riuinal poetry fw fjrilija hai helen a ballad by f v z pok ctomj r r iv i th mht nit gfirnmrrinz tjr irirr ptti 1 ner moan to irml lur ibv lo jjrht the pftifht ffvt lln fjctlti wilelbraeine lft he ilarlf aine ate the billon t km foatft and sulof wiped i tiro frrjv rjx and oxiuflil of ifiatrii mnj lionm on aueh a night vlfplic ihe alarm and fc l twiftt there td tiro ftltfij mo tinman forma in iilmcc ovi ft ikin trje oft wai old h d in bit hand m i lftlh it served to help acre ui r buic hi limb vrilh fc unrtcired th i i- wa both firm anil roiin hi mprt a lilfk arojad jut waist two jciijan hun tbat might do hocah wuk- trwr kilted near i loftiiniiinii ft where ii ib old rniri down near to a pmctnr apteadn mot with tufted fnom ticr- rw iv scarce htd they ired a moment there whffl far far irchirad a mnarafttl ahnyk kite on tbc air tbc joun rnin aarlin id j lit th til lie wi awl t heta re m ihu anne le verc id aoitj- anrrpl ti aav alar am tosy tf 7 reacac hif or 4 licic 1 t heard ihc wind among ll tree the gray old mih ndied 1 thee old com r mm pierced with cc lie iuitcr said and r ii i yrl lill mctbiriu anrrii rnffijtt hand iyn yj io tf ui of tliv hath bnrnc my ii ton flum in lnd j lll t m mat my life the younc man p- n f me lj rvr k frcrt nerved wilb cver lrif and oon did gam ihr mountain top soon cleared the dan too atcep he looked he mwjji j horrid filit tiic lily of the rte fiit llekn lroflrni for her ubt uoherclcd wc4v wile 1 a rubber pjtu hei am r and hmhly rpkc iter ritic efrltto thy many pectltil irliinn ii i my lfonynird flame nr troirtt not lpdwk necr hhajl wed fair ne nor lrrt iiy of the vadrr ar ml fore pnjm ue thy vo- j nrr cned iteten andcemeta that wim h tt rr i mo or thr euih ltiduti rtiqj bohfi ttk fc anj ihc fu krmlv h ehtehed hi vropns hih and wildly eltnnm nppfjhd uloocj lav mood yna mnt 8und njiim lurnl thy irirrid lie pill thcbondit mj ti uvnnr id and inn at udartj bml dut from kvodt it uanj jji vch hrrtie rcud jayd himcfll my cmur imatud dc vew tar klwd the crn f mfu i timet pf ii f it li4f and 4vlii4ifaiijlim nit if toted hia npihi piiuc vll mni the upniird weipm t and leaped the rbher tntn ihe ctilt with an 1 at yt the aled had pierced hia eiluin lirritt m hand ljlt i lie hlvvf and jn he fouml ttndl rrtl in the deep gutph k4o the water e1eed and ukii rolfd oft au1kn oimorv one fomm- mf the beeeh did bvo xeep tinned fcilli hmao gore- cac need i tell vrhrn old de vere and kelo left ihe pnt lwifttik tw them rffe1y near nay reach unit ruu made cot nor hat ere autumn a chill rate swept tin the fcbitt ticfc meen the tilv of die take 1- kudoej bride tbu fuill will nxt iu nwn reward while rirtuev vorth hall me apva and bright as ifravctt light to huvefta placid ikies kinpti i- th ljt iarts aut straps original dirt select tm lr- ro gnaauji it it fioo- unnvntood tbtt w it if itr rrmlly memlfer for simc- rd brother ol tbochkf j lice w ill be the now nieeiorgenprn1 i ihe li ii in vmrr mt- heinen um pin m thoentin dtiiii- putilre and it tjid wiu nil th oil n with much ability if wr meet umi iwitiurof the family ojipact we ulieve m m mhou i iimt be made mr itcdinitmr tu vxi rili be m all timra enrlemly hud iinrnmw ehy aireed ainl if llwe ore porwhjl of hie nld try achnd they will bu vigorously caniej itln rflct ilief will lm no triiirtii tty jufu h n admiiiutmn eompcaed of a ln twowr vjv 17 tiik sr tkchntr 17c 6 rat ouetioti nliieh will eomo before tlw itonar in ii nvf i un will be iho ohhntment oj ih speaker we iomoltdy how much ejilttw itrurc to fid lint till pirlic are likey io nnv in he srlietiim iif u hi tinu proper pnon our rtrined emilem rirytbe ovifhl owu tl faoccjial c irmmeotontoiiforthe wratern province hm by uuthonlrwciirenime bruoht forward the hon a- n- merin a the governuient eaiwiituin tw thta lueutive and rephle naeci ihc vxanteu f tultttf tho uimel ul mptt mhwio the wake of the ofhif um tt mtd imtijly mpfort the propriety or mr morin bei etectcd- w am mte fiirc thre ia not u rri4n hi of ocil rf pjrli4tiiit whn w ill 1h- nkif c ae friable to the krf ml fvtj thin a morin and wt ahall tofelil kjoicc nl hi ttatin it i iwllr idijihlful tofiod lliatntir vmwtvalii-e- frhitdaarc diapeawd to uo ukir with f much dtaenvlkm we twirin b ihtine thiitvakr ine paternal coeerrmeot of ll nw jtwnw pt and oodwill will be umreiih turmnl and enn fumn will be put lo flight warn wfejlg ar4 toiy i bury ihcironimuitic in tnkeoaef firfijriii and brotherly