British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), January 15, 1847, p. 3

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imabahnjhtultkksce lmto4iktram mih i uiilton lutlmiuixilnnhiyjuift a tnnt inuhii phfthtiiiciiiui tfiirrcr at tliin 4jc y r1riliy nftnntn i1mii 3 vlnck which iwv i ihuilil worth a taro in ymit iahr lir lmvr ffm calm wil llw winl hi on north whi milvoly the luke receded tntni the ahm in one imitunc wnvf npwjttb of35fl fret leaving the heath jieifrctly dry ft that tlmitnrr it setincd 10 ilhrr iuiof into a vast fhiv nnj immediately r in one unhmken tyftvf folil fel lii1iei him il iistktmy k burying the whail cmitphrtdy ami ovcriliaviiij iu tinil houiidnrlc unwauu of a hmulrtil vard wcrpinc everything hrfou it accoitainij by tidnadful noise this ht- pcrtf il s of 9 dillerenl limes crailually do- creainjr in violence mii the lake resumed it muni tpnearanrc you know the tfttitin of the whaif you self ar you would harcllv credit the fret dial ai the end of ihr wharf vrheie there ii generally 12 feet fi inchr of wtr admitting the largest steamhoat thoic was only 2 feet of water left and on it re turn the water stood a font deep in the tnpnc house which is over two hundred yards fuwn the beach do you tupnot thi singular phenomenon was general or do you ijke it might ibly be connected with some volcanic action working iu way lo the surface at thh particular azzct the only sufferer here waj mr davis vhtcc boat lay as he sip- poied hih and diy alou side the haronr company scow which humt was lifted bodily and wenwmoiaoh top of the hoat iactsaiti straps original an select otiil mayor tomnt row the new council assemble ami the first buvmess will be to choose a mayor three gentle men who have passed the chair arc members of the council viz messrs cannier kirk- palrick and rotiison and either would make a good chief magistrate we hare l reason however to believe that the choice will fall upon mr kirkpatrick and should it we ore certain that the good example shewn hy mr counter in entertaining the cily at an inauguration dinner will be imitated by him and by all future mayors thi is the way to make the office honored and respected goto star rei4ef fob ireland fro vri vm ukwfc iniwlwt wc announced the pratifinr fft thai ihc workin daastfi of the inah in im country wer ailenuv bm very efficiency sendiuc mm tn thtr vi and wffefin- rtbtiwis nd that dur be the la rtf dy no lets than 880000 had occn o milled from lliw poo bih e people w had not then hie rrlurn toin all um tnrrcnliu ftrm in lul ciiy which are in ihr habit or ftitnitmx pon tafrc the amoonl 0poucd t bo il pfti by no inctni she aiicic ihl ld been aenlocf wa huve rnw hc tatitfaction of layintf before the public the jiccurio reiuin eolkmd ly a l- n well knwn nd inchly tepeil j utl catnraumty and ho name will e thenticitv tn nv aiaiemenl i may make therewe wnlmui funhar prcfce hjbjoib the losing letter to the etilar of tit aim mv dka siayou wiu be edified to learn that in ihu day nf ireland dime het annt bl rnibj america have not been ummmlfnl f lunr or rtjajrw uinne thelriah amcfuli iww lornv leen vcit liberal in their remiiuneea mt of their li vj rarnin- od i w ennou n kimw whether l antouit mnlin m114rall t irdand hd awe iiicreed tiver farmer jaraowrta w the ertlr ncrd wbwnfl ofuierlhere i flalbd upon the drtrenl hi wtio c thee vr- drafts vartin fom five jnrs ogrmnw ami ecrd ftaol nil aruin ol iw wmi remit- 4ed ibtmgh ihem in this wav the rcwll l iilicd inl ddixhled me hcymtmctutc a it w1j ynn and yur rcadcra ilft ff the wiuk cnr 184r the tnnl amount remitted w lite lalnuriiu irirfi niala female tv lurif rrlatvra nl jvmie n 88fxl bfldbv thi lil aiilydafisi- reef rflect that iu pauk wtrtrnbi wt railed n ddrrk- macse lo induce llic wa to remember imr friend al hne ibatr own na live charily and love nf kinrirec required mlm eiraneu hivi tn brine ftlh frnt jnd bdiold rtic mmai resuiu vttun wc iffiallmi ibit thcwremillanees are aenl m evrry psh in ire- laad and liyeveiy nekct we can frtrn taecati- rnile of ll eeal rrlwf lltey m arfj li i urg phimbav of fainirft ih ate id i ihinli a uuhliration of thea faeu