h n orrpon6ciur of tip drifial uhjifl 11 london th it 111 viit rftfcfkfcf f hfl frtewlt li qhtfm ve ua at viniuut cattle i viiiklcpll uv great event f thi em fiuihl uhrhiii pnhhr mimikn mi uut ih pf tw l i- umj hi majratyby hi aflabihly j livmarhvtl tjebkwcdii f in jrirv lu fatiiuote eiil union klnivn llr two eiinlnc hj gr rally inirid hi popularity on th lti r il of th iimiiw ur rm rjr4i ke h met wiih faaibv enjjliah profile ocnti t imv mlikl to the iltlrnaily of uwbillif inked entertained hy ett ne bbur lw4iu tiiii country oi th jarn i tihjiaiiftc uvn hoc cjaetiya wtk la rn3pjh aceoinpaiev by the htxxn and tnaco alton pttrcjed frrumoulh amli th tie o nhtttaafttn at 04 port on h retam to treport such bowetr hm td antcfltw ftpcl oi uie welltaf til blowing ft lc f wind tliul he thuhl il j dent oolorih ite danger of a sj ttae mid rvullv dtierruuivd lu eios the chain- 1 ji th diorur dielanrc from lhvcr lo cuui lea vie hi ral imhu al 1oruitwut lie mimivj l lotidvi end pmtfdfld to the tcmuiiiia of ui duvcr railway here he found tin slalii fit vckd in flames a dftotltc fire havi bro out pre too lo hi arrival bui rtth lha cat a troejia dclaincd his 1atrty but 4 awi tune fr t pecil teiirt imvmjj been jjol rratly tic liwcwd offio dover it i not often that the iimiiiirciit of koyatty are aitritdvd by oeeurrrrkcof to ivmel end larilnj elifttackr hut ueh vifjiitiijt cook uiiic jtiaurb ihc filiiniiy of uivw hm been i4 cheque c j und miiouft jin majrotjr ftrrivcdotcrvafc od llir uomvi rtii i licet cconkpidied miko frtii portmoulh lo rfat ao tlie rrcieh oflcon were entertained ut ihe mull iifii1 iblu mlyl durmg lltesr uy by liic jjtubiliuu and of ficcm of both rvicft the cfdi if sleamship under llie j4 coinntind of apt mathcw led hotu linftw or ntorday the jth aod fffllbttt takm mtfo week ltct new to awk tjpui kcvu aifb taii arnortgt tct amcnen iju mi numscr were hi eireilxity m dc budiv4 rmm minittcf t wuliinloa m jc- utee o diipatthe frifu pjt fl r hjpitiuu iluicl consul hi cltjfletft the brfidunfii ftirivcj lfitcrpool on llie i mi the nrw ain- ncan line oi packet ship arrived in the st citujuw hurt from new vrk he firt voyc on ik llli tfl tb a hftndbornr vivi and much re4imlde gcrtfrauppeannee the victoria jnd pmce atbttft pcket ship slrt is icvj ivm rcittr and fth rit entered th dock ira dmujtit 1 f tt rorr in la qc ciwtom this it tiic turo toot of aitigatl i fur hvjw the berlin fvemrnenl hftve toconnm the mb of the brfll qa in eon oenoenco or the iww prici i which iic vw knocked djwn the lterurvi of the uper tfokrllfi lliu wuoonand priooo albort with ur cuii itn n ife ppendinfj a week or two at coxvci ilicy m imulu totuwilf i h ti r to open lio svw y mi kwl 4nc m slatoon the irih october which u tit dty now drnwhj huu frr the cuivnviity thdr hfuo ribuniuftitk laeed ut the dwoul of llw uumnoient er docrvymid um marou uf awtccel are pnkcri ot likdy to liaro the pbi dmfatfd1 them aiii tho ricenl iiii1 in high life are the mjhm nf doncfjl ajiuirl sir j- p reretord mjiri tocra1 colter sir gc ffifg k h jud ihr dciiri of cnitiio tktfn ti tcolly nti oihe ndw i ccicnmunieatc yoodi trwly omega a friuid wrileft u oj ftlootrej ch mbiwuiipi lb44 ifcill sia ytui are an independent vuuxt eveey one ad mit tulp nnd ever icajy to cxpoao quackery in pilinc relijctan or ny otllrr i kh of aftaira hsitiiiidtely wlonin li fiblic malten a if i- llm eiticnchmciit a a i ab to bo whale i tl rdvr of ihoduy wilh oiif mw miniatfy they n m ilippoaed tu olurnni thi with the llcdjof kjatonco and dcpuui- grid avitunts olionul hctcuhi itut ihey luva at one fttj inp cut ufl i dftj eipenditure of the goenineni the iirtaanl of pitajc of kttera lo and froin lite clalbl i uro cuvernirtrjt office tiit cnor iihiut rovina wll ull wol it would nil better limwi ver did they dare n fltclareut rctienclt im nt hy doing the mine with dm member poa- ijia r even introducmj it a ioveiiirucnt n j urc uto i i if fctroichuwiil i to be the tdcr f lha day it it rnx a uiy that out proeut executive do ui know 4 which end to com rjtvtti now str i write lhi in ttrc iwipc of ecu ihaiiii lour ten in tlta euc of expofcrif thear hfimuiepxiundfoolnih meaturra a lilleof you caaailc arerfud at uti uvuttetit will do ood pvf- hai a iiy cftcct teal rarenehinenl by bringing ili4e rttuecta pruioinenlu txfore the house at it meeting a ftm me ivea twt tferaav iffaf a james k- polk rets new york 40 i rtbtjt tlccr of tlta vmted statt3 other praptfaticrn than an autumn plevajhfnf aad a thorough prinf hr rowing potalot fallu wo bcioer t b th beet prepeeatioti tor aprvna whral mid if haa umutid ho propealy mmuh in hit nntumh it wilt niiiro ro further trum in the nf hin e hirrowinf to pr eara it for tho ti ronton of thu arjd vhe aoom rt i vowi r thu rjtinii uifl buttof bot