fkjthm ifim vi rerhurrd forth to use kjijjtvillkt natf the anlutal mtt of counte m if law issqiarjrrthe canlimieil llw tivrna i ttntf klrffth i i h fw iwj t bay sssaaiamf 0m etay iiiietve pa rety nsettlj i dmtcaa if voii will iinjinl m listro to it mavni ju any 111 mi 1 ilum tiinuu jto tufitinur ink- liir round a il ho jhi iiilrnd to n v h yra said my friiiij 81yba 111 ifd ysj inirllnff n pawed fudr any lhi j iipu will 1 and bat pmiy ur on fc al band which wttl yur iij1inis hove fw huis1kimi unfhi illnr m t h3mtfi m sroor ihnr iiiili otchifi tvinwo hili faoswf by lies dinearr cej- berry it it a yp inlrjlirweo aa utp ci iho 3rd m the mesial of ibe blip atgoiiqinn of i i froi i ja bound f mobile had l at ii vat- it jay or two prrvwui lo iho totting of the tu last from kay wcit whom lie tud if ft hi hoe il appoum that lie had fjunn t havm jo lle purpose uf chaoxrinjr vrwl to jr i key weal j he ftrrpoas f takm iho at lxiijuifi rsrro to mobile iho alnum having uvh tuaeancd the louatrf cui ihrr main that wlnl omming tho daliaifta tljmkri lit apron alrab and firidi rv hst p tbc pump hktnmind to tost ujr lo ko west ufon ml arrival ibrrx ik uwd ait rsaiiun lit to lie made nhvrd trrtnf sn efi0iviii4 bi tawaitlh ilvrnl f r salt sra that the lria buttom leai faund mho i rastiae l of ifihiirtr lwant jlj s tftfrcttec thai jto wm coiiaciancd the c brh in whirl ll sojuisvillmrif mri- i l p ined but hlllr ilimac r m bony y irut tho fruit fop lit brcn 17 i i btluvou tttttifwr ji ii copied ourtamnuryof iwwtby iho iiuiui without orinjr the woil wodil a tbs 0ia iw uke3 cniovriib trouble to procure hi hcwhtq advance nf itio miii1 and on ihi ul oettittnifl ind inorrllmn iidiiny dirticulty in dtnj oorchin try conliiiiofarioo hhju at katt in wu o j- i which thry copy fcj tin bioc i almlwc ii h- icccttcd fioin tho hiblilicr of ue urovktijlc tit rordet s copy nf thu ofu1 lilllc pj0nalm ear you 4v tl wm einliird hail ktl a mikii imjii for lli purroic of cmlyfagi oui rhuin 4im of jinun biemi mxliar iohcmrlc- upon thi hot lha hyeni wi fwn mnonlol and ntief nafin drfftcrafrly y way of ckatm fait throttle he corntntncctl grnuvfikf here he wn iitroited by the v1ur pinter whiiwan muchieroudy rnl paintirtt on ihevpeokrra hek ii hr- rnm in copitiu iric httew m p 1 but iul wntth biria compete j hit job jfejpvd down ij uiv f tyre rrwmed trfrttlcnno 1 hm ahrn btw rf hfltff dk and al of the pkrf nnd tofiira jeu ml but i would n4vc iul crntlcinti i mt lav vinepr wilh hn uik 1 havo a very rfahf btt jounul in my prtekct hich i fny vilh aafety utl a linn bnmlir wny rf which f intend to liy bifcirr the tvlilof if tbr 11 poker and tnnja a 3 rjuidv to htm m all hi fj iri jitir here the ilyctta put hi bmu into the poekel j of hit rrut coat buttiv joonil wia ihi re for slyboou hmvinw hi rye abrui mtlliliow ntcttcd y a aometmi otitrodirtw fnan the ammau rw v andfrdcredotirof hit dcvdatn upnatdly behind the ipejkcr unj f powc to pilfi r from hm the cf ppr he wj no grrtplnj thi wjs dacclrd cminly out ihe i til i rojo for dcil if yoi ukrj lad cjrek imaw ttowh m p p jown whind the c3ffi when thr anient ihritft ut- pjw into ml pocket nd broucht op nouhojr tlif caijtenu were vitlty can wcd lo slyboorj and tgid 0111 to bttno numbrnof th 4boninhlc fim geoilcmen aid tlte hym a jtvm in tbc bottofn i hit poek la llu i ty imii i have um u oh ijn1h cctmmwn 1 0 nature yog im 4uitc htwik lh rr tv e ailv ivr eaeint me lrae tibm cjifpeiurt hid manaced at hi down the uajnalyw on uhieji hyeoa d and trt the torcehijin nkipmaljifi down into ila1tftbl die lmkhi ni ry- reuiaklnt wall a rouih ff no thai pmf1licy wee icfftfcw iftiie nnd bull it umi a aeuiwa to lliec him njljr d by j fmatr my na a iir of ince lfc bmlht ant nitefrl lo tho 0050 and hfenmic bwj lnkhd hi tho hyena wm aaowty drawn lhnoh cftfj rtnxt in squiyitu nl i mile oowlffraj a hrl ifcalaikf from the village id ilia ik a my tn mi lvhil oldorvd cvify v kenrul in tl v0ri li lie opened ant itn hooiid nil ji f 1 w in ioitw r iiuj veey trftnni to br pot upnti ihc afm m nc arii enttrdy dulroved by hk iju- hurricane which iaitt over llw tlf of araieo nnd u poftin of tliewotl hvdia ilanda knihta iitemlly mine idfennf for the united sinter a loct malta nf rhifvic in pot y amerieana oitlj acvco llic bcawi of the citt waa good xiw raoir the rwi or piit via kin ja m1 wr haec received the ful tnrlh- i tfence from ike isato river be tht way f ro ja pxantg lo thc3ttof aufutby a privato letlrr 1 iipcct that i idiau wry an hare