British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 3, 1844, p. 1

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tjuuev the british whig s aimku aovnivnrn o cskint wit pukliiti fciiitferki rverv tuesiy kltluay att11k atiikveum f fr strti nt aw ff iifam frar r tmr pti fxfc- itjilrf arvkirnikmivvr tjnw t4 i i i it- i h- nwnfr 44ni nertlit i mr t i i m i ii a i iltf and general advertiser for canada west hi it nft im eih e tu jd rr mac w nr frt t iraaanafav i t cmrl elfttly iyw wrrmr iit i bcvatalasmr vol xirr kingston canada tuesday december 3 1844 no- 9g n- tk milmxmml aiamjsifiaai f whidmlaf jimtmvw orarft0 kftm whk mil l r j aulaw- aisf4ibj at p- l loltrt r 1 1 1 ft t imtn notice b n retiring from dulncs for the pre sonl the underlgord beg lespccl- folly to tender his siuceic thank lit hi humorous friendd and customer for their u patronage ami also to rccom nvmd his successor mr tiimson one well wotlhy nf its continuance james chenut itttrftrprk ntxtjw ftjaffefraatslaiiar b- n isaanb q r pvn- a rw j ffttlm ripe robert mccormick wffolvftlk atil 0lt i wimvsp1r1ts teh giicbuct it trincf ptrisfit j a mcdowaix turrier and hatter brock street kutostm fji node up order on te ortett fun ofcvery ui an ooflil an smh craig4watt accountants ontario stfte ct of nii rfr t afr sunpivni owtty dr ii o w a rdt rntvckss stiuiictt dmrmb air- ofchw ftwiivg tlut rarritttrsb attorney 4t low llftckll stitkt hkfiltojt john a macdonalp alandk camphbll mr kennttll mackenic krriftcrtl uw solicitor in rhantfrj teftt jf w ovxr atow flifyi ihttu ct tw o- mettf occupied 6y wfftfl umi 4 jtalmf antum 183 mt in m rh 8 in r cii a r j 1f p- kingston fhrontc nr htikt cha1m cftvirj affd ckor pitch am vhik naval storks of ftt oviniplinn hilh liptc4 oil r aintimo david martin from srottattd painter glazier paper hajfgrb 3 donraiuove he scrtch clmrcb prin eet street klftjptava n b vvlihow4thin aoj coluring kmgion feb 10 1643 fashionable tafkhhffg establishment 1rocs strut klkcstoti james richardson beg utmn to fprm 1i frwdvtnn i1 pubtir generally thtl lie lia in icon tlie shop f irmcily nccupitf liy mr billon wliarclie ivil cxccuto all uruvr with neatness ami punciohlitj ha fiu now on hand a larjjo assort- roont of broadcloths cassimede5 akli vestings of llie bet qnliltmnd rnoi clcnni patterns which ite will make up to trdt intlieiatem and nmfl apfovd faliiiiii tutj stylra on infderaie tcrmft andai the lionoai prjiblc notice kineton augum 9ili 1844 c3 new books stationery hphe subscribers have lately received a variety of na and interesting books in vanout department of lito tare knnjscnuly bound to whieh iliey respectfully invite attentioii they have also made large aildiiions to their stork of school books and stationery panim larly writing paper account books qutila steel pens ink porlcilloa hex ler cfipa writing desk lead pencil- slates inksiands ore c- c wmdl th uy are enahlird lo sell at giealy m- sliced prices fmm farmer years ramsay akmlur co kingston october lock 1344- new engravings tphe sumcribers have jtht received a largo collection of new and ht-auli- fji engravings and liihoraplis plain ud culnred by ise iki ariists ramsay armour fe co kingntnn october 10th 1s44 provincial justice ft at c- 1 j v of the nar ehlion of thit worv 1 mi he bad 1 n lo f i charixs kinjpton janeti 1844 it r fiber stuart 45 if notice thf siiaacnber ma- timothy mur- phy ia rrliriojc fron hi rtutiiits noil shoasl the corner of kiiignvi brock sireeh begs to l form the public thai ihe hotoei will in future be carret iwi ami rvarwted tiy miijfhn king it thomas cof lyr towboritba s4d amtyirml hs wfl 1itj f m4 fftr wham he smicits a eentimnnce of ihr pvarfl pnronre all persons ifi4bm in ihe late nmausth maol ef jorrir kikc co an requitil to like ime4iau pymenis in the subaciir wtioajonaif aalbouz1 lo receivr tba isme hn will settle sji jail accanu prstenterl i 11 suhsciiber having purchased jmh jamcs cntativrs stock in trjile consisting of an extensive assort tnent of gentlemen a boots shoes if the best material and workmanship ra very auperior lot of lndra rubber over shoes and french calf skins and ojktanned leather is prepared lo iv ti orderawiih which be may lie favored in the same style and finish and f ihe best material which have secured for mf chestnuts establishment the r respectable and extensive patmn- thomas thomson kingston aom 3lat 