British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), March 7, 1845, p. 4

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chequered hotel qonw of ontario and jlrthur strict kingston his has for at id phe subscriber begs to inform friends and the public that he fined up the ibovn establishment roerly kept by whelpli sow lately by h m vi and intends lo spaie neither trouble nor expense in making the place in every way suitable for the accommodation those who may favor him with their patronage the house is situated in the most business part of the city and consists trf excellent sitting dining 4- 8edr00ms is well furnished and amended by per sons desirous of making travellers as corafoifable as posaime exrunsire stadlum for the accom modation of travellers fermiu ctoav sing the ice will find the premises of the subscriber admirably adapted as the house is situated only a few yarda from the extorsive warehouses nf john h greer esq the bar will at all times he supplied with the choicest wines and liouors lyman phillips kingston december 1844- fall and winter dry goods wholesale jjxd retail at the manchester warehouse lmbton buildings princes si kingston j r mutton co beg tu intimate to their numerous town ami country customers that their importations this fall have been unusually large and hey have now on hand the tct assnrtment of stnple and fancy tky goods ihey have ever offered to the public willi regard to qualities and prices they venture to affirm that they will not be surpassed hy any house in rhe trade they beg to raw the attention of purchasers lo their immense stock t coltnrg cloth mcr fiuos plain and figured orleans par isians paris cloihs thibet cashmeres vol vote 4c and a largo variety of other new styles of goods suitable for the season broad uloth- pilots beavers pee skins cassimeres fancy tweed vest- ings tailors and milliners trimmings small wares hosiery haberdashery and an immense stork tif illcached and grey cottons linen ac english and french prints twilled and regatta shirtings flannels blankets 34 and 64th treks a largo assortment nf ladies fun at unprecedented low prices ladies prunella boots cloth and kid do morroccip pruncllo and satin uhoofi j a r hutton a co dirinc thupi simmr rjvl extensive addition lo their for the purpose of oving a aiil more extensive trade- and showing their cus tomers a large stock of new and very cheap goods to enutnoreto which would be both tedious and require a ureal deal of space they venture to assert that their assortment for variety quantity quality and low prices ia not to he surpassed by any house in the trade j r h co respectfully invite country merchants to call ami examine their wholesale stock which frill be found well worthy the attention of buyers terms liberal ohers ac carefully and promptly attended to choice groceries whves 6 liquors flphe subscriber respectfully solicits the attention of his friends artl the public to his extensive and varied stock of cmeries pine win liqnon if to which large addiiions have leen made in the fll importations selected from some of he most celebrated houses in london edinburgh ilas- rotterdam mid maderia consist- for bilious complaints pains m the cad giddiness sidtfletsyjaun diet flatulency obstructions habttuot confinement of the bowls tfc dr barker laxative pills of the numerous diseases to which the human frame i liable there is scarcely one the symptom of which are nnt seriously aggravated by a confined state of the howhis and t tfatll mone many owe their origin and continuance the preserving the alimentary canal je sands sahsaparula for the removal akd pftmascnt cult of all diskwe5 arisikg from n 111 pl re state or tub blood or uajut or tug system t f i r be a picas uro n enrth whirh free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that eveiy degree of neglect is followed by more or less j of inconvenience or suoerin- when habitual cosuveness prevails the cheerful vigor of health is iooq imparcd eumo- tiinea by slow degrees and t other times moru mpidly diseases make their inroads on the constitution and in numberless instances particularly where the habits are sedentary or where free living is indulged permanent ill health it the painful result it must be obvious to the moat superficial observer that when the functions of nature now al luded to are nor performed with due re gularity assistance must be obtained fromait aperient medicine then bo- come indispensably necessary except where the use of fruild sopenor bulfigt cjnnol rjim intl ont wliili llioi miht aloenvy men the ptkiiori it is the jhiwcr efrelieviesi rain tluiv convent then- is