starvation in lusrommon a tctlrr aimfiil to mr fliaiiiiniiliqiwe of our mod city hu form shewn in m rrxrivnl by thr 11 mail ffonl mis hitfnnof tsll node hiinoinnnxi iti which tin ahuilnlr 1r y at ion of the ioorir clones in tlul emonsm comity in irckuul is vividly pintrtl the ofoject of ilk fir writer is lo excite the yinpi lly of the canadian umic in behalf of liir severe distress at home as no utijjnne can belter paint the appalling miseries of the wi etched pilferer ihan thai of the fair wrilei herself we thall with mr cs- permission make an calract from the idler referm lo am deceit will be followed up hy some action on the part of the charitable committee cutle node jan 17 isi7- i may m well tell yon at once that my first object in writing is to excite your sympj thy and wu fral in exciting that of ethers in behalf of your native land especially lhat part of ii where yonr early day wore passed and where liundieil i hnnly believe thou sands are in a state of abtotutt starvation fever and dysentery are racing dreadfully and deaths from msutticiency of food and want of nourishment in sickness awfully nu merous scarcely one day passes in which there are hot three funeral m the old churchyard near this and occasionally six this number has sometime risen still higher and as far as 1 have the rneansof knowing the same ma be said of eveiy other graveyard in ihi part of the country 1 suppose you are aware ere now of the total failure of the potato crop the irishmans chief denen- dance fur food an awful calamity which has come suddenly and unexpectedly there was a partial blight in many places last year but not about here and great num bers of poor people thought that by sowing an eatu quantity they might be sure of having enough so there was even mote than usual planted and a finer or more luxuriant crop could not be seen than they were until the beginning of september when i may truly say the destroying angel passed over them and behold they wart all gone in one fort night the stalks having nearly disappeared and the ooi creatures who witi difficulty sus tained themselves though ihe summer ex peeling plenty in harvest found their hoes completely blighted from that time provi- womak builnd to dfeatff ihqufist flluanm oistntcto on monday evening the liili inst about 7 oclock the dwelling liittue orcupicd by mr isabella anderson or swan lot 27lh south eajthope was disj place covered to he on fire byaomctof the neighbor at st ami although in a short time after the discovery i h ngt xin they were on the spot and rendered what help v the could give so far as the extreme heat ah fire permitted yet awful to relate the pour woman was consumed it the burning ex cepting the trunk of the body which was digged out and next morning some portion of the skull and bones were found she was iltmc in the house her only child a boy about ii yean of aje having gone the same day in the back concessions of north esslhopt- to e some friend it is supposed that some iurfcs or fire from the chimney which was of mud and slicks had communicated with some slraw or oat sheaves piled in the upper pari or in a small apartment adjoining it is singular that the poor woman had carried almost everything out of the house excepting some i gain and peas and it is thought that while in the act of returning for some missing article or to carry the grain nut she was raughlby the flame or falling fire rendered insensible and before help arrived she was consumiur in ihc burning tnts a settler in north easthope mr wm bradley and another man were passing at the time in a leigh and when only the roof was burning but owing to a dread of his horses running away as he stated in hi evidence as they wre flighty and had tun off before he most unfortunately drove on till he met some per sons on the road who were hastening to the tire when he informed ihtm whose house it was an inquest was held before john j e liulon esq and ihe jury returned a verdict nf areidenlal death hy burning the jury cannot separate without expressing their deep disgud at ihe conduct of one of the 11 witnesses and ihe person who accompanied him in the sleigh at not stopping and en- deavouring to render such assistance as might pwsibly have been the means of sltjiif tnelifeof the unfortunate deceased the deceased was about 56 year of age and was last seen on the day previous en gaged invading the pilgrims progress and among the things saved was her bible very