the ihutish whig aim glxriab ovnush wr cjyuuwest printed a- ruhiisiiku semiweekly iiri i ti h v h x by edward john barker m d 77k j1thbxeum jn basel slretlntxt spw foae loili tliut mfil powu kivi sumwn rtfa m allowance of nvcaiibine tgrms oas vniu villi if paidinadvancc no paper rflieritifiufd bhlu vftrtwtolkuj p unlil uwflptllin of the publisher advektisruents amaiirai l orthar qfc fid first insertion nd 7j1crfi lulmnweiit insertion aislinrslnten liii344tbrl tnieflkw and iddmoh eohfecprcnt iimprikmi above in lino- hlprlinc forth fit inscialnn uml lil par linn for ach suhieqnrnl insertion adwiw- insntt without specific direction which nslght i ha in writing are inserted until forbid nol rfa iril aocmmlr- order for iiisc-ntinuin- alvit- bmnutlwltoniothcpiiblinuflcfliii wvilitijs ill he office the british whic m pijftnnrifrfifcj largest cuiwjiin ciiqution no imsrotfn i r j allnwud on advertisements en any pretext whatsoever order for the hvnsa inks will be ifiwl by i of the psl mstrrsio the united province gtnd monies iwndrd lo them will be credited uti paid lo the pumituer all letter ntcept from atrm to be pit paid and general advertiser for canada west new fall and winter goods a p mw in t ross dodd military tailor ladies habit maker princess street ffi- four od journeymen tail tranffj wtnoden tailor c mr w i mi am wimox opposite mit wimioi vmaont wellington strbbt all work in hi uim executed with deucs and dispnleh messrs stuart sthseb barristers attorneys at law the new building adjoining the glasgow warehouse second axd third doors ftktow welujcctos street ie sursriu5k3 respectfully intimate to the inhabitants of kinpion an ihe public generally thai they have removed to the above premises where iliey now offer tor sale ths largest jtid most varied assortment of bfgmm a3j3 jpasot mi 3032 they have yet imported comprising cvory description of wollen cotton and silk manufactures adapted to the present and approaching seasons which having licen porchnwd bv rhem in the lnnilnn manchester and glasgow markets and received ly tin different reqnler fall shi pi arrived at montreal in course of last rnunth will be found on inspection replete with the newest and most fashionable goods that have yet been imported and from the facilities they possess as a regular importing house everv inducement in presented 10 purchasers that a new and fresh stock laid in under the many advantages that i buyer in british markets can command they feel warranted in stating it will be found second to no house in the trade in price variety and quality october sg a d shaw sollchorinhnucfry a banurw ctnttyanarsj cmd agents and not a it i b- p l hi courthouse kimston ch aulrs stuart maxwell ncy ec w strange- kattiibw drummoxd grocer wine spirit mcrcltqtil wellington lulldtncst nfxt to mr if tnbmhh p b kayler coach builders a2d carriage makers hcnccis strcet kinkstos itoblvrt mccormwk t it i i k a tlmis shuts teas grdcbblas ic pkimcbah htwbbt rlnsttn- btrriitttttf attonry john r ki at lutoi tuttkt kinusttts mcdunal al kkanoek camimiell jambs mcmillan feacher of music piano fortes toned thompson cakky general importing and commission merchants stkli kt b ft o a d mrwjf a card vn p r v w n a c k l a u wake mwm a- thomson roflmission and impbrtho itrclust gl broxd siii itw york will continue to fjive attention to canadian imports consigned to i him at new york for forwarding foj canada and also to the shipment or snl- nf tich canadian producis as may j seek thi port for export or ale merchanth who may he pleased to avail ihomsnlveb of his services in new york fdmuld in ordering their goids stnd his address totheir european ship pers trisiructintnem to send a duplicate invoice and bill of lading to him and it shmtld e observed that the invoices f uodai intended for the now york route ought tnthow the charges on same until on hinbnard at the port ofexpor- tatiiltli lo invoices each case should be added up separately and extended lo the ut ante column the mixing up in invoice of ifc content of more than onft package the packing of a whole invoice indiscriminately urofmoredum one invoice in the same case are all point to le carefully avoided the recent changes in the custom laws of the united states while