desirable farm for sale will be sold i advantageous lerm 100 acres of land being e north half of loi no 16 1st cin- cession of the township kindlon i he farm lies vflft covenienl in the city n ihe bath raaudjoinihgthebndofjhe laic john s cartwrighi q ihc ihs- lance from town nolxceedintr lvoniilos end 7n uares of which are well fenced well watered and under pifld culfi m il also nosesses an excellent the colonial fqailbn 151 general assurance company for fire life and marine regis tims and ivconrktsd mn 7 8 tic cap cx capital 1000000 in 10000 shares bm35 each with a reserve for shareholders in the several colonics within halfamdo from hatters baj where vessels can load for further particulars apply mkalpermansokle kingston- patrons quirry s m up douglas bt si p oct 2 ltf e for notice quebec fire assurance company ihe undersigned having rationed the agency nf the quebec ftrt nine office at this place bes t nntify th public that the imaiiicss n the institution here will henwfrtrth hi conducted hy ms successor bmcns junior enuire plication far assurance ncas connected with the future be addressed thomas kingston 12th ocvolnr wirii reference to the above advev tsemenr the subscriber bavin nc ceptedlhc agency o ftahwntfatiiiifl pihiih frim thomas to whom ap- nr other hiisi office will in greer isig at modcr- bi office f the quebec fin wtjtiniiice coftpttny atlhi pluciis now ready o receive n optical in parties desirous of effecting aamtfjucc aaiohiu3sr damage by fir ate rates of premiums at princes street thomas rrlgcs jtm- asnt qbic fut auranrc cjiiptfrji kindlon 13th october is4c- 120 tt niportantfolji seursinw1nr just received pet ship eelita- from madona 1 llhd tart madeira j hhdtaytar ia londujo acta ow mb piwatar suiilh side virtuc lfsro a utd ive ldi market ki dn u llqdtpcnor pntl in wmi bdhwi kdinbw1i we in pim qttrtf indnn pnrtcr i j- thomas hendry a co sir aluv mnb speaker of acvmmf nf ivmir sir robert it schomburgic k 1 j p mayers firb gokaitl agent rarhadnc henry buss eo- colonial acnt for nw rntaisrich v buiigk escv q c colnrjia acat far jamaica hon- f rl f berkeley mesnto fef drittol board of directors pintir p btattfrt esq manritiim merchant bltttir 4 unne aahin ffwrij wilui l e eiit lofll mrclirxol m ioic pric c new bond irtij jacoq montkionc esjrdocy mcrcuntmjr- cuc sitoet r r cotli eq wert indi me u-r- i p j aw ritfukd esq a rotffand soo tnofcu r a vr eq hndm ind pjtf- m uv f i rbi i c secretary bcngnl mtlitstry pimd cwnhiltj akciubilo r eq- colonial agrnt for pnh phlllrk tiim ciuimjta gicso eq nuwcail on tyne p l em pdlhgiqf dircctir sim- rrmd wad- willi power m add to uicif number auditors w holcohv eq medical officers walter iialk waijmik k 1 d pliyisertti uninrwiiy cirikc iwpiiat and m he liw pul t contoiiin n0 dce if uir cict 47 upaer clujmtc sirret filry f lr- unti cllttt e 27 finnkury ilaec surgeon to su tbomn lnptul secret ary colix t oiypatitctj eq- baivker mcwni pitescorr gaor c we awfcwc 62 tlircailneedle street solicitors mcnr hoffl 5t ooux sun coufi comhill temporary ofpwbs 6 bjrjn yrj tlcnictt acting on the tndon and tjocsi boums nnd urtheitflt of the r h of fth tbo cxitinj orficcj i oreat briuinin airtcric in the ojln ka and on the winch 1iti beco taken advantage of wilt 10 fully arpr dialed hy a who imntllsta chrfioee mf character of thie getc a eomparipm of the rale uitoihd by hiecom- pny for eacn colony with those f owtblg con don nod i i urne if tolicited the aored eo aobjw to o rcponibility tnttrf as in mutant officet rtri will be edjutrd ajrj mide payable riihrr in lxodnor lhcciooic at the option of the aurcd tltecompsnr iitvint tk idvantaer of ftei dcnl iireotr in cieh colony will be enable t dtntiniiith itlf by it- promntnc in the tcitlc muni of claims made upon it thect4onial bnjrde win baeo full power u emmineeod rcnorl apoo iwrs and fire rvmar- nres hd receire or reru iltir at nnce eithout eommunieatin itilh iho home bmij the fnlloine ere itooag ilie adtfanljceoffered by the cotuxmb 1 the icnjranteo of an ample capitil anl ox emotion nf tlw atnred rrom the lubijity of partnermp iteaaviind neither hatin- to depend nn an ancrrtaiofondnorhcinjioeny wii acontawe fat the peymrnt nf cliims 2- very wtuvllitm pfcmiinne founded nom ihc rnt rccertlanl aullcntic data cere fuhy cat- culiitrd uy nn acttury j pntrupt scirkmeot of c1iim a thr nrponeilmhtv rtnl eonnwnec afforded by a i i i i in cch cinj sp rodenein nnf pjrt of the world at pro- ptrihnnic rattfc fi- 8oalu 3tam ft management