1344 70 3m t to kmurvnis possessed of a small capital 0 kent a farm of 50 acres undor a stain f hih ctilttvatiin beautifully situated nfl thn balb road ony 3 mitt jrom alagrfon with or tvitlmol the cmp noir hi ihe ground lsses5iou given immediately the crop can be purchased reasonably hen moderate apply lo tbc pro- hnttor john harvey jl- v furcaoititt primeis st- kixftlcm kittmtmi july 24 1s44 0tf near lumbicr por sale by the pubsciiu the government wima yard place nv arm 300000 feet nf lumlier con- mmino rf i inch inch ond a ouarter inch nil a half and 2 inch also a lot of oak plank from one inch in four 1 000 feet of square pine lumber and pine scantling ofdifiwm dt- mmftions the vvltnle of the inmber is of su perior quality and well aeasoned qnd will be sold low for cash or approved ciedic benjamin tett kingston may 7 is14 36 if marink ntorkr for sale ly the outitickluefls rtz j 6patentchaio cames 1 inch 34 and 5s- 60 riaomi each and from 12 inch to 7lnihs anebora fmm 2 to 5 cwfj i c 27 40 100 u hawser 4 inch os ftthoms kegs spikes 5 to g inches barrets pine tar do pitch do bright rosin bales oakum aian patent double screw jaeka craig tc watt kinpitnn 4th march ism notice quebec fire insurance company rith siijttr a- u lllis institution toattnues to rtfett informers asimi loss r ijr by fin- at moovtste t4tes ol rrcmimfn uuice imod lo the raica building conner of ontaih sftit bntk 5heet where 4tilicationia will he icccived oarin iheordi uriry noun or nuin5 thomas greer agent kintiorj mih april 1844 pklvltkuoaudlftc uovsb mrs hilton beffa to intimato to her friends and the public cyener- hly that she can accommodate young men with board and lodging at the tird collage from the jvtte office and nest door to me j slight tailor where she hopes to make all comfort bc and to meet a share of public favor kingatnn nov 28 1s43 3i 94 to let possession given on the first of may the premises in ihe com mercial mart at the foot of princeas street occupied by mr d macdopald one of the test aituations for general business in town charles hales kingston 3d april 1944 veterinary shoeing establishment on flt comer tyfkhtg street and the ptare de t m odjoininr the premises of afaxuvr st range escf milomas paul ftftnaary srpeon from ihe koval vitaaihaav cotlacav l rrsperiiuhy inform the i- 1 ihe utrriua nu the inhihttinli of k i n yn and its vicinity thai he hasonenej a hokii ryi k a nluilrj i ivr fr- m the aiany yeirs etprieaea i ihst ijcprtment onth in eaztand ana n coidi iii wilh hi knowledge of tha anstomv v iijiy mi functions 0l u- htl- n i i fully fonfifii he can give jr n istis j i tr i lo any i rii who may employ hint the irteter proportion of cates of umenas rr proihictrlbv hsd shoeinaod it will heue onstinl care of t p to pretent lameness rom such csutei anl to rtliera laee ihsl are nme p all eptratioa ioemeat la the haw i h r f y pertormeijfand all t f soth hors i cttla alt adt ailher in towa ct country am si reanahts charges kinealoa a i n 27 h 1s44 fottlcb ttiik raduracaibeal fia bbls- pel burley ov wau4nofihshnrahrrrias thblabobstrapkr iscanapa- t1ie montreal gazette kttsslhjikp i79j isnowgreatly cnlarhedaxdcan tains thirty two columns subsiiptienloihe daily pawav py ima hah yearly in aenrt kith joii a tolhtai wscatv eoiton fnrilie ouaty tuata dalllfei pame in adfonce this rt by far ikl larest sari rheapest t weekly paper in th pfovincr anrt mo tains a great amoint of news commercial lriforbiatioiianit inlerfsttnc family krartio- the gazette will urol contain rffuti original heimrts of the h1 and mrii ample lescffpiinpnr all lh paliamnlsry procee4- inga anj daatesof the session lis fhilm ter lor the lulnew and in aiittalil of its icc- pofii jrc wr ii lenmvn ihtou1oot the pioviare in return for a remilunreaf ofs d j ihe triweekly pspet will le trni lor fuua moxths to any 1 es pamishftl st no 174 st pawl stbcct mrnrragal montreal novemher 2 1814 ii matiiisoiv merchant tail or kixc street he stltasprilktr irprrfuly lga nave to inform his friends and costnmprsilial has jost receuod from momral his wimcr supply of broad cl0tih and cas1mees tlf lhr finest and sirinest fahrics and of most superior rjualiiy whihi he iill l on t mist fiheial terms or mak np to onlrr io lle latrr anrl ftem appmrod faslth liable styles on the shortest norite h inter vest1ngs of every de acripion ii mathison kingston nov 1341 so 3m um