the british whig tt4l anveattaxn roa canioi hst pnhuihet toniwitklf every tuesday friday v 1dwam jo um bjlbxiia w d at tir athrneum vn drt strttt arjf 4vr t thr ltmtn ifottt te it i o pntw rflaa ui hb advk4riatimkrs4t i i i i 7 umtm h l4t m ll flr- ibqai lvwon i tttc ir trtift i ii 4ul ih fwf na wiatla a liin wiifc rhi jii t till- in riit lalii vi -ninr- are tt k1 nnlrrar roo mo ffhth rl w- prr one fif i r aab nw nt ml vlar ur a f it flim 4cjmlv- lrffllwlimilfif al- and general advertiser for canada west vol xiii kingston canada friday december 6 i si 4- no 97 rl tx 4l1illrlxuptraanlfi ill jrpnrhtl rtutihi wivi jfriitiou cl w si dirt hntmp mr j lf i w ir 1i1 hpwtf ty t au4ooien rtm itjw inhiw prmju fkmo rtttr tolut smilivi pristcr 0 m- prt mvsrtmliw it ro r fir- robert mccormick ii o i i i i l v mo fttftu oklka i h ffhevspirits te1s csoterics if pr1kcga street kingston j a- mcdowall furrier akd iijjtter bftock street xsgsto purs made up to order on tn shortest noi fa9 itescritfliflfli bouthl an sdn craigiwa tt accountants ontario t88bt 9jafl mil jfjcf i mfc smahafs 0 rt uk- howard huwcta ivftftrt- m sjumi mt otesif hrdt thus kingston htr matsmr t ld a c i ill till btrrista tc attorney at aor 1ihciu ftrcrr kutihok john a mac dun alu alkxandeu cam pbkm notice n retiring from ttiincs for tlie pre mdti ih nuffn mirj bug rejicct flly to tentler mia lincerc lliank to fab i ni un i loci ili and cmnair fur their libeial rntrinnrjr riii aho to rccom ui hia aticcfior mr thomson n on vrcll wniiby of contmuanc james chenut till- suwcrilier having purchased ma jamat ciikinwt8 sumk in ii consuun f an extusiv aaoit meot of gentlomtira boots shoes of the beat material and workmanalnp i m a vry auporinrloi of india itobbr si ms prtsncft ctlfskiutod oaktanned leather i prepaird tn execute lh ordcra with which he mny he favored in the tame atyle and finiah ond f iheheal roatrrial which have accural sir mr- chealnuta eaahliahmeni the hi- nt respectable and execnaive patrn thomas thomson kington august 3lal 1s44 70 3m to kmickanis possessed of a small capital vo kent a farm of 50 acrcj d iniiir a afaic of hih ctitlivann itvuttfllully aiioitcd o hi bath riad only a ni jrom kingston wirt oi uithoui the cnp now hi the ground pue8iofi given immedljicly the itrttpcao be purchased reainahfy kent modeiate apply to the pr- ptictnr john harvey ittttitrtj wcrckott printru st kingston klngmtvn jyljr24 ish d if the largbstkai the kk in canada montreal gazette mui 1785 isnowcreatly knlarkedandcon tains thirtvtwo column sn niii i- l oailv l yrarly in adranct- five dollars to tnf tai wccicly ki fanhr conhy tjiacc ooliam pa aur it ailvancr- tiiis i yf weekly f 1 mr kcnnrtj mackenzie barrister at iff soliritor in chaurrry if ar iihciktiir k1ygv0 daan mnv daley holi c i o h rj rj m 6y messrs hums tir ajbvct anurt 1813 pn lumbi sale by iii or he iivi- mm ri woilf r otweiher ship cii irhtbit r hjj ie r kingston strtrl ikfoatka or rarcr civain rtaik ajre aa ckoai r naval stores i of avery dricvipiian an t kineaton march 3 bohtd uantej oil linl 1813 p 4 imim da vii m altti n fromxrorlaiiih painter glazi br papkit iiaxgrr idooraahnvethe scorch rinnch prin caasrrce kinqhht n ft whitewashing tua co1ritig ktnhtnti feh 10 ihll fashionable tailoring pstjulrshmkyt brock tltet xinjits james rlttllalidsn beli leave t infirm his fiiridaiid the public nevamy that lie has ta ken the shop f irtficrly nccunied hv mi iftlfnn where he wil exernre all iirderrt puicluiltl v jiad a ar o asaou- near yard mace d afdm 300000 fret of lumher cnn iminof ioeh inrh and a quarter inch jihi a hif and 2 inch also a hit of oak plank frn one inch to fur lrtoofeetof sqaro pine lumhcr and pine scantling ofdiflwent dt- mtnaiona tho whole of the lumber ia of