British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 12, 1847, p. 3

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italhri a aiiirukr irinl ha been tocenty pangm here of i mcthodm ncoclicr the rev mm fipj lie will fanmhy a lik stonaiy to africa bm lint recently liiwl ehnrgr ul molwiut kncorjl church in iml nil is accused ofhtybg attempted lo commit n dikguatini nriviici uin th pfoft ol an cljnly married tody wlm u n mitto til hi chgwshlia a g iiunbcr of wilnersa have hem examined in locate aimmoltirin several i leniymcn some ringulat disclosure hire been made relative to ilw private monb of the church the rate will not be given iu the jury until monday i will communicate the mill in my next idler t c c- for the british whig a valentine fur ten civilian yhjul lidc whom it may ah- cern from h oki yotmfj fjcitkitun in vaitt tfi imfe icir ldivuf kington im sorry to find theme ire v silly gj fetf sobtindi wj 1 taywwkkmcm but tm irjiy urn mm mi c tlrn yj5 ffltt s rf fa kk j i of kinjptnn was fined in the un oih with ftiir puy rsl5 lor allowing tiptsoj in his hmise on tojrtjc of ilicmalilw ilia t young fellow stay j sunday under the statute nf 8h victoria chap 45 by the 3d section of this act it is provided thnt any tavernkeeper allowing r r monroe edwards died on the 29th ult in the prison hoipital at sing sinjr of con- niirrhition afier an illncs of only three week thu hoi ended tht career of a man endowed 1 v nature with talents that might hive filled him for eminent uiefulnesi hut which were prostituted to the injury gf his fellow men and iio auction lie destruction of his own peace and happi- ncis no relations or friends save hit compa nions in punishment were present to mmigalr the fculurins of his last hour and he wilt leep in the prison burial pound with no me kmtiil of hi name or tate is not the way nf ihe transgressor hard i xrw york tribune c- arrears to patmotim we learn that preparations arc now making in ibis city for a large indignation meeting lo usairi the administration in the vigorous proaecution of ihe war and lo frown down the efforts of the mock nhilanlhrophist who are endeavoring lo lessen the united states in the eyes ol the world such a meeting citizens would be an overwhelming rebuke to the politicians in congress who are now giving aid and com fort lo mexico mu york htrald uui then ihe pour felum is socuddlvd ind cixei that 1 well knnvr ut mrslwishtilmmcty hoaxed ten ladir mhm i well know trv emy art to vannuuji li pfudence nnd seize on his heart hot hcn he tike must iltinkini yniiijt men thinks tis uolrfl to ehonr one ijiil out nf ten ifnc hcachcinnme dhhm wta tfw wl8o a lbnpll iimi will cli all rr we from hu pillovr so hell beal his rrircat like a inn of cood scnc and gel faiily off sritttout civifleoflcncc ami tlmujh in llii etc i think him a saint i rcjlly ov ptir the ladies emupljml nntdnnnidspnir fr 111 venlure to ay relief may be had in the course if a duy so donl be csl diwn lot a nun mirc ur tes only five ymif commands ill iraniporl ivuftl svich mesa such j haiti un iur mudsflfld hill never remuir ai to tel leo yriirjladiea1l hnguish io vain ive sert hebrs dphrvcj and would be thought tiflctf and md audry wflein sundry fei 111 ie jrrcbud cjiud lhfouh mill tuwn ou f ien ru10 how mr the csrl irbn was fnd ef ihe men out v wlto to btftkon jl fctlh villi mirii iii t d 1 am ore some feward fo toil mcit a- f urnvoon wdmn ihe ldcbrlow tlir best pfijtaa uul ci tiq ivi us ntortak bckxv to pim m nrt an intihlc elf t will take wp use g nutlet and oter myself to cmc bmajd u champ and knight errant true fttf slj jittfced damsels who susvr like yu- and when ttucfi i am seen ill veinure lo v yullpfrfci imv at owc 1ft ibit kcrealti jitrjy j and j fccjfcc cn f ngive nmt now i tiiink oou a- in kor uviag n chsfmio youn iidtes iftmsft hn ill i out to kmgalnn and m y unll lato if tloll dtrra me a litse at mi whta jaic l tippling in his house on sunday shall pay a 1 line not exceeding 10 nor lew than 5 with costs chronku itt a no uom nsavt of our reaovra are af flicted wilh hc bump nf coniy and would ttiercfoc like to trwiw rrfiijw aunit uc pvr- voai appe otfiicc of lite nomemsn who now occt pict