British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), July 8, 1845, p. 4

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t caledonia springs he canada house with all its usual comfort an j amummant is n openovt for the reception f visitors sml if ever the proprietors en- joyvd the prospect f urillanl seann it is now tho subscrilers would beg id inti mate that no pain will be spaiod tuiui part comfort hcahb and recreation t iheirgueata and they ac m ailing some irnpnrtantadditinnshhho establishment which will be highly conducive to uloh ends mr fnrikmas hivnrably known in kingston has been engaged to super intend tho hotel and miss mennw bo well known to former visitors id still in her place the number nf spring the va riety of the caledonia waters and the unrivalltd ehkncy in tho cure of disease attested by thousands and being approved of by the higheitof the facuhy in the land is sufficient evidence of their superiority the salt sultntk baths which are in usu at these springs are alone sufficient inducement for in valids to visit them the demandforthe caledonia waters abroad is increasing rapidly and those who know their gtnid effect would uot without them wm parker co june 2d is45 ap aiticlc aider in montreal type foundry- to the printers and proprietors ofnbwspape8sjncakaoakova cotia c the uftileisignfj liavinje purchased the above establishment keg 10 solicit a con linuance of the patiemtgf which ha bn heretofore eo liberally bestowed ujion him a accent to the foun rv hatinx rc7 and really added to hie material he can continently rccomaicitt ih- type now manutaclmed hy liim a equal to any manufactured on this cominmt the services of an experienced prattiral man from new york h ive been enzd in the mechanical deninment and use printer in this city ate confidently anpeaw p a io the beauty ind quthty of ihe type cast in this foundry a specimen will be shnrily isstiftl when tie propfmh w ii do himsell the pleasure i wait inr upoi the titd in the meantime he will he happy to see or hey horn those inclined lo giye turn their support old typ lako in rxhane at 61 pr i pnur printer material and any article not mtaufctiored in mrwtre brought in fiwt new yoik at 20 m ernl in advance chas t 1alsouavk montreal june 12 jb15 ds frn spring iaifortatioxs fhe sulvcritar tag leave iu inform hit friend and the public in ren- eral that he has become rich thva interesting to the public aid fur which he returns thanks and makes his best bow he has closed his retail suurarid opened at the inwof end uf princess struck a vitfueaik esrnumiot in the commxttftt mart tfltuig he has nn hand an nnsivo aisininem of grottriti wine v liquor tea tuliiirros uari aa a thousand cmtall inleleitg tu onmneral the uhio of wlmh would occupy mi 11 m tfiv cmlnmnh z a cuwh paper to the mriottj atinoyace of uio publiabor hut whth nevertheless are articles of general use and allfidiii the hot profits being pitamttdt f a strong sympathy for tho welfare nfnll purchasers lie would diaiiiieiestcdly ouggest the propriety of their nailing oxamining his stuck and of course purchasing to his old customers he would re mark that he would at all times be most happy to see them i and has nut ilie r i r ohjeciiun to receive a call and ibo cash from those who may have old scores to rub off a- tii1bodo- kingston may 23d 1815 100 tobacco for sale boxes variinn juices cavcii- honey pew a thibodo for sale untsous putty and glass a thibodo or sals 100 boxgs line teas fresh and a thibodo ok btmous complaints 7aiwi the iftad gitdint sickes i dice flatulent obsttyction habitual confinement of the bowels sfc dh bahicers uxative pills op the numerous diseases to ivhich the human frame i liable there is scarcely one the symptoms of which are not seriously aravared by a conliud j utqie of the bovnls and to tins al03ui many owe their origin and cuiitinuance- the preserving the alimentary canil free from obstruction is a puint of such primary importance that every degree of neglect is followed by more ir less of inconvonienco r atfftimnfr when hflhitual costivenew prevails the cheerful vigor of health is som impared some times by slow degrees and at other limes more rapidly diseases tonka their inroals on tho comtituttnn and in numberless instances particularly where the habits arc sedentary or where free living is indulged peimancnt