British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 24, 1845, p. 1

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the british whig aikful anrttain ron canada wiit rubluhil hinlwflcklr rvrry toksday v friday hdwa1d johif naukflukd at tub atiiknbum fn bgtstrti dtr tvtht fmbton u pum pot n dm tn n n 0k filvfld tkh par 0en until rrrw ftiftv ill in aftb r avnnimrjlm hiiean h hi ft meromi fllflr fltci tf mm u- ftim m pr m fur i p 4tl4roa 7 ilrn fm in i ft i lift mbi tn her r4rrteiii mrrllaai ialj unj 104 purl 14 pr lino iv ik p tilir if 4 nl trie tllrrrlwin litl until oftm iid ai- bvfivft to ilir pftwulirr ftrlft tft wr aije oritisf itmjij and general advertiser for canada west hinli alreil- rlint1 ithich uii 1ft li srtmlna ahm i vol xiv kingston canada friday january 24 1845 no 7 lkatjrnpftyftbu in wrv advnlc arrlnrtrl tttj 4l1ixlnujprftftfta rsftmirifth whiofemh jftiiftiiftiftwm uui ilrruhiiftiin imruolwt whftltowtlii rirwfvihilolii k t tfinm fttftwflii tue unifi nwimii wiuftfllfthft ft7hibfteraiiiriifti4 ftkm pdbimier frodftcretlvfifi pftjnhjftt a r iceriift a io b pnt pxid roiirt ft imltftt prints tbttbitprrss printing ftriftft ftwoia iftifco bftftifttjm wft bm dih m h lraftmp m ow ma uf i ftf kr 11 rtm robert mccormick wkoliialt 0 utill l k a l ic 1 vms spirits te1s grocesies ie pbincrm rtiieet kingston x a mcdowall furrier jjvd hotter brock stttect ktngton jw trade up to order on te shortest nofics fi i ef erery description bought mil sold raigwatt accountants ontario street fa jlfr iftiws grettty uk 1io w a rd frinccs8 stfteet kingston winter fashions thoma sl i t t l e merchant talor parnckll bthtet kln0t0w ls modt reftpectfully to intimate to bli numerous cuftumcrt and ihr public renerelly that he has just receiv ed a largo rid varied assortment of superfine wooldyed broad clothh or the most approved shades and colors caasimerea plain and figured beavers doeskina fancy tweeds and a variety of fancy and tartan vesting adapted to the r resent season which will be made to order in tho latest and most approved new york and london fashions ladies habits regimental and naval uniforms liveries c c made up in a superior atyle on tho shortest no tice and most reasonable ierma n bfour or live steady workmen wanted to whom constant employment will ho given kingston dee lotli ism gbntjinetea andcoppet warehouse ctrnrt of king and brork slitrti r 1 1 door is a chronuir citrit ojs afartrl squir kingston william b begs nd nrft nacdamald a mmniiii ibrriijtri if attorneys ct law atjtoasfl itrkt eikost0v john a macdonald t alexander campbell j n t rnrrm ship chandler ho 4 htrdift h onurw strut kingston iuprtlp or y chaiv cable and an omu f oakvm ta pitch ako aoi naval stores of avsry dcicription boiled li awed oil ami pmtt kinpston march m 143 painting david martin from scotland painter glazier thfrf maxge 3 doorsabivetw scoch cliurcli trin cast street kingston n h vhiiwaliiiie ami coloring kiitttum feb to is3 h mathison merchant tailor kiho street the subscriber ieapecifuly leave to inform his riend customensthathe has jiit received from montreal his winter buppty of broad cloths and cassimeres ofthefinem and strongest fabrics and of most superior quality which he will sell on the most liberal term or makeup to order in the latest and nost approved faaliimable styles on tho shortest nofice tt inter vestings of every le scription h mathi50n kingston nov- 3 1841 893m veterinary shoeing estarllfthaient on tt corntr ofkng strttl and the ptor dt armm odjoining the prtmitts of atoxwtt strange esq j martin esrrtiallr informs his frierd and the iubliclhat he has opened a latge and choice stock of genuine crocmti tcinrs liqnon fmils tic at the abnvestand where by attention to the ivanu of his cuhtumers and being able to sell a good article at the lowest price he hopes to merit a share of their patronage among bis stock will be found the following articles teas cigars impsrial g iin powder old i i r twaukspf sasehpof pkos coojuu general jstage office one door below ihr britikb amcritin ilnlel kingston extras fumihtd ci skorfat notice and m rcc term sclcctrb portrtu the mariners rest st wilhah ms coffee routed fresh q round fine old frincipa i i i rtlis chiiftui lpkaitfths pjfisanasia w l 1 v af ib rphomas from the mk ii m surgeon has return i mav be found at forcas ml hitkl kingston oot22 1814 bowkbof i e n tt st t io kiiigwim and klnos- 8t fashionable tailoring establishment brook streit kingston- james richardson begs leave to inlotm his friahimtl