spkki t take ik plolft notick- ii pug subsnihcr ivill not lc prepared 10 njefcive proline nf fttiv ducrip inn tv1iiivvfr m lib bmnlilwin i u kingm bbnrllia iw7 f ttotr rirj wlivtinl morrilioltfum he will continue ml pn rlitmi br- mlwinn rpnli lieanftmiii hmikkvk i alt lev ats c7mtf jffli in tin h r 200001i uushbilffis for which ihe hitfhctf rote tactyh will he pud mi delivery the iriiefciif imlmm coin will imt he received en lier than the mmui of januai y fidiitwins lailbs morton saukaparilla omstock civs tuxcestratem omkunu fm evflt aitok sar- saparilla filrtheciffteof scrofula chnwc rlevrmiipw oneul devriilv cutwftm pwesfes n aly cnirlot or ho tklft telleis pirfttes nn hi fcj mciciumi ami jiiphtloid lfccic4j ime fion immira habit of the bo y ltcrr nf ihi uiroilj iins smi swelling o the 0ncs utft aitaiirat am t 4ii ili 1 u i anth frrm an impure slee of iro hlooii txpotttre ami nnnnirirnte of life evasive use of mercury cv viu smiimiill en htdrpfllcd uuie by tvi v one a being a oo i a any oilier in th kutttfi v rvivcry an iwwwryi ugusi lis p sj xi invins lnl pledged him ilfti k very ttmorohir fiimh the fannrtwjriliewwfj w- frrf i nil e ty tif ivflf bai r that during the year ill imfc wmi atl 1sjc he would jny vlht- ii1ef ry redelivered m hw kihiriiminil rcu ai ry 01 re or i ladl pill eirtijif rl j 11 i p cart avail 1hti l1irypa in ltiaislf- hti ch4cl 1 put iii in 01 nfir lrr or uitfrf milla iny k1ifo flric follmr ji iur unpcttltnkj low jirict of is 61 per toil i mlf 111 conwtoce o rc 19tfcrnot bji 3currmy pcf iiulhl ntwlhi weilr he wimldmw uktfihwpihtunitj rcmtuilnig ilok thai 3 h- tttulifully ivitetmml hi pftnavh- pn ftemu of 1844 hv k fili pieiwire- tit 1n ihc to dolikewiso fortliu wtn rf l- anl irasi ho will be eiutflly prepiirfld lone- knowleje the md f ism when it comes to haml 111 h similar nwtticr tbe close of whitli he iincotvlj luim loseeilid xiertnivo jit sutoriwl which willthco ho ftiimetl mtwaan bimirawl bis aricjuuiot frionjs his again m- newcil for a term of much longer du- rauon- btessisq to kankinb tni 2l llriihi salvo is ckav la nil vsli fijvr niij il to p lite rri ttfiil riclr f er lrovit it tjtf 1 i rir hy lin rxiacn alj lai niiii6ilfto in riy ce oh 1 a m to wit rrit s a slt ithult kmliohl 1 111 ivtli1 1 will nut 45 c0tnuntt or j i itiiimj eiypcu omai gkci a i- w a ht 0r sk mtm m4 primr mct fork 1 iviilmah ware- kmton seflsu 61 favqrjiblopportuxi t v 1mk 6alc ox mukr vl tebus of npbntwr lease of a boc sho ftittiaic in the to flourishtn ether with villnloif pcterhiro the stick in tratlo f pern reiirin from uumness consisting f dry 2nols gtwtritt crqektrfr uflwavc apply at tha atheneum- kingrton aoguri lth 185 to lot two story sttne tloljst in wollinqtoti street adjoitiingchi pi sore kye pile coljiu woanjij temtet feet it ours m oys as cftcrrs frequcnily rencvrs piefn without pain or any siieedio hhys iipflonaiion n re1trrs swcltms ti enanlra ivoneihoolit se wtthvut the fo hwhu ftaiai hxhle so ai furniihrrl u quit ivrfmjj nd htmdititsof others vquhy woo urful mny even mor w oiiglit n added tril for want of room we tcave thcrn otit a chihl a neusrw of 1 furnd of mint step petl into a vrssel of hoilmr water and ml -t- ils lf up to the knte when conntlti pun bllrac tor ffom cotmtoek was applied whrfh i- instantly rave leltef to ttie taltte suf ferer and toen entirely curetl it also a chid nl my own burned in band severely and i ed litis salve vhich ave instant relief and cured it tnltrely artit for 0 could not te riiiired in be wthom it i luiiik rv lamdy vlionld keep it on hand to u in case ol qcli accidenh h adams pj3torof trinity chureb saajcttiiaai n v lotfeoiont row sold by corostock s roi no beat on hotel having s rooms will firopuce in each i a ipfldcehw anil attic riiory capable of hruig converted into 8e4 rooim tho largo yanl suoe apply to thos askow claiencef kingston l reuirel aceess n in rear from fueen worms worms d worms comstrick vchmifuge this remeity for wcrm ii one ol the mot ry rvor usj it eatciuahy era- rvor usd f all am it from trulthan apt janosoth 1s4a 5011 importers qfbritisii goods princess strkcf bespectfuliv acquaint the in hatiiiauu of kingston and vicinity and