iit in ivtkitrmm rmon taaou r rtfcr iuiiihi tin lvkl txinl i ni hnimm nv iivrjm km isaa im ujf njii wkhuvr 44 tpti r it ir 11 kut lumitkltt lire ihj i sampfe tvi aiuii h auiiuuwv i ul tiiuihliitil ft iit 1- alnrli mi hhiim il i a ir vi a frviv lvinj irsta rrntaal iliivi aa irvti nylin uvihuni ill t in sil lliwv rnip mi ili- luli nl niriir ivil m il flt l s lliic ipjm ft in i klti mhit nil mt m pimk ifn nuilrthi tlllill 1 lum 1 im iivi h m lltlll ill l i ihllfl miw uiaarisi 1 x lwrli tars nhtl ti m j ii v mill i h ril i hv n ittm t n ml bhmll 3 iu refwm 144 vi tllmm f1t in iii inlfiliuu i irivrfl 1 irvrttl in tin- lmti 1i ill 1 if nlite will la prwitii 1 li- in ntif tliirrriiiv slttpliii almllif lmihhlil wwjli li illmic ritmlmiimriil m hut lwtl lit nvl miwiiif il m iimiu v inv ill li ml lai riiliiiriil till in v itf jfrrvltwl i l 11- n- riimi 1 1 i tivt iiiv iiti t litci m ll llm ff tlltlrtnm irjtl l iii vlll till ilul tin- i jiil olijii l iiridmiiimh ivir il 4w a ttbhlaxul chlvtllllil la mil til- ni il f iil lttvivi trvit ienttiit am ltisth fviv iel triinirt 1lu mlu llta w umiiiathn of tin treaty lmj ihvu afoiij iijioti on btlli aiiv the accraint from ihp fanttrr nr rimi ie llml it wim in corm tphc of riiita million fron lvtiittil hint lrj iim ii 14 il wrrr hv cvhllv titrmrii til a i i j uf li ii l c sk i i til b ronkptrirv mgiitl tin fjytc rniw mi iij iimtc lkvii mtiiv ftiihiiimxiri l ll vi illin ihrs fnwil ililyhmolvllllltttlifhirh thork of c ithqii ikr ly nlvvh f j iikvp id in atyvttr pvl uirily f kjumiiw hrtiiiilhi imvf pii liil n itiurh auiii iemi il i in ciflitimijitumi tn rafttnlr ttio flrlliiitvi 1iir mul irmll u nrw rnuvi titi fomc utlr tlitrj n ul iht iil tituiir tiucv trjvrlhtnariivcilal cnnd mtiiktiftl- iwit kflv fii fmit riprtrlwiiuc irrivjlf mr wulf al uirmj tn ufity iilttm1i lc lint it yi tin it ink f lnund lnv rivm utilw rlrl ihrv wjmjiii niofit you afipnvctl bjbof ovlivic it jif frtll tn m ohilit hmtitx b sni snirtlii iw tr ili4 utilciniii ikt lw in l if a i ivlnri itwijy niifninlliiii im wt m nml rtiiriv i- iti- nviv iv h ifi dwl il hi ti hit the cltjim i fii in j5 1it li i vitrtirtni p miftttk wliirh jiiv i itm4l f anl i hivitn suuikilly th jciil tj j nj f r- in ij tnim k t ffttii ktii lij rrv j umh 9ivvaiam 13 iy h kiuh imi ifj rrvifiiin 1 1 utm itit i untn- hpinl winj six of tin iht hit i limid mul i w4 itil in- idltkii tt f l llir full pvi t itf hi iiii iiltlii slfttrtvl tl tplnnrrr i conmiuctnl fr jh rcvilulitmi nf i lie riii i mi ilmm ur ll if llmrrw rf njiuuiii hk til ilit rit il i mir rttttcj tbe tol wihiirmlw isof uknhk unl art ton willi lxit mill nhrxitvioi and with r my r i ii i ri iihtii f lln vcif i iifli kritif itiniiud lo kvtml um c ipukcn in lnli if nni sivimal t4ft mv iindrrrijnd lint w puke nf yienry fneiwral crrn hat iwn uflbfiak rwo itmlposiiitmi til ablryvijc lit- gc ntvufk ibe nritlfficc llic flcnonl luxirctini- rl incl lie irilcil hi apfiilmcnt at mirjfl uotrl on solitnby wrcfc he wii nf uftwdl hi ihvtf i ifti atirihuijii lii illn lo ihe indnn rtirvif ihn tivlvr until llwcam nriihrr itrt ilk llirf fcirotal hm dnlv nnl vilh ivjirtid tirrra iwwrifn4cl ivtlkuttchtftw onrjber nicer ulit h in in tlei th h vtlt tlir wl tltrfvtpliil irv llly l iih ti ili lb kl lvu llt ttltf ithfc ir hfjfb of hifiu ah nihtr ofarfi iwnnmil itfthu iriiittr nci ladv to ri mi uh raieity uiri yrr jhrm lite ut li ur hr ice 1 v lln wcathtr limli- n moer crrr tlwi at mi v ifroijii p f ntiny yctr in tin ii in ur it raidy fr r with any vii nitr b fu l 1iiii hnt don li nl lnjv t m wli a frt coinmncid ukieh rn tlir liitic vr aiic wittiit tin k il prihftrci nf aiit tirvtil tr tin tirm ir in tlic xi l il ivii il lit ulrrrlv t rttnnnuini im hf evn nith nnn1 b- iul t 111 i tin in i lit- nt llr j1mhi tiil iuriuhu u w ihtnljltl lp mvlllll mtl klnit im1i fly win j tfrl v i l at n 1 tilic ktirtr ik tyttfltftv -huitu- the l wr1l in r iiiivi4mv if lln i fiott lb uli hace kvn itftnriii willi kllel ll ml h ill stfr in- t n tli- iihi vcilif iiinl liiitt l li ij in kiiiu tn llifdrtis hlrc liiv tnvn in h tu- ljfj nr mill ik like in si j nntn huk iiip f mitinl ii1 niiiv tin siiulin anil lite rv iil ljrk luvc ifcift mlnriill i j ipiritnju rmtry ity rut hniii it r ftt nmnvr nf ctm a t urhitl it tjk tnliti rntimn ivhim a feu iiy v eoiitjiniuf ntrwfih of ttivit vjilc fnun itu kn- tt ti iiii in lln qlrmii trmce aim sj ic iw ihi inilu ftf lvvin4iirr ami buecleitch ac 6mr huhs nrrrwiiiti vimci rni ihi tjucen rc vjimcu al j- r til itroml hy hutlel and nmc hir on llio 8nl roatl mimny nnd john kfrmrday tirnlhciiiiiilnvvt auatrlled i mi luml vlileh ihy in it jomlly then mi m m 1 cortrticl irnflttk then fricmuf anl mtiiry ri ivcij o mnital mow uf which ho ihnl hi the fh an ttrifinl jmily rlileteil hie houe ol ib uiifk al unuim in iii1y lilayluijiig the nun nence iinii uqi rtvei the tuiu n im wife xuneiepl- wheat hiy j ind riculttiml itnitrft ciil nl irll word that murk had heller nirnair hi cof iii l hell herd lo mt lflnrkcll who lately tmc ome laud