British Whig (Kingston, ON1834), February 19, 1847, p. 3

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mink rlfltratfrv p a irw nrtr wmilj iielraiis- intmrit ililfl tnli tint wvll c1twftlrd fatal wlim the hummr hahty vmli lwffihcrd by tin ftaims tuirk r 1imii dwelling wlmh lirtlrr limn nil ihr hwttrjm tirkl iuml wmilj hi irihfii ly a fip nimplr rilil nf mil aye jjtrnt awl miihiv are thi tliy roif f llu young hiithuul ami wife rlnwn nit ui piinelv for iliii it wnrie ihty a lliey it lthtv o mw- i jiii i wl mum fill ill 15 in their irw atliiti to n much n llif eflr i yrbftl i th mim he a power fill ami impelling ean in induce mrn in leave hjplwilrrfor hif wnre lo forego the rnimnnnioii m their lellovv men ami plmio ihenwlvc farther into til ildik ahyss nf ilic hnwlin- wihrrnit i believe ilic real caue b that nhtaily alhninl te wanl nf a jtirt anil necessary protection in law lor wherwitli o labor far hirnrlf individually u inontalry lor ilic whole comnumily of which he i a member iv illustrate this jwl more clearly pray urn fr a moment to hie minnl circiimslaiic under which ttttarj- scrrn it n hundred settlement ate mtilt and it will he very apparent how many suffer liy ihc want of any l covering in the day f trial to the wcallhystayal hne inhabilauu or cily of town it would he ililfirrdt to iaiii cr were i to ell how limited are ilic mean iiu in turnin our owwlitti lerwl into what may be properly drnated canada mfvt lnote at hip catalogue of ao ordinarily ciirnforlame eltjrf nod anil t hatmes there we have fiif cow or two his small flock of hrisny half a ilosin a pic or two a lew sves and irin cbiicij it may be his potash kettle and ennj- erj and lo close all a small mock of provl moti and ihc jmlkpf iimiiic yke of oven now it must hehaine in mind that neatly two years mut pas before a crop from a new set tlement can be obtained need itfnrnrite arv man that most settlers require help to live and ttceji up their improvement until help can be hal fiom their own labors f do they not re- ii ire a renewal of implement do they hol require clolhin and work from the hiemaker the hlacksmiih ic- c and do thiy not require sertl to sow to put in their first cleared field ye they must of necessity co into debt whaietse fjtn they do stand still u impossible and need it he told that most mensce thins a little brighter in prospectus 1han in actual enjutinent t cm it surprise us lo know otal the set day of reckoning huiic en with sach imt ttriars that the poor ovmor is caught vappm how manr are the cau- ahits which wav prevent him from redeeming hi promise his ashes of which he i lo realise the first dollae from his farm may hfl washed away in a itiit his kettle may burst on the very act ofmelm his c top his jirst crop may he bfasted or his own be killed by ilic fjltiujjof a trceor hut why krton ibui taebet laid svheme o the poorwoodsnau pi as often aee- o lhoe i any iamiu or man and what lias he 4t wm soirotv and want some few among his erkiur more needy mnrctefjy or oiore timorous umu the vultttt have lafcei the alarm iheir claim ha not been inel ai inaiurity their debtor i a vilbin amd iniist e hunted down society must he relieved from such a mnrmr nnd forthwith hs rfim are melted by the hit and ery tiey are fjii l on hts track an 1 he mint h run down lit is now puihe hmicrly an i he may be set qvn z a mined tmuo- and why t ate earb and every one nf hi crvmtor such unfeeling and cruel men as to he void of every manly and cueims feeling are there none ektflkmi leirf air pinjt audreys to lord rloiv kkom the midland district from tht lltrutd atn mettitiirjof the mbnhiunlaof the midland itftfidl held ut mill creek nn nturdav dmi 13lh ii called by rtyuiiuion li uic shedtt faf mie litiriifwe f udptii- n addreof conimttjlalim ro ilia rxcalkocy c brl of clfio on lfiunivl ut thin lrovnce ueiiry smith jttfl ev seroodrd by mr tlrorijc uvbmer mfvid ihu hie sheriff uae iih cthiir it wi moved in amrnhmpht by tjrtm jck- mattmmdodby mr a tww imi john b vlarkr eq- wadi uf hie j be chair itmm thramrrdwnl hxvm hceo pu lo the meeting itenfemm tfa efa m p 1 decided it tv im enrtied itl4fcd by henry sjiiiii bfb seeotujcd by s 0 merrill j tiul sidney wamer kq be snonrtmj car licet llir owrmin furctnctly eapmnh the object fr which iho hkriimij wji comvcmil miiicii hy ijeojdmin sevmouf eq icooodcd by mr a timivio itiit o adfireof runztatirftii he prevented hv ih- krrehtden nf ihc alidund district m hu kllency the erl f klio ojxin his nsumption l ihit gufrmftcni lf cktuv turricd mnvel hy kennetji mcxcujic biq tcconilcd hy mr iliis rjrecr tlwl the fallowing jentlcmcti form a cttimiiiee to drifi id a fid re vii mcw