th fhotlnciafc fsnitentiarv ft la editor of drills whir 8ra i mli to 011 rf i i a 1hii lit mtdion tf jeer irja4il awaal tha t aartljoa af lb public w iltm m tha rogiim atari a of th haga of aaatcably of u 4th itiftant m waicb tha vyardra of th priirtil rhnftetitiary axaii for an meraaaa of salary on aj orrr i r joertialf of tha w 1 find 11 lt ftiicuonorr ffljf j a ad it of 300 per armarn j tlii turn abim bo ru is ic i urclr lo i v obj laajoaabla nun ui taf scaaoft aa regului ita return ia wafdcaprlilwrtafur anincrcoaeufajara tv etltaa j wrf knorru ti t ilwm a auvecurr ft freatar fort if aot th who of uio duttca being fcrcormrd far tbe drpul warden aad clark and cscti uaoto them f th fmlktn who li mfkrriatir aavta m fiswa ibc prcaenl a m aalarj for tha work he hat i peffur i-wiisoiertf- rfcf oora he nut rcfijn vrnom earte ii craprieftl to dibara itic ujflfnj doltra of the office coum caily h jwid arte mil aidar lhetndic well paid with half th tragr if the embluhturnt defrayed the ciprrtaaot fa nnnir th import 0 f th uokf wium not be eo mach t mailer of monirhmcnl w avh- it ja coiuidf red ibut il i cwua burd n fli ihr province and interfere frvu anili the industry of rapcciibl mechanic pec1ly in lhtinrili bortiood ar nfcetn should he aaliarjcd hen they receive a od ii nj at attempt every ouc tr sraon if pirinvrnt in prorurr an in 1 thdd sir with our aeriniatrt reaumr the tubjccl tintv in rj moaniime i mbibl your oledieat nenranl moderation kirjon dw 12 igm ftir mr mfiat tvaif session rhymes t rui oar reporter it alill riiking mtrj at the cx poroaa of hia neihbora and ptiform ui that he haa einoe been placed in i i- ivt preaoiaii c k ofur thohchh of mdm lafontine doj he curve lb deal liltu poudle ma waj tail would do credit to a reertmin ataj ai if that n2 aniinal could help il ut nooicnac j baa however been re1eed hnnj only becti placed in the lobby vf iaf miuc where be n- jj- rreil iibtoc amnag the f nd bitrutl whkh omeof tlm frt oreo mod their row i think ihey will hardfv confine hirn thtt jgai pal mifann waatad m the ilhv wtu p had been eafollj iad h w manunpl m- m v- u ia woih a jrwi ero i dntiln it thtv ot hit lettrra atatea that lite funny j jn mnrod that a temporary lunatic atnm be pc tided for th e tree pt ton of c- tin ffoimnr member be huvmf lalff eliewn imptoina ij hyonaiem the motiort wa cntc4 uoimm ly and it ii thought th okny nndrew hili u peedily removed sqovlle ithh dee ithj pat 7tcann ata tirre e a fiflie mun 111 tell you of imki whoto name pt mafhwi he could haodle a biujicgh in food atyle tflc tjk if you met bin in the dak ynu cre iurc to kltfl a urk for paddy wii the bny to raiw a broil brif hrfl j- w fadj im umimj bitdm i hiil uttk paddy hd a taste so he thought he wotjrit vino hiapncioui time but otaftedoltto ico tea aca and oaaooci he could hnd he reared lo iry hrt hand j ii fr iii paving m p i pe pe jtrat for o at puyin m p p now i ifmuiu a eoe ati ecnbiiioui little chuck aud he knew how to have ao eye to number ott one one so very pbrly he ir ejected jt-fl- j m lai or often aaid ml nyt of fmfun fun jurt at r wflen said jurt out of ftm when he r h4 hwoa he wii lirnid a a mnue for very few wild rihuicn wvjc there there there mnnweoe menid revrl cattd maann bitle duck and eoeorled frif httned y up tha rtair mair uir and cocorud iribtned fddy up tjieatair little paddy n tl uwd- after beirtf mnch ahavsl to the wy tbey tonued 4li other in that houe houu- hue and ihaking nftafl fenr he began lu cy hear itei till he fmjnd t wooldnt do to puy ibe howm morpe mniiie til he found it rvouldivt do to pt iy the tnovtc- j i wu strange hw pjt ip on jvet 4j f he puvd or o he threw hia brogue about from irfl to right right right there w nought he wouldnt dc he would rweirthnt blick wu blue which made him think he wa uncommon bfiht bright bright which made hiin think be w uncommon brl hi fortune farom frfl o ttt it mi plain they couwut iml id the cuuncit paddy ihhy tovk bi ieat ml acat when wmf 1 yl gent reignd little paddy atayd behind tvt ho wouldnt turn hu back upon biv meat meat meat ff he woufdt turn htbek upnn hiemeju but ahhouh he atuek o ut paddy waa advid i lat thithed bettc ivt miy any longer ihere ihtre faiih mdhe thil ipnctallfu4c from here illncrer budr but vy learned blm how to toddk down ihertjir at air iiiiir but they learned him bw toddle down the itir t1touh it my tcwj tither qatcr icoutd ntvcrrifhtly hrar wbal l i of tin mubburn httle man man man but when a dhjmacfl oi owjy and be rayi 4j rumrr riy tbey tell him loremrmbev pat mantitn gan tbey ull him to refoemlkt ptt mjinn l i n e s ffcm tkt fffh 9 