mexican letters of marque an office for ihe sale ol mexican letters of rmrquewa opened in london- so says the london globe the mliming is given a the jis oi cases in which capture may be eorrcetinn of he cthirt if tin government of the counlry hull rcrvcrc in it nwermitiilion of refusing in ue flic means avnitable to l foe ihc purpose of lowering tlic price of food so at to pticc tl within ihc reach of ilia jnjfjf f hhoring poor thcretull witjhractinceol human l ves- of tho enemy with all that they j life fnm flarvati in a fricblnl client and rn mv carry oft hoard belonging in litem whe- i dnjoimnt nf pffperll nrf f ihc pntdic pece ther of war privolcwi or merchant vesls ilifvam iwibm 2 thecro and efleci of nenlrals and t m sj british whig opker pr orfem dlcor kingston friday feby 19 1847 mcxltftlu which mav he found on board these aid rebels after sufficient lime has clasped for the declaration of war proclaimed hy lie government of the united stile to the mexi can nation being known 3 vmh constructed hy the enemy or which may hare belonged to he enemy if ihe property be not sufficiently accredited or neutral 4 tbntc which may be navigated without patent or register that may prove their neu trality their entire care or part thereof being if they should he found in ihc same predicament for want of ihe indispcnsjble paper the act alone nf throwing papers into the sea shall he a snifieicnl motive for declar ing them lawful scifcare 5 those which may he found without lrcal latent of verriftly slate or republic havin fhe authority for granting it 6 those which may have it from one or more power 7 thoe who may fiht under other colours lhan the sovereign or mate to whom their pa tent belong lflhese vessels ail tlnttccqin prised ill the foiegoing paragraphs should i armed for war their captains and officer shall be reputed as pirate 8 those which after the national flaf is hoisted should tcfuw to lie to and should provoke combat 9 those which may naviate with ihe pa- tenlof the enemy in the terms expired in the second psraijph 10 those belonging to mexican and neu trals which maybe aimed for privateering under the mexican flag without having ob tained permission j torn the supreme govern ment and accredited with the patent their captainstull e treated at pirates ii tbvcof pirates and mutineer return ing to their owner should they appear within one year and a day and ihose tfao who can trove not to have taken pail oireclly cr imli- teclly in piracy separating a third part of their total value for llic benefit of thoic making the sviur 12 vessels abandoned hy the enemy or which may be adrift from tempest or any other accident before heing brought into nfc- tegrity and conduct sf mtp counter while mayor ibat no action be takt lhercon the committee apwoted to confer with ie commercial btd blvc tt fattfjghl s potcrinb jollier f tborafr ft ivuitr jlminf f ihe peaecr famink in cork meltinchnty indeed arc tho utrm arwimtp ftmn nil pnflof ihi extensive eouniry foum nnniry kinbrreeo croliaiic4ileliwft nod trcton rclary tite meeting was numerou anil in cork ad 0io in kerrv the rcporu pepcnt my mprt ub an 3 lircj seemed nv i lonec to report the appointment of jft aiistant wa gone on with and t were mi from ihc different captain of p companies i knioecc he nunc ifminy fcclorr tik luiftii ptpi j- hljnnlmlu tliertrram of irifh menaicnl which h ur wme uerk ponrrtl into ir lwn anpcir0 ti acmfp and the wrtt f tied famine to bo net wtlh l evere tfeet eorner re pninfollv nnmrroii ii u rirroiic the fcclina t mark the suftrrine etiiblrcn the nlmot infant willtmil hoe or mm kinr and hth noliiofr hnl rac to oovcr ihem in litit inclrineni wcthr crawl aaer their prou re1ly and imly we lielicve in llic majority f iainee5 bee iiiom jmrttili hive no psiefl t shelter litem until ibtt s mil nod bet llir mestrtof pro- curing ihc fccpoiictt aod coamt of rni lord ew3in and the freetrade association frou the caoorfian economic we think it advisable to sei7e the present moment o ttf the principles and riew of the association of which we ptj ihe humhle organ hefore hts kxeellency the governor genera in doing o we must necessarily jooverround which we have already trodden in company with our reader but the jreotnes of pur cause the importance of the change- which we advocate their esclialucm to ihc well bein- nf canada anil last hut not ru ibe imperative iieceiwily for their being carried out promptly in order lobe benefieial to the pre sent generation all these considerations de mand that we should place ihein briefly and clearly kfore the iiomcman who has jtwt m jnmen the afdimiw office of goretnnr of ihi unruly and f late illgoverned colony and we proceed to our tak wilh ihe more pleasure and the more confidence because judging hi excellency hy the refdic he has made to the citizens of montreal and to the montreal hoard of trade we feel confide nl thai if our humble labors are brought under this notice he will not only take ta trouble to read them which is more we believe than any of his present cabinet hare done but he will also comprehend oflt views and appreciate ihe ifiubonumbr know lo um ihcy on which e an makinx in mote lii mteu of mr contryoar effort- pr- not have their pioprr crew and if ihe owuerj the pubucmeetingof yesterday yestrday at noon the meetiri for the re lief of the distressed at home which stood adjourned until that day assembled aain irj three candidates we propose via messrs the city hall the mayor was called to the moc allen and 01 ii was put to chair and mr m ftanaan appointed sec- r h n 0 ki halfor the nonce assuming the pari of ballot ijox when wm allen wiuelcclol allen 9 moody termined lo prosecute the businrs fo which doyle