ireland 11 the secession all hopes of nice it is admitted by the jbtifls re at an endthe conference has been blown to mr oconiwiis our winds of heaven and the belligerent must after brief cessation reassume hostilities to terminate only with the closing of one of the rival establishments a consummation that cannot be far distant as the public ate not in a condition to furnish the subside necessary to maintain the two contending faction already the burghqtiiy treasury m shown symplons of insolvency in the wholesale re ductions of its working staff curtailment of salaries c and another savin i now about to be effected by ihe withdrawal nf pecuniary support to certain journals reflecting the views of ihe association greal numbers of which were purchased with the funds and circulated gratis in suchlocalites as had contributed a specific sum to the general exchequer to entitle them to the bonus the pilot of last night contains the fol- owing being the replv of mr otonncll to be letter of mr smith obrien me rrion square dublin dec 17 my dear sir if 1 made any allusion lo you in the letter lo mr reilly i m ready to offer you any apolgv in my power for the mistake- but that rev niemans letter is now before you hiving been read at the last meeting ofthe association and if you can point out any matter in which i bave ex ceeded am ready lo retract it in ihe most distinct manner you pleafc i am most heartily wny that you think it richt lo decline all scussions on the physi cal force question asit if in fal the only vital point upon which ihe section com menced and is now likely to continue pardon me when i say thai i deem it a s3cred duty solemnly to warn you against making light of the physical force portion it involves your present safety which lam free to admit is not a paramount consideration in your mind but it also involves the safety of others engaged in the same object which you have in view i should vote for the readmission into the association or very many of ihe seceders if they woujd disavow the physical force principle or if without that disavowal the association would still be a legal assembly i say emphatically it would not and ii was to ascertain this point and this alone thai i proposed the legal conference if a preliminary slep to a compile con ciliation forgive me for pressing tlii topic upon your mind 1 do it in the spirit of respect and courtesy whifct bitterly deplore that you should not consent to he a partv lo an amicable ascertainment nf the effect in point of law of any admixture of the physi cal force principle with the principle and jiroceejings of the association 1 do not presume to expect t make mjf impression on your mind by these declarations ol mine but you will excuse litem i trust when you recollect itiat the proldon of ihe members of the association from any well- founded prosecution is the jirtt and most sacred of my public duties i can never be a party lo any specie af arrangement which does not in the first instance provide for the due obedience to the law and for the entire and perfect protection uf tin members uf the association you will of course perceive thai your refusal tu bold the conlcrence on 111 fenal fluotioitin the first iusmnce preclude me f mm the possibility m nnyiug t piiy ami caue adjuslmrnt till the oinl kirftlity endcije jt itrrtket nance mint 4 11 i have ihe honour to tie u verv fnithltmv u dniel otoxncll william smilh obrien ehj iv meunwhilc mr tcnnncirs subminion lo his rivals is not regarded with universal satis faction even by his own ftdhcrerjtfc one or two of the old ireland jmtrnals arc already grumbling iheir dissent to ihe recent proceed ing while il is hinted that the voting parly as determined 10 keep the hih hand and dictate such terms as the basis of the liealyan must render the chances of a cecnncilialinn as remote as ever this however is the mere gossip of the day and inavor euymt turnout 10 be ihe iruth j nor is il probable thai correct information can ba had until the next publica tion of the weekly organ of the mutineer in the interval some amusement may be afforded bv the following lucubrations oa writer in the irflitray vindicator the able provincial ally of ihe seceders men of galway men of ireland will you submit any longer to be thus befooled to the lop of your bent is this empty chiptrap this unmeaning jungle of words hcldomably made in corruptionhall return enough to yon for your warmhearted openhanded enntribu- iion lo the repeal exchequer for the last five years what has mr oconnell tg show yon in the way of mailer tangible for all those tens of thousand nay for those few hun dreds of thousands of sterling pounds where is the constituency that has been enlarged 1 where the county or ihe borough orlhe town that has been joined to the popular cause by its judicious expenditure i said in my first letter that loo much stress could not he laid upon the fact of the popular exchequer being exhausted because of the outlay being in many cases made most liberally after the fashion of secret service money and i expected an explanation from mr oconncll of the cause of the astounding fact but no with more than his usual cooling he tells you that he is wrry lo say your funds are gone and you owe him some shillings less than 100 hut he add whal should be quite enough to comfort any miserable bankrupt you bare such a beautifully kept 5t of books that no mercantile house can show a finer your cash is gone your manager lus made ducks and drakes of it amongst a pack of parasytesof his own yelping curs who may be loosed at you or your loo inquisitive young friends at his beck or pod at any moment but what it all thai to the purpose when you have such a beautiful set of aecount hooks and iheu there are the vouchers dont forget that he has vouchers for every