tt h2l i- i j d on ai i- i- 1 i i mi stratx obtained uov from the how tu duo and vf i ii j- twirled into tbt pro j id a hort ailraat from a tu j bo had jul re- r- r 1 i ii i him anil petsvi ciivfd and which woubijuabf the atatcinetrl he 1v houe i went into i on inn i ue or bo i hud made on thursday eight it vm am follow i wbok mr mirurlic in iherjifiir n hi art m n rror evelion wiu bo uisd to forward y that peeling pari ol hi 11 and 2nd eetieui of mi cl liuon wore the end of i lie riurlcon jay dui of ike eih wilunn ith rap 1 entilled n ait ah if it de rmt goatriy tonight 1 tear this will w for arflmlior tvlief l inernl dt mm iihtiu j limilod lim and in rwb rsllirr ivifcrw a t it- os ri i j l mr tjlkja mil llji pinlwl h irel if llio lull t llial the petition sjfimit llin return nf lire hon acwi itnn rt irrii jrnc tall fir llio third riding of ll county if vri be token into consideration on llio ihili inum slhrdf i c r m 0 to i ir vl r n r 1 jui ad wjfrrrfai i- in ihtir civing h cunttnuttotcvlli frnriner tltrj bill was present knitted to kjwer om ail jml n a ui th h h i rncinbcr from the t 1rnviftcrrie would extend it prvvuiiins to lhe tr furl of lho asny mj jviixi iwd toetoll on tjr ground of it unjuu favoonn debtor at ihe their botttet rcdittr mr ht luiwuf esijsined tik hart mrniber bfrr r i l lt0 olitct of tfjc dili w3 to prevent ll vleia of mupiinkuncijl lo which lie tiimfeif u jurfr o1nil iv lull provided that an uivurtmnitc imitr uiottld nut w jocktsl no la a jao bimi drpivrd of liar rwhna ol pi n i whal would minuin htintrir and enable un porhip malrty in pav hia ciilni out il also prvrtdrfi tkat ihc creditor aliall lave iu tbe rcjfiv nhieh ha cootd have by jtreiiin hi debtor in pmwlinc him fpni lenf the tm tince he hu lo pvo ecuritj for ihjit and vrm ooold a creditor wot more t ma jottftto fcjui after whal lui imn friend bad mti ofcrjirhia1r jhna4vii obctiona mull fall to the round at the aam time whi bo ulkod abovt confining a man nuu the iro- tinc he ahould recolucl that the rvtemcc wai oil huailred mik on an exlcni which would be jua mid lie hid no objection to ihia r it 4iun nrokled it onuvratood that the part r tlo petition which prayed for t acrotmj of the i ortto nkiikni if iheonly objection w thai he had not the ntceaaerr qualification the j t i tiat iroa decided in botter but bo oon tended ibat baring l u i the oth required by thie hoove ri not the proper court to try lint pirt of the qoeatwi wlucli aceordina to the hon krntleinan wouid decide whether or not he wjffuilf ofperjurj the soucrroigiirjui j wert nid that the qualhnn waa ivt wlciher the hn mtmber had iiii perjury but whether he rn worth itjoo freehold pniforty fruo nt l incumbrncea tho boo jtenlleoian night have taken oeth in perfect cood faiui but miabt have ororvatuod hi wft property at any rtibcr wa nu tribunal liutlhohouao to try tbo queouoo tif aithoartit in thet hi wa concefned ma cowan thought the hon fenilem en ooold nit be albwed by an af reemtnt between ibcnv to wiihdraw ony part of a pctibon prvaent cd to that hook uft doooar d jid u waa alwart understood that thooa ceatwmen who bad charge of petition ite laree eoouh lor any apeeulalmna which he i thwld b allowed lo conduct tbern accordior hnnacir woutd wifcji to cpj8 io the hen mrm ber ji by aaurinjj tlv houoe that prcyiout tn lb paninf of lb ranhrupl atl to upper win to which he had alluded 11 were oo people there who did not py uiclr debt da dtnlotaaid that puniahrnent ahould be awarded to ciipc d in n ini jel the fraudulent debtor by alt mean have the puriiah- dtcnt thet waa doe lo hun but let him be punitlied by j and jury not by a private creditor the itighrrt putiiahuicnl aecond to deuls u vpprr canada unlit thry had thi ivnilcnitjry wa1 twelve oidouli unpnunmenl hat wit tho pcmnhjnejit for i i but under the lute law of debtor and creditor a men mtht be imnrivuicd fx life n i-i- puntthnicnt and pljcrd in bd hind wbon in tho of perhap a vindictue creditor ne unto cry ruiacd here hd bdro raiacd tn enuad ajainl lord kediadalc ct which i 1i the kri i 1 law 1 nearly a potaiblc like the ccaaxi rjunoium law in scutldnd under that act il a ii i n cuejld not pae his drbu tut goud went cur- op fur the beicht of hu creditofa and ba waa dimmed j to whether or nvt he had cwuomttrd fraud if he lud nt he w tt at lanm thrtr nwn viewi of the beat mode or forwarding i he wiahe of ibe petiltonora lie thought the hon gentleman waa quite at liberty to lake the courve pmcuaed by him the petition waa ultimately orderrd to be oon ai icred otl the 16th inatant at haltpaat 4 clock cor i i r gave notice lb at he abould take an nitjp opportunity to enquiro of the mcinbeni of rirki whctltcr ic intended to punk the i i ii i london to ainberet and into the weal- ern puru of the euuniry he aaid that that road ati one of ihe rnuat valuable in tho prorince wcaum l waa tbe direct line lo buftalo and mi- chtran- if earctli board of worka great credit for their management in the formation of thi road but he moat tch them thai unlea it were punkod they nift aa well hate pt all tbe rouney it bad oort into lire detroit hire the ilcuk wi9 kri in information on the aubwet laid tle cbanr at tlur dtivrofthe prinlrr uia amiuhuand hiudhearltl rditor wiu feel