the british whig am luk jbdttftttncr ron canada mt publiihtj semiweekly ftvrry tuesday fc friday t t sdwa1d johkbaekdr m d at the atiienkum- f ft tf iv i s i i next door to the tfoutf tn ft i n i 0k iuni 1ku axnuy- t tiltul mkim r tjci 4ct pulj ap title liaift nfilir piilultr allvr flkuks ru mt n wtnh r1iirriltn mitt 1 tdriith ikmini lnrrtli il m4fto 4muh 1 uh dml ifitfihi wl iw emth sr rl jpidimi tir- ton l ill mil ftf fcinfmnflil lj per line flic ww iii in a lrtlrlfll4 wallri lite iifh v j mi t m i tim v mire are inrrtrd atiut itfwi fc- char i nccruir- iwr rr jciuliiiinf at vtrluimitf mat bo s mttlftlkfl nlhulier arlcfum wrl lor at the ur ffce vhtrttll whiqbrlif jrtrnomh altrnumfii nny pffbrm witfvrr rwmfwm f ww wn irhvoj oy mm tftq l si nlnow united prvtte ih1 nmokv hititoalo ir wlubcr01iieitiirfuill hjorr prjtliu rerw i payment ail l r tucrtfrva after la be a paij printer slje firitisl and general advertiser for canada west vol xiv kingston canada tuesday february 25 1845 no 16 genuine tea and coffti warehouse iimm comer of king and brock street next door to the chronicle j goteitc ojfue market square kingston rrt ft smiltt bliymuv informs and the 1ublieihat lie ukss minting im fnytr an irnfthimc icrm iiik n r m ti fifofipi3leria form kani w e lgttrii t r eictrd i ike william j martin nfurms his friend has opened a lage and choice stock of genuine groceries wines liquors fruits tc al tho above stand whero by attention 10 the uvnis of hi cuatomera and being able to sell good article at the lowest i price he hopes to merit a share of their robert mccokmlck wltol4lalpl 4 n d r i t a i i dralki i mxes s irirs teas crnrfrirs ic rillncfsft stttket kingston patronage among iiia stuck will be found the following articles cigars teas j a mcdowalx f9rribii 1jvd iljltter bftock street kingston furs iodc up tu order en it shortest imffcfi furs of tftty ifsuption bmjllwd sam c r a ig w a tt accountants ontario street nt i to mr sfai bttoolitkmcut gr i i i 1 1 1 rl yoindolt ffjton uchndf ivkoff it kirp tf if- sn r i 11 d r howard phtvckss sthckt kingston vuniitets if attorneys fj 40 ih0tlf itrsct kings tom john a hacbosalo alexander campbell j ship oil a n ij e ifurdy fltittttz qurirw strut kingston i-ii- ttf rlttcvt ctjals oiillcs avn s naval stoltks 0 nw ttfiptioi ithileil llnsfil oil ehxil0ii maw 1 hmk 28 181 d in a v 1 i m ahi paptin tlxyuklt 4aunaluivtfthoscvicli clwiirl ti street kiihton n it whucwaaliima inl dil iring coffee fir 0h rrwiad sugars l- uclincd lo single du ju si omii tufioitko oil olivo sprm ltid cjiijiliiao p wime3 puff ua4rm brandt- ilmlatlnw wowlvi1te dc h rl ac f r pasiuonaulu tallottlnu brocc itrsct ii n ntm 4nd mukmh kthlns suliuni ji ike do hn irraahi ktufmnr prt4rvcrt ffiiil fjii cvttn alnjoi chiih du k telnip anfintj 1- 11 aarbavf vrneh 1ac nim luaf y utisivrrf saaff lurj dtk tniimw tr viif1or 8uip rhiii du huwn do aliiitiiitt filltoiu itil 1 tfiniie hmii ttfihs f ilnvin- ttirdtf hhnio ihdio i i general stage office floe door below the british amtrieu mtl kingston extras furnished at the shortest notieeand on rcawnotfe terms toronto hamilton pttescottand montr kau rphe roval mail stage for toronto jo and hamilton will leave this office ervey day at halfpast 10 oclock am precisely the royal mail stage for prttcott in connection with the montreal line will leavp thifl office every day at balfpaat 10 oclock a- m precisely and will leave piescottfor kingston immediately after the anival of the montreal stage passengers for toronto or montreal will reach their definition in 36 hour the subscriber takes this