pnocress or run religious refor mation in continental btjiopr we have received from our uitin cor- respondeat th following communication re lative to the relitfou agilaloon in saxony our readers will mmt rolutt lhat imme diately fer ihe dhivay l ihc knv speech upon ih itptimijc rflfctbwwd chambers it wit proposed lo mil a romrmltr lot the con sideration of the religious question u hirh tad led to to moehesilcinpiil lsifiil by the li1 ritt leipsic- to i ninmittec was also rtifu ihe question of iman calboliciun piihidxld by hurfr upon ilu- iti nutflfflii wuh legaid to which thr public mnd thioufhout germany 10 lueply th committee haveiekmcd repmt the main feature of which villus nun do scribed in lb following paper foruanlcd lo u by oar correspondent it results from ihf rcpuil iwwlr by the select committee of our chamber ol deputies that the latter approves of the temporary le-itla- tiont which hate lately been issued y mi rr r i concerning ftt german catholic church and its members wilh the addition hnwtr snme particular privileges the report begirt wilh lite following general ooer- vstioro the movement which h lately taken place in spiritual luing and more pitislly in lftoe which relate to min in the whole of germany has been followed by a aerie of events which could nm nm interest ener j thinking nmj as well as the irnvrrn sienlsof the various corjnuiesiri which ihet occurred one of the most prominent and ato n imponantof these occur renr t i howrvri th separation of a eonfidcrahlr number ol catholics from the roman calhok church ant thv form at ion of 9 tinman catholic church mp 00c a od veiling leoanon and foinff tof mhr more afuxaunt ttantv fifty dol lar more a her jd ouatilw arc enumerated one after another she hm n value until hc ha fnn up in rmrx the auctioneer calf in vain fnr another bid at length he take a paper fm his pocket and rcjd with nnaif of riiimpb m certify lhat mary i mtmber o the method church m fidod and rcjfolr land no anonei i the pwlauiation read than mndrcd dollah is adihd and a number of i body t fh al public auction in the hrmt oil heir unturdsimc 6ir a thnuand dollar so0blf dtert chimrcn are oouhi on and kwkked flftunc after anoihe to di itc rent pur- rtiatcr noyuee that moihciarce wandering uert and tbrtc over the eruwd 1 cc bar kapinj fridi fi- alfind and cantinc hernclf at the feet of ler iw mmteci slie pic ad aa tnaternal aftection only can pleort o una they are aclling my hotigrti child jlic rel arc l cone i kw not wlhir buy ibiliule tc ihit i may nol be scpa- ruled frnm her o i ivdt none you when y0 are ck- i wilt di two yt woik in one 1 will b kind and fdiedbenl and faithful 1 will do any thing fnrvog only tice tue one of my cbddrci ftnlj thi little he t the heart of the dvchojdtr firrlta docs it no his hcjrt is a pcififaelion fvuntic wilh frirf the pooe woman i next railed to wtlnr ihc b of hct inialiand the scene i oter tbowltnk family arc aepratrd fn each bilker alt poiteto uic rice held of the south to- meet no mre critii gttarrfivn nrcwttiit rmterat amir lawatavr tttroa fojo tloc bjtirwwc vrtiriotf oct iimy a centlrn il lady whohaduvn stoppani at the biebarv hotel for roc dzy jiatt as iriiifi and wile left n lheearir llk rthnnnre and sumlkhauna k r nl company im fridirmoiuintfon ibeir way t new voik to a centkmari who hd bcn ajurninjf til da- hbkttx wh aim a paicr in the wme cm ho otfved after the cars bad gntlcn some rode from the commomtics of which rr crinually in- iwiirorc that ibe lunoan huhand at the lady err mi in parts of the 1 y thi 1 w awl aitxanum the foam the ncl discovery pew church is not only diffrent lviln cti jmmovly ihr alieanow v tthaihiti pocket bvik to u dogmas and chimb orai 1- tomnunutylm thatfromwhichilhaeparateditsilflnl alo ce m like of the pcrwi vrhohad been c ii w wl ni 1 accompany the mysicnutja lady having left the 0 from all the other chnrches and ceimmonilies ol germany profrssinc however at the jue time to be a chrislian cbuich our gnvrrn- rr n bad therefore to keep in view wits reaj lo the dew church and it members which bavi- oow became very numerous in qui country first the principal of relics lihcity a adopted hy the conslilution of bvjv male am secondly the rih 1 the olher christian eonpealiofis kthj ac in in rjiru lady cars veiled some inn on the prtof the loti of 1 hi fundi he kept the secret to himself bui on reaching york pcrecivint that too vid pfttv liille french irl or woman took her poisjc back foe lulhinore in the return iram he olio did uic same aud on reaching this city jave ouch infor- mation lo the police as to caute thcn to ant her she was accordingly captured in friday niphtand and privilege eranled i taken lo the pidrea office with a view nwo c- peciamy tn arccrtnln llc whcrctnut nf ht ap parent husband on catimioation of the prisoner funk it wns found to contain mocli valuable clothinff jewelry her person alan under went pnvaic m m nd around her body ma belt was found 1000 in ijnld a trunk known to be in churgc of the man 1 frenchman nth acrnmnunhtd her ba been ociied whin opntm d t wan fnoud lo contain nearly a bubcl or jon ol a particular pliee of ww4lfjl letu rufiniii buck in dale ftr several cara should become neccsan the r of an f van tbrse hitei re itinmly written in french me celical church should be prmiited to the new 1 however are in the helucw bpomatij ltjlin tor community with the faxrptiflfi hoirvrr oiti and oiber liinjniffe ivy provcd parii the permission of ringing the bells ff thai church c 2 the doctrines preached by cordiof to thct considerations tlir ministeis have thought it advisable to decree ihc follow- inu temporary regulations with regard ro 111 ierman calbnlic church and iia cnnirnumlies and which are i thai in ar such pfaccr where in consequence of ibe great numrerof german catholksot riher local titcumslanre the alfoeation of a particular pliee of worb the ministers of the new chufth roust not mililalc against the constitution ol lur lale 3 the ministers of ihe new church are pr- milled to ctloim in their etwanflttitie the ceremonies of uptin mairia- and buiijf on the comiilion however that a protestant clergyman be uvas presnt onihe occaifi hut that the lalter shall not he obliged t oatlord ha attendance the committer is d opinion 10 im hibbkjicd in the trench pper mil vitjiirfod hy the ixtiii concerned coak r ic eiicuni ofder lhat these lenapoiary in their communiti mjf nvc atid iick an lit shall in more effectual the miniteis nt tin fjetmao catholic church oum to be athtued loiierlorin ricmvtiiiniii haptimn lt omau ajl p my fo luiicatr ohoaft- uim liii 1 and thai with repfci lo marriaaiea nr ruui should only