British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 22, 1844, p. 1

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the british whig gtnkjul aftvektlpttfl pou mn4h west huuktl stiwtfkly bvbbv tuesday kiiidav ft v 5m sdwarb johnbbeb at the atiicneum tn bt street tl w re tmmthn fewaft r n n rwiao run v pinee 111 nml mio if iih ia pru n i i awv m lje flritisl toijtg and general advertiser for canada west fti inntiin i lf va mt ft 1 am r- lj p l i f 1is iw1mtt vol xin kingston canada friday november 22 1844 no 93 wmriiti tnoii hili n ittftmhuh lejvrmolur v4mu k yf jr lluvgjjeo- t i fsfwimn w mini- a jiis itari amninrpii nv nrit wii rvir wrtt4 psii ate w p rj ivw all roicrt b sm iter printer ltteim pk1vting 6nfc del- 4u prmm rrentf alk icrm notice n retiring from business for the pre- sont the undersigned begs respect fully to tender mi sincere thanks to hi numoroubfrienda unci custom fur their liberal patronage and al so to rccom mnd liit successor mi tu- mm n mm well wot by of its continuance james chbanut i htgau ijcmt notice sllie subscriber mr jams ci trm rnf robert mccormick wkevswim teas gboctcib tf prince tttkgbt kingston- i a j a mcdowalx furrier jijcd natter brock stflfict kingston tun mu vp fo ordtr on tt thorttst attiee fiff off vrj jfkfiplion bouh and sld cr a ig w att accountants o n t a it t 0 strttt ofrt xi 4tr i iv smftvtt trttirf uk howard ptttkcfkl 3tiukt dtrtttlyppvttie mr ouotc burjtz ihuuj kingston fscmr raidttfkalo camilthu barrixttrstf atlornttjt of lav incrn smrcft k rat of t v john a hacdlxald al ex an den campbkll having purchased cinuts stock in ti aju consisting of an exicusive asorh meninf gontlemtns boots shoes i l9i maieiial and wnikmnmhip a a very superior lo of fntlia knhhrr 4vrr shoes and french cuirskujand oukianned leather is prepared to cxcufft au orders with wliich he may ho tivorcd in thf same atyle 3iil finish ami of iho heat materia which have secure fir mr chettntirs eiahtishmont the nt respectable and extensive patnitu thomas thomson kingston august 31st 1s44 70 3m to emigrants possessed of a small capital io kent a farm of 50 acres under a arale of high cultivation lthuiifuhy situated on the bath rmd only 3 mitts jrom fcington witi or wiihiujt the crop now in the ground posmmoii given irnmcliiiicly the crpcan be purchased imiouupljti rett moderate apply to the pni john harvev swuury wurthoutt printtss st kingston kingmvn july 24 1s44 amft t mr kenneth mackenzie inucril la sriifilor in rhaacrry if it chur e fttrirr kimo- a f dis iwejft vtoh arr mfely uma h mam- iui fti mvt at 1913 f luimbi sale hytlm u pubw or he government wto aim 300000 frtt f lumlwr fiiiif1 inch inch and a quarter ber nar yard place con bich s i i p jv 4 hyra t- mimiill u il a n n lpb sj fhriuukki fhrfom kfcwli kingston imiwrfn r fairst tltmn cairr am an cltort ouimi taj kitclh u ulfj naval storks fli rr frtfrf b44 m j anl p-int- kindlon marri 1813 and j half and inch aui a lot f oak plank from uc inh in four ltiofict of quar vine lumhcr and piniv scahtunu ofdihorcm dr nintoiis the whole of the lumber i of m- iir nullity and wull seasoned and will he aiddlow fur coi or approved crcjib denjamin tett kt5ftrnn may 1 isi4 36 if dvutnc til bkmatndkh steam or till seajtn tl 1 0 at chief justice rorinson vx711l if jvc kln0ttt tor tfiogora an iifi every tvtsiiy imi fiti9av at 4 oclock p al ketiamno will leave tvofitot xtoroto tf oclock a at and iytjjtftre for avtrroi even my jv abjthaijsyai 3owk p m hugh hiciiakdson srpltmtir jlih ll daily steam conveyanxe scyows cxctertdj ni l ui tokonto 4 kicito calling si itc inleftnerut peri z wisdson dxauntiro jtoho hrtn port iiopr cosurmuarrpfrcfw tub royjl mil steim