British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), December 27, 1844, p. 3

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ten wtr which wsi helj at lliahatbiol 5rtjk s0ulhuwft to ririy s atw oar il phhf j ihn the whole army should mike aguntl attack upon hie mouniainecii bat miny of the ottitrra acricd mm iheii me n enihl not be kalea ij t f illy determined that o rerun r snoam nj mae lo sehamd bet for in amilicc srhamd who was rather then ffppjtoitoiiitj to tho on coniiien that ihuina the mlanuption of hn1 ili lie the rnfcoan should hitman litf canp with fooil find on ul icon an iinritfiff wat concluded unto the lay of kvin 7h norernnerj when the pjftuhrffj itiicni lo renew te war with nurnenled sol a letter from that nh of he world stile ihh the ifhtesohhc rumum between killed vroutturd anj nifpalfc tinounl lo gqfloo en wlulsi thote of the mountaineers amounted tn fjw thi may aessibly be itae hut hid the notn- btn been more moderate one wotju have becrt more likely lo ecrejmoihe meiuoo- certain ilis that he fores of rouia hire been eoaremrstrd in the neighborhood of d dentin in fact the hues of the kuuoai arc no so hidly pat a j thai the cikatvians of abizk and citbarta are connenlly croinx the bottlers attacking ihe rowan village n bearing at itch apoils in tlsves hmti cattle sheep end eibec ntojitrly s ytj a our irller from bey rout teach jown o the 26thofocl from mount lebanon anj d makui there i no intelligence of ti0iifnt that in the former district the mountaineer fhow total inmrterente to the forthcoming mcriinex h9th the ottoman aul dot ilia and the deputies rem the marcnilf ami dmaes tranquility prevail al the cap of the sera fcter aioil nt likewise it aleppo tigl jafft and syja hate been he ten ui blrieishc- having been eflieied ny the noletietis shirk aoo go who mattered the omiii of froth places tioop which contimj to ar- 111 pik the hltlo poodle op when they are nng outtbob dvira lotd mo when i left not to return 1mb mr i nolo tbii wondrooi pot ffotn mdam bib now ob i trow dob s 0b bob yeu oeo ilt all no 0 dob if 1 dont britif a poodle up aool aa whilo now bb ill ntako elvira i it ibo itrj one iho crave bob von know thit tocra often play the part of if- rantknovcf bob thow pretty maid with cooaid aa bright i any p woutd noke ua do an hundred thinga we wouldnt but for iketn bob so bob 10 bovx dear bob dear bob n think it euto aitcrc bob if you inewt ihu i aoots ipcnfl ny boauiyi duwn hare bob ffal members lve made up their mindo to bteo a chnatmie atrotl bob i euwnx jive wilhout tkcm here jou neednt think it droll bob tlyee hwod thit 1 have quire a taatefor bhtm and chinipnr bob so there i doubt al aji bot we will aliortly meel e aii bob dear bob ovir bob facts ant straps original anil select a caid v m fow- btt on ociduile of the rive it beyroul fcoji cantuflihiople hee been roj al college of phyieiani f thr itlnd of ba tent in ti direction of sidon nd jaff in rj nd late pliviiciao id odinart to oaaajb power uec a unhl hie lion to diiirm the poptilalivft thr countiy will of the senaonand lo ihiokuiemfarukplfoaaje nv be in any other thn a mol drplora- they hive hitherto extended to him we udte of anarchy the kiitfih injle ibew jnat finished the perumlof uicuitnuni- th ibc atlird jclvf tquodcr to lbi udica re been thr ctje nl oiueli eiifccjucf he ftlttf eerria 01 ml letnalm- rf kmfaioei the utual eomptimenl tyne the fiench covette di have kit ueyroul foi jjff orinnal oortm a new song about lome ar iinrutr tliranoe oarto w ilaaaff rt mttu tt ftttt tit rcifjidttinniij ivvwhat a sheer little queer little ld he i i vfffi ferpleiinf gv mflrninf and night one time how merry another how i j still throw m getl in thv eop of delight hiarale j unbounded for kiftf peer id pempu acknowledge alwienee and tributhuuii pjy anj even phttoaoane r think it pjtjunt to lot the ety cod have il alt hii own way lore what e hrr hlue queer ude ld itc ii cjo aek fr jnn 1iva aeo wtllm n the rvwtt which cmme vueoe4eeffy put nbrrirct t auifortbr mniden hill wirt feet llionet of the wind little detlymiuify l rtet bang foealhe bowwh7licufdown dart it i 7auhtnf be flica to hi mother owny put beautiful kmim n rtnilv ilial tirf heart it u wounded by cl tl rtlr ciy tivw what a quor mile hnr lutle led he u arfrihrfifh iimrar fei1iiueritjiieni cr bcr f br4ithewaitei retroapecl and obtained therefrom a thorough knowledge of the laieu im- 9 ptovciornti in medicine and surgery by which he eoaaidem bimdf much in advance of hi prefer atonal brrthren docrot