carefully laid aside gtdt fttporter c poirscairr by tonights toronto mail wc learn via the buffalo telegraph express that two great fires hav taken one in new york and the olhcr johns n b ol which particulars flour is up at new death or c gamtiiaw eqvy rc sorry to announce thai mr c crimshsw the vr known american emfraiion and atppiftff atent sod denty expired on the night of this 1st iriitnnl his dtilh is deeply regretted by the merchants on change as hit conduct in all the relation of tifc public anrt private wa auch to earn and xcute fot htm univcrsil respect and ettcem wiumtr imei married- in kingston oa tise4thintlby the itev mr battmri mr himv awoatws of pjymoolb kneund t mia sftit suoitt daughin f the i nc mc joi suoht of ganosbofuufh liueotn boglaad at ihe pariah chuteh montreal n mnday the istli iost gmuot o bouchcaviu es- baniftir in miu marc louise euaiaark third daughter of dr i giojory o- shociixc accident nicholas paw- more waa returning on fool from this town to hi residence near rice lake on thursday afternoon the 11th inst he wasovertakennear btetehet tarem hy a leigh driven by a son of mr tulleysof cavin at the same instant he was met by another loaded with wheat aions have been rising in price but now they are higher than eve and the means of procuring them more difficult to obtain and six months of the same kind still before u it ii heartrending to think of it and to seel tfliv h mr priestly of smithlown who did ami hear of the poor people we have known l rhserve hm until beneath the hows feel from our childhood rfytngftjinrnrj and null priestly immediatelv pulled up but not having the means of relieving them w lien hefofe the off runner had passed on the chest on being extricated at his oho request he was conveyed home when he expired at 10 oclock reflecting on the subject ome days since and deploring my inahjiiiy to aid the distressed it occurred w me tf 1 could not alleviate their wants myself i utitd at least make known their wants in every quarter from whence there might he my chance of obtaining atd and after writing to a friend in dublin and another in london i thought of you and feel jure that at my earnest request nay entreaty you wll exert any influence you may posses insetting a subscription on foot if you read any account of irish destitution in the public papers be it ever to deplorable it applies h the remote villages and mountain districts of lhi5 parish in addition to the misery nf lhoe who are still striving to keep house by dis posing of every vemige of furniture and any good clothing they might have we are every hour in the day heet with whole famihe of strangers whose pale faces and bowing frames haunt us in our sleep they may truly be called walking skeletons the workhouses are full tu excess 1500 bring in the one a roseonmon although the hnimt ntdrd trt contain and mu ivillittiinutuir 1a in ne llju cjt of freer in the huilse hundreds air seeking for qtlmimim and irariy to lill itu every vjchj ey jtjlh causes f will not dwell hmcr on thismelanchnly subject but merely add lhat ifyiiu succeed in obuinitij any aid fur the poor m this parish yuu will have the hlesiu i oflhusc who are ww ready to porih the smallest assistance wilt ln thankfully acknuw- lellcd and with gotps blesiiig faithfully accounted for bird and inquest was held on the body by fm on saturday and after a veiy long an careful investigation the jury on monday re turned a verdict of accidental death with a deodand on the sleigh load and horses of 5s durham advertiser erri i if im we have hately room to uive a brief abstract of the proceeding nf the public meeting held yesterday in the court how for the relief of the famishing poor in the old country although the weather wai unfavorable a respectable number was in attendance a number of apirited addresses were delivered and quite an enthusiastic find ing prevailed the sum of 137 3s 6d waa paul down on the table besides 29 more sub scribed- tola i 166 36 collectors will call on the inhabitants of the town today meet- rugihato been appointed in various localities in the district and delegate from the central committee at piclon will probably render lliflr wmtanth to tho lool eommiuees in jmiigiitjc llie subject before the several meet iittf ftctai sun notice the annual meeting of the member of the kingston st patrick socie ty for the election of officer for the en suing year will be heid at the british american hotel on monday