ilioeoniimgrcsifhaina lie ilie initru- mriu f resetting iltpidian iviin inimtiy v iloe whehmmm ll what o orotunl of suficriug ran prcvanlcl by the u l auid rv thc imfiriufiaic iiditti vf hewlilitj rtti d t- r illnh fl llfct nnil uonef nnlf ciuiuusi uvo britilr ntl vivir tjic cr entered wili ulcere lndiliwn i ro wt attanjdlitf iia been ma i llundfoit nfptwmi vho had pahnvi lipfl lc ptr veais uititr cuimtiuk vti umlnlar jiirtlcr csroitic ilitumaoiim anl many trilicr rnmnaujcirihmf fm u clmanccmrnl of hip kitetfcrpini sad the ulieul jtien have hcn fii4d at it ivcoj from llm ra of jbar ini hmv with resiuitnmetl onutilimlanft jltdl t3ii- th fultfwm ccerikaic recently receivprl w ajjrfrd ta oik bfnl in sj4in ca n intioi ft fitly ulilirtrcj with snifcla or change in lug may suffice for re i j and most bo had ro il ie necessity for such the mode of jv moving the ev course to umil aid ceases bui it is aqueatinn ofcnninovralite im portance what laxative ahflll bo cm ployed tho list of aperient medi cines is tinmciousj but their eflccts on the aystcin vary considtisblj some ex ert their influence chiefly on he exha- lant vessels or on some part of thr bow els only whilst the acrion uf others ex tends more or onto the whole of tin intestinal canal the latter clss of pc- rieura is evidently the beat ndjpterl to obviate the habitual confinenunt cif thu bowels as they apply that additional excitement which raiureihrn rtcniie to assist her in the performance of her and ivnmvial fore hat uuid varii wllhfttltany brncli iiivit if t reatf wtu mi i li vtidb llo afllicrf j j in rel hi rcricdnv tko nv fcoo to sarspiriua iiaoiiuj fia augnl 5 i8j l c f llttpfmu equiif sir ah 1 tare darivea n ntneli b n i m itn iim ati4 jfauioli i fivl a aim hut t uwo in tlio eeilinuflliy fu mvk ilm fjrw in mycu- public i wz afflict d ftr four itjr with miming ifej nnl foij iilacrsfin my inwvi extremtiii and iu ultenvd ovi ivnoi itistcuiiiil nofet uther pftriof my liody ffuin ijici rtflci wf litno mllarw etlicr inatwuiaau 1 iricl rciiicl lcr rrihtilv tul lltuy als viitij i llnujr until l b lainoj a wttle nf fluids sirtpif j wliivh i fnund iifiu nic very dnarlt i rmitbiaed ir live until i hj takcii tnhi uoiub when waa hiracily cured judging ffom uiy own a 1 haw retu mllicvc ivls dairpitilla i ihc vf v ihsi rittnffly ff tcrofuta ftnd mrcuiil 4irat1henh it sanrhv ni2itcs iliv poimn mm the nyvivm aflui fimi ytfi rxf utiox umlmnii fliff nor 1 uow fithi nia0lf a well i i 1 p l v i l 1 1 ymui rrrtpccilullv willi si hanks 11twioj nfwalma wpt pncnrrj j lut mvurd lo rl cfij hiujl thl tutli i ijvik i ix uttnccctir v ntmctxit maisfti mo5tj i4t a b 3c h sami4kl4emqd ktift4fti at from two hveight times cheaperl rna aeronr n m m tt vor i ll tnttttd wttb it ftnily mast eoa- when ihej know iu which lim bcreiuftc hjai in ailick that tvery iidfrinjiirnsabla r ijliw i nd lien oljioolil lurtnii 11clii immv beco rcucct iw pi n nnh a view thai rick ni uoor iii aid luv and in faci very hu- nian be in- tnny tfipjy it com r i j all who ci iihall have tho pnea returned to them if tlioyife nijideltihifd wiiliituo wlitttlt willuui tho mhi uuiy of- tmiifailiciion thai all bfajmtf afmalmbwall1 rrihhal 3onf nf fteh nd all umal paina and arhtvno matter where til btrdicud io covlbnntl iii ct c minu- vmj life limb or kir nn hum can be u ft this is applied tinle thr titala are doirl hy the acculvni it if iruly magical it apprttaact in ita effect enquire or oiriuerb jtticol pt in ivtriaci or salv ai c avwkacv 21 ciutlandl sited new yoik priciwei ot feur time ari murh fii 50 cents and ucai ten lime as much for a dlar wo aire yo on lli rotpomibilily of our clivaclers thai nipiliy for human miffgrinj iudnce ail3t i pr if earnai solicitation i a impl inv tid tu made in ny attte- lnn named belm vvc tmikii not imrujcnl f ton much tu sv lrioc folfetlu arsleine you ivtltptfta bive it i no ioviein rfokdy for all e- plaini pul only intended for eainal app1 a w cum the foh evis bikns scj posted pan chill- main chafe or walls uhtps tettei pimple f1u p eyjiuelas sta vvcl i ihjt nothin- like it or n any has 9vti tccn diacovercd in r hatch cutit bruifc slumps srtre 1 n lc eiup iihl hotff lip iiain roar rai and tooih ache f k inrounjsg whithnvs l r barbers itch tin mil i he ouomi accustomed functions ihuh an mite stiantrer u u iioihh feel at it is precisely on this latter principle jj j llltf j kn hat the i ilh now offerer to the public wftsirtaiill v nijr are formed and as their activity can hc kint prmidtco ul my kiovpivnv lu rchef increased or lessened merely by ikinti l0 uiuaefcouwwjpnenl by n a larger or smaller nuaority hoy im1 j h m h4nds aaiwyi 4 t