ittndne wc would ta nnnikf if llvt lie iiahfvliouldret a vat of ovtrmncnt adver uieoiem ef oiedaya 14 pirobjiojroft saturday nvirnln at d nelnok wtirlat the ateambiet t ihta wua eomine p tho line iviiware bv thn litht u 0e umrwi which wa alii ii in unhiudeil ffhnilor all i oner n idighl windapjunir ui from the n k ivil i u focrpaaid ore hpj j wtnnh wut only edi- aeured lh blljrhb f tlto hvm imt under all ftnnk6 wi dark tii il il wa impoiblc t e in- fkirlh llie kfith or ihe boat th mtddcn iran ition fir u tiejiutiftjl rh ir and fj jim night loiine of g i mt nnd derhneaa riwd tte on thai part of ihe river to em imir olwlmr i a rnr nwimnt luwetir ihe r- pawd and ihe lirmehtcd and fhte nfit ftwh w hf illt werr eltcvred once mure bv the bnt tiy nf the jmt old nvhtn tla bi and thrfe were not a fw wrthid anchor atidil nl but ihe uil were nu fcoiaier itllid by lle wind thiin antlnt vein l f came otiund llitaexhortrtfthenve w nijimou erl in ihe litjeheat rf d ukn- the aneh wm ngjin lit go u 0r11d1i il- jiii of th nirht and the raillmg nllhr ehm f eatde lb iwake aaibira prticularly alcral dunbaitrock whieutlwfhijarhhut nhav w4i0rnn mil th it ihe a w tul cinvubfrjii wa iwdy cjatin il atiaituw bfre tin wee nl k t lkt i j tip nf tnvnrnv fr ut a few iniaul te ij uv iwivi auii tin- iiniti uutned iia woitu i biluamy and lit tip tit luec tlm dep avre vart rarivflo ffnrtfiao the elections kpirarari r ri m miitnjcitl ajter tv t ftavn r rbua ltenckilk jtttw iwivwaittv ji kiiefhju jyjndm monihal cily niaaam oibce city shrrl4i town jlircc ilietr toronto la o ww rataet 32 h arrctirr to suvrrlr at liutfnie nnkilfiwn perwkim at lmcikk hive im the boltoin nf rlnp dbout t put t a wi tfi vi uifcthu rfolk wa held llie mar 4rrtdnt i im ff i rmta t y m- 17 tnmo rtoraa or voak in thu no declaration of nual ntlilioci a a put m sum i ofttil the day on which tbc rrluinaveee nmw tip altlmifgh hi cahrlealwi it tiiily demanded at oe of the pofline pi ki by on elec tor in ill wrfv we conecive um pet his urn uolaicd a the elerlor are rfeirirrd of the rijhl aptentlr cien ihem by atitdleof aeertamin it ihe niaft fur whniathey civc ihdr wu rt lejully quaiticd mr monro will we lern htfortttafr fjtlvw ep hi ptotcit twifnfo pot net the uniern hft ihi djy at norn on her at downwarel lup her dcpa4nte at this acaton or llie ycwfiaan epoeh il i ibe wtennent of out dinel communication wilh the 2jl atlantic and the hnmeaof nr faihen and when leaving the whaffahc bred a fcrcwcll alute lc hailaxit um deawate where a few alwrt week aince rode a multitude of ahipa awailtna trair burthen 4rcnjwatn but a iitary ulrajjcr environed or in the neiuburhnud of a few malcnft from the cnrittu y pittiirfjefi plrin their titduout irafae to llwlalinoineftlqiifee avefcvr jaw 19 it lo i t foo vauaallba bride of thr lijivwy indian not tr i vam t the stronc w and an account uf win marriage we enrned a f n njotitltfi ae from the enwh papcra has returned to the parental if m tfe ojhi her poue not having uen able to lire emlorubly ethe xt t siima twixe a iriter in the snath catotina spartan furmahc ibe n mo-m- atjy io tercet mg account of chang mnd n the samcae twin their tovifi 9hd two lafta vim may be aware pay ibe writer hut few reara ine the srhae twin chan and en retired from the pohie gaj rid aetlled jiw in wilkeai county a farmer yu will ahai reeillrei ihil durmg ihe l ytotr il w nttu dred in aadate of llie mwpaprra tlit tlwv had m irni4 two iaiem tin mitt w treated aji a hum by wnne ef ibe jbornah and i ineline to hnk thai puuic aailnmn ttid lht itje two twit- werr hvin- m a alale if aink bvawdnea to my ourprte i und lhl hie u aufa hit til fact undthat ilcvedin2uihd cruruebrr are marred men mr ami l e irr will kivwn to aeteral of my uequainlince and iff p im io he eery umiauc and itiiluaanou ii- u hhi mrnireh in vetv auleiiiii mwnuer exhiel the peopl uf linwriek toiur lhenejvoi of the dugrue whtch he evelared to bmi iniienii dit- hi m the voprt of re il t if rik nerdiirx ct adikled m j very luubnrth inirn witiht chcer terminal in u re9hitm to itirer a lr ihe jieofrry uf lite offender f sufponum tuvefflm u reward d lix ymr men llitr been atrrated ni uoicil llitee hte bnai rv teamed on iheir own reeon i iancen md ora pa uet remanded it fiajtim a conitn a leiter fmni ilaiubajrf of ibeldlh ui torer my h vit ht urday all the reroein enra tledhilyimt ihe cvntfirivtt jmptrthit inkutb cc le brated bv a dinner die jrttiiveriry of l