petlorm the rtt w vremnny- tliecommitee poinifuithei out the foiioaiutr two oycci for the future consul eiai ion of the chambers and the minisiers viz first whether the memhers ol the new church wilt have tncontinne to pay in the meantime chtitch rate in the roman catholic church t iteccondly whelhoi they will continue to ehiny ibe ine rights and privileges as befoie the sepctation the committee also approved gf itic popoial ef the coternment lo allow all ihe new catholics to maintain for uiepiceut ihir 10u tiral and municipal rihis this anlvi will show lht the leslattne and the oviin menl of saxony attach consmeiaide importance to the iehjiou movement in fcrroany and thai spirit of concession is already manitei by them on certain poinis which bavo htthtllo given rie to much discoulent our german catholic church in schuenlr- rrn h i will shortly be undei roof and we roost heartily wish that ihe reformatio festival hie firat held under the new impnfea which is in b aolemmzed in it in ihe middle of oclohet next may assemble here alt ihos valiant chain- piojia who were caned by the cry for help which once went forth from this utile place in order that they may thus leceive the thanks of the liberated and that they behold the hri erected german catholic place of worship which is destined to consecrate 10 fuiuit gene rations tbeir heroic achievements the leader koner arrived at frankfort on ulst the ac- the ger- bis disposal- i cxamiititinn in betlw correfondenco with ectc hraud tnr in all ite principal eilica of koipe aiui apmeir pivinff dctaikd account of eaten 1 aivo rolibcrit the brsl nvhsea of eluding detect iwn a some of in 11 ii u r- nnniion the fict of t imp rtijbrfy hntin- hen wr pet rated in pans ootiie ycjra ajn and aho narrate 1ie manner in uhich u icr cwitaninir the account of it sent lo new vm urejit fn the tmflk tvlnen ttc wowadj undsr orrat would nnt ctaun and denred all koowtedio of its owner- idtip a alo qlfjftt in amcriean pnld besiicfl ii- 11 i of tatihnal riehcheu act in i and n hiiidiiiity cruilvucied sct iiatnp of raw in td and thdv bonesv the money has hem dfviled in lltt bank and the lelir fciven tin- i vnrh vinvul in thiveity for hiropctlmnh wis u permed we ifnuhl not ihey wiltivo nrne tbi ectitol afsfl04 the unt acmihr icmo ol mbheva tvir lienl ot furllier ilcrelosiinnu will te made after the tellers arc read and trana- latcov the 3 ti insu from unenbure i cumaiionsof an immense crowd snout reformed church was placed at bis d at obenbar be was obliged to celebrate set iee in ihe open air il is asserted heie sha the srnteof the city has refused to foibii konge preaching io public suclj a prohibits a having been made it is said without iffeci by ihe president of ihe gormen diet count svlauch belhnsbausen who in it here the ministerial journal the fpoone former y the globe states that m rone having in timated his itrtcnuon of vifilin incc- eeisej a eommunicatton though the kn nch charge daffaiiei ihat he mighi traecl in france as a private individual would noi be allowed to celebrate worship according lo the forms of german catholicism to sum up the whole matter ht latest ac counts tell us that the new reformation in or- roany is spreading rapidly ihc guzu nt eiberaleld slates lhat tb conveifricn c r- enao calholm priests is daily incrcainf a converted piiest has been chosen pastor at sail bruck at irlatj in siloia nioslimpott nt meeting had been held 10 scu the new movement at which deputies attended from more than 40sifeian communities at ktnk ort and manhrifn in the tianl hurhv f besse camel iu wirtemburti it i ur 1 ne bjrct which fill and aitales alt rniii minds wbetever h rune ihe new ulher appear tie isreceieed with joy and acclmatin the catholic nvernmenu are alarmed and on ihc alert m rorre has been expelled frorr hesse ihc austrian an i ho ri ties have rifuifiei 10 the catholic clei to he eairful rot in ojlienatc the people by inlolttotace or reaitda lout conduct lest they should dvtach ihern swlvea ro the religion of iheij falhcis drbadfot mortalitv on noard h- l steam siaop b0lai the hertrfr rteamstoitp enenminioned nn ihe coast of africa arrived on the court of kntsnd recently iiavio aoikd from madeira september 33id- a fever broke nut on iviufd in aiieil visl at honnvbla which cairnd oil tfiir lyane aouls- the ifmun ivsm of lb 1st instjot cmuina iho fulluwiug riklancbvly account from torls- ntouth tho eeuur steam rloop oiromander waller c b lrcnuri came up lo the mmhciutnk ihia rorfinns about d oclock with the ycuw flay with a ball in its centre living from her mainmast head enibkinatical of death on btjrd 5ho has been w awfully visilio with skancs aificc she has been on ihe coat of africa that rhr baa been sent hiime l1ie auful number ofmiylwo luve died in ihc vrnel and mhers arc dying hourly wo rcjfrel 10 stale lhat coromandcc catcourt ia among the number dead trie name nf the otlicj ohseers and men wo cannl at prescnl tell no communicalinn beinj allowed we are ro- frirmcd thero are now23ill on boards thcsur- perio was alive ihia mornine and on the quaran line ofiserfa bnib alontidc the vessel we ore informed he answered tlieir inquiiicv and said ihe nxiruhlv was fnni a lever son wi hi nj between a vclliavf nd the buck one cf the men died hi r rooming the customs authiritie arc fear ful of removing anyone on buord wc believe however frcoli urawawan havo been sent to the veroel but wlielher any humiin baawaautc ht can not hnd oui wc bchvve none owrojt 10 tle seat of comfti if slc remains at the moukrbank lie wilt have in ride out forty day quarantine but we are mfotinrd il i most prolablc ihe will bo suufibed wilh fuel and provisiona and he sent for a cniiw in the north sea the admiralty des patches arc landed bul nmhine cle a boat j rows uard round the vescel to prevent com municatrn and conoent mljiwn aa well as to prevent any one cacapm fn m the vessel tni properly toe time if the 2nd mblihe a lift of ihe nurnes of ihe t i whu bad ditoand adds the fouwini rrrnraa no hic in ajbwiid to jjo on lioard of or leave the vewwl j i iu i u however lowed dj n a l u with ijiiity tons nf coal stores c 1 on board ut ibe uc of uic vessel thi tftick n ill lie nkurcil in a hiiiy and lejt for iho eclair survivor lo take on brd aflr it ia shipped he will leave fr slandtatvcreek near shecuwi and there fide out forty daya or more aftar clean ulls of fjcatth h wc been received from her mavkiy one of ita eoneotnitunt evils u tlr asp isatton uf ojirr 1 iu and imrim each mhef a uv nantlawisor f1iii in a speech at urut4 altr b thus laleiy described a sene there 1 vlaeery in ihr iu4ietnf fvnb slavery or lt wvrl kind it t it