chequered hotel earner of ottno and arthur struts kingston for- ami intend to rtpaitj e 10 tnikinaj tn inform the nd the pvmic phe subscnher bog to iiifmm friends ami the public that bo fitte op the mwra euablishmcnt roerlykeptby wlwifcy sox lately by h mav al neither trouble nor cxpon lb place in every way oiitnblo for the accommodation of tlnso who may favor him with their patronage the house is ritoatctl in tho mosi business part of the ciiy and consists f excellent sittisg dixing bedrooms is well furnished and ametidud by pw eons desirous of making traveler as comforftble os posaimo eitrnsivf srnnisc for the acenm- nvjjation of travellers pef4m cros sing the left wilt find the sussoihrr ad ml house is iture only a the oxtensivo warchuu greer esq the bar will at all limes be supplied with the choicest winei and liquors lyman philuis kingston december i s 4 i notice the stutriw i hes leave inhabitant of bemrvtlk ettmn t hat he bis ewert wo the auc tion st commission business anl hafiflj ukrn those specious premise lately i hy the i mijon ami manchester watehoiise rlirrctly rtpfiesili b flints hick store in one of the mom hushirss parts of the town and from hi lni experience in the 4ovo business he flaltru himjrll that he will he able 1o pit general si 1 5 faction he is nw pieprcd lo receive on con- srmtni mmhwhh f jr dfhtftavta tfitpon of cilher v anclinn or private nal i i i v i i c i- 1 will he mc on tit premise of ably edaptrd riatfee few yards fnioi ics of john h goods cofrimd to him if imvircdi he hopes hy psnrtualitv nnl llriel attention to hikines toriccieo a share of pndic pauoti- ajo- i sale of furniture in ami nut nf town will at ill time he attended lo ami as he ran tnlk at ui and a cheap as any of iris neifbbpd peaeivehjmacau he wenllosill vvctj ly in ihe week snmirtys exrepte sales will commence at ii ovwk a- m d it- sole rellevill- fehmary 17h is15 advbutisemknt danktifllltitlstioktianrrica iticorjwgtrd 6y rotot charter fhb court of directors i fall and winter dry goods wholesale ajfd retail at the manchester warehouse lambkin buildings pr incest si kingston j r hutton co beg to intimate to thoir numcrou town and country cnimer that their importations this fall have wen unusually larger and they have nnw on hand the tet rjbsnrtmenl f slpi and fancy dry goods they haw nd ssortmatit goods cter offeroj to the public with rtrd to qualities and prices they venture to affirm that iluy will not be surpassed by any house in the trade they bm to craw the attention of purchasers to theii immense stock f coborg cloih mer- riuos plain and figure i orleans par isiana paris cloths thibet cashmerea velvets c and a laro variety of other new styles of goods suitable for ihe snaoiti broad broth pilots reavers doe skins casaimorea fancy tweein vol- ines tluots snd millintrs ti mrniua small watcs hojiery halterdoshcry ind an immerse stock of lileached and grey cotton iinen 4c eftghah ard french prims twilled and rtattn shlrtlflcs flannels ulankcta si and 64th nckii a hrge asnrtment of fadiei fois at unprecedented low piicen l id ids prunelli 0iot hith and hereby aivv notice thata halfycai ly dividend of twenty shillings er share will becimo uayiiblo to the pro- prieinis of alible rajtbrwivu in the colo nies on and after the 5th day of march is45 during the usual hmnof business at the several bnuioh uinki a an nounced by circular tu the rmpdcutc parties the dividond is declared in terliny money aid will be payable at the rale t i juito curicut on the slh day ol march 1315 ro be fixed by the local boards no transfer ran bo made be tween the 18th february and the 5lh march as the buoks must be closed during that perioj byordirof the court q dtu att wood flacrafary bands sausaparmla fob thi hbmoyal akd pcftm aknt out or all orsinsu aiutma mo ap iwu statc of mi slocd or has1t tf tuk sytku f rhra ixi ft lnur on etnh thieh ivparior btnf cmnii njn and on which ibt mislii alonvy mm the pammhil it w mpwf if relic vinf a hiv cnlmf rln iha cimiinpnrhvina betfl he uimm mcut f rrirmng thotimtij fritn miwv to llw wli pof mi what n amount f atirtcrnif can l prevented b ilia ui ot 8au iri mrllhl tlia nafirtynaia iciiin irf hrrlnary rtacatc iwill wihcn iun1 rfinlmrled 11 and hone nir turiou navo brtn telih to heahh nntl vipor the mmuilnua pntknt o0verd whh alretfs tahitc lb imnlfanj rn ivu ainnibdli- iip hetn rnija whole- hnmlrada ofprn who had inand lp le r rmia tmrbf