sum expended down lo three halfpence fiddle dedee what bits the poffttuim of vouchers to do wilh the real question of the manner judicious or injudicious prudent or squandering- in which the sum have been paid away 7 how often have courts of law how often have the bankrupt and insolvent courts refused to pass accounts where all the vouchers have been duly produced but afcaio who dare look into these wonderful voucher why to demand a scrutiny of them would amount to a virtual exclusion from the association f the impertinent in quisitor- it would imply an adhesion to tin- principles of physical force hi from a cho sen joint of mr 0coonelft tail that we are to expect a critical examination of those three hallpenny vouchers the fact the peat fact thamhe money 11 gone is all we axe likely to gu lur it ft is gone and there is an end lo it well there is a comfort in knowing the worst at once peoidc said a poor man whose only cow wa fouod dead rn a bogholt people who have cattle must expect at limes n w some of litem v tho potatoes and the ftpetl renl rot the remand were losl in llic mc year we in a spirit conjured up by mr oconnell hut a principle either innate in every true irish brain or sucked in with hie milk at the mater nal breast and diffused throughout the entire system and that come weal come wo we are resolved to realize it we have refused any longer lo be made subjects of barter or sale by any man or body of men and wilh the loss without exchange i or remedy of our national funds we have cal away ihe yoke of a despot who however terrible he might have been in england in former struggles as wielding the val physi cal force of ireland has showed himself lat terly altogether unequal to the pressure of ihe changing times honor and cralitnte be his for former service his help but not his management may even still he useful the new agitation assumes at shape already in of- last dreadful murder in the county of gal way subjoined are the particulars of a mol brutal murder pcrpetratnl upon a most fensivv foullemau on monday night they are furnished on ihe authority oi a per son residing in ihe locality who vouches for i heir correctness a brutal and barbarous murder wat per petrated on monday nihl near tuam county galway the victim beiny mr john lynch of cloauakelly about three miles from tnatn there is a decree of barbarity connected wilh the present which is quite unusual even in such atrocious cases the deceased was a large landed proprietor and one of the kindest and most benevolent gentlemen within the district in which he resided he was also a most inoffensive gentleman and was jjrcaljy esteemed hj every person rich and poor in the neighborhood and it is mol unaccountable why he should have bei selected far ihe dag ger of ihe assasin the facts appear tu be as follows on monday evening last mr lynch was entering his own gate when he was fired at from behind and it would appear the shot mortally wounded hut did not kill him the assassin nrasisins forit is sup posed that he was attained by more than one person heat him dreadfully on the head and not content wilh depriving him of life in that manner they houghed and mangled his body in a shocking manner with some instru ment supposed to be a reaping hook the mutilated remains of the unfortunate senile- j man were discovered shortly after and a party of police under the command uf subinspector irivan were shortly after on the spot and are at present making every exertion in discover he guilty parlies a enrunors inquest is at present being held on the body there wis not the slightest cause assigned nor indeed could there fur the perictiaticui of this foul and ahominahle murder and what the motives which led lo iu perpetration could be is unite x mystery il certainly was not ill agrarian murder and personally there cmld be no ill- feeling towards mr lynch for as before slaled he was kind humane charitable and conciliating the state ol feeling in the neighborhood is awlul and the circumstances of ibis tragedy emipled with the frightful destitution to which the penple aro reduced has caused rrious apprehensions for the safety of this portion of the eountry which luvcto fore was one of ihe rnont peaceable portions of the county of galway nature tnvnlvjtt an be forwarder ihe 5384th je of their com- lisc f mmttritt of armament and tho symptom of being able wvy u dint and frijatro hall be mimuincd c in thc mmcnt onefotirlh 01 f uf arnuimciil neeefwry for the 16 riup 4nd w fri m on ilock u wwdtji tonadioem ir iwe penitently f the abve naval qhawnnevi mrvt of abipi nnd ffiateaalrth be kept nn ibn ockf fof warded tu ihe 14 21rh decreed rjj c picir nombcf aball be fixed by fa mrdmlftr sffcarimt oecordm trt circuin alj ti th wanta of tlw cr vice ait 4 v be aittnu vcaeji inferior in tnj te a velltteaukr of every claw almlj be irrainvrimou vr1vt arts tltahivimu into rauka ond elac indicutrd intie finu article nf the praacnt rtrditi nee wilh rtnllotlw hi ffiuate cnrrciles and bfifli pftok not he qmwdmd aa airictly oh tijeuiry oir minister f marine may modify them b he ihall ihink proper for the wanu of llic acfvine h afti 6 the artillery of the ships nf atl chte noivtifloat ntuil tontitttm the restated by ihe ordinance of lit frbrnrv 1 s3 except uch chsinjra a miy le ordered by way nf experiment aa rciotcts tltr ahipa nnw nn ihe tck rr which my be cittfiirred in future nor minister of marine fniv inodify thoetmpiiitittrtorthefr arlil kry and plate on rawd iuhs of a new ralibrc nf wbtcb thriiteshftutd be dcemert mnre advan- tufevun frtr lr ilrice of ihe net trrc errcv5 or shot on inox vessels the information received from the officers of the ooron tcanv vessel which has lately ar rived frum li pula gives a very alarming account of ttu eftect produced on the hulls of the harpy