tho publicgenciitlly that he has ta ken the sbnp f mnerly occupied by mr gilton wljerehe rvih execute alt orders with neatness and punctuality he has now on hand a larjo assoit- mtnt of broadcloths cassimeres and vestings of the best qualities and most elegant patterns which he will make up tooixki in the latest and most approved fashion- able styles on moderate terms andai the shortest possible notice kingston august 9tb 1s44 63 donald mcmillan merktt sqnrt appoiitr b palmtrt bxqvirt respectfully call the atten tion of his friends and the public in eeneral to bis newly arrived impor tation from montreal and new york markets comprising an excellent assort ment of crocbries wfxe r of ihe bett description viz tft4 jarmicn rum sunn london ftmiir bottjed spiefti flour r i iii at ktaomoii vnft cidfili brftftdt lhr5s hdted gm bolt dtcsftli dtetce with a variety of other articles too nu merous to mention kingston nov 23d 1314 paul ftferiftdry surgeon royal vktkiarv cdllcoc london tfsprtifglly intoims ihft olficer of the garrison i and the inhabitants of kingston and iti vicinity that be has opened a hoksc hor1ko estaalhhmekt sitllmtt if llftsvf j j and ffm ihe many vi rxnnrnce ii that 6t prtmftnl both in england m in cnd ro4ipled with bis knowlrdgt of ibe antomw iwrjnifij finfrtmr tlirhtirv h it inlly eoofidtiit he ran gtt perfect itilis- r o any prifon who may employ him lhe eester propomion or caes of lamenrss are produced by nad shncin and it will be the constant cre of t p to prevent umenftw jrom svcb cause and to relieve lhoe that are lame n baii operation incident to the horse will be ftcienhfically pertnrrndnd all risrssvi f hotb morfs ml ctif attended either in town or country and st reasonable charges kington august 27lh 1844 sugars doubu refined lost ifttlt do do tnnli muctvadoj st crnix ptiitv rico- 3pa tmnn macdcral dihv hrunfl nntthahofft do table r p j city store corner of king and princets stfhtti kingston by john carrutiier carkuvhehs lrsreperhully to rf- turn his atrcere ui k to hit numerous cihtnmetl rtnd tnnd neratfy for the vety ffviil iijift t he hs received from them ince he leaied the above premise he atould now beg in announce that he ha leasxl ihe adjoiiiinaf premie on rf slreelj bv which means he wilt ke able to enciease his lqk and etlinf hishufinr snd hope by tticl altetitinn still to merit a i nil nice of the liberal patronage he hat btheto enjoyed oil- ohv spefoi lkid caiihiso wines port surrv matuirs cbaopaine ciaret ac ac erandy qofdeout pale gin hidund schiedftm jtlflal r i spvitv kurn snitch i whisky canadiin dn fl priming prswh i tqnouri rofdto tnrirr dabtia do aba ah tobaccos nftlrd ploj honeydow la twin ttermftlii fine cut urn no sif ifmi muftcfttrl iut the stthteriser supplies of m daily receiving large inocekils liqcous wixes tkjjj ptaccos kc tltj turn ihe mliireal and new york m evt s mrd hesitn hnt s1mot every corn lioiiv quired by conchy merrhauu j carruthers andersons lste lamb toronto psme blacking in cakes ml tins hnm- ered equal to nny in the world for sale wboleiale and retail by j- carruthers sotc agent for kingston flour indian and oat meal and pork and just received a lot of fresh english cured hams also rels no 1 north shore heningsf all warrant- ed tbc best qualities j carruthers and bacon ohio hftms in wrappers a tew br best canadian cheese from he gananoqe daitycorsiinol 60 cows considered the best in the prorinccj and only for sale by j carruthers 200 m feet long feet high u to let the st ceobges assembly so wide and 11 let for school boom lectures public meetings or any other purposes hy the night week month or year and immediate posses sion can le given apply to walter bales paper hanger queen street kingston july i9ih isj4 57if doz patent pails tubs churns e from the ganan oque factoryj for sale by j carruthers sole agent in kingston an excellent opportunity tobe leasedfiratcrmof years until the heir atlaw now an infant conies of aqe a farm of excel lent wild land in the township of hun- gerfbrd also a village l in barrte- field for terras apply to mrs joseph muor e barriefield kingston 9th aug 134 63 tf salt 200 barrels american 200 do liverpool and 200 ba dairy or tahlr salt j carruthers notice the subscriber it now prepared to purchase flour indian and oat meal rye krv indian corn oats buckwheat butler c for which he will pay the highest cash f ftlc s pot ash kettles and coolers kept constantly on band pot ashes bought or taken in exchne j carr cigars a large assortment of principes regalias