ill health i the painful result it lust bo obvious to the most superficial obseivcr that ivhen the functions of nature now al luded to are uot performed with due re qiilarity asiitance j he obtained frmart aperient mndiciues then be come indispoiidably necessary excepi whero tho use of f uiis or a change in ttiuminle of living may suffice for re moving the evil and mist ho had re- course to until die necessity for such aid ceases but it is a question of considerable im portance what laxative shall bo ftnv ployed the kit of aperient medi cines is numerous bit their effects on the nvatcm vary cinsilernbj some ex- cw vviijw erttbeir influence chiefly on the exha- y lant vessels or on some part of the how- els only whilst the action of others ex tends more or less to tho whole of the intestinal canal the hitter classnf npe- riema is evidently the heit adapted to obviate the habitual cfitmentof the bowels as they apply that additional excitement which nitturc then itrtpiies to assist her in the peormance of her accustomed functions it is precisely on this latter principle that tho tills now offered to the public fiv formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller ipnntiiy they not only furnish an aperient madieiiio pro per fir eeueral use in a family hut are also weli calculated to answer must u rhc purposes for which purgative rcme dies are necessary the pills are not however recom mended as a specific lor the cure o all diseases socli prep microns state ments a worse thin ridiculous and are tmti put forih fir deceptiun itui they will prove a valuable remedy f r that confined slate of the ruwcu which lays the foundation of inich sufferini for those i i ohitructions to which nl are liable ami all those fluontttt which uilw from au overloaded stain i the stomach und alimuary cinul con- seouenlly decided benefit will be dcriv- oil from their use in giddiness mid pains in tho lead accun pouted vith xiusea lor stekuess j in all lleidachcs whern cimtivaiukul prevniln in kbtuilrnrie i lil lout attacksj tho eoinmeucement ot cholic the early stages of juiiudicc and in promoting the exptilsiou of worms they require no confiuenient or change ifi the dieimoderal exercise will as sist their operation and experience has proved that asao aperient icy nre safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of five years of age and upwaid they may be readdy given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they arc much more easy ofexhtbition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines ntapctrons port takivg rut tills in case of bilious complaiflt foul stomftcfi 4v three pills to he taken at bed time and repeated nnxtnicm if necessary htndncu sickness of t fit stomach two pills to be taken atuightand one in the morning obstinate cost tveruss three pills to be taken at any time needed and re peated every six hours until relief is ob tained the usual dose for ordinary persons is three tills but four pills may be taken by a person of strong habit of body and from two to eight twescu aper m bfraftt ok thmo i- tmf vik is hot dk1ichtkd wth it n silicic thai every family mast eon- 4 t wlicn ihey know its ipovcrnnrf value and wloch lis heretofore himfft stf too high to raaeh ll clas ha now tlnvtn rkcuced in prico with i view tjist rich mi yr high and low and in tact rrj hu inatoruis nfty enjoy it coiflfoii find sit why eel u han hive ihe urica returned in ihero if tlieaie miidetiflued ilbhaufti wetert teiitiuutthe pofhiliiy of nrtiranictiun lhl ali i i iv kvckv pxtfnal 3nk rftehand all vjctarttl naio and ache no i mjter whcic hll be ieduvd to cnmrn by u in ftvominut wevinjf tife limb or scar no trnrr c oc fetnl tf in is applied uitlu thfl v are dtroytd by ihesccidpni it iatrolj tv appeaiauce in i effitcta rnquin- itiincr m tjica1 pjin knrict or ifalve fl ooauat ck a cu i ttomlandl street new yttai prteajsftwatti or f and ncai ten dollar v aire you nn the rrponibiliiy nt our aharantora thai aymoathy for human aurjoih in incas allal hi pari out earnal soticitannu tint a iinp1elrnl should he made in anj artec- i natnet below we ihii kit not imprudent lasajlthal nuijun- like it or in any ao effectual haa ever been ditcovcrid in 1leina yiti tuplaase nbairvil no aoveieun retikdy furau cnmpraintv bui only inteulcd fill eniurnftl applicjoon and will core the f- l buroi