British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 17, 1844, p. 4

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valuable real estate to at 90id ov public auction at the cfft l- le it the town of kinjrtonon saturday tho j gth dyf novcinbor tirm the following vnrrvaluablo prnnerty being that part f i- run ioc 7 3 wostaidti oftbe great caiamui river containing by admrhtsuremrjnt of publius v elmore d- p s 101 acres more or leu now in the occupation of anthony mvna- hutf eii also lot no el pourtlt conces sion luwrship of kingston columlhig lgoacre lc mo 21 m the crh concession rijjnf luborooh 200 acres auo the centre 100 acre of lot nit v in the jilt concession and lot no- 1 frl the till couctfsion towhshlp of kingston western addition also all tho right title and interest of llie said anuimy manahan in town lola w l07 110 ami 305 the ntir of the arve desirable property will be sold on tlie day ap- sainted without any reserve and an in- imputable tilled ill be fiven ten is of payment made known at the lirao of sale farther information as to particulars may be obtained by applicat on to tames morton esq charles stuart esq office ttw court house or to tho subscriber thomas greer auctioneer kinjitoooex- 30 ima the above sale it postponed until monday 2nd december oexr at the same hour and place t greer kingtto nov ii 1814 the above sale is further poiiponcd unit saturday the slartnartni at the aame hour and place thomas greep kingston dec 3d ism donald mcmulan jafarif sfuitr eppeeit jy plmre afujrr wespctfully calls the artn- lion of his friends and ihe public in general to his newly arrived impor tations from montreal ami new york market comprising an excellent assort ment of gboceries wines spirits of the best description viz olr oil j 1 1 i rum imrfijfi piht bottled itflmaen sjrwp 7lrmr wt ptfa flrtr j i in itiu0 otn twfi 4v 3h i with a variety of other article toono- morousio mention kingston no im hi4 ftlesh teas tw nvxdhgo package mrttd j nrjuoaj iiree fx mjtvj iiugii ht ascii ac kngtonoituw idih 19jl al cu ol rwentt mlsffmatarsaltbe iiutth fka4eh co kiftmton october lih 1s1i- sugars forty rm fa 100 1 1- 10 tlriu tuttarltfn pjfthy hugh phaser i co ringitun october lgn 1944 corn brooms osc iiunorcodt- superior ttialhf for safe by hug 1 1 frasek ac kinfitoo xbit ieh 1814 vodicco one if v n icicjiaftfitli m k fw- 10 tattfi lariiav tnim fcf salt tiv hugh fradbft co tftui october isa 8lf qenvinetga awdcopfbe warehouse -a- and ffrac strttu iwmi v to kingston p ipes one hrjdred and sixtv huna nj hill bvlt ljof it m w i aiul j- fx hugh fraser co kiiiihir october iih i4f4 ikm svbup ifty coi milu hfrmuby i ll fra5cr a co coffee fifty n m greon 30 h i i- f ail lor uhy hugh fraser co kinon 0ilr 13th ih liquors rh j i i h dcfeurptir v hun gin 12 du w manijcibac itramlj 5 do i i oupuy jc i 20 qr taki jamihk stint far i1 by hugh fracr sl co kintloaoctibt itiili 1844 mdu vinegar rhirtvfjve qr eaikl aoi iad wiue vinrur hirkhy hugh fraser co i olive oil n r cmkripc nr1 hhriv kipxilor fr hy hugh fraser a co ucvlr lits 1641 i william j martin befkctrultv informs n fiierxls and the publtctlhat hehaa opened a iaige and choice stock of genuine groceries wion liqooa frails it at ttio above stanj whore by atlrntion to the wacud of j cuitomera and being able to sell a good article at the lowcm price he hopoa to ineiit a ebaio of their patnmsge amtmg ida stock will bti found tlie following articles teas