aid lizard iron steamvesels by the shot from the batteries of flam ii was expected frrm the nature of the material thai any breach iiade by shut would leave a clean fraimct rnery curling np the lips of the office as is mil when fractures are caused in iton by iheappltealion of an ordinary force the results however are mitt different insleatl of a fracture farc splinters of iron flew ano in all directions on the hull being struck enderin the danger from this cause tcnfom iminent than that produced bv the phot it several splinters of this kind a fronvi bull of the harpyhave been brought homy th officers of the gorgon and urmuifpt thors he pliriter from the anlc iron which the death of poor mr barnes the cp in charge proving lhat the tendency toslinter is not confined to the thin sheet iron of i hull but to tbe heavier mas- now degenerated into a nursery for ruffians and cutthroats and unless its government speedily shows some syinph to discharge its proper functions the sooner it is blolled from the map of europe as an inde pendent state the beller for the cause of humanity and civilzation we would suggest to the merrhants of leilh that a memorial founded on the case of the jane tnnes be drawn up and forwarded lo lord palmcrsfon calling his attention tu the piracies so frequent amongst the grecian islands and the vast amount of british pro perly annuity exposed to the depredation of the lawless inhabitants so many thing were taken from ihe jane innes which could easily h identified thai we arc quite certain a very little investijaiion would suffice lo discover the perpetrators of llus murderous outrage- with referrence lothe watch kepi on board the jane inries at the time she was attacked we believe it is the ordinary practice lo assign that duty lo one individual while in port or at nnchcr where no extraordinary danger is ap prehended captains trading to the mediter ranean however will see the absolute neces sity of adapting greater precautions while al anchor near any part of the greek coast while cordially sympathizing wilh those who have lot a relative by this occurrence we trust thai prompt and mgnal punishment will overtake ihe murderers government works s cueuxsev the slight and parenthetical manner in which thc intention of her majesty v government lo construct extensive works in guernsey was announced at the last meeting nf the slate caused the value of that fact to be less per fcctlv appreciated than it would have been had it been more emphatically exposed lo the public the importance of tins fact can scarcely he overestimated the works upon which government have determined will we believe be of ihe most extensive outlay in this island of at least 500000 the plan we believe embraces the construction of ntupendous break waters so as lo form a naval harbor between fcrmain bay and the terrcs point with magazine and other requisite buildings to- cether with barracks in the vicinity of kort genrije for the accommodation of several thousand men whilst defensive works will also be established at the vale and at jethou or itrehnu these works while in course of construction will occasion an immense ex these results ate m actortf- muc observed jn the experimental lrilij board the excellent and they corfr drawback against the ccneralu material for vessels of war wh question is not so malleable sfj s to be or micht be if betler wrtns ls another question for the present howi tne tnn arc alarmed and those who hrfv witnessed ihe effects produc ed on boanl lf hflt dlare that they will never actio l- sc m an ror vrt5 john tftrft piracy ix the mediterranean from oi utih flerafi from the dec i it tat if n n ihe marcr mate and one nf be eamen of the srhnnncr jane unix innesnf leilhhelonninilnmr- llnlurt inneaj hn ces which shipbuilder emitted before hrr ivctualty uaranice il a nmmonimup 4 tviimtifj h- we hvm hie j ml f following particulars reardin an attack on lhat vessel bv irerk piiaies of iu island of tenedos on lhc llh of ocioher last- the jine inn sailed from cardiff on the 9th of september with a cargo of iron brsitltz after passing fiibrsllr thc vessel encnuntered vciy severe weather in which she sustained some damage on the 10th f october ihey came to anchor between tenedos and ihe main and remained there all thc follow ing day at 8 p m on ihe i lib hie walch was duly set lhat duty befog asiined tu william forbes aii anrenlic the captain went to bed about halfpasl s all the crew with ihe exception of the watch having previously turned in but about 10 oclock he was awakened by a noth on deck on which he jumped up out iif bed and called to the male immediately after ihree men ap parently creeks ran down the cabinstairs each armed with a drawn cutlass a brace of pistols and a dagger one of the pirate seized ihe captain by the throat and holding ihe cutlass lolus breast made sins for mnney the captain endeavored to make them under stand that he had none on wltoh he was struck twice on the face and nused to open his chest and turn out the contents from which ihe pirates look a nurse wilh a few sovereigns and a variety of articles of clothing not satisfied wilh this one uf ihem held a pis tol to the captains heaj and demanded more money but heinjj satisfied lhat he had no more they proceeded to ransack the cabin and car ried off the chronometer a witch telescope l s -i- hi ivtll wmoiimi n tinmen va- 1 w penditure in labor alone and ihe wages of this i which conl tne vessel ulior will of course he chiefly pded in aceor amount the tradesmen and fanners nf the island so that our commerce and agriculture will receive an infusion of new life nnd be restored to that healthful vitor to which they have so loiije been strangers and houses and ijnd may again acquire something like their former value nor will the completion