British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), November 29, 1844, p. 2

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ia mp iat arm t pouge i im no one onbeeile one want tie wipe nut one lump nf this mm r i aaron pe iuihcnc p but rfhe viaumrvi uhjorrtaml rul so aro vaahw my tivftdn id ujo mmi and ml i bcil de hand or clean hiat far want uf jo wpc lb mmttrii wi ver qoitf j jrariiirial tjtlnuts r toronto cos ear tive festival ftiic0ftvjvij drnsotti ration nf comcrv- lire ufcvws cctnt on friday eeu- in jhttw tlt raikct couik ihr m wfjich ws pren hy jtj prv w oft iht voclj u on aii other occasion was rinjiti nuipk i protnjta and advance cncetrln nijvall tbe eiveiprise nd encr sty of hl rii r- f i- tin cmtf wiastemy touted with the ntfio 11 roloprs fi i r i i pj hjnnci at piwbfhmhvft lrtt fftr wiih li 01 t w virtomt tn- qtjtren the ktw ai ous home tit wiijifttiij irf j he auspens nwh uacilui four lableaiis full leopth fciili owe act i r ar 11 jh even with tf ciwijijilhpjj ihrre was no lb mo 1 worn for ihe on rfccn out venim fi1fcrvvjolt1 mm lirillcsof the vhe iavc pejiasoary raceirrcni derot rf nwiatr ir iard othre yviei of viam w ie and witmln 11 nrvi crp wtritlitrfipr hvofmre ore orient r v lgjflfc htim4 co- tfml wv- r mw scatedlhe plftmpv1 srvtay 4m pminnj no hi 11 hit by ifon tr r n i rhftrjwat apftonv anj iu vrp crtlfiwf tvttafy tlfjfi that the imumtmif uouij nol tnd do not cornilin of 1if cvtfiimot nj ljwhmrt hjti tienlorjtkr n the vvmrfn immic woik jltahrl io hul ilivy woul im ii- t on rvfry rincipte of policy is wrll of ynttct thru inlfiprti foiim oow w f ered ttd kh trt ffofl4 to ihoi h ttr ipmoe thl frelimit hich it nw jtitn t iltv lirn wll to ur kftuh c f of c v ku ji 10 f 1- aytociwuihid or r wr tfcl pptf of l1f efiiin tiwo p invc foi fcait riivy m ht maitt bc ttuulu to improve nnl ilf vlop llii fr hire h 1 1 i f 1 1 i lit trio wik 4oum lie tlinojtil loo xln lot iittbctrf iu r now tioiicvrrt 1 r rttiimitf mpitl- of 1i10 stilish mil stfifnff hp par of tl lit cuiitta corn bill the recent trcay wiih uij ptat ihe rilv tnciea rootse iritti the mother cotintrv alt romhin- ioer ihc itifolulwt ofa moie hfflv an- hwe tn the opiul r tnac i tliit r oiniittiir4tion na ututciiflfjlv must lt sy rhln ke piefer- iio hrat mil moll is cm tvwmlitfii buitish whig r or otbtm dloor kingston friday xovr iftu 1 1 i tho arrival of the steamsrip britannia fifteen days iatpr from eubopr ororuo or tltt f rot iww kyil ekhnof dofl tooltpuee on mofnuj ihff ftflfl mt uiiwlcd in rtnl uto and 1 p by ihr qoeeou cytifipipird by tiio ko jhtlrcinrt mfanv m maov of uc mbihlf foveiln afvh f jdm ubvm thehjildiij to lytan t iht imirr ibeqifepm i- ii i 1 iitt royxl wilt am paor tint uir bmlriti- ntj lnceffilh 14 i 10 toil jilt in the com lm ftf f r khi- iv mp k- tl oonmvi the non rou ditkm nmmfk w bwiium eq h p mwler dielr bn f hl p fa cmenitrr fc m ft ftc jlir wlowittgji iim nf ibe toaols to all twil h t ihe recqi- ii in oftuva i the rej theitto toe qem gj bw- her boj fiod i tbt queen coo ir ii- r v iti qes- mr t bilfon he piincf artrt quecii doefrr and ten oriliehoyal faroity bini rt fltnihflrult tuaieri 5oor cmlen country fortecr tw ttevornor general 1 n i v kmplijt rlid seo tbe comflfrhlt h no hum jlrtb jentlemsn sor th fincolike g d weiq tio vnviv ksr haj- britiihltreonurro gltr cy hoy in f or tmp- mfem wrtt younr hilton nd ijum jrtitey the hon h iooj- hjmj ell orf yooox trw cmtfiltre cindirtttt fl tlt iitt iplio umtps whtiftom3 w r metfieti itaojlmim wkid fcire b ct tog libtfij tftjowmitift mtabf0ld loyol elecloif vimn li omortiieil ihjt4 fcjstfftd ttbt ioihi we litv in jsjv fi p nl rejkindtd to ly tht tfytfi of lh i jry for th mtifl dinner in which th w bemof ttiostftriionior ho frmtrel m-it- u- a nrber oor urltoti j c vyjpnvbabert lewl alrsandor dixon tml t foynttu h p0nicd l1 vfr wnje oindrrvh bcnjlitn kq and to wltich bramermnn dxon rettohtil thb rtrxitottf u monro bmrivtn hym rtahoii wurttelrtd wjtnlotil mt thrfnrfntflio frtlivirle orihe rvnutt mhlplwrv ip a f qthl a more numerous mfpetltma prtr weie deter yet ifrtfitciin rtit tity 01 toronto fc fn torofto herald abv 25 kallcrau through the eastern v townships nvb1lowi ifttrtoin memorial wa tttioidoil on frutiy wl to the ovemot ge- pgsti vw named hfhw til nqphn eotj ii i- to he p iril wuh lhiy roevt0n hy hif excellrney who amrtd llarn io faoroedy tbot he tok kiesi ioiiel m the pieontoty of to extern towmvip ftd lull u li 11 r l ii dcmf sodm cmioci fmihe uartfrthtonturd lwwa lo enuke up for p noteci we hoit tiatjht apptication wilt be ukrn tip in proper spint ly the leglitiir th joidp la our m only rflajfcl lcnrfil ihr towohip- hut lunnin ihroufi that ifmrtrl o the atitiiorin which ufth to be calletf tin ipirtleii of jrr ciuria it wo im ho of in cakiltme bcoefii to it we as to mpjicbi oftd ute pjovidcc mt large lb hit fmttm thtrvto hon sir cmm tukoraiu m- 1 1ie florl anof gronci crwoac io onoiowt mr 0 fjktorijfrttc o the menotial of irk- ccurmiiee of tnae- mentor hh lawrmre ein at- lantc orawd jurklion rjilwy ink aniinle at a public meeliool the hluutl of tin eajlera town4iif thit iu eolttn too4hp wtk a leinto- mtmujlfe iniuiojig 0 bcm 0 mj in ilof fe mwfoutte iinllbo alunllr ture rij ail riifwjy thll whether pnttlomoi red it 11 denoutrahtr thl r tonre hi thtomh the escn tow uiui adirin an opplmily to the goveini a woili of the ucn l iirpoiunre flnwlcla totioiioity l cnaj while itt id ofihtltf it 1 fifitil 10 mimpmtrfm n etpcrri ertnn 1 the pioviie pl to if memtiit a rlictr own exoe aneo hft a romp vie awl ela1oie mueev juii eitimatt to i c mde ihr u ill vay loulr fiom the pifif line lo mor lrr1 he if miof wuthli stimilyto hi- ifcliteih ry itie eiici nr tca- qicd of 00 naln al nlislcle having jnpinlc- thejmtlt in tlc foiitftlinn of a clip n pe rowhfl i railway 111 t the aj1tvn if the i el kl pro- iel the ml u rk ili u evny celnn between moutfca aitl tt e am lir im prrof tl which may be idilne- pmc rotelt u fmution n wpap r e t that tv pae iihlr nl ilitetljo- the