su perior rjottity ami well aeaoncd and will lie a dd low for caah or approved ctfdit jiknjamin tett kingaton may 7 184- 36lf cass1mere and with neainem ami he haa now on mem of 0roadcloths vestings of the liet qualities and moat natierna which he will rnk in the uttt and m ap ahle siylea on moderate term theahoneat poaaihle nonce kington august ph 1 s 14 c rutn up lo llt sluii and a harine storks for sale hy the subscribers viz ii patent chn calilua 1 inch 34 and 5-8- 60 blhom each and from 19 inch to 7lfiiha andtort funii slocwt hawaer i inch 65 fthoma kejjs spike 5 m 6 inches 7 harreu pine tar 40 jo pit 100 di origin rsin j j isole oakum aiso 2 paieni douhle screw jaeka crak3 watt kingaion 4th march 1814 notice quebec fire insurance company mfe snttacnutr ajcritt for this insttuiiofi rvtuiiiuva 0 effovl lnurancr aihat liw tn jmr by fire at mnjrrate rlea of jiiinim rirbcf rmetf loth- rare btnumto crtini m untarie ami hreck nria whvt 4lo jttithia will uc teccire ilinin thvoori wary itocii ot bumnea thomas ili i aml kinralan 30t april i44 ih tartest ami chcajrai to pper in ili provincp and cn- laina a jreal nioanl nf nwa cemmmriji informalicnand hitftalut family krailinifi the cottiu willi mlalp contain reu original khs ej the tat an1 ni ampk fefcnpunrs of all hi p4linnnurv irocrtit- ins anj dbatnm ibt srmn parharac- ri tor the intact imiaiti1iiy of ila h poria are whi kowa ihreuhout 1te pioviarr in relnrn fa a ifeuiiancrof one dtin the tfiwermj p4vr will o aeui for fvua montirt to any atlthet pawacd at no i7 st pawl sntnr houtbval- memrealp jvaeeaimis is14 oeminktea aftfhcuffki warehouse cwaw a ffuu anw ilroa sftj dtt e la camid 6m rr ojr t jhwtll stuart william kstttwtttfl mai1tin xt info hi fneid and llw i uhlirvha be haa opened i bug tad choice stoet toopim urocrrlrt ujfjfs uuom frails 4c at the above latl wk by attention o ihe wanta nf lita niairtfivfti and being abb m sell a tionl irllew b lowet price ho lni to jmi ii ahaio of their pationage atnona hit sfork wll found the lill uhl arrivlea i cigars kir m pnt jhrvi berliaa tjottf unit iorrrjii ntw new south wales on he 2slh nf may hia exrrhvncy the goveiuoriroencd the legihnie coun cil in per with the following pfech gentlemen of ihe legujacve cwn calg i hiw talied you together 0t thia ei- m of the year when i believe jvu ri with iho le inronvemence u yuttwtt jevgtr jonr lime to the teivue of the piriiltr- 1 congratulate ymi on the com eemciit ot ytw seeoiul ieion and 1 rnttfiilently llv that out lahmira id the rnnvtofil wl advime the best ilittlcata f the c4a1naf duong voiir forem an it may be ialcctl for instance if ihe riarnnge tatoojte frm the 3tb qcfuber lt if we are ajtawand in the aihr niativr what heroine oftiie three rhifjrcn nuw w the neighbor oflvona and in hutataie hat ihe queen mother hecn hvui tor thn lnt aoven vearat if the marrow ia lo las referred lark to that penoj rtlicn hg nwriexfon wjih smuonj aading one of the aaebi nwhlm fretn naau with full cfo of tdilcon winch cauaed a good dad rf jo 0aong ihetb a a there ana not mere bfjaj thnia hundred on the ialaml a little goea a greai my wih them i aaw naaaau pefhfn ot the li inai a hut there waa nothing new in tliein cnru vvaaaclling thereat f3 per hag vmira trulr af iiolme3 8ng rocket p s aa 1 left j imaiea on the 27th of oct aend you die lateat papera i coold then obtain yun stc a f h kowmbcfss imi there wat 9 aevere ahock of an earth- quake fdi at falmouth oo the 34th eit wlndi buted about forty aeconda frm ikf kitfiit tja jt oh 19 i he firjt week of the colooial partia- mentary seasioo haa cxuired like the firt week of every seisin it ia not char- aeterized by the introduitoo uf a- impor minn nf iiomigratjoaj dim il incidcnttly teas il mati1ison mexchjijift