fnj0rab40h julteri n if lht the inforrnilion be hit derived fnni the votk alludrd t coupled with hi great eapc- i firnrc on the itfand of baruttrit will enable him jtjwipe aeertfol war aintt all thoae bodily i nilmoie tht ainful ikali ia heir to ife thefefr rtnnly ojtgea upon ihe pnpio of the eo town t nf kmgaton an increaayi cvention to him of iherr naitmicccnjifidcnl that the ludatory certificate of certain inhabitanta of biraterii which wai pmnm by him on hia firat appearance in hit tbn will not be found to haee been unmerited j i i 1 i would draw itien trto lo one very important fact not mentioned in lle eenificate alluded to vit lhl previa tu hii hthine ptactiacd on the f aland of biratariv he had enjoyed veryextenjee neartice in ihe south si lalandt and more particularly in ihe country of hovrtimufxa from docroa foionabi imti bine rveidenre irmnnj lb yhwi of thit cwnwuyi he baa aeqoirrd raek nbt jntoeheir miinerv custom and diaeiaea and hetherrire cn fdent ly vykka to ihe vioo portion of the inha- ltttnta of k fjr at appfcciation of tua rtfttttlb pcroa fotcuba n bei k inform bia ttoni of graveelothre dec eealterod about the i j c mitij when the law alviwoil aibjrirt to bo procured in no nthrr way than by the viol t liatj of uie kvca of the dnul we wlet w tl knnw ilio irnpf orit of having vrfjfibi tr haawbau friaaa ibtl men may know by inn irtf the ativlnrt ul r dead hiw lo ii ihr rara of thrlirtfj linked to thit neersty el ihomth awieii ita being ettremety repu ajanl to n3 lecmffiaf irv mwi but now that ihe law hii pmriovd tho meona of upplinj thie ikc-m- ry ovmand c ennol but repnbate in tht alro eat termi the tin fueling apmt ihat ould far tho aiko of aatinr i peltry h iif o i a fricvout oulme on tlie feehie of the rekuivci of thoar who he pvwd in our ghto ynrda 0 if the loaa itaclf waa not auffieiently aonumz wiihout having added tort lljepamfot nirehnrtrvf that the bodice of ihe m and tfred afnnld be droced from their hit aacred reeling place beeene anmc rnedical atudent ia ion atinv to tpatr italf a dultif or teaa for thrit which the fow providii tor in a legittmatc manner we tro thil the gi uoten or the nwilical lfwjrpffa who have the r lendeoceof thr medidil achont wh prevent i hcao groae outr4gea nn uk fectma of tle eonifnuuily by forbiddinp any todiea lo he bronchi into the fchoou eirpt aieh aa arc brought in by ihe order of tbe anatomical liupcctor miittl crwirr rjihi kivo coiiceat a cnvocaimn held on friday the solli inaianl to confer degrrea and ad mil i i lo matriculation the f ltunir genih men were admitted to drei a b fnvdtick wni birron cambridge h 0 id rriifra john king ejmbofih otore fftmck ehmuiffb henry byi abel dcen sramb hwlataal lidjuburgh a b drwh willi w itvusf dublin mtrtticauttd boyd john prairie willbnt crickmnre ihrtev 1 dimo alejnuvt marph iviftii wittiiim pmieharl uniei wickien arttiur j wifki- vhatlej b laoiiinbe charlea r inlbeibaenec tof lita cxcetlcncy the govfinrr general chiineeflornflhe tmaerwtvbiv jrdhtp ihe biabop or toronto peaidcot onoawil aaaiai rd by dr macitil vieerrcaidertl the rev dr boavnn den and senior proctor and vrotvtacr croa rtfrefifo rrofrft for nli iibtfl iirjeeitii ji i u iiww ijm umenl 7 dfpn the te n fmi lio aift lttnio p lamo t1ymn aiftirbea with wliat rtb mat ter d a r surely tv ne youll tur fming f- ininart alaa eiiea lire miidc 1 feel audi a clatter mnva xavo nh tia bive whti kia vnimdrd t arerr lore wht hicf hllle queer liiilctbdhr it in the reion nf heaiily kmj fxivi i a riyrtrr bluamn fifli en anj lhreee in hia irniti tsrr pfdi eit humble f ir capidiu ttttr kvrt iredid avarice nl fai cain ikthi lw and p r vice and vi loe united xsc befo and emtelal ake fitl the llnt in fact the whte aorlr iwmnltjiifttglttji acknowledge tve a thhttfkslufaft lovcwhal a awet mtte awei littlr ua he i tlvi if h hil fw rae bntnk vm session riiymks d y rti so v what a knohinrj do- i ourreooitcr iu iijj heroed tbe urtof tj laflin ehil cbimpagne in tc than three weiki debeaey lir couldnt traipll armlljt iisnugvile aa lac ia ra ther a lucky dm he tutendi purehiriti a few ticiett for ine apprnncliiiij hafllr io winning the hyena which he tutvvof niwnin upon hu l etvira ahoutd he not be be to pro cure her tbe j j- foodie fj en 1 tlirow atonci lhti rviderltol ahelhet he can hit bit man or en in ih iiwtatic hi i yt a myterj he aua hit h man i kunw itiy ln srly- seeret chamber j 5o dec ll mxfinu epistle ao dm armaraa to aoa lvaoota apr tftr dalir oad arrrfoir dear bob qorcr tlx 1 wih we had you hire boh yuore aoch