scaua floated pjris ctiill- iilaiiis chale or lalla cltpa teller pimple tlttelt fhn utaer spun eryeipelat siib c broiaes strain mumps 3ote tbrwl ran limea aa much ifinca at much fur a music establishment 2 itbbkt toronto s ordheimer affentt ca for ihe eolubrated viano fontfc of st co now yoik an q j boston dealers io rta in tmrfl ef all prifti a b8te on 1tnj 8 ar lcfcofwimf the best eu- 8r nmcntuf inpesn music toronto 4312m notice the snfcfjihhjj 0 jheir hineere ihnks to ir inhbiuntt of kinton for ihf very liiml rnlromige io ihcn rinh ojiening issineu in 1 his puca and be lo inform hem i kii ihtii knncs will b eon- i- bj mr ttzonoz ssscessftii whom thry confiieiill rrcommtnd o lh mie u on ame io it c tbfattion in in line of business r0ss1n brothers g in princess n ick groceijr em and tooihaehe rmrognj whulnwn pifil kmwnrm salt rl um barber iieli cjitinncle enrpunnsnre yafhl lid weak iihr sne lipa puncttirea blca ami waria ktur pain 1aia in back and sidn tender fit infltmatniy khgumatrn tic i r h uiin pa- and rremi fiver sore old burn enra prickly rual lnflitaed skin rroken iv he nippu rntiff ljind bliatercd white sweucff general surcs ire ftippip rrc r ii tinj4 sore corth arka mh iyu have named tftimerou altcetinna oiiteiientehit tanfhlui that they are not too tetany it will be nceary to kaov trnt the article camadcnniiki la the only one we can feeomawod but riut caution annat sume ieai- titii tlil wa have renaen to behave aro of nn l w will pfeent h to the amir nrhfl have aetuat need of it and whom you ttny kcmemher it ia cunncls fl4wt1 b etnrae4er fil cinry merchant are retnaaled to take it t lhair tyvm 4n cofniiiiavhfti aa ihe rreaicfi rilemilclo ininkmrt lhit ha been dieuorervd in jodn inc tina ia itrunn uiione hot you unr depend it wct will fully jimiiy quon iih tlo aitnte w a pamphlet gratia tn lit vid rory inteiefmjj at the tiamca nfalt ihe clrryiticw in new york lafffl be tore and t coonpji aa uonirrfirita nd tvurthlefjl appear under other eiin4 seo thai it diret cv- ncwcr new jewellery store eokcr apangenberg bea to in- foim the ladles and gentlemen or kings- 10i ricinile that he hat openea a store neat to mr r mccor- nhere he haa a urge assortment of gold 1 sil7e8 wstiues jewelry piatt gooija stc and many other articveatoo nuirerooa to rnentioa au desitriptipna of jewelry manuhetnted to order and neatly repaired- silver snooti oce ete- mde to or jer kigton 7u may ith5 notice rphe unjeesigned will not pay for any csoojs hereafter delivered on their account miles entered to their office or veaael pa books at te lime or to tho written oivwrs of themaclvca orclerks huokxs henderson co fcingstnn april 15th 1345 por sale vtheswb9cbidbrh alt carfei fioeand coarse liver pool in riga and yrrels finwr- american suporbna- pork pivwc prime meas ac mess fiq iron no 1 scotch macpherson crane kingston june 26th 1844 s sands saksaparhla roa tkk kkxoval avt feaminrctirc or all dfatatel arltflun pftdh ak impure atat or thc blod or habit ot tu lystcm tfthrobe a pleaaureon earth which agparior being eanool enjov and one which i the mejht alo eney men tho poanaar iun nf it u the power of relieving pain how oonaolin rhan la ibeconaciovneaeoflibaia been the inatru men i u reacuin thouaaatlb from miaer y to ihoao whopoaacaa h what an amouat of heftbf cji prevented bf he uae o sand tfaraa pahllal th unfuriunate ietlni of heredrtary iiwi with awollen tlanda ainewa and booaa half curioua have facn roatored to health abd vior the acrofuloea paitani covered wiiti aleara inathanrie to himaelf and to iurt atlendantr haa beeo made whmo h u nl i farrp r who had groaned hope leaa it year under cutaneou nd glandular dwordem chronic rheumatiim and many mlier comptaintaapringinefroma deranrementof the aaeretie oreane aoo the circulation have been raited it ware from the rack ofdiaeaae and now wiih regenerated conatiioiion i i teali- fv o the captacj oflhia mciimble prauaibtion ti filltiwidk ceriirtcale recently reeeive iraa addreaaad to our aent in madiaun ga the paiieni waa preally afflicted with scrofula and kercorial aoiea had tried vnriooa remediea without any benefit and the athieicd ate now invited to read what be aaya in reference to 3nde saranparilla madiaos ga aojuat 5 1844 y horraae r- lsr sir aa i havr dorieed ao rnich benefit from tho uaeof sanda saraaparilla 1 fael ti a duty thai i owe to the