the british whig and ocfftftal iorrrvrjrii for cafvatm wtst pnbli1i- 1 jeuiiwerkly every tuauuv ft friday v 1dwakd johifbarxdl m d- at the atiirneum h bgut strrtl iwxl jnof t fie laiatfen foiiae trrn llr povho tkit anmhl- iiiriniiim mfirttl ua4ert4ifa iiiflhrinl lrnr sicqmmi infllfl1 h i jn ificriiii aftre r ik 4 j fr line ftw h flr u irtfiia 1 id per itn nf frli iiltrimil hnl a ihwml wioiqal prta liintm wmth 0t i w u wnuiti tn nam fw6m mrmrftl nfranha- order tor liem a 1 lulirmrtir arecharte1 8kvrn pouvllh th ahllumrcranasfam i leaac te i m 7111 tvlhr kin aaaenalo llielapfrtt orrfmainii wiir wtii mmcetvei by iri fih fmefsiwmtlp obm w rra4creelolid pame all letter nifto atem io b pom ml j hoitrt it sm1let rulsteh lfcttcftwk iftthttng orjrmiej lo tn bwi icaaonrtle term buk deed- ttfwm iaw lluh cono f lie v pornn eto kodctici r ni- r craig watt accountants ontario itri jt and general advertiser for canada west vol xii kingston canada friday october 25 1844 no 85 removal new establishment china glass and earthenware a d i c k s o n agent for robert jijfdersoj jvmfim ai tffreef f jfocson netf door fojr urent mrtrggist shop i daily steam conveyance svitmyi ixcwt1d bktwegn toronto kingston calling at ibi intermediate ports fix 3 wlndsott darllhutoh bojfo htad pot ho- it n r nther permitting respectfully bees hii friend am the public oflur tat doer fu afr tmfh grvcrty dr howard pcrs8 8tctkt directly wit ifr ofarffe boarding tfhutfj kingston f rri o ii lanruiili barrirfcrr 4 attorney of lav ihcim tplr jtlncstok john a- macdiinaid alexander campbell to mr kenneth hmkensub teltttcrtf uw soliriltr in riianrttr ir irkmriiiii kingston w ifaorj abort dairy hold at far of flrf twv ocf opifj oy lcurr fum v jawttf strrftm t- iiontbk s iii p ci1 a h 0 4 brttti ottati kingston 1xiokta or patckt chain cattci ajco an cllor oavlm tr pltclti axd jtoln navai stores oi etery dfirriptton bdllffl liiwccj oilj an paia kinslonmrcj w8i3 letrt to inform a tirril ii he li i jui ffcrifcj t urgr and ipltnjid 40tlmentoj goods of theneweit sliprtud iji- fliil w04l1d tmttitubflv cttll jllcniroti loihtnew koal1n siohe ware the stock i now ready for inspection which i lit rirnotiy solicits the jollowjng are a few of ihe 1 1 a jin- aiticle dinner and dcsft sn tea tnd brak- juvl sru toilette sew lex pn slop jai tavd jugt liidrl si l an bed pam watci ioel bkioi quncmmxe shapri toi itckt h- slanf metel covereit jttjj ivapoli and muttard curet aitif wine ou- coaler tumblnt and htbifi liuoi cat laiif jelly chmpaenr and claret j vt h water jn butler coolers water canij sail cellara pmit dihhr pkkle urns ink siandi ciuet fiaineaiid holtten pilur ami hnwoom cainltrailejc china ftower vj jn1 omarirnt c att a variety of qtntr article too numerous to mtittioa j t received i5u crate chins gfii ard rnibiwmt c conntry dealers stippltej as proftlaoly gokh ii li ijup kinssior july 33 si4 da painting v i d martin from ayoifeiif painter glazier paper hayger 3 doorsrkive the scotch cliurcli pun wm street kingston n b white was i litis and coloring kiitmi fob to is43 dentistry jli c kaiix frim paiis rt ncttolly iotornt ihe lilillitf in u tjeutltfmem of km ii nnj iu vicinity that h- r i iln thu office intcly oq- ciiimci by mi ktiwker at oalnyn hotel whero ho will attend to all irofewionol ctls kindlon octnlicv sth i4i or saig by the i nbcr near tht govnimritt wruw yanl place j arm 30uuo0 feet of lumber con- itiiirtrfl inch ineli ontl a quarter inch uul a balf ami d inch alao lot of oak plunk fnm one inch to utfr 10iofcetnf qnaie pino