tlw land ahould in all aaaaal be adotvrd luiret dry bfit ia hairowed ti facthute llieariruig worhil 4iould he ribbnjmthc full and thu furrow ahnutd ploughed ae dtrp a the r- i of the toast will udmtl many m- quirico have flute txenmride retuliirr to lh ki- cubr ftpperhnco ol thie wheat liel we hll brirfly inawrt the ehattand rfcnw are red and if free from njt beautifully nenapefiftv the diametee and length of the mraw e cotmocfahty ouder thecontinon rrwlh anj tlo atraw aru much harovrr aral f iwrt wory ufkertnce like thu truw of elict tlrun mlier kud u weat the heda arc imnrkably li arm ihr kin ore pfactd 1 a eonilerawe ditmc tmji- notwithundinfi we hawf frrnecnlly oiinted ninety raim up a pin l head hyl the avfahr number ia auu4 xtvi j no fiam are oiovi plump nnd of light colour und lha 1tn ia rry thmaud hitht whrfi ciuk4 with liie eoinif kril tv vli elractir which wr gave m ihi siberian vliea hue been fully bene oul frou nu merwia and rjaaleil trial- and frm tiirt fad we foil an uihtniactnj cmfidenee in wiliriiini ih cnnadiun fjhner lo wiw tli valu-hk- vrt4y of wheat in i t all nllrci varieties of atttf whect wo trunt tliat imfhanla ail rnduf wkiarviiitrtiftttdin ihi nmttrr mwimhan reeu the carrimia limn lvit will purehi ihu ln frw the prevnt itaauc am rvtaufrt out lo tin fnrmcra in th ir reepvclm ih ur nd w the cviiiiii kmwh- tfh jwer cufficaua the hon villum 8ykes lbtteb qt conuolenck to mr ihnck vel mirtee llmeknnd tmj rtooi ipfhi artec poin dbuul din jii ihr iinchif vou c ull inong ooda enttur im wery tunny jail tiut feet ea ibc partcmcnl metla uiui won- vcr mntrr ilineko my au a vjtjn to lnnnent ivu veie the lirttcrbfe iiwuiuer tnt oafrd dunt ec hut in hi ptrfc vert he p4 v nd uili llic houre falliloa itin and a lnilt inf eiht you ll a iiulnt d r ag 4nii wtxitlon away in a corner the elections ettiraatft to tr tub raenant iahntmeiaif rarj c ham oe o atmi bmcknlle ilytnwri cornwall namdlhl k 1 1 ijf 4a7 londji muti treat city ni- jtjilkectly shifbniltfi mn three luvtra turioto iiirf r sherd riiaml mcuonawl rtira nmcnub jolm a mdow i j umu jw dkhafl laiiharnoift tr hi h i hil ml deflhinr- tirittitn fhairiuy hianuauml fhnrhi u thinita i l 411 t cj jc 1 f j lrf ri it i tthlufilftj latabvallil il46a i lurtkti h itin ilalaa kiaawi hdldimanil huntmdrttfc kaiwiuraftkj p kent uinaik i jncoln rytfth- i jieibi oolith imn addmtonb sei04r bieury uichaon jciatpil t jitc aylwii iin ktlatardlufc edward twvc ii sbeij w ii ihltl eoivm- a ww uk atmlronw jumealiaaaauaa p le- u tai1rt tewlwnratl jj mjahinlrl t tt am f prwrt jii u smith ilcbrirm j8 mdaam- jrjrsup edwrtw muraey if uaf iietre ihabnet jnieaibter d ivlfl ii it umoine l ut tni m h llirrianei mcawro w h mamtt vftcrjmlttltajl 2rrrioal6 in kingston it uultt bbitlsn rlubbican noteu mr john rrie momreat mr crawlwd bcauhrnipia mr daftatm vmicin uu- ell cubur thoinaa shhimiuird new york mrsurhncfd new york mr lonc pul iffipc jainc u mofipe montreal stiuwhl- citlg montreal mr lu ar montft4 kin mnnlreal mr alaoirouir maeriaaal mr a meefftvl vciiniluaj fspa jlph jooee coburg i hawlcy outuruuk- uldi cururn- staff dry goods warehouse 1 ive breri thinking monte ilincka how werty awkward it ritl be vm peuik haddrvrar their h l- trea t p p a bttflfc ilw litem ere vieked clerk in the rvlhlftee vill nn t litre aaya tun u wioftoca ihere mkfir murd in the kmaf meinln r and re aint rkiueh hun it mut be a hnnfinater or ini lutcr llmek vrn uni imf ynur hdd fnnub axia v f frank by nitfcuhe how werry queer you till feel yeut r a wcery uuptejatit iiiratmn micr flinch werry tiere no bend to ihc ajjri- wationof youi henemic i tliontdrit be uphd if they vnaui hire tittle bota toktioek ai ymir done and ax if the mcubernf pjrhmenl lived there ll amuhl be a hxht jenuel iwccupation for yuun wubond and would eol ou a weny jreat dtal in patience end dar kuikkii i houd like lo hx vonr cornapondenee vid k lxtcka fur adiiit liny 1k grtvt bnuin auni hij iutucmabee land daain at oriavit itaa been eommrneed ihi- week vhz kiwee lock it ceoiidcrr1 j be auili eiently wide lo allow of her mtea fnatal tlie bjm ioto ucriaef on tle mjiof w wmiidr to torn from taaaan ahipa o rjilrov and th tranailion m a natural one i miy lte that rhi iiiaiua t nwacheme in raitj iv iinu u touch too rtiftrfly nnd there wdl be an awful amaah in the spring when most of ihe vafapt meaaara hre lo romr btavfa pitrknilpht tli- utrrty cat or thirty iv act ad lln gaaa will require capital of xtltrji7j7 audoai ljulwara temr4cd lo inqone whirei llie nioiwy to come from dot of tlu ihcfc i ntwt ntty lack kotmthitandii that wo uay iatect a failwj pa oic ttll in the nbcncc of bclhr pcirtv l aaeculate in i d not anticipate any tuuitcdml lnjuhuut rcaoll time it an4htr eotiuvi iun reeolun- from lhre inunded vpcrathiu