entiy of one f ihe compirtor nined jlcionii iha mjicr during lhat tn period he had ivjl mined hi work i inifle cuy llu now nhly ihi iear nf age enjy eieilfcnt hemlli nd dnra hi rvitric like a yiw nn lhve were 5jij periwa preaerrt at ihe dinner tnelitdm all laulurnia nbhm ilertwar ilollt lllilj 1irktmi t hamhly simi 7hnn iiti hit in lrirvlh h llriavl jj 1 mi mi uru naind ux i knnfar pf itffn wrr urriivj 1 1 1ti humu mulieah a i- lidutiihua ftuiliu imi jtiifirjrajj kent irtirurk jneoln itarth lmeofoiith roer 4i rwood fta wr sirvn iw a vielluftab 1 fciwt- t ij mnffitii i fs ii mrofy wl j rhm- ii h hon i kdwnd w ii i public dknne tt ocialh allow of ofkftjpo th ctfv builfltsfg bl tbc litliibitaah of itljmma on thuksday l nvklldhri e fhrr r fjft f i t a p jf government sale tn mtuikiy tlio billatal6lannjlla1 m rd 1 1 ale j ctmviv x m ih ant i in n luttwr imlvrt tiekeu 5r eieh to he hi i dalev ih lawaim hmt llrad qdaitcr add it n paneitand j w kicm ak cuntinuku mtoutar vfivoit stlc of hbal estate y auction r satultdav thr bih t4nnl nt tuolouiit lioudlil in tilt town arf kioftmoqi ti ih tic mim ly pumic auction without any rimtvrj aciocmliti lo nnmuuhmrfiit tho whole mfihtf ivmnimnic farms pakk i i it i i j r i i i b moiy tno ttninalat hniir v h tuto iln ioiit llnrruckett wi j io sjld by public auction qt il ovhhrk ikuin 0 rminiity of cmt ty ktaouu itarrbls pilrk tlelt- ces oanimalc roxes thomas ghb8r auctiouoor hiii i v 131111844 irau hintil ami ihc emplnyme printer o i eenllenvbii j ikahckir ifjmba vfrtc fape an vf mteaalfaf ihe fev hni rr oneof thiac ou pine pi immense tnltir t mfamrt ktxctjtp mamctto tclcnari llie weoderful innehine i hketyere lnf bi br come a oeeetij nyal tnah other niodeaof iran mitunp boiinoa anil aooil camnnintetiona from place irtace vnh a line of the trlcpriphic eaduetntii extending fnnn thicty to new york i lie merehaniaofeiiliircily wxiold rl lender acrl vh b j i ji m i t w tt vi- 1 ir fl ij sul chrik j i lim itajiw idm i l- fmmav jawwlbp veai ltd iiey l he it if cam tfrlft ad et th in iff i v richef vm iativahrw 4 frvl lt ik wl an hi if in th- pcrn itf a hiv ft bnunrm dauhlerf hiaid lhal chun and knwilh their wire and children conlctnfititc mjkin a toumheough south carolina in a lf hie iuiih anjoy exeelleni hiaiib are cit imle lalka i and anwircnlly happy and utll b mlln pfiaemore tnterrmme d attractive in ibiir ae cond tuur ihm they dd in their hr 3 fuoirervl aaatlr with aj air a lmri man aauumed a nerri woii in oiftdrd trv myimnwin on mundt aflttn with an ie nnd eano neir areerinjj he he d from her tnly the neto wbme naiuei frederick iv il ijinri miuek the wurpau wilh the veapon ert an awful ch on ihe aide of her imefei vji urrivled and cnmmiited hy ahevnin ru rut the wormn ara attended hf dr dente whi twi up the wtvnd hw lare bhd ve- el t i and the injury wa not cootidcrto neeoaarily iatit ullil lie fft til srrrasir allnn maenab ped mpwirda from mon n hamilton yetirdy ul retumn in time lo be prnt al the crl din ner in ihe town hall on the 2ll ml we hav yttry reaaon tn know ihl willer mr mnnit nor any other con moire bet allan i a candi date foe ihe spcakrrin and thai tin ceernnnj will lplcaard at uic election of lheatbrl knhi fy tit iocv wt wottove vi- tlnl moat impudent little creature ihe r rf lary mr hankin hi had the t4uancc lo jltcoij ihc ircliincj of a w tn rartiamenl ivtkhlf bl the pcjrpoac uf peakinf- in he of that dimli z n tjrman mr secretary daly wllrevuh anlii lean doe nnt po il l tin fiab whklt it aceina the hltlo ereature baa a a matur 4 coer the ujftkey aii a wtu rfrubwd oa he deaeprrd and hi tippmintl mt wilt the ule mcmhtr tfrctinra by an mr watt i urf r ivernhilnnn rniontv rtnifrf tn ral 0st aanarrw dm htl plbnl vt t scoili mund cekbralhjt thr nalal hay of lawlc tulebr aint by a pubhr ihlljotujd of uk nea uiuke place m uk new tw hall tu ue of whrth bu keo aaavfl anled b ihr rirjr- jj tn st lwaic irio emsarked nn tard ihc chirlftte teimer l gn down he st iiwrenee rpieu ti-riim- orilinarvooc wa neeer lahen by ateamera litllhia yeur fhere if n- w a lire f am bnali whieli mih llie entire reund atawliftf frnn montreal ronx tip th- ottawa io llytoon i hence hr the riavn u kl31w ndltien ovrwti the st liw nrre to monlreal the mail i oeohy the arie aleamrnm which eoerepmd willa a line f h a tt every ijortuf hul pfeitger peiicrally jin ler pwinj down therapnh ahe quicker w imntihrwiine and cvnper lvinvaj hit excitement