cigars latpffiatj guiiptwdcr vjuijf i old hyoo twnskajri puf convu coffee green fh ground sugars doumo kfind loar smcl do do qrmbavi muncttado u crn potto hico oil otire ftpaaaii uid wises pot fry haawra curat ac dtc brandy cofiic bvrjauij pahk fin old pnoliph hvmi rrfulit fjnjtcu ununoim woodville ac 9n svlmtxi mrdtf4l llihy luirjni v tuomvsmtt3le merchant tailor pkiamta mutj kincstox egs mu reaped fully to intimate to h0ocrouj cujtumrrs and tin public kcnercl y ho lii juat receiv ed largo j vtt bmhtowll of huolovro jjroad clotiia or the mu a anadc and mhiis caawmore y ftu figured uoavcr uoekina faiy twtftvi and u vartety of fancy and tirtat verting adapted to the preamt sr which will be made loovdeti in th jjteit mfllttoht uprwed now york ath london favutius ladies llaltirikegimvitlal and naval uniforms ltviics acc cn made up inaaupeiioc uyle 00 the alunteit no i tice and most naasuhblo uinwi r k fou at live steady workmen wanted to wlim coustant cmulojmcni i lotfh ism general stage one door bcliiff ihc rrilixh extras furnihm ot the sorlti amtfa and on itcxqttvblc itrtttf am will bo given kingston lye mb vi dry goods warehouse london porter illlirtt cifc 4 divaa arh ft l- hy htgii fraser k co kimiaoakoetubaf hth idu robert mrporm1k kinipiut ahdritail blalit h tins s1lit tws woceries it psincba8 bttbest kincstox j a mcdowall furrier amd hatter vrocx strcct kiv ti moov f lo rf v on tfe thtrltit fi hnr of tvtry deacnahoa boaeht antl sld wines ttv mrhrcalu atm iima pvtt stlrm m ttilhtriftv f hugh fraser ki i sr h 1644 inrtfl mala al to saieratus iftyk kindlon ociubcr 18 h hugh kraser jt co gin holuodi dcliidam iiiii soitu rum scotch wlmk clip i sn i in pflppcirmnt pdtich ltrpiouit london imur dkimiti do uuh alo aha ju tobaccos htomiih maihycx ilof hnndw udiuv tit rurami pino col oronocu orfirutti i m and w uic u 1 i i i 3oltin do kcr do 3 cunt at ttr r k i 1 fruity cn4md ihrnon carvn udoil cihwr do saoc ktrhup sardinr fiurqin a i- t tvtoitce a ct 1aaroni vcrinxolli snllilt puwdra liquvrice soar candy maturd 8rtutt ry sad parm candle lard do mm do i 1 r tiolp cmiat dw riuwn do almond filbaru loftr aiiin waaliiiv 8oda knirt siae lj rtm fw flayiag carda do rpuar craiq watt accountants ohtajuo itreet ettolhskmtnt dr howard fbinccsa etttaar one huinurltl olca dijay skaa li f hugh krasea ck ktnatonoctobor ihih 1814 oat meal fortyseven utrr4 ffoaa around frr uleuy high frase0 ot c rirhvnoewbcr lh 8j4 carolina rice thirty buwif ty htgit fraser co kmfffloembcrlitih idll iferritfers 4 ftfornryi at t- 1ihcsii ithiit ittfostoif john a macdonald alexander campbell j mr kenneth mackenzie barriftct at law solicitor in chantcry ac clattrnce street klvdsios j1 m owj oor l h of the oj mt hunter ship ghanoler jvd 4 jftroya wfljaya oaf aria jrff eintfston ma r mtcxt cmaik cablc ako a cainilsalvm tar pjtcji aftt ftollh naval of ever detcriplion boiteil anf paint kinrttoflircnm 183 stores liflteed oil to be let riileltungeoffatone buildings 4 coveted with tin adjoining the ark kington known palntiifo david m alttin taintkr glazier paper hanger 3 dooraabove the scoch church prin nt street kingaton n- b whitewashing coloring kingtton fob 10 113 fashionable tailoring estanushmkvt oct itftsrt kikcvtox roval anillciy p 9 ivtlingfan ttrra an j presenrlv oc- tinicil aa oiliceiu quarters the view ia apleiitlul ami the attuetitm desirable tb kent is veiy moderate and eaili lioube will be put in complete impair iitflide aid