mint v- i- j ocaiffifttlfy tratistattd into tik iy jr tf by gmr f ft too bad all the people j mod i biyit every day too grow weaker in tmio be may ej iv an o ioj oto lrwmirra tin hi nt4jto d jrr w ot a k17 llli rihod o i tfciti lho jttdgfdirp of i midland dtttriot nw vaoaot fcj tb tooignation of john 8 cwtwrtftit eaq iaahvulo bo conferred upon e m u v h f lot 1it wu rnnn4 oaoully onledict tbia tumor bat via he leve it to be totally falee it wholly n-r- that fj nmt man of mr hurneya after the aaorifleoa he ha made for hii principle i1jjarnrp a lituatinrj that muit throw hito out nf iiivti i r fii trf independent of which arfairould have ao much the appearance of a fell aid barter at to avrt all pcreona who be- eieve m tba purity of mena ecljoni fur ikm twu good and eatftrient rcaaona w feel oundr uuiltoriaed to eoftlradict the nimrtit setting m mumey atode the ccnlleman moit cjoalmed to fill the veoane- eauord by ihe umeflubrc illoeoa o mr crtwrtgbi ia hr staffed kirbpatriek whu for ntiy monlbe haa don thai gtniuman duly- he it at able and aound lawir aod he baa th ijnvd riahea of every profcuciotal man to tl dsilfkti tt iirr uti tlltk mrvtiu thre cnrpo- ration ftllnwa will be ihe death or un th ite a hf uwinb fact abnut a mwfh nfmrwith ftgo m flibcry vra committed ici tha n rulehrr fhmbvj and allhorli we biucld lhm on th raw about il no rtrpa wrr takrn or rrward nf- frred to dieoovct tlothwtea now th it all ferottrn and all irate nf the rbbery t lotl v ih miori procuiriatitm appotm vattft c for mtclhgence of the robhert i taking pff ioo eire at the aa mo time not lo make mention of the artieles ftnlen tt gwf- samw we have much peure i attiog thit the board of admiralty lnvo fu rckinboncd capt sandom ute commandaajt of the naval forcrorin the lake all hi dartinge and ejnencea oeeaetoncd by tbc vettiout fu fmf ii apauvt him by pcraona n candj who took ftdvanuge of hia want of popularity there never wit but ono oomim amoo impaital ivm aa to lite injuaticc and iuiquily of hu- rer ilut againit him and uv board uf admirahy ueted in thiintance a cvuit ol equity rfw ithtad lite mjijtd otnoef r xt tut er op t ir tk c erectto inforiuatmn haa reached kinguon that all the ea penaea of the retumiog 0hcer cletka ave and earept the erection of hutting will b- pjid by the provincial secretary lor utk item by the dittricl ct wmata m a njvk tbc hmilfa 0 xette mi the brwkvitu late kifmaon retoemao in eoumoraling the varrou tfl f oul ocw houac of aiaembty number orl cihl gmtttmtn omuogat tbe r- vutcc the tdttor uaodcatly raoka buoaaif amongit the cijbl w puuieh tbe following wo daprki aent ua by a friend from montreal it j one of lite bil thin of tbc kind and ha cituted ouile a acn- iwn although none of ihe cny puu hare vci tureti totublthtt rafile to be raffled fur by sco subacribcr aa wi aithetiai ia cotnplele the puee tlaruica mriotrcal the foliowing anicka numbered to whoerer cin throw a tone the grcil juoee aad bit hu nun to b rmitlcd lu tfw fm pjiff and et ftfl alt lreild ticket la 3d each lo tot hud kit h tvtfflt s i tvi mr ucaudrywfll attend lo a- rev the booka lot no i- a tamo hyena perfectly centlf jumujfh hofovlaa m lectio wly front a araik elbaijarajrat lately adminntcnd hy the oioumf lc- u by ha kftptr tumnxyhaviii in bin ujiii treachcrvuv manner atiemd to bite lb n he 1 mw however warrjnled hnruum and well broke which ia reu by the fact thl ii tmit ha been ever mce wtwien hi ivg and it ia doubled v- it- ther ho u11 ever imvc rulr tw ck il a jam thi ltit cannot be rceeenmendod aathe nnfi tun jic amruil j nw perfectly j cj te rcrly 9tnnllting itut uf tlc quiatton lftt no the identical gown and pvlbcnai wrn by mr j a in lt37 when cn n tire et ann itiptdi c4eahn frurtt the autdl of llu aorrrd oflpewefrr the petticoat wae o itttu tvlw oi that occ wn but hj ince lieflrt tltnruufhly ctantid the doughit litno nihuty caectd ho would bjvcrcquirejitberure thifort eiuiiuruenaiical lr no3 trio ti 1 of a prraidenta chak- deuned by dr ft h when in the sljta afir- the rrbelliun tiicr tin true rpublicin uuu 1 und ii by hiui to mr b n durin tlie tf- lid mutitralnn it cannot br kcinintrntlcd a the cuitdian climate gvc jt the dry ta- i t nu 4- three silk fjovra euch o arc usually worn by qrttn curtl tliennuin jic y they bnve received ia itw haiti altktelicd to ihrajl by ihtr late owuera ncithtrof them mvutd fit mr druinrnvid iot mo stheberaanf office of mr buf- rrt the prreent luyr of monwrl u lie will iki waul a i yeir the winner iiium wait till the mvr term t otiee expiree we fi rceumtjuid l lo the noltec f mr debtwy i no 6 the vtedfrfpn tthg