w wot ib nohmg it tllintfui frcftih mar ttu livastruc tint the canadian parlia ment did not go hi jn ih of repudiation uii they reduced fp credit uf the counlty so low thai as be had siid mie kngtish biokci would not ulcttbi canadian napcr mr mitknrv atled flic hoo member fonr w ill was ni a l dirnfsnn on the merits of the piition wheteas lb teal point was mnlhm in tee r il the stkajeim wl 0 hn member w cruu1y mil uf outer hm he did not know that h- svjft futlhet atay than several who 1 picccdcj in n and ihcicfoic had a light to nroceed mr avlci luiptd the government would dft himjumiceaiiri 01 iuw thai he wi al utkln invin uitiiity ii- ny in rcaii pittm tlem in rtet position and irtrsnj ithtsij thfn rjeullj in ihe amr inanei he would expert liimlt on i similar ocratimi lttl io riox- the it are pv in this catshlf ealiui- lheinsi s r hsi a end it man had his ham hvinl riming the rebellion nr his cart tie kilri ili- fiii rjj4mi itt on leniaitng eonhiislin wi ivhit are his polities if 4 hy ji ny which ihey mcnt a iiippittci of thi unreriitnriit ih n he wa recomp i no nl hular y rhi vn n ol in llin of liv imr aylwin so tar iii canada affair 10 settle any latiib he no mrcottdcl pmiltont the home was n 1 aware ht mr mcdonald held lhal ihe house hid ihe nomine fitful rtjbiiftcitlrftoiiisiiclimiecafij he belief- ed that he coulj apical in itlf hon members foi oeanvurini ml gmpi in support hi view- he had seconded thlt moiion itvl bee hi e ne wihel to ioenliry lim wlf wiili llir hiinet oi the eounly frf senlc by ifci b n mnier who narfc ihe f ietil niolnn ui srenttse be ihooii tit he ihouli rot do hi duty to those wlimiherepfrntedfhe wtetn forego the tight of hit people- fo priiioii ikhl heih oti shiciior eifrol sherwood nf member aylwin nominee ilitw oj the him mimbrr foi o i lie a l fhnon hi ihil litttr rlnolt to in p ot co n mih f chub now h lion ihrrfppn iihh ii wfulmnh binleillk eit qitcmiflu untrhfttr iiton nl he ivfintl mt r vro y ihirl wmnrr wetlrjl or otihetlvu ot i-te- tickfmill tbo ti lliirln wrtt ilie tun ulsf puw in ihifdn if ihr hwf wefe mpnnift ol llin joveiment hr then p4l4 hi lo ami ijftl vornt- lhn into ihe bar lc4n kut if he wie a mm who for h slm tift red lib ibem in pofie5 ttjonb i e ii- njit ric hi bind afl the gvefnmrn he did not one rtlhin- col ptitlcf lu th ujji clm4f iirfmim ni iiiirndiicri a hill ii pjy ihe riokio aij he iolf hifi an- whevtil it m x4unj wool j im mai n y ih im 1 1 jrta aaa j i vry sojrfi ft irii lre th rltflri of mxaiii oientin ed t rt oiilt he ince llffl i ihe udeiro from him miht no he very ruhiatdo but yet j lir won iidtmr 1 e ytnihmen on ibe tiea- oty henthe ro lo op oe ihe earreie or ihm light the liu iiiteoin eoncliiiedhy j in hn httyr iai ihe rnneeinn ol iho i to ihe people ai it hd hen ihe fdrm from be ihfone lily gfnteil juri the eonntry wiilrt nff ihe same pee flint bpfines9 uhieh hnf vejrned k fotr ih y hnd pure baed ihii beautiful rrsiieniiblt gietnment all eot of isosouo the mminn wat nlmalely withdrawn the attoiikev oeknnal tr nolice of hi intention tn propone lie r1 of a um of mon- v for provi ffotoiici mill miner doi- alrnvry of i cclnltfi tfce imoonl o be ci sco m 1800 pr er fm five yep on donor il llvil there vr much irnrerhieaih rfuni beiween ilivctmlol lhmitor rtl vt w ah iim tlj th feiit riloumrd lal 1 v r it rut of fl ihi 500000 would not ny h th goeeionrn le1 that ihev hirl no menn in 1y ibefti nil be hop i that icufaton noubt e heim in i pail of tie ou uy rind tbi when tbif road oi tbil roaitbis bridge or ih f ttide iviismailvhyilirgovrmmm he woul then aak how w il lllm thai pail of ibe coun ty wafo much fjvored it hhoum be well known thkl p nple rontin lo ihe govrfniiieiii wiih tbnt tnnnt have lhm ifji j al oe perhaps foi ibf oi i ters and ifatl theic jfi rcati ol sute which ennot be turid- puhtic tut which make audi a louiff necessary mk cvkottfl ui no o j ttion lo withdraw the notion a he roftfu teii irv une of tbe oh- rotnitrai made by lie hvn mr mohilt- nft no j somcitor fifarftat 5itrnwu denied ihi tyol the pntmnt ftdfttin iirritioi had aoytbirii to do wiih the ouiery liudrd lo by the hon member f i qgebce inil he arid he fopruis the hoo ciimllenion allmlc lo hy bim di ehaje the hie adini liuiion with egei i in not mabinf some provuton to ftitufy the jyat men of upper cttnarltj lmme1ih 1y aiu i tlte rthejliowj itie uip cnnada paihament in- vcsliatd the tlaimofihoit prople and wth praiawothy jiromjlilude brought in a hilt 1 dfray licmwhuh nniili have heen put into onerjlion if it bad not hee it lor the u ioi act having een parted at that lime and amce iht formation of the pieeut iri ialn he imii repeatedly preawd lhemijrl on their canftid e lion and would nevei ceaae io do no llear hcr in ronfoimily with a proiniti- given hy the bon member lot ottawa at ih- hjinniigoi uieiimioo bdl wi prepaied which will tbortly he ll hefote ih lluur to meet lb claim of the u pei canada biyilhu tohesatmby uatrmiutuj4l rorlofltmilvo- tint aloiiej llvar her fiom ihe mimteiiil benebe tne loyaliatsdetetved thereaieil pratie for lamlin op in defence of the couu- try aeaint for within and los without btii itmydroefved oiethin more they ltieived to have ihir fc- reiompenfd almtf were hii ftellftjci on thatpoinihc would never cee lo feel lhtft he would boawrry to have aoythin- lo do with an administration that coum not enter ino ihem llrar bear any plan tfllld be propoetl to remun itito ibe toyaliirs of lower canada he would he happy to ee ihe ministry any avutance n pw er it was a very eaty thin for mr- mtlfti to 4y ihat iheyahonhl he pid hut il woubi be much more acceptable il lie would nueii aomr means hy wbiih it coutjbedone heai when lotjseaion mifinlhh ctitmlry a ewr- piiaion wmiiventoemiiittelhe loeoflhtf peime an1 it wai et down at 50000 and 60000 aye even a mtteh as hsu a million hut llerewasoo inewa ol ptying even the amalleal or ibeae einatei lithe inhahilani ot louei canaila would submit io iaatiuft tr hal no doutt tin gorerninfrit wjntid jtlal take ttrpsto n ihit uni when he aw al kmei ihai the woom not roienl that the fmatlt aoiouoi iioiitl le raided in the supe of taxea he