of the works bring a termination lo this state of things on the contrary it will make il per inanenl wilh an exlrnsive naval harbor and barracks for a larc military foicc there will be ihe crew of hips and troops whose expenditure will fertilize the island giving acivity to all hranchesuf industry and adding sensibly to the local revenue moreover the completion of ihe works in question and thc formation of the establishments which must be connected with litem will give guernsey an importance which it has never hitherto possessed and pvilwjtt iu veil it wilti ifiose attractions lo ijlqfit in which it at present i wanting another immense adviitao will be that in case of war person would feel nerfectly secure in remaining in the inland a t will possess would tiii1 a rniro tlf main rt 1 vl v him duit he exposed ind consequently it would not he deioiuleij as il now would he if hostilities were lo tike place- gnriiseu star british whig ot fr pf otbni dico kingsros feby 9 137 thc ptoiilr canada arc addris mad jntl how every f4 8 u ncibing com- iliimntiry o new an a monltoal midei hone ol be led to carry down ft al he asked to my lords the inhabitants of king knives forks jtc together with a large q tity of stores f pirales then tied the c tain and mate with njau e cp- iheir hinls behind their backs each in his own berth td after hav ing fastened the cabin doors wilh a rope ihey went on deck while these proceedings were taking place in the cabin ihe hatch was nailed down on the crew in the forecastle- they were awakened about ihe same lime a the captain bya scream from the watch and one of ihe men was going on deck to see what was let turn iuffl r them one by the other hing round and try if we cant yiuteze another litlle drop of comfort out of il to b ukt wfl can sec how it runs tiow w bave got by ihe termination of ihe reot the disruption ot the oht confederacy tbe jucleiia of a new and infinitely more promli ingone we hvc found aaoul in ireland tht v may now too tiud rfpcaj was ttkvcr ihe matter whe he saw iwo cutlasses over ihe hatchway he was immediately thrust back and the batch fastened down th ere w then broke through the bulkhead into the hold and getting near the cabin they asked the captain if they should break in there hut were told not to do so as ihe pirales were all armed after remaining on board from an hour to an hour and ahalf ihe pirates departed and the captain and mate then ibmiuh to releac each other and went on deck when they aw what they conceived lo be the boat with the pirates under sailfstanding iu fliure on going forward ihey found that the apprentice on watch had been murdered and on examining thc body they found two deep wounds on the breast and an expensive one on ihe back of the head they then released the crew and discovered thai the decks had been cleared ot every por table arlice including sails old cinvass and spunyam al the slnddingsail haivaid tacks spare line compa bincole cover all ihe topes on dock a half cak nf beef and an other f pork they had in fact helped themselves u almot everything except the standing rigging- afraid of another visit from tbe pirate the jane tones gol under weigh and dropped down vitbin a ojuartcr of a mile of an american vessel that was lyinjj close in to tenedos the apprentice tf buried nel day nd ihe vessel arrived at constantinople without further mishap except lhat ihey were put into quarantine oil ihe dardanelles on ac- connt of iheir communication with the pirates it appears lo us rhat this occurrence calls for most ftcitigcitt inquiry a rnort daring outrage we do not remember to have heard of for many years even in lhat hot bed of piracy the malayan archipelago we cauuot allow ourselves for a uioment to believe that in a narrow sea like the mediterranean swarming as it does with british cruisers such scenes will continue to he enacted wilh impunity- the miserably imbecile government of gnmt possesses we are aware but very imperfect control over its subjects but that must not be allowed to stand in the way of prompt seareh after and the proper punishment of thc perpe trators of bts and similar atrocities thai greece in whose behalf not many yean ago our lympalhiei were so keenly enisled has twg falklano islands pmltmiiuvlvp vcnulniulfjvt loinfur captain kicb4rdhrif lirnirnntl wonlrido hjveeili arnved al spitjirul lit flnninc auitn ft oclock mn asorwiasi and tlc l immila sno left ibt fjjklnnthr un the hubof srrmber nrrived at asotwimi on iw hah nf oowber and nuod itieneo otr bngland io ibo 2tth aseomton co inncrciliv tiiconly vatclavftlwilf there were ihe ivvamaiwi jiteorrijk tvnij llic bruad pennant nf oh ommvider iibchmff tin llwwest coast of africi siattnn onninolnrr r holbein k ci the tnriniafti sttnre and gikank- fip ounitiaitdcr mrrhi and tbo rotp cutler rttim ftu a atovc cuier tte aciovn 26 clatn mansh sailed thc dr before tbe tro ful ler arrived off ardsmn nn a crtnac- by thin arrival vrc ttc infrtnet in it tbe m at the flkunrlff fftv in a very fad pliffbl hv people having nlthio bait lean bef to lire o nollitnj ehc could be procured and not a veetabte of any description was yrowiox al tho settlement which 14 hiiujlc oi a blaik eitb by nbicb it iur- rntjodrd for mnny miles thc rhrep hid nearly nil iernhed frum hie inducements held oul by lie governor tin poay i nil of lndon td rnme over fiom ibc cuaat of w i corn a ff sjjtulnff iheie hein n lean tlum ii sliipt witiug on the ctii to receive her rcnom but ajie wai iri to return tn uicin willi only is day provisions for lict self and that ahc www ni hive prorurcd had mat ups tranwn oinoiuocly arrirrd there are alrmt 1 01 inhabitania on tbe inland wagea aro from 5f to bv per did but tlua wa4 giv government ml o be inlrant arc employ ed in uulcinf roid wlicn rtje rovcrument employ ceasra hovr