re- yiiriiisr new furms hlive much nimplified the nysicio r reforwirdiag gods to canadiu no cnah ailvanco is iifiw re- iuiied i a ilond nf imjrt and is k port frm ilia oimalgaeo being the suusti- tufe- nor undortho advalrem duties of the now tariff will packages have to lie notified for measming or weighing as formerly unckr the sperific duties which charactciized tltn tariff of is12 to the improvement in the customs department may he added the ex perience of the past season as further insurance to canadian importer that thny may rely on the new york mute lieinconc by whirb they can hereafter receive their goods with certain rapidity and economy new yur 23d nov is1g c a n a i t oriando commission mrrcllhxt and ueneral agent ko loi unur sirccl new york vl smith watch ukgtt and repatrer mukoiif st of pflsin th scom ouottoh- v pia forte and accordions toned and repaired kingston april 6th 1s46 lm- macdonalds hotel late atoxgs j richardson merchant taibor axgln xo 1 btttdlvgs brock street kingston begs to acquaint his customer and the inhabitants of kingston generally that he has rcceiretl direct from montreal anil new york ms fall and winter goods comprising a large assortment of broadcloths cass1meres tweetfs doeskins vestjngs c 1m oacat vaalttv- naval and military cloths of all descriptions blue black brown beavers of different qualities all of which he is prepared to make tip lo order in the very best manner as regards style fit and workmanship and at unusually low prices he i r would is always a so in be to receipt intimate thai edwin cljown tin mamfactlrej of sheet 1rhx m popttr wares and dealetl jn cooking and qthf stoves princess street kington fp ic mil1 tary hospiu begs to return thai to the in habitants of kinr ami viehiity and the publir rneral for their very liberal pattis li hc has commenced baring- ai11 that hy unremitting care a oitention together with theervice of rnpetcnt workmen to secure a continuance thereof e c keeps constancy general assortment of 1 ftl makexto order tm eavr trouis cfp an stove furnitw fc marking plates of every description wealed in neatest manner work of every kind in h uw made to order with punctualitv nov 1l 186 l on hand a ware ant td t m the eight hundred thousano acres of land ix the fsuaon tract emi- notice to old settlers grams and others canada company have wii open nil their lainl in the huron tract for dfapftnl by wovnf lease f ten years- no monev being required down the kent pvyamo on the lat fithrnary in each yum is not much mnra than tho interest iipun tho npot pi ice nf the iaml lltd rilrt to pur chase the freehold ot anv lime within the en years at a fixej price namcil in lease i secured to the settler who pibehsia a cotixtrv carol im ifuc rnjli1i firmer iv ifir rol lie mri wn itit inrfition il iw fi i niii nvr bean ni nli rvttt j f oni t ii llir jinr lurrs aiicotoiriik ntiw mim u wlni iljr cil we iilk jo fiuwinw ft loo ktiwm7 mucti lo am for a ftflw lic me our cnllinj tilf t nn lc run it hi c n iww nvrlimi n wp1 n nrw nmr i w r fntttl u ptlltfff cmiir w qlhlll4lwflllowa i and uno nerd 1 n wolhj io nuivt xup nluli rrnl la evilly cnmfin riib kawrl7c taught uic vrhcfcfwr tli vllti foe hnir nrtturfil cakf in of3ipiur iim or euy iso nnliquity of iv ijomvi ra u thfmby fuuithl lo an client far rslr ilian hm tr yet bon nm ool in any invhrico whih i hiv- had n njmrluroty of iotll4tioe it woim fallow tlii tbc human raco it4l orvlvcd th tiitnguvr of ftftrt iu of irrrruriat maofii tjtl nnoilirf aoecrcl n4 rrpucc il nod alio that oin hfirt livel in norisi amrrict when iht may 0apnkll cofiririion o the oiioiry wt er dtffrcui in olhr word bttfm ifca tilkjof tho miwtppi or even eome of il mnti fnr houmuy rocip wei in rxi4cnr errrv deposit rolrnnj mii q ctirtptrntlvm of the botta of h mitimppi valky mutt bcomrr ihiu 10c olljtiml plain nn mij rf lhat nvcr und w thuf obtain imm proven ily of any evidence lllior p tlin m fti4 animate worij omtjfo for rtt- mmin- li maiptmnf linr which hi euptcd ioc thj lisiifiri nriidiuf for vf am allow a pqflwiit wrir of yctm ff h dpwitm of alt lfn coiwntiy fofiomc oh pilib and dflli of he fri river t havr endeavored to cicolilo itio jfld one ot ennrmoufl dotalioo relativety to the hutofjeil epoei