mbrkefirtr smilli ivjjh ii lipr cnt jicksfu dr ik- i ii ai j is ulsr and pr jefk crnet the coojnntllukj imviirl rciired fr i few mio ulcs returned and rrportcd uie ullown addrcr uheh wii dunud viz audbbs fk his exeery tu ffiar ifonormt jlsktf jffur e elgin qttt kwcitfdtne goxtfttot gtftt ivl of bttith north auriri and c pro in il j ii- ft vw u thtrfi in rd trtti the jvocarcefl of cavda aoco satta 4 rttiwttl ac fe ilctscy ii the exertion parr ni t he nd hi vrl tiulvlieie them eapahle uf aupec tile honest mi and the kind none willing tu step in ami e hand to te drowning man in douht are aomu hi credilori tme who feel keeuh and would act cenrnmisly fu birr but alas they dare not ihev esinnuc with nafely i themeluik or with henefil to j 1 m l tm h htr tenant t bj timslfl a he he a bnwt jj man run lie it m f il iain ortlitte in hi hamu m rtiablo him m plough mil miw and reap am finallv ny eveiy man hi duet who vi1d ha hene- riled i ihedehlm f ni nor hi kind creditor lor iv t nauer iran tie done o than the mk callimi and unfeejiuaimliiciedimr wuld iiuh on him und scatter the whole lo the fom winds of heaven and ill forlitlleo nothing river t vet each thils he may without nny uubinil uriijim his drhior sen in and divide as far as it fiff his all with his other creditor and dors ihit system hy which thousands and thmtmih of indijtirinusdebtir are riflpprj in their valuahle lanrs yearly henejiial lo their creditors t lo ihev receive n dollar in every tmiiid ft am ilie wle mu- fotluue it tstohieak through the ice ihtfil ate their pods not hahitually iiraed to the fron tier townships over toadi utile better than the notorious hrush path of the ltifev mnuri- taiik and there mm for a vety hill v very tnjb canada is not prmvrhmlly fliish jit ready money and in the very oldest town e itnhins himtf wiitim ami fair max it plek voun exec yvc ibr myty ciiihful ilijet the iohab tints of uie midhiid drul in public meetio iicmmed hex to exmvej to your excellency the exprcmmmi of ynt nintt kinecro 4nd tttatty con uruuuiimi no your arrival in the piovmceor ci- inuiattbd on yoor anoiptin of ih becrnmnf wo feel yatijil that m eonfeirloj ihab cwicd ippinlncnl on ynur exeecrey our heltvcd sovereign clt iiwirt d out she could not ioro ctfrc tu imy pmmoeu the hipfmnr mnd nrnvrtcritv of the inlrbt1fit nf canada nd wc hutc every confi ilcncc thni ynur excellency will so administer hie uivrnmcnla- to cairy ooi to the fullest extent trie inttmtimit which goidcd hit majrmy inetceu iuxyoti for poiuapfrrjut irau hy emlcvmin vm uie ntmoftttjf youronermlienerit her rolnvei and hy fiieeinf und encnurnins nil metokurrrf tending i create ut increase ilic rcourccu of this tine country it waiddbeouf of pbccnnthr present nccasitn peeify ihiw mmurr in which the province in ifvmfel and lltht uixtriet in particular i ntnre itjomdijtcly inlcrcmcd hot wc may ocrlnp- u tluirti express our hofim hi tt wjicn uie itnjkir- i y ri a i- intctojl imnrrivcmttji ifimtlcr umidt f ihc oeceily r coimeeiirtt ii ivadeof tlio rtvur cjitawa with the cajtiinl of our ijouftvtuv he ibfthitnai of mhia pobhe ivnd to iv ntt a it ka huherio uen be overloukcd thumiihi4ftndin2 the ipenin speech uf the tsircmv from whieh we laid rtmiq to hrlicec thai ilt rnxiier wjtd ere now hate been biought nmttfflta ufiiiee of te lecialnture in this hmvcfeti in ll hiiiichiucelc4 wish hm- uuuruvciuent of the country we uxdc with rihifidciicc to vour execltcncv cordial cttnptm mjt ioistoiee when yw slutl lnve uude yiurmdf permkimll v aeruaiiied with it norve winch may lie considered to bi expedient in render ihutl avniliiidtiio ihe ikllwutl llnh ntuj we fer- eeittlv pm thai li neti rm mis may lhriuh ihe hmlf nfttie ahuihty tie crowned will i fcnecrsf mt i ynur iicellvncy inny have the pfvvd ml- utimii f imjulio- in hic nrlifvmf nilccimm it i ywir adinimimralioo i histctvd those fecluif u tvally nod atlaehmcnl lo our liclovcd jrrn lreh we int will never tic uwnt from nny c rnilin lue4 well hw tiomiitcd ftttr ikupjimeai o 1 pro ruy rurr4imii wdih wit lnt twiini huetyrmrowii ivmiffrt and ihnlof loly kljvi tflilp it may pkbm prvidencu lo dirtel your rtftereioiifrf w- mof ed by tuor urcer li seconded by cjpi shtwrrh hint jxlm b mlic go benjauiin seymour iq nd cjn jaekvon lorui it dajuiii u tn4imt the addf mnvjd m nmcodmenti hy mr chirlcw frntei pcetviilod hv lr sicwarl of uitli pbllx it marh ii ji oiilh l p tmiid ucnjunin seymour eiq m v li irt i id drpu1iiii iil io h i l l1ii- 11 bf mr jjlij u mcoidcd hy mr jijoi unfit- v l1ial j li murk is proceed al4tc prtxent ihc addi- the htm ftntnldmftti imvim bettl potndijmiic ift- wfien jlin ashuliiw kw nd vpham himff ktq wenr xppiioted