ca nii tiaj wirfer ifcd thlomjh ilie st 1 eftj jrnerilly concritei hid thl it appeal now to ho a q4lmt tltt onty whn the woiklulllv lonmeotrd ttnl altim otii mitoravimf hare hern the fijfl and wainet atuotalej of t1t isiiiwai fivm the si lawienre 10 ilie atlanlir yet their pff11y preyent lhemexeutr lil in fluence in favor of their own paitifilt ronlr which would iome it boinff piefeirei an while ihry are confident of it ein ihe lej ihey feellhat altheii own cold men- hrihe4 lit prjcticahtli ihey fwj nw k aiihe hns of a paternal ctftpifwi4 lluv id anil rifhi which i r quirif to warrant a 1001 roionuotlv r er a- kie if a all in r itmvtlkff of amh extenl tht your meitiotaltta cannot now enirv upon pi oof of tle iliita upon whnh ihey toot for afiteeofitnl remi to llifll eiiefptie bin they vfftttuc r5piefl to i rml ihe veu e1letl lma1 of plmtwciaf aid which wotth thry i e1eve e mcire d anit lhy tilt ih tnirr exceliry will favor then humme petllimt the railvv wm piohauy tel abo fiv hmirred llionf4nit ponnaurricy of which vom mtrrorialiaktlioe that the whole tcul he raiiei were him piofribet r nod lllto on of ibrre eour eiltiot opif mi annual 1111 f r j n i l v i 1 of yrafa ay fiot n er lwrolv irecii iiii a initotii emiveyaiie f mail eovennioi loiea ittitilaiv in tike xlcoflco f 4lotrtt in loim wklv r wi low tale of iiil rcm w ed rn ihe 10u a fouilh rnotio mighl be attnpld by itcing the nuilic land in the efultta twnliwa loi the ptmenl of ho i and ioieie foj eay12s0c0 willi itfetencr tn tie aite fminn oor jtleomriat ju woul m wil fully ohei e ihnl it r ealrio 1 wnhip live it k conceived an indifalho claim upfli thi public lenik to an amount exrccin jt 1 4hj terhut inanim h a uuivr ij e pttetrnnll i c- tween the gnvrinmeot and ihe ifiliah aoiri can land company ihe miltt pieced in he lanf oul in pundc improvenent in die di lriffhnnbegiretnnint having lejumrd pan of ihe bed the teinwhrv were rvpftwl of ihe benefit of thr outlay 1 fter w in for yeau hid their pray ror ieh f iijrled on ihr roiiiiil thai ihis larefurn wl pledged to iheii impioveriienl the steamer jtrtnnt arriced a bt in ffiiy bimimj after 0 fdggh p l dy the intehipcoet i of very tiitte iinportnuee in the abneo of our own onpera tve hir invert ttiecorrefpinrnceandaoiuniaryofuaeavie vwc cdmmrejtf adltrtitft- camdian flour ha otlninod an adunec of gd per band it b in fur roqie drich ii q nlrn of ihr ie 0 no an ce nn nl v eiejuw thi leciectf will ij r tpp piiioew 11 ond n ii hm lll nbimijio tie livm i iclive thie evey nuqtirtvfn rverliceo faiiown in the metitry n ivrrinje rlr omt inh1t ni mnrkrl fre a rfovan iroflo itnlc 10 it infmey ninl mnnih will vld t- iln impfirlinee- inr mfih iw lc lhitn 20i tr of amwinn pf wre oold here the enk mw elfied ine thf oivninof ie ifnrfo nd vet iopffieci tneihoiteuiaiid te aopple of cliecae nu hl of ihe mnuiiii and th ich ia tht inptrej witea have wen iffiifet iriui roller hi a4 caoerd and canadian li been rkrd hi hut the to ia oe 1 1e 1oil n or tituhercaeeed nihln on te erj the aloowalnfx imihlief of 110 tfpvb kdo wh 130 tn iht irrtai to rlo limey xodrr the prrsnar of the heavy impl the liioher roirvet oojrrt pew uiler than nvjrftl h tr lcnxpeetej trieea bnv ein e reeerfct a lllle lot rl lothe client l ihe tin wit w nciw i indtome the new emtide made hr lb n-ijiri- po- wmiwrni nrainti the linetaim uf mlbh fawrhjer t aiuttltir wnrr anal ricit 1ajeofljaieih afhuial ihe citnavrfeenf flijn onumfy tt iajul ies n 1 erveitnof retdutrma cnijliflrtvc hee einel an rttfffltmi duly f llir pef cent i in ol j on ntiiifli rtwu tlir hfji bin mfcirolilie tin 1 oedrj lo gcrnnr the ennriy of eai 1 ntmei in ill pw iltlv w i 1 ijclic according to cirtmn- aod yn will te ir memoiuii 4 f if a m vvy loum nignct sawftr rnookj sheihiooke 16th itemvt i8tl jtiercotm1ai txinr we harr irurh nlratuie in ttfin hlc to comn unicle to or leideif th 1 iat t 1 a hte trccniy keen taken by ihe lhau her of c werce d ihi eiy whiel it ia lumped will rianl in tin pahlkhrornf of legion f iireitoeini liad- and hi lraitcii in hun ihronoh tui- ptoflnee itffmein tfoomotlte lard llriiioi of ri xem of iho united jmtea un lite uifnm st j hn thai iwo iiteaniev wbirti we lofr upon a filcelv lo be poiiktvc of inrilcuaw benefit lo ihe noilh aieiicn covnis p piv am lo hia piovmein miiidifar havi- bvp linen beioie ihn- inerner i herd hiou of her maj afyv piiiy cvini y will hieh llaoy 1 a oiailr t iirm whe e hiey witl 00 rfr lho etviuiivi dior lo which tkd tlie ntioo linn for the mwtfnc caaruraj 1 evlftrj t9wnauhl nifiv to the cfieal k ant pou peedjty lemenl and occnpaiian aruhti feifilelmd apopaktioj offifly ihonani jilla atearpreaeul comidriily drbnc irj 1aog1acrj certee rda fioan pe- titfsmtina m thai r r bicb the hueial poiitr or the bntith gftrvfumenl b rxicmiii laoibajr octnarkofgaiiida 1allht jmtutaj advnurm oftreil by be qntd item itieii ntoxn tliaie iheiroierafaelu weie the eootfitunicalinna wilh ihem of uch n ruffvro matoehconra ltbinal pfearnl bad m 1 an 1 imjiitercut conveyanrea olfcr abevl- tiee which few are 4fpmd to encounter th mrvenlalhe capabtliiw of xt townvp uana m 4 fprain jpowiiijt coertry btfnj ttceelnpo eoatofc anltco ol tf wmmof wheal to mooireaf lin oiore than wotiecn diauictof ca- 11 that while the anion of the piovmcca bnay bare ferm rrnufd meaiaie of oule ijemiy t luopeatiorehaa been moat un- juf tud ditaaifoaw to tbr ramero towruhipa h aa theyim now not nn v jomtly etllathe paamenl of m larxe debt ttw union bt have ainee tbe paian mart iot aeon thai whole traooreei of the fwiliit jmijpi in aid of woihf which how- afptr whteaairyni lb averlcrn lection of caw awia ma tfie dm fttalre are yal 0wraiihc il lor tfiitrew itbl reeeitf i ilry iiic well enii- in lie ii- irmety of the inie fitainci ile iepi lit i- tii 1 1 t ilianrv fetj- liieiirr 1rorin ia a and ihe oldifjiiioib imposed by hie dpjlch ol u itfm i- niahv the scffctotv ot slite inr ihe colnniea of jill lftl3 in iraprrl i intrnl dmro u thai no ftutirt i n ex rat i el wot ii ih a noilh america vonitc 00 