feaied it would be of no use he mmmttrtfd that in ihe m srfion when th hotn nembfl for bejiethatse bmuhl in a idtl tvhith aterawiiy enforced taxation on ihe people of flower cnau was looked on a an pftortof moa1ceurae and hah1ihoo1 atnf at tueh w hulcd with cheer hy ive oppoii- lioo ami hit own cflomrymm mr aylwhte- wo are all hi roootimen we are all ta- pjadinaj h mverioorl ihe lon penttemau vrry wml and expe ted to see bim rb immr diatcy as wat in cititunanl make it appeal tl hr lb siieiior general wm rawine inv ijio is ittfliiietajiflit he nil thai the boit genimaofo q fenr canjditn c iu ivne roli fio mr aywin he the sosflloi general wa bimsll a canahat hear- he tiid that ibe hon enitemann oun enun lr i men baitef bi hantthfwil wiih ehfeis tethn gvrt fid not alleapt lo ta ihr lftwer cvtiaa1im for ihe atwmstralioit nl justice it had o he crday ed not of the rueia rctrnue of h- ptonnce 1 by wnull itol ititifflii m uxetlnn ad l w triifailfistf tol o he wa alt however in h- p ihalmamr panmav h ff ul tf not in ihe fint inonilis of the atfmirjtioiiit wnum i uufiir in expect it a yet yt be iteai thai tsose yui claimtmiim b jiltr n im- manner tne tavern license uipe caoa a are t piesent 7 0 in lower rtnfeja lfaeyire4 iinj ihe ihlterence between ihe iwo is t im aitile printed lowaru pyitf etf the rvt i ot tlec out- tryfherheaij smeimntol itauiint mim ierhantbe too- in unwn canau il iiou el e hoped thai sotm tbm- woum suet ilslt 10 the mi of the on memvis il the ad- minpmrahon rin the tvcs whirh will eu- ale them y ih lnwx cai ail a claims a at w- 11 i ukate m u canada mil iwtlmeboi was ilitetiupl j t the speaker who tid thrre nit k- n i rletate n the whole e- id nowitaiantt mr lot tht e impossible for iitn sise bi enly one other gentleman lo ihrouh an h an extent nf work he also vaire in see the hhiuranf acientifiv men fol lowed hy the ryat tical operation of ihe miner o ihat the immense rihea of the country michl heprooply explored mr haldwi ihoueht ihat there ought io hf mpeiimrua of the jifterentisscnveriet which veie midc sent lo four dirtere parts of the province quebec montioal kington ani toronto mr moffattempiiredif gofernmeot pro- eoserl to erect a mhttlg for the reception ol ihe peeimens which wereeellecred the attorstvgthrrrreastsaid thst he d been nfraid hitherto lo approach that par i the aubjeet lul that if the hoot won five him any assurance of s he wouh e ready al onre lo provide the necessary bill tor ihe mihiftjc of a museum mr johnston ani mr mrnnttt boll- inke against arrant forthu p tptflt ihey had never en any practical od lesult from the otmous om of motey which had been ex- ntftted on these surveys the solicitor gnrab hrovhl in a hill for relief of insolvent debtor the bill wa read a first time and ordered to he read aeain on fiiday next the somcitor gexkral weil bronsht in j bill for piovnliog a hetter division of upper canada itilo conn net and dmtich the oljeci f ihe bill was to brio veral township now a treat distance frorr iheir own cnnrl mouses into closer ptoximiy to the place wheie their business was earned on mr thompson opposed the bill he thoiiarht that the fieal exenl of be county of ffahliman and ir vat hydraulie pcwes ami will piivileff eniiiled it tn he foiled i tn a dttricl by ielf this was io provided for in the hill the hill was read d ftrsi and secoml time and referred to a select eommiltee which wat composed bv all ihe fenrlemcn whose con- litueneies were effctcd hy ihe measuie the petition azainst the retuin of d daly emjfor the county of mantie and two other election petitions from lower canada were pomponed till wednesday nexl mh ciiatttc seconded hy mr f vvn moved tiat the marriage license fee fond bill l tejj rerrnd lime frloattohptcvotllrnal oppoell the bill because he roneived that ihe house bad no tight to leicihle on a fuid which was not col lected by rivil aulhority but wasinthe ralore of an ecclesiatlical fee and the properly of ihe governor general for ihe lime heinz or rathe perhaps of ihe crown of england of which ihe goeercor gneral wa the reptesenlalive if the house pussed this bill he would feel hrrtetf bound to five his avice lo ihe head of the fovemmenl in refuse his aen1 lo il mn christie said that the governor gen eral bad tftven hi ecnent lo he application ol ihe rood in question to the general purposes of ihe proiince he believed the fufld bad fie qnenlly been epphed lo conupl porposes at elections mr atlwix said that he was surprised to heir the objeetioos offered lo this bill hy hit learned friend opposite because the goveroo general hatanrtioneh the report which wa drawn up during he gotemmenl of his hon frienils on both sides nf him and such vacil lation at ws now rxhihiterl was calruaied to shake ihe confidence of the public in ihe eon sislency of ihe very hifhest rvecsnnafes cries ala l v repurtrd the ahsuoce of mr ppincau frutn the cnrrtwuireo on the eontceled election for the north rnlirueof lincoln mr papincou was cs rosed by the htmse and ihe com birtleo nbrtned leure lo ait and proceed n twith mending his ahaenco fjjht pctiiionairero hmucht up the following peliliona were rend of certain plot fee the port of monlenl and between montreal and quebec praying that certain alterations in ihe law reutire lo the trin ity home montreal proposed by ihat crpqmlion may not be lowed of jnhti fwtcfwhj na nttm fr incorpoioliin of ihe villje of dundjt of h tfnwn and oihcr of tntilpar and esqocsieejfor cio1roelionof a rdunk road from bmnti ro owena sound iike 1 1 i i of n lfperaoce nnd tihcnt pmenp hwl the monlreul ottd ctiamhly toropikr road trus tees ny rv he nthtwed the exclusive nrivitrte desired by them in the montreal and lonejuctl ferry of j r tlompeon nnd olhers for construction of a mad from the township f reach lo the narrewa o lnke smeee of d mmhemin and othn wc of clcrcy rescfvef in nelson praying that tlkcsaid landi may be iripericd and eranlcd lo thctn at a lion two petitions from mrmbere of the church of fnlnd rendtnj m hmckville anl preciitt prayog that the projviriion of ie clery re- serves pertaining in the said chuch in ths pen vinee mrt bo p ierd uidcr