a nrrvmia hllle tout t ibmk voud die fcjr ftar bvb it rvm enough frith etuh and tini lo rdom of llicir uralh bd their uangc ftuibojh gibbeih ivuull friwn you to ditiui bob ray bob pray bob hel i my lit my djy bob when the mvmhciukc tbeirholidita w aurely aire away bob dear bibqur tta kind bob mind bob vmfti very likely fiod bob thai if ttii beeaaliouid ave thtir hive aj hard ly alay behmd pub 111 being ptiinc curosrtu- thai may amuae you all bob id atcal our madama poodle bui twould likely raiae a tquarl iloh because tho hute dejt i rd to v atmom a alaow bob but ii i havnt accn it ftf 1 eannoi u ao bob kiod bub mind bb now bob i trow bob youll likely f a row bob jf i ehouldnt brio- you aoineuimj tl inted ot that bow wow bob rj 4dge mj wvtd if mudam l don1 mind what rewlfirwa irrarment of dieuee anil he tntati ihet ii a highl ilejary potiali great incdiejt rrufilirei and loul irrrfiee will be iurtifient guar4nlee that tuj nwicat wnw he ia about to publish wilt mert tin ir fie i a mnanre of tba imrein of the profnunn and tako thia op porrunity to in htm them that he wilt bo guidrd in hi- future imdrtauinnl career a hv haa been in hii former via by a full ovtermindion not to wirti hmiatlf into pnetiec by trumpeting hia mhi praiac o by atlcmpting to undermine hie pcofcaiooal brthren jj omcvmox c a eo rttkiceko aeconi tttrra a0 hmvwtatj ltnk rttv oftn moirr prrpamlinahave hi eu made in ihe i trrit taaihc eilc fa the en irrtainntent af th ixvim the qtand mnonic prftleai at tinewfwn hall ah tat town and hii wife wilt he there and h id thr atnte of ihe rod petiniltid l alt ihe wuild and hia wife ala sj iking nf balli rtimn u 1 hat the acmh1e iv the prcactil winter are likely to fu uimuh he rimiiin ofeotna dnareemcm uboutuie place f houog tlicm 1 cnoava macanc amj iupx i oir advrrtiaing column will be foutd tle proape lua of lhw popular ond kng olabhshed monthly it ib aa attud in the idvtrtlacineul w lh pioneer mjjtme of acnirieaand will sumamilhc bth duuetr it baa acquired tac new volume eimi i i with tlie january nit and ihciefoec tbe pre- ot ii tbe nwt iitbtc time to acbaenbe 1j nw mcucal soeierf nir kmaion choul society whuae fii concert will be beld i i vjiy nni aee adveriiwmeni in another rnn diwrvi the patronage of the putiiic- the sciely although but recently inrtituted ikuather among iia mcmsera many of the leading ihtfwrmcra of dinvrvnt choir in rhc lfwii and bida lair oon to caiabltrh itatlf in public favor aa on- half of the procecda of the propotcd concert nil be ivrn to tho female benevolent society tbe chariubve wiu doubilera rrtpond to the call or betjlf of the poor with alacrity fro tut witatjin a aat change haa taken ulaee in the weather the aoutti wind of chrvt inn day took every particle of anow ofttha roada ami haa left u mid winter without i h n 7 boov liftno it waa reported a fewdaya ao that on attempt had been mide by anmc mrdical modcnti to ditmter the boily of poor mr johnwn who wa kileo in giiffntown iliumjf mac liotf th it altndcd ihe municipal cire lm it wiflauo alated that aome fiicnu of tlc th need who weee waicbing the grave iiid ftre at ihe aludeata an1 caplurcd their nurrtiontrm iriiph menta we have made aoote inqturara into tlit naaiiit and h ivr lieeo told that it wua not the bajy of johnon iht tbe audenti wijird lo oh tun bat that of a perann buried near him be thi a it may we have one or two remarki tu inako upnn the ailvl f bodyuiatchmg we have been informed hurt under the pmvamn nf lire ure anloancat biu buth the behfnl of medi erne m thia city where dtwationa arc practiced hive urn amly tipphcd with bodwals nl that tlivte waa no ercaaion for rewirtmg iihia diaul- tiif ilpedaent aor pmcurm ihiin it n c have turot that ihe aludcma are n quired to contribute ejih aome oaiatl prtam of a fee the w hole of ktaerta we are infrmned doea not exceed five m- larfiw lam pivlcgo of diiaeeimg tho ibjecta lnivbited under the anatomy act in order to avorj thr payment of thia trifling turn the mu dvfti prefer eipoamg theinaelvea to hie dune of bm ahot by the relative of deceased peraor to iav nothing of the outrage on drecnev whie u avifcoanea awcoit poltricat fjfo in peitici the rivalry between ovponebta and avowed advrraarie i mild and even harmleaa in ita crura iter compared vrith that bet ween individ- uala b ait on the aacne aidegive ihe lime eete aitecl the tamo pnrpofce and prefer common aymfthiea boltngbrook and llariry hated each other mvcthin either of litem ovtcflcd wafpotc burke and slicridan from jtrf to l3 while sheridan