ihc plrnut o rtiinojfcinc to you uie tntal ceaaation of hna ihlhta between ti-i- ayna and montevideo 1 the latter place it not in a condiunn l hdd out mijrli longer apainai the comuned fireraof thv 1 afintinea and oiienlala which together amount to 7m ibnuaand welldclmicd men onvmn itajod hy itcai oribot whoae merila and rihla na hie jiwiat govtmof of lhal8uie awnlnot oniver lie appreciated and acknowledged every ar- rival btirifra uifrcab intetjitnee of the dclurawc rtalrof thodtfenderaofthe placo wlvi iff reduc ed lo aweh apointthit even iheir cinimaoder lurmd pai haa been phif ao vjawtaal them land tako refuse here tin ciecumatmcc haa ivin mto to rumora nf a war hiiweon lhi conlry land lluaavtt ytca w i havehad an nprltniiy ol interfiling myelf correctly in llw 111 alter and can iiaure y ihu sraul will be very caution abnul enicnni into a wit which woo id not only bv itiihj1if but wouw occnaion real rnruiin iti iho empire wlkc population ia in eneil in 1 cined lo rrpuuicufiivni pa 1 hown by lc bin warifi rmrande and ihe other itiu uvuilni t tmlvra of ilicopfkhtunity whieh it offred to throw ihemaheea into u auie of rvvciultofi oondiii of general roaaa cmomander of rcntine confedcfjltoo u truly pdawnwof- ai remarkable man ha tjiitin liw mimmmra lion attained coot roeerakf and qndud tumntta which en i hi h v proved ruiiiu lo much older ami utttec pewcrfui 8ial at the aame lime tlial he vfti blockaded by the french he carried 00 a wai aainal cbou crui ippeeamsl tho anarchr a 1 ftavrtivlr sioix irtvahiitilr preaervaliiv from ard ia a linvverr by mr jihn m ttlgoraerv of thai place hi u haed ila itfiaey at different tirm by lapeiiimnl oalita lelincalea wit pertvr in h tmtthtmi ot fd sjfdeoham tho kcaprclivu oflecti ol the hoard of onmaucr btta and thn public at lure mr aaacrla hut if any bou on aro ami he i preacnt with an knine chirked- with ihia aulu lion he could cftinuth il 1 1 a few imnutf such win tle onatf we winder miih hi it mow lli in j ia ttt jkiv by ikiilii am llbr ctreuirirltni- thn the iuvenfor to ntnhc it an niticle of coin- oicrcc and a bkaain to the ervnniunily by brm ui il into enerit uac when oecaaion reqoiri ckmitttt tfoqtirr good m potb sauiro what qv iivef fpaaurf why syirr i jnlmj y d nc ua 1wodtila iuv ami a irr cffrtmt two dtflaraft day ami ea mai t why xounda ilo jvu lake no lot n ruiniui eal iaawer uh bnld ynor lkrr ftpim i x no uno cllin tiled no haw i pv uat 1 jiecrtd ond cvr o two julum day andituow in hie ehihin aimv and corn dnak uyoa eanl jive it you iy faiife xo air otvilao aint fluihioltie fmineinl wav i ircpi lftlhirebemimjmiituln m idfior romiih nrin 4rhoit houevf he weot inli lurd by tl rbtntv y triped ofl the mi vcat nd panubain tu hid onhunj tlj iu up tivin ihe irfaeo ihe ujtklir anee of an m rvrhithv ami taking bo voik in tuii out irthi uomvbct pot them an ipjharl ol those uhm hi trio owner rf the 0a01 eaene in and of ovorw ctpr aed hia jiluun ttial uih 4 liii ty lmhl tr ukeo by 4 uraflairai hit oflti h- omtvrf jrkd him if he though him d riid il iiaiutfti to diitv hia simmtvkfnlrf appi hu cmlita f 10i lit wf hoitg ti uko caa iiil- oj aitdllailifbod jiovbim hct aport tn emit ct accidkjrmnia iii ry la left 11 ihfax for acre lee mt hjtbjjora m her majesty slij rjuy- dioc and ftqooi a portion ui the divuion em barked on bojrd hie fclurydice on uie t tbc rttnninder on boad ou lntn m iu int kor of tho crew o the ftirnv rewl had jaeried hut were capture at xewnindlhind and mii bo k i- their chi the harnleufta of one of ibem brin oct wheel near cape kice he iuinpeg overbvirtl and waa auuck by iho paddlwhecl which ro biuv killed him ioetanilr qofac ijrcury iyvolt we read in tho canadian of latl evening tlim nn sunday iho 27th ultimo at st jvvph l bcauoo a yotrng pervm named joseph vnehon while on a rhoncing oieurninn with 00c of hi friend met hia death under ihr futlowinf circuni atance the gun m the latter borne upnn hia about dvr and while thrcuilnj lint underwtud the tricf caught in a branch nd tho content of the piece were i in vaeum lnek he lup peoinjf at the tune to bv a frw toeea in ttvjme the an fort tit ate nfkntl died of lwwmiai lb jay follnwinjj i le vea mity twentytwo ycara ol age the innocent hcirer of the bill wwfm eacaped with a few browa mt the hand 6 n l in kindlon tenders fou candies rlkndkrs frill be rrjcoivril at mi m offico on satuhu tlic 23rl inai fiom ieaidaomusofirilivcrignri tto comniirial sloree t tett do 1 win ijrracke 000 tounj nf pcivty mode