tjllu k1n strret thr suharriher iepeeifn leave to infiiim hia frie cuatofneraihat he or fttpcutt t htmpri wovfg v hlhtul imiln mm cilfllkl hjam sjinidd it he f i our piputitiou hnnvtt umau coffee raaimnat foh ueanaitf sugars dmillu utrlnrd latr smrk rruiha tnctiti pufte iw y bega ods and lt j im received from montreal hi winter supply of batoap cletksand casslmeres of ihfineat and vronoat fnluicf and of rnoai tftwajftftr quiihry which he will iell on the rot liherul terrrw or mako un tn order it iho laiear and not i apprived faahic nable styles pq the iuortfl ootice inter vestinus ufcturyde- acrirtion s ii m athlon 9m kingaton kov s si so 3m cr l ii iii ultandlt hlomi nei naa remmrri hia e manufackmty iw llaifl we 4w iea iiltr jta i- vi ir faltfl n mral ln lleiribjft fami afeii ml stukjtci nnvi mairi laid oil t liifia wines c removal clara st m adhliin imo iwen made hy the arrival uf newrlv iwo thountl im tihgrnnj- uho they have in enrnd been eurvfulh jelvi ted in lb united knihtn have f r the inotd part madu ready cnggvincniri ihiwsh there sre i tt- jrei ulmjr dud chciai oi sydney ioil iiumbcra of nitfchftitca and latiunrn out of employment who have been hmger in the ciihuiy rlnilj be happy to concur with you in any nrtawf wliich you may think expedim for the relief of mhl utter rjaw ifjeimnf aniong the meure rthich j it will he my duty to intimnie to your pre em ewun the mnl imorl3nt wif be one to make furl her provuums ivpeting the cuualiiuiiou and to dofinu and vmenu the power of diatftel cuiuuil i rwwallf icvommenrl ihi nnp4rtam matter t ynnr attentive contdcratmn the impeiial iw- lioiiem having pacd an act whirl pro vide for the pilmirtin in certain cae ofunwurn evidence in cuuita uf justice i aliall lay b6w pm tli prvjmi of a law iii j i i li it ia piupowu iv admit the evidence of the abonginei in the cuurla of lliia rohmy i am huppy to inform vou thai nolwirhatnding the pecuniary ditros which pjwed to have vonieneil how ran tant incaaure the mtmatry reconile dial circumftancc already the au rhhfctl iyljvv recently pani from india baa teo bisjttntt mow iaa been deemed neceaaarv to uke wmw mege ni hji the day bat the young ae ufm 0 h hnu upon the propriety quci i aiue oj at though t k tt lfl m00 cmv flft h6 mi her marnage lo be regent 1 1 l the coming year we might rea wa distinct points in thia iumj fur onl ahe has been un the fiat aeven mm tfie iuceairy onepcnoi thai the ihiny imltiona of fmnca 1 1 200 000 rterjinjt whirll have been patjio her lately ehouhl be repaid suetjuenily it waa undralnnd lhat queen chrutma uoutd haj4 her down of ww iiww real 30000 a year and jr title of queen dowager but she ii to jitivo an equivalent penaino on the civil im and hoi title of qoeeft and other privi- iceea irebired hy rrfcla decree another decrthto convey queen iabellaa jer- that there are mailer which ihehoue will have to cooai- dec ifxej whether jamaica aha lika demaram consent tn bnrrow hilfa unlltoii of mimey for the purpose of transporting laborers ffw the eaat to the weat in die and 2d whether the undertattin of the weal india mcrchaou to bing in five ffcfiiuand tf those iaboorera immediate v ahall be enfirined whedvr it ia prudent in making the etcperlrrrent with the coolie for weconaider thai the west the mnul to no lie ontario street llardyn rvlhfiim 4 directly oppnait fjleera wfcftri heirs loave to rernrn hia ihnka fr rho patrtoiacc he ha reeivedu itcai htsenrro menced buaineaa and inform hiafrienj ond thr public generally that he witl have constantly on hand iandfte of tin lt tinttktyi xvih fa u vi wholesale or iuiai at lln price an anment laf grocekieal waya on hand d meadows i keofatm mi nov im ti gin houaihla h i- 1 1 jabmkaavnlh kitm rhauaf i rrm ij nrsiionibrlhemamap