wih hia winni popul r atyte wai irnri npon turke tn the crtim tnh of hk party wble they bolh ant irti cottier vaeh and canning from j07 to 1815 booimio jmi tacr- ncy from i8lti to 122 and it mv be added brougham and milbourne frnin lr31 to m35 port and lyndhartt from 3l lo i3d were in dividual bctwcch wlvum tlirre waamor rivalry and petonnt antagooiim limn between their avow ed parte oppineota burke waa more moriikrd at shr idan tuan al pitt pari irnentary uccei canning hated cttereufh even more thj he did lord grey aasuredly tierney felt more cordial admiteiinn coe the gemu of canning ilun for broiaghama rising power and lod lyndhural oflentinaea frit lr hoalhlj to mrlbnum jjan to peel for in potttiea it i eaaier tu foriy your uiuniphanl foe than our too iuceewul ihcni atj xerea faacnvna curtnrv in the glasgow omvtituliona ia an ace unt of the indu erect conduct of a chiolmutrej who fir omr inflirtp oftencc rauat fihlyput a child n a caik cellar for an hour 1hjc child waa temped and cuej biiierly upon reitxmmg to nr iirenta in ihe evening se borrt into tear and ld iil ihe iniht ioi be put in ihe crtlar the parenta thooehtlhiaextreinhy oddand wored her hut iberc waa no danger of ivir wiog futr of greal an act of cryiliy but l waa j u to pacjfy her and when alw wu put to bed v pa cd i retttcae night on hie mtwmg day rlie had a fver during which ahe frcqnrnllv i xeunn ed dvni put rocan ile eillrr av frvurtu diylw waa laken iu sr aratrv cunftfial a high uu of fevit wjlb dehriinra freqoxnil ihaltmo- pray don i pit ifm ir the eef i ir win n fur aifahirv hfttr i hnid been rulcied lie odrid what waa hkrly v irliove her but ahe dn4 m a wctk nf h r ili ro frtbng treaimcnt aiaotwe eaa- fnnn th amne auhnily may here br cite i fliath eii u chibl lio yrp nlil vlo x neiti t mile her iir fiaeak and tocrpc art l te p el vinpt it cltorj in ihr dafk i i h hj kmie wh u oife hr acliofhnat a burtt fnn behind tho ft to frighten hrr alie wta m i tcirilr d amt hrr hi i ached 0 ttic f lhvii dav i0 berjri dial iinn tin ihe rxt hj inurh aa m4 lo tiar liar lutdrm i ilk in sir a alley nw he thru ioo ilht after thia hid hippred and ie roii iuti i w aame drptor bw hiate of defm- a uy riftieii yimiaif tc wai idtiiirnl ai iiiiiaate i ijie i in i- dee linarte avylum h ivm ir me nihejo u ith fnhl when lav yeara of ne he wianiitr mj nmr irilhii at wai ahnj with otjirf a- chlldtia uvrr mutih alarmed ami m nvre h i out with ihe ex imaiivdijpi til pioserh maoaxi0b of america coifys magazine axu taauvhl not ron itna mneo a fittilto a ie of what he r utdayrfl irtl yr m n fuicnee to hrt im haa do0 lawi yw r at any turwfor illual fifieeo tr- unte tia w ir the eaae it woidd be nuf fr ordmiry pnrpoea foe u- lo pjaa w he high character of ikm rnaeatitto for huiy be property aoaiained brt we ere aware- that ibe rapid and iuitlina latcrew noetuee which ww have brought forwufd tfrthtnilwlavi fewyeara naturally eicitea uwta9 f ia aaymf to hirit carff it mrretv wilh a rirw i t coraeaiy on the lavt of oor frienda low pmcecd to ewumcratoaceneoftbcrealm atyeati plan prcmiain- howcee ut k moav nceearty be partial mcompletc frean our mvehahk pmetice w fqjgjp ivew and ariiiuai ora efteliwamrnr the moment it prearnl italf mlm of all the ropli- lively and niluatft writer mimctil their ihar aeteri are dtwily dvvelnr pronoooeed- thhon4rof bringing fot ttt e into aaauk notiee and f rw rmg a aorc of prime enndocr lokle which vend thrirlight thmogh the wh unmn baibecom quae habrtilual to the ua bo contfllbvtors waltinm cullen bcrant j to ifofliaan jiepbcseav l r a w il buriigb alice wrfs nt bride mra 8 j hat arth st morria sin m g iuwbavp mra emma eioburv s norton ciiyley a mra v oak smiih mit uahe hra h p 5 ii t luckermao taaaft 1 huniinfiton riapn ceo waterman j a sjean prof johnkrrwt l i- mwimi mcmrhael mw jne l pfaiee mr ann fleninig anm b street tlrr selm rv5 ti flttmumr wna sg h- atavr park mawfci iwert1himpi bitajtfa- land samuel 1 pitrvn y 1 s su hvan nathaniel llawthwnedr c hkmie heorr f harrinton mr lii adma hm m n melmmld rev rurua ft craiwld ejiea sar sent 11 nlm a f- annan k p elk h w lied iw- j7 ptrtpnant edar a poe mra v ft howard mary h kw csimm mi u mtny cjaeem li c scdwik l tttirlnn mary a drnano afajf original tdea of miing lory by views of itatttfigtlounds weareiiill ealmlv nuruin- l all eompetitiori the mawv lttto am aared the roeeplwmof ihe ncofrl hf dartev wa white f male oallnlrr ly 11 rl couni lvmaa monument by it imlton thebmof concord brwi- frankrntrm tho lrrmantown daitriiund by acuowli