namly the circulation of nvtiv in tho emlriaj ll employment of miiwe nd laborer of eveey ov- nomination dptal expended in a country be come fpfcd in cvtry dircclimi and irutanl u-nt- hi i derived hy at clueei of the enmiuunitr parttament waa on thuraday lit fitrthri prorogued by ifrvut eofnniii until tliiiraif at the lth of december thr oimtii4xiikea e lrd wamcjiffceart datluicvc ihe l of paliomcoury vaicre i nuw coitiphud uirmih- oiit the profinctei and ultu panic claim lb mayariiy lord stanley haa been gairtled lothe hneot peer by the ttyle and title of uaion maihy ol tbickenrtafte lard kllenbrouh imnwntek ja hi arrival in england ha been created j vjartunr aad an earl n yiteount soulluin of suihjiii and earl of encihrirou-h- thi i enmlireil to be a retompente car hi uncercinonioue recall fnn the uovemor generuhhip nf lnjia by tlxrlndo drd it i eid thai her majmy u auut in raiielhc ejrf lh laujrr tu the fust rank m th peeeaz y reviving in in peri the extmtl dukroom of lorel sir henry potlinjer has arrived in town fivin chin mr 0conocll ha been keejiii himiwif re narkauy ajafh lately hfl h eueeiid rli hty at fieiainhon hia pmeniwd viil to eirlatidand nk in coolciopllin w o him on that oc- ajon at a public dinner lo t pwo at clilturi sir jarnca graham hill for the better tc- ulaliun of the medical pmcliev m eaunui ffreat eecitcment euiijiit lite pfofcin llie mem heraof which have hild puuic mtctin iu kvryl of the taje lwn a liverpool eirntinham lced norwich dc and pjs4i itron- rcviitvm ooodcmnalory of lite leading proviivia of ih oowhdl prvfaaor uabig the irreal anrullu diem- ut bat been over here on a viait rd tu brt otreujived at puuc diitnete at tilaow and edioburb when the frecdum of the lily ha been conferred on hirn the court of aldermen nf the city of lomhni have rrjecud lte clatin ui mr david solum to be awora in alderman of pvrtvkvn yird the cceioeouetiec of which will be aiwihtr ehctan mr soioovr who u a member of lu- jcuuh peeauattorv of grtat wealth and np etuiuv beinir a magimratt for two counties contitrt ih office no principle when entj obnrvl ouavfavvj rcturoed and itimj in thr cotpoealc iai portamoqth southanijrfon uvvrpgajl ac hebrew cuttemen aa majuudke to sumx richmond uvhh ij many other cfuulie i do not ace why bcahoom be rrweted mr s baa in the mcantiuie adiheued the elector icjhnc thorn thfti tli conical m nx over it ia kmwted onty to eoothor tribunal where he will navtlfeith naore aide judge and mere teinpemie eipjmlo of the law mr mxai ia ajain in uie futd the rnenue returna hire bi u putihthid fur the year and quarter tudcd ihc luth mutant anu areaiticmdy aatiafactory they arturd iitd pulue iidence of the eontmurd unprue- nacjit of trade and commerce and off r a gratify mryu acuhnl at lat and bane predicted m the tcet rajeal ue new ynrk city fly ihe vteamtr i l -n- laet eveninf nhtrtit 0 oclock from athanv we riccmd im- wtanl vleetion return fmrn ihc aeten cotinlie i tar a buflalu by wlueh it amcriaircd be vnd a doubt fael ivea ymfa 4e w arfy home mualrr ltika ll mutbe wety dtjim u evf far paia ew fruit ly o iwurtf y rery t fm to hanawer all h peilite hinuln about tlu r i 10 fe j0x and thtl fkttt if noir no fatf ut jainr a fttf a ficjel tut ttftht ilmiri 5fulea anni aed wifl be fnorvl leturr not imcial but onvnntly accurate for all practical purpose mm fuity ii eoontiea which gave mr pulk a m irtty of 76ss the rrcnaimne thirteen cuuntira jm ut- only rriven lirij for harrieoo in jomo ne inrot alartlm drtection to clay ha takci il tn the nw nil citiantn oftlic witt thec hv pfibahl v4cd nrttv vf birncy r liuvu tineie of their iviuni aa yet but thai uhjic c tn account car ilir iliimnutiitn of clay we fnm itartiioriv mr 4 lay will come to vii4 dridc with only about 7m mayirily a vitv waua dnninulion bom the vaat pfularity d lhrrionin irttl thfr exeiuiuenl last een mi ihiiutifut thceily wauf a ritcol tiemcnduu h inrtot th ihe invpotantjiacatinei nf the neat preai- it aa tie liave all of the politician in detrriniocd lite f thr ato and thrsimr taiilrd that of th t ivo1 lin whlf eoakl have aalittu a ewau ilelu eomhination with the nativea hero- with i vrti ih- cluiutif eotc of uv bdttioniat at the wrl they might hare carried the state nnd ikied mr oay bm their pohey- manage men i and ntanafcra fir lb whnlc canrmav uaee teen h id iiitntcraut ailly and comcmplihlc il i tlw wtii- thcenaelvcft fto htf dealmjerl mr cliyv f tfw have acrit1ecd by their inmlerance and rfiuahbte and hinnbua llie peoak vf oiw it ihrnubwt tiierrictj in tiro cuunuy tiiiugh nhalhleeiiw in certain wu 11 potnt mr pnlh ih undnubtedly a ood man and tl nvifce a rtjhlwt tart he never cftn pretend tu poa t- k ivrnt or influence that mr cluy itnild he will encounter nurjhly dituullira fmtn lu ftifiuo