tixuvai of tljc cambria sixteen days later from whlmtr 4 smiths evroptan times parliamentary the session of parliament commenced on tuesday week with the speech of the queen from the throne we forwarded a copy of the peechbylhe sarah sands for which vessel we published an edition of the european times- but to prevent the possibility of disap pointment we date deemed it prudent to re- ecat it in oor present impression cotom has ecreed ibat he sovereign shall opvn the legislative chambers with a programme which resembles the index to a huge volume the reference to which is to be read in she nwe minute ministerial explanations most of the subjects glanced at in the royal speech have tince passed in ample review in both houses of parliament tie debate which followed the speech pro dottd some strang result all the old party landmarks disappeared under the influence of the calamity which has overtaken ireland the protectionist leaders were found sailing in the same boat with the ministerial party md the members of the late government ap peared to coincide with alt that was said and all that is to be done sir robert peel it is true at the fagend of the debate seemed to deplore that bis own corn bill of last session had not been swept away as so much useless parchment by the pressure of existing circum stances had peel been premier he would have been the first man it is clear to strangle his own bantling when a famine threatened the land but although the leading parties in the house were tolerably unanimous in their view tome nnpalauble opinions were advanced by independent members mr smith obrien for instance wbo has a patent for eccentricity contrived to make a repeal sech on the ad dress which was delivered with nil the ardour of which milesian oraioi y is capatle mr rpjebuck the member lor bath entered in a cynical spirit into the points at issue and iili lancet in band contrived by his mode of operation to make the wound of lite sitter country bleed afresh the secretary for ire land probed the physical destitution of that country and notwithstanding the fact of his being threatened with impeachment by mr smith obrien for neglecting to remedy the evils which had occurred he produced a series of mi tics that carried conviction home to every breast he vindicated the policy of the government and showed thai the nature of the evils could not have been net nn the instant or anticipated hy any early foresight lord j russell delivered in the course of the evening a speech which sparkled with eloquence and afforded the materials for profound cogitation in the house of lord the same evening lord stanley appeared as the leader of the protection party and lord lansdowiie a the exponent of the ministerial polity lord brougham too who seem in his old ao in he recovering thai am of deeenev which i csjeni to xii fetuvci ieuvutd t livie practical address every way at variance with those from his lips that have of hit years come before the public on the second nim of ihc session the 20lh ult the house of commons condescended ft rlusivcly to think for the empire the other house ifid not assemble t the question rela tive to the constitution of railway committees was brought forward hy mr ewart who en cases however where the landlords will nei ther improve nor sell rowers will betaken by the government to buy at a valuation for the reclamation of wastelands a million ster ling is to he advanced the land so purchas ed will be resold in small jots for the purpose of creating a yeoman proprietory whose status will fill up the existing void between the pea sant and the present race of landlords drain age is to he extensively carried out these may he considered the permanent features of the scheme the temporary projects of relief area new poor law relief committees to administer funds and superintend the disirihtt tion of food without exacting work in return giving outdoor relief at the poorhouses to the aged and infirm paupers and other mea sures calculated to mitigate the severity of the present visitation further schemes are an nounced as being in preparation but what they are the prime minister has nol yet decried it necessary to explain probably they refer lo some political identification be tween hie institutions of england and ireland one thing i dear that ihe church of ireland is not to be interfered with the statement of lord john rutsell was most favorably re ceived by the house and more especially by the irish landlords who arc not only to have twentytwo years to repay at a small rale nf interest whatcvenums they require from the government hut half only of the present ex pense incurred in the productive works is lobe home hy ihem the other half is to he home by the nation geurrally the irish landlords as a body are universally unpopular in england and while there is nvery desire expressed lo mitlrate the severity of the irish famine people on this side of the water object to the ministerial project mainly because it saddles the industrious people of this country with additional imposts to screen the owners of the soil in ireland the absentee who have hitherto danced over the continent spending money sucked out of their unfortunate tenants and even under ihe pressure of the present distress appear to be the only persons who will be permanent gainers by it the question universally asked is how much will these irish measures cost the temporary outlay it appears will be at least seven millions only the ultimate drain will probably reach two or three time that amount this is really a serious matter for the indus trious classes in england who are now clam ouring for the repeal of taxes that press heavi ly on trade and obstruct the prosperity of the country but these and all other subject connected with ireland arc to undergo a in england the high price of provisions and the reduced stock of cotton are among the causes that have aggravated the condition of the optatives in many of the lare lowns of lancashire and yorkshire the cotton mills under the influence of the present quotations of cotton are working languidly mr