after ilia all done from vaiioei porta of spain there are account rf disturbance the corrcapnn- dence of general a metier seized at per- pgnan ionia ituiafa ionia party cordon tier frtuc heneral ayincrich formerly go vernor of madrid ha rnyttirriowly depart ed fiorr viltadolid nnj government had ent two rcnnenn into old cantite to nr- prc the rins agitation vigo and tuv aainat the proves an intended revolt in cata lo overlhrnw the queen and rec- epurlero port or and iu cala aoveral persona if the progreantta liavo leen arrtatetl while a military lii- been eatablialicd ahmg the frun u prevent inffml f refueea from mult al aloa tobaccos k bmoval mr james bow ron h aviso rbuovedtmilniilloum furnieily occupied by w pjtawcttf ramtmjkoi siyn tf tlw cfnavn water- 0f hoga moat tvrettfully to eturn hia lajsal thanks to hia imttcrnii frlilllb la town flfcd country pfb rrmked at- rention ahown to utt estahlifthmen and intviue now exvrtlent ru kht ka hawia ltivt fin 0 bvapar pi fiu iflrwra licit haa n lone pitfvailed in the coony there is nolhihg in the tlato of the puhlic i in galfcia have 5iiancea ivlih h ahuuld in my inntiiiicre coiistiiuiiori bill ate alarm the decrease in the revenue i ftmstl aascrts waaj veiy i arte in the aecond half of the pmd mr but the ordinary expenditure of j ihe white year did not exvcetl the ordtnnrv revenue j and it ia the lerrilnrial revenue of m cruwn alone winch a incumbered with t a debt lam dirpoaed hi hope thai the provinces liave demanded reinfnrrernenia ordinary revenue ta now panned iihwert on the other hand carliat refugees are pmni of de predion ihuugh il would aa yet sard conatanllv tu be entering spain and declared imilah me new and thf paria constitu hat iht french govern tnent have actually received despatches annouruing nlaruungdilurbancea in ga- lioi and the movemeni of troops in other province t uppreaa the h pronunciamen- toa the cptaiuageeeral of sevrra rtii it c new books i stationeuy r 1 1 e suheiliera have lately received a variety of nric and inhrtriint books in variona departments of liiera- rure hnmurmdy bound to which they reapactfully invite atiemiotn they have clao mndt large addition toihoir srrk of scaool l and ovoiolcry pirticu larly writing pnper account hooka uilla steel pou inlt parifidiira lei er clips writmdesk csd pencil slateit inkstands ic oc which they are enahled to jell at grealy re duced prices from firmer veara ramsay armwa co kingston october 10ih 1s14 new engravings the subscribers have juat received a large collection of new and beauti ful engraving and lithographs plain sud colored by the btm amji ramsay armour co kingston october 10th tsh ii ruivart bmkuiu muim rs hilton htkrs to iotlrnu to her friend and th public concr- ihat she can accommodate young with board and lodin at the from ihe yetrtt ohire and ml 1 srrrj tailof my men jnl cottage next dikir lo acromnvujuiiiimi canameall wlm mar cuniiiiiit to la ntinc vorbim unit nothing aball ho w on hia pait to rneiii politic favor ihe liar will lie supplied with the choicest wines and lioiiors keiresbmcnrs on thu shortest notice wrrkni novemlier ts4 92 3i where she hope to make nil comfrta le iud to mcit a ahare fif public fjvnr kincaton nmv 2s 1s4 3i 04 to iet possession given on the first of may ihe premiaes in ihe cqm mgrcia mart at the foit of piinccaa street occupied hy t d macomaui one of the li situations liusineas in town charles hale kioaton aprils 1344 houses to let o rent iii cullnwne street and poaiou jjiven on the i hi if do- cembernext a iiolisk nud hakkry withallthe baking moiennlaand having an excel cut pump connected with the itskery the whole iu iirtraie older also no 2cottagr ndjoimn the first mentioned houae cotiuecced wuh the itakery kent moderate