r mart whnrc men wironnrd childni 1 7r- lu bed vjwn by hm auttunur imqsitthr b rfllopywif beairbiijf burden tfaa wouin utiritli matil nhwtl syi a ffkhrr oinr swnrdh s liii lickirud mvo cue m a ttmur nn nn 1 llwnjitwjwl prraiitcdivt f1 lt kibtr and tnaifd tt aa ihao tli bwval 1r encouttj and her htajtm and ai miii ffc m 1 rdvesit m k baiaw4 11sjtof h ii noith fcalsb vlv up fvailt ou- hmsat i vaata jrm iuiarmr- tnsvifbv d4cd tn in f d v i uid vtit lihr ivey vwsh rli a md l indulge it l j vtiltk vif mia fiu lll h r somtl m tirf misih 1 b pft rft ri- ii iinnairte anaia a melanelvly oeeur rence iok ph ce on iho plmtalion of a c dun uir r ihia city on mnnday evening nhoul 5 ii k m jjhn iindvy uliu hid rlmreo 0 the plantation while standing near iho fin oaw a ri range ne tn niumptio tn break into ime of iho neem svotoan and proceeded arrerf him sla- bninr two iqf outde ho entered lle bouso which ihc airno nejjro fod proviocdy entered and wit finding him betoiv went up a ladder and oprniri- a hjr kadin into n unnlt farrct ituu saw lias nero and oaasmmivm him tu remain where he was tiuicid nf wfiieh be mistied upw mr luuwy wht ncltd hii past ik1 1i arm secma immcdiati ly lo have been knocked up the jratof ln rilid were found in ihe raw immedi atcly uvcr the rtaee whev he atrwd and a deadly thrum from a knife given shbi mr i iv ilked fint if tint hnuc and direclcd the servanda w ho earne in hii qsvmftlwc lo vrsue ibe rooawny and then filling dowft died even beforo of tito tounda his wtfc could reach tii in fnm iho dimnc of a few fila mr t i f nf onr r rc1abo and worthy ctirn ik imslcll oyoun wife and elnm the nnannlhe dflnlalion emitd wirh difli- etdly 1- trmtatnrd fmns tiurning iho inurderer on iho w jliia alajwain what cssiuialion ihey jirttl mr lndmy mr l wan in the 3tla ynaf or hi ago ttic ntunlertv jont lbrg si u umrgo nohin saavhrestex eol and frooashnvd cut trial at ibo nexiiertu uf fuvrt ivffffr rrjmuit tlllami a a vrritaf in lln 1 tatif untsw iv wjni ii h mrt k t in- e iiii kriav intsta ii uatta m mil il i 11m rwiatub wot i ktntut wtm a w jil r km m 11k u d i iuon jy ivkrtd fitttutr t m iht t dti- ulneli bra if il bibim tim wrur 1 uf tiiipmy dmirhthaa h l iuaud uoaw nuny ouwf oauscs than iho use of mono which tbowjh a great fertilizer is notcrmnpoad of tfonx qnahtiev that am favorahle to amrnal tilbut ouile tbu revcrvo ii militiie against iho anppoaition that iho rut in general and opptarain deed of initea from whirc cano ha been applied ctrat- ly av bad it nol wotsc lhan in tho neighborhood nr nljcc where it has been used aa a manure on the continent of europe and in england the mi hai not been known wc believe until this year thuugh guano baa been applied for ihree four or five years in those count he whihl the same dis ease ha appeared in the united for several sueccaaive aeasonii though the iniroduetoon into ihil country of guano is not ore 1 b twtemonlha dale nor is it known wo betivve hint guano generates such an insect a described in those countries from which il was nnu exported and whsrc it ha been long in use for agricultural pur- pose thcoforc our farmer aij nol do well lo lake up a prejudice against guano as tiro cause of tborot from insufficient evidence we should like lo be informed floor some competent person if ihc diocase which now attacked the crop as of a oimilar nature to thai which a few year aincc delwyed thosverf in thegrnund if so it is on addtlftil argument against euanu being the cause for then thero was no guan in the country halifax riutee- an ojrciaf gtttttr extraordinary of the 27lh ii by pniclamation of the governor genera has made public iho futtuwing regulations ta tnart the oe cofccion cf the tott on cdjiiw and iht proper ttttng ra canals section k be it ordered that every owner m or person in charge of any vessel doat or uarc entering into any fvock or navigaring or pasving through any canal shall make a full and omptele kcpjft of the contents nf their cargoes or on faituro thereof shall forfeit and pay lo the cotcctor of tolls under a penally of nol leas lhan twenty shillings nor roore lhan five pounds currency and collector uf toltf and sopmntcudcnts of canals arc hereby oulborited to require from the wner master or person in charge of any vessel oval or oargo a aforesaid coatniii meat ton of all manifest clearance bills of lading or other paper rrlaling to the cargoes of uch vessels and 1 any person refosing to aubmit ihc aamo when eo j required sjiall inur a tile penalty of not lea lhan twenty shillings and nol caccoomg five pound currency section 2 and bo it further ordered that each report lo be made in the aatd collector of toll under these regulations vhall b signed hy the person makinc it and the carvtclncs thereof hall be declared lo by such pcrun before the d collector of tulu who ia aulhtriicd to receive the declaration nd for any and aach wilful roia atalemcnt in such report iho fjcraon making it hall incur a penalty of out leas than fivo poundi currency 8svtar 3 and bo it further ordered that no vcatcl ikiul llargcor raft hal ileparl from any collector oltice without obtaining a clearance of permit which collector of poll are hereby re quired lo grant which clearance the owner matter or person in charge of ucb vsnacl itoit or brtrgct aliall exhibit to llie sofhinntendcni or to any ioeli keeper or 10 any collector of toll whenever and a often 3 the tine tdmll bo da- munded by any such otrioer under u penalty nf not let lhan ten shritin and not exceeding fivo pounds currency for each and vary lime mch ottner master or pcron hall rcfuaa solo do secrm 4 and bo il further ordered ttial every veoscl lloal or bttfli oarigating the cual that be upphcd with a horn or o ftell which it hall bo iho duly of iho perwin in charge in caute to he sounded at kait twenty chain uifurc coining a lv or pnaing a lliidgc on iho lmg levels wher lck or hridgo tender uro cmnuycd under a penalty or not less than ten shilling and not exceeding five pound svoctsbh j and bo it tjraklitt tlsat ovary vf ffri ftta mhi mh ut any lock or lying in die ehflfn i af any entrance to any canal or ijsfik within iwh hundred vatdtof ibe jme hall dining the uight almw a fight at ihe bowsprit and that any person in ehnrga of any vewl who shill neglect in cause uch light ti tn- rtiown snail incur a penally f 04 kn than twenty shillings and not exceeding five pounds currency- sfcrtom g and bo il further ordered thai owners master or persons in chirac of any vc tel boat or barge shull when rvuired n to d by ihc riuperintcndeni of the cna or other officer duly authorized in that behalf promptly and ulth all diligence move such vessel