the ilifh pon tit o worno tfttenil of tanidtt nnd is enr tatcd wilh the administranir of our nflwirs at tlna imprtant jinrtonf we shall cndeavtr to efjhfy ihcoi hy copyio the fdlowm ketcli of hia f from the mnolretil tr relrf lifil tzv sailh our cftntempfrary m ibekw ifte niiddiebrijht inelminmitutnesii md but frf flic elfaflsua authority if the rertjt ucshoubl pronooner him some yfcaf in advance 4 hia ichi ace the upper pjrt of hi head i mail bald li hair and whlvker originally dark htt now very ryny hs complfxwn in rather static the ftaturrawndll and delicate eye dark jtd animated the inonlh rather eomprcedi and if uie ehsractcr eniuil chithled indiotm if llirrobe any truth in physiognomy much firomess md deiion of character tlte rxjienn ia on tle whje bcnevi1ent and iotetleetuah nod hi manner eay unaflccted nod selfpncsaed m rivtc of speaking indicate considerable rhetorical tti nrvr bhiiosiic or mascintrr it h iteaii derinitivly settled that early in the neat sr- ion ministers will prrjkc in parliament lbs miirnedtaie erection of laneahirr ir v mc under the liilc ilthe diocrc of manchc trt hhj ww ceae will cnitt f the nrch teronrfr of manelierter including the deaneriea ol usackhurn lrvlaiid mnchcalcr and war rinfoo and aio the indepoujent tlcanery or ndew or amotindernras cornprisin in ic hok4u5 henrfirea fa fact the whole f ion eastiire earpt ihe deanery of cartmel nnd fur- no cmiiriri 31 incuobtvcie4 which will still jcnain to l ho iwescof chester valuable real estate for sale n order in clnlc copartncrhi ac- cotinla tin ulrriber have rciv- l instmeiinni i- irltcr for sale bj 1uu- hi their office iii muif irctiu on thursday the oili d i pjsbrlfary nct unices amef jia pohcd of hy private 1ej the tibole oc that wclmcnoaii property nt gan axoqus belonging to mewri c j mdonald co m which are cumrie the gakakoqce millsand nail wouks together with the mill kcscrvc and la aft powsr uf onclmlf ihe river gananoqle one thouand fivb hts ufikd acnr9 or land adjoining inclnd- in5 ihn village pint and three hundred a ir under improvement as a faim with bahns sheds and every neccosaty convenience full parliettbrs may lw leamcl on op- plicnlinn eithnr personally or by letter to ihe lroprielm cq the i an undoubted title will be given terms of payment will be dttdfl known on the dav nfie e55ik at twelve oclock noon perltin booklfd co jluttivnetr montreal feb 137- ly intimates to removed hid removal rnbe undersigned respeclfu ihe public liar be has r daguerrean galiery to dr suttoxs ronicrof prihtm and ttagot stretls iwhcre for a few days he will he happy lo wail on hue who may favor into wilh a calj f g callender kington feb 12 l7 for sale a few bales of hops at ihe brewery of pinup vtnz kingtrn febllih 187 134i com s oj mclancitiilv occuaarnck on wrfnr ly oicht m young tnn in the employment of mr tolbcaolt the botanic gardener was found drad in tht fttt ihuc by which ibe firceii huai urr jnord h tud uiil down to ulrvp in ompariy wilh lift r after hvinr pot the fire into the hi frwt ten ktiifrt who trr v vcem in fined stove and it appears lit the 1 r w a w u kmz 1 i- iriftb- j ft- pfml enjhrm he ll- j ifrfr was uvi i in ln morning tit at rone c- and ki pu smy irll ynur cnoipir o mrov g wmt6 h j cn kmcr hhl wuwu well fie oiir llky plant- bv the duwn f tiv vdilr destroyed fits eompaon tins sad vc c r enee was afdly oceati by thr tflucftceuf tomvdvar mtvten valfntltaefc like a koijits h p f 1h h a cuialrl hont llic plnnrt drtn ill nim kufn irjisflbrtau b a warning l all pa ons i w i e p dcievc mc niosliroly vur kirmif r in bed nioo tor it it atll annwn to jl st vits lw ll 7- tivtfiliari nmrtintttin pi an r a f smif h ihfy slf ff a7tm in tin tuv hitsa vtk irt ffsfjirl kho1i laf invaluable family panion ix lectures on the uses of the lungs causes prevention and crr of consumption aillima and diseases ol ihe heart on the lavs of lonievitv and mode of prervins male ami female hratlh symmetry and beauty expoing causes and cure of ihtht dittto that produce con sumption or shorten life as affection of the skii sjisjm i i bovels kn i liver bcrofula piles gravel and female com plaint unties eay practical and pure form a guide to perfect