irid eapl rioeo my viewi hh ihoaybjm io a iccltt mlm4 lo tjc briliah atrinloii m ihcr mrclio t s tnamptnn and a eofrrel itious iocomplre nhvtmet of ihtl rmnjumrjletiina aprearcd in the ifafnckm for to oomo uko to vic mint wbal proof u ihens tint the clokal pofuion of ihe hiiimn pclvio bttnc whf an ai lo rfcmonifmte iu antetioritf in u 1 ijae entire liroroffaphicil lfin of ihc mia time tun whni tlc fnwer hnd no mln hni on jit to d lial hie fitw ftfre him lid hooo would tlius save all further rayffieui nf nrw tls 71 5t u v i for one mini ecfe that i omi underlain werd restrain if of ihc fall importations fresh groceries wholesale ixfi retail corner of king and bract stmts market square kingston c f bkcs to return hia thank iii friend and llie public forihcrcry hcuji p1runce ex tended in him dnnnr ihc phm two tera and woiild rnol respectfully inforr them ihol hc hai juvl reerived a hftt and vnriej hook of groceries wines and liquoes comprising a cfiottv jiuntv anj sanditnnv port madeim sherrte maraelu claret chumpijic jitmniea spirit manehvoisnac brandy ottrd cognac do pilerranly gcnoine scotch whihcy ikritods jin srhridin peppcrinint hum cnidl whuhm wli hi oieits piriiritnr attention bovc stock of wtnt mi lujuars nirt i having been imported direct inm britain confidence in rmmeonr them s free fomidulterflii tem finocci rem the huron district is known to be nncofthemst imnhliy ami ferlitf tract nftjfuid in canada it humors ili3n ilnulilcd its pnptihitlnn within four years the hurnn tract in ihfj year s42 con lained 7j01 mulu in june in yenr the huron district numhered m9s3 souls ftecnrdillvjto the official returns the above lan j arc in hlock there- fur affitrchnir fhriliiy for ihc undivided sclllomcnr uf fnmilics of 0j scttlei and their friend mnpfl printed particulars znc every requisite ittformation upon the huron and the canada i ompany oilier land in the province will he furnished fkee archvrgf by application jif by ifuffa pnt paid o the canada companys offices lit toronto ami godetich and strafford in the huron district canada compy- opiw frederick st toronto lit jan v 1si7 6m yield lo thf if lhm he lo f ta latest fiieit c tiavin- len enfuny ir4cpd hy fashion5j nnij a hc employ only firstrattr himwlf in the new york llion nod hatml workmen is confident of giving satisfaction lo all those wlio may favor him with their patronage a are essortment of fnionnwc buttons trimminqsic frr always on hand octohori9 1846 123iltu princess ryoal saloon wholesale retail confectionary comer of princess and wellington streets the subscu1her grateful for past fnvor mt um intimate lo hi friondn and the public that hu has re ceived his fall supply of confectionary 40 which he offer wholesale and kelail at the moat reasonable prices for ready money also a lot of pitpsriveo lodstkhs hermeii- cally sealed and picklkd salt waten salmon of miperinr quality- n b oysters lunches ffft prepared on tho shortest notice thomas willing kingston nov 16 1sj6 136 3m nitukeu mn uc rccommcrhfcd na ban of the bc quaftlics- teas tijasi bjlra tmpeoit oh hjmi youne iiyon curtpovvrfrr tmnknj ptnh iniperinl rvluiir ditfpf cxiou and other trf s crodtvl mwtnio tfcaelr fkui riin corranfp kiv wei and hitter cnodicd ditching ffrninic pubyoil ploojhin otl over the land i rvmr rnhrr te time wltn ihc itcabv tvoitld vhnioever wis needfo ifauen a field bui eliy nihy now imo tillage we iu and we drcnrsir tlieeanh with a parcel of dros mnkeeeh fallow pjivmc ftwalloir ak wo pouons i hope i tlc stog ounjflcr who thmdtt lo be i to bm fnrmrwre mi the liochitte nhont- ior when i wai mire of eiiinn pjiuwhi of acid mtd frill fro where we on hall be z for llnctorca and drop whta lotion pilt jnd powder to doctor ilc crop winter auuangsiment a l m a i l v the roy i ll ltave the general staf office kindlon next door to the rritiali american hotel every morning at 7 oelwfc for belleville cobuhg and toronto attd every even it at six ovsrl for brockvillcpresootfa mos treal extras furnished at till limes for any fart of the country on retsanhle terms ch as- green woon bv- well there to myself i siy often it i thin will ramc round uain tvc ot doubt and bye and vow wiere find artrr am mid nm oone tliat thcddnunf fanninj buck iailw