applicatinne fer atrrtmcnle of shnree my b mide in the following fnrtn and addrcssej- to p lslo0 vinvn ilrli at the ootnpawe temptirary oce g barco yero nektejuty indnn form of appicatiox for shares tothc direolneanf thecnlontfll foreign and general anonnco omnany fi k yard ulclclerfthjry lymdon iemtemen i recjdott v will a not me share nf 23 each and 1 undertake to pv 10 ficr share on alwtmrnl and v in tins deed of settlement on delivery v ih- sleek name vv1 fners arcanui extract this medicine h and establish- scrofula or ulcerated tataodiaa rheumatic afficiiotw skin while swihhivj u uones all ulcerated ruflvjm boiitnm or pfwinri dcof applieai ion rifitrncc pfopectuf fumael appieiiion forshirea ar for popiaii of inmirinre and evert nfrmn- lion moy be ohtined al hie company tempo rary oee letwecn the hour of 10 and 4 agent f kinun char stuart ni mills itflandarin ance the uetfivinfj run alww fresh groceries the sobschburs art nisw from netv yrk itiil treal their fall supply fresh xfcn sutrs cfic liquors c ki which lhy will h n ttoir reasonable term wlimcsaw thomas lienurv co nov 0th isw qmial or ke raihe proprietor from solicitations of hin fricoin new b00k3 imtmzcetvbh at tub atliissur rami mrwntuii- hochrlagaer enmdin ihr- vew worh ltpflvii1nfi svhe lurlo lord rathcalt valentmc melithv atre triafa abnt- the utalory of ihc btitfl tlie qiiahrrly review tho vtejatniinter retiaw flie fftrcin tjfiatterly retierf the rdinburch reriew- dtackwomd majatine fcr i an anriment of nnv mraie kinpion october utli isig wrapping paper iaaroamsof wrippinii pftfwi vvofopnr rita1iiy for aalo at he athonotim book store seitcmhcr25ih isjf lo n d o xrte rjtttnst just received at tub atheneum book store a lake awilment of stent pens hy various makers including cillofri hraled mannm bnnvims the nw york clfciie pen and tcveialnther imv article v a iixo allowance to the trade october 26 important new books nasi lacro umal of tndc corltfi- popes yearly x eomoriciri an imoienao fund of valaablj information on trde commeroo navia tion 4cu tvith the new tardrand a map ofthcwofld debrett peee for is ig ijebretiv baronrtaze dcpafetieof lnrvu hdinjc and toh an ir h smith dotm the lale war in india with mtpandpuna field ererciao and ewluiiona of the army with 37 pbte gwilpaencytliittnrdtaof arch teem re blurncft eoeycimrdiaof rnal spvts loudon eoeyclofiqrdia tif csardeninf pf acrifultur mjieuloeh on taialiof and the fnndin sclera maeus1vha pr ifldilm nf putilical cioiny vujjptrnirni slwatj e foa lo ure ttcujtary of ari minnfmliirrand mme bavfielda mipof liko superior the abort touvr wilh a nurncfous efillitlon of other fimilir workji for site by hionlroalsepi 1 r ccilviwers new envelopes dorrs pvtext papercloth k- veiiopes an entirely new ailihe ofn- binint the eruahtea of the wil vrnn paper with tlietnroftuof ann linen the newlvjoveium llejitcriv adhhivk envelope wnereky iho uvj 4 wx r wafer ti rendered uniettafy a tpply the aujre ul ott ir yt re- oeived and klc by r ft c chalmers montreal oct so by by the last supper leonardo p vinci rqm hit 6kcmatcd fcsimoj raphael morgue n very ruin has iiied to enjoy a tii- maiteffiece in its been rvjvcdf and seeiltdei wij pollinrou- riuuct ntuie ivi1nkinivn adrrtlrable eravtn oi riiah miirvliafi jon ftr th- wall iron whiri vm imihth witkh leritrflll has trumlleti iulu dal ui m i j n i t phs nrioi five few cop ts al mr 11 vatjirs oi ih auvn i ivtjt aurj fur m fjjiijm urif hy fc ik c ciiaiaiijs mniitrealfoel wi mk salt bas ktoaeli satta fr lf ny hksuky ft blafkmk kaaplai 15 jiiyjisw 100 our vim and widelr extended coiinial p lionif dady hoeomin more and tnre densely peoplrd hy emirantu me for thermal prlahui noi from the benhit of aavurnnce where fich a proviiioa ie easentijlly reqijile fiir thefcly of the stoek and the nrotcetioo of ftmilr frcointly left unpmvded fr in etf anc nd by the dojlh uf fnendi or relatives the coloniea have frnmlimmo ti mo enjoyed the benefit of bank rilr ul onmpaniea irieor- priratcd tthureh seilr emigration cdoniin steam navmation andnbcr ataoeialrd btdies but aayct have iejvl ina very lirmtrd and inipcrfceideecany irovidrot tniitulionjdaplrd to invtranen for fire iml ltfe it einntii be de nied ihil the period hit now arrived when their wealth mvali aflaj rowin imporlnnre driind ihu they ahotild pft a apveial alrtpdilan kfiecfur tlktorteeiiwn and benefit iwied to the row duly upifrted uhjeeta f anranee havtng lie outlyin itranehri in allnur winijd sitiemoio in the ftr niiarttr of the