luntlnr and pine scantling ofdiftcreut di- mrnaious the whole of the lumber ia of au- ii nir quility and ffcti aelaorred and will he aoldluw for cah or approved credit benjamin text kmgatnn may 7 is i j 36 if marine stores fob sale 8y the subscribers i opatentchaincablusiinch londj pobtbb hbls lbwf fo sau iry huoii khaskk co uiurio stieel20h june i81l 25 r mi j hekiilxg kegs 1wa liiw for sa1 uy hugh fbasekj it co ofltam street 4 june 1811 25 put iituev superior n uhy fat alr ky mufill rraskr u co ontario street 90th jui 1sh 20 mbls nokdkm 30 casks bsf cbtrrilfj fm wc hy ii fkaseh ii co ontario street 20lti june ww 20 n old j vm h v hhds nprioi old jjmca rirn 2 a 5 for s1e hy huh fraseb co lurio sitett 30th june istl o olu- uveio pi hwn cwl in hmf scai do do for sale hy hugh fraser ontario slif et jtolll jelim i8u n ff ck s co piimh and half butts iaj earvcjand puin for s je by booh phaser co oiuito street mtn jdht tftlt 100 3i and 6860 rilhun mill qvuto iiudb io mmiflho anrhors from lo 5 cwt 3 cat i g 27 100 j i hawser 41 inch c5 j- i- jn k si ki 5113 inches barrela piitc tar do pitch do bright rosin dales oakura mn- 2 patent double screw jacks craig tc watt kingston 4th march 181 kotloa quebec fire insurance company rphb sulrtf imfj aent for this liurtirttioii continurf to rife i lcr agajiut li or damage mf fte al awijcrate rates of office removed to the raica ouildi coiner of ouurio and brock stieelf where v will b6 received dmtn ihe ordi- tury bonis of bumnrs thomas greer afttl kingston 30th apritib4 phiv tk hoaiioig iui1 sk jmtfrs hilton bw to habnam to kb bjr friends and the public eoner illy that she can accommodate young mm with buurd and lodging at thf kiul cottage from tho jvclm office and next door to mm j suoirr tailor whoro sbp holies tu make all comforts- hi and tulneet a ahaie of public favor kingston nov 2s is43 30i p a few cask swpeiior hi cnm wlltesi bmwh colored shekrv for sale by hugh fraskrj co onliiio ucel li june ist i to let ossb3sion given on tbi first of may tho promises in lli com mercial maki at tho fool of piincchs street occupied by mr d macdonald one of the best situations for general business in town charles hale kington 3d april 1344 ctrlmhko hvih- bbli crushed svt tot sdehy huuh fkacksi co ontario streelotbjafte islt 30 ew boou aivo atatioxtiry the sohsciiheis hat c jl leceived a urge collection of v4luamc ktiliih f umictiini at greatly reduced prices amooj otheis arc the lotowng raakctf hntfory of tbr popes rhcii church and stale dunne the 10th autl 17th centuries 3 vols koeh hiitory of euro stops survey of loudon r k- lii- m w- in wrillaee 1 1 of wcilraiuuki biociducal albey f t i ua kotoiy of ihe reformation hrownins lliitoiy of the 1iuutuoi the penny magazine lor 1813 moores tho woiks cvtoeileie i vol bra byrons worki complete cliemker cyclopaedia of khih iileislutr gojiey lclleis troni america leijfh hunts poetical wurlti mr- i- bfliany for lalies mrs- randalls domestic cookery ak a ii numwr of cheap popular voik for libraries and piivate families also a lfge assortment of plai and fawr sranowtay blank uooxi in jieal variety perryan inks steel kens quill ramsav ihmoth l tv ve terinary shoeing establishment ftajfa corner of ktng street aw me place de atw adjointng tkt premise of maxwell strange esq rphomas from the paul kefehnary surgeon rotat vxritflikaav cotlkce look respecrfully informs the oiricersof hie gsnikhi and ihe inhabitants of kmton nd its vicinity that ne tiasopfloed a hoksk i- ns r-ihiiiiirij- situated as bjblm and from the