tullen to dccidr t m ikcf mid ii which tiny dtd bt ctotf id mwted by k sjijchh lh srvinu and dcclarvd the mackemie ec iijjcodoicut tcctmitcd jackiin m th witrdeu isivb ihn chile banbomuad nnd that hiereto jrried alihi even jenr of n money i cen l iin htmwtf ilomelhii of a uftjh task to t hid far the hnrnely stufof the poor settle never intended for any place more refined than hi own shanty and as to raising from thai in which must of his wealth tered and foi which lm of hi liabilities nave heen meurred hnvclvaranee why that is ill hut valueless at ihe hamiuer thit rnnnot be dra- ped to market at any cot and while such i the return honest creditors receive in lieu of the expected payments what is the now hoitet debtor doin is he oin oi with his cr cultural labors 1 he defending his family from the biting mavis of winter or th yet more biting taunt of the cold world 1 he now ame to contribute his share lu forwarding the interests of his neighborhood j fs he in circumstancce to alfrd his children the henefit of even a very limited education no he is doing neither of these thing and why simply because he has nothing with which to labor or miinuin hi standing and responsi bilities of a mon he is a proscribed man where are now his seed grain bi chains axes cows and pig and where arc now his men dear to him as the arabian eouiier to his master alas like the occupation that was othellos they are gone will any man con tend that tbii is an enviable slate of things are not bulh creditors and debtors daily receiv ing incalculable injury from the want of a law protecting every man in a certain amount ol good and chattels to vary in amount in ac cordance with hi profession or trade would not our improvements be much accelerated would it not savai many a worthy man frum mivdtiv k mackeuitc q ueottded lift ifchmw imi ih ikinltfiiif the meet in be ivcn lo j b mttrkk krj- for hisabtc andhnurtial conduct n the chair t sl f jb- marks 6tairmtfu siuney warxbr the drunkard ivild it nut aye regain amon us many a loyal subject aye indeed man slrint of every ihin with which tr help himself is a very w retch and in nice case out of every ten his life soon shews that this is his own estimate he forms uf himself he is treated wc any villain and finally he becomes otie would to god our legislators would spend but half as much time and labor in con 5ideririg how the great body of the community tniht h benefited and much misery and crime averted as in surrini upn subjects of m- fjouttijfy and irrctponsibuitu which f act do not uudtustand and in which the ptoylt do net feci nnjch interest the smile nf ihe proud my dear vvfa lj- ie will be on my head endeavor to i would like e the first of prinmsv but if ibis my humble but houeu good lo the many and that the few but i must submit memombie lady rather b peasants than the lsl of sucb there he co mult him welt hut white you do mark him well too mark him for anyth save and except a canadian sheffield frb 17 i16 rot do there is a rumour in town today that a coalition ministry is on the eve of formal inn in munltttlj of which mr- hintks is to he a member we simply notice the rumour to expose its absurdity in the first place it can not be supposed thai he new governor ge neral who is hardly warm in his nest would proceed in a change of miuistry ignorant as he must yet be of the state of parlies in the province and of public feeling as regards the proper and most eligible men to he elevated to the rank of ministers in the next we cannot believe that mr- hincks will be amon the next raised lo power as executive coun cillors the gentlemen in question certainly possesses peculiar talents most prominent ot which is his hateful and pernicious love of propagating religion and national prejudices hut he is a mere adventurer poisosiog no stake in the country entitling him to the hih position to which he aspires in which mis chance once placed him and from which the iound judgment of an outraged people ouslcd him mr hmcks certainly claimed to be quali fied for election as a member of the provincial assembly t but he is not the description of man to make minister we want men responsible because of their means and consequently independent possessing latent unquestiona bly but not bread and butter politicians- not trariorssolcly upon the foibles and pre judices of their fellow men canada requires the serviees of men of a far different stamp as we have already said we cannot believe that any movement of the nature spoken of has dma made quebec mercury note we have couied the above fur the pur pose of remarking on it mr hincks is termed m adventurer let us see how he merits such an