6 ffsvti mi i tha prtaaijtfoa rcoasid b ih r-p- amhofiikfr iba omstilunonat ait i- mnhl i tilir lawflf iwlash nwrlli amrnva pur- rtfmmmivi ef worc- aifti ihtrr 1liiiii of rrtyiniil rhrmphtr on his jmirt iti ihn innnacmniuf ihmr art ik au nin nf nil wrwmul rrlilihii nr hontily in rrlnliiinlu jmlilit iniu and lliulhuma rrinrml lit jmrtilnutilirpivffrotlhnt uii kftvrlwcj tin lavsaftaaajst li alnmm hfcyekrn adsn mimu a llio wilt tirmnmhia l l- lnnlli4 to ftaftarntssl thnr jfbtwnttiw h qus1nm tvirrly f a iraihvd tmlufi riwiijf liiii a ciip vohr n hi- bzerikwy and u in1n ynw 7 jrvitwihit ihi lliium rjefa la sflffthr lirulmaiil tjvcfiiiriaririivimiy 11 fnllcimiit ptuwcfitf thi conatoicd f itrt ivftli mml iii cadi oiherwjw ciji cuiiimaml a iiirlmtitrriury mcijily ami hum c prepared m mlrfe twcv deal nmuuri to advance the grncril intcrvpu i1 the country the mbviftf letter fmm a highly rrapcctabk i i i i jii who wishes hi name nnl to lc ifttjv tinned we publish in jtttlica to mr iwcn at the aim lroc wc ran assure tltc wiitrr thai u valued correal nden i fa hd litllo malrcoin his heart in making tho acusjuiftn bs f depended i much upon hu rcele davidson a atylc mr daut biaa- mtare su a maria rp ly th mwcwrf 7rtby correfpnndcnl of your c tilled y ri ynm lut t isc arcuu mr bj pjuiflnh ptlfcrod this poern from mi i- m- pvit 1 ft assure vou thin lut not ft shadow of a fnjnrlalhn as mr p hi ainca rfovrn me utc pic poem in a trnnll iftlumf hr pnhlifthetl ofjr back 133 i nrl t rather think mi- 1 wa not tuch a tjry precocious genius to write poem 19 years o yoa will oblige itk by aiiojmiiccta mr pien in jour fiml iseic lor 1 asture you he in an batlljt fjulaff man ahd is far above doin nnythtng v dishonest a wluxl mr fut beetles him f the village offoankfood for a brirfsa wij mneoitob j laving rtjeentty met with a number of a paper u i- chrislian advocnlo edited by u mr tliomaa wcbftler who mvurin tho litlo of itovorend 1 observed in iu column aennda lu ami mojt unehnritablo iuick upon lio inhi itititnuof tho villuo of funk for j which as fuow i next proceeded to tho sidney cir cuit the prcachrm hcee hid jutt commenced lcinl crtrt at frankford a aoiiridiio tflbf in ini rear if srny some cnconraiferriet though univeraaliam am drunkard man a fowoiies hivo atiivnat turned it into a sodom how the tffiuf 01 this pasai0 can oati- hinseu auch ullwmnultfu wecpinf nrlnnju- cnoemnationh w l undenrtnml it him paiittohioneohow rcconclo bk to a christian spirt to the liumtlilj or a re- nrad bean and w the oierkncss and critllc- t of cbriat this vrtyjeaale cenmiro and this i i npttn a community may be up- pfrtod ecms lhn not mre of an earthly acn i 1 1 the annexation of texas the itlitjvf bcnin yurnaf one of tho ablest and most indntial pipers in the state of new york has tho following article mi this inioijitaua measure h was wfincn befe the remhitiina had finally ptttd the senate btrt noes not toc any of its fotce on th it account wn give it to shu- the antjgoniim that exiris aming t our netehhora thofrselvesontkesuhjrct and rocrcly premise ihai iba journal is welt known to enreas ih opinion ofoe people of the new enjlnd stale on the antejation qoniton this tneasnjm rnre dieraeeful than any mi il his tct blackened tho annat or anttttcan leta ii- in is to be prrtcd we fear to a ufsfimtfu issue t ji n looirrow the joint reauf ulton posirtl j tbe house of re present a live which proneo to admit tea abi 8bve state with the prmlre of htteaftrr vuljjiidiri hefshf into fivv fparjtr slave state are abmt to receive th mctiou the senate surh at rat is the uniform luiof of the adtnee intra wmonngtoo tn vfefli acarec any ir iru ri that a pnj et n fl i in vsslklsasjtaf the cntiwiinru nrl soiititmv m wsr with every pt in hrt of jojalroa f kmlh arid humanity could obtain avrn a rrjn rtmi and cleyilidi spirit more of the temper and mood nf baanerca when they proposed calling r iircn to cnnatimc ihnfe that re c rived them not than of the spin of the meek and lowly saviour whn whrn he was revilrd reviled not again who said judre not that v be not judged for with what mensure je niei4 with i shall be mcasmrcd unto yon aain truly we en well believe that mr joseph m lmard the writee of the above knowa mh what mannnof spirit he i at but let us for a it foment inouirr upon what ground upon what evidence mr leonard felt tvarranied in rrtakin the above aaacrtion and in the first place i would observe that according to ii holy scrip tures sodom and gomorrah were cities entirely mnk and sivallowed up in the inert abominable and on mention able criinestabidutely abandoned and absorbed ill the most fin redeemable wicked ncrin so much n thit gnj taw fit to blot them finna the face ot the earth to consume tliem with bnmsono and fire fnim heaven the ni tiorja nf canaan were emhased and embmted by a perpeltral addielion to the must horrible rices entailed upon and aprinfihjj frm idolatry and we have reason to believe that sodom gomorrah and the other eitie el the plain were iq truth the very viwt places in thai fearful wildcrnr of wickedness bad a human nature i w m well believe that not nne inple spot on earth in irodem timcattof not in central africa not m nan india not wbhij tte bcottcil asakjine of auftrabiaia could ifcr the least imaginable eompuriann aa to wiekedneas with theao fire