they were mcmblcd with industry audi the question oftheiprwintment ofastipen- ood will jdiry maislrale was jostponed till the next the rev mr maclur and the rer mr mrtjinsrf the conncl t i f i hie appointment itf a board of fe visor rogers moved and seconded the first lesoludon l l n i i 1 t3 i al i tmk filace when vmttt uaker brcdett both these gentlemen addressed the meeting n p 1 rohison and rourk mm apjoinled report of school conmittec on petition nf rogers supporting a resolution expressive of not men wicked and degraded though tbey unfeigned sympathy for the starving catholic be be treated in like manner why iecauje of ireland and giving substantial evidence of the sincerity of heir words this is ihc root of christian charitv and whenever i fiod it i do not enquire about a mans religion i remain youpt sjoeerely an inhabitant of lot 24 h f for the brititk fai things in general ho i lu htl they ore convict reaon with a convict ab surd the lash for him his heart has become impervious ai feelings are torn asunder and destroyed his hopes are blighted his bright hour of life has been enshrouded in the gloomy pall of crime the lash the lash for him to be day after day and year after year j shut ont from the wot id and doomed to slave utidtrtaskmajter to feel ihe lacerating lash if by ijnorancetbey do wfoqj to goto their days work to be locked alone with silence and darkness lobe aroused in the morning by the keeper voice and marched off in gangs lobe hewers of wood and drawersof water to he denied converse wilhtheirfel if them should not appear within a year ami a day adjudicating under any circumstances ihe thitd part to thoie taking them the iwo remaining parts shall beion to the public treasury 13 wo visions which may irf carried to the eremvs camp bbtchaded or bciccd by the forces of the nation ceediu we may remark frum zeal alone and in niter contempt of any reward that can ever be offered to us e the consciousness of deserving the gratitude of our fellow colon ists from striving to ure on the progress of a great commercial reform what we miy ask will canada he in a few years without this reform ami what will she hcwithit in the former case she will at length and expatiated greatly on the ne cessity which evicted for every one to do his utmost to relieve his suffering fellowcrea tures upon the introduction of the third resolution some animated discussion look place as fo ihe ultimate appropriation of the money collected what proportion to ireland anit how much to scotland some speakers were for leaving the appropriation entirely to ihc committee while others were for two serrate subscription lists or at least for two columns in one list in which each donor could appropriate as he himself pleased the d wiiw amount of his donation this difficulty threatened at one time lo be serious hut was at length overcome by the suggestion that if the suhsctipliim lil contained three columns the subscription could he enter ed either at the ihsptoil of the committee or nl the pleasure of the subscriber this plan being adopted the inectin was dissolved moved by the rev mr machar seconded by rev mr rigen 1 i i the ahfthiab wpfitotinn archdeacon stuart am wm drnv referred back to the school comnitiee for further cti- deuce the council ajjmrncd for me jmfm nvg distress ireland lkttel- ko ii public meeting in kingston which n in pari it has been assertrl that some unmeaning iliscusions conneetedwith the late elections carrird on for omc line in the pnblic ppers of this city would hw he effect of disturb- in the harmony whichhas hitherto universally characterised its peacrftil inhabitants but if i mitjht presume in aff an opinion afl so grave a subject i wid nnhe5tatingly say that the conduct ct rj parties at the public meeting held yesterday at ihe city hall gives the lie direct to erroneous idea at that meeting more llw scotchman of iepfetmium tmi lw tt ioa nf semhnh fin ibe hihland character mill influem l community or uieip inehnsserinlf lo cull frtn the nnitrd kingston while streftvnly advocating the fff m lyt hcbiref bflh aid in the am mhtibitanr liiraltin r f lltb com lite unuitn snere j eaue cf charitvon hehalf of oirfam m him lht i without sm among yoo tmc at her the management or rather mirmanagement of the provincial penitentiary notwithstand- in ill out has ben wrilltn till continue jt v fatto t 0iit to occupy a large share of public attention but certainly not a whit more lhan the im- porlanre ftf the subject demand but while ttie several writers that have so warmly dis- cussed the allegations made against the war- rfen and his underlines have aroused all our feelings of humanity by appealing directly to them they have like unskilful physicins only probed ihc wmnd without perfecting a cure why is it that they have not treated largely m the subject of prison discipline and given us an amended system how much better this would have been than in dulging in angry recrimination and personal retort and making the holy cense of humanity an apology for private pique and unblushing calumny but while it is to he lamented that writers on the side of humanity have thus acted it it more to lie grieved at that those individuals who have taken up the wardens cause have not cou6ned ihemselves to confuting the onerous and grave charges made against that functionary but have with a great show of zeal orfcofoed the use of the lacerating cat amongst those who have taken np this side of the question i find wilh some amaze ment the name of atfph medonell vicar general a gentleman whom from his station body lest they meet the keeper stern gaze- to be looked at by visitors as monsters of ihe lace lofeel that the hearts grief has no outlet that