rather cheap touae a lriuthfli vulvar 4ipif ti at having now to niruet la uialevoleut alti 11411 and uy the ijihm m lh tnper v j mih no indivmlui in ihe ptovme- with the tern4nn of iho mttrrua mr llitick ititfi itjainwlloa thai we i avw to do with the in lurljon uf tho wvmi cnniplained of atitl it afturda ta great aauafaction to cinnofle thu pcdily unly ounelvea but j-ur- ik who entghl hare been cne4ioaaly chatd w iib the matter tho honorable maiiner in which mr muir avowed the act rettecu the bighert credit on him ahad he not done eo affjir wuuld proba bly bar for crcr remained a myalcry to 1 1 vorioua injury of all coneemrd ilia frr jy w lial nibl llo aaembly in cnmrmttre of llr whole received the report of the select curnmutca- un tho inlorpolaluin of ceruiu woru linker gypmcav aw- iu an act p a whir ba w rfomud i by th tho effirn of lrl uf j mm ii- who mr sri ministry f hleaa it ito immiaf mr iia rvatgnrd frfim dl hrmh amihrr m1r ttwrrti fh prairwirt asrtrwrtnhil -h- nrlvir 1- k v m ahh- liar lrdvrf i h hv uml t cj aor4ovand r- liofluad wui uutuou if hfpur tli rajjbg tiafwal ifvatur fnim pjria ahrtly iilh 4n of cynru pi 1 14 el it it iih r hdfc m x tntt tomtod fr uuy lane meal oarctiv- bvuci trd ne opcre iw a wbu hare heard it ia in i wilt be the ftret inu- drawing good more ihan a ihrmtan lirf i nlno i aitl art a u a nltradv hern rrruc nwjtwr t wr narmryoflheerriluar- great atuod cluckena irl cbompgun to a few frndaof hnwn ofl mr jy lh aurpcn i una with burchti r jj an act paaacd laat minn the tin wrm inarrted them confriocd the fact in the seiecl timmiltee aed riplaird lint hr- did ao on a tough drift of the pinlcd journal aa a joko for ihe eye of lh officer wheoro duty it i to correct ihem dot ilo nrrginala havine been in the ineen time packed up tohcaent to miirral the unfortunate jike bccinw aerinua curnetl all aiuvi of the ffoueo wcr in favix of award ng iii mmi w nmr utavat pufwrfirnent and it waa left to the xrauw enghah 14 the lpfcig susfl sl to ccnaure him wjko and where he icucd t thit theatre aa anna r gd untune and an en j inghia llalaan undngna lrnonnd jilbvia iwkrii hw pudurd why bjrfcw ih v strand iwrf und the k of the sprite mi d wt m well known in amerie an l wfgg the umplt fr the kgitim well mr hud knby anenen tw linn erring t in ihe s ehmehra he i anythmg bu pn g t ams fiatrrrrl hfamwoat accmawr tamonta- baa fejonloeegrtdl niaebwallon ihotbanm on lh evenisg if ttieodtfy laat itioduocd y an iipmdiniiil elmtiiee rallrd ll fr woven a new i m eaw r tlrj and 300 liiraa fower by which v h tort their live and fv uom wero uriujv nnurtil aufrngal ihertjltirrnia mr simujj w uf ihc pirlnora in the eatobhjinitnl whrrc hi englnea were made pie fthgiuau dilfitcd iu ajafan pa aprci from iho iraarin enuwm gnerajly iv uo a tiey wrrc rr a iiiijitoveiueitft ikjore ihe acciuvnt the vcaavl bad rivauo lid fnat tnp dohn iba river nlh lr mml aatifjton 110 vewel had been buin fw the watorttd naetgauwn company tlvtc more of thoeo wfio were earned the heapitol imo amee died of the iujurie they received mr sartiuja wi ihe bulrnteeof uic atnacrte kuy in carrying out tho principle of hieb he itaa been engaged for miv yiim at amejican mmiairr iranairted wineai on atuldar at the foreign office rrl r flwis arebappy to toam utai tb i maauf general ha rciiwtaiud mr vorn lo hi ornpbiyearnt huwcrr miadt wo my dimpfrovo of tm ajoneo of the l p s ra we eannot forget that it waa owing lo lhctf ofgunimtion ttial the city of montreal waa aaved rtm the tiirvinma tlhtaby from the uanda uf the i ii i e it would be loo much uf gvalihmg to make a aacriucc of a clerk i ulta baituti caaoi our toronto con tempar jry came out laat wrk greatly en tar ged and in it i on of ihe beat princd aa i welt aa beat conducted fiuwala m ihe province 2lrrioals in kingston arrival of the steamship caledonia fifteen days later from europe nchintuiriii duelled rtki of british whig cijrr pr of dice a far hit peraon wa eoncrrnrd and he wa at liberty to commriuc live wirrld agin and in many inatance pud hi creditor tb di il- ling with intcrret no l debt iski be have duria thai abut up within tli walleirf a pnon no he could nut but he would hnvc been putting lh couotry to the eiprnac of mainlainior him tbal bad been ibe lw nf scmtnd fwr long tune- and be reuiembrcd thenotcry aaiii ird itdea dale welt when he introduced il frrt into ktigljiid th prfiimiit bid to hiicn to line um line prt- pt upon precept her a iiiiev and tlkere u great 6r through eereral araaion betorc they nould i tfial act but it wj paved and now au one fuod any fault with it- he j dr duntop would lib to know why a law lht tnhmirvd w wdl irt riagdnd and scotland both of them cmimrcul caimtrir almld nl anawet in i mitd there waa one gnsil abuae thit he tliiaiht luiwryer might w cjiity rrmedird in the roirinivii wy of conducting uhal matlea he alluued to jh rnra a that of armcr wbu mdvawity with ina prorrly to hw nephew or bux or 4 on che except hia wife und tlpen nhcu the sfitfift went in he had nnrtjnng lu tut but rnki j rinrn of tt elwcta now wby m n4 4ft prnid cx9 tho adverliacr tbey need not fear repetition to tucb a man jt to whrn he m hi prkny le kingston tuesday decr 17 i- i an i a ta i i n i cvojeta- lrmii atcmvfu uuairto tha