oitile the frerfiree nr ahpvftflme of eah other hit ihate afioailt hot fie inliicojoial trade 1ewern lhra piftflm tlc iaoe pj il un y were ouk avltnt tomii of ih fraite eohioy altw l4alix iheexuore l us iliewienwaflinn- beirrs and othns on the nprvr st jdo lip imioilence lo ilktn an to us ol u r h 11 mij jdiel wilh 1ien iiforiioitc purchas d in hr united uithy mean ol ihe riim si lotulj toother with lie paohlmtoiy rtrecinf loiueiiat uuiiea upin mieh coo t when inw in- tmnrd iiro nv hiumwii i noiher efiin a madr lhl intein t outd be allowed n pvi hutrintmi piovuife in l0il hondt neiiictncilld on the moahtfbmiftta eiitifieal enlheulie tin of the jltverv nf ne fenidaat llnnllon 01 mb i plaeea wiiliio ihe tej ntoiyofthjiititil suiea n5ueiin wlmh wil meet wild ihe beany cnnrmjeiieo if ovciy weltwihi lo nmv ltiiinvich we ennoi mril in notice itir hilld md otdy i emiininy u j elion whi h the pnapodllmi 1 said to contain immely ihil whtcn my lo ftihered fiom ine epreaiort t iieiticl mlilciion felt ny the chamher that krorta aivilotem inty on im non noi exceeding 0 tier cetrt mrl in im hcvtnvt atvnc would lie iiceimhiiied wiih many advntixf ln ne pioviote ond ten 1 amleiialy input a slop to ihe iltiiit liait which prevails lo o sreal an ekfent under the iirpo- ition of the pteaenl imitr vet ni and lie i pnwit lo ittl h aflomew ttv hat itrnrd ii mentteited ijp a pe4atlve rael ihnl an ameiinm peoilcman f l1o niesl un mcnnlied rfapratles wa refined dmion kfnm one of ate hrct ehie in tywn en iho sv tmimd 1hl he bewcd lo n leouuir 1i1m did nd fttllfl in cnftcmcm all pooaima p were tiifrin lfroitnre ihe r nit mtn that there wna iv ihe atil reel perwil fbjiiann n hs aejnii and lirh hi uivn rejllon a eiieh ihfil ise eluhueum line hridihe rrnhat 1isife in re- erivinphiin had uc ulrtgllo a inun rrcd uml ovhrinmerd in arli inc eliu8e rtif oodihe dttarf in whirh il w rtne may he eiwirfifd reflect- ifif quite af mm h ht nvr on hie ernttrman iiihv rlf aa it cnvycd o dnii pqamaral lo ainrrica fo m ihe celine with hlh wt have heiird livn nthftct n enlimid in ihi city il is nni inn much to expect llul ihr raampfe wu be alimca in oiler eotiimitmien no dmneiioo mweni dmiind lii ken moilooa tnlhrelinte tnwli do rwiruhjol ni- hitoiif lot the eltole vnittd slincire hil itpnn ns fuj urnnhrrj tlw cime omolifioa a rejioii in quarter libely fo be wrtl aftfrtfraw itawl lite fnil itf lladdinrloit wikkc ihmiiii ie pteeanoiro will rtfie fnm ih yuri tilhhttlanlre atlntirjur nd le -u- ml t bv lrd eiwiieiimi thegirm nriiain momrlnp wsclaeelfcnni ibcftfins eowrocmewt otffclunlay wick ami ja ifo inn lite cnnbrrimi luaiii m w ro eii ihe filnvfjrrie orrete e lh iu i be to jt1li i 1 hi iiimtrc ali lrui i the inieof ais lciguti a uinutc cc one uiuiinu m ira an lieur 0e cmfer fffeaaftl by the ovilli of die ilo of nriifrnlviiillieeofrnediipofi1helof pmis hex wis- itta ceitritatcd l0w euinejshx word a funrf ror the aid wf the utduu and fjmdy rr set mil loinp pticrl of their fe ltd keaoe c c d hwrn anotn rantftt ac450fk the cturir fvjioi announces thnl the kn lilt srnl a apleedd nvill woilh 100 0 to ac uian alidut merfjid asa present foe hisfnh- tee muwf reiw fine yeurs idd ttecotoajdc csureiie pub3rfhs vllorafiom ft pctfrborjseontfiiiietr a fepxri of on ineiei marriage helween ilie fjincct olpa and fiiocc j etiree of i mheidt onthr 1tli nil dijwnfvingtoft v md ihe room in roii college wbieh lie fweiitied when a uiy fl is rcll kjiown a ihe luhi roin slxiy fire yrar hare vbpeed einec he oreupw j ilac a i im it mint the xxct the meh in purss letwecn me sitiuiktan nnd m st aiosnd which wjs to hive vofitnicuccd oei the i tsi vih ha ireo po ipnned aue efc owinff to ihe set etc andntddn illness of i lie folv eaoipiou miffcmahincanicin ateterioafnend lhat he ima been much btiefiteo by kibniillioff t ihe in snerio hocesi t mch roihai after o itrtg enr1iienieitt 10 hr tooiw the cun now take o 1i111 1 r w i wilh eao and pr ire advircsfmm abandriaof tlc 19th of oct nvncm it il nikihrn folhtr liaa iccn done by ilie jovernmnil omniiiorstuwaidailic settle mrrl nf ihe ltfiu mail cjiieatfon m- arson ha pleaded thnl ihe irtipeodif wntec is hhely lo jeovc llio coldesl uwvj fr artrnuj yerw nrw ran wav ptojecte there are oum nimryncw railn ays frrv ij trw uf which e effhsed to the iiilrrrru of olbeisv too mul lire cpilaf frwfl fe llae ninety rjilwivs ponu of ar 1 efuciom clsrifs maaaiiug 1 iffijit lice th viecmiiit ldlv ildil im of lha mnrnnis of nc arirfa miaa jur ripx vtor irvm 4f the mutjhi of tivieddjl wia aoicoin ird nn tuea dity nl si oeorfevlvriii lfavrcr squire in tliejvcsriuvor lilvcntc of the nhiliiy al uttfofd ehoceh by ibe lio rev horjtlpaw vil loma mvirgn ctnwnlt lwea of llw poor lau ermtsqaiwi sw rngbum ahul wale lo fidy ptacmu liie ftncit ih lair thornjsei liaicr eqrdiier in ih rwof clarendon ml o ihe lo ttu iwhun vutm it ia repricd on trt1 inihoriiy lhat a eooiraci htateen riuii llnni at 1at wwi ihe ijoiemnicnlo ne fueihc leim xivi tompiinr for itn iivrymcr of rnonihly im belwcoo chili an phltatsmi an j it 1 una tlrtl frliw ieiforrti ins uf ihi arrriec the ompooy ia to receive sj 0 i j eoikiiuoi feast wiiu 1 tits twon home fwir ihe ftevetl fethafslit gr a ihnafr pr- pnl ri as a iniy afwi llinc n hiiji fronnlio hawperwof chsi in hw irwsiw of on fhpclsaltoididlyhnpi- rn srsmftatx evaiwfht anre- nvr mbcr 4ik punc iltliieh ih l ourr ill- prirmre of le inl a1mme nd ihe dile vt ihi- tlire kn1nd hare hr en nnnnrdl ehn and indird l eiw remark ajflirns t- fnmne u vea dlr if wevnt 8in arttie you ueenuils will infrrcti vmi rlimics in le duinetri wuh pmaodihiehitdv 111 re rr rrwpantum f iinrrft 4 i lti fliiieail world li on cfmoirel tiuu iium hnw rtr lucre rvswraiai oswioib and a recij niilitiiulats miioiviv elinnie- the mr rilwii cxeihrnetil t picni of wnfr c liner in our dinieli mal itrlitnirlaiffia the atle phwifl thi tatac ujieh neeotdiorrioaihi- oim jwiroala hae ea iem4l it4etiiiitimtiiiawcoiwe yosrrelii- xt ij jirrrii hi p whst- p hr l inagrilrft f adiirreniol- rlorinc iml