the mnrifremciu the cboreh soeietv of iho diocese of t- mnto of anhew tuld on bhilf of certain commu ted pfliner pcivntf for an etcninof the time within which penaiooera may claim grants of lnd of tho kin and mherp for the establish ment of the nriiiftal auevcy of ibe eastern boun darv line nf eifvrardthurih of g h doiivin and other aiwmill owners of rawdon foe an increased duty on american lumber of d griffin and others peaein- inl boyham mar be annexed to ii oisiriciof brock in ex- chnnge ft a part of miivmri of c palmer and olhera for repair of ihe rood from ihr river uecanconr m tlio parinh f sentilly of h lfrnr uricr anu ilhera prnying thai the coainm houk at quebec may bo cmver kd intm a marino hoffiitah nnd new accommojaii ne be provided for the f utom hotie of arlbimi nnd oilier- prayinc ihat the township nf adelaide may not he divided the folkwine pciilion were rrfrrrcd of the talbot oistriel omneil of pr f l ccys and if w m wiuon and others to the committee on the alien bill of simon vnot and others to the committee on the petition of ihr corrmration of montreal of john smiib to the bill to regulate the talc of public lands mr marin from iho commillec on ftviio ril reported the lilt tit incorporate the qucvo bsrilble firewood society and the bill 10 incnrpiratc ihe quebec library aaociali neoch with amendment fat much na relates to the laltcr bill to be considered no mnd y mr scott preariiivd a fvlititm of j faquin ir cominendmj hdeflboity loihe inbobitanlt of si euhaclie for the ovalruciion of their church onh convent iluring the rclxilsoo to be considered 7 of aex cimp the township of lhc flirun oistricl londft tbt netillnnf the committee n mr lliomptonp- fi rtnd o1hrs panyiif tht tn m iy b sevlej from milanntftrd to tin umctf rumfenoiffti refrrrrrf to titim tnlmutnio gji haldinnd irhtwo lo a certain on motion of mr nddresa ti his militia land scrip ir tn he printed on iimiiioti nf m ordered fr o rfes ierripta and txper queec fot ihr litf f iiiin roiil wcbetcr the relum to iho lhc iuc lvcr catiaja watofikred llency rvlitite to lhc iue if cnelion an odfeii was fiil mtrnrnt of the nnooal tureiif the trio ry hoipt of or vrar the im nfinorey rut fiom the pilit lominenmdby phajifcley of theuumwets ormljerveltriliif vtofrueh rono hp htn h fi lo nsemu t m lkc trinity lfifo with the nun of revenue rtocuffifsl tirfklbe snot remitted the r a mr linoine withttlrw ink ilii tllu lion mn ciinttir bfjftd pfijion of ibe hfioae lo esiir n e ntimnl he wa lirmlyof opinion ih ihe lowes canada loy alists afaaajm lie paid lhj ws ttie opimmi of ihaj pesiptfl of ihe piuvinee gnieilty anl when the gvcriiftent pi wl atss ajtiir he woum stppott it rvn al the ex- 4nicl l4ig inscoisttttl dtv who will pay it rvwi h-a-iily- mr ienttifirnmoitn wat then wilhdianu mt mcimami of uundafj sflfd that ir th gamleniain who hail pjramd tbh piirin now withe i in uitbd aw it ljecfut the arm- ney fiaj hdikimeit ibe 1oe uf ihe rvtoajl i- iftevam u t enurifn and ot tb inail i4yof the ur latvep 1liti he ml m b vihl woth n a ty aiee yll u he mtah l vtsiubl rit lie withhiiwnor ihr ttf ot it brine pn oneoamaiutsami couite bvpiocesjd iih iuci o order arer wlhe vr4fbmi to rnnaik thai ihe report elemlv ahowe ihi the fund did not belong io ihe governor general the attiiujcfy cekeral esl would lik in know from le hon member for quebec to whon it ejid belone and hy whal rtthl it was collected mr aymvim thanked fortune ihat he wat now relieved fnm ihe obligation nf antwerin questions hni as ihe hon genileman oppotiie hadlaken thai burden np he mr- ajlwi would request bim to inform the house by what authority ibis fund wat collected the attorxky otatlcfuli el said that there ws eo law that authorized the collec tion of thts fu hi mr avrwt then ur m sty provin cial government ae exloriioners oh oh tli feoai genlltma frnm hrockille whocrieil oh oh tvnul i no d ny he presumed thai an officer who enforced or even received biy- ment of any ta or tee not aulhniiid by law was euihy of the crime nf extortion and mifht he punished fnr rtotng so the hn lenllemen then referred in the journals of ihe home to find the order in council which the governor general had roomumcated lo ih houe and which conliiel the concent nf tte governor genenl to the pproprialion of the f iirii aritin2 from fees on marriage leenea to ihe public pnrpoes of the colony he however al last informed lhc house that from aome evtraorniaiy cause the pioper minute which nuvht to imvc recorded the communiea tion winch h referel in did rot appear on ihe pgev of the jurnak bu i he said he was sure ucb a eomnumtcsliofi had taken place p6 thai if w s made in to a pelition hy r wskrfiew the qieiion being put on ihe second read ing of iho hill after toine discussion it was carried yeas s0 nay 21 mr christie tbn moved thai it we referred 10 a rleil ennitniltee mr iialc in amendment moved ihm in ihe opinion of ihe h ue the fees anting from marrisee liei sesalmnm hu placeil al the riit- imajl ortheclertrvof all dennminalious force lipfoui and eikilonal purposes solicitor gnkmal shchwod moved in amendmenl lhal the ifehale he adjourned un til monday yea25 nayi 26 mr colvimr tnnved ihe ailjoornment of ih home fink d rwnrt mr haics moion was then put and reject ed and ihe original moion carried the rmatniof order wete the discharged nd the houta aujrcd on mond on motion of col prince ihe order of ycatcr day dircelme the cterk of the crown in chancery to transmit tc i the coinmimbonera nppolntcd lo take evidence in the wt llalfen contested clrclion certified qpfigg of lhc pll bo4ka ol the said cvction wi retciuded and he wna dincth lo traokmit the ttrfgtwtl p bottia nnd all docurnonte ii- t t i n i i iho said eleclion on rtotasq iff mr dimln a coinniiiti wne aipointed to inquire into all matters eimneeted with tlto mannecrncnl and cntlcctnui of dueaon the chnmmy cacuu eoneiaime tf messrs hun- lop moftalt aylwin cluuveou gficvo hale nd scott onih ii mm address was or- clerrd for a copy of the etntisticiil report uf the superintendent of iho board of education for itftfh the petition ft r g betlemu snl others cam- psiniis of