many years expeneoce iii thai department both in enund and in canada coupled ortth bis knowledge of lh anatomy koaomy and functions ol the horsrs fool hr fnlly eongdeni be can give perfect satis taction to any person who may employ htm i the greater proportion o4 cares of lameness afc produced by bad shoeing and it mrjll be the i constant care of t r to prevent laments 1 uum such causes and to relieve thoe that are lame x 8 all operation incident o the hoi uijl be scientifically perrormdandalldisvasrs i ulh horses and cattle ahcuded either in tvwnor couniry and at rtamuul charges kingitoo august 27tb lcu4 it the nourishing and tucturemue of portsmouth to let vilbge a neat cottatie con- ngbapartments suitable for one or two families with t gardeit if required real i a f p apply to john carruthers ktptai 17th auy ibm tllfi b0v1l rail steu packets sovkreicn capt surthcalakp c1tv of toronto capc t drci co umvq1 princess koyal capt sail as cnom from toronto to k1xgstox sovereicnevery monday and thurs- day al noon city of torontokvry tuesday and fiidav at noon princess royal every wednesday and saturday l noou from kingston to toronto princess royal every monday and tlnuifay evening al buttock sovereign every tuesday and friday evenings at ncloek city of toron roevecy wednesday and saturday evening at boclock steamers arrive iaily at toronto from ham iltnn and niagara in tiuic for the above doal 10 ki passengers am particularly retjuesled to look after their trivna1 lltfzan as the pro pnetois will not be acrounlamc lm any u i whatever unlrrs entered ami ttgnedfor as re ceived by them or ibejir agnls royal mail packrl 0ice fioct st tonwlo 16li may i8u montheai- and kingston mail lknb ofstejimboats and stages nphg public ato informed that ihn following ate ihe anangcmonu for tho season the ommodiou and yt low pmsurt tin hie new and fast sailing steam packer 1 wk indeit m e r s canada prtal fawlkmj gildrkslkevbi caftan uwu bownwa ttoi will jily fliily1fom kingston tocuteau tlu lie 10 miles tfoilfl jluxliealj leav- in khi evntv uimmco at 7 oclock arriving at cmcw 1u lac early the same eivetiiog from which place passengers are conveyed to the cascadrs in tige9 on a plankej roaj v on tvoard the siearaur chjeftaiu and arrive in montreal the next mom- jiflg at 7 ocl ek prince edvvar capt dohtbri l commence unniig on the av of quint k route u mon day next and continue during thu em suing season as follows will leave hellcvillc for kingston every monday wednesday and fkiuav moniin at 8 olock a m touching at the inter mediate places on her war jvnnd will bhieti tucfiidv and sarvaiav morning at 9 oclock au touching at the mlcnuediatc froll two to tic ittimisciieaitk nn irrrrhin ir vua uek h hot pkiiiiniu with ir an aiticle that every family mot eon- aider inaupcntahle when they know ill and lahit btt vhjeh bft i r ion high loivath sit vb stationery wabeholftk a- 8 creal sl t15 jame stmt 3oif raot subscriber resptcifuhy iatimalea tm haanw opened ft nouklj ihatnew duiuisg aljotuinglbt ank of mm noilh amrnca for the ttlt of paper afti stationery of alijtind tho sloik on hsadand to auivabmaffh carefully aeketed h compiles t artklo tea b pitwtr bwii r til ivl por l iirti biift- eei ihej leave orceia tvharf kington for ivitala aw e ami ihe hivertrnrviy toksdav i fur j ii c maceaj n it p gentlemen of all dtmnninatk kingstnn apnl 2 ii acs free ft rtivicnfl m from un a n d covcati du l tiif steamer pilot por moxtitatl direct tikis well known fuvouiiie lour pros aiiie boar will rcsnme her regular trips no