their customers generally that the first of their fall importations ii now at hand and ready for inspection tboir assortment of fancy and staple dry goods will bo found replete with overy de acription of art fiwl tnd fiubiorvibu goods auiied for lh ftih and winter trade- in addition to a very exrenaive sioek now receiving rf plain piinlcd and figured oilcans ctoiia mtfrfiiow- m cob jg iii inner eatriawhi d kates woim jjttti iliouian peiih by woimi without the real cause brn known some other reason hi auined for ibeo sikne until loo j ate to cum ih pine esme what immense responsibility thrnrvsts npofi the parent who dors not know and the ducior who does licit understand hie complamt wld h o viirnyjngitjof prsciotfi flowers ofjlye rbillren what ahfriddbe done old miwav i para uivv twrs rmp fuge which will be sure to do good if ihey have no wofins and if ihey have it will de stroy and eradicate with a eertaiotj and pre cision irely aiitatshiog it cannot barm the smallest infaal or lb 1 iron vest adult there it no mercury or mineral 111 it mercury is tbn basil of most worm reme dies and the remedy is sometimes orc than the disease so never use lozenge but rety upon this every person wilt bt convinced on one tritt that it is the most perfect cure ever invented we call on all gnofl citizens to make known the effects of this wonderful remedy price is 3u said bj comslock s ross no 1 tremor uoiton dlaiues lama cloths jtc they would ai ticulai ij direct attention to thtir stvek of victoria crape cloths aa being a style ol tfood entirely ioiw and beamifumy adapted for la dibs fall dresses tngeiber with a largo ac genera slock of hosiery blankets flannels tartans tiaila plaids wool cloakings lineas cottons ginghams hoylos fast color prints and cambrics beaver cloths uroad clohs cas4iineres tweeds and iwstcina caahmorn filled 25atin indian ami netted shawls muslins nets lacesand needle work goods in groat variety- also an excellent ossortrnenl of fur and for trimmings in martin sfjuiirel 6atc fitch lynx c ice princess street kingaton iqvli sup sv5 l the queens bexcil miolano dif tutor 85 v virtue of a to wit s cl wile of at- tachmont issued otit of the court f bench and to mo diiocicd against tho eute real and pcrnonul nf john surleyanlmcoiidingorcincoaled debtor at the nuit of sihis field and anne field his wife fr the sum of one hut- j red ami twenty isix fnundn etht shillings and uvcnjience 1 luvr aeized atsrl tako am tho ksiae of iho aaid lihn rurley and unleaa the m john ilwicy return within ihn jurisdic tion of the said 0uit and puts m hail m the aetioeiiorcrtiisei tie i4id claim to un discharged within rhrrrnmdar iriiurh all the gl ate f the said jidiu huiluv tft much thereof as may hu aoeoairy will he held ithhj f o the payimnt ami aatiafaciiou of the said elilim t a corbett sberittn office kington i ili cutc op deafxe3s ftem tk phutdttpa spiriiaf t timt mi f n lyman 53 commerce street was cured of a lout deafness of fifteen years siand- htti by t few flasks of dr mcnairs accoutre oil he had a short lime before returned from ijcmo where he bad spent 55 bad the tontils of bis ears taken out and many other experiments tried with the facolly but with out success he had also spent over 100 in ihe city to ihe faculty but he was left in ihe same state when ihey were through h hcn in despair thought he would try one wlore he fve it up and gave it up anil pro mote thin tured a jlask of ou hcnairs acvouslic 0ii and he is cured frild by couistock ross no l9tremon row hoslon the naples hair dye for torn umcconntable reason jor tbe last one or two years many yonn people both malr and female have had trie mttfurlune to hjve their heir tum permanently gray we riave frequently been applied to for omelhin to turn ihe hair back to its natmal color which lias induced us to go to much trouble and ex- t4c in order to luniish our cutlomers and ihe uumie neraly with a new and im ioved hir dye one thit is nearly etfectojli oail not the least injunnu4 to the bead or juir int thv moderate pore of 2s 6j per boule we have succeeded beyond our expectations 1 article we ofcwl 10 the public with ceal eaklidence wcb4teimdilitioiouv tested