one drop reliance oo ibeif teiencc only flmtiin where i hey beun general siaeo oilico kington dec ltll isjfi agent prvcti fie almortd otarsjrt invm and opposite the city baths toronto mr j rawin m perkins academy g at tin british american hotel kingston francis v carey m d surged accduchsdr g d- nkwourfli camobn bst wbw books just reoeiveo attheatheneum book siore ronjin in part of ihc fuhowinf- popular new work vix capl paul by alexander dumaa gencvtevo or the chevalier of maifon by ov edward stagey from london merchant tailor opposite j d brycesc com king street kingston chambers miscellany just received at the atbcncum bonk store a full mi jvy of caavi6rj etiiaburgb mis tuai of ukful and entertaining tract f which j 2 volume are nuvr pubhahed price jt 6d- per volume thi roust useful and pleating work huuld be in every pentooa hjod that can afford to uy out i ahheac rljndon tunc prober gfil not i ce the biness heretofore carried on under h name and finn of r- hendry blacktop w in future be continued aithe fifma thomvs hendry a cm a ion j am esb lack lock st c a blttatlt m 0mas hendry xms blacklock kingston 23rd vbmbc is46 patent selecting gate rihr subscriber having secured a j patem fnr hi invention of a selfacting gate which re- icelved the first premium at the late provincial exhibition is now prepared to execute such orders as he may he tavniv with on reasonable terms xhi gate may bo constructed in the timpler siye or may bo reirdercl ornamental to suit the wishes of parties the subscriber will dispose of hid entiite interest in hi inven tiori r will dispose of rights for di- iricia only a working model of his gate maybe seen at hi residence where be may also be addressed frederick hutt dnimmondville canids west nov- 12 1846 j 1353m iobservateur francais a french journal of thc foutical couiiekcuu so eciextinc mti ov tht weck of philosophy literature and genital inf or- maixonfrom froinre germany spain and all otha countries ach nnmbc erntain articles on englirh and french ptiiie pejittcal news from vnnouoiher countries judicial reports a li lerary department composed of select and original in splendid annuals and works a rtiev of paria a review f lndn lustrated works vi rooge ciuorspenn olive arf b rvrry nwripiion j rok 2p jfj mni vcemlechl anehvi liswe sanhnr- srentedcsatiu and bna rth km lodlzo rnwrip srrqb- bm sfwnc lvaahifl sodti fyn curd pifes kr black lead fifcc p i sp sva salman loehfic r swf benjfln digby nd lubcf cmiiea huclih no idflii cioana fine principe ha van at regalia latifh sieambioc io 14 and 18 haca chernnti panhtelaf pi woodvitc la nonnaa e tobaccos cavendipji kiitnj rtchow ciit fwr deve and amointse chetic plunnd idie twint scarfarbtti and tfmfc twl d gatman tibaecoa maaboy rappee and scotch snuff wilh a yarrrtv rther jj l nmeroutemeniinn atl whch w whnteaalenr retail at remonerrttinj prictawfeta motto beinj fea rv f rrturnt txtem keepers mpplierf cod terms kingaton december a card tpiiir uiimauihw rerdroitig jl hit mnht frrntcful thanks to the inhabitant of kingston and the public gfliiemhy for the very liberal pitronagi hu has rociivid from his commence- ment irt business tn the prcstnl would aim lice imvo n state fha he has in ad dition to his former stock received a large and well bulccteti assortment of almust cveiry article in the rocerv line and also state that from hu experience for mftny yeaiv in somenf die foremast mercantile hotisea iti the old country feels confident that all teas sugars coffees spices wines liquors ftt r punrhased under itis own inspection will by comparison prove the necessity of givine him a call before purchasing euewlnre in conclusion all ho asks which he does most respectfully is a fair and candid trial of hia various allcced coexistexck of man and the megathgjuuif irav4t ccolocici discivaar a di rottft eatattd to have juat ban made at xatchez whirh if confirmed wilt set hie eihicl ivirld n a slir on the atilhonir of a private leltrr from pliiddelplnn it is allowed thai dr dickersio f lhat city lia exbuned nenr nacikz on kh miippifroin thedepihnf ilkl leet btfew the fiinaee a fsil human bone the fiayil veaa exarnitied iit a meeinr hohl io the hofm if r s ti mortftii of philidclphu ihectoinent ethnt4o