mitlmd of thanking the travelling public fim their past latronage and having spared no expense tn mave the abve lines nf winter conveyance the most comfotia ble in british north america fps con fident his cxeiiions will meet with their conlinned soprrt he stugfa ere alt km and clou bodied ukc a tamtigc and only requiting a trip t either of the aliove mentioned places to have their comfort dulv appreciated william weller proprietor al bagae at the risk nftbc hwiwfi 30 lbs allowed to each puwngen all extra to be charged at the tate of a pas- acnjjcr for every 200 lbs kingftlou december 13th 1s44 victoria house the subscriber bogs 10 w return his most sincere lhatikthic fnen and the public for the vetf liberal up- poitho has received since 1 commenced onsincas in kingston he would respectfully fcrimot that hohuuioved hisalax twr lr ifanty4 new liuildga orrosnxj miu j il grbkr wiivtp- whcil he ffill keep constantly on lad a fcdh supply of oysters pliclts cosfel tsyi id fce his par is stocked with hn best of liquors wines fee oj no at tentifii will be spared to icroirmnjuu those who may fovm him th jl ra jamics elpisu kingsion dec i3 su se stage pake risuucisd ciasgow wariylou wholesale asb fetail rixcess street lingston kerr vaihkll t co respect fully intimate that rr huvo 11 larie ataafthlollt f lmlvs and ltn uomoiii paietit 1nuu kcbceii over shoes n a tell wvetvi tock of prlinella boois nod shoe- vhiie and ulvksnttn slip peia aimi a choice orirle in fur m nil and finj fur tni clolh cips uf viiius shapes with a iciy extensive stock of fiinry and staph diy id all of which will be futdttat a snidl advance in onler i mue room foi piing lnipiilainn imoii inuuary 21sils1j punchs pantomime the mil leu an1 his men cat 09 tuc cmsactkit avmvr an od grnttcmtin vn hat tfen let ter lj willi a dbfm jmix utll oruttffjl miltof jidfrinj to ijuc nn in irxsl hi rm wtiich ii mgtc cwisafttfvaidi pinautfyin r pjtu cvuttt thrga ymllim nobt irtin niimi- ally jr j l v t tlllo fofttlrf ult wlllcj at al sflci n ardt isrrct loko pauicwnnf llhor s0huik called young cuid illfr jll ulkjuij mi i lhm lcpd sum bd six jamc wjnl cuort4bf uliltnma dvcam a dipmtwittii fcmiiia old ffmn- ynefwardacfnnifwilli tijaywicjiw lou sckxc tha daakef tlc river tbmir wii the trcafluty mill iti llic dutotcv sevrmt undcfsvcn lai k and sol rfi5ued mil- lhcy iic fotvvtitij uiid cinij tltc fvlowin cut lit wfava llic wind blowf ilic wj thai il 2ht oiw mamcr wwrlily taming xmun te wind dy al ncc he hli laiil lt intl move drsceniii ciof hitler w i different bsati ml being mc to ee iff la kyjue eto kcmfaf mt ma ruti aji llifie i hey r i wish audi twfcilui hack djv luil jiiefylly got the uck lor ctttidle ii itantib xrftf john bull wht rji liatc ocfliliied joir liut- o tnn if bifliij with yfuiig kiiuadi t w wiun uoeina biouglum fottftrd thry cjm rocoft hut ihey my piwn rfill ftel ill 1 14 vi a blow up ju willi cfimltael viriw ibry aid lnow rxtctly whui jntin ill piitafiih hitoimtlmtfiici if i mntr iii the uhik- ilfiir lhvl tec all thti concern lor cm iv ri jiic de dtc enter 0fcdlfcrl rutin ltoolum ah here yj are i wticrefcc lhi ncjlect grind ff ptd tell mei cm worn in whnt wg could expert f foriftii uoujh 1 think iton ivc uided yru in alt j h i ceinfaff vvcl avaurj drcunlni mimtc ufrhe whi hteium wlili llmi yi nrvei oottli aflrcc iu eiwne mid in ii tmm pmisflf on ni voof wrvicc i ujcl your lhcdtry rtctnn inijiiiii for lliitf yn witl he nry tjyandby r4fpffl llnjitlnni emnrji frivid 10 the front nnd tintj a new vcttsnfl of l m iho contli i nf 1 1 tw put a hh jnlo a iui2xne whieh cuem a