sickness has no female hand to soothe it and that death must be met without any to close the eye or clasp the hand in farewell or say lothe soul go in peace these these are nothing fan arc only miser able apologies for severity but ihc fonrics feci these aye reader they do aud more they feel keenly their degra dation they yet have hosoms alive to love and that can reecho the voice of kindness they have hearts that can be softened hy sym pathy they have consciences that con be awakened lo reason and many find aspira tions to lead a belter course of life they have all these is it not cruel then lo cut their skins instead of cutting their hearts by kindness i care not whether the epithet of madness he applied lo me for saying that i ardently hope for the day when the lash will be abolish ed and the unfortunate inmate of a prison be made more the object of mercy and love than he is at present amicus veritat1s feb i6th is47- ishing countrymen at home generously in- chararler and influence and from having the nalc oadiliofl of nor urtwmg fvllmv mtbwii moved hv ii smith fi m p on the principled misery prevailed j manliness of alt ihe wnlcrs to come forth 5 co i m i r i im a far greater m0 i inland than n propria persona to attest hii opinions we telt a proportionate share of receive emoiifntni- r him lajmt wl iui the collections be appealed to ihe heneril prttceed inonnnhl ihrvfrvitleimniii 0 i m maintain thalexclu- r fmjvth t b t u the cfiectsahd mereuniise which mav nnlefl pvin-heremtnerceslaljma- he found on board neuliat tecl atmwrivffnl the powtl hj which tfiey belong houtd not jteogitftt ihc tfhtci4rof exemption kvnd rnnnmox ur i hv hive reivrl le fcllv enrtmivira iihi fftm rrrvinienl whu t well ittfuimrd ii ic cidiiiii nf nunv rfilriti in irliini ll i lfmm jaiio rnhn titfu tik neeomi frm ll pn hetand i thia dir r4rc4ktm- lrhu frti mhft4mj jrnili fim htiu j oiwimftp itmi ii riely rtit n rr mt silnttey anvla 1 i n- m ft ltv rp ldmff1 tifi i ir mn f jt mbk t sulheicnt justice i pvtfoi eikturmcc f ttie kplc untut lhi wful vtirution their mitral guiei nnd nvr rtufiiekr and inclined 1o emigrate to the iuiled slates wlere better price will prevail her mer chants riisrited and looking with a onin eye vnou tlc activily anil wealth ofibeir more fonunale contemporaries settled in the atlantic cities nf the american union in proof of which we may mrntion a fact which has jut come to our krmwlede that no less than four of our enterprise young merchants have this week left w new vork where they one i intend to joss the winter in ordr to avail fvi- otbemselre or lh active traffic now jcoin on n titmirj mini ihe j there tn pruvismris and bread inllv wilh te- y a ew fntu n frence to the kompean markeu in hnrf t to close th gloomy hnl not ctagicciatiil ihc case anposed will hi dicontented and irritaleil wrfli envy at their neiglilonr su perior prosperity and happiness but wjuil will btj ihc other side of the pic- lure what shall we be if we obtain promjttly fmifib i i no truly ub- wlin t tbcmsrtvi and rrl upnn by ihe mmcfwy iheir fcclim ivi lu other rmmrv in llm wiw mmli uk k awmittal reform sought for by our as- mkeucle be exhibiicd anlbai of ihc people irjinftlmmbb i u hanger tir nu rr-riin- til acta of plunder u rrt ialence t thceobscrathm- f em apply to ibc coam poptlkilhici in pirlicour where mntfk itir fmn ibeir aovrriy has n rt inirodudt wilb lnncmiriutw and puthnwd doeirincs a nol irihi mite eh in he smith ef ir- und and hi m tiifilily pl ftfltcia eunstanlli tosted m alt she rlier cnmrtitieej ihejp munded thai tlic hirtief ll- lni them hni oi lliia lr imlrin corn winm b nvi 10 r pertmi h i now 17 wilh ibc tpcel if mill funher advance- tlie public must draw their otra cnclorins- the pr bfiitc i i nehncwy in the atrcmc ihe ihvcflmirsotf the pnr pthuikfi if llic widvspeciil delaiion it t well kown that r ile li nmc w ten je-is- ihe qntuaof tte neb cjnl wrtt npdly impmvme in neolnem mid hpcamncr tois awiul viaititim ba dsprivsd hk peapte ajs bcsit nnd eiuituc t luijl ti iheir linmcs pis and wulny hive nearly all ijiap prared and licre in dublin at ihi uhmiuiii cgc iir tcthar al 2v per uvzcn ilirsc sumii ucxm tfovcy elunk 99 to ihc alc of llic anir trr op tiic wiat nmiko 01 oiaw ic uslaecnuota from ihidhiicl are if a itoafffl 0 toul character 1 en additional death tiy iar vvi hsc nemmd in ihe binny tf llaniry the meuncholy dclil are thus furnished by a correspondent ui ut cork ueponcr tljrtifr jan sit i my painful duly lo in form yoo nf x inmieata held hctc itit fivi letjc lr samuel itoichinsand mr itichrd white hifittralra for ihe eioniy pie jury ummouly tpmv wiilnm1 a mo mnf- kentation llul the uhowic perxio ejuttl to iheir death by mirvation vit catherine bhcekiio n child lnoyearom who dvdtn urn cgih nf dccemlier lai and bad lived fv levcril divspceiouj io hr death un ea ucrd iiat ff klueh was produced by dr lcjilhy who held a ww ftriem clmtn ilirrn oo her bc1y tlc ul her cctat in ihis case arc mosl heart rend- inc m jryf sullivan died at skabara on or a1nit iy ith of neeeniltc fnimtihecltteisrtf caim im i nrv a ithji rt it l had received 1tirajff h baiiiy after bmi mcvjvus exhauaicd fmuiutcr lini- fasiinf 11 kieltil finn ieasanveyed into litis town on the mi h ttcccffalwrin a car fo ida pusc f tojan lihn 0h iv mfhvtu in ihe meet ilic vtry jfcv thidu- itary pjrith i- wtt micd lo br hit confrion lvffc ihc innilic anu befit he h id time to complete hissacred dutiea the poo man expired john lricotl w wfkin on otie of the p ivorb on lhelli dcc0f oi lirriturn hmivehe ull ihauatd ur iai if fi4id uud wan found daft iio lb ihuttncajb of ijcainhajh on ihe gdvuvin- nnrnio w wij proved that he jud calm nmlniijj lor iwu daiii pfitfiu to