havanas cheroots ohbi ifthe choicest brands tor sfjo at iho grocery store of the subscriber w j martin einrsfoo istb july 16m4 blnnrn and usisins sttttaoa do kg do prune curianift preserved fruita csndied lmon o citron salad oil cnr dw- sapohl kerrhop sardine eire anchovma hftcearoai vrmieelji tlftce nnimrv edliti powdcfa lie o trice ar candr muurd bsmc carrv seed ipfm candida urd do rsjiow do wtidof snap ctolflt do riown do almond prjbsila salts uliitinf waaliiiu sila lrntran si balh ilfkka pipes i card batftasjk bhmkinff sirrh blue indio rvmer spce 4c ckc sh e thread i piu hsft ums e with a variety f fit her articles in the trade tuvi numemus to mention innkeepers will finrl it to their ad vantage ro call and examine befure pur chasing elsewhere private families officers messrs ami hotels supplied on tho most liberal terms kingston november j9thls4 bhlfllsl pmiloivlcal liter a- turli for 1845 entiieien desirous of procu ring any of the firllrivvitjg puhlica- liulll fr i8fl will have the goodness to signify their vfishes to the ubsenbers nr any of their gems without delay it is init porting what are actually subscribed for hitherto the attempt to supply the colony with british periodical litera ture at as low rates as those formerly charged for the united states reprints hasbeen attended with much labor and ex pence but the subscribers arc indue- j ed to continue tbeir exertions calculat ing the manner in which they have ful filled theii engagements with the public will lead to a great increase in the year bout to begin quarterly ka pr toronto hamilton prescott and montreal r rovaj t stare for toronto arid lamilta will leave ibis office every day at 3 oyk p m precisely tho royal ms sta for sww jt connection with i mmlreal line will leave this office e j oclock i h precisely and will leave frescottfor ktngsfon immediately afre ln arrival of the montreal stage passengers foi toronto or montreal will reach tbeir dvsiination in 36 houis the subscribed takes this method of thanking the trev public fnrlhetr past patronage having spared no expense to make lne above lines of winter conveyance comforts bte in british north america feeds con fident his excrtio will meet with their continued suppov- the sleighs art oil x an close oodied tike a cvriage and only ri j z a trip to either of the above mentioned places to have their comforts dulvapr vvimiam wetler proprietor am baggage a the risk of the owner 30 lbs allowed trvcach passenger all extra to be chtrpd at the rate of a pas senger for every o0 lbs kingston decvmher i3tb 1s44 stagitfake reduced dosm down in hie ecp ki the mariner bleep whfli hit vovafe of life n endrd lie carp nol to rctt in the earth worm brcatt let hi mane with the vravc be bkndrd for there was hi home nnd the erestcd foam tlut long hath gallantly hre him wilt nhcllcr him now while murmuring law witli i a reoem oer him and there dtrih be ret in hi shrouded net dneootcioiia a at above him the battle mar rrajro or the tempeit rage but the aognda no longer move him i on hi coral bed wiih the stawced nrod he lira tilt the great awahtnf mh mir od ocean f in wild eommot ion and ihe mariners irance be hrekii2 were not changed however he could not eec how the house could refuse to refer this petition what did it pray for a quret village had been attacked and pillaged and compensation was snupht fur injuries which were mhioined by the inhabitants who had borne tho loe for the public good the case was very similar at the he- vlh village of ft euache that came the scene of a hatilcand the church was attacked nut hecause it was a but because it was a fortre- by provincial parliament- dowxwards from kingston to gananoque ss do do brockville 10s do do prescotl i5s 0 pw a rd8 from kingston tu napanee 5s do do belleville 10s jas patterson agent general staije office kingston dec 24th 1644 od od od 01 01 city turner of kin j 5q boxes store and princess streets teas voting hyson twankaytihpfjwii imperial c byjiihn carruthers j ti i fih grspea lb v house of assembly freaa fie afourrea ill fridat january 17 185 mr trteve presented a petition from three rivers praying the house to ad dress the governor general to cause a survey to be made of the river st law rence below that parish by the board of works with a view to the cnnsiruclicin of bn ice bride he then moved an address in accordance with the prayer of the p lition mr- lafontaine mr colville and mr christie all spoke in favor of ihe oddrs the attorney general eaatj op posed the motion on the