cotimunity to make ihe facta ira my eaaa public i waa afflicted for fouryeare with running aorea ind fcatad ulecra on my lower exirvrmuea aod ilan aftcied aeverelr ifri mercurial aorea on other part of oif body from the rffecti of blue pill and other mercurial i triad remede after rcmedjt hut they all availed nnihin until i ob tained a boitlo of sanda 5rapirilla which 1 found benefitted me very much i continued tie um until i had taken eim botueai when t waa perfectly cured judging frotn my own aae 1 raatowlawl m believe sande 8aanperiha ia the ary ueairemady fur acrofula aod mercurial irj there ii t it entirely eradiatea ihe poiion dm the ayafem after four ywra of alruoal continual tuttiing i now fino mjaelf a well m ami rely recovered yum rcepectfuly william banks the following inlereatina caae ia preeontnd andthoeadar invbled to it careful peruaal- britannia life assurance company no 1 princes street bank london empowered by special act of parliament iv vict cat capital one million sterling thomas greer qcebecfire office acckt- william hallowell eaq mdmsdical rcfitrxe a table i ituatateor rmxaiium tablc or pararcm required for ih amorance of jcioo fr the whole term of i eloftosfff in annual half ytarfj or quarterlr pey ment u iiniej premium a d 11 1 h ii 30 1 1 5 lii ft 5 0 k 3 5 8 35 3 h s 40 3 0 j 45 3 h 3 50 4 6 4 59 s e e so 6 j4 1 to b h i n 11 3 0 mfrly prcrr a 17 19 0 3 6 10 16 3 m 15 ii qrfcwr firrl table ft ikcaeaajhc altimnarive aatta or racmich- tableor antioal premiuina required for the aa- tirmr ef 100 for whole term of a aingle life the ratebeingincrtaaedpor thcaero aa- aucd reduced at ihe end of every fifth year urtilllhetwenttcch incloaate after which pe riod a fixed anaut premium will be payabkend a ruedaum aaaured during the remainder of life 90 1 0 0 s 0 11 13 15 33 9 7 m 4 13 p 11 61 fi 7 4 90 30 aq 45 9 6 55 8 60 ii it ia lunch u cjm3tork ihyhiciai from c v co and chcmiiii mineral springs lhe licaltk of the public may bej nr much celebrated i dfr blm4t i omivc i and ha in en- ilperior quality a hmf price for the vvhk of 0erofir4aj iliir iiik rltfjtrnatiarn neul dehiliiy ciiaiiftmia diae ny rvuutioni of llic sjin m rrurijl and vh1irl niaea ftilrt frm an impure tiatiil of twdy h ir limn uf lli tin uiil mil i line and dwelling uf the unca lketf alfecitnna pirnptfanrpnalraloi ithe face and iic afiainjt frian an ntpiira iate ufih biimmitawrj tniru1eiirea in life uh nf mawfi ac tlioreii i pnutity nf flfiraparilta bjpttuieuitd fliraey ritidr it auooitlutnia tf intnany niiimitiiofr iu virlue or i itiy i i in i iivi tin srorlla i vararht pnirtvnw aa htsj a jn 4ktlir iliit can ne made ai on dou laal waibalf ihaphee of aiwa m much mi rim- i liit n nil m- and in ai jrro tmillca vi f illv cenia ei butllci or five dvltantpcr jtoana i article haa curort seenfula ot 30 yeara tficv iho doltur ailirlea lad bren ted in vain tu he had of iltn anenl4 of cmock and citnlx ibrtfhftioail the cuntre in neiv yutd onlolsit cirtunilisirefl- the reason sfimo nonple arc fitnlith enough to believe that ifll to in ike z nu ar title uf si ii it jiiii and tell il f sl cem per fwlilitor 5 pt n oiher that eull fur jut double tliu the aimite ucl ia thia and nil will now ii hundred dulhrs ove qlurtm ui twa of ailvtriiamenti ffo do not ttiad five theicfurc we make the public pay btftlnli a much for aa rjund or better ailkteaa rv one euathe real cut in making the article improbably more than ulhera aa wo uao mulling hut the beat saraapanlla rool we aell threehoitlet tu one of the dollar priced bnitli nov ihn publit- know what we charge for il and i4 virtuea are aoch aa not to require half a newi- atfmf to luatalo ila fcpuiaiin i j-i-i- alwaya lurcoroitock cui saraapa- nllaat ffiyccnl and haooiher 8uld by cokitock ftcn cortlandl slreei hw york- i by hia agent n palmkr chemiat improved by a draught uf the minbkal springs which are agin open and id perfect order far use jas bone kingston frb 23th 1845 r iumbick or sale by tiik fuascsmer primejlnl and queen streeta en trance either vay 300000 peet op ictmder coiisiatiiigof i inch and a quarter inch ami a hall and 2 inch- also a lot of oalv imank from one inch to funr i ooofeoiof 1nre iine lumber and pine scantling ofdiftorent di- i- the whole f the lumber ie of m peiir quilitvi od well aeaaoncd and mil he ioulrhv for cah or approved aa sorge teff