hia lltalbi txtcpl ft tmal quantity of lojcd uhcat ind that he rrcucntty had a mnlar f jertmoh calhy entered lhelipif 51 r ftolr rt vntkery of ihi uiw wbei be jell rmclca and died o ihrv brigr nficr at lc wifklaok ibouh imh kiily atieodd to byhe fey mr freeman mr iu and the family uloc hm arrival michael lmhnnwa found rid no the lmdv of ibanc jl me jcmh lirecmiier lil llv waa on jut way hmic fftlri flan try afler jmrf i- atti9 fd ua hit mother and hrotrw wliwh wcc all hi familv who were then lyog in kvcr there were vfna luritit necla ar tkina lunii m in atoomeli ilr4eniiaialdc ornl tficii tieil i the mairatn llnil tberr cre lurrc nifcet ttiur -ir- hnl ti beoeh yirandertn it lo uu 1a mat rtd wh hcarmi ihom they uotc putrined fur a future iay rimit im tilting tlic vcf- re tlmiiii hurry rpottrd naother victim whhd li j ii ora iii rinj- the wirkhouc i fjro li had tunc ro w i i ibe s icfarm at r liin i tt4a ciai inn nv ml prilltl rn- p at to k1w if tliicr hi rhlad aa that ihr vjj k mr uarfyaiid rqf u fremaa nd h r bvif jaun nd m taitliy ivuuld lc jtoj wn raimd add iacljnchdy wikril w i fc witb aftmstf t4i ihe rttnwttlf of nnd which may w hrielly cnnnieril- thi riitn raeb vunl to carry rmnd suaeripiion list hie hlnwinc etltlanen wne npjannted f 8ffrhmtynfj u rip xcmrvillen saitiiiel smvlh oitqiiv fvtri j atew vr fftrrcf hvnli- j llr drrvi rm dr knthrmaa m w simolc dr m rusher pllf t nni ward j plait lean fl iunwail moved by ii anln seconded by f- m hiu bu 3- kttmtr erf thai n romoinire eonnialin nf hi wooihtulhe sujer ii numb pah i l l x a utjfcmamt lb m im lolm slte- rher tti lljethojt t t her ihrntaa imiii j uiikm w krtffit nnil anc tir kanr hr ajaiulid to rewrite le dillonl sirlf iitm and rciinl tli mie wherever in th fpniaai of iheftbivc ienlletitei llav iav llwitk arlw ichidim it rtenfoie hute h mriiliinl i lha ny jeiitlenun wilnnto divide wtm anh for the itrittih ifaig seconrir dhoneinhf inforlunei qui ae paij ncnt crt bien svnnu6rir de crux niti luficol vrc ur nvec f nrrjjie ct tenr vetiir en aide mielueftis h icnr innj prvenii a leiltpri la mi fere i hsienlahonvqui oitacnt ail crime eesi miens se sivenrss cannot exist where sti sentiments prevail iuc classes nf a people mv ptww eountrvmeti will bear this lict in i wish them to remenijer that with w tmfptton of a irillin- nee l mrtormieli j nlircatimi the opplice of irliat i do not ltetle to medici will iwffl wjcc um to ehjiiinble jajiijnwtwsnwnl n klnj- lon ims chiefly at u f scotch iiml knlisb been vfaf- al ine dupowil of a onnmlllcc compoel r bc sfrtltr fttrl cd trkbllkil in be dividdt their discretion buluccn ihe iwo cnimf as itprtls hte mllclmns to he taken in rownti now hnl miaf fnrt cotnilwto 0 ea srtly pfcntll hie v a j- chniae- ler of ihe parties nninated fiifw ample eefffirti for tlieir diwhre they do not llw bo to11 llial mitlm of tm kind must naturally be inclined lo jive that ton sderation to them svhich his ponilioii and the importance of llic subject demand bat it is ch cbrutian much lo be rebelled ibat he has lent the iifliienttal weight crhishixhcailinand the pnwercf his- commrtiug myelf in siiyinx any one thiiitf talented pen loibe disscminalion or ihe hideous more nbmtt ihe ohl gentleman the law ol cxtrlnes of cruelly and brutality lean imprisonment for dehtbul i wish in say a my dun wnift lrav dont look so igy i m not aepin rriitm tmtjr ilu and iht f ouuiiiiiic arc orjer- the jence or the poor r cd l- irnoi ih ardioly ammml ihe pounds of ll ric fflr fc moved hym i sprn ponded by dr jnpirtalink m the svmp luw of the inmates the uxtiliition jit bi h i rca from nothin- f w rw cxtcr i diced can we form ibc idea of its moved by it smills f iu p ponded th hv mr 11 aurien jtosertntina which ma 0 our untures could wo must jh with the to when a voir of thanks was passed to uu ttion it the liivh kofx we do not know 4 jtetntrnf that ir ii ihe opinion nftlw ineeiinr ibat tiwnh medina is i i oiincinors in eeety toivnhip of iho alhlhnr i ihoawilionorthe difforentitl unties dihiiei for il aiding ihc rnem ib 1 the adoption of a mmlente nnifoiin cripuon in kintna tnue tarilff sdmitting every species n ricultural proluce and raw materials for anufaeluriitf iiidttstry ree of duty v wx endie we must 3- such a modiricatitili of ihe navigation fewrr llialnlernllemeninyivrr thi tmn jijli r l laws as will leave na free lo employ at our fef cw by atv rl heartieudtoj detail faciei from lush ojilioulliecheaiesl vessel thai can be prcpv bh apcarrtcd trmim iaiieis willi the spi 0 0lir beloved cured wbellter ihey be british american the mayor was then moved out of ihc sovereign prenant in every sentence wilh french or belonsinj to any other foreign chair and john fraser iv appointed there the deemt solicitude t ihc deplorable cood 0vrr and lastly the free navigation of the st- lawrence iu that vssel of every ha may be invited t eome and trade with ns and concrete for the carrying trade of the unbound ed west what we ask a will canada be in a few years if these reforms arc promptly rant ed what will this capital nf british north america be tinder attch reform wilb constant neettstotht rd by nean of the portland hatlitny and the contemplated bridge across the si lawrcne 1 can any man hesitate about givin an ans wer can any man heritatc to say tht ca nada will he prosperous beyond any state in the american union nay beyond any mate on the amenciii continent- and this city in tiarlictilar with rapidly increasing population and trade will be one of the mosl uospeous in the british dominions in ibe present aiticle we can of course only point to these considerations briefly ami in general lerms and must content ourselves with simply indicating to his eveelleitct tbe governor