tme alter time bofire we could otter it for v the price is such that all can aflurd 0 use it anditscjimhly we relieve to be snpe- rior to 4ny ever otire mae m by comttoek s- rots 9 tiromit r0v7 boston p0 bilious complaints paxns fna meod oivdineu sicxnessnun dire refufenry obstructions habitual confinement 0 fne aonvft vc dlt barkers laxative pills jf i the numerous diseases to which the human frame is liable there ia scarcely one the symptoms of which arc not seriously aqravated by a confined state of tho lioivols and to tills atone many owo their origin and continuance riie preserving the alimentary canal free from obstruction is a point of such primary importance that every degree of mgwol is followed by moec or less of inconvenience or auffbriug when habitual costiveness prevails the cheerful vior of health ia soon imparcd some times by slow degrees and at other times mere rapidly diseases make their iorojii rn ihe constitution and in numberless instances particularly where the habits r sedentary or where free iking is indulged permanent ill health ia the painful result it must boobviou t the moat superficial observer that when the functions of nature now al luded to are not performed with due re- outity assistance must bo obtained fmrnart atieriont medicines then be come indisjicusably necessary except where the use of fruits or a change in the mode of living may suffice for re moving the evil anil mn bo had re course to until the necessity for such aid ceases uut it is a question of considerable im portance what laxative shall bo em ployed the list of aperient medi cines is numerous but their effects on the system vary considetabl some ex ert their influence chiefly on the exha lant vexscls oron snmo part of tho bow els only whilst theaction of nthora ex tends more or less to the whole of the intestinal canal the latter class of ape- fieou is evidently the beat adapted to obviate the habitual confinement of the bowels as they an that additional excitement which dtttira then requires to assist her in tho performance of her accustomed functions it is precisoly on this latter principle that tho pill now offered to tho public arc formed and as their activity cao bo increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity they not only furnish an aperient medicine pro per for goneral use in a family but are also well calculated to answer most o rho purposes for which purgative reme dies aro necessary the pills aro not however re com mended as a specific for the cure o alldiseaaes such preposterous state ments are worso than ridicuous and are only put forth fur deception but they will prove a valuable remedy for that confined stato of tho bowels which lays tho foundation of much suffering furthosuoccasiunal obstructions to which all arc liable and for all those diaordoiy which arise from an overloaded stato o the stomach and alimentary canal con leriuerttty iihctdki ttaireiiv will itfdbrs cd from t hoir use in giddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where costiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks tho commencement 01 cholic the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change iu tho diet moderate exercise will as sist their ope ration and experience has proved that as an aperient t oy are safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of five yearaof age and upwards they may bo readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they are much more easy ofexhibition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines dtnecrions ron taking tiis pills in case of bilious v foul stomach t vc three pills to be taken at bed time and repeated next nijht if necessary rf sfotooca two pills to be taken at night and one in the morning ominatc castivtness throe pills to be taken at any time needed and re- peatedevery six hours until roltefis ob tained the usual dose for ordinary persons is three pills but four pills may bo taken by a person of strong habit of body and two pills may bo given to dolicate wo men andchildren prepared and sold by dr barkoratthe atheneum drug storu kingston sold in boxes at 7jj is 3d and 2s gd oach 1 balm of columbia