world vnuu v c vric ae m lrrfaa lykal amraqm olheev condnetel fr ilw tnt pari on ihe annual principle hot from their mx itablhed oi a very limtlcl luia willi eircurn- acribed capital und omatl eipcoenee anv real oahmity auch am an cxtcfttive ftre or n uckly ae ion uauajty entail rnin on the office and falu hravily on the inairrra moreover the limited nturenr ihebneioraairanaaeled in ea eh colony demand that a utbajr rate of premium otioutd he exicledthan iho rik b1utely irjuirea loc which wmitd itilly unmr the atawtily and pros perity of many valuable lieiloincea would have lltlo cltccl on ihc cofojiol rflmmhmjica w from the extent of ita capital the numlrr of it sharcttolder ami the elreumalance of its ritt beiof to wtdcly pread oaooriwo lnrlt office wilhtmallcinitalf and very little of that amount rhcmbed have re cently calambhed a w aeneic in canada india and australia but iher have founded their riie of premium upon ihc rcluroof itmilalily amaapj ativmllie bnliah and indian tnalofal on foreizn service a very unsatutaebev nree of eomnntv tionasrotcarda civilian and colon generally whose habit and raeaapaliow are et semi fitly dif ferent these oflteeai retorted douhilcaa to such imperfect and defective aenreca of caleulttionha- cauionoothceawcrc vritiiin lttrreaeh but from a careful invcatieation al thecnlonial omce or voluminous retotn uf the pnireaaof poptdallon and others procured wilh jreat labor frwn loca aents of the dealhi in each colony for a series of years as furnished bv the parish reffiattra by consulting the bel authoritkta lo etinitite and mahio doc allowance for theprirearveitnprove- rnentcitected by drainage extended culitvatton bysioomktearid perfect miawsiaof cssutlifie fmm numeriitj aalbsjoa and exclusive return ob talned from the varuajn leat ckry boards of health eec table nf monatity have been ranw6 for each of our dcicrulcncic and ihe decrement of human life to prctiocty aaecruind thai much lower nitea can bo uken with aafely than have heretofore been charged rctuma from every cibny of ihc fire tht have taken pucefbr atenof years the syle of bu id nv and the local maas tor the prevention of tire have been obtained from whicli more equitable rteshave boco computed than have heretofore been adopted- i catblishmcnt of a general aiorance of fice for ihe odvnica in london on a hnrar an comprehenaivo basis nuh an amply stvbarrihtd captti under the hij4nrj minacmenl of oircc- lorslarro1y icenhfie4 and uiorouily converannl withcosaniat oftiirs founded upon approved and tutisfaeian dela wjih revised and muh rodiutcd rales of premium ha via mrcivcr the ad vantage of an active influential and efficient lcal botrd f manaemeo in each of nor settlements abro td inust necesmfily rcsutt in benefit to the aujrorx tthtlhcr in ii branches of fire lti or mione tltc dwelling varehue4 and oinlding nuitly erected io the colonic ie fe the mot pirt centime ted nfcsmittantial loaicoih usatt those in older euuntrica and ihc storea are generally aloeacd with valuable coods and yel rmoseauyl indemninc at ion ate al present aflaottm to owners of preoeiiy of tlii kind aainit the ravitffaj of fire riio present dit itu4ly an rxpense of cileeiin- laiiranee unhiubicdly drter mtnjl froiiiavaiin llwnewrsof ijm mt- ins of protection who wansm olerwic tidly do s lhe advantages nf aswq no loatilutioa oa iho cotvni c will il is believed bo felt and acfcnow ledfed by all bringing aa u wju do llw benefits of fire and life afciurancv on the inoi cconomi cal and cqn itable principles hnrao to the vpportu niticif alt thiviea metier of serhis moment and one which concern lo a greater or icaa dero3i every individual member of srtcty hie mitiy recent caumiiot3 fires in th colonies pioicuurly in new foundhiud new brunswick canada antigua barbadtn c most irodly call upon ihuo ununttceled br invornce to pivo alien um la io opportunities altordcd luiiideinnify afsasctvc aainl ha too cnnll of tho company is ono million which wiil u rotiiinij ky auincutiiis aa he busi ncvi profrswilhotryiaslitulinr a lurr pcrini- nenl fond fir ttio hctiegtand aecuriiy of tillimfties inieveidnnd artrdin llie moat uoexcoplionohk indeinaific4tion totlfc who m ly rantei husinea wdh ihn company tiio nuuibrr and inflaeneeof ils uiriclora nd vine itooienod alvo id pjc t on a tcvcj ivilh til- mrai eligible otf in the krncdoni willi rprel lothe id vanta otfi od to the public and afl a soflioient f uaraolrp for its toll and eomplcto soeeras arwoil m of the ebsnalat and