a v i fcuuavrcfuue4bleii i riuvelntuiv le iii- only turtnsh an aperient hcflliihk pm- jnwm lu iry ime mitaly ami uanwuwia iun per for general use in q family but are i iecdy mil fmppy mim roe tnnyoarrf i also well calculated to answer most pfwe w wffariiyiwnltr a refohutt aflfmim the puruose lor tvhich purgative rcmci disfj air nocefiiry tlie lilis are noi hotvevr rccom mended as a specific fur hn mi o o a l j jigior such piepn meiits aiu wnrae than rit are only put forth for decep lrousiaiaic- iculmiit ami lut ton have oehoue they will pmve a valuable ktmody f that confined mie of the bmvela which lays the fmindattaii of much suffering forthosa occasional ihstruttiin to which all ate liable ami fur all thiam dinotdem eequently decided benefit will be deriv ed fromlhrirttaf in giddinmfud pain in tho head acconpmicd with nausea or sickness in all hcadachc where cosiivencjs prevnllt in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement of cholic the early etagea f jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement ir change ill the diet modciate cxercia will as sist their operation arid experience ha proved thar nsan aperients qic safe and elffcacious may h taken b f f ihv hrn in n ihij arl flufing a crear nart fibi nn my pain j ausiriiiiti wtm ieesrn liut hu br a reliinc un ihe n omf r rfrsjlit 1 iiiiuid haa dirid aid reudt prr- ftnpdtlaalh elf- at tirtriert perud during iskhiiti itvunlv juote uc ijiine hv hen ttx foirh niv imij in rarimii wtiytthrnides oil miv ujni tcrfa and ilm mtiro iiiier jiw rrn- fiiti ih itiii i i it i irl n me iiuittihlr 0r pijifuhbnij aliuvt ws liwidnsil dllu for iliutifal htt i imi riemiritr i vnur jljily rrli itrjfeil atliuirita iiidi uiriiin ilm thiec uimithi iht ue f iveho hiiil jji uhi thr ntid i in very p adults and children stage nf prrgnancy to chiljien of five years ofae and upward they may b readily given iu polp of appe orange or jelly atid thus disuicd thuy arc ntuch mnroeay ofcxhihition than poir- ders or other disagreeable medicines nittrcriohs por taking ritti rilts iu cae of bilious complaints foul stomach v thieopilutobetakcr at bedtime and repeated next night if uccesry lltftjuchc sickness of the mohlffffl- two pills to be taken at night and one in lite morning obstinate cosftmness three tills to be taken at arty time needed and te- peaed every six hours until relief is ob tatned the usual doe for ordinary persons is three pills but four pills may be taken by a person of mrotijl habit ofbmly and iin hfiti mi irrit n vfini1elty arftlrd iu dijtitt the lm1ii prtitfu i tf tin fii witnl hit hm niiiiisv iiiihii imth in i irifl iv g ailafllitv i t3v iftt miv lie umma iv espnpne i shall he nwl iu pv at any lime n cmnjnrurate in iimih nr o vfiu urh hiirhei afttt n0 rninnrc nurteuhrs ns miy lm ntno i please aetcjl juf jucc of mj realmijiaiioiianj tirml imfsom gyes and lid weak punctures bdtts and waru fever paes pftrtjj d sijo tender feet lnflniimfti ft tie dohrcus aueinfacemd- fever sore old burn scjcs priclily i www 5iu biken rrtii sire niir rrtu hand buteted sjrfkes oreiiira bhlers whitt selnfs cold in wounds cjrns general soref smnllpox maik tlioufch w n numerous anvciions esxrteice hai ww thai they are not loo many it will 1 mt lie hi called cns us thai tncy are ncceary to know that ttrtl is ibe only one the we can recommend our honaiinti somejmi ulioint ihii wo h uo hoi iniufiou e reason to behove are of nn we will proseni it lo the nwhifi4iear ofil ndwhnrovoe y send r it rmuer it is conncl3 mnjiftpaioea ah uottatrs mml are requested lo take iltnthrirtown the reatet hfrusi to mauklv tbax h been discovered in ueriieitvt thb tronj janpue but yew rlepend ir e wy vufy a ujeclrrtyneih j k rfsiiu an w appear under other srrt thai t rfuctl from cumnock h il call ik ititnc britannia life assurance company no l princes street bank london empowered by special act of parliament iv vct cap ix capital one mtllion sterling thomas gbfer qafbecfiie office aqkkt william hallowell feq md medical rmni jaynes expectorant thifl invafnsmn mficine ts dnily effecting eatneof isa pasa aassbwhtt oj vontitrfvl cere ikattistecvc tjeen aaeus- all who bavcueil it ibr ahnsai oisph d of b ood i fiii cfospiv llir- cwsapi chrome vie vr p mar- i f etui tfhfcnc or the hra 1ilatiiiy ol srrutltliie onjcvfry owf duicof i lungs oml htikt roolio iirmuiu us- njln i mli- ifr vrtrrindlirpl iia tsntiarti ti a ie mitt ufe if rhytf pnjerite muiak fiiiaeercuntfumrhomio ilwdeeerel il the opji ypjftrt ofun tiipiic ibotkklii ore lntmh tfof cne ifile lorvjs or thm1 hoaiteees riltuhv nr itfrnlliinit asthwiij itrtuc kcteraspillrnf nr ohilejni r matif onu sovtciiine