smith the storminrof red bik port by hamilton ivnlon oauv t haonlun willi a urge otimber f rera engifcd bul ivrt yil aenl in by tho art aai another athking feature vic now pe uoaa for american hi- auction sale at the femireaon stuatli point on wed i v the ftlh januarv neat witl be told by puhhc anrtlonthat valuable property t longing to the itimkrdvt fiatte of alejtamer smith enmpiior a lrgr a cmrmodren victoria housli biiljinx wfii adptej lor a hot- 1 or uoji jinj hmajta or a teipeciahle private tnlence or shoul1 it be thought d rail a letha butt in gifem with convenience te divided into three diitinct tenemenlffuilable for ahopa nt dwell- injra the liltiition immediately in front of ihe old wdiament hvtiae healthy tfn ateeame and nuny clrctmiancei connected v with be preprrty tend to make it a aa ihd iseit prfilihle invealment inicndinc pnrchaseii miy btain infotma- tion a to pirticolifiony time prevwui to the flphe suucftbrbega1etwcp to rertorn hia mofltoinceie llinnksiohit friendi and tho poblic fortln very libornl sup iion he has rocoivod oinco lit commenced jitfnroe in kingaion j lo would rcapccttuiw iiitimatt thlt he tu re iovpj hit saloon lo ne of mn hirriyti now bwildinga orroattk mit- j h oukhmo wit a itp where he 11 keep conslanlly on hand a fifawh day of iaf hy appy inj 10 lbi ttubsciibef ht it liomoclt noon thomas ureer kinslonjcllh december lew4 auction sale of teas sugars liquors far at tbe srtm1iwff a -fi- ronma corner of ontario urn biork streeu on mon december will be told fvitboul at daylhe80h any teteree iu chem and hlfrhri ywn- hiion nd tnaiikay tejre 3 hhil bright miiacovjvo focar 160 tiallontsupeiiarseoieh whiakey sajmvtvpj soipauil candle roavttd coffee pauni paiu corn broami fie c wnh a eirrlt of mherirticiea atn on account bf the cotninittatiai 30 i4fi condemned moult c ml in sileat ii luck kmalon thomas chceh anciioiiter 200 uprfine ind fine l0uk for sale hy d vcint0sh kindlon december 7 ibm lgion krjht knwrtainmcut onbe bnlna officer by notice the annuel township mttting fr tho tlviithiitur rittsbiirgri will u uelil it mr jons mcfaeavi junr in ifarriefiekl oti mondavtlie iisth day if january next at the hour of 10jvvlock am j3iin numlr piitnliurh deccmr l l4o notice iher newnd ktwa itie firat tune -cdti-lwk- tv the general annnl meline or ihe soev himerioflhc team wjat prlkcb 0vste8s fhit1 cmfectioswt ea kt hii hah ia atoekcj wilh thn boat of liquors wines sec end or at tiition will he apared lo aecommftdole thiiio who may favnr liim with a rail james elder kingitiin tec 13 f8l4i valuable real estate to tb um dv public auction a at the court house in ihe uwn of hiittoonnsalupdaytho icil day of november next thr rolliawiiar very vauallo pncrly being ttta ph if laitanumbcraiiiij 3 woataiduoftlic grctt cttarnijiii liver coiuaining by idinabuiemetit of u liliu v ehimre i p s 104 icre moie or leo now tu the occupation of aariwt mkt ii art eq also 1 no 41 pourlli ennces aion lowishio ot kingston cooutniog 160 acre ijut no 21 in lw 6th cotnaiirn towimhiu of luhorooh 209 icrea alot1io rchttc ifto acrca of fatal vo 4 in that 4ib cmicuaaion and lot no 15 in ihe 7tb coiiceajloh mrvwmi alan of the oiid aijiins mwtiahnti iti town lola no 107 1 10 ond 305 tlic entire of the b ve desirable properly will be enld on the day ap pointed without any reserve and an tit- otjoitable litle will be wen tenia of payment msifje known at the time nf ale- furtlter inf irmaiton as to particulara may bn oblwttivd hy applicator tu lames morion ew cbarleastoarte office at too oort home or to tlio ubarriibor tftomasgreer auctioneer kindlon ct a 30 uh- general stage mb tm bliqw ula briullraawriaaal afca1 klrtgt01f arfroi kmi4itd ol fat jnorfamf kcixgmd tm h r v i a irr toronto hamilton rtteactftr 4jra montreal the royal mail sinffrj end jitmiltn will tea cr tefofrfe eaee ihia office cvrjrydny at 3ovwk pm preciaejlj the koyal mail stofefor praoaaff ia connection with the montreal line will leavfi tlda oflicn everyday at 4 ocloafk imprnciaely and will leave preacottfor kifj4id inrmcdietcly aftr tbe arrival of ihe montreal stage paaaeniera for loroflfo or vonrvaaaf will tvach thajir dvihoajvioti in 36 hnajra the suhacriber tt lii trmi 0 thankiner the travajlimn public for their paal patronage and havinp vpared no expend to make the above lirith jf winter conveyance the nvaet comfort hie in untiih north america feels yar- ftdent hia exertiona whlmcvt witb inenr continued suprairt tlie stcik art ou aete erad dm wrj ife carriag and nnly retjuiring a trip to either