ground that the public funds ought not to be employed for works which concerned only iwn parishes and because he thought that in surhcaaea as the present parties interested ought to make a survey at their own expend be fore asking the house to interfere grant money the house then divided yeas nays 31 church the military authorities and was burnt to the ground all that was quae right in a military point of view jut as l was quite right for him and his friend carrto bum the village of clnppawa during the late war when ordered to do so but would the law yers in that house say that the peo ple of that village had no right to complain of iher losses and wk to he compensa ted for them could he dr dunlop say to these villagers it is all very true that if we had not destroyed your houses these fellows would have quietly shot us from be hind them but as io payment it is a thing which we really cannot affordl if he did the answer would be had you done his in time of peace yourself and waller carr would have been dragged up and hanged but all you can do now is to rcim burse us the damage which you inflicted upon us under military authority mr- aylwj said under the authority or stern necessity dr dvslop coniinued yes compell ed hy necessity by the necessity of de fending the lives and properties of ihe whole population of the pruvinre for could the rebels have once turned chippa- wa the road woud have been open to and 35 1 1v r half w ttlltl so tti ii j- i i drum 1 10 t i french mn a lew cilcl cit by jrhin carruthers 20 150 bui 4j oi nj ojive hl oy john seat iihp s oil cak ruth ers o com ii n ft ni iin and vy cakkttl likkp loot tt l luei canadian whiskey pm ii uhi tiy the ifjrr by uhtx pft itumill 4iiyiraai i el v to la w 44 carruthers g their intviition to continue irr greater number of copies than 200 bie dihy llvrrajtsi ion bwn nnsh tftistrs ufrriuinp lur wrk whitrfih 10 mil makrl a few bma tflmtn hk priutft pome wftsft and st a tut of kniiii ruitd marni 100 kn btiurr ac bv juhn cauruthek8 tltc rebellion claims mr lehoinp seconded by mr donald of dundat moved that the linn of loop odell and others praying for compensation for damarrcs sustained by them during the late rebellion be referred to a select committee the attorney general opposed the motion because the slaie of the finances of the country would nut auilonia him to recommend the grant of a sum of money for the purpose descrilied in the petition mr mdorfaid stormnnt said that if the house were to grant compensation to nil those persons who had suffered loss during the rebellion it would be to look shout litem for he funds dr lvmop had conindcd for four years for the payment of the iosen which hod been sustained durinc the late rebell ion he thought those injuries choutd have been compensated long ago onil why had they not been t he had only to ask the lion member for stormont or rather the part wth which lhat gentteman acted 40000 had been voted bv the pirlia kingston and ihe fleet and dockyards and arsenals of her majesty would have been at the disposal of the enemy by burning that village they were kept upon the oilier side of the river the whole country was saved from ruin and every man who had a house or home or a barn or a form nr aahamy between chippawa and kingston was secured in the quiet posjraqnft of bis property which would otherwise have been plundered and destroyed were the people ol chippawa theotn be called oo to bear rhc whole loss of that destruction by winch the province was saved 1 he said certainly not now with regard to the church at st eurfarhe he asked the same question a quiet village had been attacked and its church burnt down for ihe public good and were th inhabitants nd their worthy curate whom he had not the pleasure of knowing but who he had seen oner in ibt kftmft tw mmr inrul wht as he was excessively fat he pdr dunlopj righto esteemed were these pope he aked io sustain all the loss hy no means a parish wasnbligd in pay fur tnc damage sustained bj its inlnbilam tie wrr same principle exienuvd to a province and ill that the pclitioncni demand is that they should lc placed in ttatu uo ante eltam col prints intterupted dr dunop i he saw that he wu laying tho ground work for a three boutv debate the time mi not come to delate who sltall pay the claim- merely the motion to refer the petition to a committee he agreed fully in the views expressed hy ihe non mem- her for hurnn and regretted thai ho was country ment ol upper canada to laaqarialaaftt lhchwvvm ts dirtr vh