uood uu u hsturtutioaurtfif icskln wkiclt untm uie iatide ofiho whole traa vioj trb a oir vreh nhih mo ihruojr rtry parieflhe i this kprtiivii in iro t r rni loish nod khia ulijoe ls ir- l i noo ao4 jivu rem tli iiir or urroitilas by nrastsclir free anj tesy blsnafsubbsri sothtaeorc if fhaobi rflvo itnlwaf turei aftmmatsvoor uree urge do care irccuoul omjiyus orcnihlren lafrov fifwen mimm n an fcournim it tmalljicty anb otihevofec4c of tlupi cuvgh sm rswis tssffify rnre homfrts w ha have bren eivnuptv iheir pimic linv t itiearjulr with consumption hivrtce rierre trt nerfrn nrahh hm la ci arertiedy ia pulreooar oitcjes no rnrui rcr fcj vcr ojiinrj j aier or more deserved re ssjltjkmi worms worms worms all iihii ii which chiurvii are caponed in c smcssw fut lotltcos sjj worms uoorbunsulr thimrtnare re jnn t7c rnvn ihem mj as iheyimlttic t ajuniono or attfio vcfyotlireotp1oldt taeyofle ssmbu urmiaj flciis wuhoci betoe uprriod ivorukaare bsjt onl came orilhrao inernoeji in ifltir irriblion nrntfiws m mother hibeste wnpderis rnxnonriari qroiebodytosnoihfr wlndiat tftcmejvcs uitm urse bcluaod obvirstn hie bowrf sad fi oufmly the ujfoi cabha cuqvumoa sod loo ir ilesta the beh ijasfniygftc yet knows is dr jayns tonic vermifuge wfckh tsperfceilyrsfrarnua plrnamtttm atmfenvrill foi refuse lobtheil ll tssmamtjl dcirftyo wdrvs arumrifvrtojiiyof onrnenof ite -lofnoc- tpwwp and itch at a fnerl and nrfincoi tsjmc aotl it ihereakre ekcrttihojly tkaeavial in 14 fnnrsi ijiintiirmr vi tooitiion 4t ah is a tsiruia anijcrmaoniurr fir fkvtlt siwt acl ir not onlyrdemror worms sad inviorrsihewho rtm buiiidiokeaimic3fr htnc of mucin- njpevjk t in r ofciucji undtovvn or i jrea fniitpkuty ofihosr m bvd belih this taskbavsn ihfttaatr nen u mirk wpra nffdiieo uw yacmt ncd hf remavins it r e iianof ftr wmntnrwnhi in sls body jluhimtlr inirjiertwj k fint nail thehfalh iranas afr titovvfrr table i iq94l bstia of mui tail or pnimuiia reulrvd fnr tho assurance of 100 for tho srtsoao term of a single lift ii annual half yearly or quarterly v men i table il atxtanatjf a rates of muwrat taweor annual premiums required fur the as- snrance of ft 00 for whole term of a single lfo the ratebcin increased nr thosum aa- siptd rodueeo ai the end of every fifth year until the twentieth irvcluswc after which pe- is so 95 30 35 30 st 55 65 0 annual hlfyttyqrttrly prerntum prem jrrm in 1 h ii 1 17 2 5 5 5 2 11 3 0 3 11 3 4 6 4 5 6 8 6 14 1 8 11 7 11 3 9 17 80 19 1110 0 90 3 6 10 is 3 2 14 3 8 4 8 5 15 9 10 0 11 0 13 0 15 0 18 2 o m 6 s 7 9 4 3 i i 7 j 14 j 18 tabl in suojlt tllmt table of pftrorom required for tho asm rsocoof 100 savav single life for the respective terns of i the remainder of life ptlfpt ytm w d 16 1 4 9 20 1 6 4 s5 i e 6 v 1 11 4 ss 1 16 4 41 s 1 i 45 3 9 6 50 3 1 7 55 3 19 a h 5 4 6 exaatrt a person aged30 ocit birth day may secure xi 000 at bis death by pajmem 93 16a annually ii 10s 19d hfycftjljtrj 5 15s 10d quarterly k sm person n 30 next birth cut may secure xi 000 at hie death by the annuaj j illv l ml x15 13 4 until the expiration nf five years 16 s2 31 11 0 after 5 rears until the txmratrcq ci 10 years 0 10 after 10 years until he expiration 1 5 years 3 4 after 15 years until the expiration of 20 years and 5 0 nfler 20 years during the remainder of life with ttfk ojtjojf ox mjimn oreoatinuina eitlier of the paymenta throofhnut the wlwle term of life sod bavins the sam as sure4 penodiesjiy diminiihcd accordins to hie during the whole dcriod r r- scale of reduction easirta i next birth day con secure x1000 at baa decease yrtnidkd as ar ssifniai tl fersn f 1 year by i i pny urtnt or x13 10 lu 2a person of the soma are ana seeore tht hie am prozidtd is b swd- infasfertaetyessra by the aonusl pay ment of x13 15 iv csnsvr daviir l pomstock ot co iliyieunddod chemists dctrrtiok q for srrofula cur ilk kliueti civmuitil llehili cil iiieinif ui say iriitiiii ryhil injure i ifio tfci hugs of ira iljtt half pricc r ct7jb of utters id diseases iaui of body imi and le buucs nn the n dexjahim w hussfy ntmvcxkt 3thmn3m4 a d si uespetrjl trionil l lliiy ii j pertun f petlt re his iihiuiont in rebium tu the von ul tnii iriiiin1i upin him miv heir iscn- n 1 the cute a flcnii m ifitahlnv feilulcltii lie tirpimik relied upon lllsnasj ijuidavcvv ultra rdmiry one itfjeilief i nha tn ciitftlo tlm niplinlu to le i4iikdn4afimtltletii9lhv huinnijfirnil md wo eonnlki u a ch fttgts with line rtwjt ikijm ultcflfjx cashier nf the pjeirij lljiik niitlurvel for farther p ifticnlirs anil conclusive qvtdoik i jr it tpmftar viliio and ejli ay ec paabphlsjlss ahieli njy w idmiiued nstis trcpirc i mdsil i wrnhals md