt ifcmirv ujiitf i 1 i nnl kirxpri5 in wntilj tmr the tetnikm 11 hnth the natnihor nf mida f well lmlca iuij ami utanii wbidi will ue delivered fur cwry 100 lrj ot flntir fit esil h ee f tin frt1i htnt to bo of iho ht amliiy ox or hoifcr and 110 other nvt to lc delivered to tlic troopa by the contractor al tlicir respective barracks ir quartern in fmt henry point frederick and kingston in entire quit- tcr 4r in such nrnooritofts i may be niiiiied but without heads feet or olntl caitlc imported for the use of her mnjeetya tronpa will be admitted free nf dtty on ceiiificatcs from the senior criiuinuiti iot jllicer at this post the tenders lo sttiin llie rte in cur- ocm on e40bls mldlcr stotiea ivcv ar fwroncnixhkrtlywcpnjnw july if unrkr the mirectiooof mr j k udaim miaar ua vtttfbi nvuius j t a0umadc lloma m aios ivtliutawa lovi in humbte life k1vai- ltbr pizaruo c ic iviora eeti t ft lo conniicncc at rhlast h iclack fivw jlfacrr lit ttrtw atctitln mkles by t4i0ma greek incd and coiivicte and scms rue of dealli re corded aainil him which was aftervranu commuted q tri iiiich lo noiftk itd for seven j eats here again in a short time hit 00d loitnnr ewed bim he vvaf thratih hit iritinimetiialiiy i caprjin lambert of her majchy hiy crocodile admitted pptover in a case of mutiny no donht concocicd hy iiiin aef having served his term of uarmhrnvnt he reluiited 1 sydney wheie he had remded up lo ihe committal ol the offence for which ire hat paid the loifah of his hie the irrolive fnr the murder of the uolor innate m jmicstiu attributed to the desire knatchhull had of ob taining some piofirriy ltoiih of small amount- which the poor wuman lud the whole of which was found on hit nnirrn when he was airre hended a more determined villain hi5 seldom oeen found in the garb nf man than ihe subject of tht slight sketch whose life hat teen mark ed wilh ilerva ol ihc hfcktfl jye uttbf sfttre wir pendant flmoou al tlje jorl of iditcbtt auctiox iw of groceries botlled alec at the suhrhets arw corner ontario and hrock r mfmjv 22 1 j illy t will be old wtorf rw ve al assortment of fresh giors conamih2 of young hisoojtwankaykiwiwdcf awl ehihi teas mimorwlo w tvlfe rkeplusand frrsam tobacco uo ovxes fancy soap 2ft do common snap 100 doz mimiior bnlltpdale wilh a variety of olhci altts in ihe tjrocci for further pitticfllais hindbrlls trncv in void at length per luolha de llio slalt 0jl imi ulltjwt lu lmctlnll lv thopuiiiin ojiuiiiiittd ijy hr cuaift ncl r a p 1 p i ui liiido couipany no limhui cun- u u a u 0 deltvcrifd umil inapccied aiadac- tin frage- to bo of the hot quality ucihcd iho cwlul aunr to uv at th ijr which can he pmcurotn w he aweot ad pvnte uf dvliviitirr ihc timhc t and ie- rlcan and of the growth of the year 134 moving mich tmhct aa rniy nut he ac and ro he delivered hy the contractor al ccjied nji the cominissaiiat forage yard kings the pcirnn rendering or ins fjahrtjtmr must attend ol ihe 0 0lhti of tho tcn- to the officers ottartcrcd in and abmit dcrsuriil the nunu nf two reuiiaiuej fort henry and point frederick the sureties are to ho inserted who attv deliveries lu he made at the exjpense of wtliiu in hi hiund wth the conlractio ihe contractor at uictl quarlct at those inlhcmoonf fur the due orforrtt posts aoleofucli agreement as may ho en urivtl ifrtit- any uifiti motion will he given tijioii apiietiuii at the odi temleis to lie addrcod to the piemilcot of the cutaaiui btidgo com tiuny thomas cilaassup siritwjf t vi calaimpi rtidtlfl ullwe kin lu duly 