from in itrim i mktntf ihtrn reitipenilon in tnonev vvilliatn she nlii iitan waskillej willi meme vy u on mi fulwtjit kilvnnon ner clivwj because he wa rfireadinfome reil- wheal fori lich en oi law with whom michael had quanelw 8 v ativ the inlerrn or ibe fomfnght eenltes in snnin where 3 itfiil nil logics gloomy jnd threaie n in zuirurio ha nm yel heen dltwtfftd in 1 fiijiii nlki sul luu ol hifin5 hare been piil to ilraih the iii 1 1- n bivli lie n ill lny diclftli wim unw ihup stin indulsn ni jirckens the minil y iv- ration stii not we have receiced the madrid jouiniu ami rnrieponihnce tf ihe 8th mt tse miiisi l financ wat artirrly engaged in pteprin- ihe jii whih he intemled lo lay oefote lh cone in ihe rottirj at llio ivek 1 titmpo fay thai h will pretst ut al the same hmo the new tiifmiaty ylein f lhat the lropehy tax is to he iitcresed and thai i by that means the miuitlrr efiects to pro- vide fund for th- mnmlennceof the eh if y sikty inhbitin ol nrcelcnift hd hern tian- norted to cailbicn in eii5nijenee of thi encumbered laie ol lb- piimin of ihe ftl nl th05eciliei m francico calanysa former deputy ami mi kxekiel panel ex-ahmini- tiitor of the finnc5 had been arrested at bar- cilona nnd banished td palnj m jftie mata iopez ha i jmmiihed a pim- php ronlaiiontf an acrnuni of lie principal jtnlitiral venl whch ocrnrrrd in piin ettir in the aiirninirtiitjun of ihe 9ih oi may ifti3 ami subipfienlly lo ihtevistencc nf ihe pro- visional jnvernmen that pamphlrl tlis- etite iinpoitani eeiei ifld mtxslietorily ex plains the condnct of m u -v- and hueol leae and the exirnnnay dilficujlirs wiiich they hud lo encounter turkey cox rakrikofic the augburgh gazette of ihe lotli inst pnitithef un extract from a letter rmid constant in0de the 2 i ull which annooncet that the bfitith arnbaaoi qrjitled that capital sowenly on board of a vessel wiieh was waiting bi ordera 1 1 isnol known in whutditertion he ha proceeded the pre cipitate depaitiirr of the arobafrsvlor hat given rite to many conjectures some think lhat ir stratford canmn had proceeded on an ordina- iy excursion others attach more imporunee to hie matter t difference having aiisco he- tween the ambissador and the oroman go vemment relaiire to the insult offered to the british consul at trebizord puriula aiuwuil lei hindrance tat in futnrr ihe whle aurn i wt-idifin- the vry lauo lfudf kiwn p ritie the fitrit rale m utaoine ia a nn te irifu himi irfpeii tt nthniennnot uetllcetd hut- fllflr cmjfii4 in native lioltoma mut la sen nt-ft- chitikrxi inn almal of foamerh fmumr4 illtfl tiovnimir lihcrhr hkj einpefur u lurn in con4ji in- f cat arrvicca in invin iimic greal eiremin in ihe mi ofchckian- an j m bevlow oine mark of dialinciinn uirvi hat gravid ehihlrrn uc nl liv unr time rncloart ha ter tainenl tw lln laat vda wliieh fell ftom hi i nvili inhiyjmve of deep mi gratuwk to hia j-ra- ei4 mavlcr nny meet ihe iinperml eye i ikf r jvl yeat a fftcl c4fritv in sih nm land xocrriirtunl waa oltlitred lo iie rcd mm and aiitatjmrncc in the mflirmij peaintrt ffin its own gfvmraw the liarrt leinercr hi- year ha iutt paired very inftiiti rtit ond ihe lieoph- uru umibt in make up utrjl art-aif- tv eonrl ilknfofv lus wtly remitted ju demand for arvrflier yrir a criminal hiicin lxfi acleij in le nil l picci jid inmi ptitati the mihtiit f lln iufktl i on li it acenuo dpfii tf lit rank and k hone for hi m chj nee an tiubry hndrnecdat citjn frtmfvichin china and rjirccinfh hwc been fnentn etert tin iho inembrrivina itbtic hm fur tw firat litnr ite tilk nf tiibuir brreift itiiliehn inruriuy ap plied lo thrc tri ia ojniit- l a fire hrikc it reeenll in one of the imperiil villn and jrvojrrl astern buidmifa oft inve i i n i i thai an jtl mm fond nf moktn kin pipe hid occjflionoj tli- eiljmitr by leitinnabuninf cal fall ji ihe jfroand which rfmfly m ttiu ciiiaic in flirnes ww the cxi mm thn nf llio hichcal litemri look plc in il i-jij- -i- on abode a etnwd of curinu tfieetatni invaded tint jcred gmtind so that it uj ii a17 in fire the siric lea order tot kcepitif use emird at a distance and tome difficulty was rmiwithatandin frit lo effect ihnt putpoae ao in arc poopto now aeeaomed lo look wilh aacred awe upon everylbinc belnncinj to tbeir nci rerc 1 1 how different friim litnea of ywr whifi the mere ninw of we lord and hea- vrrft son mhred ihcfft wilh ilreid aitrl rerercne the ministers muhcbanfrjh and pwanalivfjau have been funded over in the board of puntahment hifliir they had wivimirtcndcd aownicorthy sub jeet to conjnlc book in the national cllrjc oy a recent decree all the mentelmo yonih who htc jn various prorinca attained to the rank of jvcnjln rm fnrthwitb in be rent u the board of nnicrs to rereivc civil appninlmcntsi aceotdins in their capacitir thia tvulalioci wilt all the land with tartar civilians taouckwinx has crfaioutly approved of ihe pnfofmil reward to ihe fotmola heroca for their trove deedt in dninc latlle afitntrt the rebels he niakea hoxver n esprrsa itipidatmn vim all ihe inurfenta