rninll hy a u a d sanodt diiiisn 1 fuhiosr soft in kingami h gharlcs i1rath sjim ilo l iy litlctm fnerdly tliioihmi ho umtvi slate lrtcc 1 per uotile sis inuk tvu gr djthe pumic ne tesftectllly rocicd i aes of the skid ivifir ii icumlii anil liilrj ivittn 4li ul onumi of liii aiil swci tlvtrafwtmin ilifirdrvi i1o mjmoiesaiiiy of yuemhcc tne great p iiiiiy or sironarins anj i try rrnder it miperlluius eu niivftaf its rirtues or addoee iia favor i ilia is warranted pruiiivclv as rthsicfin he made at one did liepice of ilirtne ro nmrh ad- iim hed c icr into am n toy evidence iii itu 5nfsapi nutl it sow tl far nl insttalf terlivl and t kfly cenj tlusloiii tht arnete iflei tlm ihitur vu he had oj co ihri jriftattsl c t siiim pwl ve cinirnl nfli 1 and nil pit uluc ot flmslfttltsli 10 life ci nlk 1 airbus anj i pei ouitlr idsj cored in as lre imi nr fise ihart tev per two 1 men a us mny bu given to uvlicatti id cliildren prkpaflrd amd sald by dr- barker at the atheneum d r kingston sold in boxea ttt is 3d and 2 6d each tj notice tbp tog in part of anamartf best fort and sherry in troodortcf bottut smijj bailey coa do do black burns best matloriat do do ltrica eiridgo 3c jones champagne and claret very superior liquors honnesy ac martehs beel palo and colored brandy de kuyper at toris rouordam gto best sclietdam gin in casts islaand gftmbletown whiskey jamaica spirits 6yearsoldjiu wood at bottles i london porter and scotch ale itiouims y nd pints mortons whbkey in tbtol tp s f with a larg stock of l t- nwie thtt ho ll dip dryed fruits tipicosi tiuu i and gene ral groceries plug and cavendish and fancy stno ktng and chewing tobaccos and cigata in great variety- best lamp oil various qualities also lochfine and no 1 herrings bet digby herrings north blmre and lake ontario salmon and codfish all of which will be sold low fur cush or abort approved credit r mgobmrcks princess street kinstonjdecemhr il 1614 n b- cash paid for potash barley pye oats and corn stock in his kltail stoitr corner of chuich and claretice stfm to mr- h r benson ant tvlu lltdrtfote thank all those net anus win are indebted to that establishment up to 3rd february 1s45 if ihey will please call and settle their accounts with the subscriber at his wholesale store in ontntii sheet no other being authorized toaeilctli m noltuls oodard kingston 3d february 1s15- reii jhi 1 l ajik h j k rt hit llal i t oiistjutly i i1rvjurit iu iitill4lk sjii4 m tf 7i naii ii im ilm n i nliitv mj mjh hhttai kftun tlifkcuu ilass of diae las fmuitr i suvjot tliurf6rs nuirilla in j ukenu tillier erofuh of 30 ysf ailirle ktid been used in vain tho aertlf uf cntnlrk anil 1 rf km country in naw vuih rilnnjl tflrrcl ik rkason it- frtoisii enough lu believe thai anajn as good an hlkb of ut and sell it fur 541 vtmhs ptr asill utlicra thaiellttir oiuney tli simuls ftet is tliia y enntinefd wjmio five j city store comer ofjiirtf and princets street kingston dy 1011 tf carruther cakkufhersberte5pccttully to re- iuiuhif pcere thanks lo his numfous ciulemtll astl lifrml generally for the very llbetal siipot he has received fiom then sincf he kited the above premises he voulil now br to idnottnce thai he has leased ihc adjoining premises on king slice hy which mijiithe will be able lo encieasc hi stock and fxlentl itiftisinasi nt hopes hy micl attrnlion siill to merit a colinunc of tie liberal patronage he has hithctlo enjoyed a new books stationery phe subacnbera havo lately iccrivcd vhey a a variety of new and interesting a 7 booas in various depai tmctita rf liicra lure handsomely bounds to which they respectfully invite atlemimi they have also made large additions tnthoit stuck of school books and stationery particu larly writing papers actfiuat bfaoltft quillo sietil peris inks pmiiisiiiibi lct- irr clips writing desks lead pencils slalm faltatswtaalfl c- ice c which they are enabled to sell at greajy re ajoeexl prices from former ycara ambay akmuuk co kingston octotur 10th 1944- farms for kalk fa km of 153 acres lie ciiiiecssion w a of tho township f kingston also a farm of 03j acres partially cleared are situated in the mile square biitof from town the land is excellent and will bo snld on moderate terms tirlsf indispurable apply al the subscriber otficu at tho orurt house c stuart kingston 7th june is it jphe sutrtriiscr is dily receiving large al of cnocenuis mqlons wikcstias tstaueeot t fiein the mtntrrat md new yorh m trkcs hiisnii himl vnirm every com- inodily iviruit hy con iliv mcrrhmt j carrutuers rjiuriui cat irvlrliml ppiiom it t ii i jfld ull will m hundred rl- 11 io squandered hy others in a sjalium or t iv jf aswenlssmeiiup