evening the 1st march at 7 oclock p m by order jjburrowes secretary sup s kingston 23d feb 187 oltdxance contract notice iaherehy givtfuvthtl soalod tcmlors in tripviti w x ceived at this office unt 12 iclock noon rjf t ii bsd ay the 16th march is47 for wosing and pairing ihu fullowinit articles nf barr- anil hos pital bedding and dresses for iha sor- vico of lho i loops in this harrison for a period of three years f ut april 18l7to3st march 1890 baihuck douai round towels at t palliasses bi bolsters blnnkts sheets hugs at at at in at mif- at barrck 8xglc- sale of valuable real estate situated in princess street will be sold at auction on wed- nbsday the 10th makch that valuable two story biuch cot- tacb rough cast and now occupied by mas pope with grass pla in tront coach house stabling and garden in rear an excellent well tf wavier and every other conveyance requited for a genteel dwelling the house may be inspected the saturday prevtoua in the ale between the hours f 12 and 3 oclock possession given 1st april persons desrious of making good iiivestmunt wtlllind this a most favorable opportunity as it will positive ly be sod without any reserve- sale at noon condition at sale for further particular apply to r scobfill slnba or to james linton kingston feb zgtli 1847 reply of his excellency the governor general to the ad dress of the inhabitants of kingston 2ome ltaabitanu of ihc city of kingston i receive gentlemen with much thankful ness the assurances of your loyalty to our gracious queen and the kind expressions ol welcome which you ate pleasej to otter tu myself as her rcpresenlative- i have already heard much of the vast na tural capabilities of that poriiou of the pro vince in which you dwell and 1 am most anx ious to make myelf personally acquainted with it i shall not fail therefore lo visit it at the earliest period it will indeed be a source of heartfelt rratification tome il i am enabled with your assistance to cooperate in any de gree to the advancement of western canada et tne pwcht pojitios by what wc learn from our monlteal 0rrcnfldciit and what wc gkan from other anurccv it would appear that mr drapers endeavor l form a coalition adminiatrfttion have proved fruille ftit the pre sent- the france canadian pttlv refuse to have anything lo do wiih ihc administration of he government nitli the moose of assembly eon- stiloicd f is thej- say iheioforc to mr dra per wf wilt oner p fnctioui opposition in the net scion of parliament but lot il be a short i one a mere reviving of expiring acts and the putting of the government measure reapeelin the three shillings duly on whssl after which let the house be dissolved new acts uiued for a fall election and with iho new kolo of as- rcrilyivr will conacrtt to aim re the fjliffues of office- thi is the francocanadian ultima torn and as mr draper cannot possibly do better ftimmalter of course he will accede tothe icrmsas they eniuro to him a long cunlinoancc of power and place- in this calculation we put lord elgin entirely out of ihc question as we are thoroughly sitisfied in spile of hispfelly say ings and doing he it but a mere poppet in the hands of a much cleverer man than himself ettalm or rue oue tims this ia thelilfcnfantw woik from il press of lovetl nd gibson montreal and published pamphlet wise four nymhem of which hive appeared this work dedicated lo it bte lord mcicalfe ii ihe prodootion of a fair contributor lo the literary gcrtand who under bar maiden name eathered a multitude of laurels io the canadian metrdpolia but who having happily changed her condiiion willbe herdof no toiler n f e- m this work it for il at mr saddfers opposite ihc lambton hook and as native talent ihoufd be encouraged we hope it may find many purchaicra 0 at ameetinjr held in porl hope on the 16lh instant for the relief o the destitute irish and scotch the suo of 200 vvm aubjeribed- urutl or carrarv rahtaowt a melancholy elim hta bren at over hie mofcaiitilo cornrnu- nitv f livcrpnml by account which reached hi port on the 2tlh ult ttinf that captain it nhtiooe of the paekot vhip columbia his firat atiu arconj males five seamen and a b were w4ktd iverboard inn fain of wind on ihc l3lliof jnnnory deeply di we deploy thounlimely end if captain rtthbonr and hia unfortunate crew pew seamen had earned more esteem for their kill as navigators and pohle and conciliatory deportment as remtcmen than nc fl wn0 ws write he former y command tlicoxfnrd