rhe tijfiiiiiv if the navigation leaving ktniston asusuul every tuesday at 2 p m and mon treal every thursday tf 6 p m thoownera beg in intimate that mo improvement has been made in het boiler by which rhey expect her speed will bo very materially increased also oilier improvement tinlio biat in gene- nil thereby adding to lior oinfort ami convenience h s jones kmr muii iih i- 1 24 n bil jiinesfitlid all per sons giving credit to any tuie on llieir account without written orders from twu asfcar rmuri fuhwsbbijc ihe ok bteuess iiu iats leave every evening on ihe arrival nf tho mail and pfthscngei from montreal and reach kiuitnn ihe folio wint afternivm in time lot passengers to take the steamers for any port nn lake oniarin ihe boats pass ihtouetl tin splendiil lon sult canal the niinificoiit rapid f thest lawrence ami the lake of llio 1 housand iwluuds by daydighr af fording passengers the nmst desirable aafr and mpodillrau route between kingston and montreal the above fteamera call a the follow- inj djccji uananoque hrcmkville maitland pivseott ogocnsburgh n y matilda williamhjrh and cornwall stcam boatorrrci commereial wharf kingston 26th april 1814 steam boat noticet hphe public are respectfully informed that the stearncv r public arc rcpcctiully iiifiitllh d that tlic above nnmed line com posed of ihe ililutvving sloamers viz favoiotk caplin jokks rod itov dtckinoic with goitd karges having rented suitable stores at monti cal and kingston will bo prepared lit the opcnirig of the na- vigatiouto receive and forward tjoods produce and passengers at the lowest rates from mortical lo kingston via the rideau cnnal atul vice vciaa by tho rivftr t lawrence the steamers are all of the lirjt class and will be fit ted up in a style eijual to any on the route having good accommodations every attention will ho pan favourite capt ralph junks will ply during the seavm between kingston and montreal icaviug tins lnfcu ontario mail lirtu vimm tohy uh every sa i uuuayi at ll oclock noon fr freight or parage having au- uiior acconimoililii apply lo the captain rmlkatn orm ciorub hesdersrjn agent of the peofot forwarding line kingaion april 3m ish kingston and oswego twice a ff eek the new steamer to i acn gers am the transport of fieiht exo culcil with despatch office at canal wharf montreal g w johnson agetit f kivgs v ami at custom house ton geo henderson a cut w ronten a carmfh ivts mix run for tht remainder of tho season belworn kingston and owego making two uips a week aa fiillowa learci ktngatoti oviry ttrewfciy and ffivtff morning a nine oclock and returning leaves fcwegn on tho fol lowing days kingston september 10th i44- to ship owners masters op vcsselfl the subscriber has on hand end for salo at ins hp vhtimlurtf store onta rio street the following very superior assortment of 30 pc so 30 50 50 05 also unbleach 1 to no g with ment of ail th it i english bleached no it it 4 u m ii 1 livh 2 do 3 seoteli 4 english 5 do ti do 7 io i canvass fnud no very bltporirsf assort ne burning of all colore and a variety of blocks patent bushed and bolted and wood pin all of which wilt be sold low and on liberal terms m t hunter ship chandler kingston igili marcli 1s13 removal murphy hai removed from liis old stand in princess street to tho checkered store corner of princess and uugot burets nearly opposite the lambton house hole kingston may llh is4l peoples poitwmiding line montrev direct psattlm st fc a h0a ni k for fas ta1 10 o k o ij boy fain st k1kkknson cave lah ontario mjii line lon very