rfnur ivi forming tn mltuncc hi ataaa wo will have a van llunrn clique a iv rlrojtu a tyler clique a calhoun clique- atneii2 tn peawnfthi ciifidmee celuaifeof ihe olhcea he will be tonnenl f mm tin time frtneard durlnc ll wxt four jrm by office p riirwl pnlttieiana if he had ihe rlnnne to kep aloof end acl oa independent principh he itiayhuvc unr peace b a tittle cuuuaxt ivoa e i i regard in public affair and pubhc mraurca arwptn not eiet any ivreot change oe tariff ma t omewtiat nodified at ihe 11 odwavi tit it nevce can be caxcnually ultrred in principle hnk no distribution can take place ukf llie prth it nvw neoeialinn may b opined lo tlw iiii tatinn of teaaft but oa uie senate wilt hr uhi two yenr irm rtothiti can he done rftviully on llut point ur aonte lime to come i -i- tt- two ukeares huwercti which te ex inei i nun the new adtnuviiirjliisi the fiit ia ihe t nf lae inar ojfic nifr and the accind iv i oidditjiincnl ir ennjunetion with the new yk tliijapme interrvt or o jirfecw r vf trfrun tnfr tt ttatntt fie aifattt a rieruj ja thc f ffow o0 fenee thcpreenl us nivy aht tnv mcrdintoaotncftueh uew uam na ldl i mrimithmtnl- tu m at lj have ihe demuejary hnl a rnihty iriuaiajraj but tlwir victory oriae aa much from uie oflj of drtil cenrtivla a fmm their ifw merili j ixeftonvh the leadinif uhiein fjongrc oul if epite to tlie tttiattj a2lted an ahdract i- lion fr ycara pata oneaiion which ha retailed m tw flgimirtin of ihe awilwu p in the tui stiu and tktt prrf aarjdt mr cry ira friends autse ieritwd m hi crljnee o nf 4a the american rawtu ican recently or- iiuicd heea and ehewher came to hi rcaeue ut lot in more lerdt m llht l m mejmitie avrtritanlf county middharx m tvuouoi k mm mnofmotcuci niewlrc nmk virtilmmherland tnl u niethumberland ysjja oiri ottawa prmcc edward purrneuf prtaecdt lucbec county leu ti j kiuitle ruiitiuki riehteieu euumv sfkrbrwke cuui 1 maurice stor incut simoa ttixtitf si flyacmiltc slwtlord sunalrad two munliuia turrchteine u- vcreherea vaudrcud wvnt worth vaini3ka mihh voik 1i riding virk ind york 3rd vurk 4th mr laurm ule k- iower jetaoal j lire will tfm iv daly ajva e erntmrrr lauf vp milh m cvvn p a mllol lumweq a iiiii h n km o b paiancau j p rmm xr orammond rnslearart j cimwai archied petiic t ffrpm u beef nd drsdmi anmem s bma m pitotmer d k mcumjid jw b rhmaun dr buoullie jdc ftee imrmclonneh pet hie liui aoecoa of your ulrcahun i dare ajy ven you rrlum the hltle ri l comic ruuniu oul m ai whether pa in it ll be viry hie puktn- lun at njij muaterllinck dont anpiose 1 menjiuna three thing tn hat- rrrawatc oo nul al all tte skyeee ro wrry much httrceed t hearinf a you vo krekrd on mr ykea v oeeted vid a oli be yayfut fit vich ted in the brvakin cif a rtat deal f chiner vitit the babbie eua divtribuled in conwu hhh hi diffetot part nf jk hihinc in the hcixniu the ponlar tivece of iho uxftrd rkeahun vo gwx ihraueh by tho vjiij una all the neibcta bemr inwited in for the hoceaahun und a relar poll ta king jilaco mater sky jun rich h ihcnxial tike a gentleman voa mr itijjdrll viht ujcky viuh in ihe uliel and mt4 aicnu vu mt4cr h the reiult voithat murfer dicky cine weilo but on a scrutiny it to dikivird that bribery and eoeruption laad wen tawd a ceatpicee of finnh luimrc um found in tin vnn he leclot pockel pilar hindirniun rmi tdy bifh al inns and mucker ihcky ivat ejraajl lo jel watlieeed ven miaua sikilribril aalh-hrp- 4jlll fhlkl tiii l l hilfk at tli oj dum njit4in and aeol tn lo led you leefioitilhuefceireimfjrarire mr hineka hrtw puplar you no von think lhal it wirree vuu rile nf that it i 4 nwrey t the cnunlry to be rciirvcdof yorwreiy arivablc cvunimati e in furharikni oh nut vou in on aentk and kudhearied oud aod teir d lhal rni un dwifaii cui tempi aimn by muit love you i you ami wiiidwiivv neilue cj trvmhihiuntaof kmton te-etewotethetpcnini- rhi hyenaa never ia yai dm i wiah lo du the j of the new curporalinn buibinrrm theout mat country nohatm u h lstontamc jufc p lantrer mr smith dr- ituutmau ll if- price c dm jatfprtej ubert iaiwr tlrhi i 11 at webkffa lahbtoh houc hotel w 0 scelcv montreal mr kinvnn ynun low n j john w milhr mimrno kdwrirdjck on ithaca c 11 ihivoy raraaneo iulm shaw toronto ruber uopkiriit pirtnn jme dor und adotphuftown hnte lirilliu bucket liar boor i t onirin aftekrt- harbour b seymour mi r pi dth mr avnan dvty itath d 1 ed thie iravriifie j f bndviiaffcd 6 year kiiendft and aeqiuiirlnnce nrt tend the funeral inmuiviw ut 2 u eon ree ck of mr john kud v 0t k a i d shaw importrn of briliih uj fnthti dry ccodt wholesale and rctaili eg tr ititimatei to tho itihnlittantnof kingston nnd vicinity that tney have thi jny opened out in tlmic pre- miaca in paiscias sratbti wrfjf rxctl pitd by alt jtimt brig ft urn tlhji bedw