rlitf aiusrney genefml claims and yet nothing had been done molion was mil of onler why not because the hsuw was wa lii f lc mrtiun for monstrous to mppote totd that there 500 bill 100 bisnf t fo4ii tif ariuut i0ft uiluiral 0 hhlf pq4 5flry a fev httnrtrrrl htiticu pe indian meal ar by jrjiln carrutiieps i ooa hnicesthrinifs i vvvy 4 f ifaiutaflil cheroots 1 i i- honey dew a 40 bm- pon i r- l and pint wile by juhn j c etttl the atienin n icoofnetofi ami oiherf to flrtrar ni u 6c ieilh ale inrjsrt carttuthers 1 i i tr mntsp ti muck uf ivrk cdinburh revn- london uuarterly kevivr i k- 1- and quarterly an westminster heviev rio v2 a via 2 inn do do do do do do da tn da do 3 f a i nkl qmrimy fterf quarterly ftiew tk bemlm miartlfany ftfonmly 3ti colburn new aiooiilij slazint cc united sarvsss jojjraal 1viihiy 3ft dub no uoiveritv maailtia d 2 blar kwnndn ediabuilislftjaziiirdo27a aiitwitihj mnnirn sfunthly v7ft rg tbe london lancet a weakly werii- ca i journal 32 6d do world ot pahion 3 per n psyahts half sftirty in adanra ramsay armour sc co deember i0tb 134- macdonalds hotel late htonesj waterloo buhgs king strt toronto tiie subacriher announres that he hai leased the above establishment and from his experience in the line ami unremitting attention to the convenience and comfort of hit paron he confident ly hopes to sustain imd enhance tbc re putation this hotel has scojuired ml table will always be furnished with the luxuries stocked for sale or to let ilhe farm lot no 12 on the east side of the great cataraqut river township of pittaburh within on milo uf the village of barriefietd containing upwards of 100 acres 60 of which are in a slate of cultivation on the front of the lot is a nrw famf house filled in with brick and painted 33 feet by 22 feet also a now fiaow barn 53 feet by 32 feet immediate possession can be spven terms can bo known by application to the subscriber at point henry or at tbe office of the british whig geore hart kingston december 4th 1944 at private sale y the subscriber contents of one cite very superior irish linen anrfcae case w oollen hosiery very low for cash thomas creek of the scetnn am his cellars with the choicest wines and liquor for boats and largo and small families he h bucn accommoda turns as cannnt fni 0 ensuring satis faction and he resputtfully scrliciis a con tinuation of the par go liberally extended to his prert john macdonau toronto i3th ucterrber 1844 n b excellent stab1iifr andcoach houses hoisestokiq j ltverv was no money in hand to meet the dcmanl he would tell them where to pel he money while there was a shilling in the pockets nf the people of tli is province or an acre of land at ihe drpmat of the government it was the duty of minister to recompense ihosfl per sons whose misfortune il ivas to lc in ihe way nf thre ruffians and hrigamu who had hurnl tbe harns and rut the throsis of the inhabitants of this province there was money enough in play at ducks and drakes on the river st lawrence and in employ in the absurd wurk of ruiting two canals into one it was easy to find a mill ion and a half to ihrnw away upon such whemefttn that hut there was no money to be found to pay uiosa poor devils whose houses had been burnt about their ears on a frosty night in deemnber and who are now futtcrinc and will suffer during their whole lives from the cllcris of diseases which that exposure had brought upon them he would put it to any menifvr f ihe house whether these were not the people of all uihers who ought to he rer om- pensed for their losses anil miteries he would howevf look at ihe esse in a irgol point of view he had been very great on ihe saw upoma late occasion two nights 850 he had been put into a box like a badge r to be worried by two or three terriers of the law thee could not how ever draw the badger hut as would some- b orders f books from bnuland a the c0nti nlnt of kubope entiemn hj o bving book mpoilfrf tt ihfii olifti ih sprini vfli in 1845 will in hfif order it ihf li whleh m ke traiwmiuel on th- 2u 0 enth ol winter montln to one o suh who g will k io the d j o odeu kama armodb co kmgiton dm 2ttn 1844 60 fllbftcriber fatvfbbvttl rrls pot bth 60 nolm 110ma5 greeb times happen to fernery they had got shagged but as he iaid he had been very great upon the law and he was again going to be so that night by the law of england the township mr aylwin said the county yes the county or the township for there were townships in england or the parish or the hundred or the wapentake hie supposed that