jm vla andcufffil v iieiiouse unwroxi sy william r j martin infms his friend- itmoed csfctritllt ml the iiihlicihat he has i bin and chncc stock of genuine craerlrt wlirt liqnqft pnills it at the alrvttiand where ly attention o ihe wanla of hi customers and being aide to sell a r article at the lowest prl9f ha- impsto merit a ahai of their jiatiotiaje amonfj his stuck w l foutid the following anises teas cicfars- t t4tpcol iiwauinafiar tamjtay rtturuxi caavaa coffee fri ijrhhnl sugars at knfjf pfoilwrl si cm i puftn jkr oil fltir lawa cirrptiint attrcrr removal nphe sulrscrtlier has romnvcj hu candle manufactory to onrorio street hardys rttildinga noj 4 directly nppnsito greera wharf ha begs leave to retnrn his ihnnka for the patronage he has rereivrdu nee ho ram- wine port 8btiv st4vir i cl castal ac ac braxd7 pa1i gin- loll astai menced business anti uifno his fucuda wlawdani and ihr puhlic renorally thot he will have constantly on hand candle nf the lert rjualily which he will a1 wldeaalfj or retail at ihe lowest price an assortment of groceries al ways di hand j d meadows kingston 6th nov is4 hkmova l mr james bowron waving reioveliotharlt formally occupied by mr fnaxcis am il sign if tle crown water- katsj hega most tesfectfully tofigrn hia 1wst thanks to his numerous friends in town and cuinty forth irarked at tention shewn to his eolahhidiment and having now excellent accommodations can assure all who miiy coiiiiuue to fa vor him ni nothing ahall hn wanting sr his part to merit puhltc favor the bnr will l supplied wilh the choicest wines and liquors rofreshmcnta on the shortest notice waterloo novemher 844 92 3i iri 9pii ii jntfrataasj clvror r hvorirhtfae ato ivametat v0rp d ifami cougn fi ir iod muscatel hioine hit 1 kvsj d fin wiamjr iwaamj fni i curio tjtrfi d citr mm aii ctrd- krl t ao ieo aaaawtiaa v ftlfvftlll aa uitarvwdaia sf ciitf co- td ppnii paasll ttvtav d lwdor jmtta d nmai d pdula ir nsaaasi salt uiaansff ftwk ill nsfimsrdag mi f j isirrn bjwo iwii- w xt -c- t i ravrh p- 6oiie mi5 xornn ivcom to the acting 8ecrbtart of the loyal rtattohalareptl association daahyfta at act ot 28 sir having recovered crist ajatn of minj in whivn the anggiab of on frighlfiil ralamity is mitigaledlry aa eacap from anther nf a like fvarul natrr i can wih solimion m the divine wmi pad gratitude for the divide minic ain turn my anentton tn the affair ofan abtictcj but ronfitbng people under gwrh crrf nmrtnces i csnveauy implore the attention ihe aaanruitaon o a nirt important arorl whtch appeared n a jiturnal nnrc dntcd to oraneum and i highly prolfmani j i mean the warder of the 19th october haft that annle would l calcultrd in 1 11 e federal jlqveme n t j1 jtm v- w i m h do hasfiainiaat u i u j lndifi porii i n d litii as aba j i tobaccos rvnfi natird ftm jitttrjd4 ldin tuf tnvamt fmo cui scartirlbit willi a variety of m undr in the trade tk numerou in nnentimi innkeeper wil find m iheir ad- vantage ro call and cxamttq hefore pur chafing elsewhere private familiea orticra mease and hotel aupplied on th most liberal terms kingston norcmwr 0tlijs14 houses to let to rent in ctdlmrne srreet ano possession given on th lat of de cember next a house and bakekv with all the bakinj materials and having j an excevent tump connected with the bakery the whide in 6rstraic order alio no 2 cottage adjoinine the firni mentioned house connected with the bakery rent moderate apply to ihe pro prietor at his saddlery and harness warehouse princes sireot kingston john harvey kingston 8th nov iu4 s9 if 80 by private sale boxes canada plate 27 kegs fresh dairy butter 3 hhds u- oil saleratus alum copperaa sponge scrubbing and vhit wash brushes hair brooms ace t dec william vareffnf kingston nov sih184t new grocery store fpflb snltsnihcr rcxpet fully inform hia friends and th public that hr has just received from jrru andncw york and nlrs for sale m that store in tht market sqvart two doors from nolle patmer esquire the lowing goons which ate uf at good qusltiy as can be found fur family tie and will he sold on as ressonahle terms as any of fered for sale in the town the stock comprises cognac bran dy holland gin j spirits whisky madeira port sherry anil sweet mtftcal wines fined ioaf ot muscovado sugars ivih and yntp twankay young djajiill soucloog old hyson ponchon imperial and hyann ykin teas lhllfv twie and cavendish toboccn