iitlies ami rjentlemen will you he without ie gemim outu nines hitm of column ter ynur hftir yau may prnl tynn it 11 is ihe only aiticle uiat i sure to pre vfnt luhfitrs anj ke 11s ihe henj free t finn 4lanhum wo have knon ii to terror ii 11 the um tie rl persons seventy yil of gccotiinrk ii itvis will iec retv pence to any that wrb to ihoe llut have been frrkaty lahl lor year ami h ive had their hair remueed within tlie m iwe months be sure n1 jpfl the w1 l signalure et ro4btock 6c co on it or get nine sold hy ivutiock and ito nl9j tie mom sow lhituft just received at the atheneum book store n ajilitiooto the lare portfolio recently advertised ihe following choice new n graving viz portrait of wellington at waterloo do do napoleon and grnenisj do do queen and children io dn ntpnttoti jnllianv hea ils colored sullys queen l amour kington jnlylth isis impuoved saleratus r h subscriber would beg leave to hi tlie mcmillan ami broker kinwi riiy william auctionkkk fmrenr tf v w marxcr iiuilulxvk kinhin rmilfsalvwtivii iutjitetfiihi ruinftrr llsaj iuwk aline li imiftn nlr inlh- cvjutry t und m uj tum sjmtslwi il urwjlts all vnkict in hi maar m dtiu fit w chlisfit d plpaey 1 j r ttwl 1 1 uti il ifptri 11 it rl pay ti ilih 41 ipjtfltl french uepiljzort this ailtcl ud tor hall fimri ihe face and neck i ou i hottk hy couisttkk hv 1 1miitil hew unstixu svl4al hi ariiesiitsi dfto smnrndsi has hranr betujin only aents ftr kinisun raking otl tii pc 1 rl unu s t js w no 19 1 an to puinthhs jt lloceived at the atiruvtum murtmftqf mriniln04rdprait ivjiysnrfacrdaud ivrnboard h csjahi hiv m jmrfu imf annnunee tn those who deal ailiclo of saleratus that he is now ready to furnuh onirr on ihe shortest notice tn t o extent of 2000 llsst l rsf acfioicm preparation low for cash or approved papers james morton kingston brewery and distillery lth auust 1345 tin lamrion house hotel to let rimnjim or 1 n i t iriti mlsfiiat class commodious spa cioui hntoi 0110 of tbo very boat in tho upper piuvtiico is olterud to ront lexso of otherwino on most advantage nustorms irwuedibto possession eivon for particulars apply on tho promisen or at tho atheneum hookstoro kingston july 2g 1846 ao dozen hay bakes al sparry wingv bent jiandka for sale ky j as watt n bai v quantity may be ha4 of lha aifvertier hrt notice kinii i8ibuly uh6 impotlul lu0cf inhablunttor nkbf add rrouojing rotiolry i f w r wh ictvantages of fered to ihe k h lhrprek0l time in purr instil goods at the manciiesteb warehouse lomblo ftrflatp p stmt j ft it burn fc mm tc cmedjby various brllaiiu ibeir extensive ler t goods whuh they are wranrtfj to sell at rery loto pruts consist of ufjc jftd firifd jssortmem oi laiut hawh balxarine mus lin mnd orjpnrii oit printed plain and njtoffej lamas 31 64 hack and colored s4iin turrgio de tn prcneli silks mriped nd fancy bncl ilks english and french bonnet ami p kibanib kntland rice and du nstsht fttaw borinels parasols in every variety a complete and extensive assorimenl nj hcsek habchdasherv anj small wares j frhuttokftco would especially beg to draw attentiod 10 their immense stock of ttaplr goods consisting of cotlchiitin li nensjtieks csntoos white stored drill monkins plain am fibred jaabroodt fanry checks dxskins cassimei and tnswwmjrs of every doeiption viof eu1mlsuil vork hire rlroad cloths london made blowter cantoan tweed sml cashmcrei palto coals aso 12 cases london an paris hals compris instlkf velvel and baver 10 trunk of ltndoi maje ladies prancllo itoots and shoes 5caies koom piera containing npwatos of iot00 pieces nf uf newest palierns- j at ft hutlon i co lke crral pleasure in inlorminff ihcir cuiomeis that they have now on hand the cheuicsl and most complete stock of goods ibst hoy have ever imported and ftel confident of ijfcasmg the most faslidr- oiis rejarjt zc prices ond quality mj goods call and ejasoio ler y outsat ess kmiunjuae 19lb45 f ltf u r oka barblsarilhaubairali amsri- o j can c hom obio wheal 50 do do mddhnirs 200 ro- cinaa n 1 aeuctaj brands foi sale hy june 30 jas watt pitch taaand aosin a fevv barrbisofaachjuii received m and lor oale by j as watt june 30 maccarpy snuff aanaricanjmonrml roe acenod as