jf the british whig i ann atniful iovrtiukh rot caham tvwt- m kemlwerkly fiverv tuesday friday edward jornbabksb xtf i- at tfk athkneum ctayar strt4t tttt ifasr i lar jtaarr no imr ueitfls immttarrtftnite nc jam aahslf lr aikf lkl1vtc airvr limmlm m tr inftimi lift hcftnr ih ii per lia- rv f3e niiii t1irn itv iovhflulfl lrr fv ii iliflfl a- mribmiwb vflatiae rtwitfi r iksmtk m smi wwig t rimiauffuilvrftnmi m hpi artrfrniiwavfrll prorlffi tn ficnt all lrini f i fa at w be p pd et i n i lc fliitisl tuiiij and general advertiser for canada west vol xiii kingston canada tuksday november 19 1844 no 92 notice stbam boat noiin in retiring from business i the u i fsiimcil h 0 i c ft t f 1 itfiv phlntelt lcttrill-lkrssflltntjno- srsej f fltrf ie lnv t mi itftmmmc iffssst ftfan t0 m uw ftaithfi f r emhyf4i for wjwbrt pawi pap itobert mccormick wbbs hlllts te4s grocbries it pr1ncf htreet kinc4t0s j a mcdowall furrier jufd hatter brock m ulet kingston furl mod vj to ordrr cn fr sftefm nofkc fori of every jrscrifttion boaftit and snld craig watt accountants ontario street offi atml dut la jf simp- tvf0ccjy ik howard pftfktitfs strrrt j fl tppvutt ur ouott bwdg ftwq kingston if tlhw malthjvlld a tivmlit itamhfrrf 4- crrorirui il lou rimccu stukkt i t tf c t o w johx a macdunald alexander campbell mr kenneth mackenzie fiarrltlcr al latt sniinidr n unnnrj 4f 4f cattfmcc streirr klrrov afim dwt drvt ddif lhti of ww of- anxul wis wt htntfih skip c ii a h lbr jtfo 4 ttejtf fmt 0m wl kingston nirofltcw or tatklff chain caoij asi an- chom oaklh ah fircji am mjk naval stores of vtry dicritioiw bilm linf oil p a f xtin david ai a rt i n fro sfqtlanif pa1nteu glazier jt pap fifl huvger 3 dnorw ihc scutch cliurcli priii ce street kinmmi n vviiiicivarimm anil coloring kin feb 10 1si3 fashionable tailoring estibliumevt rock street n ft s t 0 james richardson ue1 bnvo 10 inform l mrtlml the pumiroiicilly ilai lie las la kcu the sbi f fitiiuily occupied by mr dtlwn wlierc lie wi 1 extcuio all ordt with ncainejt and poitciuvlity he has now on hand a uigtf assoit- mrnt of broadcloths casnimeres and vestings of tlic 1iet iuuliiic and msl clranl patierni whioj he will make up lo order milic lalen atiifiinostapjruvd fahim- i1i0 siylvs op tnkjcrate terms and at the tiofut imtmc notice kioffilam ai 9ih is14 63 new books stationery j if e subscrhri have lately received a variety of lf and inttrtsling 2mb ifl varirttjdcpttnicnl of liiera- lureaiiowiy found to wlnrn tltey lespecifnlly inviie atienfinii they have auo mad iftrm addiiin t their stock of fltqqt books and fttationtrgt particu lirly willing papr accaqct boks quitlvsieel pent ink ponfiriiaf t- ter cltpi wridn dm 1fd pencilf s1atf4 inkmaifdt c c exc whiih fhey an emptied to sell ai grealy re duced prices from firmer year ramhav armour jc co kingstn ociober 10ih 1914 new enorwing r sttbferibvn have jit received a larijc rollertton f now and leali- ful rngravtn and lithographs plain and gvtored by tse hem anitts ramsay armour co- kinflon october 10th 134 provincial justice 4 of ih tiw lmilion of ifiif work iny b hacf on apjdic aloa lo ihr nhnhtt ni kiks stuart kington jtint h ihu 45lf for ihe pre ened hogi respect fully 10 tender his aincere thanks lo hi numerous friends and customers furthoir liberal patronage and ala u recoup mtrd hia sucresaor rr thumson a one well woithy of ittj continuanee james che5nut tfin subscriuer having purchased mb jambs ciilm i stoek in trade consisting of an extensive assort ment of geotlcmeos boots shoes of the best material and workmanship asoa vei7 superior lot of india rubber over shoes and french calf skins and oaktannd leather u prepared to execute all orders with which he may be favored in the same style and finish and of tho best materiali which have secured far mr chestnuts establishment the noil respectable and extensive patron- thomas thomson kingston august 3i 1344 70 3m to emigrants possessed of a small capital rw0 rent a farm nf 50 acres mt under a state of high cultivation beautifully situated on the bath road orttf 3 wim j tingttoy with or witlhhitthe cruip now in the ground possession given immediately the 1 k i be purchased reasonably ken moderate apply to the pru prietor john harvey saidfcry fpurcaooxc rmce st ifwgjen icingston july 24 ls44 0 if lumbktt for sale by the suhscruer near the government w006 yard place d arnim 300000 feet