ho luftbiou liouai a very vx tontfivo and complutt asaoitmcut of sua aonnlilo staple and fancy drv g30ds ivhich hvinjf been impoucd expressly fur lite trade of lliis plac will be fund replete with die uteat atylie and design nf the rnnsl suitable good fir the ratsbbn t at appktaciiini seasons ponavsirg evoiy bdvamnge aa itn- purlers a d s feel cotifidetitiii ru- enm monrl int their slock to purchnfter nf dry umids tienerillyi anl which liin the gicaleal laic havinf been a ken in its selection in the british mar ket in order to vendor it complete in every deportment they f ahutei1 lhal ut- clieapnea iyl and vdiiety ii will he ciqhrj unsurpaased by any house in ihe trade country mrtchtims tnd wholesale dealer supplied on ibe must advantn gems tetma ktugaion 10 lslav 72if m i uueat attbacviosi at tub br lfast warehousb carr r nncen and ftjgof slruti itoyd co have jest re ceived their stack or fancy and staple dry goods cumpiutng ibe latest and rnnai elegaec styles jsd patterns which rtfsrtt can confidently assure the ladies and cnttomecr are of the rery beet material that the british aad french markets culd produce n b- formera and country mef- cbniiis are reapectrully iu former ifcu thsir siwk of domestic goods very artie and o a auperiiar qoality h which ihey will disfpose of either by wholesale or ketsib at a very arolu advance on theoiiginsl drat 0 jy enc pnvc kington october 59 1s44 a two coeutic in lawer ciiuiij itt reiuim iu he ik if j from lo complete the return bnarcn luin ami dniiiuiitinil them i ikii hulr ikhilit tutf botji will return ujiwrtrr ia ietieeal i saaawvh facts aud scraps orqinal anb idttt ll an lej im vico tjaut rimnas ik thai fou i an 1mu1 tint haa i t h iiiv if in coining imiiie ir- n u enniii arly an j ami urn able to jiet buck i juaven ajm it a wt iv fteal pity teu that l vlbi cut sjva yeu llie vny i lhait let live people tec jjj muahr thncka nnw that u n ikiwn in the vnrhl in cturr rmnc of jwur 4d friend vill cut yaj hut sykea aim ured- he vnl feet a bit more aah jntj f yuti now miuler hiocka titan lie jul ulurr ll dinrt nulic na dilftrcncc in huit in a private putnt of view wether yno i un the fi of the oqatas or in the repmier hoiwlirther plijm thi cct man in fnnit or bong kicked dufiit ut the riiwj from txhnid lie never yet tliock iuv vun a re mi i oa to novate rouliera vyif yoe iauniatv u cjn alway get the keyvf tire pump ai thia ivjuac lidiidc muiter llmrk- nther you crer dreania uihmii than ere lime nn you and lafon taincni gofetnnrocncral traem ere vo nice eaya ranal lliey it toa werry caf to rule a potrrolilaick man but not werty ma nty whod ay tlmttjht then that in a few inunthi time yu vo oioc ta be pitched out of your hllicv nif aotbdck to newiapcrinjf j who eulj hvc ukiuiii then that yon wuint even rii to huvr- a et m parliament hut betjmved ainnn lhcnd rate folk mihp reortcr boa t uviit yu think mutter hindu that then soikthmx like a n ii in all tbia f uonl it ima aa liioath it intended a a taming to ollirr ay thuugh it i ptiai meant lo ear lioocaay i tho wat puhcy and no miitakcr tliink over these thing meatcr hmcka re- wrncaia alaraye ent fuenurown good and even yi ant ihelnmhalh the larc enough lu aceoinmaihn more ihnn hw p- kei and il iacxcied tht about that dumber will u present vm il to tola tir i kvcmh boor hul it sras mo lain to ve run tlio urrt effvcl of uch evenla will be tn diarxmd t mice 4nd fececr the whic aa a p end on hirir ruin will tprix up the american reibi- gfli a uicir heir and imeal dcctndinla and if thia new piriy intend lo weeeed in tiflo with i 4itdita of thcr own ihey m4 expunge from lliir creed iw of their hdicuiw end narrrne ppiicpleanominale aome man connected with rli- tiietnrr or the country auch a man aa general sft and ihco if generej seolt keep a clnarj iikniin and wc a prudant tongue that i never mtiii on politic he will beat all eompctitur in ih neat iirciiential election this i our prrdic lion and wc sonwtime prophcay right end up s1bekian spring wheat this variety ef wheal i now prelty eeneratly enlilvatcd in the central divtiicteof the province utoh it miy be had in thr urge quantities in ae vieinilk vf cuborr port hope and pctcrtar u we expect tnal thoiuand i butlirh may be in the neighborhood of ihc above town iut avioi ihe ame rate that oud fall wheal com tnk we eowed 47 boaheta jf ubsaw r beat u m t pnn which lia fjiven a return of about 2j f r anl 4i4 per acre and it fiwini- qealtiifioa are i 6 neaily eeual lo red chaff winter wheat oar ll w one hut yoil may derirn bene fit from them bciaru above ulj ill you dvit lake to dilnkin if you i forced to mil jmjr irip and act up in tome honeat ey of bamroa dent le atninicd on it in coune it ami pweul to cut it aliall after having cut it fat- but belle ntcn