caiaiiikia ami niaaomw diortlrrirhronk rhrnmotum and many oilur compuintk tprit et from ft dimtmiit of ihe ctrutfrflii andiha irrultinn ha been rietft it were horn th rack r dcftc arh nty wiili rarncrjwd contioiion r1nty itali- rylmlhe rftsrftry oflhi ineatimabu pretrial in the fillowin eernlicaic racaatly tivel r addrtd to our asrtt in mailuiin ga tha paiiefll wa cicrly ilicrcrt vridi scrola r tertiiriftl aore- had tried vaii ramctliaa willimiatif racfir on tha frticird fte anw mvit rad arhal be luja in refcrene to auda swpathlai c f llomraai ehear sir a i hat- larired o ntueli 1ifir frm ihe u f iand saroaparllla i frl it a doty that i pim l iha poimiintllt nuhc tt fucii in my cum public tva afflicled for ftim year with rannitir aorea n htii nvtcri on my bwcf cmemtii arid lanbrad aavtrcly frm mcuril r on ilr pit- if my body iroiti thaiftrchnf llue il r nioll ml ftnioly lut iliry al iai iuimm i fuqll u ut from two to ei-gllii- tn cheaper if twt v if hot tl it 1 tiet remedy afw d mihinj iin id i dl a bmtla f baraiaf 8ampinlb wincu ikofited mc vrj muli i rmttinuad udlii i bad ukcia njlo hoile4 whi mwiitfap a n ailirle that ewry flipij mut c0i1 pw r and iue and k hj bcti anm iqoflwb l nmulf fl btttnw bean ndonhl in piia aft fkf h ricu amonohibandbw aj ih rcl cflfy nu martbf tef may trdu tu afld all who aatiiahallliaaa thaunea r to tham it thai are iih rf tvmd sirausa weamri wirhnui tlic poatbilny of mirhtfri pvhk au bcaim tht rwjtirtijjt s11 hi m and 4 asiartiat pilflr ad ac no matter vhmc thallbr nw 0 eumfertq infiemhtua avitu lif lira ortcar ihncanbefaul if tin i apjj1iej unl ihe viliu are deaimyad uy tlit aecblawl it iuily iiiiica lappeaianen i fiupfru jur conner m tywiil i uti r or rjalva 31 comftckoua vi tnrllaidi street new vrrk pikc25cech fi j m myc fn 50 cent f ind near ten nmci til mueh for a dollar ivcaura yn on tha rfapnibility afflui characura lhat nymonthy fot iiumjn uttoii- induea at1ai in part iw onrneat aojicrrafion llil a timple iml almum l majo in aiy altc- tviu rtaiid bvlow we ilii i utl impuidenl r lw miidi roaytbai nnlnn like n urib any dafflm o adctaali baa ever been divovcrtd in mdiriue vnn trill platm wnaafft it ia ifi ioveicign rmrdy brail cwupwnt bui only inreuled fpi esfmal applir4liti and win iire if f lowtaatt burn scawa fiond pialu chui mains cliafe orljlhj cbipa telln pimule dllei felon ulcf3ptaifis grypeh 8laba cuta bniiter sirtiii en au tofiihache 1 mtimpa 8nri tbrnal rwntiadi whunaraa pik kiur vrm ilt kihum ftarbr iicli cifbneie eioplion sorr ky nml i id weak miflili bora lip fnnciur bii vn sv if fever fain tain in itaek and sij tvmkr fcrt ltihanarlory kliumi iftn tin bohtreui ivvcr sore old iturn iftrtakl gfcir flfken jaynes expectorant this invabijildr medicine ia dily atrvrtina axnc of ii in i jnnihltie vail wmfrfui cocea ifcal fcfitr evc beee lnmo all who frvued it fbr aitmia cawb lihnt of b oel haaplag ciff cfnior kwffh tioo aaaaimcmvjik h itaafaav port palo npi tfrnev p ike hrrnm inavwuy el drt miihie- aadawft ariif iiicc afaw lumjs nnd rnicatcuaandilo jiitrimil4 o ftltir hhix- imi rt iliac h wbcl i flnit ly eettii j i hotania irfi i loi anl i u fircmdtircgoivc httrfrrtfie anik iirfiuc fc- it v ur4 av tl fh unjt jnlii or ubi uruc thrnnvm arr coajjbj totco ofihe jionf or rfcroi hovrara imtifiv mi smr amfttae mrcitc revrranlin p ofhlffi rtr iftjif iintl rtfceimvr l4aor li ia a irfftimvtaf v hr flirl which ii- ir t nu cf fc nhak rtr ftl forcftf jir vr which rifi tlrh cftf pan or aa iir tlila kvpicioai lrjuif- ly aptrrcathe ionhaad ivtn fiibiu ie rajh- ha inl lever reaoovr le miavhir ot urentfiinf lj rrtdocina a ree atl s cifectofaiio to tkai acor i oon rdecieal ti nlwuya corca atftttm a two or ihrte lare ilr will rare iraauhour orirlvks oj cbiutrea urrmn iifiien muutr io an hpurino il immcilohely ni i iluribevoleace g couch nni eflecu n f-f- hoarcd who huvc rvr f tlnirpkycmnt laamrama with ci ndlmj itiow tita riofpd ii vrrirct hii lnfet puimlion h rmcly in i i r l i nirdi vcruumocj hiier or 100e eacrved re- w copper tis pljte sheet 1r0x pltlieb work bell hanging wm mctntosh kespectfuklyiminuucsihatlie has removej tn lue jnciniac in brock street rjppotim head quarters and that ly attention to btlsiudvb and having goot and experienced workmen in liia einplnymenr he will endeavor u merit a coiitiimiance of prul fuvora kingston january sslh is44- win ficrfihilr cimd judfin- um my r t havainflih i iichaa sartda