oui- posvoaiit oiithefirat tffjuite apply to thomas grttkf escj ir to tho subscriber n b the houses will bo let aiitglv or together r jackson- ktngston may 23th 1s14 for aledv t j k huohpriortt bright muscovado sugar iahomhaaiiu umlhancb to bacco in lloxea and kegs and a 5u pcriur stock of u inks and iiatoba in yvood and dottles imported by hiraelf jkn a jiinm a4rtment of jrtoccrif- 4ind provision to 1 sold at the lowest it oitdc piicca for cash n b wanted 200 barrels of pot- ajn 20001 buabvli tf wiikat and tofitut huiheu ofltip for which the sm use i iter will iay caih kobeut mc ormick kinguoii iolii april isik 3llf kkmuval fmi mukpiiv has removed fiom his old stand in princeas sueet v the chbckbrbd store corner of pfihcctt and im i-m- nearly iopoote lie i3ilmjo rlnii i hotel kioijmoti may 14ih 1344 james richardson vjtbod i wo to infoim his fiierdsand the public generally that he ha tav ken tbe snp formerly vecuuivd uv mi imimi where he will execute all ordeir with ueataofiif and ptinctuulity he ha now ou haad a large assort- naeftt of bjraadcloths cahsiueres anir vesting8 of the beat qualities and most elegant paltfrttf whicjlaaa frill mttko tfplotmfcl in l ic lalct and most appiovcd i afaav hi y lira on moderale tanas audut thawioai puaanhw antivl kiftftuiti auiiat ml ismi 0 a cigars laruk aifjrimcnt of piimiin w luvilptf ghiimet c vfw ilwial hiiimh rm sulr ai itrtj c a it l t m in iftuminij httimerc thanks in his utomci hoilj in town and toutitry for the very libcinl patronage fccrivcil by kim bfjs ivspvccfuily to infinm tbnn lint ho in now reeeriviiur at tlie above sstrire a arc and ivcsh aorl lliont of tlfqtfit9i rrtrtcfi ltyuvrs prth rtaiort dji wvtk dye sfttjr4vvi which he pledge himself cannot bo ftuipiied by uny hououestof mm trrtil r new yoik willi r ctmrr v tuivlity ot cheapness kinya may 14 h is 1 1 an excellent opportunity miobk lkasehforoicimofymrf i hill mki heii diibw now on infaulf cipnitti a ao si farm of excel onl wilil lnj m tho i uwiinhip of j ion- akuti vtlbc fik in dairie cea sc uu threaj taunt pailf luau f lima y willi a variety of other article iu the tradi ri 101001115 t meniiiu oneepci wi jmj ji ui qiarii ad vantage to call and eiamine before pur chasing elsewhere private families officers mless and hotels supplied on the most libera terms kingston november i9thjs4 for sale or the a d shaw importen of brriib and forriu dry crods wiiotcavlfc and retail f r iii iiitmato tr the inhabitants of kingston and vicinity that they have this day ipencd iut in those pre mises in pbinsastftkfitery eeru- pitd 6y mf jrmti brigg fifth dooi below he lanbtott houat a very ex tensive and conplete frworunrnl of sea sonablo staple ami fancy dry goods which having reen iipoilej expressly for the trade if this placf will be found replete with fl latest alylea and designs ofihe most atftaui ouods f ir the htbsbnt akpboaciusc 6ea80sis posaesiin werj advantage as im porters a- 5c uc feel confidentin re commending tjetr stock to purchasers of ory 3ootl generally and inch from the greatest care having been a ken in its selrvtton in the hritish mar kets in order iu render it complete in every department they neel assured that for cheapness wyle and variety it will be found unsurpassed by any house in tho trade country merchants and wholesale dealers supplied on tho most advania genus terms- kngston pt- 10 1814 72tf new uholksalt commission warehouse toronto imlltilv rescott a1untuuau nihb