health and lonj life- is engravings 324 pages so ceiils pote 91 cu by samuel sheldon pitch m m datf 707 broadway new york er any person kmllting hllj cenis frec will receive one wy 6y mail to any part tbt irade aupplicd compound pectoral baiam of horehound and honey a ttfii tpttdy gnd tjfuotwus rrmtjif for 00 disorders c mr cfcrti uwtf lvncsttlsj asthma f whooping couta cutj catarrh cohtumptbhu nfianza atbitllfa cfltijicuy o hnaihingy huskintss and tiiaiing in the throat t hoar suits- ifc ituls itiitl simps ori jimtl anft sclal f5 tin mjmwiv vak ijkujv sir- tikik tin cinitt nf qnffrtv flvnrh nnwil- lirifj in ftancnal iviron1o iitaljuf nent in uttf ielrtoltval cwa on suttiiy list in fivot of ihe plaintiff iiftftjiurr therrhy viiuinin the vetrlir t of tlte jmy m will he iretiwtvd thit a verdict jnr x2 10 htd hevn luudercj onint the difvndenl mr anus nnntnu at the fant fall asrilea for the midland dis trict u ihe term net after ihe aios mr- catnrron through hi counsel applied a he luj a ppifect ri ht lo da in the court ai toronto to have the jluiiiiliih of raibooic i ikj i vo if iminvifl ieiu l i tsii ifo ft ia a pirunsjfi 1lnns nl oeihllrsllfd ha tcn ii a fuel like iha nd w- cm oiy aiirinc ticb tnrraoo to io n r j 1 1 ll ur ji nt nut irmif a litl etoiiiific kiiwlrdjc t ii a popih in tho sika tl psumu and fermauj nr llieae kind of tiling ae tnofhl ihe rii1urvn and an accident syeh a this ckifd nl ocur umigtj uodn ihe roasest itj- mrvfesjee tlsa jory rctttrard avcrslth nee nbalal avalh hy aortc4ihtn frum ibi cttls of cttontc acid a a cuff j ir this oalsaan is eirnpond of the most rjmhlv remedira for ihe alvc conpuints li pifair hy f j thorn ihenhy mtja a fmg rapeciotlo and enevinjf thr um bdiiilhata coo prepared atvi sold hy iiobkut bahstvi dnuontvt kihttod prirc 2f onrf 1 1 m frr iofhe verdict ihe sfmuihfj evened and nric trial granted on ihe inund as he al- legf d that she verdict watcnnlrary to law and evidence and thai the learied chief jfja lice befott whom the ease was iried mi- directed the jury as lo ihe law or in other ivord that he laid down at the trial what was nol law and fnr eyecssive tlamagea llut the court were of a different opinion and hold unanimously that uie verdict was conformable to law and ev deuce and that the chief jus tice had not misdirected the jury on the law and that the damages are not excessive and so ends the goosebeny case it is more than probable that canada conlalns many attorney who would ol their own accord have done ivhai mr kenneth mackenzie hasdonc in litis feuiittes but it doe not trll the less in his faeor that he ha succeeded in obtaining jus tice for a much injured girl spring cikcuit3uppeu canada- momuy his hem ibe first dav of trrui ibr jodifih of tho queens bench tiponied ilsc fnua n tioiei and nfacea for jtvjdinj the prn cireuiu the t loo thocuter josnce distrtet town ijtc lintoan tvoekeiboi thnndav 29ofj april fistern tlmwau wedmdiy ssili april iilhouie rytown wednesday atli mar ujlhort perth tueajny mth may the hon mr jfattcf macauhv- -i- ifi niir i tttesday ijih apil gutv haniilliftti wrdnedav 38th april uffsftk1 wwdtfnck monday idih may tilbot sirncoep friday 14th may the hon mr jnsrrcr inm hume toronto tuesday llth may the hon mr nv mclek wcstrrn sandwich tucaday 4th 51 ay indin lonrtai- thursdiy 13ih may friday 2ul hay wednesday 00th may jliticr hrvorkman- tmdin lyaidvi hlom godefich welliujjton gurlph the lion mr midland kintstmu tueaday 13th april vtctoiia rjelleviue wednesday 2 mt newcafiile gobur tueaday 1st june othe late tncaaoreft mr d j smilh has addressed a short letter lo the vc if j io which he complains of the statement in the last itrithh tt mr d j smilh makes this real mistake it is not ihe bri tish whig which says that he mr d j smith retaine in his possessions the whole of thn district funds amounting to nearly 2500 but the municipal council of the district in their public address to his excel lency the governor general which no news paper in kingston but the british ivhig lias yet had the independence to publish ooa stan musts pftmittly the ntw govkavo onraar it has been too guch the custom in colonies to pour out the incense of adulation on every