wu do not v five tiachrre wo maks te ptilht par iriitliair muh fir orhcttci iftiels a toy nneehettli reilcuh hi making tlie article isirdfabiy nrnaihia orhen as we utu nuthinp bt ih ut saparthi itt a- we sell lufl itottlc u qh4 of ihc dnltar prirrd botik nov tht ptittli now tribal we rhsrr fnr il and lis virtues ais h as not to require half a news- a to mttaifi r rcpuraiinn- 1titiirc nlwis lurcotmtjck st coi sarsapa- ritiat fifiy mots and have no other suld bycmtttkk ax cortlandt direct new york rrrsold byiitsagsni n pauibk chemist md d u t john mah1a rmheoldwi distiller a ndkhsons blirklnci hteltanb toronto pasle it calces and tiul eonid- ered rqiat i nut in ihe world for sjh wholvi de and ictail liv j carruthers sole acrtfor kingston lour indian and oat meal and jlik and just recc kntlisb k poh8 and just received a lot of fitih cured hams and bacon aba ohio llotns in wrappers a lew bir rels no 1 noith shoto herring all watnnl nl the bv qualities j caunuthers est canadian cbersfe from the tiananoqi uiiry consisting o vouowi coniidetcd ihc best iu the province and only for sale hy b province and carruthers farina nf the genuine eau 1e cologne 23 rhino street colojjie begs to inform the pul- lie that in otiier to prevent ihe frequent irrposittrtns which occur from the large quantity of initauon of hid bau de cologne which ia shipped to the colonies foreign posicssions which imitation is if a most inferior quality jnd rnllouccompared to his celebrated manufacture he has appointed messrs 5im3ioko k clowes 18 cornmiil onoiin of his special wholesale agents for tppinp to the british co lonies who will always have a stock on hand ut thetollowing net prices and xm f requests that his friends will give their oilers ir the above agents which will meet with prompt attention l qjjliiy fm d csnc l per do 71 in doible9i in thoil or ionf 5 do dfile- 61 do d 3- 3jp inup frcen koiilcs incae fnmto50 dttzn oackajvs toclndcd j r hutton aico beg to inform their numerous town and country customers that ihey ire now receiving their immense spting itock of british manufactured goods which thoy are selling as usual fur vory nw prices mancetr warehouse lambton buildings princess street s jtino scale of reduction for on fteswnm ojcioco atony age according tq ic alternative plan 0 tmbu ii if the prrmism rtsttce 4 is do do ua litr whole per i the pirt sue jermlr casijdupj i cfiik lkn ram asbutej i l dk sccnj ave yera do thin ilvg vurs pft feu rts vfurit jo us ua 5 yew tns 10 keqr tii i7i after 1 years sfj nieu ib jayvs san ati v k pills por liver coinpjaims g011l jaumfice urspepsja rfieumil sm fevers nersoos- nss erysipelas anj rlsears of the skin lmpurty of ihs blowl liflamationp mfbfl- cholv sirkllrahch ciivenes pains io ihc mail rr sl si back and limbs biu kitsiaseelrom prml diseases c e anil when- ver an allcmive or purgative mehi n ittgy h rrt ilred tvps u ncnivrty iny imc fa wlikti rqssilva mirlsft nrftl niike of 1fiti nird n i moch n krre nftfl rkiii ismjttii be pevimw wrrt ihy tftxe rrbrroll wrj hi ftrn em ij wrll while o cm ll btifl 1 lmli prxabllt 11 r l mooa rrtcrdn leassssi tniniictiiiiii nur nhi uuv tcrs nw hi i ti d iutfcohme or iififcr ij- ltirn iltftf sh- l vljvi frr9tiii ifttti it iiivmi lienflir anprnv thv l ifi erjirrj xi- 1 voe intid mro firninjn rafc anil btiiumm iltrir nthi in nit ilhti pt1iilr care i ttonlrc1 pcrmw sttv rul namitkim anjl auir tfpffhimtmlisbsttv intrv rru 1 1 ifciiciiiii ac win tohiiniriefb- tvyare so m- a nlivn leikliey v in ihe slaameli in tivimiib iiirv in allaiiiiuc aim ferity ivisa iir mil tn tnrt- fcw ury r nriively cinumt rtfsfthsrt lbwliqlotfnenlury ciinul fro bit f dlijo ir- rthirn kalitil nirf ihhvt icliy etv- ims n ir btomiiirs uier vsim otlieriirdii tv iiy hf 1iic nh limr ami tn jthii dihirt in m lamalalorv l thui t tkn t rk mittktimilt her fiearfkvkt lt mi t s mvkk mnf j- ms rfkrfla iwj oreruliyairniiltihvfiklears iij- tlnin lue vihft pi rtninft rtflwp yiriics sittl lif nrd vnlroi beulty nciimt n iaiinpifu ani ic l f itrj nrc vrry clifbtf ivr i- f rfhc hrl inr 11 rii f annshlv jlij h i kifhj niifw i lv j nlo niliall corualntef comivc- w acmimirei2vefyiiim wive s acocot alkrsiivr 1 f l 1 1 vc mctlicitic be reqrra lo um tho rates of tabic 1 and 2 it will be seen that according somewhat less than tvro thirds rjf the wholti life premium is m in the first instance ihe difference beunx afmrsvauda bade at iy compaiino alternative plan general required either by a gradual increase of premium duriog a given or peiioti bysvconsv ponding gradual reduction of the sum assured the option ih everj cfesinjtw given to the policy hulder of selecting the