girt rmravw airi mr teorf r tiddon oinl several other p4lainlotoift and orrhavdo jil woo prcfcm the fosil vs pononnrcd lo be on of the pelvic hones of nc af 16 mid 0 ycor it wn foond nmonel other fimtliicd rrtniin of the megatherium nivgatimrx ami other primeval crcatum the ppcaimiii u been dcnoaiiet in the mucom lc limij o ihc academy of nalnrnt sacfwcs nt phiktlctpbia hitherto ihc remain of nen have been found only in ihn lieumrine p- n ri n 6iilt nmt hi rififnmiioo n jfi 0e foal remains of anirnan noiv eamun if uit however be earreci we antral cnrv him imwii lo hie er of lite otfifcrmiti gtavcix nnd hpihrfh twe rlepotitf tic of very nivmai nrmquity yrt ihc bones or ihc n i-iilii- in upprnr t fix the eri a lor- rletin onthe irrtmrv ftwuittin and wlcn a trofitcnl ejimaic exited in tlie present ernperve and frifrii gntftcj wc think it ittmv hktly ihr wiir may lie a mifafce fm tfip inie miv afier all tisc homo dilovii tcatis i ti f mhh afipo and te hirmitari of iu altovial drposita and delta the yow hctlv loirt or loeu lhrre mcotnerj extend for 12 miles inland or n ivcr and io cooeftocnec of x riooerantand destructible mlure evert atrearatct 1fvin nvcr it cut out for iieff in ill wy u hie liriipia deep jnary or ravine tbcdenu d itiori baa of tile yea proceeded with accelerated speed especially in the enoxc of the lah 30 or 35 tcara- soma awihnte the incned emnve action io pni1 clearrngf of the nntive fwet others to ihtffleataof tho qrcal earthquake of new madrid ii 1s1112 by which tbii rewn waa raich fiiifcl ponjt ieinr drted op and some landslip catiam cotoni wiley a proprietor ip thia part nf the fite of i v i- y ii and who welt rcmem- her hit dratrict before the year j8t asaured me that the mammoth ravine although now seven i miles loo aid ii some paita 0 feet fcep with ka niinirroiir nmrfrcation hss been entirely formed aineo iht yenr when uie earthquake iccarred j lie has hiaicclf ploughed some of tho land axactty 1 over the roof where the ravine i- o titoalod it is however enough for on r present purpose i to affirm thai whatever be the date of the ori io of i thtv wateremirsc it liaa of ulr venri been consider i ably enhred and lengthened ite banks presantinr everywhere precipice in which the loam unaolidi- ficd a it i retains it verticri it the case with tlscotinierpiri thcloeunf the rhiaa land vhclla nre rcn in emi numbon at the depth of about 30 feet from the lop and ihc foastl bone of the mastodon and other extinct quadrupeds aro minltv picked up in the bed of the atreaai after thv have been waslicd out of lha undermined clirt where howcrcr iime few have also been nbvfied in sitv under these circumatarjcea as i wia ajven to undertland tha human phris waa procuedai tliebsflof ibeeliff even if it bid beeo if ii at it 10 the preieeno of a practical eeoloist it would have beco naeessary for him to ba mora ihsn irauilly on his puro aaiast deception tor land stiffen hive detached isrsc masaea from tbo clitt and 1 1 teas rot easily cover buman bones previodsly watfted dtwn by iht atream or ds- indeed from tho soil near lha top of ha cliff where some old indian craves so common throughonr ihc country may hae been undenuioed- it i not rare 1 find on shoals and oo the sbures of the isjandsm the alitippi nt jaw water numerous hones of man n wilh those of eilioct ani- insl wished oni of hie kufns in ibese caes the humo bonra art aa blsek at tie qundrapedat fofliu having been apptrentty stained with penty matter in the soil where they wef buried but no eoloist his ever ventured on iii evidence to infer the coatcmooraneousnets of man sod a forsil apeeies thus aectdcnially asoctaud- after i had made up my mmd that the remote antiquity of the human bona of natches was que timjblc and tint iu occurrence in lha ravine rmihl be exoained in the maonor above awpmaat 1 found lhat coloael wailss a friend of dr dekersms who accompanied us io part of our rxrnrioti nod who hnsaho midt a fine collection nf the front of thisnoie not only shsred mv dmibls but had made the aama conjeetura lespociinc tlw probable mnotr in vrhieh ibe osii v have been conveyed to lha spnl where it was found ijiavelrphonoriolc sir vours ac crfaaffibrratfisa e fount of monte chrulo by do the three guardsmen