tltlusday if kin lock m i haiiidsol the si lawtuic yz fieiqhlor fasi artdy oil uoatdjor lu gkohkndilkson ikaaionlim w the o the cj1 kingston 21t june tk to be lei jgcnt t c a it l t m in rcluiuiog bia sincere thanks to his customers both in town and country for the vciy liberal patronage received by him beg rcsjiectfully tip inform them that ho is now receiving at the above store a larie and fresh assort ment of groceries wints ltjuors pro- xrivions dye woods dye stuffs icc which he pledge himself cannot bo surpassed by any louss west of mon treal or now yurk with regard eimer to quality or chcapnoa kington may 1 1 li isll r hiile range ofbtwe pulldingd covered with jin adjoining the knyatl artilleiy pak kinjstoti known as wtuinffon ttffflftwd presently oc cupied as olkcers iiartere the view i splendid and the toation desirable the rent is vciy mufcrate and each house will be put iv complete repair inside and out v h on the first of june apply to tiuas ii i esq or titho subscriber n b the houaerwill be let singly or together fc jackson kingston may stli 1844 wanted 4 s uoverness iu x mffte kamily- ayotmlay ae 1 leaching iosseaiiathormttli ksvlctlc ol the uiud bumhefaii eftfttisli fracalionwilli mic aut the krrricti langouwhm chaie wouu be ihrre c 1 1 ice yrau in a cou liearot a situation by pot raiit lo the ut4 wj iiipjriice mav pitying if ly letter vf saiifcfaelory le- terences will be kquiuil t mas creep st4 notice time subaciilier m timothy muiu phy in retina from hw bus mess an j hopal the corner cfkm and brock streets b4to inform the iuhlic that ihe busmen will in future hr rairieri on anl rontcl by mratft john king thomas col- iylit towhon the uio eitatilishmcot has baett 4ispoied f ami fnr whom he sjlicns a eoniiminnce of ihe public pawanae all jieisofis famlrd lot ha late etahlish ment nl joint im co tt ieijuried to nuke iitorjeiilr payments 10 the nutisriihrr who alone t auioiizeil to leecive lc mhsf and who will settle all put accouuix 4octltcd fat ityirtrul kinon aottu il 181 1 tetls hotel fsflaafss gnat st janus stmt t near the new post office muxtbeal mr tetu begs to inform the publ c that he hai this dav opened hi taini i nun at the follow i h q iirj breakfast at half past eight oclock lunch from twelve to one oclock dinner at aix oclock ih ill- r kar iihlt ilm l 1 1 is truly puswih lit irtmtq m t having furnished his new es tablishment in a stylo of elnganee ami comfiit hegs to intimalo to tho public aurl trivellers that he is now prepared to receive a number of boarders at his house where every attention frill bu punl lit their convenience and comfort no higher charge than by any ntlur rwjaa3itihii4ai ilia wines liquors tmlcl- garsuruof lliobcat jesripiiim tnd a it is hu determination to keep every thing of the first ua1iiy ho solicits a s1iuie of public uatrotiac mmircal july 1g 131 marine stores m fttiy wl in imr asfjafj twtm rich rili jnil liw ni ih ia u i niiy c newmrtitj nnj nil l h tlwll bmra ilia ur tehiratd to thrm t no m4 detuned with lis uat ivaaaart ut ibajmimiulily mfruminalwihm tfnt aui kkmcinvnr rniaat ar rfh and all mni piui autl rtie no owner ivliin liu nmunl imivftyo mfttoauiatfmivlita hf limb urjr jfa mrfl cin ivfonj if fht j iiuih hoyti tyfwaeweu wjuum l h iff cniiitl arirjl kii m sjjw mwiu k t tu meqeti ftew v rfpvtfsreah mt nic a mkhl fpf jticcnw luj ic j i m iimivi bs nimch fir a niur wusuro jmi tnthc miovibjiij auaraetara thai ympuy human inilike al li n ptt aatl cdrnrtr it a t imjilo nl ihmtu u in ony ftvc- n ftaninl arlnv w- nii k it