devoured citiea of theptiln now what could this itinerant indivilul this presumpluoua cen nrerih hie fellow mn ea mttst have ohcrved diirmt hie ytrj brief nytarn in our vilgr o frankford tu warrant this acandaloits n k upon its inbabitnnw lclhiseonsctcncemake answer andaay whether it was not that finding that the rniple of frankford had tc much ipod sen to encourase the ailljr charlauniain of a protracted ntfettnj hi anger got thebettcrof hi niflcrelion and found vent inarch xprrofta heathen repmbait sodom brimstone fury hetl aa to unieeraalium having contributed to produce the awful ttatoof morals he preilicatea six weeks later from ciuna- two packet ahips the omm and ann m kim arrived at new york on tucedy tho efltfl ylui with advice fmm canton to uie20ih novi- ber thvyliive tlunndo iho paawa iit raei uian one hundred anfm through ml iieetwajht the news by tli amvij wjn omitted in or last publication it fa of lilth infkitlanee however- the foowin frm the nrw york fitrald thcirfliahopficthepfoeiof the euvh jn iheir empire in every conceivable way tlvj ppeur realty to imis llinib tlie nepociotions brteiteil the french nnd oil neve continued wu annex a parrai rvbtivc i to them it is mated tint the nurket pn cn iw opened at a much lusher vmi thin eaon tion hl j the american frigate ftrjndywine waa to kavr for home on the 2ith of lice tin lh kafc lidinds and vllphmian th tnop of wir st fsnt soiled on the tth nov nlo for unm thjhjpamcon curtis of new york from manilla for canton with rice umalusi lap tween un former pliee aid amoy cnpt c vifi and crew tork to hi ir bojts and arm picked up in three days after bv a chmcee fihin 11- they wrre comprlleil to piy cmi before thr rascals wiuld relieve them when on bovd the fishing boat they hid to protect what properly bey had uved with drjivn knivm they athtrrcd mueh hy the pmtarvoh hnl siflvfed still more white in i he liinaof those who rt ihrm- the ship howoua ca phnee of new york waa attacked hy pirate tn the chinese rfea lhry were driven oltbyi tvtwt rirntesseem to abound in tlut part of tlie world an opium whonnct cornmnued by an eithhmh with o lascar crew was captured hy a cliniae rnvtr and the engfidiman tostod into the sea from tic nvg kong tttgiitfki the american ship lbnagoo from 7lanlh to amy buffered n mueh in the storm of sunday lath ptrr tf llli illlmmi town itwtnl ibjui i iin ittii tit li tirt vj tt- hi fill o lt m tint itp avti i iiir eity hjartinfrt an- witn iim ml rhiuf rrrv wlb p w rkmr ni hr ih nival n sniiih i ihrfur t invtvesl k rijv 1 be mi fih him tlekv l i m imtm litresn i m mult llntwlsftsjm ifiihv il il lllno1 a hrth hi lh- mink hnill mm hmiliiau nt in nut evfihe nf iniiki- in tuiihiiiilrt if iiuiiu i im itib iln4ritti in uind by the ifc iu 1 kl- fi the 27lh of october tlit her crvw ftevcfwid to abandin her m the v- on tiitsi vrf ir tasiilatf i j oiil thy fse t fii 11 m du two hun- dted rmlirro miilitotnit of ihi- m ineukd by llm fiu ji iioi in tilt rentu br b rt tttvimlirnmieerf iv th klaiwial frttive oiwrfti la all hn in in iv dv l mlrud iv matts kvd an wiy unius c- tssemal bv ii- late wrlsrl c1-imiiv- tin ritr tod pitrifrj i ihi hatd 1 kiiit vhieh nnived vie rsejlt rnrvi fojio jrentd ilenhc the aijraarenf th uimihi is sctfl h them rliiy tailr t hv willl n se taefe or erful siltali v hnl m i 0 s4sbw tt wiic of iriiirnu imrrnr untl twe a we roirld noty vrw it in ji nnd hiish ibf di-nae- linuf viiitin and nt ition ihe cmekm lundrretrlns f hk i1-n- ihi mhni in nt usf inilu- nia if h wiwfcifttf rtw tweahi oflirrw oei flnt tatlin cjnian m ifinpdir valln itawefe mtiwl ihwvl bf thearth a wo ind nt tvtiiii- f all llie bet di iouti j mrriijinf th dof ur tle pfstbiec tr at the ir the triwh of etrucliii i d dirfjlira the omt tltii ffiw v iwtowws remart i in regard to th chidktf the fiee nearet n ihe nceiiinn hieh n ifvff1 i atrtkin coiimieiiijirj- unoiti ii nrtjeatl in rstrj of ahomtinmo m llw bfitih domirrona we wnnhl wllir did not rtem troth comp1 nto bvw i llie1mfiii tmn4 f initsrnant cenir lh hint ijetwrill ttrraeefj roachm the coast hy were seiied by the chtncae fkheimen a ho plundered them threaten inr- futlhr eioleoer the mate and fourteen of i he crew managed lo anic lhir own boat and oosda folloarin the coaat to hong kmie on learning that thr can itsai his vife and a ptrt of the crew wcie hill in the hanrj uf ibe chinese the owner of tlw ga idle ordered ihl the cargo th was receiving mi bocrd should be dnehrged inendin to send her to bnnf them off in ihu meantime they had bargained with llicu eaptor lo hriif them here for 600 and arrived in a faking id iso lwi e pi n itiu rhss of the rinld ilnir mirlnioisofde d innn wontj re in ltnn yralvmlbr ir mirktil b it it wa vih info evvftf hnic a iii llbninrs arij ritvhs v lrve 1tj iitnrij in a itthtni uiit in tlinraday before the garrllc had time to sad i thcktche which arrived ftveon 5 hfw n completed a vovnfo mind the nlobe in niiei 9 w ks month und eihlcen dav burin left ihi on the j ulh jnuarv m ste proceedid by the cpc f t lht htaek rrt iilt v f hideoni tiiuli r on u si engine tnr aidr in sstort lo then w bre llanh1 cudt irimn wh eh ihy enildif ind lb fie rlinj inln tin r evi vf fmritur even t t id md p recklrast unclta ihc el i ind n ih ihoe v m wireirr uiuvr- lb ir i wftit and bine purui d after iln joim c unt wanttn