will attcrest u kiv niirniiia have not yei nmtmnihrj itlm nr c thmi and d likewise yuoea very truly j cob harvey new voik j mujry c lejl7 ffc tjt iv fire aim rmiitrl by 1ha triflh wnktiiif etahmv h ur bim jlalf daya ti in thea sllwhiu i and farth veur f ilt4ll lhcaliimimlr mmni nf wh00 lva fuel i are pa mrvjmfff ural it ia ililtienit tnemwiih any adripmui enmmeni wr f h eounnit ihem i the gicl inrelmnienf itm pabhe mind vrhero we trum lliey willitfhbc net or tot- ten hut ppnadilj bfiibi brtt frcih tiuit nf llio ktna if the irar willwm any but tlrtb innole lienrvulenr di iiih iiiqcii anrhy ihr ueh frfn etijoy goew ffifta in in- tnuld do i heir irl wr lrul then that the fjitmic uhietallinn will lial uil mid thai site cunimittee will mi ui udm of inc nel 4oainefbe en tthled to remit a uirlhrr um we luvc au wofivod fiwil mr harvey a eir cwlar itrd by the frcioty f frfefjih in dablin liiakin a airnn apaal lo the bnevnlent and ajtninmn a cmuniuee t collect tnharriptiiin tuthb fund nbicriplihfc nlrcajy becfmnade amounting ta nearly 010 and llie etimiillce an auml end fmlleatm xvdliaiit fmtttrnf nurvklh through tle nvit ditfced ciinieiii ireland tn make permal nhti vat ions of the tatc of the pmpic anion uio aubaeriucri to tin fund wc aee a lav e number of fainilci init f wiinfi contributed libarattv to nun nme rlisubcth dewlc we aco ilia eum f xtlx aipemkd richardmat ivaiann uf xcw yorlc iiava aim coatnunted xi od wc trurt that theio example will do far ihc prevent crmn doraxs hovti bvroww wc are greatly pleased lo learn that out old friend and every travellers old friend mr doran of the ottawa river and those digging has again leased that magnificent hotel in upper bytown first opened by him in 1841 the motel was then too large for the town but such has been the increase in papulation and wealth of bytown that we have no ears but mr doran and the bytownese will be equally pleased with each other on second acquain tance mr dorani reputation as a caterer for the public is first chun stands a no- l there is no occasion to recommend his house for etery traveller will go mile out of his way to stop there m a protest wc ure given to under stand that in consequence of one or two volej for mr- mowatt having been taken down wrongfully that were intended for mr rourke making a majority for the tornicr gentleman of two whereas the majority should have been the other way mr ronrke has protested against the legality of the return and as the council sits tomorrow it will he the first bust ness after the election of mayor o- a card paddy whack presents his most respectful compliments to an irish man hopes he is well and entreats he will not attribute the delay given to his corres pondence to any cowardic or want of resent ment nothing less than pressing business of domestic affairs could retard or delay an in tended letter in which paudccn promises lo satisfy an irishman in an objected point as well as to pay off rowry with a well earned casligation mr whack will take an early opportunity to fulfil what he y fjr trie watiitnafier three days of moderate frost not sufficient to make the ice good between kingilon and long island soft weather came on yesterday accompanied with some snow fiom the southwest today it is thawing bnl as the wind it from the eastward there is a little chance of more snow and af terward of settled weather ommeflcial mart sautof tal uqdors tobaccos fruit fish g on hll iv m january at one oclock wi be aoii yminillraiii gunpowder and other tear ftrrd oin port vvhito wine and vinegar d fy cosfh hiirin- l tnbcn manilla cdi cotton twino vyrifipir ppr maichea put l- frpycra-cork- otcae and a quantrof sole leather wilmam ware kmijlnnth jnimry lrm7- foh sale by thtf sulbiheh al barbed pw mjsas qfij pork mimtnw iiy ihrto bfiell iaui m1lics fbhson kuittiit luh jntni 7 urn notice wxxii am hodeh ta i l o r ystodd riblit rospectfully infiirm t t ls irtids and the inhabitonta nf kingatunthat he haa commenced bustiics dinilv npposite to mr willwnfvisons crockery store in wdlingiostreet where lie will bo hapjiy to mr thos who may favor him with a cat arid after having spent several years tfcome