werk w p p and j a mcd muntre 1 p er neat town w hxtoront js grenada l psmodtrcv to collllromddftl several communication a have been omitted for waotof room among uaetd vac from our old nod vjluod correapondent cvvjidt one from fut and from iur mooireal ccetcacrondcni l p s thj will be attended to on friday to tnvitiirr we hare lo crare lhe indulgence of our frienda fat the l of fire columna uf adeeuiaecnedla i rl order to make room tor tho nroecedinga in par hameril at ihcomiation in this cc louche the of die l- aa uiucii aa it incjnvcnicn whon he sold it and wl gal tor it and wht k j- would alow wli fraudulent trantfer or nnt caverfd it wmjtd b nt rtr and in imich h with ibnvwwj- the ibcr there hj brrn and if il wvr ocv dia moro attemptrj me would recommend them if tbry c mu a nta in uch trick tu rnd htm to the ivnit ninrv to 14 year al hard labor thin he w rhji irani moctj lionrx praetierw i ihall iheretorr rer- lmlv give my lipjrty auvfai to thi iaeajrc r akiirivnif oat nun of tle power to iitftvt a vtij arerc puiifclinicul uu aili4bcr lam llurucnwal gfjful mu he dnlnot rie to hcnywc tnc proriii of the lmr n touecopy ihe foue nilh a long argument hid alfcoya lrii in favee if the aonliiien nf inmiivnm nt ft rtvit and he bettered that willi a pftpcr rteai ol iuriitrudaiieo and law ihe mereurjc c pity unght bu aecured fmio jort uajigut the cul nttkle of inijnwjvient hrtherto retorted lo itol hocilledilro atteniimi of hia learned friend wim had intnvjucej llw bill to the ennirum bitwven thai ii at preacik oaiatin ntlt lind4 and that now projjotcd there a debtor nn be ar- letcod befrirc rulniit nd he miglil he rehmd ujion d biii bciri- ievn but after judgment the boil waidiehargvd and he could not be ar retted on a writ nl ruoi faraamfi unraaa be bad cutniutuvd wrua fraud ik- wa wbftfttl ti deliver up all hit oidff nnd to answer ri intrirutoiiea which might be put to hm mid if ho did irrt do rt to tho vatiafactimi it ihe lwl he waa com ml tied aa a punishment now if ai the i at arcliod of the union act except two uau went fan lwrr cibmti to iimf cinn i v tehe wbclu bcinit ntirkcd m cofifidcnl i of the erscncc i dc proceeding in parliament are aluxatdcj- mute of inlerert and will probably remain o until after the rcceaa we have given the buai na tranaaeted aa fully aa panaibl but hnve been compelled to lijvr vat tbo itouliuc buanieaa it rhuraduy and filday altboufh partly in type the xttembly jiarewtrd an act conlmuing the duly on agricultural produce impurhd into ihe produce which ha been twirr read m the coon cj and ordered fur third reading jteday in ilie rouline buameaa of friday in tho luwir hotrec we notice a petition of the ven arcbdca- cjn ntoer and ntlier ptaying that lot 24 be in lufpurilod within the liniita of kmgaton we hope tnta petition wid be acted uponit 21 frkvuld have been annexed tothe town ktng aince jnd wc c jnnri iiirbear congratulating tho county on the pnopccl of getting rid of it wc rtifucl the follow i ileina flotri the proceed ma of friday mr secreiarv daiy prcacnied a miaaige from liia v i- anting the llnuac with re r iu if i that nn eorrrtpondenec with the homo government ciited on the aubaoct of deu and waa there l eoutd be ooly 4rrertcd and conftnad if ha wee not frjdulit until ftf judgment and codd give bad rvit til then hn if an 1 t canjdtjn were uvd in tjii r iiiji under the present bill he culd be cnrviil m lh dratrict where judgment wji reridertd he ne4 bia learned friend u ihcy wre oiw one uiild prorince and n they m j4 blft to autmiutc the lawn of bxh proviicv vihj nrt eiicnd the law to liwcr canada winch now in force in upper canjda and v tht dcblir ahall nit he arrcttrd at all unlra it be atiown that hahaa acted judukntly no puniatirm u could be inn jjreat for a mvo wh ciuld act ao but t wai hard fur na lo bo confined crn m 4 pro vine that waa a deprivation of librrty whieh jioay ought out toeaat j on ihe coniriry a mjn ugghl which waa rm ar- lridd nol b cmnmunieated he also laid befoie the linusc o10 fohvi riinta nd papem- jtkturn of fine and trlur in the i3 vaiiua aecouni and correspondence relative lo the pnt uffiee lrepjrciiieiil pumic aoenoota foe 1843 schedule of government debcntiifea redeemed and ootmatidin on 3d decetohcr idll mr smith f fmotrnacj moved thai the ifogae aljoum on lhe 20th iniuut until lat february ima the member alluwancc during the iulcr- vai to be deducted mr giwan moved in amendment that 7lh be nublituted tor j at fcbroaty ttat urjartnall j nay 35 on tbo mr l jinemn moved in amendment that lhe i luc do adytum fmm j il m- tu 3rd january i which amendment waa carried xch 3u 2 tube exempted from all tmprwrtmtenl nr emtrn o long aa he h id 4bm iipthtng n mng lc the iron membereaailpoiiebiabillaud look over n pare it aith lh law he lw solieihrr had alluded to and let him try whelhrr he eould rant bring in aomc eitenive menaure for which he anight h thvikcd by tbe people of the whole i prormceh mr j k qceepted lhe advice no with dew the bill tdrtlie proeitt thechamnaii then reported prog re an aaked wo conclodo in the preaent number tbo ne lev to a pin uu m ht mw to hc h in anawrr to nuotmna tiut ta hin br mcmf 11 r 11 ii 1 1 l wauveau ual- and tclw lh attoy ff ujc g neral ga11 autcd that be