deiumelioni etiic1 hka tleieeinfeil le wftperlv to btvllj cnanl in ivtin nd ihi inon p la si e ivv nritele non ntier- i- i vote in tlw senile ii was k caception ilendnrnf umv terine3ec lh whig seatora body ajfainsl ihi mad aehrm wn thrit nth two utpi and kvlr of wrmld vne in a it yen kniwn r f ihd i lo thit lr hcnton of ivsynan mr maine mr dial f new york t niw of fieetvcui nn4 one or twooiher setmtnrri fnm th side illfi tiphr hw nnid nuetpla mi ffirjatnt bit nil man and taruivu of ohio bad ben tnnlivh t f vm miainat ihem any nr f lhrv sm4toia valine wlm l wbnif eismrtn thr 0vfm nf tut llnaaa kcjq1ioob j mm luiolnnt ifmhttd tbervsve ur lhcvietioii soriierilltriiteiin cd and eatriwktd ihat ltn ittijlm ami imumig- timial pun nf mmeinlifm admjhrd by the hmwe w liild 1w icycit d hy the sihm1 dnt mtwwieklhoiidnhhltelijveenlitrlr nehtned prrtideiit c4ert i aiouh moms nf lmmediaie nrmmn has jt rived ai the el fit t0tcraiait tftrt wbnk hiflimea nf ihe eaecu- hve power and priloviie i bmiht to liear ur the senate the party eeea in uv who resist nntlw bpplaoeftnl the doubts ad aeruutea which hive troubled some hon- sfiunlom middidylaiptear the con htieev f mlnru come mehd and mow with a ul ivnm that will alarim ike whde north lie u ihundtrelp ihe news is prrrluimcl iimi d mtarty thr j good hope to mew york in nineiyflvc dvs where uie dbetrhjed tkk m a new crn and soiled 30 1 h may returning by cape limn to vulparaiao in evenlvorie days i he shortest jmh pin ever made tle run from lima wa ac eompbshed in fif ygeodayaand a lulf hr pre vious viyngo by the anie route occupied nine nvrithshnd tentyto dys or faj day bstief a wir chinese doeuuont hi been n on the nalla btfint the inian in oj the pat few dat aetting forth the injustice of the new kutiy act after to many persons from tat atd eir have nmx to llie settlement wtlh merely the nejeeribk inen tlonsuf hooesl trade it ft ilia thul in firt coiuiitv ihey never dreamed of iut h a cusjom beinj thought of by lhu ensjuvh autlioritic an ure tv ne cessity of all the inhabitants ennibinin and wild ing in a joint petition lo the autlmritn s trayn dr the abroation of the slid net nd in mc tlicir ie- tition be not eramed il mrenuondy tirgea upon all el isea f chinese lo break ut their cfcltibmuncni at honkone and return to their homes under thi more lalrfnclory rot nf their own mandarin we tindri in- that a memorial has been tent in co ill colonial government by the chinese bol we have not uen nbte r n rr aiht nf a eopy thesuppfcskd tint of whieh ivcrnnlil aeroi so desinus to moke so liiucti wa a si u dialur baaeeent up the morot by sorntj evim wio had etrijrk wtrk iinmmeof ih if nvmher atrridr-ol- rn w rtj ibr mrcjm f bn i nnerertivriih ilfti p i r ivi fv i f i f itn ri h i th ittly r- itvy tuu unir 1 ivi 19 li fll tlic i i it r 1 in il f iii h- r ulk ie r thi vemlf sf j nut rfr- n emof irf ifrivnv ri filitfs 14 ve u rftfratrtttrr far lhr mldiiien pfjfc arte ylcree sfte t nuriee we- public m that this will bo done in direct drnvtec nf th- opvjlar will and by senstom ij misrepreitmt the viewa and stsniw of thrir eofitnu on hi ques tion isauseerniiblenr the clcaretl dcinonorit ion mr movriek the u serilabr from mryfind arhnhaa turned hai biek npvi hit prmcijd uti i his partv notoriously mmtvprtrnta the maryland in votin for aune iti m on th of he feankfordtaoa i am n4 aware of a ainte individual in the village who belon to the uni veraaliu society thoiijjh a preaehcrof that detwv m mat ion has for some lira pisl preached and ldt continues lo preach once in a month draw inr mivh fuller attendance thjn the fpiacopal methodist preacher or indeed the preacher of tut other droomination erceplinf the venerable fhurrbof entind which as might beeipeet- d draw by fr llie lnret assemblace when ever one of hef minister happens in call theac call however like anjelv visits are few and far between many of ihe frank ford i ana no dnubt entertain uiiiversiliti raeiprs but thai dncirin dei not ineulcalt the iinmuntly w ain- nt from punishment but that a aevere retribu- wn hangs over the sinners head that every onr be piirihed acordin tn their n that tr ijii i u vpmmfmv v itanxresvir i hard i may be allowed to obvrvo that no longer ajjo thjtntjio winter of 1843 a prcaelwr of mr leon rde own pmniaioo nttonled a protracted meet mij in frnkfod calling out for cotivertu to hi futh to come to the anxutu eot aa tlwy eull il he converted and in itiy oinoinn uir ib mt maaphernotia intijfuairf though mneb nt- phudcd hy his fnliwera nun after nfcwtu hrd a vounjj innicent si mple- minded ii the if terof a poor but honeix mail and lo the envf of in r parenla ersifttfd in likin her away urn a misticsa himnlf hniig atlfio name time k tuar ried man wth evlhlmt he tie n pwinapnifcd in ubft upper parts nf the rovinee pnmehin pray- inland emvertmv tnts as lliee ch it from soih eondiiet and reiioii anl may we pray gd ird i diflur us mr unud would hardly wish to lie judged a lihaiiied hu iiiihbur he woumseatcely wth to httr ninid t him 1i ruleitiat ou live yoii you fesi i1ispoiad lo tlbljs yur frl- liw intl ala- for nor homn mlmv it is evi ijenl lh it mr ltnvintfd one of ausc who vt nut tin beim in their twn eye hut aro sharper lighted than lynxea to discern ute mote in that nf other finally w would uk onr cave of this itinerant gentleman