reaponiioihty of tin institution the threat f n i b cxpe rencetoicuirc with tlw reputation and r cvpectab litv of uba repeated haa btrn imliice usorn this tlolictoua saucolo ilio rntico of thft ptihlic it ta aiuptetl for plahi game potiltry chojis suaki coll memft maile disihn of ivary doacriplion anj on- uclituwgraviof anil boupa tim proprietor is confirm ihftl ihc iso of one wile of his bsftucc will wit- rincfl iho tnan iif mate of its suportnty to nny hitherto offerctil to the public to ho harl ivholcaalo of iho prop coburff tannila wrat price 0 ha acquired an extended t ied cvlchrit y thtoubonuhe connlry which h hcfn s hy tj virtue ictay m a rcmc lor r kin evil 50ke throat disaseof the diicaa uf tbi cases atfectinasof thi l dyspepsia costivene rii chronic and nervious cwiphtab necarriu iodabi- litaicd and catheltt diseases caused hy an impure slate of the blood the arcandfm extract b a com plete antiiinte to th s rviu nmduerd ny lh injiidicioniraenl mercury a a spring and ftll purifier il can- not bf aurpasscd ivoikin il way lmouh ihe ryalem ilh ustent andclfective fotccp clcanoiilh kllood hemnvin- dysjpeptlc influences soothing lhi mferves renovii in vkkn l ohsiructinns and 1iia thit wo ul otherwise cauve injury lc hallvekand uungs persons rthoe constitution are broken liownhv the useur mercury arsenic orqumne anianvrne wlto are uffenn from diseased liver or an injudicious treatment nf any m ihe hovrliaayjt should bm te arcanum extract without delay in nnmerous irntancw alaaa where ulcera tion had laid bare bntb ligament and booe and where lo allppearanee no human means il am put alio ii could have saved life patienls have hfvtl ntchel from the rave and re torn tohealth the devmjrin- disease hem cnmpleiely eradicated hy the use of this ines ttmable extract tnc prnprieiora of ihe arcanum ex tract have hail lliif medicine used in all the above dixaaca with the moat sratihing refiill 1 uitihe medicine neither basi net nor ptaevwr rred he iiiterruptrd rc- n tirin only th s a iccraint of moderation in diet and is iotly applicable and effica- ciouato ihc infaiu well as the adiill pamphlet- civmx a description for what ih arcanum extract is applica ble wilhamaitalonson irisenaimc prrspira- ttnniandatteati on diseases in general accompany each haitle agents are supplied with the above pamphltt for gratuitous cir culation price si p hnte prepared and sold hy j winer hamiwn canada west and john winer st co 81 maiden lane n y for sale at 11 vhenirn dispensary n virgil cos canada exp res8 leaves kiltftt for montreal where it connects with the new york and boston expresses every friday leaves kingston for toronto hamilton and buffalo every tueay office commercial marlontarlost william ware ayenl kington sept i16 109lf cheese a few basket fine old english cheese 10 barrels plattsdo hendry sl blacklock aus21 palmers it c ufih kn atoa or cttrroncy mr ijottlc il mills buxbury ooliurc october is1 iar3m for 511c juiccsi tl per bile at the thrnriim hisnenaarv at mr n palmer market snitaw and hy mr r mccornilckj piincessstiecl all the respectable nada uriio thiouj and by hatit ca li5 6n j vinkt pectoral syrup oi horehound and blfbc am pa n e or the h v and eftetual cure of amtima siittninf blood cfivip or hives cnn- y joitstertav pains and im aud lun linn jut is t a card ihb surriirrin returning in lhanits lo ihe travelling community for the paironorj he lias received at their hntl ivhilcteepingihe british jtmtricnn of a begs leave to introduce nml recommernl ft9 his succestfot majmns patteftsos who will be found in every resnet worthy of public sunpri joseph il daley kingston april 20 islti late dalevs hotel the subscriber begato in furm the public anj ihc tnvel community that he hat leased ihe above well known establbhrneni and hopes by strict attention to ihc wfflfnrt of hingctosls to merit a conitnuation of the very lilieral palronngs which this hotel has received the lai five years under the able management of the former proprietor urjh dilcy james patterson fx pwngtr and fazzagt coiwrej to and from the irtcl kington june 1846 veepinrh1 irla to a pre- f ihc fiiiiions name of e enrej hy this menicinc ii nf thi is rase rhron stienpm of the luna or dilkiitv nf lo e tiling sjnlin up ling tlte subscriber returns bin simere thank lo ihc tni veiling connnu- niiy who o long atippnrted him at the hatting hotel port hope and begs levc to inform them that he ima leased for ft term of years those weji built and ca pacious premises in kington