brtrol mail sinqe kir toronto nnd ilnmilon will k4v this ofltco evorydny at 3 oclock pm precisely tiic kiyal mail slascfor ptcscoli in conncrtifiu with the montieal lints will toaum this t jffice every day at 4 oclock i- m procidoly and will leave prescott fir kingston immediately after the anival montreal fttan paengcra for toronto nr montreal will reach their destination in 3g hours the subscriber takes ibis method of thanking the travelling public fn their past patronage and having soared no expense to miko the above lines of winter convcyanco the must comfona ble in uiiiish north america feels con tideut bis iitions will meet with then continued suniort 77ic sleighs are all sett and ebtc bodied t lt a cnrrioge and only repairing a trip to either of the above mentioned places lo have their comfoiui duly appreciated william wellei1 piqprittor atl baage at the risk of the owner 30 lbs allowed 10 each passenger all extra to be charged at the rale of 4 pas- lcngcr for every 200 lbs kingston december i3ih li l office h mathison wt merc ii ant tailor king stkertr r ii i subscriber repectfuly begi leave to infoim hi ftiend and cuaitimerathni he has just received from montreal ins winter supply of iikoad clothe and cass1mebs of the finest and strongest fabrics and of most superior quality which be will sell on the most liberal term or make up to order iu the latest and oosi approved pashti nable slyics on ibe shortest notice inter vestikgs of every do if ai scripiion 01 uie h math130n kingston nov s 1s41 s03m chequered hotel corner of 0tvrio and arthur streets kingston begs to inform phe sobscribcr friends and the public that hu fitted up the abovo titablishmcnt mcrly kept by wntlflrt ft son bis has and h to houses to let rfv rent in colborne street aid possession given on the lat of de cember next a house and bakery with all tho baking materials and having an excellent pump connected wilb ibe utikcry the whole iu fitstrato order also no 2 cottage adjoining tho fir mentioned huuae connected vaith tb uakory rent moderate apply to tbo pro prietor at his saddlery and home warehouse princes street kingston john harvey kingston sh nov 1544 so if t 650 130 m no 50 40 suuscrimerst casks cut nails ri 1 240 de rase do do carta patftfl prtuvd ie do 00 do do sjvlket do torn rf lion wtll jtftcd enlishj sweeden ku scotch j 1 tc fined banks reiincj loxrimvor and three rtvrrs tori hoop iron luotttj 1 2 lo 6 inch attorm thtcknrr anrhor vsoitrj 1 lo scwt 0 chsin calil assorted 12 10 3 4 inch esskscwl cham sssoiuo 319 to 59 to hi liot astori potash kcltlra l falkiik and kming- ion om coolrn and sogat kelllfi aed nlird poll ilo make pans wilh and without feet utdaajoritet car and pig usd 10iu shcrl lcd lorlnl toni lcaij pip anoilcd 12 to 2 inch rttntllr un wire assorted sheet and cake zfric 0 uhits and lieicei glue so do sud bairels unseed oil mj hoi jed 1000 kes painl aisorted colours 3 ions dry white and kcj lead 0 barrel and lietces yellow ochn do vent r kcd 8 law putty 1200 hoxc and and halves window amtted riuaiiiica 7 12x81 io 100 7 85 10 e 15 3 200 he undesigned rcsmctfuhy inti mates to the mercantile iooimuntly and others that ho haa leased the b tensive fine tamof wahlolihe and lately oempied y james drown june btn ami adjoinmr the premises f the tttuhfi forwarding company nu bniitt jireol f fl4 ir m 1 o4ii j oeio 1 tjs cvuiimuiived bumneas as a broef and grnertj com mission merehant ami having established