apply tn the pro prteinr at his saddleiy nnd larnea warehouse pritlrrsaa street kiuir1on john harvey kiusatnn sth nov 1z44 89tf 80 lor genera vliteitlinary shoeing establishment on tt corner ocm strtct ond the phut ir armx adjoining ihe premitf of maxwell strange kjtgt t provincial justice itarcopttsof the nw ethtionof thi k be tiatl on apilic4ton la kjnlni chari june 6 it4- ts woik h miriiwr stuaut 45lf notice the 5serihr ma timothy mlr- phv in reining from lii thimr ui bop ine cornrr ot kn i ee k slreets hes to inform ilia publte thai ihe foiar will iu l i he carnfit on anl ronulrj u mttsai john xing k thomas loc lyeft to whon iho oj vtatilanmenl ha been dijotdof ant for whom bs whcii a continuance of th autdic patronise all persona indtrieo to ihr lite klhlih- fqcat of join kttc a co are rcanfiri1 lo joixf i iii i j- paymrnta to thf ubacribr sahoabmicii aatfhoiizeil to rectffs the aame ill saula all jost account preacntrd iiohas paul fcirriiiory urireoa irlin the jtaval i t i tin i t rtoc lsootf reaparifotly informa the ofscasa tf the tjarriaon and tie inhaaitanta of ktnraton and ilt vicinity that he haa opened a honac sitarixo rtatuthmmr ilualcj aa ihovc anj frai lha many yeara experience hi thai drfmtmenl hala in england and in canada rotiplfd with hia knowledge of the anatomy ivohtomy ami functions ol the 1 1 r a foot to iiilty conridem he can ive peifcetaalia taction to aay peraon who may employ him the sealer proportion of cawa of lameneaa ips n i lii ri bv had shoeing and it witl be the tawtanj care of t p to prefent hmcna intca such cauaesj and to reliere thoae lhat are ume s p all ivpentioos incident to the hpt witl icientincjtly paitsfasaal and all jiaraea f horsrs alul cttle attended either in town or country and at reasonable charge kinatoo august 27th 18m jiy private sale uoxkh canada plntca 27 kags fieah dairy flutter 3 hm haw oil faleratus ahtm copperas sponge pcmbuag and white wash rruahus hair ornoms wimlam warg kingston nov j 5th 1544 to ship owners masters of vessels the aubscriher has on harnl end tor sale at his w tfluntdlarg tftartp ontft rin street the follnwinp very auporiiii assortment of knglisli canvass 20 nc blsarhed ko 1 english 2 jn cc ii ss u as with a variety of nih articles in the f communis trxje too nnmeiimt hi rarsitim innkeepers wit find ii to their ad vantage to call and examine hefoi pur chaadng else where private familifs oavrr mew andhutvfa stiprilicd on t mgt libera ivrma kingston november wbslsh- fok1saleb v tilc iubscbibelt i bbls pot j iv vf0 no- 1 north shore herri nea thomas creeb 30 2j 30 50 50 25 also unbleach t to no 6 with ment of atl t s 4 9 kcalchi english do b do 7 do cat i visa from nn very superior assort no hunting of all colora and a variety of blocks patcni bushod and bnlttol arm wool pin all of which nil be aold low and on liberal teims ii t hunter stip chondur kingston icrh mareh 1j3 new hooks tlhesubscrieh4e received larjrc ad ditioasto their slack of sumiatd eng iab work anasy of wliica ara creatly r iaced ia aikta new grocery store the subscriber resroufully infhma- liia i and the public iimi he hasjnst received ftotnaiwtrtol andfeu vara and ortra for aalein that slow in tht vwe nnrc ico doors front aoir palmer eyvir tho following fjoon which aio of aa nmi quality aa can be found for family it and will he aiild on aa reasonable terns as any of- fcied fur aale in the towi the stock cornpriiea lnrnac pran- ily holland rin janata uiriis whiaky madeira port herrj mil sum muscat wines- iminej i oaf a iu ucovado suai nim and yiin twajtthayi ysmoji hy i- old hyson pouchrnp impenal nnd llyrm kii tea- jetttlinr twm nnd oavnmliah tohacro mucrarhiv stiuflp principe and com i not i nra hailn conanta mioricubni mil creen ami ground