of lumber con- wiingnf inch inch and aquatter inch and a half and 2 inch also a lot of oak plank from nno inch to four of0feetf qiare pine 1nmbcr and pine scantling ofdiherent di- mansions the whole of the ium1er is of su- 1 r quality and wrll saoned and will b aoldluw fur cash or approved cicdiu benjamin text kingston may 7 sh 36lf marine stores koi sale bv tub subscribers viz i o patent chain cables llmb m 34 and 58 60 fathoms each and from 12 inch to 7kuhs anchors wm3to9cwti 1 hawser a inch 65 fathoms u icors spikes 5 in 6 inches 27 barrels pine tar 40 do pitch 100 dit bright rosin 14 bales oakum a so 2 patent double tew jacks- cra1g jr watt kingston 4th march 141 notice quebec fire insurance company m1e sntacdfttrtplgeatfof ibis irtit contittuts to effect trituratics aairat us ot jaai4g hy fire si patriate rates of fitfitiimn olhce remoffd to the pmcr bujtoic co act oalatio and hrock 6oeet where sfpuaatim will ae itcaimd juiin the ostti- ify of btiiines thumas greer ajenl kinptois 30lh april 1844 private uuamuino hou9e mrs hilton be in irtimaie to her friends and the public gener ally that she can accommodate young men with board aod lodging at the 2nd cuttace from the ncw3 office and nextdoor to mr j siiciit tailor whore she hopes to make all comforta ble and to meet a share of public favor kingston nov 2 1s43 3i9j euaikc tub rikhjifldca or tiic skasom tiic steam boat chief justice robinson eve kington for niagara ant toronto every tiasday aniifaioav at 4 oclock 1 m rttufthi vo will usvc taronfofut aiara al d oclock a m and kagara for kwgitcn verj monday and tnuisjay at 3 oclock pm hugh filchakdson satcmhr uih imi daily steam conveyance svxdays cxckptt between toronto u kingston im i montreal and kingston m all xjtn2 of s team boj ts jjxo s tj i r puldic ore informed thai tht filluwing arc the auangcmclita foi the wcaion tit ccmmoiiou and fail uw prruurt steamers calling at the intermediate ports via wiwnsoa iu mj roko hcn poat het coaourctwafftrpcrmiuijr- the royal lull ste1i pickets sovereign caft- s city of toronto cafr t oick princess koyal capt colcllloh bail as cdcm from toronto to kingston sovereign evecy monday and thurs day at noon city of toronto every tuesday and friday at noon princess royal every wcdnuday aml saturday at nort from kingston to toronto princess royal every monday and thursday evenings atsoclock sovereign every tuesday ad fiiday gveoinrs at s oclock city op toronto evety wejnetday andsatutday evening at 8 oclock- steameet arrive daily al toronto from ham iltnn and niagara in time for the above boats to kingston passengers are particularly requested lo look altar thrir personal luage as uh pro prieloi will noi be acconnume tor iy article whatever unlrss tnitrtd and incdor m re ceived hy them or their agents royal mail packet office ftant st toronto 16th may lm the steamer pilot hirillnder captain stass canada captain lawcsi giloersleeve calais- bowi diiwnwaros will ply daily from liinton tomeati du lac 45 milos lim montreal wav ing kingston evtry kohkiim bt 7 oclock arriving at cmeau dn lac early the same ewcuing from vhich place passengers arc conveyed itt tho cascades in stages s a piankrd vad sleep on board the steamer u and arrive in montreal the next morn ing at 7 oclock urwa rds from coteau du lac the boats leave every evening on the arrival of tr m ail and passengers fmiti montreal and reach kingston the following aftrmoon in lime fnt passengers to la the steamers for any port on lake ontario the boats pass through the splendid long sauk canal the magnificent rtpids of the st lawrence and the lake of the thousand inlands by daylie af fording passengers the innst rvltfw safe and exftdilirufl route between kingston and montreal the above dreamers call at the blow ing places uananocjuo firnckville maiilond present ojdcnsburgl n y matilda williamauurgh and cornwall steam boat 0tick comaivi wtatl kingston 2fitu april 184 l i the new and fastsailinl steam packet for bovtrmiui 1 imi i vpii known favour jf pnt4 resnme her regtllul aura boat will trips nn the opening rr the navieannn leaving kingston as usual every tuesday at 2 i m and mx tbeal every thursday 6 pm the owners beg to intimate that some improvement has been rnadu in hui boiler by which they expect bur speed will he very materially increased also other improvements to the boat in gene- mi thereby adding to her