the commbauoncn of the quebec turnpike roiosw and avns for a redncimn nf ihe tolls was ordered to be priolcd200 copea io french and igft in ln mr laurin brought in a hill lo amend the acl for rcurinf ihe independence of the legislative aemby snd readinn on thiusdoy on motion nf mr jtibin an address was order ed for detailed accounts of all sums of monev re ceived and expended by the trustees or the lon eueoil and chambly i nmpiko road by virtue of ihe oidmanec of iho special cotincd of 4 vict ep 15 anddeuiled atitermnlsof the tronac trios of ibo trustee since comiocncemeol or their trurf the house srenl into consv era lion of the mo tion mode on a previous day that the fscts slated in the petitim acainst the election of messrs moftdlt and dcftlrory for monireat if tro are suteient lu make void the election and do mr solicitor general sherwoods amendment that the eoniovratwn of 110 petition be discharged f gowan moved in amendment to mr sherwoods amendnvent that bv the 27th clause of ihe imperial al 3 and 4 vtct cap 25 il is deebced ihsl until provision is otberwtso made all proceedings relative lo controverted ewiion fir ibat pari of lhc erovincc formerly the province vtuld be accordiojc io ihe bw ff lower cannda nd iboprs in such case in the said orovine be fore theuninn- that 1 has been customary in the parliament of fver canada io require uat the netitioneni sluould avdafi lht they were freehold ers al the time of the election and also thm ihe oaths required to be taken bv litem should be at lenctb and separate tram the certihcmc of ihe justice who ndmin the same in neither of which nartititars have the petitionees in thk casfl complied with this parliamentary ljw and practice nf the late pmvince of iiwer canada and thst llerrfre the orderof the house fir taking into cnicff alioo ihe said petition of peter pnnn and others oaint the elect ions of messrs mof fall ani deruetirybe discbarfed which was earried- yeas 37 na35 the origins ouertion as amended was then carried on iho sime diviahrn and the otfr for coofdemtion of the petition was discharged too rcrminirif oiders of bo day having been portnned pic musc adjotirned p ic omnunl pniducrd ny 1 f njflu mrthelspt nryrtu and lhc amount now in iho ctiestol llietnnily r mr grieve moved an ndilrem peayier his eat ccuvney to cuse ih pfa i lo lft and nporlon the fcasii- cf contneiin on ice bridge iirer ibe m al thwss ueere hy means of thnef more piers to tie rhrcd be tween lhc baltlsto uvardneor thepnriihof si pierre les drewies and ihe btiliuren bint nnr he parts of chapla w h earned ycs 35 kays 31 a moje was received from the con rfli salithm their tsnnr hid passed ihe gatf fijery nnd coal m comnany bdl mr isohlin bmucnt in bill to provide irfl tin eeinlitin of line snee ood water couesr in uner canada sond reading on thun day mr atlonev gleral smitli bmueht in a bill to iomnae a dhty on rtvti1rrs and llnwces isnrl on ihe tpirituoits ant fermented lienors made by ihcnv second rejing nn friday alto a dill to nnllc the study and practicr of medicine fthtjaify nd midwifcrv in this rmvince scconri ending tuetdiy week on motion of m attorney general ztaiilh the ftonse resolveo to mnsier no tuely ncit in i committee of the rivle ihe espedicoey nf csol inj a sum of moor io complete the ceoloiical survey of the mttniia mr cwicilo tral shenrd brongbt in a bill cor the reti if lnwjrtm deblors second reading tuway wtefc alaon rdl io ummd the act iocorporatini the cily of ti ronto b providing for ilv etaitlish- mcrt of a tourt jf kccord ijtrreio in phtfl of ibe miiyorv court ay proi iilmsf that lhc retainer reside over lh listaion court for the recovery nf small debts in ihr city and by vesting in the corporation ihe nowrof laying out new tirects of rtgulutinc lhc nmrk of buudini therein and de finin- the limits of the ciiv ond liberties and making a hetlcr dieaton f the same into wards ac second nrstdiitr 3m inslanl the order of the 4tf for considering a motion un lhc subject of tlif petition sijainu the eleetia of hon li only the county of kfmdtaoy was fiomponed till wednesday mr attorney geseral smith broufht in o lull founded on n brv nf the house for the relir of siek nni destitute muriners second reading on fridoy thcoedrrivf ilieby for the house in commit tee lo consider the eancdcney of cepenliog the ordinance estsmnhins the trinity houae nf qurbcc and moristtal ond substituting oihcr ennetmentn in lieu lsecri was discbareed the dill lor the heller defining the limits of ihe counties nod ltrieta in tppe canada wrp read tlte second linw nd feferred inn com miller of 01 rati libera reiesen ling ihe never counties on ibe question rr the second reading of ihe rill tn ftx the fee on marriage lieenes and provide fur lhepivnwnt of ihe suie intotho puhlir trcomiry tim vrm and nays were fctsuwri yfrsvw kim 2 yri m rears msron aylwin baldwin rertlirlot bi ruand rnioks cauehon chnlih cnnvenn ctinshie cumrniofa fwrtl lonaj inonlitlfcr teoste ifiniame laurin ieiie macdnnrh istonunnl mcconnell merrtu hs llot rwrll price rohtin bnntt smiib wtah worthdtnebe tns here llmssmsnii w ivv mmses cotvillc taly inrfcwin dog stan rcians fnttev cslw lltlkji-swa- jnhnifnn luwrafc macdonstd fcnrnwcil mac- donald kmgrton iuj dundas moffnll prlrie shrrvmud broekvillel sticrwiaad ftoron tolsmitntmiss wefistersl the question ten carried the bll waa read accord tngty mr chrwiiio ift that it bo referred to a select committee mr ii i amendment that he follow ing he substituted fc u expedient thattv fees on marriage licence should t at the jnv poit of tltc bleitt of the several deoomimtinn respectively for h or educiilviuul purposes and that an addvsa be presented to her majctty pravin thai ihey may be so applied mr soticiturtjtoeral sherwood moved that the debate be adjournal ye meaat brooks colvilte cummings daly dichson dugffsn dunlop frmatioger foster grieve thle jeivun johnston laboniil tier larvrason mrdooasd of cornwall mncdon- atdof kiogon maedoneu of duodss mortati pelrie roblio slerwnod of bmckvike sherwood of toronto smihof missisqinfi webster 35 jviviyf messni anrntmng aylwio htldwjn betthhnt bertmnl canchon