the pevjaalo are lo be employed i aod fed atipcara a rnylcry farming i out of ibo qucstinn as a deptt of from 3 to it feel most bo du throolh the prjl before mvtbintr like mlcri be mrt with aod in lhat wretnbcj and inbotpita- i tile country we a told noibin roufujietf the wind constantly blowincfrom ihenkbward and tiltliiuth ttmo of tho litirbun are jjotirf they aro difficult of approach owiog lo much foul weather tbo governor waa very unpopular the french navy the nttttitrur publishes a royal ordinance fix- in mm poaceelabbtirnent of ihe navy eta eftective torec nf i no peace raubljimcnt of ibc nnvy nftlickindoi yihal ordinance aiuii be ruicd during laa rid fixed by tbcliw of thc3it nfjuty ljttgio32diipofwir divided uccurdtu- to heir rank and cusa tk inlluwa a saiukg siurs f 10 ftralralc ihrerr deckers mount- iiig uf to j0 jfuita 10 ccontlratc two dccliora do to 10n ptim 15 thrdr4ic ipttw 5 ibwifll rate two decker so and under is tfmflifei from 59 to 60 c e on condriiic bmn 44 tu ml uu f i ihird rale from 32 to 4 gum t0 gntduv ft56 lt30 cunt i 1 1 l c1i from i j io u ui m 0tcww from j s to 50 pm m kqcmd4dij from8 ojguna the aturttti lable first stnuuxiii fckm fti ft fh lixe twn gentirnen lo go down with it the district omul follow suit and depulizc two other kenilriicit then a third rneeling of ihcinliabtlntsorthe district is called spe cially lo cnnle a certain rullcman to be sent below who i very anxious for thc honor j and fourthly he city conrrtilarc lo gel up a fourth addnvand deputize twool iheir own body loparlir in ibe expected good things these four idreses and four deputations will he manniciured by few leading gentle men in this ecesively loyal city m assure lord elgin hit 0 people prodigiously loyal and re his coming in canada as an event frauhf he highest importance to ihe country v in pom care nothing him hccane ihey know nothing about and ook p hi w lion of the a4 a matter of everyday oci- lhc cun of governor being iuverv dinn the l4 t a british vhi ns ent lne various governors ot nadalord aylmer lord ckisfnrdjsir j colborne earl of durham sir richard js sir cwr arthr sir francis htt1i s dir chiule ba lord m lord c mw n by die j g all twelve governor in four- yea iff han re each and rfw mrn has b and gentlemen have governors lord dur- 40 ahip 50fi nocurvluce 50 bris addressed m tolbinkhitlhe welfare of the proving b fldc dually while h on increasing in anj w t a ot ihe exception of a few spe of ibcm l ii e it blcmen all of these tw been very inj e atmis head m partrcnlar ham and sir f a t r willing that the representa- should be received and respect due lo hit high station dre been gol up in the mid- i tn i hoiid have considered it land district ytiu correct bultofee four ad- veryproerar orihc dresses- imnut rj t n p ehcrd into four voles is enough wl sycophantic stomach of to turn the n a riow noirnng about the new except that he is a lord we are qu live of the r treated with t and had one a i 30 liijln veac4 ctriyinj from 2 to 6 juni ig truajioitrasuu ot jooji god umt sit wi 10 ffiac of from goo to 150 imrae power carrying from tt to tfo ona 20 twaflllai of thofircutf rom 400 to 130 htinaa power carry inj tuol2 guna necrvetircofihcainondelaaa from 100 to 93qdtftfls power earryiuje from 4 tu fruni i 30 aviaoj of the crtlclaaa of from 100 to ig0 jiorao mwar 20 aviaoaof the accond claaa of i ij i ooayor unj under s floaiingbattencauf from 400 to swhom power carrying foni 40 to 5v gunt course vrc k iovernorgenr hut tbcmld he 0 a of wne hc must adnlat canada are m lobeo and matter the ik governed are days of sir francis head loyally of the reformers 32d art 2 of tbo 40 ahipa of tho lino end 60 frigate ovemoulio m ahipa and 40 frjatn vfmtl hakrpt nflual and icahipaand 10 innm 1 be a4s t 0i val ftccatrse it ts iheir interest jerefore the less said about that mer the people being well jyal but let ihe government deal where would he iheir become y loyalty in i where was lb and i h ll 7 l wh the byii fheto eehoowwen in canada u t d i hd if each 3f r fmr m it will take ei tsstl 5 t the new csx r him i ayki change of fieas change of 6 j wbogetuptc will suffer ue recall o return to eng land without j i0 or urn futiiro h uoef time natter of great moment lhat the ahould be a nan of sense and ice the gxeatpnncipl of hci- has been conceded onjibie whon it was canadian rulci justice but sii lovei it docs not signify a great deal whether he be a solon or a saocho panza the executlvt council are the real governors of canada still il is unite as welly if not better to have a sensible man as the ostensible head of af fairs and unde that impression we heartily hope tbe high honorable earl of elgin may prove such but fur heavens sake dont let us deslrov that chance and turn his head by worshipping him a if he were a demigod city council monday feb 8 prescnl the mayor messrs rohifon counter meagher flanagan ford baker brent crawford hall linton harvey smith patterson chaiinonhocse brcden wiley al len angler minutes of jat rneeling were read mr rourk was sworn in as alderman for st lawrence ward and took hisseat petition of bachelors for the city hall and adjoining offices for tbo purpose of holding a ball granted in consequence of the above ball it was ordered that the council do not meet uitil tuesday petition of samuel shaw and others school trustees of school section no 1 praying for male and female schools in said vection referred to school committee to report thereon some discussion here took place upon a similar petition formerly presented by archdeacon stuart which was finally re ferred to the school commillee to report hereon at the next meeting of the council petition of robert matthews to grant new leae lo free church at the reduced rental of 50 referred lo market commillee petition of thus doyle for