rnuat be catifhi and not one of litem al lowed lo rjripr the net nf the livr the fioyec of the fireat monarch was for sere t day tmekly crowded wilh military officer who had been summoned lo the capital they were aoon nrdered to proceed lo tbeir enteral u lions in the provinces beinj eillier promoted or i reeemny one or twt rteps of niiminil ndvjncc j nicni amnnoit ibere mtunalo sons of maf are ivtftfu canton men who will thus have an op poriunityif making tbeir debut in sicebuen and oilier out nf ihe way place vsj rut mkaoav nt ratnj a i aavwaiuii r iuu t iutc at r i aajsfj awllmfta wrn o thr rm ruuwmtti ud lit ivjhi fptl tin- nv ihpir tjwiastfi tt ami 11m peer itdim a j ui n p- a i nc a tfjtnpii utnun ut uaaini il fot ihoe jjt oartwrijht iton and friend thetc needs no prmpfjua nticc to nltortd vx set in the taartevf ilrtjamnda thou will luve a ahnne no muminvr cjii wstow v rcvcrj for thy aievllaat mind and word thuianda will long thy virluoua act record andcomin chthjcna chmn will dlht tn praie the name of john s cartwrighl a kumnik scooaaui- kinbin vondir jn vmli is 15 fiedtyof lif inuniiiil 2lrrtdals in uiutjstoit at mitts bkitisii hkbith hotel p r pitltn llylown f smith lt mr howard jvronti m ihjrand pnndia mr iully toronto mr cviinit miireat mr rinslneln monlrf il i hn vlil outml j rtnwn mnnlrenl a ciiiiout quebec vvm l june new york o kichinlyo fjiirhcc i- p qryaler wfltamasih j contiei frjn unnittftl win smth mnireal u fntthi montreal mon lcnneki sidnev mr miir btor kvitle s j4hs breille win j me ponrll kinrcrbm l w hulton monlrei rapt rummtna anihem l4and capi raul rllfi amhrrj uhn1 panels iwi trmnlo dirid fjubjitn tomnia lord uitlinn toronto toronto mt brxsawi tvbure at wrkkssimbrxii0usrllotek frataeis hayward ffmwxili dti writ 1 1 1 i wirkahorh mr k4ou xap4nee rev- mr gbm napinor tr camphhi njpa ncer wriffw napaneejtun bfoslsn nnpanee a fidfar frtderickbnsh j- c nirtanl kingston and uliea e sore jihn enkinr mmtreal mia riimrr cimdcn d s t ittorp pieton d m lsar piclon uenrr mil ihew pictnn a l iser fmlltn wtioda win fielda montreal mr vlhinio wntcr- lown mrtnomasbrilon roclnier mr iva montial- huslhaltu- heal 1mtatc for nvli- lo rs nt 4 ml 5 in ike kam side great itiver cataiauui about iwn miles hum kiucslnu en whieii 1 an exullent mne dwelling lltiuae ud kftlrm tan a small 0dini ii j 10j afics is ill u i atato ol ctllllv4u00 ii also a lot in ihe village ol bahiefii- lleury on wliicti i a tmii stone llouieand mil honse suhlin- c il jarden n funt tieea in fi a ii uupt an id rpuini dwelling fir wiih n ill beaiiti i lot id ol lnuhhnrouh laeof sydenham tmiaaa aln at the same place let for 4 itrsn of years also ln no 7 in ihe 8 h con about i miles hum tlte vi romaimnsilxi acres abo lot no 4 in the lt con of itdfun ix 1 acres lit no 13 in the uh con of ikjfont ton sniiiiit twoacrea eisthalf im no 0 1 1th con of deitford cmulllnljl 100 an tlieaove pnpetty is id an excellent cjinli- lv 0r1l uillmkii any uk branre vtatevir an imloputvd title will be givt lion lo be 1 c lo i 11 glasgow warehouse wholesale and retail p ft ih 0 t m stttekt k 1 ft q ifo li bru wadlell5coroapcct folly imimaio rlmtthoy imvo a fiprsa aauortment of lftdm mo gen- ihrnriii patent india hubbgr tjvbil shoes vin1 mslcctcd rtorfc of prunella boots and shoes white ami black satin slip- per also a ciiiieo arlirlo in fur muffs and btas fur anj clolli cap if vattftu shape with a voty oxtenaive stnclcof fattey anj sluilt dry oja ill of wliicli will bn tolil off at a amall advance in order tn m iko pifntt for fining impftlohin klighoflt jnuury sltstj 340 victoria heuser aiuritja cnrnrr outarin roil3d jtlljn stralnain anl kurack stteels d january 1815 kiltjr wllte liquors and groceries lhe sniiscriltei tics lave lo irlnrn his thinks to the nuilie 01 jmsi la to if auj rnol ieicllumy soirils a contiuice nf tin c ft liav in 1 1 lieen np aectititi tif 4i1 ki not i rpne iiliniiifrs ihilfitcll aflcnra llio pntvincc fur iie rntiji nsilth amtcati colli 1 omny r inw nt prel t initw tle l isuv with uatljiii nf ihoir m iiujfjciiirrt nf a nilit v ttsiic rturltl uny rvcr hffiire iihvred tn miu iaiket at manufacnireis prieen c kennedy l ov piiitrea sireuf j kington jaitunry soth isw- rviib sulaurnlaor riecja ltar to ttm lii moat aineeiq thaukaioht friamii and ihr public forthi virry liberal u- 1 r r ho rr- wr 1 aioco lit oimmenciarj liuainoaa in kin rati 111 mo would rtapecifnlly iniimato loot lie ho r veil li sa lofln to one of mr hardy new boltdink opronite mn j- h t uf t n j wnahr wliere in wil keep conatontty on hand a f eh uvsttks ftcits fflmeftioaet lf 4c ilia pan i- rsloewe with ihr beat of liquors wines c and no at- lettuimi will bo parerl 10 aeiirnminata tlnrao wlni muy fit v or hitn wilh a rail jamkrf lildkr kinsatao dec iw advkrtiskmbnt 1 pclllc htfore iifiy oirils a contiuace 1 amr at hi olt lanl comer ol ontaii hariack slieeu- john stuachan tftagataflt j miniry 1 1815 k an b very late from ci1tna cjalqg ftatn of tinw aatoaxi tnecrtltcwrial- the merchant ship paul