by do legend and storio nf ireland by s trover monsieur antoine hy getresand hcildelburj by g p r james the squire by ralaas pickering sccnea in the koeky muuntama oregon call mexlco a dombcv and son bvc- dickens sartor resaitos by thomaa carlylc poetry wit and humor by leif h hunt eothen or traces of travel together with anatsortment of annusls and books suitable for new- years and christmaa pre sents also a ral variety of english writing paper of the heat qualiiv kingston nov 24 london annuals almanacs c ran 1847 r c chalmers respectfully intimate that they have now got i hand the follow other new il- per cwt mipioja and anecdotes of the pshionabn 1 world reports or lha weekly meetings nf lha i french and oilier scientific j j a corn 1 mercial report a review of knghsh and french rheatrcs a ftlusioal review missel i itniev ccc loaseavatcua fraxoais ia published weekly in london subscription 26a per annum london oflsce c7 strand kt barker british whiff oitico november 1s46 barkers black varnish now that winter is set in the time to use this celebrated varnish for hoots shoes c is come its u6 pre vents wet feet thereby preserving both the health and the pocket sold wholesale and retail at the atubnum book sron bagot street kingston nov 2 1846 popes journal of trade for a few copiessiillon hand pnce three dollars rcfcc chalmers montreal oct 30 the keepsake book of beauty fishers draw inn strap book juvenile scrap book ackerman o furfclmffnoi london art union prise annua oriental album pari i folio floral tableaux t art un too vol for 1845 alio punchs pocket book and a variety of pocket bouksand almanacs for 1847 and a vervextensivc assortment of juvenile and illustrated books suilahlefor pre scots all of which will be told at moderate prices 8crcal st james sireet montreal december 3 orders for books c botc chalmers respectfully intimates to professional gentlemen and others rfest- itousof procuring books tc from england bv live first sprin ship thai they will mnhc up their first orders on the 24th instant to go by ihc janusrymail steamer orders also received for all the london newspapers which will be delivered to sub scribers in montreal postage free on the arrival of each mail no 8 great st james street moatreeh 17tb dec 1846 i forwarding notice 1847 on theopcninfofthen ri sv the underaifocd wih charge the pillowing rales of freight between kingston upwards pig imo brick coals ftiw fish pitch tar and re bar iron v heavy hardware grocer- crockery rod hoop d leel iron and boiler pttfe- dry goods glass and pocr salt in bas or barrcu po bag or barrel downwards fvfir per barrel prk and beef per barro tobacco per hhd butter and lard per keg wheal and oiher grain r lbs oiher popertv in proportion insurance extra macphersox crane co lluoker holton evco h jos ks 6c co montreal december it h4g 143 the british whi- and british colonist will copy allen 141 2m is 0d la 3d is 6d as od is 6d is fid 2s 3d ids od os 3d os bm to let a large iwo story brick building jifi situate in queen street next door to mr sellars house rent c 21 perj annum apply for particulars in cnpt hornby princes street or at the alhencun print office kington dec 24 1s6 tf fm printers hk the trade supplied wilh ink of rnrioin 1 quahtiesilfotch anu the united stales athmewn book store dtc 17 1s16 soda biscuit boxes fresb naw york soda biscuit ver superior fur by t hendry co nov 9th 1846 30 sulo the result he cannnt dnuht will promote mutual confidenre anfl he his successful advocate fur futuru patronace- robert brock street kingston latdcc 1s4c holiday presents and new year2 gifts just received at the athenelm j book store a variety of tumlftoiuel bound uooka suitable for prcscnu c consisting in part of the lollowinjr ackermans annual for 1947 friendships ollerinj do tho gift do the constian annual d kcliffiotis iovarnir tfa foipelrnc not do pnorha poekrel bok do new forget me not or indies pocketbook for 1s47 the library for tho people consisting of en urtmonjr tulc and a large variety of juvenile and other bnuva dtc22 1846 a lm an ac s atti e atheneum book store starkes pocket almanac the church ahnannn avaiiclynf comic alminacs pscaaieib- sleighs for sale a secondhand family slcish tar one or two horses