leave to deposit building material granted petition of certain inhabitants of school section no 1 in consequence uf illegal con duct at ibe poll praying for new election- referred to school committee petition of john mowal against ihe return of mr rourk as alderman for st lawrence ward in consequence of ihe returning offi cer refusing certain legal voles therein men tioned in connection with the ahove the petition of sevetal householders therein mentioned shewing forth the legality of their voles viz g chown j godeve j mcgimsie g da vis g w mckay no action petition of john waddclj for payment of account for making market door a lengthy discussion took place on this petition which was carried on pretty hotly between messrs anglen counter meagher flanagan and breden it was finally referred lo thc finance committee to report thereon kfmiy of the committee appointed o wait nn the district council to accede to the terms pro- pottd providing they pay the 300 as soon as colleckd of city clerk respecting rent of news room of board of works stating lhat they saw no reason to alter their last report of city cjerk names of officers c in employ of corporation with amounts of their salaries annual report of treasurer expenditure for 184c 4655 report of treasurer slating that he has been serred with a writ in the queens bench at tho suit of thomas billon for payment of a debenture of 50 the commillee appointed al ihe last meet ing of the council to confer with the com mercial bank lo have further time to report alderman meagher spoke at some length upon in bill amending the act relative lo fanners selling meat by he quarter on the market and moved ittsecond reading upon this question the mayor slated that he did not thing the original bill a lawful one and there fore did not intend to enforce the fines until ihe new hill now in process of framing by alderman robisoni should be trought in the reading of the bill was postponed a commitlco was appointed to draft by- laws rent of news room ordered to be collected within one monlh or to beplaced in the hands of a solicitor for collection the question of appointing a stipendiary magistrate created quite an animated on the part of the feet of lhc spectators and angiy on ihe part of alderman counter discussion between messrs counter hall and anglen some severe hints were thrown oul by lhc former gentleman about pocketing fines etc the matter will be taken up next tuesday tbe council hen adjourned the district council this municipal body adjourned on saturday after a busy session of five days duration the usual business of the district was trans acted but ihe chief topic of discussion was tbe embarrassing slate of thc fiscal affairs in consequence of ihe continued determination of dj smith esquire the hte treasurer to rlain in his own possession ihe funds of lhc district amounting we are informed to no less a sum than 2500 the council by iheir solicitor bave already commenced an ac tion against mr smith but in order to have their hands strengthened before hey adjourned they votetl the following address on tbe sub ject lo ihe governorgenerah to his extfuem thc flight honorable ihe earl or etxjn and atwcirrfiite govtrnor general of british xorfh america and coy- tain general and goiyrnorincriie inand over the provincts of canada nova scdioj t st frc hat it rxcaac youa exccllency we the warden and council tori of tbe muni cipil cmmcil nf the midland district tn seaaion tiacmbkd mnar rcecifuily sej leave to lv before your jjxeelleney the cmbarraaaing situation in which tbe midland district it pb red by the eouna adapted by david john smith enquire ita laic treaaurrr- in pursuance nf the tih sec of statute 9th victtp- 40 wiuitia fcrguaon eiquirc was duty aetcctcd by tho majority of votes as thc district treasurer and gave ihe nccciry aecu rilica oefoee emeriti tnla lhc dottcs of thc attoalinn and a committee of tho council wiia appoinled l receive theae atfeurhiea and pcraonatly place mr fcrguaon in office ontha 311 december 1846 tit committee waited on mr smith and required him tn aur render hit office toother with tbo book voucher and ppor beloctinf therato and to pay ova to hi nowly appointed aeceaof ibo uiatrfct nvtmea then in hi fwavcaajon mr smilh refused tn comply with ihi demand and fctcd that he would not fccognita mr fee- guron ic hi sijoceor becauic lie wu ineligible for tho office as bein a member of the dutrict council when elected and he claimed atill to hold the itution as treasurer under hi commission from lhccrowntinconcqoenconfthononapfoinu mem of the council of un eligible neraon the council hvc notwithstanding for mally imtallcd mr ferguson n iheir treasurer and he i now forming ibe duttc thereof and i alone recognized by thani mr fcrgnson has ahxi since hia appointment ceased in be vlcmber of the council and hi aocccteor has been doty elected in hitstid s in tbe meantime wc mrrel to tafe in your excellency that th hi terrain of ihe district are cfcmly prejudiced by the conduct of mr smilh who persist in wttboldin the booka and accoonta of the office in collecting thc district revenoe and diaobeyin the orocn of tho council and who nnw retain in his hands about 2w of tbe public nvmica which lie rcfuae to pay ovr wc respect hilly be 7 leave lo lay before your excellency t he accompany inj rreitulion unani mously pasted by usdufinfr thc present serninn 09 the best ptoof of nur disapprobation if the course which mr smith has thought proper to adopt under these cireumaunces above stated to your exccleocy our tense of duty lo ihe diauict cl upon us to prav your excellences interpntu lion and that yonr excellency may he graciously to cause mr smiths tjovcrtimcol appoint rocnt lo be cancelled and the aurctiea which he haaajivcn fnr the faithful aecoanling of thc public monies