chabot chauvcau christie dewilt jnhin 1n ac iifonlaine lbvirsj leslie ilacdonell of stoem mcon cell mehtl metl i powetl price se- it smith of wcntworth slvwi tascbcrcau thompson 26 the motion wn aeeovctinily ncfrauved mr colvillc med that the huse d adjourn n which llwlivhon was the same al on ihe s1 moiinn exeep iht mr leroutillirr and mr meconocll changed aije icavine ibe result the rime themmnmnffn wasthn earned and the re main to ornvrs ejile day having been postponed the llwc adyumed certain of the other en proprirlors l privitefc of building n tdhbtidfcvver thai rivrr praying to be oltarrd t poriiripie in pt pivilef c- h l j mexjir and others ui quebec pray- infrilir levelliiij of two hills on lhc mum post mad between tjitcbec nl m4itred of m ivi cnpp and ijiicis wnytnat f l f u0 lo improve the inin rd from sun ateij to muni ten i of ihe montreal board of trade for tic furtlkr improvement uf tlsn rivor oiuwa of simou khnt and others far d to open a mad near the villneof dunvillc of jumc brcukcnridgcorcmttda wert pray- in- for an amendment nflhe enrnnnn acheyl liws fur a grant nf land to he niilitii ho served dur- tng the rebdlinn that no man f snmiw loynltv be recommended to oticeltul ilitticr councin be nbohrlied that rlao nnlitia lie irlired nn a more serviceable foot iii that o madmirvd road lac nvide fnn qusim to kc hrni and fiber main tood be improved rtrsl th of povem- nicnl he returned to ctnada that the oinaiwisjiie sniicrv may be made nvijabe lhal fees may ho reduced and the nmctir of tlielaw amplified that usvhiuis bo provicled soc the j ss sweet william is so notorious on the contrary ins manner is mdl and rensuasive and he evi dently strives to nhiain lhc pood will of the fran- cocanadianft for instance when mr sher- wrd left the house on mr lafmtaincs rising mr smrth aprr jred lu tislcn very attentively nnd fcobihty reptkd but i did not remain to scc mr cowsn is ih- great gun of the house i know not what lu thmk of this man he writes the worst newspaper in iho province without style thought language or sentiment and yet he make lhc very befl speeches in ihe i i and is moreover the very beat debater on lhc minlitr- rial side it was entirely owing to his o droit nesi that lhc montreal election petition was trot rid of on thursday night the ministry wanted an excuse tn tbmw the petition nrcrlmrd and mr goivan found it forlhcm whoever discovered live technicid infnrmiliiy i carvl tell but mr csnwnn njoed tle matter so well and m ide the error appear so monslrous lint all the tory incm what jonc- the sad corssecjoence 7 poor mrs geo- reasury can tell the audience ihorougn- rwbjrjvl be lame deaf idlnsi and inene an comfits for ihe d h y f a lamttlu po that the nhl tu simnnive tntttnmvny be c i iiiun rsnl not extruded lo every uvnoniniation lb it hevy duties be impend on artwriean product nnd n check be put on live duininnrt io lhc uoitcd snici of all the money expended in oubtic work ofthos w lrtyd and oihers or quebe fur o law to ensure the belter rjulineatim of perrons acting as stowcrs or packers of lumber at q uebee fur export alwin of rev l o- dcstleuand olh of sl bir nnhc and rev x a dumontin and others of st anne dynmachcche and l prar ond others of st- jorcph dc maskinongo pravinjt ihat nu change may be made in the law respecting winter car- of cliarks willard and others seamen and shipowner compl lining of the injutv infliccdn ihe shippin iulerem by foreign tcttcij cihivcyinc lumber from one cmadun port t oclher stop png nt an intermediate fonin port and prvyir ror a heavy duty on lumber entered at such cana dian pi fit of patrick brennan of montreh pray in to be indemni5ed for the destruction of i property in the not at the last muaicumj election for that cdr mr aylwin presented an additional list of wil nesses on the part of mr cuinll rilling mcnibts for the 3rd riding of york in the mailer of ihr confuted election for thil hiding tlic following petition were referred ofch dewiu and ntlnrs of f mckensic and other of bevrrty of o mcfjoull and oihrrs of niagara to the enmniitleenn private bill of rncnitcr of cliurrh of cngland restding in niagara gnmsbv und cfnifiewji lo thu com- mitecon petitioii ol ibe church society ol to j ronto several petitions ret itiog tn winter veweb of j arlhnr and others of adehiiilc o the euinmittcc on divislitns of cuntvt o a camultell and others isw sludcntaof quebec j oftw fyd and other mr dimming nrcntnlcd rcpirls upon lhc noli tionsofthe xmgarj district coooeil relative lu i certain lands which nre nt eeturred for nssess i tnent and relative to the hsbinc n tivc nine mite pnd nisifara distrirt mr withums brought inalvllmemend the pto visions of the acl nf lhc parllnteni nf uiper co- nda or tho relief of certain religious suoctics second heading on monday oniiiotinnormr f beaton flnec ws framed t mmm i1refminilteeou tbe miihlleexcontclideleclinn in svqthita t1lie l e nf mtrnh mr lummrn huhl n i bill lo irpwer tlu pislriel cciinnlt it i r r cvnl- loiunvw a f is on fr atfrt in nvnlile t infr nice lmuiv wilhin ihrirnsptlivbdisliicta f civuhi krihlwssl men atv on rtntior nf mr avbvin im nvspaehr nd doriimttn ni ihe hhj rt of uw pt tlfio r pirlrneni tr mnnltrd i reply m iin nnes were ordereil ti t- rrin1ct ml ht mr scrrei jry jmy mi u fnrv ibe iishsjv o re turn to ihe addrvnfor trmi rf lbs eisr nf irnefiduiiin and keiinin fpvir the nmd lijnsmt rnsntn mntrsi k nillfcsa- isj irnnunl of 111 therein ac tlw coorderatnn of the petiti pstriaiissl io eiceiion of mesra routillier iivl lions cau were wlpooed till wrdiirsd iv next tlse bdlrtbenuihinicni of nfiiml sitrie le 15 rou1tne btsintss tnvstuav juriusry it the flourc pvfcerded lo ballot fl n cmrnn tlet tntey ihemefiuof the petition vf wm nolnusn i h ff oi ateetamof mr errovtin- tr for middireei vlprorm chosen messrs stuart o praseci besulnts flrymvur lcrt mcdonald ot kinnton tocbc wssaasrs uwk- faioav january 17 1 i petitions were brihl up tbe rothwin pelilions were wd of t ruilele and others of tutibornu2b for the cdam ctmc nt of the line between iho 5th nnd gth eracssaaon aecordiny to th cvclisqo o the late bwndry lane commisioners