from the director and nardrans of a parochial workhoiifto requiring ft light police and ft hoolrnastrr ihe former witli ft ayeaf h buud and ii latter iolj md m fr l i hrjt inn common an estimate of hi- rjflflfc- trm the jrtslt7i h i l rleities ok ckiimas princes wmt i e miimi i krtftllr pynif mwd with pvame wmch the qirrn ha litir j fmo her giiuui of 1h i rialaf hwmrhmhlrh will ilev uuvkftuta nsakc to irrmrltaiiieoldy tin cituralinn ol the pof emmmi shnuli be a ood one w hen rchmi arc rvmnnriafril m surh a cair for what man filled fur ihe task nl inllion w ulil swept n office if rtliirh such h mark ol isrspuwiwi is attached the rem cause of the gmirr pnpoition of crime in the english women 0 ihe labouring class a complied wilh ihe me class in rater impulsion- trhoool in fra ap ard in n ai ol ah i n hiih we rpi 1 h not inn wrt tlie rineltie prl- h fw ill amwnwirt of hie y iji of spin wr condemned in 7ae vrteii aid if llhwu wwlft ia mniw a lltn btmvrtit w ww o ltrulr in li oflrflm wmii hie rnf u- eijlandat n fxumw no k tamta past in nanv frprrt more fvdtm hubllmli- iv itian mat vbih the youthful uahvlla ww prrniltvd in vila in itr r wc hrm cihen mpwttmf for h iiwtoiti oi a it jliijlitfr hu queen viclorw hm vet bhtlw a will htsritntlv liroivn lo hvc vl lii frflm aftnunm by t amciuco ihff -ptr- r tmnrr of act tfbfch ncr nalir mim hv tfntsbe af wi bii tm eiir- vlljhrj w ftr iftytfmul uf friliof tie uonari ftml lo foro uie jllrl mtttiofl h lolte a l ifiliir lif cotnilpnfttur a mi mtihiri pmrerdiw wwrh i utirfly lepnrtnl in ihelifthiti aiij cliirctvr nr kh4pk inlfsovcr cltir irfttol will jromtiy hv hii jijiiitcil by ilipacrout w hv mh- 1vhej of wl4i iicalhntftl sfts wrthi a ilri ml hut wwrtwft in cftl an urvam foin of that nnill pixclirc known in k1nnl bf the uin 6olfiir wroth ntvlvti rbmciei hr int mikl hy tlit iioi ilure hfnt no tinlih wqfi wuitii will jciijc it a tiumocj ol umid rfr luvin lpn jrivrn liilo an rnrlotnif wfoth fjft mnvwilnl hy 11 ftomlbililj of thrif nrtm virliiiii jfljione olhri ifclffj cii on ray fheff in frrtcearif rhf no 1mjii the royal ftm lb hlkfl of thrifty ol ibc french wo inrn tlii i hit not nrmci itc not cftl pip ftfl iljjt iionc1 ftiiftt w liinkrnnp it is iinnfcrary bf ihe liabit it ihoh wiih wliorn ihty wilt have lo awociale when i hey bip women aic sobor anj tw- ihiiion in ihil tpri it nolfrare n wh r uul hi his attirle the wrilei of the siec iforunil with a population which rnl o hf i uiil o france h rri year tfulx pprsmt acenvc of tfiuir whepa wc tiwr only 60000 if cdmfrfam of thi huor hj a atirolific lifnnr i honm y thai for on r ii t iii ns i i- in ihice jre conimii 1il in enbnl bm i tmcfrr in o mve a iimin i i- riro himfillf to ihtt of na- hp inal feeling 1e orr il om or lhvir lo oot cooni ono for hr vonmj of eivittk wc appio- nf llwjiolnei l wr think the wriu the if ti ti mi ol i hpe eprt- ui really pxeitvj in the two slaptf ulc u irmjioraiy pavilion wifrhc ntfomed by 4hc whflvhi sutihier of ihe animalf liy vttt allei oic km of ihp hpigiam anil othrta h ww allowed to ahaie in ihe bulchcry- ltie only rxcnt ht ihe croelhcs thai aw fteocrily uejjil on even itlimtlc ioti n bf foiin1 in the ex- rilemetit of the ihe skill of the markt- man hpalihm nature of ihe exeiciip thai ii neceasaiy in the pursuit of ame hut ifkillinx were thr only ohject of the portffjin wt shoulj be competk- to tank him with ihe operator in me h4jlrttiho without ihe justification of necesiy which on ihe latters nriiaif may be faiily pleaded the scene at tfm colhft was woilhy ol the ihamhlff without however ihe palliation wluch the doirt at th a fttaea leiite from iheir hcin really neednl tnr loluwin cxlrttcl from our corrpnonilpnt dpkiption it painful cnourb wiipo cvmijttfl with rcfeieuce cnefely to the hat ban ty of ihoc who wpic actor in ihe ace e hut when wp lemenilr lhal th statue of uliver cromwell in the new house of pariamekt tro riint pilare of wrflmiftitfcr ihooh o de1i1itfiit anohjmft to hie ctati and the na- fund of hearihuruin uml jripeile a jivciimffn na now rifen j more lenout lhan all ami bynnd the province otb barry of a maclise the amin vhith i to contain ihe vety seal and foc the ufitiflh empire mul he io unision with iu hi- 1 lory and it coomitntion aa aso wish those political feelings which the constitution doc u embody al leat il nat present no lrk- i am reeoltin- dtsrotdauce we have tbetefore unexpectedly stumbfed on ft fjeat constitmional ciisis we ate ncjuireil tc uke ao authoritative rerrew of out political history know not how many aut in i ww ftloinst worthy of our own e1icius bull hthfs- ail ihe tr were driven n lo a corner wvn the qtpen ant ihr total ladfp while ihe hand played the imk wre mtnl in eay ehaita ftt ft table toee 1h hm- hm1 rhe ilaujhtef kean the ptilicps flird atvfty h e hjnd play- ht ihe lutici and afier iteo hovrs nearly althe hruies were kilted then says the times account iv dvadordvinf ovcr were eilher 4fftf of carried fuftpendt froto ttitra aento towards i ho patilsoo wherr ihe hunmman pluncj his c nor inou ahtrtn dt ch6rp into thnr llintat adt4s he it remembered by those who sneered at our bull fights and our fame of ooe lookeil on- when the dplihtfnl sport as over why then says ihe caroiice m tbcladipf pomcd alone ive line of dcd on llie way to their carnage it was a wretched ifilit the poof creatures amncej tide by side ihcir doll dim dead pyet looking as ghamly the wotjotl from which the clotlrj blcud cornc ooxins in mack oeojis down lic yet warm carcass i had as lief x a knackers yard afhr ibis df jagjnta i mul confess i have some hopes in the joint of enslisn lidips i do hope that influenced by the highest example there may yet he bull light mil ames ol pull nose in hvic fatke and put at least until hut glorious time arrive youuf laijf of ch very htsl families wtl gradually accustom themselves to bear the stf ht by atlrndinx the westernmost slaughter liout- on killing ty to he sure to sep ao ox felled wih a noleaxe or a shpeps throat cm is hardly so exciting as to behold a hftfsj ofsiatrs htitchcreil as above desenbe never- thelrssj ihe slaughter house will do co begin wilh however after this let us have no sneet- in