of the best houses in almost all til principal cities of the united states tnd england as fore man and journoynti ho flatter himself that he is qualit to serve thorn lo their satirffacliiiii n- b militat and other uniforms made to order onn the bt of style m he will alwaya katon hand the london faahions cuttinione to ofder kingston jonuir i5th ls7 commerciavl rt sale of new vauajtue psehold furniture e on monday ldih ynuaryat oeloov- will be aom spkndidnew m dii sofa blark wjfinh sidrnnard- jluck walnutcvntreanrf bedrejd iiiieiia wiandt k i chaim ollomir a second amd pro cortkin and olher stve wnli a vttietv of ovher atftw wlliavare kmfittnn llcli janujiry auction sal or ready made tlotlng tuccds flushings hfnfsklngrocc- riex d fyc at armstrongs auctionloms x ikc stit fikt on wednesday iv tb jano will be ohf without rcarreo 200 pun mena tweed artdsattinelinia men henry an o-fiak- on monday morning 7th int about four oclock a fire took place in this town which terminated in the destruction of a very handsome two itury hoiic the property of mr prnyn and occupied by mr cox the fire as far as we can learn war oc casioned hy throwing hot allies loo near the building every exertion was put forth hy the fire company and our inhabitant who were quickly on the spot lo put a atop to the flames but it was all to no avail as the fire had jffol too much head way before it wa discovered we understand that mr cox has lost a couple of valuable washes and other property the house was not injured brmifard courier conquering a pkvce tho adniniu4ii4v ennudvrine he u mount of blood and trevtnre eapended eeilatnty ought tn be abfa to conquer j peace with mesieo itwt in- atead uf th it wqvu eem that ihc uuvcrmncni u aull intent um futchtm a ivaec elaa why shii renewed effiiuouutain 3000000 u secret acre ice money the administration mnntcj eredutom hv ni- aoranca that mexico wilt be competed it ymy the i- iij i t- i of ihc wai and yet it ai ror two millions of dmlif t purchase 1 1 io territory whicli wo have already cunouered 7 if ihcfe be anything mora miteramo than thi war itaelf it ia the miserable manner in which it hai been conducted aficrgcn taylor had been ordered to lake up hi line ofnurch for tho malta of montcium contracts were made in tcnnyal waoia new jcrwv new yoik and connecticut or ibe bajrjjatrc wagon to transpnrt h amman i- ftian stores ac the fieel iht hai to long be leajeocrcd vera cruz vru ordered to aid and comfort ine enemy by allowing santa anna and almonte lo return tv mrnco and after out sjlockadmsqusdrnn have been ordered tu bam bard the cfisttenr vera cruteontracta are made ol albany and trny for shell i wiih auch wiadnni and efficiency at the head uf aifiln nmiy be farmed of ihc time amd money it will coal lo peace 1 conrjuar an honorable cy ma poijc acai annarurassv the announcement received hy telegraph that the military committee of the hoiie we presume had reported s to i against mr polks pro position to appoint a lieutenant general took every body by surprise the action of the committee wa summary and indicates a lack of confidence in the administration which must be very keenly felt by the president and his advisers the british ministry would re- aigii under similar circumstances but mr polks cabinet have not the modesty for that and will uf course stick to their place succes sively defeated on two of their most important measure in a congress composed of a large majority of their political fnendt what can they do to retrieve themselves what new expedient will they propose i l alius rerrons as the official cackler of air polk resignedly ays 1 triune fr ikcszkduris on friday night lal a file broke out in the bani of a respectable farmer jiamed john lee resident on dundas street near toronto and it was soon levelled with the ground the barn contained alt his last years crop there hadben no light in the barn on the previous djy or evening and the only conclusion that can be come to is that the fire was the work of au incendiary toronfo coe quaea luilanau accimurr a aineutar aeei daot occetrcd upon tho troy and saratna road a few dava ago which though of a aomewhat aoriuih