mirmtmx opna feat y nn the laat t pad lachtne the eatnrr fetfit their iiwo mmfft cinaeqihnlly only t or irfo do an nnd ihrfp do not iiiaore the otbeia go v the iaehiie i aftal tu mettea the ril mre frwr in nuni- u r thj laang ill cedar the cejde ami laehine aonf tum ne l miviee rry jrmkda1ielin at the lat in i llnte i u pitrh wlm h faiily hit the trrn of the uut nnd aliunde hrr bnw into tlr rury ao a lo cftvcf the deek with wtiter hmii huvirv bcenoneo h e mined lvii e will live tlinoh it there ftm funner dlinger than thai of ftim the e hi nnd wlnh i nanow snd rumnnf n the rnek at riili jde of n we nk m an fndnn pim at ceh r-pid- rhee ndowa in ecwn hi ihv h bit of lkin aim timber rafls and titraui jnd are iiiu einpliedby uic teamet a hare wai wt lit week fmm ihe fnolhirdme of llie enplain whn relued to lake tn a pibt and indeed there i nn rater to apre ercn in ihe chmml at tin i mm or year uur boat whirh ily drew lluee f r un mehe i the breit that itimpu it and ihmicb provided with ihe ut fmiuepivataee w onik tnip alighlty i roiifcm ti a moment or ih liiui uiim 1 fell thr tiop for an irm p ine at llrt rile f iwentyfive mih an hour hul it wj merely a aerapc ahvwinir however that it lauehandco bet we were mack lo arrange uiielvrain regular pjtiliun en tkek o a lo kinlh veaaclon an een keit nd ihi hemi mia clnekeiied to lull iflned an w ven down up i pdav cwieilermfa kr iliear letter hj mnilnr etpre atd he a awaynl uiirty tix iwum frraii nwer lay fttjfjld im ciwjipilkd by he natural eeaare oi trtrta in uac the tejepluc conveyance hy whieh rnan liny miihl jit un iwwtf to lhtif cnimnmeariona in fmm half an riur icthi litr and a half according to the distance their currc pondcni ciyhtbe from llie teletraphie oilier it would be no longer lime li enumiunicale wih rtew oilcana if the trletaplite eoidueioe ex tended ihu fr than it would with new vik it than o dnea bctnom rhail aunt and oart ktreel in tht eily where ihe teleim i now prj opceution the only lime eounh a tlml iv- rinie lor airikm- the- chiaeren vk hvctre ftoid travrtlin the cinuil nf 1ti enidiielnr it j vrhieiiy of 1 1jim unle in a a jj fteae aor mmv ha made wt of ihe th oacur m a nai nula ihm a innr eomiuuifieatii brtwrrm lv4t inetoa and fldtminfe it vnvm thrr nhak btft ten mmulrvm iramuml cl e laaoo kllee hichwn4d kuiklk ue tint ue uiinrfsty of huain ktieca ivof moav hat jrtrov by vvliieh all eirmnvutkitim h the tewzfaitli tm imnle priint tl ar vijn t w ni ikilc t t iiiy w ertimoiiiv ud ti dh telefiaji walioul n wwni irf hmih n ih ntj ii- tipllildo btnnr ltly lt ihit vjmimilaaal rejitkafv tviyiy lrafe iibmiac leeej ifhki lintler mcmtie mtmneal comilj majobaafji miaarejtli mm do looiinnieitei kienkt norailk nnrthiirubeiloiid n xfatthunih rlandf js oxtord ottawa prince ivd ward htiktif pnaenlt ijnvhre county kwall rinrilj lunihki uichi kii saneny slier htooke counly rl maurice kinrroont s4me4 ii si meteinlhe sheoord eviniuaujd two ntinlaifta tertewrtinc wehere vaiidieinl iventwrth viiiiiiki rkii viwu9att vork 3rd vofk 1th w letill jeabr ii irrntl ctinn- feynjr 1 tr jviemi mr l v wetwooil rti tliittpk with commend li i ion a apceeh vl b t maflin in ihe j ink year of kin j one wbii there an aeciunr laken of nrty ietnktni ivit alrei twenty verof ae and wmie iml i v hnj n leen nhieh cj used the irive ul i ijvryer to iy that il w the nriri- til rttvfoha fw dl tjvn n make fcaw fr vnng men hi ih il irw he jv the cave hcred nnd im 1hn vrc ehitdnn hele l into the great eoiincil i the ntun nipiih eanra in mvaile and invert nature and t tniei hiwif in gem iheir futher llu r ninhirane dm adiptee b mr wemn avho rid ihil ihrir tmitinjf wa jn oercd rridf the ndmmioi v wi iiuny y ui mn ami ihit it waa nd hi lliev atioold in ike law for tht kindoii who vrcrc nut in mt own person liable in ihe law wv e not thrinvlett be umnil by eitrcl except joe neeraailie in iwt tfir cdwrd cie tiit noticed hie evil many nider the i of tw n tyone l here by eoitmivane hut if rneiion would be put nit if thia were ihe law of jialn nifot it tea in practiec eomian1fy evaded heldv in lite dotdrjtautc of putitaii elihrj ulei iililtlcicd llktt h p n n inimil vi hot lln jilac t liter n tit lot m numach wret mutic wa iitiweeer made by any at- it rrimbheannn aitehegaiit dfur hy any giaveaenioat th ptaiadiu of the hug elicited from umv lum ful wader lua l erreelh nt i iifct linn or ito who tat hehvhe waavvenlien mil fnwii ihc rv1 lyd htftebm vthfi