than you ha dune n recollecttot you i at xaent no imnorabtc no m p p tt a riot wer ry eofvtaf hedltur of a not werry jrpiar pper vol dont pay bid haciett to oil the w bua of hof- ficij dinner to the hititoacralmg delight of power and all the humbu- and uomlyut great ncaa in futur llicka ou muat market for yourself and carrr home yuiir niuton ven fee it bought iu ifuk i of drink in vine vicb ekoit improve your temper yea muai uke vatar iiutead or a great variety of wccubie tkkto later theav i hiau vch aim lw be last omrs on by a poor diitreaacd fallen man like yomahf and niw farewell 1 hope vat i have id will comfort you that it will be halm lo your boaum and comerlaihun to our hart 1 voutdnt hart your foehft lor the vvrld for i rnc lhal fw never hku to pre pane to no vun lu cnuiw not how should you be kiiicka if you did the veil be loved jnaarabk kind hcarul i j yours m weny good twtih- ad werry jnlly ilo vitaaat svaea to mr hincka m p p a to k s m i v jr sykea viuiea me to ax how ion- you think ahc rill have in rail haforc you can rnk h a teller a jie tieklaru iiidie to rite to ruaes to red chaff winter wheat avirage waa not equal tei many of our neighbour ing farmer who only aowed a frw acre upon bind prepared in the beat roaibhi manner not- rt ilhtandin we have no ftam t icoajrain it wildod a nmch loore prufiuu return titan about u tut number of acre vf aulurun wheat whteji wa mluamer faltowrd and ptrparrd with the great im nr we atau aawed about 30 huthet of rtlme chtt called apring wnal and acre foe xnuv siberian will yield pee cent ovrelhrn f common vanety and willbnnj- fjj or m awe r boohd in the mirkot fvr giindmc purptre r luve met with a number of lej m ils iuborbood uf nrannarkel where from 41 to 45 i ejmenaa wheat hive been havested the w inedioufoi v jh t r j f vfp aad tbcee huge jieldjj have been pfuktko dnklfv- when dr franklins rnotbrrinlsw hrt discovered that the voun man had a bank- r n foe her dsubttr that good eld lady ssi she did not know well ahout rivinif hr diujchler la a printer there uera already tto pointing offices in the united stale and she was not certain the country would support them it eras plain young franklin would deprnd for the support of hi family on ihe proht of a third and this wai a doobltul chance if sueh an ohjrctlon was ured to a would be mninlaw whet there were but two prinlin oflices in ihe united states haw can a printer hope to gel s wife now when t tm hut ccosus show the number to bilstt u aw i diaftoi4rutr but ii am car wrst c avrraaiti to im with lii oviav wc hive heard that augumftim ihe ffrttrd the ghrnuu 4 gattitt tlie ktnvtvn tfrm and all the hopei of that family waited on uv 1sxirocciit gene ral on hia arrival here frocr- riord for uie purpoae of prorurin ihe honor of hi company at a iced of conduuncc a1 abv in ifei rvry bobtetoua wea ihrr it waa neeesaary for trof to take the irelm in prapno pemna ul motrcallho rendering grief doubty gricvouav th ffctnu objtcicd on kkccountof oakyacrurjcmir greater than uv value of the prtxrintft bui hud m obcciion to viand a glovaof heavy wet 4 tho hibernian recem on greera whoff wluere butick uie ckrwtcu ejr gtitrfu inatvtcd it shoijtlca ujaof hut turt at 01 anger but even tan hat puhlc invitation the grtot man wai obhi do decline ueare in- conolabec 0 we intvnuvio have reported the toafrtt speechc cm lbrccafo0n at parting tho caoirf 4 gasttu koj by the aide of thr silence for a ruonjdtprivaihd but after a aoiruwful look and a wiv tiakc of ibe head from ibe carence the one 0 i fitodih yell and n hone lauh thcoihcr a nul grin for he is loo hh j lo laugh the diacootcdic ilhil tl tail hum- mjn tu himaclf ihc mcrrjuh- ju gang naa mir to yon luun jpuxr st anduews sucikty the preparatory citiorterly mmliog of litis society will b httld ut bajtjft jlotei on liivhsdv kumm next at the hour nf s ucluclt as ihe oihce bearers fur thu etiauinjj year ivih lie biuuited fur al this meeting as well as other business nf importuuve brought befnre it lor cunstderjiion a general at- tendunce of member i putticuljjly ro- uuesied roderick ross oecreurr kliigainnniiv 9tl 144 ordnance notice just published qealbd tenders in trinlicttf san rt c 1 1 r o- t t ndd teased to tlw respective oaceie 4 n d for sake by the sulwiibcrs uf ller hu oris u kin after the manners h ijj entitled a j lllc wn itl frm psmfil deoi- fruovr of oxrurd addrelstng sme 0 leasing theordxance vshmen apmnrd r premises at stuarts point v ramsav armour co tf ul occupic by mr- william nw mm is44 ki j do premises will be let bv tbo month subject to rcurnption oa fifteen days notice 1 he rent to be proposed in srerling money at 4s 2d per dollar and stat ed in figures and in words at lungth- mie names of two sureties who will be come bound fr the punctual