nit or barge m any place which the se per in lend cut or olhcr t jtb rcr jmu rlircrl whether thcamkc neecaosary fir the purjfc of repajfing n hrcacj or fnr presar- vinc the free and uninterrupted navigation of the canal and for ihc maintenance r order and rcgo lirity at iho wbarvea arnl lndiig idaecs ur oihrs wito under a penally of five pounds currency ssctiimi 7 and bo it further ordered thai nn fiertotl hall open or shut any of the large gale or the paddle catosin any oftho fjck or waste wares or shall draw down and kvel by mean of ihc machinery or otherwise unto by the content and under the direction nf ihe ctfflccr or peroral in charge oftlmsame and any pran eomrnitimg a breach of this regulation or interfering wilh or ototniclinguwelceioeaortoilvysupcriniendenl i yfiek masters or peison employed under ihcin rn the executinn or perfonnancc of h or their dnites shall incur a penally of five pounds for each and every offence sucrav- 8 and be il furlher ordered tjiat all vessel natigattng any canal alialt have their yardsloppcd up their qoomaand rigor ringed in ibcir jib boom ringed in aa far as practicable their studding ad boom tronukeoort their sprit sail kardstaid tore and aft and tbetr anchor secured so as lo avoid doing damage to other vc sels under a penally against the masler nr penon in charge not exceeding five pound cnrrcny section and be it further ordered that nn master or person in charge of any vessel boat barge or craft navigating any canal shall cast anchor in the same ur in the channel leading thereto nor fatttcn or nn any uch vicl boat isvgc or craft whilst in the canal or cssoaim leading thereto nor diteliargo any part of their cargo 0 rake in any lading without the ciyies pefvnttoam of iho collector of toll supcrinion dent wharfinger or lyckinastcf 50 to do onder a penalty of nol lev lhan twenty shilling nor exceeding five pound t uncaicy for each and every uflcnee stcriow 10 and be it further ordered that 110 perron shall build or rryuir vcsaela buats or barges on any canal ground unlets with the per misuun of and at such flace a the superintend cnt may point out order a pcn1 of nol less than twenty smiling and not exceeding five puuml cunency and that any master of any vutavlu any pcfn wlinnittever who shall hull or jaci tar pilch turpentine romh or 4rvaso for greaatng or paying yoacl or fur any other pur pose ori any canal ground ccpt with llie r- roiwton of and at such place a ihc ssuperinicndonl may point out slult irtcur a jihononally nf not leva than twenty shillings and int exceeding five pounds currency sfccvros ii and bo it further ordered that ny ucrmn or pcrofin whn piihii throw inln itie faofttor into any fyck feeder oasin or waste wine connected therewith or into iho channel or within two hundred yardu f the entrance thereof any carcass or dead nniiuul or nulii sulwtsnee of any kind or stonea timber bcth of other mhbish ofiall incur 0 uiuilly of not lea lhan ten shdhnt and not exceeding rive poundtcurrcncyi srcrios p and be it further ordered t that no pikepole ur aliarp mel ji jnvlrurncnl shall b uard in or bboul the locks or thccdnal under a penalty and alt owner matter or per- i son in eh urge of any vcterl ihmtv lurgea or rft wiatl bo hcu anaweraldt rot any injury nr danvago dno to llio canal or iu work or tu mtty huildmg or lnd adjoining iho canal by iho por- n on bnnrd of their vemcu nnd may bo nroon cutrd for ihcanme in any vmri f cymipelont mi thuity and il olull and may uj lawful r the tol- lecioraof tour hsjpi nuutiiknt or olher ofliecr ul it 10 canal lo aam ami retain aueh troll i bail nr rofl until the injury o dotio nhall havo been re- naireil or until rcurily ahall hnvo been given to uic mid offirera of iba canal to jut or thoir nlt faction fur mjch uinounl a shall bo wrdcd u ne- couni of hucii damage sacit i l and ho it further onlcrcd j 1ml nil nsvncr n mill or thnae in clrgr of uiein 4mtl stop r jint loivu ihiir uateu whn ihrwoud hy lh aaarvonttarsa r tn rhwg i tarrl ptr ttf in cttitvt nn iraira lry nt tnnti4 to tli on himi ii nt ny lime drat iliwn iho let ik biw high wnur mark under a ia natty of fivo asjulf sxcnoji makj bo il further ordered that r ato lyiny by 0 in waitmg to when sexcral iloa cnlcian ack mx c iliey shall t n 5 o si lhan ash ect rrou pikn fjtk nrrnttanee under a penally nt not i lhin twenly shilling cw mor than five mund and that all bouts ahall advance to pat y r ihc order in which the y be in uchtr cpt in lh ease of itcam boat carrying her mtf madnr poratcner only tu which prsofilj 0 jravmgc will at all time be given swrs0fj 15 a lie it further ordered thai all vessel approach- 0 lock while any other ve- jel gnng in ihe vitrafy direction i in the some thatl be made fa lo 1 prftg placed or that pur pose on the off ftrt from trackway and remain there until the vc going hroueh the lock ahall have passed ondv a pcoaliy foresny aunhottcttco nr not lesa lhan hwenty shilling nor more lhan fivo pounds sxerioj 16 aid be it further ordered that in all eaea of vcaaca u mi- in any of the cann ihc vessels scndin ihe canal shall keep the tow path iho amending vessel pawing to ihe nlt side and when my vert nivigaling any canal shall overtake nmtber venct which shall not be moving at ihc nrne rate of speed the vewocl an overtaken ahall inns upland jio at the first con venient place on inter la atvw rite nuter vcaael to pas by under 0 ienihv of not lav than ten shit ting nor more baa fifty shilling foe every of fence againrt lih section sjovs1 17 aid ha it further ordered thai nn vcsratt shjt tie permtird to pus through any canal in a lea time tln that rtied in the inatructasn given to tho suwr intra dent or u r 1 1 i in charge thereof the particular 0 which may be ascertained at ho first lock vn entering such canal under a tonally for tyxry offence of five pounds correnn and subject furlher ti b de tained at the until the time limited for paig audi cnd shall have expired scctsox 16 aid be it further ordered that atl boats or scows hnli cilh a amiare head or sharp corner ahall u provided with a semicircolsr platform firmly filcned upon the boiathrreoft and o conslrucicd a 10 prevent other frat or scow corning in contai rws oeh corners under a penally not execrm two pounds ten shilling vide a means of easy transit for the agricultural produce of a large rich and prolific tract of land to the formation of tht railrood there can be no reasonable objection or obairuciion cactut what rpc front iho connecting iourcrt yf 1 pari of llie counlry two if not throe router fico from every iriiog of a aelfish or personal na ture it was generally known ol the elections lhat the fcclingaof