tbe best e jre jesi lacsircd and for sale by ja5 watt kingston juno 30 w5 salvilatds pittin and for sale st fs msnafieiyrera price the ii eihty of this aiticla is well known to he trade j as watt plaster hanwre wster cmtal and coopeisolk f h j j ne jx m jw77 ononote salt 200 jas watt june 30 rinlad frctb n- 1 jr sale f ja watt jon 30- w j martin corner of king onf brock streets mar ket s kingston foaler in teas ffitia uquon e ir respectfully inform ihe pnhlie ltat he has now an und a ut and superior stock of goos in ibis ne among which are of every dewiiioi- suars do totisccos assorted shtrries j all pires madeiras j champaign genuine scotch whsky jttmaica spirits pale brandy very re conc do hollands j- de kuriv soij schiedam do liquors c orternd sperm olive m oils tatrofttfu cioaia op all kinds fancy smokins snl aromatic chewing tobscco mocha and other coffet ground iverii y boo jog corn brohfs 100 do patni pauts a variety of pieklcsaocw frails spices snerm lard and thrw camlles castile and fancy soaps pjayinf cards sponge tu comprising a very complete assuiimeni r gow us in histraje all of whch wilt be sold at the hi wejtt prices families hotel sid afttsci s applied on liberal leimt kinmon30ih jutulis edwin oho wn tin and corper 8 10 1 t ii ratkccs ftsiter kisoston t egs leave kolifimb his rrivnds and the puolic rh he has commenced business 4pimsitutesrs j waikins co whero be utttl by strict attention and good worbmunipt to tneiitashare of public patronage- n it tholiigteal cash priec paid for old lirass copr pewter and lead kingatoolaytfl iy mccuirb ani mccapferty ubrchanf tail0r5 welllvrjtds street kixc5ton begs leave tn inform llicir fnenja and the ptlhkci hat they have com moucod bmintjirinfealth dumbloa whore there trust hy rtct altentinri to bu siness tu merit a share of public patron- ajjo their stnk consists of a choice and arioil aaoftnirir t of broad clotha csaimoretwitodr c summer clutht miiothor with n tinantifulasaortrrjent ol ricll sanin ami aurnmer voalinjaiscc kittrstmi irtth jsie 15- 47- if 1j llionfiit ha h kroptiii july 1 5 53 for sale at the stores op john carrutiiers onn chests of tea all qmlilics w tik ftac aaefkestoauea 50 bjs coffee o the wy best qujlites makafarja and loaf su liquors vine lifoiv 1orler and f ku ale 100000 cienjustosaia steam ltoatsand hnvsnabs 100 boxes soda hikuit ftro d com brooms 100 itohest scaled and diy herrings 200 reams wraptin paiwr oils speimohve lard and cod lamb pennycakr ami tin bteckm- so barrels por barley 200 battel whiskey from theht distil feis in he rawlffg hem is 9 to is- j per nthrj 1000 barrels coarse sail 5o0 8azs do 300 barrels pork 5cu do flour vatrout brands rjananoquc chrrc always on hand 1m every article connected uiib the whnlesafe grocery business lower than ever was offered o the trade john carruthers office on gaccju wiiaitr kingston august 5th j8i5 j 641 for sale phe leasehold prerrisrt un brock street iu the town of kings- inn now occupied by mr j olipkakt for terms apply to mr james russell hamilton y or to thos kirkpatrick kingston 16th june isj5 tf for sale or to be leased os advanta geous terms everal hundred acres of land in the townahipof wolfs ilm opposite kingston a steam boai plica between this i- land and kingston threo limes a day also to be sold in whole j in parts aboui 3000 acres of lanion howe island near kiugaton application tn he made lo kirkpatrick burrows tfingjon 23d may 1s45 music establishment 122 kino street toronto a s nordhe1mcr a in canada for the celebrated prawo foutcs of stodilart i co new vork and chickeiing in bii5ton dealers ia piaooa lo gtueral of all trices ataothcy have on hand a urge stock uf wind and stringed instrurponisj and a large assortment of the bojt eu ropoan music toron may 30ih 1s43 4312m notice- tim iicnbersbeg lorefurn iheirsincere thanks lo the inhabitant of kingston tot the very liveral patronage iaiemlcd to the since opening hiumess in this place and be lo inform them that tlieir business wilt be con- tinned by mr fitonoi bpallsshiieina whom they c0fifijntlv recommeni to the jmmic as oneahle fieefycry satacou o r jirat of business rqssin ot brothehs britannia lifii assurance