observance ofilie stipulations of ibe lease to be- given olhceofordrtance kingston sib november is auction tfalk of the steamboat prince dvaltd government notice ftlle coatmissafiy grnkral will re- ceive sealed tender at montreal until noon on saturday the lfttb tiihiant lor bills at thirty days sibt on her mnje tys treasury payalde in hank notc to ihe eaieui uf ac7000 sterlin of which c0ooo will be required at toionto and 1000 at kingston to be placed to the credit of the cora- misaty general with any of the chart ered baitvs or brandies of chartered dank established in the above places utd the tenders must bo rnadu with tcforencetri the put of 100 the commissary iemral will at tlie snmetirne receive sealed tenders foi utlls payable iu mexican or united states dollars to be deposited in the commtvtai iat cheat at toronto and kingalotk the kate steilin per dollar must be allied in the diteir and if panics denire to todko iavmuht 111 hall oulluia it must bo likewise staled therein commisanai canada muutroul 4tlt nov 1s4 whi and chronicle houses to let t rent in colbotno street and iosessin given 011 the lat of drj cembcr next a house and uak ery with all the baking materials and having an excel ent pump connected with the blkeryt the hjo iu liratratc older a lao nn 2 cottage adjoinint the first mentioned house connected with the bakery kent moderate apply to the pro prietor at his saddlery and harness warehouse princess street kingston john harvey kingston 8th nov 1s4 etftf f his well appointed and fast running vessel nearly new and well calculated for cither the buy riicr loukotiadc will be sold by public auc tion at the court hoy in the town of kingston on saturday the lgth november inat with her cabin fuini lute rigging and appurtenances cm plete tor ins ami condttiuns made lnowa at the time of sale augmagtu3er auctioneer oc agent kinqiton 7th november i8jk valuable real estate to be sold by public auction 4 t the court house in the town of kingston on saturday the 16th day of november neu the following very valuable property bring that part of luts numbers 2 and 3 veat side of ihe oreat cauraqui rier coa- taininr- by admeasurement of pmuoi v eimour d p 104ecrraa rooeo or less now in the occupatiou of a- tiionv maivakan kv also lot kb41 founh ooncessiosi townsliip of kingston containing l60 t lut no 21 in the 6th concession township of loborough 200 acres auto ibe centre j00 acres of lot no 4 in ue 4th conreeston and lot no 15 in the 7th concession township of kingston western all the right title a arthony manahan in ton lots noa 107 ho and 395 the entire ot the above desirable pro perty will be sold oa the day appoioud withou any reserve aod an iodispihable title will be given- terms of paymentrnmile koeara at tho time of sale further information aa to particular- may bo obtained by application tojameaa morton lvj charles sniartt ean office at the court hcauotre or to m subscriber thomas greer auctioneer kingston oa30ibisej tor jjytovyjf the steamer beaver ddition atao ud inlereat of the said wanted two mbxhum cibimst 3i1rers r whom employment will he given for the winter none need apply but t huso of suiter habits thus o- butler kiugmori octslh is44 j patterson atawfr wil1 1v kingston for bylnajn ctctj tuesday memiarat 9oclaek macpherson ft ckank- kinpten 14th aopist 1844 plul uontrgal ui r tct tr fnce cwrattl oa hone anahmrael if ile punie aecoujita of l church uf scot iaiwj fminmy itf lehq to march lru jul puhhrjicj owa uit ihc huuu eullccicd wire itirtriii4vrif itioa fund tnil j j tmidjtii fgnd ijitji ls 1011 jalriat fuiirja 141540 liv hii ac 0 the a erulily j93 i 3d p kiiou xuuo tajial 4le la m- mvmatoca arraia w rtujruartf amiiy captain j u hiucr faaary hraj iw from liilnenlhc ithol m ia hounj m tajoure a piri tn tlc rd iseai aut onvrtl ufma utc 23rd juno in fiht o lire mtnlra trimdarta rttar thi catof bratil and a 1 a- f4 rkt ntaataf ijudod on ic wf tlr iraaiiu io vnfy th throne nietcand im ahoot in o4hjitrur io regain llie road ibebaal mefjl tjeaif twwrn u ncce and a aailur dnitaiti j j prvj of aaaarai in rtwn to hi v fnniar vra cihnpclud le continue lauut i i w io uilcra tu aniiy aa dufinf lwl a hul ihc irute made iro i lljrt p ocoa them aad ahe afterward di m lhc hofwrt thu aundaamg thcn v 4 yfr tlhy rrmaincd there lor rareay tf dava utamn oicmsevrca or eliell fih ilw tattb cat jiy when oiey were reacuedu liir tkin by xhc aiucncan ahiy brairft which brought thcru lo ro dc janeiro a great fool am w j4cc bhcuheath tn the ndhhorhood of mtefpr on the 30th sea icmbcr for x5o iue ufteeea steward a yao- tee an4 rnbinren a ita runner of thr j jbritf nod- uncc iirun waa lut yard and froii the ma character fa the own inany ihouaana aaetribj to j hjlfpasltwethrtoriwaa themrnranaa