of the alaove ryitftttioned places tohavefajigfv comfona dulyappreciaocl wllllau wiull seo ah baagc it the risk of tbe ntm 30 ibn- allowed to each passenger ail extra to be charged at the rate ofa pea- ii for every 200 lbs kingston december 13th lm stage fare reucc ei of kinqstnn wcetern addition all the ritfht titles and interest in proni do 5o down war d ktamta to uananoeiue clo brodtvule 3o u vreiteottj 5 oi i 6il hi m fnm kingatou to napance sv o do ao m bellovillo 12 6 ja5 patterson e general stw offioj j kington dec 2uh 1644 orxj to a btjwl biame aeo ate dy nutria lv foefci j rap m jark 11 r rifihon of thr por ljr who w midotht it tn-ativ- fim th lime nrvj- nid mhi nerttdy and a mk ii a ma ol llptjta1falll fioa wliivh he will reier rrnf the ataan aricie a iwunl tin- nm ipnitif etltaalin ihe buy fuirn the k vr hi uhcli tie had been ktiatf i d spcnttaar- llica jlonrtetlaisf rvrxcmser 1814 his everlleney lir uovrrnor grnaral haa been ptcrted to latakt in lollowm niint menta v v il i r rimi- n v in he a mem ber of hr ml jl fxe alive cudncil in mvl foi the pint itce of canada william b rohino e quire tn hetnnec lor gneial ol puuie acoums in pure of franeit iink enire iritred c iion djtcl 36ih deceeler im1 rnanis- govehksient notice r commiaary general tvil receive h vd teiitlon at montreal unnr noon on friday hit 3 d nf january nrxi f btflf et imiiy jayt iihi no hoi majftya tieaaury payable in n1xicmti or ijnilcfl stntc lollira in lic oxcit of xlooosrcilinj of tvlitch 100 0 will horeroirtd lit tm onto xlooqo at kmphtn l000tll u0idlwlsula x 1 0000 itqtielate to bo deposited in the comniii4n3i cheats nt tlie above ioms on or bofuc tho 31t jnnunry tender will he rcroiwd for any aom tmt below xioo sterling ami if tnic desire to maku payment i ii ill hitiin it rtilit be so stated in tbe olfcrg the rate sterling per lmltir moat likewise bo iafetl therein cuumiivaniat caahrv monncaj 18n djc is 11 win- and citron tk in puic hieinjnol atl cn nvanthtih weiltiht it w ft ot ant ore t it foe ano jkcmeoi of iha ii alcre it wji eonut of ciiaractkristir state views in uhich liar rre- ot seenty craatoma and c every saie and lyrntnrv f llc taiaaj uifl be pfermd in aurcrwm piaoha a ill of coiararlae cuiiw j ha itthifa ball oamadeia wdl rot fvrit to mtri rfet hr pnflvred iwkjiim of ftcol for tiie berff palxttstf ef aaalacel illuora iieoaf arnieara fenule ratriiana baa ilfeaadf honiht a achemlil aroy of n lent into ibefuht the marajd hii btn tyiftaooed tot arvoitipf mmoa srt f awpaja fa latliafe wi bain favifitea atall sritrmum tif qi rortab best rnlft i lsv arrl tf crr bain toward a 7inffatafe tkru platblj in alditm orn thera rt nf iiomem ihr rimili pitrnns npthe atolli assotiallon will aervr aj frm a kraafytw o our aptcnjid tandiiickntwirtiurfy cntribjtoea well fr lb haw lajlaevta r fiiiraiana llkan a lh- uadifit vaitinr atiaeririti milmf lirera laarclhit liirratwre wheh i fiotn the ablem aeaui llari rtit pjaamirl i biimititt cnui- urratt tlti une lime htil il eoojcnaa inti cntnaiet ami fkyttnt form the nirt hie utfuk ivd ihe hmd in njfralitw mieieh and esaiy wailing mtcatnvtl mcjfoxist hrizottnt dward will he held on friday ih k noon t1i3mas al the aent a m llh aiq4ry iicai krnitnn decemser gkeer 4wa sboth 19h l l a hatlrt it n i s u v ihe qrovr p 13 mouse ihilanl fnster n a rob i on momuay tbe zoih tickets lobe had at mr a anrl at t bamfor4i lltawl n di 1enum procuring tie n will bo coovcyvd to tho urovc lloue fue f ocluck m caliittu lafl m t is the ahiwe sale is postponed until monday 2nd december next at llafl surne bunr anil place no it t queer kingston tim ahve sale is further postponetl umil satuuuay the slrtwtlit ot the same hour paee kingston ami tift vi a3 greer lec 3d lu it n anly awcetatry taa itmi in thii jrjiart fnnt ffr- have kamtala saitiaarnl w am irh of ikanal haee avrcral staj n luad wr aliall we tlaiaiv lute one al each number neal aimiaasflo fashion plates mrjraj ladvuna letloiilv marline that can he ft lied up n hr the rr d faafiioiia o ar imnadalani auftcr iwliti of merit and an lereai whijl ri auited to on din of ihe lady uioimthe lataacitafalol 4raany rroaace ilaly andoilaer naiaoii oa the ewman eoaiincni iu riaic tt ii aatvani many hmd leatirea in the literary way whack aio iwe nt ihe eoue of feeataratiian foi nli kiwn rcaoniweelaona teannoooce bat one in ihia connection vii the durdbb leuenms of ameftlcv mattyal wheh hive0at tvoehed an frooa oe oaatatat rert iosva wlnrh veere kmty hie accneaof iirderwin ioil lmoiin1 ayixlilion an j where