would br happy tv bfcl twoalb 00 our patience a well a torn h i iiate of the commiwonort rewtit our column and right glad arc we to get to the mincer andthit 1 sjhciior onri for the oneluwonnol on accouut of oto vanl ol inter kiaiern divvton would be uphufrd h a vilr main qiktioqiotofndcd being put mr chrulie moved the previoua oueaton vx shall ito quxtiion be now pan oowbieh the hooac dnidcd and the question bemg negatived ycaa 31 nat 35 the main oueation wa lol n oaeottn the cooncjllhat quvxentiinl did nut contomplau tnj moaaure fe tlw relief of thu nuf rarer by the trouble in the year ikin 4n kl during thi bkomo and that gnvcfniif rui not afford any relkftothc incrjtwnof muniijnl cnrpo rations who had expended umy wtioit pmper aullirily for n doing buttbut the nrvdc aohetof municipal corpora i mn t aideration and thil the queation ta bo oecrhrtkcd tlv hon genttrman tlien av ivo- trce lhat ha would move tofrpoftow ihm ihe houao do go into a committee nf the whole an ihrt ho mofjld then move lhe following reditu tin tint it u riptuvnl to jirntid fur lhe giving nf it- r atdlrfford uavrrd ihtn 1 nu nlli jlertatrd lint the taw at prracnl rcouired thai ii- cenae should not be given for lea th ri a ar but a change wa contcmplaled m x umoia law and it wa tn nrotect tite rricnu- whik iimi chmge waabeiog made thai thitreaulmn w w be tbe llouae then adjumed fajdav dectmur 1 waa preaenled bv coi ivmcc horn a petition llio inhabiunij of certain parnhr ua the of slanauad pfjyin- uial their pariah irn m be cparutcd and formcjinto anew towndiin tbe tftuie thai the pciiim tould nol cal in the diacuaaioo jrlf on the contrary it 1 most important and ahould be carefully favuacd be trtrf one who ha the good of hi country at he rt but aa we read and rerced the artair in pro putuig it for the pre tbe never ending them of 1 i i- corernment and inlerregnum became far irvnro fo miliar than houaehotd worda and aa aornebody liaatd lhal familiarity breed eontempt we will acknowledge the truth of ihc raw for thi oceaarion only and confea that we gnialied the homily with ahope thai we ahould riot bare nother uch inflictioo thu souion at halt so duublaca hop many uf our reader but lhy have it now before them thirty long col utnna and if they fail to profit by it they bare but ihrmaelvra to blame there are aom very good apeeebe on both tide ndome vrfy undone on the whole to ue the claaiel language of our coji temporary the aviea there no doubt that floeuth debate will again occur during the pountv p sriou it pbi bcoby tb wlowing exuact frora lhe urcevcdcaceunta4 col paisca hoover rwd the sk d jott0llj hmm awwy of uk aaid ha hoped that uic huuh would w a little in- 1 r baa been diacovered and the manner dujgam in matteni of unit iwi toward back- ahieh the obooxioua word wato wcrtcd i wojamrn a tally aam ttna caae there aaaui i tor i lv rj lit lla i llic sleamatjip calcdonb cpl lott arrived at beaton on friday night the 6lh matant che brought london and ueerpoul y to the day of aading tbe isth ultimo tli new ia neither important noe interesting our ul letter and tlie v eummary we bavo acaccted embf4ce every thing of tbe alighlcat moment tsoirrflpouitfiue of ujr crilislj tutjig rovl hlt i london nov i lru dfa sia the laat ferliughl ijjh been to barren of new a and i can predicate ibatlulle of importance will iranrpire before the opening of parliament it i true tbe queen ima been tm- vjling through the country again on a viait of pleasure but ttie royal alllyugh theyfomiah ampso riewatorihercpoturaoflhedai- ly journal tu chronicle are gelling aumewhat ivi lr lacking lneotginahlyef nvctiy 1 j tbc tire dimnira theaubject in few wurda leaving you to acarch for more amjile detail in jjur english jl vr her mjeoty and prince aluert left duck -l- 11 palaec on tnrsday lait on a viait lo burleigh near stamford tbe teat of ihc marquia of eirter an i returned to town on friday mr alderman gibb ml installed on the 3lli ioct lord mayor uf london much to lhe indj- natnoofa large propoet ion ufth ctltlona tlieto waa thv uual civic proceaaion grndct than ever with however the very unusual accumponiment of a great del of hinmg of the new annual king of the city mr salomon who w recently elird aiilei- min for portaoken wrd and rejected by the court of aldermen became he refined being jew to take tho tirual 01th on the true failh uf a christian baa brought lhe c before thr bail court on saturday the solicitor general moved for on irerraaf directed to e g ktoosl who waa clceied aubacqucntly to ibo rejection id mr saiunvet to how eaiiar wtiy ite exereiaed the office of aldemnn a rule m w grunied tlia munieipul rkctouia have excited baa in tcreat throughout iho cou fy uiia year than tbey hnve done ainee ihe mont4i urform 041 paiaed in many boruuffhr hitherto dntmguntid for tto keentwaa of llwir prly pulitse llirr h wn n cvilcaf the fiio of wrty hua mw v tx houaea with a fnd tale of from the french railed v fg ihc pawni one or l jf rmlaobvenlhwmeailt keeky thine loadvntge 2 j tre laavmg alami im emt u w j cearor ik bawao f pce by lh jt rd of which thai ta 1 bert rerainti iut tonight a nc hie frediehuo bnnga called lyp vaudovirie the ivvrevaruct loo which ad began to grow aowl erlanting chremalhena- pieces sw2 