4 fresshvs yovk uhaltu ut nxiic umv pure and wholesome water j ijst received a few down ahmsvaoxc patiat warkk filtkhti with pumoii ilirrctiona lur keeping in order ilicq j each in cumukle oiler lor ue juh dkew aotkk pitmen sl artijjortj qpjuu usittian v c koiaoiju ifthj lbu tavern stand to let as the ciruebaajd opposite 1 1 1 1 stand now known ummahtilcd fionl stieet mr jhgieeisnew wharf eoquiie on the premises kindlon july lcih 1811 kent moijcialc h- mayo 51 mtc al 11 oclock thomas kingston 16h july grekk auctioneer- of household furniture and otiieit tfm0t8i t ihe residonce ti the late uim 1uvmiv uuinn iicet mar ihe government office- ilesdayssd july wim be sow nuw wavrw the whohs nf her houseould furniture a drig schr bri drift er ir my ilaittepuof may calk ic 3j ienpr j jr h liverpod car- t3 paa arrived july 9ih dei laatcaja gorrcll 111 may bidtfcfd orrcvf ballast nujiulcon- caeff3d jone cuba j leila 4cn mh ecc mary at marvirti ilortman c days labrador it j noaj oil iolh lanthe jackaon lglli ordif imiuu kinifn mataon cut mcsuncr alio ballail aberdeen ucltalult nih t froste x co encra abcncrsv gap packet bnatot lih june lulita fbr ijiiir jj jn n nth brie percy scott tetla may undtrlanj ordr uuaat ship jaanra moron mofrtvt 15ih june new vorkt mecaw vq ballaat marion mill jdtb june ilatifaa order ballatt ucna brig oriiift ciamlicia 3d may maraxitks at kinaon uahornc cv ballaat dn kale ratinur 26lh june ilatifaj j v lear craft aaiar lrdia jane mirdiee md may neniiori ii 1 m workman monocal iron dark sir ch i 1 martin 26th may loo- 0oo gdkapic l co general carrn john kadale mauiewson 1st may vtac b syms coala ship grcoviile bay youae 13th gibralur t c l boll ait bark rrirsco rernt ctiamhera 23d miy hut ii e buuiall ulust iftb beif leila mcdonouh r mav galay lar mnauiar co balaat 13 ptaaenffera amisos haycrqrmhmay wattford c e iuveyoi co ballaat cuban and 13 itcernj passe njcra and bcdmom fi cnntpriatnbj uininr drawing and ijcijioom jriimi tuio of a very auperiwi doscripiiim china crockery and islasnivarc r s mi aj a srcit vaiiiiy f kitchen fumilrre for particulars sre iatalojtics sale at 10 oclnilc thomas greer kingston 12th july is44 st pniyiti stle by ihe siilciiht coneuts of one case verv snnrrior lush limn and cm cifcc aoollvn h04eryt verv low rvir eah thomas gliker kiupton 16th july ism tho rutnm for the artillery horses nil be 11 lbs nf oats or when requited 14 its uran ah of hay or rlorrrtje the 36 lbs of ktil stcen rim olficcr rate in iih for wanted as sovcrnpss iiia prral- family- a yranc lady ireustomed lo teaehinr fcsina thnoiifh knowledge of hie uuil branches of an icnhiti enotion with mute and the frncn lanuatze wltrne cliaij 1w1ij he three children lielweeu the le aif hvdl and ten years in a country rcsrdencc rray hear of a sanation hy ajilyin fit hy letter pot paid to ihe lubscttni itisfavlory re rctrnces aiil bo reouikd tlltlhas chefitt ktnonjjiily xuh lttl okllnaxf sealed tenders in trinheaw ajiarcsatnl in the ruqwtrfvo offitcra onhibuco will bo rvcival at this oluiv uilil friday i9ni ivsrinr ihiinor- min deviroud of entering into cox- thac ts few eniplyin ihc 1urrack prtrieu asd asil pin in ihi canitftn fnr the frnnt the 11 aognt 1ml njmiluvh 17 tlic eac lw each pnvy j i ai pit in hjifas currency nuiit in gie in fitrmvf and in word al icnttln twu roeionshc iifeiic fnr the due ier innnancc f lite tcmir of ihe contract will 1c asniired fnrlhvr parlirutaw may h ohlaitil rsfl appirilinnmlhr rirriel txrrf oflicv ttftod iiii barvacl