was a wont the hnn member was not acquaint ed with was snswerable in individuals for damages which ihey might suvtain by any popular commotion or hot they were obliged to pay for it and if this was just and proper in ihe case of a parish how much more would it apply to a whole province he had given the law as iv had learnt it many years ago but it mtght perhaps be changed now he snppnued the heart the liver and the lungs occupied the same places in the human body as they uii to do in the times when he waa at college but in law it was possible thai nous ovous iatnge tout ceas as molier says in the medecin matgre lui f if it reffirnet it w thai the committee will grant that money il was monstrous to suppose that the com mittee would bring in a hill 10 grant the money hm it was notmnnntrnus to tmppoac lhatthia houm and even the head of the covornmoni should liaten to the recom mendation of the committee the union act ms not interfered with hy this refe rence the wholesome rrtririion plac ed upon ihe generosity of me parliament of ihi country would not be interfered with hy il and he therefore thought lhat all were oral icatt all loyal men should he repaid ihe loc suuainrj hy them during the re- mlion there was one nljrct lo which he hnum ivish to refer but admiticd that he ma rather out of r nler in doing to he meant ihe hill whirh the ad mi nitration had promised tn the hou at ihe begin ninpofthe sajon for th payment of the rehfllirin claims in upper canada it had not yet been intrmlnceil hut he believed lhit it was in course nf preparation and did not know hut it would b laid on the tahle tliis evening it wis tint kind nf measure thai would hvet the affections of the pcnple of the part of the country tit which he belong more strnnfjy if posaible than ihey were at present but if the go vernment did nol fulfil the just expectation of the peoplnand satisfy their just claim he fnr one would not answer fur the con sequences mil johsstoy found thu was a par ticular eae fir the bencgl of a particular county if that were the object he would oppose it they murt legislate generally and fir the good of the whole country there must be no bringing in nf partial meshure he trusted and hoped that the motion would he withdrawn and that a compensation for lnae wm1d not te grant ed to one county to procure an unanimous reelection the county lhat sent him mr johnston here demanded evcnlinnd ed justice tu all there was nol a rebel killed or wounded and there was not nj widow or an orphan hy the rebellion in that country hear hear but tiey witlied hat the widows and orphans of those brave men who defended the county at lhat time should be indemnified for their losses mr mnfpatr agreed with the views of mr juhnston he thought that every loyal man who lost his property in 1837 and 1838 should be indemnified for that loss but he could not concur in this mo lion this house is not the fitting place lo investigate these claims which are josl andahould be paid he knew that a very large number of them were paid in lower canada and why should not tbe loyalists of upper canada be paid also f hear hear and he ae a friend of the adminwtraiion advicd them lo lake it up ipecdily and give those people iheirjuat due the plan he proposed wo for tho government to make an investigation of vio buffered the injuries and hy whom were ihey commit ted and then come down lo the house and make a claim on it tor liquidation would he be told that the inyahsls who rl iheir property in 1837 had no da ma on the government ho was opposed to ihe reference of this petition on trie ground he had already slated and repeated that as a friend to the administration he would urge on them nrncpecdy means of satis fying thec claim mr aviwix hoped that mr lemmne would withdraw his motion no no ye yesj it eiorts a very farge numher of question of great difficulty and ifheun dcntooi the lion attorney general the government was not prepared to meet ihe rcbelliun claims for the best of all reason they had no funds tho attorxc general rose to ex plain 1 o avoid dikutsion he had given no opinion whether the province was bnund to pay these claims or not but the advice he had given to his excellency ivat that there were no funds in his hands to meet those claims mr avlwin then the reason given by the attorney general was quite uffu cient to satisfy his mind and the house is not to enquire into it whether there wera means or nor mft morfatt there are means m r atlwin the hon gentleman said there were means then