midelrt spnn hy thr independnt electum lm the li ehmc caaai it wa then much dmirrl frorri i fftvj novelty but it ia now refaer out of u- arjfaal lat nn 7squite mafa ncwcndbnd ow worn by him on hta ivat appearauce in mntreul 9 a ktfhottr it v i- ao atedy lht lr avrjvaf oft when the firatiubacripthin waamtik for ina particular benefit and eold it to an old clnthrauiin ll m certainty rnther jfreay on j out at rlhowa but iu great value cuwirua m the mtcreatintf aaocatum ronnecied with it itlflnwawa we wonder he purled with an old k friend but the aevneeo ha no gratitude lot ho 8 the five nf ivand tiken be j d or derndinc an diarnrrrrafrovy the url firrumtc icbcl at the cnurt martial in 1kj i heae are of no ipcciftc vlue m whrn rieect ion wu cnfnrccd the sheriff made a frturn ol ttrittti 6one m that ttvg but uic turioui m in breiting rvlie will npprecijlcthenj lot no 9 a true copy nf d d ceb il ule roeetin of the ivittptudttit elec tfa uie0fr f in he purrnuae rnuil the winner inr the library f the floureof aa- tcmbty aa a apwiiiicn of ihe tfttfnec unil evfi r mewl an peculiar to that tnrl mjnj oratory wi hjirj he will not foh er ot our wah to pre crve it ur no- utuf thendiwc h a original m noaertpt of the artiek irppin inliex in thr p4 uf the 2mb all yawa1 an able oj pnwte- loly wrimenovumni ofinatirntle value bubf ncntonf lloydallnwf lho mf tonsil ificuh led it ihewa cue and elfiet ao ekurly and a deep knowledge or the shipumr trade trt mrtul and aiaj cukmi1 tmue iw pmicutjr- mtreh4nuol fuiuiu ut iivlwai itafna will ve w4lianc arfhher m revumg frjm ihe latt ol 4ii cominnn rura minuii tho jj th and w4innj ihiacltuuon uf ibit nkol ulcutrd pmn merchant l no 1 1- the preaa and tyea of the piloi nrwvpijier now in ita lait dyinj throew it i rvaily wfut to witoe llw ajfny uf the por uf yivr only riiraevn mothiou and the greatrai erc nr it iiahm cannot krrp it much ini2er m 11 tircalhing wortf it eatmot recover from uie utt ih iei uaqbatl i penectly inconiutc this 1 not uirj pim thit wfatriered the atonn tvn no 13 trie reeetect drfaveey aflh cuuttiea of ot llv richelieu rinitut i l h niarm m jrr jl anl veral the not wrmh naioino lr nu ij mnj l-r- piodle- letlrfa o baaotirtd vwloeal apaclcnao but lbc den change or diet conaeejuent on lha a ha nee of incrimo onld prvtatoa akmt producinc dyfpl in i l a llr daaiilnme vrrv ml rising work on h tjojta diet digrotinn ran6e bm ctafi and gfaapaiavw not ytl publish d left no i l migrttina dtwat itriwit jn aa he m kmpre wnuu it having lekn h tm vttn d uf ihe lrruf it would nartly til ha uti rouregur a n reaenl hitttot l o iower canaiu owl lnn of senry it ia isrr nov is 1000 fanjrj ail hy truly out of da- theae are ttarrunied uninjufodthiv ia ft lot ihny ran be atrongly recvmmondtd by the hon tie meflait- lt no tcv haiof uwtl a larouic lettet to ii a wiauraj b tlto trun oei ttui eici ityle i reveni kcteugn itvmigem htcliundera aueurt thiadueuinet it u indeed a prixe lot no 17 51 daawaavt all ready to cnave the lddiine hying lh lw no lov- hmd arc cap n tncr wanud by their late owner aa an imprvved model lu liren received iir no 19 lodigenf blu stiko fiw ill couftfatilrp tmir u twit grumnf but hi v bweron enuumy gvl putpoie iiuvmg thv rcj look of iiufhruilv some are cnderbly bloody but can be enily pointed whrn renuifrd 4 aiiapoof replioaof maiicotoour w ubiialitod from the 0iio tnt 1 1 1 r r- tl minrilrr rfe ootfffht ffm fi nhl t jjyjw brawb m mr- li mr aipji mtn th m ifrti ial fsi ivith a ii4ii wim ii y willi ia tu fttfrr r t fun arttkra ml nentim 4iatl be cunkt bi under the iweaiyof rt ho llco proertirl of the hrriorynf ihr tre 7 n rcrelan 1- t irnffh aftn- it tt nut ibu wf llafl mw imihi u deal aj hestiliiir o iirt llv liie until uwwwrk tatna lho undfrainrd tit il iji b i ii a tkrf of ru r wrrv frtmi thr bvi at 1 iy the air re itrjt all in nifod irfl h bem 0 kldllh fuv w y took rualy muaket thkeri oniv np uhl he cimf n havitif 1 fuf uiid dthten wunuu in ute enquiry milnj 11 pnattjon- the mexican vewm v l vrit aitd rieht of tciia m of tin cvinduct uf the i jw id wf iuciu- vena m the etinjvle uivo mriicat nd j hxi tlwoc tu ha cnawrtji v u- iww ovclamu now iiuky tj pm flwl hu poby nod the aim f the lltd ritar- bceji v twemy tiarj vlitl tht e iroen dibute atintjiti- crifm tfofi cl- h ali nil h 1 ri 1 1 k r ripiarb tlmik ippv f raftill lir e ir t tr aeeim thi in7iniri oiruiji4 yjitttli 1 fdtlunt cohiviwij ul ihttlhc erlir rchtdl r tt ptcmier bi jfuwii from the 1mtej s4latrj drcw oi r mfmei and mafc iba dlibcfti w iifuiiacoijtiur i uimi tw vrtiut tvap r c thi rr in he o iy f l j ot btimuinty mwarth if