maccaoov snutf principe and common ciitsra raisins currants mnrricubio kio freen and ground colfle ground and whole pep- to ship owners st masters op vedscls the subscriber has on hand rod for aale at hia ship 1 awalrfntry tfrvr- rio street the following very superior aaortment of english canvass 20 pes blvarhed no 1 english per and aluptco fig lilue surch isaleratua windsor ap sperm and i olive oil sperm and tallow candles shoe thread and lacking oatmeal rice and barley white lead in kegs walnuts filberts brazil nuts al monds lemon and lemon svrup lime juice sjonphinn bluer sweeu oil mustard in j r kegs and bnttafta chivca nmmeg curry powder cayenne pcp per pepper aucc tomato and mutt 30 30 14 it it si u u i ii k if u 6u so 05 alao unbleacr 1 to nv 6 with ment of i tw do heaters english do do do 1 canvass from no very superior assort- no bunting of all colors and a variety of blncka patent hushed and bolted and wood pin all of which will be aold luw and on liberal terms m t hunter skip chaxjtur kingstod16rh march 1s43 new books t re sahscriterm have received large ah- ditioai to their stock of sundsrrf eg- 1 taa woe ks maiy of wliich aia greatly re tard i adcet room ketchups capntea capers an chovies picklrs macaroni vcrmacilla raspberry syrup samper ilia and gin ger preaervescnrn bmnini whisps and hand bnishea matm patent poils light hand lamps match safe twine reels bed cords gtaio shuvela anr measures fawcetta tuh and karrvl cover ladles wash board- candle wick table cod fish amd sq barrels no- 1 north shore hervvnes walter mccusipfe kingston november k 1s44 m dentistry c kahn fro pria ra peetfully informs ft ladiea and gentlemen of kingston ad i vicinity that he haa taken the oi lately oc cupied by dr boivker at ww hotel where he will attend to aft profeaaional the ulowinght thckiiernfmrdvrrt editor of the nutivn uvprecawig the federal movement wfiirli we noticed in our h ir of wffi hy the bntunnut and s letter from mr oxonnell ahewtag the present prospects of the kepcalcrd duffys letter to daniel oconncll ratmmines c isth 18u mr dcaii sin as yon state in yourj lve iinpotunt tetter to the sssocialion thai i jou ore at present balancing the respective merits of repeal and federalism i om anxious to throw a few thoughts on the subject loosely befure you if i were still of the association i would do en then as i am not i prefer ihe famtlar medium of a lelier to the less kiodty ami respertftil i one nf a newnsper artice i learned during the three happy months i spent in j richmond how considerate you can he nf adverse npinions hovv eourieously you rest and how ramhdy jou iveigi ihem j a circumstance ivhrrh i would b equally unwilling to forfel ir abuc you arc aware that 1 am not prejudiced ifniinm federalism lat year there was an ufljutt nd unreasontng clamor agninst it arnmg rpealcrs of great enthusiasm and small capacity they called it name made jokes about it and did everything hnttfyto understand it at the risk of abuse and mireprceniatinn i ami those worhng with me in the nation stood in the way of ibis prejudice chiming the fedc- i ralis an allies and ilemandinvwfl words and fair treatment fur them we initerl that men of tmined inlellert and great i pergonal rerpectahthiy who had formed their opinions deliberately were entitled in have ihem treated with respect wo ahedand obtained for them a recognition of that principle without which coopera tion i imposatbfe the right of differing it tf clear the that prejudice i out of the question hut i cunfess i should in sorry to sec ihe repealers gc any further in that direc tion the fcderjtiih ore useful allies hut most unsafe leaders as we are going the nstte nad ii i goil to march cnrlially along with ihem loit thnve who go farthest are clearly entitled to go foreiuia wc ooehl not to change or confound nw places yon gafr i snmr and i llnnk tl is ca- nahle catv tvmoiiii jhh i 1 i i whether federalism te a betler itiing tloin reieal or a worse thing il i at all event a to lallc dirtcrent thing i think it essentially a worse thing in the fiot pltre ihe imperial repre- entation h on which tl i haed is calcu lated to perpetuate our moral and intcllec- inal auhjeclinn to england it will teach ihe nrictocrary sttll lo turn their eyes lo london aa theecfne nf iheir amhiiion it will continue to ij i them in ivnglifih manner feelings and onmuiiices anil to ertalrliidt