moultl tallow candled iix 10 tho ijetucni itid bo put fp boxca of 50 lb each the cnudlcs to bo of tbc bnh rjitdtitjr and lohie subject in approval by a bojird ui offcor rorliw tttticbrting h3 r warrtpo the crnirimriftt oflico asftmpe j lbof iho candfcs nfforcd thn into per pound in be etaij hi currency ni paytttcut will be mad approval by a cluck oa chrcd bank commissariat office jfiilinv ism- cbioiick wlk on j n 1 lll the largest paper in canada the montreal gazette cataattttiira 4785 nowfrktfvenlabfenandcon tains tillioeytwo columns sutactiption to ibo doilv 1araa payable balf yrahr in ailvanca fjrc dottaki- ii im umu ecitom forth country trifita dollau oyblo in advance this u j weekl 4t wlfcv5 bsitish ilericu houl- jam miiit ivinaj mr k a p bihier now vork i mr jonri broekvilkr m ifopca new yia mr and mr taiftey moatral j i doull udhevibn mr cathufuwn lirrat caft tin wm t jjtmon cobir wj nwai tohurf ti k juir cumr j jnfor new n mlih j2i mortal mr itiddk u kglco fimiblijri vui lutmi mr movder kxton 5 mrjhn miller pu yutb mr kuhnu mr mianfc ititowoi kiddie oaiord uw ulaw seatand mr kin timmlto aa ihey mounhd ihc llytoa upon the vieira iw 1 birttjonea prctiouajylobc tikco otrt 4 ihcaf- n liven 1 had tbc juourjikcc tn infiu hi sufvlbaa ihtt h ttittld be riormihid ullotla huaw i y ir f 1 j n um which llv villii carpenter viry iffffrjlraj lifted ihe atiinnloni by tbo acruf of lint naclu pol if infraiiiifi luoi ihtt he waim vilbnwl doubt t jtl o vwafm wrtnarfjrtnd br wid mrmlcr vt ilaura wanai aa m nirli ml witii 10 miti op to a woritir a inknrwanr hi jnd j cuintifi wjm- m tl tlifiuv to llr aral ihenaled tipw iv in wllh tr neeiinig aw atmldf in ik if tt ti tvld rp i- r acauistffcd olf a u tom f vaa ua if 1 he utroolly mltd 4 lo ir hi ii rot hi th pjjo mivit j li th ttenir ap4aiaol1 h wind ir t dtiii eiriil j ln my oi oll lloiumea win naj aw tooi- ly am nijre ptn- uh banw and fikiih ffoa qyull ti lllw loiv hia ftittj oiu rnoie urtffltb f4li3- nl riifaaaatje prrbu antt hwi fnvwvd i hi icnrt clnniljr hafofbiw naiv li i l z the el t c rions a k kims acrtaan to aftavi iv na rkoeictti rmictmrt ntilr urui ami rivil air wiui whieb kiecra and latauc 1 titcd iho provinces of the coafeileraton and da- 1 pr v d be tho bbkaov of pceonury aaaialanee hi uiihont any reiawrrc but lit nrntftrt preal mb i4i and oaxrwohpornf pfritt1aritr wai viciori- ou iver smia cror dtlrdawd boouawk troa ee and retiti1ihi kace and titan loiiliy ihrftohinat ijie aiyeiilinelcrtiinrya wwtmj whoh ha bean aodrd by ihe death of lardle and ihe laid diieoidtjlur of rivra hint upn ep a min whn nntcintenl with b- r- the aofe eikte ol iho erita wbich autlel i ila country 1- nwiocdr aackms aod uimtn ite eiltea gen- i rj luavia u cfmfircd by nuine wilb aciicrity bat ll-w- abn make lb to olurjr do not tku into eon- 1iitloti the critical aiiuiltoo of hia countr wiieh wan at once the field the machination and ttvoluji no ifftkc l nit 10 una and of fnrtynera- hi who are near the vfitm of iheae ecnta uoct r j itrtn a coneel judpiviil npnn litem af u iavinecj in il nothing bt ibe wiy liiaraa- ti mtta iaftouato jualice of rmcfal koa eoubl in 44rd the couairv- rjo me a yeaienlay i ritira letter fro4ii uaetroo v- n which i fii ld that affaira are rcuitd their nilnrl rim that isc i i- 1 m 1 rrj- rtfrdle lme nw frfeinr wli had taken w aio- apainm hk etobsleraiioii rtiunmjc to uv rii iiry nnj bein well ntniud i tc at con piilh 1 every rnaaoq v blipve ilut iflhevua ft 1 i14 lh r itoe to prirve ihe time 1 riooiil and ibe partiaan nf kivera diatppenr hiio mntei lci a the uol iohob have from iho x i il i oa can federal mn lima ciunlnea will bo inribo morf praoeroaa and delightful oany n1h anriea fh xdils ab scrapo original anb select p drraotuna f tht atmiaal of all the beautiful nfhia contributed by ihr nave lo iho am moment of ihc tij folk of llihftx we dovu if any haa r that which inok placo at tin departure of the anuadmit nn sondav ovorntn the prfne led 6dlntvcd by the uirryaw having the royali on board fur birbadoea then carrve the illaatrmaa 71 all aai vl exhibit in v a diaptay ir nivii trrnth which il rtlwaeadncaa britiioa heart lo wktocafc and which no harhoc in lle world could have ct off to better advaolbeo ojf the commercial wharf the iktuorvnn hicl her ataddin aito avnr and aloftand the fit wind toon wafw i hoar bavalifid a nj fon a of enliiidj fluty beyond the ken of ihe grmj crowd may ihetr vnyare be peopeeout haujtt x tiwt tt itie oxraato sruutaa tho