sotavora- bly known as the lamhton house hoi tcv tvlicru he hopes to bs favored with a contiouancc of the public patronage tho lambton hoijsq is situated in tho very centro oftlio city and within five minutes walk of all the wharvca and steam boat landing it ii fur nished with every comfort and care has been taktht to render tbvj bed and bed rnomi infetior lo nonv on this conti nent tho table dmloto and bar u ill be furnished with the best that mmicy can procure tw hastings kinttnvjmay 27 1s4g ekollent stftbhu porters in attondanco at the stoamlloat landings uainocarried frecof expense- 1 puydtb asd prptsrs cards vt received at the aiheneuia ft sture a lavjm asl rtinot uf corrv inctmlin fdaym card gitl hnefcl and plana prfatera cards ol all mic und odors and lidiceand uenllemenv visiting cards ivorv smfacc enamelled by plain oetober mut cn ambers miscellany n usefuund entertaining trseta vol- i an add bss ciuitfiscaln whooping oou ilnplin ptcurr sofenrol the bi a diaae lbt i mature firavo m contuplion eai tnc iiual iythp ehiiis are col jloou hnarnein atkfmt liattic i iwwm up phum or maiknand tis bhnd 1 analbiu mote uan an udlnation n ihe nae skin wh eh htti the msi nj ihe whole of ths wind inhes or air vilaell wiiich run throijh every part nf the lini tne peculiar vitie of m coiapona hvrfof a laiitim- altracte1 the pluniran nf the medical piolcaini and puhtic anj n lively intrteu has icntly hren directed to the itevelopement of heiraetive power am uu1mnian niiatitiesvhieh the ptcpotnrsati now ah to litalifv t pfrs nl thi medicine to the public with till cimlldrnce of its beini the mt tale and t4tabe tcmely cverdis- covered and atanljp in all diaes f thr lii wheh any 4 thv funrlloas do not perform their nahujor healthy action it is univer ithwed that gcal in his prnvidence liasnotallieied ilia children vriih pain and diicae wiimnt at th same time ivittf ikan somelluo in lhr eartvn nf nature that will not only meicate but in many cass entirely relieve then with these vlfetvf unn ftly iit pressed o nur minds every one should feet a ral amia o invfhnale m the nlmost of hit porvr the real arena of rjitnte and to dm from ih al eource thitf iastructinn which be wisdom of man has jaiud loatlain in presntm ihbntlicle to ihc pomicthe proprielora were intfeoced by the hipe that a midcine prepare with much care an strict reard t the nemiftal prnperli ol its several lopejventau lakelhe placv- or ihonsan of iriesp nostrums of the day with which ihf mftby i deluded tthe use f fl on xt synip will ire sulbcient to tvince the mosl scepti cal nf it beneficial r prtpard and soly j wiatr hamilton canada west and hn vtimer oi c 83 maiden lvi n va for mi h aihe neumdispcuaaryn kmlou and ky 109 an- boxes sclsn no 1 heflinrs 5 u filhertsfreh 3 lo walnuts rfn hendhv blacklock 21 10 lard oil- barrels lard oil of a superior qualitvfnrsnl hy hendry h blacklock kington 15th july 1846 general agency and commission office fi barge yard bucklcsbury london mar tkt alanswn house to merchant commercial new rooma pnbfic libraries a- soeteliea onicera of the army and nivy printers publishers of news- paper and culnniats conerally slmmonds ward general agents and commission merchants return ihcir tirateful lhanka for past favors to ther friend and the colonial public in general and bc lo acquaint thrm ihot htcyare ready to ciccetc orders for supplies nf any kind and quanlil of and goods nf crery dca crigtion of rirstraie qushtv sl the very loweat market price of ihe day and lion- i imt- upm the riwat liberal sffiasaaafaavs1 they are pre viously furnujjcd with fun da or dm ft airliner lone or short dates or a reference to aouia londun or liverpool tlnusc for piymcnt- slmmonjj wako vrdl reeoiveeonaitn- ments of any description of merchandize p be sold on cvmmsruon and accept hills at ninctv day for iwolhirdsnf thn amount on re ccipt of the bill of lidinr consignment en irosted to ihcir care will meet wiin every possible doparch in their diinoil and saks bo conducted with ihe greatest otteniinn to the inure t a of the contiovr an extensive knowledge nf general coniinton basmc acouired dnnn a lone re sidence in jatn nea anil the other west india stands and sulvnrnt exitiimto rvora- f busi- rrs with all uic dutih cotvniea theeapenence of several yeara in imdon aa c xoival agents coupled with promptitude iiiiiiion ami jodjinenl will thry truit imc them in itive sjtisfaiivn uslhttm who may honor than with their cvui mand auction and commission market uuildings