permanently a centre of action apart from their native country by the same prore it will plant deeper the phy- i sical evil nf ahcntccnm it will compel j our lords and commons lo reside out of the counlry and continue the drain upon our resources on wliich you found an strong an argument for repeal in this repcc i think it a wnre cure for absen teeism than dr mauuveh teetotum par liament in the second place it beenmes necsa ry tn canvass the uc of this imperial re presentation ctii bono f we ore asked in pee tip a part nf the powers and prero gat ices of our domestic legislation insecure an influence in the parliament of the em pire arid we might to he shown very dia tinctly the benefits lltpjt wiil flow front it how will an irish minority then lie able to influence a house where it is powerless now a stmrg and pnhstantial claim for ilometic legislation ari out of the indif- ferenre wilh which our interests are treat ed hy the english majority what guaran tee is there or can t c that it will lie dif ferent hereafter this s a aithjcct which i respectfully think claims jour earnest at tention in ihe thiol place federalism a it is in terpreted by some of ihe soundest men of that party demand local parliaments for three divisions of ihe empire and an im perial nne in common nnw ifihis prin ciple i insisted upon federalism i an inv pncticabilily for it implies a reorganiza tion nf the rritish oonuitiition apart front any other ohjedion toil it raises a new and tremendous difficulty which doc not exist against repeal we want in re store an institution nf which we have been rohhetl the federaliu who insist upon ptishingtheir principle ns fjr as it will go want a reeonstroninn of th empire upon a ftcw basis if i am not deceived in lv lievtng this to he the object nf the party are we not wooing shipwreck if we embark in ihe amc boat with them 1 moreover wmi of lite federalists do not contemplate a house of lords for ire lard they would give us a legislative ccuncd consisting of one chamber here we have a second innovation and of course a second difficulty they ask a thtnjj ftireign in the british constitution and a tiling which for that very reason however good it may be intrinsically would undoubtedly be refused but is it good t it would leave us a demiparlia ment about as useful relatively ro an rn- lire nne aa half a pair of scissors to the whole and it would exile the chief landed proprietora in the country vir thepee nf the federatista who would have no peers tn nqr domeste lrgijalure while they they would havi ibem in the imperinl many respects to give me pain if i were parliament contrive lo make benlecini j oi fur half a ceniury habilund io lwve duty i my artians falsified acul iny r i ami fcderalinm appears in atlract you chiefly i intentions misrepresented dot whatever bemim it seem to provide a bctmc scru- j there le unlme or ottrnsive reipcdirg rity piaa brpcal for ihernnnexionof eng j myself in that article i am finely and land and i am not surprised at this when cordially forgive and turn mv atttnlion i recollect your strong feebng on tits auh cxcgitvely to the important and inspiriting but you or ireland are but one in this transaction england is ihe jert psrty rther and she is keen and sel4h enough to secure her own inter- whatever form the alliance may take you are the ar oitraior not fpr both countries but fiar intand th gentlemen on the other side will take good care of the stability of ihe bargain federalism has undoubtedly the advan tage of repeal i i one n it is less bated tgoocance and prejudice have not blown it antibepcalers arc not trained to re- gard it as a raw headand bloody imnes they look with comparative ealmnesa upon it ond are certainly more likely to become reconciled to it than to repeal but it would not he in a better but in a wore condition fur effecting this purpine if the national party adopted it ton mao the lord used to think it an excellent logical reason for rejecting bills that ibey vrere countenanced by o c iruic and i fear party prejujiee at home wnuld treat feue- ralism in the same way to be raisuo derlood and mi represented is the tax upon greatnesi and since you are a jaff- tainort you cannot complain of being taxed in proportion but if it has ibis advantage it bason the other hand the pervading and inrura- we evil of aiming in tha wrong ditvctiori it prevaihnf