gtaaitaw 6 tier wilt w art informed make her fal trip fur tbc aeaanri lo huchiatcr ihi cteniivj and re tutn on sundy the ftamalnileime port wdl continue on the route for a inp ce iwo bmcr the mail line lo kingm aim will eoniintw ifcah inp unlit the eml of mxt week ihe su inalnnt wb would reeimimrridwnrn mem ber of parhameoi nal to letvo toornjur than vufwrfjr the o inaianl aa after tbat tiair il a not probibu thai ion than an wc lif wdl be ojide by lleiw sratnra in kinhm trarrfv ffeofaf avf- ix nhki or im m at hrxfra nmckvillc- uvtovo cantvaflia hamilton kilualdq im dwi monlreat city ixiajara qacbeccity sherbrooko town three rivera torooto leeauhamou i rdeehaow ifli bona venture ca rteloa chamfdy hbmputn dufchcster l eid uurboa h ijrunvnod hl 1 fiailcaao taap6 p ibnarty g renviuo jliauoa huron i faton hatla areat illdmunii jj uniiridon kimourmaka tt t l keat lanark incolaaoniu lincol n aootb laoxand addinti rotblaiorc 1 leed tiaret leirrtter lfla mcjfaniic x i- l ounij middleari mwaoi monteaorenci nienki norfolk 1 j maflaj 1 norlhombrihnd njg jj cavofjac slier a uod wm suwart j knmand mclonlii sw a n mnb j jalra a mc1 ii liwroii ill and l k- hlemy w ilicbaaa j tnlil nd i 1 ic arlwtn 1 hale edward grieee 1 ii slkfwoftri ai w ii amllon eojviile a n moria mr armstrong mr 1 n mthijiw jami jpittnton e lidate h l gudlel v tnaebereaa u mm jt- 1 m jt willuiua mr watu ol rrinee 11 if smilb ft chrulie x8 mclmrijid ur- jiaaap edmund murnev ur uotalifi ptlcwqaq rhihtirrt jaoii webntor 40i lhomioa ii ii i l denselat ii hrrroi mcimron w u mcmtl mr ttumiii njfa h 11 ii srymnur mt laurin jcma r cuwau ti tacho j de will lnd daly a jaw 4i t 1 r 1 l 1 tt ii i c atvy jen smith m toiclioa p a mmi i 1 w howll lti a 5 il i 4 lotlhumberund s ojnrd ottawa prncc edward ponncaf prcttoli tjofwe couaty ruatttt jtnaillem rvtmoaki rtchrliea saturate x county st maurice sloriaanl ae 8t llyacinlbc ertord sunnead two mounuina tcrretrmno verdionra vaodreai woniwonh yaaaaakx youitdjo- vorknd yark3ia 4 york4tb my or a v ii ft riddtll b iuronrau j i imr uruimnarml t i thauvtaa amohild peine t krncherc l jbrtrand ur vhoa n mnn r oroa mt ikinluii td mellonju p it raltai 1 fir lnrttlut ur fter p1 mr mctoanvll w h scatt jj ii 1 1 nn- utlu4ie ji lmtiir ur mith jllr koomcaa mi 11 price i- oyji icsiaall robort ojjiwfi toidreluraedt ii ii j0utortna llouaa- mera vijercuvj lie wakefidd aad hindy wc vif rjim- ihc mruibcra nf tho lately h- j i hiuhv 1 l i the abaeneo h u four individual 11 h r thia scrap ifir are all much bctlct mil i- than in it mr vigor whatever lh may hive been in liii prin ia i a tirctome lilkaiivcnld womin ainl would burn the heuw lo dratbt did be occupy a prominent poaiiion in it m t uvdtkr made an excellent bfewkef in ihc hauftoi but a wretched speaker not of it hit oat- and cihlponny enniracl dinner mutl be trifle in tbe recollectiona of tueh mcrnbera aa wtee in parliament lat scanon should sir athn mcvab be speaker ha il apend hli ihivind pound in a way that will do bonne to the dignity gibbet wakefield wi a diastace lo avnpinynf hantjmcn the lyntbo attfara he rut itnhcr eontaminaleo a canadian houiao of aa 0culirf the grcaton error conimiltcd by tiir ctiartea metcalfe wm ha mritine thn foul blot pjpan wiciety to fiorcrnmeni uouve tlvero lo meet 1 in jiudienof knlon and at fcr k we tiiijht fill nur aheet with conraluutiona upon i ml rtmaaaenae did we not foar that mr morin the j twco ndirj canrfofate for speaker intend lo vacate 1j7- rova nrt f is sitiit fjvor of ute hyena rale he ia r of it n w bt roaacnrne miitetior mw tiiiorne and melmynr wree kkei 10i0 lat infm nnd evwda to ihe mnunt nf xiui and cwildrablv mey holm the rwta apjwai in kitv hn will ncqoaiaieil with lire rinir mid pnereilil rcry deiberatety in urif atak hiy um d -d- miiuneo by tho trapdo a in iho ren and bv kr if voteral ipdnaiii lliedior ubrie kicctttjv in rirnieing ii bir whirl man it in it apiril ilmh tan iiot nmjvnl laiwen ml 11 ijilrti thmin- r- aiirni e ailohi nto fan are peeaofsdk inh lin o and check on ihc gate bank for a miu amouul tfjiritttof t tf yvr 7u at w ekss lamrton jin hltein mr atclican smith fall wm feruain d auffafmaaj mr fleomimn fvi nr tvnerat iturh uvloii mr jalmoamdl and dialer new york uiu ijmj uuvtrn uadcll clnlbam jananf amhewi and ldy uwefa mm fitiicr and j aoaa mai km and aevant uilton m maih mra uriwoncl aeevia itab llimi jokm llke slalker n y mr c filthue oaw a lw cubure lltnry jdckon quebec mm winder mr jep ivind ur kujekraat mr