to bcenforecd again him without delay- wc alto pray that ww excehvney may be pleased to order thai all monies which are now or may hereafter be payable to the district frorp the provincial revenue for expenac of criminal administration of justice may be paid fed mr fcrfuann who i as we humbly conceive the only person legally eniilkd lo receive the same diaurl council chamber midland district 6th feb 1847 xtact vaoal tkb mlrt- february 5lh 1847- moved by dr beamish mcoodcd bv mr iiol- dilch whereas according in the 7rh section nf the statute 9th vic cp 40 the muncipal council at tlieir firat rneetinf after the maid aci selecled vviltiam ferouon eao of tbe township of pittsburgh lobe the dirtnct treasurer nf the mid land diatrict am wherea thusaiid william fer- f naon before he enleeed on the dottc of the atid office fjave thc security rrqutred by 1st section nf the said act which neeunty was approved or by the council and whereaa tho council ere inform ed lhat david john smith esc ibe ulc tree surer baa refuted after demand made to surrender to bts aooceaanr in office or to the council the hooka of accounts and papers in bis covtndy at such trcisnrer and has alto refused after demand made tn give possesion to ht said successor or 10 tho council nf the k i known end used ju tlsc trciurera office and where the council aae also informed that be aa id david john smith wrongfully nnd itlejtlty ctaime tu be tbe dialrict treasurer nod now pretend to act a such at though not selected by the mnjurity of ibe vm nf llic cntineif nnd alimnfli he has nut satisfied the require moots nf the mid statute it is resilvsd thi the cnunejt el thsa mcctin do appinve of and e far as they legally can con firm and re net llie arlection end appointment nf ihr anuj william fergukm a aforesaid and di i lee is re thc conduct of the said david john smith lo bo wrongful end iltefal end that he is not ihe district treasurer and thai hia retention nf the llvikii of account papers and office nftcaid ia wmngful illejpal tind arainal the express order aod desire nf the district council and that copies of this resolution be enl to the ajid william fer guson and david john smith eeqrs frbruaryfith1847 moved by mr lwry seconded by mr lltditeh hint the lite trentircr dnvid john smith esstjm be required and ho is hereby ordered to nay over forthwith to tho new troaaurcr william for gomflj emii nil thc ditriei monie nnw in hia lasftda and lhat a crpy of this reaolution bn fur i njihui ln ijinimiiii i-i- jilimuliulk jn-r-imh-ni- mr smith accordingly- the doctors retaliation a a pftaoatlltf- worthies there are avho the expecled doctor wait and armed with physic and with fate ho drives unto ihe door the pulse he feels the patient acce he looke in vainthey iov no fece hardnetsof hfnin their di tease f he fllridei aeroaj the floor- o etinfry race he ihue bejin a ittlle ptfnancc foryoorsina you certainly afaell pay for i pescaa a train of tile which you shall teke in shape of pit six five irmca thc day anj when your empty stomachs wish for seasoned pie or savory efiih for roasted fowl or boiled fish you none of uac shatl but barley water blue and ihin wilh congoo beveras rare these ye rnay drink and fill your skis with drafu which i prepare and drafts prcnorcd hy me full well you know arc somewhat atdog scering a roojrhneeeon the tongue for jalap there with calomel and many a bitrer salt doth dwell and since your mean and niggard asnj my hard earned fee delay sure a ihe ton ihro ethce roll hi make yoar lo4ie pay 2 at jlat vcr- 8lh 3 ml fatgaus scraps original anb 55 i from ihe montreal herald we have much pleasure in publishing tho following letter frorn capt powell to mr itaird the invenlorftnd patentee of thc sweep ing paddle wheels for steam vessels her majesty stkamvesssr clikftokm kingston jan 15 1847 sir since her majestys steamvessel mohawk has been fitted with sweeping paddle wheeu she has been twice out on short trip and as the alteration proved highly satisfactory i feel that il ijc hnt justice to yon to inform you of il after the firl trial i wrote tn my lords ol ihe admiralty reporting favorably of the wheels and i am happy to ay lhat on hr going out a second time my first opinion was confirmed on that occasion she left the dock yard in a gah of vind to go about fifteen miles up ihe lake to assist a vessel in distress and her performance in ihe sea way wax ex cellentthe wheel neither produciuj- jar nor vibration but from their great hold of the water keeping jie vessel very steady in my report lo the admiralty i said the mohawk i now fitted with bairds sweeping paddfe wheels which answer the purpose exlremely well she is much im proved in speed being at present 9 810 but when tried again wilh thc engines in a more perfect slate they had been taken in pieces and recently put up again i have no dount of her making 10 5fy or eleven knots per hour former speed 9 number uf revolutions per miuute 27 former 34 diameter of wheels 16 feet former 12 6 and consumption of coal 9 bushels former 11 bushel per hour when thc vessel is tried igain in the spring i shall then give you a more detailed account of the result i am sirj yoar obedtxervt w w poweir- commandcr and senior naval officer on the lake t aw example to bc rotlowjcrx th council of tbe new city of hamilton hart been floored hy the prinlen of that city trt the attempt to get the city advertising doo at reduced rates the council called for tenders ihe trade met nud resolving not to be humbugged all made lender of the regu lar established rales and took the chance of being selected in montreal and quebec the adverting is given to papers selected by ihe council and pii for in a proper way the aame thing ia tonc at toronto batis kingston the custom has been and continue to pel th newspaper men by the