mii rnpiurc piatonihe iudh if ic o1pie ilui s run aep th lil incline in te nf r w wash 50hcai w mnelimr ood mr cdfleo then aiuo oionims h stlin- lhilhefrroirnv irnr of rapwarev of emr itywitf i ne hn drd tolrt h the nrislrsli rf kiwll tteanwlt- nd il o- new iidtrd lint llrfj he wltwe from it coneiaive rcven aml lhp brouthand two ira tlwewiiiv thi k to tcounwialioii- thcfn cpi it urj 1 in liveepe fombaaanon iho inntn- or lhc0th nil id trcuntl the dttrenirnt wilh wto o tot i r a n -f- j t of thorr jheoio rcnej rmd advocacy of a qoion opeof to ht on iho incros tlie wemrai ofhia itm i areifi her to be ihe faa4cjt in his coodnoofiiiofi amnof olhrni we duttj odibnr of thr nation whhaioltaed o muf on the arifcjinm olcnn- nnctl waacnyyinhimaelfat v lime mr civ nrnc mmhv i4l moltun lahan aifacw of the late sir atrvandee bnm the enrtih ambnssa- iw whn vra murdered by the affjjhans ha fio of jvtaiieii seobnivfor rr ptpreof pimiinaf into hr hnnds r hu cropturct cnhcr ccriuin papers winch he secured ftou iho flume when lha art- liii wckbumin sir alcxandefahoiue ui isrml clh 1 nc ej- ited umilhey jre nw lwiit but lew ret on 1 in inifisl on lie he put toguf t ol hit hie 1111 fiuef tllfeiilifi jiuvo liern ree irhole a late of iiajhotf irftteealf vautt odi will iisn j lue ovelmuii in faiti rinswnf ihr irnaoi nlihl iaw vovemen1 f the i nd rt ifttida dniniut uk ho lit spei rh ms heen ile arj s f sltutws nod ihe ftf the im pfirnutly 0 re jill nveuicnt ml ho hn eeeftl at ruinmis rtlel of ihe j i iitcol ion ot ihe nd lhe me uiv ouan tfifl snioiini of hff jp j luoafimr nciiuhuial e j mwh r4iief the scorn v f mined hi in n prcl f fmt lur pr rt li mhif es- ther terio to lwwc tlir pailie ill t or ihe fsvr and diirnities slow- eird itm lrfd rtleii1jtoth- since hi ret urn fointoaludun ftvefntnevllie ppent will eiye von th nepml rlrsmnte una as fljmj in the fiorof 1 he n ilinoj ite deislon w00 to ncrfll ins lywrvhip whloih fwi emsntciil s nrvirfcnernr iv esteein 4 which hif adoiuio irrierfi wt hwhyinr mmirry iv onpoii ion t otiinnl1rihulr it in nwn of the prnikr to cnnediite tid tenhnoih ninety new raitw iys a ph his pam- t of wlovh tpi linimhini ltween rirn a total iiarc epiial iouin acceilrnr milliond jrhmd hut rlikd relluih ercr and onrn ilie liremnc frff h stovers wilh h nj rpir- llesreapeeiinr iv frfja tr a p mar now be ell d tltr ureal twiuw baa2 l rcleoaod mine faworter commem- r w vwa vi llio rndr piet of ilc cmniiks enr lr wolff hs escaped foni itikhar kjcc mallow 1 intv4v ed 10 dihvidtishtbe reh of hia hbcnjiity tn siippitl of ihe rjiase of iiapeuawco- ubacip tiri nc made in relieve ii comon femiiwl miiiieb pan sime as a a i ihers not dis raoine hnes lite ur jc aiixiutlj lu peril thedile nf iiof nfrnmot nd- the re n is ehtrcinlw peea biit marfcet e haw efiall aspeel 10 llw mwnfserifna duf iwu waa r n printers nn nfkr inttta r ruanaep mahna of hejvr hiaificlnrers of dmnemie j on hand ns iley ronj exr the weollei imce am h irdv c i iv nvik1 hr ameri t tror- l wrt neive pic ft f lloim l mc4lh of orlftvcmhoiim ictntatnci the mrjimy of cif ese h id foavri v niem irakeihibii 111 4i nd fria asw hud aocaikto lit si dn per hat l lie ldtakcd f0 pit d amruiilf oslyml 7lf0jol on whi idihrrxirnlif lj00j0q wil have to be paid before opfjicdtrit is mide to purliiocnl tai rn da wjr nmwrtliretcftnwf iho imiwot in m inirqad raaiuo eoottao ed iiof liionineni whleh hat appealed in lhe sin- 0n pp r i believe i may announee to y u wilh ihe fulet ileffroc of uranrc ond cicclnea ulm ihe rev jcnitcmii his tela his rtwfsifj tncl iirnved ft miaoi a ptjoc half aoj between ja liifi viid aijihitmo rrno wuh at i reihl wal 11 1t form imh wfo d ill tlie likni p of cuiu 2 6 the tfifh 11 n mat y ne pe ctnt conol llwl ai r the imn tmde w fia mb iherews iv mteh don- rlvrs w slawi of lower prier hal 1 1 yr w thr hili sidles at d3j i si dp a fl conner op ttwt eaalcrn towmhii ibt atflva eooipilitiin heir joint rear r v fy n smiduy oifihi ir u- inl inrhi k fire britke out inlhi irtorjir nuunl sciamii h hi tifecour sinl and were it nol tit ihery ppesanco uf ilie fir imit mill llirir imuil urn eiy tboltttaw most hare flbe 0 prey iii last 4e enannf rtrmout ft ia atonf sospcoteli ihnt ihe e m lbs wnrh of nn iorendisri m uro wf phmjf hi th rorchuf a cmnhnalildo nature ly ihn wta toi without duln r nn 1 1 rnucb dami b iflihe jiomso rea ruhirt iof v and rinea atbail htte 1a kij ftf 1 hire slfon- rcauua fr supessio lhal he ttn iriehed lc filter pbee int cannot ajviu lltli on liirt klieis fium treh sond jrivrolhe stjciirt ihrft he war cspecicd ilere alaok the 2llh a noveinte and tliev art written by per- ee m ulhoiii- ri afe tilth lively to hiiakad ihe pvhlic cinej latthn tiats r roata ran at cfic to nrw toac the rew amriean hoc of pjcltec j nrinm r- lnrft crbwdil irfifl 101 a tiler whieh uiw f 1 out the m kulhfiinc pock eu tliitrsifny tfter imuuh f siw tr had on ivard 4iwi ln of nrwct lie coit and ihi himint was mitt ia con iue ee of i1t- witit of moee valuable caryfo iv kmlhimdertind rallied cul auil fsl pj m-o-fcii- till it itit firil nil i inyie i ah mihimh tlw lirefpod mercury of novcmkt it ajtros lhe mswtajg aemtot of ran aiioeions oioivf iiiej and invidcr eouiuultnl un the mela aiwai the loniona of chlffrtw a rw nenhol lirifj of 3al ion bwtben under ihr command f riiain mortm wop matfttaraslo cttnayh on the jili of jutrlusl while nn 1 r 1 fn d jimjti ej to rgiejir co le nveriukeii hr n pirate iehon it amhff jporii4i eolors wilh ueixw ofsjipi nulls abniil u men mosi of nhekio wefo nepmr and uiuljlloa she was a bcmilrfid crfl wiih a lte fun fn u nvm ifctnem lhe ntain and feto mail puinied mmr on iho staibvard sidc and bbevmi the hrlasirrl captsm munro deeming isi ihoohl of rct- unco vain annrodeird ol disemioii od lhe c mill wns thr imrifdtito llasbthles of himself und huchf inate mr riouch nlkwed by ihe mur der nf nioal of the rest of lhe erew caee-tli-i- wnti a n ihrw lhrniatveaorcttoard to uvihii ihe sue- ago crumy ofth piralr the -c-numn- few uer ihn woatavurl i iru i