sc3n when rci s lh of straw for the staff and regimental the ration will bo 10 111 of oats li his nf hoy and 0 lb of rftvtiw tlirj tenders must cxirc9llio cuncncyi in wcds at full leit uarh ration uncreut tonal do secuiitvi aubject to the approval nf the senior cnmmtariat ofliuer will bo rccjuiicd as mlowa itrcd urtd hiscuit contract 500 iwvf contract 1000 forage contract s00 no tender will be rictivcd that is no executed on a pi i rite d luum which will lie ejiven ti application at this orfico oi that shout d not bear ihc actual signature of the paiiy making it well aai ihc leal swnatuitrs of two person willing to enter into a isotnl with the lrincipal in llie amounts above macd for tiie due and faithful pcifoiiivmco rif such con tract as may lie entered into- can laden willi supplies for issie to thetronps will ho exempt from toll ovtprtho caiaraqui llritltjts tl lcgal uxpenecs of drama rut the couliactsand honda lo bo paid by the contractor payment will bo made monthly iu dollar at 5 idcacbporby a check on i chartered bank alilus option of the senior ciimuitsaiiat oilicet cianiniissatiit kingston tab july uj the t hrutlr1v win and xtus one inlcrlwaa tfatiat etra tuthc uth aul k ii muhtjfl manager r jpihtf unrivalled etaldihmenl will be exhibited at the corr of kto avoqt cfix sntctts kingston for two days only qrj motutoit otitl tvtwbty vu l 23t oj july ruiairi tli manager of the victory arena and creal veiein ciiu while he has taken measure lo ecure the attendance of every accompaniment m atl the departmentd of a well rogu3ted company thai can comri tnto lo iho enicitalnnieni of those who may bnmlrab to witncis the exhibition here annnimcrd bis not diitrgarded the 1ato of the public which imprriously demands th excluton of every tiling imrnoral or objectionable and with an eve to the rock nn which ao many have split he has used ihc moat effectual means lo prevent any thing that can be construed into indelicacy hy the most prurient imagination or that might linge the mo4t diodeat cheeb or that would be obnoxnus to die most hcterergc neous crotvd in obedience tn ihts every thing has been dune in cohecting a greater j mount of equealnan and gym oastic talent ti3n has been before concelrated to im proving to the tiimost hi stud of hoin in subjecting every proposed rvcrrienfaan lo a careful inspection and the svidest cruliny and in making every prmsibl prnviiuon for the comfort and imiaaetdeait of his patpou n d the i acarde of ell uu rangeracnui enables the manager aate and cnt many inleiesiogfire which eannot be described is this arlwr timent but many of which may be e- perled al every exhibition- t tlic companj can boast wiih coafidanco nf poscaaingthemort splendid toleiited and poprdarequcrtrian troupe in thel7oi- ted states among ivbich may be found ihe fijiowing anisiea meaara w h f nicltol jenninpand son jobfiaon miller mestaver morris carter swee wbittaker whiuoek turner j whiiloct ura aymor the music u by use cele hrated new yortt bras band led by mr noshcr in addition to the equestrian and gyinnaslic excrcisess among which are sccral unprejarnied exploets tltey will five a rich entertainment in ihe war of negro songs by the rebraied virginia minslrclo i ltawjtiri monday at halfpat 7 oclock in llie evening on tuesday in the ifurnooo at 2 oclock and in die evening at halfpmat seven tickets box 2s 6d j pat la 3d children under ten year half price lo tiic box aj dutchbr july 12 18 u- aalevtirara fur hontbe4l dibfxt thi ntcw ww ntwn stkam boat t- w