itch thmaen be ntxwehl why iimv ni rt aatlltjr huwi nn mmm mil ttohorrt pp- ud- atttmi general stage office oot df btlgw tht hriljili amcrttan haiti mmstun jroj rtfrftw af fe skwil ftwtj on frrwoiw liptmji toronto hailion pftcscut and montkral the rrtyal mtil siotro fr toronto ornj iamitton ivill imve litis office very dny it 3 tclrick p m prcciftoly tho riynl mall smgofr pftscott in cfitincclioit wtili lc mrmlroil liiii will irjnvf iilih jflirc ovory juy ml 4 t clock i m prcioty anl will leave proscoitfor kingston irrinwj lately ufter lho nriivnl iw hrt rmfttrjius fir toronto or monirtol will riftch ihctr tlesiinatton in 3g itrttjra the sulucriker takes thin rmtnucl of ihaiikinc lho ttnvfhiuc public ivr llioir pnt naltltrltalgwi ottil hnvinrr iiared no riaiiio lo make thti advo lincn 0 winter conveyance i lie tnnt rmlgttll r 1lu 1 1 ii t te 11 to tire lire ii it r ll trfid to aniii paifcj lhit lite umt k th n gcivoat hul will f llr mt 1 tlx atilc man itiia mltsiilv impotttaxt yilom mexico w4i with tiut pririmi vl i tocalc at trwriariav4l or ocarrciitc fffn re arte lor hntiu da 8 the rnclitli frigate spartn cmttin rllintt nrriveil at new orfronnon tsetb ult wilh ud rieea fmni vera fn tn th l llicae ddvi cr are nf the innat impirtinl diameter ll iipenr uut our minister w momentarilv xpeetinf hi ktport ia leave ibr emntrv ihil hr britrji mbaaidtr had ihplhed a aptruj maenr to etaih in ctfururner nf the af fiiir beltti en thui cimty and m tri 4oim 1 a criticul m in u anj lhat aprcul inretrflrrt hid bitted for washington wilb deaf4ubia to our iivrrinent aerfinj in thu news nftitr bctirren mexico md the unitrd st ti bmk very umifihe and a uatufe brlvrren the lim nttmn mnv lejd lo very rriuo diftcuttv with england if with no other clfftprmr tr nimill we lake the aniex d nirtieuljr fmm th new ortrin paiera of the lh ult tript emioft wiii mfil nf i l earner ip fiuin tle buhl vratefitv and hit nken lod- ncaat tu si claevni livid we imlinfitd hat the spjruti bmuhl dnpitclvm f ib en- ihfe givernrneiil and in the prrornl critical alale u meiican affiir tbey aro doubilro of grvat im- uolaficqi tlwcty an rift with rumor rlrday mnrnmg bi thr efft th it our mm 11 c in mexico th hon wtftnti shtniori had ovninnvcd hi pnfrh mid wniftn hi wiv home and ala that a aeriout tv lolutkm hid broken nut in meiie which had us iiitrd in the nvwlhmw r nihti annn thrro crrtatnly raa tnmr fuiditi4f t thu trtltn n lellilnee but the new uw not turn it int- mrum na w at firm reporud attloub tll uf a moiiieiitiui nature an inturreettun ha broken out t hudlara oiuntjufito and sn luff aumeirntly atriou in require the peraonil ntlrntin if svita ann the mirvcmol watbeaded by r ki mt wb cjii the prevnilent to an account fr the cnnvui humi of tiboney expanded du hu admintirj tioit our infumatifhi no thi mjnt ia lvrivrd foim a tcr ditrd 3irximk ihe igth november i 1 a h and unouectiiwim arurce santa amu had taiflcilaii rttli ut 10 t00 iin 1 and prifcrrvjid twmrd fluudlvita ti lb purrwr nf nuethn ihe ardutiik it imnrid likewaap put the iwo imn prmrtr bid jninrd ihe inovrmril kir tire lim mmt wkmik hud emctird the city uf mexico uyj lo cuirobortc thrt inrrtlienee wakirn luftlni hmi lu aihfnin lilbtvtet plemihtr ntmiry milin mt mii k bn n- ftfinnly njrj j t frlrt tl r iiin wlli u mriieuntiovernntrnt ll mnn thit ibn artrvi ran muiivlrv hifkuthl prnpir to moinmrjir witi llv fjavernmrtii yawjaj the ubjet nf iv iteetil iuvriaimnf trxua j i14 rvtitjmu ww tmivert wilh 11 tnwa tm 1 prire hl nr urn mwiord llnl ih miiem mitoter njlid tualr hain ti lint thr lmivd 8l im h d nrhmc h tuftff to ibi with iheihernmartimof mi aieo uiid thai arliuvt trrcoeilmth mifbl bt in erilitjlaii valiui a revolieil nmvinrc wu io en cn v u itvh likled slate nribf nnv llir ftrri aj4awtf jtnvn mice i pimij ul i nh 1 aliouf if the 3ih ll it n a ejii y orul nhal ljunvry in winch tftli iuirei cfijtloycd and thrvktemn inhtn belt oait tlrrjiy of the l iw uf ivin nrtnn viwir rijon ia in iibtai a mjeil thaif h euhed in cotiunua and utctful temia it rntira into an rbwto etiinhn nf tu variom tiiicf einbntred tn mr slmitnonv hlr mid at tempu lo refute i tin fnnifl f ii urnlrhl a a proof ibit lliil fiifs hy i ewtletcrl iim potxnt mi banhthtffl hi- rriltvji mihmt ul mrtien toimrdixtru ifriatbd the hup of wir eqntili the balar utdr hie command f urd mink with n hicik- loj he amo irm mnt the animcjn miniver avitril him if uf ih- jmrotf rt unity inlty brf hu unitrd suna unvvrnmeut a atuternent if ahtt hjmraiiired from ihrofgceraof the sjijrni we h trn thai lri doff fjreen hd arrived ji vr rot fnun the eity nf miien