general ihe zenerai principle of the policy advocated by our associations ihc mere outline of the plan to he pursued in ibc earnest hope nd confidence that he will honor worship and the meeting dispersed m flanagan ttemter feb 13 1817 utvcouncifv tmfmti feb ib present the mayor mcssr counter flanagan llall ford uafceitnnrkjmeahtr litem crawford llnrvey allen cbaunnn house patterson anleit wiley smith linlon minutes of last meeting were read petition of the icgal advisers of messrs mowatand itourk with reference lolhcktee- tionfor st lawicnce ward praying for fur tber time postponed till m monday in march of g- oliver aud other prayin- that an enquiry be made into ihe conduct ofs nhaw city itaitiitaud others with reference to llic election of school trustees for school section no 1 in the city ofktngyum on motion of mr rrent in amendment to a motion of mr anglen upon which the ayes and noes were the police com- assure the itevd gentleman that i am not a captious disputant or one that would condemn his opinions merely for the sake of conurtvciiuuf a notoriety fur in entering the list with into t would have everything in lose and nothing in pin cousd not the vicar general reil satisfied wilh his defence fifths warden from ih charts of inhumanity ivilhout enierin into on elaborate defence nf ihe physical imce doctrine if the wanlen hwl been guilty of ihe charges advanced against him then hi defence of the cat wmihl be in searon j but when he ii mf guilty an advocacy nf ihe force doctrine was to i t wtihvvftv lnlv iuiuc w u xy he btsl superfluous i am perfectly well aware that the walls of the pjoriuciiit penitentiary enclose indivi duals stained by the blackest crime on whom it may v imly aid ibe suuihine of happiness never yet dawned lo whom kind ness has been a stranger and whose heart has never yet bee touched by sorrow hnl i would ak are not those the very persons llinil need rmiiil treatment apply tbe lash to their hack each day in the year and you will not yon con of whip them into obedience what lo take one of those poor wretches whose fust step in crime was probably the few a very few words reardinx a friend of his a cousin i believe or somethin such- no matter what i cannot just now name hitn but shall eirdeavor to describe him aud his habitual conduct and h your patience and that tf yonr numerous readers will sland out until i do so i shall lw gmlcful and belter still i shdll ik brief ll nuty appear a lillle strange that i cannot name this individual when i frankly confers thai it has been my ool nr hid fortune to meet him in every part of canada my fool has trod in tbe cities in the towns in tbe villages and if last not lent often in these my na tive woods and ivilin this however will not wem so uiiaonuntjble when i tell wd that i have toiled hard lo avoid an inlimate rimoinlunc with tbo irit1leab inlimale acquaintance wilh the penlleman believing him lo be a dangerous and disaee- ahle fellow and like ihe yonng roan in pamrlpa hermit seldom round bidding vlieu where he had wed mlil he had twist ed tbe neck of some poor victim in return for hit accomodation did 1 say 1 conm describe him alas for rny temerity that i cannot nmlerfdke so varied are the guises and forms he appears in that the attempt would be something like ihe two travellers with the cameleon as they passed oer arabian wilds and to tell all hispranksashe passes oer these ourcaua- dinn wilds woubl be it tas of no ordinary magnitude i breathes there i mm dcad our joarnat with jiis attention not a mere newspaper which it isnoi hulas a paper rjkeo it was refened to emanalini from a boily of mcrcbanls oefplyf j interested in the trade of this province and animated with zealous desire lo promote that trade and dv elope the great resources of the j in which messrs anlen aud counter were province whether arlcullural lumbering j rintisal and in which by ihc way some very brief hut sensible remarks weie hut ihe pant veiefu m wtilrttehed at this moment over the hnich and iruh may not one day in h13fltfstttam of some wise design unknown to ube put forth for one chastisement where t cm vrc hope for relief if now reluctant in yielding succour m fainirhin felbw creattres who trembling have no pmpect before them but starvarion pestilential disease anu death were we to seeadogdyinc from theffecuofhungerome humane hand would fh he found to destroy y w never lo have pent one brief hour in try- result of distractinn of mind nr pesstreor lhe whv one flaunt irj circumstances aud cruelly mangle his manly rags and another flulters inkocacle is there indeed a man livrnc and in irftin- joyment of his reasoning reflective and sym palhctic faculties a kind and wise ciealorhas endowed us with who has never for n day form hecauc he rnay he either mornse or itiobedirni is cruelty refined can any one tell ihe maddening thoughts the hitter griefs that may rnd his bosom at contem plating iris crime and its dreadful consc- ruencet lie casts hts eyes around him and see with horror the frowning granite ibat shuts him out from the world and tclts himhei a tonvltt he looks it his fellow prisoners pale haggard antomatans to whom lie dare not unburlhen his penlnp grief they silently ihe ikir mile or admuister food for its rejtelljiim be is a camavfc he loots at bis covery shall we ihm hold hack while prison garb it tells him you area ronrirf and knowing tliat thousands of human beings are at ibis very hour in thesamc sad condition starving for want of foul dying of hunger the committee in gting elect to the im jkjrtanl tark they have undeilaken will not fail lo apply for aid to the brave defenders of our country those nolle fellows who stard unscathed before the cantons mouth feel with a