hie eijaloat nt ipo xatatm indian hlura and htiulcti aldl fuonah uie aw nalnal ballad oncs ap stuhles to their nmrenand zrjrdchildna hv th wintera rreirk il ia nt rictry ar v 10 iiec ihe namea ii wrivra prremi ntiavbani anaaahaaf thai they are the wl m airarraca ivaa or coa waotannj 1 dwunr tr anuum invariably in adearic iv a- uoiev pijtraaaavhijh plad idvljihia ffrlrva and graham a maiiiov aitl be fur- niraaajveyar o reciit oa u atcaolabr nolideljmia speemien numbcea cm be wn id taaek buaav vra auritwd 00 appifialit- f the suwnbee r03irt ft smiley agtmt ttairtui wmn orrree kiaatfalaia layccclvbcr w jt o f n i arm lit 2 it a p f l r w yewrn cakks smtths- bnnk sttteli value of priwl in do dn 3 2 i at 4 0 to 10 1k 04 0 0 0 each christmas asp new vears gifts 11jie sumrriwra have laltv reeeirpd a lare snort nrit of nkatly liounu rooks ataliiajak for chtiannas and new yejr prevent immsay armour co 3rl 4th 1aeenlytw0 subset aheia the 6r4thicbct throw the lt pffu the tecmtl ihroo lakes ihe 2nd taria the iliim thrrtaar alce li 3rd i the fotittli hghcit ilirnw tak the ii ptiie n it the cakri wall h warranted of ihe he iiljiv they cin h the rffle will comm kvenin at 8 ovtoek al well an if to ooer kindlon ur t i8 aeen on trieda aaj on tuesday i be cikei ju made to let he duellint house wwt end of ontario stieet adjuinin tbe cottage oftbo hon h- mtirumid lately racrupid by leavit ciodan mso enquire of favomxcie uonooiititj oil- l i house ouoers f0i books from england an the conti- nkntof tlrope- gentlemen desha 0 havinr books mnoiet in their o hy the sprinf vesell in 1si5 will u hlrt in nrdeif at their edel cmeenhrme which w ill be imsenmtej on um s of c4eh of wmlrr months in one of l snsicribera who will sea 10 the due eijcuu ot xht orjem j ravav t ft r i tolon b cresafx decemlterfo im the kixcstrv choral soclbty wl lli hialil tbeir fiust qiaatcmv cusicc t at the avfav tvun ifah hy rtfrmaainii on tiiuusda v kveninojiinoaryend ts45 oio to bo rapt ii at 7 oclock ivrtorrtmura c comnenrfl at hifpnsl 7 one half nf t proccrhls will oe yiveo t the ffr mole bcnoviiltdi snclenpa tiehetavaviy be wl at cho biitih big office the chronicle uhl qaht office kamaey and armowrv niddo palrneia urug store and nf the fdbiw- iojr members meaeas gaaodvrin ilry ant utcw uilii howe miluer ceorge howr sttrcfory kiatoea0h declftli tenders for fuel wood c oft mm a ftt at klnoatoh 1 0h december 1644 npendfchs vyiflfae reeeweii sit this k office on friday the toih janu ary isl5 from persona willing toontear into a contract according to certain con diitrms which maybe seen on applica tion for supplying and delivering into the uudermenttonm fuel vasiivs torn meiicinej in june ad enfitng the sotfc novemlcr neat subject vo approval he senior comioisariot obicrr person appioted by lorn ti2 2520 cords at the tttt u pont putt yards the deliveries to be made at the tatoof420 cords per mon 9fi0 onvdi at v ffeiuy fuev yn ll at llieraterjf irjopnijaparmnntly rnue 7j m tl ijq cord at mif- fibtoml a da r utmcubor iraict it j ir theg e m 1 at ear 1 tntcxil 20 conla per muot ii liia cjinmcncoment in niiiiut foirl the ond 10 consist aif fair pfnpor yearn iinee takes this aoiotiuiotv uf jfj uiatl merchatitable hard mpl ratnrulii5hus4ttefi nltl teo arca avfd of kiiigtftn tbe pubud in lieinitil rt months pnrvicuito and hopes that bo bu fully rwrtltmhw the plealfit thai lm ycvizthnimrnrpto prrtat and non icsi ba aaottldbrtw utrcron afeu trtrf wejj aullv ibt- above sale ia fn liter paistfioncj till atlriayihe2sili 1 initart tlloma greek a litlioflcf kinesondfejqo i8u 0 attention of fiu fiifnifa ui the to his extensive and vlfict atock fine towi utrtn if choice groceries wlybs liquors 11iie subscriber respectfully 4nlicif the attention af hij in an plblx of croeetirt to which large addition have been made in the tall importation avlfttcd fmm si iino of the most celebrated houses in loudon edinburgh liui ioiv riattt itud madeiij ctmaiat iiig in pail rf samimuh bttt port gtd shtrrf in vaorfomj toil smith bmfcjttvtkm jo iff llacli- bunid best madcrij aha jo itarica kitde ali jaiiuv ciiainppii and claret very itpeiior- m q u ors hcnney alaitella iwal pulo ami o bared uiandy do kuyper as rons rottorjan gin ileal scheidnni gin in catmft alaand vldki jinarci spiitk h years old in wood ic buttle london ivnier and nitcti ale iitauarla ami pints mohons wltukey t bbls with a laoro moost if ffttk ftu ifo would intimate thai lrebsnovoii hand a lami suprty ok hcka ali which he can cmfifhiitly offer iii tho consumer as a jrood