appellation he is of genteel irish birth and parcjiuiie has been resident in canada 15 years filling ihe virions stations of mer chant bank cashier aud newspaper pub- mckarlane like to be called u an adventurer in fact how would any old countryman vhm left his home for a british colony like ri hr hi styled mr hinchs bein a di4reenbl manh nor- uou why he should be mid- iyrded vrvalome i oree hi weiubv evniiifl the cnuute n cjthcrtcive a lull at daleys hotel card wereiued fat about hundred and not less than live hundred and eighty pernnv availed themselves other ladyships invitation ainom whom were all the eftfe of the wealth fishiou aud iwauty of montical the coinpai p began lo arrive about nine oclock and were received hy lady cathcan in the drawinroou the band of the rifle ltriiade under the direction of mr schallehn nd a quadiirle baud under the direction of mr majtie pcifurrned during ihe evening and daucinx wjs kept up with much spirit until nearly four oclock a new set of polkas composed by mi schallehn and de dicated to lady cathcarl were much admired the supperrooms which exhibited a scene of dazzling piofiimoii were thrown open about one oclock and the excellent taic dispayed in all the arrangements reflected the highest credit upon mr daley and was the theme of general admiration his excellency the eari of elin and suite and all the beads of dcpaitmenu and principal personages both civil and military were pre- knti the company retired much pltmrd with the urbjuily of ihe noble hotesa we had pre pared a list of those present and a portion of it was in type hut wc were unavoidably compelled to postpone it unlit our next publ cation cntatffe commercial iflaftt hak of sttwrtt chtks wwks jstwn rrhmv skihpenrl x1 ovlock iv ill iks dd inrtm lf iliiilh sri-n- lu- stun llijif imut aih beaver t kwj bales white waddin 1000 pieces room par willi a variety uf other rti fflllifl ware ivb 10 to carpenters and guilders sealed tenders w iiinil thursday th imlt fthf cftrfaaers wtxonf ilhfl teres work further particulurs mav le lt1 on ippli cation to thn csubse wl plans nnd sneciliraiinn rtffl ft sf edward horsey ft rock street kingion feb ifjrh isl zt bawcrri hmuxixk tnc jmwrynnm ber of ibis verv uinuin uod mmrufiivr mufilhly im nude ils appprjoee on ur trtble- trn mdiisinc is the only one in wrttcrn l ti mid in our opinion it is n credit lo it nnd its pri jeetor the hfticlts which have fntin lime tninne hpicred in it ore of ihe highcl irdcraiihin i lilt brjf a cummin esq w141m be oredtible tunny of um old cu iirv hardline uod the writm of cinnu which frrquenilv adorn its pcci re r sleffinf rwrrl htmcii mine of ihr first wrileesintb pwincuctihljliy contribute to it tlyittm t ct axpats or tui lk pcvt a letter fmm parii published in the new york courier des tilst unit of the 6lh inunt ny ihut the attmnteme ni i- is by mf honcceeded uiby rs nd uribe but defenletl by messrs outety nnd lef- fiudi ii been nitiried by the flriliith and t ten h government and iful iirdrn hiv brcu eit to messrs j and i ciirry it intu ertcel arrivals il ihc urliuh amcnran haul feb 13th mroi mrxumiuiniandioo am hervi 11 j i j air strrel ilroekville w t arehi tntil dickenvins ljndm ik macmirtin a tjmirti kfiii o kiin mr witaft bsvaiml mr ictchds mr a riehrd itxikviirc mr uie mjkradclirt nnd lidy s msm r-tdclft- mr fowler huh and fjuiily amiltt idand mr kltncf tunmlo mr j- wioun btoit mr mcmalao belleville h senuour mp voh mr ii walker aahvtsi mmd ih i tiilmntje new itofkl mr kininn mirnrr mr r clark sockets iirhr mr u wulace peterboro c mnorilleitnd hdv- j ilk mrjijirmoii newynrki mrami- mat mimtrcdl iter cliaf leu hennessv hakfill f b mr fh4imn montreal mr 1nnvlv knpaiwr mrtrllfr lecflevkre mr ittorunee mnnuejl mr rwm myuwn h ii km hamdmn w k utckitwn trcwlt mr crawford bieei treat j j u hilor qisebefl x hmiuuid dytnwji mr munnrmd mr and mrn levinjlnii cjurte fdnnd mr masjj tnd 2 duiiluerx mr itchlcy mrcrrwhn muaillensliaw ivatcftrnva n yi mr sums mm huphnd uueai slisa felt r kyetc ivlhraui rutidojt j l ititvlmi j- a sniilba ivvtvr- lith mr maeueelimvcihurf li if ilniwn and ladvi mint lmii utttj lufdic lvtrt itswrtijj 1 tlnvve cwiw ylvai dm wtfejlowih tgth mr miaiter fmireal ik f rizt wannnwni r briawiiillr s i hikre b s ttoliun- j b ltv smheta if tbr mr lthuton hvioan j- i dnnti iwtcr j t 1 j dode wml ukdwhi mi itowitar mm lleekmch mim udv miss iittk sjektla uurtor irhw wrau moiai v wsjufy t s ftulnn amtx wlliaw kfcotd w ir smith dumri lvv j d miller mr ihitiie ivtwi mr fntrmld tclh mr b ilaldm ivjlvilk j mr mepe quebec lmel aai loodnn c w mr clarfi alimtraal x k uucharnn bmatftrd mr sjtkmlj rrounj mr fiiactbbim ityiywn w