not nnprqitem iriihmiieli ifthvilw bahama uu it ftf hiapl jteiea cnvwtua has ata beca duocrcd in vu wit flasa itthtrv ii it qo fovcflrn wvnty fwmirjtfuwb but njy mm tod lo wt fltinn scam- riuitl i cliilt tri oaf la tls t liia tanas fcmiit niiiii ttn birfiir kivaiiela state cmn iini stiaiti j ii mj iwihactm mnsnaav h tliexai lorou u whultw ptus kmsjfdi tfjli hluiri iijiimis i s lim iohh rii an tvaita rtnee pahaa ijm n ii u hud tfiuv tvmuf imi lflimatiiy lheutini ik juftist autfin tn jiij itftmtt krfvrr fvf olj l srit imwiv urn muaaal siln rrjwfl lrtms niiihw ruuhj m l4 atrbeea iirnit im niteastv iviinajite imrr nmiawtunajs flianrcuna gcrjl tfuca ajwallm hmhft thwuji wu jiaxa jiuiiifi n tm sewia aff t taiis eipcncmv im- iiiiiimi thaftawy io ni tyii nufiy it will unroir lo kniw list ibr i u eauuj ctmava lias iaajp iifjaj wi can nresasneaaji bii mam ouiia- m ja atkini lht wr have reaavn lu beliate ate if n lafbofmariuaa we will irtsem u ta ihr fioor wh hic sciimt need ntfl andwlwimyoo inny lend fir ievmcml it i cunxclrf mac rio srsivr allctwilr majsi vr imnroivar ittoumir tvtvniuncouumittnn the frrteti 1 fa tab i j i maiilmj ih has ueen ditenvtred in vki i i nmi u rung hiut ihii yov iy djiend n itmrr will lullv tirttilv h i m the above tine in daily um j iha seav artilci hrtcmhtftal ihst ibe quality aaadi uj liis goodi will aflafd aatiafscijoa tnc lolfowlng in some of ha artft wtiieli h 6es jticulatjy to ttfoe vixi watnao mm- mnr lvuj faik lare aarl small foohcap aud poaf rulj- pua edged ftte accovitr lfooff ft ledgers journal pry bodai boobffaiidmeakotaoddmbooka ol evsry deserfplion metallic memuraddom books pockat hrok leather wiitinc caaes rcrtloiiw walkls bill r notr pami and eirvrloaornhlt otklx p orereiydekrijttiooand ouajily quills and pens pencils pencil cases pea and pocket kftiw payin catrfs roaleya patent selmjinin prilin wiitine lak black bhjc and rt date caats lrttrt clips manifold wriieis kuucs wafer setl motto antl initial sah ivory and boiderw srajiag wax wafcis india kuhber ictfa pert maikinfnk school lihvsand teslameott school book walef coi roukt a variey of mttric cards and music note pawr- fi fii- patent oliver 4 v mis varions french wafrrs and french homers muic books sketch lnraka cepyinpresset ydn inhujh cabtnei lbiary icatrifoguei ialif watenlois cyclncdin of comrarce xa waleison miiucl of commere 5sk wdi leans ornamental designs nicho views ol tjhsow r chalmers montreal aug- 17 kara p eatii i i nl- th nam ufall call ot ll the rpm ii and tflrv iriii- im ch new yitik catiri a ta mm nd eel coooelv u evoionniii ind wmhldh amar under oilier aasssw sru lhi1 ii ii rfjrotl iihth ciuntucfc st co ir never tttrh ii cuuettikk a tg priykmifan the subscriber are authorised to sell l greatly reduced price for cah or ap proved paper 3 chain cbles and t inch li coils enetsh tarred cordae assoilol size 6 tarpaulins athieh ran be urd at sails 6 pieces uperfine buntin asaorted cnloim pitch rosin and spikes crai0 watt kinplon 12th september 1814 a 3ihhs imall sired smoked lums in canvass and of very fine quality bacon of the atari middle ot canada cornfed pork having the bone taken out ami cured in the englbh style- few cases 3 barrets lard for sale by ctlpltirt riiict n uatl th if iko llluod irj kingston i h scjat r cra1u imi watt oman waf chalk for sale hy cement lime plaster barrrb craic watt kingiton srjd v2h ish 3 iihds- colhliand 10 crtl daiturd chtvmd for safe by chans fit watt kingston tjl lib iwll afccai iff nci rlboy snuffd ihe bui iiiuliiy ved and tor sdk iku 4 wait