con fort and convenience h ts jones kintrsfou marsli 15th i844 2 n b h jones forbid all per sons giving credit 10 any menu their account without wtiiien orders from their office pmplri f01waidim lisilitejlifrs- to ixt possession given on the first of may the premises in the com- jmsrcial mart at the foot of prince street occupied by mr d macdoald one of tho host situations for general business in town charles halep kinetnn april 1344 notice rphe sunoer ms timothy udsv iii al the cimer cl k i anj block street bjt l 1 jffti itir pumic that the 8neh will hi lutara re rarrieil on m rwhtrklerl ay mcsas john king thomas cok- i ft tu whan the uii eahthmeiil ha been dupocd ff nj for whom he solicit a cenltnuott ol ihf noilie patfonajfe ah jsmwif uwrmed to faa late etatilrsh- 0tknl ol jons kisc it cort reqoriieo to 1 i- 1 cliiif iomriu loiha subscriber waa ajoos is authoiiard 0 receive lbs saaie jci who wijl istllc all jitit accaaata prevemsj for fayneol kihprn august 93d ibm veterinary shoeing establishment on rt corner of ktng strwt end thi ptat dv jnwa ajpsfiaftj rne prembrf 0 moxmlt strmgt ifsf rpuomas paul ftteruwy ureon from the kovat vtkainav colligc lnvou respfcifatly inform the officer of the garrison and the inhalritaats of kingston ami its vicinity that he hseened a hoasa nnaiwo etaluhbiitt liluated as above audfrsin the aaany years axpvrieoc utiuc jenartmcnl bath in england and in caoada ii with hia knowuiire of the anatomy ltonomy a fnnclioftsol the horses foot h is folly confident be can give perfect ssiis- f artier to any person srtm may omasoy htn ihearesur propotiion of caus of laaierjvss en prodipcd by bad si l f and it will be the iiliii re of t- 1 to prevent lameness itomatiehcajwand trelitve those that sre ume- n b- all eptratioru iocidcat to the horsr wiuaescientilicelly potormejartd allditra t heth ht and caltle attended cilher in town or country anl at rsasonable charges ilnrrton auyitt 27cb ibm pobiaui tiie ivpgnn ilft bbls- saiky ov50 11 no 1 fua shora hsrrintf thomas greer ktosloa a3 tu 6 the puldic are respectfully inform- ed that the ahove named line rom- pnsed of the follnvving steamers viz favorite captain jokcs bob roy dickiwon with gond barges having r suitable stores it montreal and kingston will be prepared on the opening of the na- vigatinn lo receive and forward goods produce and passengers at the lowest rates from montreal to kingston via the rideao canal and vice versa by tho kiver fct lawrence the steamers are all of the firat class and will befit ted op in a style equal to any on the route having good accommodations every attention will be paid to passen gers and the transport of freight exe cutcd with despatch office at canal wharf montreal g w johnson agent and at custom house wharf kirgs- ton geo henderson agent to ship owners masters of vessbls the subscriber haa on hand and for sale at hia sai cknntttttg tfvrc onta rid street the following very superior aasorrraotit of english canvass so pes bleached ho 1 engluh prince edwako opt- boxt6r- tll- cnmmcnce mnninj mi ihe v af ofqtrnii ruute oti mon day next and continue duiinglh n stirfrfc srnft a fliws will leave rchevillc fei kington very monday wkuncdav a tamar morning at octck a m lonnij al the inter mediate placrs on hrf wc jmwm and will uave gieta vviatt kinfstod for btlkvillrand lh kivertriirveiy tumor titchmuvp and 3atvht warning n 9 oviock a m tvuehinit the timciutedlma phcei n b posaccs frn fir reverend gentlemen of all dinhtiilt4uhi kingston april 2 144 steam boat notice r h e public are resprclfully informed l that tho steamer fav0usite uapt ralph josmi will ply during tho sason between kingston and mmtrral leaving the lake ontario mail liiu wharf kings- ton every sal ltrdav at v2 oclock noon kctr freight nr pane hnving su perior accommndatiim ppy l the captain on board or t geokge hindersoni agwt of the itopt ftaftirdcag aaja kingston april 30tb is44 peopled furwaioino line fur montreaj direct the rastsalltnlu gahjoa t scuftrd portry many happy returns of the day bv iili cok merry wotdnttrry rord je corns burrtmj orooad teflinff all that affection en eiy tt lite tnuvic of krartoordi tht dwctli in the many hapfiv relarna of ill- div oad tiro red chevk of tie cbild mwo ncti in its ghsr arid tlic ere more swa in u ray whra lu male hail hubirlh in ihe holiday mklh the whole cay was in commotion on ocootihi ofihi