agencies in new york and montreal is prepared lo effect sales and to execute orderforllh pqrobmfj nftiooda and produce ot evry description in tbiise markets he ill attend to the passing of merchandise through the custom eluc andfu wai diiiy the sain ho has auo made arrangements wild respeciabte hmics in new york and montreal tuieceive ihrough thnn from tiimi to time cruiiiqnmculs of west in dia produce and othtr groceries which ho will dispose of in lots to uit pur chasers on most lileral toims roderick ross utbjiant- im lately by h mivoond intends tospaie neither trouble nor expense in making ihe place in every woy suitable for tho iiccommodotiou f those who may favot him with their patronage tho house is aituated in the most business part of tho city and consists of excellent sitting 9avaw bebrqqms is well furnished and amended by per sona desirous of making travellers as comfoiable as pustflo kxtemivk otabuxo- for tho arcom modation of trnvetleia- pcraatuj cros aiug 1 he ico will find tint premises of l ho stibci iber admit ubry 1 a twt as the houh it situated only a few yarda fioin tho extensive waichouses of john h career ksq the iiah will at all times be supplied with the cftvittil wines and liquor lyman phillips kingston inccmbcr istj removal r h e subscriber haa removed candle manufactory omaiio street hardys buildings nj 4 directly rppositoireers wharf he hegs leave to rctnrn his thanks for the patronage he has rcreivedti nee he com menced business and informs his friend and i- public generally that be will have constantly on band candles of the best quality which ho will sell wholesale or retail at the lowest price an assortment of groceries al ways on bund b meadows kingston 5th nov 134 to emigrants possessed of a sjlill capital rio rent a farm of 50 acres under a atate of high cultivation beautifully situated on tfio bath road onjf 3 milts jrom kingston with or without the crop now hi the ground possession ghen immediately tho crop can bv purchased reasonably ren moderate apply to the pro prietor john harvey satbilery warehouse print st kingston kingston july 2l 1s4l 0 if lumber por sale by the ui5ct iber near mh the government wui yard imace d arm 300000 feci nf lumber con- iiuf i inch inch and 0 quarter inch and a half and 2 inch also a bit of oak plank from mto inch to iitfl 1000 tem of cptoro pino lumber mid pine scantling ofdiffureiir di mensions tho wholo of the timber is of su perior quality and well seasoned and will be sold low for cash or approved credit benjamin tett kingston may 7 1344 36- if notice fire insurance company aiel for tlii louittiiitm possession given on th may the pren to let firat of may tho premises in the com mercial mart at the foot f princess street occupied by mr d macdokald ooe of the beat situations fur general business in town charles hale kingston 3d april 1844 to ship owners masters of v9sl the subscriber has 00 baud and for sale at his snip chandlery store onta rio street the following very superior assortment of english canvass 20 pes bleached no 1 enghsti 3 scotch 4 enghl 6 do 7 tjo 1 cauraas from no very superior assort ment of ail tn ne bunting of all colors and a variety of blocks patent bushed and bolted and wood pin all of which will be sold low aod oq liberal tetma m t hunteb ship chandler kingston 16th march 1s43 30 u 20 t 30 u 50 h it 50 w s 26 w m also uni ilca 1 to nv u wit the phy notice suhaciiaer ma timothy mur- kingstnn v join