jones ansvcd al new vk ad sunday last in itl day frn cinlun- hic advices from i n kin are to the 27th of september tlie mot important new bv this arrival ia the r itifieatiort by the kmpernr of the treaty with the tltlcd stair il vrenl intoetttcl at canton on lfc oah of september an far a iho chinese are tenwb a it s also been ratified by the luilcd titc cftate it may be said lo be in full tree and operation th march of civiliitlion ha already befgn in china the british corernmcni has opened a supjcme court and invited laaryera lo practice 1 herein tlt v ywh fpieohi tlie fnloteinf fttfju su try nf netv by tlii a rival winch will prove in iretin aa ivhibitiuf iho internal altjirtof u10 1 liiieao eiume ffiloiitrit ir eland mlanttns asd cjrtftantm- frusuiiil murders diverge ireland a pio- trsantfamilv namd shpud hl taken a faimnf m fawceii neat llaliy in kuiis counly fmrn which a roman catinlic family nml dli hail hern ejected the shep- aiil whesem to have ben lutc hrlltr leccived a nniice waoinj tlm not in uv iittirsioii if ihey valued their live win- liiey rrnciederf to ihe laii- a steond noli veil srrvrd upnn them to the amr eflcel hut irrtttr nnmarous faiily and no bins taunted they ptueided themselves with arms anl am- munition and took poesmn iheir fitst re- cantioti beinj to make llu loot of the house file iiianf otilsie tilth clay and then boring un roes thtoiih difteiviti jiilsef the wall j ami whilaatwuk in ihe day lime one brother suftdinrilinei with oa el aims while the others were employed amhiose one of the brothers went off 0 1 wedncoay or thiity week to fetch a caitload of fuiiuttire tnd his family on his return he sav the horses slnviitf about and the door pii1y shut he catted to hts qtetthers hut liey did lint answer and fearing to enler the hous hrn lo the nevt police station for aid- the house was entered and one brmher was bun i lyin in it his head smashed by a p tie and all the arm had been taken away the looyofthc the cuinra- in coiilon cniinucd lo be very t tn4ruy difped- tliere were five french vccl of war at can- lii the fivneh mmialcr wa nejicijlin- a lnly theclnnei m cantnn aeem in ims oulile fiiiittlfintia mi citlialty- hny nk ripnn ihe k il it arte 11 himuv fij4 and uiieauucd v ft cnteeaainllei1 tl urr 4nt ii n a1 m pi liner vived macito tn innetv jlvi d iv fnun nrw itrk the ame iri itrjjmd wnatcn- ltti win n ihr i j bn and the sloop nf wiir 51 i i 1 lii toki of china ifeccts and crew freic rrnurkably inaltby ft re msaj kflf fjuzeire sept km the intellijeitee fnn ibis city is of rather al irmin nature two jirmvhivc leased building almnscnt on ihe site of the old fjcbnr and have bra elearintf nway tlw rubbii prpirlory ifiiljin thia dtes tvt lecet the apobititn of ilic mob and anoneiiwus jdicard have been fl- el ihreatenin the emtnicbtr jritn death if tbey i iild fr tlie fecn ahi dcvtrucuon of ujc a bill ianosr pending in a house of ancnibly for the purpose of iroposit n further duly n oi litters ntj bnrrtvcnv v appnhend when the fanners of upper canada look intu the different cnaclmcn they will sec how mequiuy and un fairly thry arc made to apply to putitfcrie under the two rlctna mentioned an i if it s their wifji lo iransptti the rcitcr pntpnrtia of tvir cotne praio lo mnntreal before they can ti nl market for it tbey ntay submit withoul nninmirin in ihia infliction by a reedy ptfltoi of iho distdlin- irajc of lower caaidi who it ivifelv appet advise suh a lis fmm inieroi i milivets the british inndeof dtmiiliinj iubnoi ete1jivrly fol lowed in litvrcr cula ihe duleb in tppcr ca nadx thmc under lh dritasll mile ae left free to conduct their operations in a very unrerlain manner with regard ti the amount of duie fnj able but under lh lut h ur upper canada mode they will be eound down in such a way that com aatwain h 4abaa ta sb ihe nteie pm into a law mivr of the iar canida iliatilbita mut cease vmrkio ami thn spirit riimircd for le consumptioit of lh wien peiin of the province mul be imported frwi the lnirrn pehitpa ihe forwarder miy h vi ttjrrtai ti such a cdniuniinilini but k wh l k ou aricullurjl frietdt wlto i to pit ihe tn i lil and auirt captnee nw lime sliiutd la- kl in in riruclinrr their repicsentiilive have a j eye tn any such iuihii cavwu j rvestvnxel westviiueh it i meeting of the freeholders jr and houseboldera uf iihssi and 2 convened by public mrertisemtnt held at wm klvrhecha tavern on thnraday eveniie january 93rd mr john kendall in the chair il was onan- ionily rtsoitcjy that tlpf village latey erect ed thereon heiiik alngtiile the great macadamized road west from luncon be from liencef hh called or kqwfl by the name rrf wftvillb kingston jan huh 1849 first periodical s vle for itaft ill take par on tuesday the did fehriinry next at rise stores of j no patterson oohuiv sireer kingston when a very choice and extensive stork nf freah ckqceries irqiuks ivixes teas sugars aifi tobacco will benltered at a the usual termtnf credit 17 fur pantcnlai see handbill sale at 1 1 ovforltia w