with ihe trictdly recouiinenilaikm tlul pinin il i tmderxorl tint the i thi 4mpviv of uiv iiiil iiiinict una miviiiil i iim if nity by refrrio il in the fimt pise- sa a rnei i of coin pro d ini lit 111 loor hours iirtcrwnrda i meeting in ihi t4ennd 14vr to iw iotifj uic miovmlde hridy h u did of tli il i nu imj ha 1 io r mifiii r liailtlw hlieratiiyioiihvtlh ainiiitjrk b- ubl on ht pr rnie n hifi nod 01 rd hint onr dome if rervmt hi l intiln ieitliiif coirftaiitlv a tave d kifsfj at rtnry ttl ti l evaslorm ir7ncii tw rili anj v llfssbblvsidrn undi r llfltid- way naaj iv softly iv baid beest vidtl hy ihictii miwv re icel up tbm anrlii i h ti t ed at itwt llwif smmlbl isrt r hi nm a itirriirr lliy f sipnn um fuiaatltiir ni4tvm wtlcacilv muma v tv fjmlm rst in- wnndi pntfi r one wewarnhy a letter from uararinfilwltliihat keyinf nd inn suit had iker biv- deiettrr hint morning for cmion noihitr nmu to li iv iranatred af the ei l wifti f nee the freneh minister vhvum rtwt id ihsagreemenls peineiml on ihe ubje emhauv peneccrtinjf m pkin wrrr 10 erreul tnfi ihrouh the werk but ibe eircvmssiirce ut tln imperial cmnmioacr taking a pjn mj t krench sreamei cms lo give the liitii lo aov hr would study himself he would culiivn a liulc u der re of a nltir py tlial nvie ol a cliailmtite nod less wii of i l a eensorious spirit th it he would put 00 humi ie terms hty as a farmcut irnitiie the lowlinemond iinek messm allen and tsppan of tlhio are under uu ieas of clitial and whenever he feel dpfovd i- poaitive and docri iusiruetioiu nf the lo1iiiurc mimalise na sinters a whovu- community to fook tu voteafnint nnnexalsan and ret lh y ao put j villiifi and abate liittisclf before ood ft the down asainoniv ihe sure votea ftf the mrituo 1 hughl of his heart and with alf humdiiy of finally the reviauor front hiastatc miasm it mind dicit pardnn fm hia prcsumtioii your v1ndex wi diekonare counted ujne a eirtam for m house resnlntion and yel who dare prelend n deny thi iii tin for thie rrvotniion thrv will vote counter to the wiv and pmionhof the pel majority of the pcifde of tw slitc can it be bos- cibta that ihe c tors from ohio will veoton i disobey ihe poriiive ntrucin if he li ttjre or that the senaiir front this stair wl set up dieir own opinions against those of the people wlwn they claim to icprcacnt in ordvr lo consummate a project canceled in sin and uirn in iniquity and urged fnwatd for no other ohjei and wiilt 110 ih t view than to extend sir nlhen and pepctuatc the utauiutionof nlwkav frankford march 4 1 the guano trade prom icllatov ciptjin root of the brif thomas window arrived at new bedford frm ichaboe with 16 01 guano reports jul lh firat quality if uno 1 tscirly eahausted theie were vessels cnaub at lehaboe when the ihomaa winslow left to take nitlhc whole of the guano m uie island the re uilutmnt made by a self constituted committee of irish uborev w1h were sustained by the com minder of the uilth atcumer thunderbolt were in eonteadtstinctton lo this protect of the jfitr 6b hm no american yeaset sliould bssj until nef arrainst ibe annexation wc piiwia the fob lw bfttwl w lvadcd uut hi rt v a- ii n as not enforced in every cjoc some vcml lowmj remark of the new york jvm on of n3 offered as hi as fper ton for ihe w of the stroncsi advocates of he measure the the staging erected by shipa thai had been among herald even while chuckling at tho succcsa of l fading at the isurid considerable da- favohie project plainly ibal the dy of reui- vt lu h v- eli coming m contact with each other a heavy bulion is at hand avt ftmtm in at limes knocktitj nway some tbe teim question isthtix aettlctl sclilcrl in day several bowsprits and otherwise damaging epiteof the determined opposition of ihi whige the hulls- one captain of an engliah sisip had in spite of the no leu encumbering inirkruvrc birn killed at the island the number of veels circulars pbita squabbles ami talk of formidable it lehaboe when the thomas window left was cfifnesol the democratic pimy in pitu of the aboul30a enjlsh five american vn one french vtachinatwns of the greatest 01 european powers the ifareorfor gkbt of the 10th ult aays thus have been discovered the might and power the laidmans arrived uertj from lehaboe oq kosv of the strong instructive impulea of the republic y last witlkmit orw pound cffrnno neither was ilselt the iuc was forcaceu by us frm the ti si hir captain able lo obtain any of that rnanure moment that the movement ocean now yet re- although he searched mercury island and a con main the ocgnn queaiion wc need havn no siderable portion of the cvt and other places doubtof its ultimate fate the destiny of the re- wiutoul ecea it having been taken away by public is onward but formidable obstacle mc in the numbers of vessel which had visited there pre 4hcway and wemay not hope that the mighty work vious tu hia snivah captain walker report that of extending yserns of free government rjkotrli there was 00 a calculation about 2s00u tons of out this jreal dtvimon of the cjrtb will kng go on 1 guano at lehaboe which would be taken awav without intcrtuplkm every day ts bringing u hy a fourth of the vcae1a he left there this nearer to oollunoi with the monarchical dynas i sutemenl can be relied on lie of the u nv world wc are indeed un the enijmr lud md tnat macao tdtimllfl