wiih ileiml i or ur gnv- ernnienl und votitttt d iiniitli irly on burd tha citttcf wrtdbiry the w m fa pnierra rnluri lth the diy of 11 iit jt ihtj spar tin the uwpuirhr of uko o are thought tu be of tbc reulcit impw t jnee so f ar a am onra learn from a iwrty petuaaj of our filrt iiiiliio baft bmkiii out in the stitrof jliaro lho en pit ilrrf whih iatmdauya ril 1 l i i m to h- at the bead of th movovnruis and iim d x u rvidently trnrd cd by the pre and by the ohiccr f t- tiiru rneni o ealremelv acrtoul a inular eircum ntnco in the humnra is thit fjc canohxo il- lreivnmoal ptrxidrnt ir now rfvlflf rfitf to ibe conuitulionur prcwlctit rri aifa the ututhavm rrecircd notice lo pbrc hiinwlfa tltr head of the iruoua cancel it rated at jctinfa at once joy f nil v hi otcvr were to march nl one to qurfeuo a eiy three nr fnur dait mirch frommexico 00 the rmti to gurdulnra 1- operair nt the exienein o ihe rw mojht in mand santa anna 001 his ton a ooce in no lion and antouuee to led quirtm thai be hia under hu com ma qtioo iifmtrvi ivkj eavalri and l field picca all in the beat vtatc uf ecjuifi mntt frn reero one of ilinta anna litevndot ner jitjpt where le met hrt new hriiv lie iwi ednn tbv gth in a brief and intcl nddnfati tbc army lie driwmurr tl c iiduci f pircde m aturiii up u rrvntnitn in gia hun a lranr and llie nitrnfeni o faeton atd prih to the troina bir thir fttinrr eevii to land h him and chath the uif iuihat eriiti hr caw hlimrlf itm jjiimble intlfuin nl f in- uoveriiaknt retdy 1iai dl in lit pnwer to pc- irve the intrniy of lly- trritury unl tutljin the eo t i i ul n a i n vrnme nt enrt cinii too ni bta ndlor fon the naptl 1 1 1 ihe mexican n iipn atd b ihe nrmv j nupealin i them lo t md by their cmntry md bv sanla ann lo the uet uwmeit thr natnm ilrvujrfy irr4irfl in a wit with tvt ia now ihrcitrned with rrr intirn it ditiiihmtrie r nr pr jfw in rrfret that ibe nurch nl lho army utn tx i llj i hi v lnn lull rf h1 hf i j ihlh0ll lut pmniea to iiw nut v ihe emtty ull ihr pumaimenl the laviwill miihrur i- 1 arista firitr in be all th a tehil en aed in repnviiny ibe indian nmtraijea in n rlb- een llexico ibe account if which iitrevty sjivti hy ti lure not ben exigeeirt tlte in th alfiir of lie mora arc tited h htm in hi ftwjl rcforl m ncorly tlie aamc liurca ai we gave kurt1ier from mexico very impoittast wo inn rceivrd ifl additional new fmm metien vrhiih ia of a very intccminir ehmcter tbc iotcllijruer from ih it onejftfjji j4iheriti mttaoca a it rmn- in and wo mty now daily look tof id fire of thr mol exiliu oalore w 6nd in th f-j- v af ix ihilbir in cilu na ult imlep 11 b nl vaich a tdifl it f snnad fiijyilrf w be um- to dimyc irdn lv llv aflrr vatd- fafr t krtrlart and 4dt nih iln ki g me ftffpfeu bv ihe l imiaaf rf ph and 101 uurcn aod uthei r7t6l d ajuim iatialun ii mheft ar m ihe immttion nf ute ufi imard ifrutuf uvxua miev u fanner federative vytem ot t u need imt afld biv to f itv llt ruieiilnptwl tt mr smaioiv t will tcjit mmircxpirasv in eili nee f uxo in pji iwhttpmbj iwrewh lbulwawl ina d ujrifaka aat it- wiirt pn uf ihi- ciinm and hm l- iwci1 1 rlh riiwarj b jarmotv tumfofmbm hut lite frwaml of plllw3d mat amtry mitake il lanilniika iimi m9 will yiij t- th- threat wfuvh estcbl ibe cmttiimimol nuwira tirted it i m k tm1opatr 1 in her mexiru wloie m aee r iriteritijittm of lerr frenulrftlulna avlllj lll ulv in julc even of hicaerua ueacb iimpj m thvtinejiie fbfamim hbv itide pu llmlrttwj uvm fuitlialy dealt wth tor ly i 1 j mw will ujv uver hut iot th imv 01 unr f hir pruvmcea and if on i midy cac9lm bt ifuo eear rtjhl b her own nrmtv witlvul mix an ij cnce the unii late t alier tbeexminf rrlatoif ajiav tin fcaoitulily will nut lv mexieoa tbia irle ixdifdon th r of october tlw enawerof mr slinm n in ihb jj xonytnnar- llexi bit htliitirtr hui in en hw no eomuiuuicaiiim with men hot in term antfet- ful btanvtvl uiitivtf and liwtiilim lie rinrcnrm lhat hielanipive f rwrtfil rtby nlletj- ait c in tltti4ifjvi lha othej aah accihii hum of ftlhouf attilirv ntrite diuvmtavc iwijiit aid inuiuhiit umuio in thrl aiw arvrltf rejuu lb iiieirjiih be yt lb tic tciltf i t lattnirtiti baajd swtti bm mi nl f n him ei d thil lr h ni mlciitlv ut in mntil ii itu1 in i lm ntirtlt america utr with urtl hjciit hi rjxoi lion will ukcl t suiiltirt vic tvfctja art oil a car mo fiow ouvj os u ami only rfrintiini a ttjp tn elnrr tt tlitr imve menttontril tnroi to linvu iheii vomffta july anrnriuleil w1liiam wefjer al bnifsafto at the tik ofllicj ownvr 0 his nhoeved tn mctl l ai rxtiu to be clhigcl at llio rato uf a ps sciirr fur uvriy imq 