idea is england as tlml of repeal is ireland the two principles roiehi be represented by linfs running par allel hut lending to opposite dircrlions which you wdl chose upo mature delibera linn i haveliitle doubt furjrve me if i step aside and question the policy of embracing federalism this ia beside my nrginal imrpmg but aa nn sovereign prince of the world of public opinion was ever more tolerant of counsel i do not fear that you will dismiss my sug gestion without pome con side ration at all events since i have been o pseudo mar tyr i have some kind of claim to be a real confessor i am fully ronvlnced then that if fede ralism were dedrahjc il would ire retarded not advanced by the national party falling tacit upon it wilh all resitect for the federal i1 it must be aid thai they sre haunted by ft petty and rrdiruhms fear f4 nriiatmn rvrhakt they have nut vigor for ir perhap iheir habits disincline them to publicity but at all events they have alway kept a day march behind the pen pie if you had commenced by aslcinf i federalism three years nn ihe majfirity of thee men wouhl le ttcentattne at this i hour upon w justice in iretand and the iaruld c cj li 11 t 1 restoration of the wlii- this may not be true of individuals but it is true of the par ty and 1 prophecy that if you ever by any chance fall 1ark upon iheir ground you will find it deserted federalirun is ihe shadow of repeal tt recedes and ad vances with il and yon cannot get nearer to it nor farther fiom i again they arc a j utc mi titu prty between repealers ami ant repealer the preric convenience which the ministry ond the pcnnv mar require to open a w eotiation sir rolren peel could offer to mr catilreld or mr porter what he dare ant offer to daniel 0connell for the english ariitncracr will never forgive you your triumpha tvouu il not he wdl to leave the bridge where it mands t i learn fmm the whig journal and from the report in all mens mouths that the a fcderalinis are about to make a decided movement embracing men that we had no hope of twelve month ago this ia well it strenphen you tenfold in nvenhrow- i ing the precnl system httl il leave the potiev of a junction with thmwltere it got it thai must stand or fjll upon other grounds i do not gather from your letter that if i von settled down into a preference for federalism you contemplate proposing ihe adoption of that principle by the asto- ciation either ihe adoption or rejection i of it would he an evil the rejection of it j ns a hreach nf discipline towards you the p adoption of it upon many serious grounds 1 the overwhelming majority of the memlicr rlerevmen ami laymen joined tenor of much of the content of thai papav- how full of hope and of gnctoua feel ing ii the following passage wotrid that the wonls were iniprcteil in letters redo icot of the perfume of christian charity on every irish heart and every irish aoul the words are llieae i quote the warder irish parties were never so fusible ass now there is a promise of good in this but there ia aa danpr it i well that in ternecne bigotry should aleert the sleep of death it is well that long wnrhipped and monstmas prejudice the hideous idols of civil feud should crumueand vaniab it is well that men ahoutd prefer lo enlaiaas upon the interwts and hopea rvlbaur eaaai- mon cognlry to dwelling aasrtentiogay ttpnn their own preaeat tbsliaefwns and ancient civil quarrrfs true true beaotifully true oh mar gid bless the man who wnrte these wvrus ihey have th sroack oftjietrsje chn- tiih feeling and of genaine pmiaaaaaai may the maa who wrosa ibat paragraf live to have hia honest heart gratified try the prosperity am rational freed urn of hia native land there is anotrwrrrirgraph of still deep- cr importance one that should be inrtly weighed by our governing pai if we had one being derarrvlnc of the of a atatcaman amongst the mitatry sbas fatage from the pen of an eltra prrats- tant writer would sink deeplf in soul there are influences of change abroad wbirh cannot he re imprisoned deep ia the iteart nf the cotsrory lie iha veatmry element of eartliquaii there are physical masaes outnumbering the three arime of waterloo whose misery trfnakbet hav maoity and crieato cod vrhn would ueea lreven fur such food and lodfina en glishmen give iheir swine crentirsea faaat have none to help them who are starving whose despair will yet bwat ml tui rium