the court parly were with hia oppo nents that ihc queen forsook her lato ministry tfith regret and would havo fill no diamchnilton to have recalled them how und the matter with contempllcdwhdeorc abnc is watitedcr win pay j rcopicl to you i you owe your orttce to a direct governor cvoeral and bul whithcr that one ahnuld connnencc t toronto and terminate al port sauna of whether il be ginning ohoutd be at hamilton ana il end at sandwich i muro llian wo reu competent to dia- cu- letter from sir anh mnab now iu london 10 hi friend in canada spca confident ly o to ihc ultimate succe of the mamillin and sandwich lino but mr wjddcr the aciivc canuda company coimntmoncr is a loo in london and his principals are alt powerful that railroad which more immediately interests the ncnplo of kingifnn and the midland diitrict j tho intended american railroad from rranc on ihc erie railroad lo cape vincent on the amcti can thore oppcto uur own ood town with wolfe frjsnd intervening this being purely an american speculation uur observation might be considered intrusive were not iho compaction of this railroad coupled with the express stipulation thai tho canadian mutt complete the road aero wolfe laland and carry it on to toronto to ihe crowing of wolfe lalnnd a distance of seven short mile no objection eih lhat art insurmountable it will not cost a fortune for few railroad could be made cheaper or easier but to it continuance to toronto from kingston the mt cogent of alt ob jection mut be raised via that it cannot pay whdc flour can be brought from the head of ontario for 4d per barrel rta tha lake it is ulter folly to talk of frttghl uing carried wilh profit on uic railroad even daring the winter month when the lake ia shut tho scanty population of ttarfmi td be it further ordered tnai g w every vcsael bnite barge navigmmg any canal wianhaveitaruduisoenniriiciedaanotiocatch hope or eipeclalion lhat ira vejicts would mako up or cut tha tow npc f an other vessel ooat or uic deficient revenue from the united state bar under a penally lo be incurred by the tao aid in that afam cu bo cipccled some ouner maotervl m charge n not cacood tnnktt atcamtai ranhipment must take puc and while kcnov 0e ad he it further ordered that no iff option of tho american traveller to the far vcwlorrwsrrjttufrlw wct i wheilwr he uiouhi cro into canada at sssixrssslti j ouicr auioriwtpmc tor tht purpooe and the allan mrvaoa scheme ta u haven branch f person in eharr such fttji r bai vhall quecnoton nr at cape vincent to kingston totakc ndoet iho sauaw ii nigh and nut af every j fc tof0blo road j u w4jwm to expccl the preference not tn be given to lhat lino which continue ittngrtt in hi own territory to which erioc objection mint be added the unfavorahlc uekinacarefi nn injury and ia order lo filiate the passage nf all vvweta t loala ihroupjhv local- all uch ue is and bat shall bo pff wilh k l c afcd pumcicnt hawser- a check mpewone at the fore nnd one at the i with oiicoruicec to at tend each rnp entering tht- lck arc to be made fal v snubbing poata rn order to check tho ecd crfl and prevent it from inking ngainrt ik ther parla of the work and tn hnhl f o ik empty ing the tlicn ae p to lake in slack r hi civo way pf re boat rtcs or fall and an keep it from lowm bt r chamber under aganl tho ma or p m charge notes ceeding five pi currency providad notwilh slstiilutj th4t if d the enlrtnccnf any icut in lo a i tht rckmaster ierenf hmtd see aifi- iher dubl apnnrfj within a reawvnablo diftancr and if hianpiuom aueh lloai can he backed uirvugb o tl one then entered it atmll tn ujfniv ii kinplloc galea open to receive such hia duly to ki llw g onrn to receive ll ff a ll iher llooi nd v lhe dljou 0 la tf oliver br 1tish whig ofii v4t orbca fjicor kin7ston tpesnw novb v ias envav unin c ec lt- titof wrtteimwn r f rrescotu rrrivrn aihcc oa i-ft- a w tornto k ek it and it u montreal p s to uuk sibscribkrs at ihc commrnrenwnt or ihe nevl seon of the pnvrineial iarln the llttmsm whig sfibb pubhrlud three times awitkj aecompiwicd h wilh a beautiful new type east esprorty sv ua cranh canoes newspaper vij or tuealay thnrly ns sal unlay nnd be so continued until iho times ill allow of it being pomiahod daily to corxtuy printeks- tlic entire fouriof bouhgkois with which ihc asvlvm rtcsjc now prinlcd wdl be sold very cheap for cash on katlroads in our last jaytaaj i no haiarded a few remarks ilpoi ho canadian railroads novc en projection but ihe remarks were crude and hasty and oceesrdr require aotno a mpulieil ion it happen nnfiunntdy sor casa nnn that the navigation of ho st- lawrence i almost com talcd at n cxrwrr crcee that ihc country hw be aonn agitated by vast scheme of internal communication having a nalu ml tendency lo f teal newly made canal comparatively batrsv certainly unprofilahlo as a mean of wmh to construct these canal the proving p hea in i debt and before ir- dcblt p ur wc lrt i teresl thereof ieritrv awrjj it i pfopnocd to rruadruplc tloe crftm ineimbrances for ll con irtruction of imft 0 abandoocd in tlirtutnl7nihrrvhenofloconotn whether i alukdphcrical or niagnelic tb vtcw which the home or provincial legttature may take of the introduction of uuum goods into fnada ere ihc united ute road as a profit iti- invtatjiiciit ol nionry the railroad to to run to cannot py the liinc iruy com and soon cr lhan we anticipate perhaps when one grand railroad will tnlcricel the whlc province in which caao that portion oetvrc t toronto and king- fiton wdl ccjnally purtifiiiaic in il advantage or lrtea hut unht iho wboto line i provided for hy the lgitlmur it ia worse than useless ttcon atruct an itated purl hie hiahmg of lite corn wad canal by upper canada whiw iviwctcana- di was indilttrcut w the com pi t ifoaj of the nan- giitiyn of t i- si- liwrcnce ought not to bo a icvorm jot ouc other icmnrfc andwc have done if the r r f u ii t tifj wfi 1 prncund in ivngunti imm i ik jcvollr iu li lhlttl id ol mtticr greatly wlullier he won 01 iot by hi pccottiim the cnoniry nud certainly be the earner htit it unfortunalcly hap pen thai tli otiginal shareholder ti rarely inter cited in tieruecenr luiltsta- of thcbcbeine hi oijcel is to raise the eredil of iho pmceled under lakitig in ihe nmney inarvfl and such i llie gullibility nf rnglisli prjv oh i he rarely or ever fad in getting the jwc at premium tina c sell out and when the the ruin fall nil upon him but upon 1 tbnc of rlrnder mcuns wlio advanced their liille u to soeuns 1 grcilcr inc4hio in many case imn the wnlow and the fthirrjcs a achctne hi itelf wrxtlikt nvty be mje to look aulfeicnlli rpecioua to dceivc the unwary but when the cxniuelakcsp1acc