alfair because it concerned rwueeually influential larnilie theoneon account of itsgreat wealth ihe other be uv ii befonged in ihe bar which in malaga ran do all thai it dares wtll idcy h bom cnrmh h execute an advocate t tvaalbq question umvorsallj asked a conbiilcnblc wafer was even laid on ihis object by two of my acquainlanees a pro r and a officer of dragoons the waiter who emild not endure lawyers de rlared not only that he believed but that lie hoped the advocale would tuner the and if 1 j f 1 return of ihe dy the old man hut smilt vhile hefon aftd fed jothcrfrom esnf tfc cori insisted tbst oialten would not be carried to such a he 1 h little lime loorer to t9 still telarth lohcarfran oic lipa that are dir many happy nturaa of lho day thufti misiortuoo b alg h hi the kind wor j float aod tlri-iinr- of hope vrih un by that the hand of the fulor may drain oc the gam and some nctr drops yd fill our euj if we task in content anouter short year rrcuedod with eloquent bliss lluw wc ptire tbe foiwl wabn au gladly asneerc hut come round with th soulpledfin akas oh nijr place in tbe wohd irill bvcudly and drcar wheixjur nataltide parses away without one to remember or brealha ia our ear many bappy kluma of tho day tlere sre momenta when memory cruelly bringa the r pctrca of joy back again when aorraw mhfm barpoo her atioft till wc quiver and bleed with the pain and the ipint wit proan io ih moments os thts when nor ivudlyhaikd wihday u h but amone ihe warm tcrtinga there oae that we and uitlooewaftrkdosreatof au mias vvaat would wo 00 pi v if tho fjave could rcaice the dar form it hath wreatod away if hie voice thal lost one could wish uarttec wore maaj bappy return of the day there are momenti when truth 6c dorotiooioctcap tin they bum in the crucible brcaat witfi an iocreaic aod roal tha rc ttsew not u orouranviuldennj lssffi pussrocd nltm and that hrr will he vividly ftiahinjoot tboi wlcn we welcome reluma of the time that gc some heed being to life snd to us the wccl btila in mortality chune tbtn a garland a bumper a dance and foaat let die natalday coinr when t may be il 1 m or apringt a guy chonia well sing many happy relume of urt day filcrorn lrtul3 jl pisai igbiahkaj icase jjgi rob roy captain m k uckkxyok will leave the lake rntai io mail liat wharf kingston nrry thursday at 10 ockclcj a m ascending all tbe rapid nf ihe st lawrene for freight or ljigtiiply to the uapt on boatdorto ceo irndersok 4gm kindlon 2lt june w4 30 h 2 do 20 if 3 scotch 30 h 4 english t 5 da 50 u 50 h 6 da os 41 7 do alao unbleachl canvass from no ltono6 with very superior assort ment of sail th no bunting of a cnltirs and a variety of lhaekt patent bushed aod bnlted atid wood pio all of wliieh nil be aold low and on liberal terms m t hunter ship cmiw kiugaton 16th march l- new books the subscribers bav received lstj ad- dittonste their stock of standard eng lish warksj many of which ire greatly ra- dated in rieesv eajday armour k c thk undcnine hfv five notice- that on and aftrr the rptembr next to and on ihe 3m october liey will charge thr imilen i rates of height to kingticn vix pij itsasand cwil wt per tor dip ittaof nd hrt lrnmtin andcaoji phle- m salt o borru or baf of juu j btialtru i cueack olhar de enpt ton at mcffuif dtrti 40peronw and from kintton to mmcat ffoxiut re wtlstpt fm uti3utot v r i bbh1gj i ft parit 35r sf6j aire 46d 5- 8olir perke 111 a lard i0j is wheat or othof grain per buthel 6j 0f chlierdoaeripnone nf pioprty j propomion hrntikrdtrn looker ac 11 jones a notbav a sosderson- lhll1arn v leaere ft b- ce maftiifrsors chaneaco- atwrae olit aghit ar toren6 aid st mrreife y asifalioit f pict0n ckackeissedrbr for sale by in batfi j during lhal unnatural war which a few rears since drenched yreat narta nf ain with uoodi and the eflclfi of which were hut too severely fell in the city of malap an extraordinary nensatinn svas excited there by an event wholly unconnected with political ot party auimosilies- it wnuld 1c iinjum to tdkc a douched fort like that which occured during ny residence in ttie oboverointinncd cty as a standard of the morals of tho inhabitant yet it must be confessed that iheacccury nrrnmatance nrising from it are of a nature to produce not the most favorable impression of the spanish character one night in tbe month of october 1838 donjoso a young gentleman licgngto one of the most