3 jlod old headt arid drama enlr piree act comedy tor to nighty cav voung heart at the tfr tkd tbe mvaieoon stop t v frencb pece- hie devrl v j fair ruollbeing riwws fc manager madame cehrlr 5 a t covent grden tlienlre ff r nicnade cmccrta nhich ir faw i fond are we ciyknevs nt z fuociorr ne in cern lb emaiieifaloti of th jew i daily irenfi 9 of political importance the f 0vernm it i aaid are makin- mjy rp xh adopts of ramaore lo ttf emancipation the lew rfjnw j an ineocolialovpuutwo f empenir of aawfil bi rar wnrhon to lain privilege cocifcrred nf th 1 flimganarf lirl in however n ppeal nvade to lhe kmporor by thi jewi nf waranw i na and tor eiemption f lbf aonutl rnt in itcu of military m bcca intend to ie to hi ilmtil in ur ue benefit of hci tj miittha at ftio jt- up i- 1 14 nr lie pivf with it uaual ragardio hauted ilseir tli ateam cannot be fe tire influeuiial borough uf liverpool mr alditman lawrence haa bet n unammointly ctectcd mayor for hie euaumg year itlie office of town clerk nf liverpool i not a bad one the aatary be- in iw0 a year tire following change in me government ar- rangemrnta urc eonfidtntty ariken of u tike to oc cur be la fp the meeting of partiameol jt ja very generally believed ibat three oqee held at pre- by pevra namely ilie fnat ledof lhe admiralty lite prcatdcm of the hoard nf conlroid and lhe rent ma sic r general will all be vacated by their holder the firrt of these nppmnltieolr nul penun concur in thinking will be fitted by iird eltcnboeough lord stanley i apoken of a likeli to succeed the earl of ripoi in the second art mlbatcasc would probably wave tho rhiialva cancy to be tilted by mr ghidstone lnd dil hoube uking tbe amiavvaj of tho board uf trade and mr cawwell number fur chtlnro being appointed to the vice presidency ilia belief gains ground that sfa fcbett epuvi intend carly io ihc w at acaaion of farliamcnt loproeiua the continuance of lhe income ti fur two yeart longer lrt is a circumstance which noln iihtlandmg tlte dtatmel pledge to the contra ry 1 always expected the agriotiliunat are trying hard to get a repeat of tho milt tax a tax which prcfoea heavily on the lower elaaaes conudcrabk cxciiotnent ha been created if tfae town of horaham by ihe midden departure of mr hurst the liberal member for that borough who ha etone lo france being in debt tu lhe mount of 150000 lord ellenboroogh ha brrn mad n knight grand croaa uf ilia bath and admiral sir w parker creatrd a flamnel irhe liverpool journal of li saturday an nounce lhe extraordinary prrparatiai hr the go- vcrnmcot of an encernnui numbrv ut piece nf ordinmce of large calibre ore ilmuand 3j pounder urc aaid to be eaatlng at atoori iron work they are made l lhe rate of trentyfour a wvek v hal cao ihj large surly be intended far we are receiving omc atiangr cnargnmenu doily from tb united sate and we abh ceue 10 wonder ahortly at trf ut the new notio which may be aent amori the recent impeala tious are a quantity of amcriean camlle and a further batch nf prairie hay the aerymd experi ment in tubmittmg american ruiy tn public emn- petition look place at ijoyih the imntity offered being 95 bale and half 1 nroi at leinpt on bebalf oi ihc importer imn nj thing ele though if auercriful lire fulurr trade tty become i 1 a compared with ihc rlrm sue sin about a ri- ii 1 iiiev moch belter price were obtained the quahty being more ailifaciocy- the quotatioo are worth giving a 9 curiosity rid ringed from x ah to ct ibv ficr uw ii demand for china areordrnv u letter from mormheater i at the present oiomeni rru digioua for sbirtine fne export in thi article alone will it i aaid exceed lhat of hut r r br 1500000 pieeea a dreadful steam brvtt exhvion inov ntae last week on board a new iron steamer iyin at h1 ik wall by arbioh 8 peanna were kiuad and 5 other drtdfauyc4lded on of tho killed waa mr jacob smttd hdf th ftm of that nme by whom tbo vessel indengin had been ntlrtktrd ft ia not ofuq ihji aceideala of thui buidoc or aduiieaion to the civil riibt fl b tho j nana and for cxrmrtaon bp me cewuful tfcc rrerreh rhamwra a ww mee u laat week in december au- ugmning to hll wilh public tcpurtcd in pari uiai ihe pmrr d joioviil conduct ihe prieices hi v the coursa of next rear health nnd in remain rv oeiro wilh im lrtothrnd bc lnpcro- nome of the p anrooncc him w number of cci of the ignof llnnor ih p orcwnri of lh- murs or tlms ann mngador aniouitta to ni- ii n iho abdcndcr hasreru fmtnror mo roreoa invitation to retire frt ar ba taken refuse in uic oeierl with irmna follower vuutf if omega general sir richard arnrirboieinplny- edon the staftof iho arm i canada h becri placed bfj the ht of general rmcrwbo are in ilie rec4it nf the increased ml of py of six per diem thi galbntoffi er baa ann considerable orevteo in the penintda indi for ins ealuntry at buaeo vitttifia and the pyrenee ho ha t anmc time past held honorary medaut the queen and prmeo albert hwing reeled temkli anrtkicntlv aftr lft fatiguaanh ex eremeni of iherr p savosio0 m nd the lalcnf hlv btf j nf cihinlry vf em 1 3 vitndor iw jj h h mw iwahire uat autumn ni- mar iur uf kgeler bo- hotc lwi 7n irvund oil h br uroratot bavt wrj trrrewung himself afler nil ineareertion b lu derrynnrbm hi tst of hl mtsiitnn to visit