m savo xew yirk mr wtd mm ram llauovdlet mr e uiiuson virgil 6ft aou di bxfueik at a it n i bd at collvimc nstthn ifith t05ibr the rev j wilvto lirr w uwkv keeou1 win nf huh iton b01jiectpliirj ii m4m regiment t manv ax aeennd lutijhtaraf j l cusier esq nf tlmauivo pbce important sale or forwarding stock 1xtill be sold by l autfiun h on thursday w bsih lav of feutuary iii a forwarding stocft belonging io the uie firm nf milliard fle walker m mmm nod r walker jones f kinmino onsisiin of three stramhoats and thirteen baroes with the ckatlem of two sieamb a ll lease of ilie siure houses wbarf ai kingsinn this siock is neaily all new nnd the most efficient of any in lie trade deiilb capable o irannputiing fifty tlmusand bute in of flour per inntli from kingston to montreal for fa it her parliffiila apply to mewrgllmour co- hireal tames a walker kingston or 10 l hilliard sale at one oclock pm at ihe storef lh late finn fhilliard walker canal ni montreal february ia is47 dissolution of gopartnership raihe copartnership hereto- fore ckuiiii at muittivnl itndet ihe name ami slyla of hilliard walker and at kingston c w undir the iiamt and flylfl uf jones walkek rarrying mi lnainehs at forwarders havine ncniiwl by limitation in now dissolved the bthineti at mnnirvali will lc wound uji by ionson hilliard and at kingston by james a walker jonsox hilliard iames a walker by his attorney hilliard montreal 9th ftdiv is47 flks flrs rjr4i w victoria fike company under tfrr pttttwugt of fls wtttshnt the may oil the nlwvn cnmipdny imntl uivinj aiolklie in uw 01 tv haul on thurxrhhj boenitvt stft iuhnl ptflhtf iuatliillo band will he in tt- rortdiintre- ibo9 upcn m halfpart nfivtn tirkctk 2st bj- rncli to le had at the llnlisli americbn linn- chronicltf ci jzttte itonk ritfffvi n palmer w j martin t willing h iumblr 0 tninn or viy m ihtt pomfnitc kingston tvbumry 19ili 1si7 to teachriti of common schools iiie mmiiiipd cuuncil of lh mid- ijiiiii uirttiict hove conslilthej ihu sclioil in ihe villfttl of nvwimrgh ir the toivhship of nmdcii eut lu bo a d1stui0t model school at which giutiiitoiu instruitiiiti mull he tflturded to alt tcachcrt of comimm schools witliituthe district during tuieb iorird and umlur mich u as hit uittrict suoliintenrjent may direct- 1 would pcuiciilnrly recommend ih young ladies who have been or who intern lo become teaclirr avail ihem- iclves of thiaopjhjrtiinny in onlcr ilift tliey miy b coaificd to tench the various braoches required iu common schools john strach41v superintendent c s- mid dhl p s persons wishing to ee ine will always tind mat my place of resi deoco on saturdays j s all mrn piper q civ3 bnwiimk valuable real estate for sale in order to clinic raarlnrrliip ar- coimts the suhserilwrn have rwhv- ird instninions to nlerr for sale hy pub lic auction t ihairflllm in mm- ircal on thursday ihe 25ili iimj of rebruary next unless winer ifi posed of hy private mi9j the whole of llml wellknown property at gan- axoque belonyinc rn meri c- j mmoxald st co ui tvhith rre comprised ihe gananoule mills and naii wokks together with the mill itusnte nnd atfiti powin of onehalf the river gananoqne onc thtiwakft five htx drim aohcs ov land njiniiig indud- ii ihe village plot and threa hundred arm under improvement as a fahm with baiins siicus uiul every neceary con venienre full particular may l leanicil no ap plication eithei ktsonally or by loiter in ihe proprietor en llw premises ao itndoubtetl title will he given ivrm at pavuicin wis be inde known on lit dftyilfidv- 0- alc at tw k lv r ovioek noon perrin rocku arci jjwtiineei aroiireal feb v7 mttmaaaawki if ii hltj mid r4jw of printing ink xeu jou jsf huuk jtmthm ulflte jnd tnw mitb tmy tiir fcwiituy i lth7 3m ihrr atlirncum mill creek cloth factory the subscriber ftp1 fully returns thanks to hu liicndst and the public pcnimahy iw the iltaiun he hun icccivcd silica iju fulling mill amd carriiry ifsachene llav been in operation arid le3 leavi in inform tfatthi thai eiicouruged by ihf luiiiiesnlit liu intmfletml in ihc ubov tine he i how prepared to rnuimence the itldtittclatlir f all kind of country cuittls svttixkts ami bopei by the pains he intend to hiki to enoiu the coulinnedpatroiisgr oftho public joshua dcx1th- kwoolcj purchased or laktfii in ezciiuga fur ci0m1 mill creek january 11137 4tl wanted i ooo rusllelspmatow i vwu 5qq hmbrfi pracr r which ihe mtkil price will be pa it in fjih on delivery a ihu provincial pentlen- liarr thomas iicndry co kingion ieb 9h 1817 atheneum d13pen8ary tiir uflrfflitwivf iv flitirftrwnflfcipifcui sutanbrr lit ihi 6j j p j f nvr li- ue n uirpf ury dm- m k mf brother mi ihiftrit biri nndr