119 kinltt dccemlivr 13tli is44 winter fmhtqjfs thoma sl ittle merchant tailor rninc3s itttccti klnoltorf i most rnnpekt folly to inlimsto u hi 1 j i iirni- cuatomerrjf ind ihe iitimlq generally that ho haa jatt receiv- oil a targe ntid variod samrtrotsnl of auueifinf wooldvcd broad clotllr ir the mul apittivcj aliadea oik crlnr ctuimerc plain and figured bo aver oiiokini funcy twcci tnd a t3rieiy if fancy tnd unan voating uvlajjted to thopiuaent n which will be made tooidcr in tht latest ami moat ap roved new york and lmdun fasltiona liulicaa habit kcgi mental and naval untfunna livtijo d ca made up tu l luwlittt atyle on lle ahortot no- lice anil itiint rcantiuble teim n- 11- four or rive meujy workmen wanted to whom conalvnt enjtloyinciil will bo tiveiu lving3hn dec ioth im4 british initl00lcalalltra- turiifok 1315 emtlewen draiiuua of procu- 11113 anv nf the luihiwing auction sale at ttfl coatmillcul ul7 on prtdir iu lttflkr ai 11 ia to rlon tasraaiar cortrtriav f pbgsh young hyson tmv kay ted black teas c and burdeaa brandy jatbaiaa spirit whiteatvd port win porter abvl negar cttvendiah tobacco cijara black lead arrow knot x 9 guaa and a variely of ther gmcerifca william ware aiutionstr if agttht kinjrfon7ii dee ibu- g firlsli a s n u a l s c r aj bspbc 3 ho hit annuahs rilalaiers tfuily iuiitnatr that now roctived hia upp of 1iauvs and alma- naciis fur the onning year alan t viy txenre wttnttfllvtit f eltganttjp liuund jlvjs ntr prctith tl great rarietjr tf new juwmlc bootes and a public iftmltir i5w will have the itieaat itiiily their uhosto the ub5crlier iir iny nl iltctr aueula without ueluy qt it ia mil their intention to continue iir jm in h grvalrr numlter nf cic5 llioit what ate actually suutnibed far- ilitheiln the utieiitih to aui1y the colony with uiin i ertiidicul liiero- leie el n hw mital oa those formerly charged fur the united stales reprinls has iiii atteituid with minli luunr and 6ltrjtioei hut ihe suhncrihera arc induc ed tit cniiiiutie iheir vxeriions calculat ing tho manner in which they have ful filled thtti cngaemeni with the public wtll toad toaieaiintrease in the year vlniiit to uetfin rrlinturh kfiapi qnnplv- n pr liiiidin u1iuirlv hehw i tlonji ritvll atari qwaricil ww xvuriiniafr hliur rlo ata1 hje luamtment tf arte and popular rinirunml aanli rifiavvgai fiicam ctrarteth rrmw bafulaii haaaxwjr irlttraamf 30 li1tiiri xtw muinlilv miijtajcma ittt i unil h taprnal mmioih mi huti ln uiiivrnv ltii tinp di 3 lu i r lintiuiiimitainadolta i- ivr ai rnhpu ort lu hu j bail u iv f 0v il aisitvfl atjtlnj tfi i hoiannl aa illliaili qllvt wl ii- n ti m vrnij it a count trait fihlirr ft1 jii tl rmhe x hern nn rlt he i uhil t bct pi an iiftiicfjtjlfvjtl un tha th smot krjtrn tvmtrd hr ijyr lhii mi u- lexftih ht i ihr firlie ri a lurt nhirh it rtiia t lllink lll hr and iwa ttfr anen4 itrlr 1m trvtiiml rtv xu sj tniii plitrj vitbew liet tioi th kco le ft liith itvould t ry t fmnei ilinhmi itic w- liirblvmt but thai it trat 1 ihai thvj wf it unit niml irj nhaf tiaa iaj ravi ihtimart virj u a t lmu in iiiiitl i tfvvlltrlji aai ic tnmia r m ha m imi llwra i- 1 ht mliiai u lmu-l- l l jl arritulo iii isniiwioit ivoik in vatiou department of liieia ture -j- if which ho offers it wry mlwiniie prices thf fullowin i a list of the annuals evcfr iswvii ackctman a foret me nut the gift the diadem- nalttfavi gemt tho litetary fcowvenir- fnenjnip flliritir- the pilieija i ho keepaake tsc ac aliil tite hand buok of needlework ladkv batkuf flowers kink if chriiiati 1ni 1 nl nnd nnn do d do rjt do dv d do neat- hi 4 at ullys jiitimi lulrumx hotel mr i v- mmiiil cateiltt ihrtll w mat jlr tl ft uvtmvn mr ijnrtl it latliiaia ifciiiif j- i 5avvr new votk mr jiilin otarih mr wia tilth h ilirtrin mr icbrxe lnti f ir ivvi hie- lr p iu lafaat n y i twijfi mi j j tlirjaii t lr ttmta ufurt mr srjhi alaatili ll u iltirrl viaiiiir kb lliivillei mr jno iii in miiitril j l t a- i uihnr ijn v atandir auu l4iid ue lr lnv- m atnl an junment of rtligtuus works ly hihind fiialoyiie gratiti will be ready few ttoyi arti juat rerrtvrd a sujiply f t injrfjrijtj druiring boot and ufitirittg pi mil r treat st jam street mmirmlj nov b3 ibi4 s jlhm ilctiur grateful fir the jtaiiiiiiarje he hia receive niuce hi tmrnineirvment in juitien four year ainre irttea thi nppnitiiiiity uf roiiitniuir lila rtiiieero ihrnikinthetjioitry i of kinistim und tho pnldie in nonnml jiitl htipea that he ha fully reiemej rhn rlil that he ihen aftfc vi ihat cnipit vmrrfirfiha juftzmt 1 i7 do tim lejttfw laticvt a wvklv udi c iinvl wirw nl lvhtiri 3ucrx tajamv liatf vvaily