ka oud i resume hr active labor k lt w uf hl covn no prt serial eh baeurrrilin the value of gnvennent slor p- r have not varied rnueh f fft rather ligernwftabcdrvr bving greater w wl lnftjf lryct thflra mfroru a mter fnmi v h llw of the roihaehifa whi fttiwlythw year of irjamau tswrnvafjltjl kosii baa ul entered crfi f 51 oaefimhm m v mow her hand v bcr youthful urgeor theantkcorr leayue has n aeem taken t vent garden j ftfr ttl rioiof mofioo c an atnmcan wa bned f5 t the liverrw ftdicr 5 tw riionth fnmww anothef seafaring man naied mcdnwa salordxvlheih ih pnnccof wale li j s c plclrdhi ihird rt evoairon ft wwwj m ptalemaait pr cuuror a rjare broker iiuhlixjied fcw di h ut rurf iir eirctv- h ifaw v i fnrlh4 new nrnxnoetn-e- u mlwiy selrrrnes and tlie wiareapmicdiir for number to 1 iw tttfcl lire ajiuv u line into the occntmr whwnig wil rrsull on tho i ith of awna wvar1 f i new line c- qmrmc rn rr th- ttv ruenbed m lal to compme wftr p to which add the nhove s qmtcuicnt of jc355fxld totbrr upward of jill needin- an investment of jw 00 with tlie pner of borrowing ooeth w hvnid tn the one ob jeet making a wal j xlovohfm 1- altxiercili t manor- kutnni of nnnwlenal change are rife i m t c nerally believed ihst ihree office til r pr b p awjwi ihe omee of fir trtni inc admiralty 1 na dent of the buarrvf control and potmici gen era wdl be vwearl by lh ir preaeni uccnpiiil he fnrc the meeting j parliament tv hratnamed vloer 1 afj au be filled lil kb nhnnujh and the second b lord st uy in wtrati cm mr gudtme wvuld hav the mninrnt of 11k feircr and ihi rtncud of trade will fall to lvd duilieutoie the umurs originate with ihe tfvtav ft oaf sia roiitt lnv tce at wivo sir rolierl and iistl sb- been rviymg a visit to wmdior coaile st1nf they wtru rcoivcd wwh tho most marked kindness bv hie leuem and pnnee albert loe ijiieen muiflmed the irvm inleoar mierett to ua uo the lapj nf lidy sale a narrative of those exiroednury privaliorw and dnngera to which her ladyship hud beeri evjuoed in ihe crt hie queen hlced with ihe ovepist atrenihmi and expressed bertf in llw- wufinrsi terrosef conrjtulation at ladv sile hnptx nnd pmvidenluj return to her nalirr bnd sir rubert bale in addilinn to being uursmtcd to the eommand of a re i menu boa received the lu crolivr appointment uf quarhtmamagerkval to her mktiya force in india for n hicb cuuulry he will pmeerd in deccmlier it ia ratimaled thai if the railway now project ed in irclmd were in point of fact undertaken ihey would affjrd rmploymeot tu above 200uw persona the jovrnsaj ova dtbat alale that an electric magnetic telegrsph on mr inradj plan haa been attached tu the taunu railroad which lie between mrma and frankfort on l ik maine tbo extent of which 1 about 10 french leaf uca the number uf prutesaauta at present in hava na ia 122s753 the lau foii year there h- hen an mereasaof j5t31 in lhat period pos reteianu emigrated frtm th kmgm i i i- r nwtib sm vttt the follosving letter i fiom lh icn of our oij nd aloel corrcpodent j b liilh itegl 1o avjwsn the reauvta of the ttttth whiff ore much indebted vr ia 47fia yntg lettefts from the west indies at dilcls obitisl nrlin iitfi i l dt ax ittwica at no it st gwosauex crjvu cth letober 1- 1 f ma einroa- weil indie f nrrsrnf i believe occupy on small ihare of poblie attention ilie suar dulles qurtrin involving tire 8lli eirvancipaiioo ba turned the eea of trie politician and capitallat from dan and re- pcrtl uillt aunny iakooftho west i mean therefore to giro our readers a bird pan view of tbrngaaa they rr here always bearing in mind lhat i write for no other end but otdy to bmu lhe fear which warners invitiblc ahxll ha easl oer ihe rpvrila of the auli-kingauwiraa- ttie weal in he forming to eonsiderabl portion of the british poaasaaiona lie exactly aa to geogra- pjucal poaition wlierc ihey were in the lime uf columbus latitude and longitude is fvuod by glancin at the map but tli degree uf heat to which a poor european is ubjceud wbu the sun m if in a paasioo bunta forth in alt hia glory can only be conjectured and frit by an amorioan amid in wiow bound ovunicrle comfortably ab i ii 1 himself on well healed a1ve and urhen cm entirely forlm by tho bunin pa n prndueod ho my ihen if ho like sympathise with u uf tbe west who have daily to undergo a much torture many have written of mm w ittflioa its iu climate and its prndueiiuns many have wiilten book yes nn lean than bonk ton of the east indie neo who never put a foot on il oil nor would they know an inhabitant if ajtgban from a jamaica creole rittll we live every thing told in prime otyle nd lika the cunning tidy in the arabian night who uved her lit by fhiiing yarn to the cehph give ample rooen and ar enough to lhe iinxgirntitm 1 remember un my firil day withm the trope a 1 atoodon hieivccknf out hrge liip a with- in vwof on- of lh 1j- where a ul wai in land a aicvening senum came htj mo nnt a riurc no the arrvwth c which by lhe wy a i thought looked more like hi atygeun lake lhaji the lgm blue ae o proircd by po- 1 nd mariner the w had a dull cerulean tin rvj un h the in ahot forth uch deadly ray thii like tbe traveller in the tabte i if look off oi articj of rot jrra then another nd wnen neirly a naked laadam 111 lire garden 1 had