respectable families in malaga hod just leli a friends bootftj accompanied b j a srrtno when a hired aassin lying in mil fur him threw his cloak over the head of the sereno and running to don jose plunged a knife into ht body the victim fell weltering in his uon4 and iitaubdy expired though the sereno as soon as he could rid himself of ihe cloak hastened in pursuit of the mur derer the latter would no doubt have es caped had he not chanced to en counter in hia flight a patrolc of the military ly which he was stopped being taken before the captain genera his hands yet ded with the blood nf his victim he said that his name was rosas and confessed thnt he had been paid eight ounce of gold to commit the crime by the advocate don juan the police thereupon pro ceeded forthwith lo the house of this ad vocate whom they found snug in bed being immediately confronted with rosas don juan at fim maintained with great as suranec that he did not even know his ac length alleging that in case of capital condemnation the captain general tearing fur himself wouhl not permit the sentence to be executed but be anxious to solicit i tlic queen for a commuiation of the punish tticnf that same morning the father of doa ijuc called upon the captaingeneral i claiming vengeance against the murderers of his son he was dismissed with the assurance that justice shnnld be left lo take i ill course willi a view lo prevent cither ihe escape of the culpriis or any attempt to tamper with the judges the captain general caoscd rosas and don joan to be i confined in an apartment of hia owa i palace and as malaga was at tins time in ja state of siepje and the military authori ses assumed the whole criminal and civil jurisdiction he moreover ordered that the ix captains summoned to sit in the coun cil of war should not be ricaigftitod by lot till an hour before tbe osscmbling of the court at the convent of st philip al lb lime appointed forita meeting nn immense crvd filled the ancient edi fice and all the approaches to it tbe au thorities being apprehensive leal disaffected persons might take advantage of this ex traordinary assemblage to excite some new commotion all the troops were under rms and literally beticired the convent allen oclock at night the accused and iheir counsel were introduced into the hall rosas walked first looking about him lo the right and to the left with incre dible effrontery next came don juan his age was twentynine a lightcolored hingstace covered his lip and his counte nance exhibited no expression of cruelly his drets was extremely rccarrcae tbe president ordered the act of accusation to he read ihe result was that rosas after having confessed himself guilty of ihe murder committed on the person of don jiisc rejracjed this rl confession und declared juan to le the only and veal inur derer trai the latter opposed hut feeble de nials to ihe aecutiuinns of hi accomplice htlv that though it appeared that don joan did not actually strike the blow it was nevertheless proved thai he paid the assin and was moreover personally pfwenl at the execution of the crime tho reading heing finished the presi dent rapped the table with his cane the line ofsohlicrs surrounding the council im mediately broke and futir men enlered iicanngan open coffin winch they deposited at the feet of the priannrr in il ay the body of the victim naked lo the waist his head was bent back long lecks of black hair in disorder concealed his features and hi bosom was encrusted wilh mood over his lee were placed a cloak cutlass hlaclt with blood and a broken lantern the president without giving ihe prisoners i lime lo recover from the rmotion which this unexpected fighl could scarcely fail to produce thus addressed them accused here is the body of your victim before him and god who hears you it is for yon to disprove you rosas ihe charge of having murdered don jose you don juan that of hiving hired die asafin rosas without hesitation torning to- words don juan and in a grave and solemn tune thus apostrophized nirn villain behold the victim at your feet do you recognise him j alas if he 1 could hut speak it would be been which of us iwo is the real murderer 1 would to god exclaimed the agitated don juan ihai he could speak risas interrupting him resumed wretch i you would not be able lo bear the sound of don joses voice you who after assassinating tm are