and during the awful lorm 0 january 1839 ha was in hrriving from his december vnvage when lhat irrrific hurricane overlook him in the msrpy yet hiscxccucnt seamtutship and cootacaa under drfi- cutiiea of tho most extraordinary and dangerou ehiracter enabkd him lo bring hit noble ahip to harbour and land hia 1 in aafciy whilst several other vessels fell a prey to the terrific fury nf tha waves and billow that danced around oyalinf out death and destruction to almost everv thinrx that cams within their unrslcntin w rasp with his wife and family wo deeply sympa thine in the loss iboy havo sustained ahe who was o ajrreeabta and cnfa amooest stranrs mut hove been one of tho best of husbands and a kind and tfccttonsto parent ipiumer v smtfaa times dissolution ofc0partnership the partnernbipherutniyire existing betwec the dubscrihera by the name and firm of mukfhy icctr- nifpc ialhis duy dissolved by mutual consent all persons indebted to the wta firtft rthov by nlrj w llhf t count are rcqueated to make irtunediate uaymnni to the undersigned michakl mccunjppr who is authorised to collect all debta due to the eaid firm and any having claims against the said firm are requested lo prenntihe same io him for payment d murphy m mccunipfe kingston february 35th 187 the business will be continued by theubscriber 3 usual at the catqutrtd princess street- thankful tor past store patronage respectfully i enntinuanco of the sarrn 14 elicited mccunipfe in a voice from vermont tumbridc or co vl j nov 25 1845 i mr seth w fowlo ear sir i hsteby certify that ie year ao last june i was violently attacked with a cold and couth durinjp that summer in december following my cugh ineroamd to an alarming cvlrnt so that during that winter i lost stout ihirtyfivo pounds of flesh and physicians with whom 1 advised coutd give me no relief it wai thought by alt i should never recover as mv good fortune would havs it in march following after aufferinff exceedinfty through the winter i hrrd of iho beneficial effects of wistars balara of wild cherry by way of a friend who had re ceived the create benefit by the use of the article and was induced by him to make a trial of it myself and no words can express my obligations 0 lhat friend for thua recommending this article to me and a the critical moment he did for i hud not taken ons bottle before t was com pletely cured and from lhat day lo this have not been troubled with a cough i can cheerfully recommend il to all as beins a remedy of great value booing others may ho induced to use it and thus become convinced of its merits and perhaps aved from the fatal grasp of consumption freeman noyes none genuine unless ligned i butts on the wrapper for mleattheatheneum book store kingston and by agenii and druggisu generally through out canada flrriraji at ihc british amefieia hold fu20d macmanin and servant perth a cuffeman hamilton john jones rochester james f slarbuck charics perkins mr f- o- staiy mr t keeler mr a hismer o per- kins jr waurtwwn mr fcsiua clarke sacke is harbor 3al mr mair brock vitle rev f doudret montreal c c bracy ogdcnburj mr clieve a freclaod montreal peter morgan coburg i mr w jja belleville mr boulton coburg mnd wijiiam welfer coburg geo gosley colborne a gitmour monacal j b f davy belleville j fraaer quebec mr j gilchrist oionabeo mr macdonell kinfaion mr gale amherst island 23rd b- lasses oswego che b jonet new yoik john cnwfrd brochvills g m- r uoatreall m vincent bellr 1 mr macke chme coburg a gillespie quebec 2ltkgocge french virgh fc cov eiprew mtnlrtal mr e holdao c- g jones belleville r mr j quebec mr p f nuroave new york the court of bankruptcy tok the midland district province op canada midland district to wit in the matter of thomas warren hastings of the city of kingston in said district inkeeper a aenkrvpt by virtue of an appointment issued under the hand and seal of stafford f kitkpairick esquire judge of the disrrict court in and fur the midland district the undersigned has boon no tninated and duty appointed assignee to ihe estate and effects of the above named bankrupt dated23rd february a- d is47 thomas briggs jr assignee drug establishment for sale in thebowrishingtownofbrockville c w to persons desirous of entering this line of business the present will be found a very favorable opportunity for doing so terms liberal address box 24 post office brockville february hnd i47 patent wr0c6ht 1r0x tubes for 6as and steam railway- john