at our beloved qucpfl of spain the tors and the gooe tlnlishmen think ol get- many and be unlet your effeciionate ssler matia msmdottj english railroads from tkc ijondon tuririry erprtf from very elaborate labte ronlained fiuin comrnerctol glance taftt published deduce ihe tollowio stalaslics of the capital emnarked in railways and railway projects- in 77 tailways completed or in progress the amount of capital is x85 of which in queen of enxnd ws seated as it m aursi s snterein of england have lived or riled is lc j if t anoruel with ihe statues of that nobleseriea prnt hi sesann exclusive osrnall his suddenly found necessary to detehw j b reviaioos connect links elc whether tiomwell should bi admitted rt5s2t p m s rather whtthet he should he left out aud a aieholdf are liable is very wide diecu has ensurd htanchwl swsfflleafts p at7590933apppats lobepanlup and bemj into numerou moral and political quistionv the leeal qupstiou has ft fair claim lo be first disposed of by a statute passed immediately ogcd with the ireaturer of the private brlt 4rce is thus withdrawn from commercial ctatu on an eay chair and that her hishftnd was ihe chief per fotrrw in ihp act of hutthecv we can hafiijy irhsl fielef o comment on the smtfe which will be milftcientiy u festive to the mind of the reader without iy rmaik ot out own jp tjlft few minute aler the dichare of the pjnsjiric lw thoo or four of he nomv animals mim he seeiiuimenly lo hall star- yer and fall stroii lor bnr space in the aonies of dpaih son ihe littd bcpm gradually more mm rnotp coverl wilh tho alain as the herd tht ntftsed witdty about thr enclosure ptw tliuiu and th ru litl al usi the re weie nt ionth t jnity an ftwfr when ih numtri mv rdtre j llnilibprv v i i hasp itnhini like oiaduw ui kill in billing oop ol llv ammau hip e was at an end mil win i 11m dpr wip numrioit and so tplv parl 1 it it wjn ftfa0stl1ipcs4illj j rm ivl p champions continued to fir it was lo the creditor the lower eider of german specta tors that thev gave a shout of jitwartjofl at the escape of a deer hut asslaiilrhler was the ftliraelion io the kyal aatty ihe escape of single animal must have been a iltasnrab tnentwhtcb every pteanlion in the way of enclosure and network bad been liken lu guard again his name from the constitutional annals by xiig bit yean and h ftcis to his succssor in ihe commcmoiative servicer enjoitedon ihe church hy authoriiy mm used in one instance with unimiiftl punctuality and solemnity by iaiiiament itslf the whole of ihe common- wfftlth is inclndvd under the name or lehelhon ami ihe protector accordingly declared lo be nothing from first u lal bur a mete rethtl thr qnpiiimi however is not one of the law if slat ul tiptttccn the two charleses docs not put h n the throne kven wre it an apotheosis il would not he an uuusralion or even a rever il of his atuimler il similv annoiinces the faetof crimwill reiti he may still be a i rwl ikohsdl a surcesslul ft glorious and pa- tiiotic rebel i it be ufged that whatever milil al preeni be mtemled by a slatitv ol i otftwpll il ivoum ptllj be ineooitpnt with ne uiieulum ul 1hc hpilahirv as dtlaic at ihe n l it mum yet sc admitted lhat many circumstances and chines havcoccnted dnriojelhesr two centuries to affen mr vane for its intentions at to extraordinary and so heated a crisis posleiiiy will perhap eapel to reftd nn the walti of s nipphens the opinions anil srnh- 309000 and the amount paid up and with drawn liom commercial circulation is 913 3l thpre are also a number of small branchea and deviations in pieces and in propped tnvovinsfteapilal ol av27fxlo000 on whih the deposits amount lo 3350000 the total nnmbernf shares is 11047621 or nearly a share for every two of ihe population the total capital rppresented by railways paid up is 36frku0o or about h ytt hvftd id tbr tbeevevliniioftroi tjsfilzl ou i p fal is oifihxst uavinc 2sjxdtl he called u u- 0 nabooalibo iwog frj rene in an honoe- bcsmiiccand eoicemon i ncc aaryt ii i ihe vantage in a iff thai rwilber nmi rt ouire huj ap- jtoajfed of thai t w f iwl h wwfl at lvsawill mk aeb prty virtually admit u r rihectlior if it l then no course i kfl but tj wiijtc up the term of roual ftmtiy jivld be fairly ond cquila- hy divided octy uemt an if ibrycionol iccontmnuj b rmklnf iho jmtiw thry hnulil aubmil v t ijkj acbilralion of a thifd power in tntwfttpnrtt lt ndr ibobpri f ihe land will fall to fa united slates because the richest portion of the aouth of i- tolumbift fvr ttic ulmmcu tdlkrncnt to crasimx f fit a tliitprr u tafcaj ibe ad mr j ihia vtrt and we ti the antirknt trials ended in delhi asvtcvcixo or rue rcrsonsraa deimr saiordjy eveni oct ii ejtrunt oconvar cnwutfh of mvtdrr von suftthff nod ocoajror smtfrnfd u vc uvg purirriht 3uttetht stolt jtn jar lfe and taireeo far a tctr f veaee the trial f etltvafd 0connnr ah poobnttn for the mufdrr of under shvnct ombm n steek h k bavm bnsafht to a fthm aflcr aiuiog of 5 diy mr gotium cummcoced mrirm op yostcder ii i ir in behalf of ihp priaoe and spoke till half post 4 p m occopyrnjf abool seven houm and il is not for the want ofa faihfnl discharge of his duly in making an carnevt and nppcal to hip iuf y that his client is not rxw at liberty- mr van ourrn ihe attorney general followed do the part of the proacculion thj slativn he which ail the s-i- u their ateptia utuated i occupies bia reputation rafik brio stranger uppio a ttrvrim u xt tlic t wumbu on its oulhern hmki u u tf winch orcat bntain willing lo resign her euaa that a vraror 4nt crou dittcrvncc awild ar rive out or such 4 f tvo i rj ji t to be iinptiltc id if i rutf benit rnide amji an al- tentative judf- robert ted rtd toed john ruiscll in parliament will robbly arhrc 5c naturnlly excited more interest in the vum mini up on the part of ihe people than wviid have been fell lud ihe duly devolvl upon some member of our own bar hia address which oc cupied about jj hours was liiind lo with tbe irvt pmfottnit atienlioo by lare auditwy if bona uicjcmarkamadeby sir j smfst which we oolicrd roafy ladies- air- van bureo madc most inginiound forcible ad drew to the jury and tbe viewa he preaenied if the ease hia arguments