lather dath imloitubeder krmlalnrfll air j filwld geae maatvnite uaili j wt iy uciiovjiio mr jonca vdoia kjfdte cornwall mr r o short dcaahniit b jkll pit lh john kcr bnbjcr mr iwn y far the latetl nd cbaapeft i v pipec in ihcprorincetaialoon it a great araouat of near com eat re i at nforrjialionand ititerciltnf family reading the cuzefc will hh rnniafa nftml nnrmal iteptirtt ol lb bt and meot ample description of all lha pailiamentarv proceed ing and dehaleaof tue srvtion in let lor ihe fuw tn int utilr of ill re- potto are wll knnun thiou tlonl the piovinre in rrturn fat a remittance of 0c dot t a a the tri weekly pjpei wi1l be tent lor pavh mostjii tu any addict pahliihod at no i7l st paul srex monfasau momreal noetnbr 2 j8u millinery ano oress makin61 dgntinrtca andcopfe warehouse corner oxin oaj bme uctt rt df fo tie caraniefe t7rrr ojr mvktt 4tvre kingston r william j martin cstkcrrully infrma liia frienel ami the fubjietnat he has nrjened a luige omlclioicw rfiock of geiiuiuo crottties tttft liqaori kruil c at tho above stand iriltm by nuemton 10 the wania of htcuatimora and being ante to sell a tjowl aniclent the lowe price he hopes to tmrtt ujsbaro oiilte patiuiiage ainnog his stock will bo louuu hie following articles i cigars orijnaisice notice 88atbd tbhqermm tripkeetfav aaiilieaacj to tba iteepaaetivaejacalfa uf mor mujaiym ordfiwaaj kingttoo will ba rociviil viiilh 12 oclock m ivi- ilay tin 22nd inauu frrtm fwreopa daalw roua ri ain thboupnancs irkmufss at vualir8 point tt iiirseril occupied by mr wiltnur klmi 1 hoi premises will be lei by ihorpnni subjeci to retjmpiinon filacer djna nuittjo i ho lunl to be proposed in lerlrog money at 4a 20 per dollar aaael au4 jcj infigiirca ami i artrda at leosvhw i lie names nflwo eunsiica wbo will bo chfito i ij bcponeaualcnsaarfaoco 1 1 sciulatiorts of lb leaao to b given office ofonjiarjco kingatoii 6th novenoor 1s4v it barthiir cblharai b jjtuei ibw lkon jim si htj 4t incenaaoor ot wmin ijanaa lioiiou miitimn have utely itmot llnnr appearance m tint tiwciahipa of hope anil clarke wlmrewthiu w laai ibrcc jimjiiiim bit arty hav hire u n -iu- vnared bf ihem and sttrfal aalm have mel a siiaklai file mnn rnuchief h- beea i hy ihewe anunliu during the prtwnl lh m a wril pre ctdin ymra oud if nue eiretivu nwwaaafo nvl uken li ovmrriy ihcwn r inrmnvnl uuiv be naticipaied freen ilum somiluvoramy wen t in trpa port jir otsef wrt ic married on ihe eeenlnx of uv itth inlant hei r row j reermn ma jars ltrva of twat 1owi lo mrra einu jaia sccaao tii otter of mr mil ton fipk f 0e taiao puee died at nithnnaloe onile latwif lrujd an vcv njvaoced afc mr juaan cmiier iiher of lite meara cruier to favorable known n i- najj auction sales at tut commkrtlal uapp dry gtiv jluffiifa rofs cap fir in tut llnhhr rhrtfi coym- jcc ic c- on trily jij uccccnbtv w ito miki it piootfi mixoj saiineits co piici ukajictl drills 6 plvav ibr flannels 10 jiioccs r liialiiiifjsi 3 iic0s twcrjils iti picir til ts lg bales irn bahwh 3 del waminu 200 iloaii wiaiiinp f 50 1i1 ptiolaoip a keller jo teas imperial firm powder vimn and old 1 1 twaitlia vii rirt pekoe conuu coffee hrcnn riiasml freh ti round sugars djyua luti loaf pine old i l jhavnaa kihaa clitoola fsnatfup teamhiaia ltanniiii smla craativi mucivada sl crit pvrio kico- do dv oil olive tpafrti laid cmfhino wings piatt sherry llaovwo clianpiif uurat ic bkanuy coaoac brdaiu pau ct tne wnitr caah tteaaavtil appear ance of i lie wheal crp in thn oijilfirhmrd 1 ay no meana flittering lny erp putubri ihoacon new landore rnaen li thin on uie ouil naacli if tlie eed havin- faihd lo crow and what l 51 grrvwn haaaakktyorvd withered aparancr thin defcl ta cjenerall- altrdmitej in ihe jfyu m vt ihv eaaon after reed liine anal a eytiwriucnl willi of ntmlarc in make the rin anva d fast souvo rfiee atcmfiaala wore aliiied un the 2iatii rive it sotiattiiic tvrk a weik to go up lo albaajh voiv nmtk lh rrwa tiq of lime and uv march f aeiencofmm ihn miitmnt thhl the britannia lutt aieht il the hi lrh oviat and made tho cwilof ntwloonund waa jukt acrorj daya t ujo week te nd lnn 200 hh varn 7i hull i h i r h p 1 10 ibrkru fui caps 410 pairs imlia uubrrci lioes assorted aiies figjrej anj ilain a eapiial 0ai lohtif 1 50 ilwzen llambfu iiinr 100 lbs twine 100 lbs pnric 30 w ion clouks 3000 very bust now vmiw sole leather willi am wars auctiiipcr ac agent ktimhioflj nwi 10 iso gin j iifuica sprila kom h whisky cbiiujun dti ivpptfiinint pfitcla k4rui ltiidin