rosoionei a 5pconlhand cutter in ood order apply t the atheiietim book store pre ib- dorans hotels byt0wn- t this hotel is now open for vl he reception of travellers purniture and redding all new good stabling for horses c james doran- bytotvn january 12 1s47 53ok camphine oil constantly on salebv s bourne september 1840 ullicr animal or the dpntit in whteh it i potma thouei cloc io those in which tho tioiathraim is fnnr may lv in pasal of fact much tiler if eirreci it will qcoj4atl much dlseusion and oeeolation for il will carry man bick into u climate and era infinitely more nucicnt llun has lulhcitu brrn ioiscmed to laf erfrrar of the tim sia a consider me scoiatin appears to hive hcen canned in the mind of the scientific and pirt of the nnseictitiri public hy ihc announce- ment in many of ihc newspapers of the diicoyrrv in amcrira ot a fmit homan hone soctiiietl with the remnins nf the mogahcrimn and olhei extinct quadmpeds i have only jitm read rn ihe last number of tho aihrnnum december 5 184c a brief notice of the reported rlscivcry copied from an american oancr and whirh the editor ltr sl i a judicohis catilon his feeders lhat no compelent atillnrily hjs yet vouched or sj the facts i feci sore that the story rvtatct t pari or a human pelvis a fragenent trf the o iitmintitum whirh vns sjiown to tnc at naichrs i last aariog together wilh several very rrwiarttam t remains of mcatberiod aromats i visited nolohrtin almch last on which ocrsjon f vas informed or llw antiquity nsagncd to the humnn rehc and having eamioed curcfully into ihe evidence came to the conclusion lliat the proofs of the cotcajslcnce of the human individual wilh i ihe maihrrtod and other cxlinet oudniocds i found n the vicinity wa altogether untjtiafictory i we ra joilebvrd to hie skill and indefttiibtc 1 industry of df dtckerson of natchez for luvinf formed a splendid collection of orjinic remains dervrd from ihe supesjicial deposllsof lhat ncich- whood alt these ho had the kindnrsa to show me and afterwards ecompnmed me to the pnn eipal spots where they hnd been pmcutcd- one of these dimant about sic miles from natchez has been named by him the mammoth ravine from the skeleton of the mastodon discovered there and it was there also thai ihc fragment of ihc human prlvia ruppoprd to have been contempra ncoos wih the megatherintn was picked up- in order lo espuin its position a few wrds on the ecology nf ihe region will he indispensable the broad flat alhmal plain of ihe mississippi is hoonrfed on its eastern tide by a table land about h cd feel higher than tho river and htivin a very im upward slope in the eiptward r towirdv the inteio thujefevaled t1atfom endsahrobtly st natchez in a linn of perpendicular cliffy or blurtts ihe base of which ia coutimutfy under- mined by the mississippi tlic vernc section here exposed to view atird- he gejnist a fine oppoitonily of studying the cornpohiion and sucj cesiin of the trtta for a vcmicsl thickness of rather more than 200 fecl lie whole deposit is j of comparatively modern date the upper 60 feet ora waitiov i tnoi india is the ihealro of rjtfal eve the mind ahnoal n be netlt the weifhf ofiilens which faced upon it by he emlviiitblion of the vast ejpania of country which opera out before us the stupendous mouo- thtaj rane the mutlitudinoua nopoation tha nithty erwictwhiin are ever soinjron amooxvt ulfffli ihe real deed i lhat are done the enorooa eriinch that are eonimitted jn india a woody t4ttie ts of no greater account thin a diplomatic ft urns m civiloed europe a mastjera of a few hundred irplr tncludine prime minuu a lord llnmbevlam and a few ii i m in lahre or rilmandor iilm rank beside one of i those bedchamber rarj7t which overthrow min- ipiera in 1indon evcrytlimf is tn a large scale they count their money v huudred ihouaads and their people by round million el oh ants are f to them whl hortea are to us and alligators no oiofe than water rats the recent mirtlience from i indi i which arrived just in lime to ho too lato for our lam iue partakes largely of thin gigantic character iocfc is a great war in the romantic i rcgbofl of cashiikrt there has been a sanrjinary i revolution among the mountains of kepaol i oholab singh ihe sikh chieftain