plfhkts sovereign cer svurtttiam city of toronto caft t diet pkincess montreal and fit ail kingston l x b a kydstwes j we public arc inomed that the ftdhiwiitt- arc the manyemcnis lu ho scosiiir s tilt omrhojious aai fl uw pressure steamers hiomunour taik canada caiic tildiklnrve cr- n n iv r u t s ntkakm lawuhk iioui sclcdci iortni til t peas ants home bma w du ii pi lic isfuluti inciitoau moiurcul loav kotal saii as from toronto sovereignevrty caft cafr colclcivh osofit to kifostohi moriuv and tlmi iay at noon city of toronto ktrlj toedy and fnbv at noon princess royal ecry wcmeday and stinay at kmft from kixvstox to tohosto princess royal- ewy alondy and thutslay evrninr at8o sovereign- evry tucs uy fm4 flfctiy ivenin al s oclnrk city ok tdrontoerny uvjiieijay and s iiur jiy eveniag ai 8 o flil fioni k 1 mite iimit inij ivimkuaii kvcrv jhorkinq at 7 ovhick arriving at ctwi iln jac i early rh same mviiltfe fcm which fdaecf passengers arrcuiveyed to the i i icadis iti f lae m i plitikiil road s1p on hoard the stuncr ctiifiu and arrive in montretp the next muro- iaj at 7 oclnrk i pffa n fmm coteau du luntlie brau leave i eveiy evening mi ino awiviil nfthc mail and pajenera from wvislltftl i and i nacli kinijuon iho c mwiiij oftf rnonn in lime ft pameucrs to take hn stccmers fir any or lake ontario the unfits pasthrorqh the splendid i long satilt canal rinificentnipid f thcti laivictice the la sailv at tuiont rem ii in tune or ttu atavc u pa intinfi da vii m art in fraai vroffid painter ghazl iit papbh iiaxoer 3dnofabotthc scotch riiuirh pi in- ces street kinrtn n white whlnc and chnn kinmon feb 10 1m3 fasiiionaule tailoiiixg extjlltsiimivt dpock stkket k i v imt t o james rhilauisi kijss leave to icif rm his ftiudand hie public generally thai he ha ta ken the shopfuinerly occupied ly mi pilion wlicre he urtl cxertut all order wih neatnet and punciuidiiy he has now on huudalarc inoil- mnt of 0r0adcloths casimeres and vestings qualities and mt evanl ich he will nuke up to unlet intho laicl atnlmnmtproved ki-hi-n- ahle siyka on moderate terms atidld theshfirtcsi nonailila nntico kinmlon aumu 0di is 14 tvi or thr be t patterns whu new cooks phe subribei a variety of station kuy kuh aiii 40 11 marine stinrs sale by the susscklbeksi n i patent chain culdos1 inch and 5s go rliuii each imm 12 iuch to 7kitis luthon from 2 to 5 cwt hawser iuch 05 luhoms kre spikes 5 to cinches i pine tar do pitch di bright rosin fale odkum- aipo 2 patent double screw jacks craiu watt kinnton 4th march 18 w notice quebec fire insurance he suhsciirteraen iy fu company for this liifttituttpii at mfcflu rates of ir cainaga preiiuaj4 oilu removed to ttir ruick bvtxjhmi tuuiii el ontario and brock shrets wlure piiiidr olioni wiit he icrcitcd duunt l oidi nirv imuisof btiines thomas greer a kimxi 30ili anrik is v m mttvatr uualtoixg ihm ks hilton hirfi irt ittimato to her friends and ilie pubfic gener ally i j i she can men with hoard id oltage from the have lately received j dmr to h kj i i fttl floiriovarioiidepitmeutsif litem lure hnndonuly 4owi to whuli ihey respectfully invite aiieuitpti they leave also made urce additiuis to ilair st k rff school row and sttionfrtf piiti u larly willing papery acgauhi uokh quills steel pens ink purtcilin let ter clips writing desks load pondlit slates inkstands tec ic su which they are enabled to sell at grealy re duccd prices fmm firmer vcara ramsay armjur co kingainn october 10th lsi new engravings r ihe subscribers have just teceived a rr cullectiori of new and bvanti ful engraving and lithoraiihs plii ii il culored by the bet artinm ramsaw armour ico kingaton october i0ih is provincial justice a few copies of