eoil bouc ol brine a 0 mite bit audience at nitvr ncn yraranl ae s i r mijht k it j by auch early btvkm fr rvn umipe fiuit- lnnv the roinmot wealth l4d falkland ttvr ulrrkin prom f the pdutenceof jilt in ig1 ratne vfiil hi udtnmunn ike ji barely rj lefal i-jb- mifjiog tint im had nut arw hi wihl imi ih rtoiuhl it i litc nt i may r j them in tho lioi wheic there are yhjh j of jrteax i topirk theiuifc intlkaineparluiticuufreaier i fatnity w e lhaii you h could ckov a eery yen nun alornl np and cold a story iff cal and alnl and iitaile u apeech nobody kn lo whl pntpre th very y4i man if tic woutd amy reriplure iliuiiralh ribt ii4iv icarmd to m lurry ai jrffiell 111 ha lod na ifiowo jtaararerrtfi le canonon j de ww llit tl ay a avim fi ren7 atly o h m canwm lwm b j ahaf rtdrlrv 1 b ianeaii- f p kv mr irnvimond nstewl jointitju ielnb- ivltic m franeieee ii kavrtra if nrha axmtt s hrv u uihfciuneni ix ib tnlhiiald ii rtiuotpm or ibfiiiovf or ro irmtf l vv ii hanl u ii liuatiine jiaidw j p imoe 111 sioii ur ibaeu j ii ivsi t ontifi i cstmtt ilvbcit ckl iw tirdoel dir 1 r v rie ih ot i ik i rueinrt bud ari lihnk llntldwwp elitmeniiniitnn v fnfl lanaw uian 3rririal3 in lubfltfolt i lit 1 1 a it ftllkvs british jionv jud nvlhvih jidni vdv mric imhlle linvn j pl n qalii jtw ilmln usnhftrk j riiirrnj helle a mifaulurl 4ohar ilanei trui si ia llu jim ru mi jtf jn in wi ike tjjiu uiiili tit montreal tlntiiai s jmiekvdki titntff jcaidcraiui hrnekvdle aaojtx frnia t ihphce tipttm tmn arnherl lliht j ferr i mihal mi vrtmd fltwim w miena tonva ire- shhw mmilrcil i wjimwi ltr4aaat li tortf sifmn oninal ceore bith k montreal lom jihh preoll sir acji xab ilamihai a mero ikfliula vi lacut caiull atwnnussiam mrciinpujnaii me ur lljfwird fi gananonue ii bia cert liytrwn john thorp monliiml j sully iklvville x ccrap bay tjuiidi dietin flr jtnd li mivjipic mr u n dd i in unfile mita nrejj tmiviue ui oani truaviiorar bote nwexdin wmdhr mm- ieih rirliiifr mr tor er 111 pytiwu mr wcta wrijlit mnitband ur la jciwell ieorvlvnie j mr nllaid pit taaae jn trktmaa memabrai u ct jam- i- iriurft hj ipananmnae j l lell-ai- i vie hi- f rale frananomie niel mi mcuiinm km n lots ivotnnil ivivvtlilm i if lutl loonijrtv f johtt mcl04ll f tows m 102 ioi of kinmon iiroircrty in llie continuing aliiiii uml hcii gariiiiiv nj cnimiminw u ni nil sjr flaw 2s7 mtiij m5iii tlictown j liltt vrry vuluqlo inunthiji ifkirio irui liein lot nn t ami trt if i xof n uml g mfom nf graft cuiriiriii itiver wiili the wlv uf itolloi ibm1 ennlainin about 73 acre of vxfh1co jm a ijtitty t vet y fiipffior nd iii the riflq i f ilmslnjr klmwii us tnt ni 23 in frftl oirat fdr itijinlnit ncro the whole f ihia vrry vaoiiolc prv pertv lieirif o wirll ami fivirihljr knotvn t in kington am iu vieiniiy irccliitjc the lamsmily ij a oelaileil uoawlllrllll ii ia uffiivin to nyituu tho 3wmseai row nflvreil to npitnlutj fttnl wllcjr ilitroua tif making invest mcnl in uk at esta rii wcro uovet wgfii us at llifr present moment the riilwli tjon ortofi lc lieinij petemptfirv wili n very liietil icon iff creilil will ajnubl- le secure great barauid lu ititeutlin pmcliascr3 imana rf ilia property mny lie seen ami any nhcf inforrmiioti trpectin il lc obiaincrl at the office of the suuaeii lier any lime piyvvhm w tin ttay of sale a sltfrifl lilti will tc givrn trrtmt ten per cent on the amnion of pqivhaaw will be required iiawh the ilriiiiiftm in equal inaintmenl at six twelve an j eihlien tlmhlkra ly ctoloned promi5ory note wilh inteiedl lv tic safifaetifin ofthencher sale u 12 uclotai nonn thomas g ecr anetioneerp ktng-lnn- ijiii novemher is44 tiiciiirkstparkristarana till montrrar oazettb isxivuuutlvkkiiiivnron tains timurvtwo cokumxs ubkrqiiun tu the paiiv larrnfiyahehau- frlllly m advance five doliah to ihetnt wiiklv kuiinot for thr onnlry tiajati in adtance it ordnance htlti sieaijod tender in tripii nddie- j to tho hopaeiiv qmjm i fill r fjj nijifa will bv received until 12 ocldck od fri day chu 2nd inmant from mi dtav rneioflkaainotiie ordnance kkmi6es at btuaktd point at oeatnit occupied by mr wihiaa king tim premises will he by th inoriui aukjoct to reatiinpttun on fifien java iiuuctt i ilont to ih proposed m sterlio money at da 2d per dollar oj atafcv eil in fvjoic and in woja al tuogth i he name nflwo sureties who will bat- come k on j co ihe punctual ubaorvadct nflhu aiipuldtiona of tho leato to to j lle iht tvali tjikl dollar r