character was euffioitnllr ludicmua fortnnntrly no person whurt ii i jt eongcfa wee a gnnd deal joatlcd and much alarm cd tt the time being wei learn frum a friend who waaintheeata at tha time that ihc tram wea coming down at a alow rale and having atartcd way from meehanica ihe they orarlook a large hull who wea walking leisurely uting the track the knotty headed gentleman claimed llw right of the way and the only nntice he condescended in beatnw upon tho fctf mouthed mocker behind him wet a carelcaa leer nver h almulder whout incrcaaing hit speed at a0 in the great diacoinfituie of the engineer who was diaimua tn get on a little fan- the whiallc rang not lustily but mr hut walked at hia lciure untit the engineer j e red of the fun pot on tha atcani and daaticd rapidly toward the heels of hia country friend mr bull wa not lo lie served thu cavalierly and turning round he faced the train and placed hia head smack i tho frunt uf iho ucomotiva j lie animal roiled lieela over head of court upon the side of the traex but the concnaiinn wai tn tudden that iba engine and baggage cars were thrown from the truck iho former being tinslcd lo piece on a nrighborint bank and the latter being to badly in jured as to prevent any further pmgreee for anme i fi tlic boll immediately troae afbook hi head and walked alowly into an adjoining field where lie lay himctf quietly down to watch further movement whilo the eaprcawnn upon hia face teemed lo tar hw do you like that my friend tho care were finally righted up another engine wtt tent down to the wreck and tha passenger proceeded on nvich mortified at the retutt as the train started off mr bull aroto from hia lounge and turned away tovrarda a piece of wood nearby with uiott provoking conlnett at if to remind tit departing friends in the train of that wholesome old adage hie more haata the lesa tpard amtriran railroad journal agrlcultusyti society midland bistrict notice ia heky given that the next quartet meeting of the agricultural society the midland dig trictivill uke place asjoon at tiiecnurt houio on llie second k of the february sessinn of the district p unci wednes day february 3rd onaluclt day in ad dition to tho tiual btisirix of tho society to ba transacted it will submitted to the meeting to change annual meet ing of the sirceufnr election of offi- cers stem in nnequem t district gouncila atlting only twl y f the wseoaij day fit the mission to the aecnnd day of the feliruaision v to ffb 3rd next branch soctfliei arc re to hnld their annual mwtmg prj to the next meeting uf the gtiwrtu soo at x their dckgntc accordingly j- umrks piiliburgh jan 13lli 1si au tnc paytr to c borans ho bytoavx j fym for this hotei fll the rccrprinn t travel furniture nnd hcddiii all m gooii stabling fir hnrses fc james ik ry lrtl n 3m laniinry 1 1947 w noden tailors c opfojitr mr william wlfdm wellington street ah work in his line executed with nev and dispatch 100 do fneaheatyrnd hjrit cual hi pieces kcrav cref tvred 10 do urabtnd blot kiuthinf 3 isa green baiie oil do sillae 2c do caabana is do kersy mnleakint itmj paira hrct twilled cntun shcelt too saife ruet 20 boi yvun hyson tea 10 dj tankay 3 du hrtnn tcrankayi superior 4 do gunpowder and imperial 5 barrels cluahed sugar 10 drifht muacoeado 20 inics starch 6o herrings 10 if- 1 ttaiaint 5 barrets brandy st do putt wmc 2 do sherry do 50 reams wr- paper 2 ciatca crockery il til 40 bsrrcl herrings in ptimcrdrr 10 superior coki nd2 bvxstmg ew a sot of aptn croekcty green toffee tocw mutttrd bnttu and prnny cake btackinajat girgrt citfr ac 6ce sale at one oc luck term ubcrl william armstrong 4astiatat krnjvi i 1r47 m ill creek c loth factory the suliarribor rcapeclfully rrturna tlinnka lit inn friend and ibe public renwally fif ifc mpport n baa tiicuivod tjneo hia fulling mill and cardiks machine hovn been in operation and ivtffh leave to inform them that encouraged by the buaiura lie boa tranaictrd in the nbnvo line he a now prepared in commence lite inantifacttm of all kinds of country cloths sattisets blankets ac fta and liopca by the puin ho intends to take tfifiisnro the canttnuei patronage of the