kingston may 7 1sj 3633tf continued while five a uiietijrred by oihera io a new grocery and provision stqre f jlhe silscribei respectfully inform in friemli aij public llial he hs commencod ru above line on ilie west sti of fa pioneer steam bwt contpnnyt wlj w pro parej to supply families steam bmu and hotels on moderate leims rho fallowing cooprics part of his tomrnent on iuch evtdente ia mnceeaaar nftimrcxkt miwvih ri a b d sarna eaten prirnda ah iii i an eutiie alraner tit yni i do not feel at i 1 any tonaer in defer the 5knowlddjmeoi f a areal in4ebtedneato yno for jnur invalua saraaoarilia whrch riaa been lie mean under a wiod providence of my tnetfpreesatie relief laraauo urgent to i w- lmem be re- fle tin v thai by mv jitimble tatinuonj hundreds oruttarera miserable aa i iive im miy in- luced to try iliu remedr and epericnca a cure apedy and nappy ea nine for ten veara i have teen anltennx under a hcmruloua iffection nfihe bonea in my hcitl aiirl 4ome a ereai part i of tbia um my pain asd maftmf werr aoaeeere that hoi fr a reliance on ilie rtrai dipor tf events i asnuld have dcired orf murb pre- fev rod d rath iuelf at dittererj period during ny aiclineaa twenty piecea nf bona have been taken from my head in terinua waya beaidee all my upper teeth and the entire upper jaw rn- ltrin iri mjittcatinnuf fond qmte imrifiaible ahfr eipendin about ai hundred doluri tor medical aid ha1 recourse to ynur jnity eete- -iii- sataaparita and wiihtn tlte laat thiae inooibi tttn uan of twelat hnttjpt haa witli tho mint beneficial riperoiinn cnrnpleiely arrled ilio diaeoie the lioalio pnrea ia fnia for ward and i am rapiijiyupprfmirbing in a pa i feci cure hem eafremcty analoua that otliera laboring under aitnitar cnmplainm may dave ilia advanuia nt my iprrmne i aballbo mul hajpy at any time in en in m no ire re tu tliem or io vj iib turtbei ana pftpre miiiuie parliculara aa may be iteaarmt pkae accopl asurancca of my creel obligation ami r kniamiu k hu9pey kiiifcrkki sihmamieu a i d sanoa kpcried priendi ij a m mj y i a pt of peritetreat va matemanr in relation u the won i ntyntir 8raparilla upttn tirm may relied upon hircae tnteleoim- y vurjnrdiniry ire and the cure entitle ihe sanaparill apcraamaed30 next birth dey irtay accure 1000 et hia death by payment of 32 jgesdannualiy it 10a ldhalfyeriyor i 15 lodquarteriy during the whole period oflife au 8 i 15 1 b 1 19 4 second pne vcere 10 13 17 2 0 19 m s i i in 7 9 9 4 8 4 4 4 third five veer 13 is 19 10 19 1 16 12 r 6 i 5 1 6 i 4 r fourth fit ytoti table iii i im tsaaii tab of pnrrohnna rteotredrortbeatae raocarof iw elk smeld to the respect i ti trim ea one od ecteti yaaie a ib 1 e 19 0 19 a n 3 regain- ov o ufl 9 9 3 3 4 s 6 9 11 9 9 14 13 6 9 18 0 13 1g lrenr prrmvi 630 4 3 7 i v 1 1 1 3511 45 1 sob 552 6013 6514 to au 3 5 6 7 7 9 13 0 11 9 16 17 s 3 6 1 11 4 b s 6 10 j ytr ilirearei premm 9 0 10 7 1 9 2 s v j v a peraon aged 30 neit birth day may eecurexlooo at liia death by the annual payment of ifl5 13 4 until the expiration of five yean 18 11 8 after 5 year gnli the ciuintioo of a person a 30 10 yeare hirih d 7 0 10 after 10 yeare uptit the expiration of ccurcx10w at bff 15 year 3 4 after 15 yeara until the expiration of 20 yeara and 5 0 after 20 yeara during the remainde of life 23 26 31 with tilt ortk or atfatve of coettatinf either of the peyrnenta threagbout the whole term of life and having the aum aa- tftd periodically diminialicdi according to the annexed catc of rcdueliin fxararu i if j m- r j a die tftntn tht tenti of 1 yr by the pay ment or 13 10 10 2 a pereen of the urn ae may eccur the like unt provided he dit wlri in tie o7 yrre by lh aonual pl rn l lh 15 10 scottof reduction for en atturnce o1000 at arty age according to the atternotivt pta a table il trtaa pfne paynhk dortaf il plret bv nf- uviio l whole kid afilft tho i i l io do do seema fleyaare j0 do tlitcd avtf to do fourihtttt yrre jenra bo ccptlnncl ira -ml- lii b do after 5 ycora ia after 10 ytoro 75 b7j after 15 yt ca5 ae 67a after 20 rera sia 740 ra ry comparing the rate of table i and 2 it vill be seen that according to tho alternative lanaomewliet less than two tairds of the whole life pferafutn ie in general required in the first instance the diftwence being afterwards made up either by a gradual increase of premium during a given or period hy a