bright is going to take up the question of the cotton crop hy moving for a select committee to in quire into the best mode of promoting the growth of cotton in india indeed there isa prevailing conviction that the days of cheap cnilon are jjonc and not likely to return for an indefinite time the overland mail an express in anticipation of the o mail from india reached london on tie 23rd ult the following is a summary of lb news which arrived the punjauh remains tranquil anl the british army it is said will march in the ourse of the present week from lahore it is rurtored that it will make a hall some march oiiwo from the capital to watch the immediati re sults of its retirement before falling bad on fcrozcpore it is probable that forsomelmc to come a strong force will be maintained at our principal frontier stations just as it wassupposed themo5tsatisfactay conclusion had been attained it is stated that unquestionable evidence has transpired f there having been an understanding bu iween the rajah lall singh vuzeer a lahore and sheikh emaurnooddeen thi cahinrrian insurgent leader with the purpose oj keepingghoolab singh from taking pusses- sionofhis new dominion should this prove we grounded it will materially affect the conclu ding portion of cur arrangements the proposed fair in the jullundar doab ap pears to have turned out a failure lord har ding is still within our lately acquired dotni nions in progress lord gone h ha searching analysis lord lansdowne the airif evening- made a similar explanation to the howe of lords relative to ireland on tuesday the royal assent was given to the corn and the naviatmn bills in the peer where the buvness in othrr respect was merely routine in the lower house the subjects dicused had reference to the chel sea pension the ten hours bill and the national gallery all matters in the present condition of the country of subdued iulcrnl thursday was principally occupied hy mr ferrands attack on the poor law commis sioners and more particularly on sir jame graham tin reply of ihc latter wis digni fied and telling ano he carried the feeling ol ihe home with him on friday the montpensier marriage was discussed in the lloute of lord and the house nf commons was engaged in a good deal of multifarious busiiievt in reply 10 4 question to the westward i hy this time left simla foe intending at present to visit the jullunrfa doah the lieutenantgover nor of the northwest provinces was last heard of at nusserabad in progress to ajmer sir george pollock has returned from the cape to calcutta and the legislative council of india dormant during his absence is once more in a stale of activity some more extraordinary deavonred in vain to show that members ouht awl to bit on private committees when their in terest as individuals were affected the house on a division rejected the idea of placing those bodies above the reach of scandal iy a majority of 67 the poor law under went a partial but unsatisfactory discussion in which the princiral speakers were captain pechelland mr feuand the same evening lord jonn russell declared that the law for regulating the use of sugar in the breweries would be permanent the same nobleman being pressed on the subject of a report of mr warners b long range intimated his inten tion of laying it before the house provided that on a second perusal he saw nothing ob jectionable in it on thursday lord john russell proceeded to develope the scheme to open ihe ports for the admission of foreign gram duty free and in the course of doing so allowed lhat the tfreighlson the importation of corn had serious ly nsen and that to enable this country to compete with its neighbors in the markers of the world it was necessary not only to repeal the duty hot tosnspend the navigation laws the suspension of the com law according to the ministerial intention was only to extend to the 1st of sept next mr ewart and other members were in favor of an amendment making the suspension permanent but the pro position met with little support tv debate was distinguished by two novelties a decla ration on the part of lord george bentinck 1hat all boarders of grain in times of scarcity ought lobe banged which he illustrated by the recital of an eastern anecdote aud by the appearance of mr william brown ihe great american merchant rn the house the speech of he latter gentleman sound and prac- trcal and embracing the stfhjeet more imme diately before ihe how was referred toby lord j russell in terms verv complimentary to the new member on friday the house of commons met for the purpose of passing through their remaining tage1he upcnsinn of he corn and naviga tion law the sugar molasses and hum bill was then considered the spirit produced from sugar is to pay ihe same amount as the spirit made from malt the regulations respect ing which were duly set forth by the chancel lor of ihe exchequer he would nol admil the use of molasses as it would open the door to frauds on the revenue the differential duty of is 6d in favor of british spirits over hum was lo be reduced to 6d the duly on rum would now be 6 4tl and the duty on british spirits 7s i0d rum lo he imported into scotland at 4s 2d duty and into ireland at 2s 2d duty leaving the same relative dif ference between the duties on spirits distilled vn those countries and the rum imported into england the general result of these measures would be he thought to reduce the price of grain rather than the price of spirits or beer the same evening lord john ruvcll movd i mean of privat for a select committee relative to the law nf settlement the poor law commission would expire at the end of its allotted term and h remodelled under a new ytcm preserving lu can flag lord iaimersdmi slated on the thoiily of the mexican charge jalfaire that no person in knund had been authorised to isne such letters foreign subjects abroad the nohle lord added were not amenable to be treated as pirates for being engaged in auch an enterprise the parliamentary proceedings on monday had exclusive reference to the stale of ireund the measures of the government were dis