aaaaajmrlln ihoverv heiiaind for acrifiilaandinercunil u eattrelv eratfialea iha pocn rn after fur raara nf abnokt ithaflil anffonr 1 now find mjaelf a well nan entirely itftatvrvtl youiareapecinjllv r til m the yi r acmii fare and 8nam scar- frtcklv tlitii i maud blitited wiiiiosweminaa general sure banks paf aajtrf c ire fit i peio al kir dft monocco prunella and sttlifl bbooi j 4 r hutton co iave during rho paat summer male a very mtensive addirion li their wnrclniie for the purpoo of ddng a ailll moir extensivft trade and ahomiig their en tnmcia laru stock of nevyndveiy chmb good to cnnnicrate whuilt would be bollr tedioua end require a great deal of apace tley venmrero tsmit that their aasjrtmnnt iir variety qnuntity quality ud fafiw price ii mrt t bo aurpased by any house in the trad j u ii jc co respectfuuy invite cnuntty mercbanis lo cull and examine their wholesale stock which will be found well worthy the attention of buyer- terms liberal vers to carefully and promptly attended tn choice grockries jvlyns fr liquors fglhe subscriber respectfully etiuilj ibe attention of wu friendu and the public to bii extensivo and varied stock of cmerif pint wia liquon if to wliich large tdrjiiinm have bean made in the kail irnpoitations atdected from snirae of rbe most celebtaled ii njs in london k 1 1 1 j i m 1 laa- row rotterdam and maderia ciiisiat ing in part of sandimn best port inj shtrri in ttoodottd ftoffjet smith bailey k cftj tin do bbck- buma best maderin iltk do larica eliidge c jnnea champagne and claret very superior liquors henncty martvlla beat pile and colored brandy de kuypcr fon rotterdam gin beat scheidam viqifl cases ialaand cambletown whiskey jtmutc spirit 6 years old j tn wood buttle loodon porter and scotch ale intiuarta and pints muituns wbukcy in bids with a large stock f frtw 7tn dryed fruits apices tiugara and gene ral groceries plug and cavendish and fancy smo king and chewing tobaccos and cigqrvi in great variety best lamp oil various rjiialimes- also lichtinc atnl kit i kfjrriflsti bet uigby herriini- north shcue and lke iiio sulmni andcudrih all for sale th positive ordcia lo close con- aigumctjis 76 packages of tea consisting id twankuy yunng hyson iun powd i iinpeiialand uchorg 20 keg pbir tobaccos iss 25 boxescavcmhsh do 16a vuryaupr 10 ifboxeladivvtviat icdod 4 do hineydcw 10 do enuluh candies 10 do claret 2 casks upcoil 4 or naska while wino vinegar w nuik icanmlb wvliwwyi 25 do north 1mre heriingsno 1 50 tjninlals table codfiah 100 keg packed lmiif i 200 bbls fine and buperfm choice brainl all of which will be diposltl of low for cash or approval credit iiuoh caldkr aaent commercial wharf kingston 2iat jniiaiy 1s45 marlnestoiiks chain cables 5834 and 1 in i ditlo 3s in with anchor tu match a few coile english tarred conlftga and oakum pfittfa sale by wiluvm the rpewilll laltiwfcini tnrt ill naja otvtiaj re it ceaiincnt n aurh ovhtft tj nnaarr naarrawixti wa6iti rae31 4t a b d- 8abuh esuamej pitailfi a ihiugti an fliitiie altahjl l ou liberty any hnr la il 1t a r4t iujabte illlo- ht ssraiaruu wfaml kind rvmtnca i fla f ofaiirt rct ribcama a i ftam tteon mar l la duilrn try ilna reimdy aal aapaneiue a cura iaapm4ly nl fisipya rniwir poi hava raa itffarug ior a rcrofil f ilia lionet in my ival j dtina tihi lid- my lawartal auitmma atamaeaeti t i1 on tha nol oipnr of mama t tmiu haa dartraa atd mm p- rvmdfath iraeir at diflmot rtii or nvkhueaiwaiuy piae of hnao hava tieaii liken fr itbaajlu vaoi wayatiarfaa all my uiw mawi nu rim annro rjmeff ji rrn- wnnt ilie maneoltioiif and quiti impwalbl firr eaimnitiif ahtiu aix butiilia dllira lor rnilhal il i iwl nmure rn yoor jily ealf iralail hatmafllla nat aritlila ti it montlra lli uo nf iitko u ria haa vttli the ratml baoafiusal mtmliio eimrtblrtj nrrrrl tha diaeasn ilia inul pmrea h rt i tlfirmi feel at efcr tlio kmivvllgiirmt a to y for year hitalee v leen tic niean unjar of my iuctiaa rahaf majmofftri ta iliiacknvla4tscieii hy w- llitfflhat hy my inimw lamimmft hmdfad t a ci k ear t ua nfltfciitin a naai irt aanec numcroyanrtctmna flour 3 and roin lu m npifert awd jnd 1 aaa iapi4l oppafiin a r batni aitratmwjr animal wai eaiem labnriefl mhi inauai reairpieiata mty rn lia arlvaftlaca f j atafmmaif i all kaipv al any lima to mnmimnlo niilimli onrt niteamiowta piimanuraiia draiai sorv nipjlna ttfttfh sorfirta of easing lrr blnnh clif m vvnnnrta sore cnn smallpoi harka tlimjh wa