thesiibscribertespectfully informs the mercantile community and public generally that ho is prepared to sell on commission dry goorls groceries furniture houses lands tct on tho most rfcftonabltjterrna days ofsale every tuesday thurs day and saturday at 10 oclock a m each day wm mcmillan auctioneer appraiser n b cash advanced on gooda left to be sold without reserve improved saleratus 1he subscriber would beg leave to announce to those who deal the article ofsaleratus tfiit be isnow ready to furnish ordera on the shortest notice to te extent of 2000 lbs daily of a choice preparation low fur casa or approved papers james morton kingston brewery and distillery lath august 1346 a 40 fresh importations of ghoceuies at the stores of john c a rrut h e 20hiiossuisah for sale bushels marrowfat seed peas thomas brlggsjun kingston may41s6 cod oil 1 sffcbblscod oil for sale by the 1 subscriber- mdrummond april 6th 1s4g for bilious complaints poinsfiefefldgvdinfs diet f flat utcncy obstructions habitual confinement of the ttomttft dr bark ers laxative pills ff the numerous diseases to which r the humanframeirt liable thereis scarcely one the symptoms of which are not seriouslyaggravatcd by n confined state of the goweiuyand tutiiis avohx many owe their origin and continuance the preserving the alimentary canal a point of ucli freofrom oba ruction ts primary imptirtance that uvery degree of neglect is followed by more or less of inconvenience or euttering when habitualcohtiveiieapietfilatbecheeiful visol of health is soon imparud tm i r by slow degi tstra rs 10 cnente4iallailiiies 00 oacirre s tietfea hiee ffl llexrfteiaace 3 kert do do do ns not s it in tima kit ltautia soda iiucalhf do scaled llrrin 9 25 hr1snils lmharl valnou i lilt uk 50 190 10 calia sjiern n 4 i on i ivbi oirtoantnn ground and wttrve pepper sauce ami stoi ilan tfittfrs stjawbtrty rtsvrry sarsapaiilla lemon sytnis kingston my 84b 1846 ad rjptfi t- forwart new railway subscribers wontii iniimate to rs and owner of propel- eri hros r t they have leased the rtutciyat portsmouth from tlie marine uaiivvav cmnpany ind are now ready for iaiin out itij repuirin raro c ind by motcratg curjs atnl strict at tcition to business hope to merit a share jf pubhc patforiatf p pnrkmoiith c w r h b tieaupre iayj3ih iflss u reapeclame diuggisli thron2nut canada m supply of v chambers pur montr rn sale by la i loll 1 cyctopcdia of ijietature 0 vols hva edinbtirch jnnrnal vnjsv i tn 5 intirinitttn far the people i viplav svan edtieutioal co tira various sub jects atlas of modern and ancient tfrography ocl0 il ay c cufalstkra cikldlltz powders in bextf ij soda powders do ginger beep do do kvterveslnc lemonade do dn fcr sale at the jmejieiim diipciuurj cure rr worms winbivs canjax vermifuge warranted n fullest uey rver y sbacovared for worms it no only dslry bu ihe whole sytfm 1h praboa- danl slime or mm prevslent m the slomacli and howela specially of those m had health it is wrsmvss in it elfecls on the system and she of lhe ptiam n ilayaimpovin- lvl tv od avwaf -rediscover- rhe mediem bfin nalatahlt no child w ake it not oven the mest bcale plain and prac tical olwetvalinn aisv- 4m resulimg from preaaml and sails- j mdton canada west ant joh wmer i co 83 fotsaleil tn- athneom iiailiskiaa- if respeitable dmsist west an maiden lane n v disp n pal ton an hy all i ltirouihotit canada u4sm new j goods establlbi menta william hbxnedyafcco o b3pectf lly intimate to the iubaitwitt loogamici ty that they havrmencaatl business in ibe iveliiipr orcnluyjvtluirckmi trovtaud rna tl ppoatie messrs j d iuycoco welt setectoil sf f und most ftxfiinitm xtyrsof goods which hsvu liirrt purchaard with the reaiwtnm wn uldor llic raoflt uj uutiuut rjirciilticcs rhcy ihroi a notice he subscriber has removed his of- fw fmi thn coflitirrrial wharf to the rkick kuildinc tathy oecopid hy thomai gaitki rt1i atitvt nf brock and ontario streets and directly appetite ihe premme of mr richard scbkm sen wliere he is pre pi red to receive conifl- mniofany leieiptnof goods frdturt provision wiueb in wilt dispone cf at pnhie or by private sate as he may he lirccted and tnllie bel advant je that the marketcan atford hufh calder 1cinaton i9th mv 1816 music music husci justrceired at ihc atheneom lojk store a lafsta variety ol ctiahp piano fort vicat flnl and vtolin music consisting of the fotlnwjn vi 60 popular air for the price 3s 91 4 ijvorie glees consistiogofthe following myneer van dail bishop the red cross