womans hem i for ibe woes and distress of their fellow men and vttosoever waits nnoh ebem in the name of chuily will no be suf fered to leave their presoice in disappointment ssksjs 1 royal artillery hi fw in number bul the gallant 46lh spurred on by mining or manufacturing to the highest de gree that human energy and judgment aided by judicious lcgidatioii can accomplish such high designs in future numbers srr shall jo minutely into the subjects whicb we have new adverted to trwiting for we have great futli in lord klin taleiils ann determination that our zealous but tralnitous endeavours will he duly nuliced and will earn the full weight which they may be found entitled to and to con clude for ihe present in the language of hi excellency himself we shall then be tuntrrit with the only reward vc look for ihe consciousness that wc have contributed to the happiness and tvcluheingof our fellowmen mm i-t- tu i ii lu mjf tlr i sui0tt dtil wo ir the liberty f imceiinp ill jlliwinc exlrncl torn prevtal tetler nf a friend i iho flnmn i fri a mvhin cjjnly cnuirfpti rccurre durme itie enfc mid hmj irifm nf hie nl it on in lmihin anil cimscrich rrmtljipnaitc mr ithert licirn flxmt ds milea horn criefieb mr willinm ww iif liio 4lh cutiechin tif megilhvroy wr return- in frtin cwerieh in t aleieh nccninptiieo h- hr whiewrdimikcrporof tockrrmitb lriey were witling iidcby 4c wttirmn driving pamne univr tbo vqj ni in iho liliebtuf the turin t whitcford ii er1 the crick of a irre ara enuhl sbt if r- mil dctid irunk falling direeily totvrria thefn ii- hid jnii tln t escljiim wovo bnih rteaij inen ffhen it itoccnoefl optwi thpni eruh iog vviiion t doti rn whiteftd il k tii r jh ii by intmchvei irifkiojj ftwch i hi hooldr and nrm wi r- brnlwrt the innr w abnui til in diameter mr wtfton him lift a wiititw iiid five ywnc ehifalren ond w- himvelfin thtfpnnm kfh vipirof lift itirmim awful ifttuno f ibc utcrtam tvnuro bj which the aimiffcft boldlhimr htkt we hnoa not the daj njf llic iwfli twoxtq cunadttth zencmim ihe well i nown lihei alitt of their distinguished commander aud followiig the humane exam- le of his benevolent uiv will not forgcl ibat j cflnv a jare amount made by mr crawlord which led toiii final a mil sum from each mikes of mr sidney scobell silting thai the lit- fof lwr j coonineii a bjave man house is eiccled accordim to contract hiilin j nerons lln delaclimenl of the coruteqnence ol f certain etias not flitted i she iteu ihereforc ld no culofiy ami coutract praying for pnjrncnt of account amounting lo referred to committee on wharves and llaihorj of capt gunnnr victoria pire companv praying lor use of city mall free irf clinrge for iho purpose of ho wing soiree granted of capl oftord of great wcalem kire omjjiv praying for engine house nv action 01 most against certain persoiu de positing duilding maicrial licferrtd lo board of works lo report lhereon of parclay for leave to deposite build ing materials on comers of kin and clergy streets hefened to lkard ol woily 01 alderman counter praying for an en- quirj into his coidcl certain unjust allega tions having been cut lhereon whiu- muyor of ihe town thi gave rise lo a long debate when mr crawford rose and fettled that he thought it quite a lilly thing to take up the lime r the council about mrh frivolous matters it wm finally pnl an end to by mr ltoorlc moving seconded by- mr oha n nm ihm i to thjt ihc council buini nut coiueuc iu he in- finally the drilish tar wilh a shilling in his nrw is ever ready lo sarc it wilh a fellow creatine in want collections for the sime purpose will be taken up in the town i f kingston and storringlon and there uevery hope that other townships will follow ik example wc may now inconeiou be permitted to appeal to the churches the temple of ihe doily from whose levcrfl alters the promise of emlearing rewards b 0lrt l who avmnd the preceirj el their divine he- dvemer to clothe th wfltetp to fcod the litongry u in succour the fatiierjotis children witt tbe widow 0how wtile a field for rcapriig hue immortal rewards lies open before us ui poor impoverished ireland in the innceejuble wilds of scotland chris tian minister then lenil ynor aid and your ben ificcul master ill not fail to record the deed in heaven von miial have parlictpiled in my feelings tlcar whig n bdhtrldlnfl yesterdays meet ing iwo rlcpymn of ppiie uj the rot mi mitchji juopnonttdthercv mi while thus musing he hears the anry voice of a keeper calling him with threats to his work and when not immediately obeyed lifting high the lash to enforce his mandate oh cod in not this cruel are unfortunates to be thus treated in ihe nineteenth century ibis boasted age of civilization and lelincment 1 1 the use of he cat to find a champion in the priest of ihe sanctuary but ihc vicar general says that it is im possible todo away with ihe lash and at the same time preserve discipline and good order i firmly deny lhl the existence of the one does not depend upon the frequent use of ihc other bui how manage then simply by morel fvrc by kindeess by treating the a man with an immorlal soul not as n brute out then will such men listen to reason men whom the minuter of him whose darling attribute is mercy has branded wilh such unfeeling epilhets at i shall not mention them- wilt they hearken to the voice of kindness and love will ihe feeling man ners of a humane keeper have effect upon thero will ihe voice nt the minister of re ligion soothe their spirits yfc instances can he adduced from history where the most degraded and vicious have been conquered by repeated kindness the inmates of the provincial penitentiary abandoned though tbey be con be subjued by kiadnosi god image is not yet entirely