htiva naoifl experience hat innglit u vaal they are nol inn many itvrtti te na mirtt lhat tliv artjrio called onian i tha only ana wacati remmmend hit nim cionatirai pama im- iitmiit ihal ffe bava reaaaa o brliate ra of na m hiriniirout wa itlll pretenl il lo the nnor who mi actual v fs anj whom you may aeorf f ii i- kcmeffa it it conneud uarfeal pin ettralor all country herehaeira requeaterl t rake ir tj lhilr towaa n emiiriinn the erralch mimaiiiff 10 mankind tint hm hen rtitcovcrcd in atvilciiie tina ia airortt lawajie hg you cnav depend ha puwtf i aalljf jaatiry it call on all rhe annif ffi 9 alnrih voiy larmeailaff jj alio clrrflvmrn in new v crr a fie ra counierrvn ml ivirlhlejii pp uajmii src lhat n ia dir- 0eef novar luarli it worms worms worms of all t4teae ti n- i children aic expcri chimnoare reitloai ec rron iiifa ihrymr4aaar 1noi everyntin i proiocc nurmme fwt utihm uwihnfr mmoalacaufre ofil n er irnuiaa urtvniea otticr from one pl ofle borfy in jrmutt arnj 04 iw tiajltltf ln tic aii p x i rl rc ihrraacrvta ian utnc win1criii wtims iitrineiviai ii c ihiii hi i f4ttf tiding ill bowr 1 nrh itr ikraat cittiac vraivtiinn ami taa rhe urt rcaaaafy rvcr rci kn lift ipfo qarnily acau dr jaynps ionic vermifuge n til aourfw teroltc il aca aridity or h ii tstaaally tktirnre uihui britannia life assurance compawt no 1 princes street bank london empowerrl by special act of parliament iv vict- cap ix capitalone million sterling thomas greer quvbeefire office acekt william hallowed m d medical rcjzasi table i table ii mcilajjhq altaaicativa waw off ftullvm pnraiimi re quired tabic or annual frnniuma required fur the aa turanee o jcjoo for whoic term of a einglr life the rate tmrina increased or thcaotn aa- aiucd reduced al ihv end of ttety kiilb year onid the tareolicth incluaive witttt which pc rod a fiicd annual premium will be payable and a r i aaaured during the itmaibraaff of ufe tablk np for ihe aawrancc of 00 fur ihe whole term of a amglc life in annual 11 aid yearly or quarteily pay menla fstfivt few st co nd free year jc b p 1 8 11 1 10 10 1 13 7 1 17 five year 3 9 19 14 15 s 1 13 1 is 19 4 10 19 1 10 15 19 fee yeor i 19 1 19 0 19 8 u 3 9 2 2 2 14 3 2 3 13 4 8 5 9 6 id 9 0 11 id connr a ir muwr other ifii i-ml- a logician and i p i i price 1 m iherhbre eaceeibciiy brndivil in littrrmkipai t ml kcmieii fraerr litflfl atil i- a cerioto aa4 icraanaeai orr f- if vfir anl agik il am ftftlxdirn f iiafi iavifurtl i- but it ii k i it r ir r otitic mptrahmli1 liiac or tfukuh voiirevtileu i aareh ivlioteu nfcmjcn nknreepcetnllr aftlvm in rii hcujia taia rnab bl m lae br or bh 1 wtavh woron prmne lhrir jmr t anil tijr renvkviaf i i itufhhu fur ma in remnifi in lae vodr ir i- tf1- niiftycp ihr vpmat 01 llic hafti firthf pjllm 4 llf lit hwr nmq san por li ptn illhamtim them or tu am mav lialtrflral f toit i 4 kiaau a iu rircepi 4urincua fiy niar t of hiriy a1 a nil l the utiiaa gbaig watt kiniflonsotlijan is46 costdvgc an extensive amortrneni of k14 hmp kopo i 12 a 3 12 i suitarjlo for marine arid purposes fur sale by agricultural craig watt kingston 29th ttdi 1315 of vrhicli will lr mill liw ahort approved crrlit m caall t jrcormlclv kinalondrcemlrer 17 lsli n b cutijjold furpotathi ujiley pye oaismul corn newbo0ks 8tati0tby r iz iuwi iliera livo uttfiv ircfivtd a variety nl nw and iatvrttling bo i vaiiou ilupjfwnta ail laiwn turc lwnuqttibj ouwj avltah limy resnectfidly invite attention tltcy liue 1 1 11 larqc addilioia til tmi sunk of school book and sttdimtnf purlku larly wining papoi awuui4 isnoka qutus stead pens ink ponfirlint fata- tvr clips writ os icaks itiud puiicda slatea inkstands c c ace wliicli ily are enalrlcd to sull at grculy ia duced pricca from liniarc ycuia- ramsay aumoiju cu by private sale at the comhhiwuip mait close various consignment 60 boxe young hyson tea 42 half cheats superior twankay 30 bbls urigiit wu3cvndu rfugar 2 hhds- loaf du 6 hhds ienocs9vys beat cognac brandy 2 pipes port wine 20 caska eaoudiaq poller 5 bba tinprfiitinc 10 d winter strained oil 6 hi li vv linseed oil 10 bbls vinegar 50 boxes 7 9 tml sx 10 gu cavendtsli phis nil rod tobacco soap and candlen raisins in kegs and boxes 1 buffalo robe fur ca cotton wad ding canada phtw t l pip5un powder sponge new york solo lcath or caid 30 barrels oatmrral sokegs finite nisivrkt 9limo3l i8m a- b ft p sinua raapam frienja uaiiminl imay t a brao patfiiel ro- rweiri1ivi