knight cook the winds whhtls cold bishop vr shepherds te line mazzinhi i music tram the opera otibe enchantress arid at other times more rapidly disoases make their inroad on the constitution and in ihiinberltfsatiistancva wlitsre tbc habits are sedentary or where free living is indulged permanent til health i the painful result it must be obvious its iho unst auputficial observer that when the funciiiuia of natuio now al luded to aro not performed with don re polarity assiatqnee must be obtained from art aperient medicines then bo enme mdiapensahly ntcaaiy uxccpl where the so uf fruits or uchangoiii the inoilo of living may sullice for re moviugthe ovil and must bo bad ro courno couiiir ijiilji i r i- aid ceaaea ijulit isaqucstion ofconsiderableim poriance what laxative shall bo em ployed the hat of aperient medi cines is numerous but their ertuctb on the system vary considerably some ex ert their influence chiefly on the exba latit vessels or on nomn pail of tin- bow els only whilst the action of others ex tends more or lesato the whole of the iniisstiiihlcanal the latter classofpo rienta is evidently the best adopted t obviate thr btbitllavl coiifinemrtit of the bowels aa tboy apply that additional excitement which nature then requires to assist her in the performance of her accustomed functions itis precisely on thistatter principle that the pills now offered to the public are formed and as their activity can be increased or lessened merely by taking a larger or smaller quantity thoy not onlv furnish an aperient medicine pro- notice thb slock book of the colmrg cop per manufacturing company is now lying at the office of the undersigned the capital required lo be taken np is 12000- the site is purchased and well situated upon the stream which sup plies the woollen factory of s e mac- kechnie ofcoburg the advantages con- fened by the charter afford great protec tion to the stockhnlders any persons desirous of embarktne their capital in manufacturing wonld do well to look at the charier and visit the site of the pro posed factory every information respecting which can be obtained of ihe undersigned e0ulton cockburn sotiatort to the company coburglu1y21 1s46 87t stoves stoves plough castings c the subacriberrespcctfully inti mates to hisfriends and the pub lic generally that he conducts the busi ness as an in the jsaolk pouxuv headofpnin cess tat a iv iv yardsi north of the macadamized road where he is pre pared to cast every article in his hoe the subscribe has recently obtained the moitappioved patterns for prem1um cooking and other stoves and is enabled to tarnish whnlvsale or re tail a superior article and on more reasonable terms than can be p ocured from ibe united slates the snsscriher wonld recommend the premium cookixo stoves above al i others aa the recent improve- mnt in this stove renders it better adapted for use in catadajlhan any other ytlinlrodoctd the metal is strong and durable and the management so simple that say person may cookon it with economy and dispatch hot air stoves madf to order on the shoflrst noliec for dwelling houses banks store ftc per son wishing lo purchase this article fnr neat season can see stoves in operation hy all- in on the hon mr dekijqiriere mr jas powell or mr- cnarles heal it- also a supply of the best ilough castings and every variey or pfoush point con- danly on hand at low pricrs wholelale an i krtail the sntaettlei is also prepared to gssl tn ordvf milt machinery t cfc rjn the sfiorttst notice ami of thr fas alrtnl country merchants farmer and others requiring anythinj- in ihe shove line will serve ihfirnwninlrteris by firing ihauodtr- iijjned a call john owens kingston feb 3 1s6 x winers celebrated medicines the fnlwivine mtdicinoa sire kh camilant on sale at iho atkencom uispenasiry and dutf slnrf brnt slrrri kniatnfi th wincjo aomj lk r il acaiyaiidiientiaocoi curool all sassflssssl srlsaam from an impure slste of ihc btcid winery pec roralsvkupof more- louxoae elecampane- for th- cure of conha i asthma i mi- i r ve wlxfiavs canadian vermifugf the bel rrmedv ever i discovered for worms vwertootq ache dropsa car tain core for thatwah ache- winers camphorated nerve and bone llnimentava certain core fi the in- bamuasrirary seiatic and chronic rhumalrrn winery family ointment r iho nirrtif senifnli white sollinrt rhumatiam unilfwttrm cancer itch dte winikscmelicalpilr ointment asoecdy saiv and clfectojl re mrajv for tbo pile jojilicr irith an extensive variety of genuine