whoot wpcnntcndenci our ry urn ilm4 in it wm f t 0pma1 wlo ma m tuttut fc ttc hn whojo liiiiuv u i duiu a fail tlic public may u fglly jrrd it phy qttm pfeaopbnna i ill li n piapj mlm will be rrruiry duptiu by mr roi barker and tlmt twry drtt i xcoiemt pw cliacd ol hmi ml lc rvlicd mi 4 grnutn kowabdjujin darjilir athexeum d1spensaky dkug store bagot street kingston robert barker rbspec lubaliil tpully frog kavoui irtuvtn ute koiiftii mid iu virinitt dw haviu ifchufd iik- sirck 1 on wc k4tab1lfimeni ut hia btmlicr i paibcr hrj cniinoo oio jiuj i- in iho nkl ktatncli tnd impc ltut by u evo aticfiiioniqihc uuinc l mtui h coniinottitc ut tlicii- 1 v k u- winjld bi tt kuta lint hati ucu nearly twenty yraia cord in the umms drraiitiicst oic prhviaini hftd he hiwic ffy my uin hifii tr 1 i r cnrful prtpuntioji of irocoptivna li uccipoa aiiin the stock l winch vf renewed ust fall will l fniiij j1 hioditrcm umjlly kept tl a it- spanish float indigo madder dye woods c ytlcby r nrkrn allicncum diaucraurv c dm store begot siml cbnuink dears urease old brown- windsor soap and genuine english pekplmkry for sjeby r barker i 11 lfwcoaary l drue stofe bpt street information wanted of eliza ann daughter of jutfkrii anil sarah mcliuitnry wtio was put out in sunrtcr by bcr mother till ale vould come of age u homo jifrsuii at or near the kay of fuinie in the year 1s3j or 35 tliis is in inform iter that iwr father has pro vitlnl bit hfr fifty poundu which he tan have hy ruining lu l ontario county n y in may nuxt- for fur ther particulars should 1i1u meet her eyc she can euqmo hy luttei of lit r uncle itunr- ftlcguiimky rwidciic uf the ahove named daco joseph mcburney riwlp fjb aiij ist7 1011 amiminrfj ii auival of m lie citv of new ou render ihe j- c b1avbk dealer and tanciu for ito raiinai mqrltjtt 7 euw iim nomcri 11 he intkiuli r ami s jim 11 1a fur she ur f every jtw 00 mi wnii u fuciliries itcad llii ftilltiuin volmilarv i r i- ta its balsam fmm he kmdahwk n y sentiikl jiiiod july 31 1s45 hope never die pic fxliufijitiary vitluea uf viur4 cntum of wild ijttrfiv 111 tit cure of jtultimnary cnni nlaifita fuve tiecii fttlcrtcd tr mmv prrv llui lie who dutibu ita rrtipao niut lie in iruth a very tcqni a iemvkirjccuref conunnptim ua racenilv been clfccwilhy llii rmdicittc in ihe intvn f hliuiii in f mity and wfuoh ji related to ua hy dr hitm kan eminent lrfirucian rtf tfiii mivit 10 wbotn wc have pctnimdn lo refer a vwi liily t 1 1 1 hnd l uuet under nn nf feciitm of the lnn anil who uad ncca under tic j of rercral ily 1 1 without cvptirwncin nny relief ivn cinaidercd by hf iriund na beyond ihc reach ot medicine und ic wn informed hy iter medical miwidant uut uie mut d all her nwn prcnoniihiii bui riimed in the ijraviv kfrtonitrly was induced toatfhl to the km ri unoiitorc tw a boillo nf wistars balsam of wild cherry t a tail rriort in hprciilienl vilatron beffc ita contboti were eiljaumcd tbc youn udy expcit- rnecd pjri rehef and twi lenrc bnilcj were oe ceiaivily pfocsfd nnd dminivtcred she i nnv thppr in the rmiamitmi nf itenlth and blctara the day when jie firtt rcfoited lo iho uvc of ihta hear ing balcnu ktn i 1 i 1 unlcw alined i bu1ts on ihe mtpfmtf 1 mr mvu inform flttulb and deatrh ii t loinvn iiurink the win jin iltti protiftccl f caiu iwe of purehtaing fui cniituin itsiootneewwry ioffh mr imnyer will c tbtt np nahltw vaixi pok km bit i ww and krfwleilae nl ihe wp jj ul europf ennhlch him t- tini- othnr numei rv ale mj h other dealcra donletf lvny any hell will do well to idtliv ar ri cufjotksuimwxk h lo canada wmi rulillg pxv r each oiticle on hand v wlil m with due attention toronto january 29 1s17 n b mr mayers ftdmm arc cmirtdy on his own acc cnnncrlion with any ioi line of business wjthaut injuring j luher and yet he is called an adventurer lvv oij country men are safe from the sneers of aqch peojile as the writer of the quebec 1 r v- fir hnck is an ill tempered man anj mark him nyou sec li of m ure gulated mind making personal enemies by his wretcked temper but it is the highest ol arrogance and impudence o call him u an adventurer since the above note was written per ceived the same offensive appellation has been endorsed by the chronicle ic gazette by ib rcnibicilion without remark how would mr general meeting or tiik medical faculty of canada west the provisional cnmmilteo aive notice rhnta general meet- ingof th faculty of canada west will be hold in the grand jury room court house toronto on thurs day the 4h marrt proximo at one ociock m foriho purpose of receiving the proposed drait of a bill having fr its iihject the ro incorporation of the faculty of canada west into a college of