his i hy far lb urgco ami cheap tii weelti ipet in pioeinee anil cn- lain ieal amonnt rf ktwlc rnmmeiciit innmliiliunao inteiiimt fauiily li- tja gsttc uillm mual rntitain reenlai ntiitil lleii-nlr- eil mm 11 anil meat ample etc it pi i rr all ih matfiamntaiv prececd- 1 and j h itej pf ih lu rharac mint th iutn iwl imfiaiiiality ef its re- unttatirewll bnmvn ihiourhnnt ihj pcormee n rrtirfl fil teitiill ostl paslliaai lb loiveellv tjjier wj in eat lor fuva morna to anv liwt inrbjiabej at n i7 sn paul 5 moftttrai m l4i givon office of fdianco kingston 5th november v a luable real estate to he sold by public auction t theciiurt llonaej in the tora tf kin2tott on 3aturuay th igtb vlo of november oext tbb a jja norm the fj 1344 kiujnery ami dress making e crowley pselm ih n c i s s t ii e r kinhston leave up letum her tlibnks to ladies of kntgtnii and vicinity ibem patronage at ftttit received her c immense merit in buainei jli- illcm lh in shhw rhom fio im ainee qll i will be opened onsnurdsy ttexi ihc wi itim ulnn he will he nappy to reretve thecullauf herfiiunts and the public cnetillvt kinrmnik xv qv 1s4 at t o extensive sale it k v o w m c r c i a l jurt tieav tho 2cth november il besn1il ii coe ciietgnmenis tea rttigira wines litpmr oil sdipeiie new yinlt solo leather in hull ylee rice love dales i iiittuhj kiiw cotton dattin tfbiivi ftritf candle and a vaiirty uf other attfa r pjiiiculm in lljiiifhiu i l 1 1 nvhick william warbi jvctic iner s jent a auction sale of oqos ox commissi qtff v ihe stole ofcralti watt ulnar in street on thursday the 211 uf nnveinber ihat rta folhw oru0eiiiec fa a freh lot of ijytotl yoon hyon gtiiipuwder twoikiiy and suuclmii ten iq raioa reaied cufleep llug and cavendih tubacr miircjibtiy smili im qtmliy p im- aml iiinuivlct c arm iltiy n lee osnuxnt ta andcofftiu wahkuouse wiluamt martin r ni nrtih otuuw i s sjiiriia rwiicy kruila ti whom a crorrriri hia ctmtlfkl9f ierv yi klvstqn if if r irf s iuuft an a approved taod t a itaorur of rnr far mr wit j maavw au tenr evrmtehd vfll ih vktwtu ctrttr olfiee apprjm lunar bf fir the utjic in axitlhi cajwenj antvficol ln-me-r- aaiaxupaeei anil wie mtrdi nit at tin uhl thn niete caillc rianatt kinxirt i and an he o a veunc man vl eacravfat tun iiikia ui make no ikniht but he ai1l inrit u 1 tee fnualioeoi publre auuijre our ja taaaiixatie kucc ar wntriaii wn line been rwuu innegb ui ju hehin4 uie fall aneh i a nt ejiirceablc k ii nvjviij a ttwafevi jmf a ihiroofh vetting ami a pmhabfe em and which floe not pay lai the iratl veu blnauer ajoaq a ntir pttt a volh ynvr heaij owu in the nuaal nf u f an uiiou ahower of aprar lrt yau fit to ttttinnti irei roc lnrtif wrnelt jwur nsrrube uii3i ii tmtbi yeeturiv ii irall my mx ii u talk f on nufinncent trmtfaqvi pmjiae by itheni 1 n ih huer curtain of watrrt ilueh ta litijr u- r i too and the wortd lean only ay tint a ili0teat hare a rery lirely ioainnlinri innvv at k he bat itj tlio tnoat awful thunder atim v have iipcfjcartil iraiti jedirl n mmiuc iio i abiut on- ovlueb aa rhy brnfk unj ibe eitorna irf really awajrtarj upi alin rj by the auitd nna antj yrairetf nf thr rwatalirirm the rain f ii in lor rrt nj eij rabb l mij ba been tjooe bv i thtiinj tbi y t inn imquvenatfci kpl by mr mtaluni araanrvekbr ihe lihtniit ana ewamava1 jkpo aritiioneor troolherhux 4fesnuiaj vehall p ratal it hear of fortaer dm hvrio been done rai tin aaxaaaaaaj h t4her raituof the erttiiuy iilhean narf trff miamtaj whili ontbi h blind abower of eerfd ieb r m there ia tunattly iwt tti h tianftr ceept of il nmanaanj r bad nh ever tin conavtatwn nl tliern- ourtleta that e were henar aa a mac at aliurjily the eiuje ttinil u n ir f ujaf i- ol wlueh ro l veil lu un k our aw owe tlat e h j n i hj ti taui m rnek la afatc ef waimntf krrt panplr uijl eoiihnu- 1j il if n laaa i ii r imv he nla to ray thai tlie hate eia ii hie main mo- iivr arlimb wi aaaaal fogk upu iralhn vnd ild raving vif p 7n oflwtia annivertiry flpacy feetiral ire htw rlurin- the firit veeb alterchrii i ma at the iroue anl rnninil of llr rev m crbbcncar outhaiirjilou and nninbct w amlkj tribe mm fvaal vcfj tb io aluafaa i counoy l tin ktjllfurl of uico race tin vtii i at sion h1l iiiuk haeea very pietireine ap j arance oil ihmco emii uipy ruk ha j ifypuincf and ihv muvvl of rhrnkn re ui xiiuor the crouniia giaay of all ifiaife an tfuniin about tne faci ol lire jieanr ptt uais qui vocally allow inif llntf