public joshua booth- kwooiiacf purchased or taken in exchange for cloth mill creek january ii 1347 4tf ordnance sale on thursday slat january at tialfpavt lflcwv wllbesnd by auction at rjta oaastaxcf yau pviftt henry aquajuilyof unacr vie cable slmet rtr harness saddles br 10 lps caurenters tools armojreus tools tbnttl marquees on nuincruus t mention blankets horsecloths kutis ireat coats tkowtfers boots and other stores tura bushed iron james mntoii queens auction kingston january lltb iso itsfl chronicle wilt pkaao eupj government notice tenders will w reccive at tbf cnmmuiifiit office miuiuii milil nihiii on tuesday ihe twentymxth bf j is7 ilf the peffo e ch transport by stfc nd baugkatil rrtow ailc mitoarbt barges ail tealx may bs fcqqirth l htfr majew uoaticil iid inre plce tinvcriimciiit beiw ei rtieoiiawa ani kijau h jorii ilie navigable season nf 1 tb cutiditiona of coftrf pn r tend q bny futlbef iiifornwciiii which may iterequiredcrf bwinl m applicaiinu at tho cotlf of fice mimilteal or king- tenders to state the ittfl n currency and to contain the real reamii hnjom to up pproved hy die cnamisariath aureti fo1 e d fultilment of the contract h scaled and marked on velope tender for transport payment will be mifc- monthly or mail contract te-8- eitheri s f 5s id currtncy i received this day t tmff atheneum book store dombey 8t son no 3 the pictorial almanac tut 1847 jan 6 i17 sheriffs sale n tuesday the 1st day of de eight hundred thousand acres of land w tllfc huron tract i notice to old settlers emi grants and others the canada company have ugain thrown nnon all their lands in the huron tract for rtiwpw by wtyuf lease fur ten veaks no money being heqiired dowk the kern payable mi the ui frchrnary in carli year 19 nol much morn ihnn iho inlercst upon the upct piice nf tlio laud tho right 10 pun chase the freehold al any time within the ten ygtnii at a fixed price named in lcasoi i econed tn the settler who would thuaavo ull further payments of rents the huron district in known to ht one oflhsmoil healthy and fcttu tractfi of lnd in canada it has more than doubled us population withiti fmu ycqri- the huron tmct in the year ls eon- taiued7j01 utt in june layer the huron districi numbered 14953 souls accordinto the official letums theabnv jandatein blocks there- fnrc affjiditi facility for the undivtdd aeulpfneut of familijs of old seulois anil their fiiendtf map primed particulars and evry requisite information upon the hurgn and the canada companys mher laiid in the province will be furnished fhcc op ciuttcc hy application if by letttr p05tpi 10 the canada company olfic at toronto and godeiich and strafturd in the huron district cyajt cftmf ornctf frederick si- toronto ut jany 17 j 6m real estate for sale- hphe subscriber nflta lor sale thai h inhle iraperty sitiutfif in princess strgft now occujiied by mrs pope- the beautiful cottar revenlly erected on the pre roisevi admuahly adapted for a genteel private rtmiience there i otuched coach house and stable i every other convenience required- for furtlr particulars apply to m r scosell sil tpk jan- 5 m7 alleu gos express from hamiltw toronto- co0urg btltvillr wng8t0si tomox treauaaatftovvat to tavernkeepers and others w ii alexander kesiectfully infnmi hiifriwds thai he slill rnntinues to manufacture hia celebrated vegetable stoucihton bitters and for the ronvenino of his customer he betjs tn inform ihem ihcy will alwayi find stock iti hand at mfl rout mccimtticitv rocr irinress street and at mk b- mtaoowscandlo mannfactury ontario siicct nppwlto j h tftckna whaif in pint nt fid and qoani i6d kiugstmii dec- 29 holiday presents and new years gipt5 v cembeknext will be told at gicerv wharf hy virtue of severa vvflta of fieri facias issued nui nf her majesty- curt nf queenfi bench agninn james mckcnzie all the right title mid iutnrestif aid mckenzie in the bakquc elconora- bale at 2 uclock noon t a norbett sheriff m- d- sheriff oflicr kingston november 13 i46 the above sale if postponed until mon day the hti day of december next at the umc hour and place thomas a cobbkttj rv- jk j sheriff office just rrtvived at ihc atiieneuh i