effaced from their hearts conscience still works within pity pity it is that llic laili is iu ouly aurakener liul ihe vicar general is an advocate on a small scale of the moral force doclrine in ihe school under his management the birch is abolished aud pjoral force has usurped its place this is indeed an improvement would that nil schools were conducted likewise lint why deviate from this track and strike out a new one fm the penitentiary why ubolikh the uhof he lurch in schools as de- grailin to rhtldren and advocate its use on a mote eatemive scale la necesary lo disci pline meu if children stubborn wilful nml vhous can hciumucd by kimjnewhy mav havether inlroduced modircations in the se verity of their civil and ever criminal laws no where is this more clearly discernible han in the history of britain there the most dis- tinpiished he or any other nation can boast of having given birth lo have not only sacrificed fortunes of ihe most ample dimensions but even the tolls of a whole life time to soften ihe rikorsof stem justice lo enlarge ihe basis of our civil insliiutions to extend ihc fran chise to modify and consolidate the entire structure of our polity in a word to raise the great body of ibe people fiom mere serfs and born ihralls lo enjoy and appreciate the rights of fret men who may say that their toils have been in vain have ihey not trans mitted us such civil institution are tht wonder and envy of lh world yes as a whole fabric they arc unrivalled and why sol simply becauseexistiiievtsand defects have been oltcnssed with a freedom only to be found among britons yet prood of oor in stitutions as wc may well be we must admit that they are of human manufacture and like everything human ucepllhle of improve- meut justice tooo is or ouht to he the base- work of all law therefore hose are the best and most tobe sought after which secure this end with the least severity or oppression to any man or body of men in the stale arc not the poor and hard working the great ma jority of every country as well as of our own t aye truly many must earn their bread by the sweat of their brow ami in behalf of that huge majority i would gladly say a word ohl that it might he a word in season that it might find a response in lht bosom of every free and independent man who comes henceforth lo the polu thil lie mielit then and there xie his voice for him only who solemnly pledged himself lo give his best en deavors to carry ort such measures as would come home to and benefit the poor man ih bis every day life and that they mihl learn that it might he w wue if not wiser to fill our house ol legislative wisdom with those who really know the wants nnd requirement of the monywhoe pleasure and iiiterert it- would be to simplify onr jaws instead of pack ing parliament wilh ihoe whose prafissum anil interest it is to mistify and make confu sion doubly confused well all admit that the many laborsand all admit that fooor is wealth iniitnwuol and national wealth and surely of all the tbrms i nations wealth may boast of there is none- so purely her own so little depending on its conneion with other nations as its agricultu ral wealth this is real not imagirary wealth and lo the case of those engaged in ihe rudi ments of our canadian agricultural wealth that i would now confine myself although i hope that the case would apply to many others iu various professions yet i shall speal only nf those with whose circumstances and re quirements i ought lo be pretty familiar namely thr poor but i jriisnol uninteresting settlers of the new townships now if labor h wealth is not ibe mointennce of every idle member of the community an evident although it may he an indirect lax upon that community aye certainly it is so and if so ii il not wie and just in do what may be done lo ohlaiu a repeal of any law found di rectly or indirectly calculated to lessen iho quantity of labor pertormable hv the whole community con ihe mntl sktlnil mechanic hnibl a bowe without materials or tooj vet we have some thousands in cinadct who for waul of means to work in their ncens inured avocations tre not merely going idle hut worn still arc hurrying to a premature and awful nve hy ihe highway nf drunken ness and crime hnin and nurtured by want well said a worthy man poverty is no friend lo virtue alibi ay that is thin twenlyninlh day nf january and iiithivvoiu jhu7ll ytwv df january and in the year isvjj i inisl thcic are none so unlearned in the wicked ways of tins world at least in ihe good nnd fiee country of canada as not lo he aware that we have no protection oi protective clause in our laws which shields any worldly poods not even the most neceswiy loot from being mid at the instance of a creditor nay even in ibis township of sheffield i have seen that mot indispensable of au article the cradle mld at the huttend of a sheiilp writ nf execution anil can such laws emanate from the collective wisdom of canada a i present however i omit ihe case of me chanics and many others ciucjiy allotted by this narrow and shortsighted law and will- confine xitl to a consideration of ihe want and requirement of those among whom my lot has been cast and with whose cirenm- rtufltf i on-httohemoremlimatelyacqnaint- cd the inhabitants of the woodslhe poor yet i tubl ifitermiflg selllers of new ami unimproved townships in doing so i shall confine my remarks in what i really know regarding ry own location at the same tune forgotten his own wants jo looking wilh an j i believe my assertions will apply with equal eye of pity upon his suffering fellow creature- i fe to every new township from lke su- wbo has never halted in pursuit of his own j perior in the banks of ihe ottawa obterve individual