iihnliljoie hiilnh elimae fix cinturea not bavin mojrhrd u brown ennteinn ihi tat en hio ol uie olaj th ixijjimy aire tidily dfeaad lnrni pul we their liet io dcta lite lmpcy firill lhv nil nhlkm tti ly call mr frjlln- ft re jf hv hu4iin an tawdrily attired in nel murt tyiwj- wilh iilnek tinei ami tvcjf ribbandai thivv an kovpjlly dim ii of ttm new lreal fr me in ivretchvd plight one had ten childito hvmr eul of tarike ntl ariibmit hoen aoj inarty naked iinau are vimbn iil u d r the ttptcml care uf the taliltyik ffrtfv n- eierjl ymnj pilairi arbo bie lr ajitrcniieed and nw lavhjv trade nr lt ovmimo acrvant ibrouilli th acjiry f iik htaa4lthna thei ud io bo fomlly nijrn brr nf 0ud einntud tajaj ww arvtt n wtaracjn the hiilutnn jjm i luironol uu jii bar dnd they atjilbe fmitkl ft rrrd n in oitf frporv lhr numlr if elnliinri pre4nl b alj mry reatin portii in the adutt an attm name curtcr hn jitty aic mmkh4ijrtn nt of araata rial her un luc arki tbew tiaintxt hoc juvv uvne hellallimhd by pfineipal iibbh ihc i eiibuilaid at tt nment uf cigars of the msi proniht tiuviivs oh hitiil n b private fulnilie officer ieec ami ikiteli supplied mi the nttr uiieial terms salertu of b1tatrir l and imtieu 5 kegi ff and pfp powdor- 2 cuattei cutks choice wine i-eitt- k minpylp 100 keam foo1cip ad felter paper marine stokes s colli english tarred coidnge 2 3 inch 3rhaii cbwa 3 i and i mich 1 baft riuiin anl anchor 0 lalea bct ituia uakum ahba 15 rtrxm 1c rje ix ti chinmilii liranda wilt olhei uriiclc sale at one uvloclc p m n m bock 08 aueiiiineer kincfiton sirv 13 isu i plaeft beat a voiiety ol uulsfis to let o kent tn oidhome sircet ond prrviion zivfn nti the lnt trf dc- ccmu r next a horsb and bak ekv with nil ihe baking materials and haying ho excel ent pump connected wilh llie bakery the wm in bratrale oidcr nv 2 cottage adjoining the first mentioned house conncced willa ihe isakery limt innleiate apply to tho pro- prltrtnr at ins isnddlviy ami llaruea vutilioue- prinze street kingston johm harvey kingston sll nov hl ssrct in rin saturday vlo of november mt fidlowing very valuaue pnpcny betug that part uf loi numbers 2 and 3 wear sidrrof tlie ureal cataraqui river tfon- t lininij by almeatnrmert of pmjlius v elmor u p iu4acre more lat less now in the occuppnon of atv r no kt mkahalv etcp atsn lot ko4lfourth coacessiofi township of kingston containing l6a lot no 21 io the w r townahip of luboroogh 200 atrea l a so 1 he centre 100 acre of lot no io tlie 4th concession and lot no lo in the 7th concession rowriinip nf kimrstowi weateni cjtlition also all the right litlb ahd tnterest of ao 5aio antlmny manalnin io town l6w nc 107 u0and305 the entire of tho aboro dwiimuap periy will be sold oo iho day uawvq tvtthoui iy reserve and aa lodlsputablar thle will be riven 1 terms of payment made known aitbi time of bale fuitber inforroiiion aa lo paruciu3v x may be obtained by application to jaimea murcon esq charlna stutrt eeq office st the court uaatue or to tjist subieritar thomasgrebet aucrioonlat kingston oct- 30th 1314 auction sal1 of thb ii mat1usok m i ii c h atf v t t tf l o r kino street ftiiik siirasrsilatr reiecifuly bee k v to ill mi iii t klilil alirii 7oiniitiiijii he lia jnsl rejguyfid irnui miiireul hi wiutic uppy of hkuam cumtsasu r asjmgres of lliffinrat td vlintjiat fjhricn aiii nf inifl suinjnur ipmliiy uhlitcb ho will sell oo th mm iilerail term or moke up h order in ilielhiirht nnd nrsi hprrpved faom nnhlu styles un ihe aumvat mrtiev inter vestinos nf every de- aenptiuu tl mthi60n kinrxaton niv- s 181 5t3ou itramovaitt cll e i 1 i ha removtil 1u x candle manufactory to hsirily unildingrt no 4 uiicctly pomlo ciuet a wharf he twjf bit to tattim his thanka for the patrnnne he has received cilice lie com- mnnce bnnines unj iufuirn in ft ienda mul thr pitlilifl ciiiully tlit ho will liavc ciisjnily on hand tamjle nf the i ijualiiy wukli he will nphls wll appointed and fnat ruuains vessel nearly new and well w calculated for either the l river uf lake trxdc will be sold by pbblic auc lion at llie court hnu in the tot mngmon on saturday the ittii iis and appurtenancea cvm- pleie terma and condilims made klfvwp ot iba time of ale tiiomacrblser aucliiiuecr ft aenl kington- 7th nnvembor 13k roit uvtowm the stemer beaver j wattbudt ivatrrr villisre khon tat brurn efetjr tuesday mnmine si 9fteloek- macpherjon ckanti kjn5tcn uth august 1i4 por mostbgaft ntkct the ncw low