jrentrul pkm up of tjiv itawdrr mill m etemri fnlin w lit menl 4buujjiitc utiiditt 1 ivtlj utundons u 1 1 utunilit til jutcvlin und a fairy inuvam 15 ncstvn james rlunalusox ij irave in inform li fiirudsnnd he pnlilir nttiily thit he hn tit ken the simp formerly uctmijiieil ly mft ilton wiioiehe vi i cxmu1u ull nriuif with notne and piiictiitlity hd hs now on hand si laivu ttssou mini of br cassiukiies and vesting3 of tho best ijiihtiiic and mopl rvnm patterns which he will rtlako up order inthe latt and nwst nprrvel fvfaiuii- able styles on nywruto tcuna amllj tho shofttst pvisililo nniirn kingmou atlkiht 9ih gi doxalu mcmillan mnrktt sjum opposite ft ptmr v- nbsbctfcllv calls the tu- tim uf hi friend and ihe inlbllo in woaftil w hi newly arrived impiu gin ilotund himjaiii j vimuapriit kmq iih lvmti ij 1 n dv rrench i hlm irmir 1 11 di 1iwli aim toijacc05 ivniidth imiv i itun dow ljdk twirt tn it h kio cu ilnrn stiffiirlnlli wild a variety of nlttl in ides in the trade tun nitmcmiiis in oitrhliji inuureperh wilt lind tl to tlieir ad vaiiiasa to call and examine before pur rfuifririgelaewlioro private fnmiliesj officers mcwoj nnd notnta supplied on the most ituorml teims kington november 19th154 frm ki du ngsion to iinaunqite du nrichville do 1 preacoir vlf i r d s from kitiffton to nopanoe do du beflevilli jas patteus0n general suqe oltico kinsioii dec 31th i 12 1 5s od d 0j hi od is44 desirable real estati poti silk 1 otis n4h 50 1 ihe ktsidi ffal flkiver cljripn auut va ttdle daui kingston ni whe is an ixhetrl slt dmhiiiliiiwimj a f4m rkiiih small oicfianl mttd 100 ccivs t ot shuc 0 cnlrivdlion aio a lot n ihe mij m uipi pnlnl lltmyj ou which i a mui timc uwilln hunse jtmi mil iiiiih mrfmlli r with a good uiiden unlkiuitti h i f tirifii- no oui t ite ihuik vnnm im a jnetly tjuii dblhe i not tin ehjfiue nuub clfiuditte u jijnu lrc d enennrijcd hinii tlnnh ynuic awjrc tm hi hoffrioi arc rxtmnety fair ktfm jiilni bnll winuvr vtur2 il nj jy fr nolhnif oe enl jocpiiif h h it he nil v pp t vu uji tvrv 1 tiic inun tiv jntl tftectindaff ivth ctuvdiim niinnin i iivcf fan ofdhii jjia uuxj i- iht plvciv vhi kliw city stork t vrner 0 king und vthff streets ra boxes tkaki vmnj ihkw avi at tbr ar lkl lor j term ui rct a llvjsi- nd lut ti 0naiim bylullx caimu illkhs im n pfinr stue laliiu hind jtr 5tc pram p 1 lin f yi i ml i ul ut a rftt ilm11 ih in imijf ovti i iii kh 11 it j t ttniev imiiw und hull diiiiiik 1 iik h litfhmh irw uatil ciojiu it iiuin cakrutiiki3 i iljiu 20 ail cml ihl i ulrvr riik kijl d r l nmt wi tfl 1 tfimrn oil cakkutuhkd lot v7 11 thrsti cir irt11 ihe vtl m 200 ftvrtfc also lin tin- lt lv il i in it i j r krtthjdf rt ru nth 101u 11 ttaalovr jt rf l o till lull ttfte irade to i l ol 2tdji nmiher cn w i im idfiliiif to ttani- i tnl ia 0e uf ihtwt irjiie raedicit i tc it w tv h ivc retjiff h trond pel i ihjl tih tc it ui oiil dihl yu hktw to liiiu a lihlc ritiiudc wit uwc ctaudivt riilairnn j at f f fr wol wt 1 tse iuenaub t li ni lfi cnitin- m of oiilli 1 iv p ll wlotil an jiidiyjinul l 1 41 vivi rmtnn i s ikgivii i luil- aji1lv4 joi x uauitutiiui canadian wiiikey j i w ufii ulily u u lo u gd riiens cmnn t kinsi rto a iiius dt jthln stkac1ian iimti k stui li 14141 i bl lumjiu oi sakk ril mfa vtliikty from i ur eatuu hy on- hnrrrl llv j ill caitku 1 ri i i tiin fttwtnm eiint unv t 30xua ivr cottrfutttt if 1 mh iv tiik fritkcmurit i lhcud stlcqtki ci- 011 i odd new ywk excellent ai0tt- tatinn from montreal markets compriaing a merit ol groceries ivivestsmmts of the beit dcsciipti pic ouv oil dpic a lamileal rmn 1 hi