the flw ejitiort of lhi woik and irtwwwtfjwuerc she hopes to make all accommodate yipg bud e tiln lodfinff ot th vein trriice and steamers an ire i1in an i nugaia to kiiigitoa pirners are priicljily leqnesle l look slier their pprsonjj lusfjge a the pl piirloh will rl h acraimtasir ln any melirb whllftvtr tnut cnttrttf and sightdfor ay h ceivcd ly them or ihcir aenc itoytl mail jjf wi oflicr fionl st t rrl wtmif ism tllv steamer pilot urc i rip on iho ijh lusand ibtid fi js- pasmojcrs lll i jiafi and expditiiu kingston and muiir tjie ihov f i phecs uanan imaithud iretcmwtfoffj alatildi lyilliarmbur steam rom orric c kinsstoit s6hai id d pidi i luke of j y luyliftlrf of- ltlst desuahle nute hetvevn ihrrr bwtin oa the cotufc tfbcmtl l nnv ntaftl long naj harem i- ltuii hcjna a avjaty in ik lnj i and i- i- i iy tlwnt uivkind it btoni and ourk trecliiie 111 wll anil figm and fi br ihe lrp ttjatoaatitssbdtfl utl fwaverbrlti bntklmhh a uiuuy iionorcil tjeiw and rruo y iiiyu ifbt m3 fuftuy fjee diiiic my ivordl lirc jnd tnicrnesf i- i j like i i ihrrt anj hftprr lr fill ih il rie fm cirih j mitlc ilh lite pajtft a lurrr iifnech offpndor tn around o fr and near and wolth jnd ptue uuj pijetnlrj 0 arcryhami appear jj it irc i jiio much of tfoc uf vrrt and pain to mci us if trt fcllfc iy tjaia into the itij iin we may nd leru of unknown worth and tfrtiit wrter and wtk in many a dun and tooety mi h fr uiov luatu we aek and in oar dily part chanco lny full the tdnt mr while m oir eye hie rtream nf 19v i itjw inj lrighl jnd rlnr all ot the fallow- ie rnmkviltv fihbrittjhi n vi i and cnfnwalt 1sii the sew d past sitix steam acktr tle collate homfrt e siojo i ljnd in oji ocial clutn viiei if once btoken cortlcwr iun nccr unite ajin ai4 n pecc nd wr tcr imk p fjvju for h iv aid i oh ever bo hi katju plico a u mydnin- nid oktrcatioiitrt r well known fuvomiie low pn bunt will rthum her regular i he openins f tto iiuviyiiiut t litflitikinir8tlx umimutib evbry nt i p m and mllx trkal livery thujisdav s 6 p m- the omieis lifg i intiaratfi thai inino irnjiiivemrrt has lievn tnadrr it hei hauler by wliieb they expect her pee will hat very iuhertully inefiuctl alti other imrovemctitiiiho ittml in jetie- pr inc k kdwaki cait uuntl kvill erfnreik livrnfii imv uf ruj ruimiug uite u ir diirri nu be flmhtt i iftuiritr m4in as kliw ivill trvr itrltertllr fur kincstom every momfv iviomuai jit piua wljj ai k oviitk a hie lutirliut the intar- mbiefilliiinn hr waj ibn and will uaep cifm li ktrtton fnr lfiteviljrifhl the ltivertrdereiy tcsuav r mm i y iing at tile tvlvnal omnrfc a m ioj buef x- d paaet fnv fur ituveicmr ueutlemcn of all riamrtwhltiunt- kinion aflil it ijt the iupuobxc8 of stsasi otyi ik bihn and wf ie buoc ovn iho valtfi t rti4w am i 1 jfci if do i drfjin t i ii r itn tfrn o syla hy lrrn my kiv ii roti by iln nghl hand a mraturr nravc is on ibr wave 1iinh trtmlivly lo ijir flnly kind utfrrv f ihiltnifrt and thmif retard hn irfjfkd ktnji tjujullr infni u txjw i id jl ctt no vmi nitvr m h fihrwmrk illht nevrt fciieh vlrm lnirnd vu iui4pnlilions a1ir imii ej lt ho mt i any fieiiil man fr joppa f 11imch lu i ticket dkjir sir k ts v swson h strtp hm fjtr her b janawkiot hm km- shnr tmr 1 vi yirii o vi lo kvtfl sir noil stages trf prugrcsinn and all the burrounding portion uf the nrcmijies teem ing with evidence of the incessant activity ilisit is being employed for the completion of the vehp on the sleeks and in so very forward a hale that their launch may be expected to lake pi ace at christmas we ihervej two mhlo ipaniers whose di mensions and conlruciion would he audi- cient to ohallciigc attention if their djhtined purpose did not suffice