enrtiah and american patent mcdicinca kov isrfi indigo a superior quality of spanish float indigo for sale at the athenewn dispensary drug store bagot street dye woods ac nacaragna wood fustic also well caicuiateo to answer moat o aat awoxwoeiftf ac the purposes for which purgative reme- d dies ajc necessary pur for general use in a family buturo j adder also well calculated to answer most o l loxwcou the pills are not however cecom drug stort baol street lute or violin 3i 9d 10 10j 101 w 0 101 0 0 balfb soiss sonof erin3 sons setnf popular wall a collection olsicre l melodiess pc set of new quadrilles 4 of lnvers san selections from the oner of ltonoro gm from lucrezia itoria 6 piece eishl new na fashionable potlcas and alsn reatvanely of swigs and pieces hy various composers at 7 each may 22 1816 new books at the attfiesteiime count mhiooftsn4peean tie vlstries oftba healis nysonlie the history of the biatilr hy davenpott the illustrated hiswryof pilestineby kittg tiefcfmalrmijterhy licsaiidplonkelt my siootin bo hv foircster iha french cnok count julian by the author of guy rivers matfarrtof vaioiby dumas theodsnofhne by c lever n va thorcfro are the inaltedt tnmur3ih8 pa fur rtauv ilonrv wo p kinttoit juud avet feet and colds prevented y using ilvrktisffluck vnmih foots ami shoes which qivea them the appearance of japariod leatherp aim will not crack with the frost prepared and som attho atuknevm dnuo store buol street price is- 3d and 3s- gdpor bottle commercial mart utfl pottk wake 30 ddls heavy for salu by william kingston ilh sept 181g mended as aspeciflc for the euro of all diaeastes uch preposterous stale- menta are worse than ridiculous and are only put forth for deception but they will prove a valuable remedy for that confined stare of the uowels which lays the foundation of much suflering forthoseoccaaional obstructions to which all are liable and for all those disorders which arise from an overloaded state of the stomach and alimentary canal con i acouently decided benefit will be derffvl ed from their use in cfiddiness and pains in the head accompanied with nausea or sickness in all headaches where cnstiveness prevails in flatulencies bilious attacks the commencement oi coolie the early stages of jaundice and in promoting the expulsion of worms they require no confinement or change in the diet moderate exercise will as slat their operation and experience bus proved that asan aperient tl oy are safe and efficacious may be taken by adults and children and also in every stage of pregnancy to children of fivp years of age and upwards they may be readily given in pulp of apple orange or jelly and thus disguised they ar much moreoasy ofexhibition than pow ders or other disagreeable medicines otbeltions pon taking n fills- in case of bilious complaints foul stomachy fir three pillsto be taken at bed time and repeated next night if necessary headache sickness of the stomach two pillsto be taken atnight one in the morning 05tnufecwfitenja throe pills to be takon at any time needed and re peatedovery six hours until reliefta ob- ained the uaualdoseforordinary personsia three pills but four pills may be takejn by apersou ofstrong habit of body arid two pilumay be given to delicate wo men and children plikpared and sold bv dr barker at tbo atheneum dis pensary kingston sold in boxes at7jcl lt 3d and v fid each sauces and pickles a large assortment of london pickles and suce dispensary and and sauce fm sale at the ttcaeum drvg store hajeot street fijff wild cherry- rphe puulic can he fully assured of nurehasing this celebrated medichte genuine al ihe atheneum drag store july 31 1846 e copal varnish or sale at the atheneum drug store superior copal vak- nish in pints and quarts by the dozen or atngle bottle- country mer chants supplied on reasonable tezms kingston just printed 1xdf0e sale att ii h atifeseumboor stork a variety of law blanks comprising cognovits and affidavits notices of computation assessment queens benchhdistrictcourtcanea do oo precipes demand of plea common bails affidavits of service of declaration notices c together with various others all in accordance with thelate act also magiatraiea summons kingston oct 28 185 cigars cigars cigars t 15000 principe dc la cruz braod 5000 havana linorma do moo manilla chorcota for sale by it drummoflkx jane 6 1s4s whiskey 2000 g sydenham whiskey lot 7 m dhummonq june 1846 tobaccos oa boxes suptnor aronalie chawing tav baccofor sale by juncs lb46 m dhummund