he rtrlrtsjnl natnv whieh wv nnderaiuid to mtin rha vc f ia naltnn lwuld have ihe privilege of cfitrfioj the iner harbor for the imrpowe nf diefmrm and taktn in earjo ujvn p yirf ihe crt jhlibvd due fmm canton we team that the new vll round the faeiorws was in pnjrw and nulin no m terrujdirm aa auoii a it is finished thr other building will he iroceedd with allutcslevbid been taken up exrtpt thoc fiom me ing gvsttlt shantuns has recently been in a very unsettled state this n the fjthrund of china greatest lawgiver but llie people have always been rcrntrk awefor ihcir reeklesa dispeenlvm the eaenncs with which theyfnnn lhcmelres into associations and prey upon lltcir neighbor such is also at present the ease and the lieutenant governor has re com mended vrrv flrnkag measures lo nuppresa these illegal cornbmatiofi on acomntof therspiditv of the currcnlowin- to the heavy rains pat of ihe dyke at nmliic inchcijcan have been carried awayand jreat injury been doneto the errpa to obviate jreatcr enljimty a sjouii awrn ef money for restoring the tseenlnj bmki has b voted the natives nflhc rvicrn part of kwaijlun provineehaveautterrd moit acverev frojn akufvli lion and myriads died of hunci without iitbrinf stnlfe syllable r diiconleni or aecuirj thv government of ncleetinjf its duty lowtd the people ina former number it wis stated lliat a clan thinking themselves utully irit d hy the district mjilrate arid aupralln m vii fq- re- dre alew him and h pope tte priviaeiali judge who went dowr armed willi ptwetsl over life and death ordered twenty of the riilgteasseni tojti be executed to indemnify hiinsru hyyevet fur mtwtw tlr jf v- raiob lifitvp it wen ilorevti tion i 11 il ili v hirh nd r the fuiu i r tie ei f tin sntivr- 1 nn ftomruy ihe iftb fmttirv ills i h id mo firiill j if rcbr sp ift wr nf th v 1 v- tve rtllnrl a pnubatainlins 1i0 riiuutsawny brueaithr day lidbminifltf tn a vbihla llvhnev ihe fioverimr u tnhh n trdtttfissst pahldi labihj iiumvmt oir uut atod bef vhhc fuffetefl ot saiift v th- ihmvv w it4il imavtef thiro ii vd tnirv thr pinlr nf tire i 0 t t jsmj n hr eu whib we t en i i ij bavin hr en mt tvrtsj il i foim tint pni t v bol a tho ittilu h tin runt 11 lkitloitlcal ttalk at tlllfi ninnics of joll n pattiiuson uarfirrfa 4rreef ket uy wiluam wakk a in tloxhistt atibxtj whnl take ilucoun tiiluav ilm i 1th uf mitri when a laigc titid wou rlliclull stuck uf teas yi aguarsn ttbuars axit twxhk l ukochrth fs wih ihj nlforvd tbc trvlei at autiiun nil llu cat ik limiiilitl 111 ilm tunc sate at i rtdnrfc l m- ptmwely jons iai teesos kiitmlod 4iii marth 8lfl to all whom it may vqjvcefoy ul tcruuj ni risjcihi mtftto cnituiitngttrliiiilais of the fcuufcckliilon price op til globe tin mhllu publisher rf the the globe ncw- a nvved to n juee thv icc of siib eriptiou fimnone tnund to fumkkn slul- lls convliey per mmum ptblc tttifltjf it wivfre of cvtiikcn miuma and xjjeuce rrerfil tor tillvcsi habenhcforc thpuulconly one yeflrhut lh sneeetv wlbch han mbtubd h pb- liemion i iifeirv m utr hibeai dtftfcsb l lw ttbvriptitti lt haii aieadly and rajddly in ereimd atid tbt eiliiinil belkl ul cnteluincu thi ii riuowr in wbreh it is eonduetd has etrned thcconjiicmct the uelonncraof witiviti ciimdi- tin lae nmoni of ritiinjr rhittev iven in csudi rnmiw of ttiir uloai the m1 pjce al lotted m advinisvmirits the txpenviva dvaetiption of inkier od and theihires incmred in pro curing j dy t ooth nln- iniilhtnce rrcuifc ijr ciimiiil riiript in il the entn ril efpvui- th the lubhier luie however been hheidy mpinidid ohy the pubhe aid he is iturimia o stlow ih it be worhf of it tit ljtjt nvtifire l iiunhutn the v of uie tj- iwrtvnitlwii krforin pirty b inierests of thai pirtv koinre llul tb jn vl rrpreterilmc their crnuinrtt ahtthl raas ibly cneulatul ntpoa- ndleuul it eunnot b- dottucd hot the reduction wd eoiitribnle gvutly l hut desswbba end svotuk ih licnhiy given tbnt tlio tolls for patting t bo slides sit 110 chats and ai the chal dikhrnciir bytown cmiainretcd ly llmlntc o a ijuchanan nrtj lurcaftpr lobe paid in ti jamks stc- venson e collector of crwn lann lurrilnjr duties at uymwn intlisj ncdit of lite hrvriblo the ktctirim uterhai r lic piivmri lated tliaud tiny of february isi itv coinmml signer iv daiv ftovincim secretary t lio pfojiftaj uitcs lr ihi ytnr on itnnbr pittfainir lite tibuy mcuttmietl run other auvtitofmnl liilen on thf otititva and mnauaka will bo on nn i in a fevviliiy the jltheweum book stork 6c drug 8t0w t uu aikkk roipecifully ifltbrtm iie ltihabitaote of ktngbtoo an j vicitiitfi lltat lio has recently opened in ibn ivemiats beneaih the atrtaooum imming oitice a book store and dki store for tho saleof boom and srattiinanv 1 mck k mkoiiimj hb stock of books teat present confined to th cheap publications of tho day and to school booka of every de hripliofl but bis slock of station- ery ii ure and eelectcd with the rutsnt care and comprises every quilt ty andic of printing nud writing pa- ncr bunlc btiua imaying and rlaio canb quills steel pens blue ind ulark inka 4e ficc tngctber with an assortment nf elegant london fcn- craving ond caricature prints- in con nectimi with the book store is a book uimlcry where i of all kindk is executed lo order lis ftioek rf druga and medicines crmaiais of the usual articles sold in an apothecary