russell co wedneshury suffordihire and 69 upper thames street london manufacturers of patent iron tube fot gas steam and water and lapwcldtd tubes for locomotive and marine boilers hep to stale that they are ready lo ship to order such quantities of tbeir manufacture as may be required by forwarding with the orders bills payable in england or a reference in the said country they also supply gasometers gasmclers and all gis requisites the prices will be charged accordiog to those current at tbe time ot receipt of the order in england the i0115 standing of the above named firm bein the oldest in england is sufficient guarantee for the quality of their manufacture and equitable system ol dealing 173i notice all having just claims against the estate of the late bsnjamin ol cott are requested to hand them in as soon as the first of march and all that ore indebted to the eslale are requested to make immediate payment to john collar 4tfflt ecufoj kingston feby b 187 uim palliasses at m bolsters at blankets at sheets at rugs at hospital palliasses at bolsters at blankets at sheets at hugs at sackings bcd at cases paliasseal i mattrassat gowns at waistcoats at trowsers at cap at also for sweeping dkmneys the prices for washing and impair ing to be stated separately opposite rach article of heading and dress and the rate per flue of each chimney fir sweeping in sterling dollars at s 2d two responsible iecuritief will he re quired fiir the due performance of tl c contracts for further particulars apply at this office or at the olfice of the barrack master tete de pont banacks the tenders io be addressed to the respective officer of ihc ordnance ktngfftiioi oidoance office kingston canada 2lth february isi7 7 tliii advrntacmint will um be paid frr if cped hy any pner wtilwul a written older from the ordnance office- periodical sale at the stores of john patterson ontario jstrekt kingston will lake uci- on tuesday the 21 of makch next when a larjp and splendid assorlrnent of goods consisiiny uf teas sugars wines liquors groceries 4c will be sold hy auction on liberal terms every tot oflervd will besnld without reserve sale lo commence at 1 oclock p- m- a few crates assorted crockery c john patterson kingston february 22d 1v7 t w fuits e furs rirs in announce to our readers the iiirtlnf mr ic mayer from the city nf new york dealer anil exporter of fu us from canada diieci for the various markets of europe mr mayku informs hit numerous friends and dealers thai lie intend to emaiit during the winter am sprinsr in the provinces of canada for hu pur pose of purchasing fur of every des cription it is not necessary lo repeat lhat mr mayer will give the highest fcuurt vatvi ffr runs- ins long experience and knowledge ot the various markets in europe enables him to do so without slating his other numerous faciliiies in regaid 10 his ales rarely possessed by other dealers dealers having any to ell will do well to address mr mavrr care of jaim bftowhb esquire toron to canada wcsi mtting tho quantity nl each article on hand which will meet with due attention toronto january 29 1si7 n b mr mayers purchases arc entirely oh his own account and has no connection wttli any indtviduul in this line of business w government notice rpenders will be r at the x cnmmiasariai office kiiunloo until noon on the 2d march i7 f ien w itsflniy f fliy wcom- miasariat magazines do hunt si gallons common measure pair sraloutn be aabifo approval by a board of military oncers parties tendering tf bo required m forward tu tho comri olficti a aample of tho uil offend and tho rate per gallon is to be stn in cuirenry no tender will b noticed unless made on a printed foi ia be furnished hy the commissariat olppwoiioii alt payment will be made either in specie at ihr rale of 5s id cttency er dol lar or in note ufchavered banka at hrreas a petition of fuaxcis wilmam sxrtdt of tbe towu- aliipiif tvifigston in ihe midland district tiemlemun having been filed in ihe in solvent court for the midland district and the interim order f protection fiom iratem having been given 10 the nvd frannia villiam smith under the pro visions of an act of he parliament of this province passed in the eighth year of the hcigir of her majesty queen victoria entitled an ael f r the relief of insolvent debtors in upper canada and for other purposes therein mention ed tbe tiiri franci william smith is hcrehv required to appear i court before staffed p lukialiick