lourhiog the aeveial question of taw and point involved in the whlc ninittee wereao clear and acute as to render the fait of the priaimera uilt irrcsialiblo in the mind of every individual ptasent and what jvc mueh force tobttftddrova was the apparent dcavre on hie part not to go a step beyond bis sworn and imperative duly judtre parker charged ihe jury in mi uua clear und distinct manner and decidedly against f the prisoner the case was rvcn to the jury at a quarter past eleven oclock when ibe court adjourned to 7 octark this moroinf upon the i a- of lho court at tho ap pomtcd tiour ihe prnoucr waa puced at the bar and ilic uiijal question bctnj put ihft foreman a imv rtd we and the prisoner at tbe bar guilty of murder- the jury beine polled each responded tbalauch wa hia verdict- the court then arumed till d oclock 10 oclock the court asacmbled to perform ihe meuncltoly duty of pttsninrf acntonce tbo prisoners ware vanouily otveed by the pco oouocin of sentence upon ibcn van stven bcg llntliane and teveral oihera were deeply moved vilidc ocoonor squirea earla andsoitie othcra apimrcd hardened to their falo menls of ihe conlcmporary a-re- p itltr r lpjtisbiureh will he lbonht would lurdly en addition to our f ret tlial her mftjeftlj i v o fam or pptplex the pohlie tcx should have heen pieseul al such a scene we fav in onvn which contideriok the limes was an oflensjve novelty in a series filled up overeins by overeins each was laid in ii feel indigninl at llu accessaries ol a fitt having been introduce lo ihmw a chaim over ft niece of brulalili whieh we had calhrr if the queen had wirttwtl i at u houl have been spcii deprived of any ol th- fascina tion that ghlier m music imsslit prrhapt invest it with piihaii however the eomrasl lf- tween the playing ol u has hy ai hand and tbe sudriitig f the rnuocenl crvalutva tbal were bein inoniriilatily shot down may have presented itself lo the mind ol the soveren and have increated lhat disgust which as inval subjects we sincerely ilom ehe experipncvd at l scenp before her we cannot patiently coniempme the povibiiity ol ihe queen having been pleaed with what she saw nor can we eoncpivc it in be at all prubame thai urn tier tjvrman lour she can so far have rmhioed laerman mies as to caur her lo wsfth for a iptietition in knland of the iporl that sae fjotba lias fiven her a mlprc ol hr hrjsssaevd may peihaps be allaihelto the practices ol hi native plw hoi the fnsveieikns partiality as i wife will not in duce her to forget her higher character of qieen n far as to caufr hot to desire the in- hohition ol sport which the english tiviico would never iptrir tppulr hie of his fathers we shoum expei io find crnmwfll nimled the case is dibfrtlt however when the whole spiips is struck oil firsh from ihe national mind after ft lp ol uvo centuries and another lesull may iho bt looked for by hit rule gfinfttttll should have ft slalue at st stephens lor he cerinly has one in the national mtnd there his tfiy is prominent and thuliputcd there h m rules as one of the judges of israel by speeial call hy a rijrht divine ol his own no history tarcs or would dare to head ihe chapter of his eat acts with tbe name of his tbrn otttcm kuccepor every min woman or child in ihe ktijdom the keeper of the state papers i up ul course this calculation reins only to the amount required if the whole of ihp srhrrncs projected should be cairied out many ol thpm however are tnrrpeting lines me are rejected already whilst others have been tendered unnecessary by the formation ol branches etc from existing lines- taking however only one hair ihe anion n i temiiiun i f w vaiuu l i ic tcw hw a ri 1 much as the legislature is likely in sanction we have no loss lhan 12000000 vlitchun eoumry will rokby be called upon to furnish for new railways in the cauise of the neal four or five ywtrt in addition to 3279 000 remaining unpaid upon the lines coropletod or iti piogress we may remark however thai of the lines cnmptpfpd or in progress tepresenlin a capital of 185370723 many are ftt ft considerable premiunr as ate some of thrrse at piesenl he- fore parliament ami projected we may fairly add iiiicllurd lo ihe cipilal represented by the first for premium and we have iftm ine following as the total capital alieady in vested in railways and hahle to fi- acted upon hy speculation on our vftrious stock exchanges pnd upn lines completed or in pro eear awi030891 173x3m addnoe third for premium paid upon railwava before parliament reposition new schemca fo for brancltcv etc- totals 9113312 ijwjwq crime in france and england the ccfc has a not btlaelo on ihe l ile or nime in england and fttce as rlmwn by thr telun s of die two rntintiiesi the wider savs thai the ii rease of efiitto aud offences in grvat brtlrtii ws ween th yrar 1835 and 1812 when it w- mntr remaikame ilan al auy 90jjia already invested in thii description or property exclusive of nor engajrcmrnls in foreign rail ways oflhs amount no jess lban-19554- ol5 the amount of deposits on new lines may 10 ihe urchmihninbm- his coldsth or his btwdt0 have been furnished wilhin the fast trimmer in the nurspiy counts cnarlrs i oliver cromwell and charles i wilhoui any compiomse of otal liuth or constitutional hjpt ctumwell always hrld hia actual place an actual anverrifn hi position if ome- thin primary and indisputable he is a ceal fret after hat in some minds and in rnost minds we a- r loyal enough to believe comes other peiia number of 1935 he fm s the r ce accused rn hut cflmaiiit th 1311 wilh that h ie to ie 26 er cenr tni is pituily sad slate of thing j wti ftie nvt iivpj urmtts contemptrv houll ftittfuip i in a gfttri measure in the irdluencp of poveitv i th mass of tle laiouiins ppu tat i on but in hpeafcin t nf ihe in- rease id rrlrsw that of pnpuuuou huld nni itp nverloiked tbt latter did am reach b pt en in lb period alluded in bl w haltto 11 wsrs strirl equal to hif ihat iomint thp wtiui hei te that in eejaiiu the indelible feelin that nc xvas still n sste- rihtious usurer lie tsu however as it may hohlm the place thai cromwell does in ihe national mind we doubt whether he rotjhl now be omitted from any historical