cuttle loiiml unl whtde pep- per and allapict fij lilue starch hlernua windr ini petrtl and olive uil jii in and j l l cnridles shoe thread and r oil meal itice ami ivarlcv white fai in liets walnuts filberts unuil nuts al- nvmdti lemon and icinov vtop fime juice stoufthiwn liitci cwtfrt oil mustard in j irs kegs and tnuhaa cbvc nutmffs curry ponder fyetine pep pr pepper sauce ttstttato and mush loom krlclmpa cajkitcbif topers an- clmvie pickles aiacaruni vcimurilla raplrtrry symp- harsaya u gin ger preserves corn urms whipa and hand llrushes imat patent pails ght hand lamps nlicli safs twine shovel an and itfitvl ard camlle wirktabln cud fih ion tn revperi to it the deli charged in ihe territorial poa of he croon has been dcccaajinly iucrcaacd by the into pjr tial rvncwal nf iumugrjlimi but the terms on wlnrh the retfiitaito futuls have been obtained ore wh aa may i think be cm- ndered filvatmtavi i shall with as little delay as possuv lay before you ihe frnan eial papers of the year ubeivin will bi j ccimprwd an account of the levenoc and t expenditure of the pat and the estimates fir the ensuing year although i am sat- 4 lifted that ttiere h mifliciciii vinur in wv i resources to eimhle trs 111 overcome the jhieulite still effect in j nil fjlsavt fifrtas and to by the foundiitrn of a rttre and lasting prneriy i cannot but deeply lament the reverses which inive s4 grievoudy dttrinf the lat three years injured tire nrrtnnes of individuals and the credit of the colony and i ahull continue nnh your niiance to give my most nnx- ioira consideration m lite means hy which permanent relief may be altorded gcohoc gieps governor ultt- were ready iu be inuuducc into nut acre on tlae first nutbreak govern tueut ia accused of having resorted to the ajhsfl cruel uteutve arainit ihe progrems- liis having ordered then- lo in shrit when ever they may be fumd the ctnmvr publico meniiont tint onkrs have been aaned dial generds znrhann nnd luuery slimild le ahnt at mice nnd tvithnnt that mcrclv on their idorility o n proved a madnd loiter nf the 31st pnhiahed in a paris jcmjirml rnnfirtns the report lhat condiiiona had been exacted by the pope in sanctioning the marriage of queen christina tvilh s munoz and theac arc aid to w the conditons the legislative decree of 1s34 and the tow hy winch the reversion nf the crown is rnaed against dofl oaro and ihe infant don shastan ire tn he annulled he property of those iwo princes ia tol restored queen laa- nella is to le rrarrid lo dm cariosn son who ia to take ihe title of isabella cnrfos j all don carlos lom nnd other liabilitiea spain the two chamliers were cnnftlluted rtf i ihe 7th when s caairoey ronzco was elected pqaafldnt he hotic to s won the finance minister and his section of the cahiuel the hill relative to the litmiori was presented lo ihe congress on the ibdi the following ia an outline of the thtiv constitution the preaitfme durinr the aeven year war are lo he as- unned hv spain all lha titles and other honour that he conferred are in ho ar knowwircl nnd hia troops paid as thrwe india body in bnejand have committed j the idatid to lhat experiment by the steps t they have taken to do ao with the lafs 1 number of 5000 or a aoiaher eao- ts a question in ihe mmds of many i he alloaton in the govrrngra la to the cenfoe drew from tnarhbervn vvmon of opinion as to trie cofrectness of the returns the total number of slaves for whom f ompentiatioa waa awaded ri 1831 was 309336 tbeie nover ma any actual enumeration of the white arad colore jnhsbitoots during alavery rod no conjectures which nay have been formed ran be abduced aa evidence of tneorrext- neaa in the census besides rbcte were a great many old pcopfe ioeiodedintnesq9- 336 which have died