iv pul lbeooi aairi scorched ni wa outii jo i athmriy a bud iriride no sir the iu hung like winding heeta to lite mail good light breeie i would have refer red lo a bottle ofhocsnd ai length it came and we landrd in trinidad of which utand i menn to aprak m another letter again wc backed course towards nrhdor r toena il where 1 at present rridc thsl venmg waa i aullry ino i ww the awn setting in the oecn wave and u ky waa grand beautiful lh it j i wondered not painur had idea mong the i ehmd and this scene 0 reconciled r tu hie mtierira i nreeiooaly endured 1 r i tm omid- ly dcmntr musquitoe and sand tlie and creamed nf -i- 1 v jialarca and coatka m the heavens of all the west indx fur health giv n cre nsdn- a light breexe is contimislly to bo hod on its runny bill huf in lhe valley lhe i il ex- trcmctyhot a ard aoil i moro congenial lo n european than trinidad jamaica nr nny j lhe other iahnda not even excepting lurha- 4 tbr little england of the vtawt il pnv ducca excellent cane indigo cotton rir iodian com easier oil and caaaarsnf which tbe negroes make brvad vaiua here arc urd llo ime po tstne ilir lallcr do not row here but frmu america and ell high some yam weigh 07 in 30 pound nld at one penny per r j tbe tmwlrnboiwibfdly bibedislinjiiidjcd frm tho 4utoe- tli diet of tip lower order here as yam bxnarrva a ewert fruit taatin he hard frtali bulter slightly tinned wilh auxr an fish jaekx lh eaasava and occasionally coat milk rt the chief diet llio cocon nut ia only used here fur rla milk which dla at dd per bul- tle goit do at tid ixinoiwnratira and aajajaj applesv mangrove or rnnuc mamny upule papjws ur aptles au oic and baj lhe pear to winch wlren mxcd vnlh chilly and suit the name of aubaltern butler haa been given the meal i bad and will not keep fir twentyfour hmira exempt properly lted liirclay and per kin and gurnet are bbr hd rark r a ooffir for 1 kum punch oratnig diink of any deo- cfiitwn ibad iigbl did and excrete frmi 4 losa in and after uiietli uentrirj h inva lid with aaccr the older inhhmnt lure nein lo aay that ahtainn from all l j mrai brrad md linti- aokly on goats milk ami lunnrna i nn infallible core fnr eonaumptioii i know nn m- 0 nf high rrpute wlio mude lhe ckfriinnit in trinidad wilh aiicec itemiltent and inlermilhwt fcrer with dysenterv nnd debi lily are the chief caufc nf death in aq th weu indii blinds tho following pa an abstract of the late cciwii uken bcre of the poputtioo of grroadx ac s tww mio vvraq yuebee mr g peervr to remto mr gall byhiwn jutin len mfniunl if c jom coborg tho llmvcr toenwall v c armour f i amnion g w ilrvwn n hope h c hotden monteal f maitland quebec mr chatle llrompaosi toronto oliver ilioinpsou llaimliuia w ii wtllsrirt brockvak mraloody moiitreal mr llaughton uuec ni camming and vmil ambrrat icand mr 1 nonref tirooto mr aiunt burg mr- l w smith king culiw tamoto mr bo turn duudavt w mr g kmkicfc mull- trcal air uurtan pcsillope victoria housfc- 1 1 e iiuunuor lftjt ui return lit jkhfii aincie ibftokjufbeo rvaiorui nuti llto public fur tlio vc ry ljbareaj u nr the itaa rocoivej ntvuu he ccinraanaajj uainoaa in kintrawii ijowotiu rcwpcci fglly intimoic tisil lie ba rr 1 rrvct hit saloon lr c sa mr- hardy kvw builrlin iaftabiti mm j ii liitkiiii wntfef avberr k will kcc cooamontty uo bond 1 nu 1 ijjly nf ovstekis piuits c0petoatataftf hi pah ia nrricltrd with th- rarc of liquors wines ac tod m h- e-h- 1 i will bo aporcil ut leeomtrvcfcot tlioso who mtj fotnr him wiih a ewii james kluek kington dic 13 1844 at tobara lambpun mouse hotel tbmn fld djrtincton william jnlinfloti suekh harbor wic w- poflcy and udy to- mntoi mr um field oswego u h hau kinmon mr crntcniwll lit mcdonald ciwnwall ii u bown kinuton john mai llrewa oawejo idliapi bower- saeketa hr bona splendid lottery of christmas cavkbs to bedrwn lor at smiths aloon brock sirttijon tuesday evening the 9lul december at 7 omrsrk prizes i larg cakra ttj5xl 10 1 5 47 r0 10 4- 4 q 33 0 2- 2 10 5 0 o 0 0 0 0 c0ticklai 5t ach all pr5i kmgsion dec 17 1811 in bankruptcy in ilie amicruf jisrii uitennan hall a bunfdupt it to ordered that 0 public meeting tbo nmowanter nf tho ccrtiftcaiej ofthe above uankninl bo bold mi wkd- nesdaylitca9ih day of january 1845 at tbe court ilqute kingston ot 12 oclock tififtn stafford f kirkpatftick jiawiarc jdge datrttt coerf ua iiaf- choice gkocilrucs wixes liquors r subacrihor rcapccifolly ooluriu the attertlion of bia fiiem and tho pnulie to biacxtcnivo and varied atock of croceritt fin to- uqoer tc to which brtre addttioita have liecn mado in tjtfl fall impunatiotia aeloctcd from snmo of iho imflt celebrated nisja iti london edinburgh ulu- pvptv itiktenlam and maderio constat- iujj io pnrt of yanjirrton hoi port and sherrg vtmodend torto srriiib- llaitey s un a do ohic burn lct mmloria jo do farica eltidg ft jon cbarnpagntr and clare very anpei tor- la i q u ors hcnntmv muitoira best tula and ci bucj brenj dc kuyper oc tdt itotterdan uttit lint clieidarn gin io caaoa loin utij cambletown wliikty jamaica suitita hi yoaivoul in wikhi oc boltlea london luttur ottil ctfsti ale in quart and pint mmbmii wlnakcy io mil with a largo atock of fnth ttvs dryej fruit tpin cttgara anj gnc- tal tjrocerica plug and cavendiab and