lo do so in a still more marked manner one ih almost an exact counterpart uf the mher the engines being made by messrs bury curtis and kennedy of the clarance foundry and will nodouhij fitslaiit ihe preeminent re- putntiun shore ntcmen acquired in ihc cufislmriinn of ihe engines for the fastest of the west indin mad boat and various oilier ra trrurre of engineering skill each veael is 750 tons burden and 350 horse pewor one is named ihe wladimcr helongiog in the ruvtian government and the other ihc der pwtttfdlo adter iwlonpinj as her name suhiciently indicates to prussia they are to be under the joint patronage of both governments and to be employed in the service uf bnth in cuiiveying th mails from sirettin to st peiereburgh a distance of about 1000 miles and are ex pected to commence running early next spring they ore being constructed aoaa lo permit of carrying sufficient coal of the ordinary quality for the whole of the voy age and atx guns of very heavy calibre three fore ami three aft they arc to be itlcifueuijlr caplun i ihchott f rfitntuli xrt tpk tititvilktir wlii r c- jjii 1 siind rle ir i nv lily for ih kbf jviho f si radj thereby adding to hei eonfon atul cotivejkicnce ii ic joxes klaffston manh iub 1s1i 2 n it ft as j stotbid all per sons givir credit li any torn on thrii accounr without wtitlen orders fioni tlwir hice bo t notice y iofoimeit tours faswikuimi the pul ii h uik of steamers s fully iiirtttn lejteei r tria ble and to meet a share of public favor kiligmnn nov 2 is43 3i0j l to ijst possession given oil th first of may th frcmiseaio the com- ntluclal mart at the foot of tiiues street occupied by mr i i aiacuonald one of ilio host oituations itorgvncial business in town charles hales kingston 3d april 1s44 oiiy be hao on jepheuia to ilia u chakles tuart khxrimtjtne iwt 15lf notice the 5awifar ma timothy mur phy in feiirulrom ids lliito airf shopji the cornirf kusihi biink streets brjiu inform th pobhc thai the vutifirf will in future tir cstrie1 on nl rcuiuct h mcm john king fit thomas col- lytr lo whon iho sjoj eutmihineot hn been jinoej of soil rr wttom titr svhci 4 continuance of thr nohic fvirtfit ah neiii indluid lo iho ijte euihi- meal of iftlw ksc veterinary shoeing establishment of tr corntr ofkmg street and the ploet rfc arm adjoining the prtmiw o m frange hit cd that the above imuied line com- iii of the killmviiic steamers viz pavorite csplaio jks bob roy dickinson wiih good hallos having rcntod suilablr stores a montreal and kingston will bo prepared on tile opening of ihe na- tigfttmi to receive ami forward ioods iriiduce ami pasetiger at the lowest rule from montreal in kingmotk via the ridenu cnal and vieavmm ly tl0 river rt lawrence tho icamer are all of the firjt class and will le fit ted up in a style equal tu any on the route having gornl ftccotnmodatioos every attention will le paid to iasen gcrs and the transport of freight exe cuted with despatch office bt canal wharf montreal g v johnson steam blll iultlir i i n that thv steamer favouiiite rit ralph jkes ill ply during iho stiou liotween lviiimui and m uiircu leaving the lalu ontario mt line aharf kings ion every sa1 uijuayat it oclock ihhllb for freight nr paap- having su perior accmnjidjlion ipplv to the caiiain toi ltoanl wiii ckoitoe lleldensfn agtnt of the peoples favhwrttwg lint kingston apnijtlji lml ltfk hrr r ujul crl or i or ivrjipijil sl hj v now tolki llut n f 11 t- iviiin hitly itcil tnn knifhll hjii ji cvrr illnmt ujea evti iaiiur wlleu llitt of 4 steam lrii t juua xljl ite ii rmrvd time wll jiow il m dirikull l aiy h bum jw rrlunre lo jerirlia only ticcall iih wjy ciih io solvnw my lv ttsii ih unhkvlyvite- and