shop together with tye ocufls and perfumery also patent medicines of ge nuine preparation kingston february 21 1845 ti net inn hut tin ptjwitlier iviivirt 3 bftfe itiiitibr of new sii ih- iks sinliiiij hy thi i v i h i wit v eiiy hi in thn- i vioiniiv nf wlnic p tmc inttrati ihtmi liy il viwifs rriarsjiai i i riii o ui ui ut mi sljte i li v 1v i r mii iiiiiii j irii pttumwf ihwifeaftml utnutr ailnniw ti ik- ne ut the li juiritln pubjird oa the ucfiirm il vhrthrras frjjarda ut jnechanicl exeiiiieo ihe vitintlm ai vt ils uniatv vr tlio eikiey f nneiiiiol and at three dollars fur annum it ectttntv wii1le on r the elieupevt if rwt ilk eaeirw ijjhr in i it viil requiie sciibm i iteet iliii himself nn llie kiiii2 lhu a itlle xntinit on thciiirt cf ilie it tmefnj fricmw f the inr ivoifld irlie tiiiitiii taiyvreiritiuium they my icsl smirril lliat verr means will c pit in njieriitwt ti inereise its aitriciiens mid ti render il worih id tceeivin ihe cjnlinucd mitt inerejer iirxn uf the kefoon public th gsl numih r f llie niv yjr will oir tn trrspiv llh mtirrt vttc ucw iril he from still iji ccttft sitinft enr nv t aftlulllti tfiviiwe within six jleanils r iltlekn kllllllnlis per ahnnm if paid m a4wnt trie pvrugi ti be jmid by the tfuh tiber aiveall will ritiil tuc cloj a nvl rlliuo ntjiqfi fl bririignvit nrijiiceiiicnt larfofr ilfimii trint ivmrt ll i government notice shxlkti tenders will be leteif- qt ut the covimiarlm ofj pick mtvstheal till noon n thuriy20iii of march isis frtbc perltiriivince uf such trans pnutuvstka ilwnt and baku e ami far tow in ww i ommia- kiat baueniid balaux y be icpiiod by i aluestvs utiritnckv bimween montkeal euj 1 ncs i un and iiiteimediuie iiace rtd the ottawa and rj- heau mveks duriig tho nuviga- rresvmofl345 i in coiijiiiims nf contract the form of tender nud nny firtier iufmotaiion ivbitli ntny be ituircd can be oblninetl iiiaiibcutiiuut thu cuinmiadatiut ofliej tviiitt4al in ktogtiiii i tiu t0hiini luvtaic lhu hatoain ur- iinvyaud tiiiiiiitain the real ienaluiea itifttol rioiuaibbj pcrmina m sureties j ph lhu due fiillibncm sst the cnnirajt j ond prtymciit will be majo in mexican nr united lalea dollau at ihe rule of 5 id currency oachci in the notm of chattered iiaitka at the option oliho ttmirniss3miit officer cumtehsuriit 0jjtx moihical s7tli february 1315- whi chrnjiicle and ncsva ml tfoi vk l ll 13 riijimi i and amti i a 111 tut i mi i rnoqr ka itmtfr aees is miai knitin i liirifi til itirypr iltwi rill lllli riuaitl b1sfltm i ioi tv h hiiijht bind a himt fjntbtiil mr4e owftuvi miiu 3 ie t kek in tlnitns tita 1111 lnlyiinftnnt if vevieediy mtr u nhv sn pmmnf tin- ft ibiranta 1nni in atn wjij eboncl hul wtiv wj il ulptudf thi i mjtrd f ip tnt llii rr t awstm the mire mv n fhu uurnt in- it revive i i t idjfc eiimeut c wrl rtitabi il tm httik fr 1 i h fi nl llsvir tail nl inofiii n dishiiri ly atvrsirnil i iii 14111 t in jii ii i iks i ke i 1 n llr l i iqiiht r uc unut it s4u10mnsroi0malmaiazinr o for febuijakv no 140 gl mmnftrtl this ftwj cohltflbfj prix rm b j i caryillj kti- mti- lrtuic rl niir 2 t ibe whale anl wlwbitf eis v hy ewri ivkrlwj t lltlvirjl i it jiin1liirnl lie ii line ifnf iii rtunrk rriiub in kuit 4i i at uuvs hlrishahea u mmnt mi nii ttw mallltlias jtvvl 11vikj kniiij v sw m uikidstnirsi rmi m mi xtlitl b it imtitt uskiutmiej lievc i a ti khq syr hitlxc mr x vv n h- unnnvil l liirc m dd- ittth xt verk c v fm piirnifi nfiij ur ijles fsei iica mr adams iraia hired h llrvn b til tu d vtm uirks vk mm m t aliit a- moru sjnuh- is cilh jnif wo j- lmlv i mr win i s t im v ii r tywhre t ieikult w v ah- tiliefceri mr v- l- atittv hiumtliini i mr ujr cu f-t- a ittamti o j voyag w pil ilnilif i i 11 ftnlal mie mitcb4nita cen t iii kll t nv v it tl i trll3lhnnif v miieilr 5 fjrt the jll ol iba altrefi cans tu iljklt nn 1i- 4iit9t nf u lihliyli pli tfbte s y v- nn bm m i p b smm arnirl if cfr 1rtblouni hy j pioiict 7 autujti iiat prrseati rnoi riitii hv j li tir lytrj enneldilril 8 the l fvi- jl thi cmvh ol the ik ij mi j me k lfke 10 k4 tomi ii nw z iunl alvnll atetie4ii roii annexatin if tea 1j irvrwei n t 1 colonial i- lellif ie tin nmv lnilli rd itrhailnet iitd ljtn 1uiirti aurri4er anil detlh simaioxun tlovvks l8cunibibj hill to i i hid ut titftk 1 school books pttr sale at the athoccom boolt store murrays grammar lennies do tnnjljs english reader walkiitames arilhoirue yuoths class biwk vysts english speilinj beck deiisoiin cnadian do mavots irrtlung book cartiftrs do c4n io kwhii kofiiphy and astr patny wiu cjnadian georapby ytthmh dictioiiarj school vcjdaroenu sehwol umdi caudlan pminen fwhrs edinburgh a0a5 anneur ramsay school do pionoekk caleehism childreiv pbik0fht ropy poo- various six tjojiy lines kintstai february 18 1815 m ihe commissariat nffice he reee v miixtftfat mi noon on tubsday the lsth of mnnli 1843 for the vfnr- nmneeorxiihtransport byste m- boat wv ihe rlvbr gp law uknce n thev mav re required for kek majbsty3sebvlckbetvrtrenklng tov and cotkau ilulac and lornudittu pliiva durnig the nnvigutdo the ctiittliiiiina otcnnimeh ihj form tf ivmler ami any further infurmaiion which iuiy ik hquirvtlraa be oliincdiii a if itpr i a t tii si ron sale st the atheseum drug store- pigous wilks fff guni powder als i i i montck 4e co sdper- fiif runpowder e english ond franch percussion