ia cuteriani r rmmq tu inaffitri- aarftvfftti nf jrnui 8ara upm htm may ba imiil rtheupon ilwciae liraiaon- ajaatj a vary uiuairjmary una anj tfiaeura iluafrthkiapwiimlo enlifti ute saiaaaaii ilia ratiliadawalwhibifioow huiwajfwody mj auqm t j mc ffiiura willi ttie rf aril wiuiul mitchell carter of the pacific lunk naatttgkct- for brlhar pjfticuiaia and cimekivo evirfertcn ofiuanjr vatiia al elfcaey aeaiiamphlei viii t hi iv te yhiamrj gratia prapartfd and aaim lwah aft mnjljj t a u a 8aww dibtaw fultuon n 8tfj i kmgaion by charles hkatil bmm o uy uiwttirtk sfmally hioiagbaal the uimai tttla p 3 j btwa ta ootile fti itjtha laublh are repacilully rtqutttadki rciicijci hut utadanj thlfl supprior owmitr lf for the t of barafbu nriii rbtiemmiam grnaeal iwmulf culumuiu liavafrt httaty kriivniti f the tthlttj mercurial an 4 jpkil llile fttm in iiiijiiirn i uv ofttim nf ilia tli pvimf nnl swullihffcii licr aitrnnm phvpbaitif patwva hn an1 ll lh aai niins frm an latpf ufitw bloil fiwhwa iiil lniimleri ul le ea pawl ifn uf mrnury i ria areil iiii1iiniy iuli i crttraf yj tr ifltii wit rnihll ny tfimliri 111 it lvu iiia ifitruniilla ia wy mffcjva iwlattttiynjuttrtriatcaij fce muwii 4m tfaih liiral biallvtli lha price i ro mwcn b aitwmww atoauam tu m 1 viz plflj cent pi dollar per tfisarh titi arjirle- hna ure4 ffmftila of 30 vcara ifloitna lhlhflrtliell l w3 c invain totmht4 i aacu w ctiifimucfc and c idr lbntfjlhiri lite mftuv j w y mlyai2l crllandtsu till iikason smnc tijlr an fntliii iltoiijf believe thai wtanniit afttrrj lu dtdbl aj gi in ailjduof arapartui kttiaet -n- 1 it fur tl eunia per liulil nf rierliaen m- n4tri tltai tail fir jual ailt tuatnrmiay vlic 1 frt ia ihia lrd jaynfs t i v k p 14 l s er complaint gonl jaundice psiarheuintmt feri nervnua nr5 eryipeua ami dixeae of the ski a sjiviij and ilb ronrt anpumnua an- iiiftit viituea r ajdut a impurely al tha bloo1 loll clioly cfciltfadach caain the hear bk- siai back ions aflocuop fm1c diesei ao1 when- vrr an altcmive medirnie itay hi rcrpierl tlr t airireely any iuur in wh h ramiv mrdirtftr ufvnm mtv or tr rj iril unl fvfi ai- natiaua melni- umi faitta in ami limhs brl- 01 1uralivf l tm ihj iuknr na ritfiill rm t irtiwi on kci rll while lit k im it lrty ftrvvfb j r r 1 1 1 h n pi mrvtit aaltifrlffiltjir4f nhl ihifh h cr exaurtc a pcraon aged 30 next birtr day may accure 000 at hi death by payment of 22 16a 8d annually 11 10a lddlfairyehyl 5 15a 10d daring the wiiol period of life bjumxtava perion ajd 30 next wnbrfayli may acccre 1000 at tiia death by the annual tabl iii nat til table of frrmfirtrft rroutred for th iaa ranee of x100 aai a inale lile for tha reapeelwe term a rf rnaand aeten year is 1 ytar prrmm 1 20i 25l i i 1 1 35 40 45 s ss g54 5 j t 9 0 1c g 3 g 1 1 9 61 1 4 0 6 17 10 7 xwa if 1 payment of i5 13 18 11 s3 26 31 4 until the expiration of fiee years 8 after 5 year until the expiration of 10 warn 1 0 10 after 10 yeara until the expiration orfr x10c0 albia 3 5 15 jeara 4 after 15 yeara until the expiration of so yeara and 0 after 20 yearn during ihe remaioderi of life witu ii orrrox ox 4lttaxatrrff qfcoaliriuin either of the parmenta throughout tlio whole eim of life and having the aum as aurcd periodically diminialted according to uk annexed aca ir 01 reduction exaaifu 1 a perion arr4 30 next bif1fdy aaa deeeaac prtidtd ftw cfiv witfon tkw f of lyrar by tha pay ment or a713 10 1u a person of tlio same an may accart tha hka aml ivucq 4 at latta 1 tht farm a7 vtrt by th qient jia annul i pt- sofmj is 10 stale of reduction fcr an otruranee ox000 atony age nccordin to the alternative plan of toole if fttw rrrajurn ih mat ban pa 110 no po p1ile oarfoi the firi ftve yearn he cninurj ihe tthnt prri j onire iha rnai asaureu nil be tlurj ave 1 poanlixve frhra do ho after 5 tton jfrr 10 veara i iaa wis 1 after after m taatf ti 7aa it a iat aaa ita ry compaiing the ratea of tabic 1 and 2 it will be area that according to lb alternative plan somewhat icaa rlmn two thirds of the whclr lifo premium ia in yciicral reqnireil in the fit at instance he ilitfcrencr beitig afturwarda toad up either by a gradual increase of premium during a given or period by corraia- ponding gradual reduction of the sum aaaured the option in very caae wing imi to the pgliry holder of selecting ihe mode which may beat auil hia eljccl r convenience the ncesaavy forma and every rcqii5ite eftccling aaauiancca may be obtained