esquire jude nf ihe district court in end fr the midland dintriii neiing in the matter of ihe said potilion on wednes day the thiul doy of march next at noon precisely at theolmm- lieiof the said juilgo of tbeuaid district court aforesaid at ihe court hottoe in ihe city of kingstnn fir ihs purpose of inrir then and litem examined murhimr his debta estate and kffecta and io he further dealt with according to liir jmvistoris of lilo saiil ad all persona indebted to the said praiicin william smith or who have any ttfhjl ellisctaaro not iii pay or deliver the hnrne butioumks linton of kingston ufucnaid aciioncer the official as vitrnoe nominated by tlie judge in tbe to teachers of common schools he municipal council or the mid land dialrict have connlitutod the school in tho village of nevvburgh in the towhthip of camden east to be a district model school i at wmch gratuitous intructuro shall be laltordcd in all teachera of common schools within the district during such period ud under such reguhstifflu as the district superintendent may direct i would particularly recommend lhat young ladies who have been or who intend lo become teacher avail them- felves of this opportunity in order tbtt they may be qualified in teach the various btanches rvquirvd in common schools john strachan strptrinfrrwenr c- 5 3w- ouf- p s persons wishing to ee me will always fi m at my place of resi dence or satnrdays j s ah town piper 10 t inftlions amviismrr manufactures all kijsand oatsuef print n g 1 n k keifs job axd rook near the globe and troy mill troy n v tfuy february 1 1947 3m x ttwabore ink ftr nt at tlio atbeticum bok sice kiftfaloa feh 1317- mill creek cloth factory the subscriber respertfully returns thanks tu bis friends and the 1iiblic generally for the support he has received since bis fulling mill and carding macliine hav been in operating and bers leave lo inform them thai encouraged by the business he has transacted in the abtive linc he now prepared to commence the iriannfdctuir of all kinds of country cloths sattinet5 blankets ac e anj hope by the paint he intends to take ionsiiro ihe continued patronpge of the public joshua booth purchased or laben in exchange for cloth- mill creek january 11 ist7 4 atheneum dispensary tub cuatomertor tho aifcenenm dapensary aorjotliffsarc rnprieihlly inlwed that iu subscnbcr laa t day ij nf h intrftft to ilia above ntmed uinnry and drjr ritw to his bncbar me rum bsurci oorkf wkosa superintendence the dtapcnaary ha been ptaead tinea it ftrtt r who will in future da- volo hta whole ailamioe 10 uie duties of bis besimsw tin public may rcn fu snored lhat pbysi eiaiu rweriptlom and sn phaidiaceutical pepav rations will be carefully dispensed b mr kli barker and lhat ev dro and mcvicina pur eliaacduf linn ran be rtlied on as genome kdivardj0hn darker kiqptah jan 25 lt atheneum dispeinsary and dkug store bagot street kingston robert barker respectfully oes icarcio inform u ihhtttilintaof injlin and its vicinity ihdt liaiin- urchij ihc stoek nf ijk abore esuhhshflwm ut his brother dr baiter he will crmnoc th ru husiacas ia the old siand anrt ijopes lliat by a closa atleniioa to tho bawktfsp id merit a tonnnuineeof lieir favour r b wmild besf t state ihst having been nesrly teaiy years engaged in the disrasanao desafttatcw iho tfofestit and the pubho oiay rcjyopon him rr the careful preparation ot prracftpttons and family recipes ararmp the siok to winch was renetred isst fall will be found all the orlicks usually kept ia a urojrgist sbv- spanish float indigo madder dye woods 5c for sale by r barker albeneuui dispejiurv fo drur slore bogot street wanted i rusiiels potatoes 1 wm 5qo buheh feasv for which the market iriee will he paid in cash on delivery at the provincial penicn- thomas hendry co kington fe 9th 1817 r gfnuixe bears crkase old drown windsor soap and genuine engusii perftmery for sikbj r barker alhenrum i r diuf sioie fljffol strut- compound pectoral balsam of horehqund and honey a safe spady end ejrcorwuj rrmerfy f fl disorders of the chat and lungs vie j asthma whipping cough colds catarrh consumption niunezu pntnttnlae chtst msmaiu of brtathisig huskiats and tickling in the throaty hoarseness jr jis balsam is composed of the most ealoablt remedies fvr the above complaiots il operatse by dtahvfvinf the confalcd mueua or phujcm io lbs mm tliercby cadain a froe eapectoralioo and etirvinf the m ohatinate coucris prepared and sold by robert