corres ponding gradual reduction of the sum aasured the option in every case being given lo the policy holder of selecting the mode which ntoy best suit ins object or convenience the necossary forms and every requisite information as to the mode nf effecting assurances may ho obluiued eithnby letter or personal applica tion io thomas gheer acikt added mem these rules sterling trffa premium of exchange kingston may 3 1815 35if one miluuvand a half ackeu land in upper canada- 10 for sale casic3 northern turpentine a tuibouo et ind droiau 50 for sale keus piuj tobacco very fine a tmihodo ft b the subscriber in tendering thinks o his itiernis and tho public getierally for the liberal support he has sv uniformly re ceived since he commenced husiness would beg ifave to intimate that cube i ha nn hand an eitefltict and tcelt setteted stock of wfxflsi sriittt likhrcniei i c c and bfato having mnde ar ranqemems fir his future su pic to be furnished of the chotcfist dewfiiutifhl that can be obtained in tho montreal and other market he feel confident in saying that he will at all times stand pre pared to sell at as reduced rates as tny other engaged in trie same line of ium- tieaa ho therefore icspeei fully solicita ft continuance of pat favors abraham foster corner of pi nee tmj wellington t two pills may be given to delicate wu men and children prepared and uld by dr barker at the atheiteum dtug store kingston sold in boxes at 7ij is 3j and 2s 6d each sheriffs sale of lands n sturdav the 10th day of august next ffill be sold at the houst in the town of kingston undermentioned fand seized by cue of a writ of feiri facias f issued out majestys comt of queens me iourt the vi of her bench and to comt of directed s william burr john fillmore kingston outii half of lot no 21 int con cession of bedford and lot no i the stli conenritifl of bedford sale to commence at 13 oclock noon t a corbett sheriff m d 19th may 1815- card rphe subscriber begs to intimate to his friends and to the commercial community at large that ho has opened a tfflolesue dounsttj establishue io the premises formerly occupied by jamls brown junr esq corner of queen and ontario streets and adjoin ingtho quebec forwarding companys stores whero be is prepared to receive consignments and lo attend to alt such business as may be entrusted to bis care- having made arrangements for an early supply of goods from montreal and new york hwill have iheplcosurc of announcing sales in a few days richar1 h uab kingston 1st april is45 sluch people who ore wise and wish to obtain agoml and cheap article will pay a visit tothe alheneum boob store be lore purchasing elsewhere ltetailers supplied stock tras sugars coffkk spiies pigklcj ac table couw3h niguv hkrring cioar ti huccos lrmon syrup oatueau plour pork tble salt tuy i to a sperm olive aid lard oils talw do candle sperm do castile and brovtt soaps with a variety of oher article thqs maxwell kingston april 22d 1s45 kingston cash fo the highest price ll kingston may 9m 185 folt sale or to be leased os advanta gequs terms cfbveral hundred acres of l and in tho township of wuitx ulandi oppomto kingston a steam liuat plloi between this is land and kingston threo times a day also to he sold in whole or in erta about 3000 acrca nf lant uwe nrano ner kingston application to lifl mado in klhkpatrick ifuhkown ktnttm 83d my iviv sheriffs salk of land rjn saturday the 16th day of august next will be sold at the cowl house in ibe town of kingston tlio undermentioned land seized by virtue of a writ of fieri f ffctffit issued out n her majestys court of queens bench and to me directed james morton pkinliff vs richard looan defendant av the right title and interest of fiouu in cash paid foi flour by r scobell johr liington n the said defendant in the broken front of lnt no 19 1st concession township of kingston sale to commence at 12 oclock noon x- a- corbbtt sheriff m d kington idui my 16m for sale reasonable terms e lotj in wdliamsvilja mr 0 i ion on os tlllat k fti apply lo ific premiaea or to thos klrkpatnick- kingstoiij4n 12th 1645 near summer arrangement the royalmail stage will leave this office every morn ing at 9 oclock fur bolloville and toronto fare from kingston to napance 5s do do do belleville 7s cd jas patterson agent koncral stage ofticrjr kingston may 1913 i frebmivsonry rphe faccmassns