physician and sitngeora c widmer prtsidait george r- grassett secretary toronto feb 13 1sv7 15 2i notice e juftl clnims actnt the ol cott are requesteil to hand ibun in at soon as the krst itf march and all that ireimlelited to the estate arc requested to make uijl- payment to john collar a tin lawhriwi kiu pb 1 l ulni ixvallabij family com panion till iutr caliue rrbvallllw and enre of orismnpiion aunia disevsti ol on mint on lic lnwi ot longevity nnd miflr nl rvsrrviug mala and female health i viiimrtfy and duality exjiiiiig caue ind 1 cut of lhae diseasr that produce con mlrjillieti or shorten life a affection of the skin sotnstomarh itdwels ks-jinvs- liver tviufiiut ime tinvel anil fctnalo com- plutnua ih rule tmy practical nnd wre innn a guide to uffucl hcilh and lnn life j engravins 50 rent porivje kelt hysamufx sheldon fitch a m m u nl 707 bimadwn new yrk fj any penniii remiuin- fihy ctntfj irce will receive imic mjiy by uuii lu any part tin iraile iudied- btp for sale aa acrksof land eoathalf vd lot 31 in ihe 4ili cmi- ceflsioo iitishurgh jo mile fmm kins toti aoply to mccaatht lasler blacksmith pruvincia peniten tiury iliitmouth feb 31517 131m 11 and butlft in this vhl havi estate of the late burmmtn whereas apeti fjakcw wilmam siiitih of rowir- slip of kingston in the urict gndtmdf having been ilc llttt in swlvent court fcr the ibi ih0n and the interim order or pwrtttou fim proem having been gi w imttid fratiija william dmiih t fl visions of an actor lrf paiiamentor this province liumd in eighth year of the reiser- of hor majesty queen vicroria entilled an a eir the relief of inaolvont debtors in upper canada and for other purpiihrrttlrciii mtunon- cd the aid francis wdliaio siniih hereby rrjuircd uj appear court before stnffiftd f kirkpatiiek kuire judge of the district court l and fir the midland dntiict acting fho matter of the said petition tl wednes day the third tiny of march nextat qimn preciiuty at the cham heid of the said judge til w ttid diftrici cutiit afuread at the liewi hottm in the city of kitigatmi for ihe purpose of being then and ihvre examined touching hin dolus esttiie and effects and to h further dealt with according lo the provisions of the aiaid act ah pwanra induhted to the raid plwtqu william smith orwho liovn anv ofha elvectaaro not to pay or deliver the mime hutiojamls clkwint f kingston aforesaid actioneer tho official aa- iigtlm nominated by the judyo in the multerof the petition j a henderson attorney far the said faavcis william smith in mr matter- of the petition dated the 10th day uf february isi7 a card iour or five rupee table boarders can he accommodated t the stilrtcribcr5 on queen stftet next dooi 10 ma cellars and opposite the late residcirrceo miu e k lluvt reference to da gtotiecc mr faaxcis lestacorala ijcill3wc j0h s clute p s srth ftiailie eai also be accom modated with rooms and bsartf kiimlwi f hi tahjlsli 14lm superior japan inii powders m a n u v ct v it n 1 a ff 0 so lu robert barker kihtsstoxi canada wfist 1ncompahaulk black japan ink mavuracruukd wuolksale and itcdil dv robert barker kincston anaua west mecii anions institution the committee of the mechanic- insti tution jrr rcciucsted to meet at their room this fri day kvcning at eight oclock on important bu si tie is feb- 15 r e m 0 v a i- intimates to noved in iie undersigned rcspeclfolly the public that he has rcir bafiuerrean gallery to dr suttons dqffwrtf prinet and tiagot streets where fur a ev djv he will be hauy to wail on those who may favor him with cfla fu callender kintnn feb 12 is17 for salic a few hales of hops at the urwerv of ivr ptllmf wfkx kinertno felillih is17 ia4i bankrupt pnovinrr tip canada midhind litrict tu wit thomas warren tustngft rftlu city of kingtvn in the ioid dutrkty inn keeper tl amission iuuatl by stafford j freduriek kirkpatrick esijuite jude of the midland district cirtutj dated tliisiixtli day of fohruary io the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fortyevcil first meeting nf creditor on monday the twentacsbconu day of february instant in the cfitit houau kingstuii at 1 uclock noon t a corbbtt shcritft it d to let 1 the poiitsmoutk inv kir one jil two or three yeaia apply ti jamks meoannir poriminuth puitamoutli feb s 1317 1931 wamtbic a young man a clerk to a r rail jnteflry stnre unvxmptinuft ido lofticncoa will he ruipitrcd ajudy at thiiiricu kincmou fob veil 1347 inforniation wanted of mr win hunt late of kindlon c iv who is ijjrafcd to tnr within a few mitrs nl drlrnil michigan any inform a lion forwaidcd tit the snbsciibpr wdlhc thankfully received and iecumtieiied w b holt kington feb 4th 1817 ii 3w hotel to let