pries without nuy appearance ol falsehood or frud sports foil queens as punch is very firriupntly hfnnelei be yond the pyienees we have been sohtiled by donna mendoza wife of a panih reiuee reidin in seymojr mrcet tamersloufllo print the suhjomrd lelter lhat il may mcel tin ejeol the wr tei iuvra larfy if high rank residing at san sebastian 11 my imniirm u yon know how much i hate this dull am y pion england how much i yeanifm ihe sweet fieedom the blue hraveu of our adored spain however in tbe next revolu twelve months in addition to the amount a large one which has been absorbed in calk upon lines in progress this last fact speaks volumnet at to th elastic and expensive stale of the countiys resources 110 the frmiv nqendersi raw il o23 710on the loat miincr am adds lhat such th priirlign at ie ptcaenl ttme the eolta vnirrs on statistics aji he conclude lhat ffjohs who havt cmcp envoi t tintoeatijvbiuiht bark to imu stliait ftsmen l iceorifii lum li is nm lb ad i mittltii i l ihiiv 1m aif case in fiance it is the re n he a34s where htnl riipi tau ttiimiph ihe bases of ppuiv i hi i id weycivft etpressd ff a ruea1oii pfl ouyht in h oiore i in t tiii enailtld ban vji lmas ct ihjt rtmnmf s u- eation is more avuef 1 ie- li it i upp bituear notprp to ifetw ha i-u- eaion in kvd ai nji iln wf us wmtit omhttobe lvyajteiilid taught i i v4 vi at an rtly etr- but trt mo- of tpar- rrt xtipi a i 4v y very litin ifiiic lr i lb- it at wij wtlhe educttiuuof tb r rk i imrj ia the iiw t at w lil l t- a hi m pal ft catn t vap i ht iiiv wh ji mt4 ftf tbit itty v4 h lavr t rliaii iliy labiurftiai i ajkttpj lot ti pf truatii tiy ie v b al l 1i a roitd- i i ihii tu laid sftstfi lor itii tifraaj lul fj th cufvar i t l is i- iv tht oregon from the jveio trri atbfon uo have freat pleasure in cotiyinj- from the vatttitr 4j- otfitirer ft very acimblc and ecntlc- nmiily article on the oregon controversy h- salient pmuof tho case are treated by our con temjuuaiy with accuracy and lho lone and tpirii of hia artiele aic worthy of all comincodatiun undoubtedly in malting up cue opinion upon this important qocsiion n ia advraabte to admit- that boh the uuiicd statce and ucat ifriuin havevw viku lo the territory in dishie it ii iruc that england may mjc the claim of rhr d conk of carle mill mint and occu pation by the lludwn ijjy company of rijhli conferred by ihe convention of the evcunal ac but il bad need bo odiuiued that when england in cmvintttn with ihe united mateo entered mtn lo tmel coeiuntid lo the prineiole erf ihi yinl uceiipation she in cflvct avc uplinlf itn cldiiti at ah cvinta it put the wa uriics on par and rihti coual would be the ordinari uifcrcnec t ri valdc fmui huch premise enlanj tvi nvgtriitia in lliia spirit for vhc oftir tu aur render ulf tlw teentorv ftouth tif ihe nrth brooch and of ihe main trunk of the columbia river wltpli firfiaiitutt o very noarjy ao un cqiut di- vinn of hie wijjc prot rty to fvnlnuac llw lino of deuiarcniitm between r the twu ebkawrsta on the parallel f 4j hum the hcky muuritaita tn tho pacilre as prtipoud by the loitiil sl4li a it iot u liir divtui nor an iipjal owe for it lino iwolhuda oj tlio entire ttkct on hip american ftiuv inclmhrif port van- ouvcr nod other jlnion liny tetuinenk l- tin y condemn thit gallant prt t cjeiher ivuh the entue iwsmhaa krvee tlieore ry wlrauto from latitude 4j lo lulitixle etitiviuntly ihcparillijof j tt my ururiu nl hi ufmiiti such a tine is nitirily aubitrviy and ma putsc ili- jdvani iai of trjciu i ukujuilhi huh ue umieu lioaiidampriniamtiiuchaiiuht urierin nil ojftva lur fiaiii nalionrtl limits- ilio eaerv of nrl the oregon question hrvw il cuftti f uottirer a correndoor has written us a jonr articbr against any pcuiiuo occupaiiou of oivwaa no oui pml ajidhiviena generally an such aa we luve repeatedly 4fcd through our cdurnna ho rtin error in supyomnt that england cuiiusfrom t liar th eirt iiuicp of mexic lo 51 ntrthoii the eonlraryt enrjaodonly contends that through out tlw wbilc repots her claim ia aa good m ours no belter ui that therefore list territory in dipuio should be divided eenally between uft in our opinion tho whda eouotry n value to cither party aodconseqnmtly aoj udiunrucut of the exisiiofc dinsudty which- can be cflccted with itonor should be tirmnptly ncceovd to when wo haw repeatedly trered u eitend our northern line of boundary that i ihe parojld uf19 north to the paciftc oeeivnas a oompnimivc line thmujch the territory of oitoo it iaidle and vriraed to talk of our having irdispulabac claims to the wholcof ihnt territory or to latitude m 30 north- all ourncgotiatoniltid every honest statcmn in the und hnee lnf vince canceod ihe queatixn lhat englmd hkv ouvwlvev has an equitable claim to a portion of orejwu aud when therefore we re pudiate nil tbul rvmer adminiuraiions have dune m relation t thisvmltef aod act up a claim againit common aere ard ir own formal idmuwooa for a quarter erf a ceivaary we place rjdi prlvm io a fa lac rnaition wbich tipreaaed to a rupture wilh greut britain dep- as of that grewtesl of all element ormrcnpthin war with a foreign power the moral tense of the whow nation that our quarrel ia a just one when w off to adopt 4t north aa the boundary line lbrpsh oregon it was not lhat we considered that n equally dividing the territory in dipute but wauao rt was n eonvenient hnc of boundary lh beinp our pretrnl boumlary from tho 1 jkc ol be wood to the k m tlw brit commisocri declined il on the ground thh u gaveu snare than half of ih territory in diapn berauae the mouth at tbe columbia vnv tl considered a gnod harbor and tir more impurtul vmm u ow thy said in trtvct our elt a good aa yours fram 42 to 51 north and d jiviek tmvtsvobisf ooualf tho line should v cwwn a little oorti of j3 hut in aa much mouth of lho river ia tftlftv ftlco and raeoeavajr7 to hftlh pt- wc wi ivrsfot that voi shivuld isn oe the hoe of 43 nwth unit u slnke the waleio the columbu thence duwn the middle of tbtit vriearn to the cran which i north of latitude ta wc contend wjs h fair pmewailion f at mat divided the white tcrrimry w fqtn- thai oor vernuiem never alyudd have hewl lo ccept il out ntmi iliol wc