fnjm dan ok r luo uitto ik rc j by rail rir ljonc olib foreign xctu3 tkoilcs fijuu akifnft unbi th e for fas montkeal r s a i l t n c tirnrf hfea mfiva f7 k ob roy crrix m k niimxov l leavi tlie lak0ioin mh line ff kinjleth eteij thuusday v istnjiu all aijent and at custom house vjiarf ton geo henderson ann kiirs- ws ai 10 ovbck a m- iv ltpns ot llu l i for fiimoi lsie ajy to itecip on uosrd oi to j gin- kinjl0i 5ht jtinr ueoersox 1814 rpitomas foip the co are tuibefted to dike rnfnejut imjronts to the ialwctiier who atone is jr o testt ihe iimr and who will ictik all just accounts prcicnied foipiyment i vi cf f paul fefrrtnory 5ureon rottil vctrkixahv c0lltt l mpectfutly informi the otfievrtofl the li and ihe inhabitant of kington an ha vicinity thai he has opened a hoass esraaushhmt ntuatsd as shore nt tht msfty years exarience 11 tlmi ilejittimtat both n enbnd anrl in caniia eoupled with his knowtrdje of ihe anatomy ecoioasfi and fnncttonsol the horss k uk- is i r confident he ran give peifectsalis- i t a n peranri who may employ him the siraler proportion of eaies of lamed rc tma1uccd by had shoeing and it will be the roosuat catl of t p to prorent lamrness irotn tuchcainesanl tofohrvetlkms that are laiftf t ir m operations iocident to the hois vhfacieiilificstly fveflormedsnd alldia i i i f a r cltte attended either in twi or country inl al reanabe charge kitistor 1 27ib 1844 iokh4ler v tug siuomchibkr bbls pot barley no i noftb shora ytrrini thomas gbeer 60j to ship owners isc masters of vesseia tiig subscriber has ou hand and for sale at his hp vktmdttfjf ovr oma rio street the follow in 1 very superior assortment of elmliah cunvasa 20 pea bleached no 1 knlh 30 2 to t st i notice 1 1 iwr nxl in it it ci is it 1 ii ii 1 is ft it 1 unrronm tier on alirr the 11 m land on the 3li october ihj wdi riur ih- iindeitneiuivuid kate ol kreht to kmvfon vix pur iroaaadodi utr iimuii snd nieh iiopti amcakftda ptasas i sail in lum l or ljrjhtul lh k 0j caili i r tin sroieh enlisli do do ito 50 50 25 also unbleach1 canvass from no i to no c with very superior assort ment of ail t nu bunting all colors and a variety of iihrhs pctcnr hushed and bolted arid wood pin au id which wilt be aold low and on liberal terms u t iiitnter ship caondcr kingston 16rh march 1813 new books thesohicrilkr hae received iihil al- ditions lo their stock of standrd eij- hah works miny of which aro greatly re- 4ucad in prices british built steamers for foreign powers tho dala fumiahed in answer to ihe in- iuiries vf uv government a i and pub lihed in nur lam journal as to tht cl- paiiilifctfuf ruvvtpool in supply aieamcra vunvcrtilde to purpoc of warfare haw we hear bvn eonttkivd highly satific- lury and wo understand tlml the admi ralty roiteihptalj having four new iron war learners buill lice viry speedily ltould die conlrict be mich a to prosent no rtimacic on iho cre of economy a erntinpney lay nn means likely to occur considering the giviit experience mir iron yhimvj iht have uuw had and the pocti- hr adtanlay mir pirl thix lc- partorui of uiutv1 architect urc we in- limaled in our lat thut vai as was the actual naval steam force liverpool rould supply in rac of hostilities breaking nut at tlii procnt momenk the power now in ihc enune rf 1115 rcatcil hat and which tiijiy ho calk inl exigence within a twolvtnmiilh is iwrdly inferior while in poinl of positive ntifily it would be fully rualy sulmfpint nuuirics have con firmed our prvvmhn iinpreion and a viii we individually madj incideiiialfy to the elamtdimcnt of one vhiphuilder alone olhor jcnpliwi ol slurrhan- di jll ta fom ktttmtn in mntnnj frtm i i ta 30l i sept ff 1 faaw aer bblkfu t ft aal nui