i to luf from the firtt day rf xil itrxti fir 0t on tmwn vkars tiie well kiiwn mtablifthej hotel situ ate iu iho market square viz duke nf york application to he made o the subscriber on the prmi john midcalf ffiftnfam feb 5th 187 irn city hall saloon o 9 market buhdhgs vjtposite the new battery by george gane reoealnuenu sniek 0 u be ha j at tbr hor t cm notice oysters at all hours etnntm fbl u lotr aelencos express messrs allex a cu isfrooto am run nuij n ejeftrcfd between montheal hamilton and ttfei nerta every rurlnight callinj ut ail ihf in ur mediate plic per m ttirfiil pitfcclii lift at mr huron liabton houm kinaum will meet vrilli duo attention allexco kintin rl lit ifllt fou sale lotno4iintho4th con frliip of kingston 1g0 liiuial terms apply in cst kintm 20th january 137 steam boat transpovh on lark ontario for the year i84t seald tendgfts will be re ceived at ihr commiftarut offici umil xooit on tuesday 23rd feb- ru a ry j 8i7 any peiraon or pertona witling to enter into a contract agree ably to certain cdnditiont whieh may bo ceen on application at the oommisaariat oricr5 at kinaton and inronto for the foltovviurr bervioes viz for the transport of troops peraonsottached to ihe atmy rsr horaei and ioveramrjrjt stores during thu smaon of navigtuitna of is47 including auch further period as ihc hoats tray cintinue to run from kingston to coburgpothope wlhhy toronto and viw veraa from kingston to the bay of quinte and vice veraa iuehiditig the ports be tween those siations rieparatu tendem will lc required for eaoh service and the kates to oe atttatl tvudtjteney psttw tendering arc retiested tr ohseivethat the freight of kcgirneutal ijacagcand tht pergonal uuggge and camp liquipae uf officers and other is tii be ascertained hy meaaurment two end haf tuns measurement to lo considered equal to one ton v eight and payment to he made fur each ton weight so aaceriuined household fnrnitute carriaec ld other articles nut cnmprised in the ibore and all personal baggage in ecesaf thu tuanttiy allowed hy regulation to be computed by weight or measure incut as may he agreed upon between the parties and paid for attariffor curri mercial kates iinvernment iiiuraso bein answerable fir the freight of audi baggage which must be recovered from tho owner uiicxcepiionahlo security euliject to thrj approval f the senior commissariat officer at kingston will be required and tho real aignalurca of two responsible persons willing to enter into a bqnd with the principal in ihe sum of x100q sterling for the faithful performance of thu first darned service and 100 for thu latter must be given n the tenders payment will lie made a kingston in mexicin or uftited states dollar at asv id currency each or by a check on chartered bank at iho option of the senior comrcissariat offlcer commissariat kingston 29th jannary 1s17 chrunicle and news lo copj tinvn- aflrtt- on sheriff office i city of kingston feb 6 is 17 5 sith hcnpcrsoy alt fi for petitioning creditor valentines for 1847 the newest valentines ju received from mnntreek loi ale at ihc atheueutn feb 9lh real estate for sale rpile subscriber ortrr lor sale that valiiahtc ituperty situated in princess street now occupied by mrs pope the beautiful collage recently erected on ihe pre- iniesi admirably adopted for a genteel private residence there is nllaehtif coach house and stable snd every other convenience required for further parlicclars apply lo rsc03ell sou kisgtfoq jan 5 1817 for sale by the subscriber a barrels prime mess pork superior tpiality gnd three banela iauik miles perouson kingstnn 15th anuary 187 tf co mmehcul mart for sale 1 ho bbls heavy mess pqrk jl new york inijiectiofl william ware m ill sites on the rideau canau to be fet jrawmof seven fourteen or twentyone yevj thu following water privilege r let at breweks l milk 2nd at kingston miu a cnpyof the lease vritb a sketch nf the ground attached to the mill sites is now iicd at tho ordnance office t kingston montreal and py town for the inapectimi of those wishing to becomo tenants and the lock maetersun the apot will mint put tjie projrty tenders ateting the annual icentjn halifax currency proposed to be paid will be received until ib odoolc noon on the 27th february 1847 the names of two responsible persons ivlthiktur real signature roust be in seried for reference as siirpiiee tim tftiders to be addressed to the respective officers of ibe ordnance bytown marked tender for mitt siu ornpa f 0pvtff k i bylown 10th oecalstfi n ritchies patent copying presses a supply of all iw jfcu rartiw hhe maaufaetort oirf ux snloat to qpt oct- m

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