shot m ivi 450 qr f ff fffpowjr b in atnl csnistf r pitch tar rwm oakum turprniir bftyson k fbhrif menlical srplceiber j6thl811 s tovesfor sala by iht sub j b00movs aisoiicd strata tnw rivris anj quehec makr 30 lo 3 inch imlf snl 30 lo 3s inch www fancy hot air air tiffhljffv- bkvson it fehrifk- 1811 st paul mntrtal stpl 25j44 farms for sale a farm of 143 acres in the iii l i cssiun w a of the township of kingston also a farm of 03j acre partially cleared thoy are situated in iho mile spnre about 7 miles from twn the land is excelfvnt and will bo aold on moderate terms jiilu indisputable ppy a tho subscribers ollice at llto coutt house c stuart kingston 7th junr im 1 latest arrivals girntlpmkv4 ivawrnw zihr v cnau i valcll rivlaaiwl ul t w liar ujrk anj lthi itilum ralr il vi tu petit m iltc ujmi4v4 i lit yuutha tu 5 lv vi y vaia vfaff foi aakai ii oillgvpieaoe lamlabaii uuiitiiti tz u iiuttonc ci in iifotrit thir iiunnrrous toivn and iuuotry cuvloinuit ilml thty arc dow receiving tljelf iniincn4spiiug sluck ofllruish maunfuctmrctl ufjuucl gratks and fkntn k aii f xlenfivi asaastasrat of c- midlife ant tint quihtir for sal by brvson i feruif monlreal srpt 26 jam ifutil jdr l lomm apply to miv joseph m e hu filw 1 kinrmon nt aur ih44 it fo ikt7 tut ijvaitl iu hi vj1l4jt ot ivjtnhan iitty hi hir ittcufmlaum il lli tj ph iv ui 1h1 llolmi4h tu a t b0xks tl n plate m tjiuburirsic slh bllxx dx 1t for talc ity dyson t fehkif m- i srut 3sj iw inftt lnitsalktty the ubicirbris suulmats canada platkav quatititt brysun k fftftik hantffali sap um4 which they low piice kfuiil i injjl for vuj manehout wfuluiukcp lambton hiiihlin june ih in futiccjis slicel to lbt riimtie huusbts in womi tenocu apply tu rilumas ihrp- kiiith z jj t v 1 1 1 li 1 c 1 iml 1 00 i private sau iwzrn siirinullottir- al sglimittirr to i- t rllatcuttatae ulalde vmto um lioa iirnt irciitol uf mr hunlitk cilh jainiit hnil ami ijuwinf hm rvc jmcftu- ikilrrionv kilrlirn limliy in ne ciocn and elliat ciuteniaipeaai vrrth 1 veiy jnl iilut utl 4 wrll racrlknt alfr in iht kltcravit tiltr v ijli a nnty tin asme tah ha cinnltil wtl vnhrt mof a3 krti m lamt tu mccclleitt cnuiltiiim with a farm im a nay atahnl iipmi d at ihe nrrto nr in ihc nulucuvr ornvi onuro and uioclc stlw thmas ukkft kiftchtao9ti my l1- niw sfkixii urmiw phk naabtcriawsbavvi receiifeil hylbefnt iiivix vaa liana an4l llnljn vt tht sutu 1- ttntt t otttur i1001 bun- 4chi stt hfcttrl jntm mrl i- vmttl inimn tjumn lilrvi wl iiicii i stnvk tr faincv ami maikk ijry mtflhwl lij le jltuoiiij rity stopk corner of king and princess streets bgtlm by john cakilutiieits tcadru 1 0 bus bcrcsoeciinhv 1e rr- itnnhia sircrrc thank to his numerous citttoirrifc mid iliranel eiy tr tbt vej librl atippoti he j received from thctn mikc he ipirj the sbove ienuse ilf itdum new tr to announcer thit he his feafed quebec rille suwiiber tfl id ihr adjoin n nrcmirx khteh means be will be i 1 i muii in business j aoj hopes bv iticl altfjilinn mill to merit a c0jilinunce ol the liberal patronage he li hitbeito- n joyed on king street by e able to encteii ins esiaeai and h the sutoeribcr is daily recrivin ft 11 j plies of cftoceftbs llqvohs winks stc tw ftofii tiic hnblmd ars itxs thacc0i and new yhl mfkett inl u 11 ham amdt eey corn- mojily required bv contty merrhaiilf j carkltiiers 4 ndersonns late lamti toronto pjsle hlcklnulo caku snd tins cutiiid- rred equal ti ny in the world for sale vvhoktjie and