desires ad asked himself are ufv new and thinly settled and compara- there no ways and means by which the pofr humble and degraded may be raised a tittle higher in thescale nf enjoyment hasevery means been tried in vain must ojipression and poverty he found ihe highway to crime until the world be no more must every thing stand just as it is until this world he no more must a few only ah how few be pertnilled to live as men while the great mass of this worlds inhabitants are doomed to drag out a cold and hopeless existence has a kind providence decreed it thus godforbtd lively uncleared townships hi contradistinc tion to those long settled and now shining in all ihe grandeur of fertile field and comfort able dwellings and in which lire those whoso daily career nnd modes of living are as differ ent from l hose nf new townships as those of aid neio townshtrs are from that of ihe rd mon who preceded ihem let me put ihe question fairly to every honel man amongst her majestys loyal canadian subject is there amonsr nf men lhan the socalled settler nore interesting diss of kino rrovuieicc oecrecd it thus uorf torbirj j mcn man ine socaueosettl how many schemes have been tried in vain j in irulh a more unsettled class to obtain ihe elevation o the wretched many to that most desirable degree of enjoyment we find a few have attained to have not some shewed more zeal than know ledge of human nature in chimoringso loudly for a community of this worlds good things i would this be a boon even could it be ob tained would it not prove itself a curse 1 would it not destroy insensibly those finer feelings by which a man is stimulated to indi vidual exertion and individual good conduct in behalf of those who look to him above for pro tection what has owen and other such socialists produced in their boasted institutions of community of interest simply these anarchy and eonfumiut and such must ever be ihe fruits while men are men far far surely be it from me tn think for one moment of stripping the rich of their wealth to enrich even the poorest ihhf would be more of a charily than a bounty to the re ceiver and this would frustrate ihe ends 1 propose to myself for their especial good no coil knows my sincerity when i declare lhal i luve no wish to dri down the affluent and omfortablc to a level wilh the poor and de graded hut that i would dug the miserable many up to a level with the comfortable few and that lobe in the smallest decree instru mental in forwarding so cherishded a work would afford me more real and undying satis faction lhan lo have my humble name enrolled among the princes of the earth and how is this lo he ilone how are ibe many to be elevated without dragging down those already raised by enlarging the pc rtehtal m which all sland the pedestal of our civic institutions im the gift within such distance of the object of your rood intcn- lions that wilh moderate exertion he may reach it himself and you thereby double yonr boon a hundred fold over a mere charily charily humbles and degrades the recipient in is own eyes while ihe pood you have alford and is there a more tem- iestlood and wralherbealen in the laud z is there mother body of men who reap so little for their own individual enjoyments in life and yel bequeath so much real and sub stantial wealth to generations yet unborn are ihey not the thousand and one dmnicl lioons of our forests where would he your fine old fields where ibe farmbouse the farmyard am tbe blooming orchard but for the toils ami pains of the poor settler surely wc owe them much and they have made canada what canada is one of the finest de pendencies of tbe british crown in vain f now look aronndme for the faces of those who but a few years aguj with mystify wilh light yet determined hearts and slron army lo make a home by usurping the aeaii so ion- occupied by the wooden monarch of the htnd where are now to he heard the cheerful sound of their axes where their merry laugh where alas few few indeed are now found reaping ihe fruits of their early toils and trials on the very spots then tnaiked out as a future homelh rough weal illue d for his retching out hia own arm for il has ihe quality of mercy in it it bloss- cth bolh the giver aud the receiver wise jut and liberal institutions roise nnd dignify charily never has and never cuii do o i believe it will bo readily conceded that f need were woe truly in lliem scripture verified and ihe place thai knew them but a few days ago knows thtmtnot even now and what is ihe cause where have they gone i has instability of mirposo been ihe cause has that insatiable thirst of change so unjustly charged upon them been the cause of this strange migration or here they been swept down the greet steim of time wilh more than wonted rapidity hy tbo iron grip ol disease no neither of theso cases ha mwlitced so undecirahle n result at lo the latter thanks to a bountiful giver wc enjoy a very healthy climate notwith standing our very cold and very ho days no iu canada we have onry lo complain of those things man hu rea m j ind m regards want of liability in following up resolution once loiuicd wintoclhcbeauiifjlovoofta which have once borne the cheriihed name o home i trost to receive due credit when t say that few r can bo fonml who have quilted their tint homes and did not cnsl ninny i longing lingering look behind whore in the man or woman to be found leaving without a murmur iho poll where of oil others they huvuminpd ihe inut unny hopes of thu lu- turcin tho first ihanly and in thoirftratcljtii- jml m iiroportion as all njtioua advance m nice thru ihty hovo futnlly dreamcrtol knowledge icfincrncht and woailh so certdin and toiled lor ihc diy when the little and