ciihei ttrrdi to information aa to tlit mod af ty lettfr or peraenal ipplitft- t110mas greek abiil ju pkaaaa of rrfjrr ca v iiu ay r 10 iv irrqrt 11 imaie- mem theso rnus sterling with premium of ejchmng mtidtd kinio mht 3 1814- 35if ntniii ji iithciy aiti lvr c tlnlii ft- 1 br- fettf jrmr n rrmrrr l itc lmla fatr4 rfvalre llkviu i m cr piivt r t eerr o 1 mot mtm mure irtitpl im iiif ht injio iitolcoltir rae i reajni m rrtaiiltlots na xin i mj ir dcrolrr v tlitia arirriaiif ibftn arvm ton fif psrifl ivjei re a roaimtirjti fiiillwrjlifwa laatflu witati4ftthi i la mia ilirt an alicilivr anj celty lsi l loe lmt 10 ime lor iiky arr iriirr ui elraoii iha ra4 lrcit4ev ennl fa aativateal ir ri ilne h tor inaiier aiw ifoai lsixla3 pnrr ultirlr iart iriv br i in l tl ilm aitf in n- dlaaaa n inkiaima iuv is tklt ml t r i rtk- 11 nkm 1 iol nnrry tlirr f m rff f a kh jaimh a o uvku coupfaixr pvr m riimat arerfuiaaarminliivlitior tcpri ttttiiij- rbntifrtnt itir wiatnl ajpfvalrasi tina iimfc nfijllvrr mi utnrin bvnuhy aciiri ihfvtiniil nl nvn- injirr wry hi ill i- i i ohbc aafatiiotl fr nhni tnitnriiiit ilw f iurn nrtiiiei bkvhl r nlo aapkmalb co jilalltf touve i a eid n itaslaveryeasnuc bee fi ai item altrraiive 1 rlaf aihve llieac smi u retilnjl and all wil hijmlmsddi vtitmtih ttt pauil fo e liultijlf i mv one vl hh ii clnatantly bfhtflvtl auh rwoiwkflbla curoaolilto mi dihhtutt class uf diaaaei 1 t ix4lkh iha liiirtan tianw i subject lharefura siiinisxrajjurilb aud lakaio oilier llld vk fr city store ctne 0 ktw fl p is vcreers ainrrjo by john carruthers- jcarhurhcksbcfsresjrtctfuily lot- turn his specie thanks lo his numerous customers and went srnerahyfor the very liheial atiitnail he ha received ifom them since lie leased the above tuemiscs he vouhl now beg lo announce hat he his leased ihe adjoining nremises 011 king street by uhich means he will be able lo enciease h slock and txtentl iiishnsines anil hopes hy atvlet mieuliiin still to merit a continuance of the liberal palronase he has hilhesto enjoyed i noiv bo couimed ulale firu luiniia 4 by others in a two ir advriiseairrii wo do not t herepjfe uf nsaha u puhl av mui lor 4a d urbanerarlul as a raml in bsakidl alias ariitle im oiiih as wa use ntstliim auaralr rrmt ar wa sell ia pfnlijhl tnttri t but te wt bar lee huttl tt rt of up ddur pueid bolilr aow tlia nitblir ktrftav wlail wa emfffil for il and lift virina are audi as noin rtftiroilalf a neiva tisuer in susian ii wwlwitall liiquliu alvayiforasiwicfc st c sarsapa- rillaal fflv rents anh lave ao oihrr suld by t 1 cv osttbl cwini btreati tew yik ij- sold riy his avutn ialmii chemist and dro- t sti he snrnber is daily receiving large supnlics of nhocfcfllks uqc0rts t sic 1 wrxes teas taaccosj fon the mn1rel and new york m trkets and has un hand almost every com- inouity fequired hy conntty mtrcllmiu- william ware j4tif fiontcr 4 agtku kingston january 31et 145 f41k januavav 1845 ttcli subscribers hove jttnt receivej per lut mail siearner frum bsntflwr u few gtipivs of ilia rodowing uunifft let newspapers viz puncli itr ilm louduc chtnvwli pictorial times lllustruleil julioili ntv ramsay alliloufl co kingstim feb 7 1345 andersons rute umhmtnioalo paste blacking in cake and tinsinid ered equal in my in lite world fol ial wliolrilc andieiail hy j carkutiiers soe agent for kingston ilouil ini v touk av dian and oat meal at st received a lot ol frcst english cured hams and 1jacon alsa 0iin llama in wrappers a jew bar jehfno- lnuli shma heningstau vufwu crj the best niulrlics j cahruthc11s john mariv farina he oldest distiatrr rf the genuine bad de qolognesss rhiri0 eel cologne beg- to inform the pub lie that in ryrder xo jievent ihe frequent irrpotiuns which eicur from the large quantity if imiutirtii of hia isau de coloonb which shipped to the colonies foreign possessions which imitation is of a mt inferior quality- hnj rot to be compared to his celebtaled mamifactute he reappointed messrs stmmonos cloves 18 cormlttl lomdok m his spw wholesale agents for aliipninc british co lonies who will alyahave haml at the ohowirfl uet j m f- requests dpi his friends will their orders 10 he above agent wliich will meut wirt prompt ettentmd i stock on prices and 15 est canadian cheese from ihr iaitancq ditycansisnngol 60cos consitteieil the best in ihe provinecj anj only for sale by j carkuther3 200 g to let rithe tavern in tlie village of wjoitm lately in luti 0 