os g weldun and other nf the seijmviry of iejlo coinpliining of inj f tics on the pari tf their seigninr and pfayinp redres of live members of ibe quebec trbaling so- eiery for peeunury aid lo prunwte the objects of the r society of members of ihe church nf koglnod residing in b ivham and thorold inr nn act to place that portion tlic clergy ri cr vos prrtaininff to ihe id cburebt under iho munarrcmcnl of the chnrchsrvilv of the diorese d toronto of alfred ritricksd clerk of committees io ihe ifnlsva for n increase filiry of j nines flry and olhtt of i for sinendmvnls to ihe ael incnrpriiinc thai town uf list pwsincbl commillec or thomonirene temperbticc society for the eitamislirnent ofn cheap and uniform rale of postage of peter fampman and olhcrs of the xiagam drtlricl peayinc tbnt oo further attempt may b midc to interfere with the charter of king college of cemnin members of ibo church of england in ttiomld prayin for iho repeal of irsj common school act of ii sentl otlsrr proprietors of si gssamna chinch in mimtml for aid in ouporl f a school in connection with that church of vvw witaonond other nf kinon fo n higher duly on amcrienn manufac lures nnl tbe adoption of mrifn io pevnt mnghn of jame f grunt tale sergeant major in tier majestys service prnylnj for n fimnt of inml for bis erviecs of jaeiri mnngor nj other of cnlevsrc peyiu thbit encvroreoiedl may bv given to lb xcbwlhuf tobeeo of the crrjad jtsy of the huron district h utepminf of on aet to cvuipej abscntland ii loy f tae monoar janoftry 0 iq-is- 7tiesxkerrrtedlhat he had received from the clerk nf tbe cn in clmnccrr a ccrtirlcau of the election hon m p desales later rire frnm the rnty of sauenay the speaker j ca the table aiatements of the nflvr of the quebec bsrk montreal bnk ittv bnk of spntreal and comnvrxial bank of the midland lirict aio statement uf lhc affair of tbe trinity bossss of quebec lor ic44 tircntt seven lrtilions were hrnught up the wlwme otitirtf were read of rnlph fom and other of mersey peaymg fr prectiun to he growers nf tobacco in tht- province of rev f n easafi and ouirs fr there pnnrnl of the rvt ouae fe lhc county of t4rt the pthufmi name of blwin prim ond otlicts prayio for grant locrect brt- the river mterscctin- the road between gienvilte and hull of certain ivokrra of rieion fuf a duly of 3 1 pes cent mamifadured leather from ihe foiled sw of john weih nd mhera of nelson praying that lu rr of church soescfy of the diocese n toronto tvwito to a portion of the ckftf h 5ji n he pw with in n fv teresia of toy prisons now occupation nf any oi lhc said land but ibitr rt accord tn to th- pmvisintui i lf ipejl slalule 3rd and 4ih vtcl ep it 0 john whit lftj fl iiiamtj pmtinj for a law toimw e pewe nulsws to lie aucmitlriiel l m navi linn ur ascent f v of d david a d ibe hhsehvj of monlreul for i uursc the outlay made in establishing ill- of john mtr candle iinhew mwi n increase of tlw duiica on foreign efwlkr of simur1 ci g make o riasd tavcji ftoottowj of gohriol fl r compcnaainin for his icrviee s 0 lhc cntrstcd ckct ion of r ty l- f maiuni m 1830 of jos pi atr d others crthe eon- vlruciinei of 0 pi n mid tm f iitjft tin etrnceof iho bejubums ot iho widow a tiehiu cirtrtn msttm rssj rmnphnmuf thl p f bisshnf s co prviftrtlu ofthi egohyd jaeuk ivlsef and dy ul nhl f rirry over i r rvc ot cartssr were mfoof kj uuuii by an act a t- r i cinseirnce so hfcnttv sfott4ll and dcdteury remain the member for montreal 1iit job nloi e oujhl to be worth the best ul in ihe bands of the government and in this age of bribery and corruption heartily hope he may live to eel il why not be as well js another qa the way mr mur ney is to fret lhc vacant t fi the mon truly honest and independent man in that house is the member for chcton but for his honesty and independence ho eels morn kicks than cuper as he vole with lhc ministers upon all measures of importance he th him self si liberty lo bully ihem when they attempt to be extravagant nr refuse content to what he thinks they should support- lie is therefore a horn in their side and is treated very shabbily in ennsecjuence tlic irusc and the press make a hmt nf mr johnson upon all oeennon but if tho mcmhers or reporters know vrhat honesty means as well as the member for corleton ihey certainly do not exhibit so much of ibat scarce emmndity as dfes the subject of their rtdicnlo mr johnston wmif nothing of ihe gocemmrnt nod tlic government know it ilia eels extra vacant as they aninclimr appear arc ncvcilhc- 1 less conscientious and siould he respected has i conmiluenls know his value nnd duly esfeem it whallf the result whan hardly ten men in ihnl ttoirse vroidd venture to throw themselves pjflfl their elcehira mr jhnsnn mif ht do it with j i impunity tonormw in a county ft lied with old country entknien of talent and large peoperlvi he a in o of neither birth nor education holds his seal like n freehold charity coverrth muliludcof sins to any ihr copy hunk aodoe pulilicul inierty hide on infinitr of 14enii1ica t nm hippy to sec tlint one county in the province resnecls it so much foe buekinrhim p montreal hat become a very pay city the tlrreta crowded wiih carrioles ond strict nf at ilrnomintions some of litem rich and cxtrnvn degree hardly theurhl of among uaof the west and ihe bocara tliey seem to have rnrrancked ihe continent to procure the heel money rin rflhtdi tlu poki pci pic jnse diive like mud all cbwrs frrnj lle rnilimry man in his spbmhd eniiiec to ihe hired culun in in hi humhle car riole eem lo fnney that their existence deceniu upon iheir petting lltionjh ihe sireeta at railroad speed the etnets nre so niero and tbe slnbs are so iiunirrou nud co w i mt ihnl it kemssur prisirif tn me th a oceulcns do nut fiomly bofldr f tiling imm ic 4inuiud by lhc authoring mn nn miibib llie iec to nppn frin lor dbt ui lie second cenniti chsee waa iri i lime nnd referred to a silecl cimmmee another nutiinfirle second nidii r the rill tocslibmi a itibun- or the tri 1 of impeach- menlsby the lelslalivc asrembt the sbftauwfta dirisitffi looi puce fee messrs aeinironf hddwin rirtbclnl rertmnjcdnteron chjlot