potior fiiir cdtwi ii tf 1hx1 fltt it e j holieit imrnsii periodical litsra- ttiijvfor 1415 fiektieex dosiioua or procu- ring nny of iho following publlta- ltiufl for i8w tl bave tbe fphltloth 14 signify tlieir withes to the livrbers ur any of their agents without delay 39 ii is not their intention to continue itr poiiiuff a greater number of copies than what jmc arm ally subnibed fur llitluitn tho utiempt to supply tbc colony with uiitili tcriodical latcra- tuie at as low mies as tloso formvtly charged for the united states reprints ha been attended with much labor and tnpuucts hut the subscribers are indue- lf a 0 f iilty ibinn ajjr lllnlililn lo 1 mil n th gboc drftorci hkl bhl- u 10 bid ahit a left t1ik sjliient pm k piinif ponie mv iml jle tl bin fji itvb a hio itw bu j 1 euiod lii if fife ty 1uiin cahruthens 9vv ido bbh utlmftl irfl uiu lt llirky a ftv lnifthed lnijuu iitdmn hmla by john carruti1bi pef cd lo co iugihn pickl wttwf 8rndie h und cmbnti c with a variety ofithcr articles to nu- rous m mention inue their exertions caleulat- rrner tn which they have ful filled thcii engagements with the public will lead to a reat increase in the year pfaout to begin ldinburh review qtnrlcrly 52 nrann 11 lmterty review 111 h rirvin nd qwrierly do weininmr ueview d 2 it j iomtoe no sitl 1su houses to mbt nno rent in colbomo street and pohesion given itnmcdiatelyi 2 new hoases both in weellont or der and having a firstrate well of water rent moderate apply tu tbe pro prietor at his saddlery and harness warehouse princess street kington john harvey kingston 20th jan iv15 6tf wheat flour pork potash flhe subscribeis will pay the highest market price tit cush for any rjuan- lity of wheats flour pork and pofaih rlelivived at tbeir warolnmse ontario streot the wheal will be taeii in n tbe city mills r ii fct rae kingitonjaliary 231 1h review 22- ratltw 22 ny mnotiity 30 freiu l 1 quart ftietgn quarlvrk rtill0tf mucell ittiini new muiiility mjmxne go cnlred service jnunial lluiuhly 3c dublin university mnemed 31 lijiiru wui-l- edinbutlimiiiiaxine fluzt do ilu do do do do do do do do du aintwonh mjzine mmility tf7t 11 1 loudon lancet 1 weekly mali cftl journal 32 6 j iln wnrld of fashion 3 per ti pyame helf yeaily to ndvaiicc ramfay armour co december loib 1s4 an excellent opportunity to be leased for a term of years until the heir ailatv now an infant comes of ago ft kairn of excob lenl wild und in the township of hun- rforj alao a village lot in barrio- field for terms apply to mrs joseph moore barriefield kingston 9th aug ism h matu1son merchant 7jilor king street r subscriber repectfuly begs leave to inform his friends and customers that he his just ret ived from montreal his winter supply of broad cloths and cas1meres of the finest and strongest fahrics and of most superior quality which be will sell on the most lileral terms or makeup to order in the latest and most approved fashitnable styles on the shortest notice winter ve3tings ofevoryde- script ion h mathison kingston nov 3 184 s93m- of h imlt itiinch tn no imiheir ml n nimrtcr alinalti ol loth to iur lt tine lmnbtr ulku ufdiirurcni lllitl di iraaqciiiarsorihe choicest hramlii vwv a urtbttnj charcot r0 inttfl tvhaci ihif ovemjuh iluney 40 thu partm futkiik st lcilli ate inriart itlj lllllt brtlllp by john carruthers j c rullk- the aneniin nl tumher mrnhnt- dininvitm aiol other 10 his slock f pork ftmtf ftp mxycdonalds hotel late stoned waterloo buiuungt king street toronto l 1 1 e subscriber announces that he has leased the above estabtmimcnt and from his experience in tbe