barker daugfiitkingtori piire 2s 6 and i 3st per jlottle to the reading public of canada the adrcniscr ia prepared to transmit the fol lowing valuable and interestiov bonks by mail to any part of upper or lower caoada at tba prices aliiied 8 au or sale 1fff acrrsnf land eaat half wof lntsi inihn 4lh con cession pittsburgh 10 mile from kings ton anply to jambs mccarthy mailer blacksmith provincial pentton liary 12-ltn- the option of the santv ofliccr commissariat kmgsto 2th february 14- news and whig to copy cumnrnsaiiat catholic k miscellaneous books at auction n this friday eveninfi feb o nxory26w and folding evenings in ihe store formerly occupihy rosk cor bet princess strett opryitc ihs lasibtow house sale at 7 oclocfc- jusl received and will i1 without re serve a large assortment tf books consisting in part of catholic and protestant family bihles albnms scrap boiks annuab catho lic prayer books in frenrh and english pre ceptors for ihe flule viofi arcordeon piano forte 4c fite x00o crlored prints fools cap and letter paper tojelber with a great variety of other book mr sadlier would calluir particular atten tion of the catholics to lis superb edition of butlers lives ot the saints which he has just cormleied at a cost of 12000 the work isilhstrated with ttcn tufivt stttt engratingstdfotr illuminated tul the 12 volumes are bound in 4 j linton icfioneer if broker kingston february jttti 1847 this day isffublished barkers canadian magazine for februatyno 10 cowtbkts i deerrtalkinjjby otina 2 the winds a the lost doof hboyty fut 4 auham by johnsommins esq the areaeot qlul bf ihe retrraer a lswisfrom uit paajby a corner slire m 1837 7- the tar 4 montreal price eumhl kinealon feb s3 1847 a cafed four or five resatl boarders can be accommodated at tbe subscribers on querns strett next do t ma ccllaas and opposite the late rcsifr 0 j k boyd reference lo dr g baker mr- francis lstaok or m jj gillksfie ahn s clute- p s small families cafl a fa modatcd with rooms ang kinjsloa f eb i2tblft accom- 34iti for sa few bales of hops at the mutter of the lttttion j a henderson attorney for the ai favcrs william smith in the natter of the petition dated ihc 0lh jay of february 1347 dissolution of gqpartnerskp rke copartnrrship hereto- jl fore exiatiitt at montreal under the name ami atyle of milliard walker ami tt kingston c wa dndrr the name and style of jones walker carryintr on business as forwarders liavint cxniretl by limiiation ia now dissolved the business at montreal will be woundup by lonson hilliard and at kingston by jambs a walker lonson milliard james a walker bv his attorney l hilliard montreal 9a feby 187 invaluable family com- panion ix lectures on the uses of the lungs causes prevention and cure of consumption asthma and diseases of the heart on the laws of longevity and mode of preserving male anl female health symmetry and beauty exposing causes and cure of lhoe diseases that produce con sumption or shorten life as aflcciions of the skin spine stomach bowels kidneys liver scrofula piles gravel and female com plaints its rules easy practical and pure form a guide to peifect health and long life- 38 eneravines 334 pages 50 cents postage sets by samuel sheldon fitch a m m d at 707 broadway new york any person remitting lilty ccnis free will receive one cofri by mail to any parl the trade supplied 3m purtfirnnutkf s 1347 s received this morning at the atheneum book store lucrctia hy bulwer domhey sou nell gynne h no 4 by dickens t ainsworlh si giles and st james hy d jerrolj 3 forteseoe by j- s knowles diana of merridor by dumas womans reward by mrs- norton the merchants daughter by miss pickering the midnight bell by von hoklein actor and manager by f c wemyss the ransomed bride by e h wild rupert sinclair by the aulhor or ten thou sand a year the comic wandering jew by c phillipon the church almanac by loell gibson feb 9 is47 wanted a young man aa clerk toa re tail grocery store unexceptiona ble tefetences will be required apply at this office kingston fob- olh 1347 information wanted- df mr win hunt laic of kiiiestonc wrji who i supposed to he within a few miles of detroit michigan any information forwarded lo the subscriber will be thankfully received and recompenscrl w b iiotr kington feb 4th 1847 h3w hotel to let 0 let from the firsi day of may t for out on tumm ykars the well known established hotel situ ate in he markut square viz duke of york application to be made