m jaca bamay akmoubocco lnilter lofli 1s4 chequkiicd hotel corner of qiivrio and drthur strut kinorox thr subscriber bcf fiicinla and the fitted up the a rnerly kept by lately hy ii may and intend rrithir itiiuble wh ckpcne in to inform hi public ihit he haa wa eiablilimeiit for- wiielpir sov ami to spate makin the idbtew beet from jllutt utd hops in woi 0nly lie would intiouf ii iml a iaiiog sr the plfttw in every way uilahle fur lii i thiiae who may atviil him with thoir pnirotia tho hiuc i- aitnaied in tho irtm biiainis putt nf ihe city and coiiit ttf excellent 81tt1x0 duuno bedrooms i well nilnl il iiml1 by ftagfj miria dfairnua ttf makinj tiuvelleij is ililr aa f ii i- valuable real estate to as aoto nv ft fj d l 1c a ucttojt a t tho court house in the towo raf a kintononsalukuayirtoloru dny of november next tho following veiy valuable properly heing that part nf lut9ntimberi2 and 3 west aide of tbo groat caiaraoot river containing by 4ipm4aaurnient of publtua v elmore i i sh l ictti more or it- now in tbe ikciipation of ahtikm martav hanjesq ihn tt no 41 fourth ennceav inn iowthtp of kingston cunlaiohi lboacrca lm no 21 in the 6th eonceaaiofl township of loborough200 a-ra- ais i i ic centie 100 acrea of loi no 4 in the th eoncrn and lot no 15 in ibo 7th coticemhin township nf kingmni wealem addition also all lho iiti l interest of thai atd anthony maimhan to town lota no 107 ud and 305 tbe eiiii of lho ebve doairablo property will be aold nn tho uy ap pointed without any reserve and aa ib- dispinahle lide will be iven tan is of payment made known ai uio tirao of iae furlhor itiformaiinn as tn partic ulirrji may ho obtained by applicaton to jnme morion esq charles dtuarteaq office at too court house or to thu subscriber thomas greer auctiooeor kingston oa 30 1m4 the above sale ia postponed until mondayi 2ml december nutvttb same hour and place t grber kinptoo nov h 1844 the abe sale ia fanner postponed until saturday the 2lst iiraat at the ome hour and place thomas gheeit kingston dee fid 1344 for sale or to let tlhe farm lot no 12 ou tbtt eahaiueof the great cataraqui river townnhip oi pittalmrh within one mile uf the village of borriofiom containing upwards of 100 acaas 60 of yhirh are in b aialo of cultivation on the front f the lot ts a new ibimk 1 1 lk lilod in with bnchand painted j3 ftvl if h ff alwt t psw fiifrlff ltam fatet by a2 feet immediate puaeaaiun can ha siren lcrm can lc known by application to the subscriber at poinr himy or at the office of the british whig georob hart kiuctrn december 4ih 1844 at wkftttf lvbro house hotel laam lakferlt rvavi-ta- tfc ajlaajjaal a h miiiiaaui fn krw ivlii u ii jut ff imtfj ualilmii i j- sarvllv ihdaati rlv t s f titvtr siti dititlcv limliii sarartta i lirarjicalcri iv fl suauut wall u litni vrfi ln loaiii 1 ltr u h tt ul nl am v i in u-d- itj tlwi i dvhtiv kitii ra that he hu now mi piy or icik no alk which ho gail optitideiiily offer to lho oumumcr as a jjd itlhlo x bordeisc4jii hu hft with measra j wat una on or at tho urewtvry ad jiinrtiti toll gnit front roiil leading to the late government lipue- mtiall madon kington dec 13ih is44- oiiofiicle and tfcmle iiivrt qr raiioh nwns t x mh rrowki piax tetira i in kinjrt fr a pw iayfc onlphj laifimtvii llnvvillhpbmytttwiw ii xiiirmr ore 1 18 i victoria iousl rfjlue subscriber btmft iww in wuto ond the pbblir fnrthrr vf lihrral ap pn he hrm rectivcd ibto he commenced bumfletrt in ktntioi he would icctfuiy intimalo that he haa re i oved hi saoox lt im ir mr lurdyn new buffitiqh mtntitz ma j ii- tikirrt wiiap wlitrt he will keep contanily w hand a ficah miily of imcis fcuits c3xrrrror u ir hi r ia kotktd wih tint het of liquors- winks and tjo at- tmiiii will be apaml arrominodalc thoo woo may livirt hrn with a rath jams eldliu kifirafim dec in ihi ixstijuctiox ox the flute i ie subjerihr cuntemplfite eiah- kabiiia flute bchool the fnt week in januat v provided a aulli rrintt umber of inpila cin he i irriattf i et younj gentlemen deimusof imtn- h4 ui nnj tikiji themselv in the an that inatnintnt apply oatly fr tiekel as the num berwill bclitiiiieih gorre bowt- icxnn3ive tavijno for tbo arcom mtdiiini f travcllnu persona cio sin the let will hud tin preniise of the iti jct ilier ailiniiably tiiltipttdt a the i liu i itoaied iinly a fw vuriu fimn tho extenaivo warehnues of john u grcir ent ibe tth will at nil time be supplied with the vhoircit winn nnd liquor king lfin lyman ijcimnbef phil lils- bam slrarl jvinrsti pivi lomr dec tatli vaiiifct cuer plipfini loll ceandlcr city corner n avrti 1 50 m stork of prhttn sir teas