artxlo n b ofileraeati bouftwith mrasrn j vvo 1 11 v c t or at the b ewory ad joins tbo tolmaie front ioal leading to the lute uoacttiment mnue micau mason kingston irtje i3ih isi4 chronicle anv si a to inaerl one namih instiluction on the flute iie sobscrilifr rontem lati etub m lubinif a flute s hool the fitt uetl tn january pri ltd a suffi cient umber ut pupils can h j obtained foi ff aiun aentlemen destrtusvf learn irtij or imjrraving ibcmselves in thn art of play hi that plejiiiug lnmiuikenu apply eaily for tickets aa tho num ber will be unified george howe patfaft r carlder jyj pazl street next tn mr plnpaeiii chanjier ringatud dec i3tb 8la ff i j vi- pruiti ral ciraieeito plug ami rpttres cunra mid gene- cavendish nml fanry smo kin ond chewing tobaecej and cige in gfat vjnety lleti lamn oil various qunliiics auslajcli1inq and no i ii vrrawgati bot uigby heiioga north fthire nuj lake oeuile salmon and codfish all itf which will be sajld low for ciiah or ahoit approvod credit- r mxormick ir jnces sir tit kinrton december 17 1614 n b- iah paid for potash barley rye oaia and corn wanted n experienced salesman for ono bu- a store in a country town who understands the dry good ainess apply to tho editor of the srithh vavav lumukk sle or mat vascittar incess and queen sheets n tiance either way 000 000 pkttt of lttmbcit cotiisiiii of i inch inch and a nunitcr inehnnd a half and inch also a lot of oak ilank from ratt inrh lo fojr iooo feet of rjoare pine lumlacr and pine cantllscii ofdiiteieiit di- moslov the u hole of the lumber is of sti- ptior rjolity and well aeamed and will he old low for cash or apptoved cietit 0enjamin text kington may 7 is1 3g tf soncst persons baeiai mill damson tin rltai nii irttm wathraiit slciei attached to the m ate herevy iiotine that i v wdl be held liable for any ilimi that way lie aiioained hy jut ithfaui proceeded sinst in such casii ju1in cameron kingston mih dec ism fr melcr than 3 iuflitat te small end ta iriiftraictit and cveiy clara to cnbtairi 12s cobic feet lobe piled at tbeexpeaaai of ths contractor by men chosen by the ootnmusaiiai jo stacka of ono corri liiffb and afterwards repilcd in stacks of 3 cords high in tho ttu ov ponf vearrir and in pilars of one cord hih and afier- wards rciilel in sucks of two ctinla high in the other two ystds the piling to he subjart to approval of the cnny missaiiot oticer or pvjrsoo ippointd bi him knotted logjml loja of taryt aitr will not be admllt d unexceptionable aecurliy subject tea the approval of the senior commisoartal officer will be required and cho rtfal sttnatures of two responsible peeaona aviling to enter inte a bond for70 for the fdithful performadce of the con tract mu be given in the tender no tender will be noticed that ia tint executed on a printed turin which trill he given on application at this offia tender f express in figures tnd ia worda at length the rate per cord id currency and payment will be made monthly hy a check on a chattered ban- or in dollars at as id currency each at the option of tbe senior com rnlsnarist officer whig chronacle and near a once a wee cash for flouil highest juice in cash paid our by it scouell jon kingatnn nov22d 1841 nphe fi01 air wanted to iiikk r wo country teams to go to treat and toturn with iiht after tbe 1st january apply a office kindle dee 00 von- toads 1 ibis co vebnment notice com hiss aaiatt 1 kingston tdth dee 1544 ffflen ocrs will bo received at this -ss- office en friday the 3d jiuuarjt 1s15 until one oclock from perwrl willing to enter into a contract agree ably to certain conditions which may be scco at this office for supplying and die livcring at the military hospitals in the t own of 14 ingston and at point henry aitch quantities of ii 1mis vegetjblbs and giockll of the best rjoalhioa and aubject to ap- firoval as may be required for one yetx from the lt april is46 to tbe slat march 1s4g each tender most embrace tbe whola m smhi janiiired mat oe given oa application no other will be uotieed prices to bn alated in currency anrl payment will be made monthly at the option of too senior commiasartatorb- cer tn dollars at 6s id each or by draft n a chartered bank tu beadeeiiiae once a aretat ux iao nasra iit chroaiele and wt for sig hv pllt l 1m i hfit to let plfe saloons in the tktotrt frfl for tho ensuing year for which there has been a license smoted tbo kent will bo required monthly itj ad vaoce apply at the ware room ofthesub- 1- jlr montreal street

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