a man of rare enerjfv and courage with whom lord hardmge entered into an alliance aa the man nf all others j nvnt likely to hold his people in subjection finds il iinjntme lo possess himself of cashmete with out first beitint dawn the powerful opposition of a 1 hostile mahomedan population at the haad of his entire army reinforced by 10000 men d fa was from l ahorr he ha marched scaint the inaorgent hts and uro bodies of british troops have been poshed forward in garrison those post in lha hill country which the necessities of gholab singh have stripped of their ordinary defences our indian armvfinda winter qorters in t range place a few rear ao a deiaehment of british troops wintered among ihe fatneav of tla rtindoo kooslt nod now wr find cor regimtnta almost upon ihe border of thlbet- where ah uiia will end it is hard lo sar if it were not for ihe knoarn moderation of lird hardhie it would be easy to predict that the altorption of an tsamesse tract or rounry would follow close upon tha oceupalion of ttrcae remote points by british troops but lord ifanjenco never hs been moved by lust of con quest and he well be only too happy to have an ojjpinttinity of withdrawing without eitending the limits of our already overgrown peaessions in the isb but it might pmlr a rnealer man than the governor genera i to know how lo withdraw there is a ctas of politicians prodigiously wis after the event which sets down all oor present diflieutiiea lo the account of the defective poijoy nf lord tlrdinge it ts aaid with infinite saga city lhat if the governor general has absorbed thc piinjub some time ago all this ivoqio not have happened unquestionably differcut causes would have produced ditterent rflects but what was right io 1843 is riht in lomc and it is not for dps who are now crying not io louolv against lm absnrptn of cracow to tc so seniitively alite to an injorv dons to the eaase of freedom in eompe and to whistle all nation i independence in asia down the wind a prey to forlonoh we have t it v thnf much ajresdv to iieritlrc our thec lo be rv- onisimg of clayey inrim containing sjtelta ofl 7 ial r rerent aperies and the lower nf sand and graved j without orgnnie remains except some wood and gardrd as the friends of freedom 11 os take rwd lest we lore it atiagelher wo are a re ileifiec cjsis warbed not of older roek tlo yellow n at the tep besri a ringolarly clnaa -ii- ivii to the buviatdc silt or loess as it is termed of the vatlcy of tlie fthioe between cologne and bale and like it contain abun dance of frcshwotcr and land shells of which v myself obtained more than 90 specie now in my onhinrt in lwidun tbev belong to the genera helix hclielna pupa soccinca accompanied or rather replaced in a few places where ihe loam psjstt tntn shell mal by iymncaplanorbrphysa and cjclas all the specirs are identical with icstaeoa now inhabiting lha same part of the united states with these shells are found at different dcpibs some in the loam and mtts in the clay at the bottom of tho loam the scattered bone and occasionally entire skeletons of ihr mastodon megalhcrium mylodon caaterosdce ecuo bos and chher quadrupeds if in any pari of this formation whether at ihe decaji of 10 feel or iqo fcetj any remains of man lie buried by thai some politique tort cure lhat upon repairuag in a new r- ihc globe ibey have at irood a tight to change their principes as their vestuie lo nifopi i lighter kind of moral garment one that mav ipc easily thrown anide indeed sit robert peel when prime minister or england declared that there was mme great principle at work wherever civilisation and refinement conic in contact with barbarism which make it impot sible to apptv the rules observed among more advanced natvios more erpeeially when eivilria- lion and refinement reme in contact with barba rism in an immensely csiei rjeri rprrv there are many evil principles abroad irrthe world and this ia one of them but all honor is due to ltd hardtngc for so raanfofly resistine it atlq w tho admimllv have il in coteinpalon re iraiiai all the ablebodied coco in ihc several dockyarda tn tha use of the long guns and maskelry- and to fbrm them into an available corps to man the balw tetiee and wockshipsip ease of eaasity