here indeed is irkos pctemaio m hard and grgantin reality an injredieh wilcs whileit cici u wl mak i inah aglutio deiithlcs depend upon it when tfiol aceuinurating miatryorscsajdtry oj h mhfm m fovjlntf w mf energy ii i a remeifrm rviafimshmf fv cope with such a combination revolu tionized france and all influences aeern to wo- ilir to eftcelauclia union here come wl en it may it ht nnt befrre which no lttlediearted hesitating govern ment can stanl we raanol if we araadd shut our eyes againat the ifrc of the tlmea hie strang diap pea ranee of all partj harriera and hostilities the maalfeat ahift ing of general opinion he obviooa prfaa- ii ir al corajbiaav as retealer it would he all out imposst ge very bigoitert and irearriewgl excuse a won peerage may be hut whilejte i j we to collect their suffrages on the propos ed rhanfe and nn chance meeting at the conciliation hall would he entitled to al ter the fundamental prinriple upon which the body was organized and supported 2 the committee of the asociation is i tavc it nn more emitlcd to alrrnote its constitution than the irish pniramenl was to abolish its functinns lhe great con stituency outside is in both caes tile body in whom alone ihe power reside 3 any such general change would weaken the moral weight of ihe associa tion lu an individual a deliberate pre ference of a new opinion to an old one may arguo coinage candor and magnani mity in a nation it ia greatly a sign of weakness and in our cac mnrundcd hy enrmicj at home and abroad il ia sure to receive the worst interpretation finally need i say that i rejaa fcderalirts aa i always hava ramctaod thai i ouajaav irs no more m m r0 p cr for occupying ynu sn lona nit the lmprtaneo of the auhjert would excuse a worse- oflance rations foe new and vast t ii the unseule and eacifted atats of the public mind tlvroughout the edoaatej midgv clases felt in every domestic cir cle and private coterie and exhibited m t countless progeny of pamphlets tracts newspaper articles in england as well aa hnrc and all thee agencies backed aup- ported and driven onward by the invrsis- tiblc momentum of millions who canaaat rett aa they are- in anch a stale nf thing it is fjtuity to exclude from pdiiical calcai- lattnn the pmsabilily of great ocganio changea more or less remhlinglhose do- rounded by tht repealers- there is one other paaaoge wbicai 1 av sire al4tnliave appear no e itritiotee it ia a passage of much greater imprjrtaajce ihan either of the othem j earnestly i cordially i fervently apee io cvaaj aaccd yllabv andlettacof it i adorat u oa- tirtly as thj sole basis upon which i pao- pose conciliation to all herortia 11 iflriah patties are totmite it out to be in a sptnt of equality neither asbmit- ting iiselftoihe others power friendly brotherly hut independent sj that if al any future lime it roav siern good to those who shall lead lha protestant people of ireland to cooperate with the great party who seek a new constitution for thia tte- doro the movement may be made xwm the grandeurarid hnrnony of justice whveai ca alone make its result permanent happy ant secure the struggle fur a constitu tion must not be followed by the strife of faction if parties arc in eooperata it mut he upm a cleor and fsithrul nnder- m n a treaty whoie terms mast be no lca equal than imelligihle should autss a treaty ever ire concluded aad ahoufd there he the wisilom and the virtue to ob serve its condiliona in a spirit of manly honor our country will with the triemah enjoy also the repose of victory i admit at one and the repeaj aavo cjation will admit with me that the great principle on which a national confedera tion of all the people of ireland ought to be liased are accurately enunciated ia dat warder we call upon our protectant bremie to assist nsin carrying out these thfbr own principle we are ready to concur in all tlie details thatarecoanatent with tooaa principles b thai ifa copera6ot otltht to a t ofaquatity amayvxsa luzetfa perauaaions and partie nerther ubmiitjng itself tn the othera friendly brotherly but independent insist thalih movement shoold be made with the grandeur and harmony of justice and that justice alone can maka iauvsulta permanent happy or secure we do am dttirothe restoralinn of tho mnsnuttjon of iroland upon any hnaibut that of perfect ts h f i- ii t

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