auction haip- o f groceries y n m uockus carowtve if otscftr fturitit ontuiuav mh lannary will b sold 20 ehist hyson youig hycn twjuky and ieen teas 15 boe soap and candles 10 tio starch 5 do jvppar ami pimento 5 bs tout bhl ci ifre i wlhi dunlin rie 10 deceit com broods 10 hbls- ms nvadi sugar 5 dozen pilenl paitc iu hbh north shnr hennp no t 15 kf bark paml s cakwaaiaiea spiiis 5 cak molastes toelhrr wilh the icmaindet of a rrfflh gro cer j store alio which will be sold without reseive sate at it oclock n m bockus auxtwnter kington jan 21h 1845 ot1ce ia hereby yjven iliitt tlur annual mtetiu uf the storkhuld r llf the cdlornrm u-nl-ji- will im inditckin monla the stlrl ihy if jauuaiy 1545 ut the oflire uf lie cata- initi liridjrt tympany iipiiie rhc ciunmerciiil llnikj at i ohck r aj fur the purpose nl electing director tor the umuing year aciordite tu ihe law and tratiiaciini other buallimfe con nected with the bridge tl occonntn of the past year will be tt and there submitted fur the inspec- imimf he stuck ho id era thomas glasst sery 4 trcos c fl cjfc cataniqut btttlgt office kinishn 9ih january 1s46 i n j olipiiasi gorary on cililnioii by j 0 im it ynu mil rind cofiiainni t- lulbtwin fq herein named old anl ymin hjson tea vwankav niehour and hot ea gutipuwtter inpciiat and fekev fonkavi pouchon and congou 8f ait c and pcppeirnuil whtke u in and jamaica spilis pml sbrrf ant maleiia vvme clart ivnenffe anl champan cofte choroute pepper and n 1 fan oaps a eeal variety candles both common and seim raw ucaloaf anu candied lemon of chrysul vvaie a choice let cro keiy a lare nd handsome stock thry wilt im found a cheap aa any give him a call amonjt the maae and from the fainter taill be taken poik heef bolter flonr and hcon now ils lime 10 eol my rhyme as printeti charge 01 eerr liiafc j oliphant rituck sr i t k- 1 jn 10ih 1845 por a jno kinj9tnn 22j j41 patterson nary 135 s rjlieaf ersos having claima jkjiiq ifthc late john ti is m i ir will keepi wud i v nf tv iti4namn i 1 vi- 1 il a riot ei i feueh uml 1 ftnfhihle tbkit the rufti rr and lite prnpcrlv or even ne truitjrrs be endangered in he i loriunatctr a strong american rdiine ttfvrat in the tiiiay n other brother was not fount 1 was iviuz in a ditib ihe hed nl11 tr 1- a enroner jury have einriied a verdict of tt wilful munfei arjint some person or peisoiis at pievcil unknown fi proluces usual current litof outrages a man hat died from the efl cls of a s4v heatin alniiisiifed by a number of men on the l3ti n irrmwr alter a ijutrrej at a public houne abr man lias leen bt hy loir milling near lisbony ad hi life is ieejhliren of four ailhfid men itucket a ho al srrue 1ml weie leuuiaed i 11 was ihe cause of this aaattu a tsinhftnf outrage varying in deieat of atocly are amiou iced as hiving ergtnred in the neiiihorhnitt nf limerirk and neuah a faction llht lok place ie other uy in the churchyard of llailmaltict iu the sunt u of ireland latfe mimht of infuriated mn savagely fihtina over a corpse which had been brought to tne ehurehvard bir uirtment th two parties had fntifht 01 a furtn r oe- cakioa hul bid bernpjl lo 11 ht hy the piic- befue much nuichiel wa done ihhemirch- yard they battle till one m ut was laku away inseiuitde and miny ollurr had received scvero injur it mr samuel mkim vafl shot in hi own house near on ihe 3il instut by some niton who ii through the win low motive utiknowi palriek cunen a mtaunttal laj- mer was tisin from a chair at the ftreido ol hi notice al gurneen near clara when he was iti a hke oiannci wounded in the arm si wfl we have ahoa of war and a unj llsrf- eaniile tbel al whamjma who will prohibly le n iitc jble to protect our counirvmcn we would nnt hnreetrr ie aurpriikil shnutd the captain of the iris move hi ffiaie from this birbr tn vhamoa or even ort the city of canton and in the event of a riot we hope iho celestials will feci hcf metal from the ptkin gazette the chinese government sectda its worst crimi nal and amnn them not a few prince of lite blood to the llifcluukeantf or armour river on ihe confine of the eastern part of russian siberia where lite caile are eiposed to the pcrcresl hard fhips and wbilsl hunt tn iho fur animate arc often tell to starve in the hnwhng dertt tlie general who holds eomnnnd in thai retm is generally a mm who has iveit proofs of his rclenkt temper and can inspire the convict wilh terror the iovemorof clikeanr baa duty represented lb meritorious decsls r the airy under hi im mediate jurisdiction for rebuilding a city by tbeir ibscriptkon the claims tpn coeemrncot are nw ho numetoo that if all the mandarins f the i- npirc died wilh i one year the candidate for nttiee wb h ive paid in advance could not all see ihrhopecrtatlzetl some revenue officer ia the tonchoo deparl- uknt were unable to mkc up the deficit of ihcir receipt and lo make a severe cawnplc in order to ikter other from following their example ttiev tee dhmtd to trjnrlatioo when ihe sen tence howerer was rrviord it appeared in the i1ljci a f r heller