in ihcdc- eejitiin rmtat be ennadcrrd participation in ihe fniud any aticmjn lo fout upon the the engmt money market a ritrnad which every scoaimc mnn knows will nt nnd cannot pay mot be con aiihred in the light of a frud we regret to uh tcr i1kc uniohljblc truths knowing how sensilivc i our reader aro on lire suhjtct of ihia idcnlical railroad i bat it i the duy of un honest journal to apeak utc truth at whatever ruk to it owo ppu brilvi uncle bexs letters antagomam between ihc ihc late council on a tmiblo qucalion of rei-on- jbihty heighicnvd by reciprocal distrul hi exccllcnoy u nt you ihc wbotu weight of hi iowcs and influence in the elective contest your majori ty amall as il wa made up of the moat dis- coidmt irtjlerub uniting in only one pninl to sustain lord metcalfe for no matter whulhcmini ict selected had been the majority would amount 19 the same il has never hcon pretended tlut your council apart from lho pccvonal catimation in which bis lordbiptf held could command the confidence of the people and lhat jw were nol ignorant of lho fact is evident from tjtc manner in wheh for 15 tnooihs the bojncs of uie country was eondocicd fully acknowledging the doctrine nf reponiblc covcmment you cmlinued to allow your president of the council lo hold office without being a member of either branch of the legislature a dynaaly orihrcoruled ihc eoontry and ihoac ihrcc certainly the most unpopular that could bave hcon tekctcd you allowed the buw- nesa of the province to be carried 00 by the hitler- estencrato nfyour pfmcipk perhaps i should rather say pretended principle tboao omcc having a mmt direct cflccl on political affair con tinucd in ihc psesion of men odious to your uppr canadian friend 1 and you cannot be a- toniahrd if they felt indignant at finding thai mcnrv i look irk dunkin and olher were pre ferret j to their friends and were alhwed to direct the under current of nfficial patronage and on- indig nation wasincrcaacd when they aw that patronage bestowed on lhoo whom they had een exerting all their influence against tho very principle that placed you in power these fcetint naturally led them lo inquire more minutely into ynur past political conduct and the inquiry has resulted in an universal cnndci you may you no doubt will succeed in the present object of your anibitiontho chief justiceship of kingston you will shed a lustm on the ermine by ynut talents hul sir it cn bring no consolation lo you to trace the dovmua pith by which iu will have arrivefat lhl cm frr jma will bare purchased it hy ihe aacnfiee nf every thing lhat ia itoblc or honorable in pibln iiul and the day wilt como when a conparion anything but hv0aav will be inadu lictwcu yu and chif justice itooinson juniu ha immortal tied your name sake but a new vocabulary will bo needed in 0v1 luhicc lo you 1 pencccdun my unwdhng inik a task you havo imposed upn nie j lnk fmn ivhich i hrink ml tes hy reinn of my inability in do it lualiee thin beeauso ihe character of a nohliej writer u sireign lo mv laale and hahiu and all ii more hcciuio there wi lime when 1 held yrt in iho hifhial elimalion nnd even when your frt betrayal nf your enue raloed you many rnemirv f laj buftotog ihooo who thitucht ynir future conduct would hivr ridecmitl thai oh rtrtir and that in wiluam henry hrper thi iiarty in iowf canada which hid labored well and fiiilhfidly in r cniie wnom hnvo fmnd n icaiter and a friend worthy ihvm and the pnnei idea ll- i- v ndvoeatcd bul in lint iik 1 have bceu mivlaken nnd find wo have curried our confiditiee n little too fur tu nlmcoour ti im 1 now till th ia iru to u escape fum rtufmvflawftiwh nd en- y to iuidc ihe lahvtinlh into which 4 m l m in our at your nipjifjiwm for their importance to uic people of upper ca nada are of immenrc magnitude a magnitude not alt levsened by the new move plainly inoo- caled iu tho fcwere put fortti in aomc of tho upper canada journals of ruling with a double majority and a double or reflected ct of resoocr ftthleomcer lowborn ihia plan owes its origin t know not but i am as a repealer rejoiced to ce it mooted showing as it doc a grovrtng aen lirneni that tlic union does not work well- willi these question i have al this time 00 con cern to you there icllera n addressed and it were unbecoming in me to divert public attention even fur a moment from liie glorification of your potitiealeonaistcncy many moat aharcwiih you the odium attendant en tht course you have pur sued since the arrival of latg sydcndam the con duct of many in individual case wa even worse than your bul sir you have so ateadily purue4 ihe path of tnrtoou policy that you cannot com plain of injustice in the selection i have made mnl of ihc olher actor in hac scene have sunk into comparative obscurity you arc still a ruling alar anrne have repented of their error and have bceo oorgivco yoo seem to glory in your conduct and to hug yourself in live am conceit that yeoj ire invulnerable and invincible that your politi cal conscience i ao i am well asaurcd hot u achitle preoentcd ono point to use wcapona of his l n so through your panoply of tcrgtver alon the public can ce that yourpndc of power and of place ore your weak posnia neither you nor your friend eon deny lhat yoo wore violently opposed to the union of the fro vincesv aa were a majority of ihe people of upper canada lor many year you had entertained thai onmrun and on the bad of december 1836 wo find the following entry f journals of lho llouie of assembly of upper canada mr draper gave nmce of hia intention lo move a fefic of resoluiions vet s ttiat in th present positron of attiir in lrmfff canada it r nol unreaaonauo lo apjirehend lhat anvng the remedies ilkhylo beiuggeslcd for tho difricullre onder which that province labor a lgialative union with qpptf carad may bo viewed oa one of the most feasible and niot bkely to oeceed v ne 8swfjq of feeling language and civil institutions pttyent a olsudc to the union of the leg islal ure or upper and lower ca nada as existed in 1791 and lhat the reaaoro which inflteneed the imperial pnrhamenl at thai time in giving separate ugiarature lo the tro provinces havo gained rather han loot atrenetb sin co thai pcriosl 14 that the sentiment avowed by lis hoosnof aasamblof lower canada and common ic led hy their speaker to the speaker of ihc late ho ose of wnbly in this province afford additional ron- nnfor believing that aa anticipated by mr put in i71 if the legilatorea of the two par lies brttiah and french canadians wr re united inine a ncrpeiiialseeiiooraltercattfm would saa eevd and in ihe opinion n this flouon an irto nocdiamc evil wiold be thereby