line and unremitting attfiitiuii to the convenience for general buaii and comfort of bis patron- he confident- c inch and i hrdf oak vluk iiouofcetiif c pine soan nciiukloiis tho uboli- nf 1i1u tuinbnr i priior nuilily u veil ftotliuttll will be somluw ho ch lr approv credit binjamln tctt kingston mnyti isj4 30 hb sobflrriicrs having been ap miiitcj agitt 10 thin lection of ivjik tf the isiiiuli xoitli american cuiio oomp y are tuw pe- pared to suppv ti ioiic wnb wadding iv xott ittuch wc fy x viim il ihe ivt nvpstft vr it f fig cities lt vlg njuj a brtv jihil bwfv j tlii i ti mit j attk jil imj my pioll jlitlj cull n vitt thit iai u 1 for litll fjf im ilw hili f nvit awajt jjrti i utl vu mrjn j4ar r fmjufrivfwib knhii1 ri find vut vui hjni iin iia kanm i tht iniycliiwnis om ln hft iimo it ii winnir ki- nnl uiw as hrtch to fav fr iter itihihy ill take ikf dnwn al uice i eltua lief into innlky vlitn rtrrinn fltrftiigtum it chand inln clown orvd hciimncoinjv wns us tho front exclaiming here iroaripv i riiry gdnonffi tha iptel a c ynw did pretend fir eun nl csttcj jqqtfjtu the fartner fricnj 1 vnir ttdiijf scilc mufi bil von very ftpoo 1 tilft firfv mfpvar ijnkry faiifiitooit r7iiifjf ivxl k chin veil inti pkatltoifili ftiu tu lrtfrtwh llirrjvnjf hhn1f inln itio utual jiuhjcvscumjiui ilwvr art vki i vmu friwtt phnertnn pnam nre crace virfanry toii object wi i jlie i a tve for tint vn vwirti ili dicoivr i ami fvryojcf i cji4ic jnu ijilu licer 1 fvtcriif thiiuwi it ehinjed into the oj pufttantlfuk oharncitt of lttr when he beinh lmyi il ihe cjuwn tmd pttnltlridft lirouh n very large iuiiinj ili- wry- ltlnui ymmg eugund yoti with bolditcts preinh ihti tofytfi wrfrt pwfcf ti elioic cjiiu yottimirtipliiru trnn ntl rhirt si i cniet yoti tnti tlurtrortiwt litltalr yi eifuniehaiitftlbito rfarle oni altit hrim tni ikis nffi hci1 liut uih lujlti i lijtii ljiiy cwrvlhtiij elc w vrtn tnund fivjr fljuine lliil tun jii if lhee inehfl tn win yur lav n he cimfif rtvtjfe ittitojiiiia i ehanh im cjumhiiie 11 i uirii riiv fhitn t ill itlnih hi turn mac t r wu krwtr pi4m itiiij uf soi- ilj ati1 tf t iii iho 141 ihavonyouiiiit tken nut f vhi kiww lhrcuiir tjtnat prtokiitms9t mlttsg tmrurrttg i vnrivis eufcr rr stanley and gvltt riur isimliv our eye ujfn ihm cmjilt we niuit tmy fjrft urduw in 1 inten 1 h 1 iti 1 1 th iim vrhtcb i jj 1 uhyo that uvnt wu npf if iiuliv j llv hi nr ijivoen ttgll to d- gdvtz irjuui which iogr p tftjf i 1 ciiul tdl can jw f ffi fa giiiikv ti s v tlie imtli weve rim vt muny ti4 ilirr ncrp 11 uiih rv4ll 1 j the f their mwiufociureof t riorto iitiy over cforo 11s market at mftnii6thrai price c kessljy piluens siftbtp january eoth 1s45- lity so d in co kinon to let ossession given on the bml hf 1 mav the primicd in the ojl- merctal maitt at the foot of prinvcs stieet occupied ity mr i macdoxalu one of lliu l atluatiotm s5 in i irtvn miles hales aiilfrw ftrtivj yr unfy fiviji tny vmvv h f i iwwih vrttirlirtit jhy fili ft h eii l4iittliiii 1 1 i i j tnrti ti rp up tivm llltlhll9ul ami lljrjin y 1 i nl ihr lyin in ihe itjmpu ujiiniuifi aotjti tjti 1 fat litihl i rtowti itihmi ly vi hiimtj it cmph lv 1 nfrr irhr cin dftjuislitnii i nvd hy imvcr tilutrron wrmvwiiihinhail 11 liilu v ny i slic ijhef rlin ctn iiiiii fi o nfi tit imm l- iviwii hwehim fth wriei i i tu r c it hfd miriljc h vu lenity n ijiid 11 fewrr l 1m i r- i rnmb iurtv uf ctiui iimiv t ih rlc f ivie1i putlj- wi 1wi l f 1wi r itnimh fiil iii in- nlvti tch 01 ihrrtiv- f twfnir wfaltv ii itinin ywia ih wivi j hi wjind bid vli iw lh mdhh if iht dnl fuvrkimi i with itf