letail bv j carruthers soft tgentfor kigton plouk indian and oat meal m itlrk anj jut received a lot of iiuh engish en ted hams and cacon also ohin llnnft in vvupjrra a lew bo rels nv i ninth stieic hcuinjv all wairant ed the bt qualities j carrutheks bkst canadian clierse from ihr tioaiteq diiyfotxhnif of bhlcuus roniteted the ast ill iu fiflvnjce and only for sale bv j carrutiirrs 200 d0z paiknt pails turn churns e liwi the canan- tfpic factory iofsil by j cahruthrrs safe agtnt in kingston alt ai0 banel aineticn j ajr do liviritrvtl rxaddlobassd iry or trfmesslf j carrvtheus notice subsruuler is now lnummi 111 tki oti il unw tctmii nt nr 11 at vwv unliers ii rjijlmtk t c i4iiilokn t i i hunk lllllnli ii hmhnl avitt iuuiuith rbmre anvtt rpfl surscriher isnow prepared lo m muclivs flrnstt indian and 0t mral u omuv mutt cara oat buckwheat cutlet ci to wbicb be will pay the bihoi tt aath rhicri pot ash kettles am cooleits ud conilaiiujr on buxt 1ot a5hes bought or taken in txclhagr j caiki7jies vvllkat flour fork potash- fnilk suucrilii will sy tlie liiglraat murki 1iim in vm foriiuv auan lily wheat flour purk nnd pubisa uliviitj at lbtir wivalkhiac ontnrtu tliu vvwlt iil bo taken in zt ilic city mills h h w rae kintptnn itansinry ta ism 1 i a itjtie 4llt jj2 mi t nrtmuim ohice removed lo the rhick boitntitc corner ot unurio and uiock sticclj where ajinhcatioo will be teceived dining the aidi- houil of ine thomas creer amil kindlon 30th awil is4l n retiring from his humnr and hopat the comer of kinrind broek sue via bef to inform the public that the rusincsi will 111 future be carried on and cihijuctait by mcbs john king thomas col- tyer lo whom the said ettamithtncnt haa bcn diinoied of and fnr whom be solicits a continuance of the public pauonsxe all persons indebted l ibe ute etabfith menl of jonn kiha co are reqnnted to make immediate luymenlj to- the subscriber who atone is sulboiized lo receive lha sacne and who will settle all just accounts preaented ftfr iyitent kinstonj auul 22d lu tetus 23 and 25 hotel great st james stuct sslw post office montreal ndf ist m piuvatii nuahuig i mrs hilton boga w iiilimato to her krwnjsanj lite public ccnor- nily that shu can accommodate yiawia men with board and lndin at tin 2nd cottago frnm the aries ofticr and ucxtdoor to mn j smoht tailor where she hope tu make nil comfona we and to meet a share of neblic favor kingston nuv 2s is43 3i 94 tlr teti bc loinfrnn hoi i- rm udltni mv uiamietl bis ta n l d nun at tlic rvllowino ii o o r k breakfast at hairpast eight oclock iunch from twclvo to 0110 oclock dinner at ix oclock to rblh e picmwa let ocenpied computing a sni- coltapo of tun apaitrnenls well lnid out coach house stables ganlen vvell tec c loauiifolly siluorcd hav ing a lino view of the lake anil wiilm icvcn minutes walk of tho mineral springs a desirable residence for a enlcrl fatnilv rent modernlt gliaiclbs hales kingston 23d april 1s4 v at private stlf vibe nuvrhbi tllenh of one cmv vn minor loth lrwft ami one co noosg to tfit b house lately occupied by mr j bruce thcctuner of ban ack and onlario mreeia for further paittculars apply 11 john straohan kingston may 3d ism to fafita 4t r jiuihiag ami ieturru vdlase fc of ioitviuoulh a neil cottaue con- tjiino- s jiininvii htitable for one or lava families h a garden if rcqinrvd ten tnelerate annly lo john carrvjtiier kialfflott i7lb f1aylrh agency and commission business ihf subscript fespectfully