chanveftu christie cunumng daly ilcnt detumb nicea diwiit oiek ij iuar nimahnger fraoehere grieve 1111 ifale asrhs sbk 1 eoste tjroniiint liwmson lynaone lcvsm mdonald tcornwm mdonsm fstormonl meyers mhtitt murncy powlh prrsr bft0 pnoee riddel rueair peierwd brockvike sherwood tceniifo smith fronenae smith misssnuot smith weotworth slesrnrl pnr cot- thompson wotis nd williams- ip wrap- messes aylwin couch cui net john- too lanrin mcmtt and morin 7 th bill was accordingly read o svcoud lime and referred loa select committer die bill lo incnrporjte tlw 0ih sehril of mnteai w trod lhc second tin- and referred to the committee on ptiralc bdu bend these funoisdtvci ualbaiul dtnner pji- lie sie ihe rei of lhc duy or rathevfiiht liy mcnb lead tlio ton here alve did at kingston rffd sir allan spends his iboussad pounds hko citlcmm no scanty nd msnr able uir j iii pun j- dinners wlh wioe found by toe fiver a la speaker cuviuicr but enter ly nnoed al being thus cheated cut of their dol lar d d the thcolrc and all bclonfina to it they reasoned thus if the uona play so vilely how wretched rout be th rcling of the stock company tim house became deserted tho fair lcocc bad an uphill frame to play but did not despair she brought out food pieces and played them well by dogrees the impcssion of the amateurs vito actio wore off and the com pany began to be appreciated in fact aflcr season of reverses belter ho pen began to row and al present the new olympic may be sold to live- that is pay cspenac tlic piece played lt night wm ihe somewhat celebrated foetunio full of fun ruivoue humor aud obsurdity mr ceorjc june doing tho hem the ccdery drcssc procrties and music arc al well got up and lhc audience which was larje seemed highly dchhted such a piece would suit a kingston audience much better than tbomiserabls murder inof shakipcarc so common amongst us in mis george junes company ii little miaa fill pmes who his grown both pretty and interesting and what is belter isbocoimo a favorite i pre sume you will see the fair leasee and her coaipa- ny ia lhc spring yours truly the editor p s the news of poor mr cajtwrighrs death reached montreal on sato day it created a great sensation allhvugh eipccted fur o long a lime the deceased gentleman virtues were a much known and respected in montreal a it ho cdc letter ii moktttui january 22nd 164 5 last night for the first lime since my being to monhcal was i enabled lo sst oy tico in tbe reporters gallery- mr iwroson th m p for london hasac ceptvd tbe cbiltem huodreds and mr draper is to succeed hint this is positive mr malcolm comervn ssfh bisscat fur lanark but goes back to hi constituents bo is sure of a return foe whatever may be 1i shade of pejitics he is no question ably admitted to bo tho most hard work ing man in the house- tlic omces of surveyor ccncrol and commissioner of crown lands am tube consolidated mr hale to be the commhe sinner mr pspineau going lo ibo prrsidency of ihrcnuncil and mr parke is to bo oppointed collector of customs port culborne mr vigee retire thrpo two last matters are but on dius but may be asfcly relied on mr h smiths rill foe making new town ship out of loaghtarwch kingston and pills burgh is abandoned the new township which is lu be called sforringtoo is provided for in r general rill brought in by mr shersrnod making n great many new township the clause which relates to our particular locality is a foftow tis rorrivfon to consist of 7th cotccssnoo kings ton east of no i att ert of iughborough fke in yughborouh andl pittsburgh north nnd south of rideau csnsh this being a fro vemment messum il will bo pssnd into a law and now for ihe business of jolt night tho rcjor1 of the iisnirk commiltce waa brought in and anew wil ordered sty reoannnf votes nol luving been taken in aomo book townahip mr m comeron left the lfouo there wa n good deal of discusion about the propriy of making rone ninendmerils in llie ptwtioti liw mr shenvuod hrmiehr in his bill to alter tho nvav and time of kosding lhc asite in uppcv canada- making a very material theration in ibo judicature of the province second reading on ihe 4th february v i i brooght in his motion cahiog for on enquiry into the conduct of the boardof works v r i rw v uinmeots worthy use firt f eulkmsn of ihe land- wiih relation to the improper rejection of tender the quten and lhc govrnnr cn make an ti- and stso with regard to the charge of nccrptia l british whig ss oplfcr per orbem d ip friday january 24 1645 htostoni covntar icrrcas nsenvrto oiaio tiir werk the editor montreal 2 oc co toronto h 0 picon ii- c montreal letters from the editor to t paivrga or tir bsrfisn wmo muvtseau january 20 1845 ma paisrrrr- although i hnvc been in montreal since thursday last yet my time ha been an entirely taken up with private buiincas thai i base nor had leisure even to think of he duly 1 osro my readers i hive been but twice in the reporter jtricals arc greatlj on th the qoicn ccuiivo or legislative councillor but it bike greater power lo mkc epejker of the lcisla- livc assembly so well aud so worthily docs sir allan mcnab oil the t hair ibit he has already converted all bis enemies into bunds the gatbnt and fighting fljoe u hero jario a lie and iwn c s nntordmoutachio dos and alt diucc be bti i v i mlo making h an apokiy be treads lite street uf m- r 4mid turns out his iocs for which his race if not much noted with twice the vigor of hi kingston days strange thai a man win wa to veiy recently kicked ami curted in a bar room and by one holding tho same positron in society as himself without inking any steps o redress hii wounded hone rirutd have experienced the great lock to receive in montreal m ajiovigy and stranger still thsl mr aylnin who can be a gcmlcman when bo cbuom condescended to po incite to such a manand lhnt for word and thuie wuro tltc nmplc truth spoken in bis scat in parliament the gallant and fighting ma jor did cstorl the thousand do ihr from partlamcnt lu perform a specific duty and so far as the wufl i is hitherto informed has dne no thing to redeem the pledge implied but why should i waste words with tbo nnimah j j- i