caps im shot uf all sizen kiiignoufeb uth 1845 j t- almanacs for- isis starkes pocket atmanac ami a variety ol comic altsacs just received aod for sale btlhe book suiro coiuieclrd wih the athtniuh printing office bagyt srpet kingston january 2eih 1845 for sale at the atheneum 4 niknw i litkhnh at one pound pur k cash aiiiilicabfin ohpeusl ohijlsii uooks or1h2r3 fur knmh hook rhvivhl nt llie aliirmlm immik stni jiul iivvirdcd per llihfjx sfnjnwr through ibe auiicy ot mr chilniiit limi mller muiitrcu kiiiihit- hcksslb isi5 quebec r a fttraiiih tukf xtu- uf llie club lulcd by wunnt to kule 10 t the ciintiissariil jtic e montreal qt kinp4oti payment will lie madr iiilir in mri ran nr iniivd stalvsj dohivii 5 id curfeirtty eirh nr in tin nuus u htrtjr oil littnk ul the ojitiini nf the cuinnuivs- rial oiticer tiitdor to atftle lh rote in current mil to roiilin the real ria ini nrcs f two rivnoiisiblir itmsrw as smfftim fr ibcdite ftilfilnieiit of ihhe otmluwt cemmitmrinl orv miuitrenl feb 27 1sj wbiv chronicle jtviril kingm0rt fcbss 145 i liotblonlhe l at webkt mmbton ii iwtbi nkbn dawe kinsta iix b kin- turn and ulij evpn he iraldtcrraiil pliimdjjhin cjpt tmccv i s- 8 asek ttts hirbor mr lrvcr n mi v sylmy jon ficiiyr osavajc ikaaiwsi lvya frccifiicr vairlowa nssatiaa wots nl tiiv ihxlna j mr tinipb hwti i ja ivotnh fnriuntl ti it 1114 1 j- vissiimi j4ic itull itllciilr i- danlrt felhf villa jii lius lnar jm cranjt iwtrritlr shuii mcmvion iilnaf j i watt kmmofi t ku 1 wrfilla t hi ft jft mr hv jtiij nhlir rwva trastiuii wliiw wv mi emsjitswr ltrviam 1 i p li c b 1 97hl cutiuit til a nuini or vinl lrii 1 tbrcstiold of prcat events m the miriiriccctt picket ship riscius uoc of the collins liverpool line nd prohjbly live largest american shi afloat wa beautifully decorated with fls in hortnr of the event from none of the other paam ships in portthey hjvinj pfv bsbly expended their patnotte enthusiasm on the completion of ih v i 1 treaty srerc any i rairara trca to tin hreexe the time may perhaps not be far duunt when amer ships will celebrate this event by less pacific de isonstmuons than thoic made by the spendid i rorcius st rtiua duunfs one john mccuen of pawtockol hviny poted his belter half the re sties in the gaxcllc a foil ats my husband an posted me as having loft bis bed and bjard 1 wish simply tosay that he never had any all the beds u which he lays claim were given in me by my falba romjtm mccvkji faow jamaica we hivve regular filea r j maiea papers to the 9lh of february llicrc had brq wintry weallier througliout the inund fur the previotrt jrtntpht la kingtton the iherrnametcr had been a low as68 degrees fehrenhcit in doors in the morning in uie mountain districts it hid been much colder and severe gales aod heavy rains had impedod the ijborsof the agricuhurista the kijtettoa journal say the detjaion of her majesty government respecting the british etubjecta now held in slavery in cubi bat ea cited very general aorpm hrre- bevaute these unfortunate people wereslolen from these colonies before the abolition of slavery alihoofh the steal ing them wb 1 an j l act we arc tuld no de mand can he made for unur freedom this in deed is ocrnvidering these men and women as mere chattels and not a subjects of the realm enuliod to inl- u ti asturodly this decision will nut be pcqutlod to bo nnat his irrji exertions muy innoe nt fhvjlo tver implicicd and these lud t pi heavy ums tn be ajtain liberated from prison so that the whole lui proved a very advantageous eonern since the trouhka in turkostan trtnukwan ordered tbnt convict shall be tr jnnjor in sfltno pcstieentlsl region in kvreichoo fhfj vrry swn arcumijlaled toooo but decrcasrd btihitcnt to 6wk the lieutenant gmxriior ikioij aptrehcn- aivc ihat th unbidden jurats imht oceasinn din turbanes has befprd the emperor lo nd ihrm to tho original drwrv rtit the supreme govern- rncni ntly rvinarki that they miit live there among maltommedns and bu aralod nt only to lheac brbarinns but liicly lo gel into uirife with them a new code of reuulion is therefore to be drawn up to prevent all cjhistoti and dillt cullies upon thi point the pltcc steeled fr ihe avideof ctiniinalsaro fencratly such wlsrre an epidemic sooner nf later niikeean end of thnr hes andremove from ihe state ihe hurthun of ixuin- u in atj them a il has been considered of the highest import anca that all mari time china should b well forti fied the council have given directions thvit to all tho miliiary slatiooi of chilik towanja ihe aca able mtn be appointed u defend their country and keep ip the prpcr dciptinc llie crvps stand well and pinmse an abundant harvest already ha the priee of rice fallen in expec union of thtir ingathering and the poorer dasaea have shown mora contentment than a few rooauiui ago tbs iluiti the t0 cc lhu pnbli- ittjjav ndwfi t lr tlv traill irivi ui mircbttitj uf tcinutn will generally mpmtt lhu qtttujipl it hrinj the hutimcy of the twu into bettor nmjtc tlio work will tjilcj liy a ctmmiini morclnnt of btstnjllig sdt cxpiionee ktiigtiuti 7th march is15 r conttm ill ntlily scuiiuij xotice conr cubinctmafar uphou iurrf figure wroi anil look ing gtos pram vidttiakcr at optjomtfr mr j ittuccatnl j jrr alnve e mr lui v icc ti all kinds of kurnituin abort nitie kitijjstid hairch tils 45 ct utilise