plan to leave ihe culprit in of- fie and fare them lo piy up the urrear in in- i itiuenta tn thi wine prral the ernpcrnr cave hia uneoodilinn il consent t for tho the aitau of stale will lie duly attended to ubilat the revenue will nn be the lrtr clunfpeih tartar general of fnbehoo nnd su- 1- r ir- 1- n it cuvm in i iid a memorial be- fte ihe rinpetor in which he ivesa full aeeoont nf uii hraneh of revenue it oppejis ltat the wjiole of iheannuol dntieaof fokeen province nnt includiti amir is iicednl ilola- hia kdeeeaor bnwevrr bad lart rear a deficit of 3 fir lacs which he iherefurc oubl to make up oirinx the htl time lhat cjungpeith ulswtf lia in id the office bar um been itiorl of i 1 lads which ia j ready lo pay irtataalttyi but in the amoy 1 enutils which ought l ainoinl lo tvsjf tact liutl tael are wanting anj iincc tire deraea 1 1 j1 is tiieinj iu the ivir which his not only ruin- t j several bouses ihji unetiled the whole cojii- tihrec ihe worthy general bracccbc toukwink tliit this sum may bo remitted whilst auin ilira favor lie will in the meanwhile 10 coijunc lietri with tho governor general keep ihe burba una quci and invite mercbanlt to follow their rarnjfl ok xnw mcxincas in tttt rirtafc weeilrm ihe fnlltwn flillertua nvic of iv member for kinloi fmrn a hie number of the mnirl thicrip it will doublles peore c- ceptrible lo ibe eotslitiknls and friends of nur worthy represecttalive- mr macdaalo of kinton3 tlie mm her sot the uiu seat of tnv tl i a rnuoe mjn of t ty rtmi and m mly arfwa ranee with oitteihin frnx nd open in his la ain fie i one raf the hmi d lawyer who have faind llieir way into parlianwnt but he inm like seane nf ihevft whuevidenilr miatakibr hmi of a- seudtr for a court uf jualu diacu iwbhc measures hi vhc sanw cailiuutt tpnit with which they would diacuv a cwnirmened point of law mr macbooald ha a wider scope of mind and a billcr iyle of oraury ilia maiden speech vn the addrta njo very ueceful ehirt and ave promie of much better thin- a pmmie which hit reply tn mr aylwin on ihe question for ihe rejection of the montreal petition f iviradav evening liat fully bore iut never were kjl sphistriet- and impudent assertions bstsnl cnmplrte i y ovcrth nwn aylwin hid pokci for nearly two iukji wild all the art of an eaperienced pleader uiid hud vrviw posubile a web tbtt many really believed lie had succeeded in anawrrm sir cow ao in 1eathinten minute mr mac donald suc ceeded in destroying this web and placed the ouettion once morn in a irnc light before the home lie sftove on ibis oceition in a pleasan ininucr fturrnily and without prelenaiun tlicrc w just sufficient cnttfiuvoce to aliow lhat he un derstood ui ejueation without any of the vanily whkh n r j an ingredient in ihe charac- icranf mi of ihe yuajnf men in ihe llnufe i underatand that mr maelvmitd enyws a fod practice in k where li i howstbat be is very popular from writ i hive seen of him i shcnjld say he is a runo intin and not likely to disappoint the epclalkkn nf his friend wt c orsacunxar tlreelcelimi for this ownty ha reaultcd in the return of dr latcmt re radical witrutefpmition xt stcau sw utrx roa sate wl wuld direct the attention of capiiahls to ibe aklton sale of mr ilcrchmer sive mill in our adver tising colamni tng mill iin nl rate older in conalant operation nnd it ia iiceolcaa lo sty jaw ec a nijpifcat siipeiwrily nvit ihe uljf jhionej mill driven by water its pnximity to kuirlen and being ntuated in no ekiuent irjct of country cannot fail lo oukc il a iraoal valuable ivevtincnt 17 tut lfjuaca act some kind friend at flytown b ent u a printed eneulur no ibis sub jccl which aid i led us wilhapoati ctiargeof ffd- a ihi is a rtccie of kindneas that we cannot aripfceiate we sbih lake no ooiicc of it whatever not j 01 im pe attain ihe cartwbigijr n i tft frajritv lilt aii llily liii ihtrntieatrpd inlttin ia m hnh esj- who 1 arnhnri in nrljiiai tho ome ami all ncittnnn v iu tho saitl kn latu cither hy account nrrte ltmd mortgage nrot nto reques ted to wttl wii htm or eitlior of the unjcrflificj vihuiii dulay sarah ll- caiitw right executrix tiiosia wrkks romsok liihjr niwwosun forsyth aerecuforr kirrbfon jili 88uli isi5 7 0i extrusive sale of dry goods at the subscribe auction rooms coiner 0 onion i hoc strrttt n thuksov lhr30h january will eligible investment fo br ir or icafilld or a term ok yexrs that ex- veant newly erectcil rtkam ia mllf4 situated in 0 well settled pari of the town ship uf portland at the mtcraectinn of the nnv pitrlland road wilh mud ciesk known as hercttmff st lam mill ihe enynr bnfsohotve power in evellenl order ami is capable if driv b gang itf snws in one spic and a hinge snv in ihe other for ublimf thr ia extra power willirient lo dnve a run ol stone ft a gril mill and a carding ma chine if required the iuvesimcnt is worthy nf alienlion and from the prcat ndvani- of uhlanuiiic lutnlier in the iinmcdatc vieiniiy ol ihe mill wilh il didai diiancc finni tfie mc tropuli only twelve mile allnnuan ex viisai ftswl rf