cussed at great length in the lower house in for the most partaspirit of generous criticism the urgency of the crisis was admitted by all ihe speakers mr roebuck made a bitter attack on the irish landlordssneered at iheir poverty at their extravagance their wani ol business habit and their incapacity to dis charge efficiently the duties belonging to their station there was much truth mixed with some exaggeration in the statements of the honorable member the debate was ad journed on tuesday it was resumed when the second reading of the destitute persons ire land bill took place and the other measures connected with ireland were put in a train to bespeedily carried out sir robert peel made a speech in which ihc conduct of the present government was warmly eulogised in par liament as in the press ihe distress in ireland is the only topic every thing else is voted stale fiat and unprofitable but the uni ted kingdom u rising in its might and the corn markets already feel the influence of the sym pathy in all directions they are falling but under any circumstances the importation of provisions must prove for months o eooie the most speedy way uf realising a fortune hap py the v on the western continent who have well filled granaries to export we have thus glanced at ihe parliamentary proceedings during the last fortnight the famine in ireland and the state of society there may he said to have almost exclusively oc cupied the attention of the peoples represen tatives the time has mfem for grappling boldly with the chronic evils of that country never was the public mind in so fitting a frame the fault will certainly rest with the ministry and nol with the british nation if a panacea does not spring like the fabled and pall nsuncea of gambling en opium have occurred in the course of the month the bombay bargains are usually made contingently oil calcutta quotations of the gnvprnueitt sals to raise mtst rival speculator bid till 13 000 wa offered for chests usually disposed of fori50lhe bidding hein so arranged lhat nu sales could be effected that day government have made it a subject of special notification anil larxc fortunes depend on ihe results a hurricane of ununal violence by which much nt has been occasioned lothe hipping interests occurred at madras on the 2sji of november similar violations at ihi season of the year are frerpieut on ihe eastern side of india from calcutia to the line they are al most unknown in the arabian sea on the wet- ern shore of the peninsula- our intelligence from scimle is scanty none of the military movements formerly an nounced have as yet occurred though the withdrawal of seven regiments is known to have been determined upon a breach of con fidence in the subordinate military detrlment having enabled the rchef iccominended lo in published before it had obtained the sanction of fiuvemmrrit received a to who is likely to he governor ol bombay lord dalbowitmd lord eljrsn are both spoken of the former with considerable confidence the hon mr itcid acting go vernor has returned with his family from kar daliah and been at prell since the 29lh ult considerable sickness prevails in different parts of ihe country though not of a very fatal kind the wralher was becoming cool and pleasant from three to four l tcsse having liverpool annual j lhe abovementioned ports aod by the of mr park- hart inventions they be readi cooe into sleamshtps at eomparilively small ex- jfjtnce paiv januarj 30 a few data after uc wlrtlj of t epeeeh the chamber of peer bef4 lhll dfoifrioa of itt answer thereto iluhrt occupied several day the spanish mnrnnpe lw mi0 option dwell upon the only poioj 0o however were two fiif4 lint 111 noble pn heretofore drthozuiuicd for their tfevntiuo man intimatcalli ancetttiwceo grcnl bftt france warmly defended lhe conduci j4 government in the snanifh bottom evr alihiogh it had had the ertcct f breaking tf the enfaie cvrftftll and nt that m guiot ihc minister of foreign affair took a very b fi tone indeed when tpenk- iop ot great britain qrvnply rocommendmj the camber to rutin urn ulfjly what bad been done lo make no cnct mjno advance but to wait until llw eoj em the english pooplo rvnitd convince them thai fence tad only reicd her nght and ihal they ha nothing to 2in by rcmiin- fniron bad terms wiihhtr such lnugc in the chamber ot peer am from j gmaot loo waa ro nivc thai it creitwl cil nmoo and the beomlmn x ncrc4mit by the fact lha llrtcmi- ncnt duo do bfrtcliekrmerlya warm engl iah alii ante man tok the vtnie grnuod ai the mtnitler fhc dclructkin of rmv wna indigntnily denoimcod hy several fleer m- guint look no pr m the diaconn ihftt i but le read to the chamber a disimch tic had received from the romtiit ambmadir in which it wai elated that the rutaian govmnmeol inoinantly denied that it hnd nny inlcotiin at was reported of nhou ishinjj uio separate otcoce and even the very name of the kingdonw poland so h lo ainal- ramalc poland with nown empire the crrvr fcoa f on the lemand of tho cahiore of washington ngroo vmrt int jh jut adrrefed a circour to the french cooeuu aod agfiita residing in the ports of vcaict eophutrtc ihnklo fnform french solijec is mo may feel inclined u make oe of the letters of mrquc delivered hy tie mevkon covcrnnni ihl they have nil tht riffhl lo do i that the french government tirnsc ihem anj nuthnrirs lior and if tlitt they vmluro in employ ihe kltera of ntrrpje ihey wil ehe lhenvclvctf lo the losa of iirir qusfiiy a frenchmen nod to lc treated giitiy ofpiraev rvambaf ncwuatr cled le porlfwilu which hot the reputation of being well iifitrnwdtolxt stntrs lhat ihc liovrrnmeol hs taken i uen su res t prcvri oy enasetnenis with lhe vxicn govitasniai being entered into in anv l lhe pocia frtcc and ii adiu thai ihc mnnat t marine hw directed lha law of lhe i tlh of april lo w homghi specially under the umec of any per ispoud i avi1 ihem xlvcvoluiekllcrsur rii goecnmrnlnf meiic tlioliweforrslvruntfius any frrnchman otauhkc naturalised i tranchinao who uuhul the knf author i an i ion alratl lake the comoiiwon uf a ffireen pouer in rnmand vesnet