company no 1 princes street bank london empowered bv special act of parliament iv vict cap ix capital one million sterling thomas greer quebecfire office acrxt william hallowell esq m dmnical rercskc table i bwafcutcsor raiurai table ii txcpie44iko4lrearastvasnr r racsin a pucnus rcqoireh tabic or annual premiums required for the as vurjiicc xttio tor whole term of a tingle life the rale being incrticdor uwstnal- aiwcd reduced at the end of every fifkh year until the ttrentirih inrluiirc after which pe nodafiacdannatljtfemium willbepaj dueai id a kxcdeumatiured during tho rfmainiierofjifc taalc or fr tlie a of irtoo for ihe whoto term of a single life in annual half yearly or quarterly pay- nantf t premium s d 1 u if 1 17 5 9 5 0 2 5 6 9 ii 8 3 o j 3 11 3 prrm ipmntn fstfrr vewi a s j9 8 10 11 90 5 is ca 1111 0 20 730 2 3511 a a 3 2 5013 655 3 860 5 a toint roe tkid fii pire yttts 0l ft 4 i 1 6g os 1 yrvrs 13 15 19 4 mi 19 11 10 1 lft krmdjft strrtf lift 2 q 63 c3 55 table hl 1 t ft i tabic of preroiuma required tor the mu raaaaaf xjoo on single hfe for the respective terms of one and seven yeara 1 yesr prenvav lc 81ki1 1 1 1 1 9 examflc a person acd30 ncitwui datmay stcure j000at bi dcathbyparmcnlof 9 eiairric a pcraon ajed 30 neat birth may ccurcxjooo at hi dcall by the annua jpajnknt of 630 4b5 4 in 3l45 7m cm 4 y j to k 22 vi m icesdannu loi lsdhatf yearly odtquarterly ourjnj the whole prrtod oflifc 11 5 15b 1 18 22 26 31 13 11 s t i ii r s 4 e s 10 7 yea 3 annvtt mssvm a f 4 ft 6 0 6 10 7 1 9 5 1 7 c5 4 until ihecjpiretioft 6 after 5 years until 10 years 10 after 10 years until uie eapiralioo 1 5 years 4 after 15 yean until the arjhratiofi of wynw and 0 ft fit r 20 reare durio the rarnaindsr of life fiveye t ihe expiratioo of a person ajed 30 neat birthday may ecorexioco at bit deceaae prvtijtd as t viiaifi iin ljre trvapnj mm or xi3 j0 18 witb ths omos oa 4lttsvativs tinoinp either of the payments ihroufhoui vinf the sum as according to the ofr the whole ret m of tiff and having the ured periodically diminished annexed of reduction flairaoa r the mi an n core the hka ami provide i 1 j ii prfafmnjtwr hy the ftyer af pay mtntof i3 ij vani souf reduction far on otsumttec exlooo stfan age oceording io ike atternite ptan of tools if after 5 ivore ruse rtmmm paynhje duruifisc fir4 s man le cajinnucd fouil- i- whole m id anaj aasijaal mil 1 no ho pa do- tlirj nvrear koiris ate yean ll do hi drer 10 yssrt taa t7a after 15 veera sso ao after veorm sit 10 ry comparing the raica of table 1 ami 211 win beseen that according to the alternative ljan somewhat less than tuo thirds of the who life prrmiutn lain general required in the brat instance the rjirtcrence being afttrwartla made up ti gradual increase of pruniiim during a givrn or benichtj hy a eorrars ha nptinn in every casv being i uilhia object or either by a gradual increase of pruniiifm dur in piinding gradusl ruduction of the sum assured tka optioti jiven to the policyholder ofsoloctngiho modo which may beat convenience the necessary forms and every reruisite information as to citeclitig assurances may be obtained eithmby letter ion tu the ainde of or mnrua appljea- thomas greek aatat kn nte vom these rates stcrtingtotlh prcmiufi of sxfsiamgs added may 3 1845 e 35if dr tamjevy jaynes mkdzcjne8 new jewellery store geokge pangndrc he to in forra tlie ladies and gentlemen of sv leu and vicinity that he baa opened a slore in princess nittl next to mr p prtccor- rrich grocery lorc vrhtra he has a isrge sssortmeiit of gold io silteb witfhes jewelry plated goods ubj and maay other ariictes toonumeroos to mention alj dasenptions of jewelry manufactured to ordej and neatly repaired sites r opaons c e made to order kingston 7lh may iim5 notice he undcisiojned will not nay firany goods hereafter delivered on their account unless entered in their office fir vessel pass rooks at ihe time rto the wriiren orders of rhemnelveif orclcrks hooker hendekson co ki april 15th is4s fousale ovtulsuuscrloei ij a lt cadizj fine and coarse liver pool iu bags and barrels flour american superfine ioac prime prime mesa mess pin btewj no i scotch uacpberwh crane kings june 33ih 