wnfhl rttalsf ot kim n ud 4aftl 11 r rwli aa4ffa 4 rtuitrr porketi i mitt i0j whriitor tlw onirt iir lulioj 01 it1ierk4nii0ii4 of itnty monino amiilhh iiimmksu iioiu i jnfs fv cfatuck oruvcvxff msu fe eft rji uuiiofl cu on thursday lot auics us that wc far undirraktl hr arnaziuctent of the means at ihe disposal of tlic executive and under rated aio ihc consideration entertained of british hy powcm tkelievod to be most hoiite lo the open recngmtton ol british influence ol tictoh cm the establishment wc alluded to is that f litvn thomas vctavni 6t compnny ofltirracfc street norih shore the emi nent imn ahl pi mi tilers tvhijtt runsirurion of tin nrrni nnd the extraordinary sue- ces ibai haa attended that remarkable ves cl mhcc rfie commenced sailing in no- vtmbcf imt between uvcmol nnd cork have given on impetus in the building of iron heartier and a prtstige to those ves eu over the id wooden ones that would bfiaatv be rrcdit vtxonversant i frooiine contpfeted in this pnrt before going on the station in ever pariiubr from tlie keel to the minutest article of cabin furniture and nohing that ihe utmost ingenuty which longlried judgment can crarrant or professional ambition prompt will we may lake for granted be neglected lo make them models of elegant taste and en during nautical skill the dimensions of each arc hettveen perpendicular 185 feet breadth nfheam 29 feet and depth of hold 17 feel inches the cabin ac comnmdations will he fur about 100 pas- nmri but owing to the necessity of pre serving the cl of war steamers and their being built low lucre will not be ony staterooms on die sialc of magnitude thai might lie looked for in vews of such pro port then will however he a house nn rlie deck nf ihe wlajimer for the em peror whenever hr mnr g on board and on thenthcr for his prussian mjty wlaen simihily disposed and ihete aphmenls i we may real niiired will bo replete with ivery tuceary ul rogal bud luipertul hmg- niftcncc and comfort it i however in the more important es scntials of their conforuiarinn that these vessel will resnl malenau for the timazentenl and gratifi itmn of ihcir ren proprietor solahly swiftness and economy of pcc ore of rourse the three grand nilrilmles whow combination in aimed ol nnd ihat tin object will be at taincd to a ieee hnherio unprccitlenied there n cvtry mfm lo believe tho irun fir the frames and deck leams is nf a pe- cular sfattptfwd avktavax vernon have only jut taken out a patent for applying ihem inside frome mid deck itcam in a man ner ihnl units ihe maximum of resistance wilh the minirnum nf hulk as it i only by the minute inspection of one particular block of granite that the immensity of the pyramid can be nghtly estimated so it is nn i j by looking imn employed i i i 1 1 of the whole mar can be fnrmrd the nonprofesstonal reader will hardly believe that a iinic plate weighs between fix nnd seven cvt and that tl the plates arc united uilhauch mathema tical precision and exactitude that although each plate u shrined to tie frame work hy numerous nwatfve rivekdnvn iti red hot the whole exterior of ihc vessel presents a snrfac to the eve and the touch literally os smooth of this paper and the huge thing will bear bcinjf examined in all its pails as clotcy as if it were a piece of ca binet wort or ivory carving these ves- el though inferior in burthen will we believe 1 even superior in strength to the great britain and she is considered the strongest iron steamer yet constructed in this or ony ether country among trie oilier novelties tn bo employ cd on board thcc russian and prussian mail boat is the application of a small htca m online placed on the toivcr deck to the windlass that