snned as a iirialeer atoll w proreeded againit and judged asi pirate ta pmfftuiltr saya ihat tlie rrntuowhteli has irfuccd ihc kinga goeern meni lo so as it lns iioe is the inierci it hai m uio mamtoaoci of grd and friendly relations with ihc trited siulr the prenot ptitin vf the country is feauy ntarmmg ts rrlutin with all he great rivera arc unfriend rhntlai y hostile ihvuida are literally urnnefnhtunprccoviitydeji and there ia an cxnur scarcity ol tnoncy r i n jamiarv 25 in the scoaenfwliivhlhe marouiadc vihuna thumb for ahes of the phcenix out of the gloom misery and desolation which now like a covers ireland through iu length and breadth the condition of europe the loiii of the last fortnight arc few in number and barren of interest the parlia mentary proceedings have exclusively absorb ed attention the eyes of lhe nation are on ireland death is doing ils work through the instrumentality of starvation the detail are horrible sickening the poor try to escape and thousand find their way daily to england and scotland liverpool and glasgow arc overrun with ihcjc poor creature in the former town as many as 00 have received ontdoor relief in a week the prenre of local taxation on the ratepayer is likefy to min inaiiymallhoirekeepernandleive ihem semi wt ma 1l fvrs- artmi dehirdth icr spnin aciot an rrim had recognized jiut h- pn ii departure of tom america this astonishing and clever little ptotegt takes his departure for boston in the cam- hria to day he is accompanied by his prelector mr baaxum and hi parents in taking our leave of this miniature hero vee would briefly glance at his unparalleled sue cess since his arrival in europe he ha appeared before more crowned heads than any person living that is to say any person in the exhibition line he has been absent from america between three and four years and weighs no more now than the day he left his native shore but his intellectual faculties have improved immensely he speaks frenchtfu enlly plays the piano is learning the violin and other instruments he played in a french piece in pari and the principal french cities was elected member of the dramatic society in paris ha played hop omy thumh and bombastc furioso with great eclaf in london and elsewhere he has received many valu able presents from the principal sovereigns of europe has kissed more than a million and a half of ladies has exhibited before 3000000 of persons and the gross receipts of hi exhi bitions including his theatrical performances and his private levees at various palaces and at the nouses of the nobility of enghnd france belgium spain fcc eacecd 150- 000 which reckoning 56 sovereizn to the pound avoirditpoiic would make 2678 pounds p weigh of gold and as the general wcigh4 p but 15 pounds it follows that he has received 78 time his own weight in gold in silver the weight would be 46875 pounds and would make 3125 silver statues nt ihc general ol the same weight as himself the general has achieved all his triumphs under the direction of p t barkum esq rjfqlf amr tlfutn cijifitklim of fcneral j aa minister far fcrvljfn til any mint e n t eni wntild nl iiiknin tc tprganixcd in te that he gveromeot ddcd lhl it would re- eardas revis ilu inh d m i ri r tlil30aor the rcoumir rem chili ac hit l 4 i miatl nol rvconnch and tha eipdiltoo of drfjoittvely handned b the ttiaciaiiwi nj ral ftria appcarf to bo or their coonuy and notpofmil any foreipi m- uvvcniimo in their proceeding thi bow and ererccticanavorrhai afforded general aalisficlion lhroubout the country european corn trade- lrtkdox the buoyancy which has prevailed in the market for omc lime pt ha ditappeared jjalca arc only loahmilcd extent and prkes are oftco on lha decline thta avclcome uie of things began toattow iiaelf on the lgtfi ultimo when tha previous curreocv foe wficat and ftour could hardly be aupoftcd the announcement made in parliament on lhe evening of the 19th lhat all foreign grain would be adnillcd free of duty canted the trade to be very flat aod a ireneraldi inclination to porehtic on lhe 22nd wheat waa in moderate demand at pvioua currency lall week tbcinnrkel was much more dull and cmi- linuod in that position on in 25ih and 27lh on the 29th wheat declined 1 to 2a per quarter the market closing heavily ftour aa a malice ot course was onty in limited demand and price have receded frim our tail qootajna aome 2 per battel there waaaoodhowf english wheal fresh up for the mirvet held n ihc m inat ihc cnndilion of which was rather inferior and business commcoced laneuidly indatd hardly a se was made until nne of the icadinf facloniiub milled t a decline of 4t fl 3a per quarter thia mdamiraft wat however not ecoerally tubmilted lo and a conideiame quantity remained unsold foreien wheal vena held nt picc barely is w 3a pcrquac tcr lower but lhe irnsactiona were raainct- ed tlc l price of flnu f manufacture remain the tame but altip smplca and american receded la to 5a por sock nd band there ia little alleraiion in indiwi corn lhe qnanlitv f n ahov bcins very tailed trfl pmeccdmjrv at ark-unrjcalrrdavfeb- 3 were very unimpor taot few sale either of wheal or floor were effected but no change worthy of notice look placa in peicca allhnuah they ar reporied aa iavm a continued declining lendene l4vearool dorioplhclteije or ten days m have had eiuvwaoi airivala of grain and produce from the united state and pn of bn- tkh north america btsidr vhich aeveral quaii- lilies nf wheal and indian orn have been received fnmirhcconiincnt of europe in our markets irtre on the 22nd ulu wc hd but a moderaie husneslraocied in wheal and btm nol fart the quotations atated in ourlaau free flour aho mvedofl slowly without hcntiun in value and with lea inquiry far bondc oarcelt prices rather declined indixnconandeesptian bean rather exceed ourlale currency irf lhe formet sortie large tak were made and lhciiialt r afain ptelly nearly bare aa a whole the r wa only a limited nmounluf tranaactinna lildtdmm opon apcctjla dun and scared anything rejmrl in rviatme carfocaof any eacfipii thi bunaa done dunoj ihe week ending january 29 w firm anil