l til hefiry tifiav apply in jauca caa irailingloiittf 16 thos kirkp atiip k k fi t ir mil 4v i latest arrivals rrltlkmkn wauru rf zayr coota ffpnrji llouni 11fiiifia rw alinjr dairc and litftn colors rrmlv malo voau uf ajitarlar make rluutea tn tit v utha wb 0 lo 12 yeara otaee tor aalaal ii oillbbpiieaca- lainlhran bmldtiijr corner fnneraa a n u street doz patknt pails tubs chuuns c lrom the ganan- onuc factory lot sate by 1 j carruthrrs sole agent in kingston qiliiy e ilr ci rtaiblrmww do rxatalle4 t do in cxiof r wi l baldness ano loss of ii air ia rufi hy a wahl of baimay eiiifi er itte veocla umrlulmn off ue prtriiim imi ihe hl len iltrftr v rrl r hf a r i1trfcl uir prrairtitroa i lfatcw an4 ebtmmyi al anliirrca i ne mi in arihp porr- ltnjca i era ei up j jtard4n4 ra f jffpr iitiji nd hit rt hi or wlteh tur timir ia i auilikttl iifmnvftiipi ah eocq mihectilrymfml ivirmt m ticmi veaferijiy ir ftll 0tvhici ctiinmmf o vtpc eei rfarim tc ltrnreiltc 1 iv iti of m liea- w lkir rrmr wnuhy ctrrui tioti npj ti fiic ilkynewliairhifiiinilf 1 nptrtnf rtiia will tiu crcir ifi hnit ii vviui- un il ihe bair lhirfc 1141 hril4 javxfsf ualr tonic i lle noy m ihath4arvirthcaktwati wwtaec nwr hair om btii ilfvi- c it hit lo a 1 itirii iiibnee bml wm0mi inir itroptfrty 4iddpcrivcnnlr u ameru t17akuaxtis v v a direfii an hair dye n if thiiv anphe i acrdms tu i r hmr fnvm a rthet totamo a lhmtiifl anbam r n i rfmly ji linilf titiatatiiiile ae irrtuieiiv liti hi uyca preiiawiialyby lie uj m 5 3j 1 ihuaitef pkiu tf jce aa cava daidvtig uemovkd by jaynes haiit tonic taynft3 haik tmmc rirlha piwwwfanv j aaafv gfta jad frtfvrrtjh afilc haul lataimir ritc li iriccd ueuhilkw ialk oniuebeaai hmkria ha hij her a bld br ier- i iapif cfh oe arrj fran llnailfiix corra icac of ihe kalpprecrvruio hair rron ullmg 01 oruc comiaf preaiiiturely vrjr prcpam ooij by dr uioye sie fhlkielpkiap theabofe medicine for sale hy n- palmer kin ft ton teas teas trash th g subscriber respect- fullly httlfihavviliawvbll tin in tlie htit of usin tlie ix teas that he lia notv n liaikj vii ssftur rnontnf black otid green 1 ea imported rlirect from china nol tn be cciuallcd in the provinct foi atrohglhllvd fliivnr an aold fur cash on modnrarc terms jam ed williamson n b the subscrtbf r having made ids ftrrangmciitsis now chic t supply country merchants by the cbbst or half chest at montreal pikes princes street jan 144 to let by s a stone collate of ten apurimonts well laid out citarh kihim sulmwf garden well sec c ivaiirifully xituuted hav ing a lino view til the lak and within seven minutes wtlk if the mineral springs a desirable rcahlence fur a cnteel family rent modemte cmaalts hale kingston 23d a piil is44 ri ship ownfiltsafe masters or esmih the subscriber has on bfind and for at his vr 7 ckumlltry 8tor onu aupariur aale rin street asiki incut 20 20 a 30 5u 50 25 als unbleach 1 to mo 6 with ment tf til tv the fullnylnr tery- t 0ltiigunhcaur3 pea 11 it it a ri bleached no ii ci n i 11 re fill he premises occupied keckkh e compnttiiig raavi 1 engliah 2 do 3 scotch 4 etfisi 5 do i tf 7 do 1 canvaaa from no tery auporinr uaort- ne bunting of all colot and variety of blocka patont hushed and bolted and wood pin all of which uil sold low and on liberal ltllma m t hunter skip chmndur kington 16 march 13h3- to emigrants pussxsszd of 4 small capital npo rent a farm of 30 acre und bf a state housk to let the house lately occupied by mr j ittiuce tlio corner of barrack ami ontario s foffuritier particulars apply lt john strachan kingston may 3d 1s44 to let villixe r f funi j y botlfr frm 25 tv so l packojft included- b m4fkct sq farms for sake 4 farm of 15s acres in tlio 1st concession w a of ihe township if kingston also a farm of 93 acra partially cleared thoy arc situatet in the mile square about 7 miles from town the land is excel eut anil will be sold un moderate iermi title indisputable- apply at the subsciibera oieco at the couti hoilmi c stuart kingston 7th june 181l k notice suficrluer iinow ptepavej w st alt 200 barrel amecirn 200 do liverpool aad k b4 dairy or tasle salt j cakrufhert x purchase flour indian and oat meal kyc bat ley t indian coin oatt buckwhht btluil c m wthcli ha will pny the mghtti cash phicki pot ash kettles auu coolers krd couftaqlly on hand hot ashes bougm or tku id axchup j- cailbuthei j r iiurroico eg to inlurm i dimerous 1 own nd country piatomen lhat they rc now receiving