were rigm m cumung to divide equally bv lavm- u ou tvval dcirrrr of uhtide miil giving to eatland five ad a third thewdy ln of tliottiriitt aetaatly in ditpute aecoidin- imam ownd hllst bntnan und lying u- iween lho cadum waj the pacific and bejwtcn the uwiutli of ihnf in lalitode fi 211 and lati- ituav h iriroli wrt pacj fif btirom wddnr- 9am we ay in diaputc ftccol when il ia orni rive ua all piwfaf it rftz montaios w h cotombia it ia a nwiier of grave doiimwlwtlivft micc1 aiiifcm kalfol all oregon irwj wcrt 0 ckie qn- wj prdicn to n columbia iho boundary from tat 43 to t nkmu that our dftu nfr afvci n thr raelsofthe caw coneluivel prnrc whlt u mmt flurngilialioru tspofl a full j od mpjfl admintiun of euglanda nlaim to aaww lerritney in dirtc- on sueh admraion wwamdiorateal our three distinct ffw i aceepi of a line ij nn n ajsjfftavi of vj north n our uiundary on mv wll pj thcftirunieilfaianlocipnpf it waa left fir that dimintfum utciiian jamra k vnk t- diftcovef andpr oiaiow tuk i- tbe wbile of oregun if ukitdblc and the mine aupc rior intelligence may ir w eecom mend tnongrea ennrac of action which wgd mcvilably iovvlw ujin a waf with ureal bniiiii jiucli a war woute he uojum beeauw it would have its origin if n ilkstful to iio orm territory whch wc tiavc apcatedly admitted is uot uum and any un viniatuf necesvity be unpoyulur with an intrlhgum pelc it beco in th i- 1- duty of honest man in the country to rftmo his vicc ajunm any procecdio which likely to involve ik in an unjust war our hop aid eipeeiation is that our govern menl will yet accept the line of 49 fmm the rocky mountain to the columbia river and thence down lhat stream lo if mouth j or that they will submit tbe uhote question to arbitration if out then in there ao honest or honorable course tv poraue excel hinarrt upon an accurate survey and equal diitof the whole territory by a due cast and weat tine- six a course may not bo convenient for snafff party but it ia what etihtf has o right to mist upim o thin all other rnodeaof arfangcsenufriijjnsand every man io the whole country will be ready for war at any and every hamrd- f every inch of icrriority jumly ouia hfwevcr wwevhleei- as we said liefeec there ia nothing ftt ataa tn thia qticiion but honor the tcmwry in dispute is tnmng in extent and worthies in ebarocier and ftayy bonorablc act- lloincnt of th qinviioo will be hilled with yy by the people of bofti nations ah we aak ah we tlohnt to see our goveromenldo is to put irsclf ritrht and cnriner claim to whil ia clearly just iaolhiaanil iheo if war followathc niioi will aa mic mun rally i support of it rita uencrl jl ovuia afreraosa- r i frptton had plead guiltv to manalaughtae in in mawrob sutcft prieon for life john rlicnii aged hi john burtch aged 22 jobo utban 4s william reside 24 isaac u murhxns 21all plead guilty to manalaughler in the first decree ejch aentweed to lho state prion fr 7 ypars calvin madison plead ruilty to manslaughter in flic lit defreo state prwn 1 year wilbam brisbane bail plead guilty to man slaughter in tho 2d degree- state prison 7 years dan ted northrop plead guilty manslaughter in the lit decree stale prison for life tho court intimated that ahould his conduct warrant it the fourt would intercede fur bis pardon in two nr three year j chftrica t- meotimber plead guiky to mm slaughter in the 2d degree stale prison 7 yearm william joscelyn plead cuilty to manauugbter in the 4th degree state prison two yeans british whig opiftr per oram dicr kingston friday october 17 1845 coiwvav i r i- arcarvftr airrcc oua last c b m smiths falls r c- m v wi m- b w sind j s q loborough to our subscribers al the commencement of the next scsrion of the provincial parliament the british whig will be published three times a week via on tucvnyfl tntinuiaya and saturday and be so continued until the time j will allow of it being published daily we expected to have had late news from europe by the iron iteamer grrot britain now overdue if aho sailed on iho day appointed- this fauurei together wilh a paucity of local intelligence ren dora i whig at lodiy more lhan usually bnr- rer ilic ncwa by the liverpool steamer of tbe 5ih sot- will bejooked for by the time of ourneit ut licannft and may rniko amends- a nws monar canl make news when he wants il it byt5n lafntn tle whole f iirni if ihe ternary lag to nor nen abowin and in mind tliftt en and ifflfv to w kson aid rrvt truly and moat foretbly ak nothint whieh ia not clearly nght and mbniil to iiotbinr i srtamg ten and tliat canunt he looker than tofi but tlree montt kahlvrrirro ksiailero will paramount in madm and we shall aam cm trace x beloeed jacinta nit can have no idea tfie sliiggioh mood of these bri0ftl of ihrii umrr inorance of loqiluee of their inseni- hiily lo hue heroism will yon lajlirirt it tiry atariiitety rturei at our tori in bull- liulns tthtrk ihrrlla llnj learlliissl isjmindiiitli tiisthey drhoiiore the p irom dmissssftaltllei lorr iili row am ibeh a t uoadrd matfldrf ii is onu a kffdftjl sinee thai swhe nl ihe aud it mu iwjwf- ltr wrote in ihe mot treftnuon terms atmnt mr bull lihls at sn sahasiiati wilne3sl by our beloved qurinwhoui heaven pnserve alia hr ibwlstlic ptnlesijlftod rneivover rift fllf vviinin of iheir inh upon hut iiulv ji mill r lli- n1 ititd racially xiliif en it iliie d ii hv v mhl1d uc fix i there iv nh i 011 i f will tw 1 in ih wl tfftciv n4 tlns 4 grlnl lllut j car ffftari baitigliv r i w eh bwful iawtfti ne i w lint would bo gitiitll by the iniled nlotna by adijtmg hi iarulm nf reat a ryrlvajftfad ua biinj d lillte valui arid liutimi mil urml ihiiaiu fiihiiulliinicjputhmi inuiecmuniua lliver wmtd idofjuu pineal the hsd of a live omi u mriuitnultn ihe lludaon hay lidu a the iiid pullmc it finca il quivering body ima- t winrld bin list tnawrtfgf at mini uji hi i piauajibns jre ihe rltrtmtriy oi tin wmitlaio und uf tffinij doivn uieu i had rvin up llct kftftfrsfa as a ilanlatil ltnav aa lho nctiiittuo gmn on at wttfbiugon bt orm- iaf ciriiifruiuiv t f ujjt ii panic huld ivcoiiuto null iel lliv n ol flvadi illiir iif c4mpruu uini f ndirmminl ul a iftsfotrswp by liut rmrri hna unka llu- pfmeiu- a pi fcti adily