ptniri ihitilin do uilh ala a hia do tobaccos fresh teas sugars tobaccos oils fruit c at in rommacii mant yn wednesday wl heeher will h 100 nt p 17 tml srraicratie tower canada paper arc out oa this subject wiih aa inach warmth a their weatcf n contemporanea the montreal ca- ztt and herald arc both decidedly ogajnal the prctenaiom of mr moria the former haa not namedaoandidatopihe latter boldly auppotta sir allan mcnah there is every proapeet of the ghmmt and counirt ueing left alma in their cunscoof un morirt- t rovai taavkuiv a wmw1iat eario at any anecdote i related in a provincial urnaj-cu-r- nu that is if iroe piince alberta brother lo ihc king of pfuwa ha it pi r teen ravhhr io the alncfeu irfcoifi in tic sooli of frmce a tittle white ago he wnaal vontadka oa qnittiir ihe head at which he reviird hr fvrot in w ihe itt titr dwvaicr cocvcil and qtnavsa stu raoa laal woek ihc diatrict council bold its norcosbcr esnioni and this week the tegular quarter seaaiirfia are held roeetinic this day at the final named board no botineao of public im priiico was transacted iho time of the council 1 n occupied with itoad raattcra owinv to vine mitunderatandin relitive lo the matnia niinco of trie town vigranu sod priaoncra a 1 inn howevcta iu mooted and ltd over un til pi it meeting a- to ibe propriety of ahlinf ihc jail and court hoiiac and building another be rond ihe lirnila and authorltv of the corporahon w hi cem to be in distracc every where al tho seuiona are are ant aware of anvthtn worth no li- to bo coqo ur fciii t miuii we r- note that a hono bctinz- i to mr wilhaai dawn 10 lh ecoitd conexaaioet of thia township was maliciooa- y net 6o lo and totally cociaurdcd on ibe morn 1 frdij jaatuboatdiy break the bailding wji intended for a dwelling houae but fcmiinad unfirkaltcdand at ihc lime waa filled with hay and grata tho property wjj formerly oeeapled by a lntihcc of mr ojwaxi who is enid to liaro fre- 1 1 f uit threat to dealruy the buoae since bio t xj oowtrt of wcvrwotil iiis eicehency jit itoecraor irataard has boenparaaed toappotnl auiandersluari a county a ibe placa c itaod to be iii n or una i sir auao mcnab re- porter whcrcorron uial funeoonary exclaimed it ftarttt fjtte jat dstpffltl pevrt ervi 4t ptvwe f thi phrase of working or don anything prr tliokinfof prussia implicm asaach of our re dee as are familiir witli french will rernsmbcr l uo unlhina wilfinut rrward ur object by tot trarttitu mutu rvi ife rasti tlie porir uicresoro mejnl thit all hia urjnr had raeen llirown sway tho prine- overheard ihia but ma not underatandidf the prnveib he sent the porter tlh neat day a considerable dwcetir in tt tm aa augttit rvsomcr llr paaju or tijc gvu tnot ftme of tbu crews eneaced in thi trade hatra bad svvece eontlicu with ihe arjb simie suil who wire lakeo captives had ibeir wnunja denied uv the arabs tn a stylo of surgery which tvw wuhl a ish lne aalirct uacd a rouli knite and hurneil out the wunia willi a red hxt uail while this terrible opcratm waafvitajf on llsy arabspceu- tors were laughing- cffw of the captives had his skull ff ictufid they scraped his heid vr v nuh ly twice a day and talfcil the wound with a kind their uthcr operauoirs were ola atiuilar character satrca of a hiatlk new orleans pttavvn ivca llic wlowin inicreiew btiween a rail road contractor ailtiojc in his tffice and a hriscr in search of work iuortcr huar am you squire how dye rise 1 conrector i am wsl air whom have i ibe plcitufo of addresmn f l v iy ciquire my names hutbbco ruth butyon know as i heard ihe ntaycr fellow iuy in loejssillc thefc aint nnthin in a nainr now you bo a lolcruuc slick kwkia leuow youj self but id hase jet oa ereain reapret fufynu if yoor name sraa 8milu john cioiilji nauita aint nolhinp no how rv r r yir hbemtity does yoit great cro dit bat can i da aoihini for jou 1 h c i vou ace the iact ta squire lliey h jh ui afmrjhty ovt tusny in ourpru a bout oflvana and hnw onrcd e is it is mtke raweiw naid pjuf ihwrayj lskarstatfa ksli tiuu cui urotiff ti arfatlattl sa 91mnft uaeskrak dkhy luninflt nolhlirn da table cvdfuhr glonra and mucate usisias siiluna d kec d prunra cutiania presnrvcd fruits candish lintn citron sslajoit castir dit enlw4n kamivjl ardinei ctaspfvll anho fcnc auctiavis mftrrsrnni vrraicelli lace tfhinr edlita tnwdsta liquorice uar candy twwd rtaac cany serf per rat aodjns lsrd 1i1 rallw dt wiidor rioap cstilf du aiuwn do almond pilbcils ciri fpsm salts butyl ue pinnae vvathjo rvla kl