at rather improving rales bul rapqtl lhal 4y the haraof wheat ptnceeiled railer stwly at the mmeiime alllimfh ihe prmrptii itotdesa were nyinlv firm 4 decline of 2l ser 70lh waa in eva ml iiutances eoncedtd ira flour ealnrnely acarca but f knuhli a tnicpahtc supply whirl moved iparincwairnram f amcri- cn some further greets were lakrn t 4fc o and ihera were btiyinl uptnalaee sclc ai 40 tnil aupnvirhmndaof western in tranary hemir held iv ijlv jt 11m r barrl iho nprraliona at thai price were limilcil i oat nd out men i no va riatiin indian cnen ml bemc ditpcd of bp freely aaifrf lale svh alaaitlj dipiiaaod in valu tha general dereon f ha issula became fully visible at tfco market held on tuesday hun iiilwnred hy he reefiileoelmenuif the uc- laiure ihc londnn nod provincial mufkets lhrouh ihc country bcinp dfljrcwcd prdueed ai nr corn excluie a rtcclmiitg icojency feardnst mi niet4rflhetfakanl4ll de pnonant wheal upo a limited rivrnand rasttttw id lu gtl per jolu wnwtb rale of lhat day week allium- h several ivjjerm rrfored in cunply vnh llna abaienvnt of bnsim m iwl fv3 rtee ary 79aae fur sale to day but with a rc show of ameri can loosed from the market opened heavily and lower pricea were accepted than importers were afterwards dirpitced to eonecde the trade thus elcd ralhcr nie firmly than it commenced ot a decline of qa 6d per barrel frm ihe currency of tuesday las indian com bcinjr taken off eparmely was la lo n per quarter lower than on that day jenniflii wc nnci lha pricea now current atlivcrpooland thae paid on the 4ih uf january latt coople of hours or o the men of the various companies were severally called off lhe en gines c tec limbered up and tbey all marched homeward in the same good order in which the arrived leaving but one impression on ihe minds of the numerous spectators pre sent vii that the city of kingston possesses as excellent a fire department as any city in hermajestys dominion size for size and al i is wanting o render it long an ornament to usall is for the corporation to behave to it liberally and palernallyj and not u spoil the ship for a haporth of lar in persisting to refuse proper engine houses with heated stoves for the preservation of the e altve to lhe spaiiah mar s2i s d dial orcal ritam would nm lend any su lbi d s nf tha oml do ncvenhe i ymnny bcmur wlw partwhf thecounl f m0m tl i wmm active h in iar a nam ah the rw j ttrc soul fvr the prsatmfei dcnuv january 24 wliinga on the ifhiddcn a enacted nw ihem to fo up to fiffo ymir liber i j wc eojor proprietor of lhe american museum new york who first brought him helore the public in america and who has permially attended him in all his peregrinations it is gratifying to know that while this renlleman has reaped a rich reward for his enterprise lie has also se cured a splendid fortune for hi lillle pmtege and parents we with ihc party a plesant and prosperous voyage and shall he glad to lillle friend is reaping a rich land of his nativity hear lhat harvest to nur the a new era in steam navigation in previous numbers of this journal we have drawn atttenlion to the inventions of mr ste phen r parkhursl of new york for which he has obtained patents in england and other parts of europr and also in america yes wahoiil covering orahelter the pressure has tet day we were shown by a practical cn-l- tl present central authoiity but permitting become so overwhelming that parliament has been appealed lu but has hitherto given no relief a determined effort is being made by the wealthy in england to assist the irish by subscriptions and hyabitain in as much as possible from any superfluity consumption of food a queens letter has appeared addressed to lhe rniniters uf the church of england requiring subscriptions lo he made and large sums have hren ihus col the head of thr depattmen to have seats in the honse of cosnoumi this plan it was form of faith in ihc kingdom believed would obviate many of the inconve- flreneeaexptrieneed ladcr the existing system it and seemed lo meet the feelinj of thellouse on saturday lhe 23rd oil thr home ol lords met to pans the corn and navigation bills lord suotey expressed regret thai the ise of siiiar for lhe purposes af diatijiatinn was to be made permanent and jord flrouham uteataioed similar views qn monday january 25lh ixird john rus- sell broari forward h im greal scheme for the temporary relief and the permanent improve ment of ireland money is to be advancer for seed for the next crops loans will hr made to soch of the jriih landlords as wish to jnpfove their wait lands or the ian4 will is tasjvh fry rjureiivitiil at tsclraj piice in lectedjn every plac of worship am hy every onhappilyhe itale of the highland poor is nearly as bad as that of the destitute irih for ihem also liberal subscriptions continue to be gathered an oocasion like the present depicts the vir tues or the vicojof a people in lhe tame way that the presence of danger tests the courage of individuals english sympathy for suffering humanity has long been proverbial hut never under any former visitation was this philan- ihropic iodlike virtue exhibited in a more striking and graceful maimer individual conlrihutc bandoroelyloorteo the rsorohhe calamity and the first act of the prime min ister on roociing parliament is to dip largely iiito the public purse for the sameubjeel but lie distress is not ronhned lu scotland and ireland there it much a present caisling neer the designs of a steamengine invented also by this gentleman the construction of which is so simple so powerful and so direct that several eninxctt and mcrhanist assert thai it will supersertethcpreseiilstuamengine both on land and water for the turning of his steanvshtp propeller this engine is admira bly adapted its action is direct upon each shaft of the propeller leaving the entire hold of the vessel free of the bulky machinery which now fills w much valuable space in steamers ihc boilers aid coal occupying but a small space of the hold of the ship several distinguish mr parkhautts propeller aud direct marine amonst which economy of features will steamship