mode which may beat suit hia mcct or convenience the necessary forms and orry roquisite information as to the modsj f eflbciing assurances may be obtained eithei by letter or personal a p plica ton to rr thomas greek a quit with premium of exchange aaw mem thesa rates starling- kinsloti maj 7 1811 b ra hy a wv hauiafwv so ttic llir v r arc wj iiikic nnl eliaiiir riii up and loss op jn 1 k nr krntitiv seiton of the veneris sbfsfrirtstoa frssfl the bead u itt x or lhjvcl ue rrr- lion i 11 j rrc r hr itiru i h onhc por mndrincytltem up ilne aatl fofni urorfnr jumffult lc btrxhi in iticn rricl tothe rooi oribe mir aad roe uust of wrh ac hi a nfliushricotnorwioeai nj rnrmnniiv rntf lry nd tnfnh and ihbsjtbm in- s0tm trlrrj r-i- caiieissja in ivnir cwrlmnl- iy n r li 1 lit 1 if rsshsfa ihe jsisslysy vsmcis of k invito itnr cesser licuky ctrcotiuoa nnd ssnc lty ftfff iir kill itiile is nppcike wlikti wilt in- cssmsjs in qnnmj aiil vulmne ms ll ta ban tkcumaes ihrtl sm tirallhy javmej ii all tonic u ihe only presoruion ikss aeasjnftsftst k tr peodie new hair on bjm hsstns wliieh l ti oone in mniitji- r nufov sou wjwtthha fitll if iiropetty btmfemmmf orej american hair dye warit anted if stiktly applied acecrdirte is dirmi rt tu crif hmr from oiy riibcr tpas the subscriber respect fullly iiottfiesfniticwho ffd aie in the bsi of using the jjot teas that he has now on hand an assort ment of black aud green t6 imported direct from china not to be equalled in the province fot strength and flavor an nold for cash on moderate terms james williamson n b the subscriber haviug made his arrangements is now able 13 supply country merchants by the chtst or half chest at montreal piices princess street jan 1sj4 tfjmlp 30 30 30 80 so 25 also lo no ant of fail tn u a m ci ft i u 41 h ii 4 unbloach 6 with the kei colofta a uiuuri auburn or o lii- ji- urui or irrifcitnfiue win ifkc prvpaieloorv by ur u jayet 20 pais vre so ent er ttair 3j m uvea niudei oaidnisl rbmoved by jayniivs hair tonic jaynes hair tonic rrthepreivrroion cearv crw4ifl4 rftfrtin oilw haik tbi inr j ii lp kotltkcil l-i-i- i nh m aik onibelieio bsanvrss unkjo urn uiu tor jonr li sisupito tlic luir frooa cares ilisrcp ruil trow itllkd mlpprravrses tne fomtflf prraiiiiurew ory rwroi sb by pr d j sui rini ukiphia the aoove medicines or sale hy n calmer kingston market sqnira grtntlrmbn to lli tph tavern ir- the vrl p ijs or wavmeoj lately in lh of iithv grass apply to j ami- ctru v ii lo tmoc klatksathbik itirvu f a 1hi latest arrivals hr svamawoaf zeptwr cealfk hlmics ntja shai dm and liiyhl colors raa4 mjs vt of nniorivr mihe libuies lo rl vuolha froi 0 to i 2 yonia ufnee foi aatsal h gillerieaco lsmmor dmhlmp i r r print aiiil itseil strunl salt 200 barrels american 00 in liver booli and w0 bairi dairy or tamc sail j cahvutheks 200 doz patknt fails tubs churns e torn the canait- onuc factory iwr sle hy sale agent in kingston t notice he slbscrilikit is now pieparod lo urcti4se flour indian and 0u meali hye uttiry intllnn corn oals buckwheat hulleijefoi which he will pay the liisjhost cash mickif pot ash kettles ani coolers kriil cvtntifently on hand fot ashes uouglilor taken in exchanp j cakhutueii s fouhalk iiytiiehitoscitlliikn alt cfiiifc fine and coarse liver pool in uagoam barrels puwil american superfine lnirk rrimcp trime mesa meas piti iron no 1 scotch macfherson it crane icingatoii june wilt 1844 wellington to let 11hrke liousbd to tormc apply lo thomas greer kingston september 24 i jw for s4le by the 8u0scbid fit right muscovado sugar id hojrabndl and barrets to- bacco in boxes and ki and a su perior stnek of wises and liquopstn wood and liottles imported by himself alio a general assortment of gnocerics and pnovisron to wo sold at the lowest possible prices for cash n b vvantcd 200 barrels of pot ash 20000 bushels of wueat and 20000 bushel of rve for which the subscriber will pay cash rocert mccormick kingston lwi april 1344 31lf notice quebec fire insurance 1he subscuoer agent for this institution continues iti elfeci insurances againslloss or damage by fire at moderate rales of premium olbce removed to the brick building corner of ontario ami brock streets where applications will be received during the ordi nary hours of hnniflcs thomas greer agent kingston 301 ti april 1841 newspring goods flhe subscribers have receivod bj the fol- lowing ves from great britain viz lady seaton pearly and offau from lon don sir rithafd jaekton magnet prompt sarah and indtnn chief from liverpool their immense stock of fancy and staple dry goodsj which they are now opening and arc determined to sell at very low prices h gillespie