off orul there ba be eo a consideraue mortality aaoar the children of the labourers since ffwotoos pr spaldiags pronosiriiiaj reapeotiits the emancipated africans in cuba waa with drawn it elicited however the inftiroie- liohj which is important that die autbnrv tier of that island were disposed to get rid of these people were beginning to be as- t ured that their presence waa rather inni- rious than otherwise if they are ainceta reaion to jouh that these witl fin j their way tmhia land of fredom a land lawhaf with milk and honey we quite agree with the doctor thai if there he any u ot her of these persoas in cuba who can he induced to make ihu island iheir hnm theirs would i the let dearriptinn of im migration not only a regards the daas t the petipla hut the small expense which it would cost to bring them over thsr mat teris wehavo no doubt in good hand both here and in england and we have h congratulate ne colony upon the dechledlf antislavery tone of the remarta of tbe honorable members on ihe occasion in mjoiion the limes change and are change with the limes so diought many of ilie old antislavery men who present on lh occasion texas a fpairs- kealj- bed cords- grata measutes pa wee its tul covers ladles a wash 1j and 5u barrvls xo i north shoro hermne waltbk mdunppb ktngatoo november 2n is4 of the present constitution i to lie attpwvs ed itrvanse it asserts ihe naitnnal sunrema i ey tbe memliees rf he senate nre not in licelerhm lui in tc appointed hy lite crown fisrlfr political nftiicesyihctusl- ins thnse irf the hc urv not in he lib nulled in trial hy jury the national cuird ia hi la mpprwed and instead a aiinihir oree u tn iv organijiel in districts which the government may hoik if need it the irtiefe refuirirjj the courts to as- jcitime every when ia strppresaed leaving i the crown to convoke thvm only when it j thinks fit the queen is in he atowed lo very eon tract a marriage without the consent nf the cttfttna f tin ia simpoed to pniot at a marriage with ihe prince of the anuria on of pib carlfta the rlainh ftirhtd of the queen were should he resnl nut spain tie h to ive goarranlecd a pension of 120000 the independence of the church ia lo he acknowledged and its j property restored the const itulionelt alluding to the m mora in circulation respecting the marriage of the qiuen to the son of don carlos savs we do not iichtwr thai matter are so far advanced as ihe l ion journals would lead ua to believe- there exiala a leire on tlvc part of qnccn chris tina of the pope and it the northern power to conclude such a marriage but the will of don carlo opjoc on impedi ment the piirii correspondent of ihe tvwrr 1ih reiterates his behefthat no such mariia- is cuutemplatcd and that the pnnce count tmpuani will le the bus band of queen isoella late from jamaica and ragged island dkntrstay mr c kahn- frorr p ro apectfully informs tlft jadies and gentlemen of kingston ni jtj vicinity that ho has tahen iho ohtiv lately oc cupied hy dr bnwkcc at j lajavt hotel where ho will attend to all pru caha i ding the queen iu leave the kingdom ex ccpt ly leave of the corlc ia eupprcsed the queen dmvacer quen christina won married in s munoz at the palace at madrid on the 3th tilt the ministers wtrc precnt and the reremnnv was per formed hy the patriarch of ihe indies the ftiowin qucmiona were imme diately to come before the countil nf min- iier specially convoked lo consider them firt aa to the form in which this grcal event will he pnhliahed to the world secondly if her majesty the queen mo ther ia to be allowed to retain her title or if ilte ia lo s nk down to thai of duchess of rtinnzare thiidly- as to the amount of pension in bo teiilcd upon qitcen chriatina out of the patrimony nf queen lobelia