mrni wem ivmnd io ciils mid left in ihr mehulrhway by lhe pinilrs wlin hhtinrf plundered llio voaoel fall lltey wished eitt nwny lite iimnat oealioyrst ihefiggingnudaiiuv undrcullkii her io aoverat place tlw unfimlnnate vrraed was fatten in with a few ilny afire llio nwsaaero when aha wn water loffedand nearly in a suvairtf ital- the second insta and lliero acsmcu alcr iho ptratoa jaft rile vvmrl iived ui eairicat ihruntdvea and were r 1 1 j ir j hriasolino in a drplraua io vi 1 u uia third sel of piraoy which has boon nj l 1lj ta ln thnm n llieir iinmntirtte upfl iw icadnarlmr f k lee tme h rn the snei of vftfwt llr of the itn nutp lulcen hy ile iheir lattfo rt the line uivl t iy a nr d nn a lite 1 n tiia pivrip the iijii in- 1 irly h vrie ih fute e a whelvr payers or fssswd we can iniijme ihti im auvfcv tti ft nthnl rf p- hiuiiit m tptfitly in veftlilv of tio fftohitfin lh tr iniil it eiittfim rinhv nd rtrtpritllt ettrn i vrea ejir it st 1 tea whi erst 11 ihri drti liy eter inlerrsl of iia rm settrt prttcup 1 n y afl ei irin rsfnmii on- clubs uls an aabkcdv tailre n js in utti ilte btu rt ivsulls luai- tmes il moril effel letwren ionout and rir j0hy oie iut mi jr io ferl ihenilvt s hrnralh t a erpieiii op r t ih- i rrmflrfat hi trn i v oily en llnr netllih ei if n kithmee rr mnjer rihl royally the pipers lically elrfcred ljbeitrh hs alsn hid i lvtnir lh f- mnlit slti dklwrrlwwill on lhe other rluin wiai f ihe l w intvftcil ipiylillltls or hi ir t 1 hie cjuivp 1 itie kning llto new hovai con i or ted herself iv and ujictilhueii cxtensive folgerv of bank of encia1vd kote t m caaufieteuif iit o 2 tjic dcrtrey f a frjrery of batik of utbnd olti hjscrrnied fjm eaciieovnl amnnj ull who re tiitjuuioied with it as there i every prnbrahdilr of iho irsud hjvin- horn ireird on in a mnm ilarmiwjj men the mill a stieeneeied to bt fir- enirra arc ah f xiui and aii of litem il recma 10- ftsicd lhe th uf dveeenbcr il3 and 040 muled wi lhe leicn ye nlhogh ihcir lomhiis arc didvicid as if ihey formed pari nt 1 m 1k ppcr im which th j arc pnntcl tfitin- mhes ihi from all siinifir air m- lhat h ie ven known fr mine yo in the ordinary fz fr 01 x5 mdes ilie water- nmk ina been copied on a wooden thckand a marksarioicnlly ike ihe oidinsiy nafrrmoik lo deeciir ilie un prheliwl eye has been mjdo on ihe aahal noi bv nt rje preaue lo these ciq0 iiihe on ihv n hi r lund rjiere isa rcil wiirmfc suh a hm niflv mfp been obtained by manofjcturint jj per rarptrsely for l i t f re lhe j ante wio have scin 1 he notes uvtirs thtl ihey si e such ciet tlcni imlialci ilut oonr bol expe irnced mieciots of llc llmk of fitiad idd d icel lhe fnesrry and cveo ifwst dtfl by ihe in etrefol ejammnivm aa fir ua cjn he learned at prereni it secroi hji lhe pcrfctealocs of the fyiud ckccd llpn fo- njn nuamwo as the phcr where they aloult r ircutilion to ibeif forjii a the nrs hriiy teovcid hsire eunc fmm llclsuii and att acp i ad il i said thnl a real note hcaiin rr in it iij t- irre na the ftperictt and nnr in tkvsesion uf lhe dank of ln i- 1- can be prosed in have laseltr0 to iari the 1 ii is th it 1 ch tcs 0d intu the ltiuk of rnund l f r bneli tlsat lurie ts vtc oitriuil according l which v fnieitii vote maih a coiash therefore it ia far horn iiiipioboue ihii the mr a made aoj the pi 1i1- rtrierd ol fori hie vhiile aloouol of lle inles already 4ico- vervil il almn iifaio hut there is dftlttfttai m in re lion lhe- is ilw- wimic eatint of ihe fraud hlhe firtg i irrre enfersj fom tlw m le nv m lh dink o knjlind ihe itas been noievrnl tune in iue a 0- nutnrr of llnit and j i hardly lo be raveled ih it an much ptina wnij iavo hetn ukcit for lluukc ofa limiied awun the asvcifl llusiaarcnitnrtia fr lhe facile iy wlh wlueh hlen fljik of byjrjbtial nmn aic rieuliiel ad eomilceina ilw nhsenop of im- inrillilr elwi k it ieohfiiam ihil the fcilitws tic eirctlllin iii h n y ijfih ff fltery einlim ih eefnrr atl tjm be ud h mit ehnis and all whse 1uiihs rniairea ihi m in rrrtiee irmiltiitci s mun the rootnifni jif i rvuli ol thil a pity has wn al avrk wtnr uria il rirjiiirra ihe naliai ngiliintr and acutcors luitrtitt the ovinlanu mailnews from inwa chima ani kgvfi- 11 fjlola mil lio meheil us by whlhi wr urr pltred in jr mkai nf pc from lid a i uf ihe i lh of tmnkr ami fmin him n 9aol ja leioj p- nc li r if n- re- crired bv thr 1 isl miil ihr cjiihuj uimtee mirkel srao wrl and eoptl was in grral ah irj ne corrrsirnenl ticiriiicahtdriffn an eoojuencc of thiaredun- bajajti h inrh ner h h sain ijkrn pin re a i fni the mnhsi 1nl rear rrrtnrd iho wall of ih aswiaj f osalen whicli hid been broken down ui un fire in i4s ontif lauiol jajb the oilncse endmvurcd 10 tircc llwrnaclvca into ihe parden but weec op- poeod kcs lieioc oflcfeil ihey oomnieoeed an iodiernin tie alt irk upon all the fofeigneu who lane wilhii llaie inch several american cibinro immed ad v nrriwt ihemarlve and dmvollirinrosmlhe fnml of use ficviee sldl 10 itiriuui- tn throw bkbawtl ihry wro fi ed up aod owe uiin srai kirld nd another wound ed in lhe arm which ended the nfljlr lot ihr da thi bnelih jod amenrinceaoufpnhctl in lhe itniiac miihmlies fir a sjjicirot force i oruiccl the faclories and i 111 m tc ww1 sni lo the aoicri e n mm of nar t the doue to nqxi av pum4jec treuan d thereisa lullin ihe aialin nf repeal in ire the 1- since ha decuealiim in fuyjrof fcdectilirmieimijninf iu qmct at ha rnounuin hnnt of fferjnoie rwrrt ascrtnr at ihe vivekly rnectrnfr oflhis aoaoettlionnn theilil rjha trllrr was lead fmm mr itcurr firaltau odrocnim iietea ed ever on in tbn crtahwuncnl cf isepcat fnin eirfwiii liovimut ilw counlry and plelrjrat lhe disposal tif the aiuneijlion one liu ulnd eohjri if hia filheev mentoio edited by hinsf thanks were vole t lo mr gratiin for his rtm lrn mr miuriee oomurh immj in c3q from watcfnnj xh fd fmm guanw and then ijiiint lh t he hid to ptvsent lhe atri uiih a pof thil lhecjusf repeil wis mikm eonmcubi pnifre ftjsmit their sturly eun irymen the rretwytceiaosuf ilie north hie hofli