iisrataiiii ia mu itulrat any inriirmalkin reitjietting tho prcnii se nny lw had on applying tu mear smith 4c lllmdtttuqlt wltmrfal prin rcss sireel kingston or to lawrknce herchmer j he piopwlor on iho pivniiam auction sale of the saw mill above o be sob pos vv without akv ftfcftvt ibe contents of ftv tseven bales ofseasona- bb aru staple dlv goods of which he fotlowiig foim a puti namely drah colouiecl mi moleskins red and imitation canadian colli black blue olive and drahsond clotlis diai oud snip- ed and pliii cainteresj different colonn lo cloths and vlrijpl in rre1 variety while iuil sejrri hlq vellow and ureeu flannels worsted ilaiis coittui tel sfial p he steam saw mill d- veiiicl ahove will he sold by pub lic aultiun on tutsrur the ibth of february next without any reserve wlinlsovcr infurmatinti ret peeling the terma of payment can he obtained ornj application to mksrs smith it hi niieuon mr john haiutv piiuces 8ntei or to jlie pro prim or mr lawrencc llfncii aicn rrcmthtioj on the piemic n is the mill is no xv in full nneia- tinn ami will ln on ihe day sale su that tiitetidiiij pttrcha4m will rteu the meat mlvautuges f ssteam over other saw mill lawrence herchmer kingui janunty 2hh 8191 inoti camie hark muslin ite laia o ftnn lust linn an in great varteh frisian uhth fiuel velvet- denys meun comon buck ant white and two bltia punt whhej black aoilhue serfe clirckrd auj stripe collons li plan and sriped shiitinji chmiznd punted calient uiay cottons iroin 25 10 36 in spool coltun anl coiion ihlh amitd sawing thread silk liaudkerchieff ccton do shawl 6v c all of which wij he sold off mtthoul any re- i servo and in los t mit the iravdti tkrms uuw f25 cas 25 to x100 ihreemonlh over itloo ene haf in three hid our half 111 fix months a hbral riirvnt roa cash thomas gfteeu auctioneer kington 20i w 1315 k- b a vei rxtensive salt of dry giolf direct fro n the manufactories by the lirst airivals in inj of which due notice will he giver postponement the general anrjal meeiintr of the soek- hnhler of the steam coat prince edward wlfvlbcsl ror frijay ihe li january u unavoidably postponed until fftdag hit hit jnf4inf althe same hour and place thomas gkebr agent kingston janny 0th 1844 n foil sale h positive order to close c nil tiitfiimcin 75 yu v j f tea cniinisitnt of twatikay young hyson iun thid r imperial ami souchong 20 kerza pin fobseen s 95 boxecavetidih iu 10 10 2 4 50 25 50 100 200 very iii r iga do jo cohulua meg ar dolg hf inixe ladie twisn do honevdcw dr en do siarcn caak riineoil ir cankt while wine lihl canada whtkey d north shnrtj herrings no iliinlau table codfish litgi packed liuucr bills fine and buikirfine flour ehnice hramu all of whivh will he dsvnsed of low for cah ur aonruved credit hujk calder houses to let po rent in colhorne street end siriin given immediatclv 2 housed b4h inexertlentur der and having a firstrate well of water rant mode rate apply lo tho pro- prieror at hi saddlery and harne warehouse princes streut kingston john harvey kingston 20th jan 1s4s- 6tf a c a rd the subtchher return his tncere thank to ilit fire companies tore hook ladder company and hti fnonil generally for their sticressfu exertions in saving his pronny fnm ihe limes on the ihuioing of saturday the 1 1 lh insiaul he biga lo inform hi fiionds and the public thai he has removed to the house on wellington strcot next door 10 mr chananhnuse saddler where he will hnvc constantly on hand oiinrcctinkanv of all kind fredh oyster- and wviv tiling in hii line henry johnston kingalon jonuaiy 14 is i 5 2i for sale or tp if at fitnmndiou stone house rjrthi ntihseritiur n jn to ijt titar stout b now occupied jilrr iiilnrim on ootatio street the lluihlinc is of die first cla covored with tin ia well calculated either fir an inn or simp and dwelling 11111 renr moderate ton respectable tenant for further ticulats apply to tin sulcriher jl uckville or tog a gumming esi kingston roderick mcsween januaiy 9th 1si5 notice r suhsrrileis hr leave in inform lh inhabilanu of belleville and the numic jjrnerallv thai they have entered inio natieaf ship in ihe auciion commission businknsanjhaviif taken thoe nociora premise lately occttitd hy the lnirfnn ami manchester varehne itoc11y ooosile b ftlkt brick stoic in nne iff the ntnst snsinrss pans ol the town ad frnin their bmc e neritnee in the anve husoie they laliet ih- mkuc that ihry will he able to give zeueral salisfaclmn th v are tinw orenred to receive on con- sinmiil merrhanie of evciv i r linn to i1iitose nf ciiher hy anclion ur uivjte sale lbeial adrneements wilt be mae on goods cunjineil to them if rrquired they h hy tiuuclualttv and strict afeniion to huines 0 rceivc a share of public pation- sale of fiirniltue in and mil nf town will al at limes be attested tn and as w can talk i fsi and a cheap as any of oiir neifhbors pleas iv us a eah we inten to sell every day in the week sundays excepted sal- 1 will cnrrmeuc al 11 oeloek a m d h sole it m kulty beltfville lafuit 8b isi5 i commercial wharf