dotk store m vatittf of numiiiini bound imoki suilabtc pit tii 6lc in part ct tho lolfowm 1 1 ia annual for 1847 kovridlttria utcnn do the gll dn the thrirtiani annual do re iihf stiitvamrr 6k kintjtl or ivit do- ptywltt pkt dov d new foteel me im or indira pockttbook for lti17 the lbr for the pcoplr con tcfltimn talci c and a lorge vaikty boftk f of on of jjvclc and otbr to per let a large two story brick building vfl situate in queen street next door 10 mr schar house rent 2i annum apply for particular to cap homhy frinue troetorat the athenoun print- office inton dec 2 i846 tf commercial mart 100 the above sale ii postponed until satui1- day the 16th day of january uut at the atne hour and place thomas a c0rhett sheriff u d slienfti ojfice 1 fumrv 7ih iki wtt mcmillan aurtimeer irnrals ftl ut bruitb amcricaa hotel jan 6th mr let montreal mr roebuck be1kih g il wuolhouie eound lhth hart m ir mr dunacomb do k c iifiwi do 3 pringk napanee mr ttma quebec mr steera montreal mr syle england mr hayward do j ear montreal 8th mr corray montreal mr loftus 7jl reel laprarie mr clarke 71 at rejt do mr k oitkinaoo montreal and toronto eiprcaa j rhynaa montreal edward maaaon do j b brojrif do mr baily cotcao dtf lac mr etmaley toronto mr lemch montreal mr john l lunney sl catbannea 9lh mr french montreal ma i loch brook tiltc mr wra mr shuter mrg a good- enotiph moaireal j leaer torunio 10th jomoa lavr montreal henrv atklnaon tenders will be received by th undersigned until saturday l3tl febnmrv next for the conveyance of her majesty mail between mill crfeekandnewburgh wa wiu ton and clarks mills three times in each week on a contract of four years from the 6ih april next particulars f the eervice lo be per formed and the amount of security re quired may be lenrned at either nf the post office at kingatotimill creek wilton clarks uilhf or newbargh john dewe pott office surveyor kingston islhjan 1s47 53w pet m ntes of charleredbinki op the conimisaariat qtfmet commissariat c montreal 8th january 847 s aironide and news to ihas iftduaiva mail contract tlendeiw will be received by the undersigned until saturday 13th february next for ihe conveyance of her majestys mails belween kingston and sydenham in- the township of lough- boro twice in each week on a contract of four years from the 6th april next the particular of the service to be performed and tho amount of security required may be learned at the post offices at kingston and sydenham john dewe post offee surveyor kington jan 15lh is7 63 w wanted by a person who has had seventeen years experience in the trade of the countrv coburt j gtfehriat do mr mallica do ofik a situations acco0ntantsales- r gowan m r p brockviile jfuca vm man orgeneral clerk 10 a commer- napanco mr- webater m p p loodooc- w house jc clarke bftown lttb lboa5lcintoah btown c bcnaon belleville w j maedonetl kinpatoa mra smilh ilamiltua j mi pctkio m a p g kingston- mr groy r e- toronto mr bull rive trent dr kankio toronto jtobl gijpin brokville colonel askin london rard mr leach charnbly g sutherland montreal mr sandereoo brockvitlo joeepli shater mr brad bury montreal 13th mr mackeclime and servant coburg mr ferguson montreal mr- g frcooh mon treal and toronto express mr d freeuod monucal- irrirau al be loobton hoou jan 14th robert penney kingaon a tildon a windnew yorkcily j m pcrkiae kinaton mr and mr stvetmoo adotohut town robert wallace port hope mr muroey petefboro m grant mr ftttgcratd trrncs eflwird to an auction or commivtion etabliihmen1 the advertiser would endeavorto make himtelf etpccially serviceable having in add 1 lion to his experience the advantage of an extensive connection of business friend the most latisfsclury reference as to businesj cpaily can be given apply at this office january 5th 1817 53i boat found iound at point fiederick on mon- j day last a large four oared boat sixteen feet long it is painted blue and white outside and red with- in any perm having lost her may have it on application to the subscriber by paying charges john montgomery kingston 12th jan i8i7 tf- government rotice tliders will he fscoived at the commissaria1 office moatieal