bw day and so has every dog there being no house last night i went to rise new olympic theatre of which th clever mrs gcorgc jones the lessee this theatre b nci ihcr a handsome cdibce nor is it well situated but it will nnswer the purpose well cmugb until mrne person of spirit or enterprise gets up a building worthy of ih s really great tnrtrnpolis butthea dcelrnc and frw can box house of asarmbty and then only lorn few minute etch lime tbe pjrusmrntnry news you must continue lo glean from the montreal pipers which although sdly scurrilous and abusive on to another ye manage to report very sihfacloriiy at least to their partiian that is esch party reports in full lhc jpctboi vt lis fneids and either pasors over siro ilcntio those of its opponents or treats them very icur- i rilly in p tint- rot i this unftir line of conduct the montreal pre is prompted by the behavior or the ciders in the ii nie i r a c thin done ibo oilwr night in alluding lo die rlxtlion chiros of canada west which by lire bye arc to be paid nttby ibe tjvcrnkrrwfs su salicune j general snrrtmnd mudesurnc strung atbicon in the rebellion chinas of canada ea when he sot down mr i i line rose lo reply and chose to peak in french when he com english a xelt as mr shersrnod whn tho latter gen llenvan observed this he rose from hi sent and walked leisurely uul of tho fluuso- mr lufon- lainc looked doggers but wcnl on neverlhele i hive seen tho now altomrv general mr smith and have heard him apesk iff has a high thin head marked wiih intellect but not of a high order lie appears to he a sensible man without gcaiu he never eojtd commit n ae 1on good or bad nsvos inpuw vostly inferior uj mr draper as a ppvr ho rosy servo tlio purpose uf ij guvrrownt fully as well ot bo indufgf in ntnt of tbnl utiug ifuny fisr which be found speculative enough to embark their ca pililoo riskily out if lhc drum declines opera is on the advance and the day is nol far distant when music may cateod its softening influence opon tle stony hearts of the montrcalcm as il is musical pieces arc lhc only ones that do go down here miugrc the music nl bring sufficient ly good to attract a fathtonablc audience or eicrt its proper influence mr gecrojnnes compony is largo ond well telectcd with no very great talent intciled but everything correct and proper when the thea tre wss first opened its novelty drew for a fow nights but did nol draw generally the old visi- tors reluming nighilv- when the audience be c me thin a tew gentlemen amateur resolved to rcstro lhooriinal state of things by performing tlientli4s mr georgo jone against bur bet tcr judgement tcocd into consenl i amateurs distributed oil tho good parts amung thsmsclve and announced the rival ex erlcd themsclsc greatly oul of dtoea and drew an immrns houo so far well but ihey per formed so abominably ill that tho audionco bo- cam disgusted tho grnllcrncn who puyod capi droinle and bla man asvf wcro wretched beyond desrption no prentico hoy that ovor left hie caao in tho dntis whig ofhcs lo strut hi hour on the kingston boards ovor burlesqued humanity so viloly and ynt on of lbeo k rdmsm ii fioelurar on th sbsspcriafl drama and tho other a brothor ohip of my own and regard to tho charge of ncceptiog bribe frnm conlcactots and other there wo n immense dsal of angry disctssoion about thi businevs- mr gowan asaceted thu in one in- sance x30o was given to a peraon coonectcd sritb tbe board and that a situation of 500 per an num ws offered lo mr fl merritt m p foe lincoln for hrs conerlion with lhc board both in and out of parliament this ehag mr h merrill mo4 yehamently hut admitted that a proposition uf some kind hd been made bo him but not frnm ihs board of work the macadamitcd road of the pruvince earn on the carpel and from what fell frum meruberst there isliltlc probability of tsotcof kingston to ronto and bmckvilie being placed under th control of thi much abused board dpun amendment of mr robinton lhc consider kn of the subject was deferred until the annual r port of tho board was laid before tho hou mr johnston brought io his bill which ir to be read n second time on mondsy noit tnakrne it imperative on every dirtrict treasurer to puy vrarrants in cash a lon discussion cntud upon tbe tight of p pointrnent to oibccs of the mouse whether it li tij be cstcd in lhc house or in ihe speaker after utsny parliamentary precedents srerequot ed tho house hy a vote of eight aaiysrity ve- ed the right in the speaker the atlorney general aftarvrard introduced bis general meature for tho colsscuon of tho rc venue of tbe province which werercad a asccad time and referred to coruw-uri- tbe uouoe then rcocand so did i the editor a public meeting was held in the court horse yctleday to take into consideration th pmpritty of cstnmishiog a hoiujo of industry in this towo or neighborhood from tho imporia- of tho subject wo especied lo see a targe meeting bat were very much disappointed at lb lim ibo mayor wa called to the chair not morn than two duxen persona srerc io lhc room and at no stag of the proceeding were there morn than wiwy whul surpriood ua still mar vraa lo n6 nearly hnlf of the recusaitionisu among tho missing a committee was appointed wo believe to draft a incmoruil to the legislature on tho subject ajaj lo repori to tbe meeting on monday noil which waa accord ngly adjuurned till that day tb abmluta occcawty of eatabllohing a qtx houoo and houoo of industry in this uuco is apporaot to every one and wc hope to oee on monday that tho inhabitant take a proper uim a iho mailer bt ma daaea i- en aastoulvaami ro- mor that wo mentioned a abort tim isno of kr draper rcsfgning bi ol in tho councij and taking tho ministerial leadership in tb aambly turns out to bo correct mr lovrssos raoigni hiascol for lit town of london in ikvor tha honorable grnllcsnan and al tel twouiirssv of iho cjcotorahavo expeeaavd ihcir aatisreeiiraa with lb amngeiaont this u a rr at important movement and will b of groat odvsoiss t ihs minisurial parly in tb lower ho tr no staaatrr vat i tha ttaam suls r brio bad not urlvod at boston on mtoaay rptaajjous bba was hourly sansctcd