itl new nu fmr rttleineul man le mdu and an stffafajfi mni madu wiurftul u wiaam iv hi rmniiritnna nl all why can not uo rtallonil am midear lo ihe titart of spam- fftcft g iidliou l cowiif inrapilde nr no hiii but killing rrrn in equal uhl is ben my inptaol iwbai ihey may ilu yrl were tfticeal y arounta from iriminy au mutl ktttw lhat qucwii vcioiia wtiiiiii 1 travel itei ve j liat been lo ate aoitta and then with nllr niv prn aweitiaeiufiii royal ladies lai wilmmmd tkf btilchefyo4 j arrhilaltl meinaw eaq chief factor of 0 hon hudnn u uonipany arrived here on sal urdivmirniufrwuhe rxky mtunlaina mr meuooald baa bv a rcftident of ihe columbia river sor2i ycanal is well aemjemted with ihe wkvde territory ojpied by tbe uor- comnany as well as what wontsvl by lho amevican the oregon territory he efirn our own oftmion of ibta irrrilrirv llmt it neiiher vcr valuabvornf lurgft ritcnl br uf cultural purpe the amrri can emigrants wv lud ffund their way lo hiitj divtanl region haw diwcwrrd una fact iui rand mny of the raav z off lo new california and olhrre ore pej p fo the mitldiw wdlanirlte some eara ago under ihe siptunten deuce rr ui rs laam lae are for the tnm noil broken up am ilied nf to private individuaaf mr leo ways reea ad mr- gayvj wi rviw thrc ctoiuiig itfi lho nunftni the mitmm eaeept w ulievelheetatkm aiuioljrand lr tf u liimluq undivthe laastgc of m- ierkiivt ilielurihn tatliolte bve elmrebra in the willami tie and an tlv lnwltla and appear t he mkm svatve imaiea in converting the nitivcn of ihe jlwerpan nf ufftcwaaaa the itr v manelnti gi l etfc via cape 1 fen to br cmcrmll ikawaft ofa now dtoccao weftt of the ltjav mmitm isftlffaaj npirpit of cdumbia the masajiaiarvia rentnul imiil alow bj thr wrd f foreagu mi ftmr m ihmfcwti hye bnl three mtin fttld uro lianas hi- rnvlmg but alow prugrefft willi tho imfirra ilui usnjtv iiarrivh in thd raveavtrv a few yeara n nni lb hdw t fsnvv l siunh audmri hr a is4rraljr vf 17 iud nslhsa who iirnviil ugvutri by mhiy vi tupr horn fciin hvs4 nl rftllm mflnne h lho nativea v j hstt ffttndird totcvee ov aosrjl v atnanpsau juooa pa a tea- john van sueoberg jou have been found gudty of the murder of 0man n steele httfi you any triitig to say whytheaon- tencc of ifk law ahoued not bo pronounced upon you i parioje i am innocent i dixtt think i ought lo be pomaded jfoor paanea you havebeen fried by a jury of your country and one of almos your own se lecting jflu have been dffcoded by able cajnatl and have born pronounced guilty- ihc court to- tertained movvnl f your guilt ymj were ooo if the iwo bundled digucd men who were pre- aeni at ihe earlc aje and who bad emnbined to take tha life of on cvlecmed fellow eiliien and a faithful public offieer and here ia much reaaun to believe thai you fifeu oi tint rccaion and per raftmiraflblftl ji yiivelhuvlaltcn the lisv of a ici1vr being and tho cnuri cnlei laming not uic 1 1 blest legal doubt of your gudt there ia rw reaaon why sentence sfktold no be prunouicod uton you yuu kftfi but a sliort time m live it is not rr i r j riw lo admooian ion m relation to yimr awful riluatm tlirreare niberr wlmae province t ill le n idvite wirh yu and who willaee lhat you bve every yoriimiv id means fumidwd you to prrptrc for your fuiitl end il ia ihe judgment of ihe onirt that you be taken foitn hnee tw the ptce fnm wlwnev ynfl cinr aod ihil n sourdty uvlh day ol novemer neat ymihukcn h tbe plaeo f caecntin and hun uitil yju ore dead imxkmucli iv i v- i apeak mr- crdoo wjoi lo jilsjiia pafutatft f yvaa ha anv commuoicmiin lhrtli tajptiti 111 ytt i slier it wdl remove tlio iraamer scxnoi or ftowanu oourxoa fdwardocrtonor yiohttebrcn found cuilty nf iiiiirrlor wfaftl have yu to any why i ha sen- trora of ihe law should not aw b prvnuunccd jnsl yuu 1 paaawcft- any i am not guiliy of the ftjiarui jiiasi passeft distal that rhjrt the court itiruia o doubt no duht a etist that you at the v rlo s1o thai jtut was one of the 21 armed men and disgnired on that neeaaion tu eveo it jruu did n4 6rc nf which there ii al usi a qiknin vldl yna waathrreand partieipiicd in the iulnigc there can tbereruro be noqueation of your udl the duly am now called upn to perform at ft ml painful one have fcoown jeni and yur family for many years you are a voting man of iriw intern ceoec than van stecnhurf you arc wing and rtoascsafd of abilitiev and yo bve rseee table connexinna you are thcfire the i a eie liable theae d i jigi whieh you pos- aeisd have disfd fnti to rerpaet the laws it ia therefore a painful duly in pfus kn fence upon von yiu ore to be eut off in early life from friends from kindred and frm the wohd fat ihus taking the sland nfttprn rafialnee aninm ihi laws of your country you have but ft few days to live- it is your duttu improve tho lime ond prepare t death an awfif chioo awaits yu and wc trust yvu will fake adeftntage of the mi mi in yuur power to prepare for tlul chaoec the judgment of the court ralhh you be token hence mtlir place frnm whence you camo and that on stlurday the q9tii diy nf november neat yhi be taken to the rdaec of r irntoo and there bciwren th- luais nf lit nvlork in the mornijig and 3 oclock in lho afcernono yuu bo hung until yuu arc detid prionironkiirnand upon ihe audience aa the alicilt remove i him remember my friends 1 die an mnoecnl man svtcaaft op immix w sournas daniel w squires yoo have plead guilty to manslaughter in the 1st degree what hava you to my why tlio sentence of the law should not be f irvii t d upon you t paiatfsciu 1 dool know thai i have anything to say j voce paftktii i dont ace how you nan have you were tndieted for murder ftnd it ia tha mer ciful dpftition of the prorcntiu vkftfa hat in duned the aeccplinec of your plea there is but little doubt lhalyour cioriionahava contributed in a great degree to the murder of steele you were a mover and oruioatorof the rebellion that hat re sulted ao falsity and though not legally guilfy of the rnurdcr yuu are morally ao and the violated lftt require that you ahould be punislied with ftc- verity you have too contributed brgcly toawrll the number of those engaged in the insurrection by inducing many other to partictpatft n if