kinalon utli t isn supriilult uuali1v a maiv for tub wrt uf seraua cbrmie kliurmiiimi ihaanl othdnr trilltmflja 0lht mb prmvrfta u ttic kim ttatter mrcirui ami v hit 1 lraf uka tenttt nn im hiul r lly ultermmn ir ui tbinai aaiil lt paimr and divitinir tint lfjat lover anas iim knnpleaiir ptassufrs an ilm face afli ea aritii ftin an mimilo l i i and imprtijctl e m v rif 1 1 i sfrl p pijimy vif menafi1u and hvd rrhjy rtti4 rt utuifluihis i rf oupidiit riiui uj lihai f stldbcc any tvtdviiea m a vavr ilia saraipaitlu n woftanfrd pwitivdv aa awjaji anvuher that cjii hf tiiadu al f ha tkl- ur si fmtkjl ikeprfea uflhtthi io urudi sd- tenipedanda inhic shd v at bie uukt it filir cciki pei bmik ir fi thlbr pve dfxm tliu ahfths haenrd st4iruuf3n yeof afivi iho imiat suit fcvhad bmi mvd in vain to ti tiad ni it r aflntt uf ctimtuck and cs mllt ihrthijdmbt llio emntrv in nww yuik unly tmlabdt8lrect tin k r- as n ft th rienple an bmlieh lamafjl i- believo tftai wc ciminrt ami m nia a taad miiilkisinf 5arspinli a i and ell it fir hmai pvr biulo vr f0v doxrn as all il r ni v ivll for jimi dildi iliai nmey tlii irniiu fiei iloa ad all will bbs he fmrnfjibwaa v i ifmtdtcd didltri am fmaudi rd hv atheea ins column or two tf dtcronctttfi wo do nni ndfno llieiulotr wc imke lint nnhlir iv ml half a kurd le aiid vc beuctaililloa iny iiie et lur taral ct in inline ihe annle m inihldy intifii iiuh uijiim p tve u -i- nuifun if it ihe fatt lfaneaanri uoi a- wo eel i thioehnitw ni imf of iho didlar prc btiutc imv ill imittlti know ivliai wo i turu fr u and iin vitinea die uii j nvl im rumirc imii a u- om t mataisi ih r puisuitn itmin- alwah lf otmlurk dr cesaraa- illlaajt faiw oaanx an i baveimulm sld ly ctstmta of c 1 cvtllandi ftcmki new vrfik 17 wd h h aajasn n paulkit choiuiai jfiil pratfji t hen ritchies fov iyimil mii j patest copying presses c0pvixg books copying ink oiled papers c ntialily these pit mr possa iba advantage ot copin bvftoi account- states ac- into a book pieviouily mir i jtf required the may ind upon a table and need r rirr- and jie so simpta in i heir const i action to elhcienl in their operation that ibey recoos mend themselves to ihe use of poblic oftkesv ftaksva accotntant liwvers mecans and men nt business generally mr rirvuia has received aameroos ttsf li hum ienlifie genltenen imuaaaasa iff the aral te pe lability giving his patent copyine presj a decided eferenco to aof otberinvse the subscriber havins been acrxr for the abovt duly appelate lov to sqfipl kraajaxlrtrl 4 4 pre ihem uf all liiea and tn prifts vixi lnte poatdto 0s rooiicap folio js q lr pott 4 0 4 4 cstmlorepoat foliv4 10 3 robert cilatmersi 8 ureal st james street murtieal august 17- new engravings 4c subscriber respectful lately received the he v i pi i mites thai from london 4 raijre roinmenl of new and kfautl fui- exviravinsandphlnrslnvrhkr he bzo rail inr aitention bf the admlrea of llitihmiwft tht awkltfirpt m oornnrrmini ir eniavins from ihe worii of wilkve hayler kninrmf wee maivi owing are amonjf ihe piincipal pte fitiidaii i uncock thefo itlf e r the coroniimii r q virloria pajnud ay ilaytere0nlanini 4pwird of 60 porlrtits the morning ol the chaae tr hwlden hall id ihe tllden time drawn hy tayior the stone prvafcea dgliiet painted by lvaaawr iimr hvrdint mep 4a do dethofihe laanhiljlpi tflt 4o 4i with poilraiis of uie thk4 ol atbotlftc j highland whukty stui do dd m-i- hospitality do 44 hixhlanddiover rlpaur do 01 itatik of d umclo do harvey chelsea pensioners readine im ujfrur at tbt batlleof