18-i-t- iiousesfo let 1 rent in colbome strcetand poessin given immediately 2 new houses rth i exeellent or der and having a first- rate well of water kent moderate apply to tho pro prietor at his saddlery and harness warehouse priiicnss street kingston john harvky kingston soib jan 13-j5- 6rx jayneps expectorant mihctn 11 djitv nvtin mlle nail wn4rcwl enrr all i fntr i far at of hwj moafaf ooeh rri i i lnrr- r llir nr n5wm 41 t imvaiuniuq ame f ihe iqft mi ii ei i amhnu cli djti crfrppahivran ninpd rn km sfeeaei lumber ffjlor saie hy tllh sudscblbell princess and queen streets en trance either way 300000 fbfct op lumber consisting of inch inch and a quarter inch and a half and 2 inch alsoalotof oak plank from one inch to four 1 000 feel of square pine lumhcf and pine scantling ofdiffcreot di mensions the whole of the lumber ia of su perior quality and well seasoned and will be sold low fur cash or approved i- i- an tttln uetl 4 i ailae hflm iiitl ftuifcir i ii mj mr ijflifto vpooir iopfenwitirveiijffuic baatib r iye ivv il- xtit utnl aymrsafftt eflmb lee aveammla et i vsrfrf- me r thrft i hmfivnf dtlrttl orilrenimae hin vlfuc fcrrmtini tip orplme mailer tost meilmbfoi a naimlprihr anrfkln w4l r m burribc wfcltnlewiclluiif if riwhpc riikihfllia fvfrariori bd- rnj itviwirnrt iv i ivifiblpurip ihpt pmkv ienmvrur diavutay ol ibssriubf hv prrstinf rttr arid i u eifflrnitoi n ihul n kifoo vrril lrtfhcis in potmaary uc n ttej rine pviruinrj hkgbcr or eerr jesenefe uilai a heme v h rfbn vr r ml if m- bail vliotiio nliptaji hrr idle t y rreirrf ma irkleli every jaynes carminative balsam iptneeettiin fr nlnciival rinrl fi fymrntrt 0mso ehnier me rjntifrf torn ro let helhieetormbickwoefcshor hutf o4p4 y joai saair ffrock streel fossessiongiveaoaihe luiomrjir apply to samuel 5haw montbbal type founmy tothehbintbbsandproprrttors the rvo upon hint rr nkvuvd d3- ir0nei credit kingston m george ry 1816 tett 3g33tf new grocerv and provision stork r subscriber respectfully informs nis friends and the public that he has commenced lluinea in the above fates on the west side of the pioneer steam boaj company whnrf where he i pro- pared lo supply privaie families steam boats and hotels on moderate teims the following comprises part of til stock teas bugabfj come bpiis p1cklb8 ac tawit cdlikfsll uiruy 1 1 j i s v tablk salt ac sperm olivo and tallow do candle sperm do castile and brawn snap with q variety uf other nrlirtn tlios maxwell kingirton apeil 221 1811 cigar tliiaccott lrmtiln mtttfp ilatmcal frrirjr ponic table 5alt lard oils eoik arirrita toir w wi unil brrvms halacr liedfltvrv vtjji pin r irtiv or ilie rtahieii vkatiivfr eit i wifrriaj flrr rhiertol ilt vrlitre ii pi urnfh uelftyiil4jie4teii4abi r ancaia tcto ne ami lni i a lrrp wind ia ih rtotsiiich j twcha enttartefvoiielieni- aid liieh mfetra lekiefrnitreinlnij n4 imnanr fiett frctlik ii irinr 1 iift r r lll ettfsvsx akfucriomi jij ka5ss taiane erike mnt tshcni ricztn and entr obpnlliee eer wtof in ifcf ptime a ih euern ihr tsrhiw jrneeiuri ir iwe siich an uon r l ul1ie rv eufle irr tle im cpaliicr ritr wtmvmullina isfaxtltttoryummbk cos plait and in llike biove jwteu rrtti ua tiki cvini aiim ere reonrimt inirr 4i se wthmii ft erhtnu h u llr iifvlilj riii j me iftn trr yv aivenvrretl llvfittenl- hiv lm r crniftetif hjvr hvee- reeessey rvm aif- iicfcjmru j luiiii ore an refriwviabihj tearjav q lemtiboiiy inlla nitr wiookfoo 10 publv american hair dye vtrnnlot if ttnetfy aopliecl aecorjine lo 0leettio lo etiaer lc sk from tit mfacr cohila j lrfunrl ailrtirn bnrrixur m ulifc 4timifhiip rrcrrrtnf lir pr ojntne fttvad irmi4el ph rrce haeptf jayses hair tonic r rnu- iir oewra n4 stfitmii en in haik tilyr -ru- rmpeeafieiniiriimfv hatk iiin-kw-oi- umiirf j wlift hfirt bern tlj ir veefp h unjhc i e lieiiimr oaadmo t ike stpivri rvte ikrhvlr ioi falhep en be tomixr pn mnlnrel jry prrpntfti nni uf l jsvnen05oi1i jd neei pbiurlpvta woltms worms worms of ill tieases to whieh ctumreit aieeipoej flne pre nf ia ihi warmn dai ohut rhvjfrnnr trsmn frcr rfi llicin nml ibr itnhlf urivinfto itrnilcdrvuireenheii laryoav pric1nimfuciu vniainenpied worm aer nol onl a tuvc f ltjm th rori