ttvntkm 11 lltcn handed in several conliibuipon aiuh ific noilh the hon mr mi sjirf ih tti foaii the nifinihitoti h hkd been able to oh liin h contd fully bear oi the tihservalnvn of mr vcn imlt wiin regard lo iho sprcjd uf repa peioeipw in the north of ireljitd me 0neill haunt harin innderi in 7 ftnm airdiie iriscoilin j bjd iho dutf devolved upon him uf moviog m tlul the nuincs uf iwo siteh npeal wardens who hjd puhtieh tviwt l ilimelvi simsemien slioold be struck nfl ihr lj iklj lh 1 it u e11 1 1 r- urieniati of ilkifiluw wjrinlhit lhe enurar fris n adopted it had ben sd lh it 01nrl rnctair ted ribhonum tn that ealumnhms ae mliyin he wouil reply ihil iiumshs fjlrcjhct1 mr olaiirieeitlionhi acondd the niton and ihin pncecid to driviiuicc emph lieuy iln ktblousi jltnii i 2 in tiling il injurien ihi inst mriressoi the conniry in concluding hr obacmd lhat if the indisidmu in oucstimi did not relacl llwir scittinnts and crpters regie 1 l iliif condnet ijefao ihtt diy fortnight ha nriutd teil it ins duly in move thai their mnwi h jbhelv rhaji im the 1 ii- of the i- l in 11 jil iwl oo lh swrathl f haucico oconoall th ibonka of lhe aorilioa were voted to mr horcfiinwni who retired amid a burst of vale dictory cries and tcmieulaliona mr maunce 0counell moved the csimoa of a repeal war dsu who hjd been guilty of some qiurrclwmc ir rccuurilyal n repeal mccliog io wcumiusicr wfckbwas of coifvc carried it ohtaiocj lhe ppnntincnt of a corn niilteo on ribreiitm suqrslcd by a htur fmm ihrep hr ilcame complaining or ilw prevj iitccc of rihbniiiam in manchcsier and lircrpoo9 in making thia mimvn mr ocvnnrll cjuikmcd ihe people to bt ire fur the wolf waa on lite walk the repeal rent was hi- mr octiuncll says in a laic letter foe my pnrt i ferl thai my lirsl duly w to eomhino ihe people of ireland in nuf peaceable lepal and const ihitinnil slrulo in rttlurc irclmrj tn hrr diiiiuflic lefiilure without nhicji there w 00 prosiect riefimr us but of inertinjr misery and jccumulalin diseonjeii frotestanrsoflrrlind nonucpculera we hold not to you ilie hand of j- ri 1 t concuialitn and llicre b a heart in thil rmd i nf ww in tiro nortli of lrelind from scund had ukrn plce and spies anj trailora were 0 fuot even in dublin lucy wire iftsaft fanila maui aw iwolfm s dirplctrtict a public ujtcriplion ha been ermmeifed for lhe relief of falhee itthew the uposlle of lem nrrsote wlm by his hherahty in liappirl of the -hi- itai ifalnd hiiuach in creal and ruinonf pecuniary ditbcultiits lord ctuneurry kaaj cun tiibutetl it appears fmm o piraraph if thrcoth fximiocr thai the roc air mat he lata adujlly been arrested for ileht ilia debt arc aid 10 aoviuni to xj000 flic mnaj morr cnl leetrif will sjac sly eaeeed thia sum and icatc iho dii i 1- cir it i in hnd mr ok- nnelmiaadjrraaedalcti r from to rjv nano abbey o the acim secretary of ihe ftepr ariitn callio alltntouin tam st mer lant titirlc which appcircd in a joirnal nure de devoted rn w r- 1 nd atdl proleshnl avaq iwitvroflbr lfihof oclnhcr inorcol ejircls from the hvraw lhe writer dcelaca tftal fk1t prclca were never iviv f dwvha n il tic djneerolii mifcvy if inland tending lo revrloiiim mul aays lint if lush patties are to unite il uhl io he in a spifil of cu dit 10 icicc aulnniltiiif totfionoiirs ouer oncijc foot iliia orjnfic writer may it qurfed as a iearetirei there ar ioflatsi to o otne ah o d whi h canuobcrciinprnrd dec in the ht r of f e my the loaw oa iht side jf tho peap tf cahool was eatiinated at 3000 while ml of enrmy waj itatcd to be 5000 tspnjes pri aoners the attirsofgwa1iorherintoasaoio adit itlbed aspect an extcnsitt conspiracy basd hecn formed for a rcvoiution and another al- tsrrpl had been made 00 ihr life of bam hao y- -i-i- 1 but ortire onuccrsfol the affjiri of aht preint likewise aiormy appear- anee soea poworfnl ehirfs1id fonited s alliance uithlhc k4nof bokhara with the in tent of osenhowiiif dost mahomed and a portion of this larft army bad fallen under banieean defeating a fori of the froslj who honly afier regained the day vr mahomed was now said to have defeat ed ih persian army hioitghl axaioat bim and prvailr on ik dost lo accede 10 a second al liance between their families a trrahr affair happened it ttfeareil the dlmiici of ihe kbnapw rajah teseial chiefs beloogin in whom hating taken resioi of souie itrons hill ions a rotco haj lalely hetn aont aaamst ihrm onijcr colonsl war1ace who it is feared hacs rit wilh a rerano bul hofhinf has art yet irawpjtedffl lime mr despatch by laa prrsenl mail trie boanhay cornier ficea ihe followmg talher tattling paragraph the samifang ha keen lired opow hy a french manofwar we hate not been able in ascertain lhe pa 1 titulars bul wo sooch for the umh of ihe report which ha reachrd oa cpl or ro woold do welt vet ho 10 pnmvsb the facis of os cat indeed the fiench aro sreiy whore ofteint indignity and insult lolho llrittih flat theofh we deprecate cannot pul up any longer with aoeb c h ina dfatimftaxcca lar caktof fhhor diav hrhaneei hail jkn place at canton between the b itish aod amsrican reiidrou nn the one alii- and ihe chinese moo on ihe other we copy ihe following itimmaiy of the proceed- tbi eovrth jri vear repaired the wahi ff ihr compaysfjatdeo whieh bud hero broken awn at ihe lire of dcnaher 182 they in ih habi ind ot lie r tof eoontry lie the volcanic errmenis f em iho ink there are phyiel r 1 owtnuiohrit ihe ibrec armhr walrtio whre misery revroadw ho mmilr nidcriei qani blets f invco fnr mrh foel ami virnr enylwhmea ivo iheir awine crrninreo who lasto none lo heft iheos a ftjuj jih- rt living uine drsptir will yet lust mio dt 1 in urn pcwtj nion it when lhe 1onarrimurtring mbery of eiiry combines wilh ismhitm and its enilt and its fvieiy ilia tremendnua tmtrhiniliwi i- enpo wiih mh a cjnlsiation rrfnluiiiiin km re aid nil inlhirnera h vm al j wortl litellwr 1 rrfeci sisch a uii n lero mr 0o n 1 w 11 jpn a a firvr j ippn1ition 1 of llris piper and ells ufm oil irrshuicn ti 1111 llfr rei i f n if ihe new ihcvr it lh