iffd twnwiyin itmmftafil limp dnil pvtun frvl loliimltihod3nirj iranfl jjpv if iirrtistv provincial parliament j iii 0 u s e of asshiibly1 1 i routing iiusixesp tuesday feb is 1s15 13 petitiom ivcre bnncht up the 1111 to empower xlw llviijriotii la- dies f ilw coringition uf auu dame of 1 mtrtitml lo hnm pnprty to a certain ex- i teflt wa real tin tliirj time and parsed on tnoion of mr chnlmt tbe nie4sae of hi kmvueinji relative in penontng i lsutrie anj joseph r0ue bte mesj nprwof the loulative council of lower canadi irjtlicr willi lic poiitum was inferred to a committee of the whole hoirc tomriirov i mr iknlkiot rvmortcil tbe absence of mr tache from 1i13 c iinmiree on tbe york contested btcefiorr- nml in waa ex- thaftmtm imii lmhpchcdor ld tbeionmmw alteiwj bm ratm rtnanl s r- orii atlpiurn ntd atntay noxtm conoence of hhsfcinew and adfed and ihe bll wmmiemtltm0 engrostea ire amendmenu of the cmimitlm if the whole yeaterday to om bill t ideerpe rata a company to eonttruct a plart tmi from niagara to the ten mile creek reported and agreed to and the bill ordered to be engrossed the cpjcalicm being put for receiving the repurt of the committee rf the whole of fetfdy on the bui lo remove doubts relative to the liability of cqrtm land in upper canada tn local taxation tbe bill wja recemmiltcd for teraorrow on wo- tion nf mr cemmingi the bill to amend and consolidate the lawn relating to the power and dutiee of the corporation of the trinity house of montreal wa read ihe second time and referred to a select committee the house then adjourned for mt an hour toenable the ynifc election commit tee m meet and odjourn till saturday ntftu the order of the day iw tbe aeconl reading of the hill to repeal and consolidate the taw regulating ihe citstonit being read the speaker decided that the wmo wairrcpilar the bill to secure tbe right of fttsptrlsj in british planioion vessel navigating our inland water was again committed and pmrrca wa reported and leave pat ed to sit again toroorrow mr secretary daly laid on tbe table k ropy of the report of the superintendent of education for lower canada on the date of education a 1 0 quarter to one the house arfjoxtrned fur vant of a quorum present ml aylwin baldwin cauihon chauvean cbridti go wan jea nop macdonald of kingston meyera mof fatt robinson seymoer mith of mb iuoi wiliams wednesday feb 19 185 several petitions wtt bfmjpt up tie bill to incorporate the towo oflufr gnra was read the thrd tim and paaaed the following petition were read of the johnstown district council for 4 removal of the difficulty attending the a segment f land in that dutricl of j henry and others of glanford praying lhat no assignment of clergy lie aervn may le made but out the resette tnav he jki of members of the cherch of sngland at hamilton for a repeal o the comrtoa rbnol act and provision for religious edit ration of john steele and other of brantfonh praying that any duly pn dirftilleriei and brcwciiei may be levied in proportion to the quantity of grain used therein of the fimcoc district council prayinj that the old survey of west gwillim bury may not be separated from that dii irtcl two pottiins uf inhabitants of st arniand but andofgranby and mihoni prayin that no action may be taken in the ohamre of mgill cullegts and king col kgc that ilus not include all chartered emiraiiis and college seven petition from mciiiberof church nf england in ornutuwn st armandu kast point levy and fow liverpool granbyand miltoli and riviera du loop etibtfw ntmurs of church sncieiy of qwkr atm iaciikllllir si perw fmlimf