nearly abrejat aa they cj athm r j tf of the moat aptmdid u d in a few atndtelcfl fnadc el bo two yard- behj tk ullf hviiau h mathesox merciij1jtt tj11l0r kim- 5tkeet phe subscriber rcsjiectfuly beg leave to inform his friends and costomera that he has just received from montreal hia winter supply of ultoau cloths and cassimeres of the finest and strongest fabrics and of mot superior cjualny which ho will sell on the most liberal terms or makeup 10 order i 11 theuteat and tnnst approved faahii nablu styles on ihc ah 1 rl est notice w inter vestixqs ofeteryde- script ton lach1ne canal tvutice is hereby given that the n water will ue imawn off nnd the laohise canal closed for the season on the fifteenth instant thomas a u eg ley ecreary hoard of works montreal novctnwr 1 1844 nn britannia captain maxwell will leave ihe cashwr hur wharf kinfftten trtty monoaat 14 ocwk nonriy ticscenj ctt the rapids of tha st- lawrenre for finhi or psstage spply loth capuia an board or to james a- classford agent kinjton june uih 1844 for montreal diltfcct the new tow mcsvr stbalf 10at kingston nov h mathe30n 3 1514 s93m notice is htehy iven that thr snhseriber will not my any eronnt after ihis delf unlei eoiitractfd by himsclfm his wife john bblantibr- kiniio 8th kor f ai atf f 184l found on ihe luhhorouh roah hetwetn wa terloo anil merrills tavern ahout ix tteeb ajro a hun0le ok wool the ownei can haftj ithy proving juopeny anj pay iif charges richard horning 6lh con township of kingston noeeinhars 18u 3t millinery and dress making e crovley rrikctss t n k e t ft tr s j 1 x ore beg leave to return her thanks to the ladies of kingston and vicinity fir the liberal potronageshe has received since her commencement in business and informs them that herfsitow koost will be opened wn saturday next the 9th instn whtsu ahe will be happy 10 receive the calls of her frienrls and the public generally kingsion nov silt ls44 ft whtri hteward rukhc evrf dentistry c kahn frurn paris ro pcctfully informs tho ladies and ttouilemen o kingston and its vicinity that he hsa takan thu ottice lately oc cupied by dr buwker at daleya hotel where ho will attend to all professional calls kingston october 8sh 1s44 mr h m bowker surgeon dentist has retuhned to kingston and may be found at forsman kings- lubaj eoereka into actio wjujoui wee- nd bteivard won by tri m md 4od hfcir teaatt ton hotel kingston oct 22 u 84 picton crackers uavj hy d bluet jajc lv the barrel j cakruthfbs removal the subscriber has removed his candle manufactory to ontario tsi-r- hardya ruildingn no 4 directly oppositogrecra wharf he lmgs leave to return his thanks for iho patronage he baa received sinco he com- menctd business and informs hi friend and the public generally thru he will have constantly on baud candle of the bet quality which he will sell wholesale or retail at the lowest price- an assortment of groceries al- c aledona wlllisve x m m ytra rrr wednk60aysi 12 i aooci descending l ihe rspiru ef the st lawrence por frieht or passsfe applyr to the captain oq board or is macpherson it crane kineson a ltkh 1644 for montreal direct the feoptva falnb in rutvatj thi princess royal captain kaltf will 1 ji- h greers wharf on tuesdays at noon instead of wed- urstlays as bernofor for freijtht or pas pplf lqf cftptain on hosrrl or tieo henderson esq jgenl kinsiion sept tth 1s44 the for new montreal direct low phtssubt btteajf oat ways oq hand b kingston 5lh nov meadows ism to iet stone house in ordi nance sumt near the artillery mess house containing six kourns in excel lent ordcrj with a comfortable outhouse to which thoro is an excellent garden rent moderate apply on tho premises or at the ware room of tho subscriber in mon n- ii streot thos o butlee ktnrstoo oct 29th 1s44 20 barrels roman cement for sal a by craig h watt kirifstm aufstl4 1044 b ytown will tamr for mratreal every fkiday at 12 oclock iioon da sceneintow ih rapirts of the st lasrrsnc for freishl or psttagb ipply lo ihe captaia on board or to macpherson crane kington nor 12th ib44 t journeymen wanted a single mao ofateady sober habits for furthar paiti- cuiara apply by letter to henry corby ouecaluf c v bcltoville october 2th 184- scvrf rphe subscriber ma notice timothy mur phy in rf urinjr from hb busidsaa and shopatthc l krrni srcrk siril be to inform the public that the buttaea awu in tuture be carried on and eonjueted by meatus john king thomas col lyer lowborn the mid etuuithteeet has bcendrtporedof aod for whotu be solicits a coniinusnce of to psbjic patrooaca ah persons indebted lo uaa isu avtsbllah men of joint kiho 4v co sre requetlcd to natte immediate paymeots to tba sobacrlbtr who alone is aathoiized to reeeiro ihe same and wbo will atti alt just accounts preseniea for payneal