lnt ttj ivreirr4on a e hooer sierr wandcfuik from one mm oakii i iipivtf thw kiufun pintnurae lmllind tiirtkiina ve baiveli a ad fte hmy uie ikroai eie cseniali iis snd too aflrn lenu tr hei reined j vrr frt ksh p m jayntvs tonic vermifuge nninl ptiannui4lch ii rwuxit4vhraii wdllms r rnrfcr iir4nmacs i a eeaemrinj frraaam tosm kettaclf twiil i- intrrwrtirpi lrcltlmt ar nndp curia t i viii ai i ir ai aaiy em wai iaaapl uwii areslhajsrhila vmrin rl it lotf nnfmtrr- rlfiptrbn vftfc or nwcu jpirvnlrni iti ihr ttikmnhitllhearu orbimrn inoei ontihtrm u t it- prirlwt nr ne in blrti mxom prmttier nu yiae wtaateimm n h is imlljlcr uwjininritiil- lainrrtili- ii ihtini eawaiiia ibr u aaajb nru pniirinl mttnoetd by i in ue cvrn ik it m nmb tfiifiti dr i jaynes sanative pills fw liter t ftmplnpnicnn irice rhru- t umjrtsixriftfl hvin- puribaaed ahove avrabtishfmai aee-n- tinnanee of th- parie which has b neremore si httmly lesiuwed i r 10 the fwata rv havin- revise anrf realty added to ihe rnaterul he can com rrs leeemmeinl ak type now manutaciured by him as eqaal io any manut itted en this conlrnent the services of an experienced practical man tram new york have been enaavii ihr mechaeicajde the pr me n in this city sip cenridenlk- appealed to the heaoty an quality of ihe tvoe east ii finn dry t asjieeimer will he arnirity isttetj when lha i proprotir w do fiunaclf the pltiiare ofviafl me upon ihe trad- rs the meantime he will e hsppj to ee or hear from those inclined to or him ihcir sepriorl aa la ype cast in this omrepeialeornexchanf4t6jprpooatl punters materials and any article not maniifactijiej in montreal brought in fioe new york at 20 per cent in advance cha5- t palsgrave mood june 12 1615- 46om oil watch setflwa noi to nasi m1nke h ofutrlii khw p mlit mi am ulll i tfi fw r i4hiiiwiiitve tadrervaam aievan rnmli ncih lam tfen kln ii irrsm aamk rviprl 40011 ii irp nnil i nai aa put la lli iti aribe i tadrkrtf la mill litiw poawwi c a arnfnl x lavnvi upk iknuvativp aarraalnran 1 f ihiii fi vrjrf ntpde nrtksrtvkra riciirekai pnvelw pn dw aai iteniiir rthldrkiurnifwip- it rttrcii iax- aesl hi a rh f ftivv ikteln r ilranukitjfrvi raiieevi el iwrmhiyfl wstrdarkt rdtiravvrl wflkr i 4mifainrnirt ol iuo tejf n4er f ae at a i imt vnlohk dip-cf-vr- nf ihe i toiler rlrtiwjrm pile- h rahmnelei aelarl awhm iniihiiiiiil jwmmerv lrjrr rlfiiif i optuvrd niliirpur id miwi nr 4iim r a4fnt iwiv ii m ai iivaalt mb tuv mfl thikl ti a n v v -r- lsftil hj jt ml si me- krnd frik liweex nntl rltu int eera wtfr hjtflufl cml ae lii ua ae im iimr om the subscribeu n tendering thanks o his friends and the public generally for the liberal suppnrt he has so uniforroly re ceived since he commenced btuinrajt would beg leave to intimate thai as be has on hand an extensive and welt selectees stock of win spirits unockaiu c ic and also having made ar- raiiemei t for his future supplies to be furnished of the carnicest descriniion that can be obtained tn the montreal and otjier maikets he feels confident in saying that be will at all times stand pre psred to sell at as reduced ratea aa any other ongafted in the same line of buai- ness hetbnreforeresrctfullyaxdicita acontinuance of past favor abraham foster comer sf princess ami veitinton st kingston kingston may 5th 134 commission agency imie suhsfriber having made arranaemenls toeontinneonhifownaceonotlhebosineaa of ibe ute arm of craig watt as a commission agent for the sale of mar chandize produce in this market epon ibe premises formerly occupied by them adjoining the grocery establishment of wil liam sirnpon qittario street bears to tender his services to the commercial com munity ofthe province and neighboiipe siil rj in the abova capacity plediting himielf lo de vote his unremitting attention to tba interests orsuchasmay favor liim with cennmonla or commit any ether kind of basaness to his agency j as watt kiti is45 lt5m school siuon people books who arc wise and ivtsfi to obtain a good and cheap article will pay a vtitouicailiciuum book store beuire purchasing elaeivhers kelailcra supplied at private sale by the subscriber doz wooltin hosiery rf frr cwh- tii0ma8 grker kirun 9fu 23 1ki5 ioo