britannia captain maxwell illieare the custom ffrvtise wharf kington every mondavil is owk noon jeewlingritf theraui4sof the si- lawrence for freight or psssie iprdy to the cipuin on boarii or to james a glassford algal kinptonjuneutri lehi p01xe8 porwaftdinq link for montreal the f a 3 t s ail l v dirlsct itlaalsoit advertisement- bank of british north america lxcorporatfj uv royal ciiaatu aiie court of nircciothrrebysive notice tliftl a half yearly dividend otnw iistot rtfoh nance lidi julv 1sii f twenty shillings per share will b cuno payable lo llw propiietors of vbarci tcgistered in the culoniws oh and after the fifth day of september is4 k during the uual botira of business at tho msvuttl irltallcll hatius as an- iitinnved by circular l ihu rcpccliw iinilirjiii the duidtmli dcclarcil payable in sietlin mrniiv and will be payable at rob roy caftaih m k- dickenson will leive the like ontario mail une whirf kinjpton every thursday at 10 oclock a m demrarjaiaaig tli ataa rapids of the s lawtence for freight or passage apply to the ctpt on uoani erlo geo henderson 4pa kindlon 21sl june l 1 1 curient oil llw isii lobe lixej to wing miiuciiaxts just receired a fewdo 0 anmstaonos pavrt wixc filiktta tfotrum lo elarijycotj gallons of we or liqaer in 01 hours john rkgw aoesr frajtaas si- jciagsfofi ojtaofjfe ifafatins fr co kingston july 16th notice ijersiened hcryby ferdsany per jrjylaf credit ufa iceoutlt qfon any one whratwevcr ie wdl the i son his behalf i oot be itcounlawe for audj credit andrew patterson kingston july 15lh ha 553ipd to let rri i t mill paj0m owibo lat october inr that ndmirnbk- tavern stand in iho villas f rafricfiem ituat ed at the top of tho hill and now brcuu ol by mr jjmo modbry apply v mr william wuljker lobumugh or to tho subscriber r mccoumick kingston july 9th isii peiikuilutv aku faxcv map an extensive assortment of upeiioj cualitics and tssefully put up after the latcvt french entiiah and ainericon mndei are constantly bcincj mijnufac tured by the subsciihors who would ro spectfully aolicit th attention of dealers who may dosiro an ariiclo they crn con fidently recommend tothoir customers n b- all our goods are froab johnson ft c jlanufucturing perfvmtrs a o 34 cruv die iw krwfaatrso fsfib diy of september rv iho local boards no ttanmer can be mude between tho 1mb agiwt and ihe mb ptonber as itio louh innsi in closed poiind during thut for uontrgal dirkct- th6 kaw iow prcssora steam loavt itytown will leaei kinrstonfor montreal evtaj wbdnbsdayal 12 oclock pm jeseensneji the rapids of the st lawrence for freishlot iassage apply to the ciptaln on bomi- or to macpherson ft crane kington july i6ih 1844 by order rf ht cuitff ftiignvdj ti dbr at twood j nl j lotli i3m- ivrerorr s a l e op tejx sugars iv it ihc cotmnfirvial matt on tlldaat- u istb july will bo sold inrwf an invoice of ttw sajprw tifuotti and a general aissoitment of fresh gro- cories just rrived- william ware auttionttr fr jgoll ktnpton 9th july is44 at private sale iaa dozen superior bottled ale v hy the subscriber thomas creek kingston 15th july 1844 fob montreal dtukct the new ww pnessuaa stum ioat w caledonia ill leave kinjslon for montreilevrty friday it 12 oclock p- m de- tcenilin oj the rapitis of the sl liaerrmc foi ftiegtat or pissisc ippty lo tbo eaptirri nndoirjor to aaaj macpherson st crane- kinston july 16th 1614 superior candles for sale on consignment i faclakd lo 10 um bran qiig taylo 10 jo aon mm y mannfmiur s jo shoci oighw fortoto d mcdonald