of the mersey we ofv r iwr m irrelaitf liter p hoikheil down wilh n rd hi hnrts wtn thoprrprlrh lite ir d wnen lhe itrsl ml sowrrer 01 whom n mjtimfve carted ilaiis- fw f ki fravgsi the relurn of qim jls iwfffa m ilia own duminiuns aa iot yel lessened ilie dwtl afasjaia lhe french jimrnsl nn ibopuhry ol his veil hit iheir af4il iions olhr hlllte nvrliy aiu jw be ciaiiiirf h diooj fmm tltekr frionenl o petite n the inirruc of llio dic datiiflile l ihe pririetssrolineof sahrnn will like p1er nm imdutrw and will lie itudc ilw oceaaiun for j fnscrl iiinesiy for p jiiicul oiknrhe in fiunee ami naples arcoidiu r lh pai pcia ijie jnrernmenl i lit ins meiuir in almhsji slavery in iho ej t jav in ifee j i 1 1 r fi 1 i the i j of jlourtw ihinvacind east f ljurer are to be inlodhje d vmnt atrtnn hire irim lie sooih o france in mirseiui ihe ino idoionahasr bern 4jrel thiil the ne ilsivc iho carvi is wiwrl in the ifcfib a irrnflc suinn riitrd 1 1 i fi ihciih of octohcr al a riitm ml olhcr iwfts lv hhor lhe l and lhe sa nc lutcoverfiowed and commilltj much ojmy a iiite scrm end whirlwind ravaged pelt rwat moihprlrrr onllie22do list mnoth many imihfin were dcsirowd nnd two hundred me 1 irrs ififiod and a nuiubt of p ranns were killed and wounded by i is falling hmaaa coimc liliac eaeilemeni iva been caiwrd at i by lhe aro al n4 irial of iri ec dc nhcc tor nrdiii n he liavinr eiiiit bsla nf hi nri cinn ir the ihjc dr llvdaux lo be distitrjlrd and wilii he was noipiiltrd hmvncr on tin plea thai the fvusia wrra slj wilety fu lic ptirjoe of mcniaiwihr fun is f4 ha r f uii- chtriuble inslitulixn nd nf oudty cjicctcd aahe vefl thcduit tlrrcrc was bailie fboht on lhe isihofoetn- bcr between lite french unop under rchrtan inmin and a lwj of 7sm k diyle tin frinch iwi ia ihitri al otemt lil billed nod wounded ond thnl of the arib 1 iajj th frchrfc sfrre rimmis1 lnlnat mid n miles wilh vol one hilling hjraiwi by uieir enctuie spa t the slate of artiaii pawl is every dy he- oominv more trilicul tlac eiinmuri uk away lhe 1 1st vraiifce eat iersnnilhbeii finni llio spaniards jtid aiiitiiaicjc ua rc rfief of the erown or miniry foe the wu of the r thctiuevn mniher in hreo inade on hnncw woman aafar allsr lawnf rwwtiaffe cjn render halor mord a eonnei o wiit wt prjmojr kumnrs in v nl lhal h nsire iho lwpeo rjoetion inihisiurdy biudmf ofihe hymenejl miw cerum stipulalioni 10 firotof lhe ynuo qstsm nir riajt hve aa ov ujti cjios wvte made aod armed to these rqmors are huwtvcc denied aim sniutt mm tic uimrw htd been 1 1- jiq- i ptd on lhe i ii or oi1v ln- plsfl jind arinly itj ever wefc una dmerona malinfe liid no ben arr i fl livrpmd iiowaa k nf lhe pnrkrt o ewse n f rlit li ii mamsiwtimr rjajbrd entfireiiirln iimc- ul nliy ihi tlscmh utl n lare- m oldham htii restrwity eftwlhl nn- r itjidelitte sms iihlrnu bonrd m ua imnsiwenitoneof nanti jwrn wire only iliiilc twsi 1 nsms t in l 1 dl at the i of whom m nddtlssta loth- twenlyono tshn have llmalnsl i he if hveaiivc w smoiror leva hurl and one hi m cxpreicsj m sutriro tta l c enned wilh httln or iwi irtf lit disasfr i i 1 occaitonera by ihe brraliina of one of f in ho uppemom flaw a muii cmptiyed rn ihe xth atney iroservetl an mjislvif wy and immodi- alrtv hrned ihe ri i ran in a oijr dow oueniiif inti- an aduina aml d hardy aol wnhin the iliirwy wlton ho hoor nn which he arcyl with iiths remain nrly pteju hederehiart wiw bt- nf mr ivtnnoell snnouncd the rent foe ih week lybe xltimis jtc nwciinr llon adjoumtd mr cmswb durty rdtl ir li h nt i addrokd a bureto mr u dwmliu 11 odivptriei nf folerjhsm feuvshsmia eeruinfy leva hi ted t lesa mown opftri by iffnitiocr nnd irrtidlee than fteocal hl tin iswalalrarrnmled bills lice use they were rtxirtli tuhrj hy q ntiel and adopteil hy him fvdiralim mid parttwml lhe vamep oiera nl home the prevailing idt g of i is kitulrind aslhilof tope 1 1 is inbnd anit lmre ia on iloohl which cioe o upon mature tjtliuetalion mah clrtwse th l nre a jttifmilith praly between krpeulri nod ami rcpealon and mr uarty would wc llt bnde whrro it stand cr nraitv hoprathul mr wajbswtl da ool mean to pittite the adoption nf fidemliam by ihe reteji1 aoeiolfon aihl he suels thut in di should he brnich of fanh toward ihoro 1 who haso sioai hv ii it 1 n mm repodcn an irmh piirr hss aihlrrvsed icticr lo the weekly ltjjrler on iho a 1 1 apirit of the ntim newrpiperf and ihe letter nttannlrd hy the fiwsl in conaeturooe snya iho editor 4 il hstioir rrcfiiirod of as oa a public doly to ihia ictlor mr duffy replica i letkr tu tho register vindiculing bla oribvdoay aa a rormm unhaalmh al tho merlins of lis association on ihe flplh nil ih hon f h 1 mjti tuted tlisihls mod i adrlarr had nrdawd him lo winter in frsnorj od io pariini speoch l- ei- torud uea u in a ian c ic e e c e a creespnndrnl of loid m ppcr writing foam athcn on the iftih oct jive lhe ollaing 1mb what cairunrdiniry ond aurilin ammoiiocenwul it i ecoerstly noled here thjl the ihrcc pm ictlirtjj powers v rs p tj wilh llicefftrs of greece intend to retire from any farther intrrfercsco in ihcdelinyof this country tttcoll ihcieainh aadors and loahdictlc tn farorol anuria some any anattiaund pfrrssu combined which ia lo be l ik future itardijri of greece and will march inlolhccnutiiry a corps of lfllo locnasun army of oceojwilion lilt ihioif cl n linle settled wrllincutmcd prvm pretend lhat aldioogh a mjritin annminccmeul and perhat somewhat etaiccimlcd yel ihere n some truth ut lhe bottom nf rhi il ia quite clear to ull impsriiiil nhrcreci that ihinf a c4miot long ronn s ihey arc al seftt the different conflieiint miercsta of lhe throe ruwerr amj their inlrines in greece otdy tenil to rinwraa the cmtry and make it in poasihle tocany nn lhe government tho erei uiirakc in the ipp ntm it of iho reciaey wjs ii heinp imposed of ilirtc member whieh led 10 discord inirijiura and inlrrnl dlascnsinna which created wounda tlui ibc hand uf lumc hss noi yet imled- iam indies the calculi ore 1 1 sod mail iritel 1011011 ut- 3mf uctotf wiih