praying that por- liin of tbe rietgj ketijrves may be plac nl luiiler tltc conlro uftttl church society of jtkber vyual tolhc prpnrlion of ltd prort li fnrti the iid kcserve altoied to thai chimb of t hcliewcn and odiere diftilleift i dfht t4ioiv ii wt hic ttl ow n wliis sumc one apmat1ieatuttivr nuwrciim i cdoti orafcam retire j liic any mt will piy oj hire t aiwjsianloy nv let us attpatiifc tliala ffkal 1 moatit gobi mlnn tn m r to any iid iti tjbttt eonlftt fcj aptr stottrinft fnm eiv 9ide tmffgoo stktfr tviajt ttvlj wd imhatt cyoai lviiuntlj at the mm tfiurvcif cine n tliv indo t kanm jnfaa bullv hce flfitcfirt ivcl tad kdmaf jan bwij divcot rrj tclid griwfit- pttlt 1 uoek i hcuid yyhcevr uul i rt hqfte vi tcit itmil lr ilo snug ptaee nt lit loitrth t fit klwr jrjiii hull 1 wbm pv the dot ly hopes to sustain and enhance putntion this lintel lim acipiiict hi fitrntabcil with the he re kintjmnnsd yniulsll itaq ffth ltnvttou faie ttniik i lill hw tn ilia ijev hihro a tlblo will always br luxutics of the aensoiij anil hu cellars stocked with tho choicest wlks4 ami liquors for boarders and hniii atul mall families he has such accmrnoda tiona us cannot fail of eusuiiu satis- fnction and be respectfully stdiciis a con tinuation of the patronage so liberally extended to hu predecessor john macdonam toronto isth ucrtirber 1s1 ti dexceluiisublingamloacii m houses lioisei uken into ltvry krrock tflreet 1 aiouj no i lathcnavavaiil bcet ittylikndam c 1 h a it tf cri la iso is ovirlmciil f pnimipmi vmua iwmllnuwe kitptrtos i liftllc chuc5l i grocery slurroof khaterii will j tlitcnn he ivana uhemet ke fvikry ittlmmtno amis lor ale ut tho vi17 11 hvaa in ihi- autrj ahodr yvu knavr ho solsiiilwr 1 1 tijrk my fimil iwin tiii t w j y1314 martin i irv5 limou and groceries the swlmlibtl 12s leave tn rliiin hi flunks lo hi flunks 1 i iespt tl loach i v a tfir j imic for pil favonr ard icill a coiitiituaice iflh corner of ontario and ftsft for ftlb bv tick subcribek f bbls pol bailey ov50 no 1 north shore heninw thomas greer- orders for books from england and the conti nent of europe gentlemen dtlilmi ol having jsoofc iinporirit ta their one r hy the sprint vessel in 8t5 will please hand in their orders at their earliest convenience which will he transmitted on thr 21m af each of ihe winter month to one of the subscriber who will sec to the due execution ot ihe orders ramsay armour co kingston pee 27lh 141 barrels sttperftnc and fine flour for sate by d mrlntosh- killfilmj december 37 1m4 200 john stoachan kingston jdiukla s15 iuustratr newfipaveks- jlle subcnbi just rtfcrivt a few cojiij 4 t lollovvitig po pular ulufltnioa nwpaprt pcwch or the cniftavabi the firrroriai timks lonimwi luinnmi knri kamsa a co january ifllli 1s45 vaa bakuki vu potkofil kingston janoiij fnw reel udyceusvimte ehingcd riuee then ftjtfry ijlnwnij rfi fjtfimr meaning tht y are inilerd oml 10 jerriuncr ae nun a cubl w hiiii iil mm iul mm wbi vt ciitl i on und siil the nmc rnuwi n hint t- lir imilid cant 1 taltcrt imfinceinlitin niul l oncebe rjuken cir krlmfttallkina j hf rp to wiwn f mr in toga lm ul f ui way whi ilefi 1vt j y i i ei tbnwf4offn nn empty pup willi m rk rtiihndvrcd mi n nil ed on nintinu of mr cnwan n committee wa aptoinkvl to consular nnd irpnrt on the bci mivlf f ninnuli ilia existing rrick of the ulstiw records of ihe bte pravinec of unmr cd on moion uf mr fjuwan ihe entries in tie journal nf the amwy f upper conaib rdattve m the pciiiion of a mana- han erj tvmaiine to u ristinl for making gnrxl a ceiialn ftbwim ivi read on mntujn of mr dickson an