wslerloo painted by wt1kn urrenwich pensioners comintmoratirip tfia hattle of trafalgar a mrn0q to tb4 above palmed by burnet tyrecn victoiii in ibl lapria1 bobei tori jengo rlaytk queen victoria m tbe robes of sure painted by sully prince albert a foil ryi1b by paiteft- a variety ol ponraitof her majesty prince alwrt the nar or wc11incionand otbet dslinalslied rharacters will an extensive assortment of farrool kind both large and roiall plain andcoloored aun a lavge varielf of sportlnft prints leaniifully colored i and a com- idtteasschlmentorokawing hi ok5 corn- prising studies in laikseapes pipirtsl ftow ei eve forming om the hole a most splendid rolkcimn of work of art well worthy of inpeclion and onvtcd at veiy moderate priceli robekr chalmers 8 great st- james street- montreal september 31 1844 t wan kay tea for sale uy 10 half cmtlei kingston s- craig p2th ibm it watt tuperfhve fiourtol a choice ameri j can brand kept consanlly on hand for ale by cra1 si watt kinjflon september itf 184 salehatus for side hy craig sl k ineston september 121844 barreh and kegs watt onandaga salt for sale by the bar rel or quantilyby kinftoisep craig wr 12 1814 watf charllis sliymour aokltf and okorer b li saint paul street montreal ittirkrkm mivi- srcrnbns youkc oc co moalrnl nitwit hannrjisn hi o co do mean- wi- lvwau at co da j r miukq do mlks scvoik hvknrktiyom d j c pkjbcicfcfoir sljolttu mas j j il pick f co but i ion v b kinston july llth provincial justice few ttfh of ihe ne tt ej 0 ihl v fok sale uv the 1 hmhjuiu right muscovado sugar in hotheads anil barrels to bacco iti lioxcs and kegs and usu- perinr stck of winks onj ltauoariin wuotl ami buttles imported by liinelt also a general aasfrtmont oronoccnich and pnoviaions loboapold at tlo iwwvst pusmbtc prices for cosh n b wantej 200 bairrla ofpot- jsii 20000 buahcta of wutu and 20000 noshels of rve for which the kb bu ton ivz iz z 1 subribr will pay cah ch stsxir robert mccormick tub st p feet hi room ledums any other purpo muiilliur year to let ueohuls rlssfhcly fioull s fltl wide tu lct for school public meeting oi es by uic night week and immediate posses itoh o10 bo given apply tq walter sales paper iiangt qaccn street kingston july 10th 1s44 57lf kemon jure 6 lja to let rpb tavern in the village of watetfoo a jauly in th ocenpatiee of haory crass apply lo jauov cacaaa darlinton or to thos kirkpathick 41 f king t 10th april isl 31tf k june 5 ldl new hdnks and stationertt nphb shcribet has jnttjcot to hand a vari- cly of new and inleieoina books in various departments of lit era tort and baad- somely bound to which be respectfully jnhii attention and also keg tomtimalethatdd his lately made urat and imjotlant additions to his slock of stationary particularly wriiinif pnrtv account books quills peo- mh i pens lejlhec oesks portfo lios better clips ink stand tu ire wbick with other arkles in hi line he offers at terj moilcrale niim abo just iecteeda lary variety of bime- 1 testament psmltt and prayer book in plain and elegant binding and daily expected an eatenslv0 assorloent of i of ear ions kinds robert chalmeb3 8creai st jaoie slitdt moltrea 1844 for ftalbbv tug 8ubcbia4eat af i1bls pot barley jv50 no 1 north shore hetrin thomas greer- kmlon oih auust 1844 6 for sale ofk hbls alr from parkes celebeiw o brewery at taronto aiply la craig sl watt kindlon ssa ianaary 164- a land scrip for sale pllv if by letter post pj w jomea henderson lnoil nd gene ral agent no 33 lm jes st montreal otto a manauan land jgi 15il picton cackerslydbt