coventor the moment he reaches the seat of his power he aeemt to be looked un only in the urtt of a disnenser of place and patronage whnse nod is to impart happiness to those will deal out the due meed of praise if a new governor ha not mifficieni sagacity to see the meaning of such tolttastaf he may take it for granied that ruling is his sole business and obeying the aole duly of the people we believe that ihe ahowers of laudatory addresses which are poured on governor on their landing have often been the cause of their entering upon a false career of government which they have found it afterwards impossible to abandon we are far from recommending that the re presentalive of the sovereign should be re ceived with coldness or indifference he should be kindly and courteously greeted on hi arrival by all who have the opirortumty it addresses are sent they ouhl not la be in the language of adulation hut such as become a free people they should not intimate to him that ba has coma to be master but only i constitutional governor of these provinces toronto globe author of the history afllfw anfi unities and present condition of ireland has the honor to announce to the inhabitants of kingston- that his next ltjcture on irish history and melody will take place in the court house by the express permission of the district council on monday evening february 15th to commence at seven oclock- for particulars aeo programme e ticket to be had at the british ameri can hotel al the athcneum book store ana at the door kingston feb 12th 1847 public meeting in aid of the distressed irish and scotch tfaroticei hereby given that the meet- li inp held ibis day at the court house or the purpose of assisting the distressed imh and scotch at home has been ad- iourned unlil thursday next feb 18th atnooniheato tawe place in the j- halt t kirkpatrick afsjfor kinptoa feb 111b 1647 reckivisn this morxiau at the at11exeus1 book store lucreis hy dulwer domhty son 4 hy dickens xell ijunc by aiiimvortfi si giles and st jmt by d jerrold forleseue uy j s kikiwii diana of iridor hy duma woman reward by 51 r norton the m rtchant daughter bv mrs picketing the midnltt hell by vnu honlein acior and iwjnaer by f c wmyss tte ransomed bride hy k h- wild rupert inclair by ihe author of ten thou sand a year the comic wandering jew by c- phillipon the church almduae by ljvell gibson feb il 1s47 to the reading public of canada the adveillsr is prcoired to tmnsmit the fd- lowtrss nktafelo nnd imcreminr bv by 1h li any prl nf offtt or loner canada al ihe prices ahixcd s cis vietra and reviewa in american history literature and fiction by iv u simms 0 50 tlw teoplc from tlie french of n miehaki o 37j wilfm oeniua if burnt 0 50 ltibigj agricultural cbcmistrj 0 23 comhcv pliysiulojy illustrated 330 p felavn 0 is handbook of the water cure 0 5h childbirth vjlbovl pain 0 50 mysteries rf london 1 00 do of berlin 1u steel plates 0 75 do ol tho backwiiodf by t m liorpo 0 50 fliaiorv i 3 ulovopliy of afania c 0 50 life of gentayl 0 25 famhamt mexieo 0 25 facta for ihe pfttplc in tvhich every tlunr is of practical iise lu every body 0 12l a treatise on milch cowa whereby the qojhty and quanutv of milk which any cut arid eive may be accurately ascer tained numerous engravings 0 5ft green un gambling 0 50 wufmn in the nincltntfi century 0 i0 cebaa citizen of a republic 0 50 fieirtif lectunra on consumption 0 50 orders fur any nf the above boa cncloiin tho cah and post pitd addressed to t c caiu r v y i i promptly attended u reference in kinpttau dr cj barker now york feb 6 1647 if bankrupt pkovince or canada midland district to wit thomas warren hastings of tht cuy of kingstvn in the said district inn keeper 0m mission issueil by sttffbrd frejorick kirkpatrick esiiuiie- judge of tho midland district court daicd iliisaixth day of february in the year of ntir lurd one thousand eight hundred nnd furtvacven first meeting of creditors on monday the twentysecond day of february instant in tht court house kingston at 12 oclock noorj t a corbett sheriffs k d sheriff office city of kingston feb 6 l3i7 sxith hpfdavovfj attysfor petitioning creditor commercial mart saiti of t8 cappbsc