quaatcrlv review for march ahqa coinpli- irun f of he best masonic ttbjuta including oliver hittory of ihilislion do antiquiiic d fifrnaaonry do star in the sat do hittory of f reemsaonry do do wham lodge afhes masonic mamrri hutchinsons sjiittl of fla frvcmaaona caleniijtainl pockel book for 1815 do pocltel corrianion stirpes oratioti temples do file fct awoi prfalotta illaitraiiouc of mwnry anrj dr olivers hiitomof mwnry bound in ona volume oliver historical ttanlmarlt5 and olhet p i il- j ij 1 to 5 afo a portatt of the rcvf oher just received and frfrsalf f rowrt chalmers montreal june 4th 1815 v any of the abftf works may be had on application at the a niwstih boos stork the imported horse somonooodrom till atand ais season at thr stables at tw kisoatox race grtumfti from thefhtt of may up to the 20th tf july 1s45 all arrangements to be made with hi owner in all cases 2a 6 toihe groom johs norton i jif inn kingston r- c- apjil9th 18k ntt ice7 subarriber respectfully informs inhabitants of kingston and its vicinny t that he hsa received into hit lum ber yord gore street adjoining the marine railway a consignment of well seasoned boards planks and scantling and ia daily expecting a further supply all of which he ia authorized to sell on moderate terms for prompt pay a macpherson inpton 13th tfajt 185 396w mdsai rjaaltfl effrt be implied siderti a v otojreiliaia auc ttc ranked aa a great mtavin to ilia human family and we coiuidvr ii a ruclt jr with trunrrrtard william mitchell cashicroriha pacific pank nantucket bir rarilir p ir riru if and cincui vo evidence ir itn superior value and fbcify see patnphlaia wbiei may bo ohiarned fratia piaparad and im htat- mj ratail by a is v u sanq3 ibiti tvtonai sell in kingatnn by charles iifatii sh ilio hy diui- francratty ihtouhoui tho uniil tatea pnco i per bottle ail bottls for o tcttlie public are rsapectfulty reruete3 l remcaior lhai it t sandsafaaparilla that hap i i nk ri 1 v acluevinr aunh remarkable curs of the mn duacult cla of dwas to wliifb the human frame is subject ihenttora aik lr sondri and lake no other john maria farina flhe oldest distiller nf the genuine eau db cologne s3 rhine street cologne begs to inform the pub lic that in order to prevent the frequent impositions which occur from the large quantity of imitation of his eau de cologne which is shipped tothe colonies foreign possessions which imitation is of a most inferior quality and not to be compared to bis celebratrd manufacture ha hasappointed messrs simmonos crowfcs 18 cornhill london os his special wholesale agents for shipping to the british co lonies who will always have a stock on hand at thelollowing net prices and jm f requests that his friends will give their orders to tho above agents which will meet with prompt auention i qualitj eau da cologne pcrdogoi ia double 9a 0a j abort or long do d aingle 4 fid s botttea- do do 33dinlongareenoetlu mcavm from 23 o60 dnz n package included to old settlers emigrants jltfd qtheiis jihe canada company offer about the ahove stated quantity of laud particuhtrizvil in their irinted ltsis of this dole it consists of lctsof fnun 100 t200 acres each twwbfy 9llasb from 1000 to 1000 acisin the western district and of a very important territory of 700000 in the huron tract 90 milea south of owens son nd theso lands are offered on the most advantageous and beneficial terms to suit the means nr views rrf settlers nf every description they may he had for cash down otiefifth cash and tho remainder of the purchase money in five annual instalments with interest- nr hy way of la4c for tbk yejibs no money being required down- the rents payable 1st february in each year- being equal to about the interest upon the present value of the land the peculiarity of the companys leases is that under them the companys sctllerhas secured tohim the euiire benefit of his improvements and increased valutfof the land as he is guaranteed the right of purchase of t lie land at a fixed price named in tho lease at which he may at any time during the ten years demand the deed for the freehold ihus for example ly paying the moderate annual rem of si2 and no mote upon 100 acres of land now helling at 10s- per acre he securce tlie use of the land for tenyeais and then if he chooses he may purchase or reject it altogether as he may find it to his advan