slea mcnjinc amonst wfiicn economy time of fuel and other items will form a large saving in the present expenditure of steam navigation jt ia proposed to bring these im portant inventions immediately into operation in this country for which a company is now forming with a view of testing upon a lorge and practical scale iheir utility in company a few evenings since with a party of nautical gentlemen of new york boston and phila delphia it was averted that in fore long sieantvhip would leave liverpool daily nnt- rimg alleioalely to new york jeojtun and philadelphia and why not t there are now already upjn a iuhii catcululivn at leail the german oirl i j 14th intl at rmiikroff the iwian nt ns a special mark or favomua aitowed uaciura of certain jta ncipcra 1- rcccn cbcf nf lbc e1 rrcneh and german j x arc f eotrficc imo the ij j r lt frum fhem a tulemn u v ut nf their uffiee ur o momcn i be aeeo by any other pcravn dssaj he vho fcas need of them m the preparation of miajaj for his own new paper and nllu keep themfcr mure than twelve hours at a lime u to gto them up to the ifovcrnincnt cnnsorsl this fad wilt readers an idea of the delight in germany tnc trial of the pdfe conrned in ihecrcnl of cracow will ahurty commjcc and from lhe numoer of priauners kioi 260wilj it tl bclievtd occupy three or four imoihs it iabchercd that tiv three oajfll of rusab ruaaiaaqd auttnaimvc replid in exactly the mm terms to the peoleat tf england aod rsnceajainsi ihe asppresaioo oicracow pon u again vcv busy wih the jonpra mud corutjlutiwn ii lnc prrcateat confidence that invitlaouu be proiulralcd tq government ia in sudb want of ooney ttml it i not impoible tljat it nay cite meihiocliaea constitution loihe pciplo in returr for a liberal ojusidy at elberfcld 433 hods of family almost alt well ottm the world luvcdciermiod lo cmijrnte lo ihe united stales the cmifraion from dif ferent pan of icrmurv u ihc suio ia capected to bo greater ihia ycarthan it ha eve been here- tofore n tonic ptioa entire village are pre- pnrin o q nd in iher ptopla aro tryins by all means tv sell llicirhitlc prupertic ao as to be enabled to try their fofune in ihc ncwwvrld all ihrouertout geruaoy great distosa siatav- gertl nd bread arc v otar the givemmeota do all tjiey cao but they cannot sortiting wss1a tha afticial ncsrapapcr y asiordav are an ac count nf ihc rcpuhie rf the nountaincer io lhir attack in a furt occupy by ruoho tmops the mountaineer made pj t irsssssiri c the mosr rslraoedmarvanddarof bravery but warcfinaily uliaiicccaafiil the government rscwicentratroa tmopa on lhe pohfii froolicr of gauciafov wtl purpoae it sa noi stated and it h vhipcrd tha n a prcano for unw grand emp rf- proeinceavf the datubc switzerland- considerable agitaon caiiuin lbeuuic maid r thiaoiuntry nod f have beeajaoiieatlemtt at diordcr n the m inataoi the vaoteolh l unrt far tin o nidrd b the inliatilaniaof forat a district t- o u i- for proiratantism tui which neverthetc mak of the catholic caoion of fribours look annd marched afaiiat fri i ramirx vilh the inictrv ol overthrowing tht local cuvcmmcot tlw hthori lira look mcasurei foe resilafice and wcrrvovd by forces sent by berne now ute vowi tot c- to blows wih the nurpfnu and ofror a short coolest defraud ihem the vicmra tcn took nosaevsionof moral rueaia austria n puaat hvc addreaaed a noto to hk canton o bern on iia asiumior ihc post dirocinr civva f ihe con federal ion n which ihcy aay thar vy will maintain friendly rlatna with it aa wva i hll reaped intpint und irtlcr ihooacthf lol5 thi ia equivalent lo aayini that llw ihrec powen will not permit switaetlarirl to make chaott m the coniitu lion of tltc canlooa if t should think necraaify in nllior word wll not ijiw it to control itaown ikmicuo alfnra h ihai irafcicni andeslraordt narv cuiimuuinoitio hi lha kireitiiee m bcrnc replied thai tlio rtrttiaaj refwred to infemated sttiirrlnudatirtii hl thiy alrt only reapnaili likwiuriand fur fl nd lhat lhay were rlrmlj afrrrriinihd i maintain lh- independence wheal 70 lb canadian rod while united state rtd white indian corn ay 460 lh indian ml 196 lb flmtr barrel 6 lb canadian sweet united state sweet uu ot canadian aour jan 4 from to 9 9 jo 3 jo 0 10 10 6a 0 0 o j8 9 j a 33 to 10 10 ii 7s 0 feb 4 from to tn 11 10 11 68 0 3 033 6 33 10 10 11 3 ii 11 n 34 39 39 34 british whig opirar par orbm olcoe kingston friday feby 26 1847 prevent great the fire department on wednesday afternoon a general muster of the kiiigstoa fire department look place tn the market square first came no 1 fire company with capt leslage at its head and followed by a jolly lot of sturdy and well equipped yoong fellow dragging tbeir excel lent engine along with all its appurtenances next in order came the hook and ladder company an equally fine set of young men under capt boyle followed by a huge ma chine carrying lhe hooks and ladders all in excellent order thtrdlyi came the great western fire company composed entirely of youths between the age of seventeen and twenty a ery active tffeclie corps led by lieut duncan in the absence of the captain the engine recently repaired and put in good order by the corporation wai duly brought lo the buutfl ground and paraded in applepie condition and lastly though cer tainly not least came the newly organized and superb victoria fire company composed of as fine a body of men ip the fall vigor of manhood as can be found in any city on tht mighty continent that t saying a big word of course they brought their new and splendid engine with them the one purchased also high a cost last summer in new york and when at their station in the parade both men and engine made a capital appearance this company wa under the commando capt gunn to whom the town owes so much for his energetic and successful endeavors to get up this effective fire company the four companies being paraded and mustered and water being in abundance they commenced a mimi play on lhe surrounding buildings the victoria company threw a jet of water wherever they pleased over city market house and over the ugh build injs opposite the engine