grocerlfs c c nfkioav i9th feonuahvatone v uclick will be aild without mutt- 40 boxes voans hjhin 90 gun powder 15 powehnnr 10 baoiemcoff i boxes cavendish tobacco 1 tiipe fnrl wine 1 hhd sherry do 1 pnn rnm 10 bblj whiskey 5 qr casks best tv- jcinx viiugar l do london picile 6 olive 10 err anchors 100 boxes dieby hiding 10 civi table codfch 4 boxes lemons 6 baskets salad or 200 piece room pater cak gtepetaa putf- whiting fustic lo woed boiled oiw peiper since stare and a varietvof otbir nrticlet william ware feb 9t1t 1817 valentin for 1s47 the newest valeinncs jni received from montreal lor salt at the alheneutn feb 9th wanted 1 aaa bushels potatoes 1wv 5ofj biuds peas for which the marko urice will be paid in cash on delivery at the provincial peniten tiary tiioksshencryco kingston feb 9ihlsi7 0 informat0n wanted f eliza inn jmigluer of 0km anil 3ar40 mcbuftmv who wo5 put oat to service hy her mother till she watm come of afc to some penson at ir near the bny of qtiioie in the yea is34 or j5 ttiis is lo inform iter that her father lias pro vided for her fiftj pounds which she ran have hy cornhtf to phelps ontario county n y io1ay iwxl for fur ther particulars h nhl this meet her eye flht ran eoqnst by letter of her uncle kour mcsormu resident of tho above named puce josbm mcburney phet feb 2titl lst7 lcvsr aiiaa manufacture all kinds and colon or printing ink news job and book near the globe md troy mil- troy n y troy february i 1847 3m fc tlia above ins fur ealo at tho alhtneum floov store kington fob 3 18 i7- for sale a handsome bay mare perfectly sound and in good condition for natliculars apply at thisolbce ftbtuarv 5d 1m7- atheneum dispensary the cnttnmeratif tho arlicnr i n and others arc respectfully informed that ihe subscriber fiat al day dssod nf h interest in lha abflve named uispensarv and drue store tn hit brother ma rciomt qanaa f undor whose anpormtandence ihe diaxnaavy been placed nco it waa rtrtt opentd who wilt in furxirc dc vote hvi whole attention tv the duties f hi bwmfl the poblie msy rett njljr thored that physi cians preriptinns nnd l pbsfmaevuiical prcpv m lions will be carefully disprnatd bv wl robett h irkcr nnd tint every dv and medicine pur cliaafd of him can he relied rt as genuine edward john barker kingston jan m 164 atheneum dispessaky and dkug store bagot street kingston for a 1 e 1ff acrtoflaxd kasthalf jj of lot imhe 4th con- cession pittsburgh jo milebfrom kinrs n apply in james mccarthy xfisier bltcleftmllli provincial peniten uarv purtsmoutli feb 3 1ss7 181m to uet 9s the potsm fr onb l two or thfcbb veatt apply iamks mccartv pnnsmvuth iq poiumuuih fv s 1s47 l23r waited i young mas at okifcutato v miluimlory a unexeewtont- bte infeinioei will le n aply kiiismii fch 9thi s47 jxformatio wawtbli y jate of krnlnnc af jr wmhu iv t i0 is mint to mile d delroik misitf v hi onvarded lothe snbeni- wij received and rccornjen5e robhrt barker rrpectfully ceca kaveli infm the inhabitants of kingston and iu vieinitv that laviinr jmrehaaed tht stock nf the above establishment nf his ttrnjhc ur barker he will continue the dru rasineav in the old stand ind hafea that by cwe attention 10 the bit- ne q merit a continuance f lhair ctfnqr u b wuuld be ti state tint haviti been nearly lacnls yean enajed in thu isreyic pwatthi hc prolcnitm and ihe public nijy relv upon him for the erafnt preparation ol prescription and family keeipes ainmr the stock to vhtch renewed last fall will be fmoj kill ttie articles ujatly kent in a droggist sfcap spanish float indigo madder dve wtlubsftc kf sale by r darker alhcncnm dispenirv prg store bogot street b kuilon feb 1th 1 as 110 lt- 11 3w iiotei n ltt fn r u3t mt miy ts t lot next for omk r tbww iam uw well kmiivfi etnli e in trio mirkl sq rf york appltattt lo viic duko lifi ntaje to the iibcrilrtr on ihtji j m1dcalf kinnloti fib 5th 1m city hall saloon yo 9 market building ppot i but batterft by georg gane rtfreahiacnts soacka m ut hjj snorlest n oysters at m hours kingston feb lc47 it the 101 allen co1 express messrs allen toronto are run ninj an exprra hot montreal hamilton ind rite eerw every psjirlijfm ilte intcrmedute ptucea per li genuine beards grease