acnt kitilttuu 211 january 1s4 stolen itjlbnnr or strayed from the birth in the tltanaiip of kinaton on widnesday mominr kla ffiuaoe cornvea uf a vm dl ed ontneayihclat inat llcltv daughter of colaid od mrs domchier aged aoren weeks the above mining i further po ipon cd until friday t 2lt february at the same hour and pico iftomas greer agent kindlon suijaotttrti 1345 200 barre s prime met and mess fork at j nmiuie for sale by john strachan kngstoojnui st 3 len or st rayed 1 t mm tlie pre mis oflhe subscriloi on rhur- ilay the 9th insttut a red cow with a leather strap round htr necfe lo which was atinclicd an iron ring who avor will give information regarding he same will be suitably rewarded if found tn tho posfaion of any parson after thia notice they moat abide by tho cotiseouenecs j d rryce p king treoi kino4on january 20lh is45 200 barrels superfine and fine flour for sale by d mclntosh ngston oecembei 27 18w lumui for sale plain es and trance eiihir way nv tim lrjbscstiacn- quecti siteel atn 30 s 1 fktltop eomfotlltg tsf i inch inch lrhtirr nd a quarter inch and a hblf and j inch also a lot ol oak plank fim one inch to fuui 1000 feer nf square tine lumlnrr and pine scantling ofdiffcrem di mrnsinn the whole of the luinbor is of su- puiii qusliry and well seasoned and will he sold low fur cush or approved credit benjamin tett- kingston mjy 7 is14- 36- tf illustrated newspapers flmie subcrilcri hove jut rvceivcil afcwcijiir of the fdlowtng po pular illutirufud newpaprm pcmcii or llir liisnon cjitktraitt the ficriiiiat tims london illuts itfd ntw ramsay armour co january loih 1si5 for sale or to let for a team or vgah phe new marine railway a and ship yard at portamouib near kingston apply to tttos- dhs- sbtt or ma james bak kingston c w january 7th 1845 fall and winter dry goods wholesale axd retml at thc anchester warehouse m lambtod buildings princcsa 5t kingston j r- hutton co reg lo intimate to iheir nuroeroua town and country customers that their importations this pall hava been unusually large and they havo now on hand the lea assortment of staple nnd fancy dry goods they hava ever offered 10 the public wilh regard ro qualities and prices ihey venture to affirm thai ihry will not be surpassed by any house in the trade they beg to craw the attention of purchasers to their immenstf stock of coburg cloths mer liims plain and figured orleans par- tsians paris cloths thibet cashmeres velvets ore and a large variety of other new styles of goods suitable for the season broad blnth pilots beavera doe skins casaimeres fancy tweeds vest ing tailors and milliners trimmings small win- hosiery haberdashery and an immense slork of bleached and grey cottom linen c english and french prints twillrd and regatta shillings flannels blankets 34 and 64th ticks c a large assortment of ladies furs at unprecedented low prices 1 lwifa luwdhiatv glqhjajid kid do morrocco prunella and isatin blioc j r i1utton 4 co have during the past summer made a very extensive addiitun 10 their warehouse ia purpose of dinu a still more extentvr trade and showing their cu- roinetaa large cslock of new and very cheapioods loenumerate which wnuld be both tedious and require a great deal of apacra they venture to assert that their assortmnrit for variety quantity quality and low prices is not tn be surnaaeil hy any house in the trade j c r h rfc co respectfully invire country merchants to call and examiua their wludeaale stock which will be found well worthy the atientiun of buyers terms liberal oilers iic carefully and promptly attended in choice groceries wixes is liquors gmie subscriber respectfully sojicita the attention of his friends and the public to hi extenive and varied stock of cmerita fine ttidt uqaors ir to which larrfe additions have been mndc in ihe fall importations selected from some of rhe most celebrated houses in london edinburgh glas gow rotterdam and maderis consist ing in part of sandmans test porf and sherry m irood end tofe smith bailey sc cos do do black- hums heat maderia do do larica eiiidge tc jones champagne and claret very superior liquo rs llennesy 6c mattells best pale and c hired brandy do knyper ac ons rotterdam gin best ischeidam gin in cases li and camhktown whiskty jamaica spirits 6 years old in wood sc bottles london putter and scotch ale tn quarts anl pintsp morions whiskey in bbla with a largd stock of fresh tew dryej fruits apices sugars and gene ral groceik plui and cavendish and fancy smo king and chewing tobaccos and cigare ioffiear variety best lamp oil various qualities also lochflne and no 1 herrings beu dighy herrings north shore and lake uiilaiio snlmon and codfish all of which will bet sold low for cash or short approved credit r mtormick princeis street kinxslon december 17 1s44 n cash paid for potash barley pyc oau and corn notice lijik subscriber will not be responsi sible for any bargains or debts con tracted in us name without bis personal signature or written order thos dissett proprietor m fi january 7th lm