lift ihc anchor the boiler in the engines arc to be what are called tubular bnifers very recently intra duccd the engine beinp what is called wc believe the direct action plan and embracing ihe very latest improvement like ihe iron duke and several other itndi of laic build these are lo be divided into water ight compartments five bulk head in earh so that no collision can en danger their safety but tlill there are to be two of smiths paddle bus boats which with the other would contain the whole of ihe pastengers and crew should it lo desirable fb rcurovc them in any un foiccn emergency so small is the npacc occupied by the motive power of each it se and ihe coal ncceary for tho whole voyage lhal it is supposed ihere will be stowage room fot nrarly five hundred coal nf cargo the rutwater being all of a piece with the vessel in constructed as to admit of ihc utmost pace being almost on the main deck tho cost of hold when completed cannoi we imagine be a farthing under x 100000 there are also on the stocks at messrs veroons two other largo iron uteamers- one is the sabrina fur the cork company and will he launched this day week 28lh she is of 424 tons burthen and 240 horse power will have accommodation for 69 passengers j and has her engine i- by bury curtis and kennedy aembto the veasels iutt mentioned the length or her keel is 184 fed bttssaen perpondicuura 175 feet j braadth of beam 25 feet 3 inchn depth of hold 15 bet we are indebted to the courteay of the la tclligeni and zealous superintendent of the carpentering department of the sabrfno for a great deal uf interesting and uaaful in formation respecting her tome of which we shall probably avail ourselvee of in re cording ihe launf she ia bang built eta the name block as tbc nimrod whose name i proverbial in tho steam docks at constantly going out of the clarence dock with a larger cargo than any other can get in with and a keeping her time with al mom the punctuality of a chronometer making the voyage in the shortest apece of time of any vessel ever known between mm two ports the seccnr vessel jttm alluded to is lha queen which promises to be on iron craft of extreme beauty she is being built for the whitehaven company who probably calculating on a large access of customers when the whitehaven and carlisle hail- way comes iato play think that their time honoured wooden machines the earl tod countess nf lonsdale will not go the pare a fast as could be desired end have resolved to procure a kwfocv of the first water the queen approximates in her lead ing feature ptetty closely to the other having also tubular boilers the whole ma chirrery being nude by fawceltand co she measures 160 feet between perpen diculars 34 feet beam and 13 feet 6 inches in depth sue is of 200 bone power 450 tons burden and will probably accommo date between 50 and 60 passengers in her cabins she is on the blocks of the trou badour an iron vessel of vernon era morefsraoa ih than tho nioirod seeing that she is now more than four years running between this port and bristol and during the whole of that time has oot made one single drop of water norexhibited the slightest discernible symptoms of ccmioa every plate rivet and fastening being as good when she was last exsunloed ia the graving dock as when she vras launched if such was ihe case with the troubadoer what may we expect from the quaeo aw ing that the latter ts between the ortiefh and fiftieth iron vessel made by the same builders in addition to the foregoing uevra vernon have laid down s more iron steam ers of wc believe between eevee and eight hundred tons and between thre tnd four hundred horse power each as the en gines and boiler nf