the statement of the hon attorney general mut be incor rect and it became his duty to expoeo their miiconducl mn moffatt explained that although there were no funds jet there were means existing mt aylwim could understand the dis tinction perfectly but they both meant the same thing when used by ministera if there were no funds then ihey must be rais ed for as there were means then the ministers must raise funds to satisfy these claims which mr moffutt says are of pa ramount importance in recommending mr lcmoine lo withdraw his motion he il so from ihe statement of the attorney genera that there are no means no no he did not wish to make a case against the attorney general orj case should nol be taken lotesl the intentions of ihe ministry for that purpose it ia neces sary to take the whole of the claims on them and it is then there is a right to turn on ministers and charge them with having failed to dn their duty although be voted with the government on this occasion bo did not wish to relieve them from the res ponsibility his excellency came down at the beginning of the session and in a speech composed by the ministry no doubt congratulated ihe country on thefiourishing laie ofthe revenue if then lhat was tho case thra must be same surplus to pay these claims winch must be sat sfied they must establish in stating there are no funds they muat establish that there are claims of prjifftztr amemfmet thon th awm lit first saiisficd so far he believed that he agreed fully in the npiuion expressed by messrs mutujti doilop and prince but he regretted that he was obliged to differ with them otherwise in england if people suffered injury by having their houses destroyed by a mob they were re- compcosed for their irw certainly but it was done by the hundred county or parish where the injury was done he could well understand lhal the people on the frontier who suffered severer during tho rebellion shnuld he paid by a lax striong memelves 0i oh j bit m it rgm that those living in the interior if iho should he taxed was it right to tax the peope of those diairicu when not a single voice was raised nor a singe blow struck against the government movements occurred in those districts con ferdly erroneous so much sn lhat the very ringleader as he was termed after iilteriiig imprisonment is now ihe confi dential adviser of the executive would it be right or just to tax lliuse innocent people i let the hnn member for huron romark that it is the people of the hun dred in kngland who are taxed for the injuries done amongst them it is not a tax levird on the vhole kingdom dr dunlop yrsl if the people of any particular district hundred or parish become lawless ihe tuvifi hand of the law will soon over take hem a d they mut hear the penally he believed lhat a mr patrick ft re nan of montreal put in a petition fur remuneration for dumanos lately suffered no no he a yes i the petition or mr patrick brennan was laiely presented hy an hon menihcr of ihis home and how is it lhat ilie inhalntants of quebec or any other peacetime plate shall be taxed to recom pense mr brennavs loss if montreal become lawless let il bear the penalty it clf and not charge il to the country at large who is it that should be taxed for these loes except ihe inhabitant of the place where they occurred and was it ihen right to make the loyal people of this country hear he burden because the inhahiiants ofthe frontier chose to injure themselves a great outcry was made during the late administration because ihe government did nnt pay the 0000 set down as rebellion claims and one member of that administration was held up to the hatred and reproach of ihe whole country in particular hnn gentlemen who il nn the treasury benchea now tvere ihe mkt forward in lhat outcry and could not the attorney general now be held up 10 reproach as justifiably but he did not ihink that they shouu be warned because thev did nnt listen to an admonition that would come merely lo this you must jo that which is impressible the last administration was one which did not come 10 the pjrliamenl to ak for one farthing except what was voted in tho previous sesion dr dunlop that is the very point they made an investigation thne claims and found there no funtu they felt that the country waa in debt that it had incurred obtieatiooa which it was oui of his power to meet so he wondered how the hon mem r for huron could say m noj when be knew perfectly well lhat canadian paper into

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