tage the option being entirely with the lessee tb settlers savings bank by which the company allow their lessees interest at fi percent per annum on monies deposited the amount being always at their disposal without notice with daily interest accrued will enable the provident and industiious settler to accumulate sufficient means o purchase the land he leases if he choose to do bythu emigrants deposit bank the company allow interest at the rote of 4 per cent per annum upon monies deposited by emigrants for any period not less than 90 days the money being alwaya at the disposal of the emigrant without notice the company will remit any som of money fur settlers to their friends at home by placing ihe amounts in the hands of the parties for whom they am destined free of all co expense and risk accompanied by every kind of useful information upon canada lest year the company aent home in this manner 4141 isa 7d from 265 settlers the company will remit any sum of money from europe to canada by letters of credit upon their commisamners in the province every kind of information upon canada and directions that can be useful to intending emigrants can be obtatnedree of expense at tho companys office st helens place lrndon tho now printed lists to be seen at every post office and store in upper canoda and any information can be obtained free of charge upon application if by letter postptid at the companys office godericb as regards the huron lands at frederick street toronto as regard all other lands remittances and deposits of money c canada comranvs office frederick sfrect toronto 2nd june t45 i near w the the to let two cottages aiiuiied the mineral springs commanding a magnificent view of the st- lawrence and ontario and possessing every con venience for genteel families also the spaciona fire proof ware house in the commercial mart build- ngs well adapted for an extensive wholesale trade apply to william watte commercial mart k ngston 13thmay 1345 forwarding for 1845 t he sohacribcra will he prepared to tor ward goods and produce ta and from montreal during the present aeasen it reason- mf ratra and will be in readiness to receia freight roa immediate dhmtchj on the loth inatsnt theytmil that the trading community tf canata eat and west will favor hem with a abas of their patronage bog dickson co kmobtok d1c1c50n johnson co mojttbsath kingiton isa may 1845 farms for saie a farm of 153 acres in the 1st concession waoflhe township of kingston also a farm of 93 acres partially cleared they are situated in the mile square about miles from town the lnd is excellent and will be sold on moderate terms title indisputable- apply at the subscribers office at ihe court house c stuart kingston 7th june 1844 for sale7 lots nos 1 sad 2 in the tad concession southern diviaion of lb toarnship ot dorchtaler london district eaathalf of no 20 in tho 71b coo hamil ton newcaallo district lots nos 3 3 4 22 and north east half of lot n 23 in the 5th ccn of hiidimiaft 900 acres no 20 in 8th con sidney victoria district 200 acres no 8 in 9tb con and e half or no 8 in the 8tb con loughborough no19 in6lh con and noe 22 and 23 in 9th coo murray newcastle ditfrict 000 for sale w ot letter c and ptutnf letter d in the gore between erneatown and camden containing 347 acres of land if not disposed of by private sale the same will be offered at auc tion at tho court house in the towq of kingston on saturday ibe 7th day oune next at 12 oclock noon for terms apply to kirkpatrick bubhowes kingston 22nd april 1845 hungetford victoria actes4acfa ne 24 in 2nd con dietricl 200 ecri no 88 in lat con and no 16 in isth con hontiniderij victoria diartrct 200 aerea each foe eras apply to the tabsalber charles stuart kindlon aoril 1 1845 just published a nd for salet the aruttttem boca a store juf easy pr7meb being the best introdocttaw 40 spedling and reading by john sntaeiiarr su perirttendent of common school midland district price three pence with jlwmo tn the trie kingston may 16tb t80 houses to let 10 rent in colborno street emd posrioftion given immediately t new houses both in etduatr- der and bating q firstrate well of aaaaor rantmedermte apply co tb prt srietor t his saddlery and haimsa warehouse prlncefs streoti klqtfflon john hativbt kingstotn 20th ju 184 tf

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