until hwy n tubs- dabtwentysllth janu- aryb7 for the perfortinceof such traort by stge and steafeoat viailre r st law rence lajj 8s ma h rtxuired for her majesiyservice belweenmontreal and kingstoind intermediate placra dur ing the aigble seaott 1847 the cjitions of contract form of tender j further information ivhich rnak required can be obtained on applicant at the commissariat of fice montr nr kiofiston tenders ttate the rae n currency and to contain real jigniiuresof two responsible yons to be ipproved by the commussjat as sureties for the due fulfilment i contract to be sent in scaled and kd on tie envelope tenderer insport payment wi m monthly or twomonlhly ther in specie at the rale of 5s id cs dollar or in notes of chatteri banks el the option of the cummissait officer commissar t i montreal 8th wmf 1w7 chronic and news lu- osnt incisive new books at the athjsnbqh book store sir francw bond ifcada boltmno jamea ne novel m heidclwrf t dickena iaambey a 6nn part h k loera lecnrfi and stotiai or intend kingaron jaofti047 rhe sicscribejrs rwp inform the public of lvingu and vicinity that they are now runn a fortnightly exprea between the above named cities and towns and that their travelling man of business mr l homas allen will leave icingston on his way to montreal every other thursday evening and may be een during tho wlmte of that day at the lumbtnn house wutel for the months of january sml february next the days uf departure vvil ho as mlows- from kingston to montreal january rcpftranv thursday jan 14th i thursday fb 11th do jan 28ib do fh 35th auaif7t1ri6llp t alletn jil leav montrenl every other thursday and kingston for hamilton evtrry other saturday and may be sceu nrwiillen to in uonriwifu mr levines otlovvahrnel for sale bbls heavy mess pork a york i nvection william war kinsiton nth dec 1816 a lm anacs at the athekeum book stork slatflt a pocket almanaa trie clioreh almanaa a varfotv ftf comic ajmtnaca dec 29 1846 forwarding notice 18 4 7a on the hpeninfof tho navigeu next spring tin undervifncd will cwie thn rnllowino rate of frciyhl between monlrwl and atingaioa r upwards ln niflk coili salted h tiuh tr and hcaio from kingston to hamilton jaxvahv pcauarv shtnnjayfeb 6th saturibyjan8lh do do 23d do do 20th notice hphe public are hereby notified that 1 am the only legally appointed person to receive all rates and ave menu and other mntiiea due to iho mid land dutrict and collectors and others are cau tinned against paying the same to any other person is 1 am the only person who can givn them a legal ac- uutttunce david john smith treattirer mt and dtracr treatnrerf office midland dimrict kingston 2nd jantitry 1847 j a ii cilj papera will copy the abot a notic e notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stock holders of the catnraqui bridge com pony will he holden on monday the 2sthday of january 187 at the office of the said company at 1 oclock p m for the purpose of eleclinq directors for the ensuing year accordine to law and transacting other bufllnes connected with the bridge tho accounts of the past year will be then and there submitted for the inspec tion of the stockholders thos glassupj suretorutf treourr c bridge cy cilaraqui bridge office kinplon ah january 1847 the kinfcitrm afjent for this express line is mr fmncis armsimn greers wharf who will attend to any business durinethe interims of arrivnl andilepnrture allen oi co kmgiton dec 31 1846 l2m b kecked lh latest tfivsu from new york and fr sub cribr tf hi store sireei tno lol lowing articles u 800 sides spanish sl t h 200 buffbln p lwtw boxes assorted 50 20 100 loo 40 kas do i ohaccti dozen malta do brnnmt j i do coras with numerous othcl tioned t an not men matthskvy virrr klngstofl dec i8db lew tf notice is hereby given that the cnmmitlee appointed hy trie district council to re eeivcihebonr from mr william fcrcuson the newly eleclej trrtsnrer this day lod- ged said bond laondl the records of the dis trict and directed mr ferguson to open the treasurer oibce in the district clerks room in the court house on 1st jariuirytowhom alone all persons will hereafte pay the dis trict rales and