repaired on just keceiv12d t ilii ariitnkirm j store 20 dumb cobbs spelling books i kington fes 7th s 200 pakiuxs prune mt id mf john fcrnivaa tv j joh ingslon januiy 1615 vfrachan rripiittuii iicm sit payxe jitiuiiv l4fl 11 axdrngoni e mi the ri r 1 hat itc nukserv btatvjss f x2o rtiriciiry isidi 10 fnifoit wiih c50 currency iulttnl hy the j oluli imj rtmfvir rn llto ljjt tumiav ufjvwt ils m tliu riuimroc mounjf pnol ami fitlic dtitppcj in in lstfl culis 7 r ail fillies 7st 1u atattlvuin marclnnont fcncoj ami gi ri0 nrufiti hbnnt a utc tntl n riuartcr tu naino ami rlufti aul lirfu to in pi tl n nr lnfin 31t mlrch isli in the srvktiiry f tho lmiiwe turf club ii dpptcaiiii in wwro ciitiitiiii uitl u mtlu klmsivt tii abvj i jliulnr y rtiiler j flsiicrv iioe pro jrju qutflhc s2ml jainuawf isli advertisement bakkoav itltn ikh north america incorporated by roijta charter fjlhk court of directors itcrctiy tivc notice that a liaifyfat ly diviikntl uf twenty itillinst per blinli- will become payable lo tbe pto- piihuuni aliaicivjimril in the colo- tiiiis uil atnj alter ile 5tli uy wf march lfclo dttliilij tbc usual immaof busiticsa m llns ittveivl ijiaiuli uiiik iiniimctl by circular tu ibe itiic9 tho divuuntl is fleclurcil in sioriin niiinivf atu vvii bo paliln at ihe rate pf kxcic current on tbc 5lb day of march mi to be fixed by the local siarilst it liunsfer van be made be tweon the isih fobiujiy aud tho 0h march as the bunks must be closed during tiiat itcriml ly nuur if tlie court u uku att wood sactstftvtfa an lotpoclwsj linhalvu pus5 rutr 1 f svj mtml fr1me mjxcictqliy fc hk tlueejriwr piopareil m maim- fit r i urc lmikmi ultalfarfisr of fy jchtiptiish u nltr alan pmiitkait nml imrvnc fnawm tf mrrhmtariy sliult walntit kosi worn uiriva ky maple and gold 0a prainw rsrcih vm bovle wcl injoa street nniic jrs forsyths icingatun feb 8tli ii5- for sale os reasonable terms illage lots in whiiutthvillit ear ivingstun apply to mr o lltjrvfon on tin pramiawi or to thus kirkpatltlck kinlnn jan titb 1515 rf ii shop to le 1- fhe brick stoke iii cx sitw ti iiuiiijf aiiimi afly to dr brkrr kingslon 4th mrch 1814 marine stores 3 chain cables fls 34 and i in 1 ditto 3s in with anchor to match a few coils english tarred cordage and oakum pitch and rosin pur sate by gbalg ft watt kingston 29th jan 1845 rwi hf bsirisii nuxni augbic1 nturert i ihe rale of ihrce per cent ter unniun ivi lie nllowcj on spoiiol jtoil4 at thi 1 ii j thomas akew mnttogcr kinptoti branch fd is lsv3- wanted good took f the moss of the koyol artillery nnd royal en- otncors at kingston hy rpplyi lo die pnuhdii mevttnan terms and ciintli- tuini tniy he nsccrtained respectable rcferfmirs will be required kinuin ftrbruary lat isis- 10lf coudvue an cxlrnsivc nsoitnienl of roaia hemp knpc i 12 a 3 12 inch suitable iir marine ami agricultural uurpniea for alrf by cuaiq watt kinghtnn 29th jan 184 notice fhe sjhsciilier beta leave to inform t inhabitant of bcllrville anj ihe pumie jrnitallv iki he has inirrfl hita iba auc tion commission business and liavlif taken thoe tpocioui premise ulcly l occupiiil by tlie limdon anil manchester wanhaas ilircrily opposite h flints rmtk slorc in one ul hit mkl tiu- raris of the town aai ffqin his inn experience in ibr a ore huintfs he flu hioiscll that h will ti ali to give general silisfactionsw- he is nnw irepmd to rccire nncon- inmtnt merchandise af evcty neseription 10 iisnose ol citlw hy auction or private salav lherat advancernrnts wi t made m r cunmrncd lo htinif reqnireil hr hope by puiuluality and shirt attention to lrthlttit to cciiv- ahare of public pation- age saw af furniture in n ont oftown will ut all lime be attended to and a he can talk a fast atul as cheap as any of his neighbors please vtve him a dill he intends tascll arery day in lh week sunday excepted sales will commence at 11 oclock a m d r sole rmteil february 17h iw5 mineral springs this health of tlm public may ba much impnivfil by 4 draught of the celebrated mineral springs which are again upeij and in perfect order for use jas boke kingston fob 28tfe 185 copper th platr sheet ivixk flmsz work dell hanging 44 wm mctntosh kspectfullyimimateaujailio bus removed to ihc premises ib crock street uppoaue head quarter and thai by atientiori to businesa aanl having yod and experienced workmen in liia employment tie will endeavor tci merit a continuance of pant favors kingston january 23th 1844 for sale m7ith positive order jo cloerj g signmenta i 75 packages of tea conautisje of twankay young hjaon gj- powd r imperial and souchong 20 kfegs plug tobaccos i8s i5 buxiscavcndtsh do 16a f ery aup 10 brbuxealaditwtatyieado do 4 do honeydew 10 do engluh candlea 10 do siarctt 2 casks rape oil 4 qi- casks white wine viuegar 50 ubu canada whiskey 25 do north hore herrings no 1 so quintals table codfish 100 kegs pneked qutter 200 bbu fine and buperfine flour choice brands 4 i alluf which will be disposed of loir for caali or approved credit hugh calder aeaot commercial wharf t kingston 2ut january 1845 sydenham saloon mr thomas mcconnell wr- tpnci fully infvroa hia frioada thit he haa opened the sydenham sakooaa at the south wast angle of the new maklt bcixdinoa opposite mr- m d- calfs tavern where hehopeelo beabll favored with their patmnage luncatas faaan otatera am kiagstoo feb 13th 1813 m