ears by calling for the lowest lender thereby ettin he work done for almost ithing this if ihe reason why the corporalioa of kingston have ever been unpopular with the kingston press printers are but trader people and no m3n likes 10 lee trie trade by which be lives underrated the corporation pay masons carpenters plasterers and other incchanicsf a proper value for iheir labor and yet think that printers ought to be satisfied wilh re ceiving if- than onefourth of their hones earning this partly lithe faull of the trad we confess but the corporation ahould bo above taking advantage of ihe pcly disputes and jealousies of newspaper publisher qamrxatt emotmcr aportiooof tha iwnirj bffw ijelrimi mrllfcl ueeaiof are at present laudably engaged in writing down ihe vice chancellor il would appear thai some of ihe infirmities of age are beginning lo show themselves in mrjameson therefor he is to be removed i a rule to be jiist should fftfk both ways the prent chief juttice is not soyoitngsoactiveorsosoiinda lawyer h he was len years ago must he therefor be removed 1 oh no the chief justice belong to the compact who are supposed to beat the bottom of this depreciating mure- ment and any attempt to meddle wilh him would he declared most vile and jnfamone libel seriously the vict chancellor is fully as competent to discharge ihe severe duties of high office as any judge in the land but hai chances lo be an honest man hence the cabal remove him gel a limenerving toady in his place and were he as deal as a post and as blind as a badger not one word would he raised against his incapacity n h baird e sq engineer montreal a new iron sleam ship called the li sarah sands has been lately launched at liverpool to run as a packet ship between liverpool and new york she is of 1300 tons register ami of 200 horse power the passage money without wines or liquors which are extras is fixed at twentylive guineas and one guinea stewards fee the experimental trials of ihe new steamer have proved eminently satisfac tory and the owner arc sanguine as to the successof the enterprise the sarah sands was advertised to sail from liverpool on mon day jan 16 so that she lea i ready out fourteen days and the announcement of her arrival at new york may therefore be shortly looked fur there can be no doubt but that the pas sage money by the cunard steamers is high and might by the adoption of a less extrava gant table be advantageously reduced if he sarah sands should be a good sea boat and expeditious she will pay well and we think the time is not far distant when a sleam pas sage from america to england will he obtain ed for a hundred if nut for eighty dollars toronto herald fy remsf ot the dlstmssld at hotfc a public meeting has been or will be shortly called by the mayor lo devise means partially to relieve the distress existing in ireland anel in ihe islands and highlands of scotland in all acts of charily the kingslonese have ever stood foremost and when tbe time corner and ihey are properly called upon they will not be found wantiotr ejma mcuheys irish lcctoucs ah ihe world and his wife are going to night lo hear this farfamed lecturer and vocalist at the court house upon ordinary occasions of the kind we have usually betn in the habit of coaxing the public to attend in numbers brtf on this special occasion we deem it oar duty to advise our readers to go earlyif ihey wish to obtain seat one gentleman alone has purchased sixty tickets need we aay he ia an irishman depend upon it mr mooney will have a bumper house and on friday next well tell ihe public how mucfi he de serves it i i o great western rail road we arr pleased to have it in our power lo state thai ihe advices received at the office of this company hy lhc last packet aie highly satis- factory and lhat it is the intention of the direc tor to make the important commencement of compleling the survey locating the line ob tain the right of way and estimates of con- slructiono soon as the wealher will permit probably ill march no doubt whatever is now entertained of this great work being completed within a reasonable period hampton advertiser c export or rniadsfuvrs more than 4000000 bushels or grain were exported fiom new york city last year to foreign countries besides 1193428 bbls flour equal to to 6000- 000 bushels more making a total ot nine mil lion bushels or its equivalent from a single port it is at the rate of 25000 bushels in a day tho year round sundays and all his more than half a bushel to every white man woman and child in the yankoe nation mvlta joca 30m5t issu ih r mroi 1 1 many a joke ends in pistols as ctccro aay a very bloody termination to a very harmless piece of pleasantry was likely to hare hap nenrd last week within a hundred miles of kingston but the world is not so bloody mind ed as it was fifty years ago and after lorn successful attempt at explanation and apology the whole affair pissed of as a joke oh i these duellists niws for thc farmers there in great scarcity of oats in and about kingston two shillings per bushel are currently paid for the article in consequence uf this scarcity thk press at a premiumgeorjo benjamin esq long time editor and pro prietor of the beflevitte inttuigenar ha been unanimously elected warden of tbe viclona district good jr tnu a weekly eotitem- enary upon the authority w tf lord lgiua fellow passengers iiigrcni us lhat his lordship has expres3 veryfreely bis desira to carry oul thre- very important reforms thes are the frs navigation of thr si lawrence ha consolidation of our cuslotit and last though not least the remodellinof the post qfbca system upon the english jte btea that hia excellency coid harijlva i lecled any objecta of irpwvemenlwort im portant in themselves o more eagerly txpeet ed by the people he ivjrf upon lo nmq