lit immense spinig slock uf british klamctured goods which they are al3 at ver low pttclfl manchester wuuse iambion buiuing9 btlwi june 4tli is44 poit sale dv te 6ubscbiben salt cadik fitf and coarae liver pool in bagaarela fwnmafnoricsupfi fowl- prime mesa icmeaa pio laon nol macphn h crane kingaton june 184 to vet wrbb h0u5 in wellington torraco alfcwfw notice quebec fire insurance compjijfv rpile suteciiber agent for uiis infbtutioh continues lo cited insurances jjinst losrt or jamaje by fire at mojciate rale ol premium office removed lo the ratck buildiko corner o ontario and brock sttecu where apphcatjons will he received during ihe oidi- wiv houis of buincs thomas greer agenl kingslon 30tb april 1844 it the aourishin xnil pictaiepqne of portsinonth a next cottaijeon- ljinin- i-iii- ttiitdhlft for one or two familii with a iardeit if r i ten inocrale apply lo john carruthers kingston 17th mayl844 the sir agency and commission business e subscriber respectfully lenrlera his ncere thanks lo hisfritnd and the public generally for iha vary liberal support he hai acaivcd aioca he cominanead butihaas kington and begs ta acquaint ihetn u i nw prepared ti racaito l ociiigmntnt description of propery at hts i- 1 aland on iha cnnimerial wharf too of priuoasa strtar where vry effort will be marla lo give ttifac- thosa who may favor him with their in at ha uf any ill- tioo nairmnga from hia aitariiva arqonintanea tvith in trade eenenlly he ia con6joil thai he can dis- posti of property with as mueh diephtch and to a nd advantage as any other in the same line of bo iugh calderi commercial wharf kiilon2dapiil 1644 t i40ma4 gkeer ktufittfti sfcpn 24 new spring goods nibe subscribers have receiveil bjfthcfol lowing vmsels from grest britain ei2 lady seaton pearly and oifaau uom lon don sir hit hard jackton iwofnet prompt sarohy and indian chief from liverpool theii immense stork of fancy and staple uky goods which they are now opening and are determined lo sell at verr low price h oillesple co lsmhloo buildingi corner of bxjcotxnd priiuem 6lreu 1 junsilbjlbti for sale dv h oillgitpic ot co ctcntlemtn london made cambri f sh1kts wiij lnao and lawn boaomt sliirl kronla linan collar nwl ahapaa with alnrsaasfomnaniuf lawyer and military slurki blakand faocy saliii scarf ulack saiin dw- and brwiejaneck llandkorclnafa fienth luiii cambric haodkerehier choice pattetna of lodiasnd piinsea handkarehitft superior buck ud pateni bracaa gant1emen g description silk cntloo and a which wll hoioldal unpiacedan laiik- i 0uitdhic corner phnoaaiatid bagot stteei j of high cultivation beautifully aituated on the bath road only 3 miles from kingston with r 1 without the crop qow in the ground pvaaessioti given immediately tha crop can bt ptnxhasedroaaonibly ren moderate apply to the pro prietor john harvey saddlery hortaaatfe princess st kingston kingston july 24 1s44 9 if veterinary shoeing est a blifthm cut on the comer of king street and the placo d arm adjoining the premises of haxvitlt thomas paul teferrnory urfcon from ihe royal vctkrikaiiy collccau lokdok respectfully informs the otrcerah the gxntaon and he inhabiianuof kiasjaton nd its vicinity that he baaopened a uoaas shosiko estaslishmkkt situated aa abort i and from the many r- experience ia that department both in england and in cxnoda coupled with his knowledge of the anxlomy economy fnnetionj ol the horaa foot he is fully confident he can give perfect satis faction to any person wbo may employ huru the jrresler proportion of case of laments are produced oyoad shoeing and it will bt tha constant cere of t k to prevent lameneai irom such causee and loreiiefa thoaa that act lame n b alloperslionsioeidentte ibabawv will ha scientifically pertormed and ill diteufw f both horaea and cattle attended altbarl town or country and al rawonabla charpi kingston august 27tb raw scafaklatpi turki3ji smoking tobajdco feh abov tobtcoois cowntltfip commeoded to those who ure rrriis of ubing tfibaccoid thoppo naffip wit btlicie to ho found in thi or my qihr cnunlry- it principal jubilii mt diildnaaa and rmoil agreeable frcgra- oats a tflllla boahela oats wanted by lvw lho sobioriber tbe hiebeat price will bs given w j martin corner of king and brock street 7 kingston 27th not 2844 being equal to twenty gen sold by jamefi wlwhivwiaw khpton 9ttl lb4esr superfine noon oiv iii jiaiii mcbrca beaawauaiaajb 3 h kimlbd btptimbti lfljlf