temlers bin tmcese thanks lo im ff ceinjf t ihc public pciwrouy lrnasrfy l1fiil aunpurl be ntu rewieil mv be cnoinvvl lniniks o kin4hipi rl faefalm artiuhll then ibat lie i ne ivnrel i reiviu timininwmrt tf any jnvriplionot iimpirfw ai in mm ataoj on um cntmtrial uliaif ml wt rmca slrrd vboreccry hlilwill bai me 10 rmttu nih n tfiiaffeywlui niijr ovm mm h ihvir mniroimjb viain hn otamalva n un with itas timle tanarsov he ia caaifiiain riaal ii mvm -l- hiy ul riif rij wilb m miaub iia1tli nul 10 i pij jt jiiiac as any irtfeaf mumjaamf line ul tlumloisil iiuu1i ca1dbk cnoiiet- wbirf kuatfami 2i atril ltf14 mi t furnished his now en- lahlitthmunt tn a style of oloqance and comput bea to intimate lo the public and travellers that li is now piepared fo receive a number of boaiiuers at his house where cveiy attentioo will bo iiid to thf ir convenience ami comfort nu higher rhatgo than by any other 11- l hotel his wines liquors and gi ga ks are of the beat description and as it is his determination to keep every filing of the first quality he solicits a inure of public patronage montreal july tc 1944 to let the st georges issehbli bori ivjc feet long 20 wido and ll tfw gh in let for sehimil room lectures public meetings or any miter purposes by the nithr week month or year and immediate posscs- tion can bo given apply to walter balks poper hanger qurcn street kingston july 10th 1344 57if millinery andjress making e crowley rrinctss stucit kixoiton 1 ft eos leave to return her thanks to the lodtea of kingston and vicinity for the libcrul patronage she has received since her commencement in bus no end inform them that her snow roost will be opened onsaturday nextf the 9th ittta vrhin she will be happy to receive the calls of her fncns and u10 public goncrlly- kingaton nov 5tb 1s44- 50 kingston foh hale casks port hope whw key by the subscriber john h- greer match 15th 1s44 a v lit i lloieiv vri v iw 1i rit 1iiomas urkkii ktogrfesi llptb july iftil ihntsnty n it v kaiin ivuia pari iv pptilfolly iofioinn ho lililiv mid 1 i iiii fii- k ijttofii nod ita vietoily rlml lif him tilcon llm t m1i intttly 0c lopoilhy i ii whr nt ivdoy llllfol kvlet in ho will iiuriuj il piftiiim tor sale uv 11 aillgflphs a co girntittns jnuia anama cattrric ittllktlt -v- linn mid liwti ii ma litthvodlatr nvwtmvjiai wnfc ahlfrliivitranl mitimrj snkn n salln am f hurfc imua hu lnk iuilrthifr kimiii a lhimitkrnlic im m id flnrt 1 fiiiklp nasm 01- mkoi ka riih fil hmih ltiti l iiiihfi imii l irbt m tiuni rbufi 1 oni- sa mfhirai will r iu slk ii lnpr ivuiirtn f i ittit an aul m at iti4rnleit i iliumo- t emi ihnk iw itire iiffiei lmt 1 1 i 1 t 14 salkkaiius km me hy itbltnneh sail kees to let a convenient house and store- situated in the improving village ot mill creek twelve miles from kington the rmt will be moderate for par tie uhtr apply at the office of tho bktu wind ur upon the premises emcslvvrn august 2 1344 foh mlf livtiibblbwbidkbav salt cadi fine and conrae liver- putil in iligsainl lurroni fiiik- amcfican supoifine piiith primci prime bj it mesa phi iktin no i scotch mmherson fc trane ktugmon juno 3ath j 1 h iil i rwr a co heva reriel jr fitmh lmtoit a 11 aoniini jrv lreaeilnirnr plaia said miii miie half lliptib zejihfrfanil rtnhal 1- m tlhli ati1 jt-il- wlifc a van eaieimi miirlniefil a i wpfaj avareal i rvtmraj tn n plawl ton iw i rtawi r m wtj lit k li ijaaukrl aols

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