played powerfully and capitally and the men worked with a will conscious of thx effect they produced the other fire companies were not so fortunate in uvir endeavors owing lo lhe recent severe fusts and the want of an engine house and stoic to keep their engines ia order the hose wasfroien and burst in one or two places nechelcwlhe defects were speedily repair ed tie eogioet got in a good play at possi- m ard water was thrown in all and every dieetion meanwhile the hook ladder tku raised iheir ladders with quickness aod faility and monnting with their hooks and mailer ladder oon appeared on the lops of lh buildings ready for effective crvicc acr this sort of thing had continued for a the soiree of las we have said so much beyond our usual wott on lhe fire department lhat w can scarcely spare time for an account of the mag nificent soiree given in he city hall by the victoria fire company last niht lo cele brate their first anniversary suffice it to say lhat the splendid cily hall was as splendidly decorated with flag banners and transpa rencies extremely well lighted with wax and altogether fitted up in a most gorgeous man ner in which lables were laid for 500 visi tor to partake of tea coffee the company began to arrive at about halfpasr seven and lonjc before nine oclock the immense hall was filled to overflowing the refreshment pan of the business was soon got over and the amusements commenced mr henry smith jotrtvj made a capital speech in praise of the fire department and the victoria company in particular and got three cheers for it capt gunn replied and be was bailed with cheers songs and recitations next suc ceeded but ihe cxtensiveness and reverbera tion of ihe hall tell greatly against nonprofes sional singingjand the did not please with the exception of two duett most svrectly and beautifully sung by mr savage and hit lillle son which were listened to with breathless al- lenlionand greatly applauded by this lime of night the ladic most of whom were in dcmihalcotlumc and some in full fig became impatient for the promised dance and capt goon gave at length the word to clear away the lables and seat in a vtry abort space o time all was ready for irippin on the light fantastic toe and fantastic enough in all conscience was some of the dancing which followed and mr fairtiles most excellent quadrille band being in attendance dancing commenced with much vigor and was con tinued until a very late or rather very early hour during which timr all the tiropriettes and eliquelleaof the ball room were main tained with commendable exactness coun try dances quadrilles waltzes eight handed reels and scotch beds followed in quick succession and at one oclock when our rorlrlfthe bojt was only llion al itt height everything was admirably ar ranged and the arrangementagave the utmost satisfaction generally speaking the nu merous company were extremely well dressed some of the young men sported superb chokers pumps and white kids and very many of the ladies were as we said before in full fig hut generally speaking tbe attire was in demibalcoslume tbo one gentleman who ought to have known better paraded lhe room in long horaernanj boots on lhe whole ihe soiree of the victoria fire company was highly creditable lo itt promoters and mana ger and will long be remembered by all who were present we must not forget to make mention that abut one oclock some wag eaiuide made a bofifire in a distant street and then setting the fire bells a ringing managed to draw mnst of the young men from their partners before lhe hoax was discovered- the alacrity displayed on lhe occasion shows tbe de pendence lhat can be placed upon tbem in limeaof real danger prom our mootreal correspondent moktmai february 24tb 1847 mt dear whig i concluded my hastily indited scrawl of last saturday with an insinuation that in future 1 should nol overtax your compositors inge nuity in deciphering my hierogtyphicsj and i must say ibat tbe promise by implication was meant in all sincerity and shall be to the extent of my caligraphic abilities most rigor ously observed i was enjoying the fumes of a choice re- golia and killing time by looking over tristram shandy i suppose 1 may in all com mon honesty say for at least the twentieth time my imagination winging itt flights upon the fragrant clouds which curling from my cigar surrounded me with an aromatic flavor which none but those who can appreciate ihe delicacies of the weed know how to enjoy wbeo i stumbled upon the following opening sentence of one of sternes inimitable chapters what a jovial and a merry world tbrs would be may it please pour worships hut for that inextricable labyrinth of debts cares woes want grief discontent melancholy large join tures impositions and lie when i was al most uncooscionsly led into the reflection thai the mirthcreating whig was one of the few colonial publications whose columns contri bute to the limited iloclc of amusement in ihe shape of newspaper reading to be found in these u utilitarian days and feeling aomewhat inclined to scribble 1 determined upon subjecting you to tbe infliction that is with your free will and consent novyj mr whig you will no doubt say in yoxtrsltcvcf ofcourt that of all tbe cor respondents who saddle you with their paper bnllcttof the brain i am not the least in clined to uitcrtard my scribbling with quota tions but i feel equally convinced that your experience of the time present will convince you lhat lhe world of today is exactly what it is represented to have been wheo mr shandy uncle toby and the corporal flour ished and that the same labyrintu of debts cares not focgeltiog the imposi tions if likely to be continued in undiminish ed vigor to the end of lhe chapter ergo if you think an apoogy due to you i must re quest you to giveinc credit for what you may consider an alnplo one the world political isin labor and ero many daya elapse changes of consequence will peeled excitement in canada west sweet william bas been for some time back cnfuej- ting with the influential of the lower canada majority and upon the ultimate uc- cess of