atutttt 1 was dnbml lir n reltirn of lht ex- ipcmhtlfoc cnniieting iho welbnj canal tarn thuw lch fr liwpmt- tvclv to piit ddhuusic the muuunl in be lospcntlcani part dilhoume for deepening and pmeeting ihe nttmnn tli depth of water then vrlll le tvbeu fiuiahej flid a rfalemept of il ueccwhty speuwrtiii connerivd wiili lllq liurinit wiib an obser- t pume mess and mim e est ntiibtiesjntsalesy john strachan r p v rfafl biiri on the ftw jolirt bull lart willi hfrwitnoni hiber hlj uicrston and the scene cte in a cavern in ihe treasury cove mem ciciks vvnouuy employed chivtly in cd ing the newtjopera fawf of cteru wo dreamt tht wo ai in our father halls al home bv our own firoidc and wed only mmnfam within these van yvt tort of official pride j and m tlmgbt lhat ofah uip salaned liost not oiw cwuld mcnl cbini afld ctabo droumtwhich leased in mon- tht tbry piid ua all tho ame ihe water of tbe take 3d ivhclher a rcrtuin survey made bv the sub- onlinaie officer uf the board during tbe niagara election from thcrohi to thui town tro made by ordr of the itnard if soj the information obtained therefrom and the intention of the hoard in making tbe survey the amendments of tli3 committee of the whole yesterday to the bill to incorpo rate the town of niagara were reported uf tiiroiiii praylngtimt the pmjumd duly mi sils muy lie lovitrd in proportion to their ihcililci fa producing spirit hj a spee dy tliciilbiliin of foumal u- uunlop for an invest ifilinn into ciunptinb aanst tltc board of wort of j f oiillci of montreal for an examination of a propelling engine in vent- tl by him ond a patent or other reward fur the same orjnbii ciclriit eq furan investi- plintl of bia dotal for damage caused by certain public worka of l t bejcrrer and oihera for ilia incormirafiori of by town of niehuhs dcvoyan for coinpenrt lion for hi los and services during the rehellion ofthcrharteivd banks of upper canada fur a repeal or reduction of the tax on bank paper in circulation of the midland district council for a control over tbe assessment and collection of the district taxes in kingston and foe exempting district councillor from enr- ingas jrirs of iabubiwiti of st jean baplirte and stc momque prayinjt that the sleigh ocdt nance mav not be revived- thz followinc pciiiions were referred r of certain pirot or montreal to the committee on the trinity house bills of mr oremy and others of rev mr rim nj nlhm and rev mr brtthour and ftthcf ta ibe commiilcc respecting the clergf pbftm h of the midland dmnct ceunciu a tnertage wm received from the coun cil statin that ihey had piacd tho bill fr ihe better preservation of the peace and tho preventon of riots on public works white in progress of conmruelion without amendment sir solicitor general sherwood report ed the bill to amend the law providing fof ih recovery of small debts in upper ca nada uitli amendments referred to a committed of the whole on friday hj also reported the bill for the relief of insolvent debtors in upper canada with anicndienu referred to a com mittee of the whole on friday he also presented a report on the peti tion of the church society of the diocese of toronto and olher pelitiont from mem ber of the chtjreh of england relating to the clerjy reserves lie ato prentcd a report on the mfc tion of ihe toronto and lako huron rail- road company tnunsdat february 23 3 petitions were brought up the speaker reported a statement of the altairof the montreal fire insurance com p incorporate a company to construct a plan road from niagara to the ten mile creek was read the thinl time and passed