ol0 8uown windsor soap and genuine english perfumery for sale by r darker athoneum dispcnsar ft druj store bgot strvcj wim armstrong auctioneer t commission merchant land and general acent mxo strekt kingston rkspectfully intltnim tn the public hut he has taken ihe premises lately occupied by t moran i co removed next door where ha entered uunn the above bumue and hope hy ninliiaiity and ittfo ttoji io merit a snare of public support the subscriber intends to devote particu attention lo the parihue and sole of real estate and with thi view tie has made ar rangements with several influential legal and commercial lienuemen iti scotland and enij lanu ihronli wlmi lie tavji whf under ul- imliee nf fxutaltar interidin emigrants and ill- public generally improved farina wild lamia honnciiom and other real estate pomr ly fn canaila iflbtrffltml to him for sale and through whom he vtl iransct olhei le tfal nnd cmnniercial uusincta in any part of trent hritain or ireland- vix ctlleettne claims ukllcml letters r anminilralion pmchate and sale of properly c e wm armstrong kington dec 29 islu steam boat transport on lake ontario for the year 1847 sealed tenders will be re ceived at ibn commimariat office until nnonnn tuesday 23rd feb- rua by lti47from any person or peranna willing to enter into a contract agree ably to certain conditions which may btr teen on application at tha commissariai offics at kingston and toronto for the ihllowiug services viz for the transport of troops persona aitaclied tothe atmy barage ttoimii and government store during the seaftnn of navigation of 1s47 including stich further perind as the tioat may cufifianfl to ron from kingtoii to coburg port hope whitby toronto jnd vice versa from kingston o the bay of quinte and vice versa including the foria be tween those stations separate temlew will be required for each service and tho rates to be stated in currency partie tendering are requested lo observe that the freight of regimental bargageend the personal baggage ami camp equipage of officers and others is to be ascertained by measurement twoand half tons measurement to be considered equal to one ton weight and payment to be made fur each ton weight so ascertained household furniture canmtte and other articles not comprised in the ubovc ami all personal baggage in excess of the quantity allowed by regulation to be computed by weight or measure- rnenr as imy be agreed upon between itio parties and paid fir at tariff or com mercial rates fjrivernment in no case heiug answrablo for the freight of such garage which muslborecuvered from the owner unexceptionable security subject to the approval t f the senior cnmmissartat officer nt kingston will be required and tho real riffutilth of two ieponibe persons willintx ut nter into a bond with tho principal in ihe sum of 1000 sierling for the faithful peiforrnance of thu liist named service and 100 for the latter must be eivoi in the tenders payment will be matte at kingston in mexican or unitwl states uollurs at 5s id currency each or by a check on chartered bank at tli optiou of the senior commissariat officer commissariat kiotston 29th jannary li7 chronicle anil xewi toctfy oregon saloon opposite the mautello tower the mulmcriber refpectfully begt e- leave to return hil aiocere ifvanltt i hia friend an j the public generally be the support he has received in kinptob nnj bega leave lo inform them that he has lately jteinovcd to the premise recently occupied hy john mcpheraoriq oppo site the maricllu tower ontario street where he has tilted out and opened the oregon sauoom for luncreoyir suppers and other re- fresh merits and where he bops lo be fur ther encouraged by tlie continued kiaj support of the public james elder kingstwnan02 1817 n o tc et william hodbh tailor would most respectfully inform his ftinndsj and the inhabitants of kingston that he has commenced business directly opposite to mr tvttham pihons crockery store in wellington street where ho will be happy to serve all those who may faror him with a call and after having spent severe years in some of the best houses hi almost all the principal cities of the united grates and england bj fore man