razsstrh tjaii t- i wholeulu us telajl at ihc lowest prtee an asiiirnent ways oil hund kinaton fnh x nf guocerlesal it meadows os 850 lor caalu fleottt nnts fine flour sale bv tho aubmifiber fr low market siiinre k inatnii i fth nitv j martin ism 1 t i la hi a ketjiilis ilivaiias of the clniieet hrunda grotofj store ol the sul w j mjrket stpian- gars uoftiiient nf piincipes ut the chemi lr alo crihor i maktin i kington i aib now ml hy tliu jvm kechyrd inr tale uctiei- t af hljckuokhs ilicjzlv the imnili kiiiimi- frasa 1331 iols3i wbieti will h nn i tioncnhihintpeihunilier or twelve numv wa uiaiurs inhfiert chalmers bgteat n jnnei surcl montreal tvrramtf 2 lft auction am fp itorss cjhrmoes sleiqus jiarxess 4v iho picmiscs of wt oponci ivks hiuck srrcrion tho 3gtfa niivember llial ervc 10 tcxellcnt llmses icripliirtsi 1 iei carriafo 1 covoiurl faniiige i t tjvered tuich mnibu cb with wheels and runner tuesday without re f virions do i i 2 s 3 7 3 i ulltfls double plea n re kitfbas iuiler tloubb and sintjle sets of double hameas outiinjsle hiotie vnia- saddles unj 1 ladies hiding tiiides i oikii move liu jlst pcbllslikd kd flk salk bythesubuciibeni u rmly lohftcrraphed ciaicateae after ihe matnntr nf h r- emitled a kt lliav of cxpqht ilj iri ambt teabnen itamsay nov t ilia ism armour co kotcli is hetesy ve iht the snberiher will noi j y s- acrmit alter trni jatr unlfj contisclvo hy limselnr hu wile jonn hklanueu kinlnn 8th novemher ithl- w aoat britannia captain maxwell ill leave ih castm n jr vyharr kiastoa every monoayat 12 cv noon deccndin dtf the rapids ef tht st lawrence for freight ar passa apply to the captain on board or to r james a ulassf0rd kingston i ii 1s44 the for montrcal d1rrct miw low yv v 57aaf boat wu- on the teilvo c25 throe month j aprituyct eiidoraou tkums ovsr ii ii iy furnisliin ittitn sale at ii oclock- james union kindlon niiv 1 is14 n it i he pmuiieiof lr to intimate to hi frienda u uratly that bawifli tlie it of of u more of un atiuvo begs to reueat auwe sulo i ihc iiiituuilants gen ii- while tviitoii w4 uvtfj nmeiil pureltased ihnn he trnw remiires their attention iu tho jnon- i raai cm wt nvid an that city tcdy froea ur h r ffoteka caiaaela ayanavry ar ia jay lit oh numbrr ca vi ne ra mocli l- ihna u j oafin- l the rtatj u the riaail wbeli wen in a mhllul anavi nil ihv jxticnaa nfiajej ulciaa wivn u tokened rin- trnn- ir ncveflb-it- jmaf st todaaee ne on thiv neejmnn tho mjicjui qi iv i worapreaeeil r fatiaair tv iks jfjoricryhrirai lhal ifom an1 1 aftettinst urtnasaui i ifv cjii i i in lata any person r jirtom tnune titling lowii vr rcmovm er nhj tli half of lot no ceinn rln tuviolie 2 reih iecmlin to law in- iuh mcfadoen mba jw 93i ii tlie k4 80 uy fuivmt- sale boxes canada plates s7 ktia fresh dairv uutler 3 lihdi kax oil strains alum conpeias shonge cruhuin and white waali bruahos hair uroomsf 6cc ate william wahr7 fferf piston nov t found lite ltuhsortuli rni between wa ins and mertilp tvnn shoal jv rrvrtsajra hun ole or wool ttic c4ui hve itoy provt iwpettyantl wy- nsjrhataasi kjcharu horning 6hj can towasliia ol kingston naveinwr81sli 3tn caljona r love kintalon for montreal mtj wednrdayall2 oclocki saal iter ofi the rapiiuof the st lawreraca far fricght or rjsir apply lo tht capiat on boarilor tn macpiierson a ceafje kineuori awilfl 16ta 1m4 r 5 mv dentistry c kahn from pari re- ajrectrully iuforms the lad tea and iuntlemen of ktngton and it vkiuiiy that he hi llkefl tlu office lately oc cuuicd hy or bowker at dloya hotel where ho will attend to all professional trails kington october sth 1s4l mil ii m nowker surgeon ieytist as ketukned to kingslon and mat be found at fottlsfan ktnci- tox h tpl kmpion oct 2 su ui s4 h for montrral diltect the peoplbl lljcxf ui nrreac tru 1 princess royaiifc captain vain r wllltavt joran a creae wharf osl tuesdays stfaaajflrtfjaj of watv nrsiiavs w seretofark f aafa x ifa- a analy in til caplaia ue0 henderson esas kio op 6tb18u polt hontreal dtttect tuu rtew low ifllsunt ataaasl 0a h 0as4laatf 4 kingston not- 1iooks ivereciivej lrc ail- tlitionst7 iheif iioek nf stanjarii eg- luh woflo maoy of whicii ate gtrstly re- i- ia nrtca new vy1ie sithttiihpiaiia kamsay armour k ct will leave kinpioo formoa monday 02 oclock xtt avr seenliet oav the rpu rwr for fmjtm ot p5r ppj w uw capuan wpherson cra kinrtort nov 15ih i8m m barrsla aa4 stcsyj cftat4 watt kiaplon september 12 1m4 s alkhatus for sl by