rn mluns i- ii urvk him plavm cards wkalsm blarkiu stated blue mijao pepper ppocav 4x cve dime thread i pad hiiudo 1 ip 1 e crowley princess btrbet sinobtok egs iaavo i retarn her thanks to the ladies ol kingauvri and vicinity fir iiil liberal ptrcnmgc sbe has received autre her commencement in business qihi in fur ma tliem llit ber siinw room will be opened onaiorday next the 9tli inst 1 wlirn she will be happy tu receive the calls of her fiietia and tlie public generally kinpsion xiiv 5tl 1s44 extensive sale st thk rilmmlhcml mart on tuesday th sco- november will besld 10 dose casignmeofl i- 8iigam wines linutm oils saliieire new york sole leather in rolli coffee rice cloves bales of buffalo skins cotion baiting tobaccos soap condlus end a vatietyof other articles particular in tfiudbilla sao at 1 1 oclock william ware a jgen kingston nov litli 1 a auction sall of coops on commission 4t the stores of craig watt oniariei street on thuqsday the 2lst of nuvember insl mfcllowa guocerie atsvf a fresh lot of hyson youtfjflyaon lagunpowder twankayt nod souchong teas 10 bags roasted coftee plug and cavendish tobacco maccahoy smrff litqunlij iv principe and panatela cifarj saleratua of superior quality r in kegs and barrels a 5 kegs ff und fff powrw i quarter casks madeira w ine lewis cnmpysur 100 reams foolscap and leuer paper marine stored s coils english turred cordage 2 3 inch 3 chain cables i and i inch 1 kali chain and anchor t c pules wit rusia oakum aiao- 15 rottes ic v ix tin plates beat charcoal brauda with e vaiietyof oihot articles sale at una oclock p m 1 n m bookus auciiitnce kiugsion nov 13 1s4l m auction sale of horses cahrtauei sleivhs houses to let po rent in cnlborne stretftysasd piii on the li af de cember next a house and lakkr v with all the baking material and kaaog an excel ent tump connected mh the uskery the thide n frrraie oidat also no 2 cottage adjointn ihe firs mcuiiouod house conoectevf wtcb tbe bakery rent moderate apply to tbe prtf- prietor at bis soldiery and harnesy warehouse trincw street kdvston john karvafy kinsiten s kpv hi m athkowi merchant tjtilbk klng 3tbet the subscriber roecrfuly ksga leave to inform his fnends and customeeathalhe hasjusi receiee4 frora montreal hfa winter soppyof broaj cloths and caejqba of the finett and strongest dmi nd of most auperior quality whict harfrfll sell on the tno liberltrmawr makeup to order in thd lateet and rnosc anproeed fashknable 6tylee m tbe shortest notje n winter votings of every do- acriptioo h- mathison kingston nov- s 184 removal r the subacriber haj iwrtoted hie candle manufactory to onrorioslirei hardya buiutrjgno 4 directly opposite greer whsirf he begs lt3vc to retnrh hia thanlas fo the patronage ha haa received sirfco m tora- menced wisincas and infoihhfpqda and the public ejuerally thai pe will have constantly 00 band canultes of the best quality which be anil sell whole or retail at tbe lowest price an assortment of gr0ceries1- ways no band jj r meapow- kidgston6tb nuv lri r prjj c tiss- l u tnmin money m it l ji it no turn reckeai but now to akin the bar at cneo can yow g 1 r ontkfikii mptoyracdt t cjrtklxu rm and firs ether aentleincn will stork at tho labor which 1 am hann door ad for taa arafea whiob i pay hvc lv aad yea assy go to work to ttrjrrow t em safinti onnwois pack f r plrah yanas llon fjurixjtv- iler ttvartkay and ijarx tea 30 bbaa aliscevad ar 50 imkaiei csrveedlshf haney dew and yn tooacrn 5 easks sueraa 01 wnie strained sllluls kawati it tiled oi 5hhu tnriitinr hltil hat cofriac branny 10 caies scietihm gin 10 lims vmorar 50 buxc maam and sperai crni- 3 haxs soj 20 hrtxe starrb 10 boxet coffee 10 hoxesormnirl tie 10 hexes lpinoa syntp w ves mrnrk fc bai s gnpowiirr fio haxec 7y and 8 tf 10 cla 10 ketfs ftesli hatsin 50 itaxes s de lolioxes t d pipes 30 kess sakraius 20 torn hst flaying caijs 30 roi matviu cassia ctovet lvpper alum cajipers sal iiuaij salal oil witit a varirty ol nhrr atticw wiluam wake aurnotieer agent t1ngilon i9 jsu removal mr james bow ron i avlnre10veitotli3tlliuio fuimerly occupied by mtt fnscta aswlrtllalko- sign of iho orowoi water iihi begi most resjeclfully lotptum his trst thanks to his trumnmus friendsin town rjnd countiy for ibo marked at- tention shewn to hia eatnliliabtneiii and having now excellent acommodationa can assure all who ma j voutinue to fis- vorhim ilia nothing aliall bo wanting on hia part to merit public favor the bar will be wtvied with ibe choicest wines