co lambton buildings corner of baxotani princesa streets jqnt4lbiah4 to let premises occupied by s en esq comprising a stone cottage of ten apartment- well laid out cuach house stablesi garjeu well c bmj i eautifully situated hay ing a fine view of the lake and within seven minutes walk uf the mineral springs a desirable residence for a genteel family rent moderute oliaitxks hale kingston 23d apiil lh house to let tmie house lately occupied by mr j bnuc the corner of banack and ontario ftreeta for further particulars apply to john strachan on may 3d 1s44 kingst to let villan it the flourishing anil picturq of portsmouth a neat col tage con liining8apartmcitl soluble ox one or iwa familiea with a garden if required ren moderate apply to john carbuther3 kingston 17th may1844 agency and commission business phe sabtcriher respectfully lenders his sincere thanks to his friends and the public generally for tho vory liberal support he ha received since ho commenced business i kinsnon and ties to acauaint hem that 4lon and bes to coi ia now propaeod torccitvocoflsts j doseription of property at bis uhl tsnd on ibi commerial wharr foot of princess street where evry ottort will be made to aatislac itun to those who may favor him with their inirnnage from his eironive arqosintseo with trade nenerally he is confident that he car tho dis pose of property with as much dipteh end to ai good advantage as any other in hs same iina bu hughcaldetl commercial wharf kinfeton fid april 1844 for sale by h gilleflpie a co ctentlemens 1ondon made cambric i slltltrs with linen sod un dosoma stmt kronts linen collar aowm heje- with i itrco assortmeniuf lawyer sod military sttckrj bakand faneysati scarf black satin du ctus and br ii h neck llsndkerthiars pienoii linen cambrio handkerchieft chtieo patioine of tndlaond punoe handkerchief superior buck sitd patent bihccs gentlemens oloves of very docriptipn silk ouon and angoi hosiery which wi bo sold at unpttcsdsrsd low lainbtua buildings corner prinesasand bsgotsusot j una 1 844 looo oats buahola oat3 wanlod by tho subscriber tho hifrfaoat price will bo givon w j martin corner of king inrl brock stroau f 37th xov 18ii the subscriber has on band and for aale ot hia ship chandlery 8tora onta rio atreot the fullowing rerr iupojior assortment of english canvass 20 pes bleached no 1 english 2 do 3 scotch 4 english 5 do do 7 do i canraaa frnm no yery auptfrior aaaort ne bunting of till colors and a variety of blocks pttsim bushsdand boltf and wood pin til of which mill be sold low and on liberal icr mi m t hunter ship ckmndur kingston 16th march 1343- to emigrants possesssd of a small capital ripo rent a farm of 50 acres h under a state of high cultivation beautifully situated on the bath road onttf 3 i7e from kingston with mr without the crop now in the groukd pusscasion given immediately tb crop can ir purchased reasonably ren moderate apply to the pro- prietor john harvey saddlery iareaotae princes si kingston kingston july 24 1s44 9tf veterinary shoeing est a bl ihh ent on the corner of king street cmo me place d arms adjoining the premises of maxwell strange esq rphomas paul veterinary avrgton from the royal vstssikart coluov lonoos respectfully informs the officers of the garri5en ami the inhabttanu of xinjiton ad ita vicinity that he has opened a home bliftkiko hjauiinfilsr situated as above and from the many years eipenenee ia that department both in england and in canada coupled with bis knowledge of thr anatosay economy and functions ol the horsvfl foot he is litily confident be can gira perfect talis faction to any person who tnoy employ bin the greater proportion of case of juacncse are produced by bad shoeing sod it will be the constant care of t p to prevent lamenssi irom such causes and to relieve tboto hat ate lame n b all operations iacidtntlo tbe horse willhescicntincallyperjoratedfindallrjlieisjea f both horses and cattle attended either 1 town or couotry and at reasonable charge a kingston august 27lb 1s44 scafarlatti turkish smoking tobacco hpeh above tobacco ia oonfideptly re commended to those who are fond of using tobacco in thepipe aa the beet irttcle to bo found ia inia or any other country iia principal qualitiei aro mildneao and a most agreetbte ft-agnin- cy as to the quality of the tobacco it ia equal to the very beat havana and much cheaper one quarter pound ofoiii being equal to twenty five havthn ci gen sold by james willlamaqtfj priomj street kingaton sept 10 1 suprtin floursef twh ajmv oan brand kept eonitullr on hiasf far sals by cum ft watt alngmcn j2 11

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