with whom all otier district business conuecled with the treasurer will be transacted signed j b marks district council office kingston ilf 31st december 1848 citypopere to copy twjbrhid kingston philharmonic society the subscribers arc hereby notified lhattht fvenmgs frr practice are wm ncidoysand fridays at 7 oclock in the so ciety rooms in ihe hdtttf lately occupied by mr w simpsoo ontario street ueuly orposite the ordnance office wed nesdatt instruments music fridnys vocal mosk the attendance of subscribers it particular ly requested by order c ambrose secrefoij kingston dec 29 1846 wm armstrong auctioneer commission merchant zand and general agenty king street kingston respectfully intimates to the public that he has taken the premises lately occupied hy t moran co removed next door whtre has entered upon the above business and hopes hy punctuality and atten tion to merit a share of public support the subscriber intends to devote particular attention to the purraose and iit 0 reel estate and with thi view he has made ar rangements with several influential legal and commercial gentlemen in scotland and mi land through whom he will hrinr under the notice of capitalists intending emigrants and the public generally improved farms wild lands household and other real estate propeity in canada submitted to him for sale ami through whom he will transact other le- pal and commercial business in any part of great britsin or ireland viz collecting claims taking out lellersof administration purchase and sale of property c wm armstrong kingston dec 29 1w6 bir t crocker rnd sheet ifi db groceries hun and is od per sivt la 3d sal in i r of butcl d o w h fi tier puis 4 1 fid la rdii flmrr par birrtt m it hd 1ivk and br cr bairat 2 3d tt i- 1 et hhd f od buitcr and lard per kef ffc d whaalnndotlier grain per iji 0a cii other property m proportion itnuraiice extra lfiivraicv catrj macpherson tbanr t c huokek hoiiton 4 co if jonksc montreal lccmber 14s 1 ho i 1 1 whi and bntiah colonial wilt copr mhjm perkins ymkftsljlsm n the ire room over ma cxlotat auction mart near the town hall will h opened every thursday and satuiu 1av evenmgsal 8 oclock for tht tcfeplioo of pnpihonev kingston december s is i to let a small frame cot tage in prinws street with garden and outhouses apply 10 wm armstrong juetioiittr kin strett kingston dec 29 186 if steamer brociville fhlhc stockholders of the steamer i brockville are hereby notified that a dividend nf two pounud per share ia now payable by james eraser treasurer kington 29th dec 1346 the brittih whig and beuevitu hutigenetr will pleaaeeopy fur three wecki sleighs for sale a secondhand fairily sleigh for one or two horeis mshioned a secondhand cutter in tood order apply t the atbeneum bookstore dec 18 winter arrangement the royal mail a 7 il leave the general stag tt officekirifcston next door to tlm british american hotel every morning at tovlockfor belleville coburg and toronto and every evening at aix oclock for 8rockville prescott ft montreal extras furnished at all times for any part of the country nn reasonable terms chas greenwood 4ttl general slage ofece kingston dec 1st 1846 rltcinets tate nt copying presses a supply of all aitaa joat mceirad from the manoctarv and f- saleat tho avfeav tom boov stoic oct- so j i i 1 sites on the rideau canal to be let for a term of soten fourteen or twentyone yean thft following water privilege 1st at brewers upper mills 2ndat kingston mills a copy of the lease with a sketch of th ground autached tn th mill sites ia now lodged at the ordnance office at kingston montrealatd bytown inspection of thoso wishing to becon- tejiiant and the lock masters on lb spot will point nut the propertj tender stating thn annual rent i haiif currencyi proposed lo be paid will be received until 12 ovioclc noon oti tha 27th fobmary 1847 the nmes ortwo responsible persr with their real signatures must be setred for reference a sureties the tendera to b addressed u the respective officora of the ordnance bytovra marked- tender for mill 1 orrtck or onoxahccj rylown 10th dee 1848 j

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