yoonx ly rwdnksvuimpowiltr linnft by john carkufhu 10 pacvau kprblm tirali grape frinii ita rniy lib ill uote lrt1 ualaf litrf itaiolta fto iltaiiajti and nalfdrrn tl lltiixrtrrttl lajinmi kv camel on i ant 0y jfllln cmtrutiieks 20 bm cul til anti 4liv hi br ju ual di snatm oil in cairurill 150 i tin crrn tiri m ami wlik uv jil cmtltunit-ki- auction mlk of valuable 110uciold flrxl- canadian wifkev i tcbe r x ron0 hiu krftnc i whlr oi hi hoi tt in r ii asnul tn ur up i wi di4prtr nl ut nl i fifimeiv au 0 biynwkontsulith ccirtfiin- lt0 clli 411 hi- s ttttitvf tin ciiv ist oar- dtninjr ta- 100 ftjrallu i 2o0bs vtluky k4d lal lit pjrgalku tiy lha uhvm uy miiv caukunitk llicli tl4a n 1- wiihi ft llarrtatfa ii sitiru ijiiriing- masonic fe sti va am ball st oftii dcir tkcstthj is1i at the town hall tickttj wtl tie h lht el rrrt or run com- ficccplion to cjmnifdtt al 9 oclock prtchcly dancinr at hafpaal 9 by ordinif the wnnbipful master wardens and rrethren sam l shaw si jolna lidgc nv g nf kingston j 2d ieeimler jsj4 t thi early notice is given to enuble ijrethrefi at a distance to attend in bankrultcy mjoliso dlbtltict i in the matter ot to wit jj b hall a rankrupt jt ia oroeel that tho adjourned second meetinu of tha creditora of the mild raukiopt advmized to be held this ihiybe fuither adjariwd until afcn- tiy the tiltetnta day of december next at thenirco f tho judge of the uisiriet court of the midland district tu tho town nf ktmratiin at loclock nnun dated this v3rd day of november i a d is4 j signed stafford f kirkpatrtck jtociatt judge lu catirl jfirl itiet c a sadlier itetk donalu mcmillan xarht squ apptiu n- pelmtr iv respectfully calls tbe ulvn tbe publ m millinery ano dress making r a i e crowley nceita strclt klnotton eg3 leave to return her thanks to tho ladies of kingston and vicinity fur the liberal pati image abe has received ainco her corotneiicemeut in business and informs tfira thai her sttow room will be opened otisatnrday next the 9ih tost whfii sho will be happy to receive the calls uf her ftiotida and the public generally kirifslin nov fifh is call tion of hia friends and in central to hi newly arrived irnpotv laitnna fntin montreal and hew york market comprising an excellent aasort ment of groceries wises spirits fe of the best descripriurt vis tefira oliva oil i i rum i r j purur i jiiicif j i i 6rrvp fnir oatnhal cidim llurrincif iu ac an caution a pbi i ll i i r liuh qotutip anj winof miiiaiiy si o bittmi maiiiaikv crtptiis riook am kdrrniarar camthst sn vory stipriior lamak window nvisuatr urt jinj miltaariy atftil hk rvalaat warjios a nt choa af datvci aaeraaail lipr a very ton tun ceokia stovo kohrn jtnsii a tnmisrmiif ivory 1ititea and foiks cai ock yiiiftloj airfo tiv vali ll tlt w sji at levfue wilmim ware v vn fti aactioatfr in j in a ntilr rfliri in lvk tvmr prutir ah m amj mes a i ivliuikih iluna 10u kvji bili ac dr john uatit7nifia 500 a 0 1ml a paw ltdiaii i it d iipiiilm1i ueal ii jul r atiui biaadr ilmiealt rir imtj4 pei s caiirutiicis 1 p choierthramls ne v book consoiirj tin uarik chrruo r 1litjj cavvililltl ijjni ia fivw ac jobkk yem anj piai bottle j c ralu tba aitcrnn o vl luinhrr mrrtkaai falkirk at lcnh ale in quirt john qamothca peisms nrt hereby pirbtd por- ltliit a noie giroji by tho sub herand hi motltorio john imti w ijtld about the middle of april last fur the sum f rj3 aa he has received no valuufur and will not pay tho aaid note johx dovle townhhip of kingston 1844 3i37 1000 oats bushels oats wanted by lho subscriber for which thu highest price will be given w j martin corner of king tnd brock streets jvihgaitin ul nov ism 230 for caah plou r buias fink flour fr sle by the subscriber luw mri prktra4aa whip brrulil holatid gin botl r with a variety of other articlea loo nta- inerouato mention kingston nov 23d 1914 dry c0ro wood forsaiab r undertignod u f galo seasoned cord wood of excellent qiinlity deliverabh- at any part of the town at a moderate price apply tn lite issuer at tho governmet forage yard ruar ihe artitterf william furguson kingatoi nov 2gth 1844 mr- h m bowker sukgeoiir dentist uas returned to kinton and mft befuund at foauauraktrtca- tokhotei kinrrttm oct 22 18h 64 dknt1stry mr c kahn from paria ro- l apectfully in from a the ladioaand ventlemen of kiugnton and ita vicinity that he haa takon the ornce laroly oc cupied by lr bowker at daleys hotol where ho wilt attend to all rsrofasional calls kinjatan orrohr fith 144 marker w souare martin found the storehoose of the pubcriber placet enntaininrr wearing ap- parrd tw owner can have tho same bv paying charges r