inflicted 00 upper canada that in the opinion cf thi liooat audi m union vrould nt remove lha evils under which uwer cnnidn tabor nr attord aid and rohef lo ihjr fclhiw uhjecls nf brituh origin in lhat pro vinee which w heartily desire ihey may nblain hut leasffof rw tremeif with ceiwirenee imfw oaaa ear crtttat interest a in 4 vgt dfrtt afatavtrlirrss fo arae prie on tafivirron rea4 o brut arrorra tc r nn tcrmtrtrj ta avarvn such sir were ynor opinion in 13o tim then speaker f the lteccanaiin homeof asocmhly oraalj papmrau tor wnac ndlnnn lo j llttt- k in henry drsper o ma- ificmt idea of c w pmvincca of drilmi north am y one mighty lutmad comuiencina ot h k tcrminalin at sandwich c-w- c-nidera- t so worthy fci h alwsw be ultcnltvcly con idered bvfoto it iisnnieeal which will prdia my pfovnlhc cav tbc lime hftaataf wbeo such a road wdt u r il ih canada wants arc thoae rrlum a fair interest for ihe al and none other for the to th hwantu attorney gtaerat tfm eja l i inrular lhat the femiment lel describ tnu ynur poiltn should be found in a review of the lift of lliicfc a person who nchicveal lur himaclf a most ancfivialdc nnlurnty hj the rapidi ty of his political change our more modern and mrc refined political rcnccadorv inve not it i ho the aamc ppurlunii of ebibiliii their taknts in rcvkwui the memoir referred lo mr babinston macauhy ohacrrc the ten dency of tloe vulgar ia lo cmbtidy everything aomc individaal is selected often veleeicd mjudicooualy as ihc representative of any ff movement of ihc puhhc mind of eeery ureal rovitulion in ho 1 ojtfcai vanaua warn are tnoac man attirv and un una individual are coneenlra which ft loulf r mltm for ihe icj alt tho love and all the hatred all theadmi iuvcimentof capf bj tt00c ol1 far the ration and all the cmtcnipt which he ouhl aaa jriglitfuwy lo aharc with a whole party or a whole the eontemplau r f l allaot la oeet to compare smji things wilh great a- monlical throuh unilc suit is one liketj far as hi doeirinc can be made lo apply to a lo pay provided p v catssjall parlxa i state of colonial cxiwenrr y have vultercd much iiientdunh hy v ve eoairoent prubibit from thi vuar tendency but whether your snf the intmduetnm ol 1kii manufaetue thereby- icrtnjratnve been created by vour own rniaconduct llral puriion to be r u ps re by your allies remain to he ejimioed into willoptn uliu v lu e townalnus iruuld be sorry tn d yoj injustice anrry lo st preaont alnt rl wholl jafws- wna either your talent o sour jndmcnl bul u the ctuc uf your own dihnriy vour firi start in public life wavan ultra tory of tire old school thai selvxd which whalever were its fatilta and faitnn was remarkable lor ita bmely of rnrpa and il strict adherence to the principeaof ilacrced pm entered tholit il the content for oopidaiity with an nntcnil touatly ambilioumhyiinlf but destitute of yiur lahnt your cunning and your rnflutry you wrn each reareed hy in village poliiieiini a th future pal men of ihe norm circle of eon- esttn1 you twn outlriped ynur compctiinr h- was belter iiiu ii for ihc iimemtic nf rivalr lift thin gir iho routh emnbai of politic natun- had granted you talent of the hirhcl itovr ad vcnihiouacircumilaocc had placed npprirtit nit ir within ymir irap nf rendering yourself heoved rcffweled and emcemd fnw ibtaavsit taarotl had eaiucd you u10 friendship and patronage of nic nr thu heal and jrealct uain canada ever prti disced and in a few year alter your admission to the rar you were already marked oulasthefu lue icadcmf tho tory purtv for thai onfae you studied in pepre vnursem for il you bentall th cntrrgftc of you mind and ym sueceedcd with the eaccpiinns ytapi of ihcchxf justice and mr hatfcrnun no mm cvcrotjnycj ari muih flat ronfidi uce r your pty nd your election at the city oftronto waa jiai1cl witfi delight yon were tho friend and wann advocate nr a ma whom ihc loyatiat of canada horv td as their deliverer your rluouene and ynir pen were ucd in his defence and in hi pr aiar y 11 gave ul icfuncc to the scntirnesila f nien whoac worth and inlcrity were ackiolcdjcd and foti were ever foremost to condemn the wry line of policy vou now carry ool i can acarcely fancy a prouder ptiilkm lhan that which ym occujiird when 1w4 sdcoliani fin arrived in upper canadi il dniinimralvn you are now rnom manhia lower convda jiariy which you llicn dreaded o imwh are ibe mv you tin w raaurf and to mako mom fr wersill you retireol from tho uovenmoent nf nir charle lsari and recomnienued tha di mial if mi hefwarl ilic kraofuhoiia pisaed with o utatc majority and ihe ionanrvative pnrly w hat uceaavio paid yvdi frrah nnnrtt in 13 tlim tnm again breomen mieation undur trn cxrv leeomuiniviriii i r maiuo fitahtkafe iwwuiyujiajjcftfrtt yeur ojnd your iioninn rfrdinn vnion remained on- changed on thejtih nf march ir13 tho honao f arvemldy of upprr canada passed a reooluiion vou njinrovin o il ial in rcferonco tu tho itesvjfulsuh of tin llouon the mtiet of a lo- eialurivc union of the province ij r and tvower canada thm thi dilinctly oppoaed lo lhat meaaon unla the omdtiin as em bodird in ihc frdltiwm- tfntattof be fully er- 1 re srtfiti ifiricuhuralunoeriakinif a more sorry still tn be ohlel aftef a care ful r cable for uccesfu a mean nf person- ualnl for cin am view of rm hilical life to eelarc that you haw ticaniraiekriii c40 jttatly forfciud the conudmiec or hie country c ua to ay that it 1 no ft erdcralkw indu tl n r s inta ist for the rkojcctor of upon llie jliatsn t lua psnicula- ltu to lbc llomc marut for the nutikioe or i h x to mku it uher u tureboblamcu wtp u of dm iwfarod in qs iu ma luaijcl aro vl ucftcfic drwlaiik than if tf tug ihiiiah bdanufaetun a fi aise than by th month of the tntpiduy of adm rtiur t aniuu otlie sr irwriier thirpnrtected ft connecting the head of uke thilnrm will w tt 41 of ctern rpeeulatioa y snsmml ly ihtwifth tin- liit- yil at- hi idttlix it ojallaav a iraafl 1 r end w wlh uaiml n m vixntry o ii tedious ur 3aot and m un htlju4 t inlrkfil po aua your advocate aasert that yog are only toltnwinp llie step of sir kobe it pod this i nut only a poor apolufy but a weak nnebhrayin a tamenla hu inorunce in tlic flilic v the eoniry fa we alia find on crimination that there i no onaloiry in ihe ease tlic daoty nimilitudo hctwotw ou 1 thai you both hn beiruyeit your irul both have deceived ynur fruiini utlh luvcslicwti yoorwlvcvdihoricl pohtician arid tho downfall of urth iatinkd forward lo a the only meatiaof wivinj tha one tho nalinn the other thu colony in rowland sir tuil li m hi ft scwin of rrhamenl willi un nvirnlnhnm mfrilyi cornpohcd ol men bound tn him by hi previous advocacy of their erpiciat