ltsdv it i to be determined whether or not the ministry ahoum demand o the cortee tn the name f a nation reinime- rttion and telimony of frrattludc lo her majesty an addition ut tho penion to be allowed to her by queen tiliclto in ibr event of the sum allowed not being cqua to her maieatvai aim ry i wal tito morning chronicle iictt aoma h the rnket captain holmes arrived yesterday in a rdiort tasyago from fat- inrtiith jamaica and staged island our dates from the former place arc to ihe 27th ult and lo ithh in fmm the latter we are indebted tu captain holmes for tl e btest news draitsti there is not much nowa lo he expected from solmrrcn a place a ragged jsfand vet it inav iulcnt vou to know thai the in- habiianu hlv4 cxjirieuced n jaie in that dace a sreai im ftrrily of food they haw i-l- rnl hithcrlo moly upon ihe vessels lhat tame thvre to load sjii obtainrng i little from one and a litle from another hut thcac have failed this atmsmi so tlia they were oldeed to despatch n couje of snmtl boats to nassau n p fr a supply but previous lo my leaving they have lieen reduced very low living only upon what fili tliey could fgflrk w id everl nian res iho last inorvl had been consurnoavlne men had ivcome o reduced jia refuse to work on the pica of ihiiinetng loo weak the few while inahttanl had ftanated ihiin as f- atow would go but a getting so low thai they avn hen in a jle pa ttarira our latest dates from gulvestoa are to die 5th instant we have before given to pious deaila of the news which exhibited condition of the country ko ban i were felt of sn iovaaion from mexico and t the people were patiently awaiting shat a i lion ofthe united state it waaareportedtbat england and france had made overtures to mexico lo acknoivledse the indapeat- dence of tsxaa provided the latter would i renounce all intention to unite with this country we shall however- soon aee how iho waters move in that qoarler on this point it is expected that pmidca tyler will agitate the matter at once annexed ans further important citraeta really i from late texas papera the following atatements are amid to have been ittadc demiuleciauy al good and merchandise introdoxed ihfttuqh the sabtuo frontier from tbe uniaad siateit into texas pay no dutiea to the tcxian government for the reason that the people have unanimously decided not to pay threefourtha of all the cotton brought to the iwnha of the red bivcr for shipment from eastern texas lo new orleans pasn aa col ton uf the growth of the united stat the consrxpieaca iathat neither the commcrcial alatistioe of texas nor of ihe united slates show the amount of ihis reciprocal commerce and ao far as the imports from the united statasj an concerned and which are believed to be equal to the exports ihe whoje amount ins to he added to the commercial ataba- tics of tcza as gathered from the import duties touecced at the texas porta ou the gulf of mexico wu are happy to learn that in accord ance with injeerfiona and inrormanori furmtnvd hy the cnnul general of texas mr kennedy ih british government ha through the appropriate department puldtshed a new and rjorrect chajt of iht coast of texas we havo frequeotly- hnwever called attention to ihe fact thai the naviea both of ihe united taiv and great britain tvere auppliod tvith charla nf this coast which are either erroneoua or defective in the asmc important parlicalara in some of m cltaru the harbour of i- 1 1 i is laid down at leant a degrro to the west of the true position in others of otiter date but tinid recently and per hap in some cases even yet in use it ia not laid down at all and the exact posi tion wo rvtcv0 is not given by any ofthe charts most commonly in use published orior to our revauuiaa a kaaaaaawk4awsaa