and journeyman he flatten himself that he is qualified to aerve them to their satisfaction n b military and other uniform made to order and in the best of style ai he will always have on hand the loader fashions cutting done to order kingston january 15th 1847 wanted by a person who bas had sevt nteen ytata e xjierience in the trade of the cointrjt a situation a accouintantsales man general clerk ia a conner cial lloose to an auction or commission estamithmcat the advertiser would endeavor to make himself especially serviceable having in addition to hi experience the advantage of an extenstto connection of business friends themostsatisfactotyrefereaoeajtobufinesa capacity can be riven apply at this office january 5th 1847 fr3i t ic3 c callm al all direct parcels left at mr maitc limbton house kingston will rncet wilh dtr attention alletf ai co kinastnn feb lit tslt- for salfit lot no ll in thcth con town ship of kingston 160 acres on liheral terms apply o c stuart kingston 29th january 137 real estate for sale nphb subscriber nfter lor sale that valname property siliutrtl in princess strert now occupied hy mrs pope the beautiful collage recently erected on the pre micu admirably adapted for a genteel private residence there is attached coach house and stable and every other convenience required for further particulars apply lo ft scosell scft kingston jan 5 1817 for sale b7 the subscriber a t barrels primg mess jr z kkk suporior quliiy and three bands lard miles ferguson cingunn i5ch january 187 tf comm e r c i l mart for sale ff dbls hewv mess pork m wltliam ware kington utb dec iftm rltchftrg tatent copying presses a supply of all aires jon j frorft r ths manuiaclory and lht atf sr otoak oct- ax government notice sealsotedersivill be received at the commissariat office bytown c iv until noon on mouthy llo 15ih ftsbrttary lsa7 fur tho purfrmunce of such works and repairs n may be re tjuiretl on the line of tho itideati nnd ottawa canals for tho netted of three years from tho 1st april 147 to the 31st march is50- a schedule of iho articles fee that may bo rmtttrodj ami of thcii estimated pricescan hj seen at the royal engineer orticea at montreal by to wo and kings ton where a copy can be had on depositing four dollars forcacli flet the money to be reurned to such person upon the sche dule being sent bock unrauiialed separate tenders ate required fir each lino of canal viz ir the ridaau canal either for the whole line or from byiown to the firt rapids inclusive or from the first rapitu xciiimvo to king ston mills inclusive and fin the ottawa canal from granville to crlion which tenders must be given at a per centago above or fallow iho prices stated in said schedule the per ceutagts to be on the whole of tbe prices ant not on the differ ent items payment will be made by ordnance drafts on the commidsuriat chest in banta notes at 24s 1 j currency per sterling or iu mexican or united state dollars at 5s id currency eathat the option of the commissariat officer at the termination of each quarter two responsible persmia will be re quired as sureties for the due fulfil ment of such contract aa may be on lend into whoe real signatures must b inserted in the tender those tender ing must also give their address 3nd the professions and place of residence of their proposed sureties those desirous of tendering will apply either at the commissariat office at montreal bytown or kingston for a printed form of tender as no other will he received and on the envelope mus be written fonder fur as tbe cate may be a preference will be given to a ten der for the whole line of the rideau canal provided the terms are considered advantageous to the public comitissariat rideau canal bytown c w 23d jan 1847 chronicle and nowt to copy mill creek cloth factory he subscriber respectfully returns thanks lo ins friends and the public generally fur tbe auppurt he has received since hi flllmnp mill and carding macliirae have been in operation and begs leave to inform them that encouraged by the butiumi he has transacted in tho above line he s now prepared to commence the manufacture nf till kinds of country ciioths sattixets ulankbtsc c and hopes