and ltq4 rpfreshmtnts on the aknrlcsl notice novembe i44 fj23i vantej7 iyounu man a haines foater c princess direct kingslu satisfuctory icfeicncea required kingston nov 10th 4 j willi a vatlciy of other ankles iu the tiade too numerous to mention innkeepers wil find il to their ad vantage to call and examine before pur chasing elsewhere private families officers messes- and hotel supplied 011 the most liberal terms kinmtftitj november 10th is4- v on ml and ixrsalefeyib3ouri a finely lilbographed cilucati rafter llie maoner 11 kuthli b paow of oicpobd ailjn ssilig vino frcslimen v kamsay armous a co nov i uh 1814 ror bvtowhj i pubmc dinner ii cclkiati01 0 opkhiso the city suildixgs br lut lobabiuffli f ifnpton on thuksday jin- novcmber 18 dhr of mr cij i ml al g nehtt p if ttcftet 5i i j to bt hid at dili t hi lwmon lloiiw hej qiiiii and ivmn nj j w biinu ai n s 2 50 for cash- marker kingston flour bpia pine flour fr by iho subacribefp low harness 4c n the premises of mr geonoe inks brack strerinn tuesday the 26th november inst witboor re aerve 10 excellent horses f various dc- script ion 1 0eri carriage 1 coveied oarriage 1 covered coach i omnibus 1 cdbwttb wheels and runner 2 buggies 3 doable bleaaure 5 cuttenia double end aingle 3 sets of doiijiu harness 7 isi harnessf 3 gtinia saddles and 1 lajics do f 2 riding isrtdls i cooking vltjvar terms over x25 three month credit by furnishing approved endoraej riites a rialo at jl oclock jameslintfln kingston nov i 1s44 nh tlie proprietor begs in injitflato to his fiiendi and the inhabitants gen erally that iiavtn while kingston was the caiof of uovertimerh potchaaed more of the ahnve than he now j edaints begs to request their oiteuiiou to the above sale the steamer braver rii i i j patterson ifarfsr f ill itsve kineston far fiytevro cyti tv tutuaymoroinatssoloek t7 macphfbson crank kindlon ui aaust lfti m w j martin onare 15th nov lsl salesman at o a drapers cigars a large ttowmatt f piincipes icealias havanas clioroeta c of ihc choicest brands for safrj at the unrcery store of the suhsenber w j martin- market spttire kindlon 10th nov is4 just iiecejvcd and for sale by ihr uowrinei itwkajawa of flbackwootps magazine the rjinknrgh e lition frnm 1831 tols34 vhsrh will he solil al 0 fihilfinjc ptr puafetfi or twain numwrs lor two daltsrs robert chalmers s ureal u james strrel mentreal nevcmbet 12 1844 uy private sale qa boxks canada plates w 27 kees fresh dairy buttor 3 hbds raw oil saleratus alum copperas sponge scrubbing and wliiio wash brushos hair brooms arc stc william warbn- kingston not 15th 164 norice ishsteay aisen tbat from and aflri this date any pcrsoq or persons fosind tfespassieg i-i- i pulling itown or mi v irikavi an ibe jrrst or south half af let no 15 in ihe 2i4 concrtiion ol tliit tgvrnalnp will he ntaseeoted acenrdins la law huuh mcfadden pilisborgh nav 14th 1844 9l3i found o n ibe ltichbotaesjh road erwo and merrills ta belwft wa em ahoat ux tvaeksae a bundle of wllpl the bwqeteaajmvc iiby rrovtngiioerlyand pay ig charges richar0 h0rning 6lh evfbip 1 knmn noremhrr6 is44 3t- dkntastrv mr c kaiin fmm parts re- lfm apectfully infowns the ladies and isentlemeri of kingston qnd its vicinity that ho haa taken the office lately oe cupied by dr bowker at daleys hotel where be will attend to all professional calls kingston october 8rb 1sm4 mr h m bowker surg eondentfst has returned to khttneft and may be found at foaatan kings ton hotfit kisustooocisa ibm a fok biontrral bibawt ifcw tow pttttfuftal slaall m thk captain m axweiksa ill teste ibe cnstem rsawbar kinption esery monoat at is wfc noencrscraidingef the rapids ofiba stlawisnee for freight or pafage apply to the csptaia njri to jl tvlx james a classpord i4hts w h kfnsfslon sans hur l for uontkeal dxiejiut a the ratpj lo calepona r l 1 1 r 1 1 a will irse e etioplsn fo vjic at era wednrsdarill aclaeavneo drscendin ofj the rapids of st uwrpii forfoe orpassagevapraljwtucwlaja co boardoc lo macpnprsoncaaaflrrii kingslen autust 16th 1h4 jj for montreal direct i n rw i uk ftsoplvs liwb ik rutoakj imk a i 1 hq 1 rr j m princess royal captain jtaw ill leave john h grecra wharf oa tufitidaysj at nao4 jost4sjdafwad- ii- rijj mjviwil or pat atpntf iritnechpiainoniiearetor n geo bwisaa for monykkai siftirctrrrr thk axw lo riuauks ym wst w by town will kiftrwmoiverif fihdaval rrvewrl nbkv terfulint all h rpilot msh uwmmi i kvciii i liciipj lh captain aaboudorlo macphersov aasms eidjalon nor 19th 1844