ua14amii tboh wna no diaunino in their riinkm m yenr of yviiif ana rou liad aiadc ihiuipipaiit uo m onuvh tl the i tii ml of lho ivtsanh hiiumji dicttin hi rthclhun iaafaiu tied out in any nl im u mg hy tho luporial lrtttjlurt for lhat furpse amon thoe eovsoaui wore tha mlnwiftf 11 thai thv ycat of tovcrnintnt hu be in uliper cnnhtda frui tlic numtier t i fnn lflwtv ca nada to he fifty free upper canada t ihey then teo4i 7h the knliidt jvino ie tn be aooen and w in the lro1aturc the couria of justice and in all other pomic procf rjiflavi on th i 1 i march lc9 you appmved iheac ro- aotutioni evidently uodcr hci fcelinr aahad prompted your revitnlion of 136 lite inlho ftrrncr year lord sydenhtim arrived and nudirhcd the crkbnlcd deaparch from lrrd john huasell and isti ic itta of ixcecmbcr nine month having ilaptcd and nn change wlulever havinp taken place in the retttivc of the province yon air opposed 1k nciniplea nf all the previoua rewdiilions voted for the union and more lhan that voted t n unrestricted n poavinr of the rcanlutinn of lafd fyovlim how wasihisatr vou were ootpen to bri bery you have nolan rtotou talm itae eooniry wa astunivhed nor wa the mystery solved till ha appeiranee of hie official caieilc of feby altb iclo ivbih contained th following notice covcaaievr ornce mmb rebruflty t4x l hi extttrxev tim n gcxicaal ha been ptejiaed in m ike th snlentvia appoinljneiiu unid flee mnjcsiy pleasure thereon aball bo known c i bkvanjtr lobe judscinlho court of queen bench ifonorabte wiixiaaa h larra to he atmrncy gcnemland roatav t clou euifc to bo soliclor ccnerat tills solved uio mystery nfnc item in the ac count of your political famuoauea you had do- rried your party you hd voicd against your lma and conviclton hut you were attorney general mil certainly tasid a pretty food prico for your whiollc sum h for lite lmon hill i h 1 vc the honor v b yonrartcclimiile unci ili kingston nooernbe3 tllc potatoc i- 1 v ii rt eh- misuin tltc mother country havo boeo cshraed in asccrtainirnr wheljasr any thui can be done to prevent ihc total aacnfice of tho portion of tho polatoo emp which ore afivcicd with lha duaraae kur litis purpnee mr hccapcth aurtfcu ihe fou lowinj plan which i fully sappartm by the reault n ojperinients by another practical chembc of celebrity mr g e pagci of carta col- kte- 1 should recommend that ivhercver tbo disoaao baa shewn iloelf to any extent lho crop anould bo da whether ripe or not aed the atarcti eatracted by ihc following impfo n after washing the ruou lei them be rapcd fine and thrown into 1 lam tub or other vessel j poor a conaiderablo j wftplcvin ajiitalc and rub lho 11 uio atareh or sceula will e bottom whild tho carried away by lb water wash the starch with one or two rnoea water etluwinir il lo fall r each waaliiflff spread itupon elothaina warm room to dry in unswayed lb ur 31 lb will bo obtained tree every uk ik of potatoes and it contains aa much iiuurwhment as tho original root it wihkeop any lvnlh nf tinoe and tiujul be uud with toour lo make broad pic nuddiu otc a well aa farina- ccoufi pn iiietit tins much bettor than tunirtin aiy the mota and will furttish ovkj torteit of ilion r fk who might olbcrsia waul it true feeling of epctiiiin nnqirmt brllwin had not thru ilnd lway the tnteo eal nninxisiiii which bad wicd our shores and nearly enulplied us in its water ind not ebbed the hi tier iks of the time may havo given and no doubt did give a higher tone lo your dcclamatton but sir hud any person horn tohl ymi that in a few year ynii would and betray the prlv with which you acted for the purpose of ailtinf il liie comucii with men whim you rccribol as tlir enmoieaof eiland anddiiurbcrof the peaoc whit let mo ak you would h tve licen your nyly i liaiapcn lo know wlnl your opinions then were i have heard you cpcm tlont not a a tmliiieian hut as a mrt who felt what he said no final drawn uhtlccie veiled your uimiht yig would havr spurned lic ruioatjtjon fur ynur cnr4ion wcr then i do bdicvc tho outpourings of sincerity and merciless and bitter was ihc eaaiialion which both in private and in public yoj indicted on ilu mm win are now your bosom friends your warm admirer the recipient of the patronage placed at your divposal whence ilu change 1 1 it do sihie thai succeedinr events have demonatrated tu you thil yout irevwis opinions were erroneous if so why tool ihsneitlyhikioraltly nod openly dc cfarc an what ned in there of disguise of subtcr fuje of venality i imyou mtv believe lhat 14 were ihc true friend of borland and canada whobueht their separation and lhat lord uur hiui bad been comet in hi assertion lul lbc eurso or dfojat canadi was it loyitly uch at least appear tube the fchma which now actuate you and you have lmm many a tcasvii iliey will not noon forget that if loyally wa a rurre lo the province it ha alao privcd a currc to lhr the very feeling which your esorguence ymir writing and ynur eaainplc kindled in thii lnmis have been made dw aaimt them w ihctiaid al i ct ateladfwnw them for cmploymenl under lbc u imm fil1 wwn which tlaer defcndctl art of trraann and akin and ubrcu matter will he rank bm bab aaasjuj tvm of aarvtol at arc foreuten or if called lo miml am tn official indutence and favor ei vice lot he monarch and olicdrvitrc lo tbo hwi arc remembered as ciuo of w run and apology for iumill such ha wen your pejieyyovi haie proved a itautuf lo your nuly principles and yon call u nncili alien il ir uitic le eh nga rankle in ojir brvam can you kpcw astnnitlimnt t van you lek for or espvet aiipfiot at lho hand- uf mini you base i deeply injured were lltry iiin to lrul jour komie woull ynti not lauh al them owr uiuiplu fnd and yr sir vou it agrl lhat your r a fdar admuiistnitino t i ahull tr pjceil to utaov il ymir history iu cmnrlmo with tii few f the iciding cvnntii which imvo ncilul the pnnuc mind since icii uid ii every ono nf ul question yno liuvi iriiyed fbe to your prmcipua and your parly lat 11 take tltlfi i itlm tur lieaanr ur tint mmrare itiuj t in ivh my i i- 1 r- in 1 ultt inln niiv ipiemwmi aa lo ilu iiinil ul lj l ittll iii m hah fvjiu jiv aawsad j ki lulurv cviuiuuuiealivur wo retml tn oay thai caotatn wabalar of the 6vr ttirhwtt jtr ara slrowrood on mors day evltini nt auml half past elaven ooaook ulutn ilicenditij a oiaurf tmm tho wharf to hit vroacl ho inioiil his faatin and i into tha aaia and aulrouh lb mate wlio wa huldiiif lb ladiler piilknl him oul wilh a boat hook aim dirceily the unorlunlo man nuly niirvived hat 1 cplom vrtor tyn i ii 1 aoarusn fid mueh rvpeet d hie hit uieknra jmtkom w4 lo imvn ml ijimibru s14 tmuutretl yaaurdftf lvunni jbmbfw coorrir orl 30