by the pains lie intends to lake to ensure the continued patronage of the public joshua booth purchased or taken in exchange for cloth mill crcck january 11137 4tf two heifers came into the pnswssion of the subscriber in octbct las two heifers suppled io be two years old next spring tito owners are re quested to prove property pay expenses and take the animal awav john memichaef waterloo feb 2nd 1847 i03m- new books at the atheneum book st0wt- sir francis rwi4 heads emigre at- juntvnctvnufd licdtlbarf c dickers doinbty a son part lovers legends sud storks of irsluid k i r jan 5 1s47- day d to taver nke epe rs and others v he alexander respectfully informs hisfriends ihathe alill coiiiinuea to manufacture his celebrated vegetable stoughton hitters and for the convenience of his customers h begs to inform them they will always find stock mccormfcltflt and at mkb meadows candle manufactory ontario street opposite j h grkeus v on hand at 51n kort grocer princess street in pint at 9d and quarts kingston dec 20 1s46- whaif isgd nill sites on the rideau canal rbe let for a term of seven fourteen or twentyone years the following water privilege 1st at brewers ipper mills 2nd at kingston mills a copy of tho lease wilh a eketch nf the ground auached to the mill sites is now lodged at the ordnance office at kingston montreal and byiown forth inspcctioii of those wishing to become tenant and the lock masters on the spot will point out the property tender stating the annual rent in halifax currency proposed to be paid will be received until 12 oclock at noon on tha 27th february 1847 tha names of two resporwfble persons with their real signatures must bo in serted for reference as sureties tbe tenders to be addressed lo the respective officora of tho ordnance by town marked- rnderor mat srta ornct or oidhw flyiwro 10th dec 184 received this at tift atheneum book store ombey son nos the pictorial almanac for 1m7 jan 8 1817 notice rphe public are hereby notified that 1 am the otily legally appointed person to receive all rates and assess ments and other monies duo to iho mid land district and collectors and other are cautioned against paying the savo to qiiifiiuf iauiri wyragi flnnanatfi in any oriior person as 1 am the only pcrann who can give litem a legal nc- rulttancc owid john smith treasurer midlskd diirascr treasurer officr- midland district 1 kingslvi january 1847 altcily ppcw will copy the above no t 1 c e s hereby given that the committee appointed by the district council to rt- ceivc the bond from mr wiluau fcaoirsoir the newly elected tteaiurerhava thisday lod- grd mmi bond amoral the rcords of the dti trict andrliieclcd mr lvr to open tht treasurer office in the district cierk raorn in the court house on 11 january to whom alone all person will hereafter pay the dis- trict rate and wilh whoraallotscr district business conuected with the treasurer will be transacted signed jbmarks district council office kingston llf 3iit decejnlier 1846 j city papers to copy ttft forbid kingston philharmonic society rphe subscribers are hereby notified i that the k 1 1 for practica are wed ncsdayi and fridays at 7 oclock ta the sfr- cietys rooms in the house lately occopied by mr w simpson ontario street neuly opposite the ordnance office wednesday instrumental mosifc fridays vooal music the attendance of subscribers ii particalar ly requested by order c ambrose secretary kingston dec 29 1sj6 received by the latest arrivals from new york and for sale by the sub scriber at his store in princess street the following articles viz 800 side span i sob leather 200 buffalo fir 20 boxes atoned teas so do tobacco 20 dozen malta 100 do brooms 100 do patent fails 40 do corda wilh numerous other article not men tioned matthew rourk kingaton dec 18th 1816 tf airjm perkins in the large boom over ma cataua auction mart near the tow hall wql be opened every thursday twd satur day evenings at 8 oclock for tbe reeeptiosa of popilionly kingttoo december 8 1846 to let ma small frame cot tage ir prioceaa street with garden and outhouses apply to wm armstrong juctioneer king stmt kifiptoq dec 29 1844 tf

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