bent on life artdyotj umad ttoaas mv faotly vtry peworful at mlatas ttiltamei mysei ec auoa elected ticade of uas city votj ahall aavfls bvvlsarftligiwi aodltappu wwmav f wil oriarft i by my iftfluervce tu yov out f the serapa pcay thi- wwea 1 i- pre4 dent1 frijnci thm rhe wifc of don loay nisy be eaamioed by medical men and rt will then be aeen whether t apeak trujlt- tbe sinistrr phyaiognomy arv4 aacedi ble arrogiinceof the aaasir the ipvlwlly iacreasing confueuin of his cowardly ms camp1tte tlie open cfftn containing ihe bodyssf aerr victim the oiemft hour ot the lufm th- importing gravity of tlircoun cilall contributed to the efft of this dra matic scene to no purpose did the pre aident several tirneacll upon don juaji to rebvt the chango uf hi accoinpficaf burne down by so many ifverwhcraunt proofs he did once awmpt to noah but vagoe mniestations of liraooenn were a he could vtammerfurth liisrounel wish ed lo apeak for him but the preu dent cut him shod with this iinpreaaive n mr advocate yti shall be beard by pad bye j here counsel do not asawfa is stead of the accused ajalftbe bfler liave lost their torsrue after the pleading of the advocates and the reply of the captain accuser the presi dent desired the council tu deliberate upoa useir verdict intimating uiat each of them was to give hb vote in writing no body coold entertain the lesurt doubt of use prit of the two prisoner it was evident that don juan was the accomplice of rosas that the latter aware huw impossible it was for him to escape wa determined at least in dying to revenge himself oq the man ivfco after proouiung hina impunity ami rortvine now contignod him to per dition accordingly after a short cadibcv ration the roancil unanimously pronooneed sentence of death upon both prisoners and then broke up a the law of spvll lows capital convicts fortyeight hoqrs to prepare tbcmselvcaforexecoliontbo pri soners were immediately afaal upia ah church erf tbe coavut and costfeaaoas west assigned to tham in thr morning don joans advocate rur but when he waa afterwards j the destruction of the generous man who brought 10 the corpse of don jose and the sacrificed himwclf to save you dare you iv4jn dintnidiot required him in proof deny thai on sunday evening you came of bis innocence to take hold of the hand to fetch me to accompany you while of the murdered man and to prononnce wailing for don jose departore from the ihuse awful words of justification may my firtul be eternally damned if i have any part whatever in bis death v don juan could not comply without manifesting symplons of ihe deepest agitation the further depositions of rosas im plicated a linrd accomplice and tins waa no other than the wife of don jose it appeared that during the ibfttk of the latter in madrid his lady had conceived 1 house which you had aeen him enter 1 dare you deny that as sooo as you had tnhbed him you gave tne ihe knife thai i might prevent the sereno from pursuing you 1 dare you deny your long and use- effort to persuade or lo forco me to lake upon myself the assassination of don joset reduced to the utmost distress want wrung from me a promise to perform the deed which you required of roc but tmitin fur dun juan and conceded with saving received the- money i was gone ihe latier a plan for getting rid of her hw band that she might be enabled to marry him next morning the murderer and don juan were conducted with great military so lemnity 10 the spot where the crime was perpetrated while the judge tttnslmction efocecdcd to the judicial examination cas a man of the most sinister and au- dacioua aspect lhat i ever beheld had his hands confined in two small wooden boxes 10 prevent the removal of the stains of blood which covered them al the time of his apprehension and a cord bound them across at the height of his neck afi for don juan in the assurance of his demeanour it was easy to perceive rather tbe look of a man who fancies himself certain of impunity than of ooewhoia really ianocent nd you heard no more of me till hunger again drove me to you wretch wretch i wbal a tissue of lies interposed don juan 41 hearken villain continued roaaa for i have not done you must recol lect the day when you sent me a message by the maid of don joses wife whom you were courting to call upon you at your office there i found you seated beside your mistress with your hands clasped