fancy smo king and chewing tubaccoj and cigars tn gtva variety iseni atnp oil various qualities alaa ftl no i herringa bt4 digby i i- nnga nortli bhnrc atij liki- cmtldtio salmon and cod fish all uf which will be aold luw for carh or abort approved cicrjit r mcokiick prvtcr street kindlon december 17 isu n u cah poij for pouab pye oats and com city comer of ktnt stork ond prinrm s k fe j r teas vorvi hfadr 1 r h 1 jj t imaofialavl by john carruthek ah titan rv bull in k r lj raasasjin fiy biitanri itu forkxao if 1 i 1 lntih raivia 50 jii 1- and j 1 ri frin 10 ii french l n 1 a camau cioania by john carrcthr8 tfarriwa c4 oil afivt and oh im seal hl hj iolfm cabftuthui 1 a d crn bfomg mi vhlaa i sjl iu john cakkctnust canadian wjuskky fflftbji prt itipajlaotti a lvlvb 1 fj art w rukay from u u pjr m br iho uarfai by john cai toiavoov uxiiem 2q0 i btjf dihy harrisutf 100 bhta nl gfaor uorv lot i- whir fib 10 fabr liejirer a tr j yjlsic i prni frio mr aj a bt f l r esjifjd iu iw bax tii ac byjol carkuthko 500 it 1 floor of various braof 100 bbla 0lmel barley by auction sjles william ware clcrfy louver rtvyaieiana orvernment olticar mrrehanu clerks artificer hute holders resident actual laborera csaoal oo impbreper and otw trade nd c j ii 1 and temak iri u im w nn j 133 ll total an british subject in grenada xlive of the colony nalivcaofulbcr lalaodt native of africa fouiencra teaal ui iu do do do do- 407 bsna 1026 10 jdw3 t n tr yiv auction sale at the commercial mart ox friday 20ih dcccmbit at icleven oclock tho subaciibor will nrr bia usual vaticty of ttai liqurlis touatcoa fie i ftuiia soap caodlea oit4 l saltpetre saleroiua ice auto xcw yiirk solf udher fur capa lined mitts wooilen clocka sherry arid port in quarter caka snrierinr bottled porter reol cognac brandy ace william ware rtieionrrr ami afttl kiupvmi 17th uec- ibm auction sale of valuable household furnl tuke 1 r n godxrdbein about to jjirf op ti home icejtn will rtipiit of lhe whiiteof hi howtbou fntluieby aikhoo at in rrftidencr ontario slcel ner tbe cttv rrettety weonebday the i8ih dee comimuor loo car aol dining ta blev midininy sil uoarh mbony ivjhji roltomj and winator chaos brsiwiallj and kilemiinair camlimc 60 t v- fot barley a fr bondrcd fattliei ludiaa u bj john taurutrieih vvuu 4 f tbooaant cheroo wbnie tuba o pin- cjvaorfua haajaf davrekc 40 bu port falkirk ov loith au in eoavt and iiinl uoill by john carrothebs j c ru lb aitntm ol lombee x cuitiraetr ad eabsr to bii slock of furtv flour ac beer and ai ihe sobaoibtr groteful for tfai panoiibgn be ha rocoivajj joc bia commeiiccoiodt in buairieas tlujr yoart aince lake ibis opportuoity of rettimittg bia sincere tbanka tn tbo fjcnlrv of kingmon atid tb publtf io enoral and ituneailtar be hi fully rajdoemed tho pledge lhat liw ihcn gave vumht he would brow benr rm malt nnd hff oflfy p ho wihim intimaietlut henrfanow em ihmil ni iliattrflrvitv ti iibpwma alb which bo cat coiirulnnily oflor to tbo consumer aa a good article n b orders can i u 0 witk mooora j vvattciiia ac co or nt tbo uiwry aj- joiog lhe toll iate front road leadtso tn the late government houo micah mason kingston dc i3lbi is4 chronicle and nevra lo inrt 000 eaidv for sale or to let rihe fakm lot no 12 tm ii mi the treat courocrui river township nt pitlakurb ihin line mile of tho villagv of driifidd coiitotiitng upward of 100 acnei 60 nf which are in a siaie of culirvation oq tbofniiit of tin lot if intw fraur ilnust filled iu wilh brick and painted i 33 feel by 22 feet also a nuw fiarnw barn 53 fuel by 32 feel immediate pnrion cao yjrnn terms can be known bjr applicotiott to tw subscriber at ioiul htiuty or et ihc office of the brititk whig ursorge hakt kiigsioi docembor 4th 1814 instruction on the flutr f subscriber cnntomplarea ostab- 1 lubtojt a flute chxl tim fitst week in jaouarj proviripd a ajrfi- iicnt umber of pupils cam ho oruatocd for ynuug gentrtmoo dooarviuaof loarn- twur improving themaolveain tb vt ofplayiug lhat plowing lns1rirjetat ami early for ticktru aa tli subi- bor will be limited geoiige howe basvit sired real to mr phippetu cbaiolir kindlon dec 13th i44i dry cord wood forsaij r urtdomgned nfivca fr sji x swwi cord wood of excellent quality deliverable at any part of the town at a motlcraie price apply t a tho tasurr at thn government foragn yard near the jiriillrry lsvfa wiimam furgusok kingacoa nov 26rt 1344- mil il m bowker surgeon dentist as returned to kiuron and nay be fouod at foatmajkawf- tcis hotel kmpton ocl 22 1814 tft 2 sells very aupciiot daoiatk window curtains beiraii asssmiit mitu and buck wjjnul wuotobe and cticsts ol draerf stores ana pipe a very tnpeiinr cooking stove kitchen utensil a doumc9ellof ivory knives and forks cut dcafttenr tomhlers also a few rolamcsof books coesinio ol rhlcfl work sai ai eleven oclock william ware aojctia h caution all persons are hereby forbid pur- cliasinj- a noto given by tho sob- scriborand bis mother to jnnrt moqais dated abotis tho middle of april laat for tbe sum of 330- has baa rmfr1 no valuo fur aud will not pay the john doylk township of kingatod dec 6th 1844 s oats g afwfcrt buabels oats wutod by 1uuu tbo subaxriber fir whites the highest price will bo giveo r w j martin corner nf kintf k strau