lo the subscriber on the premises john midcalf kingston feb 5th l8m ira views and reviews n american history literature and fiction of w g simms the people froin the french or m mtehelel wilsons genius of dunn ijtibiga ariculloral chemistry cotnlcs roysiology ijluairalcd 320 p octavo handbook of the water cure nh wiihvvt pain ti driuawu rfii i mjigfcf mndofl 1 do of berlin ll ieel iilatca 0 do of the bvkwvo by t r thorpe j tlic haawfud ptataasplftarf maoia svc 0 lire of uiavlavlaf f karnhai mexico pi 0 m h i 1m 7s 50 so ids for the ii of pfbcl maple in which every thing 00 7 50 so city hall saloon ao 9 market buildings opposite the avto battery by george gane refreshments soicks oh to be had at the shortest notice oysters at all hours kington febl ts47 10lf s a brewery of hraasj wlnt kingston feb 1 lib ig 134il kinpton to carpenters and builmrs ealed tenders will be received until thursday the25th instant for carpenters masons and ptas terers work further particular my be obtained on application lo the subscriber where plans and specification ran he een edward horsey procft street feb 19111317 allenco express jvtessrs allen ce co toronto are run- ixs -1- dprcu between montreal hamilton and rice erne every fortnight calting at at ihc intermediate puees per mail direct parcels fefi at mr harting lambton house iciniralon will meet wilh due atlcnlion allen co k feb 1st 1847 for sale ot no 41it the 4th con town ship of kingston 160 acrea on liberal terms- apply to c stftart- kingaton29th jannar 1847 real estate for sale- rimie subscriber offers tor sate that valnahlc nroperty situated in princess street now occupied by mrs pope the beautiful cotufte recently erected on the pre mlsesis admirably adapted for a grntcel private residence there as allached coach house and stable and every other convenience required for further particulars apply to r scosell scsa kinptonjan6 1847 ror sale bt the subscriber a pl barkels prime me33 ttt pork superior quality and three barrets lard mlle3 ferguson kington 15th anuary 1817 if ritchies tatentcopyinq presses asopply of all liiss jort recsived the marpofsetorv ktuat bcoc stoaa oct 50 cat me to every body 0 11 n rrealiac a milch cnws whereby the quality and quantity of milk which any cuw will ffee may be sccoralclr ascer tained- numcmn eriravins 0 50 green mn htarh 0 m avajsmb so the ninetrcrnii corttory 0 50 cbat citizen of a republic 0 so fitchssis lectorcs on consumption ii 50 orders for any oajthc above boka encloinf ihc oaavla and poi paid addrcaed tn t c calucut new yrk v be promptly allrnrwd to reference in kington dre j barker now york feb g ltm7 if vvm armstrong auctioneer commission merchant land and central agent ring street kingston respectfully intimates to the public lhat he has utkm ihe premises lately occupied hy t morin c co removed nex door where ha entered upon the abov business and hones by punctuality and atteo tion to merit a sturc of public support the sohjcriber intends to devote part iar attention to the purchase and sate of real estate and wilh this vieiv he has made ar rangements with several influential legal aad commercial gentlemen in scotland and eng land through whom he willbrinj under tbe notice of capitalists intending emigrants aosl the public generally improved farms wild lands household and other real estate property in canada submitted to him for sale and through when he will transact othei l pal and commercial business in any nart of great britain or ireland viz couecliog claims taking out letters of admintstrauon purchase and sale of property c ftc wm armstrong kingston dec 29 1s46 froto dilfuf saleal lbs atms- yl ill sites on the rideau canal to be let fur a term of seven fourteen or twentyooo yeau the following wat privilege 1st at brfwcrsupper milla- 2nd at kingston mills a copy of the lease with a sketch of the ground attached to the mill sites is now lodged at ihe ordnance office at kingston montreal and bylowo for the inspection of those wishing to become tenants and the lock masters on ihe spot will point nut the properly tenders slating the annual kent in halifax currettcyi proposed to be pidy will be received until 12 oclock a noon on the s7tb february 1847 the names of two responsible perr4 withtheir real signatures must bein seried for reference as sureties tbe tenders to be addressed t the kespctive officers of the ordnance bytown marked- tender for mitt site ovficx of oauufajtck bjnown lolh deo18