in hers and planning a horrible marriage she said to mr row i am four months advanced in pregnancy and i ahall bo un done if you do not rid me of my husband who is now oq tbe poinl of returning from madrid yoi aoust absolutely make away with him teo are very rich wo will give you twenty thousand reals and you ahall bt mad comfortable for the rest of yoor attempted in vain to invalidate the sentence on the ground lhat the council having pro ceeded to trial wiihmil having previously heard the mass of tbe holy ghoufha military law requirea ibo eciwence mm conaeouenily illegal on thr pakof- ra capuin general it waa replied that lata ob jection otrgfatto have been ntode befbro tbe breaking up of tbe council vivjbhr wards the family of don turn jhtin 2x thorised the cum of 10000 doyrors bf offered towards the eciapmeot l btviny ofreaerve that limo orgaoiiidg snn ajw dalosia provided the soaterpreaorjnted upon their relative were coromutrfd the capiaingeneral ordered the bearer bftbii proposition to be turned out of thefatace telling him lhat it waa both alo insult to 1 queen anuy and to hlmsebf jn tbo execution took placet four in die aflemoon on a spacious esplanade sjioctcj outside the grenada gale before an im menae rtoncourse of people a fow mo menta hefure ihe appointed tinio a lonj procession of brother of peace ftild cfis rity brought don joeea coffin to he spot and jhcreugd in ho apace ueteerf tiw tmmttmiat the assassins the coilin was uncovered as on tht night of the trial snd the corraa exposed u public view soon afterwards the convicts arrived eaenrted by the exc cutioner proclainiing to the jarnplc their horrible tnme and the death by vyhich they were about to atone fur u they were re quired toaeat uiemselvcs on die two stools and there with the rnrpse of their victim before their eyes they were shot rosas was not forsaken fora moment by that irn pert ura ble compoaufc which tt manifested from the first moment and fcl saying to hia accomplice what grieves me most is to die by the aide of a coward like you as for don juan he was completely unmanned and incessantly interrupted hia confessor who exhorted him to repentance saying in a stilled voice tbot is enough father thai is enough let bao be shot and have done with it i had attrone curtosity to leant what was the prevailing sentiment among the populace present at the execution and i should say that in some it was compassion for the fate of don juan whose ceceot airocioua crimes were overlooked while has attachment to his family and certaia acta of charitj towards ihe poor were- highly extolled the mnds of others were espc cially occupied by the disastrous- effects which the discharge of musketry must ne cessarily produce not in don juans body but in the superb cloak which hp had 00 his back this sentiment wassc uadiav guised thai i heard a muleteer say to one of his comrades jfta mmoliio an tma iltvu don jvm que iastimat look manuel what a magnificent cloak don juan haa oo i what a pity 11 i must not omit mentioning a very sin gular incident which show bui rfcat fpnpti esprit dt corps tan bo cacried tbe bro ther of peace and charily had adreodyds posited uie bodies of rosas and do jattt in their respective coffins together with two plates on which they bad taken care to collect the mould steeped wilh the bl4c lhat bowed from them when they kaa dropped from their rata when aman bringing a usird coffin 00 bia shoulder inquired for the adjutant of die plaoev infonned him that became toolarm the corpse of don juan on behalf of hit family he likewise intimated tftat a deputation of the advocates of tbo city would presently be there for tho purpose of carrying their unhappy colleague to the gravff accorov ingly they soon arrived and the body be ing delivered to them they acwmpfiiad it with great soflemntty to the cemetery wbere it was interred ferdinand vh bad a strong antipathy to the lawyers of malaga when a gentle man was one day presented lo hio and ho learned lhat he was a native of thociiy he exclaimed man you tatofjg t capital place ki the king ron t laga and you are safe ma- tts a young russian poet m eugene bare tousky author of vrn lyric pons hw lately died in luty m- baratoutkytaleoas hadprocured him ihe entree of many oisj- tioguisbed salons in parislsst winter where hta moat remarkable poems recited by hjm- elfin tbo french language meuw