ywi are w be cut off from aociety you will hence rarth be civilly dead society will no more be diaturbed by yuur mi donation tlw ftciitence of the court is lhat you bo crn fined in the stale pnaon in clinton county fur the term of yuur natural life arxtckcr or noses ble mocs cjrle you hivo pead guilty to man slaughter in the flrat derec wlial have you to ny e pajsokftk- hope your honor will consider me and d- no aj the god you can ond i hone um cfd of hearer will reward iou f it- 1 hope you will iry and get me paramed that i may return lo my cump tiiivtk xcftoft paiikra it is certainly a painful duly to pasaacmlcocr ujkmi a mio ofymr reara you were indicled for murder and msj owe it to the techni cality of ibehw tli at you have not been found guilty nf lint crime- h was lm caame tikon hy you that led u tlie death of sfkv you placed your prty in ilic hamlauf a ijivgqipeil band of men w nettled ui the reaiatanco ofttwaatr and ramify lo lho murdered the umbr sherilt and pubhc jutticc dtmindi that your puuialiment be aevro wcruum acntcneeyutolhc stnle trifttfi for life you will therefuru hr cut off from your frieouv and fnan nocitty nnd lb public wdl hirkffir krfju lnm ihe preioof rmr whn udty m ivi hib n cnitk and whu h- been the caj fttftfai wasr ty an urvtcftumn 111 tidrnjii uf imf that yaibecoftp fi ijl in uw sum piirt m ilmwn rounly fr the jvnn of your u ilual hju a unule bens leltera lettlt ko iji pncle den to the british whig mv draft wavaa- you have really made mo m r u utf site senaibilrtice of my fccliuga were quite aroused by your compliment to my pretension and i fell rcaaon to be glad that i had concealed my name even from you ftl fo my profeaaos of toryfwn i reiterate iho ftasertiorv i am ml ft conserva live beoauac i never could underataiid what a ronserrative meant i nevae could depend on is avowal of princirrfea in that body i only aow ecuimera nghinst whig policy tt of vvalent dc while they invariably acted on whig princlploaof several election oommilteeft ft pue oft peached fts lo affxd ft certainty ihai they v ftetuated solely by juaiicc i ask mr scoau hk catneroo or even mr cowan yon inoat hsj convinced lhat another election would aefttler tbft prcaent cabinet to the winds and then tbe qrstav lion comes who will replace them t tbo cha faotors only will bo changed the ftcertery raid tiuj sw uf the farce will be lho am- rosfioeiaibu ivcnrncnt will emuae the audineo with iaa psofomidc panlaloon harlequin and the clowq will play iheir a r j no matter wbctbftr tbe cha racters be played by mcavrsv draper daly fttad vigor or hy mcsara baldwin lafoolaine and hmcbt the rrtabliahed uaagcft will take jdnco the scenery will be grand and tho atage trvckft moat eflvctive tiu lho people arouaa and aaaert heir rights till bribery aod crrup4ioo ara dmm from the country i am not going a waste either nry ifafttav ynrarft in arguing iho qucation rnrioled m rwr brvef notice of ibcpoatliun of sir robert poel look at ireland and find an anawer i have cboaaua canada foe my subject and io her present porauaoa f can aoe no cause for ooogrfttulatmg mr orapasr- tako away the maater mind that now directa our ri lord metcftlfe retire from tbft government and tbe problem viu bt vol tee at s true political ftgrlatwr ii at rest bot il io g iheriog atrenglh in its atom ber and i fear that rvhrn tbe storm duud haa bunt wa wdl rarat b prepared to meet it mr- draper has paraljavd he only party who were ever tttdt ftt the call of government to protect law and orocr be baa bft hayed those who triatted him and b will od iat the end lhat honesty had been the beat potior forgive this abort letter i had not intended to have troubled you ao soon but vour remark in the lvaff of the 0th called for ibrro 1 shall tsal for tha future allow myaelf to be lead away from piy purpoae soma daya may elftpc bftfon yftfti will bear from me again and the sobjeet of taj nr 1 1 letter shad be a repeal of the uftiosi of thai province as the only sraftanai of ftrerboa tbft r with which our inatltuiioos ale uutauned i am dear whig v- ijs truly ucli bus kingston oct 15 1845 eo wntos nutl- wo oontet oor s fj relnliun to the aasuruption o toryiiibi by u he bco- the strange eondoct of the ptfor and ctolt in so quickly diftseminatiog hia ejaneavavava jft astray lejidatio braggarts on ihe hurlinva cu war da in the council a conaervativi in the worda of ffnsiwl mmy be deftcribed as ft tvimmer that ia a cowtid to both aides of the qiwvtion who dare nut be a knave nur an hnnevt voan but a sort ftf whiflling i iiumpiibte uninraning ne- giiivo of the ttvu such ia tay ealiuviic or mo dern eoohereatiam and in proof i would refer lo n rornpariann of the preaeot acta of sir uuberl peel with hia fi aatreeh al llie constrvattve dinner in tbmi- i am not a radical in djagniae for with that body of pohuciona i havo not one feeliog in common i ultnty delrrt ond deepiar ihcm the noly uahly they have deaerving ou nifttee or imitation ia their fiaity of purpoae and iktneirav h aavfttly odmratnn fo inir otdiiieil code and lho drcdcvil rftrunrrry will whiel they defend it tfiero is afmnji a dash af romance in lho chivalry with which they proroulgate raise hood and a vary pretty parof heroes for irgne 8u editor uf the t9laf and iof- the alnvral arimollanonua publicatitai of my letters io ihoac jourrtala i cannot aceouni for i do assure you moatflntemnlv lh4l noliving v had acen them previoaft fo their being pnl in transitu to your office and i make no copy or tianaeript and i regret that the aircumatanee abftuld have induced yu to believe me capable of what ahould have moat properly havo rendered me liable tu great reprehension 1 trust tbu will aa tiviy you on that head tlic nannner in which tbv v- noeet my lellcr has amused mo and the beautiful cmpli menl it paya to mr draper will nut i hope b allowed to unrewarded it were ft piiy if ahtuld it ia toucbingly pathetic- tlie lfuoir able altorofty general il ia alatd did not coo duct hia ease with tht leormfa which the pm- tection nf injured innocence arould bavn oieiterl in him in other words he rakes a large fee which he rackets most gracefully skimaovcr hi brief limrte hia forensic warmth