those will moat likdy be furnisher by dury citrtia and kfcnitedr we shall look with some anxiety to taar speed nnd efficiency as compered wilhtbe redoubtable iron duke so much for i nortiosi ofthe ateem ship building and especially the iron steamship building io progress by one private firm ia liverpool we shall probably pursue this most interesting subject farther in its gene ral bearings rn our next liverpool omental opinion and sentiment there is n saying of fletcher of sakoun of hearing il give roe the making of a peoples song and i will care little who shall make its law young ireaod de fends itself wilh thi saying itaays that it assumes a nnssion of national propagan dist and lhatil is content 11 mrtcinue ccmdvr camu but with all respect fur fletcher of salloun political power docs nnt depend upon sen timent all power eays hume even the must despotic rests ultimately upon opinion but no twr things with an ap iiurcnt rcsemhlanccare in renlily more dif- mm than scntrmeni nd opinion they differ as widely as feeling does from con- viciion or fancy from reason sentiment is vague npinion is definite one ia tran sient and liable to a thousand changes the other varies its phrases only wilh cor responding altercations ia the circum- i one particular plate of lanceo from whirh it has been evolved n thee vessel that an one dcrivesiu birth from only a few of the mental faculties for the production of tho other all powers of the mind are required the first expires in eloquence and expres sion ihe otlperlive in induction ind ideas sentiment is a flower a toy thing of lajte iti beautiful or loathsome opinion isaiool a weapon a thing of use it la formidable and dangerous sentiment is often involuntary butopininn is i matter orwillhcneeitsenormouspower thoa in politic authority built upon opinion ia not endangered by the tide of sentiment any more than some castle on the seashore i in peril frnm the foam and spray of the angry ocean that inapotently lasbes its foundation what a quantity of senti ment was in favor of the jacobite party but how light walpole made of their highland bants and all the ongry prejudices and mournful recollections of the followers nfthestusrw for there waa very much tenlimenl against the kanoveriin dynasty but opinio was ia its favor so too in france what a quantity of aenisien has been poured forth against the system is louis phtltippo and his family are called but wbatcaa the sentiment dot or look to italy with ils laws matte by austria for centuries despite of all its glorious aonga itsimpro cations against foreign tyrant and hi aesv- umentx against alien sway and thu io ireland the eififlurif of neariy all the na tion is hostile to england but whatever of opinion exists in it may be termed aa fa vorablc to english authority if there be ix centuries of tyranny to justify anti- enghsh sentiment there are also six cen turies of victorious imperialism to justify ihe persuasion that for weal or wo eng land and ireland are bound togethee by io- ilissoluble ties and to givo abundant cause for cntertaoing the opinion that il ia in vain to rvii the british power and that it is much better to try ind have a century or two of peace social devclopemont and po pular improvement than a dreary ennti- nnatioti of baffled oltempts discom fitted hopes- a avuttftd populanon broken hearted country but young irebod piefers lo remember ond to hope than to observe and reason it likes to indulge q entimont and is averse from forming e cool and wary opinion young germany dreams young france quarrels young england says prayers young america aavindles ajad youn ireland aings

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