his dodging tbe stability of the cabinet of which with tbe exception of onp or two members from your section of tbe pro vince he is the oul and essence mustdepend- pojtcjf of course is the sole defence which can be advanced as apalliative and no doubt with a moderate allowance of bunkum arui soft sawder the hen attorney gen weat may contrive to make out a passable case with his constituents upon the banks ol the thame tween ourselves if i were at liberty so to do i could a tale unfold but the source from which i obtain some knowledge of what is going on behind the curtain precludes tbe premature disclosure of facts with which i have become acquainted however i shall hazard the assertion that the next session will be limited in duration to time sufficient for tbe renewal of acts expiring or about lo expire lo legislation upon subjects required by the pre sent actual state of tbe country and that a reconstruction of the provincial cabinet and an appeal to the constituencies of the province is nearer than even your knowledge of whi going on may lead you to anticipate should event prove me lo be wrong i cheerfully ac cede to the principle of responsibility and for the future shall prognosticate nothing but believe me i know a thing or two if i turn out to be right f feel persuaded you will acknowledge ihe obligation for this early inti mation of the fact in your usual baudaomo manner the distress of unfortunate ireland ha awakened the sympathies of our community and 1 trust i may claim some little credit without disparagement to other cities and vil lages of this thriving colony for the liberality of lhe metropolitans subscriptions are being collected and the amount that will be raised here will i trust and think sustain the repu tation of the commercial emporium of canada and afford an example worthy of emulation throughout the country generally tbe dispen sation which it has pleased tbe all wise crea tor of ihe universe lo afflict our fellow subjects and countrymen is one which appeals forcibly tool and the call lhat reaches the heart of even the most callous must and will be cor dially promptly and i trust more than liber ally reaponded lo some little difference of opinion as to the making a joint fund for lb relief of the distressed in ireland and lha highlands and islands or scotland has arisen but i believe lhe best feeling has been elicited and every thing is working well in the good ca ue and ihe gentlemen who have interested themselves in taking up the collections art animated by the most creditable motive and meet one anolher inaspjrit lhalrtorthenijnr finite honor n business matters remain statu pretty much in quo the present state of ihe road and the high market value of produce of all descriptions have had their effect in altracttnx supplies to market and operating beneficially upon our retail trade in imported goods in flour i can learn of few important sales a operators are awaiting the new by the cam- orij now due should prices be maintained or which in my humble opinion there can ba little doubt 1 trust tbe farmer of canada west will profit by past and dear bongbt expe rience and bring forward their available sur plus produce instead of holding as h fre quently occurred before until a reaction take place the clergy of christs church have an nounced that daily service throughout ihe year will be held in that church thi conformity with previous established practice ha af forded an opportunity for the indulgence on the patt of many who dissent of aery of pusy- ism romanism ice however a polemics are quite out of my line 1 shall express no opinion upon the malter but like u the man in boston who made a fortune by minding hi own affairs and leaving his neighbor to do the same i shall proceed merely remarking en passent that in montreal the bostonian practice is by no means universally followed passing from grave lo gay i may men tion that our new theatre royal is progress ing towards completion and will bean gant affair ihere are two tier of boxes ample accommodating in the pit and galleries while on either side of the proscenium are arranged three private boxes the ceiling which it lofty will be ornamented with appropriate devices in fresco the lofty arch of the proscenium rest upon two corinthian columns with ele gantly carve4 capitals on each side the lop of the arch being filled in with rich drapery dropping in graceful folds in width tbe stago i at the proscenium exceeds that of the park in new york by ii inches while in depth it ia everything that can be required for all practi cal purposes in fact the interior arrange- ments are admirable reflecting equal taste upon architect and proprietor in aize it re sembtes lhe london haymarket having com- fortable accommodation for two thousand two hundred person and is furnished with an ampler supply of water in tanks commodious lobbies aod quite a number of modes of egress iucav of alarm by fire in a word no expense baa been spared in the building and i may saerly- say it will challenge comparison for elegance and comfort with any house of it class on th continent skcrtclt is to open about the 1st july having said my say i must take my leave- in hate youra rigdum funido p s a friendofminewholsabitofawaf threatens you with some of hi musioi era long houtd he do so i isand him over tayogr tender mercies he may amuso if he cannot m struct your readers r f j krmrro irixakd in sttbeeribicr to the relief of iho destitute poor of ireland and lhe highlands and mancs of scotland quebec has shewn herself a usuak amply mindful of her duly althoogmhe collection are not yi completed tha aim auhsciibed up to yesterday atfiernoo anvuottd to 97901 in addition to this a further amount has ber collected by sir h cldwfrt and two othtr enllmenjnouojingto173 odd making iltogothee upward ot 8000 wo art moreover informed lhat several sum of soma magnitude havo been nromiil so lhat w may anticipate the whole collection in qutbee iranspire which although not unlocks fo wh mati w xc 8900 w bap here may perhaps cause tome lillla unox- approach 4000 quebec mtrturu vk m