ail impcr irom indi tn lon ices and 10 the 17th of september mil fiom china lo the 29th of july kvcry linns aetaia lo well fm lhe ad rninislraticsi of ir henry hrdmre he lias made no pomiaes hut is qaiclly loukias n cui and had noi taken any detiure slrpa which mifhl ilcmve hisfutme policv in lh pun- uiib there ate aitns of discoid and in scimie ihere hste hcn some wailike operaiow captain maekenae haa had another hiosh rfth the keloochees aod regained the lamels he hd lost on a former occasion leitcie from lahore of th oath of annst dale lhal goo- jah knsh still enoiinoeil to hold oviainal lhe oliciiatiois of hia nephew for a reconciliation and il was aironplv irported tual b bad been joined hv meran lab n- adncra irom cahool mentioo lhat an en- uahemeol had taken pucr0ftlha 20 of au- ost ackliaiktisnand auhdool som- mnnd in which fiut of boavery had hem displayed on bolh aide th ievi waa frequrnily doubtful during iboconieal bol at imttho fertnar oofft off ptfgift gbfifft have put on a ale and are walking playing al qiioils amosing thrmtelses there on the ereoinr of the i5lh of annrt a pwly of chinese tried to force ihenaswlvtwrpl the kardrfh lltey were opoosed rd the yal shut arain irm by ths flrkreatr ami iwo oeiiilemen who earns lo his imjurci upon this ihry ihrrsv uiekhats aod hiokr down- tho jjale fniein ih fntlrmrn to lake refngs a bnai which wm forltinairly lin in fronlof ih tvicn iilhia ihey made their esropo lo the con a siilate whrtc 1000110 were iosiiloted ind asmrof lhr chinas were krvownh wad exurricd thai measures would hrc beeo lakeo to have ihrm mrished on the fnllowioe day a party of cuasfm rife armed with hri khast n ttempteel to lake possession of 1 he other idcu peine oppnsnp they commenced an iodiseriiint allark upon all ihe forifoe rs whff rain wiihia their reaeh a party of american mafratjlfl arme i ihemsalvra ami drove ihem frobb iho froeil n the factories still coiitiauinc howeerr 1 ihrow hrirk- ha1 ihev were fired upon one amwi hw and another wodnded iaa tho arm whioh mm the httift for thai day the district wils- iiaic hal hen applied in for a force to heefj ihe posee liu pone arrived nmtl wmi time aflei quiet w re s near tiwuivf o flaeeiioc h ash usvs nf f was hsm and placard wal tek iciii ths fire ia normin the foieiyncrv lhat iinla pwao d altars weie pw ooaccfio of lh man who waa sh1 the frtoriet should he i down trrasirre botiks aod pspers of valnechare cmtsraneaily bcetawayi snt measiires adflpewl frr dlencr thr r 1 and aariericaw coooula hare sp- plied 10 the chines authorities for lakctent tf ro protect lh facto a d asessaew ha also mj sen lo lhe amerscasi mwhm war al lhe t jir i renuesl aaaioee tlial day however passed ortqoielly parity il is heliscrd in eonsrqornc of a considerable nntther of aailnrs arriving from whtmpos ard partly from the effe of o very hijra tide which flmded the fronl of the faeloiie oi the momintof lhe ith a icrare rcmv nfsiilnr aidmaitnes from ihe lnftrtf srahea ship st fmri aiiicd and the sartor bow i to ihe mkii vrasen were wiibdrawo r eno 1 desl of polly muchirf vt been dnfv bin naihiftjjirqoirins b interference of too m rincs every one ihsre however i in eseelstroil o ai al leta whrolhey most either maiolam ihemselve hy nrceor ho atiii boinf oul ihey are fortunately said to he well pcepaie for defence an i the respectable pail o itie chinese commwaiiy teem lo hare 00 sympa thy with the tnoh ft is evident however lhal ibv aotharilre at canton are either nnatr or nnvsrjia io adopt measnrfs sfficenl iy cisjauoua io cjaerk ihe rioieu dujiosition of ihr ccmmonaliiy vvc staled recently our coariclion lhar jt woovj hf found flrresaary lo enj1ien lhe amatt fnrw pnfied al the cows u pa residence ono thai vessel al whanpo was loo fjr rdf lo oifvt lection and asjcoriiy aarainst an unexiteclell- lach so far frnm lhi hei r e horrcr tbsw woreiirie h been withdraw- and 00 other sent in her place and in roarqnenc th riiiidi respcnis nna hiiirsh eonool has brej i lo apply to a foreiyw power tor ma- leclion and hile a number of our vrssavhanai crowded in the roae here they owe ibeir saoc- lc to ihr presence of a aiweneii isanl letters of ihe i9lhwhsecenjly reeeirrrf spsak with apprehsrwion of the 20th srbirt hainjlho ht t vn hvisfll- wai tonr-idct- ed a it r likely 10 h taken advwtj aw fry the rshhlv to crrate a riot vr are happy to slate failher iaiellijwrwtof rw3taa traforsass t conhnuad l ii i t and rcltming cooidcoc several of iht homes arc brio jing back their book and r al u ami prom canton we learn thai nplo the 2wi no farther drimrhjincc had taken phscsr ihoufi ronfirnce is hy no means retlorer awd isooi- nefs eontinue lo be rnterrnpicd the chi nese riiatrlf al ihe factories hvc been cn- y incteaser hu their cowardice is loo well known lo allow ihoiw lo be irajaied ihry would either msil their psts mrnflo wiih the crn in ease of an chinese anthotities have paid 509 l wi and family of the perton who mr foihea the ameiican cool applied to to deliver up lh perso shol him and to onlei the sl loyb in rv svhampo oeiihcr of which hf ia jikely irs v ninths attack the vlaehlttjb who w shou tlii application is reported hy ren made hy keying bat a he comply willi some to has been couh more iiaiurally arfirres mr cnsihins it prohably prordod from lhe local oiijiiatfaie her majeiiya ship woweriae has retusbrd to vvhan poa with directions it ia aaid lo pro cesd tocantun and lis off tbe fe1oritrood lhat h considered necessary thb l a it should be and ibooe h aoch a meaaur would piobahly h remomlrmled ainat by lhe chi nese il is proper they should b mad to arj- deisiand that ound will aol ll betawlf to be ooalnicted by lh br letter of the t from defenrlins lh lives anj propertj of kar sobjocla when thr or endaoj leintotira hf an hy ilbr too faithless to protect them indard i comities or niaiot 10 imum- hrjrhersroond d l lha imperil enn miaaloaar tl nn hf which n o oar injlor 1 froji ne lhochliassjau awra in ft whk ftsw

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