in his bedehamber and neglects hia elienl this rs mr draper character aa an adiocatc tha is not tlio rmn whom we have beard defend the murderer ano tlie incendiary this ia not he vhoo eloquence needed not ibe subycci of injured innoconce to kindle iis enthusiasm let the firtct dmpauch compliments and subvert if it cn one position i have taken contradict one oaaertiun i have made or refute one argument thia were fur belter than to attempt to amouier political invest laiioo by such campleinenla to ile patron u jta guidr philo- aophcr and friend confident sin i that no person whoa opinion ia worthy of notice will de sigiatc my letters as abusive they were under- tftksa for the purpoae of shewing ibe political in conaiatenccs of a man who haa purchased power by the moat disreputable tcrgiverutkw to do moaarote that ihe present council in an ill- jointed illarranged machine torouao the toriea to n ten of tho poaitinn in which they hava been puced by lending loo facile an car to ctarmiapov clamalion nnd empty promise to draw from ihingapasta pie t tire of the fuluro and to pre pare the public mind for ft slrugglo lhat muit come and to a eeuin citent my purpose has been answered these teller have had weight simply bcoaure llaoif allegations arc ruo and irrefutable the tories aco they havo been betrayed lho up per pfovinecfecuil has been sold rebel dicta tion and french aupre ma cy arc now paramount our present pcdilical code is written in tlie blood tried at st denis st eusiacho and point au poltv the court of justice has become tbo stepping stonu to power ftnd to have been active in treason the forrrunnce uf office wc are go verned without principle wc arc bought and eotf the true liberties of tho people arc mado enkjanfj of open iraihc the money clmngcx boa placed hia scat in lho halts of lgilalion tlsa aeliers of cloves flhoao awect innent ooveo canadian politicians liavo jvrud their market under ape tent from tho fiicens rcpreseotaiivft ynu say that tho position of mr draper be fore tho country is such lhat he con readily afford uoelo ben o wnto as many ictlcrs aa ho pleases so much the beilet lor him nod for has aycoptiaiil so much tbo bettor for tho jmrdouod waitir and the convicted rebel bjit sir you are loisttkeo a feeling is abroad tbo leven of dneon- tenl haa c fth and nnutivc electfiu wdl jimee ut j nm m ti rijld fi ua lak nl f last sosion dors nne nun in a tbousoitd mw lint airasr milir r i dftfsvftry suw bft frcy lecterj uremhers rv hwufssvl or tliat uioy oan uiaam returned wero ihe jrocevdinjs of uo pittsburgh cattle show the caluc shows bvld ibia weak in vaasosai pftrtft of the district base been vntu attended and the display of horace cattle and sbef bssft been exceedingly good thai at emesrtcrsrn en tbe ijmh waa particularly cacrertt had asrswf lliruo arsons befto prervnt at thssw shosra veho ow light in eharacferiaing the midlsod dsssriol eomparatively barren snd nnni for ftgrieurtoisjl purpnseft tbsy would have aeen sufficient to naftkft tbem change their opinion returns hara not ysst bsen made lo us of th variotw rrrermumv fttamrd- ed wilh the ejccpjioo of that un rruborgb tkft sltle show for which wsa held yssterdsy at tirft village of barrieneld and ft capital show il sssjsv fn sheep and flogs pitlaburgb can fs with any township iaj tbo district and wilh fswpect to horset snd horusd callk it swill isttxiro mucki behind band at tlie piltahurgh annual cattle show bold fn osrnefield on thursday the lgth oclubsr 1845 ihe following premiums were awarded viavt cui uofttstftk jit bsftt sca1tiua a mctniyre r ct tt best brood mare a melnryr sod do wm surke t 3rd do thos ktfttly at i 1 0 0 t3 0 10 o 1 ttiiso c rsrbest coh dr flarksr n f fl 2 i dr oarkse 0 t w ov ihia r n- gfl rjij roraria olssv isl best yer old colt a cnwn od di wm ferguaorr oo jwiirwof 7 6 nrrh cuss lal best cultnl i84s a- lidlnw m c g crajtu 3rd do wen fftrguson s ciksv aimf ct9 1st best span working horse nul juo 0 13 0 2nd do do it slrachan 0 10 q ltd do do j hocvaasaava 0 7 6 extra premium ifceraird n favor of james sirs errnn for iksi colt of ims he not hnvinr fr rvired haa tiekrt for showing peeijoa to lise ck darution of the judge 7 c si a re ctaftsjmaaro cattiac frstbrt duufrom to 5 yearsow a cowan second do j mccollum i secnvd ciav first bert cow martin slrachan 0 15 i tmiao claasji first best pair of sierra 2 years ohl jaa rowan 0 10 0 frennd do j mcoifluni 0 7 7 fi best 2 yara old heifer jon dunn 0 10 0 1 0 0 10 do j- co war 0 7 6 firrt vst boll caft of 1m4 jaa- cowsn 1 f 0 jwonddn j strachftn 0 7 6 firtberf heifer calf of 1844 j dunn 0 10 0 second do a- laidlow 0 7 0 firm clav pht best bull calf of 1815 j coltum 0 7 6 hceood do a cftftrtusu 0 5 0 pst beat heifer calf of jftas xcohum 0 7 6 arvit cui first best pair worktog often j col lam 0 15 0 second do a onvun 0 10 0 third do d- mpharsou 0 7 6 nnst rtiss ssiaip jrt best 11am j b mark 0 15 0 2nd do j mclnilnv 0 10 0 3rd do g strachgn 0 15 0 10 7 0 15 0 10 0 7 bfcown cras- tat best breeding ewo a mcfntir nd do g straehan 3rd do j dunn tiirnn etioft jst best ram lamb of 1345 r kr 0 10 0 2nd do j mclean 0 7 6 3rd do g strachftq m q fr ar rornvrr clissv lvtbcsl1 eoumhsofs a mntinv 0 10 0 2nd do j mecoltum 0 3rd do gstradnn 0 5 0 ftaar clss noos firsl best doar a cuwjn 0 10 0 second di m slrnehan 0 7 6 first beat brccdin sow a cowan 0 10 6 second do a- mclutyro 0 7 6 third do win cuwatt 0 5 0 tlohkstto i vi r c fi first best piece f fulled ciotb wra ferguson 0 10 0 second do a loidlsw m 0 7 6 third do d benton 0 3 0 first best pioftft of sfttlinette wru ferjfuftjr fc 0 10 0 second d a mm n tyre a fl 7 ttid do james cnwon i ft 0 fial best piece of flannel wm fftf- fuson am 0 10 0 sceond do wi fsrguvon 0 7 i third do a loidluw 0 5 0 first best tot of knitted sonka a mcarthur i 5 0 fieeond do a alekinjoy 0 3 0 third du a o 0 raouvcft at best ifi lbs rutlor a mearlhur 0 2nd do d- beaton 0 3rd do a mcluliru 0 i at best chonso vmigbg 10 jbft a cowan 0 let best ii v i bua- full whnlj wiu snd du 1 qravcsi fl 3rd bo a cowan tl l 1 i bus sikinv whsot sunt 3it do a ftrstthvir win fifrsnson john ii- i 0 0 wist m 0 i 0 1 ivsssftvitr srtntrtf 0 t s